MAY 2015 - Shannons
MAY 2015 - Shannons
AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 ISSUE # 138 MEMBERS ENJOYING REFRESHMENTS ON THE RECENT WEEKEND TRIP TO THE YOUNG HERITAGE MOTOR CLUB It's the cars that bring us together, but the cars owners that "keep" us together! "FT" AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 PO Box 1937 ORANGE NSW 2800 AUSTRALIA Email: CLUB DIRECTORY 2015 PRESIDENT: Charles Stammers 6365 1351 SECRETARY: Chris Olson 6331. 5757 VICE PRESIDENT: John Donohoe 6362 3911 TREASURER: Alan Mitchell 6362. 8998 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Paul Hingston 6362. 4094 PUBLIC OFFICER: C. Stammers 6365 1351 & A Mitchell 6362 8998 ( joint custodians.) LIBRARIAN: P Skulander 6362 1426 CONDITIONAL PLATE REGISTRAR: R. Gardoll 6362 8437 REGALIA OFFICER: S Blowes 6366 5154 EVENT CO-ORDINATORS Peter Harper Mick Buckler 6334 2554 6365 6188 6331 1013 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: P Moras REGIONAL LIAISON OFFICERS: BATHURST: Peter Harper 6334 2554: DUBBO: Jim Mather 6884 6316 & Barry Young. 02 58060131: MUDGEE: vacant Parkes: vacant Trangie: Vacant Young: Vacant ACT: Geoff Barrett: 6241 1844 Cowra: Vacant. Lithgow: Rod Rossi. 6351 4044: Oberon: Ken Wilcox. 6336 1616 Sydney: Bob Dabbs 9774 3100 Wellington: Vacant Grenfell: Justyn Armstrong. 6343 1283 AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB Direct Payment details Bank- NAB; BSB-082-774; Account No-75-231-2103 To open the ASCC Shannon’s Website Click on the above logo ASCC News 2 PRESIDENT’S REPORT As I sit down to write this report, it appears that our nice balmy Autumn days are now past, today being a wet, drizzly, and cool windy day; a great day to be cosy in the office. At least, the rain has been very welcome, with the countryside responding in a blanket of green, even though the last of the autumn colours are now disappearing. Still, as we say, it is that time of the year, and a taste of what is to come; soon time to remove the winter woollies from the wardrobes, and place the electric blankets back on the beds. Those who like the wind in their hair will soon be putting the top up, or re-fitting the hardtop, to take advantage of the comfort of the heater. Membership Secretary Paul has advised that we have a few new members, Richard and Angela Hyde, John and Val Kellehear, and Stephanie Brown. To each, I extend a very cordial and warm welcome. I’m sure your time with us will be happy and rewarding, and I look forward to meeting you in the near future. On Sunday 29 March, following an invitation from the Young Heritage Motor Club, about 9 cars made their individual way to Young, at the invitation of the Young Heritage Motor Club, to attend their annual Car, Motorcycle, and Caravan Muster at the local PCYC facility, all arriving at about the same time. On arrival, we were guided to our respective parking positions, the gazebo soon erected, picnic tables and chairs produced, and everyone settled in for the morning cuppa. The day was spent inspecting the cars, motorcycles, and caravans, or catching up with the news (and solving the world’s affairs) under the shade of the gazebo, and yarning to the entrants and organisers, who incidentally were thrilled that we had brought our cars to display. Speaking of our cars, Dawn and Dave Smedley surprised us all, arriving in a beautiful SLK 300 Mercedes convertible, amid a lot of comments about how common the Mercedes are becoming in the Club, and how the Triumph and Mazda MX5 owners are becoming outnumbered. At the conclusion of the day, Paul Hingston took out the Sports Car Class trophy with his beautifully presented TR4, much to Mick Buckler’s consternation, seen here trying to wrestle the trophy from Paul. The next event, on Thursday, 9 April, was the mid-week meander to view the Autumn colours at Mt Wilson. Unfortunately other commitments precluded me from attending this event, however from reports I have received, it was well attended and an enjoyable day. As usual, there will be a full report in the Newsletter. The Management Committee Meeting was held on Sunday, 12 April in Bathurst. As usual, Secretary