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Instructions for use HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia Veneering of zirconium dioxide frameworks using the press-on technique Giving a hand to oral health. HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – Veneering of zirconium dioxid frameworks using the press-on technique With the introduction of Press-to-Zirconia, the HeraCeram Zirkonia product line has been expanded. It now also offers the option of fabricating ceramic veneers using either the classic layering technique or the press-on technique. 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration Table of contents 2 1. Indication Page 04 2. Preparing the framework surface Page 04 3. Applying the liner layer Page 04 4. Stain selection Page 05 5. Anatomical modelling Page 06 6. Positioning in the ring the object to be pressed Page 11 7. Investing Page 12 8. Pre-heating Page 13 9. Pressing Page 16 10. Cooling Page 19 11. Divesting Page 19 12. Trimming Page 22 13. Staining technique Page 23 14. Staining – layering technique Page 26 Overview of firing programs Page 28 3 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration 1. Indication HeraCeram Zirkonia Press-to-Zirconia is designed for fabricating ceramic veneers on zirconium dioxide frameworks using the press-on technique. 2. Preparing the framework surface Press-to-Zirconia’s shades are designed for white, non stained zirconium dioxide frameworks. Surface conditioning, e.g., blasting with aluminium oxide, is neither required nor recommended. 3. Applying the liner In the press-on technique, the usual application of a Zr-adhesive is not required. Based on the desired tooth shade (see table), apply the ready use liner directly onto the zirconium dioxide surface in a thin, homogeneous layer to achieve an optimal base colour. Then fire at a firing temperature of 1030°C (see firing table). Application of a thin liner layer for the more intensive colours. 4 After firing, the liner layer shows a structured lustre. ■■ No liner is required for the lighter shades A1, B1, C1 and D2. 4. Press-to-Zirconia stain selection V-SHADE LINER PRESS INGOT BODY STAINS A1 – PK Light 50 % A 50% glaze A2 Liner A PK A Glaze A3 Liner A PK A A 1 layer A3,5 Liner A PK A A 2 layers A4 Liner A PK A A 3 layers B1 – PK Light 50 % B 50% glaze B2 Liner B PK B Glaze B3 Liner B PK B B 1 layer B4 Liner B PK B B 2 layers C1 – PK Light 50% C 50% glaze C2 Liner C PK C Glaze C3 Liner C PK C C 1 layer C4 Liner C PK C C 2 layers D2 – PK Light A 1 layer D3 Liner A PK Light C 1 layer D4 Liner B PK C 50% C 50% olive 5 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration The weight of the frameworks is then determined and documented. 5. Anatomical wax-up ■■ Now continue to create the partially or fully anatomical restoration by generating a customised wax-up or using CAD/CAM fabricated plastic models or mock ups. Zirconium dioxide framework with anatomical CAD/CAM fabricated mock up. 6 Using cervical wax, the mock up is secured on the framework, and the transitions are covered. The mock up is ready for sprue application. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ hen creating the model, only use wax, preformed wax patterns and plastics that are W specifically approved for the press-on technique by the manufacturer. A minimum thickness of 0.4 mm is required to ensure satisfactory pressing results. minimum thickness of 0.8 mm is required for sufficient colour saturation and masking of A the framework structure. The press sprues should be at least 3 mm in diameter. 7 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration For the wax-up, first apply a layer of margin wax. Wax-up with fully anatomical design. 8 Attach wax wires to the incisal/occlusal surfaces sin an axial direction. Two pressing sprues are recommended for larger units such as molar crowns. In bridges, there should be at least one pressing sprue per pontic. 