2007/01/12 - Western USC


2007/01/12 - Western USC
Western’s Daily Student Newspaper • Est. 1906
...winning dry T-shirt contests since 1906
High 6C • Low 2C
Are war games warping our youth? ... p. 8
100, ISSUE 55 • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
The Wave
facing major
Brutal badgering
USC’s proposed renovations
would cost $1.2 million
By Ravi Amarnath
Gazette Staff
Joyce Wang/Gazette
FEELING THE PRESSURE. Brock guard Brad Rootes — shown here guarding Western guard
Matthew Curtis — put all kinds of pressure on the Mustangs in a 74-68 Badgers victory Wednesday, scoring a game-high 27 points. See p. 13 for full coverage.
Guelph U. unhappy
with strip club’s
tuition giveaway
By Claire Neary
Gazette Staff
A Guelph strip club’s wet T-shirt contest —
offering a $5,000 prize toward tuition — has
irked the University of Guelph’s administration and student association.
Starting this week, women can enter a wet
T-shirt contest at The Manor strip club and
receive $50 to $100 for entering. Each night
the winner receives a $500 cash prize.
According to a Manor employee, who
asked to be referred to as Mr. Cohen, the
weekly winners will compete in a grand
finale for the tuition prize in approximately
three months.
“There’s absolutely no stripping or taking
clothes off,” Cohen said. “It’s just like the
beach, except there’s a winner.”
He said everything the club does is perfectly legal, and he requires three pieces of
identification to let people into the club.
“The university kids love it,” Cohen said.
“It’s just the women, the feminists, who don’t
like it.”
Cohen said the university threatened to
charge the club with trespassing if he and his
colleagues distribute fliers or advertise the
contest on campus.
“I’m not recruiting or targeting dancers,”
he said. “I have lots of dancers and many of
them come from overseas.”
Cohen said all the students he has spoken
to support the contest, adding he and some
students are upset by the women complaining about the contest.
“We’re living in a democracy,” Cohen said.
“Who are they to judge?”
He said he refused to comment in
Guelph’s student paper, The Ontarian, since
The Manor, like other bars and strip clubs,
isn’t allowed to advertise in the paper or anywhere on campus.
Lori Bona Hunt, associate director of
communications and public affairs for the
University of Guelph, said the university
After withstanding countless Rick
McGhie and soph pub nights,
Western’s finest eatery will receive
a makeover this summer for the
first time in over 10 years.
The Wave, which is owned and
operated by the University Students’ Council, will close down for
three to four months beginning in
mid-April to enhance its current
The changes to the restaurant
were announced at a USC council
meeting Wednesday evening.
“The renovations will cost just
over $1.2 million,” said USC President Fab Dolan. “The Wave will be
paying the USC back over the next
five to six years.”
Council votes to approve the
venture in two weeks.
Dolan said the renovation costs
won’t result in student fee increases.
Proposed changes include an
800-square foot student lounge, to
be built around the existing coat
check, and a permanent concession stand for Western Film.
In addition, the front entrance
will be relocated to the bottom
floor of the University Community
Centre and all of the existing furniture will be removed.
Despite the new changes, The
Wave’s fundamental layout, which
features both restaurant-style seating and a dance floor, will remain
the same. The restaurant’s square
footage will increase slightly from
3808 to 3854 square feet of usable
“A number of thought processes went into this,” said Dan Smith,
USC manager of bars and restaurants for the USC. “[The Wave]
needed a facelift.”
Smith commented on the benefits of the restaurant’s design.
“We can do programming in
addition to day-to-day restaurant
operations,” he said. “Because of
the flexible use of space, we can
say ‘yes’ to special programming.”
Over the past two years, The
Wave’s restaurant and alcohol sales
have improved. The facility is used
for numerous events, ranging from
Ivey recruiting sessions to reunion
parties during Homecoming weekend.
—with files from Dave Ward
McGill adopts a new,
stricter hazing policy
By Ravi Amarnath
Gazette Staff
A year after McGill University’s football team’s
infamous “Dr. Broomstick” hazing incident
was exposed to the national media, the
school has begun creating a general policy on
On Dec. 6, McGill’s Senate voted by a margin of 29-5 to adopt a policy outlining inappropriate initiation behaviour for students.
The list of unacceptable initiation practices
includes whipping, simulated sexual acts and
calisthenics unrelated to the actual sport.
“Hazing has always been a violation under
McGill’s student code of conduct and disciplinary procedures, but it hasn’t been as clearly defined or clearly stated,” said Morton
Mendelson, Deputy Provost of Student Life
and Learning at McGill.
“This policy allows us as a university to
make a statement on where we stand on this
set of activities, and to give this issue an
appropriate level of profile.”
The school’s Board of Governors debates
and votes on the policy in February.
Although the Senate adopted the policy by
a large majority, student senators voted
against it due to a disagreement with its
appendix, which provides a list of unacceptable behaviour. Some items on the list
include head shaving, providing personal service to senior members [of a team] and conducting interrogations.
“We tried to separate voting on the policy
and the appendix to the policy,” said Aaron
Donny-Clark, president of the Students’ Society of McGill University. “We wanted the
appendix to go back to a committee stage.”
“The fear is that as student athletes or people involved in activities try and figure out
what they can and can’t do, the policy isn’t
going to give them a good answer,”
Mendelson said there shouldn’t be any
issues with the appendix list, since the inappropriate behaviours in the policy must be
taken in context and because students under
investigation would be given a full hearing to
defend their actions under the school’s code
of conduct.
McGill doesn’t have an undergraduate representative on the BOG, which the SSMU is
trying to rectify before to next month’s meeting.
P2 ➤ news
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
Caution: nerds at work
Jon Purdy/Gazette
I HOPE I REMEMBERED TO SET THE VCR TO RECORD DEEP SPACE NINE. Chess enthusiast and second-year buisness student David Ma keeps busy during Clubs Week.
News Briefs
Model UN Society invites
students to Montreal
Western’s Model United Nations
Society is inviting students to
attend a Model UN conference
at McGill University in Montreal.
“You don’t have to be
Health Sciences
Call for Nominations
The Faculty of Health Sciences
Teaching Award of Excellence
The Faculty of Health Sciences is celebrating
excellence in teaching.
Eligibility: The awards are open to all full-time and part-time
members of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
The awards will recognize excellence in teaching and
will focus on those faculty who have demonstrated
that they are able to motivate students and are
responsive to students’ intellectual needs, or have
developed innovative curricular materials.
Deadlines: For nominations is 4 p.m. on Friday, March 9, 2007.
For nomination form - www.uwo.ca/fhs
(Top right corner under select link - Teaching Award)
NOTE: The candidate must approve of the nomination.
Continuing Studies
at Western
Public Relations
Application Deadline
January 15, 2007
Have you applied?
WHERE is your Degree taking YOU?
Application Deadline
January 15, 2007
involved in the club to attend,”
said Dana Bekri, the society’s
VP-finance. “It will just be a
great way to learn about international politics and go sightseeing in Montreal.”
The group leaves the night of
Wednesday, Jan. 24 and returns
Sunday, Jan. 28. Tickets are
$350. Access passes and discounts to Montreal sights are
Interested students must
attend a mandatory meeting
next Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in
Room 203 of the Kresge building. The club will also have a
booth in the University Community Centre atrium that day.
For more information, email the society’s president Rob
Hunter at tas@kwic.com.
—Claire Neary
Want to be USC Prez?
Attend the Presidential
Candidate Cafe
Next Wednesday, University
Students’ Council President Fab
Dolan is hosting the Presidential Candidate Cafe, an information session for anyone considering running for USC president.
The event begins at 11 a.m.
and is in council chambers,
Room 315 of the University
Community Centre.
Attendees can ask Dolan
questions about his position,
the workings of the USC and the
campaign trail.
“The USC is always looking
for ways to improve its transition methods,” Dolan said.
“[And] this will be an early start
for a successful candidate.”
Anyone planning to attend
should RSVP today by e-mailing
Dolan at usc.president@uwo.ca.
—Lyndsey Janzen
Visiting PoliSci prof to discuss
Israel and Lebanon
This Monday at 7 p.m., students
are invited to attend a lecture by
Professor As’ad Abukhalil, “The
Israeli War on Lebanon: Causes
and Consequences.”
Abukhalil, a political science
professor at California State
University, will lead discussion
following his speech. The event
is hosted by the King’s University College Human Rights Institute and takes place in the back
room of the Student Wemple
Lounge at King’s. Admission is
—Claire Neary
3-day forecast
Cloudy periods
High -1C
Low -7C
Light snow
High -1C
Low -9C
Light snow
High -3C
Low -8C
news ➤ P3
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
Why is this winter so warm?
By Dave Ward
Gazette Staff
Photo by Joyce Wang/Gazette
Wet T-shirts win
tuition, irk Guelph U
hasn’t officially done anything to
oppose the contest except follow
existing policies.
“We have a solicitation policy
that pertains to all advertisers [and]
that excludes bars and clubs from
advertising anywhere on campus,”
Hunt said.
She added she and other
administrators are disappointed to
see a local company targeting cashstrapped students.
“They’re clearly trying to lure
students by dangling money at
them,” she said.
“I’d be concerned for students
who have maybe never been in that
environment,” said Brenda Whiteside, associate vice-president of
student affairs at Guelph. “It could
put them in a very risky environment.”
Jonathan Odumeru, communications commissioner for Guelph’s
Central Student Association,
“They’re obviously directly targeting students and they’re targeting a financially vulnerable group
at a very hard time of year,”
Odumeru said. “We’ve just paid for
books and tuition, so a lot of students really need money.”
Cohen said all the prize money
comes directly from bar profits.
“We’re just giving back what
people are putting in. We’re being
responsible to the people who support us.”
December’s mild temperatures and
limited snowfall in Southern
Ontario caused flurries of questions about climate change.
“Across Canada, this was the
warmest December on record,”
said David Phillips, an Environment Canada climatologist. “In the
sourthern part of Ontario, temperatures were four or five degrees
above normal in December.
“No matter which way you look
at it, this has been one of the slowest beginnings to winter ever.”
“It’s just weather,” said Graham
Smith, a Western geography professor. “Whenever we have a warm
spell there will be a lot of stories
about global warming; whenever
we have a cold spell, there’s no
“I think it’s definitely related to
climate change,” said Gordon
McBean, a geography and political
science professor at Western.
“Climate change is not the
explanation of it all,” McBean
added. “We basically have two
super-imposed events: the natural
variability year-to-year and a
warming trend over the past 20
years that is related to human activities.”
McBean dismissed the notion
the mild December might be part
of a cyclical pattern between
warmer and colder winters.
