Annual Report 2012


Annual Report 2012
Aqua for All:
the Plus in PPP+
Annual report 2012
Because you need it
Water always finds its way
Aqua for All office
Aqua for All is looking forward to join with Basic Water
Needs Foundation (BWN) and other American and Dutch
NGOs aiming to stimulate small enterprises to sell household water treatment products.
Projects and Programs
10 years of Aqua for All
The quote* perfectly illustrates why private and public
parties need to work together in a philosophy Aqua for
All stands for: sustainability as a driver for development.
The new Walking for Water
Financial Satements 2012
The quote* on this page represents the engagement of
different parties in the development of – in this case –
Ethiopia; a country in which Aqua for All cooperates with
several partners in a.o. water conservation with RAIN
Foundation and in source-related sanitary services with
Water Board Hollandse Delta and WASTE.
Together with our American partner Millennium Water
Alliance (MWA) and the Dutch International Water and
Sanitation Centre (IRC) we have put in a lot of effort into
an extensive joint program in the Horn of Africa (including Ethiopia) with USAID and the Dutch Embassy.
* quote from a Nathalie Righton in Volkskrant 2nd March 2013
Water always finds its way
As a matchmaker and co-financer we get to meet hundreds
of interesting people and companies that share our
ambition, solidarity and social engagement. These meetings
are very dynamica and put our work in the necessary
perspective, which is important because in 2012 the
development aid sector has had a lot to endure, considering
the changes in our political environment. It must be
said that Development Aid still bears a negative image,
incidents defining this, even though the overall results of
our efforts are positive. Our point of view is to look to the
future and develop innovative and cost-effective income
generating programs for people in the base of the income
pyramid, aiming to enhance their self-sustainability. Over
the years we have grown to believe that a business-like,
commercial approach with market thinking is the only way
to be successful in sustainable development.
During the period 2006 - 2010 Aqua for All has been able
to match € 16.5 million from DGIS (Directorate General for
International Cooperation) with €13.5 from private means in
a financial leverage model.
Our added value, our PLUS, lies not only in the leverage we
create, but more so in the way we work as a matchmaker
and networking agent, creating partnerships in the worlds
of private initiatives and drinking water companies, working
on developing water and sanitation programs in joint
ventures, sharing and exchanging expertise and knowhow,
making it available for our partners.
Sustainability is a key factor in every program we develop
whether it is in market stimulation, environment or
capacity building.
Our work is to create chances for the four billion people in
the base of the income pyramid; those who have less than
four dollars to spend on a daily basis, the poorest people
in the world. Apart from water and sanitation programs,
educational and health programs get prioritized after 2015
when the Millennium Development Goals come to an end.
There will be a timely debate on the outcome of Rio+20 and
the need to establish a set of clearly defined Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) that will offer a more effective
roadmap and framework for the future.
In 2012 a very special public-private program was initiated,
called Football for Water, for which an agreement was
signed during World Water Day. Read more about this on
page 7 of this report.
We may have less money to spend in the coming years,
due to lower budgets from DGIS, but commercial and not
for profit organizations take their responsibility, as do we.
Water always finds its way!
Sjef Ernes
Managing director Aqua for All
The minister
Dutch entrepreneurs make profits in Ethiopia, but they also offer local
employment with decent salaries and sometimes even a meal. A win-win situation.”
Liliane Ploumen, minister for Foreign Trade and Development Aid during a trade mission
in Ethiopia, where more than 100 Dutch companies are doing business.
Annual report 2012
Results that count, our business in
Aqua for All has been trying to make the contribution to
the Millennium Development Goals as concrete as possible,
by visualizing the amount of beneficiaries that have been
given access to safe drinking water and sanitary provisions
in ten years (figure below), summing up to a total of 2,9
million people. We distinguish drinking water provisions
that are non MDG-criteria (like schools and household
filters) but that do have significant impact on access to
safe drinking water and will improve health (lower mortality
rate), education and labor productivity.
In 2012 we counted 260.000 beneficiaries of structural
water and sanitation solutions, which is in line with the
number of 400.000 in three years agreed upon with DGIS.
For many years the number of beneficiaries was leading
in the process of obtaining further subsidy from DGIS. In
our recent contract we are also counting with the financial
leverage model seeing a shift from co-financing NGO
initiatives to initiatives from the water sector (approx. 50%
in 2012).
