September 2006 Town Of Pompey


September 2006 Town Of Pompey
September 2006
Volume 1, Issue 1
Inside This Issue
Town Of Pompey
Letter from your Supervisor Carole Marsh
Planning Board
Community Council
Upcoming Events
Building & Zoning
Dog Licenses
Election News
Warm Their Hearts
Tidbits & Humor
Town Historian
Barn Exhibit
Historical Society
Research Center
Free Listings
Tax Collector
Town Clerk News
Notary Services
Post Office Hours
Ski Program Registration
Olympic Hopeful
SOTS Trash Collection
Fabius-Pompey Outreach
Town Officials
Letter From Dale Sweetland
A Thank you to our Wonder- 17
ful Protectors
The goal of the Town
Board is to bring
Pompey up to date regarding the concerns of
our residents; town
growth as a whole, property taxes, conservation
issues, animal control,
police coverage and our
town’s future.
Pompey has rolling hills and
valleys which include five
Hamlets; Pompey Hill, Delphi Falls, Pompey Center,
Oran and Watervale which
comprises the largest geographic town in Onondaga
County. We need to plan for
the future while simultaneously preserving Pompey’s
rural character. In 2005 we
were able to reduce the town
tax rate by 2 ½ % for the
year 2006.
Our Highway Department, as
with all departments, has
done an excellent job of controlling expenses. The Town
Board will be updating the
Town’s Master Plan and
meetings with be held
throughout the Town so that
all residents can provide us
with their input. We are also
in the process of updating
the Town’s Emergency
Disaster Recovery Plan to
ensure the safety of all of our
Townspeople. Residents
throughout the Town will be
asked to be involved in this
process. We continually meet
with our fire district representatives to ensure our
town's safety.
We have a town Website which
has news of the community
Carole Marsh and our town’s oxen at the Town Hall
and historical activities in
the Town as well as providing Town minutes,
schedules and a directory
of town officials. We actively request comments
and views from our community.
We will be continuing the
Enhanced Services of the
Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department to help
ensure the safety of our
We have DSL access in
the Town Hall which enables us to work with the
State and County more
effectively, in regards to
our Courts, Code Enforcement, Clerks, and
Tax Offices. We will continue working with
County Executive Nicholas Pirro, State Senator
John DeFrancisco and
State Assemblyman Jeff
Brown to insure that the
residents’ interests are
promoted, protected and
preserved, making
Pompey a great place to
work, live and play .
I look forward to meeting
with town residents anytime I am out and about.
I have been attending as
many meetings regarding
the town as possible and
attend county and state
meetings as well. If there
are any concerns you, as a
resident may have, please
feel free to contact me at
the Town Hall or at
home. I will be glad to
meet with you and discuss
those concerns.
Carole Marsh,
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Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
To Consolidate or Not to Consolidate County Tax Collection
The County of Onondaga is examining the possibility of consolidating
County Tax Collection Services. The Town of Pompey currently collects
county taxes at the Town Hall, with Karen Dennis Pompey Tax Collector, overseeing the collection.
This personal touch is what makes paying our county taxes more
pleasant. If the Consolidation were to take place, Pompey residents
would then have to take or send their payments directly to downtown
Currently, Pompey sends the county sales tax money back to the
county to help keep our county tax rate lower.
If you have mixed feelings or questions concerning this movement,
please speak up at the next Town Board meeting or speak with your
County Legislator.
Town Highway Dept.
“Our Highway
Department, as with all
departments, has done
an excellent job of
controlling expenses. “
The Town’s Highway Department deserves a tremendous round of applause for
keeping our roadsides clear of brush, aiding drivers at intersections with a better
lines-of-sight . John Palladino keeps our safety high in mind and costs for running
our highway department in check. “Our Highway Department, as with all
departments, has done an excellent job of controlling expenses.” says Carole
Marsh Supervisor for the Town Of Pompey.
