Our Lady Help of Christians School, Earlville
Our Lady Help of Christians School, Earlville
Our Lady Help of Christians School, Earlville Assistant Principal –Religious Education Full Time Position Commencing 3 August 2015 Applications Close: Friday 17 July 2015 Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced Catholic School Leaders for this Leadership position within the Cairns Diocese The successful applicant will be a committed, practising Catholic with exemplary leadership and teaching skills, sound curriculum knowledge, appropriate tertiary qualifications, excellent communication skills and a commitment to the practice of Catholic Education. Applicants for leadership position must be registered or be eligible to register with Queensland College of Teachers. APPLICATION FORM Leadership Employment in Cairns Diocese Schools and Colleges HOW TO APPLY APPLICATION FORM 1. APPLICATION FORM Complete the attached Application for Employment Form. Include referees. A referee from your current or most recent line manager must be included. 2. DOCUMENTATION Are you a current employee of Catholic Education Cairns? Yes No If Yes I authorise Catholic Education to provide current copies of required documentation from my personnel file to the Principal receiving this application. If No Attach Certified copies of required documentation as listed on page 3 of the application form. 3. COVERING LETTER Provide a covering letter outlining your experience and reason for applying for this position. 4. RESUME Provide a Resume which includes: Education (Tertiary studies and Qualifications) Professional Development (any other courses you have completed or are currently enrolled in) Professional memberships Employment history (position, school/organisation, dates) 5. REFLECTIVE ESSAY Provide a reflective essay on: Your personal vision of the Catholic Church; Your vision of leadership in Catholic Education; Your prior experiences as a Leader. 6. SUBMIT APPLICATION Submit your application comprising of: To: Application for Employment Form Applicable certified copies of documentation Covering letter CV/Resume Reflective Essay Miss Manpreet Sendhar Human Resources Officer Catholic Education Services PO Box 5296 CAIRNS QLD 4870 Ph: (07) 4050 9711 Fax: (07) 4031 6134 Email: msendhar@cns.catholic.edu.au YOU WILL RECEIVE CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT OF YOUR APPLICATION. POSITION TITLE: Assistant Principal – Religious Education REPORTS TO: Principal CLASSIFICATION: As per Single Enterprise Collective Agreement 2012 - 2015 ACCOUNTABILITY: Executive Director We must remember that teachers and educators fulfil a specific Christian vocation and share an equally specific participation in the mission of the Church, to the extent that it depends chiefly on them whether the Catholic school achieves its purpose.’ The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium THE POSITION DESCRIPTION FORMAT: The following six domains outline the role of the Assistant Principal as it is envisaged in Catholic schools in the Diocese of Cairns. Following each domain is the Statement of Performance Competency followed by Performance Indicators. For example, under the heading Primary Duties and Responsibilities: Domain is: FAITH LEADERSHIP Performance Competency is: To share the essential mission of the Church as leaders within the school faith community. Performance Indicators are: These are examples of practices which may evidence the fulfilment of the Domains. It is not necessary for all of the examples of practices to be demonstrated in order to achieve the descriptor. 1. PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. FAITH LEADERSHIP To share in the essential Mission of the Church as a leader within the school Faith community The Assistant Principal – Religious Education: Promotes Catholic identity, culture, gospel values, evangelization, faith education, liturgy and prayer, with particular responsibility for: o Coordinating opportunities for liturgical and prayer celebrations o Coordinating school retreats (staff and student) 2. o Liaising with Parish Priest in relation to school Masses, class liturgies, student and staff retreats, staff prayer and school sacramental program o Encouraging and facilitating parental participation in the prayer/liturgical life of the school o Supporting teachers in preparing school prayer and liturgies Demonstrates active pastoral engagement, sacramental participation and leadership in the life of the Church within the school community Supports the standards of Religious Education in the school in accordance with Diocesan guidelines, Parish policies and the school’s Mission Statement, with particular responsibility for: o Designing an effective Religious Education Program based on Diocesan guidelines o Supporting and supervising teachers in planning, teaching, assessing and reporting the Religious Education Program o Assisting staff in gaining and maintaining accreditation requirements o Maintaining teacher accreditation records o Managing the Religious Education resources and budget o Providing advice and support for teachers on Church teaching in matters of faith and morals o Promoting parental understanding of the Religious Education program o Liaising with Parish Priest with reference to Religious Education curriculum and classroom support Supports and promotes the role of the Bishop as the prime leader of pastoral and educational vision in the Diocese Takes responsibility for one’s own spiritual development EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP To support learning and teaching with particular responsibility for Religious Education The Assistant Principal – Religious Education 3. Supports the maintenance of high educational standards Supports the implementation and maintenance of effective pedagogical practices Supports the implementation and maintenance of effective Pastoral Care systems and practices Supports an