HIN-GEES - Supermaxx
HIN-GEES - Supermaxx
HIN-GEES Holistically Sustainable Annutriculture Solutions Introduces the Sustainable Production Planners Answer for Profitably Farming Animals in this Century and Beyond NATURAL WATER & POWDER ANIMAL SUPPLEMENTS x x a m r e p u S OUR MISSION To promote the effective utilisation of sustainable systems and products for the advancement of humanity without polluting the environment or poisoning the long term supply chains. WHAT WE VALUE Respect and cooperation We respect the unique qualities of each individual, family and community and actively encourage partnerships and positive engagement to truly improve the quality of life for all concerned. Responsibility to humanity All our actions are underpinned by our conscious and moral commitment to equity and sustainability and as part of that societal responsibility; we will promote access to our services across all population groups, to ensure those affected by a real lack of opportunity benefit equally. Quality in our work We strive for levels of excellence that meet and exceed community expectations and hold ourselves accountable to the highest standard of consciousness, moral and ethical practices. Our commitment to our clients Achieving ecological balance is paramount in the planning, administration and delivery of services to our clients to ensure that our entrusted resources are directed towards meeting individual and community needs in the most effective and rewarding way. CONTENTS 3 Agriculture … ‘The way it is’ 3 Production Planning - The Farmers Alternative 4 Production Planning - With Annutriculture 5Annutriculture 2 5 Understanding Digestion 6 The Humble - Critically Important - Livestock - Bio-Dung 10 The Relationship of Energy & Protein 11 Continuity & Consistency 12 Financial Gains 12 Protein Production 13 The Ratio of Nitrogen to Carbohydrates & its effect on the final product 13 Available feed source compromise 14 Amino Acid distributions through blood flow. 15 Annutriculture - the Production Planners Answer to Farming Animals in the 21st Century & Beyond 16 Maximise the Benefits 16 Farm Feed Economics Back Customer Enquiries AGRICULTURE The past has successfully achieved an agricultural industry that is dependent on chemicals, drugs, insecticides and weedicide. A farming and livestock production industry that for most is no longer offers a fair return on investment. No longer the major employer or contributor it once was. In man’s quest for supremacy most now eat genetically modified plants and grains that are modified to survive the array of chemicals, drugs, insecticides and weedicide required to control diseases, functional illnesses and pest that are continually building up a resistance to the chemicals being used to make the drugs, insecticides and weedicide. We now face Carbon taxes for what is claimed to be the oversupply of the carbon we produce – yet we need more carbonates (www.Super-Maxxonline.com/simplifiedbenefits) for all creatures large and small to have life and to have it abundantly. While not a word is spoken about the massive improvement we can make for all life forms by reducing the quantity of ammonia/methane gas both animals and humans produce due to their specific DNA mineral need not being met - daily. Both simply survive by drawing from their Calcium Ion reserves – namely bones, teeth nervous system, blood and hair. PRODUCTION PLANNING THE FARMERS ALTERNATIVE In order to farm animals for a satisfactory financial return in this 21st century & beyond, farmers need to restructure their ideas on the type of product they produce and clearly focus on the demands of the market they hope to supply. The sheer quantity of poor quality produce that is now available partly caused by the lifting of many world trade restrictions and partly by a need to produce more at the expense of quality; coupled with a more discerning, environmentally and diet conscious population is having a significant impact on the marketing structure for most farm produce. Worldwide and instantaneous communications have resulted in a precise knowledge of the quantity and price of most commodities and world buyers now have the advantage of selecting their requirements on terms precisely tailored to