We received 80 applications of which 60 were rewarded
with a contract; 24 were small projects (< € 50.000) and
36 were large (> € 50.000 to even € 400.000). Twentyfive were submitted to the Project Selection and Advise
Commission (PSAC), an independent group of experts that
is available for consultation and advice on project policy.
Number of persons reached
Drinking water
within MDG criteria
133.535 outside MDG criteria
39.226 schoolchildren
35.101 207.862
Sanitation facilties
to households
27.468 public acces
1.164 schoolchildren
22.874 51.506
Total reach
’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10
other contracts
contract watersector
costs outside projectcontracts
The entrepreneur
In Ethiopia we now have 8.000
stakeholders. If you want to create
sustainable aid you need to create a
sustainable and businesslike approach.
The Ethiopian project owner
We owe it to the women in this country to teach
them about their rights. Entrepreneurs don’t always do this,
aid organizations do”.
By involving companies in development
aid the latter becomes more effective.
Involving a company in a project creates
Sjef Ernes confirming the agreement with
Rotary members De Groot, Luijendijk and Wiers
root-based solutions. We are here to
stay, we won’t leave tomorrow.”
Jaarverslag 2012
Aqua for All office
The Managing Board
In 2012 the Managing Board of Aqua for All consisted of
• Mrs. Annemarie Moons, Chairperson of the Wellant
• Mrs. Monique Bekkenutte, Managing Director
• Mr. Wim van Vierssen, Managing Director KWR
Watercycle Research Institute, in the board until
December 2012
• Mrs. Ria Doedel, Managing Director Water Company
Limburg, in the board until December 2012
• Mr. Fon Koemans, former Director of Nederlandse
Waterschaps Bank
• Mr. Gerard Doornbos, Director Water Board of Rhineland,
Manager of the Association of Regional Water
• Mr. Lennart Silvis, Managing Director Netherlands Water
The members of the Board contributed significantly to the
establishment of the Aqua for All Business Plan 20132015, which will be securing the continuity Aqua for All is
budget criteria to € 15.000 - € 50.000 and had to limit
the countries in which we work. This may explain why we
did not receive as many applications as the year before.
Project applicants who want to apply for less than € 15.000
can try for crowd funding through the Akvo website. Aqua
for All has agreed on a strategic partnership with Akvo,
judging new projects by our criteria, before projects get on
the Akvo website for fundraising, thus securing the quality
of the projects.
Sustainability check
Sustainability is a core principle in all projects Aqua for
All is involved in and has been recognized as an essential
component for all contracts. As we find it important to
find out why a project was successful or not, we started a
sustainability check for projects we co-financed between
2005 and 2010. At the end of 2012 about 50 projects
were selected to participate in this evaluation, the results
of which will lead us to better understanding and more
sustainability in our projects.
ISO 9001 certification was reaffirmed in 2012.
Small NGOs have maintained access to co-financing
through our KIOSK-desk, even though we increased the
Program desk
Mr. Sjef Ernes
Managing director
Mr. Dick Bouman
Mrs. Hester Foppen Mr. Marcel Schreurs
Ms. Sulimar Cook
Ms. Tabitha Gerrets
Mrs. Hetty Brunt
Program Desk
& 3R
Program Desk Officer Program Desk Officer
New Sanitation
Business Developm.
Aquisition &
Ms. Maaike de Vette Ms. Anita Oosterlee
Program Desk Officer Program Desk Officer
Football for Water,
Sustainability and
Wash in schools
Annual report 2012
& Public Relations
Mr. Richard Geneste Mrs. Chris Amsinger
Financial officer
Campaign Coordinator
Wandelen voor Water
and Walking for Water
Projects and programs
Sustainability as a key factor for success
It is our belief that sustainability is the core principle
for successful development cooperation, which is in line
with the stricter demands from DGIS. Aqua for All defines
sustainability as:
• A businesslike approach embedded in the projects and
programs in which we engage: Aqua for All offers support
in business development regarding water and sanitation
projects in developing countries. Income generating
models should be at the base of a healthy financial
approach of maintenance, management, replacement,
• Capacity building and PME (project monitoring and
evaluation): Aqua for All offers support in capacity
building of both people and institutions in developing
countries. We take into account not only the main
beneficiaries of the project but also the institutional
environment. We aim to create local learning ability
within the programs and chances for scaling up
successful concepts.
• Environment: Aqua for All helps it partners to align
socio-economic, climatologic and ecologic aspects in
their programs.
