MAR - the IPMS Phoenix Craig Hewitt Chapter
MAR - the IPMS Phoenix Craig Hewitt Chapter
VOLUME 17, ISSUE 3• MARCH 2015 THE CORSAIR IPMS Phoenix / Craig Hewitt Chapter President’s Message February Contest Winners Greetings, Wow! How to top the February meeting. We had one of the largest attendances in a long time with nearly every seat full for the meeting. Further, we had to add extra tables for all the models on display. It was great to see the interest in the night and I look forward to seeing all that energy throughout the year. Topping it off was a fantastic photo tour through Normandy by Kevin Wenker. Brian Weikert’s 1/80 Carmen Wood Schooner Based on the success of the last special raffle, we will be having a couple more throughout the year. Clearly there is an interest and we will deliver equally high quality items. A huge shout out to Bob Bott. Bob was a longtime member of the club and a good friend of Craig Hewitt. He was kind enough to donate a HUGE stash of high quality kits to the club for raffles and Modelzona. That type of generosity is astounding. The 4th annual Scale Modeling clinic is now set. On Saturday May 16th, we will most likely be holding the clinic from 10AM to 2PM. More details to come. You keep building, Phoenix! Mike Pabis Jeff Alderman’s 1/700 IJN Akagi February Meeting Model Photos ................................ 2 I Su-30MKK Review by Jim Pearsall ............................ 4 N February Meeting Photos............................................ 9 T H I S I S S U E Conley Elem. Make & Take ...................................... 11 1/48 AH-1Z Decals .................................................... 13 Secretary’s Sound Off .............................................. 15 Modeler of the Year Standings ................................. 18 Club Meeting Calendar.............................................. 19 Raffle Update & Upcoming Events........................... 20 Plastic Ponderings .................................................... 21 Box Art of the Month ................................................. 24 Surfing The Web ........................................................ 25 Support Your Local Hobby Shop! ............................ 26 THE CORSAIR PAGE 2 MARCH 2015 2015 Club Contest Themes January: Loaded - A kit with any sort of visible weapons load, aircraft, vehicle, car, ship. Can be bombs, missiles, guns, artillery, etc. February: Large Scale. Must be a large sized model with at least one dimension 12-inches or larger. March: Vietnam Era - Aircraft, boats, tanks, that participated in the Vietnam war. April: Spy or Recon Aircraft - any aircraft designed for either spy or recon missions. May: Armor - Armored cars, tanks, assault guns. June: Surface Vessel Ships - Anything designed to float, surface vessels, seaplanes. July: Helicopters - self explanatory, any scale or type. August: Concept Aircraft/Experimental Aircraft - any type of experimental aircraft that never made it into full scale September: The Need For Speed - Any vehicle specifically recognized or attached to speed or breaking/setting speed records. X planes, rockets, race cars, bikes, planes, speedboats. October: Classic Plastic - Any old or classic model kit (Monogram, Frog, Airfix, etc.) produced sometime before 1980. November: Aces High - Any aircraft that was flown by an ace, any scale or type. December: Bombers - Let's see your bomber aircraft. Can be WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, or modern era. Any scale or type. February Model Display Photos Ed Kucharski’s 1/72 Airfix C-130 Dale Mickley’s 1/25 Scratchbuilt AMT KW Monster Truck THE CORSAIR PAGE 3 MARCH 2015 February Model Photos Cont. Gary Thomas’ 1/72 Academy B-29 Brian Baker’s 1/72 Zvezda Petylyakov Pe-8 Jim Pearsall’s 1/200 Hasegawa E-4 Dick Christ’s 1/12 Tamiya Porsche 934 Ethan Dunsford’s 1/16 Tamiya M4105 Don Stewart’s 1/72 Monogram B-52D THE CORSAIR PAGE 4 MARCH 2015 February Model Photos Cont. Tim Bongard’s 1/32 Jimmy Flintstone Resin Craig Pierce’s 1/161/16 Hooben/Attack Elefant Golden Rod Chuck Ludwig’s 1/72 Lindberg P-51B Charles Swanson’s 1/35 Amusing Hobby VK 3002 Dennis Hutchison’s 1/25 Polar Lights Delorian Tim Bondgard’s 1/35 Tamiya M151A2 Mutt THE CORSAIR PAGE 5 MARCH 2015 Trumpeter 1/72 Trumpeter Su-30MKK By Jim Pearsall THE AIRCRAFT The Su-30 is a two-seat version of the Su-27. The