June-July 2011 - The Field Club
June-July 2011 - The Field Club
June-July 2011 Annual Junior Tennis Banquet By LIZ LAWRENCE Tennis Instructor ANNUAL FLEET REVIEW -- Bridge officers and their spouses reviewed The Field Club fleet aboard Dr. Alan and Claudia Porter’s yacht Ghost Walker. Virginia and Fleet Chaplain the Rev. Bruce Porter, Rear Commodore Tom and Paula Martin, Treasurer Jim and Lynn Keller, Secretary David and Alice Bowman, Vice Treasurer Frank and Karen Strelec, Tessa and Commodore Ray Suplee. More photos by Pat Voigt are inside on pages 4 and 5. Summer Safety Reminders POOL: With the months of summer comes greater use of our pool and pool area, thus increasing the danger for our children. We would like to remind parents, all children younger than seven years of age and children of any age who are not proficient swimmers must be accompanied by an adult while in and around the pool. Babies and toddlers may not wear diapers in the pool. Swimsuits are absolutely necessary. Parents assume full responsibility for their children. The lifeguards on duty are not to be regarded as babysitters. If your children come to the club with their nanny/babysitter, be sure to inform them of the club’s dress code. DRESS CODE: If you are dressed to use the pool, please use the bathhouse restrooms. No bathing suits, cover-ups, or bare feet inside the en- trance of the clubhouse, including the restrooms in the courtyard area. BATHHOUSE: Our housekeeping staff cleans the bathhouse every morning and checks the area periodically throughout the day. We ask you to please supervise your children in this area. We do not want our staff to have to clean up and repair things, which may have been prevented. FOOD & BEVERAGE: All food and beverages consumed on club grounds must be purchased at the club. Please no coolers, food containers, or carry-in pizzas. SPEED LIMIT: As you know, throughout the summer months we have a lot of children enrolled in our camps on grounds. When the children are playing, they sometimes do not pay attention to the parking lot Our Annual Junior Tennis Banquet was another big hit this year with over 80 juniors from the program in attendance along with parents, grandparents and siblings. Following dinner, munchkins to graduating high school seniors received awards and recognition for their effort, improvement and sportsmanship. The highlight of the evening was the speeches given by our graduating senior, Meghan Drake, Corey Thompson and Connor Kennedy (standing in for brother, Ross). They related what their experience starting tennis as a munchkin and the years hence at the Field Club had meant to them. The evening concluded with juniors and parents rocking the living room with dancing and good times. A photo spread of our proud Juniors is inside this issue. and moving cars. Please adhere to the speed limit of 15 mph. MISCELLANEOUS: Some items are simply not allowed on our club grounds. This includes pets, skateboards, roller blades, motorized carts, and scooters. Non-member children are the responsibility of the member who brings them to the club. These safety rules are mandated by the House & Rules Committee for the safety of all our families. If you have any questions, please contact Bobby Papazian, General Manager. From The Wheelhouse Commodore T. Raymond Suplee We can now enjoy the Florida summer months, which include swimming, pool parties, afternoon thunderstorms, sunscreen, and most unfortunately, mosquitoes. The campus continues to look better each day, thanks to our tireless staff and Grounds Committee led by Irene Page. We have completed our annual hurricane preparedness, which included trimming of 198 palm trees. June & July start our children’s programs, which include both children and grandchildren. In addition to our traditional tennis and sailing programs, we have added a scuba diving course for teenagers. Our sailing program includes a new Hobie Cat Wave sailboat. These programs are activities that will enrich their lives. Fresh off our successful Fleet Review, our boaters under the direction of Fleet Captain Robert Veeneman (aka Captain Jack Sparrow) successfully navigated to Boca Grande and home safely. In addition to a dolphin show on the trip down, the weekend included a visit to Cabbage Key, golf at the Gasparilla Inn, fishing, nightly gather- ings, and camaraderie. A beach front cocktail party hosted by Gordon and Becky Nidiffer capped a perfect weekend. Some non-boaters including Edie Perkins, her mother (a resident of Boca Grande), and Burt & Ellie Schweigaard-Olsen joined in the festivities. No men, women, children, or animals were injured during this excursion and no