gsp terminal improvement program press kit
gsp terminal improvement program press kit
GSP TERMINAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR AM PRESS KIT About GSP M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T At Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport (GSP), we begin each day fully committed to finding new ways to achieve our mission to provide the citizens of Upstate South Carolina with the safest, most efficient and user-friendly airport in the world. OVERVIEW ► Greenville-Spartanburg Jetport, which later became Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport Roger Milliken Field, opened in 1962. ► Today, GSP currently accommodates 1.8 million passengers in a terminal building that has in excess of 226,000 square feet of space and 13 departure gates. ► GSP hosts six major airlines offering more than 50 non-stop daily departures to 18 major cities across the US, allowing easy access to the world. ► Two Federal Inspection Stations (FIS), consisting of Customs, Immigrations and Agriculture, are located at GSP. The first FIS facility, located under the south concourse, is designed to handle 250 international passengers per hour. The second FIS location on the north cargo ramp is designed to handle cargo and corporate aircraft that require international clearance. ► The latest runway extension, completed in June 1999, extended the runway to 11,001 feet, making it possible for GSP to accommodate any aircraft in operation today. ► The north end of the airport is home to a 120,000 square-foot FedEx facility. This facility, completed late summer of 2001, provides FedEx with the capability to sort up to 3,000 packages per hour, up from the previous capacity of 1,000 per hour. GSP TERMINAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR AM PRESS KIT 2 WINGSPAN OVERVIEW WINGSPAN, the GSP Terminal Improvement Program, will take place over the next four years and will be the second and most substantial wave of renovations in the airport’s history. WINGSPAN will: Increase Capacity Improve Efficiency Incorporate Safety Processes Integrate Sustainable Practices Impact Economic Landscape ► WINGSPAN is a $115 million program. Airport funds will cover 80 percent of the program, and the remaining 20 percent of funding will come from a combination of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Airport Improvement Program Fund and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). ► No local taxpayer dollars will be used to fund any portion of the program. ► The terminal will remain operational throughout the duration of the program. ► Some historical elements, including the airside garden and all water features, will be preserved and integrated into the new architectural design. K E Y PA R T N E R S ► Jacobs Engineering is serving as Program Manager. ► Skanska Moss, a joint venture between Skanska USA Building and local contractor Moss & Associates, is serving as Construction Manager at Risk for the entire length of the program. ► RS&H is the lead Architect / Engineer for the new facilities. GSP TERMINAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR AM PRESS KIT 3 WINGSPAN continued... MILESTONES WINGSPAN is scheduled to take 48 months and will include three primary phases: ► PHASE 1: Enabling Work Mechanical and electrical systems overhaul will be completed throughout each phase of the program. 1A: Enabling Projects • Rental Car Customer Center relocation • Concourse A & B expansion for restrooms and food, beverage and retail concessions • Construction of the North Wing for temporary airline facilities • Utility/infrastructure relocations 1B: Baggage Claim Renovations • New baggage claim carousels • Construct canopy on curbside for loading/unloading in front of baggage claim • Covered walkway to Garage A • New glass front on the Terminal in front of baggage claim ► PHASE 2: Building Core Construction • Grand Hall Development including new food, beverage, and retail concessions area • Renovation of the existing ticketing lobby • New Customer Service booths • Complete new canopies on curbside for loading/unloading • New Landside Garden • New baggage screening equipment and facilities • Security Checkpoint Consolidation & Relocation • Concourse A and B Renovation • Complete new glass front on the Terminal ► PHASE 3: Project Wrap Up • Construction of the new Administrative Office for GSP • Construction of the Conference Center GSP TERMINAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR AM PRESS KIT 4 WINGSPAN continued... EC O N O M I C I M PAC T ► GSP has always had a major economic impact on the Upstate of South Carolina. WINGSPAN further enhances economic growth at the airport and throughout the region. ► Many local contractors and vendors are participating in this program thereby ensuring the circulation of local dollars within the community. ► No local taxpayer dollars are being used to fund the program, and GSP does not have Passenger Facility Charges (PFCs). ► GSP has been a draw to the Upstate for many large companies in the past. An improved airport facility will help ensure continued growth and development of the