
P.O. Box 293
8204 Secor Road
Lambertville, MI 48144
(734) 850-2200
(734) 850-2201 Fax
Bits & Pieces
JUNE 2015
Don’t miss the 25th Annual
BBA Year-End Family
5:30 P.M. at the BBA OFFICE
8204 Secor Rd. • Lambertville
Picnic-style menu with hamburgers, hot dogs,
salads, chips, desserts, pop & water
Drawing for a free year’s BBA membership!
Please RSVP to the BBA office at
(734) 850-2200
or e-mail with
number of adults & children attending!
President's Message
This is the last time I will address you as president of
the BBA. It has been a great honor to serve as your president
for five years. I am leaving this position with a wealth of
knowledge that I will always treasure. Serving you and the
BBA has been a fantastic learning experience and I am thankful for all the things that it has taught me. I feel as if I learned
more and this position has taught me more about not only
about myself, but also the person I wish to be.
I’ve learned how to take direction, criticism, and compliments. I’ve
also learned to be open-minded, to value other people’s opinions and to
consider other ideas along with mine, to end up with a great final result.
Being part of a team has taught me skills that I can use in more than just
the professional area of my life.
I’ve come to realize that being a part of a team is a lot more than just
sharing credit. A team effort takes compromise. When you are on a team
you have to at times lead, follow, and more often than not, meet in the
My wish for everyone here is that you all continue to experience
success, to feel fulfilled in all you do, and to have nothing but pleasant
results with each completed project!
It’s been a pleasure serving you and I will truly miss it. I take with me
fond memories, valuable skills, and I hope to one day leave an impression
on others similar to the one you have left on me.
Thank you for this fantastic ride! And remember … Buy Bedford
~ Laura Collins
Habitat Update
Plans are underway to begin the
home on Washington Street in July. We
are also seeking homeowner applicants
for our lot on Mildred Ave. For more information visit our website at
Why is Habitat a great fit for Bedford?
•Building – We build more that
homes. Our mission is to build homes,
communities and hope.
•Engagement – Habitat is a grassroots organization and the engagement
that we foster with donors, volunteers,
homeowners and advocates is what
makes Habitat successful.
•Determination – Building a house
is not easy, but we are determined, with
your help, to see all things through to a
successful end.
•Faith – Habitat is a Christian organization based on the Biblical principles
of putting your faith into action and
showing love your neighbor.
•Opportunity – Habitat offers a
variety of avenues to invest your time,
talent and treasure in a way that meets
your needs and satisfies your desire to
give back.
•Relationships – We have enjoyed
building relationships with the people of
Bedford and look forward to continue
these relations as we serve this community together.
•Dreams – You are doing more than
meeting a need or lending a hand. You
are building a life time of change, you are
making a dream come true!
As a community we see that YOU,
the people and businesses of BEDFORD,
value: building, engagement, determination, faith, opportunity, relationships
and dreams and we look forward to
partnering with you to grow these
values through the work and mission of
Board Members/
Past Presidents
The BBA Retreat has been scheduled for Thursday, July 30, 2015, from
7:30 a.m. to 1 or 2 p.m., at the BBA
office. Breakfast and lunch will be
Please be thinking ahead and
bring your ideas that will make BBA’s
next year a banner year!
The Retreat is an important step
for the Board, so please make every
effort to attend.
Please RSVP for that date so that
we will know if most of you will be
able to attend.
You can contribute
to the BBA YearEnd Family Picnic!
BBA members are encouraged to
offer a prize or a special promotion from
their business for the BBA Year-End Family Picnic on Thursday, June 18. Items can
be brought to the BBA office MondayThursday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Also, stop by the “Involvement Table”
at the picnic to learn of ways to volunteer
throughout the year!
Hope to see you there! Don’t forget
to RSVP!
To thank those who help others …
is hosting a
Retired Senior
on Wednesday, June 19th
from 9 to 11 a.m.
This event is for any senior citizen
who lived in Bedford
and also volunteers.
Event is free but space is limited.
RSVP to (734) 856-4400
Aspen Grove Assisted Living
7515 Secor Road
(Located behind Kroger
in Lambertville)
BBA awards 2015 scholarships
The Bedford Business Association
annually awards $500 scholarships to
Bedford residents pursuing a higher
education. To qualify for one of these
scholarships a high school student must
be graduating this year with a minimum
GPA of 2.5 with plans to attend college
this fall or the applicant can be an adult
going back to college to continue their
pursuit of higher education.
Applicants were required to submit
information detailing his or her course of
studies, extracurricular activities and
volunteer and work experience along with
a personal essay. Identifying information
is removed so that scholarship winners
are selected based only on their essay and
information they submitted.
The BBA is honored to be able to
award scholarships to these four outstanding students.
Samantha Greeley of Lambertville is
a 2015 graduate of Bedford High School
where she earned a cumulative GPA of
4.0. She plans on attending the University of Michigan to study biomedical
Extracurricular activities include:
cross country, track, Youth Advisory
Council, National Honor Society, symphonic band, National Novel Writing
Month, Zooteens volunteer and laboratory research volunteer. Through organizations that Samantha belongs to she has
volunteered for Thanksgiving and Christmas food drives, track shoe drive, God
Works, Toys for Tots Dance-a-thon, Relay
For Life, Backpacks for Kids and has
assisted with elementary PTA events and
school sporting events.