their advantage. Successful primary producers of the 21st century & beyond will no longer be oblivious to world trends and will gear themselves towards producing the type and quality of produce there is a ready market for. 3 PRODUCTION PLANNING with ANNUTRICULTURE POSSIBLE AS…livestock producers achieve a greater understanding of the process by which their livestock choose feed to produce food. SUCCESSFUL AS…livestock producers adopt new techniques which allow them to identify and monitor the type of production they are producing on a consistent basis. PROFITABLE AS… livestock producers learn to control production through the efficient and economic use of their water & nutritional resources, by feeding to the varying needs of their livestock. Over recent years the concept of providing the type of diets required in order to produce a specific type of product has become quite well established, particularly in controlled environment situations. Yet controlling diets to produce a specific end product at a specific price will never be entirely successful under normal nutritional practice because: 1 The variations in the quality of any given feed source (e.g. Carbon and Nitrogen content in the feed and/or the water) 2 The variations and fluctuations in an animal’s metabolic requirement from day to day (e.g. climatic conditions). Traditional nutritional practice does not allow for these variations as they take place, but has to wait for them to occur and attempt to correct them at that time. (Such has been the reason for a high dependence on digestive enhancing chemicals, steroids and function illness drugs over recent years). ANNUTRICULTURE removes the dependence on having to make assumptions, by identifying the animal as the key factor in the process and not the feed and the water. By studying the eating habits of any animal by its preferences for a specific selection of free choice mineral mixtures it is now possible to interpret an animal’s pH & Catalyst needs to determine the actual balance of the Nitrogen (Protein) and Carbohydrate (Energy) giving food substances. 4 ANNUTRICULTURE Is therefore the viable alternative to traditional Nutritional theory? Annutriculture… The Art and Science of Maximizing the Economic Utilization of Genetic and Nutritional Resources through the Instinctive Selection of various Supermaxx Catalyst Formulations. NUTRITIONAL theory identifies the value of a feed source prior to its inclusion in a diet. ANNUTRICULTURE studies the effects of various feed sources on the animals. NUTRITIONAL theory assumes a growth/production response, based on the statistical value of a diet. ANNUTRICULTURE promotes a growth/production response through the provision of feed sources, in line with live- stock’s varying metabolic requirement. NUTRITIONAL theory assumes that the quality of a batch of feed is consistent with tests conducted on a small portion of that feed. ANNUTRICULTURE allows for a wide variation in feed and water quality over any given quantity. UNDERSTANDING DIGESTION Today’s sustainable livestock producers have no understanding of the type of product they are producing. Nor will they until they develop a practical understanding (by way of the eyes, ears, tongue, hair, hooves, faeces and urine) of the digestive system of an animal, all identifying the production of animal protein. They will have no impact on this production until they learn how to direct this process. 1 All production relates to this interaction. 2 The rate of protein and energy production is entirely dependent on the efficiency of this cycle. 3 Until they learn to control this cycle efficiently – profitably farming animals will have more to do with luck than good management. 4 Most importantly to be sustainable is the faeces and urine. 