Planning Activities from Doug Miller
he Planning Board functions 2. New community centers grow
only with adequate highway
are to advise and assist the
and utility facilities
Town in the development
of goals and objectives for the 3. The needs of agriculture,
future direction and growth of the
industry, and business be
Town of Pompey including but not
recognized for future growth in
limited to the present health, safety,
concert with residential
convenience, and welfare of the
citizens. The role of the board is to
plan for future development of the 4. Residential areas provide
beneficial surroundings for
community to the end that:
family life
1. Infrastructure systems are
5. The growth of the community
planned for accordingly
be commensurate with and
promote the efficient and
economical use of public
The Town of Pompey Planning
Board continues to provide review
for these and other planning items
in accordance with Onondaga
County’s 2010 Planning
Documents. Activity volume of
subdivision applications has
remained constant and consistent
with recent past year’s activities.
Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 3
Another summer is now behind us as we begin to see fall in the foliage and feel the cooler nights.
Our swim program had an enrollment of approximately 250 children this summer. The enrollment was down some, and
I believe that the opening of the YMCA in Fayetteville may have had an impact on this.
We lost one week during the first swim session due to problems with the Cazenovia College pool. They replaced a part
and the staff worked diligently to clear up the pool and was in contact with me daily as to the progress. Once we got past
that, the rest of the first session and all three weeks of the second session went smoothly.
Our Activity program at Pratt’s Falls had much smaller groups than in past years and the children seemed to enjoy the
more individualized attention they received.
I had a great group of instructors/counselors that all worked well together. There were quite a few new employees, but
with the guidance of Don Moss and Holden Omans, they were able to step right in and make the children comfortable in
all classes.
I hope to get the word out so that next summer we will have a higher enrollment. Everyone should have the opportunity
to learn how to swim. I have such pride in our program, and that all my instructors have the desire to make that happen
for our community members beginning at a young age.
Please look for the 2007 registration forms on our Town website, at the town hall, and local post offices beginning next
May. You may also contact me @
Rosemarie Bush
Upcoming Events
Pompey Community Church Chicken & Biscuit Dinner October 14th, 2006.
Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast- October 29th, 2006
Pompey Fire Department’s Pancake Breakfast
Delphi Falls Pancake Breakfast
Oran Church Dinner coming in November. Watch the website for updates.
Immaculate Conception Church Holiday Bazaar – November 18th, 2006
For your upcoming events for the next newsletter issue due out January 2007, please
send your event dates and info to sue@andrewsasssociates or mail info to Ann
Christmas, Town Clerk– 8354 Route 20, Manlius, NY 13104
Building & Zoning Department
The Town of Pompey personnel, performs all building and electrical inspections. Inspections may be scheduled weekdays before 9:00 a.m. and after 2:00 p.m. Other times can be arranged when needed. Weekday office
hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. & 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. and Monday evening 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Building Permit, Subdivision, Zoning Variance, and other applications can be printed or submitted from the
Town of Pompey website. Please visit the website at
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Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Dog Licenses
A Rabies Clinic is set for October 2nd 5-7 PM at the Pompey Highway garage. A $10 fee payable at the time
of vaccination. If your canine is not up to date on its vaccination, please watch for this clinic and make an appointment or take your dog to a veterinarian for the required shot(s). It would be wise to also have your animal
vaccinated for distemper as well.
If your animal is currently up to date on its vaccinations and you would like to stop by the Pompey Town Hall,
you may get their license there. It is very important that our pets receive their rabies vaccinations in a timely
fashion. Many of our pets are like children to us and need us, as owners, to take responsibility for their welfare.
A dog is easier to return to their owner, in the event that they run away, if they have a license on their collar.
Sue Snavlin is the current Town of Pompey Animal Control Officer. 315-677-3582
Every dog, regardless of age, owned or harbored in New York State for longer than 30 days must
be licensed in the town, city or village where the dog is being harbored.
The following is the only license exemption: If the dog is under four months of age and not
running-at-large (off the owner’s premises)
Applications are available at the Town Clerk’s Office.
You will need to furnish proof of spaying or neutering and a current rabies certificate when you
apply for the dog license.
Dog License Fees:
$2.50 if the dog is spayed or neutered
$10.50 if the dog isn’t spayed or neutered
Primary & Election News
The voting districts are now being regulated by the County Board of Elections per the NEW YORK STATE
This Act centralizes all elections operations under the County Board of Elections. Counties are now responsible
for Inspectors, Custodians, Party Representative, Recanvassers and Polling Places.