Innovation tracks
In our current DGIS-contract (2011-2014) we have
developed three innovation tracks:
• 3R, about Recharge, Retention and Reuse of
groundwater and rainwater; water conservation and
rainwater usage, together with MetaMeta, Acacia Water,
RAIN Foundation a.o.
• New Sanitation: reuse of nutrients and energy from
human waste in areas without conventional sewerage en
water-based sanitation and prove the commercial value
of it.
• Technology and services for the BoP, those who live
from less than four dollar a day: how can water and
sanitation-related services be developed in a business
context where local resources are most limited.
developed surprisingly well and resulted in some twenty
water points. Following up this pilot, fresh water will be
infiltrated in a delta area in a layer of sand covering it with
clay. This project (€260.000) is financed by both the Dutch
Embassy and UNICEF and co-financed by Aqua for All.
At the World Water Day Congress in March 2012 three
experts from Bangladesh, Kenya and Mozambique shared
their experience during a workshop organized by MetaMeta.
Two very interesting product/market combinations were
presented, concerning underground storage of fresh water
in saline deltas in tourist centers, through infiltration in
boreholes and sand dunes.
AidEnvironment, a not-for-profit consultant who
investigates sustainability matters, shared their view on
economically viable 3R Technology directed to agricultural
use, in a workshop in January 2012.
A follow up will be deployed in several countries, including
Texel, Netherlands, the Westland area and the northern
coastal area (Water Board Noorderzijlvest).
New scanning technology will be applied at a new initiative
in the Horn of Africa, aiming to avert catastrophes during
longer periods of drought, and in the drought program in
Northern Kenya, where Aqua for All works with Acacia, IRC
and Akvo in a joint initiative with Millennium Water Alliance,
co-financed by USAID.
3R (Recharge, Retention and Reuse)
Fresh Water Buffering on the verge of a
In 2012 the Fresh Water Buffering Project we worked
on together with Acacia Water, partly subsidized by
Partners for Water, was successfully completed. Aqua
for All managed the 3R secretariat, searched for funding
opportunities and brokered partnerships.
The project was focused on establishing and scaling up of
new technologies for water buffering in coastal areas with
salinity risks. Water demand is rising in coastal zones with
a (potentially) shortage of fresh water caused by overexploitation of groundwater and floods. The project was
developed in coastal areas in Bangladesh, Kenya, India
(Tamil Nadu) and Mozambique (Zambezi delta).
Acacia Water launched a pilot in Bangladesh which
Infiltration in Bangladesh
Technology and services for the BoP
Revolving Fund program in Tanzania
In a joint contract with Connect International, nongovernmental organization Shipo has been successfully
running this program. microcredit facilities were provided in
cooperation with Rabobank, Water-Right and local financing
institutions (SACCOS). By making a preliminary appraisal
Annual report 2012
Rope pump
of the demands of small farmers in the area and combining
them, not only purchasing tariffs on boreholes and pumps
came down, but also interest on loans (from 2,3%/month
to 0,7%/month). This made it easier for applicants to get
short term microcredits and reasonable loan repayment
terms. This created the conditions for making these
farmers self-sufficient, being able to have both (shared)
waterpoints for drinking water and water for productive
Water is at the base of economic activities!
As the demands for WASH self-supply is rising, Aqua for All
is set to deploy this program also in other countries where
microcredit facilities are still lacking, making financial
institutions aware of the enormous market potential in
water, sanitation and hygiene. Tackling the restrictions for
small farmers and WASH entrepreneurs to enter on the
financial market by creating better conditions for local
businesses could be the solution for 30% of the worlds’
population which is still depending on WASH self-supply or
other WASH services by local entrepreneurs or NGOs. In
this process Dutch expertise and technology can become
significantly valuable and profitable for local business
Smart center in Malawi
After the successful development of smart centers in
Tanzania a comparable center has been set up in Mzuzu,
Malawi, in response to the growing demand for household
water supply solutions. In the spring of 2012, a workshop
‘manually drilling a borehole’ was organized, which resulted
in business ideas and henceforth new enterprises, that are
now doing well. Apart from training workshops, a showroom
was set up where various low cost water and sanitation
solutions are on display, including the now extensively
produced and marketed rope pump.
