Newsletter - Kamo High School
Newsletter - Kamo High School
Newsletter 26 March 2015 Year 9 Camp 2015 Our Vision “A centre of excellence for the changing and varying needs of every student.” “Te pito o te poutokomanawa, mo nga hurihuringa, me nga rereketanga, hiahia, mo ia akonga.” Dear Parents Kia Ora tatou. NCEA Achievement Levels 2014 We are pleased to be able to report that our overall achievement levels were up on last year – 80% Yr 11 students achieved Level 1 (participation based), 84% at Level 2 and 81% at Level 3. This represents a slight increase on last year at each level, which is testimony to the hard work of staff and students. Faculty Leaders will be examining results in the various areas of the school as there are always areas we can seek to improve, but overall we are pleased and proud of these results. Ngati Wai Science Project Mentors, organised through the Ngati Wai Education Trust, have been supporting teachers in Yr 9 Science classes in an effort to better engage students in science. Mrs Gail Wellington has been responsible for the majority of the organisation and administration of this project. Recently a noho marae was held for some of these students at the Ngunguru Marae where the focus was on learning science in a practical environment. Whanau Class School begins at 8.45am with Whanau Class. Students have been reminded of the importance of being present at Whanau Class, which is a time to receive daily school information and register first period attendance. Students’ attendance statistics are affected by non-attendance at Whanau time. Parents are asked to support us in ensuring students are at school by 8.45am. Our inter-whanau competition is well under way with Waima leading at this early stage, having won two of the events so far – athletics and swimming. Drug Dogs From time to time the school, in liaison with the Police, have drug dogs in the school. This is a preventative measure to help us ensure we provide a safe environment. The dogs’ attention is on property not individuals. Whanau Video The following is a link to a video clip filmed and edited by Yr 10 student, Josh Burns, Year 10, which shows the fun and energy going into our school Whanau events. Your Contact Information If you have had a change in your contact details, i.e. address, phone number (home, work or mobile), emergency contact, email address, etc., please let us know either by phoning the school office on 09-435 1688 or emailing . If you are unsure about any of the details you have provided so far, please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Student Absences If your child is going to be away from school, please ensure that you contact the school office on telephone 09-4351688 (or text 027 751 3277 or email to let us know first thing each day. The office has an answer phone, and you can leave a message outside of school hours. Any planned absence, e.g. holiday, graduation, etc., needs to be in writing to the Principal for approval. In the case of illness, please make sure that you ring each day your child is sick, as children recover at different rates and for your child’s safety we need to know whether to expect them at school or not. Please also note that medical absences for periods of three days or more require a medical certificate upon your child’s return to school. Thank you. Gavin Greenfield 26 March 2015 Board Of Trustees As the outgoing Chair it is my pleasure to introduce Thomas Biss as the new Chairman of the Board at Kamo High School. Thomas was selected onto the Board in January and was elected as Chairman at the January meeting. I have been co-opted back onto the Board for a period of 3 months to act as a mentor for Thomas as he becomes familiar with his new role. I wish him and the rest of the Board all the best for 2015 and beyond. My ties with Kamo High School are sadly at an end but I will remain a stalwart supporter of the school and wish all those connected to the school the very best. Alison Faithfull Apology – Senior Prizegiving Last month we listed the top placings announced at Senior Prizegiving. An error was printed in the Year 12 placings. Apologies and congratulations to Renee Butler who was placed 2nd in Year 12. Year 12 Segedin Cup for Merit for Yr 12 with Special Prize for 1st Place Yr 12 King Cup for Merit Yr 12 with Special Prize for 2nd Place Yr 12 KHS Cup for 3rd Yr 12 with Special Prize for Third Place Yr 12 Joanne Martinovich Renee Butler Caitlin Macnay Former Students Sam Moscrip, having received a Lincoln University Future Leader Scholarship 2014, commenced with the university to study a Bachelor of Agriculture Commerce degree. Over the past 18 months he has been awarded further scholarships to a total of $41,000: Lincoln University Future Leaders 2014 Public Trust- LW Nelson Agricultural Scholarship MJ Rope Scholarship- Through Dairy NZ Northland Field Days Scholarship Young Farmers