“Cyclical implies this happens
every 10 years. The events we will
have in the future will be more and
more on the warm side of things.
“If you look at the global weather data over the past 30 years and
you put it into a scientific diagnostic, you conclude the weather over
the past 30 years is different, and
the only explanation is climate
Smith said people claiming the
recent warm weather is a direct
result of climate change are trying
to generate publicity and scare
“The actual figures show [that]
for the past 100 years, average temperature has changed by 0.06 Celsius,” Smith said. “Now you tell me
why that is a cause for concern.
“The climate is changing — we
do need to pay attention. Is it the
environmental concern of our generation? No.”
“I think last January was more
remarkable,” Phillips said. “It was
balmy from coast to coast to coast.
It was six degrees warmer here in
Southern Ontario. It didn’t generate
as much buzz because we’d already
had some winter [by January].
“The timing of this lack of winter
has everything to do with why people are looking at reasons why it’s
occurring,” Phillips added.
“I clearly believe our winters are
more different now then they’ve
ever been. If you look at the last 25
winters, for every one that’s cold,
five are warm.”
“Careers in Biochemistry”
Friday, January 19, 2007 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Medical Sciences Building Room 146
Guest Speakers:
Elizabeth Dipchand
Jim Wright
B. Sc. Hons. Biochemistry, LLP Lawyer,
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All Welcome
Larry Tan
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Manufacturing Technology, Snofi Pasteur
Refreshments Provided
For more information contact: Dr. T.C.Y. La,
theodore.lo@schulich.uwo.ca 519-661-3073
P4 ➤ opinions
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
Volume 100, Issue 55
High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big
decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow
these principles and you can make your dreams come true.
Ian Van Den Hurk
Anna Coutts
Matt Larkin
Deputy Editor
Managing Editor
Editor - gazette.editor@uwo.ca
Deputy - gazette.deputy.editor@uwo.ca
Managing - gazette.managing.editor@uwo.ca
website at www.gazette.uwo.ca
University Community Centre Rm. 263
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, CANADA. N6A 3K7
Editorial Offices: (519) 661-3580, Fax: (519) 661-3825
Advertising Dept.: (519) 661-3579, Fax: (519) 661-3960
The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students’ Council.
Guelph’s wet
T-shirt trouble
A Guelph strip club, The Manor, is offering a “graduated” wet T-shirt contest. Entrants are paid $50 to $100 to
participate, and each weekly winner receives $500.
After three months, the weekly winners are invited
back for the opportunity to win $5,000.
Controversy arose because The Manor is marketing
the five grand as a “tuition giveaway.” The University of
Guelph is disappointed with the strip joint’s decision,
as it doesn’t want its reputation pockmarked by such
From a marketing perspective, The Manor’s competition is quite smart; it helps recruit attractive young
female students, college or university, from the Guelph
area. This, in turn, might entice more male students —
as well as the older crowd — to frequent the club in
hopes of glimpsing the school’s women onstage.
But the university’s concern is understandable.
Associations between the club and university are
bound to crop up, especially when hearsay and gossip
circulate. Word of mouth can quickly spin out of control, leading to comments like “Did you hear what’s
happening at Guelph University?” rather than “Did you
hear what’s happening at The Manor?” Though no significant damage is likely, the university’s reputation is
still potentially compromised.
Most importantly, there are concerns regarding
safety and underage participation. Minors will always
sneak into bars, but with university students often as
young as 17 years old, one must be particularly wary of
the problems that could arises by drawing students
from campus into the club.
Some might argue The Manor is acting amoral and
should act responsibly with its promotions. But stereotyping makes it easy to assume a wet T-shirt participant is uneducated or being exploited. Many intelligent women have used stripping to pay their way
through school, and the university student entering the
wet T-shirt contest might be the same woman sitting
next to you in class — the same woman who has consistently received higher marks than you.
These women participate of their on volition. Most
understand what they are getting into, and obviously
some feel a few minutes onstage is worth paying off
their tuition.
The University of Guelph has respected this. In spite
of its justifiable displeasure with the situation, the
school’s reaction has been fair and mature; it has stated it disapproves of the competition and has stuck to
existing policy (like banning fliers or leaflets from campus).
Beyond that, the university has done little. It hasn’t
tried to shield its students or place them in a bubble.
If anything, Guelph can take solace in the fact that
it’s grooming critical thinkers — ones who will make
the right decisions for themselves.
Editorials appearing under the ‘opinions’ heading are
decided upon by a majority of the editorial board and
are written by a member of the editorial board but are
not necessarily the expressed opinion of each editorial
board member. All other opinions are strictly those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of the USC, The Gazette, its editors or staff.
Letters: Must include the contributor’s name, identification (ie. Economics II, Dean of Arts) and a telephone
number, and be typed double-spaced, submitted on
disk in Macintosh or IBM word-processing format, or
be emailed to gazette.editor@uwo.ca. Letters more
than 300 words or judged by the Editor-In-Chief to be
libellous, sexist or racist will not be published. The
Gazette reserves the right to edit letters and submissions and makes no guarantees that a letter will be published.
• Please recycle this newspaper •
‘No fun’ couples are a buzzkill at bars
Ravi Amarnath
Associate Editor
With the dread of exams and boredom
of the holidays over, the excitement at
Western is back and the party season is
in full swing. Over the next few weeks
hordes of students will hit Richmond
Row to celebrate their return to London.
While many students will spend the
next few weeks drinking, dancing and
catching up on old times, inevitably
there will always be one couple in each
group standing out from the rest.
Unlike their peers, these individuals
won’t be found on the dance floor or at
the bar, but instead in the corner of a
room, holding hands while “lovingly”
“The days of smoke-filled rooms in the
United States Capitol are over... Medical
science has unquestionably established
the dangerous effects of secondhand
smoke...I am a firm believer that Congress
should lead by example.”
—Nancy Pelosi,
U.S. House of Representatives Speaker
Once again, the first woman speaker in
the U.S. House of Representatives is
challenging its long-standing norms.
Until recently, house members could
smoke in the Speaker’s Lobby just outside the House floor but, on Wednesday,
Pelosi banned smoking in the area.
Banning smoking from public buildings is hardly new or groundbreaking,
but what’s made Pelosi exceptional as
speaker is her boldness and honesty
when articulating her views. For example, she is open about her disapproval of
gazing into each other’s eyes. While
both members of this couple may be
fun on their own, they are everyone’s
most despised duo when together.
If you and your partner belong to
this group, reflect on how your actions
affect others before going out this weekend.
Sitting together and excluding others
not only distinguishes you as a cheesy
couple, it’s also rude to your other
friends who come out with you. While
hand holding, gift giving and spontaneity are all dating requirements, being
antisocial isn’t.
If you’re a member of this group but
can’t resist being with your “sugar pie”
all night, there are alternatives.
The first and perhaps best option is
for you and your partner to go out with
different groups of friends. While this
may cause you to spend excessive
amounts of time checking phone mes-
sages, at least you’ll be forced to talk
with others.
Another option is designating certain nights for the two of you to spend
exclusively together and other nights
with your friends so there’s no excuse
for either of you to avoid interacting
with others when you go out in big
Lastly, if you’re anxious to delve into
“adulthood,” you could resort to socializing exclusively with other couples.
This option could backfire, however, if
you break up with your partner and are
forced to reconnect with your old
These options are only a few of many
to avoid being labelled as “no fun.” If,
however, none of these suggestions, or
any others, work for you and your partner this week, there’s a much simpler
alternative when you and your partner
are invited to go out: stay home.
the war in Iraq and the recent troop
She has also been relatively successful
in avoiding typical gender-based criticism, and has celebrated her dual role as
a mom/grandmother and politician.
Since most prominent successful
women underplay their mother role to
get ahead, it’s refreshing to see a woman
show it’s possible to play both parts.
—Georgia Tanner
Tasers are dangerous and serious
weapons intended to shock victims into
temporary paralysis. They are a useful
alternative to guns and nightsticks,
which can cause more permanent harm
to victims. However, they remain incredibly dangerous, delivering a 50,000-volt
electric shock.
It’s alarming that a police officer
would use such a serious weapon to
wake a sleeping suspect, and it’s difficult
to believe there was no safer way to do
so. Resler claimed he attempted to wake
the suspects verbally before resorting to
his Taser. But it doesn’t seem logical that
administering a 50,000-volt shock would
be the next appropriate level of force
after “Hey you, wake up!”
What’s most disturbing is that Const.
Resler was found not guilty of assault for
using his taser on a sleeping suspect. In
the post-9/11 world where fear runs high
and civil liberties often take a blow in the
name of law enforcement, this incident
is a creepy reminder of what law enforcement can get away with in Canada. So
while Resler gets an F- for his weak
excuses, the Canadian justice system is
the real failure.
—Georgia Tanner
“It was a very serious and dangerous
—Jeff Resler,
An Edmonton police constable justifying
his use of a taser to wake sleeping suspects, maintaining this was consistent
with city police use-of-force policy.
Sorry, Resler, but using a Taser to wake a
suspect is about as legitimate as Kevin
Federline’s hip-hop career.
Section Editors 2006-2007
Jen Davidson
Cigdem Iltan
Claire Neary
Dave Ward
Associate Editor
Ravi Amarnath
Malcolm Aboud
James Hayes
Stephanie Ramsay
Campus Life
Allison Buchan-Terrell
Sarvenaz Kermanshahi
Gazette Staff 2006-2007
Brice Hall
News - gazette.news@uwo.ca
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Sports - gazette.sports@uwo.ca
bell, Rachel Cartwright, Len Caballes, David Chen, Mark Chesterman, Andrew Cionga,
Arts & Entertainment
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A&E - gazette.entertainment@uwo.ca
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Georgia Tanner
Jon Purdy
Joyce Wang
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Campus Life - gazette.campus@uwo.ca
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Opinions - gazette.opinions@uwo.ca
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Yeomanson, Shree Ziradkar
STAY TUNED: Is JT still the top dog?... Tuesday
busy recording schedule at London’s EMAC studio, plays at The Salt Lounge Tuesday night with Jades Ground.
Kottintrip living up rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle
Singer “Johnny Kottin” discusses heartfelt lyrics and hair
By Anna Coutts
Gazette Staff
Although his nickname is a play
on Sex Pistols vocalist Johnny
Rotten, local grunge band Kottintrip’s John “Johnny Kottin” Besterd insists he’s a nice guy.
