innovative coalescence media and water removal


innovative coalescence media and water removal
Ruijun Chen1 and Thomas Ramsey2
Kaydon Filtration Corp. LaGrange, GA 30240, USA
Purafil, Inc, Doraville, GA 30340, USA
The requirement of removal of water contamination is particularly stringent with lube oils
and diesel fuels, since the presence of even small amount of water contamination in
them can cause numerous problems, such as thermal oxidation stabilities, lubricity,
filterability, and equipment service life. To effectively and efficiently separate water
contamination dispersions from lube oils and diesel fuels, two new coalescer elements
designed based on a patented filter media SFM in Figure A are studied in this paper.
Specifically, at first, a two-mode coalescence mechanism occurring in the above filter
media is proposed. Secondarily, conceptual design of two new coalescer elements
based on the above filter media is presented. Thirdly, two laboratory test stands
justifying water removal performance of the above two new coalescer elements are
addressed. Fourthly, water droplet motion on downstream surface of one new coalescer
element is analyzed. Finally, experimental results of preliminary water removal tests
with lube oils and diesel fuels are represented. These experimental results demonstrate
amazing performances of those two new coalescer elements in separating water
contamination dispersion from lube oils and diesel fuels. For example, within one single
flow pass through one new coalescer element and then one commercial separator
element at up to 10GPM flow rates, total water concentration in 750F, ISO32 turbine
lube oil stream can be reduced from up to 5% at system upstream to 40 ppm or less at
system downstream as shown in Figure B.
Figure A Patented Filter Media SFM Figure B Separation Performance per ISO32 Oil
Coalescer, Coalescence Filter, Separation, Fuel-Water Separation, Filtration
Mechanism, Filter Media, Fibrous Media, Nonwoven Filter Media
Contact Information: Dr. Ruijun Chen, Kaydon Filtration Corp., 1571 Lukken Ind. Dr. W., LaGrange, GA
30240, USA; Phone: (706)-884-3041 x6270; Fax (706)-884-3835; Email:
1. Introduction
Lube oils and diesel fuels typically perform the following lubrication functions (1-5). Lube
oils lubricate bearings and gears, cool lubricated parts, act as a hydraulic fluid for
governor and valves as well as safety devices, and do as a sealant for gas seals such
as hydrogen shaft seals in generators or gas seals on compressors. Diesel fuels mainly
lubricate fuel pump and injector. Each of these lubrication functions requires that lube
oils and diesel fuels have several physical and chemical properties suitable as effective
lubricants. Contaminant water dispersion in lube oils and diesel fuels can have adverse
effects on those suitable lubrication properties of both lube oils and diesel fuels. With
few exceptions, chemical and physical stability of both lube oils and diesel fuels are
threatened by even the slightest amount of water. Water can promote a host of
chemical reactions with compounds and atomic species including oil and fuel additives,
base oil stock and suspended contaminants. In combination with oxygen, heat, and
metal catalysts, water is known to promote the oxidation and the formation of free
radicals and peroxide compounds. Oxidation inhibitors are sacrificed by both
neutralizing peroxides and breaking oxidation chain reactions to form stable
compounds. Other oxidation inhibitors are known to form hydrogen sulfide and sulfonic
acids when reacting with water. In other hands, water will affect the lubricant ability of
providing a proper lubricating film, resulting in premature failure and excessive wear of
sliding and rolling surfaces, such as in gears, fuel injector, and rolling element bears.