Since the summer of 2013 she has
worked part-time for Decker Building
Company doing construction site clean
Samantha is the daughter of Brad
and Peggy Greeley.
Tyler Shroyer of Lambertville is a
2015 graduate of Bedford High School
where he attained a cumulative GPA of
3.8854. Tyler plans on studying computer science at the University of Toledo.
Extracurricular activities include:
Business Professionals of America, DECA,
Leos (youth Lions Den), President of Leos,
National Honors Society, Secretary of
National Honors Society and Sea Scouts.
He has volunteered for the Extra-Life
charity overnighter for Mercy Toledo
Children’s Hospital.
Tyler has worked part-time at the
Francis Family YMCA since 2012 and also
began working at Kroger this year.
Tyler is the son of Tim and Stacie
Alexis Marok of Lambertville
achieved a 3.75 cumulative GPA at Bed-
Samantha Greeley
Tyler Shroyer
Alexis Marok
Nichole Freiheit
ford High School where she is a 2015
graduate. She plans on studying psychology or recreational therapy at the University of Toledo.
Extracurricular activities include:
BHS Swim and Dive Team (4 years), Green
Hills Summer Swim League, YMCA swim
coach, Bedford Youth Advisory Council,
National Honors Society and BHS
student council.
Alexis works at the Francis Family
YMCA as a lifeguard and also at Green
Hills Pool as a lifeguard in the summer.
Alexis is the daughter of Shelley
Marok and the late Thomas Marok.
Nichole Freiheit of Lambertville is a
2014 graduate of Bedford High School
where she earned a cumulative GPA of
3.0. She currently attends Monroe County Community College where she has a
4.0 GPA. Healthcare is her field of study
at MCCC.
High school extracurricular activities
included: working on the yearbook,
newspaper, Grapplerettes wrestling and
Mr. GQ.
Community service included: volunteering at Cross Roads Community
Church in the preschool section during
Sunday services, Relay For Life and donating blood during American Red Cross
blood drives.
Nichole was previously employed
at JoJo’s Original Pizza and is currently
employed at Learning Express Toys beginning in 2013 and at the American Table
Family Restaurant since 2014.
Nichole is the daughter of David
Freiheit Jr. and Michelle Freiheit.
The BBA’s fundraising efforts enables
them to be able to annually present the
scholarships that promote continuing
Each year proceeds raised during the
BBA Golf Outing go toward the next year’s
scholarship awards. This year’s Golf
Outing was held on Saturday, May 30 at
Bedford Hills Golf Club.
Bedford to lose one of its oldest businesses
Hachman Hardware & Feed, one of Bedford Township’s oldest businesses, is set to close this summer. The business was founded
in the 30’s when it was a grain elevator called Hachman Brothers. It has always been a Hachman family owned and operated business.
One of the oldest businesses in
Bedford Township will be closing its
doors sometime this coming summer.
Longtime employee and an owner of
the family-owned Hachman Hardware
and Feed business, located at 627 W.
Temperance Rd., Bill Mannor said the
family regrettably recently made the
decision to close the business. “We had
hoped to close by the first of June, but it’s
going to take longer,” he said.
Bill cited the changing makeup of
Bedford Township, which has resulted in
a decline in business, as a deciding factor
in the decision to close.
“We’ve lost a lot of heating oil business,” he said. He explained that gas lines
have been run farther out into the township resulting in customers choosing the
cheaper natural gas over heating oil.
The sale of custom-made animal feed
has been another major part of the business over the years. “There’s not as many
of the large animals in the township
anymore or horses and small farm animals,” Bill said.
The hardware store is likened to an
old-time general store with a wide variety
of items for sale – almost anything related to hardware store type of items.
They also have carried some hard-to-find
items that the more modern hardware
stores don’t have. “The younger generation only know the big box stores,” Bill
said. “We’ve had trouble drawing in new
In addition to Hachman Hardware
& Feed’s reputation as a place to go to
locate an item you haven’t been able to
find anywhere else, the business is known
for its great customer service provided
by Bill and the four people that he employs.
“Our customers are like family. Some
people have been coming here forever,”
he said. “They’re having a hard time that
we’re closing.”
Hachman Hardware & Feed’s long
history of serving the residents of the
Bedford area dates back to the 1930’s when
William and Harry Hachman founded
Hachman Brothers. Bill is the grandson
of William Hachman.
Back then they operated a grain elevator and during harvest season Bill said
that horses and wagons would be lined
up all down the road waiting to dump
their grain at the elevator.
Through the years changes and updates to the business were made. The
grain elevator was remodeled in 1945. In
recent times the elevators no longer ac-
cepted grain from farmers but were used
to store the grain that Hachman Hardware
& Feed used to make their own feed.
“The hardware store opened in the
early 50’s,” Bill said. “I worked here before
I was out of high school. I’ve worked here
for 45 years. My sons worked here when
they were in high school but there wasn’t
enough money to be made for them to
stay. We’ve had four generations over the
years work here.”
He added that he has enjoyed running
the family business and providing area
customers with the service that the business has been known for since the 30’s.