mission is long-range all-weather strike fighter. Think F15E vs F-15C in the US inventory. The MKK is currently operated by the Peoples Republic of China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Venezuela. There’s going to be a wonderful aftermarket decal sheet for this kit! There’s also a newer version, the Su-30MK2, which has maritime strike capability added. There’s also a suspiciously similar aircraft called the J-16. China claims this is all Chinese technology, but the Russians aren’t so sure. THE KIT When I opened the box, I was impressed with how well Trumpeter had packed the parts. The fuselage halves (top and bottom) had a rubber ring holding them together, a piece of foam protecting the rear “stinger” and sprues around the wingtips to prevent damage during shipment. Also, several of the delicate parts were wrapped in the foam, including the clear parts. The general parts were well molded, with no flash, no voids, and no warpage. I was also gratified to see how the sprues went into the intake trunks. The sprues go into a place where they can’t be seen once the parts are assembled. Superior engineering, and I’m thinking I remember this from a Hasegawa kit. The one exception to this was a mold line right down the middle of the windscreen and canopy. I was able to sand this off with #1500 sandpaper and fix the scuffs with Future. THE CORSAIR PAGE 6 MARCH 2015 Su-30 cont’d. ASSEMBLY The instructions were pretty good. I had some problems figuring out which decals went where in the cockpit. I went back to my Su-27 kit and got the decals in the right place. The general assembly went well, with all of the parts just fitting well and playing nicely with the other parts. I was impressed at how well those large castings of the top and bottom fuselage/wing assemblies went together. No putty needed, just a scrape along the edge. I left the airbrake closed, as most of the photos of the Su-30s I found on the internet didn’t have it open, except for landing. I put the windscreen and canopy on the fuselage and created a mask using Tamiya tape. This allowed me to paint the canopy and fuselage top in one step, and also made sure I wouldn’t paint that nice interior by accident. PAINT AND MARKINGS This is where the project came to a halt. There wasn’t anything telling me what colors went where. No color references. No decal placement diagrams. I found a sentence on the front page of the instructions saying that there was a separate sheet with color references and telling you which paints to buy. It was apparently missing. I sent a request to Stevens International, asking for a scan of this sheet. They replied quickly, saying they had to pass this request on to Trumpeter in China for this. Then I found the thing that saved the project. The website has the Trumpeter Su-30, and they post scans of all the instructions, including the missing color/markings references. I did a copy, print and was thankful. Of course that was not the end of the color problems. The blue gray that the color THE CORSAIR PAGE 7 MARCH 2015 Su-30 cont’d. profile shows doesn’t match the color callout from the Gunze paint. I used the Model Master version of the color (FS 35237), and Flanker Gray for the underside. The nose cone is Gunship Gray 36118, with a couple of places where the gray comes onto the nose cone on the bottom. I put a coat of Future on the entire aircraft, and applied decals. There are 4 decal sheets with this kit, and they include every little panel warning, no step, and ground point marking on the entire aircraft, as well as missile markings. I painted the stripes on the missiles, put on the national markings and individual aircraft identifiers, and the intake warnings. At this point, I called that enough. Sometimes you can overdo the markings. FINISHING TOUCHES I put on another coat of Future to protect the decals, then assembled the landing gear. I painted the edges of the main gear doors Floquil Caboose Red. I installed the missiles and the landing gear. I then took the mask off the canopy and finished the interior with the back instrument panel and the HUDs. I glued the windscreen back on, but left the opening part of the canopy off until almost last. I added the two air sensors near the rear cockpit, the antenna behind the cockpit and the part which may be an air-to-air refueling point. I put the canopy on