Chris will have an outline of the items discussed in this Newsletter, however there are a couple of matters that I will comment on. As some would know, and many may not, we have been receiving some information from a group formed in Southern NSW calling themselves the Southern Motoring Group, who are formulating proposals to submit to the relevant authorities for a Historic Registration Scheme based on the 45 and 90 day Victorian and South Australian scheme. The H plates will be retained, and there will be a new M plate for vehicles that are modified. I must say I was initially not very impressed with the logbook scheme, but reading the proposals and the level of controls and restrictions that clubs can put in place, I am now convinced. At the meeting it was agreed we advise the SMG of our interest. At last count, over 200 clubs have expressed their interest. If anyone would like more information, I’m sure Paul Hingston or Richard Gardoll will be happy to explain. Also at the Meeting, Mick Buckler outlined a proposal for a tour of Tasmania, possibly in March, 2016. Before we get serious with the planning, we would like to know how much interest there is for such a trip, and in this respect, Expressions of Interest are sought from those who may be interested. Some preliminary estimates and details: length between 2 and 3 weeks, cost per couple approx. $5000.00, numbers will be limited, and a sizable deposit will be required. If the tour goes ahead, Mick will be looking for a couple of people to form an organising committee. Looking ahead, there are number of events coming up; on the weekend of 2 and 3 May, the outing to Dubbo. I’m not sure at this time what Mick has in mind for Saturday, but on Sunday the Golden West Holden Club is holding the annual Rocking in the Vines event. The weekend will be another chance for members to enjoy the usual camaraderie these weekends offer. ASCC News 3 On Thursday, 14 May, the mid-week outing will travel from Bathurst to Turondale, Sofala, and back to Bathurst. Having travelled on the Turondale Road to Hill End on a couple of occasions, and on the Hill End Road to Sofala, I must say it is a very scenic drive. The next event in May will be the National Motoring Heritage Day on the 17th. We will travel to the Rylstone Swap Meet at the Rylstone Showground, organised by the Cudgegong Valley Pioneer Vehicle Club. This may be the opportunity to get another bargain. I’m not sure that Mick needs any more wrought iron features though. Of course in June, we have the usual Henry Lawson Festival in Grenfell on the long weekend. In recent years we have been awarded the Club trophy, so lets see what we can do again this year. Grenfell will be followed by the midweek meander on the 11th to the Megalong Valley; all in all, plenty of opportunities to get our cars out Smooth roads, and happy and safe motoring Charles Stammers PLEASE NOTE THE CLOSING DATE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO NEXT MONTHS NEWSLETTER IS 28/05/2015 COPIES OF ANY PHOTOS YOU SEE IN THE NEWSLETTER PLUS MANY OTHERS TAKEN ON CLUB OUTINGS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE EDIITOR IN EITHER FULL OR COMPRESSED FORMAT PROPOSED TRIP TO TASMANIA Following the interest shown at the A G M, there has been discussion by the committee regarding a suitable time of the year to plan this event. It was agreed that late March early April 2016 is probably the best time. I have accordingly been in touch with a tour organizer and they are putting together a suggestion package for us, I will in a future newsletter be able to set out the itinerary and cost of the tour. Please be aware, that no reservations will be accepted prior to the realise of further information so that all members may get the chance to nominate for a place as numbers will be limited Mick Buckler DATES FOR FUTURE ACTIVITIES May 14th Thursday – Scenic run from Bathurst through Turondale and Sofala (Contact is Peter Harper) We will meet at the Crago Mill Café at 9.30am for morning tea thus the Orange and other western members should leave Cook Park at 8.30am. Bathurst people can meet at the café. From here