Titanic award events were recorded. The Children’s Annual Tennis Awards Banquet was sure to create cherished family memories for all 228 in attendance. A special thanks to John, Liz, Beth, & Christian for their tireless instruction in techniques and tennis etiquette as it will serve our youngest Field Club members for a lifetime. The night culminated in multi-generational dancing. The Pilot Legacy Program established by the Development Committee has accounted for eight new members to date, the majority of our new members for the year. Anyone with suggestions for additional legacy applicants should remember that the application deadline is fast approaching. The Green Burgee Published Monthly for Members of The Field Club All tennis players should be looking forward to the much anticipated refurbishment of our courts. We will soon have a much improved playing surface on three additional courts. While we cannot guarantee improvements to your game, these revamped courts do allow for extended playing hours. At the halfway point of my term as Commodore, I would like to thank the staff, management, Bridge, Committee Chairs, the Board of Directors, and membership for their continued support. Not to mention Tessa who has done all the work. I consider myself extremely fortunate to call this Club my own. Let’s have fun and enjoy the Club! Or to put it another way: cast off for a great summer! %.$/& 3#(//, 0!249 Friday, June 3rd Can you believe it? School will be over and it’s time to start having fun in the evenings at the Lagoon! Harry Pore, Editor OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Commodore T. Raymond Suplee Vice Commodore Thomas A. Martin, Jr. Rear Commodore Mark R. Kapusta Treasurer James T. Keller Vice Treasurer Frank E. Strelec Secretary David G. Bowman, Jr. Past Commodore James B. Tollerton Dan A. Carlton John M. Cranor III Judy Graham Phillip A. Kellogg Susan C. Kosko Harry R. Pore, III Michael L. Quillen Nancy J. Shoemaker Bobby Papazian, General Manager • Robert Sket, Chief Financial Officer George Gordon, Food and Beverage Director • Tony Cortez, Executive Chef Elizabeth Cosby, Executive Assistant Clubhouse (941) 924-1201 • Pro Shop 924-6281 • Dockmaster 927-8211 • Fax 924-6676 1400 Field Road, Sarasota, Florida 34231 • www.thefieldclub.com D..J. Music Thrill of the Grill! $13.95 adults $9 children 12 and under Reservations Recommended NEW APPLICATIONS William A. Buckingham 199 Whispering Sands Drive 307, Sarasota 34242 Proposer: Joseph Jennings Sponsor: Dr. Alfred Hernandez James W. Getzen (Minta) 8871 Fishermen Bay Dr. Sarasota, 34231 Children: Wyatt & William Proposer: Jolane Rutherford Sponsor: Susan Shumway Mary Areca Babcock-Pahules 4939 Hidden Oaks Ln., Sarasota, 34231 Proposer: M. Lewis Hall, III Sponsor: John Steele, MD Beth Cotner (John Alogna) 1675 Bay Harbor Ln., Sarasota 34231 Proposer: Robert Lonsdale Sponsor: Alan Porter, MD Jerry W. Ruschau (Linda) 5145 Oxford Dr., Sarasota 34242 Proposer: Kenneth Henson, MD Sponsor: John Cranor Michelle Crabtree (Larry Davenport) 6202 Stillwater Ct., University Park 34201 Proposer: Doyle King Sponsor: Robert W. Brown Ronald A. Allbee (Susan Callahan) 3810 Flamingo Ave., Sarasota 34242 Proposer: Noelle Haft Sponsor: Jim Tollerton Colleen Shoemaker (Brad) 1313 Hillview Drive, Sarasota 34239 Children: Connor, Caroline, William, Henry, & Charles Proposer: Dr. Malcolm Nalls Sponsor: W. Edward Levins Robert H. Dickinson (Sally) 1471 Peregrine Point Dr., Sarasota 34231 Children: Patrick, Robert, Grace, and Anne Proposer: Charles Stottlemyer Sponsor: Michael Quillen The above persons have applied Club Reciprocities For Summer Months We are pleased to announce that we once again have summer reciprocity agreements with Sara Bay Country Club and The Founders Club. For detailed information please refer to our website or to our Club bulletin board. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact Bobby Papazian or Elizabeth Cosby. for membership to The Field Club. If you know an applicant and would like NEW MEMBER to write a letter of recommendation Christopher B. Kerr (Dina) 3535 Flamingo Ave, Sarasota 34242 Daughters: Jordan & Sydney Proposer: Michael Hays Sponsor: Michael Quillen or support, please send your letter to General Manager Bobby Papazian at The Field Club, 1400 Field Road, Sarasota, FL 34231. If you have a letter you would prefer to submit in confidence, please send to Admissions Committee Tyler G. Hyslop (Karissa) 2500 Riverview Court, Sarasota 34231 Children: Jack (expected 5/2011) Proposer: Richard Donegan Sponsor: Patty Sullivan PROVISIONAL MEMBERS Ariane Dart (Robert) 1301 Dixie Lee Lane, Sarasota 34231 Children: Arianna, Lyndsey & Alex Proposer: Morgan O’Donoghue, MD Sponsor: Richard T. Williams, III Gerald A. Kolschowsky (Karen) 8600 Midnight Pass, Rd., #501 Sarasota 34242 Proposer: Julie Delaney Sponsor: Arthur Wood Deanne K. Spoor (Thomas) 83 Osprey Pt. Dr., Osprey 34229 Proposer: Ann Peek Sponsor: Dr. Wesley Peterson Joan A. Mendell 1111 Ritz Carlton Drive, Sarasota 34236 Proposer: Paulette Vitrier Blair Sponsor: Denise Barker Werner K. Hartenberger (Karen) 990 Blvd. of Arts, # 703, Sarasota 34236 Proposer: Jim Tollerton Sponsor: William Lambrecht George “Pepper” Dietz, Jr. (Deborah) 2518 Marblehead Dr., Sarasota 34231 Children: Delainey & Park Proposer: R. Scott Collins Sponsor: James Ritchey Jon Newsome (Susan) 1420 Westbrook Dr., Sarasota 34231 Proposer: Harry Haskins Sponsor: Bob White Peter Bierwerth (Milly) 500 S. Palm Ave, Unit 111 Sarasota 34236 Proposer: Fred Derr Sponsor: Howard Crowell A. David Slater (Gail) 1313 Ladue Lane, Sarasota 34231 Proposer: Bill Dooley Sponsor: Chuck Treibly Charles E. Exley, Jr. (Carol) 1255 N. Gulfstream Ave Bay Plaza, Unit 407, Sarasota 34236 Proposer: R. Elton White Sponsor: Tom Towler Nicholas M. DiCianni (Linda) 7070 Grassland Ct., Sarasota 34241 Proposer: Cope Garrett Sponsor: David Watson Thomas R. Williams (Carol) 1247 Westway Drive, Sarasota 34236 Proposer: Raymond White Sponsor: General Howard Crowell Geoffrey C. Michel (Brenda) 4495 Oakview Drive, Sarasota 34232 Children: Ava & Sawyer Proposer: Robert Brown Sponsor: Ray Suplee Karen M. Hamad, MD (Jon Yenari, MD) 1809 Roland St., Sarasota 34231 Children: Lauren & Sage Proposer: John Steele Sponsor: T. Raymond Suplee John Ross with crew aboard Weather Girl Too Carlotta Cooley snaps her salute Steven Herb with crew aboard Herbaceous Bagpiper Scott MacLeod and Club staff greet the fleet Kitty Lee Mann with crew aboard Navajo David Allen with crew aboard GrumpyzCrown Dr. John Steele with crew aboard Adelie Carroll Esry with crew aboard The Jayhawk Allan Weis aboard well-decorated kayak 2011 Annual Fleet Review Hurricane Preparedness Reminders As hurricane season approaches, please take the time and effort to plan necessary actions to secure and protect your vessel. Dockmaster Freddy asks you to inspect your vessel in preparation of this year’s storm season. Together with your help we can keep the clean up and repairs to a minimum. If needed, the Dockmaster can assist you up to the arrival of the hurricane. Please follow the tips listed below. If you have any questions, please contact Freddy. Make sure your vessel is in good condition. This includes the hull, deck hardware, rigging, ground tackle, machinery, and electronics. Fuel tanks should be topped off at this time as well. Inspect the vessel’s deck hardware. (primary chocks, cleats, bitts, bollards, and winches) Check mooring lines and replace if wear or chafing is present. Remove as much gear from the boat as possible. For insurance purposes, make an inventory list of all equipment left on board. Shut sea cocks and cap off all or plug unvalved through-hull fittings such as sink drains. Double line your vessel. These should be larger in diameter than your normal lines, including spring lines. If your boat can be removed from the water, consider doing so. Fleet Review Sandra and Allan Weis, Corlotta and Dick Cooley Tessa and Commodore Ray Suplee Tracy provided professional stewardship to the Bridge officers Elle and Billy Springer, Sally Crowell New Club Burgee Jim VanWinkle and Bobby show off our new large burgee especially made for our flag pole. Several have asked why the burgee seems to be flown higher than the American flag. Note that we have a marine flag pole with both a “spreader” and a “gaff.” A marine pole represents the mizzen mast of a sailing vessel of old. The usual location of the national emblem was off the transom or end of the ship, the place of honor. Because the boom of a sailing vessel usually extended beyond the transom the national emblem had be flown out of the way or above the boom. It ended up at the top end of the gaff. At the same time, the “owner’s flag” flew at the top of the mizzen or peak of the mast. As you look at our flag pole, envision a sailing ship moving away from the land “wearing” the national emblem at the end of the gaff and the owners flag (our burgee) at the peak of the mast. Nautical lore and Navy regulations govern this arrangement and you will see it at every yacht club, Navy base or Coast Guard Station. -Gen. Howard G. Crowell, Jr. M A N AG E R ’ S M E S SAG E By BOBBY PAPAZIAN General Manager June is upon us and here at the Club we now officially recognize summer! We have plenty of fun activities ahead and are