5 THE HUMBLE - CRITICALLY IMPORTANT - LIVESTOCK - BIO-DUNG Ecologically; good, clean, high-quality, holistically sustainable Annutriculture Solutions bio- faeces (bio- dung) is great stuff to regenerate and sustain soil health. • When healthy soil is full of life (beetles, larvae, worms, bacteria, fungi), it’s a thing of beauty. Birds love dung. They eat the seeds, bugs, larvae and worms in it, and some of the dung itself. Mice and other rodents tear it apart just like the birds, looking for nutritious morsels. Reptiles stake out hunting territories around it. Reptile herbivores eat the faeces/dung for easy calories and B vitamins. Curlews, Ibis, etc. probe for vermiform and insect lunches under dung with curved bills precisely adapted for that purpose. • The right dung is a fountain of food banquet of delights. It provides moisture, sustenance and shelter for a long list of creatures that support another very long list. Dung supports the soil food web in many ways including; Fungi reach white mycelic tendrils out of the ground to suck enzymedissolved carbohydrates and other goodies into the soil. Dung is nectar; ambrosia to dung beetles that hugely improves soils and do all the work healthy dung beetles do! These beetles have exquisitely sensitive dung detectors. A fresh 7.5 to 8 pH deposit that is required to sustain healthy soil and leaves a spreading plume of delectable odours that the beetles can sense in tiny parts per billion. These sturdy fliers rise into the softly scented air, vectoring on increasing concentration until they arrive (plop!) at the prize. 6 • There are three basic strategies for dung beetles originally adapted to dung droppings. Some species burrow right into the pie and build an elaborate tracery of tunnels. They lay eggs that quickly hatch into some of the larvae so prized as juicy delicacies by carnivorous species. Other dung beetles, sometimes called tumblebugs, grab a chunk which forms into a ball as they roll it away to an excavation where it is sealed in and adorned with eggs. The eggs hatch, feed on the dung, and soon mature to seek a pile of their own. The final strategy is to tunnel into soil under the protective cover of the pie, laying eggs to be nourished by plugs of poop deposited by hardworking parents who loosen, fertilize, and aerate soils in the process, as the tumblebugs do. • The right type of dung speaks volumes about the health of the livestock and to the eventual decline or health of the land. I once counted several species of insects visiting cow faeces in a four- or five-minute period. There were butterflies, wasps, bees, beetles, moths, flies, hornets, dragonflies, ants and a mantis. And if you check underneath and the soils really healthy you see fungus and bacteria taking their bit even before it gets into the soil. This level of activity occurred overnight! • Ecologically, dung is a big deal. It’s also the number one anti-livestock issue. Why do some people hate dung (except the traumatic-botched-potty-training-leading-to-anal-retentive-personalities theory)? Landscapes have for centuries on end received the dung of many species, processed it, and given it back as new life. Dung that disappears into the soil in a day or two when there is sufficient moisture is the right dung. 7 • The sacred Egyptian scarab, a symbol of rebirth, is a dung beetle. • The right dung has little odour. The wrong dung passed from digestively inefficient livestock has many times the odour of Ammonia. • Come on people, lighten up greenies! Dung is an indispensable, integral part of all life when we include dogs, cat, birds, horses, etc. etc. And they all could pass less; smaller, sweeter smelling bio-dung if they were fed the right combination of catalysts and not fed so much N P K based junk food; that celebrities are paid big money to convince them is good for their pets. 8 • Do you know? Every 2.5cms of rain that falls carries sufficient Nitrogen to fertilize one hectare of healthy soil. So why do we need to add nitrogen @ all? All we need is healthy soil...!!! • Do you know for every “Holistically Sustainable” human bio-faeces and a day’s pee passed is sufficient to turn 1 square metre of poor soil around when covered with moist flattened grass, lawn cuttings, hay or silage and fertilized with calcium carbonate and silicon sand. • A city of 10,000 people could correct 1 hectare of soil a day. Add to that livestock bio-dung and the carbon problem could be fixed in a very short time. The right type of dung is part of what Dr. Samuel McNaughton of Syracuse University calls the grazing lawn phenomenon. An enriched soil grows extranutritious plants with increased grazing tolerance and a much longer green, active period. Wildlife