we will go through Eglington and turn right onto the road to Turondale. We follow this road to its junction with the Sofala – Hill End Road which has recently been sealed. We turn right towards Sofala and continue for a few kilometres to “Tanwarra Lodge” (on the left hand side of road) for lunch. After lunch we go onto Sofala and then return to Bathurst. The Lodge has a relatively small café and the owner has suggested that for a group of our size she could serve a selection of pizzas rather than offer her full menu. For catering purposes it is essential that you advise me by Monday 10th May of your intention to come on this run. May 17th Sunday – National Motoring Heritage Day – Rylstone Swap Meeting (Contact is Mick Buckler) It is suggested that Orange members meet at Cook Park Samson Street at 7. 30 travel to Bathurst meeting members at the hockey fields on the highway at approximately 8.30 travel directly to Rylstone B Y O morning tea lunch as you chose. May 23-24th Saturday – Sunday Bathurst Gold Country Rally Contact for this event is Norm Rutherford on 02 6337 1770 or 0499847801 or Joe Dibley on 02 6337 3581 ASCC News 4 May 30th 31st Saturday – Sunday Historic Winton June 6-7th Sunday -- Henry Lawson Festival Grenfell Car Show (Contact is Mick Buckler) It is suggested Orange members leave Cook Park at 7.00 am travel via Canowindra to meet Bathurst members at the Rose Gardens at Cowra at approximately 8 .am no coffee break travel direct to Grenfell to be in place by 9 .am before the road closes June 11th Thursday - Run to Megalong Valley for lunch at the Tea Room. (Contact is Peter Harper) June 14th Sunday - Movies at Manildra This event is organised by the Parkes Antique motor club more information later July 9th Thursday – Gladstone Hotel at Newbridge for lunch. (Contact is Mick Buckler) (Contact is Peter Harper) July 12th Sunday - Brass Monkey Run Bathurst (Contact is Mick Buckler) After many years of this event being run by the Austin Healey Club it has been taken up by the Mazda MX 5 Club more information as it comes to hand. August 16th Sunday - Shannon’s Sydney Classic Motor Sport Park Eastern Creek (Contact is Mick Buckler) We need to know of any interest in this event as tickets for a club event need to be purchased now. The alternative is that members buy their ticket at the gate, but you will only be able to park in the public car park. August 30th Sunday - All British Day Kings School Parramatta (Contact is Mick Buckler) Please indicate if you wish to attend this event as we need to purchase tickets now for the club display. PLEASE NOTE: All ASCC Club activities and other activities of interest organised by other clubs, are shown on an ASCC Letterhead schedule within this Newsletter. That page should be carried in vehicles on Conditional Registration Plates as proof of an approved activity for the purposes of their plates use, should they be stopped by the Authorities. REPORTING ON RECENT ACTIVITIES March 29th Sunday - Young Heritage Motor Club Car and Motorbike Show Three cars left Orange on fine autumn morning for a spirited drive to Young as we had to be there by 9am. The group motored along picking up other club members as they progressed until there were nine of us. The pace was quite brisk with not much traffic and we made Young in good time for the car show being held in the grounds of PCYC. The parking controllers did not seem to have much idea, and in spite of our protests, split up our group into different parts of the area making it impossible for us to set up a club display. But, we were not to be foiled, and soon found a grassy area to set up our canopy, tables, chairs and soon the tea and coffee was on to go along with the usual goodies. As some members would be aware there are those amongst us who are quite keen when it comes to picking up a trophy here and there and the polishing clothes were out in abundance with the kinder mortals among us even willing to loan chamois to rivals. Once all the preparations were done there was time to have a look around at the vehicles on show. As the years go by, we see more and more of the cars we had when we