Navajo Nation Enhanced 9-1-1 Service Plan
Navajo Nation Enhanced 9-1-1 Service Plan
2014 Navajo Nation Enhanced 9-1-1 Service Plan Navajo Division of Public Safety 9/22/2014 Navajo Nation 9-1-1 Service Plan Section 1 1 - Committee Chairperson Officer Leonard Redhorse Navajo Department of Public Safety PO Box 3849 Shiprock, NM 87420 Email: Phone: 505-793-0357 2 - Members of 9-1-1 Planning Committee The Navajo Division of Public Safety (NDPS) has been authorized by President Ben Shelly under Executive Order 12-2014 as the responsible agency to develop a 9-1-1 Program for the Navajo Nation. This responsibility includes the completion of a 9-1-1 Service Plan, design of 9-1-1 network and system, and all PSAP management and operations functions. John Billison, NDPS Executive Director serves as the executive sponsor for the 9-1-1 Program. Ivan Tsosie, Captain Navajo Police Department provide program oversight Leonard Redhorse, Navajo Police Department serves as the 9-1-1 Program Committee Chairperson and 9-1-1 Program Manager. Shirley Sanisya, Sargent Navajo Police Department, existing PSAP supervisor of the Shiprock PSAP. Cornelia L. Begay, Administrative Assistant, Shiprock Police District Private industry partners assisting in the 9-1-1 Service Plan Development: o Teresa Richardson, Consultant – 4QTRS Holdings, LLC o Robert Hollen, Project Manager – TechSource 3 - Date the plan was submitted to the New Mexico Department of Financial Services September 22, 2014 4 - Scheduled date the E9-1-1 Service will begin: The Navajo Nation Enhanced Service Plan is being submitted as a phased approach that will enable E-91-1 Services to be implemented across the entire Navajo Nation encompassing Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. The transition of E9-1-1 services across the Navajo Nation is expected to take several years. This plan addresses the actions the 9-1-1 Planning Committee is taking to address the past challenges preventing the implementation of E9-1-1 services across the Navajo Nation. Shiprock, NM is targeted to be the first PSAP deployment. Scheduled date is estimated at December 2014. A pilot project is estimated to be completed in November 2014. These dates are dependent on procurement and delivery of 9-1-1 system and network. Rural Addressing – The rural addressing projects started in 2007 and have had limited success due to the cultural environment and privacy concerns that exist within the Navajo Nation. In the past seven years, the number of wireline subscribers has drastically decreased while wireless subscribers continue to rise. Additionally, across the United States, there many 9-1-1 agencies that have begun the transition from legacy Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) to a geospatial enabled database for 9-1-1 in preparation for Next Generation 9-1-1. It is the intent of the Navajo Nation to leverage the investment in GIS projects from Navajo DOT, Navajo Land Management, Navajo Health Services and other agencies to create a geospatial database that will enable location validation for wireline callers. Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) – There are currently 7 centers across the nation responsible for 9-1-1 calls. In the past, funding to support network, systems and staff for seven centers has been very challenging. The Committee is proposing a gradual consolidation from 7 centers down to 1. The number of 9-1-1 calls is estimated to be between 1.1 – 1.5 million annually. All 7 centers staff at least 1 call taker each shift with the larger centers staffing 2 during peak times. Based on the annual call volume, a single PSAP staffed with 5 call takers could efficiently and effectively handle the entire Navajo Nation. A single PSAP would enable: Cost efficiencies in deployment of new 9-1-1 systems, network and facilities. Improved 9-1-1 call processing times and service levels Consistency in operational processes and procedures for 9-1-1 call processing Improved training and staff development opportunities 9-1-1 Network Access – Carriers responsible for 9-1-1 call processing on the Navajo Nation have made significant investment in deploying robust networks to provide a reliable infrastructure suitable for 9-1-1 call delivery. The major wireline and wireless carriers including, Frontier, CellularOne, NTUA, Sacred Wind and others have are committed to work with the Navajo Nation in support of the 9-1-1 Program initiatives. Shiprock, NM will be the main PSAP for the Navajo Nation. Initial funding has been identified to purchase console furniture for 3 call taker positions at Shiprock. Additionally, $160,000 has been requested in the 2014-15 budget for a new 9-1-1 System that will meet or exceed state requirements and adhere to the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) guidelines. Additional details of the 9-1-1 Program initiatives are provided in this plan. 5 - Signature of person authorized to submit this plan: This Plan has been reviewed and approved by the 9-1-1 Planning Committee, and is hereby submitted by John Billison, Executive Director, NDPS and Executive Sponsor for the 9-1-1 Planning Committee. (Signature) John Billison Executive Director, Navajo Division of Public Safety 6 - Maps showing geographic boundaries within the proposed 9-1-1 service area (Refer to Appendix A) A1 - Maps of Telephone Exchanges A2 – Maps of PSAP Locations A3 – Maps of Emergency Responder Agencies 1. Law Enforcement/Police District Map 2. Fire District Map 3. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Map 7 - Name and address of each existing PSAP, officer in charge. The PSAPs are under the direction of the Navajo Division of Public Safety. A list of all PSAPs currently active on the Navajo Nation is provided below. Please note, most of these PSAPs are currently not receiving 9-1-1 calls directly, most are transferred by county PSAPs. Our intention is to consolidate PSAPs as noted in the details of the 9-1-1 Service Plan. Division Contacts a. Executive Director – John Billison P.O. Drawer J Window Rock, AZ 86515 Phone: 928-871-6581 b. Police Chief – Ivan Tsosie PO Box 3849 Shiprock, NM 87420 Physical Address: Shiprock Police Department NE Junction Hwy 64 & Hwy 491 North Phone: 505-358-1350 New Mexico 1. Shiprock Police District PO Box 3849 Shiprock, NM 87420 Physical Address: Shiprock Police Department NE Junction Hwy 64 & Hwy 491 North Phone: 505-358-1350 Captain Ivan Tsosie 2. Crownpoint Police District PO Box 528 Crownpoint, NM 87313 Physical Address: Crownpoint Police Department Chaco Blvd & Navajo Service Route 9 Phone: 505-786-2058 Captain Steven Nelson Arizona 3. Window Rock Police District P.O. Box 250 Window Rock, AZ 86515 Physical Address: Window Rock Blvd Navajo Route 12 Phone: (928) 871-6111 Fax: (928) 871-2431 Captain Ronni Wauneka 4. Chinle Police District P.O. Box 528 Chinle, AZ 86503 Physical Address: Chinle Police Department Navajo Route 7 Phone: (928) 674-2111/2112 Fax: (928) 674-2122 Lieutenant Dewayne Billsie 5. Kayenta Police District P.O. Box 2460 Kayenta, AZ 86033 Physical Address: Kayenta Police Department 1 Mile North U.S. 160 & 163 Junction Phone: (928) 697-5600 Fax: (928) 697-5611 Lieutenant Kee Thinn 6. Dilkon Police District HC 63 Box 786 Winslow, AZ 86047 Physical Address: Dilkon Police Department North Route 15, Mile Post 55 Phone: (928) 657-8075 Fax: (928) 657-8081 Lieutenant Emerson Lee 7. Tuba City Police District P.O. Box 518 Tuba City, AZ 86045 Physical Address: Tuba City Police Department Building #TO15033 Phone: (928) 283-3111 Fax: (928) 283-3113 Sergeant (Acting Captain) Darrell Sombrero 8 - Future Navajo Nation PSAPs Consolidation of PSAPs is the future direction of the Navajo Nation. Currently there are two PSAPs in New Mexico and five in Arizona. A new Communications Division has been established and the responsibility of PSAPs will be moved to this new division. Shirley Sanisya, current Shiprock PSAP Supervisor, will assume the role of PSAP Manager and 9-1-1 Coordinator under the consolidation. The consolidation plan will provide a Primary PSAP located at Shiprock and Secondary/Backup PSAP located at either ChinLe or Windowrock. At this time, the location of the secondary/backup PSAP is under consideration. The Committee is proposing a gradual consolidation from 7 centers down to 1 primary and 1 secondary/backup. A single PSAP would enable: Cost efficiencies in deployment of new 9-1-1 systems, network and facilities. Improved 9-1-1 call processing times and service levels Consistency in operational processes and procedures for 9-1-1 call processing Improved training and staff development opportunities Current plans are in progress to equip the Shiprock center with the required capabilities to meet the requirements to become an authorized PSAP by the State of New Mexico. PSAP – Call Taker Logistics Call taker console furniture has been ordered for the Shiprock PSAP. The target date for furniture deliver is October 2014. The furniture consoles will provide the call takers adequate space and comfort to perform the duties of a 9-1-1 Telecommunicator and Dispatcher. Enhanced 9-1-1 System The Navajo Division of Public Safety (NDPS) will release an RFP in October to procure a new 9-1-1 system. NDPS estimates the expense to be ~$160,000 and has requested funding in the 2014-15 budget for a new 9-1-1 System that will meet or exceed state requirements and adhere to the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) guidelines. The target date for delivery of the 9-1-1 Equipment is by End of Year 2014. 9-1-1 Network 9-1-1 trunks will be installed in the Shiprock PSAP in conjunction with the delivery of the new Enhanced 9-1-1 system. The trunks will deliver 9-1-1 calls from the Selective Router to the Shiprock 9-1-1 call takers. The PSAP will be equipped with capability to query for wireless caller data (including Phase 1 & Phase 2 depending on capability of carrier) via connectivity to Intrado. The PSAP will also be equipped to query a Navajo Nation Geospatial database to determine location for wireline or VoIP callers. 9-1-1 Routing Plans Currently all 9-1-1 calls are being routed to county PSAPs. County 9-1-1 Telecommunicators obtain the location information and emergency details from the caller then either relays that information by contacting the Navajo 9-1-1 Telecommunicator on the designated 7-digit telephone number or by transferring the caller to the Navajo PSAP. Please note that the majority of the 9-1-1 calls answered by the county PSAPs do not have ALI data due to limited rural addressing within the Nation. Many times, the Navajo 9-1-1 Telecommunicator will call the 9-1-1 caller back to obtain/verify the location information relayed by the county 9-1-1 Telecommunicator. The intent is to have all 9-1-1 calls originating within the New Mexico Navajo Nation boundaries to route directly to the Shiprock PSAP. Immediate improvement in gathering location data from the 9-1-1 caller will be realized as the Navajo 91-1 Telecommunicators are more familiar with the geographic area and roads within the Navajo Nation. The PSAP will be equipped with the ability to make a Selective Router transfer back to the county PSAPs to accommodate misdirected calls. The Committee will develop a plan to begin migration of wireline NPA-NXX’s and wireless routing (by tower) to accommodate this direct 9-1-1 routing to Shiprock. This will be a phased approached over six to nine months from the installation of the PSAP 9-1-1 equipment and network in Shiprock. Geospatial ALI Database Currently, limited rural addressing is available within the Navajo Nation. The majority of 9-1-1 calls are delivered to the county PSAP without any caller location information. It is the intent of the Navajo Nation to leverage the investment in GIS projects from Navajo DOT, Navajo Land Management, Navajo Health Services and other agencies to create a geospatial database that will enable location validation for wireline callers. This is a work in progress and will continue to improve in the future. Target date for the first version of this database is by End of Year 2014. Note: Even in this first version of the local database, the 9-1-1 caller location information will be at minimal the same as being provided by the county PSAPs today. It