Headteacher`s Newsletter - 10th June 2016
Headteacher`s Newsletter - 10th June 2016
Friday 10th June 2016 Dear Parents and Carers, I hope you enjoyed a relaxing half-term break with your families. The final half of the summer term has started well and it was lovely to see many of you at our open afternoon earlier today. COLLECTIVE WORSHIP THEME This week’s theme: CREATIVITY:The miracle of creation Next week’s theme: CREATIVITY:Using our senses to enjoy creation Please try to find some time to discuss our worship themes with your children at home. EARLY YEARS NEWS The children have loved dressing up as Knights and Princesses this week in early years. They have been making swords and shields and have been retelling stories such as the story of Rapunzel. They have written some super recounts of their half term holidays. In P.E, the children have been practising hard for Sports Day and we have been talking to them about being resilient, celebrating others' successes and that taking part is what counts! We will make sure that all children will have an opportunity to say hello to you during the afternoon and we ask that you do not come over to where the children are sitting in fairness to the children that will not have their parents there. We look forward to what should be a fantastic afternoon- fingers crossed for the weather! Next week, our topic will be Jack and the Beanstalk in which we will incorporate lots of story-telling, measurement and doubling and halving in maths, gardening and writing. KS1 PHASE NEWS (YEARS 1 AND 2) We finished the last half term off with a fantastic Medieval day led by Jezz Smith. Big thank you to Jezz and all the parents for their fantastic contributions for the day. We’ve now begun our learning on our new topic of the Olympics to celebrate the Rio Olympics this Summer. Both Y1 and Y2 classes have started the topic with a great afternoon in the sun participating in a range of Olympic sports – while sneaking in a bit of practice for Sports Day next week as well! We’re now engaged in learning all about the history of the Olympic Games, the Olympic rings and what they mean. Children have also used atlases to locate the continents symbolised by the rings and to find cities that have held the modern Olympic Games. LKS2 PHASE NEWS (YEARS 3 AND 4) Year 4 visited CYE in Chichester Harbour in the week before half term. A range of water-based and landbased activities were on offer, including kayaking, sailing and tackling the assault course. Some children took to the activities like ducks to water, whilst others bravely overcame their fears to get in a kayak or climb over a tyre wall. We were blessed with lovely weather in this most beautiful part of the world. Many thanks to all volunteers and the wonderful staff at CYE. The rocket experiment has come to an end in Year 3. No major differences in the germination and growth of the seeds was noticed so we are really looking forward to finding out in July if it was the red or blue packet of seeds that experienced anti-gravity on the International Space Station. The new science topic in Year 3 is light and shadow so please take the opportunity on a bright sunny summer day with your child to notice how shadows change and move throughout the day. SPACE DAY On Friday May 20th, ten lucky children from Year 5, who wrote the winning entries about why they would like to go into Space, travelled to Imperial College, London, for a very special Astronaut Event. The day was being held to honour the 25th Anniversary of Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut to travel into Space, docking with the Mir Space Station. The children first watched a very exciting presentation on rocket science before meeting Helen Sharman and six of her astronaut colleagues, the youngest of whom had only recently returned from the International Space Station. There was a question and answer session in which the astronauts answered a range of the children’s questions, including describing what eating is like in Space – food has to be sucked up a straw so it is all mushy and, being unable to smell the food, it is also pretty tasteless! UKS2 PHASE NEWS (YEARS 5 AND 6) Year 5 have been continuing their learning about detectives and spies and are beginning to write their own stories. Year 6 have now begun their business project and the children have been put into groups. They have decided on company names, researched ideas for their business and are now in the process of advertising their new business ventures and making products. The children are busy calculating their costs to ensure that their sales produce a profit. One company has already started making money by washing teachers' cars. Year 6 are also beginning their rehearsals for the end of term play called 'Porridge'. The play will be performed to parents later this term on Wed 20th July. MOVING INTO OUR NEXT CLASSES On Wednesday 6th July, the children will have the exciting opportunity to spend a day in their new classes with their new teacher(s) and learning support assistant(s). The current classes will all be mixed up to create new ones for September. The composition of each class will be determined by taking into account all the knowledge we have of our children including their existing friendships, behaviour, academic abilities, gender and term of birth. We believe it is important for the children to have opportunities to mix with as many of their peers as possible during their time in our school. Whilst we know that change can be unsettling for some, we ask you to support your children to be resilient and to