Oak Rd. - Clear Lake Shores Civic Club
Oak Rd. - Clear Lake Shores Civic Club
S OM O DR BE G I 4B FT Q S 0 450 Narcissus Rd. Oak Rd. SED A LE G DIN N PE Clear Lake Rd. Dogwood Rd. FISH: an animal that grows the fastest between the time it’s caught and the time the fisherman describes it to his friends. ---author unknown The Islander page 2 February 2013 The Prez Sez By Allan Batchelor Our First meeting of 2013 will be the 7th of February. Come on out and help us plan all the fun we are going to have in 2013. And trust me when I say we are going to squeeze in all the fun we can. We will start with ManCakes on the 16th. Do you believe it's been 10 years of ManCake fun? I have a couple of slots open if you want to join in. Drop me a line. I promise it will be the most fun you've ever had in February. Like ever. A couple of things I want to toss out. First, the Chairman of our Board of Directors is Wanda Dowell; she has asked that we solicit one more board member. If you would like to serve on the Board please contact one of the officers or Wanda directly. The term is for two years and they meet once a quarter. The pay is crap but it's kinda fun. In that same vein, our longest standing committee is looking for some relief. Our Scholarship Committee is ready to pass the torch. And righty so as Cindy Walbe and Bettie Jamarik have been at the helm for several years now. Come on people, it's not hard and planning one party a year can hardly be considered work. Time to step up. AND I'm working on the new Chairman burgees! So if/when you chair a sponsored event you will get a truly one of a kind thank you award from a grateful Civic Club. Come on you know you want to. Then it's on the Mardi Gras! We have a Parade on February 9th to put on so get your purple, green and gold on because there will definitely be a prize in there somewhere. Check elsewhere in this issue for details. And that's just the beginning. We have soooo much stuff on tap for March it ain't funny. See you at the meeting? The Islander page 3 Holiday Lighting Contest Winners 1st place: Carey and Lynn DeRousse 205 Clear Lake Road, 2nd place: Glen and Sharon Glass 611 W. Shore 3rd place: Jason and Kristie Montegut 307 Maple Pats and Pans A place to sing the praises or bemoan the flaws of your fellow islanders. Signed non-political submissions are welcome. Thanks to our "off Island" judges for the Holiday Lighting Contest: Evey Leavens and Pauline Mahoney. You may remember ex-resident Pauline for her wonderful Island photography and yearly Island calendars. Jan Finnerty Pats to Carey and Lynn DeRousse for donating their $50 Holiday Lighting Prize back to the Civic Club. Pam House Pats to Neeltje Burns for the many years that she has coordinated the Easter Sunrise Service. Pam House Pats to whoever steps up to coordinate this year‘s Easter Sunrise Service. Pam House Pats to the wonderful roofing company who braved the recent high winds and driving rains to cover and then fix my sneaky little roof leak. Recommendation on request! Jan Finnerty Pats to Jackie Carrasco for finishing the Houston Marathon and to Pam Helm who trained hard for her first marathon but was sidelined by an injury just before the race. Helle Brown February 2013 Contacts Civic Club Officers: President: Allan Batchelor VP: Samantha Fisher Secretary: Treasurer: Jan Finnerty Kimmy Johnson City Services 281.787.3751 president@clscivicclub.com 832.567.1677 vicepresident@clscivicclub.com secretary@clscivicclub.com 281.513.3101 treasurer@clscivicclub.com Islander Staff: Editor: Pam House 281.334.1174 editor@clscivicclub.com Assistant Editor: Helle Brown 281.334.5104 hellebrown@msn.com Ad Manager: Mike Pons 281.538.7413 ads@clscivicclub.com Billing Manager: Dolly Groh billing@clscivicclub.com Proof Reader: Arline Laughter 281.334.7487 Gardening Tips: Julie Moncur 281.334.1411 gardening@clscivicclub.com Yard of the Month: Judy Young 281.334.2078 jlycy@comcast.com Island People & Places Candace Mann 832.628.6266 cmannrealtor@yahoo.com The Market Report: Jennifer Moon-Ruocco jennifersflowers@yahoo.com Island Cooking: Susan Perez 281.508.8592 perezsusan61@gmail.com Wining and Dining Ronnie Richards 281.797.1970 ronnie@hstr.com Playing in the Parks Pege Wright mspege@pink1flamingo.com Sunfish Sailing Jimmy Mann fathommarine@gmail.com The Islander is a non-profit, non partisan newsletter, written and published by the CLS Civic Club to promote cohesiveness and unity in our community. The purpose of the newsletter is to inform CLS citizens of island news and events, to provide a forum for positive dialogue, and to encourage submission of unbiased letters and articles, under the guidelines of the Civic Club bylaws and policies. Signed articles, announcements, ideas for publication must be submitted to the editor by the 15th of each month by e-mail, telephone or in the Islander box at the City Hall. The Civic Club reserves the right to edit for style, policy and space. City Web Site: www.clearlakeshores-tx.gov Civic Club Website: www.clscivicclub.com Webmaster: Brian Hanby webmaster@clscivicclub.com Civic Club Memberships: $20.00 per family - Renewals due July 4 The Islander page 4 City Hall: CLS Police: CLS Dispatch Municipal Court: 281.334.2799 281.334.1034 