Bill said he is uncertain what he will
do after the business closes. “I’m going
to have to find something else to do because I’m not old enough to retire. We’ve
been here 80 some years, but it’s time to
move on.”
Hachman Hardware & Feed will be
running some specials to clear out their
inventory. “We’re offering 50% off at the
present time,” Bill said.
Store hours at Hachman Hardware
& Feed are Monday through Friday from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to
3 p.m. Call them at (734) 847-3235 with
any questions.
Splash of Color Fun Run lives up to its name!
The 2nd annual BBA Splash of
Color Fun Run was completed by 50
pairs of flying feet whose bodies and
faces ended up nicely dusted with
splashes of pink, blue, purple, orange
and yellow cornstarch! Everyone had
fun at this fundraiser on one of the first
really warm days of 2015 on Saturday,
May 9.
Proceeds from this event will help
with the completion of the Bedford
Memorial Tree project. This aluminum
tree sculpture will be placed in the
Children’s Garden at the Bedford Library. Bedford families who have lost
a child can have a leaf inscribed and
placed on the tree in memory of their
loved one.
This event wouldn’t have been
possible without the sponsorship of the
following BBA members:
Barron Insurance
Bedford Press, Inc.
Collins & Associates
Accounting & Tax Service
Family Chiropractic
First Choice Hair Cutters
Flicks Package Liquor
Habitat for Humanity
H.E.L.P. Printers, Inc.
H & S Sports Plus
Howard’s Meats
JHoward Electric
State Rep. Jason Sheppard
Kara’s Critter Care
Lambertville Orthodontics
Mannik & Smith
NFA Finance
Pinnacle Eye Group
Premier Cruise Planners
Quilt Heaven
Rawlings Heating & Cooling
Real Estate 4 U – Tonya Nagle
Tim Hortons
Vibrant Life Senior Living
And it wouldn’t have been colorful
at all if we didn’t have volunteers on
hand at each color station to welcome
each runner. Thank you to the following
companies for throwing the color and
brightening our Color Run:
Collins & Associates
Accounting & Tax Service
Debra Reiner, DDS
Flicks Package Liquor
H.E.L.P Printers, Inc.
Rawlings Heating & Cooling
Also, thank you to Accelerated
Re­habilitation Center for coming out
and assisting our runners with a great
A big thank you to the team whose
feet didn’t fly through the cross country
trails at Indian Creek that day but whose
creative minds and willing hands made
it all possible for those who did: Dr.
James Hardie from Pinnacle Eye Group,
Carol Lutman of H.E.L.P. Printers, and
Wendy DeBord of Lambertville Orthodontics. A special thank you is extended to Cheryl Hoffman of Monroe
News for dealing with all the logistics
involved with creating a well run event.
The Splash of Color t-shirts are
available at the BBA office and at the
Family Night Picnic on June 18. Hope
to see you there!
Bedford Senior Center to hold
Strawberry Festival, June 13
Bring your family or come with friends to the Bedford Senior Community Center’s
annual Strawberry Festival and enjoy some delicious strawberry shortcake!
The Strawberry Festival will be held at the Senior Center at the corner of Jackman
and Samaria roads on Saturday, June 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The cost is just $5 per person for homegrown strawberries, homemade biscuits,
ice cream and a beverage.
There will also be a Trash & Treasures sale upstairs in the Community Room on
Friday, June 12 from noon to 3 p.m. and on Saturday during the Strawberry Festival.
Be sure to get your tickets for the quilt raffle!
Proceeds from the Strawberry Festival benefit the Bedford Senior Community
New LET$Ride pass, electronic
fare boxes slated for L.E.T. buses
Lake Erie Transit began using new
LET$Ride passes and new electronic fare
boxes Monday, June 8, said Mark Jagodzinski, general manager.
“Riders can still use cash as well as
LET$Ride passes,” Jagodzinski said. “But
they won’t need transfers anymore. The
$1 fare buys you a 2-Hour/1-Way pass
that includes any transfer you used to
“Most important, fares remain the
same as before, across the board.”
Passengers who pay with cash should
note that if you don’t have exact change,
he said, the fare box will print a Change
Card for the amount you’re owed.
If you already have a LET$Ride pass,
just swipe your pass. Riders can purchase
a LET$Ride 31-Day pass with unlimited
rides for just $30. Your 31 days begin when
you use the pass for the first time.
A LET$Ride All-Day pass covers
unlimited rides throughout a single day
for only $2 for adults, $1 for seniors,
veterans, riders with disabilities and
children six or older. The 2-Hour/1-Way
pass (for riders taking only one trip in
a day) is just $1. Children five and
younger continue to ride free.
All LET$Ride passes are available at
the L.E.T. home office on West Seventh
St. and the transfer station on Telegraph
Rd. LET$Ride All-Day and 2-Hour/1-Way
passes can be purchased on the bus using
the new fare box. Any tickets purchased
before June 8 can be exchanged within 90
days for a Change Card at the home office
or transfer station.
2015 United Way of Monroe
County 4th Annual Golf Classic
The United Way of Monroe County
is again hosting a Golf Classic during
the months of June, July and August this
year. The Golf Finale will be held on
September 18, 2015 at Monroe Golf &
Country Club following the United Way
annual campaign kickoff breakfast.
