Advanced Computer Aided Design Simulation of Gear Hobbing by
Advanced Computer Aided Design Simulation of Gear Hobbing by
Advanced Computer Aided Design Simulation of Gear Hobbing by Means of Three-Dimensional Kinematics Modeling Dimitriou Vasilis Adjunct Professor Vidakis Nectarios Associate Professor Antoniadis Aristomenis Professor Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Romanou 3, Chania 73133, Greece Gear hobbing, as any cutting process based on the rolling principle, is a signally multiparametric and complicated gear fabrication method. Although a variety of simulating methods has been proposed, each of them somehow reduces the actual three-dimensional (3D) process to planar models, primarily for simplification reasons. The paper describes an effective and factual simulation of gear hobbing, based on virtual kinematics of solid models representing the cutting tool and the work gear. The selected approach, in contrast to former modeling efforts, is primitively realistic, since the produced gear and chips geometry are normal results of successive penetrations and material removal of cutting teeth into a solid cutting piece. The algorithm has been developed and embedded in a commercial CAD environment, by exploiting its modeling and graphics capabilities. To generate the produced chip and gear volumes, the hobbing kinematics is directly applied in one 3D gear gap. The cutting surface of each generating position (successive cutting teeth) formulates a 3D spatial surface, which bounds its penetrating volume into the workpiece. This surface is produced combining the relative rotations and displacements of the two engaged parts (hob and work gear). Such 3D surface “paths” are used to split the subjected volume, creating concurrently the chip and the remaining work gear solid geometries. This algorithm is supported by a universal and modular code as well as by a user friendly graphical interface, for pre- and postprocessing user interactions. The resulting 3D data allow the effective utilization for further research such as prediction of the cutting forces course, tool stresses, and wear development as well as the optimization of the gear hobbing process. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2738947兴 Keywords: gear hobbing, simulation, 3D-Modeling, CAD 1 Introduction In most of the demanding torque transmission systems, the key components are premium well designed and properly fabricated gears. The gear hobbing process is widely applied for the construction of any external tooth form developed uniformly about a rotation center. The kinematics principle of the process is based on three relative motions between the workpiece and the hob tool. To produce spur or helical gears, the workpiece rotates about its symmetry axis with certain constant angular velocity, synchronized with the relative gear hob rotation. Depending on the hobbing machine used, the worktable or the hob may travel along the work axis with the selected feed rate. Many advances have been made in the development of numerical and analytical models for the simulation of the gear hobbing process, aiming to the determination of the undeformed chip geometry, cutting force components, and tool wear development 关1,2兴. The industrial weight of these three simulation data is associated with the optimization of the efficiency per unit cost of the gear hobbing process. The undeformed chip geometry is an essential parameter to determine the cutting force components, as well as to predefine the tool wear development, both of them important cost related data of the hobbing process 关3兴. Gear hobbing is nowadays analytically understood, while data such as chip geometry, cutting force components, mechanical stresses, and wear performance may be determined with the aid of Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division. Manuscript received August 18, 2006; final manuscript received November 3, 2006. Review conducted by Dong-Woo Cho. consistent software codes 关4–15兴. Despite the research and industrial merit of such programs in the past, a variety of restrictions and limitations arise, owing to the simplified modeling strategies that they imply. The basic principle, on which the FRS code was built in the 1970s, has been the determination of common areas between one cutting hob tooth profile and the work gear. Hereby, a two-dimensional 共2D兲 space of a plane determined by the combination of work gear and hob’s kinematics was selected as the calculation region. The accuracy of the chip dimensions approximated by FRS code depends on various input parameters, such as number of calculation planes, the discrete interpolation and projection done on the cutting section