TMG E1360 Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits
TMG E1360 Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits
Technical Note - TN 041: 2016 For queries regarding this document Technical Note - TN 041: 2016 Issued date: 17 October 2016 Effective date: 17 October 2016 Subject: Withdrawal of legacy RailCorp signalling maintenance manuals This technical note is issued by the Asset Standards Authority (ASA) to notify that the following legacy RailCorp signalling maintenance manuals have been withdrawn: • TMG E1083 Lamp Proving Module Maintenance Manual, version 1.1 • TMG E1340 The Claw Lock Mechanism Description and Operation, version 2.2 • TMG E1341 Claw Lock Mechanism – Safety and Functional Tests – Routine Maintenance, version 2.3 • TMG E1342 The Claw Lock Mechanism – Overhaul, version 3.0 • TMG E1360 Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits, version 1.1 • TMG E1400 Electro-pneumatic Points – Style 'S' Control Valve, version 1.2 • TMG E1401 Pneumatic Points Control Valve Style 'A', version 1.4 • TMG E1402 Pneumatic Points Control Valve Style 'N', version 1.3 • TMG E1403 Pneumatic Points Control Valve Style 'T', version 1.4 • TMG E1580 Electric Points Machine – Westinghouse 84M Mechanism, version 1.1 • TMG E1585 HLM Point Lock Detectors Maintenance Manual, version 1.0 • TMG E1590 Signal Structures – Examination and Maintenance, version 1.2 • TMG E1630 Signalling Compressed Air System, version 1.0 • TMG E1632 Pulsating Indications, version 1.0 Note: All enquiries regarding the technical content of the manuals listed in this technical note should be directed to © State of NSW through Transport for NSW Page 1 of 2 Technical Note - TN 041: 2016 Authorisation: Technical content prepared by Checked and approved by Interdisciplinary coordination checked by Authorised for release Name Russell Freeman Peter McGregor Andrea Parker Graham Bradshaw Position Principal Engineer Mechanical Lead Signals and Control Systems Engineer Chief Engineer Director Network Standards and Services Signature Date © State of NSW through Transport for NSW Page 2 of 2 Maintenance Manual TMG E1360 JEUMONT SCHNEIDER TRACK CIRCUITS Version 1.1 Issued May 2010 Owner: Warwick Allison, Chief Engineer Signals and Control Systems Approved by: Warwick Allison Chief Engineer Signals and Control Systems Authorised by: Paul Szacsvay Principal Engineer Signal Technology Disclaimer This document was prepared for use on the RailCorp Network only. RailCorp makes no warranties, express or implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be sufficient to ensure safe systems or work or operation. It is the document user’s sole responsibility to ensure that the copy of the document it is viewing is the current version of the document as in use by RailCorp. RailCorp accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to the use of this document by any party, and RailCorp excludes any liability which arises in any manner by the use of this document. Copyright The information in this document is protected by Copyright and no part of this document may be reproduced, altered, stored or transmitted by any person without the prior consent of RailCorp. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 1 of 60 Engineering Manual Withdrawn - for reference only Engineering Manual Signals Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Document control Version Date Summary of change Replaced SC 07 42 00 00 EQ Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits – v1 of June 1999. 1.0 21/08/2007 New RailCorp format 1.1 May 2010 Application of TMA 400 format © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 2 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Contents 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................5 1.1 Scope.........................................................................................................................5 1.2 Referenced documents..............................................................................................5 1.3 Definitions ..................................................................................................................6 2 Module Descriptions...............................................................................................................6 2.1 Power Supply Rype NCO EAT 115CA ......................................................................6 2.2 Transmitter Type NCO.EGT.600 ...............................................................................6 2.3 Transmitter Type NCO.BET.24CC ............................................................................7 2.4 Transmitter Type N.BET.SC-12.................................................................................7 2.5 Receiver Type NCO.RVT.600 ...................................................................................8 2.6 Receiver Type NCO.BRT.CA2 ..................................................................................8 2.7 Relay Type NCO.CV.TH.2.404..................................................................................9 2.8 Impedance Bond Type CIT.1400.CT1.....................................................................10 2.9 Impedance Bond Type 2000P .................................................................................10 2.10 Matching Transformer Type TV.TH.1 ......................................................................11 2.11 Matching Transformer Type TV.TH.D2 ...................................................................11 2.12 Matching Transformer Type TV.LV .........................................................................11 2.13 Resistor ER.2.2........................................................................................................12 2.14 Limitation Device Type NCO.VDR...........................................................................12 2.15 Resistor RK 40.0.07A ..............................................................................................13 2.16 Integrator .................................................................................................................13 3 Track Circuit Configurations ...............................................................................................14 3.1 Single Rail Track Circuits, DC Electrified or Non Electrified....................................14 3.1.1 Setting up and adjustments......................................................................14 3.1.2 Commissioning and Testing .....................................................................15 3.1.3 Non Electrified Areas................................................................................15 3.2 Double Rail Track Circuits, DC Electrified – using Single NCO.BRT.CA2 - 4 wire Receiver ............................................................................18 3.2.1 Setting up and Adjustments .....................................................................18 3.2.2 Commissioning and Testing .....................................................................20 3.3 Double Rail Track Circuits DC Electrified – using Single NCO.RVT.600 - 2 Wire Receiver.............................................................................23 3.3.1 Setting up and Adjustments .....................................................................23 3.3.2 Commissioning and Testing .....................................................................24 3.4 Double Rail Track Circuits DC Electrified – using Two NCO.RVT.600 2 Wire Receivers. ....................................................................................................27 3.4.1 Setting up and Adjustments .....................................................................27 3.4.2 Commissioning and Testing .....................................................................28 3.5 Non Electrified Single Rail Track Circuits – Common Transmitter using TV.TH.D2 Matching Transformers for Level Crossings...........................................32 3.5.1 Setting up and Adjustments. ....................................................................32 3.5.2 Commissioning And Testing ....................................................................32 3.6 Electrified Track Circuits – Common Transmitter using TV.TH.D2.SAR Matching Transformers (Capacitor Fed)..................................................................35 © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 3 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 3.7 3.8 TMG E1360 3.6.1 Setting up and Adjustments .....................................................................35 3.6.2 Commissioning and Testing .....................................................................35 Non electrified Track Circuits – 1500m long using TV.TH.D2 Matching Transformer (Single Receiver) ................................................................................39 3.7.1 Setting up and Adjustments .....................................................................39 3.7.2 Commissioning and Testing .....................................................................40 Non Electrified Long Track Circuit – Up to 3000m ..................................................44 3.8.1 Setting Up and Adjustments.....................................................................44 3.8.2 Commissioning and Testing .....................................................................45 4 Track Polarities .....................................................................................................................52 4.1 Polarities – ‘On track’ measurements......................................................................52 4.2 Polarity - Transmitter to Receiver ............................................................................52 4.3 Changing Polarity on NCO.BRT.CA2 Receivers.....................................................53 5 Mounting Details ...................................................................................................................53 5.1 Plug in Componenets ..............................................................................................53 5.2 Fixed Mounted Track Side Components .................................................................54 6 Cable Requirements .............................................................................................................54 7 Operating Principles .............................................................................................................54 8 Maintenance ..........................................................................................................................56 9 Fault Finding..........................................................................................................................56 9.1 Track Problems........................................................................................................56 9.2 Testing Transmitter..................................................................................................57 9.3 Important Notes .......................................................................................................57 9.4 Repair of Faulty Units ..............................................................................................57 10 Ordering Details ....................................................................................................................57 10.1 Single Rail, DC Electrified or Non electrified (120v AC supply) ..............................58 10.2 Double Rail DC Electrified (120v AC Supply)..........................................................58 10.3 Non Electrified Track circuit .....................................................................................58 10.3.1 Common transmitter for up to 3 short track circuits or Single Track Circuits up to 1500m in length........................................................58 