were younger, qualifying as classics. If we had kept them all we would need bigger sheds and bigger bank accounts Our club was very well represented with Dave and Dawns newly arrived Mercedes 300 SLK on its first run, Charles Stammers had his Mercedes SLK 350, Rod and Leone Wykes Nissan 350 Z, my Jaguar XK 150, Link and Vicky Hewson Ford Capri, Larry Nunn MK2 Jaguar, Paul and Annette Hingston Triumph TR 4A, with surrey top Stewart and Kerrie Blowes Triumph Stag and Gary and Barbara Cooper Hyundai Veloster turbo. As the day progressed there was considerable speculation as to who among us had slipped the most cash to the judges and as we gathered to hear the results confidence was growing in some quarters when it came to the sports car category. As can be seen in the photographs, one of us thought a mistake had been made and the wrong red car had been named as the winner. The issue was settled amicably and we all set of for home with a stop at the Rose Garden Cafe, where Annette as the co winner of the said trophy very sportingly shouted ice creams all around. What we had overlooked was the fact that we were travelling through bushranger country and Paul forgot to lock his car. I believe there is a reward being offered for the return of certain shiny goods removed from his car while we were enjoying our ice cream, or information leading to apprehension of the felons. It was another great day out and we all had a lot of fun which is what our club is all about. Report by Mick Buckler ASCC News 5 CARTOON BY GARRY COOPER April 9th Thursday – Midweek meander to the Autumn colours at Mount Wilson Thursday 9th dawned a beautiful sunny if cool morning which was a complete contrast to the wintery conditions experienced over the previous couple of days. Fourteen cars and crews gathered at the Crago Mill Café at 9.00am for morning tea before departing at 10.00am for Mt Wilson via the Great Western Hwy and the Bell Road arriving at about 11.30am. Awaiting our arrival were a further three cars which had driven up from Sydney thus making a total of seventeen cars and thirty three people. A very good rollup.The Autumn colours were not quite at their peak however a number of gardens were open for inspection and most people took the opportunity to take in at least one garden before driving a little further down the road to a picnic area where we had lunch. After lunch several of the more energetic types went for a short walk through the nearby Cathedral of Ferns. From here people said their goodbyes and headed off on the journeys home however several of us decided to call into the Lolly Shop at Little Hartley for afternoon tea. This was quite an eye opener – it stocks a vast array of lollies and was doing a brisk trade. Truly a dentist’s paradise.Those who enjoyed the day were: Kevin and Annette Neville, Ford Capri; Roy and Sheila Riley, Ford Capri; Chris and Merran Olson, Swallow Doretti; Ralph Arnison and Tony, Lancia Fulvia; Rod and Leonie Wykes, Nissan 300Z;Ian and Michelle Wallace, MGB; Doug and Dearne Witherdin, Mercedes SLK280; Paul and Karen Tomlinson, Jaguar XKC; Dave and Dawn Smedley, Mercedes SLK300; Gary and Barbara Cooper, Hyundai Veloster; Chris and Judy Bayliss, Toyota 86; Paul and Shirley Challinor, MGB; Don Young and Sandy Collins, Peugeot 308CC; Peter and Diann Harper, MGCGT Non members: Will and Allison Arnison, Lancia Fulvia coupe; Rick and Angela Hyde, MGTF. (Report by Peter & Diann Harper) Autumn Colours at Mt Wilson Photos by Diann Harper ASCC News 6 April 12th Sunday – Summary of decisions from the management committee meeting in Bathurst Charles Stammers stated that from his observations, all is going well with the Club. Chris Olson had news on John Donohoe’s health; John is much better than he has been and a card has been sent to him with best wishes from all of his friends at the ASCC. Alan Mitchell reported that all advertisers in the Newsletter had renewed for 2015 with the exception of one. Paul Hingston reported a number of new members have joined the ASCC with financial members now numbering 153. 