Inside: IUE Rhythm Club Book Review: The Siege Konsollar


Inside: IUE Rhythm Club Book Review: The Siege Konsollar
Inside: IUE Rhythm
Book Review: The
Konsollar Çatışması
“That Moment”
İçindekiler / Contents
File of the Month: CINEMA
Sayın Okurlar,
Okulumuz Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi bünyesinde
henüz bu yıl kurulmuş olan çiçeği burnunda Çeviri
Kulübümüzün dördüncü sayısıyla yeniden sizlerle
birlikteyiz. Kulüp üyelerinin titiz çalışmaları ve
akademik danışmanımızın katkılarıyla çıkarmış
olduğumuz her bir derginin kısa sürede okul
sınırlarımızı da aşıp daha geniş kitlelere
ulaşmasının mutluluğu içinde, “sinema” özel
temamızla daha birçok konuda özveriyle
hazırlanmış yazıların yer aldığı Mayıs dergimizle
sizleri baş başa bırakıyoruz.
Dear Readers,
We are again together with you with the fourth
journal of our very young Translation Club that was
established earlier this year under the Faculty of
Arts and Sciences in our university. We are more
than happy that each journal, prepared by the
delicate efforts of the club members and edited by
our academic advisor, has become accessible to
many a people in a short time, going far beyond
our school borders. Now we leave you alone with
our May issue, including the texts revolving around
the theme of the month “cinema”, among the
Editör / Editor
: Nihal YETKİN
Tasarım / Design : Sercan PEKEL
Great Quotes from Great Movies
The Short Film Award Goes to “Hiç”
Amerikan Film Endüstrisinin 100 Yılı
Oscar Bilginizi Test Edin
Becoming Jane
Coming Soon: Indiana Jones
A Story
Turkish Book Review
Book Review: The Siege
10 Atatürk and The Turkish Youth
11 Konsollar Çatışması
12 Trivia
13 Personality Test
14 Anneciğinizi Ne Sıklıkla Aramalısınız?
15 Bregovic to Compose for Atatürk
16 That Moment
17 IUE Rhythm Club
İEU Çeviri Kulübü Üyeleri
IUE Translation Club Members
Ayşegül Duru TAPAN
Feyyaz ÇİTİM
Leyla Belma GAZİ
Ömer Erşah ÇAKMAK
Sercan PEKEL
Seval USLU
Yazgülü Ege ÖZKAN
18 2008 Summer Olympics
19 Comics
Great Quotes from Great Movies
Büyük Filmlerden Büyük Alıntılar
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
The Wolf: Maybe I can give you guys a ride.
Where do you live?
Vincent: Redondo Beach.
Jules: Inglewood.
The Wolf: It's your future... I see a cab ride. Move
out of the sticks, gentlemen.
The Wolf: Sizi evinize bırakabilirim. Nerede
Vincent: Redondo Beach.
Jules: Inglewood.
The Wolf: Geleceğinizi görüyorum... bir taksi
yolculuğu. Haydi kaybolun beyler
Schindler’s List (1993)
Schindler’s List (1993)
Amon Goeth: You want these people?
Oskar Schindler: These people. My people. I
want my people.
Amon Goeth: Who are you? Moses?
Amon Goeth: Bu insanları mı istiyorsun?
Oskar Schindler: Bu insanlar, benim insanlarım.
İnsanlarımı istiyorum
Amon Goeth: Kimsin sen? Musa mı?
Léon (1994)
Léon (1994)
Mathilda: Is life always this hard, or is it just when
you're a kid?
Léon: Always like this.
Mathilda: Hayat hep mi bu kadar zor, sadece
çocukken mi?
Léon: Her zaman böyle.
Forrest Gump (1994)
Forrest Gump (1994)
Forrest Gump: [running] I had run for 3 years, 2
months, 14 days, and 16 hours.
[he stops and turns around]
Young Man Running: Quiet, quiet! He's gonna
say something!
Forrest Gump: [pause] I'm pretty tired... I think I'll
go home now.
Forrest Gump: [koşarak] 3 yıl, 2 ay, 14 gün, 16
saat koştum [durur ve döner]
Young Man Running: Sessiz olun! Birşey
Forrest Gump: [duraklar] Çok yoruldum. Sanırım
eve döneceğim.
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Private Joker: The dead know only one thing: it is
better to be alive.
Private Joker: Ölülerin bildiği tek bir şey var:
Yaşamak daha iyidir.
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Eddie: The entire British Empire was built on cups
of tea, and if you think I'm going to war without
one, mate, you're mistaken.
Eddie: İngiltere Krallığı çay üzerine kurulmuştur.
Eğer çay olmadan savaşa gireceğimi
zannediyorsan yanılıyorsun arkadaşım.
The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather (1972)
Don Corleone: You talk about vengeance. Is
vengeance going to bring your son back to you?
Or my boy to me?
Don Coleone: İntikamdan bahsediyorsun. İntikam
oğlunu sana geri getirecek mi? Ya da benimkini
Çeviren: Ersin BARIŞIK
100 YILI… 100 FİLM
The winner of the 2. Nokia Nseries Short Film
Competition were announced. In the contest,
with about 350 entries, the first prize went to film
“Hiç” by Lokman Doğuş and Erkan Esenoğlu.
The films “Darbe”by Eray Mert) and “Retori” by
Candaş Şişman) followed it as the second- and
the third-prized ones.
Organized under the Film Festival with the
cooperation of Nokia Nseries, the award
ceremony of the contest, which had been
continuing since October 6, 2007, was held in
Beyoğlu Fitaş Cinema. Beside the award-winning
three ones, other films in the top ten were shown
as well. Furthermore, the films “Hiç”, “Darbe” and
“Retory” can be watched before the films
“Gitmek”, “Ara” and “Tatil Kitabı”, respectively.
The first three films were awarded YTL 5000,
YTL3000 and YTL2000.