10.4 Non electrified long single rail track circuits (up to 3000m) .....................................58 10.5 Additional hardware Including plug boards,mounting channel & coding plugs ........................................................................................................................59 © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 4 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope TMG E1360 This manual provides the information required by field staff for the purpose of installation, maintenance and fault finding on Jeumont Schneider pulse type track circuits. These track circuits are used on sections of line where the correct shunting of the track circuit can be at risk due to rust, scale, coal dust or sand contaminating the rail surface. There is no basic difference between these units and other types of track circuits. There is a source of power at one end (the “feed” or “transmitter”), two lengths of rail comprising the track circuit, which are electrically isolated from adjacent track circuits by block joints, and a means of detecting the presence or absence of power at the “relay” or “receiver” end. If the track is occupied, power from the feed is attenuated to such an extent that the receiver is de-energised, otherwise the receiver is energised. The difference from other types of track circuits lies in the voltage level and waveform used within the track circuit. The transmitter at the feed end is used to generate the special waveform and at the relay end, the receiver and relay are used to detect it. With a Jeumont Schneider track circuit the voltage on the rails consists of a series of high voltage pulses of short duration separated by relatively long intervals, the purpose being to break down semi-insulating surfaces on the rail when the track is occupied. At the same time, because the pulses occur at intervals, the power drawn from the supply by the transmitter, which produced the pulses, is much lower than the instantaneous energy fed to the track circuit. The voltage across the rails can be felt, but is not dangerous. Each track circuit is insulated from the adjacent one by insulated block joints in the normal way. These pulse type track circuits are suitable for use on electrified lines using either single or double rail traction return as well as on non-electrified lines. In all cases the transmitting and receiving equipment is basically similar, the difference in layout being mainly confined to the matching (coupling) arrangements between the transmitter and the track, and between the receiver and the track. On non-electrified lines and on electrified lines using single rail traction return, matching is achieved by using two transformers, one at the transmitting (feed) end and one at the receiving (relay) end. On electrified lines using double rail traction return, matching is achieved by using an impedance bond incorporating a secondary winding at each end of the track circuit. The track circuits are usually installed with a power supply and transmitter suitable for operation from the 120v AC Signalling busbar however, where no reliable 120v supply is available a self-contained transmitter power supply suitable for operation from a 24 or 12 volt DC battery is installed. 1.2 Referenced documents Signalling Maintenance Procedures TMG J025 Technical Maintenance Plan SC 00 51 00 00 MP Jeumont Schneider Impulse Track Circuits Set up, Test and Certification TMG 1352 © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 5 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 1.3 TMG E1360 Definitions Drop Shunt The maximum resistance in ohms which will cause the track relay contacts to drop away when this resistance is placed between the rails of the track circuit. Fixed Shunt A predefined fixed value resistance which, when placed across the rails of the track circuit will cause the relay to de-energise. Single Rail Track Circuits A track circuit in which one rail is used as a common rail for traction return, and the other is divided into sections by means of insulating joints Double Rail Track circuit A track circuit in which both rails are used for traction return, and also for track circuit currents, with separation between adjacent track circuits being achieved by insulating joints in both rails. Cable loop resistance The resistance of a cable measured in ohms when one end is short circuited. 2 Module Descriptions 2.1 Power Supply Rype NCO EAT 115CA This power supply unit must always be used in conjunction with a transmitter type NCO.EGT.600 and is fed from a 120 volts AC 50Hz supply. The operating limits are 103 to 127 volts AC, 48 to 51 Hz, -30 to +70°C. Power consumption is approximately 45VA. This unit produces two regulated D.C. power supplies for the transmitter, one low voltage D.C. to feed the thyristor switching circuit, the other a high voltage to charge the capacitor that delivers the output pulse. Figure 1 - Power Type ECO.EAT.115.CA 2.2 Transmitter Type NCO.EGT.600 This transmitter must always be used with power supply NCO.EAT.115CA. Its output consists of the non-symmetrical pulses as shown in Figure 25. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 6 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 M C- C+ AP1 AP2 P1 P2 D1 D2 1 4 2 5 S1 S2 3 6 K1 K2 Figure 2 - Transmitter NCO.EGT.600 2.3 Transmitter Type NCO.BET.24CC This transmitter has built-in equipment to produce the high and low voltage D.C. capacitor charging and switching thyristor supplies and is connected directly to a 24 volt DC battery busbar. The operating voltage range is 22.5 volts to 28.8 volts DC Power consumption is approx. 50 watts. Figure 3 - Transmitter NCO.EGT.600 2.4 Transmitter Type N.BET.SC-12 This transmitter has built-in equipment to produce the high and low voltage DC capacitor charging and switching thyristor supplies and is connected directly to a 120 volt AC busbar AND to a nominal 12 volt DC battery busbar. Normally fed by the AC mains, an incorporated mains failure relay de-energises upon loss of supply, switching to the standby DC supply. When a changeover to either supply © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 7 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 occurs the operation of the track circuit is maintained. The DC operating voltage range is 11 to 14.5 volts (nominal 12v). Power consumption when operating on the mains supply is 45VA which increases to 60 W when operating from the DC supply. 12V+ B+ 115V/ 120V 12V- KTf1 12V- C - KTf2 115V C+ 120V 120V 115V Figure 4 - Transmitter N.BET.SC-12 2.5 Receiver Type NCO.RVT.600 This receiver is used for D.C. electrified single rail and non-electrified track circuits and is also used on electrified double rail track circuits. It does not require to be connected to any power source other than the track circuit. M 1 2 C1- 3 C2- 4 C+ V1+ V V2+ Figure 5 - Receiver NCO.RVT.600 2.6 Receiver Type NCO.BRT.CA2 This receiver is used on DC electrified double rail and long non-electrified track circuits. It does not require to be connected to any power source other than the track circuit. The difference between this and the NCO.RVT.600 receiver is that it requires four wires from the receiver end matching transformer and a maximum of 2 ohms resistance or 70m between the two. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 8 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Figure 6 - Receiver NCO.BRT.CA2 2.7 Relay Type NCO.CV.TH.2.404 This track relay is common to all the above track circuits and has four independent front contacts and four independent back contacts. The resistance of the coil connected to V1+ V1- is 6700 ohms and the coil connected to V2+ V2- is 24,000 ohms. M V1- V1+ V2- V2+ T1 T3 T5 M1 M3 M5 M7 M2 M4 M6 M8 R2 R4 R6 R8 T7 Figure 7 - Relay NCO.CV.TH.2.404 © RailCorp Issued May 2010 Front contacts Back Contacts M1-T1 M2-R2 M3-T3 M4-R4 M5-T5 M6-R6 M7-T7 M8-R8 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 9 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 2.8 TMG E1360 Impedance Bond Type CIT.1400.CT1 This impedance bond is used in DC electrified double rail track circuits up to 1km in length. The D.C. current rating of the traction winding is 1000 amps per rail continuous or a maximum of 1400 amps for 1 hour. It has two sets of windings, the traction winding which is connected to the rails and the “fine wire” winding which is connected to the track circuit equipment. TRACK TERMINALS OF BOND 3 + - 56 A NULL POINT 1 3 2 B C 14 D E 7 28 F G 32 H I 40 K L M PHYSICAL LAYOUT Figure 8 - Impedance Bond CIT.1400.CT1 2.9 Impedance Bond Type 2000P The 2000P impedance bond is used in areas where higher traction return currents are experienced. It too like the CIT.1400.CT1 has a secondary fine wire winding which is connected to the Transmitter / Receiver equipment in identical fashion. The DC current rating of the traction winding is 2000 amps per rail continuous or a maximum of 4000 amps per rail for 1 hour. Note: The terminal marked ‘I’ in the CIT.1400.CT1 impedance bond is designated ’J’ in the 2000P. All other terminal numbers are identical. TRACK TERMINALS OF BOND 2 2 4 PHYSICAL LAYOUT OF WB & S 2000P 6 56 A 1 B 2 C 14 D E 7 F 28 G H 32 J 40 K L M Figure 9 - Impedance Bond 2000P © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 10 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 2.10 TMG E1360 Matching Transformer Type TV.TH.1 This transformer is required when used on DC electrified single rail track circuits in conjunction with a resistance ER2.2. There are Telectran manufactured TV.TH.1 matching transformers also type approved for use. The Telectran transformers can be used in an identical manner to that of the Jeumont Schneider manufactured TV.TH.1 Where used in non-electrified territory the ER2.2 resistor can be omitted. V+ R V- 32 128 A 22 B C Figure 10 - Matching Transformer TV.TH.1 2.11 Matching Transformer Type TV.TH.D2 This transformer is used in non-electrified areas and also where a number of track circuits are fed from a common transmitter. The TV.TH.D2.SAR transformer is used in DC electrified single rail areas in conjunction with a DC blocking capacitor. See Section 3.6. VA A NT NHV 40 30 200 515 BT1 45 VB B 55 BT2 TV-THD2.SAR 215 VC BHV C TV-THD2 Figure 11 - Matching Transformers TV.TH.D2 2.12 Matching Transformer Type TV.LV This transformer is used on long non-electrified track circuits and is equipped with many more tapping selections than the other matching transformers. Taps are selected according to length of track circuit. Adjustment is completed according to the length of the track circuit. (See Adjustment Table in Section 3.8) © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 11 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits VA VB 550 B A 130 C D 200 E VC 35 20 300 TMG E1360 15 70 F G H 25 I 2 K L 3 M N Figure 12 - Matching Transformer TV.LV 2.13 Resistor ER.2.2 The resistor ER.2.2 is used only in DC electrified single rail track circuits and is connected to the matching transformer TV.TH.1 such that it forms a 2 ohm resistance in the lead between terminal R on the transformer and rail. The purpose of this resistor is to limit the traction current flowing in the track winding of the matching transformer to prevent the saturation of the core by DC current. Each resistor is tapped for two one-ohm sections but the full 2 ohms is normally used. These resistors are supplied with two separate units mounted on a common board, one unit each for adjacent track circuits. Where single rail track circuits terminate and only one resistor is required the mounting board may be cut in two. 1ohm 1ohm SHORTEST WIRE 1ohm 1ohm SHORTEST WIRE BLUE G/Y BRN G/Y BRN 2 WIRES OF EQUAL LENGTH INSULATED LUG INSULATED LUG Figure 13 - Resistor ER.2.2 2.14 Limitation Device Type NCO.VDR This is a device that limits the effects of strong traction current ripple or starting current surges in the receiver of double rail track circuits under broken rail conditions. It is connected onto the V2 coil connections from the receiver to the relay. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 12 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 It is plug mounted in a base type BR4 which holds two NCO.VDR units. This device is electrically symmetrical and can be plugged into the base either way. + + + + EV2 SV2 SV2 EV2 - - - - Figure 14 - Limitation Device NCO.VDR 2.15 Resistor RK 40.0.07A These are 40 ohm adjustable resistors used to adjust the resistance of the transmission loop ie. the cable loop resistance between the transmitter and the matching transformer, to the required value where a number of track circuits are fed from a common transmitter. They are not plug-in and can be rack mounted near the outgoing cable termination. 1 3 2 Figure 15 - Resistor RK40.0.7A 2.16 Integrator The obvious need to measure the different parameters on a Jeumont Schneider track circuit cannot be achieved using a standard voltmeter due to the irregular shape of the waveform. The waveform needs to be firstly integrated before it can be measured with a standard (20kohm/volt or higher) voltmeter. A standard integrator in its basic form is comprised of a diode network, capacitor input and output terminals and finally a switch which is used to switch between the two halves of the pulse without having to reverse the meter leads. RED INPUT OUTPUT BLACK Figure 16 - Integrator © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 13 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 3 Track Circuit Configurations 3.1 Single Rail Track Circuits, DC Electrified or Non Electrified 3.1.1 Setting up and adjustments Connect the modules together as shown in Figure 17. The termination arrangements for each module are shown in Section 2. The following requirements should be observed in setting up the connections between units. a) The transmitter cable loop resistance should be set to 20 ohms between the transmitter and matching transformer (See below). b) The maximum loop resistance between the receiver matching transformer and the receiver is 60 ohms. c) The maximum loop resistance between the matching transformer and the track is 0.2 ohm. The resistance of any series bonding used in the track circuit should be kept to an absolute minimum. d) The maximum loop resistance between the receiver and the track relay is 120 ohms. The maximum length of the cable is 1500m. Ensure that the voltage at the power supply terminals is between 103 and 127 volts. Nominal voltage is 115 volts. Set the transmitter loop resistance by the following procedure. a) Isolate the power from the power supply and open the outgoing transmitter track terminals. Place a short circuit across the primary of the transmitter matching transformer and measure the loop resistance of the cable between the track terminals and the transmitter end matching transformer Refer to Table 1 below for the appropriate bridging arrangements for the transmitters. Measured wiring resistance in ohms Required bridging on the Transmitter for 20 ohm loop resistance 0 to2 C+ to 6 2 to 4 C+ to 5 4 to 5.5 C+ to 5, 2 to 3 5.5 to 7 C+ to 6, 3 to 4 7 to 9 C+ to 4 9 to 10.5 C+ to 4, 2 to 3 10.5 to 12 C+ to 6, 3 to 5 12 to 14 C+ to 3 14 to 16 C+ to 2 16 to 17 C+ to 6, 1 to 2, 3 to 5 17 to 19 C+ to 6, 1 to 5 19 to 21 C+ to 1 Table 1 - Bridging details for 20 ohm loop resistance © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 14 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Where series bonds are used in the track circuit arrangement, the total resistance of the series bonds must be kept below 0.15 ohm. (To achieve this twin 7/0.85mm or 7/1.7mm cable may be used for the series bond). If it is still not possible to achieve the minimum resistance specified above the following procedure should be adopted. a) Change track connecting cables at both ends for copper Hypalon. This allows the series bond resistance to be increased up to 0.3 ohms. If the above requirement cannot be met then the loop resistance of the track and track connection cables should be measured by connecting terminals V+ and R together at the receiver end matching transformer. Connect an Ohm meter between the track connection cable from V+ and terminal R at the transmitter end. If the total loop resistance is over 4.5 ohms bridge out 1 ohm of the ER2-2 resistor in the series bond leg of the circuit. This is achieved by disconnecting the short lead, and connecting the lead with the insulated lug to terminal R. The short lead should be properly insulated. 3.1.2 Commissioning and Testing When all wiring has been correctly terminated and resistances adjusted the power may be turned on. At no time should the transmitter or power supply be plugged or unplugged nor bridging changed while the power is on. The transmitter should not be left feeding into an open circuit for an indefinite period as this may cause it to be damaged. Track voltages should be measured using a meter fitted with an integrator and should fall within the ranges specified in Table 2. Relay voltages should lie within the range specified in Table 2. Verify correct shunting of the track by testing the track with a 0.5 ohm non-inductive shunt. Test shunts should be done at all extremities of the track circuit including the extremities of any branch of a junction track, at the mid-point of any straight track and at both ends of any parallel-bonded section. 3.1.3 Non Electrified Areas The single rail track circuit arrangement can also be used in non-electrified areas. In this case, a bridge between V- and R on the matching transformer replaces the ER2-2 resistor. The remaining setting up, adjustment, commissioning and testing data is identical. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 15 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Peak Voltage to Track (Volts) Track Relay Voltage (v) Minimum Ballast Resistance (in ohms) Length of Track Circuit (in metres) Minimum Ballast Resistance Transmitter + - Maximum Ballast Resistance Receiver + - Transmitter + - Receiver + Current (mA) Minimum Ballast Resistance Maximum Ballast Resistance Minimum Ballast Resistance Maximum Ballast Resistance V1 V1 I1 I2 I1 V2 V2 I2 - 50 3 42 7 40 7 165 21 168 20 17 23 50 96 2.5 0.95 7.3 4 100 3 44 7 40 7 161 21 169 20 17 23 50 96 2.5 0.95 7.3 4 150 3 47 7.5 39 7 158 21 170 20 17 23 50 96 2.5 0.95 7.3 4 200 3 48 7.5 39 7 157 21 172 20 17 23 50 96 2.5 0.95 7.3 4 250 3 49 7.5 38 7 156 21 173 20 17 22 50 96 2.5 0.91 7.3 4 300 3 50 7.5 38 7 156 21 174 20 17 22 49 96 2.5 0.91 7.2 4 350 3 51 7.5 37 7 155 21 174 20 17 21 49 96 2.5 0.88 7.2 4 400 3 52 7.5 37 7 155 21 174 20 17 21 49 96 2.5 0.88 7.2 4 450 3 53 7.5 36 7 154 21 174 20 17 20 49 96 2.5 0.84 7.2 4 500 3 53 7.5 36 7 154 21 174 20 17 20 49 96 2.5 0.84 7.2 4 Table 2 - Single Rail DC Electrified and Non electrified Operating Voltages and Currents © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 16 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NO TO EXCEED 0.2 ς TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NO TO EXCEED 0.2 ς 2ς NOTE 1 WIRE/CABLE SIZES #1 7/19/0.22mm STEEL HYPALON #2 7/0.85mm #3 7/0.5mm TWIN SHIELDED #4 7/0.4mm 2ς MAX. LINE RESISTANCE 60 ς PER LOOP TOTAL LINE LOOP RESISTANCE ADJUSTED TO 20 ς SETTING OF THE RESISTANCE TO 20 ς USING INTERNAL RESISTANCE ACTUAL LOOP RESISTANCE OF WIRE AC+, C-B BRIDGES TO BE MADE TO ACHIEVE TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE OF 20 ς Figure 17 - Single Rail DC Electrified or Non Electrified Track Circuit © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 17 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 3.2 Double Rail Track Circuits, DC Electrified – using Single NCO.BRT.CA2 - 4 wire Receiver 3.2.1 Setting up and Adjustments Connect the modules together as shown on Figure 18. The termination arrangements for each module are shown in Section 2. The following requirements should be observed in setting up the connections between units. a) The transmitter cable loop resistance should be set to 10 ohms between the transmitter and the impedance bond (see below) b) The connection to the transmitter end impedance bond is as follows: - Track Length in meters Number of turns 18-1000 35 Connections between transmitter and impedance bond at transmitter end C+ C- I F Connections on the impedance bond at the transmitter end G–H Table 3 - Cable termination on transmitter end impedance Bond c) The connection to the receiver end impedance bond is as per the following table: Track Length in metres © RailCorp Issued May 2010 Number of turns S1 Required terminations on Impedance bond at receiver end S2 3 C1- C2+ C2- Required bridging on the receiver end impedance bond 18-50 26 4 D I D G B-F;C-H 100 27 5 C I D G C-F;B-H 150 28 5 H I D G C-F 200 29 5 B I D G C-F;C-H 250 30 6 C I C G B-F;D-H 300 32 6 I K C G B-F 350 33 7 B K F G C-I 400 35 7 F I F G G-H 450 37 7 C I F G D-F;G-H 500 39 8 F K B G G-I;C-F 550 41 8 B M B G C-L;C-F 600 43 9 B M C G D-F;D-L 650 47 9 F M C G G-L;D-F 700 50 10 B M B G D-F;G-L 750 56 11 A B D F B-E 800 57 12 A C D F C-E 850 60 13 H K C F B-E 900 62 13 C K C F D-H;B-E UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 18 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits Track Length in metres Number of turns S1 TMG E1360 Required terminations on Impedance bond at receiver end S2 3 C1- C2+ C2- Required bridging on the receiver end impedance bond 950 67 14 F K E F G-H 1000 72 15 I M B F K-L;C-E Table 4 - Cable termination on receiver end impedance Bond d) The terminal marked ‘I’ in the CIT.1400.CT1 impedance bond is equivalent to terminal ‘J' in the 2000P impedance bond e) The maximum loop resistance between the receiving end impedance bond and the receiver is 2 ohms. This is the equivalent of 70 metres of 7/0.50mm black and white shielded cable. f) The maximum loop resistance between the receiver and the limitation device is 20 ohms. g) The maximum loop resistance between the limitation device and the track relay is 120 ohms. Ensure that the voltage at the transmitter terminals is between 103 and 127 volts with a nominal voltage of 115 volts. Set the transmitter loop resistance by the following procedure: a) Isolate the power from the power supply unit and open the outgoing transmitter track terminals. Place a short circuit across the transmitter cable connections on the secondary of the transmitter end impedance bond and measure the loop resistance of the cable between the track terminals and the transmitter end impedance bond. b) Refer to the table below for the appropriate bridging arrangements for the transmitter. Measured wiring resistance in ohms Required bridging on the Transmitter for 10 ohm loop resistance 0 to 0.5 C+ to 4, 2 to 3 0.5 to 1.5 C+ to 6, 3 to 5 1.5 to 2.5 C+ to 4, 2 to 3, 3 to 6 2.5 to 3.5 C+ to 3 3.5 to 4.5 C+ to 5, 2 to 6, 3 to 5 4.5 to 5.5 C+ to 2 5.5 to 6.5 C+ to 6, 1 to 2, 3 to 5 6.5 to 7.5 C+ to 3, 1 to 4 7.5 to 8.5 C+ to 6, 1 to 5 8.5 to 9.5 C+ to 5, 1 to 2, 3 to 5, 2 to 6 9.5 to 10.5 C+ to 1 Table 5 - Bridging details for 10 ohm loop resistance © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 19 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 3.2.2 TMG E1360 Commissioning and Testing When all wiring has been correctly terminated and transmitter resistances adjusted the power may be turned on. At no time should the transmitter or power supply be plugged or unplugged nor bridging changed while the power is on. The transmitter should not be left feeding into an open circuit for an indefinite period as this may cause it to be damaged. Track voltages should be measured with a meter fitted with an integrator and should fall within the ranges specified in Table 6. Relay voltages should lie within the range specified in Table 6. Verify correct shunting of the track by testing the track with a 0.25 ohm non-inductive shunt. Test shunts should be done at all extremities of the track circuit including the extremities of any branch of a junction track, at the mid-point of any straight track and at both ends of any parallel-bonded section. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 20 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits Length of Track Circuit (in metres) Minimum Ballast Resistance (in ohms) TMG E1360 Transmitter + 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.73 2.5 2.31 2.15 2 1.88 1.77 1.67 1.58 1.5 Track Relay Voltage (v) Current (mA) Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Resistance Resistance Resistance Resistance Transmitter Receiver V1 V2 + V1 V2 I1 I2 I1 I2 Peak Voltage to Track (Volts) Minimum Ballast Resistance Maximum Ballast Resistance 61 62 63 63 63 64 64 64 65 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 Receiver - 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 43 36 34 31 28 26 25 23 22 20 19 18 16 15 14 14 13 12 11 + 10 10 10 3 3 8 8 7 7 77 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 112 112 112 112 113 113 114 114 115 115 115 115 115 116 116 117 117 118 118 118 - 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 105 96 88 83 77 72 68 64 60 55 51 47 45 43 41 39 37 35 34 32 21 21 20 19 18 17 17 16 15 14 13 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 26 25 24 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 53 52 50 50 49 48 48 48 48 49 49 50 50 52 52 52 53 53 54 54 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.08 1.04 1 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.5 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.8 5.8 2.2 2.16 2.08 2.08 2.04 2 2 2 2 2.04 2.04 2.08 2.08 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.20 2.20 2.25 2.25 Table 6 - Double Rail DC Electrified track circuit operating voltages and currents © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 21 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 NOTE 1 ON 2000P TERMINAL "I" IS LABELLED AS "J" NOTE 2 WIRE/CABLE SIZES #1 7/0.5mm TWIN SHIELDED #2 7/0.4mm #3 TRACTION SIDE LEADS MAX. LINE RESISTANCE 2ς PER LOOP TOTAL LINE LOOP RESISTANCE ADJUSTED TO 10 ς SETTING THE RESISTANCE TO 10 ς USING INTERNAL RESISTORS ACTUAL LOOP RESISTANCE OF WIRE BRIDGES TO BE MADE TO ACHIEVE TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE OF 10 ς Figure 18 - Double Rail DC Electrified track circuit © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 22 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 3.3 Double Rail Track Circuits DC Electrified – using Single NCO.RVT.600 - 2 Wire Receiver. 3.3.1 Setting up and Adjustments Connect the modules together as shown on Table 7. The termination arrangements for each module are shown in Section 2. The following requirements should be observed in setting up the connections between units. a) The transmitter loop resistance should be set to 20 ohms between the transmitter and the impedance bond (see below) b) The connection to the transmitter end impedance bond is as follows: - Track length in meters Number of turns Connections between transmitter and impedance bond at transmitter end C+ C- Connections on the impedance bond at the transmitter end 18 to 600 35 I F G-H Table 7 - Cable termination on transmitter end impedance bond The connection to the receiver end impedance bond is as per the following table: Length of track in meters Number of turns Required terminations on Impedance Bond at Receiver end C2- C+ 18 - 50 32 I K 100 37 D M Required Bridging on Receiver end Impedance Bond Required Bridging on the receiver 2-V B-L 2-V 150 42 C M D-L 3-V 200 44 D M B-F ; G-L 3-V 250 47 F M G-L 3-V 300 49 C M D-F ; G-L 3-V 350 54 E M F-L 3-V 400 60 H K 4-V 450 66 A G D-F 4-V 500 70 A F B-E 4-V 550 74 E K F-H 4-V 600 78 A G C-E 4-V Table 8 - Cable Termination on receiver end impedance bond © RailCorp Issued May 2010 a) The terminal marked ‘I’ in the CIT.1400.CT1 impedance bond is equivalent to terminal ‘J' on the 2000P Impedance bond. b) The maximum loop resistance between the receiver end impedance bond and the receiver is 60 ohms. c) The maximum loop resistance between the receiver and the limitation device is 20 ohms. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 23 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits d) TMG E1360 The maximum loop resistance between the limitation device and the track relay is 120 ohms. Ensure that the voltage at the transmitter terminals is between 103 and 127 volts with a nominal voltage of 115 volts. Set the transmitter loop resistance by the following procedure. a) Isolate the power from the power supply and open the outgoing transmitter track terminals. Place a short circuit across the transmitter cable connections on the secondary winding of the transmitter end impedance bond and measure the loop resistance of the cable between the track terminals and the transmitter end impedance bond. b) Refer to the table below for the appropriate bridging arrangements for the transmitters. Measured wiring resistance in ohms Required bridging on the Transmitter for 20 ohm loop resistance 0 to2 C+ to 6 2 to 4 C+ to 5 4 to 5.5 C+ to 5, 2 to 3 5.5 to 7 C+ to 6, 3 to 4 7 to 9 C+ to 4 9 to 10.5 C+ to 4, 2 to 3 10.5 to 12 C+ to 6, 3 to 5 12 to 14 C+ to 3 14 to 16 C+ to 2 16 to 17 C+ to 6, 1 to 2, 3 to 5 17 to 19 C+ to 6, 1 to 5 19 to 21 C+ to 1 Table 9 - Table 3.3.3 Bridging details for 20 ohm loop resistance 3.3.2 Commissioning and Testing When all wiring has been correctly terminated and transmitter resistances adjusted the power may be turned on. At no time should the transmitter or power supply be plugged or unplugged nor bridging changed while the power is on. The transmitter should not be left feeding into an open circuit for an indefinite period as this may cause it to be damaged. Track voltages should be measured with a meter fitted with an integrator and should fall within the ranges specified in Table 10. Relay voltages should lie within the range specified in Table 10. Verify correct shunting of the track by testing the track with a 0.5 ohm non-inductive shunt. Test shunts should be done at all extremities of the track circuit including the extremities of any branch of a junction track, at the mid-point of any straight track and at both ends of any parallel-bonded section. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 24 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Voltage at the relay terminals (volts) Peak voltage to the track (in volts) Length of track circuit (metres) Minimum ballast resistance (ohms) Relay Current (mA) Minimum ballast resistance Maximum ballast resistance Minimum ballast resistance Maximum ballast resistance Minimum ballast resistance Maximum ballast resistance UVA + UVA - UVR + UVR - UVA + UVA - UVR + UVR - U1 U2 U1 U2 I1 I2 I1 I2 50 3 53 7.5 44 7.5 107 16 98 16 13.5 22 34 48 2 0.91 5 2 100 3 56 7.5 37 7 109 16 90 16 13.5 22 34 48 2 0.91 5 2 150 3 59 7.5 31 6.5 110 15 83 15 14 23 34 48 2.1 0.96 5 2 200 3 59 7.5 28 6.5 111 15 77 14 14 22 34 48 2.1 0.91 5 2 250 3 60 8 25 6 112 15 71 14 14 21 35 46 2.1 0.88 5.2 1.9 300 3 61 8 24 6 113 15 66 13 14 21 35 46 2.1 0.88 5.2 1.9 350 3 61 8 22 5.5 115 15 60 13 14 22 35 46 2.1 0.91 5.2 1.9 400 3 62 8 21 5.5 117 15 54 12 15 22 34 48 2.2 0.91 5 2 450 3 62 8.5 20 5 118 15 48 12 15 23 34 48 2.2 0.96 5 2 500 3 64 8.5 19 5 118 15 46 11 15 23 34 48 2.2 0.96 5 2 550 2.73 66 8.5 17 4.5 119 15 43 11 15 22 35 48 2.2 0.91 5.2 2 600 2.5 67 8.5 15 4.5 119 15 40 10 15 21 35 48 2.2 0.88 5.2 2 Table 10 - Double Rail DC Electrified track circuit operating voltages and currents © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 25 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Figure 19 - Double Rail DC Electrified track circuit © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 26 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 3.4 Double Rail Track Circuits DC Electrified – using Two NCO.RVT.600 - 2 Wire Receivers. 3.4.1 Setting up and Adjustments Connect the modules together as shown on Figure 20. The termination arrangements for each module are shown in Section 2. The following requirements should be observed in setting up the connections between units. The transmitter loop resistance should be set to 20 ohms between the transmitter and the impedance bond (see below) The connection to the transmitter end impedance bond is as follows: Track length in metres Number of turns Connections between transmitter and impedance bond at transmitter end C+ C- 18 to 300 35 I F Connections on the impedance bond at the transmitter end G-H Table 11 - Cable termination on transmitter end impedance bond The connection to the receiver end impedance bond is as per the following table: Track length in metre s D L Required terminations on the Impedance Bond at the receiving end Numbe r of turns C2- C+ Required bridging on the receiver end impedance bond Required bridging on the receiver 18 – 100 50 50 52 A F 150 50 to 100 100 to 50 56 A B 2-V 200 50 to 150 150 to 50 59 A D 2-V 50 to 100 200 to 50 63 A G B-F 2-V 101 to 200 149 to 50 66 A G D-F 2-V 50 to 100 250 to 200 66 A G D-F 2-V 101 to 150 199 to 150 68 H M I-L 2-V 151 to 250 149 to 50 70 A F B-E 2-V 250 300 D-G 2-V Table 12 - Cable termination on receiver end impedance bond © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 27 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 a) The terminal marked ‘I’ in the CIT.1400.CT1 impedance bond is equivalent to terminal ‘J' in the 2000P Impedance Bond. b) The maximum loop resistance between the receiver end impedance bond and the receiver is 60 ohms. c) The maximum loop resistance between the receiver and the limitation device is 20 ohms. d) The maximum loop resistance between the limitation device and the track relay is 120 ohms. Ensure that the voltage at the transmitter terminals is between 103 and 127 volts with a nominal voltage of 115 volts. Set the transmitter loop resistance by the following procedure. a) Isolate the power from the power supply and open the outgoing transmitter track terminals. Place a short circuit across the transmitter cable connections on the secondary winding of the transmitter end impedance bond and measure the loop resistance of the cable between the track terminals and the transmitter end impedance bond. b) Refer to the table below for the appropriate bridging arrangements for the transmitters. Measured wiring resistance in ohms Required bridging on the Transmitter for 20 ohm loop resistance 0 to2 C+ to 6 2 to 4 C+ to 5 4 to 5.5 C+ to 5, 2 to 3 5.5 to 7 C+ to 6, 3 to 4 7 to 9 C+ to 4 9 to 10.5 C+ to 4, 2 to 3 10.5 to 12 C+ to 6, 3 to 5 12 to 14 C+ to 3 14 to 16 C+ to 2 16 to 17 C+ to 6, 1 to 2, 3 to 5 17 to 19 C+ to 6, 1 to 5 19 to 21 C+ to 1 Table 13 - Bridging details for 20 ohm loop resistance 3.4.2 Commissioning and Testing When all wiring has been correctly terminated and transmitter resistances adjusted the power may be turned on. At no time should the transmitter or power supply be plugged or unplugged nor bridging changed while the power is on. The transmitter should not be left feeding into an open circuit for an indefinite period as this may cause it to be damaged. Track voltages should be measured with a meter fitted with an integrator and should fall within the ranges specified in Table 13. Relay voltages should lie within the range specified in Table 13. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 28 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Verify correct shunting of the track by testing the track with a 0.25 ohm non-inductive shunt. Test shunts should be done at all extremities of the track circuit including the extremities of any branch of a junction track, at the mid-point of any straight track and at both ends of any parallel-bonded section. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 29 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Voltage at the track relay terminals (volts) Peak voltage to the track (in volts) Length of track circuit (meters) D Minimum ballast resistance UVA + UVA - UVR + UVR - Maximum ballast resistance UVA + UVA - UVR + UVR - Current intensity in the relay (mA) Minimum ballast resistance Maximum ballast resistance Minimum ballast resistance Maximum ballast resistance U1 U1 I1 I1 U2 U2 I2 I2 100 50 56 6 35 5.5 78 9 52 8.5 21 28 36 43 3.1 1.15 5.3 1.8 150 50 to 100 56 62 6 7 35 30 5.5 5 72 78 9 9 52 41 8.5 8 21 19 34 28 36 32 43 39 3.1 2.8 1.4 1.15 5.3 4.7 1.8 1.6 200 50 to 150 56 62 6 7.5 32 26 5.5 4.5 74 80 .9 10 49 37 8.5 7.5 21 19 32 27 36 33 41 37 3.1 2.8 1.3 1.12 5.3 4.85 1.7 1.56 250 50 to 200 57 63 6.5 8 30 23 5 4 77 82 9 10 46 33 8.5 7 20 20 30 25 37 34 40 37 2.9 2.9 1.25 1.04 5.5 5 1.65 1.55 300 50 to 250 58 63 6.5 8.5 27 20 5 4 79 83 9 11 43 29 8.5 6 20 20 27 24 37 34 39 36 2.9 2.9 1.12 1 5.5 5 1.6 1.5 Table 14 - Double rail DC electrified track circuit operating voltages and currents © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 30 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 SUMMARY OF CONNECTIONS FOR DOUBLE RAIL ELECTRIFIED JEUMONT SCHNEIDER TRACKS UP TO 300m USING DC IMPEDANCE BONDS WITH 2x NCO. RVT. 600, 2 WIRE RECEIVER - NOTE 1 #3 NOTE 1 + #3 #3 #3 #3 - F ADJACENT TRACKS TO BE G NOTE 1 ON 2000P TERMINAL "I" IS LABELLED AS "J" NOTE 2 FOR CONNECTIONS SEE TABLE IN MANUAL #1 ALTERNATE POLARITIES NOTE 2 H I + - + NOTE 3 WIRE/CABLE SIZES #1 7/0.5mm TWIN SHIELDED #2 7/0.4mm #3 TRACTION SIDE LEADS #1 #3 d #1 #3 #1 #3 #1 TO THE SECOND RECEIVER #1 MAXIMUM LOOP RESISTANCE 60 OHMS #2 TOTAL LINE LOOP RESISTANCE ADJUSTED TO 20 OHMS TRANSMITTER NCO EGT 600 NOTE 2 RECEIVER NCO RVT 600 #2 #2 MAXIMUM LOOP RESISTANCE MAXIMUM LOOP RESISTANCE 120 OHMS 103V TO 127V 20 OHMS (1500 METRES MAX.) SUPPLY VOLTAGE #2 #2 #2 NCO VDR SV2 TRACK STICK CIRCUIT TO BE CONNECTED HERE #2 MAXIMUM LOOP RESISTANCE 120 OHMS WHERE APPLICABLE POWER SUPPLY NCO EAT 115CA (1500 METRES MAX.) RELAY NCO CV.TH 2.404 Figure 20 - Double Rail DC Electrified track circuit © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 31 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 3.5 Non Electrified Single Rail Track Circuits – Common Transmitter using TV.TH.D2 Matching Transformers for Level Crossings 3.5.1 Setting up and Adjustments. Connect the modules together as shown on Figure 21. The termination arrangements for each module are shown in Section 2. The following requirements should be observed in setting up the connections between units. a) The transmitter loop resistance should be set to 80 ohms for the crossing track and 60 ohms for each approach track by adjusting the RK 40 resistor. Check that the transmitter internal resistance strapping is connected between C+ and 1. b) The maximum resistance of the cable between the receiver and the matching transformer is 60 ohms. c) The maximum loop resistance between the matching transformer and the track is 0.5 ohm. Where series bonds are used in the track circuit the resistance of the bonds must be kept below 0.15 ohm. If it is not possible to achieve this minimum resistance, change the track connection cable to copper Hypalon. This allows the series bond resistance to be increased up to 0.3 ohms. d) The maximum loop resistance of the cable between the receiver and the track relay is 120 ohms. The maximum length of the cable is 1500m. Ensure that the voltage at the transmitter terminals is between 103 and 127 volts. The nominal voltage is 115 volts. 3.5.2 Commissioning And Testing When all wiring has been correctly terminated and the transmitter resistances for each separate track circuit adjusted, the power may be turned on. At no time should the transmitter or power supply be plugged or unplugged nor bridging changed while the power is on. The transmitter should not be left feeding into an open circuit for an indefinite period as this may cause it to be damaged. Each track circuit should be treated as an individual track circuit. Track voltages should be measured with a meter fitted with an integrator and should fall within the ranges specified in Table 15. Relay voltages should lie within the range specified in Table 15. Verify correct shunting of the track by testing the track with a 0.25 ohm non-inductive shunt. Test shunts should be done at all extremities of the track circuit including the extremities of any branch of a junction track, at the mid-point of any straight track and at both ends of any parallel-bonded section. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 32 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits Number of zones fed 3 at line clear 3 with 2 in short circuit 2 at line clear 2 with 1 short circuit 1 at line clear Length of track circuit TMG E1360 Voltage at the track relay terminals (volts) Peak voltage to the track (in volts) Minimum Ballast UVE + UVE - Maximum Ballast UVR + UVR - UVE + UVE - UVR + Minimum Ballast UVR - U1 Maximum Ballast U2 U1 U2 50 34 10 33 10 80 18 79 18 27 33 56 83 200 38 10 32 10 83 18 79 18 26 31 56 82 400 43 10 30 9 85 18 79 17 26 29 56 80 50 28 6 27 6 65 11 64 11 18 27 39 68 200 33 6 25 6 72 11 64 11 18 25 39 67 400 39 6 23 5 79 11 64 11 18 23 39 66 50 34 10 33 10 80 18 79 18 27 33 55 83 200 38 10 32 10 83 18 79 18 26 31 54 82 400 43 10 30 10 85 18 79 17 26 29 53 80 50 30 8 29 8 72 14 71 14 23 30 46 75 200 35 8 28 8 77 14 71 14 22 28 46 74 400 40 8 27 7 82 14 71 14 22 26 46 72 50 34 10 33 10 78 17 77 17 28 33 53 80 200 37 10 32 10 81 17 77 17 27 31 53 79 400 42 10 30 9 84 17 77 16 27 30 53 77 Table 15 - Multi feed transmitter arrangement for Level Crossings operating voltages and currents © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 33 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Ux XT TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 0.5 ς To approach track LOOP RESISTANCE SET TO 80ς Note 2 TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 0.5 ς 40 ς TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 60 ς To approach track Note 1 RK40 RF20 RK40 Dx 7/0.5mm twin twisted shelded cable RF20 RK40 7/0.5mm twin twisted shelded cable Note 2 NOTE: 1. Track length Connect to 18 - 600 B 600 - 900 C 2. Adjust to 606 3. Matching transformers are to be mounted near the track 4. Diagram shows receiver-relay connections without track stick (see track stick circuits) Figure 21 - Multi feed transmitter arrangement for Level Crossings © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 34 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 3.6 Electrified Track Circuits – Common Transmitter TV.TH.D2.SAR Matching Transformers (Capacitor Fed) 3.6.1 Setting up and Adjustments using Connect the modules together as shown in Figure 22. The termination arrangements for each module are shown in Section 2. The following requirements should be observed in setting up the connections between the units. a) The transmitter loop resistance should be set to 60 ohms between the transmitter and each matching transformer b) The maximum loop resistance between matching transformer and receiver is 60 ohms. c) The maximum loop resistance between the transmitter end matching transformer and track connections is 0.5 ohms. The resistance of any series bonding used in the track circuit should be kept to a minimum. d) The loop resistance between the receiver-end matching transformer and track connections must be adjusted to 2 ohms (see below). Ensure that the AC supply voltage is between 103 and 127 volts (115 volts nominal). Transmitter loop resistance adjustment Isolate the power from the power supply unit and open the outgoing transmitter track terminals. Check that the transmitter internal resistance strapping is connected between C+ and 1. Open the outgoing location terminal links, and short terminals BHV and NHV on the transmitter matching transformer. Measure the loop resistance at the outgoing terminals, adjust the 40 ohm adjustable resistor in the matching unit until the loop resistance equals 60 ohms, +/- 1 ohm. Receiver loop resistance adjustment a) Disconnect the cable from terminal BT1 on the receiver end matching transformer, and apply a short circuit between the receiver end rail connections. b) Measuring the loop resistance between the free wire and transformer terminal NT, adjust the 2 ohm variable resistor until the loop resistance equals 2 ohms +0.2,-0.0 ohms. Remove the short circuit, and reconnect terminal BT1. Note: At times this test may be very difficult to carry out, when stray DC traction currents produce reading errors in the ohm-meter. In that case, the loop resistance should be adjusted approximately by setting the adjustable resistor to between 1.8 ohms (matching unit 1-2 metres from track) and 1.5 ohms (matching unit 3-4 metres from track). 3.6.2 Commissioning and Testing When all connections have been made, and the loop resistances adjusted, then power may be connected to the transmitter. At no time should the transmitter or power supply unit be plugged or unplugged, or bridging be changed while the power is on. The transmitter should not be left feeding into an open circuit for an indefinite period as this may cause it to be damaged. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 35 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Track voltages should be measured with a meter fitted with an integrator and should fall within the range specified in Figure 22. Verify correct shunting of the track by testing the track with a 0.25 ohm non-inductive shunt. Test shunts should be done at all extremities of the track circuit including the extremities of any branch of a junction track, at the mid-point of any straight track and at both ends of any parallel-bonded section. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 36 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Voltage at the track relay terminals (volts) Peak voltage to the track (in volts) Number of zones fed 3 at line clear 3 with 2 in short circuit 2 at line clear 2 with 1 short circuit 1 at line clear Length of track circuit Minimum Ballast Resistance Maximum Ballast Resistance Minimum Ballast Resistance Maximum Ballast Resistance UVE + UVE - UVR + UVR - UVE + UVE - UVR + UVR - U1 U2 U1 U2 50 34 10 33 10 80 18 79 18 27 33 56 83 200 38 10 32 10 83 18 79 18 26 31 56 82 400 43 10 30 9 85 18 79 17 26 29 56 80 50 28 6 27 6 65 11 64 11 18 27 39 68 200 33 6 25 6 72 11 64 11 18 25 39 67 400 39 6 23 5 79 11 64 11 18 23 39 66 50 34 10 33 10 80 18 79 18 27 33 55 83 200 38 10 32 10 83 18 79 18 26 31 54 82 400 43 10 30 10 85 18 79 17 26 29 53 80 50 30 8 29 8 72 14 71 14 23 30 46 75 200 35 8 28 8 77 14 71 14 22 28 46 74 400 40 8 27 7 82 14 71 14 22 26 46 72 50 34 10 33 10 78 17 77 17 28 33 53 80 200 37 10 32 10 81 17 77 17 27 31 53 79 400 42 10 30 9 84 17 77 16 27 30 53 77 Table 16 - Single Rail DC Electrified Capacitor Fed Operating voltages and currents © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 37 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 10A 2000μF 63V TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 0.5 ς LOOP RESISTANCE SET TO 80ς To second track RF20 RK40 2.0ς RF20 TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 0.5 ς TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 60 ς RK40 #2 7/0.5mm twin twisted shelded cable 7/0.5mm twin twisted shelded cable NOTE: 1. Matching transformers and associated capacitors are to be mounted near the track NOTE 2 2. Diagram shows receiver-relay connections without track stick (see track stick circuits) Figure 22 - Single Rail DC Electrified Capacitor Fed track circuit (multi feed arrangement) © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 38 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 3.7 Non electrified Track Circuits – 1500m long using TV.TH.D2 Matching Transformer (Single Receiver) 3.7.1 Setting up and Adjustments Connect the modules together as shown on Figure 23. The termination