is anticipated that an immediate improvement in 9-1-1 caller location information will be realized. The database will be managed by the NDPS GIS specialist who will be responsible for all validation, verification and modification of GIS database data. Radio Dispatch Interoperability The NDPS Radio system services all of the Navajo Nation. Prior to consolidation of PSAPs into the Shiprock PSAP, radio system will be tested and validated to ensure that all applicable agencies are reachable from the radio dispatch consoles within the Shiprock PSAP. Standard Operating Procedures Shirley Sanisya is leading the effort to create standard operating procedures for PSAP operations based on the NENA guidelines. The SOPs will be reviewed and approved by the 9-1-1 Committee. The target date for delivery of the approved SOP’s is End of Year 2014. SOPs will be developed for the following NENA Guidelines: PSAP Operations SOP’s – 56-001 through 56-007 and 56-501 through 56-509 The dates stated in the above section are dependent on procurement and delivery of 9-1-1 system and network. Future phases will also include the migration of Arizona & Utah 9-1-1 calls to the identified Primay and Secondary/Backup PSAPs. 9 - Emergency Calls Received from Outside the Navajo Jurisdiction If an emergency 9-1-1 call is determined to be outside the Navajo Nation jurisdiction, the call-taker obtains the necessary information and either transfers the call to the appropriate agency, or relays the necessary information. The call-taker never assumes the caller can re-dial another number. Transfers to the appropriate PSAP will be made via a Selective Router transfer providing the receiving PSAP the ability to query for caller location based on the 9-1-1 system capabilities of the receiving PSAP. 9.A. New Mexico Shiprock District Emergency calls received in the Shiprock Police District are dispatched to Shiprock Police Officers, Fire Department, and EMS. The Shiprock Police District forwards 9-1-1 calls to the San Juan County (NM) Sheriff, and the Window Rock, Crownpoint, Chinle and Kayenta Police Districts. The Shiprock Police District receives forwarded 9-1-1 calls from the following agencies: San Juan County (NM) Sheriff, San Juan County (UT) Sheriff, Cortez County (CO) Sheriff, Gallup Metro, and the Chinle, Kayenta, and Tuba City Police Districts. In addition, emergency calls are received from NTUA, Navajo Resource Enforcement, and Emergency Medical Services. The Shiprock Police District serves Newcomb, Sheepsprings, Two Grey Hills, Tocito, Sanostee, Red Valley, Naschitti, Cove, Oak Springs, Teec Nos Pos, Aneth, Red Mesa, Montezuma Creek, Mexican Water, Beclabito, Tse Nez Iah, Rock Point, Burnham, Upper Fruitland, Nenahnezad, Immanuel Mission, and Sweetwater. Fire calls are dispatched to San Juan Fire Departments including the following fire districts: District 11(Dzilth-Na-O-Dithle); Provides fire and EMS services to the citizens of San Juan County from CR 7010 south to the county line. Includes Navajo Nation on US550 between Albuquerque and Bloomfield District 12 (Shiprock) - Serves San Juan County citizens along Hwy 491 from south of Shiprock to the Colorado State line and along Hwy 64 from Hogback to the Arizona State line. District 12 provides mutual aid support to District 1, 13, & 14 as well as to several BIA agencies in the area. District 13 (Newcomb) serves San Juan County citizens along Hwy 491 to the County line and throughout the Chuska Mountains to the Arizona State line. Serves Navajo Nation from Hwy 491 mile post 42 to Gallup. District provides mutual aid support to District 12 and several BIA agencies in the area. District 14 – (Ojo Amarillo) serves San Juan County citizens south of Farmington on NM371 to the County line, south of the San Juan River on Navajo Route 36, and most of NAPI south of CR 7010. District 14 provides mutual aid support to District 1, 4, 9, 11, 12, & 13. EMS calls are dispatched to San Juan County. Area includes Tohachee, San Juan and over to the Colorado state line. Description of Shiprock boundaries are as follows: East 64 mile post 31 (hogback); North to 491 to mile post 103 (stateline Colorado & new Mexico); Colorado 41 to Hatch, UT; Toward Red Mesa, AZ to Mexican Water – Hwy 441mile post 160; East side of HWY 191, Sweetwater area to east of 160 to Shiprock(AZ/NM); South 491 to mile post 35. Route 5 Burnham (share with crownpointe); State route 371 (Naqi farms area); Milepost 27 on Navajo route 36 to county road 6100. Share bridge. Route 13 to milepost 7; Route 134 milepost 10. Crownpoint District Emergency calls received in the Crownpoint Police District are dispatched to Crownpoint Police Officers, Fire Department, and EMS. The Crownpoint Police District forwards 9-1-1 calls to the following agencies: Gallup Metro, San Juan County (NM) Sheriff, Sandoval County Sheriff, Cibola County Sheriff, McKinley and Bernalillo County Sheriff. The Crownpoint Police District receives emergency calls for and directs those calls back to the Shiprock and Window Rock Police Districts. The Crownpoint Police District serves White Rock, Lake Valley, Chaco Canyon, Nageezi, Counselor, Pueblo Pintado, Ojo Encino, Fence Lake, Whitehorse, Borrego Pass, Casamero Lake, Prewitt, Thoreau, Smith Lake, Mariano Lake, Standing Rock, Coyote Canyon, Tohatchi, Mexican Springs, Twin Lakes, Tolakai, Gamerco, Church Rock, Iyanbito, and Vanderwagon. Fire services are provided by McKinley County Fire Department. Navajo dispatchers call McKinley Fire Department dispatch via telephone call to request dispatch. EMS is dispatched to Navajo Nation EMS agencies to Crownpoint, Torren, Canoncito & tohatchi. Description of Crownpoint boundaries are as follows: Zuni Reservation line state route 602 mile 9 to mile 28 – Gallup city limit; US491 north of Gallup city limit to mile 35; Anything east 371 to mile post 102 (outskirts to Farmington) I40 into haystack North to Whitehorse state route 509 to mile post 7 up to mile post 35 – this is the junction that turns back into route 9 tne northeast to Torren, NM back to Eojo Encino to Lybrook – Counsler to Mount Nagezzi to Nloomfield new mexico. 