inclusive curriculum which caters for the needs of all students Supports the implementation and maintenance of effective educational accountability practices Is knowledgeable about current educational trends and issues Models Life Long Learning STAFF LEADERSHIP To develop self and others with particular responsibility for Religious Education The Assistant Principal – Religious Education 4. Demonstrates the personal ability to be: o A highly capable person who makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills and good work habits. o A contributing team member who contributes individual capabilities to the achievement of group objectives. o A competent manager who organizes people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives. o An effective leader who supports the Principal and leadership team in uniting staff support behind the school vision articulated in the school’s Mission Statement o A leader who is able to listen and to lead through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will. Provides effective supervision of staff Oversees formation of staff professionally, pastorally and spiritually according to appraisal outcomes and School Renewal Plan Supports the Professional Development of staff Develops and maintain positive, professional relationships Affirms best practice and challenges practices that are not consistent with school philosophy and ethos Supports effective staff performance and review processes ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP To support the Principal in the management of the school The Assistant Principal – Religious Education Supports the Principal in the efficient and effective management of the school within the Diocesan System in compliance with all funding bodies, Non State School Accreditation Act and other legislation applicable to schools Supports the Principal in the financial stewardship of resources including accountable administration of the school funds, according to policy and procedures. Supports effective duty-of-care for students and staff in accordance with legislative and policy requirements. Supports the employment process in accordance with Diocesan policies Is committed to the support, development, implementation and evaluation of School and Diocesan policies Supports the development of school policies in collaboration with the School Board Supports the Maintenance Plan of the school Supports the maintenance of the plant and equipment in accordance with legislative requirements Supports all requirements of the Compliance Audit Supports effective system administration practices, including: reporting system, policy evaluation system, computer administration system 5. COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP To engage and work with the community with particular responsibility for Religious Education and the parish community The Assistant Principal – Religious Education 6. Promotes the growth of the student community, staff community and wider community Liaises with the Parish Priest in accordance with Diocesan policy and practice Supports the school’s co-operation and collaboration with the Board of Governance (Education), School Board, Parents and Friends’ Association, Religious Orders and members of the wider community Coordinates school support for Catholic agencies such as Caritas, St Vincent de Paul and Catholic Mission Liaise with Diocesan Religious Education Co-ordinator STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP To lead improvement, innovation and change as determined by the Principal The Assistant Principal – Religious Education Supports the School Renewal Program according to Diocesan policy and procedures Encourages a culture of continuous renewal Is an effective change manager Supports a climate that facilitates effective organizational strategies 2. CORE COMPETENCIES & INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Capacity to accept responsibility for own work Capacity to work effectively as a member of the School Leadership Team Demonstrates excellent relational skills Capacity to respond pastorally to human and interpersonal issues Proficiency in the use of ICT for administration; understands and promotes its role in effective learning and teaching. 3. MANDATORY QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Participation in and commitment to the sacramental life of the Church Understanding and commitment to education in the Catholic tradition Professional qualifications in Education and Religion as per Queensland Catholic Education Commission Policies Qualifications for Senior Educational Leadership Positions in Catholic Schools in Queensland and The Religious Dimension of Senior Education Leadership in Catholic Schools in Queensland Successful teaching experience including religious education Leadership experience: o Demonstrated ability in religious and education leadership o Demonstrated administrative ability o Demonstrated skills in interpersonal relationships Demonstrated ability in curriculum development including knowledge of contemporary educational issues at state and national levels with particular reference to Religious Education Written and verbal communication skills of a high order Demonstrated commitment to the Pastoral Care of members of the school community Skills for building community including facilitation, delegation and consultation Registered or eligible to register with Queensland College of Teachers 4. HIGHLY DESIRABLE CRITERIA A post graduate qualification in Religious Education Involvement in professional associations Capacity for leadership within a school 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A non-smoking Policy is effective in Catholic Education Services buildings, offices, and motor vehicles. The appointee to this position will be required to complete a period of 5 months probation in accordance with The Fair Work Act 2010. Assistant Principals-Religious Education are covered