in the open position to show off the interior. The last thing I did was put on the pitot tube. OVERALL EVALUATION Recommended. This is an interesting aircraft, and the kit does it justice. As with Soviet aircraft, it might be difficult to get detailed info on shape, but this one looks like the photos I could find. Even the photos of the J-16. The build took longer than I liked because of the color problem, but we now know how to fix that. Thanks to Stevens International and Trumpeter for providing an interesting model. And thanks to IPMS/USA and Steve Collins for allowing me to build it. THE CORSAIR Su-30 cont’d. PAGE 8 MARCH 2015 THE CORSAIR PAGE 9 MARCH 2015 February Meeting Photos THE CORSAIR PAGE 10 MARCH 2015 February Meeting Photos THE CORSAIR PAGE 11 MARCH 2015 Conley Elem. Make and Take Now entering its second decade, IPMS Phoenix’s supported Conley Elementary School’s Aviation Club with its annual Make and Take. A huge thanks goes out to all the volunteers who were able to head back to school during the day in order to assist the kids in building models. Big thanks to Ed Kucharski, Duane Kolstad, Kelley Liebst, Don Stewart, Dave Weitzel, Hal Sanguinetti and Chuck Ludwig for offering their time. Through their help, each student went home with a built Revell F-18 Hornet. THE CORSAIR PAGE 12 MARCH 2015 Conley Elem. Make and Take THE CORSAIR PAGE 13 MARCH 2015 Werner Wings 1/48 AH-1Z Vipers Den Decals By Floyd Werner Jr. Werner’s Wings is pleased to announce the release of our latest decals, AH-1Z Vipers Den (WW Decals 48-08), for the new Kitty Hawk 1/48th scale AH-1Z Viper. The sheet contains markings for eight aircraft from the often overlooked West Coast units, as well as, limited stencils for two aircraft. Thoroughly researched by Mason Doupnik and Patrick Najmulski these decals are the same quality that you’ve come to expect from Werner’s Wings. The colors are spot on and the markings are unique and interesting options. The units included are: HMLA-369_SM45 HMLA-169_SN45 HMLA-267_UV50 VMM-163 (REIN)_YP43 HMM-268 (REIN)_YQ41 HMM-364 (REIN)_PF44 VMM-161 (REIN)_YR44 VMM-166 (REIN)_YX46 They are available now through the Werner’s Wings website ( ) or at our Ebay store. Pricing will be the same as our other 1/48th scale decals, $14 USD plus shipping. Our next release will be for the Kitty Hawk 1/48th scale UH-1Y Venom. WW Decals 48-09 will be entitled UH-1Y Deadly Venom look for it shortly. We are also working on a Marine Corps AH-1 Sheet that will cover the Corps’ use of the Cobra from the AH1G models in Vietnam to the Zulu in Afghanistan. We are working on some resin updates for the Kitty Hawk AH-1Z. They will be printed in CAD and hopefully available shortly. We have a few projects in the works including helicopter crew and pilot figures by Doug Cohen in a variety of scales. We will THE CORSAIR PAGE 14 MARCH 2015 also be releasing our first 1/72nd scale upgrade for the AZ Models and the Special Hobbies AH-1Gs. Both kits and most UH-1D/H kits have the incorrect tail rotor so we are providing a new tail rotor blade assembly. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at or overseas should write me at We also have an Ebay Store to purchase items. We are also on Facebook for those who want to get the latest news and just say hi. THE CORSAIR PAGE 15 MARCH 2015 Secretary’s Sound Off By Hal Sanguinetti We welcomed as a guest the president of Albany OR chapter of IPMS. Also, Dick & Suzanne Christ here for first time in long time. Craig discussed tonight’s raffle, and the results of the BIG raffle last month. Will do 2, maybe 3 of these ‘extra’ raffles this year. Bill Dunkle discussed the finances. We are ahead, but expenses are almost the same as revenue. We only make money by: dues, raffle at meetings, and Modelzona. Bill discussed member statistics, average attendance, etc. Plea was made for membership dues, and for new members to join. Steve Collins/IPMS contact; we have received our 2014 charter certificate Asked for and got contest Judges for tonight. Old Business: Conley Make & Take discussed for next week. Renew your memberships. T -shirt report (expected next month). Mike Mackowski discussed the Southwest Makerfest, March 28, He explained what the concept is, noon to 8pm. Club gets a 10x10’ space. Need volunteers, will have Make & Take, need kits (discussed & approved). Setup will