281.538.0659 #2 281.334.0697 Utilities WCID#12: Reliant Electric: CenterPoint for gas leak: Verizon Telephone AmeriWaste, Inc: Comcast—Cable 281.334.3331 713.207.7777 888.876.5786 800.837.4966 281.331.8400 800.266.2278 Emergency Services Emergency only Poison Control Fire Department (Kemah) 911 1.800.poison1 281.538.5727 Hospitals Christus St. John Clear Lake Regional Med. Center 281.333.5503 281.332.2511 Schools Stewart Elementary Bayside Intermediate Clear Creek High School Clear Falls High School 281.284.4700 281.284.3000 281.284.2300 218.284.1100 Community Services Helen Hall Library Galveston Mosquito Control 281.554.1111 800.842.5622 Business Ads: Deadline: 15th of each month. All ads must be paid in advance. Dec/Jan is a combined issue. Classified Ads: $5.00 for 5 lines Ad Rates SIZE Business card 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Black & White 3 ISSUES 6 ISSUES $50 $ 90 $80 $150 $110 $215 $200 $385 YR (11 ISSUES) $130 $220 $330 $660 Color 3 ISSUES 6 ISSUES YR (11 ISSUES) $60 $105 $165 $95 $175 $275 $130 $240 $380 $225 $430 $720 Inserts $50 per/issue Payments may be mailed to: Clear Lake Shores Civic Club, The Islander 931 Cedar St., Clear Lake Shores, Texas 77565 Or put into the Civic Club mailbox at City Hall SIZE Business card 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page February 2013 February 2013 SUN 3 MON 4 TUE 5 WED 6 7 7pm City Council 10 11 12 THU FRI 1 2 8 9 7pm Civic Club 13 14 SAT 11am Mardi Gras Parade 15 16 8:30—11am ManCake 17 24 18 19 City Offices Closed 7pm City Council 25 26 20 21 27 28 22 23 10th Annual Valentine’s ManCake Breakfast Civic Club Potluck & Meeting Date: Time: Thursday, February 7 Potluck 7 pm Meeting 7:30 pm Place: Club House Date: Saturday, Feb. 16th Time: 8:30 - 11 am Place: Club House Price: $5 A — K Entrees L — R Salads or Veggies S — Z Desserts Menu Bacon or Sausage Pancakes of Many Varieties Juice Coffee YOGA at the Club House Most Wednesdays at 7 pm Most Thursdays (except Civic Club Night) at 6:30 pm Latin Dance at the Club House Most Wednesdays at 6:30 pm Please contact beth.atherton@conocophillips.com, Beth at 713.444.9312, or check CLS Yoga on Facebook for notice of schedule changes $5 / month donation suggested The Islander page 5 February 2013 Sunfish Sailing By Jimmy Mann Well there are several things to be excited about for this first 2013 column of Sunfish Sailing. The big one for us is that Candie and I now have our first grandchild! Now, not to get too off topic, but I used to think grandparents were a little goofy when showing pictures and talking about their grandbabies, however I now realize that you just can‘t help yourselves. So while it may be a little early to start thinking about Jr. Lifeguards and youth sailing programs, I can always start thinking about a proper boat for the little man right? I wonder if little Jaxon Logan would like a new WETA? So to get back on topic, wow what a super cold and wet couple of months we‘ve had. I haven‘t even thought about getting out in any water craft that throws spray. There were a couple of days where I was close, but the furthest it went was to move the Sunfish out from under the porch to where it now sits in the driveway collecting bamboo leaves. Hopefully warm weather isn‘t too far away and we can all get back on the water. In the last installment of 2012 we finished up the great American success story of Alex Bryan and Cortland Heyniger‘s rise to small boat building success. The fact that always strikes me about their story is that these two admittedly unassuming builders found success by just doing something they enjoyed, which is a lesson we should all consider. From Alcort‘s inception in 1945 to their sale of the company in 1969 they invented, improved, and marketed what has become the most popular fiberglass sailboat ever designed, with over a quarter million sold worldwide, so much so that it was inducted in the American Sailboat Hall of Fame in 1995. In 1969 after 24 years in the boat business Bud and Al had managed to build a fledgling hobby business into something worth quite a bit of money. They had admitted early on that they were not managers, and really had no interest in the day to day operations, and had many years before installed Carl Mienelt , (remember he was the guy who drew the deck cutout in the saw dust) as the business manager for the operation. Both men had often worried that their small business could be taken away from them by bigger companies, as at this point they had all of their eggs in one basket, and in the current business climate the company was a target for a hostile takeover. It was right about that time that the American Machine and Foundry Company approached the men and made a suitable offer for the company. AMF had been buying big in the sporting industry, and they liked the AMF executives and the way they kept the current management on as consultants. However after only a few years working with AMF, Bud and Al decided they had had enough. As they The Islander page 6 put it, after working for yourself your whole life it was hard to work for someone else. As history proved, AMF did right by the Alcort model and it continued on to become the world‘s largest producer of sailboats. Over the