“I wouldn’t do anything rotten,” he says with a laugh. “But if
you really want to know, there was
this incident with some fire extinguishers and, well, you’re gonna
have to catch me at one of our
shows [to hear] the rest of the
However, catching up with
Besterd isn’t easy. For the last few
months, Kottintrip — lead
singer/guitarist Besterd, drummer/vocalist Greg Brydon, guitarist/vocalist Sean McIntrye and
bassist Kyle McIntyre — has been
busy recording its yet untitled
debut at London’s EMAC studios
and playing numerous local
Unlike Rotten and the Sex Pistols, Besterd and Kottintrip aren’t
heavily politicized. According to
Besterd, Kottintrip’s lyrics “reflect
on personal experiences in life.”
“[From] the heartache of losing someone special to the feeling
of standing in the middle of a
room shouting at the top of your
lungs and feeling as if you’re not
being heard, I try to focus on
relatable situations in life, love,
and rock ‘n’ roll when writing
lyrics,” he says. “But take what
you will out of them; they’re all
open to your own interpretation,
much like all art.”
Besterd says it’s difficult for
him to pick a favourite Kottintrip
“That’s like asking which one
of your kids you love more,” he
says with a laugh. However, Besterd admits he’s fairly attached to
“Around the Sun.”
He attributes his love for the
song to EMAC producer Dan
Brodbeck, who suggested reworking the song’s lyrics, which were
originally about society’s dependance on technology.
“[Brodbeck is] such an amazing producer,” Besterd says. “He’s
the kind of guy that makes you
really push the limits of your own
creativity. I rewrote the lyrics and
that is when the song took on the
name ‘Around the Sun.’
“The title is a metaphor for
how we as individuals take a long
journey through life, much like
Earth takes its journey around the
sun only to come back to the
same point of origin.
“It’s about how some of us
stray in life to try to become
someone or something that we
aren’t, only to come back and
realize it’s who we are that
defines us as strong, unique individuals.”
Besterd praises the entire
EMAC staff.
“Those guys over at EMAC are
all great,” he says. “I would
strongly encourage any band
looking to record locally or
abroad to definitely look into
EMAC first.”
Kottintrip has also received
strong support from family and
“All of our family members
have been super supportive over
the last couple years,” Besterd
says. “But my father has been very
important in some of the business
side of things. He has been in the
advertising world for a long time
and is a tremendous adorer of
music, especially rock ‘n’ roll. He’s
a great guy.
“While some people’s fathers
are telling them to ‘get a haircut,
hippie,’ he’s the kind of guy who’ll
actually get mad at you if you did
cut all your hair off.”
Besterd says cool hair is synonymous with rock ‘n’ roll.
“Check out Bowie’s hair during
Ziggy Stardust or Bon Jovi’s feath-
ered bangs,” Besterd says with a
laugh. “Personally, shorter hair is
better for me on stage strictly
because it keeps me cooler. The
long hair can get a little hot and
sticky when you’re sweating
Are Bowie and Bon Jovi’s music
as inspiring to Kottintrip as their
“I think that question depends
on whom in the band you ask,”
Besterd says. “The greatest thing
about our band is that we all take
our inspirations from many different artists and styles, and then
once combined, they mix into the
music that is Kottintrip.
“Man, that sounded corny!” he
adds with a laugh.
Kottintrip plays at The Salt
Lounge Tuesday night with Jades
Ground. The show starts at 9 p.m.
For more information, visit
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P6 ➤ arts&entertainment
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
Rectangle Records
In Songbook, Calgary-based Woodpigeon’s first full-length album, all
seven band members and half a
dozen of their friends can be heard
playing various instruments. While
the strange combinations of
strings, horns and bells sound
interesting at first, the numerous
instruments are at times excessive,
often leaving tracks sounding
muddy and indistinct.
The album’s better songs, most
notably the title track and the first
half of “Home as a Romanticized
Concept Where Everyone Loves
You Always and Forever,” are those
featuring lead singer/guitarist Mark
Hamilton with only two or three
other musicians. In these tracks
Woodpigeon’s soothing vocal harmonies and gentle guitars finally
shine through, giving them a sound
The Queen (G)
Children Of Men (14A)
Primeval (14A)
Night At The Museum (G)
The Pursuit Of Happyness (PG)
Charlottes Web (GEN)
Eragon (PG)
Happy Feet (PG)
Blood Diamond (14A)
similar to many songs on the Garden State soundtrack.
The album tells the story of
Hamilton’s past friendships, lost
loves and travels across the globe.
Songbook ventures away from this
standard singer/songwriter repertoire on only a few songs, like the
amusing yet slightly disturbing
closing track “Death by Ninja.”
Overall, Woodpigeon’s debut is
summed up very well by its own
lyrics: “That was good… but in
actual fact, you all can do better
than that.”
—Ryan deBoer
Immaculate Machine
Les uns mais pas les autres (EP)
Mint Records
Immaculate Machine’s latest offering is a six-track, French rehash of
its previous album, Ones and Zeros.
Each song is a deliberate and direct
translation of its English counterpart, while all instrumentals
remain untouched.
In an attempt to crunch the
wordier French version into the
same amount of syllables, the lyrics
sometimes suffer. Other times, the
translated French lyrics are even
better than the originals. Subtle
changes were also made to maintain structure. Overall, Immaculate
Machine demonstrates a comfortable, fluent command of the language.
Musically, Les uns mais pas les
autres showcases the band’s consistent musical competence. The
New Pornographers’ Kathryn
Calder shines and her vocals on
“Sans Issue” (a French version of
“No Way Out”) are nothing short of
Since the band is working with
familiar material, the music sounds
effortless, but it isn’t without occasional shaky moments. On top of
the sporadically jagged lyricism,
bizarre sounds have a tendency of
sneaking in.
One song ends inexplicably with
what must be the “screeching banshee” setting on Brooke Gallupe’s
amp, and a single out-of-place
emo-scream during an otherwise
relaxed song is puzzling.
Sweeping these quirks under
the rug, Les uns mais pas les autres
stands well on its own and can easily be enjoyed, even by those who
haven’t spoken a word of French
since Grade 9.
—Dylan Clark
RE-RUNS OF THE SIMPLE LIFE. TV-B-Gone can turn off any television with the click of a button.
Universal remote
could cause chaos
TV-B-Gone turns off tubes
First Run Movies
Just show your student I.D.
Tuesdays & Matinees
By Melissa Kim
24 hr. movie info
Gazette Staff
Rainbow Cinemas
Dixie Chicks Shut Up And Sing (14A): Sun, Mon, Wed 3:00 & 7:00pm.
Galleria Art House Selection:
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One button to rule them all — all
the televisions, that is.
The TV-B-Gone, a keychain
remote that can turn off any television, makes potential sabotage
enticing. Though not exactly the
remote featured in Adam Sandler’s
movie Click, TV-B-Gone is still
With a simple nonviolent pointand-shoot, one can wreak havoc in
a Future Shop television department. Those different TV models
are beckoning to be silenced after
days of showing the same rainforest footage.
One could even take things a
step further, banding with others
and turning off TVs in Future Shops
across the country, creating national chaos that would penetrate the
stock market and make insider
trading all the more tempting.
The next-door neighbour whose
TV schedule is more reliable than
your clock always had it coming for
never being neighbourly enough.
With TV-B-Gone you can zap their
TV through the living room window during the last five minutes of
Lost and yell, “Who’s lost now,
At the very least, if you’re falling
asleep in front of the TV, you don’t
have to get up to look for the
remote; the keychain will already
be at hand.
Unfortunately, the remote’s
power is limited. Depending on the
model, the TV must be within 20 to
50 feet for the off button to work
with a wait time of up to 69 seconds. Patience is key, but the delay
provides the opportunity to escape
after turning off the entire TV store.
Also bear in mind that once
you’ve turned the TV off, you don’t
have the power to turn it back on.
Nice try. But, somewhere out there,
there’s probably a remote capable
of only turning TVs on.
Two versions of TV-B-Gone are
available: the regular version,
which works on most sets, and the
European version, which covers
the snobby ones the other one
It weighs just 26 grams with its
Depending on usage, the battery
lifespan lasts between three and 12
months. Perhaps over that period
you’ll think of better things to do
with your time than turning off
random televisions.
On the other hand, perhaps not.
The TV-B-Gone is available at
Thinkgeek.com. The regular version
is $15.99 US and the European version is $18.99 US.
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arts&entertainment ➤ P7
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
So much for so little, by Panago.
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P8 ➤ arts&entertainment
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
Call of Duty 3’s
blood and gore a
far cry from good
old Duck Hunt
New games so high-tech
and realistic, even soldiers
use them for training
MAN, TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM! Games like Call of Duty 3 no longer make wielding a gun child’s
play. When you miss, there is no dog to laugh at you.
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Desiree Gamotin
A&E Editor
Over the holidays, I played Call of
Duty 3 on Xbox 360, a game where
players become soldiers fighting
for their lives in a realistic war setting. Watching the introduction’s
impeccable graphics of hovering
helicopters, grinding tanks, and
mangled soldiers made me eager to
test the game.
My excitement, however, quickly became genuine terror as dying
soldiers’ screams boomed through
surround sound speakers and
explosions illuminated the huge
flatscreen TV inches from my face.
My blood pressure rose as the controller convulsed every time I fired
a shot.
As I experienced a mini-hernia,
I wondered: what happened to the
good old days of Nintendo’s Duck
Hunt? Where are the rainbowshaped eyes of the dog that coyly
giggled when you missed a shot?
Whenever I missed a soldier in Call
Top 10
RealTrax ring tunes
Week of January 1
All I Want for Christmas Is You
I Luv It
I Wanna Love You
Lips of an Angel
Money In The Bank
Shortie Like Mine
Smack That
- Mariah Carey
- Fergie
- Young Jeezy
- Akon
- Beyonce
- Hinder
of Duty, another would shoot me in
the head, splashing blood across
the screen.
What did I expect? It’s a different
world now. Advances in homebased virtual consoles are making
Playdiums obsolete; now you can
use Nintendo Wii’s infrared sensors
to detect your physical gestures at
I admit, I enjoyed spending
three hours recklessly mutilating
people with bazookas and submachine guns. But I was also incredibly fascinated and appalled with
how much my behaviour transformed when I started playing.
After a couple hours, I was
either cursing like a Scottish sailor
every time my clip ran out or clubbing another soldier to death with
the butt of my weapon like my life
depended on it. It was scary how
involved I became.
The game immerses you in a
whole different world — but
remember, you can stop playing
whenever you want. Just turn off
the console and go back to your
peaceful lifestyle, volunteering at
the Humane Society or helping
elderly women with their groceries.
After all, it’s just a game. Right?
First-person shooter games’
standards are rapidly increasing.
Today, even real soldiers use similar
computer programs to help train
for real wars.
In a recent Washington Post article, Fred Lewis, head of the U.S.
National Training Systems Association, said “using simulations to
train [soldiers] is not only natural,
it’s necessary.” Games like SOCOM,
Medal of Honor and, of course, Call
of Duty, let soldiers acquire several
basic battlefield skills.