264 (windowrock) to milepost 10 to milepost 15; State road 564 Also has Alamo and Canoncito (tahaleiga). City of Thoroeau is split between Mckinnley & Crownpoint. 9.B. Arizona Windowrock District Emergency calls received in the Window Rock Police District are dispatched to Window Rock Police Officers, Fire Department, and EMS. The Window Rock Police District receives forwarded 9-1-1 calls from Gallup Metro, Tse Bonito, Manuelito, Tse Yah Toh, New Mexico; Apache County for Navajo, Sanders, Lupton, Wide Ruins, Klagetoh area, Ganado Fire Department for Wide Ruins, Klagetoh, Steamboat, Nazlini; Ganado Sage Memorial for Klagetoh, Steamboat, Nazlini. Window Rock also receives forwarded emergency calls from Navajo Nation Resource Enforcement, Navajo Nation Fish & Wildlife, NTUA, BIA Roads, Navajo Nation Fire Department, Sanders Fire Department, Fort Defiance EMS, Animal Control, Albuquerque Police Department, Gallup NMSP, the San Juan County Sheriff, Arizona DPS; New Mexico DPS and the Dilkon, Shiprock, Chinle and Crownpoint Police Districts. Fire calls are dispatched to Navajo Nation Fire & Navajo Pine(McKinnley agency – located in windowrock area), and Puerco Valley Fire (Includes EMS – but no transport) EMS calls are dispatched to Ft Defiance EMS(AZ) (Navaja Nation) & Action Medical Service (AZ), Puerco Valley EMS Description of Windowrock boundaries are as follows: AZ – North of crystal NM, East of route 134 mile post 10 (crystal NM), West 264 milepost 418. South I40 on 491 – Zuni border (Witch Wells area – south of Sanders) Chinle District Emergency calls received in the Chinle Police District are dispatched to Chinle Police Officers, Fire Department, and EMS. The Chinle Police District forwards 9-1-1 calls to the Dine College Police Department, Tsaile AZ, Hopi Police Department, US School Security(traffic control or incidents in school) and the Shiprock, Dilkon and Kayenta Police Districts. The Chinle Police District receives forwarded 9-1-1 calls from the Dine College Police Department, Tsaile AZ, Hopi Police Department, Apachee County Sheriff, AZ DPS, Park Service and the Window Rock, Shiprock, and Kayenta Police Districts. The Chinle Police District serves Rock Point, Round Rock, Lukachukai, Tsaile, Wheatfields, Del Muerto, Nazlini, Many Farms, Rough Rock, Blue Gap, Kitsillie, Forest Lake, Smoke Signal, Low Mountain, Pinon, White Valley, Hard Rock, Tselani, Rocky Ridge, Dinnebito, Cottonwood and Black Mesa. Fire calls are dispatched to Navajo Nation Fire, MOUs with School Fire Dept(responed within a 15 mile area): Rockspoint, Pinnon School, Lukachukai(tsaile); RoughRock, Mini Farms community schools, EMS – 2 stations for EMS” Chinle (60 %) & Pinnon (western 40%). Agencies include Eagle Air transport, Gallup Medflight, Life, Description of Chinle boundaries are as follows: Kayenta District Emergency calls received in the Kayenta Police District are dispatched to Kayenta Police Officers, Fire Department, and EMS. The Kayenta Police District forwards 9-1-1 calls to the Page Police Department, San Count Juan County (UT) Sheriff, AZ DPS and the Tuba City, Shiprock, Window Rock and Chinle Police Districts. The Kayenta Police District receives forwarded 9-1-1 calls from San Juan County (UT) Sheriff, Apache County Sheriff, Page Police Department and the Tuba City, Shiprock, Chinle and Window Rock Police Districts. Fire is dispatched to Monument Valley Fire and Keyenta Fire volunteer agencies. EMS is dispatched to Navajo Nation, Inscription House-NN; Sacred Mountain(private), and San Juan, UT(volunteer). Description of Keyenta boundaries are as follows: East of Mexican Water west on Hwy 160 mile post 444 to west of red mesa; 191 north to San Juan river (AZ/UT) 191 south to rock point mile post 501 anything west; Navajo Route 59 mile 20; 163 north to San Juan river – Mexican Hat; Navajo 41 mile post 12; 160 west mile post 350; State Route 98 to mile post 340; Navajo 16 to Navajo Mountain; Dilkon District Emergency calls received in the Dilkon Police District are dispatched to Dilkon Police Officers (includes officers at the Twin Arrows Casino), Hopi Police Officers, and Hopi Resource Enforcement Officers. The Dilkon Police District receives forwarded 9-1-1 calls from the Apache County Sheriff, Navajo County Sheriff, Coconino County Sheriff, Ganado Fire & Rescue, and the Tuba City and Window Rock Police Districts. The Dilkon Police District serves Jeddito, Steamboat, Whitecone, Greasewood Springs, Bitdahochee, Indian Wells, Teesto, Seba Dalkai, Birdsprings, Tolani Lake, Grand Falls and Luepp. Fire is dispatched to Navajo nation, Luepp Fire-NN; Ganado FireNN, Dilkon School Service(only school events – may go out as far as 10 miles from school) and Fire dept at Twin Arrows Casino. EMS – Navajo Co EMS, Coconi CO & Apachee County EMS, and Action Medical-private EMS Description of Dilkon boundaries are as follows: East from Route 15 mile post 90 to west side County Road 505 to Coconina County - Leuppe. South on Route 6 to Holbrook milepost 0; north Route 6 to Jeddito (hopi area); Hopi, Chinle & Dilkon share Jeddito. Mostly response by Hopi or ChinLe. SR 87 south up to mile post 361 –Dilkon, North SR 87 up to mile post 386 up to Seba; Route 2-South up mile post 75 Leuppe – North to Tolani Lake up most post 22. Tuba City District Emergency calls received in the Tuba City Police District are dispatched to Tuba City Police Officers, Fire Department, and EMS. The Tuba City Police District forwards 9-1-1 calls to the Hopi Police Department, and the Dilkon and Kayenta Police Districts. The Tuba City Police District receives forwarded 9-1-1 calls from Coconino County Sheriff, Kanab County Sheriff, Grand Canyon Park Rangers, and Flagstaff. The Tuba City Police District serves LeChee, Kaibeto, Coppermine, Tonalea, Bodaway, Cameron, and Coalmine. Fire – Navajo, Northern area toward Paige City – will go to city limits. If no Navajo resources available or commute is too long – Paige City will respond EMS – Navajo EMS, Sacred Mountain EMS (private) and Inscription House EMS. Air EMS dispatch is to Classic(located in Paige) and Guardian Air Description of Tuba City boundaries are as follows: SR 98 (Paige to Kiabeto) mile post 300 to 352; East of Inscription House, Indian route 21; south to Tonalea US 160 mile post 350 to300, between 320 south, SR 364 - 300-333(not covered); 333-340 – Coalmine area is covered, East Hwy 89 Gray Mountain mile post 458 north bitter springs to south of Marble Canyon -mile post 540. Area form State Road 64 toward grand canyon – milepost 226 to 276. Road 8019 mile post 1 to 42. 