planes, and the calculated discontinuity of chip thickness. Therefore it is clearly understood that the resulting plane chip geometry does not represent exactly the solid geometry of a real chip. As a matter of these facts, transitional thickness variations may not be traced, if they belong to an intermediate calculation plane of the chosen ones. On the other hand, any further postprocessing of the calculated chip and gear geometries requires additional data processing which leads to supplementary interpolations of the 2D extracted results. To overcome such modeling insufficiencies, the present research work introduces a new approach, which exploits powerful modeling capacities of up-to-date CAD software environments. Hereby, a software module called HOB3D has been developed from scratch and embedded to an existent commercial CAD system. The developed algorithm is built in terms of a computer code, which is supported by a user friendly graphical interface. HOB3D provides the extend ability to other cutting processes based on the same cutting principle. The models output formats provided from the “parent” CAD system 共.ipt, .sat, .iges, .dxf etc兲 Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Copyright © 2007 by ASME OCTOBER 2007, Vol. 129 / 911 Downloaded 04 Jan 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see Fig. 1 Intrinsic principles and features of gear hobbing process offer realistic solid parts, chips, and work gear, which can be easily managed for further investigations individually, or as an input to other commercial CAD, CAM, or FEA environments. 2 Gear Hobbing Features and Simulation Strategy Gear hobbing differs significantly from conventional milling, since its kinematics is governed by the rolling principle between the hob and the workpiece. To optimize computationally this cutting scheme, the implementation of each geometric feature, kinematics and cutting conditions to the developed algorithm, is critical. The process problem is basically prescribed from the geometrical characteristics of the gear to be cut, the hob that will be used, and the involved kinematics between them. As presented at Fig. 1, the final geometry of a resulting gear is basically described by six parameters: module 共m兲, number of teeth 共z2兲, outside diameter 共dg兲, helix angle 共ha兲, gear width 共W兲, and pressure angle 共an兲. The correlation of these parameters automatically yields the module 共m兲 of the hob tool, whereas other tool geometrical parameters 关external diameter 共dh兲, number of columns 共ni兲, number of origins 共z1兲, axial pitch 共⑀兲 and helix angle 共␥兲兴, are options to be chosen. As soon as the geometrical parameters of the two combined parts are set, the kinematics chain has to be initialized. The helix angle of the hob and the work gear prescribe the setting angle 共s兲 between the parts and the way that their relative motions shall take place. Three distinct cutting motions are required: the tool rotation about its axis, the tool axial displacement, and the workpiece revolution about its axis. By these means, the direction of the axial feed 共f a兲 prescribes two different hobbing strategies: the climb 共CL兲 and the up-cut 共UC兲. In case of helical gears, two additional variations exist, the tool helix angle 共␥兲 compared to the helix of the gear 共ha兲. If the direction of the gear helix angle is identical to the hob helix angle the type of the process is set to equidirectional 共ED兲, if not to counterdirectional 共CD兲 one. Focusing on the generation of highly precise geometric models of undeformed solid chips, as well as on the elimination of any loss of data occurring from the processing of the geometrical equations involved with the gear hobbing process, the CAD based program HOB3D has been introduced. The essential input data concern the determination of the hob and work gear geometries and the cutting parameters that take place for the completion of the simulation process. When the values of the input parameters are set, the work gear solid geometry is created in the CAD environment and one hob tooth rake face profile is mathematically and visually formed. At the same moment the assembly of the effec912 / Vol. 129, OCTOBER 2007 tive cutting hob teeth 共N兲 is determined, as presented in Fig. 2. The kinematics of gear hobbing process is directly applied in one three-dimensional 共3D兲 tooth gap of the gear, considering the axisymetric configuration. Moreover, a 3D surface is formed for every generating position 共e.g., successive teeth penetrations兲, combining the allocation of the two involved parts 共hob and work gear兲 and following a calculated spatial spline as a rail. These 3D surface “paths” are used to identify the undeformed chip solid geometry, to split the subjected volume, and to create finally the chip and the remaining work gear continuous solid geometries. 