Catalog - Tamarkin Rare Camera Auctions
Catalog - Tamarkin Rare Camera Auctions
aution catalogue #28 RARE AND COLLECTIBLE PHOTOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS catalogue Our Spring 2012 auction will not #28 only feature two Leica MP’s, and a Leica M2 with a rare Camcraft N-5A Motor Drive Outfit, but also, a new auction name. In a combined effort to develop and expand the s c o p e o f t h e o r i g i n a l Ta m a r k i n Photographica auction, Stan Ta m a r k i n , w i t h t h e a d d i t i o n o f l o n g time friend, Leica enthusiast and p r o f e s s i o n a l p h o t o g r a p h e r, D e a n B e r t o l d i , i s l a u n c h i n g Ta m a r k i n & Bertoldi Vintage Autions, LLC. We will remain committed to offering you the finest vintage and rare photographic products. TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S , L L C APRIL 29, 2012 TA B L E O F CONTENTS VIEWING Saturday, April 28, 2012 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM MISCELLANEOUS6 ROLLEI & ROLLEIFLEX 9 ALPA13 REGISTRATION & VIEWING Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM AUCTION Sunday, April 29, 2012 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM AUCTION DIRECTOR Stan Tamarkin AUCTION MANAGERS Dean Bertoldi Kathy Nemec-Lucas Laura Tamarkin Al Jean TAMARKIN & BERTOLDI VINTAGE AUCTIONS, LLC 270 Amity Road, Suite 125 Woodbridge, CT 06525 (203) 397-9191 Telephone (203) 397-9393 Fax MINOX & ZEISS-IKON 15 NIKON F & NIKON RANGEFINDER 21 LEICA MECHANICAL ACCESSORIES 31 LEICA OPTICAL ACCESSORIES 35 LEICA SLR & SPECIAL CAMERAS 39 LEICA SCREW-MOUNT LENSES 41 LEICA SCREW-MOUNT CAMERAS 45 LEICA M LENSES 53 LEICA M CAMERAS 61 UNCOMMONLY RARE & UNUSUAL 71 Welcome to STAN TAMARKIN’S 28th rare camera auction on Sunday, April 29, 2012 at our office at 270 Amity Road, Suite 125, Woodbridge, Connecticut, and the launching of Tamarkin & Bertoldi Vintage Auctions. Please read the General Instructions and the “Terms and Conditions of Sale.” GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS BUYER’S PREMIUM There is a Buyer’s Premium of 19.5%. Bidders who bid at “realtime” on the internet pay a 22% Buyers Premium which defrays our additional internet bidding expenses. CONDITION All items are offered “as is.” There is no return privilege, and all sales are final. We have sought to express carefully in our catalogue a useful, general guide to the condition of each Lot. We have also attempted to describe any damage or restoration, but our descriptions cannot be accepted as absolutely definitive and complete. The absence of such a reference does not imply that a Lot is free from defects nor does any reference to particular defects imply the absence of others. Such information is given for guidance only and the condition of any Lot, and the nature and extent of any damage or restoration, should be confirmed by examination prior to the sale. In terms of function, common sense should prevail. While we have tried to call attention to conspicuous mechanical or optical problems, one should assume that many of the Lots have seen little recent use and, therefore, have not recently been cleaned, lubricated, or adjusted. This means that many Lots, especially older cameras, might have shutter speeds and/or light meters that might need adjusting, and that lenses and other optical items might require lubrication and/or cleaning. GUIDE TO RATINGS OF CONDITION Like new. No signs of use or wear. Mint Near Mint Only one or two insignificant signs of use. Ex++ Excellent. Only very slight signs of use. Ex+ Better than average. Used, but not abused. Ex Average condition, signs of normal use. Well used but working all right. Very Good Heavily used Good Poor Bad condition. Probably only useful for parts. ESTIMATES & RESERVES The estimated prices in the catalogue descriptions are the approximate prices expected to be realized, excluding Buyer’s Premium. They are prepared well in advance of the auction sale and are subject to revision. Furthermore, they are not definitive and meant only to represent general guidelines. Every item in the auction has a private “reserve” price. INTERNET BIDDING You will be able to bid, if you choose, in “real time” during the auction. Internet bidders pay a 22% Buyer’s Premium. BIDDING BY LETTER, FAX, OR E-MAIL. We are pleased to make commission bids on your behalf. All e-mail/mail/fax bids must be received by 5:00 PM on Saturday, April 28, 2012. Please state clearly your name, address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, date, e-mail address, credit card number (with expiration date and security code), and signature. Unless previous arrangements have been made, bids that are missing full credit card information will not be entered. Catalogues will include a bid sheet and a facsimile can be downloaded from our website. Please list the lot number or numbers for which you would like to bid as well as your bid. Bidders will receive an invoice after the auction if their bids are successful. Please note that all bids will be executed at the lowest possible price consistent with the Terms and Conditions of the auction. Tamarkin & Bertoldi Vintage Auctions will treat mail/fax/e-mail bids as the maximum price which the Buyer is willing to pay and will bid only enough to exceed the reserve price, or the next highest bid, at the normal auction interval. VIEWING All lots are available for inspection prior to the sale. Please note the viewing schedule. Our staff will attempt to answer questions and give advice, but the final decision to bid, and the amount to bid, is at your discretion and liability. LOCAL TAXES A 6.35% tax is due on all deliveries made in Connecticut. However, all lots that are delivered outside Connecticut are not charged any local taxes. SHIPPING Buyer Pays Shipping Cost. Buyer is charged the direct cost plus a modest additional fee for packaging and handling. USA shipments are normally made by insured UPS. Foreign shipments are normally made by insured airmail International Priority or by insured Express Air Post (EMS). Insurance is available for foreign shipments up to $5,000 by US mail and, by special arrangements, up to $75,000 for UPS. Note that some countries have limits of insurance and therefore the liability for shipments above a country’s limit will be the responsibility of the Buyer. PAYMENT Payment can be made after the end of the sale, and, in any case, must be made within five (5) days after the close of the sale. Acceptable payment may be cash (In House Only), bank check, bank wire transfer, or credit card. (Acceptable credit cards are VISA or MASTERCARD or the equivalent.) All checks and other payments must clear before delivery of purchases unless prior arrangements have been made. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE The following provisions constitute the entire agreement by and between Tamarkin & Bertoldi Vintage Auctions, LLC (Tamarkin), the Consignor, and the Buyer and will govern the sale of all property sold through internet bidding at the Tamarkin & Bertoldi Vintage Auctions to be conducted in Woodbridge, Connecticut on April 29, 2012. 1. BUYER’S COMMISSION BUYERS WILL PAY TO TAMARKIN A COMMISSION OF NINETEEN AND ONE-HALF PER CENT (19.5%) OF BUYER’S WINNING BID PRICE. REAL-TIME INTERNET BIDDERS WILL PAY A COMMISSION OF TWENTY-TWO PER CENT (22%). THESE COMMISSIONS ARE PAYABLE IN ADDITION TO THE WINNING BID PRICE. 2. CONDITION OF PROPERTY All property is sold “as is” without warranty or guaranty of any kind whether expressed, implied or statutory including without limitation any warranty or guaranty as to character, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, physical condition, or rarity. Prospective buyers must rely solely on their own inspection and knowledge before bidding to determine such issues as age, quality, character, physical condition, mechanical and electrical function and rarity. There is no return privilege, and all sales are final. The property being offered at the auction is mostly used and to be sold as collectors’ items. Bidders should note that some lots have mechanical problems or optical problems. Buyers should assume that most lots have shutters in need of repair and/or light meters that are in need repairing or adjusting, and that most lenses and other optical items require lubrication and/or cleaning. Most of the cameras and lenses have not been recently used and have been sitting on a shelf in a camera collection. Moreover, the ratings below refer to cosmetic condition and are not meant to describe either mechanical or optical condition. 