10 Description of 9-1-1 System Routing and Switching Configuration 10.A. New Mexico 10.A.1 Navajo Communications Company (NCC) Navajo Communications Company (NCC) is operated by Frontier Communications and has twelve (12) central offices located in New Mexico. All central offices connect directly to their St. Michaels, AZ switch, which is a DMS 100/200. The NCC telephone prefixes only serve the Navajo Nation, there is no overlap into the county areas. Two (2) dedicated ES trunks will be installed from each NCC New Mexico central office to the St. Michaels switch to handle outbound 9-1-1 traffic. From the St. Michaels switch, the 9-1-1 traffic, most will be switched and routed directly to a Navajo Nation PSAP. If 9-1-1 traffic needs to be selectively routed, it will be routed through the Frontier Communications Show Low, AZ selective router. All components of the network will be designed and monitored to maintain a P.01 grade of service. Figure 1 - NCC Current 9-1-1 Routing 10.A.2. Sacred Wind Communications (SWC) Sacred Wind Communications (SWC) provides landline service around the border areas (formerly Qwest franchise territory) of the Navajo Nation to approximately three (3) exchanges, served by eight (2) central offices. Yatahey & Bloomfield. Each central office will have two (2) new dedicated ES trunks installed to route the SWC 9-1-1 outbound traffic to either their Yah Te Hey, NM or Bloomfield, NM switch. SWC switches all their 9-1-1 traffic and sends it to the Qwest Albuquerque East or Las Cruces Main Tandems. Qwest provides selective routing of all the SWC 9-1-1 traffic. The SWC NENA ID is “SWC.” All components of the network were designed and being monitored to maintain a P.01 grade of service. In SWC southern area, there are interoffice 911 trunks from Sacred Wind’s Yatahey CO to CenturyLink’s Gallup Main CO. CenturyLink then provisions 911 trunks from the Gallup Main CO to the McKinley County PSAP. In SWC northern area, there are interoffice trunks from Sacred Wind’s Bloomfield CO to CenturyLink’s Farmington Main CO. CenturyLink then provisions 911 trunks from the Farmington Main CO to the San Juan County PSAP. For customers not residing in the Navajo Nation, SWC would need to continue the existing routing. For customers located within the Navajo Nation, SWC would need to obtain interoffice 911 trunks from Sacred Wind’s Yatahey CO to Frontier’s St. Michaels CO and from Sacred Wind’s Bloomfield CO to Frontier’s St. Michaels CO, Frontier would then provision 911 trunks to the Shiprock PSAP. Sacred Wind would need to initiate some internal programming changes in order to separate the routing for Navajo Nation customers from non-Navajo Nation customers. Figure 2 SWC Current 9-1-1 Routing 10.A.3. CenturyLink Communications CenturyLink Communications provides landline service to three (3) exchanges, which serves parts of the Ramah Chapter area in Cibola and McKinley Counties, and several chapters in McKinley County. CenturyLink already has two (2) dedicated ES trunks operational from each central office. All CenturyLink central offices route outbound 9-1-1 traffic to their switch in Zuni, NM, which is a DMS10. From the Zuni switch, the CenturyLink 9-1-1 traffic is already being routed to the CenturyLink Albuquerque East and Las Cruces Main Tandems. All components of the network were designed and are being monitored to maintain a P.01 grade of service. Figure 3 CenturyLink Current 9-1-1 Routing 10.A.4. Windstream Communications Windstream Communications provides landline service to two (2) exchanges, which serves parts of the Counselor Chapter in western Sandoval County. Windstream already has existing ES trunks installed from their Cuba central office, which includes service for the Lybrook remote. The Windstream central office routes outbound 9-1-1 traffic to their Cuba switch, which is a EWSD. From the Cuba EWSD switch, the 9-1-1 traffic is already being routed to the Qwest Communications Albuquerque East Tandem as primary and the Las Cruces Main Tandem as secondary. All components of the network were designed and are being monitored to maintain a P.01 grade of service. Figure 4 Windstream Current 9-1-1 Routing 10.A.5. Western New Mexico Telephone Western New Mexico Telephone Company provides landline service to one (1) exchange, which covers the entire Alamo Chapter. The switch that serves the Alamo Remote is in Magdalena, NM, the CLLI code is "MGDNNMXCDS0." The switch type is a CopperCom softswitch. The Magdalena central office has two (2) existing dedicated outbound ES trunks that go to theCenturyLink Albuquerque East Tandem. All components of the network were designed and are being monitored to maintain a P.01 grade of service. Figure 5 Western New Mexico Communications Company Current 9-1-1 Routing 10.A.6 New 9-1-1 Routing for Navajo Nation in New Mexico As the 9-1-1 System Service Provider for the state of New Mexico, CenturyLink Telecommunications Company currently receives/will receive all 9-1-1 traffic from these carriers, except NCC and Sacred Wind. The CenturyLink 9-1-1 infrastructure provides selective routing of the 9-1-1 calls to the appropriate PSAP over dedicated inbound EM trunks from their selective routers. All NCC telephone prefixes are totally contained within the Navajo Nation. Therefore, NCC will route all their 9-1-1 traffic directly to an enhanced Navajo Nation Shiprock PSAP in the future. In conjunction with the new 9-1-1 system installation at the Shiprock Navajo Nation PSAP, new 9-1-1 trunks will need to be installed prior to any 9-1-1 routing changes. Following are the required 9-1-1 trunk installations that will be required: 2 EM trunks from each of the 12 NCC central offices to the NCC