Cape Breton Western Riders Newsletter
Cape Breton Western Riders Newsletter
Cape Breton Western Riders Newsletter Executive for 2007 President….Andrew Lewis……………562-2455 E-mail…. V-President… George Rahey………794-8923 E-mail… Secretary…Jennifer Mac Neil………736-8486 E-mail… Treasurer….Melissa Mac Donald….736-9445 E-mail… Membership…Sarah Ernst……….674-2694 E-mail… Entries.. Natasha Mac Donald……736-9445 E-mail… Newsletter…George Rahey………794-8923 E-mail… Directors: Bonnie Gibbons…………………578-0341 E-mail… Jennifer Mac Neil………………736-8486 E-mail…mikes_horn Kenny Lewis…………………...562-2455 E-mail… Jill Burke ……………………539-8922 E-mail……. Chauntelle Brewer………………562-3454 E-mail..horse_gal_260 Katelyn Tobin………………….794-3181 E-mail… 2007 Advertising Rates{new}: Members: Small Ads……………………..FREE Business Cards…………………FREE Full Page………………………FREE ½ Page………………………...FREE Clinics…………………………FREE NonNon-Members: Business Cards…………………FREE 1 Full Page……………………$5.00/issue ½ Page……………………….$5.00/issue “Recycle!!” “Recycle!!” Trophies: We still want your old trophies that just lay there collecting dust in the basement or attic. Call a director they will be put to good use & help the club. E-Mailed Newsletters: If you wish to receive a newsletter by e-mail {M.S.Word2000 or Adobe}needed}. Call or E-mail Sara Ernst, George Rahey or any director. Front Page : Stephanie Clarke and Mac’s Miss Go Go her new horse for the up coming season. These two will be tough to beat once they come together. Gook luck on your partner! Birthdays: Mar.07-Luke Hill {xx}; Mar.07- Johnny Murphy {xx}; Mar.06- Renne King {19}; Mar.08- Todd Mc Savaney {xx}; Mar.12- Colleen Lahey{15}; Mar.13-{9}; Mar.14- Georda Mac Innis{27}; Mar.19-Bryden Dicks{11}; Mar.22-Jesse Denton{21}; Mar.26-Adrainna Smith{17}; Mar.28- Bonnie Gibbons{31}; Mar.30- Dorraine Mac Eachern{xx}; Mar.22Marcie Bungay{*?}; Mar.26- Kristen Mac Adam{13} Confucius Say: Wife Who put husband in Doghouse Soon Find him in Cathouse Cape Breton Party Girls: Introducing You’re Shocked 4 year old roan mare Zippos Aftershock x Don’t Break Your Promise (x Don’t Skip Charlie) “Terese” is currently in training at Bar Ditch Farm. She shows great potential as a Trail, Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle prospect. This mare is available for sale or lease. Contact: Bar Ditch Farm Barn: (902) 564-5272 Cell: (902) 371-3411 For Sale 16” Billy Royal Saddle $1500.00 Ralph Gillis Bar Ditch Farm (902)564-5272 Bar Ditch Reining Day – A Success! On December 27, the Bar Ditch Reiners hosted a Reining Day where participants learned about the training, showing and judging of reining horses. Some Bar Ditch students participated by demonstrating maneuvers from the basic to the advanced level on horses at various stages of training. Ralph explains some basic techniques on starting a two year old in reining. At the end of the session, several reining horses were available for participants to ride. Those who were interested and up to the challenge tried several maneuvers including spins and slide stops. It was really encouraging to see some young CBWR members give it a try and do so well. These future reiners really stole the show! Many thanks to everyone who helped put the day together. We look forward to hosting events like these in the near future and providing opportunities for anyone who wants to be involved in one of the fastest growing sports in the equestrian world. Bar Ditch Farm Ralph Gillis Barn: (902)564 (902)564902)564-5272 Cell: (902)371(902)371-3411 New Reining Team Congratulations to Kathleen Haines on the purchase of Doc’s Dyna Smoke. Look for Kathleen and “Sparky” on the CBWR circuit and at Maritime Reining Shows. All the best from the gang at Bar Ditch! For Sale : Hi George I have a 17-inch cut back English saddle for sale, fine harness, and a wooden 2-wheel vehicle for sale Kim Hey Folks! Well it’s almost that time of year again, and I will be taking the entry forms again this year. Last year went very well, and I would like to thank everyone who helped out during the past year. I appreciate it☺, now down to some business. I have some reminders and new “crack-downs” to mention. ***PLEASE NOTE*********One change this year, entry forms ARE NOT to be dropped off at Jason’s shop this year! This year, entry forms can be dropped off at the Clansman Motel in North Sydney. If your entry form is dropped off at Jason’s shop, It will not get to me, I will not be checking at his shop. • As everyone knows, you must be a member of CBWR and NSEF to show at our shows. If I receive your entry form and you are not a member of CBWR and/or NSEF, you will not be entered in the show until you pay your membership!!!! If you do have a NSEF number, please put it on your form in the space provided. • Release forms must accompany your entry form. ONE release form per year. If I do not have a release form from you, your entry form will be held from being entered and you will not be able to ride/show until I receive a release form. • Box Stalls are first come first served. No one is to switch stalls, unless they ask. We like to know who is in what stall. Also, calling and reserving stalls will not be available this year unless traveling from a distance. You may request the stall you would like on your entry form, but there is no guarantee. Please do