The three directors were awarded a Nokia N95
Multimedia Computer as a result of the contest
judged by the rewarded director Nuri Bilge
Ceylan, film critic Alin Taşçıyan, photography
director Gökhan Atılmış, Nokia Marketing
Manager Sertaç Şener and Istanbul Film Festival
codirector Kerem Ayan. The other seven finalists
are as follows: Ahmet Tolga Baltacı, Barış Avar,
Burkay Doğan, Leona Hamşikova, Mehmet İlter,
Onur Nilgetay, Ozan Yıldırım.
In the ceremony, Sertaç Şener delivered a
speech on behalf of Nokia: “Like the previous
year, this year we combined our Istanbul Film
Festival sponsorship with the Nokia Short Film
Competition. Nearly 350 applications to the
contest in the second year was an indicator that
we meet our users at the right point. The mobile
communication doesn’t consist of talking on the
phone only. You can also take, arrange, store or
share all your moments time-independently by
your computers just as you like. The one-to-one
experience by the competitors manifests and
proves the quality of the technology through the
films shooted .
Translated by Ayşegül TANRIÖVEN from
Amerikan Film Enstitüsü, tüm zamanların en iyi yüz
filmini açıkladı. Filmler, sinema sektörünün önde gelen
başarılı isimlerinden oluşan bir jüri tarafından seçildi.
Listenin başında, Orson Welles’in 25 yaşındayken
yönettiği, yapımcılığını üstlendiği ve senaryosunu
yazıp oynadığı 1941 tarihli klasiği YURTTAŞ KANE
filmi yer aldı. İlk 10’daki diğer filmler sırasıyla şunlar
“Bu, Amerikan sinema tarihinde heyecan verici bir
andır” diyen Amerikan Sinema Enstitüsü Başkanı ve
CEO’su Jean Picker Firstenberg, “ İçinde
bulunduğumuz yüzyılın sonu yaklaşırken, bu yüzyılda
yaşanan en önemli gelişmeleri düşündüğümüzde,
sinema şüphesiz en güçlü ve başarılı gelişmelerin
içinde yer alır. Hem perdedeki hem de kamera
arkasındaki Amerikan sinema sektörünün önde gelen
isimlerinin yaptığı ortak değerlendirme sonucu, AFE,
Amerikan sinemasının ilk yüzyılında standardı
belirleyen ve mükemmelliğini ortaya koyan 100 filmi
belirledi. Filmler son derece kişisel deneyimler
olduğundan bu liste birçok değişik fikre ve tartışmaya
yol açacaktır. AFE, bu yorumları hoşgörü ile karşılar
ve bu önemli Amerikan sanat formuna karşı daha fazla
itibar, saygı ve anlayış elde etmeyi ümit eder.” diyerek
sözlerine son verdi.
“AFE’nin 100 Yılı… 100 Film”, AFE yetkililerinin, AFE
tarafından hazırlanmış Amerikan film sektörünün
çeşitli alanlarında çalışan 1500 yazar, yönetmen,
aktör, yapımcı, sinematograf, editör, sinema tarihçisi
ve eleştirmeni 400 filmlik bir aday listesinden seçim
yapmak ve en iyi 100 Amerikan yapıtını belirlemek
üzere geçen Kasım ayında davet etmesiyle başlayan
ve 18 ay süren bir kutlamadır. Aday gösterilen tüm
filmler Amerikan sinemasının ilk 100 yılında (1896–
1996) çekilmiş ve 1996 yılından sonra çekilen filmler
listeye dahil edilmemiştir.
Çeviren: Feyyaz ÇİTİM
- Oscar Bilginizi Test Edin!!! Lütfen aşağıdaki soruları cevaplayınız. Doğru
cevapları testin altında bulabilirsiniz. İyi
şanslar ☺
1) En çok Oscar kazanan kişi rekoru kimin
a) Alfred Hitchcock
b) Walt Disney
2) Altın Ahududu Ödülleri törenine katılarak
“ödülünü” kendisi alan ilk kişi kimdir?
Paul Verhoeven (En Kötü Yönetmen,
b) William Shatner (En Kötü Yönetmen, Star Trek 5)
3) Aşağıdaki Bond kızlarından hangisi hiç Oscar
a) Halle Berry
b) Diana Rigg
4) 1973’de Marlon Brando’nun En İyi Aktör ödülünü
(“Baba” filmindeki performansı için) anons
etmek için sahneye kim çıkmıştır?
a) Sacheen Littlefeather
b) Marlon Brando
5) Oscar heykelinin boyu ne kadardır?
a) 13.5 inç (34 cm)
b) 18 inç (46 cm)
6) Oscar ödülü alan gelmiş geçmiş en genç kişi
a) Anna Paquin
b) Shirley Temple
7) Bir yılda en çok Altın Ahududu Ödülü alan film
a) Showgirls
b) Battlefield Earth
8) En İyi Görüntü ödülünü alan ilk renkli film
a) Rüzgar Gibi Geçti
b) Ben Hur
9) 1994 yılında En İyi Görüntü dalındaki ödülü
“Schindler’s List” adlı film kazandı, peki bir yıl
öncesi aynı ödülü kazanan siyah beyaz film
a) Kazablanka
b) Garsoniyer
10) Laurence Olivier 1949 yılında aynı zamanda
kendi yönettiği filmi Hamlet ile En İyi Erkek
Oyuncu dalındaki ödülü kazandı. Peki başka
kim En İyi Erkek Oyuncu ödüllü performansını
kendi yönetti?
a) Mel Gibson (Cesuryürek)
b) Roberto Benigni (Hayat Güzeldir)
11) En İyi Görüntü dalında ödüle aday gösterilen tek
animasyon film hangisidir?
a) Aladdin
b) Güzel ve Çirkin
12) 1981 Oscar ödül töreni neden ertelendi?
a) Ronald Reagan vuruldu.
b) LA’deki yoğun sel nedeniyle
13) Oscar ödülü kazanan ilk x-rated film hangisidir?
a) Geceyarısı Kovboyu
b) Otomatik Portakal
14) En çok Oscar ödülü kazanan kişi kimdir?
a) Billy Crystal
b) Bob Hope
15) Sadece 6 dakikalık performansına rağmen Oscar
ödülünü kazanan oyuncu kimdir?
a) Sean Connery (Robin Hood: Hırsızlar
b) Judi Dench (Aşık Shakespeare)
Çeviren : Ümit TÜRE
“As it can be easily predicted from the name of our film, it’s all
about “Jane””. Can we say so? Of course, we cannot. “Becoming
Jane” is a film inspired by the real events in the book “Becoming Jane
Austen” by Jon Spence. This romantic drama offers us a look into the
early years and contentious love life of British author Jane Austen.