16 currently unfinancial members are expected to again renew their membership. Peter Moras suggested that the ASCC members who do not receive an electronic copy of the newsletter each month but instead receive a hard copy are in future to be sent their newsletter in colour. Richard Gardoll reported one new car is now on conditional registration and two cars have relinquished their conditional registration. Peter Harper reported that mid-week events were proceeding well with attendance ranging between 30 and 50 members each event. Mick Buckler reported that weekend events are currently well supported. Mick was encouraged to organise more local events like the recent successful twilight run to the Neville Hotel. Mick reported the Rocking in the Vines trip to Dubbo is almost booked out. The proposed tour to Tasmania is planned for 2016, possibly in March, and Mick is seeking interested members to join him on a planning committee. Stewart Blowes reported that things have been fairly quiet in regalia. P.Skulander reported that articles like his Clipsal 500 report had proved popular and so he will continue with this style of report in the future. The ASCC has received Meeting Minutes from the New South Wales Southern Motoring Group for our perusal. The ASCC Management Committee has decided to offer support to this new organisation. Stewart Blowes reported that all fifty umbrellas purchased have been distributed to members who either attended the 2015 ASCC Annual General Meeting or attended the 2015 Gnoo Blas display with their car. Alan Mitchell suggested that as our club is no longer purchasing tickets in advance for ASCC members to attend the Shannons Car Display at Eastern Creek, members who are definitely wishing to attend should contact Mick Buckler with their firm expressions of interest. Next Meeting of the ASCC Management Committee will be held at the Orange Ex-Services Country Club at 10.00am on Sunday, 12th July 201 Chris Olson - Secretary INSURED BY SHANNONS SHARE THE PASSION Shannons are great supporters of the Classic Car fraternity through the Shannon’s Eastern Creek Classic Car Show and involvement with Historic Car Racing. This support is most appreciated by this Club. It certainly helps to spread the development and the enjoyment of our classic sporting car fraternity in the Central Western area of New South Wales. For all your insurance needs - support the company that supports us. So if you have any insurance needs for your classic car, your house or its contents, contact Harold Upston Regional Development Officer on 0432 758 169 / Email or give Shannons a call 13 46 46 and get an obligation free quote from them. The comments, views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the club The Old Auto Rubber Co. They have everything from Car Restoration Kits to clips and will give members a 10% discount if we mention we are members of the ASCC. They are at 6 Cassola Pl, Penrith NSW PO Box 4350, Penrith Plaza NSW 2750 phone 02 4704 8851 Fax 02 470408854 ASCC News 7 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY REPORT Paul Hingston . This month, we sincerely welcome into the Club, the following members: Bernard and Anne Lynch, Barry, Mercedes SLK200: John and Val Kellehear, Dubbo, Renault Megane: Stephanie Brown, Bathurst, Kharman Ghia: Richard and Angela Hyde, Terry Hills, MG’s Apologies to Bernard and Anne as I missed out on including them as our new members list last month, but that hasn’t prevented them from already enjoying being on an outing with the club. We look forward to catching up soon with John, Val, Stephanie, Richard and Angela and sharing their company on one of our many outings organised by our hard-working Event Organisers, Mick Buckler or Peter Harper. As at the end of April we have a healthy membership of 160 financial members. Despite having a number of members not renewing their membership for 2015 for a number of reasons, we have now reached our final number for the full year membership of 2014. Again, a strong position to be in. This would perhaps suggest that news of the varied activities of our club, and the welcoming friendship that comes from being a member, is reaching out to people with classic cars