Services International, a large health organization). A
grant application for co-financing a distribution chain
of household filters, water purifying and safe storage
solutions, was submitted at the new DGIS PPP-facility
Fund Sustainable Water. Unfortunately, the application
was rejected mainly because this program might become
“profitable” after six years. In our opinion this is the world
upside down, if you take into consideration the quote of
Minister Ploumen, calling for just this type of commercial
stimulation. A very promising project for the BoP fell
through because of this objection to profitability.
Tulip filter very successful
In a joint effort with Water Company Groningen, Aqua
for All invested in the development of the Tulip filter by
Basic Water Needs Foundation. Aqua for All supported the
introduction of the filter in other countries, together with
Connect International, e.g. Mozambique, Zambia, Tanzania
and Ethiopia. Key factors for success were the recognition
of the value of this filter by the national governments and
the indentification of appropriate business partners, which
worked out well in both Tanzania and Ethiopia.
In Ethiopia, GETAW started up an import business for
tulip filters with 27 unique selling points, now extending
into Sudan and Somalia. About half of the imported
33.000 filters were sold to NGOs and a third through local
government. For the present both are aiming to provide
the filters for free amongst specific target groups as HIV/
Aids patients. It was established that after four months
all families still used the filter. A quarter of these 33.000
filters were sold commercially for
private purposes.
Aqua for All wants to achieve the
situation that people in developing
countries will be able to choose
between several solutions to get
safe drinking water.
Household Water Treatment and safe Storage
In 2012 Aqua for All fulfilled an important role in brokering
partnerships for a HWTS project in Ethiopia, connecting
Basic Water Needs (supported by Water Company
Groningen), IRC, AMREF and the American PSI (Population
Tulip Tabletop filter
Annual report 2012
New sanitation
Safi Sana on its own feet
In our annual reports we have often mentioned the
development of New Sanitation in Accra, Ghana, through
Safi Sana, a company started by Aqua for All. New
Sanitation is all about collecting human waste from public
toilet units and using it to make fertilizer and energy. Safi
Sana focuses now on reuse of nutrients and energy out
of collected human and other waste and the marketing
and sales of its products. A franchise system has been set
up, generating an income for the franchise holders, which
works out really well as clients are willing to pay for clean
Aqua for All co-financed Safi Sana in the start-up phase,
using the leverage possibilities to bridge the so-called
pioneers gap. Recently Safi Sana has found external
financing through the African Development Bank for the
realization of a first plant for processing fecal sludge and
is standing on its own feet, and looking ahead to opening a
second and third plant in 2014!
Looking back and taking into account the lessons learned,
we are now on the verge of sharing our expertise and knowhow and roll out the Safi Sana concept, even though we are
aware of the fact that conditions will differ from country to
PME and Business Development
Football for Water
Football for Water is a public-private partnership which
started under the name of Football for Water, Sanitation
and Hygiene. The PPP, which was signed during World
Water Day 2012, is a consortium of the following private
parties KNVB (Royal Netherlands Football Association),
UNICEF-Netherlands, Simavi, Vitens-Evides International,
Akvo and Aqua for All, together with the Directorate
General for International Cooperation. Fifty percent of the
budget of this program is covered by the consortium, 50%
by DGIS (€ 27 million from 2011-2016).
Football for Water is a unique program where the power
of football is used to teach boys and girls in primary
schools about health, hygiene and important life skills.
The program focuses on 1.100 schools in Kenya, Ghana
and Mozambique, where 700.000 children play football
every day. At these schools drinking water and hygienic
facilities will be improved, and topics like the use of drugs,
crime prevention and empowerment of girls will also be
addressed. The innovative aspect of Football for Water is
in the cooperation with the World Coaches Program. The
improvement of drinking water and sanitary facilities
through this program and the stimulation of behavioral
change are making the children and their families benefit
from better living conditions.
How does Aqua for All fit into this program? Through
being an independent organization we are able to fulfill a
connecting and coordinating role. Both Aqua for All and
Akvo will be responsible for the Program Monitoring and
Evaluation components of Football for Water. At the same
time we can increase the effectiveness of this program by
introducing a learning cycle with regards to sustainability.
This business development & innovation component will
be financed from our own budget. A four day workshop
was organized October 2012 in Nairobi, Kenya, with all
partners from Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, to brainstorm
about innovative and creative ways of cost recovery
of the provisions as well as advancing quality and cost
effectiveness with local entrepreneurs.