Moreover, the film doesn’t mention only her, but it also gives us the
chance to reconsider the phenomena such as love, devotion and life.
There have been some arguments about whether there had been
any affair between Austen and a young Irishman called Tom Lefroy in
real life, as shown in the film. According to Jon Spence’s book and
some other historical sources, it was no more than a friendship or an
infatuation, but they all have accepted the existence of a relationship.
For instance, prior to Spence’s book in 2003, biographers Radovici
(1995) and Tomalin (2000) have also acknowledged a relationship
between Austen and Lefroy. But, this film directed by Julian Jarrold
proposes that Jane Austen fell in love with Tom Lefroy (James
McAvoy) and this relationship even influenced her later novels.
Love is Life
In our film, Jane Austen (portrayed by Anna Hathaway) is a county girl who looks into life from a
different perspective unlike her contemporaries who generally just finds a mate and gets married
eventually. She is really wise, she likes to write and wants to become an important writer. Despite the
pressure exerted by her parents (in the role of his father, James Cromwell), especially by her mother
(Julie Walters) to marry a rich man and the marriage proposal from the nephew of a wealthy and noble
woman (Maggie Smith), Jane always wishes to marry for love. We can see how different she is from
the other girls at this point. Her soul is independent and so powerful as to even run away with the man
she loves. Yes, it is Tom Lefroy. He is a promising lawyer but notorious for his active (!) life and
insensitivity, but he is handsome and hard to be refused by a young lady. Firstly, she considers him to
be rude and inconsiderate, but in time, she gets affected by his intelligence and insolence. Then, she
falls in love with him badly. But, dreams of love don’t come true such easily. (Of course, I’ll not tell you
the whole story!) To sum up, the film shows us the 18th century England in which Jane Austen grew up
and in my opinion, it tries to prove the importance of real love through the life of the English author,
Jane Austen.
When I think of the film in general, some scenes and utterances still affect me emotionally. Firstly, I
remember the words of Tom Lefroy to Austen, “What value will there ever be in life, if we are not
together?” and then the scene in which Mr. Lefroy said in a desperate but at the same time, expectant
tone, “Just love me...Do you love me?“ to Austen.
Although there have been some unfavorable comments and critiques about the film, I believe that it
deserves much more praise. The place where the film was shot, the fascinating performance of Anna
Hathaway, the captivating acting of James McAvoy, the screenplay and the emphasized merits like love
most of us have already forgetten, all show that “Becoming Jane” must take its rightful place in your
archive, life and especially in your soul. Please always appreciate love in your life, remember that your
love means your life.
4. Movie of the Series, Adventurer Archaeologist Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull
played by Harrison Ford, , will meet with the cinephiles after an interval of 19 years on 23 May.
The 1st Indiana Jones movie was presented to the audience in 1981 for the first time.
According to the info, the 4th adventure of Indiana Jones is produced by Frank Marshall with George Lucas
and Kathy Kennedy as the executive producers.
The screenplay was written by David Koepp who had also written the screenplays of ‘World of The Wars’
and ‘Jurassic Park’ and directed by Steven Spielberg as the other three Indiana Jones films.
Harrison Ford plays Indiana Jones who has a witty personality and a whip in his hand; and Shia LaBeouf,
Cate Blanchett, Jim Broadbent, John Hurt and Ray Winstone also act in the film.
A total of $1billion and 182 million revenue from the first three Movies
The first movie of Indiana Jones Series, Raiders of the Lost Ark, was released in 1981. After the success of
the film; in 1984, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and in 1989 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
met with the audiences.
The three movies which made a box office total of $1billion and 182 million were nominated for the Oscar
in 14 categories, and won Oscar in 7 categories. In Turkey; 609.136 people watched the 3rd movie of
Indiana Jones, which was released in 27 November 1989. It was Steven Spielberg’s and George Lucas’s
disapproval of the written tens of screenplays that have made the movie fans wait 19 years between the
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and the Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull.
Translated by Seval USLU from
Dicle'nin serin yamaçlarında bir çilek idim ben. Son taşkında bedevilerin bağlar ve bahçeleri harab olunca
geç yeşermiş, şiddetli güneş ile erken kızarmıştım. Bir gün kara kaşlı, kara gözlü bir arap kızı nazik elleriyle
koparıp koydu sepetine beni. Dalım yaprağım benimle idi. Umuyordum ki al dudaklarına dokunacaktım.
Olmadı. Adı Leyla idi, acımadan bir kazana attı beni sonra. Hurma lifleri, çöl dikenleriyle beraber kaynadıkça
kaynadı suyum, dağıldım, ezildim. Henüz olgunlaşmamış bir hurma ile yanışta kol kanat olduk birbirimize,
ama nafile!.. Gül dudaklar umarken dikenler battı yüreğime. Yanışım ateşten miydi, aşktan mı anlayamadım.