To this end, the HELP AMERICA VOTE ACT OF 2002 (HAVA) (effective 2003, 2006) was instituted.
The new Federal Legislation “Help America Vote Act” (HAVA) became effective January 1, 2003. Phrase 1
was being implemented in 2004 and additional New York State Legislation will be implemented in 2006.
This required the Board of Elections to have N.Y. State drivers license or the last four digits of social security
number from any first time voter in Onondaga County who has registered to vote since January 1, 2003. We
also were required to have any of these people registering to vote by mail.
Phase 2 of HAVA is to implement a replacement of the lever voting machines that Onondaga County has. The
effect of Phase 2 to the Onondaga County Board of Elections would be to purchase new voting machines that
would allow all persons with disabilities to have the same voting experience as anyone else. It also mandates an
i n c r e a s e d
f o c u s
o n
p o l l i n g
s i t e
a c c e s s i b i l i t y .
You should receive a notification from the County Board of Elections prior the November General Elections
explaining where to go to vote.
Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 5
Support Our Local Businesses
Tre-G Farm- Sue & Jim Smith (Pompey)
Cor-Way Heating– R. Cornell & BR Way (Pompey)
Andrews Farm- Tom & Jerry Andrews (Pompey)
Cherry Valley Repair– Mike Smith (Pompey)
Kellish Tire & UHaul– Jim Kellish (Pompey Center)
Finnegan Tree Service-
Quality Car Care- Doug Wheeler (Pompey)
Radway Tree Service– Paul Radway (Pompey)
The Pompey Mall- Don Nuegebauer (Pompey)
Benedict Stump Grinding-
Delphi Country Store- (Delphi Falls)
Sir Round Sounds– Marty Rounds (Pompey)
Pompey Pizzeria & Ice Cream- (Pompey)
Sign Solutions– Nancy Abbott (Pompey)
Hoyt’s Stables- Jim & Hoyt (Pompey)
Enders Builders– Brian Enders (Pompey)
Oran Milling- Arnie Bumpus & Dave Rybinski (Pompey)
R.J.Windhausen Builders– Ron Windhausen (Pompey)
Knoxie’s Pub- Jim Knox (Pompey)
Cartescapes– Bob Carter (Pompey)
Seager Deer Processing- Charlie Seager (Oran)
Maines Trucking– John Maines (Pompey)
Hair Reflections -Rosemarie Bush (Pompey)
Henecke Electric- G. Fred Henecke (Pompey)
Judy’s Country Curl- Judy McElhannon (Oran-Delphi)
Seems Unlimited– Terry Abbott & Jon Enright (Pompey)
Shelly’s Homemade Specialties- Michele Bush (Pompey)
Water Gardens of Syracuse– Glenn Stewart (Jamesville)
Affordable Greens- Terry Christmas (Pompey)
Harrison Landscaping– Brian Harrison (Pompey)
Latocha Builders -Mike Latocha (Pompey)
Drexler’s Tree Farm– Drexler (Pompey Center)
J.J. Custom Painting, Inc.- John W Martin III (Manlius)
Critter Ridders– Al LaFrance (Pompey)
Cross Creek Nursery– Terry Foran (Oran)
Clark Heating– Wayne Clark (Pompey)
Pheasant Hill Winery—(Jamesville)
Holbrook Heating– Holbrook (Pompey)
Pompey Country Club—(Pompey)
Pompey Rod & Gun Club- (Pompey)
Delphi Golf Club—(Delphi)
Jamesville Sportsman’s Club- (Jamesville)
Warm Their Hearts
Warm Their Hearts is a program designed to help Veterans with gently used, handmade and donated items such as:
Lap Blankets
Wheelchair Totes
Colostomy Bag Covers
Baseball Caps
12-18” Throw Pillows
Walker Totes
Stoma (Trach) Bibs
Winter Hats
New Tee Shirts
Our goal is to gain the support of volunteers in helping to make or donate these items for Veterans. We are appealing to
knitting/crocheting groups, schools, senior citizen groups and anyone who would like to lend a hand. This is a great project for Family & Consumer Science classes to be involved in. Any of these items can be gently used, crocheted, knitted
or sewn. All items will be donated to the Vets currently in the VA Medical Center, families of Veterans, as well as, homeless Vets located throughout the area.