Public-private partnership Football for Water
Annual report 2012
The government
Aqua for All has proven her unique value over the last ten years, connecting profit and not
for profit partners, looking for innovative solutions in a business development model, acting as an
international matchmaker for the drinking water and sanitation sector. I have believed in this role from
the beginning and I am convinced that Aqua for All must continue to work as a matchmaker in the future.
On to the next ten years!
Dick van Ginhoven
Senior Advisor Water and Sanitation, DGIS
The Water Board
I joined the Board of Aqua for All in a period when the organization became
more and more professional. The future is challenging in a way that Aqua for All will
be guarding her own identity and unique role in a changing world where the odds
sometimes seem against development cooperation.
Cor Roos
Director of Water Board Rhine and IJssel
The drinking water company
Through the years Aqua for All has played a significant role in realizing the MDG-goals of PWN/
Aquanet. Thanks to the cooperation and recommendations of Aqua for All and most certainly also
because of the leverage in co-financing our programs, we have been able to roll out our programs with
local partners, contributing substantially in reaching the Millennium Development Goals on drinking water
and sanitation through a first public-private partnership in Ruanda, called Aquavirunga.
Leo Commandeur
Director of Aquanet / PWN consultants
Over the years and AMREF Flying Doctors as a leading
African health organization and Aqua for All have joined in a powerful
combination with regards to network and expertise on (drinking)water
and health, which has led to significant improvement on drinking water
and sanitation conditions of the Masai in Kajiado (Kenya).”
Jacqueline Lampe
Director of AMREF Flying Doctors
Annual report 2012
The entrepreneur
I can only say that it would not have been possible for Basic Water
Needs to develop our tulip filter business without the support of Aqua for All.
Klaas van der Ven
Basic Water Needs Foundation
The professor
In the early days of Aqua for All I joined the managing board and with pleasure, hoping
that Aqua for All would combine forces within the Dutch water sector contributing to solve the
world wide water problems. Over the years I have seen Aqua for All fulfilling the actual role as
connector, together with many enthusiastic and engaged people working in the water sector.
Hans van Dijk
Professor Drinking water research and engineering at T.U. Delft
Ten years of Aqua for All
In 2012 we celebrated our tenth anniversary! A nice overview of the past ten years
was published in H2O, magazine of the Dutch water sector.
A special anniversary brochure was handed out during the annual Stakeholders
Meeting, which was hosted by World Waternet in Amsterdam. Three interesting
speakers were invited to shine their light on the role of Aqua for All in scaling up
development aid. Mrs. Kitty van der Heijden (DGIS) spoke about the PPP-policy on
sustainability and securing safe water on household level. She challenged Aqua for All
to further develop her matchmaking role connecting the development aid sector and
the Dutch water sector.
Mr. Wim van Vierssen, Director of KWR Watercycle Research Institute and professor at
T.U. Delft, advised Aqua for All to make expertise and know-how available and suitable
for local business models (shareware) advancing access to safe drinking water and
Mr. Joppe Cramwinckel, Project Director at the World Business Council in Geneva,
appreciated the tenacity of Aqua for All challenging large companies like Shell to show
leadership in scaling up access to drinking water and sanitation.
Both recent and long term partners of Aqua for All were asked about their view on
Aqua for All; on these pages you will find some quotes:
Annual report 2012
Strategic partnerships
As a networking organization Aqua for All has been able to
work with a broad variety of partners from the water sector,
consultancy and knowledge institutions, as well as with
community service organizations like Rotary and others.
With some of them we agreed on each others’
complementary characters, which led to a strategic
partnership by means of a Letter of Understanding or a
Letter of Intent e.g. Akvo, Rotary NL, WASTE and (in 2013)
SNV. We have intensified our cooperation with NWP, IRC
and BoP Innovation Center.
In February 2012 Aqua for All and Akvo agreed to extend
the existing partnership, working together on different
Platform for projects: from 2012 all projects co-financed
by Aqua for All will be published online through the RSRsystem which was developed by Akvo. This platform is an
integral part of Aqua for All’s website, showcasing updates,
videos and photos from project partners all over the world.
Screening service: projects that are looking for funds
through the Akvo online platform will be screened in
advance by the project team of Aqua for All, thus providing
chances for small NGOs that did not meet the criteria for
co-financing in KIOSK and guaranteeing the quality of these
Support Walking for Water International: in a separate
arrangement Aqua for All and Akvo agreed to join forces on
logistic and online support for the campaign.
Rotary Clubs
Many Rotary Clubs in the Netherlands (and outside) have
been engaged in WASH-projects in developing countries.
