mountaineer - Mountain Avenue Elementary
mountaineer - Mountain Avenue Elementary
MOUNTAINEER 2012 California Distinguished School, 2005 U.S. Blue Ribbon School Principal: Ms. Rebeca Witt MACK President: Sarah Orth-Desmond Vo l u me 45, I ssu e 6 PTA President: Ann Ortiz Mountaineer Editor: Roopali Vallala w w w. mou n tai n avenu e. org Febr uar y 201 3 Calendar Principal’s Message Rebeca Witt Did you know that thirty percent of people that make New Year’s resolutions admit no longer keeping them by February? Well, this is not the case with Mountain Avenue. Looking into the educational changes that are fast approaching, we began a strategic process to establish school priorities aligning both programs and funding (for MACK, PTA and the School Site Council). The Glendale USD and Superintendent Dr. Sheehan fully support this process, where we are considering STEAM as our school identity. If you missed the first meeting, please come prepared to join us February 21 at 6:30 p.m. One of the characteristics that make us such a strong school is taking the time to reflect on our identity, purpose and goals. As we explore STEAM, we are building on strengths and existing programs, such as Art Docent, Science Lab and Fair, and Computer Lab. We have teams exploring the challenges, opportunities and threats, along with answering the questions that arose from the first community meeting in December. At the February meeting we will be developing our strategic priorities and action items. This is truly an exciting time to be part of Mountain Avenue! February 1 4 6 7 8 11 14 18 21 22 28 Student Council Book Sale Student Council Valentine O'Gram Sale Begins District Spelling Bee Recycling PTA Assn. Mtg at 8:30 a.m. MACK Movie Night Student Holiday - Presidents Day Third Grade Parents Hosted Staff Coffee School Holiday-President Washington's Birthday MACK Board Mtg PTA Executive Board Mtg at 1:00 p.m. Honors Orchestra Performance at 7:00 p.m. Student Council Bake Sale March 1 2 6 7 8 9 14 18-22 26-28 29 30 Minimum Day-all students dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Missoula Performance at Roosevelt Middle School Recycling Report Cards Sent Home Founders Day-"Out of This World" Spirit Day-Sports Jerseys Beautification, 9-12:00 p.m. Open House Second Grade Parent Hosted Staff Coffee Spring Recess Book Fair PTA Executive Board Mtg Math Field Day at La Crescenta Elementary 21st Century Learning, Common Core, Computer Adaptive testing and Performance Tasks will soon be part of California’s vocabulary for both parents and educators. Since these educational shifts are coming our way we are using this time to increase intentionality in instruction, staff development and school priorities. So help us keep our school’s resolutions and intentions by actively being part of the process. In the next few weeks you will be asked your opinion through surveys and dialogues, please speak up, let your voice be heard and participate. The lure of New Year’s - or any Resolution for that matter - is that it brings us hope to possibilities. Every time we see our children, we are reminded of the possibilities that we can only imagine. Mountain Avenue’s intention is to continue to develop responsible, motivated learners who successfully solve problems; strive for excellence; maintain high ethical standards; and respect diversity. With your support and involvement we are hopeful to make this a reality for our students, today, and in years to come. Sincerely, Rebeca Witt Mountain Avenue Elementary PTA • 2307 Mountain Avenue • La Crescenta CA 91214 • (818) 248-7766 • Glendale Council, 1st District 2 February 2013 February 2013 P TA P r e s i d e n t ’ s M e s s a g e Connecting to Build the Mountain Avenue Community Congratulations to our students who participated in our 4th Annual Science Fun Fair. Students worked individually or collaborated together on team projects within six categories: experimental, demonstration, collection, research, model, and technology/ engineering. Student participants were given certificates by Assemblyman Mike Gatto. This event requires a tremendous amount of coordination and collaboration between our wonderful parent volunteers, our amazing staff, and our parents with professional experience as working scientists. An enormous thank you to Dr. Jackie Bodnar, Archana Sudamalla, Dr. Saty Raghavachary, and James Bodnar for all the hard work and effort they put in to organize this event, and to Ms. Witt and our wonderful teachers for supporting this event. Thank you to Clark Magnet High School Robotics Team for bringing their Ann Ortiz, basketball-shooting robot, and Crescenta Valley