Bir tekneye döktü güzeller güzeli sevgi dolu varlığımı, çiğnetti çocuklara. Güneşte büyümüştüm, güneşte
kurutulup candan ayrıldım. Mermer ile merdane arasında lif lif karıştım aynı kaderi paylaştığım hurma ile,
birbirimize sıkı sıkı sarılmayı öğrendik dikenlerle. Rengim solarken canıma batan liflerin ve dikenlerin
hesabını soramadım kimselerden. Birkaç gün sonraydı, Leyla'nın ellerine değen mühreler, melankoli
hastalarının başını okşayan merhametli hekimler gibi okşamaya başladı bağrımı bir bahar ikindisinde. O
gün, Dicle'ye yansıyan gün ışıklarının tutuşturduğu kızıl renklere bakarken sevdim Leyla'yı ve nazik elleri
üzerimde gezinirken tattım hazzını sevginin. Okşadığı bedenimde tarihe ad bırakan âşıkların en muhteşem
yüreği çarpıyor gibiydi. Parşömen oluyordum görünüşte; ama içimdeki kıpırdanışlardan haberi yoktu yüzümü
okşayan ellerin. Kazanda sarıldığımız o yeşil hurmadan üzerime bir hayat iksiri sinmiş gibiydi. Ölüyor
muydum, yoksa diriliyor mu, kestiremiyordum. Var olmanın ayrımındaydım, nefes alıyor gibiydim. Leyla'nın
elleri beni tutsun ve bırakmasın istiyordum. İçimde duygular vardı ve onun ellerinin sıcaklığıyla sonsuza
kadar yanabilir, götürdüğü yere her gün yeniden gidebilirdim. Var idim, ama ne idim; anlayamıyordum.
Gelişimini tamamlayamamış organizmalar, küveze konulmuş bebekler gibiydim; ama çok hızlı büyüyordum.
İlk dadım, ilk aşkım oldu. Ne büyük mürebbiye idi benim için, ah bir bilseniz, yıldızlı çöl gecelerinde Leyla’nın
türkülerini dinlemek... Onun nefesinden özümsediğim kavurucu rüzgarın sesi kulaklarımdan kalbime bir
bengisu gibi akıyor. Başkaları bana kağıt diyorlar şimdi ve bir tomar diye alıp satmaktan bahsediyorlar. Bir
de Leyla bana dokununca hissettiğim şeyin adını söyleseler!..
İskender Pala
I was a strawberry on the fresh slopes of the Tigris. When the vineyards and orchards of the Bedouins were
destroyed in the last flood, I turned green late and reddened early by the boiling sun. One day an Arabian
girl with black eyes and eyebrows picked me up with her delicate hands and put me in her basket. My twigs
and leaves were with me. I was hoping that I would touch her rosy lips but I could not. Her name was Leyla,
and then she threw me into a boiler mercilessly. My water in the boiler boiled together with date palm fibers
and desert erecters; I was dispersed and smashed. I and a raw date palm took ourselves under each other’s
wings in that glowing flare but it was all in vain!.. While I was expecting rosy lips, erecters pricked into my
heart. I couldn’t find out whether my burning was due to the fire or love. That beauty poured my essence full
of love into a container and had it trampled over by the children. I had been grown up in the sun and I was
separated from my soul after searing in the sun. I was mixed up with the date palm with which I shared the
same fate in fibers by marbles and mandrels, and I and erecters learned to nestle with each other. I couldn’t
call anybody to account for the erecters and fibers that pricked into my body, while my color was fading. At a
spring mid-afternoon the burnishes that touched Leyla’s hands began to caress my heart like the
compassionate physicians who caressed the heads of the melancholic sufferers. That day I loved Leyla
while looking at the red colors that the day lights reflecting on the Tigris emblazed, and I tasted the
indulgence of love while Leyla’s gentle hands were stroking me. It was as if the magnificent hearts of the
amorous people, who left their imprint on the history, had been beating on my caressed flesh. In
appearance, I was turning into a parchment, but the hands caressing my face were unaware of the
movement inside me. It was like that I absorbed the elixir of the green date palm which I embraced in the
boiler . I could not understand whether I was dying or reviving. I was conscious of the existence and it
seemed as if I were breathing. I wanted Leyla’s hands to hold me, not to abandon me. I had feelings inside; I
could be inflamed with the warmth of her hands forever and I could go over and over where she took me
every day. I existed but I could not comprehend who or what I was. I was like the organisms that could not
fully complete their growth or like the infants that were laid in the incubator; but I was growing up very
rapidly. She became my first nanny and lover. You cannot imagine how great a duenna it was for me to
listen to Leyla’s songs in the starry desert nights. The sound of the blazing wind that I absorbed from her
breath is still flowing from my ears right into my heart like an elixir. Now people call me paper and talk about
buying and selling me as a roll. I wish they could name the emotion which I feel inside when Leyla touches
Translated by Ebru ALTUN
Turkish Book Review
“Turkish Book Review” is the first and only English book review of Turkey. It is published twice a year by
plan b publishing company. The magazine is prepared in English and it aims to introduce the Turkish
literature to the world. Being the first book review in English about the Turkish literature, it consists of
various chapters, including novel, poetry, short story, young authors, children’s books and also books about
music, art, cinema, language, politics, history and Istanbul. Besides presenting contemporary Turkish
literature and giving information about new publications, the magazine also has a chapter dedicated to the
pioneers of the Turkish literature, called the Masters of Turkish Literature.
The first issue of Turkish Book Review was published on July-December 2007. Some of the authors who
contributed to the first issue were Ersan Uldes, Altay Oktem, Deniz Durukan, Necdet Neydim, Yusuf Eradam
and Murat Akser. Turkish Book Review was distributed in Frankfurt Book Fair 2007, in cooperation with the
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Libraries and Publications. The magazine will
continue to be distributed in many other book fairs across the world and it will also be available for sale in
several bookstores specialized on magazines and books in foreign languages. Furthermore, an electronic
copy of the magazine was sent to 10,000 publishing houses, literary agents, editors and translators in United
States, Far East, UK and many European countries.
The second issue of Turkish Book Review was published a short time ago. In the second issue, there is a
special chapter about Mevlana. Moreover, among the others, you can read the following: an article by
Sevengül Sönmez on Sabahattin Ali, an interview with Erdağ Göknar who was the translator of Ahmet
Hamdi Tanpınar, an article by Müge İplikçi on Sevgi Soysal and an article by Onur Caymaz on Orhan
As it is mentioned above, you can read this magazine online. It is only a click away. Just visit
Ömer Erşah ÇAKMAK
The Siege by Helen Dunmore
“The Siege” will burn your heart !
Helen Dunmore’s novel ”The Siege” was published by Artemis Press.