Whether or not video-game violence affects youth has long been a
heated debate topic. But if a 12year-old can use the same war simulation training U.S. soldiers to
fight in Iraq, is there really anything
left to debate?
- Lil’ Scrappy
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- Ciara
- Bow Wow
- Akon
Text "PLAY" to 4800 on your Rogers wireless
phone to download your favourite ring tunes today.
solution to todays puzzle on
page 13
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
arts&entertainment ➤ P9
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P10 ➤ arts&entertainment
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
Brace yourself for a hot & sweaty dance party
By Maggie McCutcheon
cile” boys who don’t call.
Gazette Staff
Sophs or no sophs, Dis-Orientation Week is a
great time to party. If you can’t jump around
dressed like a goof and shout inane cheers, you
can get pumped by blasting some upbeat tunes at
a hot and sweaty dance party.
“Dynamo” – The Golden Dogs
If superheroes were up-tempo, hard-hitting
indie-pop rockers, this quintet would be Toronto’s No. 1 superhero. “Dynamo” is fast, dancy and
catchy as hell. Only Canada can unpretentiously
produce such amazing music.
“06 60 92 92” – Les Prototypes
European phone numbers are crazy; instead
of grouping digits into threes and fours, they pair
them up and turn them into electro-dance hits.
Unless you speak French, you won’t understand
the lyrics, but chances are Les Prototypes’ totally unique style will still get you on your feet. If
you really want to know, the song is about “imbe-
“Adventure” – Be Your Own Pet
The chick rawk vocals on “Adventure” sound
like a cross between Karen O of the Yeah Yeah
Yeahs and Brody Dalle from The Distillers. Lead
singer Jemina Pearl Abegg’s rad mixture of excellent melodies and spoken words practically blows
listeners away. Above all, however, BYOP’s brilliance is its unabashed crudeness. Enjoy!
“FYR” – Le Tigre
While many people are relieved radical ’60s
feminists have quieted down, Le Tigre’s powerful
ladies — and man — have never stopped kicking
it with danceable tunes like “FYR.” This song will
fill your head with feminist and social commentary while simultaneously kicking lots of ass. Few
can accomplish such a feat.
“Age Of Consent” – New Order
Although New Order could never replace Joy
Division, the ensemble did produce tons of great
tunes — and “Age of Consent” is definitely one of
them. Retro nights across the
country probably play
this classic song every
weekend and that’s fine.
Who doesn’t dig a little New
Order once in a while?
“The DJ’s Got A Gun” –
Robots In Disguise
Honestly, can anything
top a British electro-punk
act named after a segment
from the Transformers
theme song? The band’s
humourous songs are
straight from London
and Berlin. Robots in
club life’s sinister side
while providing beats
you can gyrate to.
2007 offers a cornucopia of sonic gratification
Upcoming year filled to brim with ultra-promising albums
By Andrew Sullivan
Gazette Staff
The new year ushers in fans’ excitement for new albums. Every year,
musical stalwarts try releasing
innovative material, young bands
try avoiding the sophomore slump,
and indie darlings struggle to live
up to eager fans and bitter critics’
expectations. Here’s a sneak peek of
albums to check out in early 2007
— even if you’ve already down-
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The Shins — Wincing the Night
The Shins, Zach Braff’s favourite
and the band Natalie Portman
claims will “change your life,” are
finally providing a follow-up to
their acclaimed sophomore album,
Chutes Too Narrow.
With the album’s first single,
“Phantom Limb,” available online,
fans are prepared to pounce once
Wincing the Night Away hits stores
Jan. 23. It will only be a matter of
time before every song is optioned
for an independent film, featuring a
cast of young hipsters and, of
course, Bill Murray.
Expires Feb 10/07 ONE PER CUSTOMER
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Arcade Fire — Neon Bible
The band’s debut blew listeners
away with its intensity and frontman Win Butler’s passionate delivery. Now, Montreal’s Arcade Fire is
gearing up for what could be its
biggest year yet; apparently, the
band will utilize everything from an
oversized pipe organ to a full Hungarian orchestra. Neon Bible, which
will be darker than Aracade Fire’s
debut, is scheduled for release
March 23.
Bloc Party — A Weekend in the City
Remember in 2005 when spiky
guitar rock swarmed the indie
scene and sent numerous gullible
fans rushing to the nearest record
store looking for Gang of Four
albums? You can blame Bloc Party’s
undeniably catchy, danceable and
addictive sound. Well, and maybe
Franz Ferdinand.
Bloc Party’s Weekend in the City,
set for a February release, is much
mellower than its predecessor,
Silent Alarm. The album focuses
more on ballads and relaxation
rather than repeating the band’s
previous breakneck-speed song
style. Hopefully, Kele Okereke and
the boys know what they’re doing.
Ted Leo and The Pharmacists —
Living with the Living
He may be aging, but Ted Leo
plans on proving he can still rock
✩ Voted ✩
Best Date Place
with the best by releasing a new
album. Now signed to Touch and
Go Records, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists will release Living with the
Living March 20. Though the album
retains some semblance of the
band’s punk and traditional-rock
roots, the band seems intent on
tackling even more political issues
on this release than 2004’s Shake
the Streets. After waiting three years
for a new album, Leo better have
something good to say to his fans.
Deerhoof — Friend Opportunity
These crazy Californians are still
up to the same old tricks — making
catchy, quirky, indie rock. Deerhoof
releases its new album Jan. 23.
Besides 10 new tracks, Friend
Opportunity features 12 different
album covers to choose from. The
unconventional Deerhoof will
hopefully continue defying and
adjusting expectations in 2007.
Now, if only fans could figure out
what lead singer Satomi Matsuzaki
is singing about.
There are numerous other exciting albums set for release in 2007.
Here’s a list of some artists planning to release new albums this
Aesop Rock, Akron/Family, Ambulance Ltd., Animal Collective, Apostle of Hustle, Apples in Stereo,
Architecture in Helsinki, Art Brut,
The Autumn Defense, Bad Brains,
Beruit, The Bravery, Bright Eyes,
British Sea Power, The Breeders,
B.R.M.C., Built to Spill, Bus Driver,
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, The
Clientele, Clinic, Common, The
Cure, Dinosaur Jr., Dntel, Doves,
Elbow, Explosions in the Sky, The
Fall, Final Fantasy, Gnarls Barkley,
The Go! Team, The Good, the Bad
and the Queen, Hard-Fi, Hot Chip,
Interpol, Iron & Wine, John Vanderslice, Jose Gonzalez, Kings of Leon,
Ladytron, LCD Soundsystem, Editors, Low, Lupe Fiasco, Madvillian,
Massive Attack, Magic Numbers,
Magnetic Fields, Maximo Park,
Metric, Modest Mouse, The National, The New Pornographers, Prefuse
73, The Postal Service, Of Montreal,
Okkervil River, The Polyphonic
Spree, Radiohead, R.E.M., Smashing Pumpkins, Son Volt, Spiritualized, Stars, Stereophonics, Talib
Kweli, Tokyo Police Club, Wolf
Parade, The Wrens, Youth Group
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
sports ➤ P11
Volleyballers win tourney, take the Pipe
makes the guys who are older work
harder to be role models for the
younger guys.
By Stephanie Ramsay
Gazette Staff
Every Friday, The Gazette awards
The Purple Pipe to an outstanding
Mustang athlete or team; this week,
the men’s volleyball team takes
home the hardware.
Hosting the first annual Western
Rodeo Volleyball Tournament at
Alumni Hall Jan. 5 and 6, the squad
went undefeated, beating Windsor
3-0, Guelph 3-2 and London 3-1.
Now Western (8-4) hopes to extend
its winning streak when it faces the
Varsity Blues in Toronto Jan. 14 and
hosts the Ryerson Rams at Alumni
Hall Jan 19. The Gazette caught up
with co-captains Andrew Hinchey
and Josh Chisholm to discuss digs,
drinking and Spandex.
Do you feel men’s volleyball often
gets overlooked in favour of sports
like hockey and football?
CHISHOLM: Yeah, definitely.
[Those sports] are more mainstream — they bring in the fans.
They’re a little more intense, I
What is your mindset heading into
the second half of the season?
HINCHEY: Right now [the
league] is pretty tight, so there are
some really big games coming up.
Every game is important and can
put us in line for the playoffs....it
definitely motivates you because
every game is as important as the
You guys have a young team this
season. How do you use that to
your advantage?
CHISHOLM: Hard work. We
might not be the best team on
paper, but I think we’re willing to
work hard.
HINCHEY: Having a young
team is good because we’re developing for next year, but it also
Do you guys have any pre-game
HINCHEY: I don’t know if you
should write this, but I’ve got a pregame meal: my Grandma’s
spaghetti sauce.
Is there any trash-talking in volleyball?
CHISHOLM: Tons. (laughs) This
guy, right here (points to Hinchey),
if he was on another team, I would
hate him. He’s the loudest person,
always standing up at the net. I can
just hear him going non-stop. If
there’s a young setter, or someone
who just messed up, he’ll let him
know about it. He just keeps going
and going...
HINCHEY: But not rude stuff.
We have some good chirpers on the
bench too.
The women’s volleyball team has
some pretty cute uniforms. How
would you feel about sexing up
your uniforms and adding some
HINCHEY: No! (laughs)
CHISHOLM: We’d have to shave
our legs, though. (laughs) No, I’ve
got nothing. (laughs)
What do you guys do for team
bonding? Describe a typical night
CHISHOLM: Hmm, pre-drink
with a keg, go to the Ceeps, a couple of games of flip-cup or caps.
If you could pick one guy on the
team to be on your side in a bar
fight, who would it be?
HINCHEY: Tom Sterling.
CHISHOLM: Either Hinchey or
Dano (Dan Miller). Dano has the
height advantage and he’s got the
reach. Skinny guys fight to the
What’s your favourite post-bar
CHISHOLM: Oooh, Sammy’s.
Sammy’s large poutine.