years there were many attempts to take some of the Sunfish market, but when something is right, and at the right time and price it just continues to sell. The things that were right about the Sunfish in the beginning continued to be right to the present day. The boat literally brought sailing to the masses, by having a boat that could be easily sailed by young and old alike, and could also be competitively raced or lounged upon with equal joy. The Sunfish design was sold several times in the following years, when AMF succumbed to a hostile take over in 1985 the Alcort Sailboat division was sold to the Loveless & DeGarmo Company who did business as Alcort Sailboats Inc. for two years until the rights were bought by Pearson Yachts in 1988. Pearson reorganized in 1991 and spun off the small boat division and named it Sunfish /Laser. Six years later in 1997, the Vanguard Company was acquired by Gavel securities and Vanguard changed the name to Laser Performance who continues to produce and market this timeless boat. Next month we‘ll start looking at pre-season maintenance and repair, and start thinking of getting those boats off the rafters, from beside the house, and all those other areas where we tucked the boats for the winter. As always if you need help with parts, repair information, or anything else Sunfish related give me a shout and we‘ll get it sorted. fathommarine@gmail.com February 2013 The Islander page 7 February 2013 “Simple Food, Big Flavors” 707 Bradford Kemah, TX 77565 281-334-WINE(9463) WWW.WINEDOWNKEMAH.COM Does your dog need more exercise? I walk dogs, giving them the exercise they need to be fit, healthy, and happy. Local, experienced, competitive rates. Call today. The Islander Where is This Located? Megan LaBernz 281-536-3270 savrseas@aol.com See p. 26 page 8 February 2013 The Prez Sez More—Mardi Gras Parade By Allan Batchelor The Civic Club Mardi Gras Golf Cart Parade is ON! Just heard from our Mistress of Ceremonies, Sam Fischer, and she has declared February 9th, a Saturday, as Parade day. Lineup will begin at 11 am with roll out at Noon. We‘ll hammer out the details (perhaps red beans and rice at the Club House afterwards) and email them as soon as I get ‗em. Now is a perfect time to remind everyone of a few ground rules. First and foremost NO open containers. I shouldn‘t even have to say that but it‘s a habit. Next, only licensed drivers can be behind the wheel. Hear me mom and dad? It is also the perfect time to renew your membership dues and yes I will happily accept your dues that morning. Why did I add this item you ask? This parade is open to everyone who wants to come out and join in the fun. The more the merrier. But it is a Club function and all prizes go to Club members only. We‘ve been a tad lax on this provision in the past but we need to get back to basics. If you are in doubt about your status ask me, I‘ll find out for you. Short version, The Civic Club functions off your dues. If you‘re having fun please consider pitching in. Cell: 713-857-2557 Order Form for Easter Lilies for Sunrise Service, Sunday, March 31 $10.00 Name:_________________________ Phone number__________________ In Honor of Name_________________________ or In memory of Name_________________________ Email Club at editor@clscivicclub.com or Place in Civic Club mailbox in front of the CLS city hall. Deadline Monday, March 25. FEMA Open House A FEMA ―Open House‖ is to be held in the Ballroom of the League City Johnny Arolfo Civic Center on February 20th from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. This is located at 400 West Walker. At the open house, FEMA officials will be present to help area residents with any questions regarding flood insurance and there should be some information on probable changes in the flood insurance rating system. Also, they will be able to show individual property owners the elevations of their property and where it is in relationship to the BFE (base flood elevation). The Islander page 9 Easter Sunrise Service Volunteers Needed Our annual Sunrise Service is planned for Sunday, March 31, 6:30 am at Deep Hole Park (weather permitting). Rain alternative is the Club House. Those who have participated in years past know that it is very special. However, we need new volunteers to coordinate and help in order to continue the tradition. Please let Allan Batchelor (president@clscivicclub.com) know ASAP if you can help make this event continue. February 2013 A Farewell to Paul Shelley By Suzanne Hubbard Paul was being considered for the position of the city‘s first City Administrator. Council came to the conclusion that Paul could do the job as City Administrator as well as continue as Chief of Police. Council also rolled the Director of Public Works into the position and basically reduced the City headcount and payroll as a result. It only seems fitting to pay tribute to Paul Shelley, departing Clear Lake Shores‘ City Administrator, Public Works Director, Emergency Management Coordinator and former Chief of Police. He has been a dedicated employee of the city since joining the Pete said he was particularly proud of police force full time in 1991. the fact that we "promoted from within" Paul became Chief of the Police and Paul was