St. Michaels CO An engineered number of EM trunks from CenturyLink Tandems in Albuquerque and Las Cruces to NCC to maintain a P.01 grade of service prior to redirecting 9-1-1 calls being routed to CenturyLink for selective routing. An engineered number of 9-1-1 trunks from the St Michaels CO to the Shiprock PSAP All 9-1-1 trunk installations will be engineered to maintain a P.01 grade of service prior. Once the Shiprock PSAP is ready to become operational, traffic will start being redirected from the county PSAPs to the Shiprock PSAP. The NDPS will work closely with NCC and other carriers to create a plan to begin moving 9-1-1 traffic. When the enhanced 9-1-1 Shiprock, NM PSAP becomes operational, it will have the engineered number (P.01 grade of service) of inbound EM trunks to handle the voice portion of enhanced 9-1-1 calls and connectivity to the NDPS ALI database to handle the data portion associated with each call. There is currently a project to evaluate the existing GIS data sources from various Navajo and private sources to accommodate areas that do not have available rural addressing. The intent is to combine the data into a comprehensive geospatial 9-1-1 database for landline calls. A public awareness and educational campaign is planned to coincide with the new 9-1-1 routing changes. Currently, many Navajo Nation residents dial the 7-digit number to the PSAP. Public education is critical to ensure residents are informed of the new 9-1-1 capabilities and to only utilize 9-1-1 for emergency calls only. Figure 6 Navajo New Mexico - Proposed 9-1-1 Routing 11. Access Line Report, by Telephone Company and Exchange 11.A. New Mexico 11.A.1. Navajo Communications Company (NCC) NPA-NXX Community Residential Business 505-368 Shiprock 1559 1,229 505-786 Crownpoint 1358 893 505-777 Navajo 503 107 505-733 Tohatchi 345 204 505-371 Tse Bonito 267 237 505-735 Twin Lakes 404 78 505-732 Naschitti 248 45 505-731 Torreon 225 54 505-696 Newcomb 154 63 505-655 Pueblo Pintado 71 77 505-789 Toadlena 66 31 505-723 Sanostee 46 26 Total 5,246 3,044 11.A.2 Sacred Wind Communications (SWC) NPA-NXX Community Residential Business 505-905 Yah Ta Hey 505-908 Yah Ta Hey 505-960 Bloomfield TOTAL 2851 565 11.A.3 CenturyLink Communications NPA-NXX Community Residential Business 505-775 Pinehill/Raham 505-778 Vanderwagon 505-788 Fence Lake 11.A.4 WindStream NPA-NXX Community 505(575)-289 Cuba 505(575)-568 Lybrook Residential Business 11.A.5 Western New Mexico Telecommunications (WNMT) NPA-NXX Community Residential Business 575-854 Magdelena Total 2,788 2,251 610 549 504 482 293 279 217 148 97 72 8,290 Total 3416 Total 600 78 Total 1080 90 Total 754 12. Description of Network Access Services 12.A. New Mexico 12.A.1. Navajo Communications Company (NCC) SWC/CO Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Crownpoint Naschitti Navajo Navajo Navajo Navajo Navajo Navajo Navajo Navajo Navajo Newcomb Pueblo Pintado Pueblo Pintado Sanostee Shiprock Toadlena Tohatchi Torreon Tse Bonito Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes CLLI CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 CRPNNMXCRS0 NSCHNMXCRL0 NWCMNMXCRL0 NWCMNMXCRL0 NWCMNMXCRL0 NWCMNMXCRL0 NWCMNMXCRL0 NWCMNMXCRL0 NWCMNMXCRL0 NWCMNMXCRL0 NWCMNMXCRL0 NWCMNMXCRL0 PBPONMXCRL0 PBPONMXCRL0 SANSNMXCFL0 SHRKNMXCRS0 TDLNNMXCFL0 THTCNMXCRS0 THTCNMXCRL0 TDLNNMXCRS0 TWLKNMXCRS0 TWLKNMXCRS0 TWLKNMXCRS0 TWLKNMXCRS0 TWLKNMXCRS0 NPA-NXX 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-786 505-732 505-777 505-777 505-777 505-777 505-777 505-777 505-777 505-777 505-777 505-696 505-655 505-655 505-723 505-368 505-789 505-733 505-731 505-371 505-735 505-735 505-735 505-735 505-735 Chapter Becenti Crownpoint Littlewater Standing Rock Smith Lake Mariano Lake Pinedale Nahodishgish Casamero Lake Baca/Haystack Nageezi Lake Valley White Rock Burnham Naschitti Sheepsprings Tsalie/Wheatfields Crystal Mexican Springs Mexican Springs Red Lake Fort Defiance Twin Lakes Tsayatoh Rock Springs Pueblo Pintado Whitehorse Lake Sanostee Shiprock TwoGreyHills Tohatchi Star Lake Tse Bonito Mexican Springs Twin Lakes Nahodishgish Standing Rock Coyote Canyon County McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley San Juan San Juan San Juan San Juan San Juan San Juan San Juan San Juan San Juan McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley McKinley Current PSAP McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO Shiprock-NN McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO Shiprock-NN McKinley CO McKinley CO Shiprock-NN Shiprock-NN Shiprock-NN Shiprock-NN McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO 12.A.2 Sacred Wind Communications (SWC) SWC/CO Yatahey Yatahey Yatahey Bloomfield CLLI YTHYNMABDS1 YTHYNMABDS1 YTHYNMABDS1 BLFDNMBJDS0 NPA-NXX 505-905 505-972 505-908 505-960 Chapter County San Juan San Juan San Juan McKinley Current PSAP Crownpoint-NN Crownpoint-NN Crownpoint-NN Shiprock-NN 12.A.3 CenturyLink Communications SWC/CO Pinehill/Ramah CLLI PNHLNMXCRS1 NPA-NXX 505-775 Chapter Ramah County Cibola Vanderwagon Vanderwagon Vanderwagon Fence Lake VNWGNMXCRS1 VNWGNMXCRS1 VNWGNMXCRS1 FNLKNMXCRS1 505-778 505-778 505-778 505-788 Breadsprings Chichiltah Red Rock Ramah McKinley McKinley McKinley Cibola Current PSAP Split McKinley & Cibola CO’s McKinley CO McKinley CO McKinley CO Cibola CO NPA-NXX 575-568 575-568 575-289 Chapter Counselor Nageezi Counselor County Sandoval RIO Arriba Sandoval Current PSAP Sandoval CO Rio Arriba CO Sandoval CO County Socorro Current PSAP Socorro CO 12.A.4 WindStream SWC/CO Lybrook Lybrook Cuba CLLI LYBKNMXCRS1 LYBKNMXCRS1 CUBANMXCDS0 12.A.5 Western New Mexico Telecommunications (WNMT) SWC/CO Magdelena CLLI MGDNNMXCDS0 NPA-NXX 505-854 Chapter Alamo 13 Network Exchange Services Estimated installation (Non-Recurring Charges-NRC) and monthly (Monthly Recurring Charges-MRC) 13.A. New Mexico 13.A.1 Navajo Communications Company (NCC) Description QTY Each 2 ES trunks from 12 NCC central 24 150.00 offices to the NCC St. Michaels CO 2 T1’s from St Michaels CO to 6 ? Shiprock PSAP – ? # of 9-1-1 trunks 13.A.2 CenturyLink Communications Description QTY ES trunks from Albuquerque