Auto and Truck Assembly Plants within 500 miles of Kentucky
Auto and Truck Assembly Plants within 500 miles of Kentucky
Auto and Truck Assembly Plants within 500 miles of Kentucky Cabinet for for Economic Economic Development Development Cabinet Canada s Michigan Wisconsin 29 m Iowa ile 57 50 0 m Minnesota s ile 30 30 0 10 Illinois Kansas 58 59 32 33 11 26 8 2 4 34 1 3 7 16 25 23 North Carolina 17 18 South Carolina 22 24 Del. Virginia 19 27 NJ MD West Virginia Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Pennsylvania 12 5 6 Arkansas 35 New York 14 15 13 Ohio Indiana 9 Missouri Oklahoma 38 39 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 31 28 54 55 56 53 51 52 50 49 21 20 Georgia Alabama Texas Louisiana Map Date: 10/6/2015 Source: Automotive News Florida 0 50 100 200 Miles 1 Ford 11 GM 21 Kia 31 AM General 41 Chrysler 51 Toyota 3 Toyota 13 Navistar 23 Hyundai 33 Chrysler 43 Ford 53 Oshkosh Truck Corp 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ford GM PACCAR Nissan Volkswagen Toyota Honda Subaru 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PACCAR Honda Honda Volvo Trucks Daimler Trucks North America Daimler Trucks North America BMW Mercedes-Benz 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Honda Mercedes-Benz Nissan GM Toyota Mitsubishi Chrysler Ford 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Chrysler Ford GM GM GM GM GM Ford 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 AutoAlliance Chrysler Chrysler GM Chrysler Chrysler GM Toyota 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 Ford Chrysler Honda GM GM Ford GM Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development - Old Capitol Annex - 300 West Broadway - Frankfort, KY 40601 - 502-564-7140 (local) - 800-626-2930 (toll free) - Auto and Truck Assembly Plants within 500 miles of Kentucky Cabinet for for Economic Economic Development Development Cabinet Canada s Michigan Wisconsin New York s ile Pennsylvania 30 0 m Iowa ile 50 0 m Minnesota Illinois Kansas Oklahoma Ohio Indiana Missouri MD West Virginia Kentucky Virginia North Carolina Tennessee Arkansas Del. South Carolina Mississippi Georgia Alabama Texas Louisiana Florida Map Date: 10/7/2015 Source: Automotive News 0 50 100 AM General Ford Mercedes-Benz PACCAR BMW Honda Navistar Toyota AutoAlliance Chrysler Daimler Trucks GM Hyundai Kia Mitsubishi Nissan Oshkosh Truck Corp 200 Subaru Volkswagen Volvo Trucks Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development - Old Capitol Annex - 300 West Broadway - Frankfort, KY 40601 - 502-564-7140 (local) - 800-626-2930 (toll free) - Miles
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