arrangements for each module are shown in Section 2. The following requirements should be observed in setting up the connections between units. a) The transmitter cable loop resistance should be set to 20 ohms between the transmitter and matching transformer (see below). b) The maximum resistance between the receiver matching transformer and the receiver is 60 ohms. c) The maximum resistance between the matching transformer and the track is 0.2 ohm. The resistance of series bonds used in the track circuits should be kept to an absolute minimum. d) The maximum loop resistance of the line between the receiver and the tack relay is 120 ohms. The maximum length of the cable is 1500m. Ensure that the voltage at the transmitter terminals is between 103 and 127 volts. Nominal voltage is 115 volts. Set the transmitter loop resistance by the following procedure. Isolate the power from the power supply and open the outgoing transmitter track terminals. Place a short circuit across the primary of the transmitter matching transformer and measure the loop resistance of the cable between the track terminals and the transmitter end matching transformer. Refer to the table below for the appropriate strapping arrangements for the transmitters. Measured wiring resistance in ohms Required bridging on the Transmitter for 20 ohm loop resistance 0 to2 C+ to 6 2 to 4 C+ to 5 4 to 5.5 C+ to 5, 2 to 3 5.5 to 7 C+ to 6, 3 to 4 7 to 9 C+ to 4 9 to 10.5 C+ to 4, 2 to 3 10.5 to 12 C+ to 6, 3 to 5 12 to 14 C+ to 3 14 to 16 C+ to 2 16 to 17 C+ to 6, 1 to 2, 3 to 5 17 to 19 C+ to 6, 1 to 5 19 to 21 C+ to 1 Table 17 - Bridging details for 20 ohm loop resistance © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 39 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Where series bonds are used in the track circuit arrangement the resistance of the series bonds must be kept below 0.15 ohm. (To achieve this twin 7/0.85mm or 7/1.7mm cable may be used for the series bond). If it is still not possible to achieve the minimum resistance specified above the following procedure should be adopted. Change track connection cable to copper Hypalon. This allows the series bond resistance to be increased up to 0.3 ohms. 3.7.2 Commissioning and Testing When all wiring has been correctly terminated and resistances adjusted the power may be turned on. At no time should the transmitter or power supply be plugged or unplugged nor bridging changed while the power is on. The transmitter should not be left feeding into an open circuit for an indefinite period as this may cause it to be damaged. Track voltages should be measured with a meter fitted with an integrator and should fall within the ranges specified the Table 18. Relay voltages should lie within the range specified in Table 18. Verify correct shunting of the track by testing the track with a 0.25 ohm non-inductive shunt. Test shunts should be done at all extremities of track circuit including the extremities of any branch of a junction track, at the mid-point of any straight track and at both ends of any parallel-bonded section. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 40 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Peak Voltage to Track Track Relay Voltage (v) Length of Track Circuit (in metres) Min. Ballast Resistance (in ohms) Minimum Ballast Transmitter + Maximum Ballast Receiver - + Transmitter - + Receiver - + Current (mA) Minimum Ballast Maximum Ballast V1 V1 V2 Minimum Ballast V2 I1 Maximum Ballast I2 I1 I2 - 50 3 29 2.2 29 2.2 76 7 76 7 19 36 41 89 2.8 1.5 6.1 3.7 100 3 30 2.2 29 2.2 76 7 76 7 19 36 41 89 2.8 1.5 6.1 3.7 150 3 32 2.2 28 2.2 77 7 75 7 19 34 41 89 2.8 1.4 6.1 3.7 200 3 33 2.2 28 2.1 77 7 75 7 19 34 41 87 2.8 1.4 6.1 3.6 250 3 35 2.1 27 2.1 77 7 74 7 18 34 41 87 2.7 1.4 6.1 3.6 300 3 36 2.1 26 2 78 7 73 7 18 31 41 87 2.7 1.3 6.1 3.6 350 3 38 2.1 25 2 78 7 73 7 18 31 42 85 2.7 1.3 6.3 3.5 400 3 39 2.1 24 2 79 7 72 7 18 31 42 85 2.7 1.3 6.3 3.5 450 3 41 2 24 1.9 79 7 71 7 17 29 42 82 2.5 1.2 6.3 3.4 500 3 42 2 23 1.9 79 7 71 7 17 29 42 82 2.5 1.2 6.3 3.4 550 2.7 44 2 22 1.8 80 7 70 7 17 29 42 80 2.5 1.2 6.3 3.3 600 2.5 45 1.9 21 1.8 80 7 69 7 17 26 42 80 2.5 1.1 6.3 3.3 650 2.3 45 1.7 20 1.6 81 6 65 6 16 26 41 80 2.4 1.1 6.1 3.3 700 2.15 45 1.6 18 1.5 81 6 60 5.5 15 26 40 80 2.2 1.1 6 3.3 750 2 45 1.4 17 1.4 82 6 55 5 15 26 39 80 2.2 1.1 5.8 3.3 800 1.98 45 1.3 16 1.3 82 6 50 4.5 14 26 37 77 2.1 1.1 5.5 3.2 850 1.75 45 1.2 15 1.2 83 5 45 4 14 24 35 77 2.1 1 5.2 3.2 900 1.65 45 1 14 1 83 5 40 3.5 13 24 35 77 2 1 5.2 3.2 950 1.58 45 0.9 13 0.9 84 5 40 3.5 13 24 35 77 2 1 5.2 3.2 1000 1.5 46 0.9 12 0.9 84 6 39 3.5 13 24 35 75 2 1 5.2 3.1 1050 1.43 46 0.9 12 0.9 85 6 39 3.5 14 24 35 75 2.1 1 5.2 3.1 1100 1. 35 46 0.9 11 0.9 85 7 38 3.5 14 24 35 75 2.1 1 5.2 3.1 1150 1. 3 46 0.9 11 0.9 86 7 38 3.5 14 24 35 73 2.1 1 5.2 3 © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 41 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Peak Voltage to Track Track Relay Voltage (v) Length of Track Circuit (in metres) Min. Ballast Resistance (in ohms) Minimum Ballast Transmitter + Maximum Ballast Receiver - + Transmitter - + Receiver - + Current (mA) Minimum Ballast Maximum Ballast V1 V1 V2 V2 Minimum Ballast I1 I2 Maximum Ballast I1 I2 - 1200 1. 25 46 0.9 10 0.9 86 7 37 3.5 14 23 35 73 2.1 0.95 5.2 3 1250 1. 2 47 1 10 1 86 6 36 3.5 15 23 34 73 2.2 0.95 5.1 3 1300 1. 15 48 1 10 1 87 6 36 3 15 23 33 73 2.2 0.95 4.9 3 1350 1. 1 48 1 10 1 87 5 35 3 15 23 31 73 2.2 0.95 4.6 3 1400 1. 07 49 1 10 1 87 5 35 3 16 23 30 70 2.4 0.95 4.5 2.9 1450 1. 03 49 1 10 1 88 5 34 2.3 16 23 28 70 2.4 0.95 4.2 2.9 1500 1 50 1 10 1 88 4.5 34 2.2 16 23 28 70 2.4 0.95 4.2 2.9 Table 18 - Non electrified track circuit operating voltages and currents © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 42 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 SUMMARY OF CONNECTIONS FOR SINGLE RAIL JEUMONT TRACKS FIG. 5 USING TV-TH-D2 MATCHING TRANSFORMERS ADJACENT TRACKS TO BE OF ALTERNATE POLARITIES + + - #1 #1 #1 TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 0.2ohm TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 0.2ohm #2 #2 #2 VA VB VC A #1 B #2 VA C #3 VB VC MATCHING TRANSFORMER TV.TH.D2 (MOUNTED NEAR TRACK) #3 TOTAL LINE LOOP RESISTANCE ADJUSTED TO 20ohm NOTE: FOR RECEIVER TO RELAY CONNECTIONS ON TRACKS WITHOUT TRACK STICKS. (ALSO SEE TRACK STICK CCTS.) A BX120 AP2 4A 5 4 3 2 1 C+ CONNECT TO 18-600 B 600-1500 C #3 MAX. LINE RESISTANCE 60ohm PER LOOP #4 C- #4 C+ TRANSMITTER RECEIVER NCO.EGT.600 NCO.RVT.600 C- AP1 P1 P2 D1 D2 S1 S2 V1+ V1- V2+ V2#4 #4 AP NX120 C #3 TRACK LENGTH (m) #4 6 B AN P1 P2 D1 D2 S1 S2 POWER SUPPLY NCO.EAT.115CA V1+ NOTE 1 WIRE/CABLE SIZES #1 7/19/0.22mm STEEL HYPALON #2 7/0.85mm PVC #3 7/0.5mm PVC TWIN SHIELDED #4 7/0.4mm PVC V1- V2+ V2- RELAY NCO.CV.TH.2.404 Figure 23 - Non electrified track circuit © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 43 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 3.8 Non Electrified Long Track Circuit – Up to 3000m 3.8.1 Setting Up and Adjustments Connect the modules together as shown on Figure 24. The termination arrangements for each module are shown in Section 2. The following requirements should be observed in setting up the connections between units. a) The transmission line resistance should be set to 10 ohms between the transmitter and matching transformer (see below). b) The maximum loop resistance between the matching transformer and the receiver is 2 ohms. c) The maximum loop resistance between the matching transformer and the track is 0.2 ohm. The resistance of any series bonding used in the track circuit should be kept to an absolute minimum. d) The maximum loop resistance between the receiver and the track relay is 120 ohms. The maximum length of the cable is 1500 m. Ensure that the voltage at the transmitter terminals is between 103 and 127 volts. The nominal voltage is 115 volts. Set the transmitter loop resistance by the following procedure. a) Isolate the power from the power supply and open the outgoing transmitter track terminals. Place a short circuit across the primary of the transmitter matching transformer and measure the loop resistance of the cable between the track terminals and the transmitter end matching transformer. Refer to the table below for the appropriate strapping arrangements for the transmitters. Measured wiring resistance in ohms Required bridging on the Transmitter for 10 ohm loop resistance 0 to 0.5 C+ to 4, 2 to 3 0.5 to 1.5 C+ to 6, 3 to 5 1.5 to 2.5 C+ to 4, 2 to 3, 3 to 6 2.5 to 3.5 C+ to 3 3.5 to 4.5 C+ to 5, 2 to 6, 3 to 5 4.5 to 5.5 C+ to 2 5.5 to 6.5 C+ to 6, 1 to 2, 3 to 5 6.5 to 7.5 C+ to 3, 1 to 4 7.5 to 8.5 C+ to 6, 1 to 5 8.5 to 9.5 C+ to 5, 1 to 2, 3 to 5, 2 to 6 9.5 to 10.5 C+ to 1 Table 19 - Bridging details for 10 ohm loop resistance © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 44 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 3.8.2 TMG E1360 Commissioning and Testing When all wiring has been correctly terminated and resistances adjusted the power may be turned on. At no time should the transmitter or power supply be plugged or unplugged nor bridging changed while the power is on. The transmitter should not be left feeding into an open circuit for an indefinite period as this may cause it to be damaged. Track voltages should be measured with a meter fitted with an integrator and should fall within the ranges specified in the Table 20. Relay voltages should lie within the range specified in Table 20. Verify correct shunting of the track by testing the track with a 0.15 ohm non-inductive shunt. Test shunts should be done at all extremities of track circuit including the extremities of any branch of a junction track, at the mid-point of any straight track and at both ends of any parallel-bonded section. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 45 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 TRANSMITTER END Length of track (m) 50 to 450 No. of turns 225 Connections on TV-LV Ctransformer No. of turns s C+ E RECEIVER END K F.I 200 SRI SR2 CI - E 1 F No. of turns 27 C2- I C2+ M Connections on TV-LV transformer K.L 500 225 E K F.I 225 E K 28 I N F.I, K.M 550 225 E K F.I 240 E K 30 I N F.H, K.L 600 225 E K F.I 250 A H 32 F H B.K, G.L, M.K 650 225 E K F.I 275 A I 33 F H B.K, G.M, N.K 700 225 E K F.I 295 A L 33 F H B.N, G.M, N.K 750 225 E K F.I 315 A I 35 H L B.H, K.N 800 225 E K F.I 330 D F 37 H M K.N 850 225 E K F.I 355 D K 38 H L F.I, K.M 900 225 E K F.I 370 A G 40 H K B.F 950 225 E K F.I 415 D I 43 H N G.H, K.M 1000 225 E K F.I 460 A H 45 H N B.E, F.K, K.L 1050 345 D I F.H 200 E F 35 H L K.N 1100 345 D I F.H 205 E N 37 H M F.L, K.N 1150 345 D I F.H 205 E N 38 H L F.L, K.M 1200 345 D I F.H 215 E I 38 H L F.H, K.M 1250 345 D I F.H 225 E K 40 H K F.I 1300 345 D I F.H 240 E K 42 H M F.H, K.L 1350 345 D I F.H 245 E N 42 H M F.H, K.L 1400 345 D I F.H 255 E H 43 H N G.I, K.M 1450 345 D I F.H 265 E L 45 H N G.N, K.L 1500 570 D or I or A G F.H or B.E 270 270 E E G G 47 55 F F I H G.L, M.K G-I 1550 570 A G B.E 270 E G 57 F H G-L, M-I 1600 570 A G B.E 300 A B 58 F H G-M, N-I 1650 570 A G B.E 300 A B 60 F H G-L, N-I 1700 570 A G B.E 300 A B 60 F H G-L, N-I 1750 570 A G B.E 300 A B 65 F L G-N 1800 570 A G B.E 330 D F 65 F L G-N 1850 570 A G B.E 330 D F 67 F M G-N 1900 570 A G B.E 330 D F 68 F L G-M 1950 570 A G B.E 330 D F 68 F L G-M 2000 570 A G B.E 345 D I 70 F G F-H 2050 570 A G B.E 255 E H 55 F H G-I 2100 570 A G B.E 255 E H 55 F H G-I 2150 570 A G B.E 257 E H 57 F H G-L, M-I 2200 570 A G B.E 258 E H 58 F H G-M, N-I 2250 570 A G B.E 260 E H 60 F H G-L, N-I © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 46 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 TRANSMITTER END Length of track (m) No. of turns C+ RECEIVER END Connections on TV-LV Ctransformer No. of turns s SRI SR2 CI - 1 No. of turns C2- C2+ Connections on TV-LV transformer 2300 570 A G B.E 265 E L 65 