looking at a full calendar of events for the warmer months. As you may notice this issue of the Burgee is a combination of both June & July so please be sure to mark your calendars as this issue has a long list of family friendly “Save the Dates”. Summer also brings a few minor rule changes and outlet modifications you should be aware of. Before I go any further, I’d like to first remind you of these traditional summer changes: The dress code in the Dining Room is smart casual on both the upper and lower levels for dinner, effective June 1st. The Dining Room is closed for lunch during the summer months; however, the Grill Room and Lagoon Terrace are available. The Lagoon Terrace will once again resume its dinner operations on Tuesday – Saturday evenings. Beginning June 7th this venue will be available for lunch service Tuesday – Saturday. Sunday hours are 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. We are no longer offering Sunday Brunch (with the exception of Father’s Day, June 19th). Breakfast has moved and is now offered in the Dining Room (rather than the Captain’s Room) and the serving time will be extended to 1:00 p.m. rather than noon. Our very successful a la carte dinner will remain in effect. Please take note that lifeguards will be on duty full time at the pool starting June 3rd. A lifeguard’s job is to ensure the safety and protection of the children while at the pool, however, we still hold the parents accountable for the children’s behavior. Please make sure to be present and accompany your chil- dren while they are using the pool facilities. Unfortunately, summer also brings us hurricane season. The Marina Committee has been working diligently on upgrading our hurricane preparedness plans. I’d like to remind all of the boaters of the Club, especially to our slip holders with boats docked in our marina that it’s imperative for you to follow these plans. All slip holders in the marina will be sent an updated Hurricane Preparedness / Emergency Contact Form by mail to be filled out and returned to the administrative office. In addition, our Marina Committee has approved reading material with information on hurricane preparedness. All other boaters of our Club who are interested in acquiring this information it will be available at the Dock Masters office. I highly encourage you to drop by and pick up a copy! Summer is an exciting time because we focus our attention on the families of our Club. We have a huge list of fun events including camps, classes, & picnics planned for those who stick around for the summer months. I’m excited to report that we are introducing a new Teen Scuba program! Not only will this include lessons in our swimming pool, but upon graduation, teens will dive in the clear waters of the Gulf. Space is limited so please take a look in this issue of the Burgee for more details – you’re children can become certified divers in just one week! Also, be on the lookout for our Father’s Day festivities, another mother / daughter fashion show, and our successful etiquette courses. Not to mention the ever popular movie nights – yes folks, they’re back! Chef Tony will also introduce a series of Children’s Cooking Classes where kids will learn how to pre- Commodore Suplee introduced Collin Toale to the Board. Collin is the grandson of David & Kathleen Toale and, as part of a school assignment, shadowed Bobby as a management intern. “As a youngster Collin participated in Club activities including our famous cooking classes,” Bobby said. “He’s a prime example of all the extraordinary children that are growing up and learning useful skills through our Field Club programs.” pare a three course meal! Please don’t forget to sign your children/grandchildren up for summer camp. The Children’s Committee has created themes for each week of the Day Camp and I’m confident the themes will be extremely entertaining to our children participating. Our sailing program has exciting news as we have added a new vessel to the fleet – a Hobie Wave! Our junior sailors will get the privilege of sailing the new vessel this summer! Registration forms for both Day & Sailing Camp are available on our website or in the reception office. All weeks are available! Also, our junior tennis programs are in full swing with some new and exciting technical approaches. If interested in participating please contact Liz Lawrence in the Pro Shop for registration. Can you believe its summer! Let’s put that sunscreen on, kick back, relax, and get ready for a summer of fun! Mrs. Dietz it’s only six more months until Christmas! ! !"!# $!