VENOSAN ® 5002 VE VENOSAN ® VE ® VE 2002 VENOSAN ® M ® AN VEN O T VE N OS FI VENOSAN® and VENOFIT® are registered trademarks of SALZMANN AG, St.Gallen, Switzerland 4002 edi cal Stockin gs Medical Compression Armsleeves and Gloves N VENOSAN® 4002 VENOSAN® 2002 VENOSAN® 4002 ® BH Armsleeve VENOSAN® 2004 ZHT Armsleeve ZH Armsleeve BH Armsleeve 15% Cotton sizeat the wrist 23–32 mm Hg CompressionSelecting class II the correct Pressure VENOSAN® 2000 (Ccl. II) erapy it is very important that the patient is supplied with the correct size. Measurements Gloves ® 2000 (Ccl. II, III, IV) ® Compression class II Pressure at the wrist 23–32 mm Hg VENOSAN 2002 nSAN the position shown below. The following made to measure armsleeves are available: ® Material VENOSAN 5002 Armsleeves N® 2002, 4002, 5002), Compression class III (VENOSAN® 2003, 5003), Compression class® IV 84% Nylon Polyamide Material the ®special ® SAN 2003 made-to-measure form for the above. ® 16% Lycra Elastane 60% Nylon Polyamide Compression class II Pressure at the wrist 23–32 mm Hg VENOSAN® 5003 25% Lycra® Elastane Hand extension without with Finger extension with 1/4 with 3/4 Hand extension ® Compression class II Pressure at15% the wrist 23–32 mm Hg –32 Cottonwithout SANmm 2004Hg BH ZH XB BH ®YB VENOSAN 4000 (Ccl. II) Where possible measure the arm when it is relaxed Armsleeve and not swollen. Armsleeve Glove Armsleeve Glove Made-to-measure armsleeves may not be returned. Armsleeves ® ® 4002 SAN ncorrect measurements are the responsibility of the customer. VENOSAN 2000 (Ccl. II) Material Please ask for the special order form for made-to-measure armsleeves. Gloves 71% Tactel® Polyamide Hand extension without Material SAN® 5002 29% Lycra® Elastane shortHand armsleeve armsleeve BH with 3/4 extension without with Finger extension with 1/4 84% Nylon® Polyamide Article Colour Hand extension SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Armsleeve Article Colour Hand extension SMALL LARGE X-LARGE ®MEDIUM BH ZH YB XB 16% Lycra Elastane BH Mexiko Bolero without SG 54501 SG 54502 SG 54503 BH without SG 42501 SG 42502 SG 42503 SG 42504 ® VENOSAN® 4002 SAN 5003 Finger extension ZH with 1/4 with 3/4 Bolero N VENOSAN YB ® Armsleeve with Armsleeve SG 54517 Glove SG 54518 SG 54519 VENOSAN® 5000 (Ccl. II, III) XB Glove Glove Glove Armsleeves long armsleeve ® VENOSAN 4000 (Ccl. II) ossible measure the arm when itArticle relaxed and swollen. Colour SMALL MEDIUM VisENOS A Nnot 20 0 0 size Hand extension Material Selecting the correct armsleeve -measure armsleeves may not beBH returned. Bolero without SG 54509 ® SG 54510 Armsleeves Seamless made-to-measures stockings Article Colour Hand extension SMALL Tactel Polyamide t measurements are theshort responsibility of the customer. ®BoleroBH(cm) with Mexiko shortwithoutlong40% armsleeve ZH SG 54525 SG 54526 Length measurements SG 42501 LARGE Nude SG 54511 MEDIUM LARGE SG 54527 SG 42502 SG 42503 Material ask for the special order form for made-to-measure armsleeves. ® Article Colour Hand extension SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Bolero Lycra Elastane BH wrist (B) to shoulder (H) up to 58 58 30% and over ® BH Bolero withoutsize. Measurements SG 54501 SG 54502 SG 54503 py it is very important that the patient is supplied with the correct 71% Tactel Polyamide 20% Cotton ZH Bolero with SG 54517 SG 54518 SG 54519 ® Circumference the wrist (cm) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE he position shown The followingof made are 29% available: Lycra ® MEDIUM SMALL below.Article MEDIUM LARGE to measure Colour Finger armsleeves extension SMALLElastane LARGE Mexico cB 14 – 17 17 – 20 20 10% – 23 X-Static – The Silver Fiber™ ® SG 54501 SG 54502 SG 54503 YB with2003, 1⁄4 VE class 94541 IV VE 94542 VE 94543 2002, 4002, 5002), Compression classNude III (VENOSAN 5003), Compression SG 54517 SG 54518 SG 54519 XB Nude with 3⁄4 VE 94521 VE 94522 VE 94523 Circumference of the forearm (cm) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE e special made-to-measure formArticle for the above. Seamless made-to-measures stockings Colour Hand extension SMALL MEDIUM LARGE cD 22 – 26 26 – 30 30 – 34 ® BH Bolero without SG 54509 (Ccl. SG SG 54511 II, 54510 III) ZH Bolero with SG 54525 SG 54526 SG 54527 Circumference ofLARGE the upper arm (cm) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Armsleeves SMALL MEDIUM cF 24 – 30 30 – 36 36 – 42 SG 54509 SG 54510 SG 54511 Hand extension with with without with X-LARGE SG 42504 gloves long armsleeve VENOSAN® gloves VENOSAN 2000 SG 54526 SG 54527 without without VENOSAN 5000 Material VENOSAN® 2003 SG 54525 Thumb extension VENOSAN® 2002 MEDIUM VE 94542 VE 94522 at the wrist 34–4610% mm X-Static Hg ® – The Silver Fiber™ Thumb extension V ENOS AN 4000 + 5000 without with without without VENOSAN 4002 2003 VENOSAN ®® extension 2003 VENOSAN®Hand Nude with without ® Finger extension40% Tactel Polyamide SMALL ZHT ZH with 1⁄4 VE 94541 ® 30% Lycra Elastane SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Armsleeve Armsleeve with 3⁄4 VE 94521 16 – 19 19 – 22 20% 22Cotton – 25 BH Armsleeve SMALL 15 – 17 Circumference of the wrist (cm) cB with with without ® VENOSAN 2000 (Ccl. II, III, IV) ZH BH Armsleeves Armsleeve Armsleeve MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE 17 – 20 20 Material – 23 23 – 26 ZHT Armsleeve without 60% Nylon® Polyamide BH Circumference (cm) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE V ENOS AN 20of 0II0the Compression class IIIforearm Pressure at the wrist 34–46 mm Hg® Compression class Pressure at the wrist 23–32 mm Hg 25% Armsleeve cD 22 – 26 26 – 30 30 – 34 Lycra 34 – 38Elastane ® (cm) Length measurements short long 15% Cotton VENOSAN® 2004 VENOSAN 2002 –46 mm Hg the upper MEDIUM LARGE BH Circumference wrist (B) toofshoulder (H) arm (cm) SMALL up to 58 58 and over cF 24 – 30 30 – 36 36 – 42 Circumference of the® wrist (cm) SMALL MEDIUM VENOSAN® 4002 VENOSAN 2003 cB 14 – 17 17 – 20 Hand extension Hand extension Article Colour extensionMEDIUM Circumference of the forearm (cm) Hand SMALL without ® cD BH VENOSANBolero 22 – 26 26 – 30 VENOSAN® 5002 2004 without with ZH Bolero with Circumference of theZH upper arm (cm) SMALL MEDIUM BH cF Armsleeve 24 – 30 30 – 36 ® ®Armsleeve short armsleeve VENOSAN long 5003 armsleeve VENOSAN LARGE VE 94543 Bolero VE 94523 Mexico with X-LARGE 42 – 48 with 995207 E / 08|05 Due to technical reasons while printing, it is possible that the colours are not exact. Article Colour BH YB BH Nude Palm circumferences (cm) Armsleeve Armsleeve XB Nude XB SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Compression Pressure VE 94541 VEclass 94542 III VE 94543 VE 94521 VE 94522 VE 94523 Hand extension ZH Armsleeve VENOSAN® 2000 (Ccl. II, III, IV) Armsleeves Material VENOSAN® 2000 (Ccl. 60% II) Nylon® Polyamide without with without Gloves 25% Lycra® Elastane MEDIUM LARGE LARGE SMALL BH ZH BH SG 55501 SG 55502 SG 55503 30 – 34Material 15% Cotton Armsleeve Armsleeve Armsleeve SG 55517 ® SG 55518 SG 