The novel The Siege enriches our emotions as much as it shatters the soul.
Few books can burn your heart that much.
Leningrad, September 1941. The city is seized by German tanks and the
people of Leningrad are captured by Germans. The besieged residents are
now faced with cells, starvation and the Russian cold. Under these
conditions, the Levins are struggling for their lives. Dreaming of being an
artist, 22-year-old Anna Levin has to live a life quite different from her
dreams. She has to take care of her five-year-old brother and her
blacklisted father. However, something unexpected happens and Anna falls
in love with the young doctor Andrei. So, she now has one more supporter
in her fight to keep her brother Kolya alive.
In the novel, we witness not only a great love but also the impact of the war on human life. Dunmore
describes even the horrifying scenes in a lyrical way. When narrating the war, she does not allow it to be
more important than the story, so she backgrounds the war.
The novel is also a first for Dunmore, as her previous works were
mostly psychological thrillers. The author’s novels have an outstanding
atmosphere. She also manages to address the wants of the readers
and triggers the curiosity by making us wonder who will survive and
who will die. The Siege tells of a life and death struggle as well as the
concepts love, art, betrayal, beauty and starvation. The struggle is
made not only to survive but also to manage to remain humane against
all odds. The Siege was published by Artemis Press in March. You will
hardly wait for the end of the book, which will warm up your heart with
great feelings despite the outrageous war.
Helen Dunmore was born in 1952 in Yorkshire. She studied English language at York University. Before
publishing her first book, she taught in Finland for two years and continued teaching later on. Writing
reviews for Times and Observer, the author served as a judge of the selection committees of T.S.Elliot Prize
and Whitbread Award. Since 1983, she has stood out as a poet. Helen Dunmore is the first author to win the
Orange Prize for Fiction.
Translated by Feyza SÜSAL from
Turkey has never forgotten how Mustafa Kemal
Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey
launched the nation's struggle for independence
89 years ago in Samsun (the 19th of May).
Atatürk dedicated this day to the youth since he
had many expectations from the youth and
believed in the generations to come. Every year
the May 19th Youth and Sports Festival is
celebrated with athletic performances and
ceremonies countrywide.
Atatürk expresses the aim of the youth as in the
followins statements:
“The chance of the Turkish youth is to obtain
satisfactory results from every single attempt.
Turkish youth; you walked, you are walking, do
walk! The attempts you made are about to yield
the attainment of the high ideal. Don’t stop, do
Happiness, welfare, delight and above all a great
pride await you.
Turkish youth! Pay attention to the very last word
of my last statement! You’ve already had pride
and greatness. Don’t show them! Hide them for
yourself and be humble if needed. All the same,
show your smashing fist when necessary.
You can prove yourself through these qualities of
yours. The quality that I expect from the current
Turkish youth and that of next generations should
emerge in this way.”
“Dear youth! The life consists of struggle.”
“Never hesitate to step forward in those that will
be made the reason and the condition of the
progress of the nation. In order to bring our
nation to the point of progress, we’ll all together
prevent the possible hindrances. To this end,
we’ll use your intelligence, understanding,
knowledge and, if necessary, your wrists, legs;
but we will ultimately achieve that goal. This
nation is going to reach the level of maturity it
deserves with its sons/daughters like you.
All my hope lies in the youth.”
-Yes, we all, as the Turkish youth, are aware of
this goal.What enlightens our path is and will
always be his principles.
Türkiye Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün 89 yıl önce 19 Mayıs
mücadelesini nasıl başlattığını unutmamıştır.
Atatürk, Türk gençliğinden çok şey beklediği ve
gelecek nesillere inandığı için bu günü gençliğe
armağan etmiştir. Her yıl 19 Mayıs günü
Gençlik ve Spor Bayramımız yurdun her
yanında spor gösterileri ve törenlerle kutlanır.
Atatürk, gençliğin hedefini şöyle belirler:
“Türk çocuklarının kısmeti, her başarılı
hamleden sevinç veren neticeler almaktır. Türk
çocukları; yürüdünüz, yürüyorsunuz, yürüyünüz!
Yaptığın hamleler sizi yüksek ideale ulaştırmak
üzeredir. Durmayın, yürüyün…
Mutluluk, refah, sevinç, hepsinden sonra yüksek
bir gurur seni bekliyor.
Türk çocukları! Son sözümün son kelimesine
dikkat! Gurur, büyüklük, sende zaten vardır.
Bunu gösterme! Onu kendine sakla ve gerekirse
büyük alçakgönüllülük göster. Fakat gene
gerektikçe göster ezici yumruğunu.
İşte bu niteliklerinle ispat edebilirsin ne
olduğunu. Benim bugünkü ve yarınki Türk
çocuklarından beklediğim nitelik bu şekilde
“Sayın gençler! Hayat mücadeleden ibarettir.”
“Milletin yükselme neden ve şartları yapılacak
şeylerde atılacak adımdan kesinlikle tereddüt
etmeyiniz. Milleti o yükselme noktasına
getirmek için dikilecek engellere hep birlikte
mani olacağız. Bunun için beyinlerinize,
irfanlarınıza, bilgilerinize, gerekirse bileklerinize,
bacaklarınıza müracaat edecek, fakat neticede
mutlaka ama mutlaka o gayeye varacağız. Bu
millet, sizin gibi evlatlarıyla layık olduğu
olgunluk derecesine varacaktır.
Bütün ümidim gençliktedir.”
-Evet, hepimiz, Türk gençliği olarak, bunu
biliyoruz…Yolumuzu aydınlatan onun ilkeleridir
ve bu hep böyle olacaktır!...İlknur Güntürkün Kalıpçı’nın “Özlemden Eyleme
Doğru Atatürk” kitabından alıntılar yapılmıştır.
Translated by Leyla Belma GAZİ
PS3’ün piyasaya nihayet çıkması ve Nintendo Wii’nin piyasada iyi bir yer edinmesiyle, bu iki konsol
televizyonuzun yanındaki yeri kapma savaşına girişti. Bu yüzden, bu iki makineyi incelemenin size hangisinin
doğru bir seçim olacağını gösterme açısından harika bir fırsat olacağını düşündük.