Participating in the Dutch Walking for Water Campaign
(Wandelen voor Water), has turned out to be an appropriate
instrument to raise funds for water projects. Some Rotary
Clubs have successfully been co-financed through the Aqua
for All leverage.
In 2011 the Rotary Multi-District Water Commission was
established, aiming to represent water-related initiatives
of Rotary in the Netherlands. Because of the multiplicity
and variety of water projects, the MDWC turns to Aqua
for All for expertise and support. In 2012 a covenant with
binding agreements was signed by MDWC and Aqua for All
to facilitate both application and project selection offering
a list of choices for the benefit of individual Rotary Clubs.
WASTE en BoP Inc
Together with BoP Innovation Center and WASTE, Aqua
for All explored the possibilities of collectively enhancing
better access to sanitation by combining the expertise of
potential new consortium partners from the Dutch trade
and industry and civil society. A recent UNICEF/WHO report
Annual report 2012
shows that access to good sanitary provisions are falling
behind the Millennium Development Goals on drinking
water and sanitation. In 2012 2,5 billion people still lack
access to safe sanitation. A huge task lies ahead of us!
In November the first tentative findings of the study
‘Scaling Sanitation into Action’ (including 7 potential
customers) were presented during a symposium. The
study addresses urban issues which touch on access,
environment and health. Rural sanitary issues are regarded
as a behavioral problem and is not included in this study.
A thorough inventory is essential, not only of sanitary
projects and the ecosystem but also an analysis of the
obstacles that impede further scaling up. Obstacles like
behavioral change, the lack of so-called value drivers and
lack of knowledge of the world of sanitation in the financial
world demand a collective attention. Not only the service
chain but also the value chain require different business
models for multiple solutions. We are looking forward
to building a consortium that will identify and realize
opportunities for scaling up urban sanitation.
Small enterprises providing clean toilets and sanitary
products and cleaning services are an up and coming
trend, as investing in mini-grids for household water points
appears to become profitable. The report mentions the
importance of looking at valorization of the waste (water)
chain. The Hystra Study on Access to Safe Water for the
Base of the Pyramid (in which Veolia and SUEZ took part)
did not look into small scale solutions. This begs the
question: how will each part of this chain will be financed?
The aforementioned consortium does look for solutions
like mini-grids and small networks.In the next phase, Aqua
for All can play a clear role in the process of learning and
scaling, by organizing it, connecting investing parties
and making the results of these studies available to our
With the results of these studies in hand, we hope to
stimulate further scaling up of access to sanitation for
people in the base of the pyramid, provided that the Dutch
water sector focuses on creating businesslike ecosystems
of which local communities may profit. The consortium
anticipates a variety of opportunities for the Dutch
technology/knowledge and environmental business.
Sanitation Window
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with WASTE,
specialist in urban waste management, aiming to improve
access to sanitation by generating interest among Dutch
SME’s about the business opportunities in this area. To this
end, SaWi was established as a desk for SME’s to obtain
advice on developing business models for the sanitation
sector, predominantly in urban areas in developing
countries. SaWi will be investigating innovative sanitation
solutions for the base of the income pyramid.
Small dam in slum area
Programmatic partnership
Aqua for All agreed on a variety of programs and
contracted many interesting parties working for
sustainable projects, always looking for smart solutions
in business models and in finding unique alliances.
Programmatic partnerships were developed with drinking
water companies, NWB Fund, Water Boards and NGOs.
We have been looking into extending our strategic
partnership with IRC and SNV.
A sum of € 6.240.000 of project financing was contracted,
of which the Water for Life program by Vitens-Evides
International received € 1.200.000. Other large contracts
were awarded to ZOA (€ 645.000), AMREF (€ 425.000),
Acacia Water (€ 260.000), Dorcas (€ 260.000) and
Simavi (€ 160.000). We would also like to mention SaWi,
Tenda Pamoja, Connect International, Basic Water Needs
Foundation, RAIN Foundation, Dark&Light, Max Foundation,
MetaMeta, 300in6 Platform and 3R (between € 50.000 and
€ 100.000).