Corrosion, cavitation, and premature oxidation and filter plugging of both lube oils and
diesel fuels are other symptoms of water contamination. So removal of water
contamination from lube oils and diesel fuels is a particularly stringent requirement. The
maximum water contamination level in lube oils and diesel fuels is very strictly limited in
the most of worldwide quality standards about lube oils and diesel fuels. For example,
with respect to the maximum water contamination level in lube oils, Standards ASTM
D4304-06a and ISO-8068-06 recommend a maximum water level in mineral turbine oil
less than 0.02 wt%. Standard DIN 51515-1 does that less than 0.015 wt%. GE
Standard GEK107395A and ALSTOM Standard HTGD90117:1999-2007 require a
maximum water contamination level in mineral lubrication oil of gas and steam turbines
less than 0.02 wt%. Siemens Standard TLV901304:1999-2007 does that less than 0.01
wt%. With respect to the maximum water contamination in diesel fuels, Standard ASTM
D975 recommends a maximum water contamination level in petrodiesel fuels to be less
than 0.05 vol%. The European Standard EN590 calls that for less than 0.02 wt%.
The most common water removal techniques are gravity settling, centrifugal separation,
vacuum dehydration, polymer absorption, and coalescence filtration. Among them,
coalescence filtration technique is the most cost-effective solution for separation of both
free and emulsified water dispersions from mineral lube oils and diesel fuels. Although
events of water dispersion coalescence occurring inside fibrous filter media are not
adequately understood, Hazlet’s three-step mechanism about water dispersion
coalescence process is widely accepted. Performance of this droplet coalescence
process is highly dependent on the characteristic properties of both coalescence media
(e.g., wettability of filter media surface, and size distributions of both filter media pore
and media fiber diameter) and water contamination dispersions (e.g., water droplet face
velocity and interfacial tensions). Traditional nonwoven coalescence media is
hydrophobic barrier media, such as nonwoven silicone treated cellulose, and other
successful coalescence media are nonwoven fibrous media with mixed hydrophilic and
hydrophobic fibers and nonwoven glass fiber media with intermediate hydrophilicity (5-11).
The presence of water contamination in lube oils and diesel fuels treated with various
additives mainly disarms conventional fibrous coalescence media in two ways. 1) Water
contamination dispersion is difficult to attach on coalescence media to commerce
effective coalescence process, specifically in viscous lube oils. 2) The presence of
additives in lube oils and diesel fuels can remarkably reduce interfacial tensions among
water droplets and other contacting phases, such as fuels, oils and fibrous coalescence
media. Those reductions of interfacial tensions result in less effective attachments of
water contamination dispersions on conventional fibrous coalescence media and
therefore less efficient and effective coalescence process. To solve those challenging
coalescence filtration problems, a US-patented coalescence media SFM has been
developed and two new coalescer elements based on the above coalescence media
are studied in this paper. Specifically, the first is to introduce two-mode coalescence
mechanism of the patented filter media SFM. The second is to address conceptual
design of two new coalescer elements applied for water removal applications in diesel
fuels and lube oils, respectively. The third is to briefly introduce two laboratory test
stands for justifying water removal capabilities of the above two new coalescer
elements. The fourth is to analyze water droplet motion on downstream surface of one
new coalescer element in case of No 2 petrodiesel fuel. The fifth is to experimentally
study water removal performances of the above two new coalescer elements in case of
No 2 petrodiesel fuel and ISO32 turbine lube oil.