High School Academy of Science student PTA President volunteers for running the science stations during the evening part of the event. Thanks also to the parents who helped run the hands-on science stations. Our Science Fun Fair continues to inspire our Mountain Avenue students to delve deeper into scientific areas of interest, and to learn from each other in a collaborative and fun environment. The Missoula Drama Program at Mountain Avenue Elementary will be held the week of February 25 March 2. Two visiting directors of the Missoula Children’s Theater from Missoula, Montana come to Mountain Avenue Elementary School each year to provide an opportunity to bring musical theatre to elementary schools at a time when funding these programs is no longer budgeted. This year, the Missoula Children’s Theater will help us put together a full-stage production of Hansel and Gretel. On Saturday, March 2 at 3:00 p.m. and 7 p.m. all families and staff are invited to two performances of Hansel and Gretel at ROOSEVELT MIDDLE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. There is no charge to see this performance and it’s great to attend, even if your children aren’t in the show! Two important committees are meeting. The first is our nominating committee which determines the slate of officers for our PTA board for the 2013 to 2014 school year. The other is our honorary service award committee responsible for the selection of our Honorary Service Award recipients for the year. The 2013 Mountain Avenue Elementary School PTA Founders Day Celebration is Thursday, March 7. The evening is packed with fun and entertainment and the performance by the parents, kids and teachers are the highlights of the evening. Founders’ Day is a national celebration across the country to honor the women who founded PTA back in 1897. PTA members will have a chance to vote on the slate of 2013-2014 PTA officers and you will get to find out who will be receiving an Honorary Service Award, and we will have a brief PTA meeting. All parents, kids, and teachers are invited to be a part of this wonderful event. Parents don't need to be on the board to participate in the entertainment! You can learn a song in a couple of rehearsals. Student rehearsals will begin this week. All Mountain Avenue students K-6th are welcome! It is a great evening for the whole family. Our theme is Mountain Avenue: “Out of this World.” I hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail. Ann Ortiz PTA President February 2013 3 M.A.C.K. President’s Message What it’s All About For those of you who don’t know, I am a professional fundraiser. I have spent the last 18 years working in nonprofits, writing hundreds of communication pieces to donors and volunteers trying to persuade them to donate, to attend events, to open their hearts to those less fortunate. So, I was surprised this month to find that writing this article for our school newsletter was very challenging. I started and restarted at least ten times. Do I talk about the pain that parents across our nation shared at the end of 2012; the promises and hope of a new year; the $10 million deficit our school district STILL faces; and so on and so on, and so on…. What I realize is that there is only one thing to talk about – our kids. They are blessed to be in an amazing school; to have parents who are engaged and generous, and who sacrifice each day to give their children all they have. And, we all want the same things for our children – happiness, health, peace, a great education – and for them to go to the best college possible! That’s why Mountain Avenue has M.A.C.K. Twenty years ago, a group of parents came together and said “we owe it to our kids to do everything we can to provide them with the best education and prospects for their future.” So, many of us stepped up this past fall to support the M.A.C.K. legacy by donating to our membership campaign, or supporting the Jog-a-Thon, or both. And we are grateful for your support. M.A.C.K. has just one more fundraiser this year – one more chance to meet our 2012/2013 budget of $90,000 – yes, that is how much M.A.C.K. will spend before school is done in June. From our computer lab and teacher, to the science lab, from our school’s Librarian to its music programs – M.A.C.K. is there filling the gaps in state funding and enabling our school to have dynamic, enriching programs for all of Mountain Avenue’s students. Just like membership and the Jog-a-Thon, M.A.C.K. Night Out is about making all of these programs possible. Sure, the parents who plan the event try to make it a fun night, but in the end it’s about kids and their education. So