Aiming to facilitate the ambitions of the Dutch water
sector, Aqua for All continuously searches for sources
of co-financing, not only in the Netherlands but also
internationally. We would like to thank our stakeholders,
who enable us to achieve our goals, by contributing in
kind as well as financially: Vitens-Evides International,
PWN (Aquanet), Water Company Groningen, Water
Company Limburg, Royal HaskoningDHV, World Waternet,
Witteveen+Bos, Deloitte Accountants.
financial leverage model works especially well in the case
of an extensive water and sanitation program in Kenya,
which focuses on generating income for private and
entrepreneurial initiatives leading to self-sustainablility.
This contract offers Dutch enterprises opportunities to use
their expertise on drinking water and sanitary solutions e.g.
3R-techniques like sand dams, rainwater usage, wells and
pumps and on financing chances in micro credit facilities
and revolving fund concepts.
More than just double
The cooperation with MWA is a fine example of the
financial leverage model and the added value of Aqua
for All. We have been asked to join in an $ 8 million
program for the north of Kenya, embedding the
expertise of Dutch organizations IRC, Acacia Water
including Aqua for All, applying 3R solutions, Multiple
Use Systems and Business Development models for
water products. The Dutch contribution will be financed
by both the involved partners and Aqua for All/DGIS
funds. This cooperation helped MWA gain the tender
for a drought program, which could lead to a large
$ 9 million program to be decided later in 2013.
In 2012 we have been exploring possible collaboration with
Millennium Water Alliance and PSI Europe, supported by
IRC, Akvo and NWP.
Millennium Water Alliance
At the end of 2012, a two year contract was agreed with
Millennium Water Alliance, an American consortium of
eleven leading NGOs working with water projects. Our
Annual report 2012
The New Walking for Water
In 2012 more than 25.000 school children from 480
schools in the Netherlands and 1.000 pupils from other
countries participated in our campaign. This adds up to a
total of 110.000 children in a period of ten years. Together
they walked 680.000 kilometers, which equals 16 trips
around the world.
From an initial € 20.000 our campaign grew until € 1,3
million in 2012, exceeding the unbelievable amount of
€ 5 million serving 300.000 beneficiaries of water and
sanitation projects in developing countries.
Annual report 2012
Dr. Sarphati Award
Aqua for All and World Waternet, supported by NWP and
DGIS, have decided to launch a biennial Sanitation prize,
which was announced at the Stakeholders Meeting in
September 2012.
In the mid-19th century Dr. Sarphati worked in Amsterdam
as a general medical practitioner. Recognizing the
importance a good hygiene, he set up a service to remove
human feces, the nutrients of which were turned into
fertilizer. Partly because of his efforts, cholera was
banished from the city of Amsterdam by around 1870.
The Football for Water Consortium with His Royal Highness
Prince Willem Alexander
World Water Day 2012
Wageningen University & Research Centre (WUR) hosted
the annual World Water Day Congress, organized by Aqua
for All and NWP, in collaboration with Rabobank. This theme
of the congress was food and water security, offering
interesting lectures and a variety of workshops. Of course
the 10 year jubilee of Aqua for All was acknowledged
during the plenary session, as was the Walking for Water
His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange Willem Alexander
delivered a passionate speech during the festive dinner.
Furthermore, the long expected new PPP-facility Fund
Sustainable Water, was launched by Minister Ben Knapen.
In the presence of Bert van Oostveen (Director of the Royal
Netherlands Football Association) and ex-footballplayers
Ruud Krol, Ruud Gullit and Bert van Marwijk another
PPP was announced: Football for Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene which will develop programs in Ghana, Kenya and
An innovative approach, encouraging the reuse of
nutrients, focusing on sanitary solutions for the poorest,
commercial and market thinking are some of the criteria to
earn this international prize, bringing continuous attention
to sanitation. The cash prize and a figurine designed by
sculptor Marthe Röling will be awarded in November 2013
during the International Water Week in Amsterdam.
Big or small, sanitation for All
Following the UN call “Five years drive for sanitation”
Aqua for All organized a conference for a group of
representatives from the water and sanitation sector,
hosted by Water Board Groot Salland.
World Waternet presented an update of the study ‘Scaling
Sanitation into Action’, followed by a debate on a.o. the
terms for gaining biogas from waste in developing countries
in a profitable way, thus creating new clean energy.
Sjef Ernes spoke about the theme of this congress, urging
participants to keep looking for innovative partnerships and
furthermore announcing the result of the Walking for Water
campaign that same day, almost € 1,3 million.
Stockholm World Water Week
Aqua for All successfully hosted the joint USA-NL
reception, which led to interesting bilateral contacts
between Dutch and American funds and organizations
about the financial leverage model Aqua for All can offer.