55519 84% Nylon Polyamide LARGE ® 36 – 4216% Lycra Elastane LARGE 20 – 23 VENOSAN 2000 ® 4002 (Ccl. II) Article Colour Hand extension SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Gloves BH Bolero without SG 55509 SG 55510 SG 55511 ZH circumferences Bolero with SG 55526 SG 55527 ® (cm) Palm SMALL MEDIUM LARGE SG 55525 ® VENOSAN 5002swollen. (Ccl.Material II) Colour Hand extension SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Where possible measure the arm isArticle relaxed and notColour SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE XB when itArticle 16 – Hand 19 extension 19 – 22 22 – 25 ® 84% Nylon Polyamide BH Bolero without 55501 55502 55503 Made-to-measure armsleeves may not beBH returned. Mexiko without SGSG 42501 SGSG 42502 SGSG 42503 SG 42504 Armsleeves ncorrect measurements are the responsibility ZH of the customer. Bolero with SG 55517 SG 55518 SG®55519 16% Lycra Elastane ®LARGE armsleeves. SMALL MEDIUM Material Please ask for the special order form for made-to-measure VENOSAN 5003 SG 55501 SG 55502 SG 55503 ® 71% Tactel Polyamide SG 55517 SG 55518 55519 V ENOS A N 4 0 0SG 0 + 5000 ® 29% Lycra Elastane MEDIUM Article Colour Hand extension SMALL LARGE BH Bolero without SG 55509 SG 55510 SG 55511® Circumference of the wrist (cm) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE (Ccl. II) stockings Where possible measure the arm whenSeamless it is relaxed andmade-to-measures not swollen. ZH Bolero may15 SG 55526 SG 55527 cB 17with 17 – 20 20 – 23 23 – 26SG 55525 Made-to-measure armsleeves not– be returned. Armsleeves SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Incorrect measurements are the responsibility of the customer. SG 55509 SG 55510 55511 ® Circumference of the forearm (cm) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE Please ask forSG the special order form for made-to-measure armsleeves. (Ccl. Material II, III) SG 55525 SG 55526 SG 55527 cD 22 – 26 26 – 30 30 – 34 34 – 38 ® short armsleeve armsleeve VENOSAN 4000 long armsleeve VENOSAN® ® AN VEN O ® T edi cal Stockin Circumference of the upper arm (cm) cF gs Hand extension without Thumb extension without BH Armsleeve VENOSAN® 2002 71% Tactel Polyamide Armsleeves 29% Lycra® Elastane SMALL MEDIUM LARGEMaterial X-LARGE Nude 24 – 30 30 – 36 36 – 42 42 – 48 40% Tactel® Polyamide Bolero 30% Lycra® Elastane VENOSAN® 5000 (Ccl. II, III) 20% Cotton with with with Armsleeves Mexico 10% X-Static® – The Silver Fiber™ with without without Material ZHT ZH BH 40% Tactel® Polyamide Armsleeve Armsleeve Armsleeve 30% Lycra® Elastane 20% Cotton 10% X-Static® – The Silver Fiber™ VENOSAN® 2000 (Ccl. II, III, IV) Armsleeves s while printing, it is possible that the colours are not exact. OS FI N VENOSAN 5000 VENOSAN 4000 VENOSAN®®7002 VENOSAN 7000 Toe CG open or closed CG-H AD Below knee Article Colour ZG ADH Below knee with self supporting plain top Compression class II Pressure at the wrist 23–32 mm Hg (3.1 – 4.3 kPa) High stiffness made-to-measure stockings Seamless ZG G-H AGH Thigh length with self supporting plain top AGH Thigh length with self supporting lace top AGG Thigh length with belt Length Hand extension Self supporting top SMALL 7002 / Ccl. II beige CG (ex BH) Beige Black CG-H beige long short without without long short without 7003 / Ccl. III ZG Beige beige Black ZG-H beige long short long short ATH Men’s tights with slit MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE SG72501 SG72511 SG72502 SG72512 SG72503 SG72513 SG72504 SG72514 plain