be at 10pm, need tables & chairs. Please volunteer. Mike also discussed the Region 10 Regional on June 12-13 in Denver. Very family-oriented event, we’ll have a booth so if you attend, please help out for a while. Gary Thomas has a student who is related to Richard Bong, he is trying to get relatives to come for a discussion. New Business: Mike Mackowski talked with an old member (Bob Bott) who knew Craig Hewitt, he made a substantial kit & magazine donation, may do a discussion on Craig and the hobby. Our Board Meeting was discussed: new member welcome packet (Dirty Plastic DVD, membership info, map of local hobby stores, and certificate to Avalon Books & Hobbies). Also, Board discussed a Membership Directory. We will be publishing a directory, members will be given the option of opting THE CORSAIR PAGE 16 MARCH 2015 Secretary’s Sound Off By Hal Sanguinetti out if desired. We’ll keep you posted. Also, Board discussed getting more involvement with the Corsair newsletter. Bonuses for members who supply model or item for review; every 5 such items will receive a $10 cert to a local shop. Dale Mickley brought up the Desert Scale Classic; looking for donations. last year was major & 2 trophy packages. Motion made & passed. Ethan discussed his Tank Battle, Feb 21. Bill Dunkle discussed our Scale Modeling Clinic; has been successful in the past, we need to discuss whether we want to do it again, May is best time. Advertising: Ed wanted to know if we can reach out to the schools. Many previous efforts were discussed, and possible new efforts for this year, as we’ll have more time to promote it. Libraries, etc. Mike discussed things we talked about at the Board meeting to try and get new members. Good discussion. Keith will co-chair with Bill. Mike M. has some free F/A-18 photos. Feb 19-20 chance to fly in a Ford Tri-Motor. Very successful raffle. Kevin Wenker show pix of his Normandy trips, Monthly Contest Winners; Novice: Brian Weikert - wooden schooner Advance: Jeff Alderman - IJN Akagi As a side comment, from now on your secretary WILL wear a hat so as to be able to find him in the crowd...... THE CORSAIR PAGE 17 MARCH 2015 Annual IPMS Phoenix club membership renewals will commence beginning at the January meeting. For only $12 a year, your membership dues reward you with a lot, such as: ♦ Monthly club newsletter ♦ T-shirts ♦ Modelzona ♦ Monthly raffle prizes ♦ Monthly contest awards ♦ Annual Christmas party ♦ And more…. Make sure to see new Treasurer, Bill Dunkle at the next meeting to re-up your membership. THE CORSAIR PAGE 18 MARCH 2015 Modeler of the Year Standings Name AtModtenda Total el Pts nce Jeff Alderman 11 2 13 Jim Pearsall 8 2 10 Tim Bondgard 5 2 7 Ethan Dunsford 5 2 7 Dale Mickley 5 2 7 Don Stewart 4 2 6 Brian Wiekert 4 2 6 Gary Thomas 3 2 5 5 @ 2 pts 2 2 The current Modeler of the Year standings are to the left. The top modelers are shown. Points are earned by bringing a model for display and winning the monthly contests. Point values are as follows: 1 point for each model on display and 3 points for a contest wining model. One point for attendance at a monthly meeting is also included. Be sure to bring your latest finished projects to each meeting. THE CORSAIR MARCH 2015 PAGE 19 2015 CLUB MEETING CALENDAR All meetings held at American Legion Post #1, 364 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85003 JANUARY 2015 Tuesday 6th, 7pm Contest: Loaded - A kit w/ any sort of visible weapons or load Seminar/Speaker: Casting and Molds by Tim Bongard JULY 2015 Tuesday 7th 7pm Contest: Helicopters - self explanatory, any scale or type. Seminar/Speaker: Club Build Night—bring a model to work on FEBRUARY 2015 AUGUST 2015 Tuesday 3rd, 7pm Contest: Large Scale- Must be a large sized model with at least one dimension 12-inches or larger. Seminar/Speaker: Normandy by Kevin Wenker Tuesday 4th, 7pm Contest: Concept /Experimental Aircraft - any type of experimental aircraft that never made it into full scale Event: Club Swap Meet MARCH 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 Tuesday 3rd, 7pm Contest: Vietnam Era - Aircraft, boats, tanks, that participated in the Vietnam war. Seminar/Speaker: Airliner windows by Scott Solomon Tuesday 1st, 7pm Contest: The Need For Speed - Any vehicle recognized or attached to speed,breaking,setting speed records. Seminar/Speaker: Figure Conv.