Two well-attended seminars were presented by the
3R-consortium (Acacia, MetaMeta and RAIN Foundation)
addressing investing in rainwater harvesting and rainwater
Gerhard van den Top, Vitens Evides International, delivered a heartfelt
speech, advocating the scaling up of sanitation solutions through
combined effort.
Annual report 2012
Financial statements 2012
In October 2011 Aqua for All was awarded with a DGIS-grant
for the 3-year PPP-program Building Bridges Connecting
Water, lasting until 2014. This subsidy is being used to
double private contributions from project applicants in the
water sector and industry. In 2012 Aqua for All partnered
with the innovative Football for Water consortium, a World
Coaches program from the Royal Netherlands Football
Association, taking on the Program Monitoring and
Evaluation part and co-financing Business Development &
In May 2012 the Fresh Water Buffer project was concluded,
for which a subsidy had been granted by Partners for Water.
By the end of the year, the current leverage model has been
used to co-finance in a 50-50 % ratio, using up a third of
the DGIS grant.
Provisions for field assessments are made for a
sustainability check on about 50 projects, to be executed
in 2013.
The costs for the national campaign Wandelen voor Water
include the real costs for 2012 and developing costs for
2013 amounting to a total of € 120.000.
Bottled water salesman
Annual report 2012
Income Statement
2012 2011
Program expenses
Project contributions TMF program Project contributions MA61 program Project contributions PPP program Project cont. Partners for Water
Project cont. Football for Water
Campaign Wandelen voor Water
€ (2.366)
€ 6.007.673
€ € 123.500
€ 6.240.710
€ (120.337)
€ 672.596
€ 602.152
€ 187.500
€ 1.398.905
Hiring personnel
Other staff costs
Accomodation, offices
PR, Communication
Project Selection and Advise Comm.
Other consultancies
ISO costs
Other overhead
Depreciation expenses
Reservation field assessments 2012
Other unforeseen expenses €
45.761 € 503.647 €
1.165 €
41.297 €
38.331 €
14.666 €
- €
13.777 €
2.453 €
18.117 € 30.624 €
17.058 €
10.730 €
- €
- € 737.626 €
€ 397.773
€ 657.124
Total Expenses €
€ 6.978.336
€ 2.056.029
2012 Fundraising
82.000 Donations
23.973 Campaigns
€ Project Applicants
€ 3.359.052 € 3.465.025 Other income
€ 35.704
DGIS TMF grant
- DGIS MA61 grant
- DGIS PPP grant
€ 3.288.229 Partners for Water grant
10.553 Football for Water grant
€ 123.500 € 3.422.282 Financial income€
Totaal Income
€ 6.978.336 2011
€ 104.412
€ 309.057
€ 459.796
€ 940.295
€ 861.967
€ 106.666
€ 1.088.567
€ 2.056.029
The gross salary 2012 for the managing director amounted to € 99.730. The Board granted him a
special allowance, which he has refunded to the foundation.
The Board received € 845 for expenses. No other remunerations were paid.
Balance sheet
Fixed assets
19.246 €
Current assets
Receivable from accounts
€ 658.697 €
Receivable from grants
- € 509.650
Other receivables
46.463 €
Prepaid expenses
29.301 €
€ 734.461 € 658.859
Rabobank Current Account
€ 4.323.567 € 3.419.480
Total assets
€ 5.077.274 € 4.093.495
31-12-2012 Reserves and Funds
Disposable income
€ 477.303 Operating result actual year
- € 477.303 Provisions
Field assessments *
60.000 Current liabilities
Vacation costs payable
19.967 PPP grants received in advance
€ 2.765.863 Liabilities on projects
€ 1.716.508 Other
37.633 € 4.539.971 Total liabilities
€ 5.077.274 31-12-2011
€ 2.898.371
€ 643.856
€ 3.556.192
€ 4.093.495
* These provisions were made for the MA61 projects that end in 2013
Annual report 2012
Aqua for All
Koningskade 40
2596 AA The Hague
P.O. Box 93218
2509 AE The Hague
T +31 (0) 70 3519 725
Rabobank: 38 31 84 584
CoC: 27248417
Issued by Aqua for All / Editorial and production Couwenberg Strategy & Communication, Utrecht /
Photography Archive Aqua for All / Design b.ont concept & design, The Hague /
Translation Hetty Brunt / May 2013