do your part – buy a ticket, make a donation, donate to our silent auction, ask your employer to donate – as much as you can. It’s sure to be a great night if we all show up ready to support our children and our school. Thank you so much for all that you do, Sincerely, Sarah E. Orth President, Mountain Avenue Committed to Kids (818) 359-5423 4 February 2013 2013 Spelling Bee Our school Spelling Bee took place in January. Representatives from each 4 – 6th grade class participated in the competition that lasted for several rounds before our champion was determined. Our finalists were Mina Truong and Samantha Moore. Samantha correctly spelled elucidate and exuberant to become our school champion. She will compete in the District finals on February 4th, so we wish her luck! Congratulations to all students for their effort and participation this year’s Bee. You were great! Samantha Moore 4th Grade Michelle Kim Annica Reyes Brendan Seo Adam Sharp Mina Truong 5th Grade Michael Lee Melissa Minassian Samantha Moore Matthew Stickels 6th Grade Sam Mansour Kaitlyn Ng Chris Nielsen Kaitlyn Pak Haley Seo Valerie Villanueva Mrs. Schroeder Spelling Bee Coordinator Teacher Appreciation Coffee Thank you 4th grade parents for a successful Teacher Coffee! The Staff and Teachers truly enjoyed themselves. The 3rd grade parents will have their chance to show their appreciation on Thursday, February 14th. If you have signed up to be a volunteer for the Coffee, please contact me at or 808-372-0272. Thanks, Lisa Carp Teacher Appreciation Chair School Lunch Menu The Mountain Avenue cafeteria menu is available at (click on Cafe Menu), or February’s Harvest of the Month: dry beans, excellent source of fiber, a good source of protein, iron, potassium and phosphorous – very important for growing children. February 2013 5 Jog-a-thon Winners A big thank you to everyone that made M.A.C.K.’s Jog-a-thon a big success. This year we raised almost $20,000. Students you did an awesome job running laps and collecting pledges, faculty and staff, thanks so much for your support and flexibility and volunteers you are the best. Top fund raisers for each grade are: Kindergarten: First Grade: Second Grade: Third Grade: Fourth Grade: Fifth Grade: Sixth Grade: Robby Schroeder Lucas Chatham Samuel Yang Sydney Horne Eric Limonadi McKenna Heeg Sean Russell Box Tops and Campbell’s Points The classroom bags for Box Tops and Points were collected on December 20th and added to the Box Top bucks from the bake sale. It was a great collection and netted 3,945 Box Tops amounts to $ 394.50 that our will be receiving. We also got over 1,000 points in the Campbell’s Labels for Education program. In the upper grades every classroom every room but one had over 200 Box Tops and in the lower grades almost all had over 100 Box Tops. The upper grade with the most Box Tops was Mrs. Dziok’s class with Ms. Bottomley’s a close 2nd. Aaron Leucht in Mrs. Schroeder’s brought in the most Box Tops with Hannah Campbell in Mrs. Dziok’s very close behind. In the lower grades it was Mrs. McFarlane’s class in 1st place with Ms. Harter in 2nd. The top collectors were Lexi Arandia in Mrs. McFarlane’s in 1st place with Thomas Stevens from Mrs. Matheu’s class 2nd. Please keep sending in both your Box Tops and Campbell’s points. This is an outstanding year so far. It is a great way for our school to have some extra money. Thank you all so much. Vivian Waite Aka the Box Top Lady 6 February Thank You STUDENT COUNCIL January was another exciting and busy month. On January 18, we had Black and White Day. Black and White Day was really fun. There was so much school spirit because so many people wore black and white. Special thanks to the following people: Cathy Hardyment for collecting the holiday class gift donations and for working with the volunteers at our school. All of the Room Parents for organizing great holiday parties. During the cooler months, the tables on the primary yard are usually wet, and the students can't eat their snacks there. As a service to our school, Student Council purchased two Jose and Robert for setting up the coffee cart every Friday morning, and the Parents who have prepared coffee, and cleaned up the cart. Ashley Sparks for her audit of the PTA books. Jackie Bodnar, Archana Sudamalla, and Saty Raghavachary for a fun and educational Science Fair! Thanks to the students who participated and the parents who collaborated to put a fun event together. Special thanks to the CVHS and the Clark HS students who volunteered. The Used Book Sale was a huge success! Many books for all ages were sold to a whole lot of children in kindergarten to 6th