Tandem ? to Shiprock PSAP ES trunks from Las CrusesTandem to ? Shiprock PSAP MRC 3600.00 NRC 7,200.00 ? ? Each ? MRC ? NRC ? ? ? ? Selective Router Fees 13.A.3 Sacred Winds Communications(SWC) Description QTY ES trunks from Yatahey CO to NCC ? St. Michaels CO ES trunks from Bloomfield CO to CO ? Albuquerque Tandem Each ? MRC ? NRC ? ? ? ? Appendix A A1 – Maps of Telephone Exchanges Navajo Communications Company (NCC) – New Mexico Sacred Wind Communications (SWC) – New Mexico A2 – Maps of PSAP Locations A3 – Maps of Emergency Responder Agencies 1. Law Enforcement/Police District Map (See map in A2 above) 2. Fire Districts San Juan County, NM – Fire Departments No map available District 11, Dzilth-Na-O-Dithle is located 45 miles south of Bloomfield, New Mexico on US Hwy 550. District 11 was established in 1992 with the fire station being constructed near the Dzilth-Na-O-Dithle Mesa which means "the mountain that turns around" in Navajo. District 11 covers an area of 951 square miles with four pieces of apparatus and approximately 20 volunteer firefighters out of one station. Due to location, they have also placed one truck for quick response in the Nageezi housing area. District 11 provides fire and EMS services to the citizens of San Juan County from CR 7010 south to the county line. District 12, Shiprock is located 30 miles west of Farmington, NM on US Hwy 64. District 12 was established in 1992 when the County Commission voted to include the Volunteer Fire Department within the County increasing their finding and equipment. District 12 lies on the Navajo Indian Reservation. District 12 covers an area of 982 square miles with four pieces of apparatus and approximately 30 volunteer firefighters out of one station. District 12 serves San Juan County citizens along Hwy 491 from south of Shiprock to the Colorado State line and along Hwy 64 from Hogback to the Arizona State line. District 12 provides mutual aid support to District 1, 13, & 14 as well as to several BIA agencies in the area. District 13, Newcomb is located 62 miles southwest of Farmington, NM on US Hwy 491. District 13 was established in 1996 and lies on the Navajo Indian Reservation. District 13 covers an area of 1442 square miles with four pieces of apparatus and approximately 22 volunteer firefighters out of one station. District 13 serves San Juan County citizens along Hwy 491 to the County line and throughout the Chuska Mountains to the Arizona State line. District 14, Ojo Amarillo is located 8 miles south of Farmington, NM behind the NAPI Headquarters. District 14 is our newest district starting March 28, 2006. District 14 covers an area of 776 square miles with three pieces of appratus and approximately 20 volunteer firefighters out of one station. The station is located right in the heart of NAPI, one of the biggest agricultural projects in the nation. District 14 serves San Juan County citizens south of Farmington on NM371 to the County line, south of the San Juan River on Navajo Route 36, and most of NAPI south of CR 7010. District 14 provides mutual aid support to District 1, 4, 9, 11, 12, & 13. McKinley County – Fire Departments 3. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Shiprock The Department of Emergency Medical Services- Shiprock Field Office is located in the community of Shiprock, NM. Shiprock is approximately 30 miles southeast of the Four Corners Monument, USA, the only place in the United States where the four states meet on the Navajo Nation. The Shiprock Field Office operates two ambulances with a crew of two EMT's on duty or on call at all times. The ambulance is dispatched either by the Navajo Department of Law Enforcement- Shiprock or directly from the patient or family members. Most of our patients are transported to the Northern Navajo Medical Center. Crownpoint Department of Emergency Medical Services Crownpoint Field Office is located in Northwestern New Mexico in McKinley County 65 miles Northwest of Gallup and 80 miles South of Farmington, New Mexico on New Mexico State Highway 371. The Crownpoint EMS Field Office covers a large portion of the Navajo Reservation. The boundary is primarily populated by Navajos and is known as the checkerboard area, this is due to the fact that jurisdiction over these lands is a mix of tribal, federal, state, county, and private lands. Our Field Office provides EMS service to the surrounding communities North to Bisti, East to the far Eastern portions of the Navajo Reservation to Whitehorse Lake, Pueblo Pintado, Torreon and Ojo Encino and South to Smith Lake, Mariano Lake and West to Standing Rock. The Crownpoint Field Office is staffed with six EMT Basics and one EMT Intermediate and two wellstocked ambulance units that are equipped with pre-hospital medical supplies and equipment. Appendix B: 9-1-1 System Plan Shiprock Phase One 9-1-1 Deployment (Summary) Wireline 9-1-1 Services 1) The immediate intent is to deploy an IP based/i3 ready 9-1-1 call taking system with mapped ALI capabilities. The target schedule is to issue an RFP in October and have the system deployed by the end of 2014. Below is an overview diagram of the required functionality. Figure 7 Shiprock PSAP Overview Design 2) Develop GIS database. Leverage the investment in GIS projects from Navajo DOT, Navajo Land Management, Navajo Health Services and other agencies to create a geospatial database that will enable location validation for wireline callers. This is a work in progress and will continue to improve in the future. Target date for the first version of this database is by End of Year 2014. Note: Even in this first version of the local database, the 9-1-1 caller location information will be at minimal the same as being provided by the county PSAPs today. It is anticipated that an immediate improvement in 9-1-1 caller location information will be realized. The database will be managed by the NDPS GIS specialist who will be responsible for all validation, verification and modification of GIS database data. 3) Pilot system with one NPA-NXX. Once the system is in place, we will work with NCC to change routing on one specific NPA-NXX (or subset of exchange) to test the system and database access. 