looking for a very active and social car club with which to enjoy their classic motoring. Don’t forget to let me know ( if any of your personal details have changed, eg address, mobile or email. I know some members who have moved and I still don’t have their new particulars. It can be difficult contacting members or issuing electronic newsletters if we are not updated. The facility of direct debit for payment of fees has been a huge success this year. Don’t forget, our newsletters, along with the Club Constitution and For Sale items are listed in our Club location with Shannons. Check it out at: ASCC LIBRARY INFORMATION UPDATE Peter Skulander, Librarian SPORTSCAR TOP TEN SHOOT OUT – Classic and Sportscar, April 1991 Post war and reasonably affordable sports cars was the criteria for the list of cars. Each car was to be driven and appraised by a panel of six drivers, made up of five men and one lady driver. The initial list was :- MG M-Type, MG TC, MGB, Healey 100/4, Frogeye Sprite, Lotus Elan S4 Sprint, 1990 Lotus Elan, Lotus Elite, Jaguar XK120, Jaguar E-Type, Mini Cooper S, Alfa Spider, Porsche 911, Datsun 240Z, Corvette Stingray (1965-68), Mazda MX-5, AC Ace, Fiat X1/9, Lancia Fulvia Coupe, Morgan Pus 4/8 and Triumph TR3A. The drivers then met to vote in their choice of cars, to provide a list of 10 cars to be tested. It was decided that the main criteria was that the car had to be an open top, two seater. Other cars lost out because of old technology, but voters did retain the MG TC. Of course, not all drivers were happy with the final 10. Questions were asked why 2 Jaguars and 2 MGs were left in the mix. The AC ACE was voted in despite its’ exclusivity. After swapping seats during the day on a trip over mountains and winding roads, the drivers were asked to rate the cars from 1 to 10. Drivers:D1 D2 Lady D3 D4 D5 D6 Total Rank AC ACE 1 7 1 2 1 2 15 1 E-Type 3 2 7 4 2 4 21 2 Alfa 2 1 9 1 5 6 23 3 Spider Lotus 6 3 4 7 6 1 27 4 Elan 4 4 2 6 7 5 28 5 Mazda MX5 XK 120 7 5 3 4 4 8 31 6 Corvette 9 8 10 8 3 3 41 7 MG TC 5 6 5 10 9 7 42 8 MGB 8 9 8 9 8 9 51 =10 Fiat X1/9 10 10 6 5 10 10 51 =10 ASCC News 8 FOR SALE/ WANTED/ HELP DEPARTMENT. For the interest of the increasing new as well as longer-term members of the Club, it is advised that a free service is available, through sale of cars and parts, wanted cars and parts, as well as help wanted with any technical advice etc. required. However, no responsibility will be accepted for the accuracy of such description or condition of cars or parts involved. Any purchaser must make their own inspection and enquiries regarding condition, miles covered, or suitability for their intended use. Please advise the Editor of any items you would like to include in this section of the newsletter. FOR SALE 1986 JAGUAR XJSC Travelled 162,000 kms – new alternator – new battery –spent $1000 on the Air cond. – Radial tyres 90% - has vented bonnet – Registered to 20-1-2016 – Very good condition – Rego No: CB 86 ST Vehicle located in Trangie NSW Price $26,000 ono Contact Barry Hamblin 0268887270 or 0417440554 FOR SALE: XJ6 JAGUAR 1970, 4.2 litre motor Motor travelled less than 5,000 km after total rebuild, New upholstered seats, new head lining, new brakes Good condition Historic rego not transferable Too many cars. $4,000 ONO (Dubbo area)) Contact Jim Mather 02 68846316 or 042884631 FOR SALE 1977 Datsun 260Z 2+2 $7,500 ono. Sound and reliable. Good tyres, etc. Club rego not transferable Contact Jim Mather 0428846316 FOR SALE 1947 MG TC Model - TC48A ◊ Chassis Number - TC3569 ◊ Engine - XPAG 1248 ◊ Engine Number – 3777 Owned since 2004, currently not driven often enough Mechanically sound, work done includes: engine rebuilt 2007about 2,000 miles, new clutch, radiator, brakes rebuilt 2006, front shocks & suspension renewed, 19in wheels rebuilt with S/Steel spokes and powder coated rims, halogen bulbs, moto meter temperature gauge, steering box, electrical wiring. Body substantially original with no rust always garaged, come with full NSW rego, excellent hood, seat back original all else replaced. Asking $31,000 ono Contact Andrew at ASCC News 9 FOR SALE SAAB 