Levitt Pasadena Sponsor Pack 2015 Final
Levitt Pasadena Sponsor Pack 2015 Final
L E V I T T PA V I L I O N PA S A D E N A 2 0 1 6 S P O N S O R PA C K . “Community Through Music” Every Year, Levitt Pavilion of Greater Los Angeles and Pasadena presents 50 FREE concerts at Memorial Park in Pasadena. Our Mission is “Community Through Music” and these Community events would not be possible without the generous support of sponsors like you. S O U T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A’ S LARGEST FREE MUSIC SERIES! #1 BEST CONCERT VENUE PA S A D E N A W E E K LY CITY’S BEST LIVE MUSIC VENUE PA S A D E N A M A G A Z I N E # 1 F A M I LY F R I E N D LY E N T E R TA I N M E N T PA S A D E N A W E E K LY 110,000 I N AT T E N D A N C E * *UP 57% FROM 2014 50,658 FA C E B O O K L I K E S 159,730 WEBSITE VIEWS* *IN 2015 6,500 S I N G L E C O N C E R T AT T E N D A N C E R E C O R D NEW MOBILE APP Why Sponsor? Creating common ground for a diverse audience through inclusive programming, enriches the lives of families and individuals. With your support, Levitt Pavilion Pasadena will continue to thrive and expand its impact on the community of Pasadena and beyond. • • • • • • Connect with a diverse, affluent and educated audience Enhance your brand by supporting a nonprofit arts organization Entertain clients at a Pre-Concert Picnic Reinforce your public image and increase brand loyalty Increase your brand exposure, using an integrated marketing campaign consisting of traditional (flyers, posters etc.) and new age media (Social Media, Mobile App). Offer Samples and display your brand with use of festival tents and drive retail traffic/ sales with Day-of promotions Together We can make a difference - one concert at a time. L E V I T T PA S A D E N A A U D I E N C E D E M O G R A P H I C S : Annual Income* $100,000 + $75,000 - $99,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $25,000 - 49,999 0-$24,999 12% 27% 16% 23% 22% *Based on data from our 2015 Lawn Surveys L E V I T T PA S A D E N A A U D I E N C E D E M O G R A P H I C S : Age* 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66-75 8% 21% 19% 7% 19% 26% *Based on data from our 2015 Lawn Surveys L E V I T T PA S A D E N A A U D I E N C E D E M O G R A P H I C S : Education Level* Graduate School College Some college High school 5% 17% 39% 39% *Based on data from our 2015 Lawn Surveys L E V I T T PA S A D E N A A U D I E N C E D E M O G R A P H I C S : RACE/ETHNICITY* 15.7% African-American 11.1% Asian 45.6% Caucasian/Anglo/White 33.2% Hispanic or Latino Middle Eastern 2.4% Native American 2.4% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 1.9% Other 2.6% 0% 13% 25% 38% 50% *Based on data from our 2015 Lawn Surveys 2016 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES CORE BENEFITS AV A I L A B L E T O A L L S P O N S O R S H I P L E V E L S • LOGO ON SEASON PROGRAM (75,000) • LOGO ON SEASON POSTER • L O G O O N S TA G E S P O N S O R B A N N E R ( O N DISPLAY FOR FULL SEASON) • M E N T I O N O N A L L L E V I T T PA S A D E N A S O C I A L M E D I A O U T L E T S • R E C O G N I T I O N O N L E V I T T PA S A D E N A W E B S I T E • S TA G E M E N T I O N A T S P O N S O R E D C O N C E R T • L O G O O N A L L L E V I T T PA S A D E N A / L O S A N G E L E S E - B L A S T S CONCERT SERIES VENUE $3,000 $12,000 $75,000 CORE BENEFITS PLUS: CORE BENEFITS PLUS: CORE BENEFITS PLUS: Sponsor 1 Free Concert Sponsor a series of 5 concerts Title Sponsor of Levitt Pasadena At your sponsored concert: At each sponsored concert: PA C K A G E S S TA R T I N G AT * * • Host up to 25 guests in the VIP section of our lawn • 2 reserved parking spaces • Welcome the audience from the stage • Stage Mention by our emcee • Dedicated post on Levitt Pasadena Social Media • Display space for dedicated 3x6 Stage stage banner (provided by you) **Pricing does not include children’s or Premier Concerts PA C K A G E S S TA R T I N G AT * * • Welcome the audience from the stage • • One VIP Picnic setup for up to 100 guests pre-show - you provide the picnic, we provide the setup. • 4 reserved parking spaces • Mention from stage by our emcee • A dedicated sponsor booth • Display space for dedicated 3x6 Stage stage banner (provided by you) **Pricing includes 5 concerts. For series including more than 5, please contact us. Pricing does not include children’s or Premier Concerts • • • Naming rights for 2016 