grade. The leftover books were given to a children’s orphanage. We would like to thank everyone who donated books. February 2013 squeegees. Every morning, two Student Council members go out before recess to get the tables ready. Don’t forget we are going to start selling Valentine-O-Grams on February 1 for 50 cents each. They will be little cards with a lollipop on them. We will deliver them to the classrooms on Valentine’s Day. Please keep saving your Box Tops and Labels for Education. We recently received a check for over $700 from Box Tops. Every little bit helps! Thank you so much for your support and participation. Emily Wang, 5th Grade Publicity JP Pitney, 4th Grade Publicity Januar y Super Citizens Amanda Petersen Norah Krantz Griffin Dilbek Jessica Carp Kiran Sheikh Anthony Norkus Allie Foster Maral Pezeshk Erick Kruegermann Simone Kang Rae Lynn Toyon Nicholas Sandoval Kaitlyn Park Ayla Nappi Rasmus Lofqvist Sara Chin Marty Pacino Nicole Arzoomanian Parker Lee Jazzy Lee Luke Weingarten Januar y Best Citizens Marcus Dea Victor Ludan Miranda Kowalkowski Advait Kartik Kinsey McReynolds Lucas Chatham Richie Ryan Kaitlyn Russell Finn Aguilar Jodie Ryu Jina Kim Daniel Hakhbandian Naomi Hosford Rachel Kang Karina Sanchez Gavin Loder Anna Pacino Morgan LashleyHaynes Emin Margossian Allison Leucht Sean Kosco Dylan McWhorter Kedrik Calaguas Madison Kim Nicholas Vandervort Leo Aftandelian Lauren Schwalbach Vartuhi Samkian Kayla Truong Robert Lee Joyce Lee Joshua Raghavachary William Badalian February 2013 2013 Geography Bee This year’s Geography Bee was very impressive! Two representatives from each 4 - 6th grade classroom entered the preliminary competition, which lasted for 7 rounds. Each round had a different focus, such as U.S. geography, comparisons, state nicknames, continents, and physical geography. The preliminary competition and the final round produced the two finalists – Eddie Fabiano and Ramon Herrero. Sam Mansour was our 3rd place winner. Ramon Herrero Ramon answered the most questions correctly in the championship round, making him our 2013 Geography Bee champion and Eddie our 2nd place winner. Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the bee. Everyone was wellprepared and did an excellent job! 4th Grade: Nolan Brown Eddie Fabiano Andres Gurza Brian Lee Nathan Pak 5th Grade: Anika Erickson Austin Heberger Ally Kim Kristen Sung 6th Grade: Rita Gimelshein Ramon Herrero Aaron Leucht Sam Mansour Haley Seo Mrs. Schroeder Geo Bee Coordinator After spring break we hope you will be ready to explore the wonders of reading in our auditorium Tuesday, March 26th through Thursday, March 28th. Please save Wednesday evening for stories with your favorite teachers! This year, with the help of Scholastic Book Fairs we are experimenting with something different. In addition to the Book Fair at school we will also have an ONLINE BOOK FAIR. To be a success we need volunteers to help our kids discover the power of reading. Please join our team. We appreciate your support in whatever form it takes! Contact : Becky Foster (, DeAnn D’Ambrosio, and Tracy Holczer. 7 8 February 2013 Science Fun Fair—BLAST OFF with Science!!! 3, 2, 1 . . .Countdown to Fun! The 4th Annual Science Fun Fair blasted off early this year as classes poured in right after the morning bell. They were greeted by volunteer parent Co-Chairs Dr. Jackie Bodnar, Dr. Saty Raghavachary, and Archana Sudamalla, who introduced them to this year’s theme—“Blast Off with Science!” Despite the gently falling rain, “Flying Film Canister Pop Rockets” were launched over 20 feet in the air with an audible “pop”, much to the delight of the watching classes. The rockets are propelled by air pressure generated from a chemical reaction between Alka-Seltzer and water. Students learned a new word to describe this bubbling release of carbon dioxide gas—“effervescent”. This year’s theme, “Blast Off with Science!” was also “magically” revealed through the power of refractive science and “jelly marbles”. Once the classes entered the fair, they were amazed by the plethora of over 130 science project entries that demonstrated the unlimited creative expansiveness of a child’s mind: everything from the heights of the Stratosphere by sending Barbie to Space in a weather balloon, to the depths of the Ocean with projects about Cetaceans (Whales, Dolphins, or Porpoises). There were many interesting hypotheses asked and answered that addressed critical questions of the universe, such as “Why do my Jammies Spark?”, “What Can Clean a Penny?”, “What’s the Best Way to Wash Your Hands?”, and “Whose Mouth is Cleaner—A Dog, or a Human’s?” Other projects showcased