Items can be dropped off at the Pompey Town Hall.
For more information, patterns, please call Barbara Maestri at 484-9948 or 558-2915. You can also e-mail Barbara at
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Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Tidbits & Humor
You only need two
tools: WD-40 and
Duct Tape. If it
doesn't move and
should, use the
WD-40. If it
shouldn't move
and does, use the
duct tape.
Our six year old son thought he had
mastered the art of cooking and one
day decided to surprise us with breakfast in bed. He carefully got everything out that he needed to make
scrambled eggs, toast and grits. The
peace and quiet of our Sunday morning was interrupted by banging pots
and then slamming of the cupboard
doors. My husband and I ran to the
kitchen to find out what in the world
was going on.
There at the kitchen table, sat our
son upset and crying.
“What is the matter,” we asked.
Sobbing and barely audible he replied, “I
got everything out like you told me to,
but I still can’t make your breakfast.”
“Why not,” I asked.
“I read the directions to make the grits,
but I couldn’t find a 1/2 cup of yield…so
I put everything away.” He stormed out
of the kitchen before I could explain.
Sometimes life’s problems can be explained away very simply if we just ask
the right questions.
From the Desk of Ruth Hotaling; Town Historian
The Town of Pompey has documentation about its Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Civil War Soldiers.
Now is the time to compile information about Pompey’s Men and Women who served in the SpanishAmerican War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, Viet Nam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, and
Iraq. Please start a record of your own family for these conflicts. Some things you could include would be
pictures, letters, age, years of service, branch of service, rank, battles (when known), personal memories or
any other pertinent facts.
We need your help
in finding old &
new photos of our
town’s barns to be
used in our Barn
For future generations of Pompey, it would be appropriate to compile as many of
these as possible. We need to compile a list of all of Pompey’s Veterans and the
Wars in which they served. Maybe plaques in the Town Hall would be a way to
recognize these men and women.
If you would like to serve on this committee or assist in any way please contact
Ruth Hotaling; Town Historian @ 315-682-9066.
Pompey Barn Exhibit
Start looking around your neighborhood at those old barns
and outbuildings. Next year a show of new and old photographs,
paintings, watercolors, pen & ink, and charcoal drawings will highlight
these preserved and disappearing Pompey gems. Everyone is welcome
to enter.
Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 7
Pompey Historical Society
The Pompey Historical Society
has been instrumental in bringing
culture to the Pompey area for
many years thanks to the effort of
many of its citizens. Recently, at
the new Pomeroy-Coe Heritage
Center we were treated to a celebration on June 30th, to a cultural
and educational experience that
included a presentation by
Oneida Nation member Victoria
Shenandoah and her two sons,
Vincent and Wesley. This demonstration was interactive with the
audience taking part in native
dances. The public enjoyed the
evening with music, dance, a
strawberry Social and friendship.
Also for the first time that evening, the public was given to op-
portunity to view the two ‘saved’
rooms of the Jerome family, in their
original state, complete with spinning
wheel and other items of interest.
Currently on display at the Pompey
Town Hall, is a collection of artifacts
concerning the “Old Stone Store” in
located in Pompey. The Stone Store
most recently housed an antique and
crafts business.
The Pompey Historical Society puts
out a newsletter for its patrons. Joining the Historical Society has many
benefits, one of them being becoming involved with saving Pompey’s
sent, and future. These bricks can
be named to commemorate a loved
one, honor your family, or recognize your organization or business.
The bricks make unique gifts for
that special someone or particular
The Pompey Historical Society recently presented “Scholars Among
Us”, a program and reception to
honor a person whose valuable historical research has enriched our
knowledge and appreciation of the
history of our Town. Darothy
DeAngelo, aka “Darothy of Oran”
was our featured honoree.
