Workshops and Tools
Workshops and Tools
COMMUNICORP RESILIENCE SERVICES WORKSHOPS & TOOLS CommuniCorp is a leading provider of workplace training, consulting and online services all designed to increase individual, team and organisational psychological health and performance capabilities. Our services promote positive mental health, equip all levels of staff to be able to respond positively and effectively to workplace stress, change and challenges, and maximise their potential contribution to the workplace. The modern working environment is not only fast paced, but in a constant state of change and it is critical that all personnel have the knowledge and capabilities to manage their emotional wellbeing and perform at their best. CommuniCorp’s resilience services have a very strong scientific evidence base, have been developed by leading workplace psychologists and performance specialists, and are highly practical. Our services have been used successfully and extensively by leading multinational organisations, military, corporate, scientific and academic organisations, and for people operating in other high pressure environments. Designed to promote personal responsibility for wellbeing and performance, they can be integrated seamlessly into other organisational and professional development initiatives. Using contemporary models of workplace wellbeing, stress and personal resilience, CommuniCorp’s resilience services have been designed to not only develop resilience capabilities in staff, but to assist managers and supervisors in developing the resilience and performance potential of their people. Our innovative online tools can be used as a stand-alone, or used in conjunction with the workshops and coaching on offer (delivered exclusively by our team of senior psychologists) to extend learning outcomes and consolidate capability development. PERSONAL MISSION PROBLEM SOLVING ORIENTATION SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT PERSONAL CONCENTRATION AND FOCUS RESILIENCE PHYSICAL WELLBEING ALIGNMENT TO THE WORKPLACE EMOTION MANAGEMENT © 2013 Communicorp Group. RESILIENCE IN THE WORKPLACE 2 hr Introductory Workshop Target Audience All levels of staff. Typically used as part of broader professional development initiatives and/or in conjunction with the Personal Resiliency Builder ( Group Size Up to 20 participants. Minimum Purchase 4 workshops. PRACTICAL RESILIENCE 3.5 hr Capability Based Training (CBT) Workshop Target Audience All levels of staff. It is recommended that this workshop is run in conjunction with our manager/supervisor workshops on Managing Resilience through Change and/or Developing Resilience in Others and/or in conjunction with the Personal Resiliency Builder ( to maximise people and organisational outcomes. In the modern workplace Resilience = Performance! Increased stress, higher productivity demands, busier schedules and frequent changes in the workplace means personal resilience is not just a ‘nice-to-have’, it’s vital. Resilience in the Workplace is highly practical and applied training covering several elements of personal resilience to enable people to respond to change, maximise performance, recover quickly after setbacks, improve productivity and develop a winning mindset. Resilience in the Workplace is about maximising performance; it gives participants insight into some of the key personal resilience factors, the interplay between personal and workplace factors, the need for alignment, optimistic thinking patterns, effective problem solving for overcoming challenges and the benefits of developing an action orientation. Participants learn new skills, undertake self-assessment activities to gain insight into their own behaviour and strengths, and most importantly will get to put theory into practice through action planning ways to develop their own resilience capabilities. Resilience in the Workplace participants receive a follow up ‘Resilient Resource Pack’ via email following the workshop to help consolidate and extend the learning experience. Additional ‘Managers Guides’ are also supplied to the organisation to provide assistance in supporting and reinforcing the positive resilience behaviours of workshop attendees. The Practical Resilience workshop provides a comprehensive ‘resilience health-check’ with practical steps to maintain and build resilience in everyday life, respond to corporate and personal change, and navigate the ups and downs of the workplace. Going well beyond just cognitive models, it explores dimensions such as physical wellness, social engagement, problem-solving, signature strengths, personal/workplace alignment and emotional self-management. A highly applied workshop, Practical Resilience utilises robust theory and evidence-based principles to explore realistic strategies for immediate personal application. Used by leading organisations across the country and delivered to groups as diverse as bankers, stock brokers, military personnel and public