Topdressing Brochure - Gatsby Grounds Company, Inc.


Topdressing Brochure - Gatsby Grounds Company, Inc.
Lawn Care
The most important part of caring for any lawn
is applying fertilizer, weed control, and insect
control in a timely, professional manner. Our
Other Services
Lawn Care
Arbor Care
experienced specialists are dedicated professionals that will work with you to deliver the
results you expect. Our traditional lawn care
programs use professional grade fertilizers to
provide your lawn with a slow release feeding
of fertilizer every 4 to 6
weeks as follows:
Spring: Fertilizer w/
Slice Seeding
Irrigation Maintenance
Vegetation Control
pre-emergent crabgrass control
Early Summer: Fertilizer w/broadleaf
weed control
Summer: Fertilizer w/insect control and
grub control
Fall: Fertilizer and lime applications.
Unlike many national lawn care providers that
have generic programs for every customer, we
are happy to add additional applications or services to any of our programs; just ask!
We also offer core aeration, over-seeding, and
slice seeding to revive old, and tired lawns.
For pricing or additional information contact us
Gatsby Grounds Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 401
Lancaster MA 01523
Fax: 978.365.9890
“We’ll make your lawn the
envy of the neighborhood.”
What is topdressing?
Aeration and Seeding
What to expect
Topdressing is the process of applying a light,
The most cost effective way to incorporate any
First and foremost, you can expect a significant
uniform application of sand, compost, or other
soil amendment into established turf is to core
odor associated with the topdressing process.
soil amendment over the surface of the turf to
aerate the lawn prior to topdressing. The holes
The “fragrance” of the compost is usually observ-
improve the texture, surface, or composition of
created by the aerator will allow the compost to
able for only a day or so, but may last as long as
the soil. In the golf industry, top dressing is
enter the root zone and improve the soil profile to
a week depending on the weather.
used to provide a firm surface for play, absorb
a depth of up to 3 inches. Aeration prior to top-
Secondly, the re-
excess water, and maintain a smooth grade. In
dressing is not required, but our experience has
sponse of the lawn
residential lawns, a compost material can be
shown that there is a synergistic relationship
to the incorpora-
used to increase the organic matter content of
which accelerates the turf’s response to the top-
tion of the com-
the soil, stimulate micro-organism activity, sup-
post is usually very
press disease activity, and minimize watering
Additionally, we also recommend over-seeding
quick, in as little as
requirements. Topdressing is especially helpful
with the appropriate grass seed blend prior to
one week in some cases; however, it may take up
in situations were the quality of the topsoil is
topdressing, especially if increased turf density is
to 3 weeks to really notice an improvement. The
poor or there is insufficient topsoil to support
desired. This service is very cost effective when
response of your lawn will be dependent on your
healthy turf. Due to the high organic matter
performed in conjunction with aeration and allows
specific situation.
content of our compost mixes, it is possible to
us to introduce more desirable turf grass species
Lastly, many of the compost mixes we use
dramatically increase the organic matter level in
into the lawn that may be better suited for your
are bio-solid based, meaning they are pro-
the soil, which will help the lawn naturally re-
growing conditions. A lawn care specialist can
duced from waste water treatment plant sludge
tain water and nutrients.
provide specific recommendations for you after
that has been composted to eradicate harmful
performing a lawn assessment.
bacteria and stabilize the material. This product
is then blended with a wood product to make the
We recommend watering newly
seeded areas at 5AM, 9AM, and
2PM for 5 to 15 minutes. You will
need to adjust the length of time
you are watering depending on
weather, site conditions, and sun
compost workable and easier to handle. We can
use composts that are blended from other organic
materials, however, they are less beneficial for
the turf. If you have reservations regarding the
source of the compost please let us know and we
will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.