3. WITHDRAWAL OF PROPERTY Tamarkin and Consignor reserve, in their unfettered discretion, the right to withdraw any property from auction before sale. 4. DISPUTES Any disputes between bidders shall be resolved by Tamarkin, who may offer and resell any property over which there is a dispute. 5. BIDS, REJECTION AND RESERVES The Buyer shall be the highest bidder. Tamarkin may reject any opening bid he deems too low and withdraw the property from sale. Likewise in the course of bidding he may reject any advance as being too low. Generally, Tamarkin will require that all bids advance the price by not less than 10%. All items of property will be sold with a reserve which may be confidential. Tamarkin may bid on behalf of the Consignor to effectuate the reserve. Responsibility for bidding is ultimately the prospective Buyer’s and Tamarkin assumes no responsibility or liability with regard to bidding. 6. POSSESSION, TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS Buyer will receive possession of the property only when payment has been made in full and all funds have cleared. Title and risk of loss will pass to the Buyer when the Buyer has taken possession of the property. 7. TERMS OF PAYMENT AND REMEDIES Buyer agrees to pay for property within five (5) days of sale. Payment must be made in U.S. Dollars ($) and may be made in any one of the following: cash (In House Only), check, credit card, debit card, bank draft or bank wire transfer. Purchased property will not be released to the Buyer until payment in full has cleared. In the event Buyer fails to pay for property, Tamarkin may in its sole discretion and in addition and without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to it in law or equity, exercise one or more of the following rights and remedies: A. b ring an action against Buyer seeking damages for breach of contract including court costs and attorneys fees. B. rescind the sale of the property or any other lot sold to the Buyer. C. r esell the property at auction or private sale and bring an action to recover any deficiency between (i) full amount owed by Buyer plus court costs and attorneys fees and (ii) the net proceeds, after payment of all expenses, received from the resale. If there is a surplus, the surplus will be paid to Consignor. D. store the property and release it to Buyer only upon payment of the full purchase price plus all direct and indirect costs of storage. E. to charge interest at 18% per annum commencing immediately after failing to pay on time. F. to retain any other lot sold to Buyer at auction. G. to apply any amount owing from Tamarkin to Buyer against the purchase price and all expenses due and owing by Buyer to Tamarkin. Tamarkin is likewise be deemed to have a security interest in any property of the Buyer in Tamarkin’s possession to secure payment of the purchase price and all expenses due and owing from Buyer to Tamarkin. H. to apply any payment made by Buyer to Tamarkin for any purpose and despite any instructions by Buyer as to application, against the purchase price and all expenses due and owing. 8. SALES AND USE TAX The total purchase price of all property will be subject to all sales or use tax which Tamarkin is obligated by law to collect. The tax due on deliveries in Connecticut is 6.35%. Tamarkin is not obligated to collect tax on any item that is delivered outside the state of Connecticut. 9. TERMS OF ADHESION By bidding at the auction, the Buyer acknowledges and agrees: A. that the foregoing terms and conditions will represent the entire agreement of the parties, provided that the terms may be altered or amended by Tamarkin prior to or at the time of auction by oral or written announcement or posted notice. B. that the rights and obligations of the parties will be construed and governed by the law of the State of Connecticut. C. that jurisdiction for the resolution of any dispute between the parties related to the auction, will be exclusively in the State of Connecticut and consents to the jurisdiction of the Connecticut State Courts and federal court for the District of Connecticut. 10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Tamarkin’s and Consignor’s liability to a Buyer shall not exceed the purchase price actually paid. 11. TAMARKIN AS AGENT ONLY Except as otherwise specifically stated in writing, Tamarkin is acting only as an agent for the Consignor. Tamarkin will have no liability for any breach by either a Consignor or Buyer. lot 4 lot 8 1. Canonflex Nr. 16581 with 50mm Super Canomatic f1,8 with ever ready case Nr. 14337 Nr. 16581. Condition: Ex Estimate: $100 - $300 2. Canon Vt De Luxe Nr. 579993. Condition: Ex Estimate: $100 - $250 3. Yashica Rapide Nr. H1031941 with lens lot 6 cap, instructions & case. Condition: Ex Estimate: $200 - $400 4. Yashica YF Nr. 481302 with 50mm Yashinon f1,8 Nr. 5950822. Condition: Ex Estimate: $150 - $300 5. Echo 8 Miniature Camera/Lighter. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $900 - $1,800 6. Hasselblad Superwide C Nr. UV12180 with back, viewfinder, 38/4,5 Biogon Nr. 5238250. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500 7. Hasselblad 503CX 1941-1991 50-Year 9. Minolta-35 Nr. 98139 with 50mm Super Anniversary Gold & Blue Nr. 01EV10163 Rokor f2.8. Shutter sticky. with 80mm Planar-CF f2,8 Nr. 7208686 and Condition: Ex++ A12 Magazine in box with instructions and Estimate: $250 - $500 warranty cards. Condition: Mint 10. Robot Luftwaffen-Eigentum Nr. F57221- Estimate: $2,500 - $5,000. 6 with 75mm Tele-Xenar f3,8 Nr. 1811037. Condition: Ex 8. Bell & Howell Foton Nr. 720767 with 2” Estimate: $200 - $400 Cooke Amotal Anastigmat Nr. 30087 and instructions. 11. Robot Royal 36 Nr. Z138383 with 38mm Condition: Ex Xenar f2,8 Nr. 3404864. Estimate: $800 - $1,600 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $400 - $800 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 MISCELLANEOUS lot 9 lot 10 back lot 11 lot 10 front lot 7 page 5 lot 12 12. Voigtlander Ultramatic CS Nr. 24964/5 with 36-82mm Zoomar f2,8 Nr. 6883780 with lens cap. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $400 - $800 13. Gami 16 Nr. 342419 Outfit with 4x Gami Telelens f4 Nr. 27402 and Gami Developing Tank. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $600 - $1,200 14. Kodak Ektra Nr. 4850 with 50mm Ektar f1,9. lot 13 Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $700 - $1,400 15. Panon Widelux F7 Nr. 347249 with filters in case. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $700 - $1,400 16. Graflex Century Graphic Nr. 504946 with 103mm Trioptar f4,5 in Century shutter. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $200 - $400 lot 16 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 14 lot 15 page 7 17. Rollei 35 Classic Titanium Nr. 6102481 in box with warranty, certificate, cap, and case. Minor marks on the flash. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $800 - $1,600 lot 17 18. Rollei 35 6102481 Black Germany. Honeywell marking. Tiny depression top. Condition: Ex Estimate: $200 - $400 lot 18 19. Rollei Classic Titanium Nr. 7103775 in box with warranty, certificate, cap, and case. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $800 - $1,600 lot 19 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 20. Rolleicopi Focusing Unit Nr. 2610154. ROLLEI & ROLLEIFLEX A rare accessory, the Rolleicopi was made for use on the Rolleicord Vb. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $500 - $800 lot 20 21. Rolleimot Nr. 5172. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $150 - $300 lot 21 22. Rolleicord Nr. 802920 with 75mm Triotar Nr. 2457083 with case. Condition: Ex Estimate: $140 - $200 lot 22 page 9 23. “Baby” Rolleiflex Nr. 2046701 Grey with case. Condition: Ex Estimate: $100 - $200 lot 23 24. Rolleiflex Automat Nr.1734234 MX-EVS with 75mm Tessar 3,5. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $150 - $300 lot 24 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 25 lot 26 25. Rolleiflex 2,8F Planar Nr. 2446868 with caps. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000 26. Rolleiflex 3,5F Xenotar Nr. 2852376. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,250 - $1,850 27. Tele-Rolleiflex Nr. S2303259 with 135mm Sonnar f4 Nr. 2690097. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $1,600 28. Rolleiflex 2.8GX Edition Nr. 4017146 with box. Condition: Mint Estimate: $1,250. - $1,850 lot 28 page 11 lot 29 29. Alpa 5 Nr. 34555 with 50mm Schneider f1,9 Nr. 4397346. Some specks inside the prism. Condition: Ex Estimate: $700 - $1,200 30. Alpa 6 Nr. 36614 with 50mm Old Delft f2,8 Nr. 152545 Collapsible. Some specs inside the prism. Condition: Ex Estimate: $500 - $1,000 31. Alpa 7 Nr. 33127 with 50mm Old Delft f2.8 Nr. 49355. Some haze in the prism. lot 30 Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $800 - $1,600 32. Alpa 8b Nr. 40443 with 50mm Kern Switar f1,8 Nr. 651182. Some degradation to metal finish on the lens mount. Condition: Ex Estimate: $1,200 - $2,000 33. Alpa 9d Nr. 51229 with 50mm Kern Macro-Switar f1,8 Nr. 1063629 with LEIALP 39 adapter, TUBANFOUR tube, CARTAN cartridge, ever ready case, and red Alpa box. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 lot 31 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 ALPA lot 32 lot 33 page 13 34. Minox Counter Display. Crazing 43. Minox AX Walter Zapp Limited Edition 46. Minox I Riga Nr.15512. is plexiglass. Nr. AX-II-008 Gold. In presentation case Condition: Ex+ Condition: Ex with case. Estimate: $750 - $1,250 Estimate: $200 - $400 Condition: Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 35. Minox C Nr. 2464423 Black. 47. Minox I Riga Nr.15513. Condition: Ex+ Condition: Ex++ 44. Minox LX Nr. 2508892 Black. Estimate: $200 - $400 Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $750 - $1,250 Estimate: $300 - $600. 36. Two Minox Film Tins marked Latvia. Very rare! 45. Minox I Riga Nr. 05576. Condition: Ex Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $400 - $800 Estimate: $750 - $1,250 37. Minox III “Dummy.” The number “3055” is crudely engraved on one side. Condition: Ex Estimate: $50 - $100 38. Minox Leica III-S Nr. 144377 Black. Tiny dings on two corners. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $300 - $600 39. Minox B Nr. 725434 Black. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $300 - $600 40. Minox B Nr. 851827 Black. Tiny ding on corner. Condition: Ex++ lot 36 Estimate: $250 - $450 41. Minox BL Nr. 1212839 Black. Bright marks on top left. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $400 - $800 42. Minox C Nr. 244458 Black. Minor shine marks on one side. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 lot 51 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 48. Contaflex II Nr. U5195 with 50mm MINOX & ZEISS-IKON Tessar f2,8 Nr. 2949182. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $100 - $200 49. Super Ikonta C (531/2) Nr. P10813 with 105mm Tessar f3,5 Nr. 87275 with CompurRapid to 1/400th. Two rear windows. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $250 - $500 50. Ikoflex I (850/16) Nr. Y9882 with black enameled square on the finder top. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $200 - $400 lot 49 51. Super Ikonta IV (534/16) Nr. Q33244 with 75mm Tessar f3,5 Nr. 2555348. Condition: Mint Estimate: $600 - $1,200 52. Super Ikonta C (531/2) Nr. X24524 MX Sync. with 105mm Tessar f3,5 Nr. 816756. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $600 - $1,200 53. Contax T Silver Nr. 35644. Brand new. Never used. The first, great compact “everything” camera. Condition: New Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 lot 50 page 15 lot 55 lot 54 lot 57 54. 28mm Tessar Jena f8 Nr. 1425251 with 56. 85mm Triotar f4 Nr. 1447942 Black. 2.8cm Zeiss-Ikon Viewfinder (432/3). Condition: Ex+ Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 Estimate: $600 - $1,200 57. Contax I Nr. AU80670 Black with 50mm 55. 35mm Stereotar C f3,5 Nr. St15397 Tessar f3,5 Nr. 129400 Collapsible. A (810/01) with Stereotar Prism (810/02) beautiful camera, the essence of pre-war Nr. St1262, Zeiss Viewfinder 420 [Ex+], 35mm Zeiss production. three filters and fitted case. A beautiful Condition: Ex++ outfit and very rare. Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $2,500 - $5,000 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 58 lot 61 lot 59 lot 62 60. Contax IIIa Nr. F25065 Color Dial, with 50mm Sonnar f1,4 Nr. 823637. Light meter not working. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 61. Contax Nr. A56725 with 50mm Sonnar f2 Nr. 80419. Light meter not working. Shutter is sticky. Two screw heads protruding rear. Condition: Ex++ lot 60 Estimate: $200 - $400 58. Contax IIa Nr. P98892 with 85mm Sonnar f2 Nr. 2276418 Chrome and 62. Contax III Nr. T36246 with 50mm 50/85mm Zeiss-Ikon Collapsible Finder Sonnar f1.5 Nr. 90075. Light meter not (433/25). working. Shutter sticky. Condition: Ex++ Condition: Ex Estimate: $400 - $800 Estimate: $150 - $300 59. Contax IIIa Nr. Y55902 with 50mm Sonnar f2 Nr. 826854. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 page 17 63. 16mm Zeiss Hologon G f8 Nr. 7989150, caps, case, filter, and 16mm viewfinder for the Contax G system. Condition: Mint Estimate: $800 - $1,600 lot 63 64. Contarex 450 Exposure Magazine [17 meters] #20.0310 in box with torn edge. Extremely rare. Unused. Condition: New Estimate: $750 - $1,500 lot 64 65. 18mm Distagon f4 Nr. 4492184 with ring, case, and caps. A beauty! Condition: Mint Estimate: $800 - $1,600 lot 65, 71 & 70 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 66. 25mm Distagon f2,8 Nr. 3563175 Chrome. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 67. 35mm Distagon f2 Nr. 3682223 Black. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 68. 85mm Sonnar f2 Nr. 4914373 Black. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 69. 135mm Sonnar f2,8 Nr. 3696660 Black. Condition: Ex++ lot 66, 67, 68 & 69 Estimate: $150 - $300 70. 250mm Sonnar f4 Nr. 2664815 with lens hood and caps. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $500 - $1,000 71. 250mm Olympia-Sonnar f4 Nr. 3671664 with case and hand grip. Condition: Mint Estimate: $800 - $1,500 72. Contarex Professional Nr. K45409 with ever ready case. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $750 - $1,500 lot 72 73. Contarex Super Nr. G39279 with 50mm Planar Nr. 4500409, box, and instructions. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $ 800 - $1,600 lot 73 page 19 74. Contarex Super Electronic Nr. G36930. Working, and in spectacular condition. Condition: Near Mint. Estimate: $1,250 - $1,500 lot 74 75. Zeiss Hologon Ultrawide Nr. R97056 with 15mm Hologon f8 Nr. 5098756 with lens cap, hand grip, and case. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500 lot 75 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 NIKON F & NIKON RANGEFINDER lot 76 lot 84 lot 81 lot 83 front lot 83 back 76. Nikon MF-1 250 Exposure Back Nr. 302668. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $300 - $600 77. 21mm Nikkor f4 Nr. 226223 for the Nikon F system with 21mm Finder Nr. 206113. 80. 58mm Noct-Nikkor f1,2 AIS Nr. 190042 83. 500mm Reflex-Nikkor f8 Nr. 511582 Condition: Near Mint with E52 L1Bc filter. with case and filter. Estimate: $400 - $800 Condition: Near Mint Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $2,500 - $4,500 Estimate: $300 - $500 Nikon rangefinder, with hood and caps. 81. 200-600mm Nikkor-Zoom f/9.5 Nr. 84. 1000mm Reflex-Nikkor f11 Nr. 111067 A few specks of dust. 290606 with caps. with hood and caps. Slight separation Condition: Ex++ Condition: Ex++ at center. Estimate: $200 - $400 Estimate: $250 - $500 Condition: Ex++ 79. 135mm Nikkor f3,5 Nr. 269051 for 82. 500mm Reflex-Nikkor f5 Nr. 181876 Nikon rangefinder, with hood and caps. with caps. Condition: Near Mint Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $100 - $200 Estimate: $300 - $600 78. 