“Footsteps in Time” is an ongoing
venture to name bricks placed in the
courtyard, to honor our past, pre-
Our Research Center
It has been a busy Spring and Summer for the Research Center at our Museum. We have had many visitors from other states (California, Utah, Colorado, Texas, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey) and even four
people from Ontario, Canada. They come looking for information about
their Pompey Ancestors.. We share our files, books, maps, and photos with
them and they share their family notebooks with us. It is a true learning experience for all.
Free Business Listing
The Town of Pompey website has a feature that allows our local residents to list
their businesses on the site free of charge. Details of their businesses should include address, contact numbers and a brief description of the business.
We share our files,
books, maps, and
photos with them and
they share their family
notebooks with us. It is
a true learning
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Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
A Thank you from Karen Dennis- Tax Collector
Now that I have completed my
first tax collection season I
thought it would be a good time
to share some of the questions I
have been asked. These are valid,
timely questions. I hope you find
the answers to anything you may
have wanted to ask. If not, e-mail
me with your question, and I will
do my best to find the answer for
Q: What is “”. And
how do I use it?
A. Onondaga County has a great
website; Just
about anything related to the
county is on there… park information, contact lists for all the
county government representatives, information on the Onondaga Lake clean-up as well as
property tax information. To access tax information, click on the
“Real Property Tax” picture or
scroll down to “Real Property
Tax” in the bottom menu. A
wealth of information is there,
including the contact information
for your Town Tax Collector or
Receiver and your School Tax
Collector. You can look up the
information for past tax years.
You can see the property information and assessment. Ideally,
use the tax map number to
search. But you can search by
name or address. Just remember
to indicate the Town of Pompey
on the left side of the search
page! Give it a try...
Some of the frequently asked
Q. Can our school taxes be paid in
split payments like the county taxes?
Each school in the Town of
Pompey collects their own
taxes. Please check with them.
Q. Can I pay my county taxes in
partial payments?
A. Yes, BUT there are rules! The
first payment must be made before
January 31 of the tax year. Each
payment must be one half (50%) of
the outstanding balance. Penalties
will be calculated on the outstanding
balance in February (1%) and March
(1.5% through 3/15, 1.5% + $1 after 3/15). I suggest calling me before making out your check during
the penalty phase of collection!
Q. Any tips to help taxpayers prepare for next year?
A. I would ask that you make sure
your mailing address is correct. Did
you recently build? Did you close
your post office box? Or open one?
I send the bill out the last week of
the year. You should receive your
bill by the end of the first week of
2006. (Whether you receive this bill
or not, the tax is due!!) I do my best
to research returned mail, but this
year I had 10 undelivered bills. So
check this year’s bill. Did it forward
to you? Did you have to call me to
get the amounts? If so, call my office with the correct address so we
are set before next tax season!
Q.When are you available at the
Town Hall?
A. During January, I am available
three times a week. This year I had
office hours one day, one evening
and Saturday mornings. In February
and March, I am available two days a
week. However, during the tax season I am there a lot more often than
those hours. Please feel free to call
and see if I’m there! While there are
no formal office hours from April
through December, I return calls
daily. Leave me a detailed message or
send me an e-mail and I will get back
to you with whatever you need.
I hope I have answered some of your
questions with this column. If not,
call or e-mail me.
Karen Dennis- 315-682-6739 0r
Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 9
Town Clerk News—Ann Christmas
Did you know that you could apply for a passport at the Pompey Town Clerk’s Office? Yes, I am a passport
agent. You need to come into my office during my regularly scheduled hours and apply. It takes approximately 6
weeks to get your passport. The applications are available online at or by stopping in at my office.
The following items are necessary to apply:
Proof of U.S. Citizenship (a birth certificate with a raised seal issued by the city, county or state; or a previous
U.S. passport)
Proof of identity (driver’s license; government ID; military ID; previous U.S. passport)
Two recent, identical color photographs
Fees: Age 16 and over-- $67.00 made payable to U.S. Department of State plus a $30.00 execution fee---Total of
$97.00. These passports are good for ten years.
Age under 16-- $52.00 made payable to U.S. Department of State plus a $30.00 execution fee. These passports
are good for five years.