Scholarship recipient 2014 Tom Cranswick Memorial Award 2014 Whangarei A & P Society Scholarship 2014 Sam is currently the Chairman of Lincoln Young Farmers and an Executive member of the Whangarei Agricultural and Pastoral Society. He says: “The leadership opportunities that I was given at Kamo High has been a key driver to help aid my professional career. Therefore I challenge all current students to take every opportunity to grow your knowledge and leadership skills as Kamo High is a great place to do this. The Primary Industry Sector is New Zealand's largest exporting industry and is worth over $30 billion to our economy; the opportunities range from farm workers to scientists, marketing, fertiliser reps, rural bank managers, agronomists, accountants, shepherds, rural contractors and farm owners just to name a few. By 2025 the industry needs 50,000 more people - the opportunities are endless. These are two of the many reasons I am studying at Lincoln. My key messages are: Don't wait for things to happen, make them happen. Challenge the norm and stay focused on the end goal, but most importantly enjoy the journey.” Sam Moscrip – Future Leader John-Kurt Burnett, former student, and his friend Mandy, appear in the front cover photo on the 2015 Telford Prospectus. JK was the 2013 recipient of the Whangarei A&P Scholarship at senior prizegiving, and commenced his training at Telford last year. In his first year he passed his course with distinction and, as well as receiving his prizes and Trophy, also gained a further scholarship for 2015. JK lead the Otago Pipe Band for the Telford Graduation Parade (which closes State Highway 1 in Balclutha) which led the graduates into their ceremony. Congratulations John-Kurt, you’re a star! Billie Berry has been acknowledged in the Dean’s List at Victoria University, recognising her excellent academic performance during 2014. Billie achieved this recognition of academic excellence because of her considerable dedication and commitment to maintaining a high and consistent standard of university study to achieve a grade point average of 7.5 or better. Congratulations Billie. e-News The Kamar Portal is part of the student management system (SMS) at Kamo High School. Parents and students can access the portal by using an Internet browser or installing the Kamar app onto a smart device. The Portal hosts the daily notices and school calendar as well as the following information: Student Timetables Awards Reports NCEA Summary Credit Summary (Important for NCEA) Attendance Results Fees Profile and Details Instructions for installing the Kamar app onto a smart device: 1) 2) Download the Kamar app from the appropriate store: KAMAR on the App Store on iTunes or KAMAR - Android Apps on Google Play Enter this server address into settings: STUDENTS: Login using your school network username and password (same as Google login) PARENTS: Username and Passwords were emailed out Term 1. No Password? Contact: Instructions for accessing the Kamar portal from a desktop computer or laptop: Type the following address into your internet browser: (link is also on the school website and intranet) No Password? contact: That’s all for this month. In the next edition of e-News we will be providing parents with some information about “Google Apps for Education” and how GAFE makes it possible to gain access to student work and projects. This will give parents a good insight into the day and the life of an eLearning student at Kamo High School. Alex Wallace – e-Learning Head Prefects We hope everyone's first term has been a good one! On the weekend of 14 and 15 March we had a school team involved with the Relay for Life. The relay for life is a fundraising event run by the Cancer Society to help raise money and awareness for cancer. It was held at the Athletics Track in Kensington, and all the teams entered walked and ran as many times around the track as they could over the 18 hours, while participating in fun events and activities. As a total our whole team walked 632 laps, and raised approximately $300, which was a great effort by everyone. We encourage all of you to participate in this next year! We would like to congratulate Waima on winning the Whanau swimming sports and athletics, along with Rangi who took out the tabloids sports throughout the previous weeks. We would also like to acknowledge all the remaining Whanau participants on their results. Neveh, Dylan, Matt and Kesia. Year 9 Camp Two camps were held from Monday 9 March to Wednesday 11 March, and Wednesday 11 March to Friday 13 March, based on the beautiful Whangaruru North peninsular. 