needs these grazing lawn communities. Livestock form and maintain them. • When you see bio-dung; pray, learn to recognise good dung (by type) that is full of life. An early British naturalist stated that God must be extraordinarily fond of beetles because he created zillions of varieties. • Learn to love and appreciate healthy, life-giving bio-dung; it is not around for long before it’s taken into the soil to keep grass/lawns healthy also. Promote it and we’ll all live in a naturally healthier environment! How come I am an authority on dung? I’ve collected on my own farms and others; had field representatives collect 1000’s of species of dung types also; post them to my lab where I analysed and compared them with the free choice selection of catalyst formulas by the animals passing them. This was an integral part of the process for Annutriculture evolving! Is this evidence enough...? 9 THE RELATIONSHIP OF ENERGY & PROTEIN Refer to the website for product description www.supermaxxonline.com.au FEED SOURCE SUPERMAXX GE (GROSS ENERGY) SUPERMAXX DE (DIGESTIBLE ENERGY) TOTAL PROTEIN UNDIGESTIBLE MATTER EXCRETED AS FAECES PRODUCTION OF URINE & GAS RUMEN DIGESTED PROTEIN FOR AMONIA & FATTY ACIDS SLOW DEGRADING PROTIEN TO SMALL INTESTINES SUPERMAXX ME (METABOLISABLE ENERGY) MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENT 10 HEAT GENERATED SYTHESISATION OF AMINO ACIDS AND PEPTIDES GROWTH AND PRODUCTION REQUIREMENT CONTINUITY & CONSISTENCY Whether your production cycle is geared to producing Wool, Hair, Meat, Milk and Eggs - the production of any of these products can only be the result of your livestock’s ability to manufacture protein from carbon (CO2). The grade quality of the product your livestock produce comes from the efficiency of your animals to produce protein from a conversion of CO2 on a continuous and consistent basis. The key to your financial returns lies in your ability to continually and consistently provide the correct ratio of nitrogen and carbohydrate sources in line with your livestock’s metabolic requirement and which complement your animal’s productive ability on a continuing and consistent basis. WILL PROVIDE FINANCIAL GAINS Payment structures for wool production recognize and reward consistency of fiber diameter and tensile strength. The entire dairy industry is rapidly moving to a payment structure based on the A2 protein content continuity - relative to the total of the milk produced. Meat and Egg producers will now focus on consumer preferences for the Omega 3 soft fat content and the meat texture and the meat will be rewarded more and more for value adding and meeting these market requirements. PROTEIN PRODUCTION All feed sources comprise a complex anatomic structure containing nitrogen and carbohydrate a source. Whilst the complexities of this anatomic structure, have been for centuries, the focal point for nutritional theorists, put them inside an animal and the secrets unfold. In the simplest of terms, the digestive system of a living animal is a combustion chamber with the Protein Nitrogen (as opposed to the Non Protein Nitrogen e.g. Urea) sources providing the fuel, whilst the Carbohydrate (CO2) sources provide the fire. The resulting energy produced from the chemical reaction of these two elements (the combustion process) providing the means by which the synthesisation of feed sources can take place and the conversion from vegetable protein (grasses, grains etc.) into animal protein (wool, hair, meat, eggs and milk) takes place. Identify and maintain a consistent ratio of Protein/Nitrogen to CO2/Carbohydrates and you maintain a consistency of this process. Identify the type of product you wish to produce – Select the ratio of Protein/Nitrogen to CO2/Carbohydrate sources needed to produce that product – maintain it on a continuing and consistent basis – and you exploit the full potential of your livestock and realize the full market potential for your produce. 