2. Two-Mode Coalescence Mechanism of US-Patented Filter Media SFM
Patented coalescence media SFM has been developed to effectively and efficiently
clean even heavy water contaminations in diesel fuels and lube oils (12). As sketched in
Figure 1, coalescence media SFM consists of two different types of fibrous filter media
restrained together by two support layers of wire mesh screens. One at flow upstream is
at least one layer of nonwoven fibrous filter media with partially hydrophilic fiber
surfaces. And another at flow downstream is at least one sheet of precisely woven
monofilament fabrics with highly hydrophilic fiber surfaces. More specifically, the sheets
of precisely woven monofilament fabrics are preferably completely wet by contaminant
water dispersions if no oil/fuel flow passes through those monofilament fabric sheets. All
layers of both nonwoven and precisely woven filter media are restrained together
between two support layers of wire mesh screens to maintain those fibrous media
layers in touch with each other even under hydrodynamic interactions of through oil/fuel
Two-mode coalescence mechanism is proposed to systematically describe coalescence
process of water contamination dispersion inside the patented filter media SFM. At the
first mode, the fibrous nonwoven media captures contaminant water dispersions in a
through oil/fuel flow, and then the collected water droplets coalesce into primary water
droplets with sizes larger than the minimum opening size of the precisely woven
monofilament fabrics while they migrate through the fibrous nonwoven media. At the
second mode, the migrated primary droplets attach on sheets of the precisely woven
monofilament fabrics at downstream in a generally uniform droplet pattern. Highly
hydrophilic fiber surfaces of the precisely-woven monofilament fabrics drive those
generally-patterned droplets to merge adjacent ones together into relatively large
secondary droplets. Meanwhile, hydrodynamic interactions of the through oil/fuel flow
drives primary water droplets onto the precisely-woven fabrics to furthermore merge
with those attached secondary droplets. Those attached secondary water droplets
continue to grow in sizes by droplet mergence to such an extent capable to be released
from their attachment sites by the hydrodynamic interactions. In general, coalescence
performance of the filter media SFM is highly dependent on characteristic properties of
the precisely woven monofilament fabrics. For example, higher fiber hydrophilicity and
smaller mesh open of the precisely-woven monofilament fabrics result in larger
secondary droplets when released from the filter media SFM at downstream.
Figure 1 Sketch of US-Patented Coalescence Media SFM
3. New Coalescer Element Design
Conceptual design of two new coalescer elements is discussed in this section. Among
them, one new coalescer element sketched in Figure 2 is noted as oil coalescer
element in this paper. It is designed to study oil-water separation capability of patented
filter media SFM and is made of two pleat media blocks, noted as inner and outer pleat
media blocks. Each of the above two pleat media blocks is made of the patented
coalescence media SFM with multiple layers of partially hydrophilic, nonwoven filter
media and one sheet of highly hydrophilic, precisely woven monofilament fabric. The
inner pleat media block is designed to perform both preliminary water dispersion
coalescence and solid particle filtration, and the outer one is design to do primary water
droplet coalescence. Two metal perforated tubes, noted as inner jacket and outer jacket
in the figure, support those two pleat media blocks, respectively, to prevent them overdeformed due to hydrodynamic interactions of a through oil flow. All described element
components are integrated with two endcaps together by epoxy glue. The main profile
dimensions of this coalescer element are 6-inch outer element diameter and 44-inch
total element length. The nominal oil flow direction is from the inside to the outside. The
specific flow rate of the outer pleat media block is equal to 0.9 GPM/FT2 based on 20
GPM through oil flow rate, where specific flow rate is defined as the ratio of through oil
flow rate to flow-exposed media surface area on one media layer.
Figure 2 Sketch of Oil Coalescer Element
Another new coalescer element in Figure 3 is noted as fuel coalescer element in this
paper. It is designed to study fuel-water separation capability of innovative coalescence
media SFM. As sketched in the figure, pleat media block is made of the patented
coalescence media SFM with multiple layers of partially hydrophilic, nonwoven filter
media and two sheets of highly hydrophilic, precisely woven monofilament fabric. Its
specific flow rate is designed to be 2.6 GPM/FT2 based on 10GPM through fuel flow
rate. The above pleat media block is restrained between two metal perforated tubes,
noted as outer support jacket and inner center tube in the figure, to prevent that overdeformed due to hydrodynamic interactions of a through fuel flow. All described
element components and two endcaps as well as two gaskets are integrated together
by epoxy glue. The major profile dimensions of this coalescer element are 4.25-inch
outer element diameter and 12-inch total element length. The nominal direction of the
through fuel flow is from the inside to the outside.