110 Yr 9 students, some of their teachers and parents attended camp. The aim of the camp was to enable staff and students to live our school values, form positive relationships and experience a number of outdoor education activities. Students participated in the following: stand-up paddle boarding, kayaking, snorkelling, beach/bush walk and “found” art. Special thanks to the following who made camp such a great success: Tuparehuia Marae committee for allowing us to use their facilities Warren Hay Marine for servicing the safety boat outboard Ngati Wai mentors The parents and staff who assisted at camp Teacher, Mrs Bint and some of her Trades Primary Industries students who planned and prepared our meals. Darryl Davies - Year 9 Camp Co-ordinator Level 1 Surf Trips 60 Level 1 Physical Education students recently spent 2 days surfing with the Tutukaka Surf Company at Sandy Bay. Students attending the trips were able to be assessed against 3 achievement standards and potentially gain 9 Level 1 credits towards their NCEA qualification. Students are still completing a number of additional tasks associated with the surf trips, but early indications suggest that most will gain the 9 credits on offer. Special thanks to the Kamo Club for their support with transport. Darryl Davies HOD Physical Education No Shell Left Unturned That time of year again and the Level 2 Biology students were off to the Matapouri rocky shore to study zonation. Even our community constable remembers this trip. It’s become quite a tradition. This year it was touch and go as cyclone Pam threatened to spoil our fun. The trip was planned for Wednesday 18 March and hours of work had gone into our preparations. Pam was expected on Sunday. On Friday we consulted with a wise old fisherman, a.k.a. Mr Goodwin. ‘Leave making the call till Monday.’ he said. Well! New Zealand dodged a bullet there as Pam slid off down the east coast. The day was stunning and everyone had an enjoyable and productive day. Hazel McIntosh – Faculty Leader, Science NZ Association of Orthodontists – Wish for a Smile Trust The Wish for a Smile Trust was established in 2011 to provide specialist orthodontic treatment for young people who may not otherwise be able to access treatment due to family and financial circumstances. Feel free to contact the NZAO for further information on eligibility or to make application at or via their website Are you wanting to upskill? Do you want a new hobby? The adult community education programme for Term 2 is currently being finalised and the CEW website will shortly be updated with the latest courses on offer. Look out for the CEW brochures which will be available at your local library early April. CEW is fortunate to have a reliable and enthusiastic team of tutors including tutors hailing from as far afield as Russia, China, Japan, France and Colombia. For the foreign language classes the tutors are mainly native speakers or are proficient in the language having studied and/or lived in the region. Likewise for the ethnic cooking classes the tutors are generally indigenous or are familiar with the local cuisine of that country. The programme is constantly changing with the addition of new courses each term so there is always something different to try. Check out the classes available this coming term – we have something for everyone! Enrol online or email Like us on Facebook ADULT COMMUNITY EDUCATION Affordable, Accessible, Lifelong Learning Shona Hill: ACE Co-ordinator Shortage In Skilled Workers Creating More Jobs Than Candidates An interesting report which appeared in the NZ Herald, Thursday 19 March, written by Wayne Thompson - NZ Herald reporter: International Student Department On Thursday 5 March a small group of students travelled with me to Northtec where an event was being held to celebrate India’s Holi-Day or Festival of Colours. One of the highlights amongst the traditional dance and music was the paint dust throwing, combined with water pistols and water bombs. Our four newest students had the opportunity to visit the Mayoral chambers on Monday 2 March 2015. Anna Meier presented a brilliantly written speech about her time in New Zealand so far. We also took a little sightseeing tour around the main city tourist sites including the new pedestrian bridge at the Town Basin. Tuesday 10th March saw us off to try our hand at surfing. The weather was mild, the surf was perfect for learners and the company great. Thanks to Simon and his team at Tutukaka Surf Experience for a fantastic day out at Sandy Bay. One of our newer homestay’s - the Burns family - very kindly hosted a dinner for many of our current homestay families and their students on the day Cyclone Pam was due – Sunday 15 March. Fortunately the weather, although windy and cold, wasn’t as bad as expected and we had an enjoyable evening of great conversation and a wide selection of yummy food to nourish us all. On Tuesday 17 March we presented our students with a little handmade clover card and green lollipop for St Patricks day. Megan Davidson, Manager – International Students Arts Department: The Arts Department has been rather busy this term with trips occurring every