%&'& /0 ! ! % SUNDAY "#$%&'()* +, 0 .1 /" ! &- .! & MONDAY /0& /0! TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Clubhouse (941) 924-1201 Pro Shop (941) 924-6281 Accounting (941) 925-2977 Fax (941) 924-6676 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 8 9 WATER AEROBICS Every Monday-Wednesday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – Rain or Shine! $8 per session DINNER A LA CARTE 5:30PM-8:00PM BAR 12:00PM-9:00PM 3 DINING ROOM LUNCH UNAVAILABLE DINNER Tuesday-Saturday 5:30PM-9:00PM Breakfast (Dining Room) A la carte Dinner (Grill Room) GRILL ROOM 10 4 Fourth of July Full Day Celebration 5 6 Tennis Camp ONLY 11 Children’s Cooking Class (Session 1) Pasta Night 12 13 The Literary Ladies & 2nd Wednesday Book Club Breakfast (Dining Room) A la carte Dinner (Grill Room) 17 7 1st Thursday Book Club 4th Session Day Camp ONLY 14 15 16 Florida Cracker Party Bastille Day Celebration Pasta Night 18 19 20 21 22 5th Session of Summer Camp Tuesday - Saturday 5:30PM-9:00PM SUNDAY 11:30AM–5:00PM 2 % BREAKFAST 8:30AM–1:00 PM LUNCH Tuesday - Sunday 11:30AM–5:00PM DINNER JULY 2011 SUNDAY DINING LAGOON TERRACE The Field Club 1400 Field Road Sarasota, FL 34231 LUNCH Tuesday-Saturday 11:30AM-2:00PM DINNER Tuesday-Saturday 5:30PM-9:00PM ! HOURS !" + % ! #()*)'+' ," -()*)'+.'/ 00 1$12()*)'3+')44 !5()*)'+..4. Breakfast (Dining Room) A la carte Dinner (Grill Room) 23 Children’s Cooking Class (Session 2) Bridge Night Pasta Night BAR Tuesday-Saturday 11:30AM-11:00PM 24 25 26 27 6th Session of Summer Camp Breakfast (Dining Room) A la carte Dinner (Grill Room) 28 29 Lobster & Cajun Boil Bash Pasta Night 30 31 Sunday Junior Tennis Banquet And Awards Night Seniors Corey Thompson and Meghan Drake. OUTSTANDING IMPROVEMENT -- (back row) Maggie Fee, Caroline Bowman, Sean Drake. (front) Rachael Swain Jacob Galindo, Jack Rees. BLAKE - GRAF TEAM -- (back row) Patrick Buck, Jack Hays, Kaki France, Mathew Pitchford (most improved), Amanda Natherson and Tyler O’Donohue (most improved). (front) Savelle Robinson, Sam Wexler and Brooke Collins. BEST OF THE BEST -- Best backhands Connor Kennedy and Jackie Landry, best footwork Lexi Dingle, best volley Christopher Winton-Burnette and best drop shot Joshua Galindo. Most sets recorded Avery Brooksbank LAVER - CHANG TEAM -- (back row) Noelle Kough MacKenzie Quigley, Gabby Holliday. MOST IMPROVED (front) Paige Lindsay, Sam Maxwell, Read Quarles, Alli Skirball, Rachael Galindo and Mercedes Elizalde. SPORTSMANSHIP WINNERS -- (back row) Sandy Arthur, Harris Dunlap. (front) Sydney Rees, Abby Quigley and Connor Shoemaker. SAMPRAS TEAM -- Sydney Hays most improved, Allison Rees, Zoe Leereveld, Sophia Skirball and Sophe Leereveld. Achievement winners Jack Hautamaki and Rosie Belmont with Associate Pro Chris Koutras. NADAL TEAM -- (back row) Thomas Cramer, Sam Reisky, Andrew Winton-Burnette. (front) Conor O’Neill, William Jorgensen, MOST IMPROVED Graham Linehan and Avery Brooksbank. GAME WINNERS -- Caroline Bowman, Conor O’Neill, Brooke Collins, Natalie Carrion and (front) Connor Shoemaker. Munchkins Natalie Steele and Henry Shoemaker. MUNCHKINS -- (back row) Will Becker, Noah Suplee, Kevin O’Donoghue and Evelina Gardner. (front) Mary Beth Damico, Lindsay Dart, Cal Hengel, Natalie Carrion and Audrey Tucker. TEEN SCUBA Scuba Quest Teams up withThe Field Club! Become a certified diver! Scuba Lesson Special for Field Club members only! Limited to 8 teens per a session • (ages 13 – 19) $300 including lunch 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. June 13 – 17 • July 18 – 22 • August 8 – 12 Personal Equipment Required: Mask, fins, snorkel, weight belt & weights Space is Limited Call Elizabeth Cosby at 924-1201 today to sign up! DAY CAMP! TENNIS CAMP! SAILING CAMP! Did you sign up your children/grandchildren for camps yet? June 13th through August 8th (Tennis Camp is the only camp offered the week of July 4. No Sailing Camp offered the week of July 11.) Day Camp ($200 per week) Sailing Camp ($230 per week) & Tennis Camp (cost dependent on age/group) Registration forms are available on our website at www.thefieldclub.com. and in our Reception Office. For further assistance please contact Elizabeth Cosby at 924-1201. Rita Steele sailed the Club’s new Hobie “Wave” in the recent Fleet Review. Sailing Camps Ready To Begin By RITA STEELE Junior Chair The summer is upon us which means Sailing plans for camps are being made and finalized. We welcome back three of last year’s coach’s: Jake Arme, Chelsea, and Brian Firth. Chelsea has just completed her college freshman year and we are happy to have her back! We are so fortunate to have such talented and enthusiastic coaches. We are currently working on the logistics of launching our JY-15’s and the new Hobie