3 HOB3D Simulation Process In the developed simulation every rotation and displacement between the hob and the work gear, for modeling enhancement reasons, are directly transferred to the hob. By this implementation a global coordinate system that is placed on the center of the upper gear base is always fixed and provides a steady reference point to monitor the traveling hob. 3.1 Mathematical Formulation. Without any loss of generality, the hob is considered to have one and only tooth 共numberednamed “tooth 0”兲. The identification vector 共v0兲 of “tooth 0” has its origin 共CH兲 on the Y h axis of the hob and its end at the middle of the rake face, forming a module that equals to 兩v0 兩 = dh / 2. The identification vector determines the direction of the Zh axis of the hob coordination system 共XhY hZh兲 and is initially placed as an offset of the global Z axis, set at a vertical distance L1 from the origin of the XYZ global system. The right part of Fig. 3 illustrates how the parameter L1 determines the region where the cutting starts. Once the simulation parameters are settled, the work gear solid model is generated and the assembly of the effective cutting hob teeth is enabled. The moment that the gear hobbing simulation starts is considered as time zero. At this time 共t = 0兲 the planes YZ and Y hZh are parallel and their horizontal distance, steady for the whole simulation period, is set to value L2 = dh / 2 + dg / 2 − t. Distance L2 practically determines the cutting depth, user defined as an input parameter. To determine the setting angle 共s兲, the XhY hZh hob coordinate system is rotated about the Xh axis, so that the simulation process becomes completely prescribed. Using the spatial vector v0, it is easy to compute the identification vectors vi of effective teeth N, with −k 艋 i 艋 n and N = n + k + 1, k , n 苸 Z+ taking into account the hob geometrical input parameters, relative to v 0. In addition, the independent parameter 1 counts the rotational angle of hob tool about its axis Y h during the cutting simulation. Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 04 Jan 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see Fig. 2 The flow chart of the developed HOB3D gear hobbing simulation code Since 2 declares the rotational angle of hob tool about the work gear and f a the axial feed of hob, their values are dependent on 1 and can be determined according to this angle values 共see also the left part of Fig. 3兲. As mentioned before, the forward kinematics of each of the N effective cutting hob teeth occur in one gear tooth space 共gap兲. Hereby, after the determination of v0 共tooth 0兲 and considering that v−k is relative to v0 the forward kinematics are first applied to v−k and afterwards to the following vectors vi, simulating precisely the real manufacturing process. For the determination of the involved hob-gear kinematics, the following transformational matrices Rx,a 共rotation about X axis with ␣ angle兲, Ry, 共rotation about Y axis with angle兲, Rz, 共rotation about Z axis with angle兲, are used: 冤 冤 冤 1 0 0 冥 冥 冥 Rx,␣ = 0 cos共␣兲 − sin共␣兲 , 0 sin共␣兲 cos共␣兲 Ry, = cos共兲 0 0 sin共兲 1 0 − sin共兲 0 cos共兲 cos共兲 − sin共兲 0 Rz, = sin共兲 0 cos共兲 0 0 1 , 共1兲 Fig. 3 Gear hobbing simulation kinematics scheme Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering OCTOBER 2007, Vol. 129 / 913 Downloaded 04 Jan 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see Fig. 4 Determination of d angle in case of helical gear cutting simulation In case of simulating helical gears fabrication, a differential angular amount is put on the rotating system of the gear, in order to increase or decrease the angular velocity of the rotating workpiece, ensuring the proper mechanical functionality 共meshing兲 of the hob-cutting and gear-cut angles. Depending on the hobbing type process a new angular parameter 共d兲 has to be inserted to the whole kinematical chain for the acceleration or deceleration of 2. The calculation of the parametrical value of d is taking place on the pitch circle as presented in Fig. 4. 