85mm Nikkor f2 Nr. 290078 Chrome for Estimate: $750 - $1,500 page 21 85. Nikon F Nr. 6793260 Black. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $300 - $600 86. Nikon F Nr. 7234649 Black with 50mm Nikkor f2 Nr. 3715309. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $350 - $700 87. Nikon FTn Nr. 7362568 Black with 50mm Nikkor f1,8 Nr. 1817193. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $300 - $600 88. Nikon FTn Nr. 7221077 with 55mm lot 85 Micro-Nikkor f3,5 AIS Nr. 1032684 and boxes. Absolutely never used. Not one roll. Condition: Like New Estimate: $600 - $1,000 89. Nikon FA Gold Nr. 2002260 with 50mm Nikkor f1,4 Nr. 5509353 in the box. Condition: Mint Estimate: $1,500 - $3,000 90. Nikon Rangefinder Close-up Attachment for 50mm Nikkor f1,4 Nr. 41406 in case. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $150 - $300 91. Nikon 25mm Viewfinder. lot 86 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $300 - $600 92. Nikon Varifocal Universal Finder Nr. 323498. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $100 - $200 93. Nikon S3/SP Light Meter Nr. 950824. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $100 - $200 94. Nikon Meter Holder. A tiny and rare Nikon accessory. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $300 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 87 95. Nikon RF Body Cap. It is remarkable how difficult it is to find a Nikon rangefinder body cap. Condition: Mint Estimate: $250 - $500 96. Nikon SP Viewfinder Illuminator. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500 97. Nikon Panoramic Head Nr. 733029. lot 99 Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $100 - $200 98. 135mm Nikon Viewfinder Black. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $100 - $300 99. A Group of Nikon Accessories: Nikon Level, Film Cassette, Meter Booster, Flash Extender, and 35mm Nikon Viewfinder Chrome. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $100 - $300 lot 88 lot 89 page 23 lot 105 & 77 lot 101 & 100 100. Two Nikon Rangefinder Lens Hoods: 35mm Nikkor f2,5 and 50mm Nikkor f1,4. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $100 - $300 101. Nikon S3/SP Light Meter Nr. 952855 with Meter Booster. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $125 - $250 102. 28mm Nikkor f3,5 Nr. 717219 with caps. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $300 - $600 103. 28mm Nikkor f3,5 Nr. 716960 with cap, case, and box. lot 106 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $500 - $900 lot 111 lot 113 lot 112 lot 114 104. 35mm Nikkor f2,5 Nr. 267024 108. 105mm Nikkor f2,5 Nr. 916798 for 112. Nikon S Nr. 6127974 with 50mm f1,4 with caps. Leica screw-mount rangefinder, with caps. Nikkor Nr. 349684. Condition: Ex++ Condition: Near Mint Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $200 - $400 Estimate: $400 - $800 Estimate: $400 - $800 105. 50mm Micro-Nikkor f3,5 Nr. 523614 109. 105mm Nikkor f2,5 Nr. 919245 for 113. Nikon S2 Nr. 6162453 with 50mm with caps. A rare Nikon rangefinder lens. Leica screw-mount rangefinder, with caps. Nikkor f1,4 Nr. 383886 Black [Mint] with Condition: Ex++ Condition: Mint lens cap. Ding on bottom corner. Lens is Estimate: $2,500 - $4,500 Estimate: $250 - $500 very nice. Condition: Ex+ 106. 50mm Nikkor-N f1.1 Nr. 141400 110. 135mm Nikkor f3,5 Nr. 269051 for external mount with rear cap. Nikon rangefinder, with hood and caps. Extremely rare. Condition: Near Mint 114. Nikon S2 Nr. 6166231 with 50mm 1,4 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $100 - $200 Nikkor Nr. 373161 Black [Mint] in Estimate: $350 - $650 damaged box. Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000 111. Nikon S Nr. 6107068. Typical screw Condition: Ex+ 107. 85mm Nikkor f2 Nr. 496907 with hood heads showing on rear. Estimate: $400 - $800 and caps. A few specks of dust. Condition: Ex+ Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $200 - $400 Estimate: $400 - $800 page 25 115. Nikon S2 Nr. 6156191 with 50mm Nikkor f1,4 Nr. 367301 Chrome. Factory modified in Japan with marks inside the viewfinder for 105mm lens. Very unusual. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 116. Nikon S3 Black Nr. 6312151 with 50mm Nikkor f2 Black Nr. 746426. Wellused, brassy, and very rare. Fewer than two-hundred fifty pieces manufactured, which is why a black Nikon S3 is hardly ever offered in the collector’s market, and this one, with the patina of long and faithful use, is a prize. Condition: Very Good Estimate: $5.000 - $8,000 lot 116 front 117. Nikon S3 2000 Anniversary Nr. 204806 Silver with 50mm Nikkor f1,4 Nr. 203899, lens hood, camera case, and box. Condition: New Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000 lot 115 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 116 top lot 117 page 27 118. Nikon SP Nr. 6201148 Chrome with 50mm Nikkor f2 Nr. 754737 with box. A beautiful Nikon SP. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $2,500. - $4,500 119. Nikon SP Nr. 6209909 Chrome with ever ready case and box (damaged). Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $1,800 - $2,800 120. Nikon SP Nr. 6206854 Black with 28mm Nikkor f3,5 NR. 717884. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $5,000 - $8,000 121. Nikon SP Nr. 6202636 Black with 50mm Nikkor f1,4 Nr. 387166 Black. Well used but recently overhauled by owner. Condition: Very Good Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000 lot 118 lot 119 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 120 lot 121 page 29 lot 122 122. Nikon SP Nr. 6231113 Chrome with Japanese Navy engraving on top and “No. 1026” engraved on top of back plate. Titanium shutter curtain. An extremely rare Nikon rangefinder variation. Seldom offered on the market. Signs of normal wear with heavy marks on bottom. Condition: Ex Estimate: $4,000 - $8,000 lot 122 back TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 LEICA MECHCANICAL ACCESSORIES lot 123, 124, 145 & 144 lot 131, 177, 140, 173 & 170 lot 126, 130, 134,132, 135 & 128 lot 133, 154, 163 & 165 123. Early Tripod, crackle finish TOOUG. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $75 - $150 124. Early Tripod, crackle finish TOOUG. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $75 - $150 125. Leica IIIf Water-Tight Ever Ready Case MBROO. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $450 - $850 126. Slow-Speed Device HEBOO. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $75 - $150 127. 50/90/135mm Len Hood FIKUS. Early 131. 35mm Elmar Hood Black Lens Hood version in black and nickel finish with FLQOO. markings for both the 50mm Summar and Condition: Ex++ Hektor. Engraved “Ernst Leitz Wetzlar” Estimate: $75 - $150 without a logo. Condition: Ex 132 35mm Elmar f3,5 Black Lens Hood Estimate: $200 - $400 FLQOO. Condition: Ex+ 128. 21/28mm Lens Hood #12501. Estimate: $75 - $150 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $75 - $150 133. 50mm Lens Hood ITOOY with box. Condition:Mint 129. 35/50mm Lens Hood IROOA in broken Estimate: $150 - $250 ITDOO box. Condition: Ex++ 134. 50mm Lens Hood ITOOY. Estimate: $75 - $150 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $75 - $150 130. 35/50mm Lens Hood IROOA. Condition: Ex+ 135. 50mm Summarit Lens Hood XOONS. Estimate: $75 - $150 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $75 - $150 page 31 136. 50mm Summilux (early) lens hood XOOIM. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $100 - $200 137. 8mm Cinovid Projector Nr. 609246. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $300 - $600 138. Leica Clock. Not made by Leica, but an interesting piece nonetheless. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $200 - $400 lot 138 139. Developing Tank FIMAN complete. One of the rarest of the very early 1925-1930 Leica accessories. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 140. Early E. Leitz Metal Film Developing Tank. Condition: Ex Estimate: $75 - $150 141. MR-4 Meter Black Chrome Nr. 79177. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $100 - $200 lot 139 lot 143, 155 & 156 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 146, 157, 167 & 135 lot 147 142. MR-4 Meter Black Chrome Nr. 56836. 