9 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration Then weigh the complete object to be pressed. ■■ Calculation of the required amount of press ceramic Weight of the total object minus framework weight = weight of the wax-up/mock-up (e.g. wax weight) Up to 0.6 g – 1 pellet Up to 1.3 g – 2 pellets For larger objects, use an additional press pellet for every 0.6 g of additional wax weight. 10 6. Positioning in the ring the object to be pressed The objects to be pressed are aligned with the channel for the plunger in such a way that direct pressing is achieved, i.e., the major direction of flow does not change. min. 10 mm min. 10 mm min. 10 mm min. 10 mm When positioning the units to be pressed on the ring former, ensure a minimum distance of 10 mm to the side and top of the ring. The objects should be at least 5 mm apart from one another. 11 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration 7. Investing ■■ ■■ We recommend Heravest Press (REF 6601 6420) for investing the objects. Please observe the relevant manufacturers’ instructions if using other investment materials for pressing. o ensure trouble free separation of the investment material from the ring former, grease the T surfaces of the parts of the investment ring with Vaseline or silicone oil before every use. First, fill the crowns. After filling, the ring level is placed on top. Important: To avoid damage to the ring and resulting cracking of the ring, do not move or transport the ring during the setting phase. 12 8. Preheating After the setting process, the parts of the ring are carefully removed. 13 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration With careful rotation, the ring former can be easily removed without damaging the ring. The bottom of the ring is smoothed to allow it to stand securely and vertically ■■ ■■ 14 fter the setting phase, carefully remove the parts of the ring, and trim the floor of the ring, A so that it can rest securely and vertically. The preheating furnace should be free of contamination and feature a corrugated furnace insert. Do not preheat the press pellets or the single use plunger. The ring is then placed into the preheating furnace. The temperature depends on the investment material used (linear or speed heating). The preheating period is at least 60 minutes at 850°C, starting from the time the final temperature is reached again. Important: Larger rings require longer pre heating. 15 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration 9. Pressing ■■ pressing, activate the pressing program in the ceramic press furnace, and set the For pressing temperature to 990°C. Place the required amount of press pellets in the casting ring … 16 … and then position the plunger. ■■ This should be done quickly to prevent the ring from cooling. Immediately place the ring into the press furnace and start the press program. 17 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration Ist es korrekt, dass der Tabellenkopf leer ist? Press programs General Cergo Press EP 500 Touch & Press Vario Press 100 Start temperature 700 ºC 700 ºC 700 ºC 700 ºC 700 ºC Vacuum start 700 ºC 700 ºC 700 ºC 700 ºC 700 ºC Vacuum 50 hPa 50 hPa 50 hPa 50 hPa Cont. Vac. Heat rate 50 ºC/min 50 ºC/min 50 ºC/min 50 ºC/min 50 ºC/min Press temperature 990°C 990°C 990°C 990°C 990°C Holding time 20 min 20 min 20 min 20 min 20 min Press time 12 min 12 min 0 min* 12 min 12 min Press pressure Depends on furnace 4,5 – 5 bar 4,5 – 5 bar 2,5 – 2,7 bar 4,5 – 5 bar Important: Larger rings require longer holding time. Press-i-dent Stand by program L9 C700 Pressing L9 C700 V9 T300 T9 T9 T050•C990 Important: Larger press volumes require longer press time! 18 T1200 L94 T720 V0 C0 L0 T2 C600 10. Cooling After pressing, remove the ring from the press furnace and allow to cool to room temperature (preferably on a cooling rack). 