3.2 Exploitation of Modeling and Graphical Features of the CAD Environment. Using the kinematics scheme described in the previous paragraph, a spatial spline path is created inside the CAD system, by interpolating the points generated from the transformation of each vi vector of each cutting hob tooth relative to the hob axis Y h 共using 1兲 and the global Z axis 共using 2兲, as well as the displacement f a 共see Fig. 5共a兲兲. Thereby, the unit vectors 共CHn1兲i and 共CHn2兲i, described in Fig. 5共b兲, are rotated and shifted for the creation of a plane properly positioned into the 3D space, for every revolving position of a certain cutting tooth i. The profile of the cutting hob tooth is formed on the 2D space that is created on its rake plane. This process takes place for every revolving position, as graphically illustrated in Fig. 5共c兲. By shifting these open cutting hob tooth profiles and using the spatial spline path as a rail, a 3D surface path is constructed in one gear tooth space. This path represents the generating position of “tooth i”. With the aid of this surface path, the solid geometry of a chip is identified for every generating position, using the boolean operations and the graphics capabilities of the CAD environment, as presented in Fig. 6共a兲. The chip geometry is restricted by the external volume of the instantly formed working gear gap, bounded outside the created surface. The identified solid geometry is then subtracted from the workpiece, as it is presented in Fig. 6共b兲, generating the continuous 3D geometries of the chip and the remaining work gear. Bearing in mind the solid outputs form of the simulation process, their direct postprocessing is primitively enabled. Fig. 6共b兲 illustrates the chip solid geometry that is produced during a certain revolving position, whereas the detected maximum chip thickness is presented in detail A. To save computational time and resources, in every generating position of each effective cutting tooth i, the overall rotation of the hob about its symmetry axis Y h is restricted 共0 ° 艋 1 艋 180° 兲. In this way, during the entire simulation process, only motions that affect the resulting solid geometries are taking place, without any influence to the process sufficiency. After the completion of one work cycle, i.e., the termination of every spatial surface path and the subtraction of the chip solid geometries, the produced gear gap is finally generated. Fig. 7 illustrates a cross section 共detail A兲 of Fig. 5 Generation principle of hob tooth path for its generating position 914 / Vol. 129, OCTOBER 2007 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 04 Jan 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see Fig. 6 Solid chip geometry identification process the generated gear gap, formed by the collective work of every generating position. As can be seen in Fig. 7共c兲, the remaining gear solid geometry holds complete geometrical information, both for the removed and the remaining “material.” 4 Generation and Storage of Solid Chip Entities The main data-entry window of the HOB3D graphical interface is presented in Fig. 8. The specific data entry includes the sections of hob and work gear data, as well as selected cutting conditions and the user defined postdata. An up-cut 共UC兲 case for the simulation of a spur gear fabrication is used, in order to demonstrate the program functionality. The input data described at the previous sections are manually inserted in their corresponding input boxes. The highlighted input boxes, also recognized by an asterisk, refer to modeling parameters, which are automatically calculated and proposed by HOB3D algorithm, offering simultaneously the possibility to be user defined. The picture at the middle bottom part of the input data window visualizes the strategy selected for each simulating scenario. As can be observed at the output section, the program uses a working folder, set by the user, to save in proper formats the chosen outputs. The simulation parameters can also be saved and reopened by selecting appropriate fields, while a simulation report comprising the user selected output results may be optionally created after the completion of the simulation process. Figure 9 illustrates the resulted solid geometry of the chip produced from the generating position gp= −4 of the above-presented test case. The normally continuous chip solid geometry, for visualization purposes, has been sliced in each of the 91 assigned revolving positions belonging to the kinematics transformations of hob tooth “−4.” The intersecting planes of the revolving positions along with the chip geometry are illustrated in the left part of Fig. 9, while the sliced solid geometry chip cross sections, on the same revolving positions, are presented in the middle part. It is evident that every revolving position generates the same profile on two successive sliced parts of the chip. This is the reason why each sliced part has the name of two successive generating positions. The maximum thicknesses of each cross section 共hmax兲 are identified, as shown at the three inserted details their development is described in the right diagram of Fig. 9. The output chip solid geometries at 15 characteristic generating positions of two