Effective 7/2/01
To submit an application for a child under the age of 14, both parents or the child’s legal guardians must appear
and present the following:
Evidence of the child’s U.S. Citizenship
Evidence of the Child’s relationship to parent/guardian; AND Parental identification.
If only one parent appears you must also submit one of the following:
Second parent’s notarized statement consenting to passport issuance for the child
Primary evidence of sole authority to apply OR A written statement (made under penalty of perjury) explaining
the second parent’s unavailability. A written statement (made under penalty of perjury) explaining the second parent’s unavailability.
Effective 2/1/04 Each minor child applying for a passport must appear in person.
Notary Services
Notary services are available free of charge at the Town Hall during regular
hours. No appointments are necessary.
Pompey Post Office– M-F 7:30 am- 5:30pm Lobby Hrs 8-12pm & 2-5pm
S– 8 am– 12:00pm Lobby Hours 8-11:30am
Delphi Falls Post Office- M-F 1-5 pm S—8-12 pm
Fabius Post Office– M-F 7:30 am-5:00 pm Lobby Hrs 7:30 am-12pm & 1:30 pm– 4:45 pm
S- 7:30 am – 11:30 am Lobby Hrs 7:30 am- 11:00 am
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Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
9:00 AM TO 10:00 PM
9:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Kids 18 & younger
Lessons 5:00 PM
Lessons 11:00 AM
All Once a Week passes good Monday-Friday in MARCH! Only at Togg!!
Toggenburg has a pre-paid rental plan for the six weeks of lessons: ski package, $60.00 and snowboard package, $90.00. Equipment will
be reserved for you each week in the Rental Shop. Before and after the six week period, rentals will cost regular season rates.
The Ski Program will be held at Toggenburg Ski $ Snowboard Center in Fabius. Registration is by mail and the deadline is November 24,
2005. You may choose from the following packages for people 8 years old and older.
TUESDAY LESSON PACKAGE: Includes a one-day (Tuesday) season pass. This entitles the owner to ski or snowboard every Tuesday, all day, from the time Toggenburg opens for the season until season closes. In addition, 6 weeks of lessons will be given at 5:00 PM
on January 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and February 6. The cost of this package is $95.00 for adults and for children over 8. Rental equipment for the
Tuesday lesson package is $60.00 for skiing and $90.00 for the snowboarding package and is payable at the time of registration. After the
6 weeks of lessons are completed, ski equipment may be rented on Tuesday for just $10.00 per day and $15.00 per day for snowboards.
SATURDAY LESSON PACKAGE: Includes a one day (Saturday) season’s pass. This entitles the owner to ski or snowboard every
Saturday, all day, from the time Toggenburg opens for the season until the season closes. In addition, 6 weeks of lessons will be given at
11:00 AM on January 6, 13, 20, 27 and February 10. The cost of this package is $150.00 for adults and $140.00 for children ages 8-18.
Rental equipment for the Saturday lesson package is $60.00 for skiing and $90.00 for snowboards and is payable at the time of registration. After the 6 weeks of lessons are completed, ski equipment may be rented on Saturdays for just $10.00 per day and $15.00 per day for
NOTE DISCOUNT: A $10.00 discount for each Town of Pompey child will be given for signing up by November 24, 2006. There will
be only one discount per person, even if you sign up for both packages.
Toggenburg will be offering a discounted lift ticket, $5.00 off the regular price, any day you ski, other than your program day.
Toggenburg requires a 1 ½ x 1 ½ colored or black and white photo ID. School pictures are acceptable. Please write your full name on
the back of the photo and send it with your registration.
Due to insurance regulations, each renter must be individually outfitted with equipment on the first day of lessons. Therefore, there are
no pre-sets on the first visit. Please allow enough time, about one hour, before your first lesson, to pick up rental equipment and to review forms. Day passes can be picked up at Toggenburg when they open for the season. Questions may be directed to our Ski Director
Ruth Cooper at 315-682-6031.
SLOPEBUSTERS: For children 4 to 7 year old. $25.00 per person. Complete ski equipment rental. Two hour class lessons. Call Toggenburg for your child 683-5842.
FLEX PASS: (No lessons) Good once a week, Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM or Saturday night 4:30 to 10:00 PM $175.00
Temporary day passes will not be issued.