not call to reserve a stall. Tack stalls are only available IF there is room, and if your tack is in a stall, and the stall is needed for a horse/pony, you will be asked to remove your tack. Tack stalls are standing stalls only! • ***Late fees come into effect after MONDAY of the show week. Late fee is $10 per animal! Please do not forget the Horse/Pony fee of $5 per animal. Please keep in mind the $20 dirty stall charge. Please do not call and try to enter the show over the phone. You must send an entry form in!! Please check over your entry form before sending it. If you are entering more then one animal at a show, there is no need for various entry forms. Please try to put as many as possible on one form. It saves paper, and it is less paper work for me. If the entry form is filled out wrong, or is missing information, it will not be entered until it is fixed. Please do not fill out the back of the entry form, that is for booth use only!! • • • Hopefully everything will be A-OK this year like last year. Again I would like to thank everyone for helping out last year at the shows ☺. Thank you for your co-operation. Sincerely, Natasha MacDonald Show Secretary New Business Started; Saddle Needed; WANTED Youth saddle 12 or 13-inch seat with full qh bars must be in working condition. Email Phone: 862-7368 Passing our best wishes : I wish to pass along to Mona Lewis all our Best wishes & prayers for a speedy recovery from her mishap Stateside . Where had a bad fall cracking a rib and punctured a lung. Ending up in a North Carolina Hospital “FINALLY HPPPENED” Andrew Lewis for those who don’t know Finally gave Bonnie Gibbons the “RING” !!!! Also Mona remember the gas handle should be Green!!!! Here’s the picture of it on her finger…. CONGRATS Andrew Lewis & Bonnie Gibbons N-O-W D-A-T-E W-H-E-N ???? Congratulations Melissa Mac Donald Congratulations Melissa Mac Donald on being sworn in as Constable with Cape Breton Regional police service by Supreme Court Judge Justice Kevin Coady. She was one of thirteen to be sworn in. Everyone watch your P’s& Q’s Now!!!!! Meeting ws called to order by Andrew at 1:40pm. Jennifer made a motion to have the minutes accpeted as in the newsletter. Seconded by Bonnie Gibbons. MOTIONS BY THE BOARD 1. Shelf Pleasure Driving Youth MOTION PASSED. Seconded by Bonnie Gibbons 2. Shelf Western Riding MOTION DEFEATED Seconded by Kenny Lewis 3. Combine Pleasure Driving Youth and Senior into Driving Open MOTION PASSED Seconded by Bonnie Gibbons Andrew then asked for motions from the members be brought forwarded and voted on. Before the members begain voting, Andrew reminded everyone that we passed a rule last year on a maximum number of classes set at 75. So that leaves only two openings for this year. 1. Kim Beaton - To bring back Hunter Hack. Discussions were brought up on how there is interest in having this class. MOTION PASSED. Seconded by Charlene 2. Kim Beaton - To brink back Walk Trot MOTION PASSED. Seconded by Jennifer MacNeil 3. Nicola Lewis - To reduce our entry fee from $5.00 to $4.00. Discussions were brought forward on this. John Fraser stated we should invest in shows/clinics. As we havea surplus, we need to hang on to it. Jane made mention that we need to create a bas, so we can move forward and perhaps bring in higher caliber judges for our shows. MOTION DEFEATED. Seconded by Kathleen Hanes. Now that our class list has reached its maximum again at 75. the remaining motions are to be tabled as there is now no room to incorporate them. NEW BUSINESS John Fraser wants to know if our concerns are being raised about the condition of the grounds to the Exhibition Committee. Most notably is footing. The Board is waiting on word from the Exhibition to get a guarantee to keep the footing where we bring it in. There is no need to spend club funds on decent footing only to have it disappear. Andrew guaranteed there would be a consultation with the reiners and barrel racers over footing. There would be no footing added, that would not benefit everyone. Kim Beaton wanted to add to our list of concerns, the leaky roof. Andrew told the members that we have a committe in pace to talk to the new management of the Exhibition. We will be reporting our meetings with the Exhibition and Harness Racers in the newsletters to keep everyone up to date and informed. Kim Beaton suggested that we see if the Harness Racers can be asigned stalls much like we are. Once you get it, it is 'yours' for the season. Might make them more resposible for their horses actions in the stalls. Kim Beaton asked about Sponsorships for each show. i.e. Greenhawk. This would be looked into. Marjorie Smith wanted to know if anyone sent a Thank You to Greenhawk for the awards and prizes. Ralph Gillis asked if we would be interested in having a different location for shows or for every other show? This created a lot of positive discussion, and would be looked into further, perhaps for 2010 season. Ralph Gillis and Leanne mentioned the idea of having a 1 day show or perhaps a Demo Day for the public. Get more of the word out on our club. Perhaps with the "Demo Day" we could have a Tack Swap/Sale along with it. Once discussions on this "Demo Day" were completed, Kenny Lewis made a motion to have the meeting adjorned. Seconded by Melissa MacDonald.