Figure 3 Sketch of Fuel Coalescer Element
4. Two Laboratory Test Stands
Separation capability studies of both oil and fuel coalescer elements are performed by a
series of water removal tests per laboratory test stands sketched in Figures 4 and 5,
respectively. Laboratory oil test stand in Figure 4 is used to study oil-water separation
performance of oil coalescer element with ISO32 turbine lube oil. Clean tap water
stream at a predetermined flow rate is continuously injected into ISO32 turbine lube oil
flow coming from the oil reservoir, and both lube oil flow and clean injection water
stream are well mixed together by the oil gear pump rotating at a predetermined speed.
After heated to a predetermined oil temperature, the oil-water blend flow passes through
oil coalescer element in the inner-to-outer direction, located inside the oil test stand
vessel with clear polycarbonate side wall. Water contamination dispersion is coalesced
inside oil coalescer element into enlarged water droplets, released from element
downstream surface. Large water droplets among released ones are settled out of oil
phase to the water accumulation sump by gravity whence bulk water there is manually
drained out. Water-clean oil flow further passes through separation mesh screen of
separator element K3100 in the outer-to-inner direction before returning back to the oil
reservoir. Any remaining water droplets, which are too small to be settled down by
gravity but too large to pass through pores of the separation mesh screen, attach
on that. Those attached water droplets continue to grow in sizes by coalescing
themselves with the remaining water droplets from the in-coming through oil flow until
gravity releases those enlarged droplets from the separation mesh screen and settles
them out of oil phase down to the water accumulation reservoir. The water-clean oil flow
is sampled at system downstream at a 30-minute rate while test condition parameters,
such as element differential pressure and oil temperature, are stable. Total water
contents of those samples are measured with Karl Fisher Coulometer METTLER
TOLEDO DL32 per water analysis procedure (13). Water content at system upstream is
estimated per flow rate of clean water stream and oil-water blend flow rate through oil
coalescer element. Test condition parameters displayed by various gauges in
the laboratory oil test stands are recorded during separation tests.
Figure 4 Sketch of a Laboratory Oil Test Stand
The laboratory fuel test stand in Figure 5 is used to study fuel-water separation
performance of fuel coalescer element in case of No 2 petrodiesel fuel. As sketched in
Figure 5, clean tap water stream at a predetermined flow rate is continuously injected
into No 2 petrodiesel fuel flow coming from fuel reservoir. Both fuel flow and clean
injection water stream are well mixed by the fuel gear pump rotating at a predetermined
speed. The fuel-water blend flow then passes through fuel coalescer element in the
inner-to-outer direction, which is located in the fuel test stand vessel with clear
cylindrical side wall. Water contamination dispersion is coalesced inside fuel coalescer
element into enlarged water droplets, which are released from fuel coalescer element at
downstream. Released water droplets are settled out of fuel phase to the water
accumulation sump by gravity whence bulk water there is manually drained out. Before
returning back to the fuel reservoir, water-clean fuel flow is sampled at downstream of
fuel coalescer element per a 30-minute rate while differential pressure over fuel
coalescer element and fuel temperatures at the through fuel-water blend flow are stable.
Total water contents of those fuel samples are measured with Karl Fisher Coulometer
METTLER TOLEDO DL32 per water analysis procedure (13). Water content at upstream
of fuel coalescer element is estimated per flow rate of clean water stream and fuel-water
blend flow through fuel coalescer element. Test condition parameters displayed by
various gauges in the laboratory fuel test stand are recorded during water removal tests.