Wave while work on the ‘Marina bridge’ continues. We hope to use the floating docks while the bridge project is underway. The weather looks to be perfect for our first week of classes to start June 13th. Remember to sign your children up for camp if you haven’t already done so! We have been working hard to expand the sailing committee – and I’m proud to say we are now four strong! Special thanks to Michael Quillen (our Board Liaison), Heather O’Neill, and Pete Quarles for joining me. We are looking forward to a fun and safe summer! FLEET CAPTAIN’S REPORT Great Boca Grande Weekend By ROBERT VEENEMAN Fleet Captain The cruise weekend began with Ghostwalker (Porters), Grumpyxcrown (Allens) and Navajo (Veenemans & Suplees) arriving Thursday after cruising down the coast with performing porpoises. Alan and Claudia quickly hosted all with a welcoming cocktail party. Friday included a quick shopping and lunch trip to Cabbage Key aboard the Navajo. Weathergirl Too (Rosses and Stephans), Our Way (Clarks) and Jayhawk (Esrys, Hummels & Schweigaard-Olsens) arrived safely. We were joined by the Nidiffers and Frank Strelec for an impromptu gathering at the marina dock and then headed off to the Temptations for a great time & delicious dinner. Adult Mixed Doubles Round Robin July 4th • 9:30AM Let’s take a break from the dress code! Show your American pride and wear red, white, & blue! Please contact the Pro Shop for details and registration. 924-6281 or tennis@thefieldclub.com Join Us Sundays at the Club Saturday was another shopping, biking and rough golf courtesy of Gordon Nidiffer. Odyssea (Bucks) arrived after a bout with torrential rain, but made it safe and sound. Gordon and Becky graciously hosted the whole crew at the Boca Beach Club for cocktails and a terrific pot luck supper with fantastic views. Sunday was a great day for most of the boats to return home and a lucky few to continue enjoying the coastal boating life. Next up is the wonderful adventure weekend to Tween Water, Captiva Yacht Club, Caya Costa and Sanibel. Carla and Pete Smith are the cruise leaders and we are all looking for more folks to join us for this great time, excellent food and exploring. Safe and fun boating to all! Friday Night Mixed Doubles Beginning Friday night, June 10 at 6:00pm, join us for mixed doubles matches. Points will be awarded for participation, split sets and wins. These points will be accumulated during June and July. Participants must call or e-mail the Pro Shop by noon on Fridays to let us know that you would like to participate on that particular Friday. Happy Hitting! BREAKFAST in the Dining Room 8:30 AM to 1 PM LUNCH in the Lagoon Terrace Your Fleet Captain, Robert Veeneman in conjunction with the Club presents Florida Cracker Party Saturday, July 16th Calling all members! Throw on that camo, a pair of overalls, paint on a farmer’s tan and come GET’R DONE at this fun spirited-themed party! The Dining Room will transform into a cracker’s dream with a dinner buffet created especially for the evening by Chef Tony! Not to mention you can dance the night away to good tunes! You won’t want to miss it! $25.95 per person Reservations Recommended Father’s Day Sunday June 19th Treat your Dad! Brunch is back for this special day only! Come to the Club with your family! Brunch 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Breakfast not available) 11:30 AM – 5:00 PM $25.95 adults / $16 Children 12 and under A LA CARTE DINNER IN THE GRILL ROOM 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM A la Carte Dinner 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Reservations are greatly appreciated! The Urn At The Turn By IRENE PAGE Grounds Chair I have frequently been asked about the Urn that now sits on the turn of the main road to the Field Club. Much has been lost over time as to just when the Victorian Urn was gifted. Our historian, Jane Nelson, had just located some information a few days before I stopped her and asked what was known about the antique Urn. The Urn was a gift from Gordon and Janice Palmer. Gordon was the grandson of Bertha Palmer and was one of the first commodores of the Field Club. The Urn was originally located in Bertha Palmer’s garden after its arrival in Florida. It was placed on the lower lagoon patio for many years where it could be seen from the dining room windows. Time and elements took a heavy toll on the Urn and it was rusting away - I decided to attempt to save it. Dave Laverdure, our Facilities Director and I contacted foundries in our area and only two companies would even consider trying to restore the Urn. It took more time and effort to renovate than anyone ever considered, especially