under the Single Enterprise Collective Agreement 2010-2012 Qualifications for senior educational leadership positions in Catholic schools in Queensland A policy statement of the Queensland Catholic Education Commission 1. Introduction Those in positions of senior educational leadership in Catholic schools are called to excellence in their service of education, church and society. There are a number of dimensions of leadership required by those who work in Catholic schools in Queensland. This policy addresses only the qualifications aspect of Catholic school educational leadership 2. Policy Statement Those appointed to senior educational leadership positions in Catholic schools in Queensland will have eight semester units of postgraduate study (or their equivalent) from any one or more of: Theology, Scripture, Christian Leadership, Religious Education, Liturgy and Spirituality as determined by employing authorities. This shall be the minimum requirement except for positions of Assistant to the Principal Administration and Assistant to the Principal Religious Education in smaller or remote area schools where there is difficulty in attracting personnel to these positions. At the discretion of the appropriate employing authority, the minimum requirement may be four postgraduate units. 3. Rationale This policy applies to all those who are appointed to senior educational leadership positions in Catholic schools in Queensland. These positions include: Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal, Assistant to the Principal or Dean (Religious Education, Administration, Curriculum, Pastoral Care, Student Services or Mission) The following principles underpin the policy perspective on qualifications for positions of senior educational leadership in Catholic Schools in Queensland: Effective educational leadership, modelled on the person, the life and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is central to the unique ethos and successful functioning of the Catholic school; Catholic school communities are committed to the pursuit of authenticity in Christian leadership in all educational leadership roles 4. Consequences 1. Employing authorities will communicate this policy to current and prospective employees and will incorporate them into diocesan/school requirements and selection criteria. 2. Where a successful applicant does not meet the policy requirement, the employer will negotiate with the employee the manner and time frame in which the requirement will be addressed. 3. Employing authorities will collaborate to ensure that a common recognition of approved qualifications and their equivalents will apply across Queensland The religious dimension of senior education leadership in Catholic schools in Queensland A policy statement of the Queensland Catholic Education Commission 1. Introduction Those in positions of senior educational leadership in Catholic schools are called to excellence in their service of education, church and society. There are a number of dimensions of leadership required by those who work in Catholic schools in Queensland. This policy addresses the religious dimension underpinning and permeating all aspects of Catholic school educational leadership. Other dimensions are covered in the QCED policy statement: Qualifications for senior educational leadership positions in Catholic schools in Queensland. This policy applies to all those who are appointed to senior educational leadership positions in Catholic schools in Queensland. These positions include: Principal; Deputy Principal; Assistant Principal, Assistant to the Principal or Deal (Religious Education, Administration, Curriculum, Pastoral Care, Student Services or Mission) or equivalent. 2. Policy Statement Those appointed to senior educational leadership positions in Catholic schools in Queensland will: i. Demonstrate commitment to participate in the life of the Catholic community, and in its worship and mission in the world ii. Demonstrate commitment to ongoing religious formation iii. Usually have experience teaching religious education in Catholic schools iv. Also meet any diocesan / school requirements and selection criteria. 3. Rationale The following principles underpin a policy perspective on the religious dimension of senior educational leadership in Catholic schools in Queensland: I. Effective and authentic leadership, modelled on the person, the life and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is central to the unique ethos and successful functioning of the Catholic school II. Catholic school communities are committed to the pursuit of excellence in Christian leadership in all educational leadership roles. 4. Consequences I. Communication of this policy to current and prospective employees. II. Reflect this policy in individual contractual arrangements where appropriate. Date of publication: October 2010 Date for review: July 2015 APPLICATION FORM Leadership Employment in Cairns Diocese Schools and Colleges APPLICATION FORM POSITION APPLIED FOR: ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL – RELIGIOUS EDUCATION | OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS SCHOOL, EARLVILLE PERSONAL DETAILS PLEASE COMPLETE FORM IN BLOCK LETTERS WITH BLACK OR BLUE BIRO New Title: Current Employee Mr Mrs Miss ID Number__________________________________________________ Ms Other ___________________________________________ Surname:________________________________________________________________________________________ Given Names:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Residential Address:____________________________________________________________Post Code:___________ Postal Address: As Above ____________________________________________________Post Code:___________ Home Phone:______________________________________ Mobile:______________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Religion:_________________________________________________________________________________________ RESIDENCY DETAILS Australian Citizen DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE REQUIRED Australian Permanent Resident New Zealand Citizen Non-Australian/New Zealand Citizen holding a valid visa with work entitlements. Visa Class:_________________________ Visa Sub-class:_______________________ Visa Expiry Date:_____________ If born overseas, date of arrival in Australia _____________________________________________________________ REFEREES In order to make an informed decision on your suitability for the position, Catholic Education will require to speak to referees that you nominate. A referee is a person that can provide us with detail in respect to your work ethic, experience and competency. Please list three referees, including a line manager in your most recent education position, e.g. Principal. A Church representative/ Religious or Clergy reference is defined as a Parish Priest, Bishop or member of a religious order. We reserve the right to request an additional referee if we believe a person has not been fully forthcoming. Referee 1 (Line Manager) Referee 2 (Employer) Name:__________________________________________ Name:_________________________________________ Position:________________________________________ Position:________________________________________ Organisation:____________________________________ Organisation:____________________________________ Phone Number:__________________________________ Phone Number:__________________________________ Mobile:_________________________________________ Mobile:________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________ Referee 3 (Church Representative) Name:__________________________________________ PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR REFEREES THAT YOU ARE Position:________________________________________ APPLYING FOR THIS POSITION AND ENSURE YOU HAVE THEIR CONSENT TO NOMINATE THEM. Organisation:____________________________________ Phone Number:__________________________________ Mobile:_________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________ IT IS THE APPLICANT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE ALL REFEREE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS ACCURATE AND CONTACT DETAILS ARE CORRECT. APPLICATION FORM Leadership Employment in Cairns Diocese Schools and Colleges MEDICAL INFORMATION APPLICATION FORM Do you have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions (including any WorkCover claims) which Catholic Education Services should be aware of that could be aggravated by performing the inherent requirements of the position applied for or in assessing workplace adjustments that would be required for your employment? Yes No Prefer not to answer If Yes, please complete table below: DATE OF INJURY/CONDITION NATURE OF INJURY/CONDITION STATUS OF INJURY/CONDITION PLEASE ATTACH EXTRA PAGES TO APPLICATION IF NEEDED. WORKING IN THE DIOCESE OF CAIRNS The Catholic school system is an integral part of the Church. The Catholic Diocese of Cairns extends from Cardwell in the south, west to the Northern Territory border including the Atherton Tablelands, and north to gulf country, Cape York Peninsula and the Torres Strait Islands. With the exception of Catholic Education’s Thursday Island school, all schools and colleges are within two hours driving time from Cairns. Catholic Education Services is the Diocesan education office. Leadership and strategic management of the system of schools is the responsibility of the Executive Director of Catholic Education Services, who is the employer of all Catholic Education staff in the Diocese. Conditions of employment, including Salary, Leave Entitlements, and Notice, are in accordance with the Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools 2012 - 2015. Salary level will be in accordance with Schedule 1, including calculations from statements of service provided. Employment is conditional upon the acceptance of the Statement of Principles for Employment in Catholic Education and the Code of Conduct for Employees of Catholic Education, Diocese of Cairns, and attainment of Accreditation to Teach Religion in a Catholic School. All employees have a responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the wellbeing of children and young persons that they are responsible for or come into contact with. Further information about Catholic Education in the Diocese of Cairns is available from the website: www.cns.catholic.edu.au. EMPLOYMENT COLLECTION NOTICE In applying for this position and submitting your application for employment you will be providing Catholic Education Services – Diocese of Cairns with personal information, for example your name, address and information contained in your resume. We will collect and record this information in order to assess your application. If you believe that any of your personal information held by us is incomplete or inaccurate you have the right, in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Legislation, to notify us and make any updates or corrections. If you knowingly supply false or misleading information, you will not be entitled to compensation or damages under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the Act), for any event that aggravates the non-disclosed pre-existing injury or medical condition. Where you have provided us with the name and address of a person in connection with your application (e.g. referee) you should inform the person that you have done so and the reason for it. You should also inform them that the information is to be used solely in connection with your application for employment. In submitting this application for employment you agree that you will not seek access to references provided by third parties or to confidential notes or reports made by us relating to your application for employment. We seek your agreement in this regard to ensure that referees are