The order of play is a Scramble
format with a shotgun start. Companies
or a group of friends can register as a team
for each event. There are daily prizes
awarded for the top team, as well as skill
contests on the course.
A continental breakfast is served each
day (during the first three rounds), along
with a lunch at the turn.
In addition to the daily prizes, teams
compete throughout all four rounds, with
their team score accumulating. The overall winner will be awarded the 2015
United Way Golf Classic Cup at the end
of the fourth round on September 18 at
Monroe Golf & Country Club.
The courses and dates for the series
are Carrington on June 11, Links at Lake
Erie on July 16, and Sandy Creek on
August 20. The Grand Finale will be
held at Monroe Golf & Country Club on
September 18.
Please contact the United Way of
Monroe County at (734) 242-1331 or visit for registration forms and
more information.
“We’re aware that riders may need
a little help getting used to the new
process,” Mark said. “We’re preparing
materials to show people how it works
and explain it thoroughly. Riders can
visit our website and link to a video on
YouTube soon demonstrating how it
works. We’re scheduling demonstrations
at local libraries, schools, community
centers and senior centers. And we want
to remind seniors and persons with disabilities they can schedule a ride with a
Buddy to help them get acquainted with
the new system and see how easy it is.
“I want to emphasize that all L.E.T.
services are continuing with no changes,”
he said. He welcomes anyone with questions to contact the L.E.T. home office at
(734) 242-6766 or info@lakeerietransit.
About Lake Erie Transit (L.E.T.): Since
1980, Lake Erie Transit (L.E.T.) has served
Monroe County, MI, as a system for public
transportation. LET operates a variety of
serv-ices to meet the needs of 425,000 riders
annually. In the city of Monroe, L.E.T. operates buses on eight fixed routes with 40minute schedules. Frenchtown and Bedford
townships feature door-to-door Dial-A-Ride
services. For more information about fares or
routes, please call (734) 242-6766 or visit
Accelerated Physical Therapy –
proud to combine with Athletico
In Bedford since 2013, located at 6654
Lewis Ave. Accelerated Physical Therapy
strives to provide the best in outpatient
physical therapy. Our “Putting Patients
First” philosophy starts with your initial
phone call when our goal is to schedule
every evaluation within 24 hours, often
times with same-day appointments available. At your initial visit you will receive
a thorough evaluation that not only addresses the area of pain, but also neighboring areas that may be contributing to
your pain. Our treatment plans include
manual therapy for soft tissue and joint
mobilization, as well as a custom tailored
functional exercise program to meet
your specific needs, with no “cookie
cutter” protocols.
Services offered include:
•Free Injury Screening – No prescription or referral needed
•Same-Day Appointments
•Whole Body Functional Approach
to Injury Management
•Manual Therapy Certified for Joint
•Functional Movement Screen
•ACL Screening and Rehabilitation
•Industrial (Workmans Compensation) Rehabilitation
•ASTYM certified
•Custom Foot Orthotics
We treat a wide range of injuries and
impairments including, but not limited
•Sports Injuries
•Overuse Injuries from running or
•Back and Neck pain
•Sprains and Strains
•Post Operative Rehabilitation
•Motor Vehicle Accidents
Extended office hours to better serve
you: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
from 8 a.m.-7 p.m., and Tuesday and
Friday from 7 a.m.-12 noon.
Most major insurance plans accepted,
both private and state funded.
For questions or to schedule an
appointment call (734) 847-1295.
News from …
Francis Family
Francis Family YMCA will be offering our annual water safety and basic
swim lesson program, Splash!, June 15-18.
Because the YMCA wants everyone to be
safe around the water, this program is
free and open to the public, ages 3-12.
Call the Y, (734) 850-9622 or go to our
website: to register.
The Francis Family YMCA will be
offering our preschool and school age
Day Camp, June 8-August 28. Campers
will enjoy games, songs, archery, field
and walking trips and daily swimming.
One week or all summer, your child will
have a wonderful outdoor experience.
There are member and non-member rates
for full and part-time participation.
For rates and details call (734) 850-9622
or go on line
summercamp .
Make Timely Adjustments to Your 529 Plan
If you have school-age children,
you might greet the arrival of June with
some relief – for at least a few months,
you don’t have to worry about “encouraging” kids to do their homework, study
for tests, give you their permission slips
for field trips, and so on. But one day,
these obligations will give way to a
substantially bigger one – paying for
college. If you’ve already begun preparing for that day with a tax-advantaged
college-savings vehicle, such as a 529 plan,
you’re taking a positive step, because
higher education is expensive. But it’s
not enough to just set up your 529 plan
– you may also need to adjust it over
Up until this year, you were only
allowed to change the investments in
your 529 plan once a year. This caused
concern among some investors, who
wanted the freedom to change their 529
investments in response to movements
in the financial markets. But late in
2014, President Obama signed into law
the Achieving a Better Life Experience
(ABLE) act, the key purpose of which
was to create tax-free accounts allowing
people to save for disability-related ex-
penses. And one provision of the ABLE
act also allows 529 plan investors to
change their investments twice a year,
rather than once.