American rocket models, or the Earth or Solar System itself, or the difference between a Solar and Lunar Eclipse, or detailed the water cycle and how clouds form. Budding student engineers built contraptions such as robotic arms, rocket stoves, battery cars, electromagnetic cranes, hovercrafts, airplanes, towers, a pin-hole camera, and a crane large enough to lift up a student! A few ambitious students even did TWO science projects, such as one that featured both “Ad-bots” and a Simple Fire Extinguisher. We had botanical projects about thirsty plants, what liquids seeds can grow in, and a Venus Fly Trap. There were animal projects about Hamsters, Horses, Backyard Wildlife, Butterflies, Worms, Dogs, Frogs, Parakeets, Sea Turtles, Dolphins, Dinosaurs, and Ants, as well as Bacteria and Germs. Other projects detailed our digestive system or the bones in our skeleton, or explored the science of taste, how saliva changes our food, or how much sugar is in our drinks! Still other projects delved deep into geology with Rocks, Crystals, Minerals, Gems, Geodes, Lead in Local Soil, and even Rock Candy! The science of physics was explored with projects detailing batteries and electricity, magnetic field lines, gravitational waves, baseball bats, tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Others demonstrated buoyancy or Archimedes or Newton’s laws, or investigated the chemistry of bubbles (including bubble-gum bubbles), invisible ink, color-changing milk, February 2013 9 glowing water, baking powder chemistry, or even how Spider-man can walk up walls! Walking through the sea of science projects, it was amazing to see the depth and breadth of each student’s imagination and ingenuity. Once the classes viewed all the brilliant science projects, they enjoyed expanding their minds further by exploring the many interactive “science stations” run by parent volunteers. There were classic favorites such as Slime, Insta-Worms, Insta-Snow, Magic Sand, pH, and Water Gel, but we also had some new ones this year—such as the cross-linked polyacrylamide copolymers that absorb over 100 times their weight in water to become squishy “Jelly Marbles”. Other new science stations included a “Levitron High Flyer” where students could launch up and levitate a brightly colored ball, all by the science of Bernoulli’s principle. Also new was a robotic hand, built by parent James Bodnar. The robot hand was with a variety of fun scientific items like a Mirascope, plasma globe, energy circuit sticks, and “perpetual motion” machines, all next to Bodnar’s display on the water cycle and water conservation. Another new science station was the “Salt and Pepper Dance”—using static electricity from balloons to make salt or pepper “jump” up to the charged balloons. A line constantly formed for the Van de Graaf generator, the shockingly shiny orb that will make your hair stand on end through the repulsion of like charges. We also had tornado tubes, magnets, microscope, thermographic paper, ooze tubes, centripetal force “Screaming Balloons” and penny balloons, and the ever-popular “Wonder Fly Static Sticks”, the world’s smallest Van de Graaf generator you can hold in your hand to launch and float tinsel shapes mid-air through the power of “the repulsion of like charges”. Students felt as if they had blasted off to another world when they put on “rainbow” prismatic spectrum glasses, which show rainbows everywhere as it splits the light spectrum into its component colors. We had an amazing array of wonderful parent volunteers all day who ran the “hands-on”, interactive science stations—which is why your students came home with squishy and goopy polymer science specimens in their backpacks! Parent/Family Night also launched early, with families arriving around five to join in all the fun. Families were greeted at the door by volunteers from Friends of Rosemont Preserve, who had a unique exhibit featuring the variety of animals that live at Rosemont Preserve, identified by plaster casts of their scat and footprints. We also had 35 student volunteers from Crescenta Valley High School Science Academy to run the evening science stations. For the first time ever, Clark Magnet High School Robotics Team also brought their amazing robotic creation, a basketball-dunking robot that wheeled around the courtyard, launching basketballs into the waiting arms of the running, excited children. We had our popular classrooms of “Mission to Mars” to view the surface of Mars in 3-D by Daniel Limonadi, and a special Planetarium show by Karl Forster revealing the secrets of the universe by viewing the far-flung reaches of our galaxy. In another