understand the importance of diversity as they make this important transition from their current classes. BOOSTER SEATS Children must normally use a child car seat until they’re 12 years old or 135cm tall, whichever comes first. If you child is going on a school trip or event and will be transported to that event by another parent, then it is your responsibility to provide the booster seat for your child to travel on. It is the responsibility of the parent doing the driving to refuse to take any child in their car if a booster seat is not provided. LIBRARY UPDATE Work on the library upgrade project is progressing well, and we are busy choosing new book stock for our library. In the meanwhile existing books are being displayed in a different way to encourage children to explore more of what we currently have to offer. We have chosen our preferred furniture supplier, an order has been placed and the new furniture and carpet will be installed during the summer holidays. We are looking forward to launching our new library at the start of the Autumn term and will be inviting an author in to inspire and motivate the children to Read for Pleasure………..more details on this and other activities will follow soon. Whilst completing a recent book stock and audit we realised that a number of books have been mislaid. Please could you remind your children to take responsibility for any books they borrow and make sure they have been scanned to their borrower number. We will be putting a ‘LIBRARY AMNESTY’ box in our reception area next week. If you find any school library books at home that have not been borrowed recently we would encourage you to put them in this box …...and can assure you no further questions will be asked! EURO 2016 As part of our work celebrating British values the school are going to celebrate the achievements of two of our most successful football teams at the European Championships. We will be watching the first half of the England Vs Wales football group match on Thursday 16th June in the hall together. If your child is keen on watching the second half, this can be recorded or paused on home televisions so that your child can watch the rest of the match when they get home. This game will be used as a basis for a range of written work, class debates and maths activities. SPORTS DAYS All our sports days are due to take place this month and we would ask that you check our website for timings. All parents are welcome to stay for as long as they are able and hope that the weather is kind to us. You are also welcome to bring your own chair to make yourself comfortable. SUN With the changeable weather upon us, please can parents ensure that children are well equipped for all weathers. Also, just to remind parents that sun cream should be applied to children before they come to school. PE KITS IN SCHOOL There are many PE activities due to take place this half term and we would request that everyone has their PE kit in school every day. HEALTHY LUNCHBOXES! As a Healthy school, please can we remind you that children’s packed lunches should provide a healthy meal at lunchtime. For this reason, fizzy drinks, chocolate and sweets are not permitted. We also have a ‘no nut’ policy. Children need a healthy meal so that they are ready to learn in the afternoon. If children eat too many sweet or processed foods they can find it difficult to concentrate, apart from the long-term effect these foods have on children’s health. Many thanks for your support and co-operation in ensuring the children have a healthy packed lunch. WOOLMER HILL COFFEE MORNING Woolmer Hill are holding 3 coffee morning on 27th, 28th and 29th June for any Year 5 parent that wishes to see the school and meet pupils, staff and the Head Teacher. If you are interested in attending, please call Woolmer Hill direct on 01428 654055 or email info@woolmerhill.surrey.sch.uk SUMMER FAIR This week we sent out requests for donations for our Summer Fair taking place on Saturday 25th June. Please can any donations be handed to a member of the POBs team in the PEN every Friday. THE WAVE HOLIDAY CLUB We are now taking bookings for this summer. Our theme this year is school of rock. We will be chasing our dreams while learning about Joseph the Dreamer, through drama, singing, playing sports and games, worshipping, making great crafts and having loads of fun. See the attached flyer for more information or go to http://www.3countieschurch.org/community/the-wave/wave-holiday-club-consent-form to enrol. All Age Service - this Sunday, St Bartholomew's church at 9.30. Messy Church - Friday, 17 June from 3.15 in the Link SCL SCL will be holding an Activity Camp during the summer holidays at St Barts. If you would like to book a place for your child, then please call or email them direct on 08456 445747 or enquiries@scl-online.co.uk TRIP PAYMENTS Outstanding payments are due for the following trips: Butser (Years 3 and 4) Kew Gardens (Years 3 and 4) Arundel Castle (Years 1 and 2) River Walk (Years 5 and 6) Woking Theatre (Year 5) Chessington (Year 6) Leavers’ Service (Year 6) Staunton Park (Year R) W/Hill Taster Day (Year 5) Bohunt Taster Day (Year 5) £15.00 £16.00 £15.00 £ 5.00 £15.00 £10.00 deposit £5.50 £16.00 Permission slip only Permission slip only Payments can be checked and made through the online system. If you have received a reminder, we would appreciate payment as soon as possible so that we can finalise our accounts. SCHOOL LUNCHES Summer Term 2016 1st Half term to 27th May 2nd Half term to 22nd July Total Yours faithfully, Mr C Beckerson Head Teacher £ 73.10 £ 75.25 £148.35