Hockey pool update
Rob Gavin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .433
Dana Vanderspank . . . . . . . . . .430
Zahid Kassam . . . . . . . . . . . . . .422
Kent Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . .420
Jessica Fitzgerald . . . . . . . . . . .418
Bryan Kosmack . . . . . . . . . . . . .417
Sean O'Mara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .415
David Chiasson . . . . . . . . . . . . .413
David Reid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413
Anson Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .410
Nikola Zubic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .409
Hassan Qadri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408
Patrick Li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408
Chris Popovich . . . . . . . . . . . . .407
Ryan deBoer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407
Shayne Burgess . . . . . . . . . . . . .403
Nick McMillan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .399
Heather Gaal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397
Jamal Jomaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397
Kevin Heidt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397
Abbey Jacobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .396
Carly Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .396
Simon Wardle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395
Shane Marts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .394
Maha El-Biraui . . . . . . . . . . . . .393
Iain Farquharson . . . . . . . . . . .392
Krista Blaney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .392
Brandon Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . .391
Ross Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . .391
Zach Gable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .391
Andrew Howart . . . . . . . . . . . . .390
Donald Elliott . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390
Rob Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390
Aron Yeomanson . . . . . . . . . . .389
Jesse Leitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .389
Jeff Rayner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .388
Nicole Ledoux . . . . . . . . . . . . . .388
Jay Maxwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .387
Fouad Sayde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .386
Chris Taplin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .385
Nick Marra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .384
Nikita Eskin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .384
Brandon Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . .383
Matt Simpson . . . . . . . . . . . . . .383
Chris Greig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .382
Clayton Inculet . . . . . . . . . . . . .382
Pak Hong Wong . . . . . . . . . . . . .381
Greg Munro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379
Jordan Axford . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379
Faisel Golamhussein . . . . . . . .376
Craig Stephenson . . . . . . . . . . .375
Jason English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .374
Sarah Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .374
Andrew Judge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373
Ryan Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .372
Nathan de Witt . . . . . . . . . . . . .371
Ryan Suitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .371
Kathy Maxwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368
Rob Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . .368
Steve Gow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368
Anneka DeWeerd . . . . . . . . . . .367
Derek Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .367
Patrick Popiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .367
Lee Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .366
Matt Robson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .366
Chris Statten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .365
David Poisson . . . . . . . . . . . . . .365
Ali Haider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .364
Jeff Bradley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .364
Kenny McLernon . . . . . . . . . . .364
Jon Purdy/Gazette
volleyball co-captains Andrew Hinchey and Josh Chisholm talk about spandex, Sammy’s and fighting skinny guys.
P12 ➤ sports
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
Holidays are all about food, family, greed, hectic
times at the shopping mall and body shots of eggnog.
Post-holiday time is about chipping in at Gazette
Sports. That’s right — if you want to do some
reporting, help out with editing, or just learn how to
recite the on-base percentages of the 1991 California
Angels, Room 263 of the UCC is the place for you.
There’s no experience necessary.
Gazette Sports: Providing heart-stopping journalism and
giving foot massages to Gary Gaetti since 1906.
***Keep an eye out for our internship program, coming
soon for all you eager beavers, muskrats and opossums.
Our first internship meeting will be in just under two
weeks — stay alert for more advertising!
(1 week) 30 words
(1 issue) 30 words
#1 ABSOLUTELY THE best off campus houses! All
sizes of apartments on all sides of campus. Many
brand new red brick units are available. These houses go very fast. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993,
#1 ADJACENT TO campus and downtown locations
available. Call Eric to book a tour 519-859-3236.
#1 AMAZING, JUST built, 4 large bedrooms, luxury
apt. Home Like setting, backing onto park, 2 bathrooms, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed internet, 5 new appliances, parking, 2.3km to campus. Call
Wendy 667-0047. View at www.oxfordrentals.ca
#1 IN OFF campus rentals! All sizes and many locations to choose from. These are the awesome red
brick ones, and they go fast. Call Jon 519-852-7993,
#1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms.
Popular redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus
houses in various student locations. Most have 5
appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first
come first serve basis. Zach 519-932-0627.
#1 STUDENT RENTALS 2-7 Bedroom units in the
best students areas around campus and downtown.
Houses/apartments and townhouses available. All in
great shape, and most include dishwasher and washer/dryer. Call John at (519) 859-5563 for more info.
$350/MTH UTILITIES INCL., 1261 Limberlost Rd, 4
bdrm house, bus to UWO stops at bottom of driveway.
Sign up for anytime in 2007 before Jan 31/07 and get
a free DVD player! Call or e-mail Chris @ 657.4948,
or cledsham@uwo.ca
$375 INCLUSIVE! 5 rooms available for rent. Close to
all amenities, 1 bus to campus, 1 bus downtown.
Great condition, close to UWO. Come check it out,
519-473-3672 or 519-777-2878.
1 BEDROOM in 2 bedroom apartment, available
immediately. Furnished with 2 twin beds, $200/month
includes all utilities plus cable, phone, laundry, food.
Females only. Grey St., #1, 6 bus. 519-432-2320.
1,2,3,4,5 bedroom apartments & homes. Inclusive
rents. Close to campus -some walking distance, controlled entry, hardwood floors, parking, laundry, near
all amenities. Hassle free living. Available May 1st call
anytime.858-2674, cell: 852-2674.
1,2,3,4,5,6 Apartments, homes and townhomes for
rent. The large new red brick buildings adjacent to campus and downtown. Really large bedrooms and closets,
all appliances, high speed networking, well maintained.
Many to choose from, all price ranges. Call Jon anytime
519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 BD. RED brick apartments and houses.
519-859-3236. All areas surrounding Western Call
Eric to view 519-859-3236.
2 BD. APARTMENTS 519-859-3236. Walk to campus. Heat and water included. Hardwood floors, parking, and on a major bus route as well. Call Eric to view
2 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and
near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900
3 BDRM TOWN houses and apartments. These units
are just steps from campus at the corner of Sarnia and
Western road, right next to Perth and Essex residence. These units all have spacious bedrooms and
common areas. All come with free parking, maintenance and full-time property management. Call Zach
anytime at 519-932-0627.
3 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and
near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900
3 BEDROOM ADJACENT Western campus. Live in
the new red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms.
All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked
for internet, parking. So close to campus. Call Jon for
more information or showing 519-852-7993,
3 BEDROOM ADJACENT Western campus. Live in
the new red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms.
All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked
for internet, parking. So close to campus. Call Jon for
more information or showing 519-852-7993,
3 BEDROOM APARTMENT -all inclusive, near Kings
and Main. Totally renovated in 2005. Dishwasher, microwave, laundry, parking and deep freezer. Well
maintained home, responsible landlord. Call Paul at
519-660-3659. Anytime
3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS downtown. All inclusive. Dishwasher, laundry, microwave, hardwood
flooring and parking. Well maintained home near
Richmond Row. Responsible landlord. Call Paul anytime at 519-660-3659.
3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent. Live on Richmond, near the gates, just south of Masonville or right
downtown. With a variety of options for you, we can
meet any student’s needs. Most units are newly built
and come with all 5 appliances. Call Zach at 519-9320627 anytime to view.
3 BEDROOM BESIDE Perth Hall - So close to campus. Three really large bedrooms, and large living
room/kitchen. Very new, clean, utility efficient. All appliances and pre-wired for internet. Live in style! Call Jon
anytime 519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
3 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Richmond
near Masonville. 10 minute walk to campus, right on
bus route to campus and downtown. Great location,
near all amenities. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ (519) 859-5563
to book a tour. jsmith@lpcrentals.com
3 BEDROOM, RICHMOND at Oxford, Just off
Richmond, minutes to downtown, large new kitchen,
dishwasher, washer/dryer, deck, large rooms, parking,
first class accomodation, internet, new windows etc.
$425/ person, Groups 519-858-2069.
3 BEDROOM, RICHMOND Gates, seconds to campus,
laundry, large kitchen, dishwasher, washer/dryer, deck,
large rooms, parking, first class accomodation, internet,
new windows etc. $425/ person, Groups 519-858-2069.
3 RED BRICK apartments and houses. 519-859-3236.
All areas. Many to choose from Featuring red brick
buildings and houses. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236.
3, 4, 5 bdrm apartments, townhomes, homes, very
very close to campus. Large/equal size bedrooms, all
appliances, networked for high speed internet, new,
spacious. Call for more info or showing anytime, Jon
519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS close to campus. Hardwood floors, loads of space. Great student area, right
on Western bus route. Great price, and utilities included. Loads of free parking. These places truly are a
steal! Call me (John) at (519) 859-5563
2 BEDROOM house to share in quiet family neighborhood. 1 km east of Masonville Mall. Check us out at
www.gardnerrentals.com $750 /month plus utilities.
Call Jill 519-672-1829
2,3 BDRM ADJACENT to campus. Newly built,
supersized rooms, all appliances, very clean, parking,
networked for internet. Call Jon 519-852-7993,
2,3,4 BEDROOMS FOR rent. Furnished with lots of appliances. Near bus route and close to downtown. Available from May 1 - April 30. londonhousing@hotmail.com
3 & 4 bdrm adjacent to campus. Large/equal rooms,
large closets, all appliances, networked for internet, parking. Newly constructed, very clean and spacious. Call
Jon anytime 519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
3 & 4 bdrm apartments and townhomes. These are
the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, very spacious, and so close to campus. All appliances, very
clean and well maintained. For more information or
showing please call Jon anytime 519-852-7993,
3 AND 4 bedroom apartments and townhomes.
These are the awesome red brick ones. Newly built,
very spacious, and so close to campus. All appliances, very clean and well maintained. For more
information or showing please call Jon anytime 519852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
3 AND 5 Bdrm 217 and 200 Sarnia Rd. Across the
street from campus. Very spacious new units include
all appliances, parking, networking for internet. Very
3 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks,
right across from campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer
included. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets.
Networked for Internet and parking included. These
ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at
519-859-5563 jsmith@lpcrentals.com
3 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single
family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/living room, free parking and network high speed internet! All are in great student area. Act fast-these won’t
last. For more information call Bill at 519-670-0327
3 BDRM CLOSE to Masonville, near campus. 7 min
walk to campus, very large rooms and closets,
includes laundry and dishwasher, parking, on bus
3 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus.
Many of the units are new and include all appliances,
parking and full time property management. Call Bill at
3 BDRM. APT Yale Street, near Ceeps. $1350 per
mth. utilities included. older Victorian home. main
floor, completely renovated. private. laundry not coins
& pkg. Avail. May 1st, 2007. Call Dave @657-4836 or
on the web at PURPLESITES.COM under housing.
Student Renters Stop
Throwing Your Parents
Money Away On Rent
Thousands of dollars each year go
into the pockets of landlords. Our
specialized team can help you and
your parents save on these expenses
by getting you access to Housing
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ReMax Centre City Realty Ltd.
To place your
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3, 5 BDRMS at 217 Sarnia. Live at one of the most
popular student corners in London. Within steps of
campus, you can’t get closer. All of these units have
big common rooms and spacious bedrooms. Live in
style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Zach
anytime at 519-932-0627.