11 THE RATIO OF NITROGEN TO CARBOHYDRATES AND IT’S EFFECT ON THE FINAL PRODUCT In simple terms and at the extreme ends of the production scale: A surplus of energy generated by the animal not needed for digestion and superfluous to the maintenance of bodily function will result in the production of fat. If insufficient energy is generated to complete the digestive process Nitrogen (in its Nitrate form) contaminates the blood stream inhibiting its ability to synthesize and distribute amino acid supply to the body tissues and its ability to cleanse tissues of body waste. This causes an asphyxiating effect as the contaminants remain in the blood stream and more and more energy has to be used for pumping the contaminated blood which leaves less for promoting efficient digestion. l e u F The e Fire & Th Nitrogen Carbon Protein Energy AVAILABLE FEED SOURCE COMPROMISE Protein Nitrogen Carbohydrates The chemical reaction that takes place generates fermentable energy causing a chemical reaction turning the NITROGEN Into NITRATES NITRITES If insufficient energy is generated to complete this process, a percentage of the Nitrites will enter the bloodstream, contaminating it and reducing carrying and cleansing capacity. 12 and AMMONIA AMINO ACID DISTRIBUTION THROUGH BLOOD FLOW If insufficient energy is generated to complete the digestive process Nitrogen (in its Nitrate form) contaminates the blood stream inhibiting its ability to synthesize and distribute amino acid supply to the body tissues and its ability to cleanse tissues of body waste. This causes an asphyxiating effect as the contaminants remain in the blood stream and more and more energy has to be used for pumping the contaminated blood which leaves less for promoting efficient digestion. This diagram shows the metabolic break down of Nitrogen.Although this diagram is much more complex than we have tried to explain the process, it does show the breakdown of Nitrogen into Microbial Nitrogen (made up of Peptides and Amino Acids) and Urea. It also shows the progression in the alimentary tract and tissues from Microbial protein nitrogen into Absorbable protein nitrogen. (The flow is explained in this article) 1 Ammonia combined with bacteria to release Amino Acids which enter the bloodstream. 2 To Muscle Tissue, Mammory gland, wool folicles etc. 3 4 Erotic & inconsistent distribution of the supply of Amino Acids, caused by a deficiency of catalytic nutrience/minerals is a major contributor to variations in product quality, quanitinty & consistency. And are distributed to their destination for formation of animal protein. Continuous and consistent production & distribution of a wide range of Amino Acids promote &maintain quality of production. AMINO ACID DISTRIBUTION THROUGH BLOODFLOW 13 ANNUTRICULTURE - THE PRODUCTION PLANNERS ANSWER TO FARMING ANIMALS The days of competing in the market place with anything that is saleable and receiving the same return as vendors with a consistent and sustainable produced quality product are not over they very shortly will be. As we progress into this decade, the technological advancements being made in all forms of industry is seeing an emphasis on buyers becoming more selective for the products they know there is a market for. Livestock producers need to think quality first rather than quantity and those that manage through this decade to achieve both will be the ones who not just survive this decade and beyond but prosper as well. The production of any sustainable quality item is not a hit and miss affair. Nor is the implementation of Annutriculture. It takes time and dedication to understand, it takes care and attention to implement. But the rewards available from taking the time to understand how your animals produce when you provide them with a consistent supply of Supermaxx catalyst nutrients/minerals to enable them to produce to their full potential, monitoring their intakes and consumption patterns, by maintaining a consistent and continuous supply of those catalysts in a form most useable to your livestock will reward you much more than you can achieve with any other use of your time. 14 AVERAGE SUPERMAXX CONSUMPTION COST FOR FIRST 12 WEEKS 100 (.04) 75 METABOLIC RATE ASSESSMENT 23.00 21.00 19.00 24.00 22.00 15.00 20.00 13.00 40.25 18.00 11.00 9.00 16.00 36.75 42.00 7.00 14.00 5.00 12.00 33.25 38.50 3.00 10.00 57.50 1.00 29.75 8.00 35.00 6.00 26.25 4.00 60.00 52.50 2.00 31.50 22.75 28.00 55.0074.75 47.50 19.25 24.50 78.00 50.00 15.75 42.50 21.00 68.25 12.25 17.50 45.00 37.50 71.50 8.75 14.00 61.75 