If you invest in a 529 plan, you
might welcome this additional freedom
to adjust your investments. Still, keep in
mind that a 529 plan is a long-term
vehicle that’s not really designed to accommodate frequent “tweaking.” And,
as is true with any investment account,
such as your IRA and 401(k), you don’t
want to over-react to short-term market
fluctuations by making radical changes
to your investment mix.
Nonetheless, you will almost certainly want to adjust your 529 plan investments somewhat – at least in the
long term. If you’ve opened a 529 plan
when your children are young, you
have many years until you need to tap
into the money – which means your account has more time for growth potential
and more time to “smooth out” those
periods of market volatility, which will
certainly occur. Consequently, you may
be able to afford to invest somewhat
more aggressively when your children
are young.
However, as your kids near college,
you will probably want to revisit the
level of risk in your 529 plan. So, during
the last couple of years before you need
to access your plan, you may want to
consider moving some of your investment
dollars to more conservative allocations.
By doing so, you’ll cut back on your
growth potential, but you’ll also lessen
the risk of taking a big hit if you have to
start taking withdrawals during a “down”
Some 529 plans offer an option that
automatically adjusts your investment
mix toward a more conservative approach
as your children near college age. But you
may want to make your own adjustments,
possibly with the help of a financial professional, to ensure that your 529 plan
accurately reflects your own preferences
and risk tolerance.
As you save for your children’s
college education, you may find a
529 plan to be a great help. Just be sure
to keep a close watch on your plan’s
investments as the years go by.
This article was written by Edward Jones
for use by your local Edward Jones Financial
Do you have a question
for Senator Zorn?
Corey Welch is the Constituent Relations Director for our State Senator Dale
W. Zorn. He is a Bedford resident and
works in Lansing three days a week. He
welcomes and encourages questions,
concerns and comments for the Senator
from the BBA members. His contact
information is:
Corey Welch
710 Frarnum Bldg.
PO Box 30036
Lansing, Michigan 48909-7536
Phone: 517-373-5356
Fax: 517-373-0927
The Matt Wiitala/Francis Family YMCA Educational Scholarship recipients joined
Matt Wiitala and his family for lunch on June 5, where Mr. Wiitala shared some thoughts
and words of encouragement. Matt Wiitala’s son, Gary Randall, created this educational
scholarship fund in 2014 to honor his father and his passion to help students further their
education. All applicants must be affiliated with the Francis Family YMCA by membership,
employment, Leo’s Club or scholarship.
Logan Hubbard is the recipient of the $1,500 traditional scholarship for graduating
high school seniors. He will be attending the University of Toledo in the fall. Carrie Setzler
is the recipient of the $1,500 non-traditional scholarship intended for those returning to
college. Carrie has started her graduate degree at Spring Arbor University. Casey Pollins
is the recipient of an unexpected $1,000 scholarship for him to attend Owens Community
Pictured above, left to right: Matt Wiitala, Carrie Setzler, Casey Pollins, Logan
Hubbard, Cathy Leonard (YMCA).
Break-A-Thon for
Cystic Fibrosis
set for June 27
Temperance ATA Martial Arts invites
everyone to attend the 10th annual BreakA-Thon for Cystic Fibrosis on Saturday,
June 27, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
This community festival will take
place at Temperance ATA Martial Arts,
located at 8948 Lewis Ave., in Temperance.
There will be carnival games, a climbing
wall, water tag, Kelly’s Inflatables, live
music and raffles. 100% of the proceeds
will benefit Cystic Fibrosis.
For more information, you can find
them on Facebook at “CF Break-A-Thon.”
Rep. Sheppard announces June
coffee hours across 56th District
Representative available locally to hear concerns, discuss issues
State Rep. Jason Sheppard invites
residents to join him at local establishments for discussion during June coffee
“I hope you can join me at one of
my upcoming coffee hours,” said Rep.
Sheppard, R-Temperance. “I will use
this time to answer any questions you
may have and give updates on what’s
happening in Lansing.”
The southeast Michigan legislator
will be available from 8 to 9 a.m. on Monday, June 15 at Gander’s Family Restau-
Flick’s Happenings
Flick’s Package Liquor is having a
Parking Lot Party on Saturday, June 13.
There will be special sales, music, a dunk
tank and other games, a silent auction,
and samples of course! Check out our
Facebook or our website for more details.
June’s monthly tasting will be beer
and pizza, on Friday, June 19, from
7-9 p.m., at Maple Grove Golf Course.
R.S.V.P only.
Big things are happening at Flick’s
for the Fourth of July weekend. We will
have in-store samples all weekend, beer
specials, all your weekend cookout
needs from booze to in-house made
salads, sparklers, Red, White and Blue
drink recipes and FREE in-store Red,
White and Blue drink samples from
1-3 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. on the Fourth. Make
sure you stop in and get all your party
Remember Dad on
Sunday, June 21
30 Years!
Bedford’s Hometown Newspaper Since 1986
Still Locally Owned! • (734) 856-6680
rant, located at 4219 Luna Pier Road in
Luna Pier; from 9 to 11 a.m. on Friday,
June 26 at the Bedford Tim Hortons,
located at 3309 W. Sterns Rd. in Lambertville; and from 8 to 9:30 a.m. on Monday,
June 29 at Dena’s Family Restaurant,
located at 15391 S. Dixie Hwy. in Monroe.