“Each Time”- daily ticket purchased at full price.
Lost pass- A new pass will be made for $10.00, in presence of Advisor- one week waiting period.
LESSON CANCELLATIONS: Lessons may be cancelled only due to unsafe driving, unsafe ski conditions, or if Toggenburg closes.
If Toggenburg closes, makeup lessons will be rescheduled at the end of the season, weather permitting. All once a week passes good
Monday-Thursday in March only!!
Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 11
Indicate Name, Age and Level of Ability on Main Hill or Beginner. Circle desired Package/Equipment, Indicate
height, weight, shoe size if renting.
1. _____________________________Age____Tues________Sat Tues_________________________Sat
_____________________________Age____Tues________Sat Tues_________________________Sat
Equipment Rental
_____________________________Age____Tues________Sat Tues_________________________Sat
Equipment Rental
Equipment Rental
_____________________________Age____Tues________Sat Tues_________________________Sat
Equipment Rental
DISCOUNT TOKEN $_______ EQUIP RENTAL $___________ TOTAL ENCL. $_____________
In an emergency, when the undersigned or the other person named above cannot be contacted, I
hereby grant the Pompey Community Council Program Coordinator to take any action deemed necessary for the best interest of my child.
Skier’s Responsibility Code: Warning to skiers: Downhill skiing, like many other sport, contains inherent risks including, but not limited to, the risk of
personal injury, including catastrophic injury, or death, or property damage, which mau be caused by variations in terrain or weather conditions, or subsurface snow, ice,
bare spots or areas of thin cover, moguls, ruts, bumps or other persons using the facilities or rocks, forest growth, debris, branches, trees, roots, stumps, other natural
objects or man-made objects that are incidental to the provision or maintenance of a ski facility in New York State. New York State law imposes a duty on you to become
appraised of and understand the risks inherent in the sport of skiing, which are set forth, so that you can make an informed decision of whether to participate in skiing
notwithstanding the risks. New York also imposes additional duties upon you to which you must adhere for the purpose of avoiding injury caused by any of the risks
inherent in skiing. If you are not willing to assume all the risks and abide by these duties, you must not participate in skiing in this area.
Important! Above Must Be Signed By Skier (Or Parent If Under 18)
Parental Permission/Signature
Parent’s Telephone Number
Doctor’s Name
Make checks payable to: Town of Pompey. Mail check, photo and registration to: Ruth Cooper, 3587 Watervale Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Page 12
Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Pompey’s Olympic Hopeful
Tom Hoyt, of Hoyt Stables in
Pompey, has been added to the U.S.
Equestrian Federation Long List as a
Western Reining Horseman. Tom
earns points for qualifying in various
competitions. Upcoming trials will be
held in Gordyville, Ill., Katie, Tex.,
Denver, Col., and Syracuse, NY.
Syracuse’s competition is the only
qualifier held on the east coast. Next
year’s will be at the NY State Fair
grounds on June 9th, 2007. It is open
to the public with a Saturday night
The points Tom receives allow him
to enter in The Nationals held in
Lexington, Ken., in June 2007.
From that competition the 4 person team and 2 alternates are chosen for the Olympic Competitions
to be held in London, England in
the year 2012.
There will be a Fall Show Sept.
23rd at the Country Max Arena at
the State Fairgrounds. Come out
and cheer him on.!
Syracuse University’s Western
Equestrian Team, a part of ICHA
has been at Hoyt’s Stables since
1999. Syracuse’s Team has had
three of the top 10 national winners for six years running.
Jamie Abel of Manlius won the
National Reining Horse Association Collegiate Reining Championship at the 2006 NRHA
Derby in Oklahoma on Saturday
May 20th, 2006. Jamie is the
daughter of Tom & Jennifer
Hoyt’s Stables offers full service
Boarding, Training, Showing and
Lessons. Contact Jennifer at
Southern Onondaga Trash System (SOTS)
Important Information For Residents
The Towns of Pompey, Fabius, Tully & LaFayette formed a municipal trash district. This allows us to
have residential trash pick-up at rates much lower than private/individual rates. Non-residents must
set up service by calling Minnie Dancks at 315-683-5679
Choices for levels of service are as follows:
a. 1-32 Gal Trash container
b. 3-32 Gal Trash container
c. Unlimited– Trash containers (household trash only)
Each level has unlimited recycling. No container can weigh more than 75lbs.