a good administrator. Department four years later in 1995. Sally Jenkins recounted when she In 2006 he became the first City introduced herself to Paul Shelley he Administrator. Paul was the stable commented about the home they force not only for the city offices but recently bought stating its location. Sally our city in general. said she was so impressed how he kept Paul reflected on his years of track of the residents. It gave her a sense service in Clear Lake Shores and said of security and safety, validating the he was proud of the growth of the wonderful things she heard about Paul police department under his and the police dept. leadership. He recalled there were Another resident told how Paul helped only three paid officers when he the night she and her husband got into a started. Now there are eight plus the horrible argument. As she walked it off, chief. Most of the growth was due to Paul appeared in a cruiser. He offered to grants Paul was able to secure. There return to their home to talk to her was only one secretary and one part husband but she declined his offer As Ike approached. time clerk when he began. Up until thinking it might make things worse. She most recently, there have been four knew he kept an eye on their home full time employees in the office. which added great comfort to her. In 2006 Paul received the Professional Achievement ―Everything I did, I did for the city and the police Award in Law Enforcement from Gov. Rick Perry. After department,‖ Paul stated. He will miss the staff and the Ike, he was presented with the Outstanding Service to the residents. Community Award. The speedy Ike recovery was on his list of proudest accomplishments. Although it was out of the command trailer, the city was up and running right after the storm. Along with Paul, the police department, Mayor Vern Johnson, maintenance man, Jorge Garduno and resident, Steven Le stayed during the storm. The first three days they slept when they could. It was 14 hour days for three weeks after the storm. Paul recalled the first days after Ike of driving heavy equipment while Steve and George rode it manned with chain saws. Paul‘s contacts were only one aspect that contributed to him getting things done. He learned so many other ways, too. One of which was the 1033 military program. Keep up with the Civic Club Through this program he was able to secure a Blazer, a truck, two public works trucks, a Hummer, another truck, Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ a dump truck and a street sweeper for FREE. In time, ClearLakeShoresCivicClub some of the vehicles were sold and the city recouped the Website: http://www.clscivicclub.com money. Through grants Paul was able to secure the storm If you’d like your email added to the CLS Members shutters for the Club House and the generators at the Club List to receive Club announcements, please just send House and the City Office. your address to editor@clscivicclub.com Pete Carrothers recalled his time on Council when The Islander page 10 February 2013 Health & Wellness By Rai Hanby Of course, we know that we should, but lets face it – not everyone actually enjoys exercise. But what if improving your health were as simple as cracking a smile or taking a stroll? Research studies have actually shown that walking on a regular basis offers numerous health benefits: Reduces risk of heart disease or stroke Lowers risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, colon cancer, & diabetes May help protect against certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer Helps to control joint swelling and pain from arthritis. Helps keep your bones, muscles, and joints healthy Reduces anxiety and depression, boosting your mood Eases stress Increases energy Helps to provide more restful sleep Improves self-esteem Provides an opportunity to socialize actively with friends and family. Everyone has heard the old saying, ―Laughter is the best medicine.‖ But did you know that it‘s actually true? Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Relax the entire body: A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. Boost the immune system: Laughter reduces stress hormones and increases immune cells, which can boost the immune system. Endorphin Release: Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, which promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Protect the heart: Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems. Even in the most difficult of times, a laugh (or even a smile) can go a long way toward making you and those around you feel better. And laughter really The Islander is contagious—just hearing laughter primes the brain and readies you to smile and join in the fun. For healthy tips, recipes and exercise advice, visit facebook.com/GetFit4Us [Rai Hanby is a former CLS resident; her husband, Brian, still volunteers his services as our webmaster. Editor] page 11 February 2013 Dave Compeau –CLS resident AKA AC Dave 832-274-3551 Home Appliances Boat Air & Heat Home Generator Sales & Installation NEW! Factory incentives As Low as $10,500 AC COIL CLEANING SPECIAL $75 The Islander page 12 February 2013 Playing in the Parks: Island Style By Pege Wright Wow, January is almost gone, we have