1998: 9.3 Anniversary Edition (timber dash) Convertible Engine: 2 litre Turbo Colour: Body Dark Blue Roof Dark Blue Kilometres: 134,161 Registered till: 12 July 2015 Always garaged, maintained, mint condition etc, etc. New windscreen, 4 new Bridgestone Potenza RE 002tyres, Quality reversing camera ( European style interior mirror type), Blue tooth audio system (phone remote, streamed music) Always serviced by SAAB Serve Parramatta Price: $8000 or nearest offer Contact Brian 0409 302296 fort more details, photos: FOR SALE. 1961 Skoda Felicia Hard Top Convertible. Factory RHD. 4 cylinder 4 speed manual. Complete, but in need of full restoration. Comes with original service work shop manual. These cars are rare in Europe and almost unheard of in Australia. Car located in Orange $2,200 O.N.O. Contact Malcolm 0429659165. Lot 7 Shepherd Drive Mullion Creek Phone (02) 6365 8729 Mobile 0417 437 223 Email THE BLONDE NEIGHBOUR The other day my neighbour, who is blonde, came running up to me in the driveway just jumping for joy! I didn't know why she was jumping for joy but I thought, what the heck, and I starting jumping up and down along with her. She said, "I have some really great news!" I said, "Great. Tell me why you're so happy. " She stopped jumping and, breathing heavily from all the jumping up and down, told me that she was pregnant! I knew that she had been trying for a while so I told her, "That's great! I couldn't be happier for you!" Then she said, "There's more." I asked, "What do you mean 'more'? She said, "Well, we are not having just one baby. We are going to have TWINS!" Amazed at how she could know so soon after getting pregnant, I asked her how she knew. She said."Well, that was the easy part. I went to Blooms Pharmacy and they actually had a home pregnancy kit in a twin-pack. Both tests came out positive!" ASCC News 10 AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 PO Box 1937 ORANGE NSW 2800 AUSTRALIA Email: ASCC ACTIVITIES CALENDAR 2015 ASCC Conditional Registration vehicles are approved to attend the activities listed below Month Meeting March 2015 April 2015 Mid-week Meander Thurs 12th Midweek meander to Burrendong Dam 12th Committee meeting in Bathurst Thurs 9th Midweek meander to Mount Wilson Weekend Run 7th Motor Fest at Hawks Nest 7th Crookwell Potato festival car show 22nd, 23rd Overnight run to Canberra 29th Young Heritage Motor Club Muster 6th Tullamore Irish festival 26th ASCC club run Orange/Bathurst district May 2015 Thurs 14th Scenic run through Turondale, Sofala and back to Bathurst 2nd, 3rd Overnight run to Dubbo 17th National Motoring Day 23rd,24th Bathurst Gold Country Rally 30th, 31st Historic Winton June 2015 Thurs 11th Midweek meander run to Megalong Valley for lunch 6th, 7th Henry Lawson Festival Grenfell 6th-7th HSCRA Sydney Retro Speedfest 14th Movies at Manildra July 2015 Thurs 9th Midweek Meander Lunch at Gladstone Hotel Newbridge 12th Brass Monkey run to Bathurst Aug 2015 Thurs 13th Midweek Meander TBA Sept 2015 Thurs 10th Midweek Meander TBA 16th Shannon’s Sydney Classic at Eastern Creek 21st, 23 V8 Supercars at Sydney Motorsport Park 30th All British Day at Kings School Parramatta 11th, 13th V8 Supercars Sandown 500 Oct 2015 Thurs 8th Midweek Meander TBA 8th-11th Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000 Nov 2015 Thurs 12th Midweek Meander TBA Dec 2015 Thurs 10th Midweek Meander TBA 28th-29th HSCRA Historic Spring at Sydney Motorsport Park 4th-6th V8 Supercars Sydney 500 ASCC Christmas Party TBA ASCC CLUB EVENTS All ASCC Club activities and other activities of interest organised by other clubs, are shown on this ASCC Activities Calendar that has been included in the newsletter. This page or Permission to Move from the Club Registrar should be carried in vehicles on Conditional Registration Plates as proof of an approved activity for the purposes of their plates use, should they be stopped by Police. ASCC News 11 6361 1699 65 SUMMER STREET ORANGE 2424 Hrs 0429 311 1013 77DAYS HRS 0429311013 DAYS DON’T FORGET TO SUPPORT THESE SPONSORS THAT SUPPORT YOUR CLUB ASCC News 12
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