PlayStation 3
Üretici firma: Sony
Dünya’nın bir numaralı oyun konsolu üreticisi şüphe
yok ki PS3 için çok zaman harcadı. Buna rağmen,
PS2’nin olağanüstü başarısıyla birlikte piyasadaki
üstünlüğü göz önüne alındığında, Sony üçüncü tur
mücadeleye geç girdiği için belki de bağışlanabilir.
Üretici Firma: Nintendo
Yılların video oyun şirketi olan Nintendo,
GameCube ile bir önceki konsol savaşından yenik
çıktı. Buna rağmen, şimdilerde Nintendo, el konsolu
Nintendo DS’in olağanüstü başarısı ve devrim
niteliğindeki yeni konsolu Wii’ye gelen ilk pozitif
tepkiler ile yeniden doğdu.
PS3’ün en büyük sorunu bu. 20GB HD özelliklerine
sahip bütçe dostu ürünün fiyatı yaklaşık 1000 YTL.
Fakat çoğu kişi 60GB’lık ürünü isteyecek ki bunun
da maliyeti yaklaşık 1300 YTL. Yani, her durumda
PS3 ucuz değil.
Teknik Özellikler:
Cihazın içinde öyle çok şey var ki bu yüksek
maliyeti kısmen de olsa açıklıyor. İlk olarak, PS3,
hem oyunlar hem de filmler için ultra yüksek
çözünürlüklü görüntü kalitesi sağlayan Blu-ray
oynatıcıya sahip ilk cihazlardan biri. İkinci olarak ise
pazar lideri Nvidia’nın geliştirdiği 1920x1080 piksel
çözünürlüklü ve kablosuz bağlantıya sahip ekran
kartı göze çarpıyor.
İddiası: O bir PlayStation! Bu işin öncüsü ve hala
piyasadaki lider oyun konsolu. Ayrıca en son
teknoloji ürünü olan Blu-ray oynatıcı ile en üst
düzey oyun konsolunu bir arada bulabileceğiniz en
ucuz yol.
Hedef Kitle: Şu anda bulunan bütün PlayStation
hayranları (eski bütün oyunlar PS3 ile uyumlu).
Fakat, setin şu anki fiyatı dolayısıyla dolu bir
cüzdana sahip olmanız gerekiyor.
Başarı Şansı: PS3’ün başarılı olacağı konusunda
pek şüphe yok fakat bu zaman alacak. Fiyatının
yüksek oluşu, piyasaya geç çıkışı ve makul fiyatlı
etkileyici rakibi, Sony’i bekleyen sorunlar. Fakat o
yine de bir PlayStation! Başarısız olamaz, değil mi?
Cüzi bir şekilde 800 YTL ödeyerek Wii konsol,
uzaktan kumanda ve “Wii Sports” adlı oyun
paketine sahip olabiliyorsunuz. Bu da demek oluyor
ki cebinizden çok fazla para çıkmadan Wii
deneyiminin tadını çıkarabilirsiniz.
Teknik Özellikler:
Yüksek teknoloji açısından bakıldığında göze
çarpan pek fazla şey yok ama Nintendo en son
teknoloji ürünü görüntülerden ziyade oynanabilirlik
ve oyun akışı üzerinde yoğunlaştığını kabul ediyor.
kapasitesine sahip 3mb’lık bir grafik kartı bulunuyor.
Konsolun işlemcisi ise şaşırtıcı derecede düşük:
243 MHz.
İddiası: Tamamen kontrol – devrim niteliğindeki
hareket algılayıcı tasarım artık oyunun bir parçası
olduğunuzu daha çok hissettiriyor. Ayrıca, sadece
Nintendo uyumlu Zelda ve Red Steel gibi çok özel
oyun türleri ortaya çıktı. Rakibinden de çok daha
Hedef Kitle: Oyun akışına grafiklerden daha çok
önem verenler, daha etkin bir kontrol sisteminden
hoşlananlar ve kısıtlı bütçesi olan oyunseverler.
Başarı Şansı: Çok yüksek – makul bir fiyat
Sevilmemesi için hiçbir neden yok.
Çeviren: Sercan PEKEL
* What is the Origin of the April Fool’s Day?
-The King of France,Charles IX, determined the first of January as the
first day of the year.Until that day, 25th of March had been traditionally
accepted as the beginning of a new year in Europe. Due to lack of
communication in that period, the new regulation by the king, could not
be spread.Those who heard about that, protested it and continued to
abide by their traditional practice.They accepted 1 April as the feastday. Others,on the other hand,dubbed them the “April fools” and
approved that this day would be that of the fools.They gave them
presents,and invited them to feasts that would never be conceived;
they fabricated many stories. After people realized the fact that January
was now the first month of the year,the French people included it as
part of their culture. And this day was later began to be celebrated all
around the world.
* What is the origin of a 7-day week?
-Babylonians used to have a 7-day week . It had been believed that the
number 7 was mysterious and auspicious as when the total number of
the five planets,the sun and the moon were calculated, it was equal to
seven, this mystical number. Later,the importance of this number
increased as it was accepted that the heavens was sevenfold, there
were mainly seven natural colours, and seven musical notes.
Later,France changed the style and adopted a calendar,consisting of 7day week, which was not welcomed. Russia introduced a new
regulation of five days; this wasn’t favoured by all the people either.
Thus,it was eventually accepted that a week would keep having seven
* Why Is It Equal to (+4) when (-2) and (-2) Are Multipled ?
-Assume that every week you go to your work by bus.You pay YTL1 as
a fare for each day.Assume that you bought ten tickets,every day two
tickets are subtracted from the whole as you go to and come from the
work.If you do it this way, then you will spend -10 tickets;that’s, (2)x(+5)=(-10).Think about that,there is a holiday and Thursday and
Friday fall on this holiday. This time,you don’t use your two tickets for
two days;that’s you have (-2)x(-2)=(+4) tickets.