Figure 5 Sketch of a Laboratory Fuel Test Stand
5. Water Droplet Motion on Downstream Surface of Fuel Coalescer Element
Water droplet motion on downstream surface of fuel coalescer element is studied with
video camera Sony Handycam DCR-SX65. To directly observe water droplet motion on
element downstream surface, fuel coalescer element is specially fabricated with no
outer jacket to support pleat media block, and furthermore the through fuel-water blend
flow is reduced to 1.2GPM flow rate to prevent pleat media block over-deformed during
experiments. Specifically, 0.3GPM clean water flow is injected into 0.9GPM, No 2
petrodiesel fuel stream at upstream of the fuel gear pump. Total water contents at
element upstream and element downstream are 25% and 110 ppm, respectively. As
shown in Figure 5, this special fuel coalescer element is located inside the test stand
vessel with clear polycarbonate side wall, through which motion of released water
droplets is recorded by the video camera. Together with time interval between two
sequential pictures, a series of photo pictures are presented in Figure 6 to present
trajectory of one water droplet on the element downstream surface, which is noted by
one white color circle in the figure. This noted water droplet continuously displaces
neighboring fuel boundary layers away from their attachment sites and reflows on the
highly hydrophilic, precisely woven fabric surface to grow in sizes until it is released.
The major reflowing motion of the circled droplet is in the direction of gravity. When the
noted water droplet is released, its droplet diameter is estimated to be about 0.35
inches, and its average speed moving on the precisely-woven fabric surface in the
gravity direction is about 0.3 inches per second.
Figure 6 Water Droplet Motion on Downstream Surface of Fuel Coalescer Element
6. Water Removal Performances of Oil Coalescer Element
Water removal performance of oil coalescer element is investigated based on a series
of oil-water separation tests per laboratory oil test stand in Figure 4. ISO32 turbine lube
oil (e.g., Chevron GST ISO32) is used in all those separation tests. Oil temperature, oilwater blend flow rate, and water contamination level are three test parameters. At the
first set of water removal performance tests, oil temperature of through oil-water blend
flow is maintained to be constant temperature 1200F, and oil-water blend flow rate
through oil coalescer element is set to be 10GPM, 15GPM, or 20GPM. Water content
level at system upstream maintains to be 5283 ppm. That is, 200CCM water injection
flow per 10GPM oil-water blend stream, 300CCM water injection flow per 15GPM oilwater blend stream, or 400CCM water injection flow per 20GPM oil-water blend stream.
Water-clean oil flow at system downstream is sampled for a two-hour test period at a
30-minute rate while test condition parameters, such as oil temperature and element
differential pressure, are stable. Total water contents in those oil samples are measured
with Karl Fisher Coulometer Mettler Toledo DL32 and corresponding measurement
results are listed in table one. Experimental results in the table demonstrate that, within
one single flow pass through oil coalescer element and then separator element K3100,
5280 ppm water content at system upstream is reduced to 80.5 ppm at system
downstream with respect to 20GPM through flow rate and furthermore to 70.5 ppm at
system downstream with respect to 10GPM through flow rate. In general, it is observed
from test data in the table that through oil-water blend flow rate has adverse impact on
droplet coalescence performance of oil coalescer element. That is, larger through oilwater blend flow rate generally results in higher water content at system downstream.
Table One. Impact of through Oil-Water Blend Flow on Water Removal Performance
Water Injection Flow Rate per
Total Water Content at
Through Oil –Water Blend Flow Rate
System Outlet (ppm)
200 (CCM) @ 10 (GPM)
300 (CCM) @ 15 (GPM)
400 (CCM) @ 20 (GPM)
At the second set of water removal performance tests, oil-water blend flow through oil
coalescer element is maintained at constant flow level 10GPM, but temperature of the
oil-water blend flow is changed among the following three temperature levels, that is,
750F, 950F and 1200F. At each oil temperature level, clean tap water stream at either
45CCM or 30GPH flow rates is injected into the lube flow at upstream of the oil gear
pump. That is, water contamination levels at system upstream are maintained at either
0.12% (exactly 1189ppm) or 5%. Water-clean oil flow is sampled at system downstream
for a two-hour test period at a 30-minute rate while test conditions are stable. Total
water contents in those oil samples are measured with the same Karl Fisher
Coulometer, and corresponding measurement results are listed in table two.