—B. Dunkle APRIL 2015 OCTOBER 2015 Tuesday 7th 7pm Contest: Spy or Recon Aircraft - any aircraft designed for either spy or recon missions. Seminar/Speaker: WW2 Vet Harold Bergbower Event: Distressed Kit White Elephant Exchange Tuesday 6th, 7pm Contest: Classic Plastic - Any old or classic model kit (Monogram, Frog, Airfix, etc.) produced sometime before 1980. Seminar/Speaker: NASA photos -Tim Bongard MAY 2015 Tuesday 5th, 7pm Contest: Armor - Armored cars, tanks, assault guns. Seminar/Speaker: Col. Fred Cone—USMC aviation pioneer NOVEMBER 2015 Tuesday 3rd, 7pm Contest: Aces High - Any aircraft that was flown by an ace, any scale or type. Seminar/Speaker: TBD Event: TBD JUNE 2015 DECEMBER 2015 Tuesday 2nd, 7pm Contest: Surface Vessel Ships - Anything designed to float, surface vessels, seaplanes. Seminar/Speaker: Dot Filtering by Craig Pierce Tuesday 1st, 7pm Contest: Bombers - Can be WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, or modern era. Any scale or type. Seminar/Speaker: TBD Event: New Kit White Elephant Exchange THE CORSAIR PAGE 20 MARCH 2015 Here are the items up for raffle at the March meeting. Item A: Polar Lights Customizing Monster Kit Item B: Airfix 1/76 AEC Matador & 5.5 Inch Gun Item C: Airfix 1/72 Douglas Invader Item D: Hasegawa 1/72 Grumman F-14A Tomcat w/ photoetch Item E: Monogram 1/48 Huey Hog Item F: Classic Airframes 1/48 F-5B USAF Aggressor (w/Resin details) Item G: Swallow Model 1/32 Nakajima KI-84 Hayate (Frank) Item H: Revell/Monogram 1/25 31' Ford Model A Woody UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday March 7th, 9:00-2:00 - Falcon Field Open House— Falcon Field, Mesa, AZ Saturday March 14th, 8:30-1:300 - Cholewa Model Swap Meet— Postal Workers Social Club, 3720 W. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ Saturday March 28th, 12:00-8:00 - Southwest Maker Fest— Main St, Mesa, AZ Saturday April 11, 9:00-6:00—Desert Scale Classic—3401 West Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85053 The club meets at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month at the American Legion Post #1 in Phoenix. Check the club website at for more meeting info. American Legion Post #1 364 N. 7th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 The post is located South of I-10 just a few blocks North of Van Buren. Look for the huge American flag. Chapter Officers President.............................. Mike Pabis Vice President..................... Craig Pierce Secretary ............................. Hal Sanguinetti Treasurer ............................. Bill Chapter Contact.................. Steve Collins Member At Large............... Sam Bueler Webmaster .......................... Craig Newsletter Editor ............... Mike Pabis THE CORSAIR PAGE 21 MARCH 2015 PLASTIC PONDERINGS BY MIKE PABIS Gifting Maybe someone did it to you once. Maybe you did it to someone else. Perhaps you have never done it before. What is it? Gifting a built model to someone. Really, it is not a big deal when you think about it. As a modeler, you build models. You meet someone and learn something about them that sparks an interest in wanting to give them a gift. Sure, you could buy a gift card; get a book or something else. However, the most personal thing you can do for someone as a modeler is building a kit for someone else. Normally, we build for someone else as recognition, an accomplishment or some sort of link to the past. Often, when we give a gift of a model to someone it is a link to something they did before. Maybe they owned that type of car, flew that airplane or sailed on that specific ship. These types of gifts often are given to family members or close friends. It really is a perfect gift when you think about it. Even if the person receiving the model knows it is coming, they still tend to be really appreciative. Those around them may not know why it is important or even if they do, they will never fully grasp what it is to have that model in their hands. But you, as the builder can see it in their eyes and how important that gift often is. It is really strange when you think about it. Giving a built model to someone is just a piece of plastic with paint on it. But it is so much more than that. Realistically, you will never be able to give a person that piece of their past back to them. Whether you can’t afford it, the government wont