week. These are such a wonderful opportunity for all students, especially for Drama students who would otherwise not have access to the wonderful performances that are offered. Drama: Senior students have started their assessments for this term. Drama students have the opportunity to attend 2 separate performances in Term 2. Leap Theatre at Forum North on 22 May, and “A Dolls’ House” at the Maidment Theatre in Auckland on 21 May. The Northland Shakespeare Festival will be held in A06 on 23 April starting at 7pm this is open to the public. Visual Art: All senior students are working hard to complete their assignments before the holidays. A group of Level 1 students had an out of school photography/drawing trip to the Matapouri area. This gave the photographers a chance to advance their skills with the camera. The Level 2 Art students took their sketch books to draw from surrounding landscapes. Both by Alex Nelson The following two paintings from International Students: Anna Meier Year 9 sketching and lino prints: Loche Harley Alena von Harlessen Ashleigh Banner-Stewart Uku North is to be held around Whangarei at Easter. This is a collaboration of New Zealand clay artists, which is an opportunity for Art students to see amazing works close up. He Toi Whakairo He Mana Tangata Where there is artistic excellence, there is human dignity Kay Haigh Arts Co-ordinator Welcome to Sports at Kamo High School Nothing is impossible “The word itself says ‘I’m possible’ Audrey Hepburn NSSA Swimming Sports Rachyl Edge, Nicole Wrack, Mikaela Price, Laura Smith and Chris Geerkens represented our school in the Northland swimming carnival held over in Dargaville. On a real scorcher of a day – the pool was the best place to be. All swam well and had placings within their heats. Rachyl and Nicole managed to also pick up placings overall. Girls 16yrs and over 100m Breaststroke 2nd Nicole Wrack th 4 Rachyl Edge 50m Freestyle 3rd Rachyl Edge Well done to the whole team who competed. NSSSA ATHLETICS Held at Kensington Park on 11 March between all the secondary schools within the Northland area. Unfortunately we had a number of Yr 9’s (eligible to enter) who missed out competing at this NSSA Athletics event – due to being away at Yr 9 camp. Next year! Those who went found the competition tough, but we still managed to get results in the following events: Open Girls 300m Hurdles 1st Rachyl Edge Open Girls 2000m Steeple Chase 2nd Rachyl Edge nd Intermediate girls 400m 2 Savannah Sullivan nd Intermediate Boys Triple Jump 2 Nazareth Nikora rd Intermediate Boys Long Jump 3 Nazareth Nikora st Junior Girls Triple Jump 1 Tiana Currie (pictured right) Savannah Sullivan Laura Smith (2nd from left) (far right) Rachyl Edge The Kamo High team consisted of: Rachyl Edge, Savannah Sullivan, Laura Smith, Tiana Currie, Chloe Buckton, Nazareth Nikora and De-John Smith. Kyron Vette and Thomas Berry were also part of the team but were unable to be there on the day. Triathlon – Teams and Individual KHS Junior Boys Team Triathlon 1st Place Christopher Geerkens - Swim Rueben Nicholl – Bike Jordan Dwight – Run KHS Senior Girls Team Triathlon 2nd Place Nicole Wrack – Swim Louise Savage – Bike Louise Savage – Run Senior Volleyball Both the Senior Boys and Girls Volleyball teams made it through to the finals of the NSS volleyball tournament. Well done to the girls for their great attitude and self-managing all of their trainings. The teams played well and were often unlucky losing only by a couple of points in some games. Unfortunately neither team placed – but the competition was even and really good to watch. Individual Events 1st Place Senior Girls – Rachyl Edge 2nd Place Intermediate Girls – Savannah Sullivan Rugby Sevens series ran this term with two competitions – Open boys and U15 boys. The qualifier was held at Old Boys Rugby Ground – Both of our KHS teams managed to make it through to the finals day at Hikurangi Rugby ground 17th March. Tough teams were competing in both grades, the strength of the WBHS sides as well as good sides coming from the north schools Kaitaia and Kerikeri. Both teams were coached by Mr Miller – with Mr Yeoman helping out the U15 side at finals. KHS Open team faced WBHS in the semi-final, always a tough ask, but made a lot tougher when key player, Tiaki, had to leave early on with a concussion after hitting the ground hard in a tackle. Unfortunately WBHS were too strong and KHS found themselves facing Kerikeri in the 3/4 playoff, eventually finishing 4th. The U15 side was a group of young but keen players who quite often found themselves playing against opponents a lot bigger than they were. They improved with every game, with everyone in the team making some gutsy tackles and really working hard. Caleb Nikara proved very quick with ball in hand and was highest try scorer. The team won their last game against Ruawai to be winners of the bowl final – after