40.00 5.25 32.50 10.50 65.00 1.75 35.00 7.00 55.25 27.50 3.50 58.50 30.00 22.50 48.75 17.00 (.07) 50 25.00 17.50 10.00 2.50 39.00 29.25 5.00 (.10) 25 45.50 35.75 15.00 7.50 52.00 42.25 20.00 12.50 32.50 22.75 26.00 18.25 19.50 9.75 13.00 03.13 6.50 (.13) 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 BODY WEIGHT - KGs METABOLIC ASSESSMENT STANDARD 95% Average Super-Maxx cost for 12 months following initial 12 week starting period. If farmers of livestock face up to the result of his/her/their pneumatic truth; recorded during the first 90 days is a result of previous management decisions; the ongoing cost will drop substantially. This is due to them becoming more at ease with Annutriculture (and me) and a benefit of the system; the manure and urine now being distributed over the paddock/s (if there is sufficient moisture in the soil) immediately starts improving the quality and quantity of the feed. ALLOW 20% VARIATION FOR SEASONAL VARIATION . ALLOW 50% VARIATION FOR MANAGEMENT SKILLS 1.99 TOTAL YEARLY .50 (.02) * WINTER ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIOINS 5.99 4.00 1.50 1.00 .125 (.005) * SPRING .75 2.25 0 25 50 75 5.62 9.75 9.00 8.50 2.125 2.00 8.37 10.62 11.25 10.50 12.75 12.00 10.50 2.375 2.875 3.00 14.37 13.75 15.75 15.00 12.00 2.750 13.12 12.50 14.25 13.50 2.625 48.00 11.50 11.00 2.500 11.87 11.25 45.99 44.00 10.00 2.250 10.00 41.99 40.00 9.50 9.00 1.875 1.750 8.75 37.99 36.00 8.00 8.12 8.25 7.50 7.50 1.625 7.50 33.99 32.00 7.00 1.500 6.87 6.75 6.00 6.50 1.375 6.25 29.99 28.00 6.00 1.250 5.00 5.25 4.50 5.50 1.125 4.37 25.99 24.00 5.00 1.00 3.75 3.75 3.00 4.50 .875 3.12 21.99 20.00 4.00 .750 2.50 1.50 3.50 .625 1.87 17.99 16.00 3.00 .500 1.25 (.03) * AUTUMN 2.50 .375 .62 13.99 12.00 2.00 .250 (.025) * SUMMER 9.99 8.00 15.00 17.25 16.50 18.00 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 BODY WEIGHT - KGs 15 LOOK AT HOW WE CAN MAXIMISE THE BENEFITS OF AN ANNUTRICULTURE PROGRAMME ON YOUR FARM The principles of Annutriculture that we have just discussed are absolute when maintaining healthy animals, by supplying feed sources constantly balanced with the aid of Supermaxx. However, because of the extreme variations in the nutrient levels of feed sources it is necessary to monitor the QUANTITY OF PRODUCTION (PERFORMANCE) as well, and adjust and improve the feed/water where possible. This establishes the most economic ratio of feed/water sources relating to the genetic potential of the animals so that the most economic and profitable answer is found. Dependent on the feed/water values (on farm) it may take time to reach the potential PROFIT that is available from putting Annutriculture into practice. This is why we suggest you select the best linear measured breeders you have for Annutriculture and keep them separate. When you are convinced by the proven results only then start all your livestock. FARM FEED ECONOMICS As mentioned earlier, the efficient selection of your feed/water sources, and the most economic usage of them, offer you the potential to significantly improve the overall profitability of your farming enterprise. The single equation that relates to all farms REGARDLESS of size, or stocking rate is the Feed Conversion Equation. The Supermaxx range of free choice products are programmed for you, following an initial consultation with your advisor. The recording and assessment of the consumption levels of Supermaxx then form the basis upon which decisions can be made regarding the quality of and quantity of supplementary feed required. At the initial consultation with your advisor, he/she will assess with you the initial effects that Supermaxx nutrients will have on your animals. Your advisor will then instruct you on how to analyse your recordings of the Supermaxx and any supplementary feed intakes. Your advisor will outline for you how at a later date, your actual feed costs can be established, and will be able to recommend at that time the most economic solutions to your farm feeding problems. 16 CUSTOMER ENQUIRIES oger Hinge R PO Box 1547 Palmerston NT 0830 Australia Ph 08 8931 2503 +61 428 720 226 (International) Mob 0428 720 226 (Australia) Fax 08 8931 2503 (Australia) roger@supermaxxonline.com www.supermaxxonline.com ABN 74 597 427 21