Do you know all these sober facts?
Owl is the only bird which is capable of perceiving
the blue color.
All swans in the U.K. are the property of the
The eye of an ostrich is bigger than its brain.
There is much more sugar in one kilo of lemon
than that of strawberry.
Human eye never gets bigger while growing of
ears and noses never end.
Pearls dissolve in vinegar.
Of the human brain 80% is water; humans use
only 10% of their brains.
The strongest muscle in a human body is the
Captan Cook was the only one who went
ashore,except for the Antarctic.
There are 32 muscles in a cat’s brain.
Picasso used to burn his paintings in order to get
warm during the hard times when he was young.
Penguin is the only bird species which can swim
but cannot fly.
Translated by Ayşegül Duru TAPAN from
Choose one of the pictures above
which you think represents you,
and read the relevant comment
about your personality test result
1. Introvert- sensitive- tender: You become absorbed in thoughts about you and your environment more
densely and deeply than much more people around you. You abhor cursory behaviors and speech.
You prefer to be alone instead of speaking unnecessarily. Your connection with your close friends
is so strong that it brings accordance and energy you need. Still you don’t get bored of being alone.
2. Free- Iconoclast – Unruly: You aim a life which is free and independent and provides opportunities to
improve yourself. You have abilities to be successful in your hobbies and your work. Being
indulged to your freedom sometimes may cause to make the opposite of the expected. You are not
a person who obeys everything hastily. You actually want to do your way namely you like to row
against the tide.
3. Dynamic – Active- Extroverted: You don’t avoid taking risk to participate in amazing and different
works. A routine life may make you inefficient. What you love most is to be a star in every event. In
fact you are the person who initiates the events.
4. Earthly- Equable- Adaptable: You aim to have a life, love and job which are not complicated and
natural. Everybody respects you because you are sure of yourself and everybody takes support
from you. And you know how you make people safe. You are known as a friendly and humanistic
person. You refuse everything banal and dithyrambic. You don’t follow the innovations in
modernity. You think clothing must be comfortable and practical.
5. Professional-Pragmatic- Self-aware: Instead of being fateful about your luck, you are the one who likes
to create chance for himself. You solve your problems in an easy and uncomplicated way. In your
daily life you prefer to be realist. You are known as a responsible person at work. Due to your selfconfidence, everybody trusts you. You cannot wait to put your ideas into practice.
6. Peaceful-careful-compatible: You are an easy going person. You don’t make your friend tired as you
are fond of your freedom and private life. Sometimes you want to live in seclusion in order to think
about the meaning of life or to enjoy yourself. So you know where to go but you are not addicted to
loneliness. You are a peaceful person who takes life as is.
7. Careless- cheerful: You love a spontaneous and free life. You want to enjoy from life to the utmost
level. You are a curious and modern person. You believe that all changes make you mature. There
is nothing makes you more bored than being dependent upon something. You like to surprise and
being surprised.
8. Romantic- dreamer- emotional: You are a really emotional person. You refuse to see events in a
realistic perspective. what your emotions say matter to you. And you support the idea that there
should be a room for dreams in life. You can’t get along well with people who refuse to be romantic
and who try to solve everything by mind. You refuse everything which limit your dreams and
9. Analytic-trustable-self- assured: You like to fill your life with precious things which pass unnoticed. For
this reason culture plays an important role in your life. You ensure your elegant thoughts are not
affected by environment. It is important for you to have an elegant life and prefer to be with such
Translated by Necla AKAGÜNDÜZ
Anneciğinizi ne sıklıkla aramalısınız?
Stuart Jeffries
9 Nisan 08
İngiltere milli takımı teknik direktörü Fabio Capello annesini her gün arar. İtalya’nın kuzeydoğusunda bulunan
Pieris’te yaşayan dul annesi Evalina Capello (85) “O mimoza gibi hassastır” diyor. Peki konuşacak ne buluyorlar?
Capello’nun Real Madrid’deyken benimsediği tuhaf 4-2-3-1 dizilişine göre David Bentley İngiltere milli takımı orta
sahasının sağında oynamalı mı yoksa oynamamalı mı diye mi konuşuyorlar? Muhtemelen hayır.
Oğlunun kendisini ve ev yemeklerini özlediğini söylediğini belirten Evaline,. 61 yaşındaki oğlu hakkında “O her
zaman bir ana kuzusu olmuştur” diye ekledi. Granit yüzlü bir muhallebi çocuğu! (Oğlu, annesi değil.)
İtalya’da Capello gibilere “mammoni” denir. Milanolu bir psikolog olan Dr. Annamaria Cassanese “Bu tamamiyle
Latin kökenlilere özgü, toplumsal yapımızın derinliklerine yerleşmiş bir özellik” dedi. “Örneğin, oğullarının
düğünlerinde ağlayan anneler görürsünüz, ama o gözyaşları sevinçten değil, derin bir üzüntüdendir.” İtalya Maliye
Bakanı Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa geçen sene İtalyan erkeklere evden ayrılmaları için finansal teşvik önerdi
(İtalya’da evden ayrılma yaşı şaşırtıcı bir şekilde ortalama 36’dır). Hakkını teslim edelim, Fabio kalıpların dışına
çıkarak evden 15 yaşında ayrıldı ve 40 yıldır evli.
Mammoni’yi unutun. Annenizi ne kadar sıklıkla aramanız gerekir? Fabio’nun yaptığı doğru mu? Arkadaşlarım ve
işarkadaşlarıma uyguladığım bilimsel olmayan bir ankette, şöyle cevaplar aldım: Bir tanesi “ Annemi her Pazar
ararım, çünkü onun sesini duymak hoşuma gider. Eğer aramazsam, tüm hafta kendimi suçlu hissederim” diyordu.