being knocked out of the championship earlier. Special mention to Joe Thelwall who broke his arm during the game – speedy recovery Joe. Cricket Kamo High competed in the 3rd grade cricket competition with a new look young side. Plenty of potential for future years with the help of a couple of 2014 Year 13s who helped out the side. This group of boys have had a good season, brought along with the help of coach Atif and Roger Turner at the games. Nice to have yet another Turner prodigy at our school with Max Turner being the standout of the team performing with both bat and ball. Head Boy, Matt Pene, really lead from the front as Captain with the bat and had a score of 178 not out against Rodney – plus numerous other well played innings. Matt has also been a really good role model to all of the young players in this team. The team finished 3rd in the Northland cricket 3rd grade competition. (Back row L to R) Shay Ladd, Jared Johnston, Matt Pene, Roger Turner, Zak Chapman, Jordan Dwight (Front row L to R) Alex Mudgway, Tiaan Hudson, Max Turner, Kodi Ritchie-Warren, Jack Scott (Absent) Ben Baker, Greg Jackman, Reagan MacKenzie, Bailey Bocock The girls in action at the NSS Volleyball finals. All no longer needed socks! Please make sure that your son is wearing the correct socks to school… kam o d en t al lt d general & implant dentistry General Dental Care for Families ACC Treatment Providers Amalgam Free Dentistry Fluoride Free Composite White Fillings Free adolescent dental care from year 9 to 18 years New Patients are always welcome 09 4351431 2 Grant Street, Kamo Malcolm McDiarmid BDS Otago Lawrie Brett BDS Otago Andrea Rochell-Walker Reg Dental Hyg Possum Control Glenbervie Forest Glenbervie Forest, including satellite blocks Maungatapere, Tutukaka, Puhipuhi and Mokau (near Oakura) forests. Cyanide poison (capsule) baits will be placed in conjunction with a white flour lure in bait stations (labelled flowerpots on wire stands) or as ‘Strikers’ (waxed cardboard strips stapled to tree stumps. Poison will not be laid during weekends, school holidays and public holidays, nor within 200 metres of the forest boundary. More information: Rayonier NZ Ltd – 09 437 4082 Proudly sponsored by the Ministry of Social Development What: One Week holiday programme – Monday to Friday - 9.00am to 1.00pm Week 1 April 7 - 10th Week 2 April 13 - 17th Whangarei Intermediate School Hall Who: Children Aged 8 to 14 years old. Activities: Sports, Arts and Crafts, Hip Hop Dancing, Whangarei Aquatic Centre. Costs: Everything FREE. To register call 09-4596909 and leave your details on the answer phone; name, phone number and week you wish your child/ren to attend. Or email We will get back to you to confirm your registration. Register spaces. COMING EVENTS 31 Mar 31 Mar/1 Apr 2 Apr 20 Apr 23 Apr 27 Apr 30 Apr 7 May 14 May 14 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 29 May 29 May Victoria University visit Tai Tokerau Festival End of Term 1 Start of Term 2 Shakespeare Festival Anzac Day Holiday Waikato University visit Newsletter No. 4 X Country Parent/Teacher Interviews Parent/Teacher Interviews Otago University Visit X Country postponement alternative Teacher Only Day School Ball 1 June 4 June 9 June 11 June 18 June 19 June 25/26 June 26 June 29/30 June 2 July 3 July 3 July 20 July 20/24 July 30 July Queen’s Birthday holiday Newsletter No. 5 NSS X Country Mystery Creek Field Days Senior Band Night Stage Challenge English/Social Sciences Exams Northland Mathex Yr 10 Core Exams Newsletter No. 6 Excel Performance End of Term Term 3 Commences OPC KHS Open Evening See our website for the year’s calendar: Next Newsletter: 7 May 2015 School Contact Information School Office Phone: Fax: Address: Absences: Gateway Phone: CEW Phone: 09 – 4351688 09 – 4350790 PO Box 4137, Kamo, Whangarei 0141 Email: Website: 09 – 435 1688 or Text (only) 027 751 3277 Email: 09 – 435 2931 09 – 435 0889 Email: Website: We Appreciate the Support and Sponsorship Provided By the Following Organisations: Compucon Computers Core Steel Countdown Regent Donovan’s Engineering Supplies Fuji Xerox Home Kill Services Ltd (Science) Kamo Club Kamo Village Florist Morgan Auto Painters Northland School Wear (Kamo) Northpower Portland Cement Rosvall Sawmills Whangarei Aluminium For Prizegiving and Scholarship Awards: AUT McDonald’s Scholarship Dempster & Hill EQUICO Dux Prize First Foundation Scholarships Massey University Scholarships Morris & Morris Scholarship Noel Leeming Dux Prize Otago University Scholarships Rotary Club of Whangarei South United Security – Northland Awards University of Auckland Scholarships University of Waikato Scholarships Victoria University Scholarships Whangarei A & P Scholarships Whangarei MP Scholarship Wormald The Following Trusts and Fundraising Supporters: NZ Community Trust Oxford Sports Trust Pub Charity
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