servants, Practical Resilience reinforces personal responsibility for individual wellbeing and empowers participants to sustain resilience on the basis of an action plan designed around their personalised needs. Practical Resilience is the perfect workshop for organisations where pressure and change are common aspects of the working environment. It is designed to promote positive behaviour change and has substantial evaluation data to support its effectiveness across a number of diverse and complex workplaces. Group Size Up to 20 participants (optimal group size 12 to 15 participants). Additional ‘Managers Guides’ are also supplied to the organisation to provide assistance in supporting and reinforcing positive resilience behaviours within workshop attendees. PRACTICAL RESILIENCE ADVANCED WORKSHOP The Practical Resilience ‘Advanced’ workshop is a full day intensive training workshop based on the half-day Practical Resilience content areas but is designed to extend the self-assessment, group discussion and action planning components to ensure greater capacity for positive behaviour change. Full Day CBT Workshop Target Audience All levels of staff. Group Size Up to 20 participants (optimal group size 12 to 15 participants). © 2013 Communicorp Group. This ‘Advanced’ workshop enables greater self assessment and planning around values and workplace alignment, signature strengths, action orientation, health and wellbeing as well as additional practical strategies and action planning around mindfulness and personal effectiveness factors that can augment resilience capabilities. Additional ‘Managers Guides’ are also supplied to the organisation to provide assistance in supporting and reinforcing the positive resilience behaviours of workshop attendees. STAYING POSITIVE 3.5 hr CBT Workshop Target Audience All levels of staff, but most suitable for mid to senior level staff. Typically used as a follow up to the Practical Resilience half day workshop. While our Practical Resilience workshops adopt a highly behavioural and action-oriented approach to resilience, Staying Positive explores in greater depth the cognitive aspects of adopting a resilient mindset. Surprisingly, staying positive when things get tough is an acquired skill and not something we are born with. In this hard-hitting workshop you will understand key habits of ‘self-talk’ that lead to both optimism and pessimism and see clearly the relationship of these to resilience, wellbeing and productivity. Group Size Up to 20 participants (optimal group size 12 to 15 participants). This workshop is based on the theoretical underpinnings of positive psychology and while theoretically robust and evidence based, it is highly practical and applied. Using self-assessment, individual, paired and group activities, participants will learn how to change counterproductive mental habits and encourage others to do likewise. This workshop takes positive psychology and makes it real for all those who participate. DEVELOPING RESILIENCE IN OTHERS With workplace change now a constant, increasing work demands, and the need for a preventative approach to increased stress in the workplace, it is important for managers and supervisors to proactively assist their staff to build and maintain resilience. Increased resilience is not only a strong predictor of workplace productivity but also enables people to adapt more easily and bounce back quicker in response to difficult times and situations. Full Day or 2 x 3.5 hr CBT Workshops Target Audience Managers and Supervisors. We recommend that this is run in conjunction with Practical Resilience workshops for staff. In this workshop, managers learn how to identify people not coping well and how to interact with them to provide genuine help. It explores the range of factors that influence resilience and provides opportunity and skills development in how to detect possible resilience resource deficit areas in others. Managers also have the opportunity to learn more about their own resilience capabilities in addition to gaining increased capability to intervene early and manage situations where the emotional wellbeing/resilience of others may be becoming compromised. Group Size Up to 20 participants (optimal group size of 12 to 15 participants). MAINTAINING RESILIENCE THROUGH CHANGE Full Day or 2 x 3.5 hr CBT Workshops – Abridged 5.5hr version also available Target Audience All staff. It is recommended that this workshop is run in conjunction with our manager/supervisor workshops on Managing Resilience through Change and/or Developing Resilience in Others and/or in conjunction with the Personal Resiliency Builder ( to maximise people and organisational outcomes. The prospect of workplace change, be it planned or currently occurring, can cause a great deal of uncertainty for many people. While the various stages of change are well researched and the different reactions to change well known, we are often asked how we can not only manage change processes but help