SG72521 SG72531 SG72522 SG72532 SG72523 SG72533 SG72524 SG72534 with without SG72541 SG72551 SG72542 SG72552 SG72543 SG72553 SG72544 SG72554 with plain SG72561 SG72571 SG72562 SG72572 SG72563 SG72573 SG72564 SG72574 VENOSAN ®7003 VENOSAN 7000 ® Toe AT Pantyhose Compression class III Pressure at the ankle 34–46 mm Hg (4.5 – 6.1 kPa) High stiffness made-to-measure arm sleeves Seamless open or closed AD Below Knee CG Article Colour 7002 / Ccl. II AD beige Beige 7003 / Ccl. III black Beige ADH Below knee with self CG-H supporting plain top Length AGH Thigh length with self CH supporting plain top Toe ZG ZG-H Self supporting top SMALL ZH MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE open SG73001 SG73021 SG73002 SG73022 SG73003 SG73023 SG73004 SG73024 long short closed SG73011 SG73031 SG73012 SG73032 SG73013 SG73033 SG73014 SG73034 long short open SN73001 SN73021 SN73002 SN73022 SN73003 SN73023 SN73004 SN73024 long short closed SN73011 SN73031 SN73012 SN73032 SN73013 SN73033 SN73014 SN73034 long short open plain SN73041 SN73061 SN73042 SN73062 SN73043 SN73063 SN73044 SN73064 long short closed plain SN73051 SN73071 SN73052 SN73072 SN73053 SN73073 SN73054 SN73074 long short open plain SG73601 SG73621 SG73602 SG73622 SG73603 SG73623 SG73604 SG73624 long short closed plain SG73611 SG73631 SG73612 Material SG73613 SG73632 SG73633 ® SG73614 SG73634 long short open plain SN73601 SN73621 long short closed plain SN73611 SN73631 long short Whenever possible take the measurements with the leg/arm rested/not swollen! All measurements should be made on the SG73041 SG73042 SG73043 SG73044 long beige open plain bare skin! Custom madeshort stockings may not be returned! The orderer SG73061 will be held responsible forSG73063 incorrect measurements! SG73062 SG73064 SG73051 SG73052 SG73053 SG73054arm longorder form for made-to-measure stockings Please ask for the special (REF 995220 E) or for made-to-measure closed plain SG73071 SG73072 SG73073 SG73074 sleeves (REF 995221). short ADH black AGH beige black TACTEL® fibre is a registered trademark of INVISTA and is used under license to NILIT® for nylon fibre products. LYCRA® fibre is a registered trademark of INVISTA. 62% TACTEL Polyamide SN73602 SN73603 SN73604 ® 26% Elastane SN73624 SN73622 LYCRA SN73623 8% Cotton SN73612 SN73613 SN73614 ® SN73632 SN73633 4% SeaCell active SN73634 Beige Black VENOSAN® 7000 How should you take measurements? For correct measurements it is very important to take your time and proceed systematically. Whenever possible, the measurements should be taken when the arm is rested and not swollen. Well fitting medical compression arm sleeves are the key to a successful treatment and satisfied patients. G G C G C G C C Length (cm) SHORT LONG Wrist (C) to upper arm (G) 35 – 45 40 – 50 The length is measured on the outstretched arm. Circumference wrist (cm) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE cC 14 – 17 17 – 20 Circumference forearm (cm) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE cD 22 – 26 26 – 30 Circumf. upper arm (cm) SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE cF 24 – 30 30 – 36 20 – 23 23 – 26 cF cD 30 – 34 34 – 38 cC 36 – 42 42 – 48 © 2009 by SALZMANN AG, St.Gallen, Switzerland 995218 E / 06|09 Due to technical reasons when printing it is possible that the colours are not exact SALZMANN AG Salzmann MEDICO Rorschacher Strasse 304 CH-9016 St.Gallen Tel. +41 (0)71 282 12 12 Fax +41 (0)71 282 12 10
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