145. Two Leica 250 Film Cassettes KOOBF. 149. Silver Chrome Leica IIIf/IIIg Condition: Near Mint Condition: Ex+ Base Plate. Estimate: $100 - $200 Estimate: $250 - $500 Condition: New Estimate: $200 - $400 143. E. Leitz Wetzlar Left-Hand Release. 146. 28mm Summaron hood SOOBK. Extremely rare. One of the oddest and Condition: Near Mint 150. Rapid Winder for Leica IIIf/IIIg SYOOM most collectible of the Leica screw-mount Estimate: $300 - $600 in box. A dent on one end has accessories. been repaired. Condition: Mint 147. Photographic Platform HIIBE. A rare Condition: Ex Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 accessory, only the second one offered in Estimate: $300 - $500 sixteen years. 144. Film Trimming Template Nickel ANZOO. Condition: Ex++ 151. Rapid Winder for Leica M1/M2/MP Very rare pre-World War II accessory. Estimate: $750 - $1,500 SYOOM-M in box. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $500 - $1,000 Condition: Ex++ 148. Black Chrome Leica M4-P/M6 Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000 Base Plate. Condition: New Estimate: $200 - $400 lot 151 page 33 lot 152 152. Motor Drive Leica III, IIIa, and IIIb 156. Spirit Level DOOLU Black in box. MOOLY Nr. 1719 with release arm in taped Condition: Ex box. Heavily used. Estimate: $150 - $250 Condition: Very Good Estimate: $500 - $1,000 157. Early 50mm Elmar f3,5 lens hood FISON Black. First version with square 153. 50/90/127/135mm Collapsible Lens cut-out on front. Hood ADFIK in brushed chrome and silver Condition: Ex++ chrome engraved “E Leitz New York.” Estimate: $400 - $800 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $100 - $200 158. Group of Leica Accessories: Two 35/50mm Lens Hoods #12585, one new 154. Plumb-Bob Accessory FLOTH in in box, a 50/90/135mm Lens Hood FIKUS, the box. #14022 Take-Up Spool, MR-Meter Condition: Ex+ Nr. 20083 [Near Mint] in box, and MR-4 Estimate: $200 - $400 Meter Nr. 75829 Chrome [Near Mint] in box. Condition: Near Mint 155. Spirit Level DOOLU Chrome in box. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $150 - $250 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 Estimate: $300 - $600 LEICA OPTICAL ACCESSORIES lot 169 159 Visoflex II Screw-Mount with 5x 163. 28mm Bright-Line Finder SLOOZ Black 167. 35-50-90-135mm Sportsfinder ROSOL. Vertical Finder. in the box. Condition: Ex++ Condition: Mint Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $75 - $150 Estimate: $150 - $300 Estimate: $250 - $450 168. 35-50-90-135mm Sportsfinder ROSOL 160. Visoflex III, complete with 4x 164. 28mm Bright-Line Finder SLOOZ with case. Right-Angle Finder. Chrome. Condition: Ex++ Condition: Mint Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $75 - $150 Estimate: $200 - $300 Estimate: $250 - $450 169. Negative Viewer NAKUL for the 161. Telescope Adapter OSBLO. 165. 28mm Adapter TUVOO in the box. Leica 250 Reporter [Betractungslupe für Condition: Ex+ Condition: Ex++ Kleinbild-Aufnahme] in the box with a Estimate: $50 - $100 Estimate: $100 - $200 photocopy of the original instruction in German. A very rare pre-WWII accessory. 162. Right-Angle Finder WINKO Black. 166. Universal Finder VIDOM Chrome. Condition: Ex+ Condition: Ex+ Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500 Estimate: $75 - $150 Estimate: $50 - $100 . page 35 lot 171 lot 174 170. 35mm Bright-Line Finder Chrome SBLOO. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $200 - $400 171. 85mm Bright-Line Finder in leather case SGOOD. Condition: Near Mint. Estimate: $300 - $600 172. 90mm Sportsfinder Collapsible SEROO lot 175 with case, Meters scale. Condition: Near Mint. Estimate: $100 - $200 173. 90mm Sportsfinder Collapsible SEROO, Feet scale. Condition: Ex Estimate: $75 - $150 lot 176 front TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 176 back lot 177, 178, 130, 164, 175 & 168 174. 135mm Bright-Line Finder #12030 177. Imarect Universal Finder Nr. 90776 179. Early OMAG Colour Filter set in box. with box. Late version with Feet and with 28mm Adapter TUVOO. A rare pre-1939 accessory made for Meters scale. Condition: Ex+ the Leica. Condition: Mint Estimate: $75 - $150 Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $100 - $200 Estimate: $750 - $1,500 178. Imarect Universal Viewfinder 175. 135mm Bright-Line Finder SHOOC, Nr. 81079 VIOOH with case. repainted enamel. Condition: Near Mint Condition: Ex Estimate: $50 - $100 Estimate: $75 - $150 176. Film Viewer VOTRA in proper container with Stand VOTIV. A rare combination, seldom offered. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500 lot 179 lot 179 page 37 180. Early Electronic Film Viewer. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $350 - $700 181. Film Viewer VOTRA in proper container. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $500 - $900 182. Universal Finder VIDOM with military M18 German engraving and Reichsadler with Swastika. Quite rare. Condition: Ex Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 lot 180 183. Universal “Torpedo” Viewfinder VIUNA 35-50-73mm with parallax control lever, meter scale. Torpedo finders with parallax control are extremely rare. With Meters scale. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $400 - $800 184. Universal “Torpedo” Viewfinder 35-50105mm VITRE, with parallax control lever, Meters scale. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $400 - $800 185. Universal Torpedo Viewfinder lot 182, 183, & 184 35-50-73-105mm VIDEO. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $300 - $600 lot 188 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 1LEICA SLR & SPECIAL CAMERAS 186. Leicaflex Standard Nr. 1165043 Black Enamel. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,2000 - $1,800 lot 186 187. Leicaflex SL Mot 1337046 Black Chrome with Leicaflex Motor Nr. 1697. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $600 - $1,200 188. Leicaflex SL2 Nr. 1415833 with 35mm Summicron-R f2 Nr. 2937639. Conditon: Ex++ Estimate: $750 - $1,250 lot 187 page 39 lot 189 189 Leica R4 Gold Nr. 1659417 Oskar 190. Leica S1 Pro Nr. 2286107 with Barnack Commemorative with box. #13606 filter 30’ extension, with Condition: Mint Hasselblad tilt-shift lens adapter. Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $7,500 - $15,000 lot 190 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 LEICA SCREW-MOUNT LENSES lot 191 lot 200 191. 19mm Canon f3,5 Nr. 10057 with M adapter, lens hood, and rear cap. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $400 - $800 192. 28mm Hektor f6,3 Nr. 541794 with caps. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $400 - $800 193. 35mm Summaron f2,8 Nr. 1814436 with caps. This lens is becoming uncommon in the market. Condition: Near Mint lot 195 a Estimate: $500 - $900 194. 35mm Summaron f3,5 Nr. 1106028 with cap and bakelite case. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $250 - $500 195. 35mm Summicron f2 ASPH Nr. 3878593 Chrome in screw-mount. New in box with warranty, case, lens hood and caps. Unused! lot 195 b Condition: New Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000 196. 50mm Summarit f1,5 Nr. 821641 197. 50mm Summarit f1,5 Nr. 1500044. 199. 50mm Summitar f2 Nr. 620622 Condition: Near Mint with caps. Estimate: $400 - $800 Condition: Ex+ with caps. Estimate: $150 - $300 Condition: Near Mint 198. 50mm Summicron f2 Nr. 1396333 Estimate: $400 - $800 Collapsible. 200. 2 inch (50mm) Cooke Amotal Condition: Near Mint Anastigmat f2 298765. Estimate: $350 - $700 Condition: Ex Estimate: $300 - $600 page 41 201. 50mm Nikkor f1,4 Nr. 324819 with rear cap. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $200 - $400 202. 50mm Elmar f2,8 Nr. 1537646. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $250 - $500 203. 50mm Wollensak f3,5 Nr. 453956 with rear cap. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $500 - $1,000 204. 50mm Summicron f2 Nr. 1042266 lot 204, 192, 213 & 202 Collapsible with caps. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $300 - $600 205. 50mm Summicron f2 Nr. 921870 Collapsible. Early “rare earth” version. Light marks on front. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $300 - $600 206. 50mm Summicron f2 Nr. 1599913 Rigid. A rare lens, made for the Leica IIIg in 1958-1960. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500 lot 206 & 196 207. 50mm Summilux f1,4 Nr. 3881959 Chrome [#11621] screw-mount. New in box with lens hood, case, and caps. Unused! Condition: New Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000 208. 73mm Hektor f1,9 “Dummy” lens. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $150 - $300 lot 207 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 212. 90mm Thambar f2,2 Nr. 375103 with spot filter, rear cap, and the Thambar box. Condition: Ex Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000 lot 209 213. 105mm “Mountain” Elmar f6,3 Nr. 136610 Black and Nickel with rear cap and lens hood. Condition: Ex Estimate: $750 - $1,500 214. 105mm “Mountain” Elmar f6,3 Nr. 251492 with hood and caps. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500 215. 125mm Hektor f2,5 Nr. 1121305 & Visoflex III. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $500 - $1,000 lot 212 216. 127mm Wollensak Velostigmat f4,5 Nr. 454213 with front cap. Condition: Very Good 209. 85mm Summarex f1.5 Nr. 1008018 Estimate: $50 - $100 with M adapter with hood and M rear cap. Condition: Ex+ 217. 135mm Elmar 4,5 “Dummy” lens. Estimate: $800 - $1,250 Condition: Ex Estimate: $50 - $100 210. 85mm Summarex f1.5 Nr. 940383 with hood, cap, and case. 218. 200mm Telyt-V f4 Nr. 1710966. Condition: Near Mint Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $1,000 - $1,800 Estimate: $100 - $200 211. 90mm Wollensak f4,5 Nr. 483896 219. 280mm Telyt-V f4,8 Nr. 1850750 with caps. in box. Condition: Ex Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $75 - $150 Estimate: $300 - $500 page 43 220. Ur-Leica Replica. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $300 - $600 221. Leica A Nr. 3125 with Long-Base Rangefinder Nr. 6232 FODIS. A low, fourdigit serial number. Condition: Ex Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500 222. Leica A Nr. 50865. Some paint touch up, particularly on the viewfinder Condition: Very Good Estimate: $600 - $1,200 lot 222 lot 221 lot 221 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 50mm Elmar f3,5 Nr. 126239 Nickel, early 11:00 version. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500 224. Leica II Nr. 100366 Black & Nickel with 50mm 3,5 Elmar Nr. 152486 Nickel. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $850 - $1,700 225. Leica IIIa Syn Nr. 221819. Marks on base. Condition: Ex+ lot 223 Estimate: $250 - $500 lot 224 lot 225 page 45 LEICA SCREW-MOUNT CAMERAS 223. Leica II Nr. 97194 Black & Nickel with 226. Leica E Standard Nr. 171744 Black & 230. Leica IIIa Nr. 222250, beautifully Nickel, with an early 50mm 3,5 Elmar refinished in Grey enamel. Slight Nr. 95701 11:00 version. depression top. Condition: Ex+ Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $500 - $1,000 Estimate: $200 - $400 227. Leica E Standard Nr. 309168 Chrome. 231. Leica IIIa Nr. 231658 with 50mm Condition: Near Mint Elmar f3,5 Nr. 232368. Estimate: $300 - $600 Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $200 - $400 228. Leica E Standard Nr. 264890 Chrome. Condition: Ex+ 232. Leica IIc Nr. 454147 with Black Dial Estimate: $250 - $500 sync. Condition: Ex++ 229. Leica IIIa Nr. 206017. Faded vulcanite Estimate: $200 - $400 with excellent chrome. Condition: Near Mint 233. Leica IIIc/IIIf Nr. 466263 “Sharkskin” Estimate: $200 - $400 with Self Timer. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $200 - $400 lot 226 lot 232 lot 230 lot 233 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 234. Leica IIIc Nr. 406651 “Sharkskin” refinished in black enamel and gold with 50mm Elmar f3,5 Nr. 435102 with cap. Condition: Mint Estimate: $500 - $1,000 235. Leica IIIc/IIIf Black Dial Nr. 373647, refinished in black enamel and engraved “Leitz-E gentum” on rear. An interesting refinished camera manufactured in a series both before and after series of Leica IIIc Luftwaffen-Eigentum cameras. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000 lot 234 lot 235 front lot 235 back page 47 236. Leica IIIc/IIIf Black Dial with Self Timer Nr. 466836 “Sharkskin.” Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 237. Leica IIIc Nr. 506579 with body cap. Condition: Mint Estimate: $300 - $600 238. Leica IIIc/IIIf Red Dial Nr. 412025, refinished in gold with 50mm Elmar nNr. 942960 with cap. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,500 - $3,000 lot 237 239. Leica IIf Nr. 611777 Red Dial. Cracks on shutter curtain. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $250 - $500 240. Leica IIIf Nr. 653208. Marks on base. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 lot 238 lot 240 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 241. Leica IIIf Nr. 546701 Black Dial outfit including 35mm Summaron f3,5 Nr. 781042, 50mm Summitar f2 Nr. 755763 [Ex++], 90mm Elmar f4 Nr. 958121 [Ex+] and 50/90/135mm Hood FIKUS, 135mm Hektor f4,5 Nr. 1346748 [Ex], 35mm Bright-Line Finder SBLOO [Ex++], Imarect Universal Finder VIOOH Nr. 99143 with 28mm Adapter [Mint], 50mm Elmar Hood FISON Chrome, Self Timer APDOO, Close-Up Accessory NOOKY, Collapsible Summitar/ lot 242 Summicron Lens Hood, Sportsfinder ROSOL, and miscellaneous filter adapters, film canisters, caps, and filters in a Leica Fitted Field Case. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $1,000 - $3,000 242. Leica IIIf Nr. 583970 Black Dial. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 243. Leica IIIf Nr. 584231 Black Dial with lot 243 50mm Elmar f3,5 Nr. 943243. Few light marks on top. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $300 - $600 lot 241 page 49 244. Leica IIIf Nr. 618532 Red Dial with orange rangefinder filter. Slight depression corner of rangefinder housing. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $150 - $300 lot 244 245. Leica IIf Nr. 680138 Red Dial. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $200 - $400 lot 245 246. Leica IIIg Nr. 826348. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $500 - $900 lot 246 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 247. Leica IIIg Nr. 848267 with 35mm Summaron f3,5 Nr. 766868. Slight scratch under serial number. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $700 - $1,200 lot 247 248. Leica IIIg Nr. 858517 with body cap. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $750 - $1,250 lot 248 249. Leica IIIg Nr. 890449 with body cap. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $750 - $1,250 lot 249 page 51 250. 21mm Super-Angulon f3,4 255. 28mm Elmarit-M f2,8 Nr. 2734446 257. 28mm Voigtläender Ultron f2 Nr. 2522622 Black. Very slight with caps. Nr. 9910678 with caps in the box. separation front. Condition: Ex++ Condition: Mint Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 Estimate: $400 - $800 Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500 256. 28mm Elmarit-M f2,8 Nr. 2977752 251. 21mm Super Angulon f3,4 with box, caps, and lens hood. Nr. 2583136 Black with hood in box. Condition: Near Mint. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500 252. 21mm Elmarit-M f2,8 Nr. 2993811 with box, caps, and lens hood. Condition: Mint Estimate: $1,400 - $1,800 253. 24mm Elmarit-M f2,8 ASPH Nr. 3770187 with 24mm Bright-Line Finder #12019, box, lens hood, and case Condition: Mint Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000 254. 28mm Elmarit f2,8 Nr. 2197837 with hood and caps. Highly desirable first version. lot 254 Condition: Mint Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000 lot 253, 281 & 279 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 259. 28-35-50mm Tri-Elmar-M f4 E55 Condition: Mint Estimate: $3,200 - $5,000 260. 135mm Elmarit-RF f2,8 Nr. 2424477. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $300 - $600 261. 35mm Summaron-RF f2.8 Nr. 2050088 with caps and case. A lens well-known to produce spectacular images. Condition: Mint Estimate: $650 - $1,250 lot 261 262. 35mm Summaron f2,8 Nr. 2311517 258. 