4 BEDROOM AMAZING, brand new large luxury apt.
Home like setting, backing onto park, 2 bathrooms,
ceramic and hardwood floors, high speed internet, 5
new appliances, parking, 2.3km to campus. Call Wendy 667-0047, view at www.oxfordrentals.ca
4 BEDROOM APARTMENT -all inclusive, near Kings
and Main. Totally renovated in 2004 with two bathrooms, Dishwasher, microwave, laundry, parking and
deep freezer. Large bedrooms. Responsible landlord.
Call Paul 519-660-3659. Anytime.
4 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Downtown. All inclusive. dishwasher, laundry, microwave, hardwood
flooring and parking. Well maintained home near
Richmond Row. Responsible landlord. Call Paul anytime at 519-660-3659.
4 BEDROOM HOME on bus route to UWO. Well
maintained. Appliances, laundry, May 1st. $375 all inclusive. 657-0608 519- 661-7494
4 BEDROOM HOUSE for group to share. Gas fireplace, 3 bathrooms, all appliances, laundry, parking.
Wharncliffe /Western Road area. May lease. $385
/person plus utilities, $475/person inclusive. Murray
Black 519-642-2525
4 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Oxford. 10
minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus
and downtown. Great location. Three floors, two full
washrooms! Huge rooms and closets. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call
John @ (519) 859-5563 with questions or to book a
tour jsmith@lpcrentals.com
4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE located on Oxford, 1 block
from Richmond. 4 private bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms
with 2 showers, parking, full kitchen, free laundry. Bus
route 1 block away and all amenities within 1 minute.
walk. $450 utilities included. per bedroom. Call Derek
@ 519-429-2060 or 519-429-3398 (evenings)
4 PERSON HOUSE for rent. Double car garage, 2 patios, large fenced backyard, big screen TV, 3 bathrooms, fitness room, 5 min. bus to UWO, plazas
nearby. $535 /month all inclusive, $435 /month in
summer. 519-474-6751
4, 5 BDRM apartments and townhomes and houses.
many locations, all spacious, fully applianced, parking,
networked for internet. For more info or to view call Jon
anytime 519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
4,5 BD RED BRICK Apartments and townhouses.
519-859-3236. Many locations and layouts. Call Eric
to view 519-859-3236
4-6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Units
are modern, clean and close to campus. Get everything you could ask for, with 5 appliances, free parking, spacious bedrooms and common rooms and full
time maintenance. Bedrooms are networked for internet. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627.
5 ADMIRABLE BEDROOM red-brick home. May 1,
2007. $450 all-inclusive! Bus #2 every 5 min. Bedrooms accommodate double bed, new dishwasher
and appliances, laundry, parking. 519-380-0644 anytime. Will email pictures right away.
5 AND 6 BEDROOM houses, close to gates and downtown, large bedrooms, dishwasher, parking, brand new,
Rents from $400-$475. Utilities included. They won’t last
long! www.icprop.com Call now 519-643-6014.
5 BD RED BRICK Apartments and houses. 519-8593236. All areas. Many to choose fro,. Featuring red brick
buildings and houses. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236
5 BD RED BRICK Townhouses. 519-859-3236. Red
brick buildings. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236 ericb@londonprop.com.
5 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks,
right across from campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer
include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets.
Networked for Internet and parking included. These
ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at
519-859-5563 jsmith@lpcrentals.com
5 BDRM AMAZING 3 level townhouse. Spacious living area. Private student community. Only $425 inclusive Cable, Internet and Phone. Won’t last long, Call
Britta 519-933-9331.
5 BDRM APARTMENTS, houses and townhouses. 2
full baths, large rooms, open concept layout with
fridge, stove, washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call Jon
anytime 519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
5 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus.
Many of the units are new and include all appliances,
parking and full time property management. Call Bill at
3,4 AND 5 Bedroom apartments and houses seconds
from front gates on Richmond. Directly on bus route to
campus and downtown. Most include washer/dryer
and dishwasher. Call John @ (519) 859-5563 to book
a tour jsmith@lpcrentals.com
3,4 BD RED BRICK apartments 519-859-3236. Many
locations and layouts available. Call Eric to view 519859-3236.
3,4, AND 7 BEDROOM houses for rent. Great deals
for 7! Better than the typical student rental house.
New hardwood floors, fireplace, laundry. Great campus locations. Call Steve 519-913-1938
3,4,5 BD. RED BRICK apartments. Sarnia/Western
Rd. Across from Essex Hall 519-859-3236. Red brick
buildings Call Eric 519-859-3236.
3,4,5, & 6 BEDROOM HOUSES at Oxford and
Wharncliffe. Available May 01, 2007. Clean, spacious
and carpeted with skylights, fireplaces, dishwasher,
laundry and parking. Call Jim Lovell 519-691-5891
4 & 5 bdrm apartments and houses, very close to
campus, large/equal bedrooms, all appliances, networked for hi-speed internet, parking included, 2 bathrooms.
4 AND 5 bdrm homes and townhomes, Live in the
awesome red brick ones next year. So close to campus. Super sized rooms, all appliances, parking, prewired for internet. Many to choose from. Call Jon 519852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
4 BD. RED BRICK. Apartments and houses 519-8593236. All areas. Many to choose from. Featuring red
brick buildings and houses. Call Eric to view 519-8593236.
4 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks,
right across from campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer
include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets.
Networked for Internet and parking included. These
ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at
519-859-5563 jsmith@lpcrentals.com
4 BDRM AMAZING 3 level townhouse. New bathrooms and kitchen, spacious living area. Private student community. Only $425 inclusive Cable, Internet and
Phone. Best deal out there, Call Britta 519-933-9331.
4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new
appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept
kitchen/living room, free parking and network high
speed internet! Located in great student areas. Act
fast-these won’t last. For more information call Bill at
4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand
new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked
for high speed internet! Located in great student
areas. Act fast- these won’t last. For more information
call Zach at 519-932-0627.
4 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus.
Many units are new and include all appliances, parking and full time property management. Call Bill at
4 BDRM TOWNHOUSES near all amenities. These 4
bedroom townhouses are 3 floors and 2 washrooms
for 4 people! Bedrooms are spacious, bright and have
huge closets. Free parking and property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627.
4 BDRM. APT. Yale Street. $1600 Per Mth. Utilities Included. Older Victorian Home, completely renovated.
Priv. laundry not coins & pkg. Avail. May 1st, 2006.
Call Dave @ 657-4836 or on the web at PURPLESITES.COM under housing.
4 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and
near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900
4 BEDROOM ADJACENT to campus. Homes and
townhomes. Live in the new red brick ones next year!
Super sized rooms. All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking. So close
to campus. Call Jon for more information or showing
519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
sports ➤ P13
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
OUA Men’s basketball: Brock 74, UWO 68
Mustangs come up short versus rival Brock
Badger Brad Rootes delivers a lethal dagger at the buzzer
By Shaun Sinclair
bell said. “Then in the last five minutes, we buckled down and played
our usual gritty defensive style.”
The hometown crowd erupted
when a Smith three-ball put the
’Stangs up by two in the final
minute; unfortunately, the Badgers
fought through Western’s scrappy
play and Rootes was left wide open
for a shot beyond the arc.
“Probably the best player in our
conference beat us with a three at
the end,” Campbell said. “We knew
[Rootes] was probably going to
score some, but part of our game
plan was to limit his touches for
other players, and I think, to a certain degree, we did that.
“But again, [if ] you give real
good players a chance at the end,
they’ll hurt you — and that’s what
[Rootes] did.”
Brock coach Ken Murray also
showed appreciation for his top
player. “[Rootes is] our leader,”
Murray said. “The better he plays,
the better we play.”
Campbell was impressed with
Brad Smith’s offensive play.
“I thought [Brad Smith] played
great,” he said. “He did a lot of the
dirty work, gave some good second
efforts, and if he continues to do
that, he’ll have success the rest of
the way.”
For first-year Mustang Jordan
Smith, Western and Brock’s
intense rivalry was a new experience.
“I guess it always comes down
to the wire with these guys,” Jordan
Smith said. “[The difference was]
just a few loose balls, a few long
rebounds. We’ll have to work on
that in practice.”
The win ties Brock with Guelph
for second place in the division,
placing them two wins behind
“Our league is so balanced right
now, every game is huge,” Murray
said. “I give Western a lot of credit.
They played tough right to the
The Mustang men’s basketball
team fought valiantly in Wednesday night’s game against the Brock
Badgers, but in the end they couldn’t answer to one of the conference’s best players.
Badgers guard Brad Rootes
scored a game-high 27 points,
including a clutch three-pointer in
the dying seconds to give the Badgers a 74-68 victory over Western at
Alumni Hall.
Third-year forward Brad Smith’s
17-point performance led the way
for the Mustangs, who fell to 4-6.
“We battled hard and we gave a
good effort,” said Western coach
Brad Campbell. “In the end, some
things just didn’t go our way.”
The game was entertaining
from start to finish, with both
teams looking to climb the tight
standings in the Ontario University Athletics West Division.
Western took a 38-32 lead into
halftime, thanks mostly to back-toback three-pointers from guard
Jason Milliquet. The lead quickly
evaporated in the second half
when Brock went on a 7-0 run.
“We had a bit of a defensive
lapse for a three or four-minute
period in the second half,” Camp-
6 BD TOWNHOUSES. 519-859-3236. Red brick. All
areas. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236.
7 BDRM BEAUTIFUL, huge and everything you
need. 2 kitchen, 2 bathrooms, big rooms, fireplace,
laundry, garage, yard, walking distance Call ASAP.
Exclusive Rentals 519-933-9331.
7 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single family homes for rent. most feature 5 brand new
appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept
kitchen/living room, free parking and networked high
speed internet! All are in great areas. Act fast-these
won’t last! For more information call Bill at 519-6700327.
7 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus.
Many of the units are new and include all appliances,
parking and full time property management. Call Bill at
7 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and
near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900
7 BEDROOM ADJACENT campus or Richmond &
Oxford area. Live in the awesome red brick ones next
year. Supersized rooms all appliances, wired for internet. Much parking, dynamite homes. Call Jon for more
information or showing anytime 519-852-7993,
7 BEDROOM AMAZING renovated, bright, spacious
house. 3 baths, designer colours, 8 newer appliances,
A/C, internet, huge deck. XLG bedrooms, 6 minute
walk UWO. Signing bonus. $410 +utilities. Justin 8572480
7 BEDROOM HOUSES. Many to choose from. Both
sides of campus and downtown. Live in the awesome
red brick ones. All appliances. Lots of parking, fully
networked for internet. Very well maintained, super
sized rooms. For more info please call Jon anytime
519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
7 BEDROOM SEVERAL great seven bedroom
homes for rent. All recently constructed. Cavernous
room sizes, all appliances. Located a short walk to
campus or downtown. Off-campus bliss awaits.