Experimental results in the table demonstrate that, within one single flow pass through
oil coalescer element and separator element K3100, 1189 ppm water content at system
upstream is reduced to 79.5 ppm at system downstream at 1200F oil temperature and
furthermore to 17.3 ppm at system downstream at 750F oil temperature. Those
experimental results in the table also show that, within one single flow pass through oil
coalescer element and separator element K3100, 5% water contamination at system
upstream is reduced to 85.2 ppm at system downstream at 1200F oil temperature and
furthermore to 29.1 ppm at system downstream at 750F oil temperature. In general, it is
observed from test data in the table that both water contamination level at system
upstream and oil temperature at through oil-water blend flow have adverse impact on
droplet coalescence performance of oil coalescer element. That is, larger water
contamination level and higher oil temperature generally result in higher water content
level at system downstream. More specifically, at the same level of water contamination
at system upstream, lower oil temperature results in lower water content at system
downstream. At the same level of oil temperature, higher water contamination at system
upstream results in higher water content at system downstream. It deserve a special
mention that, as temperature of ISO32 turbine lube oil is decreased from 1200F to 750F,
its viscosity increases about 5 times and its dissolved water content reduces about 4
time. Oil coalescer element studied in this paper delivers one practical coalescencebased solution to clean heavy water contamination dispersion from very viscous lube
oils. With one single flow pass, heavy water contamination dispersion is reduced to a
high water-clean level comparable with that of a commercial vacuum dehydration
Table Two. Oil Temperature Impact on Water Removal Performance
Water Injection Flow Rate (Water
Water Content @ System Outlet (ppm) per
Contamination Level @ System Inlet) Oil Temperature (0F)
45 CCM (1189 ppm)
17.3 / 75
23.7 / 95
79.5 / 120
30 GPH (5%)
29.1 / 75
45.2 / 95
85.2 / 120
At the third set of water removal performance tests, oil-water blend flow through oil
coalescer element is maintained at constant flow rate 10GPM, but temperature of the
oil-water blend flow are maintained at either 750F or 1200F. At each oil temperature
level, clean tap water stream at a predetermined flow rate is injected into the lube oil
flow at upstream of the oil gear pump, and water-clean oil flow is sampled at system
downstream at a 30-minute rate while test conditions are stable. Total water contents in
those oil samples are measured with the same Karl Fisher Coulometer. Total water
content in system upstream is estimated per flow rate of clean water injection stream
and oil-water blend flow rate through oil coalescer element. Those measurement results
at both system downstream and system upstream and their 2nd order polynomial trend
lines are presented in Figure 7, Experimental test results in the figure demonstrate that,
within one single flow pass through oil coalescer element and then separator element
K3100 at flow rate 10GPM, up to 5% water content at system upstream is reduced to
86.2 ppm or less at system downstream at oil temperature 1200F and furthermore to
39.0 ppm or less at downstream at oil temperature 750F. In general, it is observed in the
figure that both oil temperature at the through oil-water blend flow and water
contamination level at system upstream have adverse impacts on droplet coalescence
performance of oil coalescer element. That is, higher oil temperature and higher water
contamination level generally result in higher water content level at system downstream.
More specifically, at the same level of oil temperature, higher water contamination at
system upstream results in higher water content at system downstream. At the same
level of water contamination, lower oil temperature results in lower water content at
system downstream.
Figure 7 Water Removal Performances per 10GPM, ISO32 Turbine Lube Oil Flow
7. Water Removal Performances of Fuel Coalescer Element
Water removal performance of fuel coalescer elements is studied based on a series of
fuel-water separation tests per laboratory fuel test stand in Figure 5(14). Clean tap water
stream at a predetermined flow rate is injected into No 2 petrodiesel fuel flow at
upstream of the fuel gear pump rotating at a predetermined speed. Water-clean
fuel flow at element downstream is sampled at a 30-minute rate while differential
pressure over the fuel coalescer element is stable. Total water contents in those fuel
samples are measured with the same Karl Fisher Coulometer. Water content at element
upstream is calculated based on the rate ratio of injected water stream to through fuel-
water blend flow. Those measurement results at both downstream and upstream and
their 2nd order polynomial trend lines with R2 values are presented in Figure 8.