had warm and cold weather…nowhere but the Gulf Coast and aren‘t we glad we live here!!! The long awaited water fountains are here and will be installed by the time you read this…WOOOHOOO, another project done… The Children‘s Park on Grove is the just that! There are new signs that say ―NO DOGS ALLOWED‖ and that is just what it means so please don‘t take your dogs there. We are still collecting names on the petition for a DOG PARK so if you have not signed said petition and feel strongly about it, please let a member of the Parks Committee know and we will get you to the right person… Many residents are in favor of such a park and this project really needs your support. If we work together, we can make it happen! OK, I know, we have been talking about the first order of bricks and saying it is about to go in so if you have been ―meanin‘ to‖ get your order in, don‘t wait; get in touch with Dolly Groh and order it NOW! We are really going to finally do this at the end of February so if you want to surprise someone for Valentine‘s Day, DO IT! We will be working later this Spring to clean up some of the areas in the parks and will be asking for volunteers to help trim bushes, plant flowers and who knows what else needs doing. If you have any ideas, please don‘t hesitate to share them with us as we are always looking for things that need doing. We would really like to do a Community Garden, we have the space and the desire, what we need to complete this project is a dedicated volunteer to ensure the project getting completed. So if you know about gardening and would like to volunteer your time, please get in touch with me… Mspege@yahoo.com I said this last month, but it is worth repeating this month…It has been an honor and my pleasure to serve as the Parks Committee Chair these last six months and I look forward to another great year on Clear Lake Shores. The committee is made up of some really wonderful people that are dedicated to making a difference in a good way…when you see them, please be sure to thank them for all they do… Dolly Groh, Helle Brown, Marta Rudy, Diana Chronister, Dennis Roberson, Suzanne Hubbard, Vern Johnson (liaison), and me! We have several things planned and are always open for suggestions…let us hear from you and remember You help make our island the great place it is… Clear Lake Shores Engraved Brick Order Form Purpose: The Engraved Brick Fundraising Program is designed to provide an opportunity for Clear Lake Shore residents to donate an engraved brick, size (8" by 4" by 2¼") to be placed in one of our parks on the Island and the money generated fro m the sale of these bricks will be used for the parks on the Island. Each brick will allow 1 -3 lines of engraving with 18 -20 spaces per line. The message on the brick must be of good taste. Some examples for brick dedication could be for organizations, clubs, in memory of (Memorials), birthdays, graduation, family names, friends names, pet names, or special dates to name a few. Cost: $25.00 per brick. Checks must be made out to the City of Clear Lake Shores and turned in to the City Office for processing. This is a City of Clear Lake Shores Parks Committee project. Engraved Message/Wording: (1 – 3 lines with no more than 18 -20 characters per line): Please print clearly – spaces count as one character. Thank you for your donation! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Islander page 13 February 2013 NEW AD NEW AD NEW AD Mon-Fri 11am to 7 pm Sat 10 am to 5 pm Sun 11 am to 3 pm Tamales for SAIL at ALAMO TAMALES 832-864-2111 620 Marina Bay Dr. (Next to Scooterville) Buy a Dozen and get 1/2 Dozen Regular Tamales Free! Expires 06/30/13 Buy a Med. or Large Tamale Plate and receive the second one 50% off Expires 06/30/13 The Islander page 14 February 2013 Christmas Party 12 12--6-2012 SNOW FUN (special delivery) 12 12--12 12--12 Snow photos by Suzanne Hubbard The Islander page 15 February 2013 The Islander page 16 February 2013 Island People and Places By Candace Mann HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Comings and Goings: Neighbors, please help me welcome Austin, Marena and Jaxon Logan to the island! Marena is our daughter and she brings with her a wonderful husband and our first grandchild!!! They are all happy to be here/back in CLS. Actually, she is the reason the Manns live on the island! When we moved back from Costa Rica in ‗08, we were looking for a home so she could live with us and finish high hchool. She and Jimmy actually picked our awesome home on Narcissus where we live now even before I got back to the states. Of course Marena only got to live on the island for four months and then Ike ruined her portion of the house. Anyway…we are so happy the family has moved back to the area and our grandson is close by.! Austin works in the oil industry and really enjoys his work. He is happy to finally have a man-cave and have room to stretch out. Marena is looking for others who would like to walk with her or do other newborn baby activities. She is a stay at home mom presently so has plenty of time to get out and enjoy the area. Jaxon, who is one month old now, seems to be settling in well to the island. Along with a new baby, the Logan‘s have a Chihuahua named