8 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and
near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call Matt, Ted, 519-868-5622
ABSOLUTE RENTALS. Prime locations on bus
routes, near UWO and downtown, Richmond Row.
Many units available. Refer a Friend Program -get
$100 cash! Must see. Rides available to view. Call
ATTENTION UPPER YEAR students, brand new luxury 4 bdrm apt. Home like setting, backing onto park,
2 bathrooms, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed
internet, 2.3 km to campus. Call Wendy 667-0047,
view at www.oxfordrentals.ca
END UNIT CONDO for rent 3 +1 bedroom 5 appliances, shows like new. 2 minute drive to campus. Lease
terms negotiable. $1400 plus utilities. Please contact:
Carol at cell 519-854-1305
FRIGGINLANDLORD.COM 5 bed Sydenham St. Local family run for 21 years. Uncommon landlord. Ask
my tenants. Huge rebates, rides. $350+ All is negotiable. Rob & Janet Heffernan 519-657-1202 frigginlandlord.com
ONE VACANCY OPEN in house of 5 for the rest of
the 2006-2007 semester. Dishwasher, Laundry, 2.5
Bath. Util. not inc. Rent negotiable. Call 416-2222557. Avail. immediately
growing again! North & South locations $9-12.50 per
hour. Call Vicki at 519-649-4177
SUMMER OF YOUR life! Camp Wayne for Girls children’s sleep-away camp, North-east Pennsylvania
(6/16-8/12/07). If you love children and want a caring,
fun environment we need Counselors and Program
Directors for: Tennis, Swimming (W.S.I. preferred),
Golf, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Drama, High/Low
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Sailing, Painting/Drawing, Ceramics, Silkscreen,
Printmaking, Batik, Jewelry, Calligraphy, Photography,
Sculpture, Guitar, Aerobics, Self-Defense, Video, Piano. Other staff: Administrative, CDL Driver (21+),
Nurses (RN’s and Nursing Students), Bookkeeper,
Mothers’ Helper. On Campus Interviews February 6th.
Select The Camp That Selects The Best Staff! Call
1.215.944.3069 or apply on-line at www.campwaynegirls.com
Gazette Staff
5 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single
family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/living room, free parking, and network high speed internet! All are in great student areas. Act fast-these won’t
last. For more information call Bill at 519-670-0327.
5 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and
near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900
5 BDRMS. LIVE steps from campus in a 5 bedroom
apartment or townhouse. Live in style in a modern
building, all built within the last few years. Huge
kitchens come with tons of cupboards and counter
space, and centre island eating areas. Spacious bedrooms are well lit and have huge closets. Call Zach
anytime at 519-932-0627 and view one of these units
before they are gone!
5 BEDROOM ADJACENT and very close to campus,
or downtown. These are the awesome red brick ones.
Really large room sizes, all appliances, networked for
internet, parking. Call Jon for more information or
5 BEDROOM ADJACENT campus. Live in the awesome red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms. All
appliances. Very well maintained. Fully networked for
internet, parking, many to choose from. Call Jon for
more information or showing 519-852-7993,
5 BEDROOM ADJACENT campus. Live in the awesome red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms. All
appliances. Very well maintained. Fully networked for
internet, parking, many to choose from. Call Jon for
more information or showing 519-852-7993,
5 BEDROOM HOME. Great location in the near west
area on Paperbirch Cr. Close to bus, easy to walk, all
the amenities. $405/month utilities included. 10 month
lease, and/or pay your own utilities negotiable. All
large bedrooms, living room, family room, exercise
room, parking, 6 appliances, and more. Check it out at
www.stangshouses.com or call Dave at 471-8126 for
an appointment.
5 BEDROOM HOMES Really close to campus. Really
large room sizes and very clean. Prewired for internet,
all appliances, large closets. Parking included. Call
Jon anytime 519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
Live in style!
5 BEDROOM HOUSE, Richmond Gates, Renovated
Victorian Home, steps to UWO, updated bathrooms &
kitchen, modern appliances dishwasher and laundry,
internet, well maintained, $395/ person, groups 519858-2069.
5 BEDROOM HOUSES and apartments right on bus
route to campus and downtown. Great locations.
Huge rooms and closets. Most have all new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John
@ (519) 859-5563 with questions or to book a tour.
6 BDRM A+ LOCATION. Steps away from UWO, behind Med/Syd. 2 kitchen, 2 bathrooms, very modern
and all spacious rooms. Won’t last long. Call now. Exclusive Rentals 519-933-9331.
6 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/living room, free parking and networked high speed internet! All are in great student areas. Act fast-these
won’t last. For more information call Bill at 519-6700327.
6 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus.
Many of the units are brand new and include all appliances, parking, and full time property management.
Call Bill at 519-670-0327.
6 BDRM HOUSES on all sides of campus. Most feature 5 new appliances, spacious rooms and huge
closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for high speed internet. Act fastthese won’t last! For more information call Zach at
6 BDRM. HOUSE. Grosvenor St. at Maitland. $2400
Per Mth. Utilities Included. Older Victorian Home,
Large bedrooms & 2 baths completely renovated.
Priv. laundry not coins & pkg. Avail. May 1st, 2006.
Call Dave @657-4836 or on the web at PURPLESITES.COM under housing.
6 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and
near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900
6 BEDROOM BOTH sides of campus, and some
downtown. These are the awesome red brick ones.
Newly built, all appliances, sprawling room sizes.
exactly what you thought off campus was going to be
like. Ready to be seen. Call Jon anytime 519-8527993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
6 BEDROOM HOMES, $325-380 +utilities. Close to
U.W.O. Well maintained with dependable landlord.
Appliances, laundry, plenty of parking. Available May
1st. Call 519-472-7343.
6 BEDROOM HOMES. Great locations on Trott Dr.
and Walmer Grove. Modern Homes. Easy to walk to
school or take the bus. Both have many extras such
as decks, 2.5 baths, Jacuzzi tub, large bedrooms,
family room, parking, and 6+ appliances. $395/month
utilities included. Utilities not included and/or 10
month lease can be arranged. Check them out at
www.stangshouses.com or call Dave at 471-8126 for
an appointment.
6 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent. 2 full bath, 2 living
rooms, porch, parking, washer, dryer. Three blocks
from campus. May-May $340/room.Hardwood floors,
new carpets, new windows. Phone 519-679-2018 or
519-870-7499 email hoefnagels@sympatico.ca
5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on
all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free
maintenance and full time property management.
Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call
Zach at 519-932-0627.
6 BEDROOM HOUSE, Behind Sydenham, Updated
kitchen & 2 full baths, hardwood floors, large bedrooms & closets, laundry, parking, dishwasher, internet, $425/ person, Groups call 519-858-2069
5 BEDROOM HOUSES. Bus stop at door. Wharncliffe /Western Road. Large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, all
appliances, laundry, parking. May lease. $340/person
plus utilities or $440/person inclusive.Call Murray
Black 519-642-2525
6 BEDROOM HOUSE, Richmond Gates, Minutes to
campus, Renovated, large bedrooms, 2 baths, laundry, parking, extra fridge, hardwood floors, dishwasher, landlord takes care of all maintenance, $395/ person, groups 519-858-2069.
5 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE for rent. $450/room utilities,cable, laundry included. Minutes to UWO. Whitehills area Contact Andy 519-859-2159.
6 BEDROOM VICTORIAN house downtown. Newly
renovated with skylights, glassblock, ceramic tile,
laundry and parking. Available May 01, 2007. Call Jim
at 519-691-5891.
5 BEDROOM, POPULAR red brick buildings in many
great locations. Huge bedrooms and spacious modern kitchens. Live in the finest student housing in
London! Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993,
6 AND 7 bdrms all areas around campus. New and
spacious, with large/equal size bedrooms. Prewired
for high speed internet, much parking, all appliances
including washer/dryer, dishwasher. Call Jon anytime
519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
6 AND 7 bedroom adjacent campus. The awesome
red brick homes and townhomes. Really large room
sizes. All appliances, fully networked for internet,
parking included. For more info or showing call Jon
anytime 519-852-7993, jsmith@lpcrentals.com.
6 BD RED BRICK all area . Large houses. 519-8593236. Many to choose from. Featuring red brick houses. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236.
6, 7 BDRM houses downtown and near campus.
Huge houses with lots of common area and spacious
bedrooms. Places include new appliances, free parking, and full time property management. Great prices.
Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627.
7 BD. ALL areas. Large houses. 519-859-3236. Many
to choose from. Featuring red brick houses. Call Eric
to view 519-859-3236.
7 BD. DOWNTOWN 519-859-3236. Richmond Row.
These go fast, call now. Eric 519-859-3236.
7 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks in
all the best student areas around campus and downtown! Dishwasher, washer /dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go
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FURNITURE SALE; Single bed, 2 tables, stove, sink
fridge unit. Must take all $50. Designer oak desks,
hand painted, mint condition, dark red/pastels. Must
be seen $300 each. Call 519-871-2976
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5 BEDROOM HOUSE for group to share. Gas fireplace, 3 bathrooms, all appliances, laundry, parking.
Wharncliffe /Western Road area. May lease. $340
/person plus utilities or $420 /person inclusive. Murray
Black 519-642-2525
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P14 ➤ sports
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
Men’s and women’s hockey, hoops in action
By Malcolm Aboud and James
Gazette Staff
Joyce Wang/Gazette
HE PLAYED LIKE A “DARLING,” IF YOU’RE A WATERLOO FAN. Waterloo netminder Curtis Darling was
vital in Waterloo’s 3-1 victory over the hometown Mustangs.
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The men’s hockey team battled
the Waterloo Warriors at the John
Labatt Centre last weekend. Western fell 3-1 to the Warriors in a
game decided mostly on special
The Mustangs had four five-onthree powerplay chances but only
capitalized on one. They outshot
Waterloo 37-28 but were stymied
by Warriors goalie Curtis Darling.
The women’s hockey team
played three games in an exhibition tourney in Guelph over the
break, beating the University of
Ontario Institute of Technology,
who will be newcomers to Ontario
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By James Hayes
Gazette Staff
In the Bowl Championship Series
National Championship Monday,
the Florida Gators punished the
Ohio State Buckeyes 41-14. The
Gators were underdogs going into
the tilt, but a swarming defence led
by rush end Jarvis Moss, linebacker
Brandon Siler and safety Reggie
Nelson completely silenced a
potent Buckeyes attack.
The win makes the Gators the
feared predator on the block, as
they currently hold both the college football and basketball titles.
Apparently there are good things
in the state of Florida other than
golf, pina coladas and Mickey
Kentucky Derby-winning racehorse Barbaro suffered yet another setback in his recovery from
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University Athletics next season.