F L G-N 2350 570 A G B.E 265 E L 65 F L G-N 2400 570 A G B.E 270 E G 67 F M G-N 2450 570 A G B.E 285 E I 68 F L G-M, G-H 2500 570 A G B.E 295 E K 70 F G G-I 2550 570 A G B.E 300 A B 72 F M G-L 2600 570 A G B.E 300 A B 73 F N G-M 2650 570 A G B.E 300 A B 75 F N G-L 2700 570 A G B.E 300 A B 75 F N G-L 2750 570 A G B.E 315 A I 75 F N G-L, B-H 2800 570 A G B.E 325 A K 80 F L G-H, I-N, B-I 2850 570 A G B.E 330 D F 80 F L G-H, I-H 2900 570 A G B.E 330 D F 83 F L G-H, I-M 2950 570 A G B.E 330 D F 83 F L G-H, I-M 3000 570 A G B.E 330 D F 85 F I G-H © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 47 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Peak Voltage to Track (Volts) Length of Track Circuit (in meters) Min. Ballast Resistance (in ohms) Track Relay Voltage (v) Ballast minimum Transmitter + Ballast maximum Receiver - + - Transmitter + - Current (mA) Ballast minimum Ballast maximum Ballast minimum Ballast maximum Receiver + V1 V2 V1 V2 I1 I2 I1 I2 - 50 3 72 11 71 10 198 33 200 33 17 26 61 79 2.5 1.08 9 3.3 100 3 72 11 70 10 196 33 200 33 17 25 61 79 2.5 1.04 9 3.3 150 3 72 11 70 10 193 33 201 32 17 25 61 79 2.5 1.04 9 3.3 200 3 73 11 69 10 192 33 203 32 17 25 61 79 2.5 1.04 9 3.3 250 3 73 11 68 10 191 33 205 32 17 24 61 79 2.5 1 9 3.3 300 3 74 11 67 10 190 33 207 32 17 24 61 79 2.5 1 9 3.3 350 3 75 11 66 10 189 33 208 32 17 24 61 79 2.5 1 9 3.3 400 3 75 11 65 10 188 33 208 32 17 23 61 79 2.5 0.96 9 3.3 450 3 76 11 65 10 187 33 209 32 17 23 61 79 2.5 0.96 9 3.3 500 3 75 10 62 9 187 33 209 32 17 23 66 84 2.5 0.96 9.7 3.5 550 2.73 75 9 60 9 187 32 209 31 18 24 72 84 2.7 1 10.6 3.5 600 2.5 74 8 58 8 187 32 209 31 18 24 78 89 2.7 1 11.5 3.7 650 2.31 74 8 56 8 186 32 211 31 18 24 83 91 2.7 1 12.3 3.8 700 2.15 73 7 53 7 186 32 213 31 18 23 88 96 2.7 0.96 13 4 750 2 73 7 50 7 185 31 215 30 18 23 92 101 2.7 0.96 13.6 4.2 800 1.88 73 7 47 6 184 30 216 30 17 23 96 105 2.5 0.96 14.2 4.4 850 1.77 72 6 44 6 183 30 217 29 17 23 100 110 2.5 0.96 14.8 4.6 900 1.67 72 6 41 5 182 29 218 28 17 23 103 115 2.5 0.96 15.2 4.8 950 1.58 72 5 39 5 180 28 217 27 17 23 105 122 2.5 0.96 15.5 5.1 1000 1.5 72 5 38 5 178 27 216 25 17 23 107 130 2.5 0.96 15.8 5.4 1050 1.43 54 7 31 6 117 32 128 26 17 23 81 91 2.5 0.96 12 3.8 1100 1.36 54 7 30 6 117 32 127 26 17 23 83 96 2.5 0.96 12.3 4 1150 1.30 54 6 30 55 117 32 126 26 18 23 83 96 2.7 0.96 12.3 4 © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 48 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Peak Voltage to Track (Volts) Length of Track Circuit (in meters) Min. Ballast Resistance (in ohms) Track Relay Voltage (v) Ballast minimum Transmitter + Ballast maximum Receiver - + Transmitter - + Ballast minimum Ballast maximum Ballast minimum Ballast maximum Receiver - Current (mA) + V1 V2 V1 V2 I1 I2 I1 I2 - 1200 1.25 54 6 29 5 116 32 125 26 18 23 84 101 2.7 0.96 12.4 4.2 1250 1.20 54 6 28 5 116 32 125 26 18 23 88 103 2.7 0.96 13 4.3 1300 1.15 54 6 26 5 116 32 125 26 17 23 93 108 2.5 0.96 13.8 4.5 1350 1.11 54 6 25 5 116 32 125 26 17 23 98 110 2.5 0.96 14.5 4.6 1400 1.07 54 6 24 5 115 32 123 26 17 23 100 113 2.5 0.96 14.8 4.7 1450 1.03 54 6 23 5 115 31 122 26 17 23 103 115 2.5 0.96 15.2 4.8 1500 1 54 6 22 4 114 31 121 26 17 23 105 118 2.5 0.96 15.5 4.9 1550 0.97 32 5 17 4 65 26 76 17 16 22 78 94 2.4 0.92 11.5 3.9 1600 0.94 32 5 17 4 65 26 76 17 16 22 78 96 2.4 0.92 11.5 4 1650 0.91 32 5 16 4 65 26 75 17 16 22 75 99 2.4 0.92 11 4.1 1700 0.88 32 5 16 4 65 26 75 17 16 22 75 99 2.4 0.92 11 4.1 1750 0.85 32 5 15 4 65 26 74 17 16 22 75 101 2.4 0.92 11 4.2 1800 0.83 32 5 15 4 65 26 74 17 16 22 75 103 2.4 0.92 11 4.3 1850 0.81 32 5 14 3 65 26 73 17 16 22 75 13 2.4 0.92 11 4.3 1900 0.79 32 5 14 3 65 26 73 17 15 22 75 105 2.2 0.92 11 4.4 1950 0.77 32 5 13 3 65 26 72 17 15 21 75 105 2.2 0.88 11 4.4 2000 0.75 32 5 13 3 65 26 71 17 15 21 71 108 2.2 0.88 10.5 4.5 2050 0.73 32 4 12 3 65 26 50 13 15 21 68 101 2.2 0.88 10.9 4.2 2100 0.71 32 4 10 2 65 26 47 12 15 21 63 94 2.2 0.88 9.4 3.9 2150 0.69 32 4 9 2 65 26 46 12 15 21 63 94 2.2 0.88 9.4 3.9 2200 0.68 32 4 9 2 65 26 44 12 15 21 63 96 2.2 0.88 9.4 4 2250 0.66 32 4 8 2 65 26 42 11 15 21 63 96 2.2 0.88 9.4 4 2300 0.65 32 4 8 2 65 26 41 11 15 21 63 96 2.2 0.88 9.2 4 © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 49 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Peak Voltage to Track (Volts) Length of Track Circuit (in meters) Min. Ballast Resistance (in ohms) Track Relay Voltage (v) Ballast minimum Transmitter + Ballast maximum Receiver - + Transmitter - + Ballast minimum Ballast maximum Ballast minimum Ballast maximum Receiver - Current (mA) + V1 V2 V1 V2 I1 I2 I1 I2 - 2350 0.64 32 4 8 2 65 26 41 11 15 21 62 99 2.2 0.88 9.2 4.1 2400 0.62 32 4 7 2 65 26 40 11 15 21 62 101 2.2 0.88 9.2 4.2 2450 0.61 32 4 7 2 65 26 40 11 15 21 62 103 2.2 0.88 9.2 4.3 2500 0.60 32 4 7 2 65 26 39 11 15 21 62 105 2.2 0.88 9.2 4.4 2550 0.59 32 4 7 2 65 26 38 10 15 21 62 108 2.2 0.88 9.2 4.5 2600 0.57 32 4 6 2 65 26 38 10 15 21 62 108 2.2 0.88 9 4.5 2650 0.56 32 4 6 2 65 26 38 10 15 21 61 108 2.2 0.88 9 4.5 2700 0.55 32 4 6 1 65 27 37 10 15 21 61 108 2.2 0.88 9.2 4.5 2750 0.54 32 4 6 1 65 27 37 10 15 21 62 110 2.2 0.88 9.2 4.6 2800 0.53 32 4 6 1 65 27 37 10 15 21 62 110 2.2 0.88 9.4 4.6 2850 0.52 32 4 5 1 65 27 36 10 15 21 63 110 2.2 0.88 9.4 4.6 2900 0.515 32 4 5 1 65 28 36 9 15 21 63 113 2.2 0.88 9.4 4.7 2950 0.51 32 4 5 1 65 28 36 9 14 21 63 113 2.1 0.88 9.4 4.7 3000 0.50 32 4 5 1 65 28 36 9 14 21 63 113 2.1 0.88 9.4 4.7 Table 20 - Non electrified long track circuit operating voltages and currents © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 50 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 0.05 ς TOTAL LOOP RESISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 0.05 ς TOTAL LINE LOOP RESISTANCE ADJUSTED TO 10 ς 7/0.5mm TWIN TWISTED SHIELDED CABLE MAX. LINE RESISTANCE 2ς PER LOOP SETTING THE RESISTANCE TO 10 ς USING INTERNAL RESISTORS ACTUAL LOOP BRIDGES TO BE MADE TO RESISTANCE OF ACHIEVE TOTAL LOOP WIRE RESISTANCE OF 10 ς NOTE 1 WIRE/CABLE SIZES #1 7/19/0.22mm STEEL HYPALON #2 7/0.85mm #3 7/0.5mm TWIN SHIELDED #4 7/0.4mm Figure 24 - Non electrified long track circuit © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 51 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 4 Track Polarities 4.1 Polarities – ‘On track’ measurements TMG E1360 The polarities of adjacent track circuits should be adjusted so that they are opposite with respect to any adjoining track and that each track circuit is wired so its positive rail is in accordance with the track insulation plan. This guarantees failsafe operation under a block joint failure condition. The positive rail is a term associated to the rail which when measured records the higher (positive) of the two waveforms which exist in a single Jeumont pulse (see diagram 7.1 for a diagram of the waveform). To measure the polarity of a track circuit, it is first important to correctly orientate the meter / integrator. To do this position the meter / integrator in the four foot with the integrator switch, switched to positive. Place the red (+ve) meter lead which is on the right hand side of the integrator onto the nearest rail (it should be the rail to the right hand side of the meter / integrator). Now take a voltage measurement across the rails. The resulting measured voltage will be either a high or low voltage depending on the existing polarity of the track. If a high voltage was measured then the rail to which the positive lead was connected is considered the positive rail. Conversely if the lower voltage was measured with the switch in this position the other rail (to the left of the meter) is considered the positive rail. Confirm this is correct to the track insulation plan. Perform the same test on the adjacent track to prove that the positive rail is opposite to the previous track and that it too also corresponds to the track insulation plan. Where a yard layout is such that it is impossible to achieve a polarity reversal at every blockjoint, then the blockjoint with point of like polarities shall be one where transmitters are installed on either side. As a quick test short circuiting the block joint and noting that either or both relays drop verifies the polarities of adjacent track circuits are opposite. Note that this does not confirm that the polarity of the track circuit is in accordance with the track Insulation Plan. Should this fail to occur the polarity should be checked and adjusted as necessary by swapping the leads from both the receiver and transmitter of one of the tracks concerned. 4.2 Polarity - Transmitter to Receiver The Jeumont Schneider receiver and relay are polarity sensitive, and will only pick up when the energisation is of both the correct voltage and polarity. When certifying the track circuit, it is possible that the receiver end has been connected with opposite polarity to the transmitter. In this case, when the power is connected, the relay will energise momentarily, then immediately drop. To correct the problem, reverse the track connection leads at either the receiver or transmitter matching unit - the choice will depend on the track's polarity relative to the adjacent tracks and the track insulation plan. If a track fails to pick when first energised, a quick check for wrong polarity is to momentarily pull and replace the track pins at the receiver (or transmitter) end, while watching the relay for the momentary pick-and-drop. If any non-reversal is found, this should be corrected by swapping the track connection leads on the matching units at both either the transmitter or receiver end of the track. Note that swapping the transmitter will correct the polarity to the Receiver but will alter the polarity of the track circuit. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 52 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 4.3 TMG E1360 Changing Polarity on NCO.BRT.CA2 Receivers The NCO.BRT.CA2 is a four-wire receiver and as a result there are 16 different combinations in the way they can be terminated of which only one is correct. If incorrect polarity on the receiver is detected (see above) then to reverse the polarity it is simply a matter swapping the termination of the cable cores within each cable for example: Cable 1 Cable 2 Terminated on Terminated on Incorrect polarity on Rx A B C D Correct polarity on Rx B A D C Note: Under no circumstances are cores between cables to be swapped. 5 Mounting Details 5.1 Plug in Componenets Plug-in mounting hardware should be fitted to the 30-module type NS1 aluminium mounting channel as follows: a) Plug Board type PFC-12 should be fixed by two screws into module holes corresponding to the base termination arrangements of the unit located in that position. b) Remaining unused module holes under unit should be covered with Obturation Fittings type NS1 PFO. c) Indexing holes in centre of channel should be plugged with Coding Plugs to correspond to the code pin requirement of the unit mounted in that position. The coding pin arrangements for each type of unit are shown on the base termination detail drawings as blacked out holes. Whenever possible a one module space should be left between units on the mounting channel for ventilation. However where the quantity of equipment to be mounted makes this difficult without substantially increasing the size of the rack, the units may be butted together. The mounting channel should always be run vertically and a space of at least 50mm should always be maintained between mounting channels. 120v AC Fed Tracks Track Relay NCO.CV.TH.2404 24v D.C. Battery Fed Tracks TOP Receiver Receiver © RailCorp Issued May 2010 Transmitter NCO.EGT.6 00 Track Relay NCO.CV.TH.2-404 Power Supply NCO.EAT.11 5CA Transmitter Nco.BET.24CC UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED BOTTO M BOTTO M Page 53 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 5.2 TMG E1360 Fixed Mounted Track Side Components The matching transformers should be located as close as practical to the rail connection consistent with rail connecting lead resistance requirements. These should be mounted in weatherproof boxes above ground level and the rail leads terminated on RSA terminals in the Box. One box can house two transformers, one for each adjacent track circuit where these occur. 