Bir diğeri ise “ Annemi ayda bir destek olmak için ararım ama aslında onu sevmem”. Hiçbiri mesaj çekmenin,
elektronik posta atmanın ya da aile içi blog oluşturmanın telefonla aramanın yerinin yerini tutabileceğini
söylememişti. Kimse babasını arama gereği duymuyordu ki bu telefonla iletişime özenen aile babalarına kötü bir
haber. Annesiyle her hafta Skype görüşmeleri yapan bir arkadaşım var; annesi ikisine de “webcam” almış,
böylelikle birbirlerini görebiliyorlar. Ama bu da bir o kadar yanlış.
Belki de Fabio’nun annesiyle yaptığı alışılmadık sıklıktaki görüşmeler İngiltere taraftarlarını endişelendirmeli.
Annesi: “Real Madrid’de teknik direktörlük yaparken beni sık sık arar, ayrılmak istediğini söylerdi.” diyor. Oğlu ev
yemeği için İngiltere takımını yönetme kabusundan kaçmayı planlıyor olabilir. Onu İngiliz halkı anlamasa bile,
annesi anlayacaktır.
Çeviren: Yazgülü Ege ÖZKAN
Bregovic is going to compose for the Atatü
Atatürk documentary
Goran Bregovic, one of the worldwide famous representatives of the Balkan music, said that he is going to
compose for the Atatürk documentary which is planned to air in September. Bregovic, who came to the
Nilüfer district of Bursa to perform a concert at the recreation center opened recently, said in the press
meeting held in Bursa Journalists Association that he is very happy to be in Bursa.
Bregovic, who is going to have performances in Bursa for two days, said that he is going to sing the songs
from his new album to music lovers with the “Wedding and Funeral Orchestra”.
Bregovic said that he is going to have good time with the audiences. One of the journalists reminded him
of the fact that he composed the music of many famous films and asked him if he has a new project.
Bregovic said ‘I had a meeting with the production company about a documentary related with Atatürk that
will be aired in September. I am working on it now. I will work with the local musicians. I will visit the places
where Atatürk lived. The music of the documentary will consist of Atatürk’s favorite songs. He lived in
Thessalonica, Macedonia and Turkey. I will visit these places and compose the music.’
Bregovic said that he is trying to obtain some information about Atatürk by reading a detailed book. He
also said that he never received such a proposal and worked for a statesman before.
Journalists asked Bregovic what he felt when he received the offer. He said ‘This will be the first of its
kind. This project will be a big responsibility not only for me but also for my whole team.’
Bregovic declined to name the company which would prepare the documentary.
Translated by Müge AKÇİÇEK from
‘ That ‘ moment
This is the photo of affection for life. People who have lost one of their legs are playing
football with the crutches. This “that moment” was taken by American photographer
Adam Nadel Sierra Leonede.
The “that moment” was taken in Katar. In fact, this is a photo of an interesting
coincidence. On one side the competitors of a camel race and on the other side the
competitors of bicycle race are competing mercilessly.The speed and direction of the
races are different, however the competitors of both races have ambition to win.
Translated by Zeynep KAYMAS from and
* First of all, can you give us a brief information
about the club?
Our club was established last year. We have been
through many difficulties. We are organizing much
better activities with the support of our school,
administrative council and with the efforts of our teacher
Teoman Dalcı.
* What kind of instruments do you play?
Generally we use percussions: Djembe, tumba, conga, bongo, shaker, bells, and different kinds of drums.
Moreover, in order to show that we are environment-friendly, we are preparing interesting shows by using waste
materials like plastic bottles, demijohns.
* Can everyone play the instrument they want?
We are trying to do that but their ability is important, for example we don’t give tumba to someone who knows
how to use drum sticks.
* Could you talk about your teacher a little bit? How is his relation with you guys?
Our relation with him is unique, he is not only our teacher but also a brother to us. He can do everything for the
development of our group. Moreover, he makes outstanding efforts to teach something to us.
* How many members does Young drums have?
We have more than 200 enrolled members but we have
50 active members taking part in the demonstrations.
* What are the criteria for the membership? Is talent
Actually talent is a must especially when it comes to
rhythm. But we never say “no” to anyone who wants to
develop himself by attending the rehearsals and we
enable them to take part in demonstrations when we
believe they have developed themselves.
* Do you plan something specific for the future?
Of course we have goals. After our establishment, many attempts started in universities in İzmir to establish
rhythm clubs but we will always be one step ahead of them. Our goals are ambitious.
* Are you open to new members?
* Can you tell us more about the demonstrations?
We have left behind many great demonstrations and we will have very good demonstrations in the future. We
are assessing the offers reasonably. We are taking part in the social responsibility projects. For example, we
are practicing rhythm with the impaired, we are sharing their feelings and organizing demonstrations with them.
We are introducing ourselves to people who don’t know us. We are going to TRNC for the Eastern
Mediterranean University Spring Festival, , with a group of 30 members the expenses of whom will be covered
by them, in the middle of May
* Finally is there anything you want to add about the club?
We are always open to new ideas and suggestions. We are evaluating the corporation offers from the clubs
and we are making fantastic works together with them. I wish your new club best of success I hope you can
achieve all your aims .
2008 Summer Olympics
The 2008 Summer Olympics will be celebrated from August 8, 2008, to August 24, 2008, with the
opening ceremony at the Beijing National Stadium in Beijing, People's Republic of China. Some events
will be held outside Beijing, namely football (in Qinhuangdao, Shanghai, Shenyang and Tianjin),
equestrian (horse riding, in Hong Kong) and sailing (in Qingdao).
The Olympic Games were awarded to Beijing, People's Republic of China after an exhaustive ballot of
the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on July 13, 2001. The official logo of the games, titled
"Dancing Beijing", features a stylized calligraphic character jīng, meaning capital, referencing the host
city. The mascots of Beijing 2008 are the five Fuwa, each representing one color of the Olympic rings.
The Olympic slogan, One World, One Dream, calls upon the world to unite in the Olympic spirit.
Athletes will compete in 302 events in 28 sports.
The Chinese government has promoted the games to highlight China's emergence on the world stage,
among the concerns about environmental issues and the human rights violations, particularly in Tibet.
There have also been growing concerns of major nations boycotting the Olympics in protest of China's
actions in Tibet.
Gökçe Yazman & Seval Uslu