There is no need to RSVP. For those
unable to attend, Rep. Sheppard’s legislative office can be reached at any time by
phone at (517) 373-2617, by email at and online
BBA Calendar of
Upcoming Events
18 – Annual Family Picnic
BBA Office.................5:30 PM
16-19 – Roadside Clean Up
30 – BBA Retreat
BBA Office................. 7:30 AM
MARCH 2016
12 & 13 – Trade Fair
Dates and times subject to change.
Please call the BBA office or check the
websitefor any changes or updates.
The Liley Co. has a
1,000 square foot suite for lease
Located on
Temperance Rd. near Secor Rd.
Contact Cindy Liley for more
information – 734-850-0777
Attention BBA members: If you
would like to place your business card
ad in “Bits & Pieces” please email your
information to the BBA office at or fax it to (734) 850-2201.
Bedford Business Association
President....................................... Laura Collins
Collins & Associates Accounting & Tax Service
1st Vice President........................... Jan Howard
Howard's Meats, JHoward Electric
2nd Vice President...................... Karen Daggett
Bedford Press, Inc./Printing
3rd Vice President...................Dr. James Hardie
Pinnacle Eye Group
Secretary........................................... Linda Flick
Flick’s Package Liquor
Treasurer....................................... Michelle Rice
Monroe Bank & Trust
Trustee........................................T. C. Clements
Premier Cruise Planners
Trustee............................................Matt Francis
Francis Auto Detailing
Trustee............................... Mary Glover-Booher
Salvation Army
Trustee.......................................Cheryl Hoffman
Monroe Evening News
Trustee..................................Jessica Thompson
Farm Bureau Insurance
Trustee........................................Cathy Leonard
Francis Family YMCA
Trustee..........................................Carol Lutman
H.E.L.P. Printers, Inc.
Trustee..............................................Dan Martin
Above & Beyond Service & Repair
Parliamentarian................................. Meg Smith
BBA Office Manager
Past Presidents..................................................
Wendy DeBord, Lambertville Orthodontics
Laura Collins,
Collins & Associates Accounting & Tax Service
Marty Monroe, Affordable Accounting
Bill Urbanski, Bedford Funeral Chapel
Brian Huner, Tom Huner Builder
Brad LaVoy, Bradʼs Driveway Sealing & Septic
Walt Wilburn, Waltʼs Heating & A/C Service
Eddie Talley, Krueger Harvey Insurance
Karen Daggett, Temperance Printing
Home of the Bedford Press
Wayne Pavlika, Wayne Pavlika Builders
Norb Abel, Olde Schoolhouse Commons
Linda Flick-Lazaris, Flickʼs Package Liquor
Mary Ann McBee, State Farm Insurance
Patricia Vozobule
✝ Dick Oswald, Lambertville True Value
Meg Smith, BBA Office Manager
David Frechette, Al Jordan
Hazel Koenig, Dr. Joseph Glorioso
The purpose of this Association shall be
to bring together business and professional
people of good will, who are interested in the
promotion,improvement and advancement of
the business climate of Bedford Township.
7559 Secor Rd.
Grove Physical
MI 48144
Secor Rd Lambertville Mi 4814
FAX: 734-568-6062
Call us today to make an appointment!
us todayPhysical
to make Therapy
an appointment!
Outpatient Physical Therapy
Sales • Service • Installation
Call or visit your nearest Edward Jones financial advisor today.
David M. Abalos
“Your Comfort Professionals”
9030 Secor Road, Suite B,
Temperance, MI
Call Anytime
(734) 847-0120
3508 W Sterns Rd.
Lambertville, MI 48144
Established in 1947
Established 1983
T-J Roofing & Sheet Metal, LLC
Director of Communications
8132 Secor Road • Lambertville, MI 48144
Direct Line: 419.931.5189 • Main Phone: 419.661.4001
Fax: 419.661.4015 •
150 Reed Drive
Temperance, MI 48182
(734) 847-3831
Bedford Funeral Chapel
William G. Urbanski
8300 Lewis Avenue
Eric J. Urbanski
Temperance, MI
“A Service & Price To Fit Every Need”
2339 W. Dean Rd.
Temperance, MI
Bedford Funeral Chapel
Carl B. Washed
Monroe Office
15470 S. Telegraph
P.O. Box 1928
Monroe, MI 48161
(734) 242-3765
Fax: (734) 242-0624
Lambertville Office
3558 Sterns
Lambertville, MI 48144
(734) 856-4029
Fax: (734) 856-5014
Serving the people of Monroe County,
providing leadership and resources to
effectively evaluate and address
human service needs.
8300 Lewis Avenue
Eric J. Urbanski United Way
Manager of Monroe County, Inc.
