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River Mining Company Annual Capacity 2,750,000 Tons General Offices : Kittanning, Pa. Mines Located on The Pittsburg €3 Shawmut Railroad Connecting directly with Pittsburg, Shawmut €3 Northern Railroad Erie Rarlroad Buffalo, Rochester €3 Pittsburgh Radroad and Pennsylvania Railroad Allegheny River Mining Company . EDWARD F. SEARLES, Chairman Executive Committee WILLIAM SHLLLABER, Vice Chairman Executive Committee New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. . Board of Directors Dwight C. Morgan, President Edwin E. Tait . . Charles L. McIntyre . Kittanning, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Freeport, Pa. . Henry S. Hastings . John S. Porter . Fred Norman . . St. Marys. Pa. Kittanning, Pa. Kittanning. Pa. Executive Department Dwght C . Morgan, President H b 'Q. &I&& * Tait €t? AU- , . Kittanning, Pa. ah ! ! Tait, General Counsel Ki-S- Frank A. Schmidt, Secretary Kittanning, Pa. S. A. VanDerveer, Assistant Treasurer . New York, N. Y. k g a l Department . 7. L' - . ': ,.%I% ?", -' 8. I 1 I. , . Pittsburgh, Pa. Allegheny River Mining Company Engineering Department - Fred Norman. Chief Engineer . Kittanning, - Pa. J. I. Downs, Division Engineer . Cadogan, Pa. Seminole, Pa. S. J. Emery, Division Engineer . F. M. Burch. Division Engineer, Furnace Run, Pa. David Whamond, Supt. General Repair Shops . Furnace Run, Pa. Henry Moltz, Chief Electrician, Furnace Run, Pa. G. Edward Doverspike, Timber Lands and Reforestation . . Kittanning, Pa. Operating Department Arnold Hirst, General Superintendent . Kittanning, Pa. Arthur White, Supt. Seminole Mine . Seminole, Pa. John Woodall, Supt. Conifer Mine . Conifer, Pa. Hugh Ferguson, Supt. Chickasaw Mine . Chickasaw, Pa. Richard Morris, Supt. Furnace Run Mine . Furnace Run, Pa. Samuel Woodall, Supt. Cadogan Mine Cadogan, Pa. Charles J. Best, Special Officer . Ittanning, Pa. Land and Tax Department Nathan L. Strong, Coal Lands and Tax Commissioner Kittanning, Pa. . Purchasing Department John T. Armstrong, Purchasing Agent . . Kittanning. Pa. Allegheny River Mining Company Medical and Surgical Department Dr. A. W. Skilton, Residcnt Physician . Dr. Leo 2. Hayes, Resident Physician . . Conifer Mine Dr. J. M. E. Brown. Resident Physician . . Seminole Mine Dr. B. J. Longwell, Resident Physician . Dr. T. R. Hilldrd. Resident Physician . Chickasaw Mine Dr. Charles J. Jessop, Consulting Surgcon Surgcon . K~ttanning,Pa. Dr. S~imuclA. S. Jcssop. Consultl~~g Furnace Run Mine . Cadogan f i n e . IGttanning, Pa. Sales Department Pittsburg and Shawmut Coal Company Dwight C. Morgan, President Ittanning, Pa. James R. Barnett, ViceZPresident Buffalo, N. Y. Frank A. Schrnldt, Secretary and Treasurer Kittanning, Pa. James R. Barnett, V~ce,Presidentand General Sales Agent, . Marine Bank Building, Buffalo, N. Y. H. H. Gardiner, Eastern General Sales Agent, . . 141 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Geo. C. Ross, Sales Agent . . Second National Bank Buildmg, New Haven, Conn. I I % HE coal holdmgs of the AJl&my River Mining Company are situated in Armstrong and Jeffsaon Countks5Pennsylvania, adjacent to the main lioe and branches of The Pittaburg 61 Sha'twmut Ikdrmd. The fee Ownership of mined coal pr-dly appmxkatm pa$mo5(motom, with tributary and con. trolled deposib aggregating 3 m 5 ~ c tom m additional. operated by this Chmpy are: * B or "A" seam, Lower E m g . or "B" seam,Lower Freeport or "D " eeam, Upper Freeport or " E " ~ e v a . These measures are well known to the &e, and are recq&ed among the high @e b i b ~ noue caals used for steam atld domestic purposes. They are also good ga8cprioducdng coals. The plants of this Company are all modem and camplete1p equipped throughout. The prep araticm of foal is carefully supenrieed, it being the intention d &ire of the Company that the various &qp put over the sween.~shall be satidktcxy to cuetomers. Perhaps no great industry in oxk mtlan represmts more rapid && in m-d achieve* m a t and scientific development than does the c a d mining indwtry, and it is hoped this brief outline of the Allegheny Ever Mining Company will lead to intereat in the emceeding pagee, illustrative of the development of its property. Mikado type of locomotive of The Pittsburg @ Shawmut Railroad, serving the mines of the Allegheny River Mining Company. u n e or me several mousana Twin nopper wrrom awsceel ~ m , m IDS. capauq coal cars of The Pittsburg Ea Shawmut Railroad, loading under the tipples af the Allegheny River Mining Company. k' . . rs . k :..' " . m. . - I I 1; ; !i i : ; I . , 3 - 3 . . , * 1 I 1. \ I I , -4--- 1.-:q :*! I.. -2. I ' _ - ..-7+----- , ' - - . -. .. . . .. , I J J ~ :, i l ; ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~';( l ~'. .' w-$ k42l @WP ... 2 - . . .11 . .k 7 . . ' ' - -- --.----- 7- - CONIFER MINE .- ---V-. +a --m.V $ 1 .. . . t h - e ~ General view of Power House. Electric haulage, electric and & pneumatic cutting machines. & . ILL .'-. a .>, . - .. -. . - _I--- ;--.LL-bk.Lt-'I-.d ,ji,,il/i, ,1 1 ,,I[::",,' ~ 1 ,1 ; 811, L - 8,,',',1 ' #,I! sit I - -- - -- ~ x r c ? F . E-7C-I F .. -..:.. - .. . : 2 - i1 i ' ' ,. I, '$,,*,.'i W L L ~ a=&.L Power House and Tipple. Electrical equipment throughout. Two thousand five hundred tons daily capacity. r - CHICKASAW MINE Shortwall, Chain Cuttlng Machine. sumping cutter bar, preparatory to undercutting room. A tm ~ tons ppr &v nf eight hours ~f machine w d ;r\ all 4 *he mines of this Cnmn~nv P . ~ a c i t 150 RUN MINE < m r House and Tipple. Il;lectric equipment throughout. Coal is delivered to screen h o w with 1 retardine conveyor of loo tons capacitv wr hour. Two thousand five hundred tans dailvramrihr r -- - RUN - MI -- Capacity 150,ooo cu. ft. of air per minute. Electrically driven, three speeds. - - -- 1 SEMINOLE MINE Showing standard type of M n e Car in use at the various operations, carrying capacity 4,000 pounds of coal. I T-.'/- T= -/ Double Pan Elevating Conveyor, handling coal from tipple to screen house. Capacity 60o tons per hour. CADOGAN MINES Oscillating screens in screen house, separating coal delivered by the conveyor into different sizes, and delivering screened lump to the picking tables and loading booms
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