Fitch, and two cats, Murphy and Shilo. The Mann‘s are so happy to have them here!! Welcome! Please welcome Debbie Darwin who is soooo happy to be living in Clear Lake Shores! She is originally from the Gulf Coast area and lived in Seabrook during Hurricane Ike which damaged her home. Since the hurricane, she‘s been living like a modern-day gypsy, traveling around the country, not knowing where she wanted to re-build her life. She even experienced living in a small travel trailer that she pulled around the country (completely by herself) for a year. She loves to travel and has lived overseas in New Zealand and England for several years. She‘s a world traveler and loves meeting new people, experiencing other cultures, sightseeing and enjoying different foods and wines. This year she‘s heading to Ireland as she‘s never visited that beautiful country and has always wanted to see it…another destination off her bucket list! During a visit this past October to see her family, she decided she wanted to move back to this area. Her dream was to find a little ―Bungalow by the Sea.‖ She was driving around and looking at different places and decided to look in Clear Lake Shores. As she drove up and down the streets, she happened upon the little yellow bungalow on Narcissus and she instantly knew she had found her home. Her neighbors have been so warm and welcoming and she feel s very blessed to have her dream The Islander come true and live on our beautiful little island. She also enjoy sailing and SUPs. She says she can‘t wait to meet all of the CLS islanders! Welcome home Debbie! Local Real Estate News: Sales of homes throughout the greater Houston area never let up in 2012, driven by a combination of strong local jobs numbers and historically low interest rates. December marked the 19th straight month that sales were in the black, and it was another month in which housing inventory shrunk and prices rose. In fact, both median and average home prices achieved historic highs as the year came to a close. On our island for the past 3 months we‘ve had: SOLD: 6 Homes 7 Rentals 2 Lots PENDING: 2 Homes 1 Rental ACTIVE: 7 Homes 4 Rentals 15 Lots Woohoo, January is over! That means only one more month of winter, right? While it‘s still cold, you might want to knock out those last bits of interior organization, get the golf cart all primed up ready to go and have your heat/ac annual service. See you out there! The Official Blame It On Mike Joke of the Month Here's a little tip that we thought would be interesting to share with you all to build up your upper body strength. It's really easy and takes no time at all but works great. Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. With a 2kg potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax. Each day, you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 5kg potato bags. Then try 10kg potato bags and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 20kg potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (we are very proud, we are at this level) After you feel confident at this level, put a potato in each of the bags. page 17 February 2013 Island Gardening Tips By Julie Moncur Brrrrrrrrr a bit too chilly out in January to garden for me, besides the great rain (messy, but we need it). Now is a good time to do planning for any changes you want to make to your yard or garden. Lots of plant sales will be coming up and you can pick up nice perennials and veggies at our Farmer's Market. In February Tabitha Holt and Bill Wyatt will be back with planting tips in person. The Fruit tree and veggie sales are coming up. Announcements of the Galveston and Harris County sales are in this issue. The best time to get trees and plant is early spring. This year the Harris County Precinct 2 Master Gardeners will have a new sale for tomatoes and peppers in March. See details next month. A thought for St. Valentine's day, think of giving someone you love (including yourself!) a living potted plant that will continue to grow and be a reminder of love all year. Go for easy to care for plants like begonias in a colorful or nicely wrapped pot. Got roses? Except for climbers (which can be pruned most any time), think of pruning around the 14th. Take advantage and shape them like you want them to grow in their space. Start setting out gladiolus bulbs at 2 week intervals up to May or early June for extended bloom season. Time to transplant mature or established trees and shrubs while they are dormant. Plant bare-root roses, fruit and shade trees, pecans and dormant shrubs. Wait until plants put on new growth before lightly fertilizing with 15-5-10 or a water-soluble fertilizer. Overwatering kills houseplants. Allow soil surface to dry between watering. Use liquid Miracle Grow houseplant food every time you water. Plants need nutrients just like we do! Watch for aphids on new growth of apples pears and other fruits. Blast ‗em off with a water hose. If you need chemicals use malathion or Sevin sprays. Better yet, use Neem Oil mixed with water per bottle instructions for a more natural bug deterrent. Lightly fertilize spring bloomers, including pansies and snapdragons. Again with bloodmeal or 21-0-0. Prune all hybrid tea, floribunda and grandiflora