“A Service & Price To Fit Bill
Family Owned
Since 1969
216 N. Monroe St.
Monroe, MI 48162
(734) 242-1331
(734) 856-3926
8159 Monroe Road
Fax (734) 854-7788
Lambertville, MI 48144
Mon., Wed. & Fri., 10-6 / Tues. & Thurs., 10-8 / Sat., 10-3
• Vinyl • Carpet • Hardwood Floors
• Ceramic • Laminates
• Sales • Installation
• Residential & Commercial
(734) 847-1198
8190 Lewis Ave.
Temperance, MI 48182
Lambertville...................(734) 856-1222
Temperance......................(734) 847-3815
(734) 854-4688
(734) 847-0661
(800) 230-7921
Fax (734) 847-1957
Bedford............................ (734) 847-1114
Jeff Biggs
Mike Haney
William G. Urbanski
Diane Johnson
Mark Johnson
(734) 241-0200
1060 N. Monroe
Monroe, MI 48162
(734) 856-8900
8085 Secor Rd.
Lambertville, MI 48144
Lambertville Hardware
8100 Secor Road
Lambertville, MI 48144
Phone (734) 856-3703
Fax: (734) 856-8309
Custom Embroidery
8015 Summerfield Rd. • Lambertville, MI
734-847-3881 •
Varsity Coats • Gym Bags • Team Uniforms
Car Decals • Hats • Sweatshirts • T-Shirts
Pam Norton, Owner
This newsletter is the perfect way to promote you and your business! Please feel free to submit a column or
information about your business, yourself, or an upcoming event … and best of all, it’s FREE!
To submit information for publication in Bits & Pieces, please email to:
Deadline is the 15th of the month before publication. THIS IS YOUR NEWSLETTER! Use it to its fullest potential!
2014-2015 Membership List (as of 3/31/15)
AA Discount Locksmith & Safe
A.J.’s Doolittles
ATI Physical Therapy
Above & Beyond Service & Repair
Accelerated Rehabilitation
Advanced Accounting Tax &
Financial Services, LLC
Advanced Eye Care
Advantage Chiropractic
Affordable Accounting
& Bookkeeping
Affordable Construction Co.
Anson Pharmacy
Argonaut Ecological Consulting,
All American Karate
Allons-Y Marketing
Ally-N-Cals Pet Salon
American Cancer Society
American Lawn
American Red Cross
of Monroe County
Anson Pharmacy
ARCA - Toledo Speedway
Arnold’s Home Improvement
Around Your House, LLC
Art & Frame Works
Aspen Grove Assisted Living
Aspen Grove Center
for Pain Management
Aspen Grove Physical Therapy
Assembly of Christians
BCB Health & Wellness
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Bankowski Builders
Barron Insurance
& Financial Services
Barry Bagels Lambertville
Bedford Alumni Association
Bedford Behavioral Health
Bedford Branch Library
Bedford Car Lot
Bedford Child Development
Bedford Community Foundation
Bedford Computer Solutions, LLC
Bedford Dentist Group
Bedford Dial-A-Ride
Bedford Diner, LLC
Bedford Farmer’s Market
Bedford Goodfellows Club
Bedford Hills Golf Club, Inc.
Bedford Ink, LLC
Bedford Now
Bedford Press, Inc. & Printing
Bedford Public Schools
Bedford Public Schools
Community Ed.
Bedford Republican Club
Bedford Senior Community
Bedford Township Hall
Bedford Township Lions Club
Bedford Veterinary Clinic, LLC
Bedford Wellness Pharmacy
Bedford’s Best 3B Baseball
The Blade
Bloom Salon & Spa
Brad’s Driveway Sealing &
Septic Tank Service
Brookwood Swim Club
Bub’s Lawn & Landscape, LLC
Buckeye CableSystem
Budd Jewelers Inc.
Burger King
Cardinal Staffing, Inc.
Carter Carpets & Vinyl, Inc.
Casa De Patty
Catfish Andy’s Guide Service
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Christian Care Connection
Ciolino Fruit & Vegetable Market
Clean It Up! Property Services
Collins & Associates,
Accounting & Tax Service
Committee to Retain Probate
Judge Cheryl Lohmeyer
Compelled Church
Crary Drug
Cre8ive Sites
DIY Lawn Care Consultants
The Danberry Co., Realtors
Davis Cleaning Services
Dine-In Delivery Bedford
DiVine Realty USA, LLC
Doug’s Repair, LLC
Dr. Kathy’s Chiropractic Center
Dunn Rite Janitorial Services
EF for High School Exchange
Education Plus Credit Union
Edward Jones/D. Abalos
Edward Jones/N. Abalos
Edward Jones/Forgette
Engraved Image
Executive Title Agency
Family Chiropractic Clinic
Family Medical Center of MI
Farm Bureau Insurance/
Jessica Thompson
Fifth Third Bank
First Choice Haircutters
First Merit Bank
Fischer Tool & Die Corp.
Flick’s Package Liquor, Inc.
Foodtown Lambertville
Foot & Ankle Specialists, PC
Forestview Lanes
Fox Meadow Farm, Inc.
Francis Auto Detailing
Francis Family YMCA
Francis Findings Estate Sales
Friends to Elect Irma Kubiske
Laurie L. Fulkerson, CPA
G.B. Warnke & Associates, Inc.
Gator Disposal
Gerweck Real Estate
Giant Oak Golf Club
Goodwill Store
Grandma Science
Graphic Signs
H & R Block
H & S Sports Plus
H.E.L.P. Printers, Inc.
Habitat for Humanity
of Monroe County, Inc.
Hachman Farm Supply, Inc.