Upstate. S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y Long-term sustainability initiatives are a key part of the WINGSPAN renovations, which include: ► Solar Hot Water The sun’s energy will be used to heat water for hand washing in restrooms and concessions. There will be a backup water heater in the event that it is needed. ► Rain Water Harvesting Rain water will be collected for non-potable use to reduce reliance on the city water system. ► Regional Materials GSP will source products and materials found within the region. ► Day-lighting System The size and number of windows will be increased to allow more natural lighting, resulting in a reduction in electrical requirements. ► Automation System Proximity detection systems will be installed in certain areas, which are designed to automatically shut off lights if no movement is detected. GSP TERMINAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR AM PRESS KIT 5 The New GSP: Enhancements OV E R T H E C O U R S E O F W I N G S PA N , TH E FO LLOWING IM PROV EM ENTS AND ADDITIONS WILL BE MADE TO THE GSP TERMINA L: ► TSA checkpoints will be consolidated into one checkpoint for access to both concourses post screening. ► Canopies will be installed in front of the terminal providing covered loading/unloading areas and walkways from parking garages. ► The baggage claim area will include a new, third baggage carousel. ► New public meeting and conference spaces will be included for business travelers in the terminal. ► New GSP International Airport District offices will be added. ► A new, one-stop Rental Car Customer Center will be constructed within Garage A. ► New technology will be incorporated throughout the terminal. ► Ultra “day-lighting” with extensive use of windows will be used throughout the terminal. ► New food, beverage, and retail concession areas will be located throughout the terminal. GSP TERMINAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR AM PRESS KIT 6 GSP History 19 61 The airport’s groundbreaking ceremony was held at 11:00am on July 7th. 19 62 The airport opened October 15th, becoming the first non-military airport to have a runway center line lighting system. 19 8 8 A parking garage was constructed, adding an additional 1,600 new parking spaces and bringing the total to more than 3,000 parking spaces. 19 8 9 An expansion project was completed, increasing the airport terminal and passenger waiting areas by 140,000 square feet. Boarding bridges were also added for passenger access. New lounge and dining facilities were added as well as a travel agency located inside the terminal building. 19 9 5 The runway was extended from 7,600 feet to 9,000 feet. The airport’s name was changed to Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport, achieving international status because it houses two Federal Inspection Stations (FIS) consisting of Customs, Immigration and Agriculture. Per hour, 250 international passengers could be cleared through Customs at GSP. 19 9 8 A second parking garage was constructed, adding 1,500 new parking spaces, and bringing the total number of parking spaces to 4,500. 19 9 9 The second runway expansion project was completed, increasing the runway to 11,001 feet. GSP TERMINAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR AM PRESS KIT 7 GSP History continued... 2001 Over 13,000 square feet of new terminal space was opened, increasing the available number of boarding gates to 13 total. Five new rental car service facilities were also constructed. 2004 Security fencing and access control equipment was expanded and updated to improve access control to the airfield and passenger loading areas. Two new passenger-boarding bridges needed to accommodate additional airlines were purchased and installed. The airfield was renamed after founder Mr. Roger Milliken, the only Chairman of the Airport Commission until his passing on December 30, 2010. Mr. Milliken’s vision and dedication to GSP has made this airport one of the best and safest airports in the nation. 2005 The airport entrance road was widened to accommodate additional vehicle traffic. This project was advanced several years in order to take advantage of the South Carolina Department of Transportation’s decision to close and improve the airport interchange from Interstate 85. 2010 Approximately ten acres were purchased along Interstate 85 for the future construction of an overpass bridge to northbound traffic on the interstate. 2 0 11 Southwest Airlines arrived at GSP. Passenger traffic at GSP increased more than 38% in 2011 to 1,755,509 customers, compared to 1,268,202 customers in 2010. 2 012 Phase One of WINGSPAN began in June with the Rental Car Customer Center enabling project. GSP TERMINAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR AM PRESS KIT 8 Press & Media Contacts S O U R C E S F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N U P D AT E S Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport @GSPAirport If you’re interested in learning more about the program, or if you have any questions, please contact: Price Atkinson WINGSPAN Communication Contact ► (864) 232-2302 ► GSP TERMINAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR AM PRESS KIT 9