Experimental test results in the figure demonstrate that, within one single flow pass
through fuel coalescer element, total water content in 4.8GPM fuel-water blend flow is
reduced from 10.4% at upstream to 198 ppm at downstream and that in 10GPM fuelwater blend fuel flow is reduced from 1.7% at upstream to 240 ppm at downstream.
Summarily, it is observed in the figure that both fuel-water blend flow rate through fuel
coalescer element and water contamination level at element upstream have adverse
impacts on water removal performance of fuel coalescer element. That is, larger fuelwater blend flow rate and higher water contamination level generally result in lower
water removal performances. Finally, it deserves a special mention that all fuel-water
separation tests noted in the figure are performed without the help of separator element.
In other words, water droplets released from fuel coalescer element are large enough to
be effectively settled out of No 2 petrodiesel fuel phase down to the water accumulation
sump by gravity.
Figure 8 Separation Performance of Fuel Coalescer Element per No 2 Petrodiesel Fuel
8. Conclusions
This paper is mainly directed to introduce conceptual design of both fuel and oil
coalescer elements and their related water removal performances in case of No 2 diesel
fuel and ISO32 turbine lube oil. Many unique features make oil coalescer element
capable to clean heavy water contaminations from ISO32 turbine lube oil to a high
water-clean level comparable with that of a commercial vacuum dehydration system.
Water droplet motion on element downstream surface and water removal performances
of both new coalescer elements are extensively studied. From those investigations of
new coalescer elements and water removal performances, it can be concluded that:
1. Attached secondary water droplets reflow on downstream surface of fuel
coalescer element and continue to grow in sizes until released from their
attachment sites. Strong fiber wettability of the precisely woven fabrics improves
large droplet attachment on the patented coalescence media SFM at
downstream so that released water droplets are so large as to be effectively
settled out of No 2 petrodiesel fuel by gravity without the help of separator
2. Within one single flow pass through oil coalescer element and then separator
element K3100, up to 5% water contamination in ISO32 turbine lube oil flows at
up to 10GPM flow rates can be effectively cleaned to a water content level less
than 86 ppm at oil temperature 1200F, and even less than 30 ppm at oil
temperature 750F
3. Within one single flow pass through oil coalescer element and then separator
element K3100, up to 0.12% water contamination in ISO32 turbine lube oil flows
at up to 10GPM flow rates can be effectively cleaned to a water content level less
than 80 ppm at oil temperature 1200F, and even less than 18 ppm at oil
temperature 750F
4. Up to 0.5% water contamination in 1200F, ISO 32 turbine lube oil flow can be
effectively cleaned to a water content level less than 81 ppm within one single
flow pass through oil coalescer element and then separator element K3100 at up
to 20GPM flow rates. The same water contamination can be further reduced to a
water content level less than 71 ppm within one single flow pass through the
above two filter elements at up to 10GPM flow rates
5. Up to 10% water contamination dispersions in No. 2 petrodiesel fuel stream at up
to 4.8GPM flow rates can be effectively cleaned to a water content level less than
200 ppm within one single pass through fuel coalescer element at room
temperature. Furthermore, up to 1.7% water contaminations in No 2 petrodiesel
fuel steam at up to 10GPM flow rates can be effectively cleaned to a water
content level less than 240 ppm within one single flow pass through fuel
coalescer element
6. Water-clean levels at system downstream are compatible with those of vacuum
dehydration systems when 750F, ISO32 turbine oil flow passes through oil
coalescer element and then separation element K3100 at up to 10GPM flow
rates. But water removal efficiency of the current coalescence-based solution is
much higher than that of vacuum dehydration one
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