classroom, families could see the video footage from Mountain Avenue’s own “Barbie in Space” science project by second graders Morgan LashleyHaynes and Rylan Brodie, who wore special matching T-shirts with their iconic picture of Barbie when she reached 90,000 feet above Earth. To top off the evening, Saty Raghavachary exploded our traditional Coke/Mentos geyser fountain, which blasted over 30 feet up! This was followed by Rocket Cars in the car line, pitting a Coke/Mentos car (James Bodnar) against Pepsi/Mentos (Saty Raghavachary). Coke won the race, but we’ll have a rematch next year! At Parent/Family Night, all of the students who had worked so hard on their stellar science projects received a certificate, ribbon, and science prize (thanks to generous donor Yong-mi Kim). Kidspace Children’s Museum and Aquarium of the Pacific also kindly donated admission tickets for science fair prizes. All students received a ticket to an upcoming “Critter 10 February 2013 Squad!” assembly on Feb. 14th, sponsored by after school enrichment Parker-Anderson. A highlight of the evening was a visit by a very special distinguished guest, California Assemblyman Mike Gatto, who brought beautiful embossed certificates for all the students who completed science projects. He said a few words about the importance of science and technology, and also recognized the Co-Chairs of the Science Fun Fair, as well as Principal Ms. Witt and PTA President Ann Ortiz. The science projects illustrate the student’s broad range of perspectives and the educational focus our teachers have placed on our children. Our students are the future. They will become the next generation of scientists, doctors, engineers, computer programmers, artists, and writers. Every student who participates in the Science Fun Fair is a winner because they have created projects that captivate our minds, inspire us to achieve, and bring knowledge to those around them. The projects raise the passion and interest of others about the sciences and technology, which are growing fields we need to invest in to stay competitive in the global marketplace. Since we started the Science Fun Fair four years ago and our Science Lab Room two years ago, the science scores at Mountain Avenue elementary have been steadily improving. What’s more is that students are excited to learn about science, begging to go to their next “Science Lab” or dreaming and planning about their science projects for next year’s fair. “Hands-on” science truly inspires their creativity and enthusiasm by connecting what they learn at school to the world around them. The launch of the 4th Science Fun Fair was certainly a Blast-Out-of-Orbit experience, a fun day and night of science learning to remember. The successful mission couldn’t have been completed without the myriad help of parent and student volunteers listed below. Thank you all for a fun learning endeavor—we hope that everyone had a blast with science! Mountain Avenue Student Volunteers: Lori Bodnar, Suzy Bodnar, Harrison Connors, Jonathan Connors, Hazel Escott, Julia Forster, Amy Forster, Advait Kartik, Andrew Kim, Kaitlyn Lau, Eric Limonadi, Matteo Merloni, Michael Palmer, Becky Raghavachary, Amanda Rush Bova, Jack Seales, Kate Seales, Seon-Jae Yoon Parent Volunteers: Sandra Anton, Bill Bell, Amy Benedict, Nelema Bhowmick, James Bodnar, Jackie Bodnar, Kim Chatham, Lisa Connors, Miu-Li Dea, Susan Fleischer, Jeffrey Fleischer, Karl Forster, Ms. Harter, Esther Ibarra, Ravi Jaitli, Lisa Kelly, Frank Kim, Yong-mi Kim, Jansen Lashley-Haynes, Elizabeth Lashley-Haynes, Mink Lee, Daniel Limonadi, Maria Linnik, Udaya Manchikatla, Annette Nasif, Rowena Nelson, Barbara Nielsen, Susan Nigro, Ruupak Omar, Ann Ortiz, Annmarie Pesa, Saty Raghavachary, Sarah Rush Bova, Pedro Sanchez, Steven Schroeder, Archana Sudamalla, Julie Suh, Linda Torres, Duc Truong, Roopali Vallala, Alix Verheyen, Lourdes Wang, Jen Westerlund, Heidi Womack, Jan Yontrarak Clark Magnet Robotics Team: Guy Burstein, Saikiran Ramanan, Alex Deravanessian, Jack Najarian, Kevin Hoard Crescenta Valley High School Science Academy Student Volunteers: Patrick Aghaian, Anita Alaverayan, Natalie Boyd, Joon Cha, Lisa Chik, Harout Chorbadjian, Inty Cifuentes, Natalia Emmanuel, Kaylei Ernster, Neinel Estapanians, Eduardo Guzman, Nancy Haldia, Tasnim Haque, Steve Karikian, Cole Lauterback, Vanessa Lee, Shiyin Lim, Grace Litam, Teana Mangasarian, Aileen Manoukian, Nisha Manthala, Nivedha Manthala, Audree Martinez, Ashley Min, Rachael Myers, Christ Ordookhanian, Edwin Park, Temoc Ramirez, Daniela Romero, Anna Sarkissian, Zack Sawaged, Alisha Shah, Evanjeli Terohanian, Yvette Vartan, Xinyi Ye