On the hardwood, both the
men and women’s hoopsters
couldn’t top the surging Guelph
Gryphons last weekend.
The Gryphons used a swarming defence to beat Western 56-49.
Danny Jeon paced the ’Stangs on
the score sheet with 12 points and
Andrew Wedemire chipped in
with eight rebounds. For Wednesday’s results against Brock, see
page 13.
On the women’s side, highoctane offensive performances
from Amanda Anderson, Nadine
Paron and Bess Lennox couldn’t
stop the Guelph opposition.
Anderson led the way with 26
points, and she, along with Paron
and Lennox, combined for 57 of
Western’s 69 points in the 75-69
defeat. The women’s team is now
7-4 on the season.
The men’s volleyball team was
perfect in the Western Rodeo Tournament at Alumni Hall last weekend. The lads defeated the Windsor Lancers, the Guelph Gryphons
and the London club team.
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laminitis — inflammation of the
tissue bonding the horse’s bone to
the hoof’s inner wall. The horse’s
surgeons are “pulling out all the
stops” to ensure he can again live
outside the hospital, but after this
latest setback it looks like all bets
are off — pun intended. In other
news, shares of Elmer’s Glue Factory have skyrocketed.
Baseball greats Tony Gwynn
and Cal Ripken Jr. were inducted as
first-ballot Hall of Famers this week
in Cooperstown. Gwynn was a consummate hitter, and Ripken was
the consummate Iron Man, but
consummate juice pig Mark McGwire was snubbed from the Hall. It
seems he’ll have a long wait; plenty
of time to continue his passionate
love affair with Androstenedione.
In Switzerland, the exhibitionists are ratcheting it up a notch.
Austrian skier Rainer Schoenfelder
was spotted alongside the fabled
Lauberhorn downhill course wearing nothing but his skis and an
orange helmet. Schoenfelder, a 29year-old two-time Olympic medallist, claims the streak was part of a
dare posed to him by his physiotherapist.
Schoenfelder told his therapist
that if his pains were gone by
Wednesday (the skier recently suffered a training crash) he would ski
nude. We’re familiar with Al Gore’s
rambling about global warming,
but this is ridiculous.
Our buddy Rainer clearly has a
reputation for being flamboyant;
when he isn’t winning Olympic
medals, he pursues a career as a
part-time pop star. For the love of
God, we don’t want to watch his
music videos.
It appears Swiss tennis dynamo
Roger Federer might be human,
after all. It took Federer three tiebreakers to beat Radek Stepanek at
the Kooyong exhibition tournament in Melbourne. The longdominant Federer was likely shaking off the rust in the beginning of
the 2007 season, but if he does lose
the upcoming Australian Open we
can probably expect the Apocalypse.
sports ➤ P15
theGazette • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
Lineup: “Cry Me a River” — sobbing pro stars
— he bent his head and wept.
Apparently the only thing that
hurts more than three fractured
vertebrae is the knowledge that
you’ll be suspended for the rest of
the season. At least it was good to
see Bertuzzi feeling remorse over
ending another player’s career.
Dick Vermeil
Whoever said there’s no crying
in football didn’t take two teams
to the Super Bowl. Vermeil’s storied career with the Eagles, Rams
and Chiefs was marked by frequent breakdowns after games
and during press conferences.
Vermeil’s retirement speech featured more crying than a Hell’s
Angels biker subjected to an All
My Children marathon.
Adam Morrison
Nothing helps your draft stock
like a tear-soaked teenage mous-
tache. Morrison made that point
loud and clear after Gonzaga
squandered a nine-point lead in
the final minutes of its March
Madness matchup with UCLA last
season. Morrison was sobbing in
the backcourt before the buzzer
sounded, then collapsed to the
floor in despair after the game.
Wayne Gretzky
Quite memorably, the Great
Other notable
criers in sports
Emmitt Smith, Dallas Cowboys
Ray Lucas, Miami Dolphins
Marvin Lewis, head coach,
Cincinnati Bengals
Earvin “Magic” Johnson,
Los Angeles Lakers
Walter Payton, Chicago Bears
One squeezed a few out during
the press conference regarding
his trade to the Los Angeles Kings
in 1988. Gretzky breaking down
and crying was indeed out of the
norm for him, as he was used to
making opposing defenders and
coaches blubber like infants.
Some SoCal sun, fun and plastic
surgery (we’re looking at you,
Janet) surely made the tears
Mark Messier
The Moose joins a small group
of pros like Steve Yzerman, Joe
Sakic and Ray Bourque as
unquestioned leaders, winners
and captains of their respective
teams. Messier’s admirable career
doesn’t overshadow the fact that
when he announced his retirement he turned on the waterworks like a Universal Studios
wave pool. Maybe he hadn’t gotten his sodium fix from his trademark bag of Lays potato chips.
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BOO-HOO, MY MOUSTACHE IS TICKLY. Despite his best Larry Bird
impressions, former Gonzaga forward Adam Morrison fell short
in last year’s NCAA tournament and, as a result, cried like a baby.
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Plethora of Mustang
teams on the road;
men’s hockey team
plays home-andhome vs. Windsor
Electrical and
Is pharmacy
the right
Busy weekend back for Western
John Labatt Centre: the ’Stangs
look for a boost from the home fans
in the second leg of this home-andhome.
Track and field at Can Am Meet in
Windsor: the Mustangs travel west
to test their skills against a perennially tough Lancers team and
other Ontario University Athletics
Wrestling at the Brock Open, St.
Catharines: at the Toronto Open
earlier this season, the men’s side
took home overall silver, while the
women maintained their perfection with another gold. The squads
look to ride this momentum at
Men’s hockey at Windsor Lancers
Men’s hockey vs. Windsor, 7 p.m.,
Women’s hockey at York Lions: the
team hopes to rebound from a
poor exhibition tournament showing over the break in which they
went 1-2.
Figure skating at the Waterloo Invitational
Women’s basketball vs. Windsor, 6
p.m., Alumni Hall
Men’s basketball vs. Windsor, 8
p.m., Alumni Hall
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Women’s volleyball at Brock Badgers
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Blues: after going undefeated at the
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P16 FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007
Plenty of hoopla
Sports clubs attack Western’s campus
Kendo, triathlon clubs among zany groups recruiting members
Jon Purdy/Gazette
WAX ON, WAX OFF...DAMN RAPH, PASS THE PIZZA. While Splinter is nowhere to be found, Western’s Kendo club is one of the many exciting clubs available on campus.
By Malcolm Aboud
Gazette Staff
As the second half of the school
year begins, Clubs Week returned
to the University Community Centre atrium, as numerous athletics
clubs are recruiting new members.
A plethora of sports had booths
set up this week in hopes of reaching students at the beginning of the
semester. There are clubs for
obscure sports like paintball, conventional ones like squash and
badminton and even a Kendo club
for students interested in a little
“It’s a great way to meet likeminded people if you’re interested
in athletics and staying fit,” said
Jackie Taylor, running representative for the UWO Triathlon Club.
Taylor described the club.
“Outside of our regular training
– running, cycling and swimming –
we have a lot of social events,” she
said. “Bowling, snow-tubing,
karaoke and a lot of fun things.”
Mustang Paintball president
Ivan Barker also stressed his club’s
social activities.
“We go out and play [paintball]
games,” Barker said. “We also do
pizza nights, pub nights — it’s a little bit of everything.”
Barker added there’s no heavy
commitment required.
Other clubs take a more serious
approach. For example, Athletes in
Action takes a religious perspective
on sports and community work.
“We’re a Christian sports mission which works on campus with
athletes of various levels — varsity
athletes, community athletes or
just athletic-minded people,” said
city director Adam Rumball. “We
have a program that involves such
things as pickup sports, and we do
socials including events off campus.”
Many claimed the new semester
is a good time to join a club; Tae
Kwon Doe club executive Andrea
Fernandes said new members can
get right into the swing of things.
“We have new members all the
time, and the class is geared so that
even if you don’t know anything
about the martial art, there are peo-
ple who can always help you learn,”
she said.
“We can start from the beginning. People can do their own thing
if they’re higher belts, and if you’re a
lower belt there’ll be higher belts
helping you.”
Fernandes added that joining an
athletic club is a great option for
students interested in fitness.
“[Joining the club is] a good way
to learn your self-defence and also
it’s a good workout if you want to
stay in shape,” she said.
Florida deserved to be there Grab a Kleenex:
James Hayes
Sports Editor
Of the fairly limited populace of
passionate NCAA football fans in
this region, many of them are
Michigan Wolverine backers. Only
a short jaunt outside of Detroit, the
University of Michigan is the closest major NCAA campus with a
solid football team.
This is why what I’m about to
write will ruffle some feathers.
Wolverine fans are bitter about
their recent losses to arch-rival
Ohio State and to USC in the Rose
Bowl. The lion’s share of their enmity, however, is directed at Florida
Gators head coach Urban Meyer.
Meyer lobbied heavily to ensure
Michigan didn’t play in the national title game. Michigan lost to the
superpower Ohio State Buckeyes
by a narrow margin in Columbus,
and most believed the Maize and
Blue were the second-best team in
the country. Wolverine fans insist it
was Meyer’s realpolitik that landed
the Gators in the big show instead
of their squad.
However, after Florida’s 41-14
dismantling of Ohio State in Monday’s national championship, the
Gators proved to any Doubting
Thomas (or Albert or Michael or
Ferdinand, for that matter) they
belonged in the title game.
Florida’s Southeastern Conference is much deeper than Ohio
State and Michigan’s Big Ten, and
the Gators played a schedule that
would make Bill Parcells soil himself for reasons other than senility.
Florida’s defence dominated Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback
Troy Smith, and they showed everyone they’re the elite in college
So Michigan fans can grit their
teeth and curse Meyer all they
want. Ultimately, their team came
up short against USC in the Rose
Bowl, and the Buckeye team that
dispatched them fell flat against the
underdog Gators.
As a fan of Big Ten football, I’d
love to say the conference had the
two best teams in the country this
year. For a while, it looked that way.
It just wasn’t the case.
The SEC is the best conference,
and Florida is the best team.
crying in sports
By Malcolm Aboud
and James Hayes
Gazette Staff
It’s a tough life in professional
sports, and once in a while the
game affects an athlete enough to
make them break down and
weep. Here are the top athletes
and coaches who have cried in
Tony Romo
We had no sympathy for Romo
while he sulked on the ground
after throwing away the Cowboys’
playoff hopes last weekend with a
fumbled field goal snap against
the Seattle Seahawks. Romo
might have been the one crying
on national television, but Cowboys fans across the nation wept
themselves to sleep that night.
Todd Bertuzzi
As the aftermath of the Steve
Bertuzzi did what Moore couldn’t