6 Cable Requirements All internal wiring between units should be carried out in 7/0.40 mm PVC nylon conductor. Termination of this cable on the units is done with Faston Lugs applied with an AMP type or Utilux type crimp tool. Connection between the transmitter and matching transformer or impedance bond should where possible be carried out with 7/0.5mm twin twisted shielded high frequency track circuit cable. This may not always be possible due to minimum resistance requirements so 7/0.85mm or even 7/1.7mm insulated and sheathed conductors may need to be used. Connections between the matching transformers and rail should whenever possible, be carried out with flexible steel Hypalon insulated track connection cable. Where it is not possible to use this due to resistance limitations, 84/0.3mm copper Hypalon insulated cable should be used. Resistance values of the above cables are as follows: Cable Ohms/Kilometre 9/0.3mm 28 7/0.4mm 7/0.5mm 12.6 7/0.85mm 4.34 7/1.7mm 1 Flexible Steel Hypalon approx. 30 Flexible Copper Hypalon approx. 3 Table 21 - Cable details The above resistance values should only be taken as a guide for installation purposes. The actual values should be measured when adjustments are being carried out to the track circuits. This however is not possible with short lengths of cable. 7 Operating Principles A transmitter produces the high voltage pulses and these are fed to the track by either a track transformer or by an impedance bond incorporating a secondary winding. The pulses then pass along the track and are fed to the receiver, which in turn operates a special relay. The output is produced in the transmitter by the charging of a capacitor to a high voltage. This charge is discharged as a sharp high pulse through an output transformer © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 54 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 approximately three times per second via a thyristor (silicon controlled rectifier) triggered by an oscillator. After each discharge pulse the magnetic energy stored in the transformer core collapses inducing a long negative voltage pulse, which is delivered to the track. Refer to Figure 25. The transmitter output has to be transformed down to a level more suitable for connection to the rails to prevent variations in ballast resistance causing excessive changes in track voltage. This is achieved by using matching transformers or impedance bonds with track and input windings and selecting transformation ratio connections appropriate to the situation. At the relay end the reverse situation occurs where the track voltage is stepped up through the matching transformer or impedance bond to a level suitable for the receiver. The voltage pulses as received from the track are unsuitable for the operation of a relay. The high sharp positive pulses are of short duration and there are long pauses (approximately 300 mS) between these so the relay would drop away after each pulse. The receiver modifies and stores the energy from the track and this is connected to the relay as two separate D.C. voltages. The energy from the high positive and low negative pulses is smoothed and stored separately in capacitors. The discrimination between positive and negative pulse is achieved by diodes. The relay is specially constructed with two separate operating winding. Only when the magnetic fields produced by these windings are substantially the same will the relay pick up. Since the energy available from the positive and negative pulses is different the number of turns on each winding must be different for them to produce a similar ampere turns value. Any appreciable interference with the magnetic fields produced by the windings will cause the relay to de-energise. For this reason the relay will not energise with the track polarity reversed. Track circuits should be installed with reverse polarities on adjacent track circuits so that in the event of the insulated joint breaking down the reversed voltage pulses reaching the receiver from the adjacent track circuit will interfere with the balance of the magnetic field and relay will de-energise. © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 55 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits TMG E1360 Figure 25 - Details of a Jeumont Schneider pulse 8 Maintenance The Jeumont Schneider track circuit has a long history of reliability and there is very little pro-active maintenance which can be performed. A typical maintenance regime is centred around inspection and the recording of applicable values on a track circuit history card. The criteria for inspection shall include all points of connection, the modules and the ballast conditions. Maintenance schedules and frequencies are detailed in the applicable technical maintenance plans. 9 Fault Finding The same troubles that affect all track circuits, eg broken bonds, defective insulated joints, poor ballast, will cause failure of Jeumont Schneider tracks. Due to the nonsymmetrical wave form it is not possible to measure current to and from the rails but peak voltage can be measured by using the integrator and can be compared to readings previously noted on the record card. 9.1 Track Problems a) © RailCorp Issued May 2010 Short Circuit - A short circuit may usually be detected by taking voltages at various points through the track. A sudden drop in the peak voltage level indicates the location of a short circuit has been passed. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 56 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 9.2 TMG E1360 b) Broken Rail - This problem may be detected by taking voltage readings at regular internals along the track. A discontinuity of the voltage (i.e. sudden drop or absence) indicates a break. c) Defective Block Joint - This condition should cause one or both relays to drop. It the joint is in a deteriorated condition a lower peak voltage will be noted across the track than that measured previously. d) Ballast Resistance - The peak voltage in the track will fall as ballast resistance drops. If poor ballast is suspected as the reason for intermittent track failure the ballast resistance should be measured. Testing Transmitter The transmitter can be tested of correct operation by: 9.3 a) Disconnecting terminal C- and C+ from the track. b) Remove the bridge that is on C+ and reconnect it between C- and 6. c) Power up the transmitter on its own supply or a known serviceable unit nearby. d) Measure the voltage between terminals 1 and 3 using a meter fitted with an integrator. The voltage reading should be around 150 volts if the transmitter is healthy. Important Notes a) Do not plug or unplug units nor change any bridging without removing power. b) If measuring the voltage at the output of the transmitter, the integrator should not be left connected for long periods. A reading of 300-350 volts is sufficient to verify correct operation of the transmitter. Relay voltages should be checked with a moving coil meter or a “Fluke” meter, and the average value of the readings estimated. An integrator is not required for this measurement. Measurements where applicable should always be taken with a meter fitted with an integrator. Meters which have min. /max functions should not be used for measurements as experience has shown that the Jeumont Schneider pulse is of sufficient energy to damage the meter. 9.4 Repair of Faulty Units Faulty units should be sent for repair or forwarded to Jeumont Schneider. A tag stating the suspected cause of failure, where it was installed, and who it is to be returned to, should accompany each unit. Failure to supply this information could lead to an increase in repair turn around time, and /or loss of equipment. Under no circumstances should field staff attempt to repair any Jeumont Schneider track circuit equipment. 10 Ordering Details Each track circuit is made up of a number of modular plug in units and fixed mounted track side components consisting of the following: - © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 57 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits 10.1 TMG E1360 Single Rail, DC Electrified or Non electrified (120v AC supply) Plug in Module Part Number. Number required per Track Circuit Power Supply NCO EAT 115CA 1 Transmitter NCO EGT 600 1 Receiver NCO RVT 600 1 Relay NCO CV: TH2404 1 Fixed Mounted Components Matching Transformers TV.TH.1 2 Regulating Resistance Set(2 per set) ER.2.2 Note: ER2.2 not required for non-electrified arrangement. 10.2 1 Double Rail DC Electrified (120v AC Supply) Plug In Modules Part number Number required per Track Circuit Power Supply NCO EAT 115CA 1 Transmitter NCO EGT 600 1 Receiver NCO BRT CA2 1 Relay NCO CV-TH2.404 1 Limitation Device NCOVDR 1 Fixed Mounted Components Impedance Bond CIT 1400 CT1 2 Impedance Bond 2000P 10.3 Non Electrified Track circuit 10.3.1 Common transmitter for up to 3 short track circuits or Single Track Circuits up to 1500m in length Plug in Modules (120VAC Supply) Part number Number required per Track Circuit Power Supply NCO EAT 115CA 1 Transmitter NCOEGT 600 1 Receiver NCO RVT 600 1 per Track Circuit Relay NCO CV-TH 2.404 1 per Track Circuit Fixed Mounted Components 10.4 Matching Transformers TV.TH.D2 2 per Track Circuit Adjustable Resistor RK40.0.0.7A 1 per Track Circuit Non electrified long single rail track circuits (up to 3000m) Plug In Modules (120VAC supply) © RailCorp Issued May 2010 Part number UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Number required per Track Circuit Page 58 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits Plug In Modules (120VAC supply) TMG E1360 Number required per Track Circuit Part number Power Supply NCO EAT 115CA 1 Transmitter NCO EGT 600 1 Or 24v DC Battery Transmitter Power Supply NCO BET 24CC 1 With Receiver NCO BRT CA2 1 Relay NCO CVTH 2.404 1 Fixed Mounted Component 2 Matching Transformers TV-LV 2 Note: In any of the above arrangements Transmitter NCO.BET.24CC or N.BET.SC-12 can be used to replace Power Supply NCO EAT 115CA and Transmitter NCO EGT 600 for operation from a battery supply. 10.5 Additional hardware Including plug boards,mounting channel & coding plugs In addition to the above equipment the following mounting and terminating hardware is required and is common to all plug in track circuits. Item Part number. Plug Board PFC-12 Mounting Channel (NS130 module) Coding Plugs Obturation Fitting NSI PFO Plug Socket NSI BR4 for NCO VDR (Double rail D.C. electrified tracks only) Faston lugs. Crimp type The following table shows the quantity of mounting hardware required for each plug in module. Mounting Channel No. of modules per unit No. of plug board contact block type NS1 PFC.12 per unit No. of Obturation fixed part type NS1 PFO per unit Power Supply block type NCO.EAT.115CA 2 1 3 11 Transmitter type NCO.EGT.600 2 2 2 11 Transmitter type NCO.BET.24.CC 3 1 3 19 Receiver type NCO.RCT.600 2 1 3 11 Receiver type 2 1 2 11 Designation of Units © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED No. of coding plugs used per unit Page 59 of 60 Version 1.1 Withdrawn - for reference only RailCorp Engineering Manual — Signals — Maintenance Manual Jeumont Schneider Track Circuits Designation of Units TMG E1360 Mounting Channel No. of modules per unit No. of plug board contact block type NS1 PFC.12 per unit No. of Obturation fixed part type NS1 PFO per unit 3 3 1 No. of coding plugs used per unit NCO.BRT.CA.2 Track relay type NCO.CV.TH.2.404 © RailCorp Issued May 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED 19 Page 60 of 60 Version 1.1