roses on the 15th or by end of the month. Do not prune those climbers until after their bloom cycle is finished. Plant seeds for an old fashion perennial bed: nasturtium, ageratum, portulaca, sunflower, torenia, The Islander and zinnia. To attract butterflies, plant ageratum, phlox, buddleia, salvia, rudbeckia, bee balm and lantana. Divide crowded canna tubers for tall vigorous plants with more blooms. Plant late spring and summer blooming annual seed and perennial plants. Look for bagworms on juniper, cypress and other trees and shrubs. Handpick now to reduce spring population levels. Empty your used tea bags around the base of azaleas and camellias. They will benefit from the acid in the tea leaves. Pot plumerias near end of the month; move outside on pretty days. For larger plumerias, sink the pot in the ground; helps them stay upright. Loosen the compacted soils around early spring annuals to insure aeration. HAPPY ISLAND GARDENING! page 18 GALVESTON COUNTY FRUIT & CITRUS TREES FOR THE GULF COAST PLANT SALE Saturday, February 2, 2012 9:00 a.m. ‘til 1:00 p.m. Plant preview 8:00 a.m. Wayne Johnson Community Center in Carbide Park, La Marque HARRIS COUNTY PRECINCT 2 February 16, 2013- FRUIT TREE SALE, Citrus, Tropicals, Berries and grapes, 8:00 a.m. Plant Overview, Sale 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Campbell Hall Pasadena Fairgrounds 7600 Red Bluff Rd February 2013 281-731-7967 Shop online at www. Royal-Indulgence.com Elegance and the wow factor describe the new business now open in Clear Lake Shores. Royal Indulgence Boutique‘s Owner, Myna Mungle and Sales and Marketing Director, Era Lee Caldwell have created a showroom filled with a beautiful selection of china, crystal, stemware, bar accessories, and much more luxurious décor for your yacht and home. Open 10 to 6, Tuesday through Saturday. Moon Caye #113 Includes boat slip 281-731-7967 1993 Christmas Golf Cart Parade The Islander page 19 Photos by Britton Laughter February 2013 Beautiful Inside Showroom Winter Specials Now Available Free BBQ Every Saturday The Islander www.gulfcoastpalapas.com 832 - 282 - 2740 page 20 3003 HWY 146 Bacliff, TX February 2013 A Welcome to George Jones From an interview by Katherine McIntyre George Jones was hired as the new City Administrator and started work on January 2nd. He comes with a wealth of experience — 32 years of municipal employment in positions from finance director to manager. He grew up in East Texas in the small community of Wells where his father ran a gas and grocery store. He is the fourth of five children in his family. After graduating from high school, he went to Texas A&M and graduated with a degree in business management. Not to date him, but when he was a student there, a semester at A&M cost $600. George‘s first job was working for Montgomery Ward in Bartlesville, OK. He worked there a couple years and then decided that there was not much opportunity for advancement, so he decided to change jobs. His next location was Lufkin. After a couple years there, he moved back to Bartlesville and worked for the city as purchasing agent. He was promoted to finance director and city clerk. He took early retirement in 2005 after working for Bartlesville for 25 years. Finding that he wasn‘t really ready for retirement, he worked as city administrator in Woodville, TX and then as city manager in Drumright, Oklahoma. But he felt the pull of Texas urging him back, so he started researching openings in Texas city governments. Out of 51 applications received by the City of Clear Lake Shores for the position of City Administrator, he was the top candidate. George said the one thing he would like us to know about him is that he has a strong work ethic. He has been working since he was 12 years old. He said he has found out that Clear Lake Shores is a beautiful place to work and live. We‘ve already spotted him, accompanied by his lovely wife, at community events. We‘re looking forward to getting to know him better. Welcome to our little slice of paradise, George. The Islander page 21 TEEN JOB CLASSIFIED Trevor Remak, Age 15, 281.334.2186 PS LC HS Anna Willits, Age 14, 832.425.8420 BS PS T PT HS Form for Teen Classified Free of Charge Please circle the appropriate box (es) BS– Babysitter PS-Pet Sitter T-Tutor LC-Lawn Care PT-Plant Tending HS-House Sitting RCS-*Red Cross Certified Name_________________________________ Age_________ Birth date m/y____________ Phone_________________________________ Put in Civic Club Post Box at City Hall by the 16th of each month, or email editor@clscivicclub.com February 2013 The Islander page 22 February 2013 Island Wining & Dining Yoga By Ronnie Richards By Beth Atherton Most of the time we drive right by this restaurant without even noticing it, but lately I find myself pulling in for a great meal that is really value priced and always fresh. IHOP formerly known as the International House of Pancakes is best known for its breakfast and late night or after hours dining "experience." And I mean experience because there's no telling who or what you will run into there late at night. From crepes to chicken fried steak there's not much they don't have on the menu - and you can order any menu item any time of day! My guess is they have the largest breakfast menu selection of any restaurant. I mean they have twelve omelet selections plus "Create Your Own Omelets" with every ingredient except the kitchen sink available. Then there's the French toast, waffles, pancakes, and savory crepes to choose from. Can you believe they offer New York Cheese Cake pancakes and red velvet pancakes? The kids menu for 12 and under is really great and everything on there is 600 calories or less. Speaking of that, they have a number of healthy combinations for adults they call ―Simple and Fit.