28-35-50mm Tri-Elmar-M f4 Nr. with caps. 3812610 Chrome E55 [Catalogue #11894], Condition: Mint one of a special production of 500 pieces Estimate: $750 - $1,500 made for Leica-Historica, the European Leica collectors’ society. In the box with 263. 35mm Summicron-M f2 Nr. 3240677 case and instruction sheet. Black with box, rear cap, and hood. Condition: Mint Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000 Estimate: $1,250 - $1,750 lot 258 page 53 LEICA M LENSES Nr. 3800888 with caps and leather case. lot 266 264. 35mm Summilux-M f1,4 Nr. 2768544 Black, with caps and box. Condition: Mint Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500 265. 35mm Summilux-M f1,4 Nr. 3571090 Titanium. Some unusual oxidation on flange of the aperture-setting ring. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $1,600 - $2,400 266. 35mm Summilux-M f1,4 ASPH Nr. 3710404 Titanium with hood, caps, case, and box. Condition: Mint lot 268, 291, 271 & 254 Estimate: $2,500 - $4,500 267. 50mm Dual-Range Summicron f2 Nr. 1401871, beautifully re-finished in black. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 268. 50mm Dual-Range Summicron f2 Nr. 2357815. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $500 - $1,000 269. 50mm Elmar f2,8 Nr. 1727205 with caps. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $300 - $600 270. 90mm Tele-Elmarit f2,8 Nr. 3003294 with 90/135mm hood IUFOO [Ex+]. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $500 - $1,000 271. 90mm “Fat” Tele-Elmarit f2,8 Nr. 2489257 Black Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $500 - $1,000 lot 269 lot 270, 267, & 287 page 55 lot 272 a 272. 50mm Summicron f2 Nr. 1468975 Black enamel, with plastic container. Very rare and almost never seen in this condition. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $7,500 - $12,500 lot 272 b TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 277 & 286 273. 50mm Summicron f2 Nr. 2332163 277. 50mm Summilux f1,4 Nr. 1703802 Black “Wetzlar” with plastic case, caps, Black with Chrome mount, with hood, back and box. cap. An unusual early variation of the black Condition: Ex++ Summilux. Estimate: $800 - $1,600 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000 274. 50mm Summicron f2 Nr. 2756998 Black “Wetzlar” with hood and rear cap. 278. 50mm Summilux-M f1,4 Nr. 2309387 Condition: Near Mint Black with lens hood. Estimate: $800 - $1,600 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000 275. 50mm Elmar f3,5 Nr. 1145993 Collapsible with caps. 279. 50mm Noctilux-M f1 Nr. 3220152 with Condition: Ex++ lens hood, caps, and box. Estimate: $250 - $500 Condition: Mint Estimate: $5,000 - $9,000 276. 50mm Summicron-M f2 Nr. 3446628 with caps. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,200 - $1,600 page 57 lot 280, 259 & 250 280. 50mm Noctilux-M f1 Nr. 3220471 with 284. 90mm “Parallel” Elmar f4 3-Element hood and caps. Nr. 1920036 with caps. Condition: Mint Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $5,000 - $9,000 Estimate: $500 - $1,000 281. 75mm Summilux-M f1,4 Nr. 3223766 285. 90mm “Parallel” Elmar f4 3-Element with caps and box. Nr. 1936783 with caps. Condition: Near Mint Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $2,500 - $4,500 Estimate: $500 - $1,000 282. 90mm Elmar f4 Nr. 1236475 Collapsible with rear cap. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $200 - $400 283. 90mm Elmar f4 Nr. 1492269 Collapsible with caps. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $250 - $450 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 286 286. 90mm “Fat” Tele-Elmarit f2,8 289. 135mm Tele-Elmar f4 Nr. 1881232 Nr. 2071451 Chrome. Difficult-to-find, with caps. especially in this condition. Condition: Ex++ Condition: Mint Estimate: $250 - $500 Estimate: $1,250 - $1,750 290. 90mm Elmarit f2,8 Nr. 1761638 287. 90mm “Fat” Tele-Elmarit f2,8 Chrome. Nr. 2343448 Black. Condition: Ex+ Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $350 - $500 Estimate: $500 - $1,000 291. 90mm Elmarit-M f2.8 Nr. 3806645 288. 90mm Tele-Elmarit f2.8 Nr. 3292978 Titanium. with box. Condition: Mint Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000 Estimate: $500 - $900 page 59 lot 294 lot 295 lot 297 292. Leica MD Nr. 1136111. 294. Leica MDa Nr. 1285261 with 0:32:1 296. Leica M2S Nr. 989557. Condition: Near Mint lens with extension tube. An unusual Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $500 - $1,000 combination. Estimate: $750 - $1,250 Condition: Mint 293. Leica MD-2 Nr. 1502880. Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 beautifully re-finished in black enamel. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $800 - $1,500 295. Leica M2 Nr. 931958 Button-Rewind, Condition: Near Mint with box. Slight strap wear. Estimate: $2,500 - $4,500 Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $750 - $1,250 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 297. Leica M2 Nr. 1138806 Black, Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 299. Leica M3 Nr. 732534 Double-Stroke. Film type decal missing on rear. Condition: Ex Estimate: $600 - $900 300. Leica M3 Nr. 958857 Single-Stroke Black, beautifully re-finished in black lot 298 enamel. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000 301. Leica M3 Nr. 1024142 Single-Stroke Chrome. Condition: Ex++. Estimate: $700 - $1,200 lot 299 lot 300 page 61 LEICA M CAMERAS 298. Leica M2S Nr. 1164250. 302. Leica M3 Nr. 1035350 Single-Stroke Chrome. Meter marks on top and heavilymarked bottom plate. Condition: Ex Estimate: $500 - $800 303. Leica M3 Nr. 1066659 Single-Stroke Chrome. Condition: Ex Estimate: $500 - $900 304. Leica M3 Nr. 1140654 Black SingleStroke, beautifully re-finished black enamel. Condition: Near Mint lot 302 Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000 305. Leica M4 Nr. 1273728 Chrome. Only a few marks on the bottom. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $800 - $1,600 306. Leica M2-R Nr. 1250085. Condition: Near Mint: Estimate: $1,750 - $2,500 lot 304 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 303 lot 305 page 63 lot 307 307. Leica M2-R Nr. 1248286. 311. Leica M4 Nr. 1273575. Condition: Near Mint Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000 Estimate: $1,200 - $1,800 308. Leica M4 Nr. 1175434. Tiny and very faint depression on top. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 309. Leica M4 Nr. 1206808 with Motor Drive #02926. Slight depression on front near rangefinder window. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $5,000 - $8,000 310. Leica M4 Nr. 1253943 with box. A real beauty! Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000-. $2,000 lot 308 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 309 lot 310 page 65 312. Leica M4 Nr. 1384266 Black Chrome. Slight strap wear. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $1,250 - $2,000 313. Leica M4 Nr. 1412587 50-Year Anniversary E. Leitz Canada with box. Probably the rarest of the 50-Year Anniversary cameras because of its Canada engraving. A fine example. Condition: Mint lot 312 Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000 lot 313 314. Leica M4-2 Nr. 1468259 with box. Unusual variation engraved both “Made in Canada” and “Leitz Wetzlar” on the top plate. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500 lot 314 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 315 315. Leica M4 Nr. 1273465 with 50mm Dual-Range Summicron f2 Nr. 1607830, both refinished in gold. Very striking! Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000 316. Leica M4-2 Nr. 1507460 with M4-2 Motor Winder Nr. 08624 in box with instructions. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $1,800 317. Leica M4-P Nr. 1533040 Black with box, instructions, and strap. lot 317 Condition: Mint Estimate: $800 - $1,400 318. Leica M4-P Nr. 1586371 Mount Everest. Very slight strap wear and a small mark on the bottom. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,800 - $2,800 lot 318 page 67 319. Leica M4-P Nr. 1620930 Black. Very slight strap wear. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $800 - $1,400 lot 319 320. Leica M4-P Nr. 1643144 Chrome. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,600 - $2,400 321. Leica M5 Nr. 1363093 3-lug Black. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000 lot 320 322. Leica M5 Nr. 1351044 Black 2-lug. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $600 - $1,200 lot 322 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 323. Leica M6 Titanium Nr. 2184437 with ever ready case and box. Condition: Mint Estimate: $1,600 - $2,400 lot 323 324. Leica M6 Titanium Nr. 2184682. Tiny mark on tap below strap lug. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,500 - $2,400 lot 324 325. Leica M6 Titanium Nr. 2331892. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,600 - $2,400 lot 265 & 325 page 69 lot 326 lot 329 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 326. Leica M6 Ein Stück Nr. 2300438 Special Edition (438/996) with 50mm Summilux f1,4 Nr. 3758434 (438/996), with lens hood, case, filter, and stock certificate. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $6,000 - $9,000 327. Leica M6 Nr. 2005422 Chrome with case and box. Very slights marks on strap lug tabs. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,000 - $1,600 328. Leica M6 Platinum Nr. 1757986 150lot 330 Year E. Leitz Anniversary (A186) with 50mm Summilux f1,4 Nr. 3481937 Titanium. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $4,000 - $8,000 329. Leica M6 TTL LHSA Commemorative Outfit Nr. 1938089 outfit with 35mm Summicron-M f2, 50mm Summicron-M f2, and 90mm Summicron-M f2, all in silver chrome, with boxes and warranty cards. Condition: Mint Estimate: $6,500 - $10,000 330. Leica M6J 1969-15 with 50mm 2.8 Elmar Nr. 1969-15 with ever ready case. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $3,500 - $6,500 331. Leica M6J 1993-17 with 50mm 2.8 Elmar Nr. 1993-17 with case, box, and cards. Condition: Mint Estimate: $4,500 - $7,500 332. Leica M7 Nr. 2779073 Black. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $1,650 - $2,450 333. Leica M7 USA Flag Test Camera Nr. 2850893. Condition: Mint lot 331 Estimate: $2,500 - $3,500 page 71 334. Leica MP-287 “Fake” with 50mm 336. Leica IIIa Monté en Sarre Nr. 359146 with 50mm Elmar f3,5 without serial number. Summicron f2 Nr. 1465930 [Very Good] and Meters scale. Signs of normal use and abrasions top and bottom. Assembled 1949-1951 Leicavit MP Winder SYOOM-M [Very Good]. in St. Ingbert, France to avoid high import taxes in France on imported German cameras, The rapid winder has many marks and a the Leica IIIa Monté en Sarre is an unusual variation. few small dings. Made in the 1970s by a Condition: Ex Leica repair expert from Providence, Rhode Estimate: $2,500 - $4,500 Island, this fake Leica MP is an interesting piece. It is one of five or six fake cameras that were fabricated. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $4,000 - $8,000 335. Leica IIIg Nr. 943441with 50mm Summilux f1,4 Nr. 1789964 Chrome. The lens is original screw-mount and quite rare. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $6,000 - $9,000 lot 334 lot 335 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 U N C O M M O N LY R A R E & U N U S U A L lot 336 lot 336 “Monte en Sarre” stamping page 73 lot 337 invoice lot 337 back TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 337. Leica IIIc Nr. 390588K Grey with 50mm Summitar f2 Nr. 579345, 35mm Elmar f3,5 Nr. 566642 in bakelite container, 90mm Elmar f4 Nr. 576652 Black in tan bakelite container, Imarect Universal Finder VIOOH, ever ready case, carrying case, and the original invoice from the E. Leitz factory. Traces of white “k” on the shutter curtain. A remarkable piece of history! Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $4,500 - $9,000 lot 337 front lot 337 top page 75 lot 338 front lot 338 back TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 338. Leica 250 GG Reporter Nr. 260008 with 50mm Summitar f2 Nr. 585909. Beautifully refinished in the 1960s by the master of Leica restoration in Great Britain, George Gordon Carr. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $6,000 - $12,000 339. Leica 250 GG Reporter Nr. 324016. Made in 1939, the Leica 250 is truly part of history. Made in the year World War Two began, it was probably made for military or industrial use. An interesting flash sync was added to the front. Two Leica cassettes fare included. Camera recently overhauled. Condition: Ex Estimate: $4,500 - $6,500 340. Leica M1 Nr. 1098115 Olive Bundeseigentum [“Federal Property”]. A rare military camera from the 1960s in unusually good condition. Condition: Ex+ lot 340 front Estimate: $5,000 - $8,000 lot 340 back page 77 lot 341 341. 15mm Hologon f8 Nr. 5736081 with 15mm view finder, neutral density filter, pamphlet, box, and blank warranty card(!) Condition: New Estimate: $10,000 - $20,000 342. Leica A with 50mm Hektor f2,5 Nr. 58604. A beautiful outfit including case and range finder. A rare Leica A version. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $3,500 - $7,000 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 342 lot 342 top page 79 343. Leica 72 18x24 Nr. 357325. a Slight corrosion to chrome on rear of top. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $8,500 - $14,500 344. Leica 72 18x24 with 50mm Elmar f3,5 Nr. 137575 Red Scale with red presentation case. A fabulous camera. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $15,000 - $20,000 lot 343 front lot 343 back TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 344 back lot 344 front lot 344 back page 81 lot 345 front with meter lot 345 front TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 345 back 345. Leica M3 Nr. 1097839 Black Enamel with MR-Meter Nr. 25378 Black Enamel. Minor corrosion on the bottom. Probably the most sought-after regular production Leica M camera, Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $10,000 - $20,000 lot 345 top & bottom page 83 lot 346 front lot 346 back TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 346 battery pack 346. Leica M2 Motorized with prototype Camcraft motor drive. Included is a SECOND prototype of the New York Motor Drive Nicad Pack. The Leica M motors were designed and manufactured originally by Norman Goldberg, the celebrated Leica craftsman and inventor who wrote the technical column for years for Popular Photography, the leading America photo magazine. Goldberg invented the motor drive that eventually became known as the “New York Motor.” This lot is one of his prototype outfits from which the final product was developed. Condition: Ex+ Estimate: $6,500 - $9,500 lot 346 top page 85 lot 347 front lot 347 serial number lot 347 top TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 347. Leica MP-373 Chrome. This is a genuine chrome Leica MP that has been restored. The vulcanite has been replaced and the metal beautifully re-chromed. Condition: Near Mint Estimate: $25,000 - $35,000 348. Camcraft N-5A Motor Drive Outfit with a motorized Leica M2 Nr. 1103075 and Camcraft Motor 5A Nr. 3. With electrical cord and original Camcraft brochure. This motor is the first version of Norman Goldberg’s M motor, utilizing an MP winder and a special grip, and it is the early prototype of the New York Motor. It sold originally for $298.50 in Proto the 1960s. A very special piece of Leica history. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $20,000 - $30,000 lot 348 back lot 348 front page 87 lot 348 original sales brochure lot 348 original sales brochure TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 lot 348 original sales brochure lot 348 top page 89 lot 349 front lot 349 back TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 349 Leica MP-126 Black enamel with 50mm Summicron f2 Nr. 2340655. A Leica gem! Sought after by serious Leica collectors since 1956. Original and very, very rare in this condition. Condition: Ex++ Estimate: $75,000 - $120,000 lot 349 serial number lot 349 top page 91 lot 349 bottom lot 349 TA M A R K I N & B E RT O L D I V I N TA G E A U C T I O N S catalogue #28 P h o t o g r a p h y K AT H Y N E M E C - L U C A S TAMARKIN & BERTOLDI VINTAGE AUCTIONS, LLC 270 Amity Road, Suite 125 Woodbridge, CT 06525 A CT NS (203) C397-9191 Telephone E S T 1 9 6 (203) 397-9393 Fax
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