11. Divesting Use a plunger to determine the vertical position of the pressed objects in the ring and mark it on the ring with a pen. 19 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration Using a suitable large separating disc, such as a model casting separating disc, deeply cut the investment material along the mark, and separate the two parts. ■■ 20 Rough divesting: Blast with glass beads (50 µm, 4 bar, do not use reusable blasting material) to remove the investment material until you get close to the pressed objects. Do not expose the objects. To further divest, continue to expose the objects at a reduced pressure (max. 1.5 bar) using 50 µm glass beads. After divesting. ■■ void focused blasting at specific points as overheating may occur. A Do not use aluminium oxide. 21 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration 12. Trimming The sprues are always separated and smoothed under water cooling, at low pressure and low speed. (Please use heatless grinding instruments or new diamonds if working without water cooling.) Then restore the anatomical shape of the sprue attachment points. ■■ ■■ 22 Place the objects on the model, check contact points, and correct if necessary. Finally, finish the restoration’s surface to achieve a uniform surface, and apply the desired surface texture. 13. Staining technique ■■ After finishing, thoroughly clean (e.g., steam clean) and dry the objects. Initially, the ceramic surface is lightly coated with the stain liquid MF. This creates a realistic colouring and facilitates colour control when applying stain. To achieve uniform surface quality, the veneering surface can initially be covered in a very thin coat of glaze. Note: For further shading please see the stain selection chart on page 5. 23 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration Colour is then applied to the dentine area using the dentine stains (Body Stains BS) of the respective colour group (see stain selection chart on page 5). This increases the optical differentiation of dentine and incisal area and results in the appearance of a multi layer veneer. 24 ■■ Then perform the dentine stain firingand final firing at 850°C (see firing recommendations starting on pages 28–31). Completed posterior bridge viewed from a buccal and occlusal direction. 25 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – 14 Steps to a Finished Ceramic Veneer Restoration 14. Layering technique In the layering technique, the restoration is only partially fabricated by the press technique. Either the model of the restoration is already reduced in size or it is cut-back after pressing. ■■ ■■ 26 As needed, enhance the chroma of the dentine unit with the respective dentine stains, accentuate mamelon structures with the stains, and fix by stain firing. Afterwards, complete the veneered restoration by layering with the HeraCeram Zirconia material (Enamel, Transpa and Opal materials) as usual. Please refer to the HeraCeram Zirkonia instructions for use. Completed anterior crown with customised enamel layering. 27 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – Firing programs General firing program Liner Stain and Glaze Bake Pre-heating/start temperature 600°C 400°C* Pre-drying and pre-heating time 6 min 5 min Heat rate 100°C/min 100°C/min Final temperature 1030°C 850°C Holding time 2 min 30 sec Vacuum start 600°C 400°C* Vacuum stop 1030°C 850°C Liner Stain and Glaze Bake START 600°C 400°C* DRY 5 min 4 min PRE HEAT 1 min 1 min HEAT RATE 100°C/min 100°C/min HIGH TEMP 1030°C 850°C HOLD 2 min 30 sec TEMPER – – TEMP HOLD – – COOL TIME – – V ON 600°C 400°C* V OFF 1030°C 850°C V HOLD – – Heramat C C2; C3 and C3 Press * When using Stains universal: Pre Heat and Vacuum Start Temp 600°C 28 Austromat 3001 and Press-i-dent Liner C600 Stain and Glaze Bake C400* T180 T120• L9 T120 T120• L9 T60 T60 V9 T099 • C1030 V9 T099• C850 T120 T30 V0 V0 C0 C0 L0 L0 T2 T2 C400 C400 Austromat M START END Liner 600 3 2 1 9 99 1030 2:00 0 0 Stain