different test cases, UC and CL, produced by the activation of the HOB3D code, are presented in the left and right parts of Fig. 10, respectively. Except for the direction of the axial feed f a all other input data are identical, for both examined cases. Examining each of the resulting chips, it is obvious that so many of the extreme geometrical changes of the chip shapes are sufficiently determined, even if the generated chip solid is parted from more than one domain. The resulting 3D solid geometries for both gear gaps, generated for the same presented cases, are ideal to verify and validate the proposed algorithm. Since the gear gaps are generated by subtracting the solid volume of each chip from the initially cylindrical work gear solid geometry, every cross section of them, passing parallel to the XY plane, offers a polyline which corresponds to the calculated profile 共see Fig. 7 right part兲. These two produced gap profiles are compared to the standard ones introduced by Petri 关16兴 and DIN 3972 关17兴, as presented in the left part of Fig. 11. To determine the calculated profile deviation, the dichotomy between them and the nominal profile is calculated and the occurring error Fig. 7 Visual gear gap generation by HOB3D Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering OCTOBER 2007, Vol. 129 / 915 Downloaded 04 Jan 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see Fig. 8 HOB3D data-entry window is measured at its direction, as presented in detail A of Fig. 11. The calculated error of each test case is plotted to the graphs presented at the right part of Fig. 11, illustrating a mean error less than 10 m for the working depth of produced gears, for the UC and CL cases, respectively. Such negligible deviations satisfy the computational accuracy expectations, and verify the sufficiency of the developed code. 5 Conclusions The paper illustrated an advanced and validated simulation method for gear hobbing process, based on a commercial CAD environment. In contrast to former research attempts, in the present investigations, the kinematics of gear hobbing is directly applied in one tooth 3D space by the construction of spatial surface paths, for every generating position. The kinematics involves the rotations and displacements of the two rolling parts 共hob and work gear兲 for every possible manufacturing case of gear hobbing process. These 3D surface “paths” are used to divide the subjected volume and directly create the chip and the remaining work gear continuous solid geometries. The algorithm is supported by a computer code with the aid of a user friendly graphical interface. Considering the quality and the format of the resulting solid geometries, it is implicit that further manipulation and postprocessing of them is effortlessly achievable, without further postprocessing. The confirmation of the validity and accuracy of the proposed method has been accomplished by comparing the produced gear Fig. 9 Solid chip formation at specific generating position in gear hobbing 916 / Vol. 129, OCTOBER 2007 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 04 Jan 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see Fig. 10 Typical solid chips at up-cut and climb hobbing Fig. 11 Algorithm verification as with the aid of the calculated gear gap profile and the nominal theoretical one gap profile with theoretical ones, expressing a faultless agreement between them. The results of the present work hold significant industrial and research interest, including the accurate prediction of dynamic behavior and tool wear development in gear hobbing procedure. Nomenclature CL UC ED CD ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ climb hobbing up-cut hobbing equidirectional hobbing counterdirectional hobbing Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering GP RP fa t v m ni z1 z2 dg ha ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ generating position revolving position axial feed 共mm/wrev兲 cutting depth 共mm兲 cutting speed 共m/min兲 work gear and hob tool module 共mm兲 number of hob columns number of hob origins number of work gear teeth external work gear diameter 共mm兲 gear helix angle 共°兲 OCTOBER 2007, Vol. 129 / 917 Downloaded 04 Jan 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see References 关1兴 Klocke, F., and Klein, A., 2006, “Tool Life and Productivity Improvement Through Cutting Parameter Setting and Tool Design in Dry High-Speed Bevel Gear Tooth Cutting,” Gear Technol., May/June, pp. 40–48. 关2兴 Rech, J., 2006, “Influence of Cutting Edge Preparation on the Wear Resistance in High Speed Dry Gear Hobbing,” Wear, 261共5–6兲, pp. 505–512. 关3兴 Rech, J., Djouadi, M. 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