keep our key people resilient, productive and engaged during times of workplace uncertainty. The Maintaining Resilience through Change workshop provides participants with an understanding of the psychology of workplace change and how to adapt and support themselves professionally and personally through uncertainty. Utilising contemporary theories of stress, positive psychology and CommuniCorp’s highly acclaimed practical resilience framework, the workshop explores key behavioural, cognitive and social factors people can focus on to smooth their transition through and manage the impact of change. Participants will learn practical coping and thriving strategies and identify areas of strength to rely upon in challenging times. This is a highly practical and applied workshop which utilises evidence-based principles and contemporary research to explore strategies for immediate and sustainable application. Group Size Up to 20 participants (optimal group size of 12 to 15 participants). © 2013 Communicorp Group. MANAGING RESILIENCE THROUGH CHANGE Full Day or 2 x 3.5 hr CBT Workshops Target Audience Managers and Supervisors. We recommend that this is ideally run in conjunction with Practical Resilience workshops for staff. Group Size Up to 20 participants (optimal group size of 12 to 15 participants). The prospect of workplace change, often causes a great deal of uncertainty and stress for many staff, as well a number of associated challenges for supervisors, managers and people leaders. While change management principles are regularly taught, a bigger issue is how we can manage change processes whilst also keeping our people resilient, productive and engaged during times of workplace uncertainty. The Managing Resilience through Change workshop provides people leaders of all levels with an understanding of the psychology of workplace change and how to adapt to and proactively support staff professionally and personally through uncertainty and ambiguity. Utilising contemporary theories of stress, positive psychology and CommuniCorp’s highly acclaimed practical resilience framework, the workshop examines key behavioural, cognitive and social factors where people leaders can exert influence and intervene where required to smooth people’s transition through workplace changes and help maintain productive capabilities. Participants will learn about the benefits of positive workplace mental health, how to intervene when a staff member is having difficulty coping, how to challenge dysfunctional thinking often associated with adjusting to change and how to promote positive change choices in others. This is a highly practical and applied workshop which utilises evidence-based principles and contemporary research to explore strategies for immediate and sustainable application. It is recommended that this workshop is run in conjunction with our Maintaining Resilience through Change, Practical Resilience or Working Well With Change workshops for affected staff, to maximise people and organisational outcomes through a holistic top-down, bottom up capability development approach. Want to extend and augment your Resilience training? Why not consider including the Personal Resiliency Builder, available for inclusion with all CommuniCorp Group resilience training programs. PERSONAL RESILIENCY BUILDER Target Audience All staff. The Personal Resiliency Builder (PRB) is a sophisticated, yet simple online assessment and planning tool designed to assist individuals gain a better understanding of their personal resilience. Those who complete the PRB survey online receive a comprehensive and individualised report to develop a practical plan to build resilience. The PRB tool was designed by Canadian academics Dr Merv Gilbert and Dr Bob Acton, and is based on robust theoretical and evidence-based research. A key driver for the development of the resiliency model that underpins the PRB tool, and for the development of the tool itself, was to provide solutions for organisations to foster healthy employees and workplace climates. The provided solutions aim to result in improved productivity, engagement, and collaboration. This PRB survey consists of 34 questions pertaining to each individual’s beliefs, behaviours and expectations. Each element of the PRB has been identified as a key contributing factor to overall resilience. It is a holistic assessment covering behavioural, emotional, social and physical wellbeing factors all critical to the development of resilience. Completing the assessment takes about 10 to 15 minutes and once completed, each individual receives a comprehensive report about their resilience profile that they can save or print for their own personal and professional development purposes. Visit or contact for more information. For White-label, annual subscription and unlimited use options please contact For additional information on CommuniCorp products and services, please contact, visit or call 1300 855 140. © 2013 Communicorp Group.