Healthy Haven, LLC
Heartland Rehabilitation Service
(HCR Manor)
Hickory Ridge of Temperance
John H. Hock, CPA
Holt Roofing Company, Inc.
Home Consulting Services
Hospice of Northwest Ohio
Howard’s Meats
Hudson Studio
Humane Society
of Monroe County
Hunters Run
Huntington Bank
Indian Creek Petting Zoo
Insideout Inspections Plus, LLC
Inverness Community
Iott Insurance Agency, Inc.
JHoward Electric, Inc.
J R Kirby Mason Contractor
Judge Frank Arnold
KBC Construction, LLC
Kara’s Critter Care, LLC
Ketteler Agency LLC
Key Bank
Key Realty One, LLC
Kickin Mule Car Wash
King Fence Co.
Lambertville “Do It Best”
Lambertville I.O.O.F. Lodge #467”
& Eva Rebekah Lodge #299”
Lambertville Mini-Storage
Lambertville Orthodontics
LaScala IT Solutions, Inc.
Jill LaVoy for Probate Judge
Lennex Realty Company, LLC
Lewis Ave. Auto Repair
J. Henry Lievens,
County Commissioner
Live With Grace
(Massage Therapy)
Luther Haus
MTS Seating
Machine Stitchery
Maple Grove Golf Course
Masserant’s Feed & Grain
Mercy Memorial Hospital
Michigan Gas Utilities Corp.
Midwestern Landscape Solutions
Mike’s Southwest Grill
Miss Lori’s Dance Express
Mominee Builders
Monroe Bank & Trust, Bedford
Monroe Bank & Trust,
Monroe Bank & Trust,
Monroe Comm. Mental Health
Monroe County Chamber of
Monroe County
Community Credit Union
Monroe County Community
College – Whitman Center
Monroe County Democratic
Monroe County Intermediate
Monroe County Prosecutor
Monroe Evening News
Moongate – Luxury Adult Living
Morrows Elite Carpet Cleaning
Mulch Plus Tree & Crane Service
NFA Finance, LLC
Dr. Mark S. Neumann/
MSN Healthcare, P.C.
New Bedford Academy
OJ’s Professional Painting
Ohioans Home Health Care
Olde Schoolhouse Commons
Schoolhouse Lunchroom
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Catholic Church
PTL, Inc.
Papa Eli’s
Wayne Pavlika Builders, Inc.
Michael W. Pawlak Funeral Home,
Paws and Claws Animal Hospital,
Pello Salon & Spa
Perfect 10 Pools
Physicians Choice Hearing Center
Law Office of Jessica C. Pienta,
Pierce Medical Products
Pinnacle Eye Group
Precious Hearing, Inc.
Precision Epoxy Flooring
Premier Cruise Planners, LLC
Professional Massage Therapy
Quilt Heaven
Quimby’s Food & Spirits
Rawlings Heating & Cooling
Real Estate 4 U
Real Estate Solutions of MI, LLC
Redline Trucking, LLC
Red Star Diner
Reflection Medical, Inc.
Reflections in Stained Glass, LLC
Debra Reiner, D.D.S.
Russell Cellular
Salvation Army of Monroe County
Shelton Park Church of God
Jason Sheppard for State Rep.
Shinkles’ Flower Shop &
Sit Means Sit of SE Michigan
Space Matters Interior Design,
Spring Arbor University –
Metro Toledo Center
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Stage Starz Academy of Dance
Darlene Stammer
Start’s Auto Parts
State Farm Insurance/Hopkins
State Farm Insurance/Hubbard
State Farm Insurance/McBee
Stevens Disposal & Recycling Inc.
Stock Sports, Inc.
Subway (Lambertville)
Summerlyn Builders, LLC
Sunrise Windows Ltd.
T-J Roofing & Sheet Metal, LLC
Tanner Supply Company
Tasty Endeavor
Taulbee Electric, LLC
Temperance Animal Hospital, Inc.
Temperance Fuel Stop, Inc.
Terrarium Hair Spa
Tim Horton’s
T-J Roofing & Sheet Metal, LLC
Tomahawk Archers
Tony’s Country Store
Townsend Carpeting
Transamerica Financial Advisors
Transformative Health
Tuff Photo
T-Wear Embrodiery &
United Way of Monroe County
Urbanski’s Bedford Funeral
U.S. Postal Service – Samaria
The Vandergrift Company
Vibrant Life Senior Living
Village Pizzeria & Pub
Congressman Walberg
Wells Bowen Gio Real Estate Inc.
Wesleys Vape Out
Whitney’s Collision of
Women of Bedford United
Wright Certified Home
Wyldewood Church
Yard Repair Man
Zaums & Bialecki, PLC
Dale W. Zorn, Michigan State Rep.
Coldwell Banker/
Haynes Real Estate, Inc.
Costco Wholesale
Cross Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Guardian Alarm Company
Jill M. LaVoy, PLLC
Stanford-Allen Chevrolet Cadillac
Valpak N.W. Ohio
Norb Abel
Pearl Albert-Green ✝
Arlene Bates-Toyne ✝
Rollie Eisenmann
Beverly Hammerstrom
Ron Hurley
Meg Smith
Eddie Talley
Carl VanWert
Pat Vozobule
Judge Michael A. Weipert
Walt Wilburn