not inhibited from providing complete and accurate references as to your suitability for the position. Access to feedback on the selection process is available. Any appointment to a teaching position with Catholic Education in the Diocese of Cairns is subject to the appointee demonstrating appropriate qualifications and registration with the Queensland College of Teachers Registration. Your records will be kept on file for a twelve month period only pending your employment within the Diocese. APPLICATION FORM Leadership Employment in Cairns Diocese Schools and Colleges APPLICATION FORM PRIVACY POLICY To view Catholic Education’s Privacy Policy, visit www.cns.catholic.edu.au and click on About/Privacy. DECLARATION If submitting electronically, selecting Yes denotes supplying your signature. I agree to the conditions of the Employment Collection Notice. I understand that I have a duty to disclose sufficient information to enable a prospective employer to make a properly informed decision about my employment. Yes Date ______/______/______ I declare that the information I have provided in this application is true and correct at the time of submission. Yes Date ______/______/______ I have read, understood and accept that the Code of Conduct and Statement of Principles referred to above are contractual obligations underpinning employment with Catholic Education - Diocese of Cairns. Yes Date ______/______/______ Signed (IF NOT SUBMITTING ELECTRONICALLY) _________________________________________________ Date ______/______/______ DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE CHECKLIST CERTIFIED COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION Cover Letter Current Resume / Curriculum Vitae Reflective Essay Qualifications & Academic Transcripts Current Queensland College of Teachers Registration Eligibility of Working Rights in Australia (one of the following): Australian or New Zealand Passport; or Passport issued by the government of another country; or Photo ID issued by another Australian Government agency and: o Australian or New Zealand birth certificate; or o Australian or New Zealand citizenship certificate; or o Confirmation of enrolment to vote in an Australian state or federal election. June 2015 Dear Referee Re: Confidential Reference: Selection of Assistant Principal – Religious Education at Our Lady Help of Christians School, Earlville Thank you for agreeing to provide a reference for the applicant. In doing so, you are carrying out a significant and important task. I have provided you with some background information to assist you in completing your assessment of the applicant. The style and format of the Referee Assessment form has been designed in order to make the task more streamlined and also more meaningful to you and to applicants. In completing the attached form, it is important to be conscious of the role you are assuming in undertaking this task. Your role as a referee is not an advocacy role, but rather the role of one representing the employer, carrying out a professional assessment. It is hoped that you would be able to speak with the applicant in terms of your assessment of his/her potential/readiness for the position at this stage of their career development. Interviewing panels rely heavily on the confidential responses made by Principals/Consultants/Senior Officers who have the task of giving some input to the process in this significant way. The assessment contained in your reference is one of the most critical pieces of information utilised by panels in both short-listing and reaching a final decision. Research tells us that the present and recent past performance of an applicant indicates future success. Applicants have been advised to ring their referees the day before applications close to check whether the Referee Assessment Forms have been returned to Catholic Education Services. In this whole area of referee support, it is quite clear that both the applicant and referee need to set up an honest dialogue for this part of the process to be credible and effective. The applicant has granted permission that the information you provide will remain confidential between the employer and yourself and may not be disclosed to the applicant. With my best wishes and appreciation. Yours sincerely BILL DIXON Executive Director Church Representative/Religious or Clergy Report Position: Assistant Principal – Religious Education at Our Lady Help of Christians School, Earlville (To be completed by a Nominated Referee) Thank you for agreeing to act as referee for: Name of Applicant: ___________________________________________________________________________ Your input, from the perspective of the church is a significant consideration for leadership positions in Catholic Education. Name of Referee: ____________________________________________________________________________ Current Position: _____________________________________________________________________________ How many years have you known the applicant professionally? ___________________________________________ In what capacity do you know the applicant? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ What knowledge do you have of the applicant’s religious practice? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Religious Leadership: Applicants capacity to ensure the primacy of faith formation of students in an authentic Catholic Community: Strengths and weaknesses. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ General Character Assessment _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Readiness for the Position Please comment on the applicant’s readiness/suitability for the position. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please tick the appropriate box: ❏I Recommend the applicant for this position. ❏I Do Not Recommend the applicant for this position. Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Please return this form to: Private & Confidential Miss Manpreet Sendhar Human Resources Officer Catholic Education Services Cairns PO Box 5296 Cairns QLD 4870 Fax: 4031 6134 BY FRIDAY 17 JULY 2015 REFEREE ASSESSMENT FORM Position: Assistant Principal – Religious Education School: Our Lady Help of Christians School, Earlville (To be completed by a Nominated Referee) APPLICANT Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Current Position: _______________________________________________________________________ REFEREE Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Current Position:_______________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________ Number of years I have known applicant:___________________________________________________ PLEASE TICK THE APPROPRIATE BOXES Apply the following codes: N= 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = Not applicable/unknown Unsatisfactory Developing Well Developed Superior 1.0 FAITH LEADERSHIP 1.1 Sets an example of faith, hope and love N 1 2 3 4 N 1 2 3 4 1.2 Demonstrates a commitment to the Catholic ethos of the school 1.3 Articulates the place of the school within the educational mission of the Diocese 1.4 Establishes and nurtures a school climate which is faith centred 1.5 Assists people to be actively involved in the expression of their own faith within the life of the school 1.6 Establishes practices and procedures to facilitate the experience of the Christian message by the school community Comments: 2.0 MISSION LEADERSHIP 2.1 Communicates the school’s mission to the school and wider community and seeks understanding and support 2.2 Promotes a curriculum that is an authentic expression of the shared vision and values of the community 2.3 Understands and develops the relationship of vision and mission with policy and practice 2.4 Facilitates the development of policies aligned with the mission of the school 2.5 Ensures that the school’s mission determines school organisational structures and operating practices 2.6 Includes, in a meaningful way, all members of the school community in the development, implementation and review of mission, policies and procedures Comments: 3.0 EDUCATION LEADERSHIP 3.1 In consultation with others, develops, shares and promotes a clear educational philosophy which connects faith, Catholic tradition and sound educational practices N 1 2 3 4 N 1 2 3 4 3.2 Develops and shares an awareness of issues/events and educational trends which impinge on the operation of the school 3.3 Facilitates the establishment of suitable learning environments 3.4 Takes responsibility for the overall development, implementation and monitoring of the total curriculum 3.5 Plans with others, for the future educational needs of students Comments: 4.0 DEVELOPMENT LEADERSHIP 4.1 Works with teachers, individually or in groups, in a manner that obtains their commitment agreed school goals 4.2 Facilitates the (school) community’s understanding of the school’s vision, mission and goals 4.3 Supports and provides for the development of staff through program planning, individual goal setting, reflective practice and professional development 4.4 Has a sound overall knowledge of the strengths and needs of staff and facilitates the development of appropriate professional development programs to affirm good practice and address needs 4.5 Has sound overall knowledge of the strengths and inadequacies of programs and facilitates the development of appropriate processes to acknowledge the strengths and address the inadequacies Comments: 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP 5.1 Has an overview of the necessary support systems to facilitate the effective and efficient operation of the school 5.2 Has a sound knowledge of system administrative policies and procedures and shares them in a positive way with the school community 5.3 Ensures that system initiatives are promoted in the school community N 1 2 3 4 N 1 2 3 4 5.4 Has an awareness as to appropriate standards for the delivery of education within the local culture 5.5 Ensures that the organization of work, scheduling of routines, application of technical services, provision of supplies, equipment and information all contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the school 5.6 Facilitates the operation of system administrative policies and procedures in the school community 5.7 Has knowledge of legal requirements concerning education in general and schools in particular and implements practices which are consistent with this 5.8 Assists with facilitation of appropriate human resource processes to address the needs of the school 5.9 Prepares, seeks approval for and manages the budget for the school Comments: 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Ensures that the school is sensitive to particular characteristics of the local community Develops mutual support, trust and collaboration among students, parents, staff, pastors and the broader educational community Supports the development of a faith community Uses effective decision making processes Demonstrates an understanding of his/her responsibilities as leader of the school community towards the local and system wide community Builds community through working effectively with staff, students and parents Comments: 7.0 COMMENTS You may wish to comment on the ratings which you have provided above, or on other relevant knowledge which you may have of the applicant’s capacity for the position. 8.0 READINESS FOR THE POSITION Please comment on the applicant’s readiness for the position. 9.0 RECOMMENDATION Please tick the appropriate box: ❏ I RECOMMEND THE APPLICANT FOR THIS POSITION ❏ I DO NOT RECOMMEND THE APPLICANT FOR THIS POSITION Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Please Return this form to: Private & Confidential Miss Manpreet Sendhar Human Resources Officer Catholic Education Services PO Box 5296 Cairns Qld 4870 Email: msendhar@cns.catholic.edu.au or Fax: 4031 6134 BY: FRIDAY 17 JULY 2015