‖ I always order the Simple and Fit grilled balsamic-glazed chicken. It‘s only $8.99 and consists of a grilled boneless chicken breast topped with sautéed mushrooms, onions, diced tomatoes and a balsamic glaze. It's served with a side salad (a really nice sized one) and steamed broccoli. They have French onion pot roast, steak, fried shrimp and chicken, salads, soups, burgers and a super sandwich selection. For us mature diners over 55 there is an incredible bargain menu with every meal at $5.99 or less. They always ask me for my photo ID when I order off this menu because they can't believe I'm a senior. I guess it's all the fresh air and clean living on the island that keeps me looking young. Curious about yoga? Why don‘t you join us at the Club House. We always have fun and feel great when we leave and sleep better that night. My yoga style might be considered a little irreverent. No ohming or chanting, no mantras or meditation. But you will have fun! All you need is comfortable clothes that can stretch. It‘s one of the few exercises you do barefoot. We‘ve even got a mat you can borrow your first time. We meet most Wednesdays at 7 and Thursdays at 6:30. You can give me a call or check our Facebook site – CLS Yoga. Class size is normally small, 4 to 6. We start the class with a few poses that warm your body up, add in a few stretches that feel good. Next we move into some strength and stretching poses called Warriors. If your knees aren‘t up for it, you can even do these in a chair. Next we move on to balancing poses. The classic one is tree pose, but we do several. Then we move to the floor for some additional strength and stretching poses. My favorite is pigeon pose which opens up the hips and often reduces back pain. A few more stretches and then we finish with shavasana – final relaxation. I received most of my yoga training from YogaFit®. YogaFit is designed to improve the health, performance, and mental acuity of athletes or individuals interested in improving their level of fitness. Based on the ancient fitness science of hatha yoga, it blends balance, strength, flexibility and power in a fitness format. YogaFit overcomes the mystery of yoga by delivering a practical, user-friendly style, which is accessible, understandable, and doable by individuals at any level of fitness. The YogaFit style reduces the risk of injury and augments recovery for ailments including stress, lower back pain and tension. I am registered RYT200 with YogaAlliance®. Classified Ads NEED COMPUTER HELP? Ask for Sid. Home or Business WiFi or Wired Networks, Cable TV or Sat TV Wiring, Camera Wiring, Laptops for sale. Low rates for Island folks! Contact: 281.813.0941 or sidcwifi@yahoo.com The Islander page 23 February 2013 Answers to puzzle on p An s NEW AD The Islander page 24 February 2013 Yellow and Black Mud Dauber Maze By Erik Klusendorf Finish Start Answer to puzzle on p26 Actual size Placing spider with eggs and sealing entrance Pupa Feeding on Spider The Islander page 25 February 2013 Did You Know Where This Was? Answers to puzzle on p 25 Oak Rd at South Shore Dr. Looking north The Islander page 26 February 2013 Island Cooking By Susan Perez I had this dish at Bettie Jamaric’s house during the holidays and I thought it was so delicious. I asked her to share the recipe with me for The Islander. I think you will enjoy this. Chicken Cacciatore 3 large chicken breasts, boneless and skinless 1 12oz. jar artichokes, chopped 1 large onion, chopped 3 garlic cloves, minced 8 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon basil 1 teaspoon salt and pepper 1 teaspoon rosemary 1 14 oz. chopped tomatoes with juice 1 15 oz. can tomato sauce ½ cup sliced black olives ½ cup red wine 8 oz. Mozzerella cheese 1. Cut raw chicken breast into strips. 2. Brown chicken in fry pan. Add onions, garlic, mushrooms and artichokes. Saute for a few minutes. 3. Add rest of the ingredients and stir. 4. Place in a 9x13 pan and bake at 350 45 minutes covered. 5. Uncover and add the cheese. Bake for about 5 minutes uncovered in the oven. (until cheese is melted. 6. Serve with rice. The howls from the other pet residents of the island have been heard and we are responding. Next month the feline contingent will be heard from — the next issue of The Islander will highlight March Meow Madness We’re looking for photos and stories about cats and kittens (pro or con). Please submit your stories to Pam House at editor@clscivicclub.com Please submit your photos to Helle Brown at hellebrown@msn.com Submissions from dogs and birds are welcome (but we reserve the right to edit out foul language). The Islander page 27 February 2013 The Islander page 28 February 2013