season as “___presents the 2016 Levitt Pavilion Pasadena Concert Series” Welcome the audience from the stage up to 3x throughout the season Host up to 150 guests in the VIP section of our lawn for two agreed upon concerts • 2 reserved parking spaces at every concert you attend • Mentions from stage by our emcee at EVERY concert at your venue • Title sponsor recognition in all printed promotional materials • Top-tier logo placement in all social media marketing • A dedicated sponsor booth • Display space for dedicated 3x6 Stage stage banner (provided by you) L E V I T T PA S A D E N A C H I L D R E N ’ S C O N C E R T S The Children’s Series at Levitt Pavilion Pasadena is the perfect sponsorship opportunity for individuals and businesses interested in marketing to families. This series includes 8-10 concerts every year geared towards children and their families. In 2015 we averaged 1,000 kids and parents per show. CHILDREN’S CONCERT $1,500 SPONSOR A SINGLE CONCERT INCLUDES ALL REGULAR CONCERT BENEFITS CHILDREN’S SERIES $10,000 SPONSOROR OUR CHILDREN’S SERIES INCLUDES ALL REGULAR SERIES BENEFITS PREMIER CONCERTS The Premier Concerts at Levitt Pavilion Pasadena are a huge part of what makes our venue unique. These shows feature top-tier-talent and attract our largest audiences of the season. C O N TA C T F O R P R I C I N G Past Premier artists include: • Sheila E • Ozomatli • Rita Coolidge • Loudon Wainwright • Los Lobos • Jimmy Webb • Poncho Sanchez • Don Carlos • Richard Thompson • Robben Ford • Judy Collins VIP PICNICS VIP Picnic Sponsorship comes with VIP Picnic Options. Entertain your guests/VIPs in a private, roped off section of the Levitt lawn. We provide the private area, tables, tablecloths, and seats, and coordinate with your caterer for food arrival and setup. You show up and enjoy your VIP experience. ADDED BENEFITS Added Benefits Include: • Your unique 3' x 6' banner at the side of the Main Stage during your sponsored concerts • Your logo on a second banner, the Welcome Banner that profiles all of our Sponsors • Announcements by our MC from the Stage about your business • The opportunity for you to address the audience from the stage prior to the concert • A 10 x 10 booth (either yours or ours), table, and chairs for use during your sponsored concerts See photos to start planning your perfect concert sponsorship opportunity PREVIOUS SPONSORS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • G R A S S Y H I L L E N T E R TA I N M E N T M O R T I M E R & M I M I L E V I T T F O U N D AT I O N M E R R I L L LY N C H P R I V AT E B A N K I N G I N V E S T M E N T G R O U P PA S A D E N A W AT E R A N D P O W E R PA S A D E N A T O U R N A M E N T O F R O S E S F O U N D AT I O N PA S A D E N A C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N MESSNER REEVES LLP WHOLE FOODS W E L L S FA R G O VEGGIE GRILL RED WHITE + BLUEZZ DRUCKER SCHOOL MACARONI KID L E O B U S C A G L I A F O U N D AT I O N MONROVIA TRUST FIRST 5 LA LAJAZZ.COM L A W R E N C E A N D S A N D R A P O S T F O U N D AT I O N LY T H G O E F A M I LY P R O D U C T I O N S C O N TA C T U S WE WOULD LOVE TO SPEAK WITH YOU Max Wrightson Max@Levittla.org Community Outreach and Relations Manager Renee Bodie Renee@Levittla.org Executive Director Chase Wessel Chase@levittla-pas.org Production Manager Because of you… We have provided the Los Angeles and Pasadena communities with over 2,000 exceptional concerts to audiences over 1,300,000, bringing people from all walks of life together to enjoy shared evenings of great music, beautiful weather, a warm and friendly ambience, and a true feeling of community. By keeping live music accessible to all through 100 free concerts, a bridge between people of all cultures, ages, and backgrounds is formed. Our concerts are a place where people can connect through the power of music, with tolerance, acceptance, and a shared sense of community. This is the unique Levitt experience that permeates the communities we serve. As a sponsor your brand becomes a part of this unique experience felt directly by the community. Here the return on investment is much larger than the sum of the data points. In partnering with us, you gain the trust, connection, and confidence of people enjoying beautiful nights of music shared with neighbors on the Levitt lawn. Sincerely, Renee Bodie Executive Director, Levitt Pavilion- Los Angeles and Pasadena THANK YOU