release it or if physically doesn’t exist anymore, that model can be the closest thing they have to their past. Medals, awards, plaques and other doohickeys are great and can ignite a lot of memories inside someone. However, looking at the physical recreation of a machine they spent significant time with can jog memories unlike few other things. For the giftee they now have the ability to see the past right in front of them. Whether they wind up putting it on their desk, shelf or somewhere else, each time they look at it they can remember their time spent around the machine. Your model can show them THE CORSAIR PAGE 22 MARCH 2015 Plastic Ponderings Cont. the engine of the plane they spent countless hours toiling on to get back in the air. Perhaps the ship model you built will jog their memory about that one night spent manning their battle station. The car model will make them remember those times when they were younger with their friends. Whatever it is, you have the skills and knowhow to really change someone’s day. Best of all, just spending time giving a model your best effort may be enough. You don’t need $150 in aftermarket parts that get sealed up on the inside of the model. You can simply build a model. Remember those things we used to do before AMS? Rather than building for a contest where every possible seam could be the end of your award chances, the person you are giving it to will not notice the tiny seam that wasn’t filled. They won’t care that the paint you used was one or two shades lighter or darker than what it was supposed to be. They won’t care that you blacked out the airliner windows instead of doing a full interior of the plane they flew. They will just appreciate what you have done for them. Now that doesn’t mean you just spread bottles of glue and call it a day. No, we are proper enough to build to our best abilities, but our audience this time is not judging us to the top of the model building scale. We can just build a good model and have it appreciated. Sometimes this can be a rewarding step back from our normal hobby and break the monotony that AMS and contests can bring. I have only built one model for someone else. It was a surprise package in the mail for them. For me, I was just glad to make a little something for the grandfather of my oldest son’s friend. He flew KC-97s in the Cold War. Many hours were spent talking with him. I just enjoyed talking about planes and listening to a few of his stories. I think he was just happy to have someone know what he flew and what it did. Regardless, coming across the 1/144 KC-97 kit at the Cholewa swap meet for only a few dollars was a message that the Fates delivered. Why would I ever consider buying and building that kit for myself? I wouldn’t. It just isn’t my cup of tea. But as soon as I saw it, I thought of Sid. With all those talks about flying that plane, wouldn’t he like to have one to look at again? For all I knew he had 7 on his office desk back in Maine. But, why not? Why not make him a model of a Stratotanker? It couldn’t hurt. Several weeks later, I packed it off and sent it along to him in the mail. It was an unsolicited surprise that resulted in a very positive reaction. His profuse thank yous and declarations of how much he enjoyed it actually were beyond whatever I could have imagined. It was just a model after all. It should have been one of those, “Aw, that is neat” kind of moments. Rather I didn’t anticipate what Sid would have felt when THE CORSAIR PAGE 23 MARCH 2015 Plastic Ponderings Cont. he saw that part of his life back right in front of him. Now, a couple of times a year whenever Sid is back in town visiting his grandson the first thing I hear from him is about how much he appreciates and enjoys looking at his KC-97 sitting on his desk. For me, I have only been able to build and give a model to someone once. Perhaps it is that my generation really doesn’t know many who were connected with something so critical to their past. If I ever get another opportunity to build for someone I would thoroughly enjoy it. Maybe one day I can muster up the cash and courage to build a model of my dad’s ship that he served on in Vietnam. Being a short run, expensive resin kit and the fact my shipbuilding skills are woeful has deterred me for a while. Someday. ***One thing I did learn from this whole experience was about