the company that got the restoration contract. Special thanks to Jane Nelson and our Foundation Board who had the foresight to preserve club history so we have the Urn on the turn. We can all enjoy a beautiful piece of history as we come to and from our club. Summer Lunch Options During the “summertime”period, June 1st – October 31st the Grill Room, Grill Room Terrace (and Lagoon Terrace beginning June 7th) are available for all your lunch needs. The Dining Room will be unavailable for lunch. IT’S SUMMER AND THAT MEANS NEW LUNCH & DINNER MENUS! Also, don’t forget about Tony’s Specials! Gathered at the Urn are Commodore T. Raymond Suplee, treasurer of The Field Club Foundation; Jane Nelson, Foundation member and Historical Committee Chair; Lt. General Howard Crowell, Foundation president; Irene Page, Grounds Committee Chair, and Robert Veeneman, Grounds Committee representative. BRIDGE COR NE R APRIL THURSDAY AFTERNOON BRIDGE WINNERS Dot Scheurenbrand and Valerie Perkins TUESDAY EVENING BRIDGE WINNERS Calvin Owen & Bert Schweigaard-Olsen DUPLICATE BRIDGE April 29 N-S 1- Bert Schweigaard-Olsen & Joan Peterson 2 – Mariana Hill & Keota Holroyd 3- Laurie Goring & Mimi Vittert E-W 1- Barbara Siemer & Betty Herr 2- Martin Portnoy & Roger Kipp E-W 1- Gay Boylston & Betty Herr May 6 2 – Roger Kipp & N-S Martin Portnoy 1- Sue Ruhle & 3 – Molly Moffat & Dede Kluckhohn Fred Moffat 2 – Laurie Goring & Mimi May 20 Vittert N-S 3- Barbara Siemer & 1 - Joan Peterson & MarBetty Herr E-W tha Burger 1- Debra Werman & 2 - Roger Kipp & Cathleen Bartinikas Laurie Goring 2- Marilyn Robinson & 3/4 - Nancy Dane & Mary Louise Lamere Ruggles 3- Naomi Smith & 3/4 - Alice Rau & Molly Moffat Barbara Siemer May 13 E-W N-S 1- James Freeman & 1- Ann Peek & Bella Adams Mary Dee 2- Joan Peterson & 2- Duncan Finlay & Peter Mariana Hill Reinheimer 3- Mary Ruggles & 3- Fred Moffat & Nancy Dane Molly Moffat 3- Michele Wolk & Duncan Finlay What They’re Reading First Thursday Book Club The First Thursday Book Club will meet in the Living Room June 2nd at 4:30 p.m. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot will be reviewed by Millie Bryant and dinner will then follow in the Grill Room. The July 7th meeting will follow the same format. Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand, by Helen Simonson will be reviewed by Heather Spector. The Literary Ladies The Literary Ladies’ Book Club has chosen two very interesting books for their early summer reading! The club will meet on Wednesday, June 8, at noon for lunch and book discussion. The June book selection is The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes, by Diane Chamberlain, with discussion led by Jean Herb. The July book selection is The Samuri’s Garden, by Gail Tsukiyama. The meeting will be held on July 13th with Kim Merritt leading the discussion. Reservations for both meetings should be made by email to Kathy Bobbitt at kbobbitt2@verizon.net as soon as possible. 2nd Wednesday Book Club The Second Wednesday Book Club will meet on Wednesday, June 8th, with the discussion beginning at 11:00 a.m. followed by lunch. The June book selection is Eden Close, by Anita Shreve. The July 13th meeting will follow the same format. The Madonnas of Leningrad, by Debra Dean will be discussed followed by lunch. National Pink Day Fashion Show Thursday, June 23rd It was such a hit last year we’ve decided to bring it back! You won’t want to miss this spectacular mother and child fashion show & luncheon! 11:00 a.m. Cocktails 11:30 a.m. Fashion Show • 12”15 p.m. Lunch $25 Adults including glass of wine $9.95 Children 12 and under, including summer punch Reservations Necessary – 48 Hour Cancellation Policy BASTILLE DAY CELEBRATION Thursday, July 14 A French Dinner Buffet $17.95 per person $9.95 children 12 and under (a la carte menu will be available also) Reservations Appreciated LAGOON TERRACE SUMMER SCHEDULE – LUN C H– 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Beginning June 7th - Tuesday through Friday 11:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays Father’s Day Eve Family Dance Saturday, June 18th – D I N N ER– Get all dressed up and bring the family to dinner! Come celebrate all the wonderful Dads here at the Club and dance the night away! –EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT– SPECIAL SET MENU A LA CARTE ALSO AVAILABLE Reservations are appreciated. Call the receptionist today! 5:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday Sundays - 11:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Children’s Sunset Movie & Buffet Buffet includes: Chicken Fingers, French Fries, Mac & Cheese Movie begins at 7:00 p.m. Get comfy! Chairs are available. *In case of inclement weather, the movie will be shown in the Captain’s Room if available SUMMER DRESS CODE Effective June 1st – October 31st Dining Room both upper and lower levels SMART CASUAL DRESS Tuesday through Sunday #(),$2%.3 #//+).'#,!33 3@STQC@X*TKX @LOL 9NTQBGHKCQDMVHKKKD@QMGNVSNL@JD@CDKHBHNTR SGQDDBNTQRDLD@KSG@SSGDXB@MOQDO@QD D@RHKX@SGNLD #GDEG@SR@OQNMR@MCVNNCDMRONNMRVHKKADG@MCDCNTS ,HLHSDCSNBGHKCQDMODQ@BK@RR ODQBK@RRODQBGHKC,TMBGHMBKTCDC 2DRDQU@SHNMR2DPTHQDC(NTQ#@MBDKK@SHNM0NKHBX Friday, July 29th It’s the end of minimums! Make sure to bring your guests and use it all up! Chef Tony is sure to impress with this all-you-can-eat LOBSTER boil. $29.95 per person Reservations Recommended Join Us For a Cruise Tween Waters / Captiva Yacht Club June 9-12 Please contact the Dock Master or Fleet Captain Robert Veeneman for additional information and sign up. Full Day Celebration! A July 4th reminder for an entire day and night of excellent activities at the Club! FIRST join us for The Lawrence Crispell Memorial Day Junior Round Robin starting at 9:00AM and later an Adult Mixed Doubles Round Robin to begin at 2:00PM.! NEXT be ready for some water and poolside fun! We will have the favorite inflatable slip-n-slide for the enjoyment of the children and a DJ for some musical entertainment. As always, we will have hula hoops, limbo and lots of pool toys! After all the activity, enjoy a delicious buffet and cool refreshing drinks! WITH ALL THE ACTIVITY AROUND THE POOL, please be sure to keep an eye on your children at all times. There will also be lifeguards on duty! We encourage a terrific funfilled day, but safety as well! FOR THE EVENING ACTIVITIES, we will offer a Patriotic Buffet and entertainment! After dinner, please hang around to view the Siesta Key fireworks display out on our lawn or peninsula. This will be a fantastic evening spent visiting, eating, laughing and dancing with friends! There will be no “set” time to arrive for dinner. Your own choice of time. RESERVATIONS GREATLY APPRECIATED FOR BOTH THE DAY AND NIGHT CELEBRATIONS. Please note that we will be closed on Tuesday, July 5th. Legacy Program Ends On June 30 Now that the tax filing deadline is behind us, don’t miss the deadline of June 30 for the Pilot Legacy Program. Completed applications must be filed by June 30, to be considered under the program. The program is a member benefit available for a limited time. Rules for the program are as follows; THE FIELD CLUB RULES FOR PILOT LEGACY PROGRAM EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2011 – JUNE 1, 2011 Any adult child or grandchild of a current member of The Field Club may apply for consideration for membership in The Field Club between the above dates and, if ultimately approved for membership, shall receive an initiation fee of $9,975.00 plus tax, subject to the following conditions: Co-Ed Water Aerobics is back! With Certified Instructor Sally Griffin! Mon – Wed – Fri Mornings • 9:00 AM (Classes start Wednesday, June 1st) $8 per class Sessions are held rain or shine! (Cancelled only by lightning) Please call now to save your spot in the pool! Lifeguards are back on duty starting Friday, June 3rd! 1. The Member cannot act as a Proposer or Sponsor, but must provide written consent to their adult child’s application to the Club; 2. The applicant shall be subject to all other admissions and membership rules and procedures the same as any other applicant for membership to The Field Club. The rules set forth above shall remain in effect for all applications submitted between January 1, 2011 and June 1, 2011. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA FL Permit 939 SAVE THESE DATES JUNE ✔ June 3 – End of School Party ✔ June 7 – Summer Hours Resume ✔ June 11- Club CLOSED in Evening. Lagoon Terrace Dining Available ✔ June 13 – First Session of Summer Camp ✔ June 18 8 – Father’s Day Eve Family Dance ✔ June 19 – Father’s Day Brunch ✔ June 20 0 – Second Session of Summer Camp ✔ June 23 – National Pink Day Fashion Show w/ Lilly Pulitzer ✔ June 27 7 – Third Session of Summer Camp JULY ✔ July 4 – Fourth of July / Full Day Celebration ✔ July 5- CLUB CLOSED ✔ July 9 – Children’s Cooking Class #1 ✔ July 11 – Fourth Session of Summer Camp ✔ July 14 – Bastille Day Celebration ✔ July 16- Florida Cracker Party ✔ July 18 – Fifth Session of Summer Camp ✔ July 23 22 – Children’s Cooking Class #2 ✔ July 25 5 – Sixth Session of Summer Camp ✔ July 29 – Lobster & Cajun Boil Bash AUGUST ✔ August 1 – Seventh Session of Summer Camp ✔ August 6 – Etiquette Class ✔ August 8 – Eighth & Final Session of Summer Camp ✔ August 19 – Back to School Blowout Party