4) Begin migration of all New Mexico NPA-NXX on a controlled environment. Wireless 9-1-1 Services 1)Wireless evaluation. Most of the Navajo Nation today is wireless Phase 0. We are currently working with CellularOne and NTUA Wireless to determine the capabilities and costs to provide Wireless Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 on the Navajo Nation. Funding is a great concern. 2)In conjunction with wireline project deployment, it is our intent to work with the wireless carriers to begin routing wireless 9-1-1 calls originating within Navajo Nation boundaries to the Shiprock PSAP 3)Once information has been received, the necessary circuits and agreements will be put in place to begin receiving wireless location data for wireless 9-1-1 callers PSAP Operations 1) Develop, document and approve standard operating procedures for the Navajo PSAP. 2) Develop, document and plan for required 9-1-1 Telecommunicator training and certification. 3) Formalize and document MOU’s with mutual aid agencies. Phase Two 9-1-1 Deployment (Summary) 1) Repeat the process in Phase One for the Navajo Nation areas in Arizona and Utah. 2) Determine alternate/backup PSAP location and expand 9-1-1 system. 3) Transition NPA-NXX’s from Arizona and Utah to the Navajo 9-1-1 PSAP. Phase Three 9-1-1 Deployment (Summary) 1) Participate in local, state and national 9-1-1 events to ensure the Navajo Nation 9-1-1 roadmap follows recommended NENA, APCO and FCC guidelines. Phase Four 9-1-1 Deployment (Summary) 1) As New Mexico, Arizona and Utah begin to deploy Next Generation 9-1-1 and implement Emergency Services IP Networks (EsiNETs), the Navajo Nation will work closely with the states to expand these services to the Navajo Nation. Figure 8 - Navajo Nation - 9-1-1 Future Appendix C – Navajo Nation 9-1-1 Committee Plan Overview Navajo Nation: 9-1-1 Program Overview Current Environment There are currently 7 locations within the Navajo Nation (NN) that are responsible for answering 9-1-1 calls. Currently, 9-1-1 calls originating on the NN are first routed to county Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) then either (1) transferred to one of the 7 NN centers or (2) the county 9-1-1 Dispatcher calls the center and relays the information to a NN resource. This causes delay in receiving the call and responding to the incident. Existing 9-1-1 Routing The table below provides a summary of the increase functionality and improved 9-1-1 services that will be gained by moving forward with a 9-1-1 Program: Proposed 9-1-1 Routing – Phase 1 9-1-1 Plan Overview In order to be recognized as a Public Safety Answering Position (PSAP) to enable direct 9-1-1 routing of calls originating within the Navajo Nation directly to a NN PSAP, a 9-1-1 Service Plan must be submitted and approved by each state involved, which includes New Mexico, Arizona & Utah. Critical Steps to complete 9-1-1 Service Plan Documentation providing justification that Navajo Nation meets minimum requirements to perform all functions of a PSAP 9-1-1 Network capable of routing Wireline, Wireless & VoIP calls to PSAP Answer 9-1-1 Calls Ability to identify caller number & location (ANI/ALI) for all call types Provide 9-1-1 call-taking equipment to effectively process calls Meet minimum requirements mandated by the state Provide a 9-1-1 redundancy plan to guard against equipment failure & building outage Provide trained 9-1-1 Call Takers & Dispatchers Equip the PSAP with new 9-1-1 System Existing System Analog Centrex lines at each PSAP connected to telephone at each position Function as administrative lines – not 9-1-1 lines Manual call log, cad entry & no caller ANI/ALI Limited rural addressing Proposed System i3 & SIP Enabled Solution Leverage Navajo GIS initiatives to create a geospatial database to overcome lack of rural addressing (landline) Implement wireless ALI query Automate call tracking, call mapping & CAD spill 9-1-1 Routing Changes Consult with carriers for required 9-1-1 network changes Detail current routing for 9-1-1 calls originating on the Nation Evaluate 9-1-1 trunking capabilities available for 9-1-1 call delivery at PSAP Identify if any NPA/NXX conflicts (shared between Nation & County) Evaluate ability identify wireless calls originating within the Nation Work with all carriers to route 9-1-1 calls directly to Navajo PSAP Shiprock, NM will be Main Navajo PSAP Create plan to migrate Create/Update SOP for misrouted calls Transfer from Navajo to County Transfer from County to Navajo Consolidation of PSAPs Consolidation of PSAPs from 7 to 1 Current centers typically have only 1 or 2 call takers per shift Efficiencies in resource utilization - shared resources to handle any call Improved call answer times Deliver consistency of 9-1-1 services Increase training and coaching opportunities Dispatch Consolidation Goal is to consolidate dispatch function at the PSAP Integration of radio across the nation required PSAP Back-up Options Redundancy in trunking & system components Potential back-up site at Window Rock or Chinle MOU with County PSAPs Initial 9-1-1 Program Goals & Deliverables 45 days: 1. Complete initial 9-1-1 Service Plan & Submit to state on Sept 21 2. Evaluate existing and recommend new 9-1-1 technology @ Shiprock 3. Identify GIS data sources to be utilized for ALI capabilities 90 Days: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Install initial 9-1-1 call taking system in Shiprock for proof of concept Install 9-1-1 capable trunk & ALI Service Work with Cellular One and/or Frontier to provide routing of single number to Shiprock PSAP Approved 9-1-1 Service Plan Determine qualification for 9-1-1 Service Fund distribution from AZ, NM, & UT Determine costs for Wireless Phase 1-2 rollout Determine costs for ALI circuits (wireless via Intrado) Continued modification Service Plan Future Phases: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Consolidation of PSAPs Network Routing Expansion of PSAP Technology Call-Taker Training GIS Database development & maintenance Wireless deployments/modifications Redundancy of PSAP (backup center)