shipping a model. I had never done it before. For me, there wasn’t really a truly confident way I could ensure putting a delicate model in the mail would arrive in one piece. Before handing it over to the USPS, I made sure to ask a lot of club members about their experiences shipping a model. Combined with some web searching I learned a few things. First, heavy duty craft foam is your friend. This is the kind of stuff you find at Joann’s Fabrics in the back (their 40% off coupons are a godsend for the price of foam isn’t cheap). It usually is green or white. I cut the piece horizontally into two. What I was left with was an inch thick top and a much thicker bottom. For me, I then used a sharpie to sketch a silhouette of the plane over the thicker piece of foam. I carved out a section from the thick foam (make sure you get foam a couple of inches thicker than your model for extra support and piece of mind). After carving the silhouette, I had a plane shaped cavern to rest the model in. I didn’t cut all the way through, just enough to cradle and rest it in there. The remaining piece would act as a foam lid. Further carving was done to refine the shape and add other pockets for things like the propellers and landing gear which I shipped unattached (I sent super glue and instructions on how to attach the few pieces upon receipt). Second, now that the plane could rest nicely in its new foam sleeping bag, I added another extra measure of security. I lightly tied the wings and plane body to the foam to keep it from moving in transit. Third, to make sure that if anything landed on the box it wouldn’t get damaged, I carved holes into the foam around the plane and at the corners. In the holes, I inserted PVC tube to act as a structural report. Yeah, I didn’t want anything happening to this plane. Was it overkill? Maybe, but all I know is it worked THE CORSAIR PAGE 24 MARCH 2015 Box Art of the Month A collection of notable, amazing or otherwise great looking box art from kit boxes over the years. Feel free to contribute any images you have or know of for future issues. This month: Cannons and Artillery THE CORSAIR PAGE 25 MARCH 2015 SURFING THE WEB Restoring a B-52 at the Boneyard -still-fly-4eec4c8bf5cf Restoring a B-29 to flying condition Police DieCast Decal Sheets (1:18) 3 Foot Star Wars Super Star Destroyer Eclipse Class Join the IPMS/USA! $25 annual membership includes a one year subscription to the IPMS Journal. Visit to download a membership form. Or you can write to: IPMS/USA National Office P.O. Box 2475 N. Canton, OH 44720-0475 Membership also gives you access to the online Discussion Forum, where you can exchange ideas and information with other members of IPMS. CONTENT NEEDED!!!! The Corsair needs your help! To keep this newsletter filled with all the great content, I need your help with content. Here are some useful items that I can use to put together future issues each month: • Kit reviews/In-box reviews • Website links • Modeling related articles • Commentary and featured columns • Neat, strange or otherwise shareable pictures • Book reviews • Trip and vacation write-ups Anything you have can be used. Don’t hesitate. Even a few paragraphs are great. THE CORSAIR MARCH 2015 PAGE 26 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL HOBBY SHOP! RIGHT STUFF, RIGHT PRICE 216 W. Southern Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 968-1880 Copper State Models Avalon Books and Hobbies 1510 N. Scottsdale Rd. Tempe, AZ 85281 (480) 994-2263 “The Cutting Edge In Military Details” Eric R. Hight 3245 E. Hillery Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85032 Space modeling reference books by Mike Mackowski. (602) 867-8822 Your One Stop Source for Scale Model Airliner Kits, Decals, Diecasts and Accessories THE MAD MEATBALL HOBBY BENCH 2 Great Locations! 8058 N. 19th Ave. NW corner 19th Ave. & Northern 4240 W. Bell Rd. NE corner 43rd Ave. & Bell 602-995-1755 602-547-1828 1817 E. Baseline Rd. Gilbert, AZ 85233 (480) 892-0405 Don’t forget to sign up for your HobbyTown Card! MIKE CHOLEWA 602-944-4096 “DEALER IN PRE-OWNED PLASTIC” 12629 NORTH 21ST DRIVE PHOENIX, AZ 85029 Grand Prix Reproductions Jeff Alderman 12522 West Montebello Avenue Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Office: 623.907.8248 | Cell: 623.385.9060 Email:
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