and Glaze Bake 400* 0 4 1 9 99 850 0:30 0 0 Dry min:sec Close min:sec Pre-Heating Pre-Heating Temp 1 °C min:sec °C Temp 1 °C/min Temp 1 min:sec VAC °C VAC % VAC min:sec Liner 03:00 02:00 600 01:00 1030 99 02:00 860 100 00:00 Stain and Glaze Bake 00:00 04:00 400* 01:00 850 99 01:00 850 100 00:00 Austromat D624/644/654 * When using Stains universal: Pre Heat and Vacuum Start Temp 600°C 29 HeraCeram Zirkonia® Press-to-Zirconia – Firing programs Multimat MC II/ Mach 2 Liner Final and dentine stain firing Pre-heating temperature 600°C 400°C* Drying 5.0 min 5 min Pre-heating 1.0 min 1.0 min Vacuum time 1.0 min 0.1 min Firing time 2.0 min 1.0 min Firing temperature 1030°C 850°C Heat rate 100°C/min 100°C/min Vacuum 50hPa 50hPa Liner Final and dentine stain firing Standby temperature 500°C 400°C* Temperature rise 100 100 Firing temperature 1030°C 850°C Closing time 5 4 Holding time 2 0,5 Vacuum ON 600°C 400°C Vacuum OFF 1029°C 849°C Programat P90 / P95 * When using Stains universal: Pre Heat and Vacuum Start Temp 600°C 30 Programat X1/ EP 600 Liner Final and dentine stain firing B Stand-by temperature 500°C 400°C* S Closing time 5 min 4 min t Temperature rise 100°C/min 100°C/min T Firing temperature 1030°C 850°C H Holding time 2 min 30 sec V% Vacuum quality 100 % 100 % VE Vacuum ON 600°C 400°C VA Vacuum OFF 1°C under T 1°C under T Liner Final and dentine stain firing Gemini II or HT / HT Press Low temp [°C] 600 400* Up time [min] 5:00 4:00 Preheat time [min] 1:00 1:00 Heat Rate [°C/min] 100 100 Vac start [°C] 600 400 Vac end [°C] 1030 850 Vac delay [min] 0:00 0:00 Vac level [mmHg] 710 710 High temp [°C] – – Temp. delay [min] 0:00 0:00 * When using Stains universal: Pre Heat and Vacuum Start Temp 600°C 31 Contact in United Kingdom Heraeus Kulzer Ltd. Heraeus House Albert Road, Newbury Berkshire, RG14 1DL Phone +44 1635 30500 Fax +44 1635 524622 Sales.uk@kulzer-dental.com www.heraeus-kulzer.com Contact in Australia & New Zealand Heraeus Kulzer Australia Pty Ltd Level 9, Avaya House, 123 Epping Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Phone +61 2 8875-7765 sales.mckulzer@kulzer-dental.com www.heraeus-kulzer.com Contact in Scandinavia and in the Baltic States Heraeus Kulzer Nordic AB Florettgatan 18 SE-250 24 Helsingborg Phone +46 42 45307-00 Fax +46 42 45307-01 nordicdental@kulzer-dental.com www.heraeus-kulzer.se Contact in de Benelux Heraeus Kulzer Benelux B.V. Fustweg 5, 2031 CJ Haarlem Postbus 986, 2003 RZ Haarlem The Netherlands Phone +31 23 54342-50 Fax +31 23 54342-55 info-benelux@kulzer-dental.com www.heraeus-kulzer.be Contact in Japan Heraeus Kulzer Japan Co., Ltd. TSK Building 2F 4-8-13 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku Tokyo 113-0033, Japan Phone +81 3 580321-51 Fax +81 3 580321-50 information.hkip@kulzer-dental.com www.heraeus-kulzer.co.jp Contact in Austria & Swiss Heraeus Kulzer Austria GmbH Nordbahnstrasse 36/2/4/4.5 A-1020 Wien Phone +43 1 4080941 Fax +43 1 4080941-75 officehkat@kulzer-dental.com www.heraeus-kulzer.at www.heraeus-kulzer.ch Contact in Germany Heraeus Kulzer GmbH Grüner Weg 11 63450 Hanau Phone 0800 4372-522 Fax 0800 4372-329 info.lab@kulzer-dental.com www.heraeus-kulzer.de 66044291 GB 11.2014 ORT/RM In complience with the European guideline 93/42/EWG our medical devices are CE-marked according to the classifications. © 2014 Heraeus Kulzer GmbH. All Rights Reserved. “Heraeus” is a registered trademark of Heraeus Holding GmbH used under a temporary license granted by Heraeus Holding GmbH. Neither Heraeus Holding GmbH nor any of its affiliates is responsible for the manufacturing of the product(s). www.heraeus-kulzer.com
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HeraCeram Ceramics Giving a hand to oral health.
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Phone +31 23 54342-50
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Phone +31 23 54342-50
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