Payment is due before service starts. After setting up service for first time, the charges will be billed on
your Town/County tax bill in January
Any changes must be made by August to appear on January tax bill. No refunds will be issued.
Any resident not choosing a level will be assigned the 3 container service
There is an option for Self-Service which means you will take your trash to OCCRA on your own.
It is important you speak with Minnie to set-up your service level. So it will appear correctly on your
tax bill.
Feher Rubbish Removal is the trash hauler. Contact them to report missed pick-ups, confirm pick-up
days, etc… Their number is 315-422-0715.
Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 13
Fabius-Pompey Outreach is an ecumenical organization helping individuals and
families in the Fabius-Pompey School District. We operate a food pantry in the
lower level of the Pompey Hill Fire House which is accessible from Henneberry
Road. Our hours are Thursdays 4-6 PM. In an emergency call 315-677-3590.
Our needs are: Canned fruit, juice, meat, soup, tuna and vegetables, cereal, jam or
jelly, Macaroni & Cheese, pasta, peanut butter, and spaghetti sauce. Cleaning supplies: paper products, soap and detergent, toothpaste, mouthwash and shampoos.
To make a donation of time, food, paper products or personal hygiene items, call
315-677-3590 and leave a message. Financial contributions can be mailed to:
Fabius-Pompey Outreach, P.O. Box 251, Pompey, NY 13138
Collection baskets for food are located at the schools and churches, and the Town
Eligibility requirements: Need: Reside in the Fabius-Pompey School District.
Clothing and shoes can be provided.
Holiday Baskets are available at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
We provide referrals to PEACE and other agencies.
We provide scholarships to local children who could not otherwise attend nursery
Transportation is available on a limited basis for appointments.
Tutoring is provided free for students in the Fabius-Pompey School District.
To donate or volunteer, please call 315-677-3590
8354 U.S. Route 20, Manlius, NY 13104
Website: www.townofpompeycom.
Town Clerk
682-9877 (Fax 682-1171)
Town Supervisor
682-4008 (Fax 682-3530)
682-1169 (Fax 682-7895)
Tax Collector
682-6739 (Fax 682-8178)
Bldg. Dept.
682-1170 (Fax 682-8062)
Highway Garage 682-9544 (Fax 682-2976)
Justice Court
682-1168 (Fax 682-3659)
Carole Marsh, 3877 Route 91, Jamesville, NY 13078
Bruce Cook, 3904 Oran Gulf Road, Manlius, NY 13104
John DeMetro, 2891 Sweet Road, Jamesville, NY 13078
Ruth Hotaling, 4228 Gates Road, Jamesville, NY 13078
Craig Smithgall, 3050 Gulf Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Douglas Miller, 4308 Trout Lily Lane, Manlius, NY 13104
Robert Mapstone, 8077 No. 2 Road West, Manlius, NY 13104
Susan Smith, 8183 Route 20, Manlius, NY 13104
John Shaheen, 2797 Gulf Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Charles Pool, 4317 Henneberry Road, Jamesville, NY 13078
Gregory Mann, 1885 Collins Road, LaFayette, NY 13084
Roy Smith, 7047 Kelly Road, LaFayette, NY 13084
Scott Chatfield, 3100 Brewer Road, Marietta, NY 13110
Darla Mawson, 2269 Cemetery Road, Fabius, NY 13063
David Tessier, 8291 No. 2 Road East, Manlius, NY 13104
Ralph Cognetti, 3405 Watervale Road, Manlius, NY 13104
David A. Hale, 8453 No. 2 Road East, Manlius, NY 13104
Kevin Sharpe, 3221 Oran Gulf Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Patrick Frazee, No. 4 Road East, Fabius, NY 13066
Darla Mawson, 2269 Cemetery Road, Fabius, NY 13063
Ray Randall, 8891 No. 5 Road West, Delphi Falls, NY 13051
Schuyler Smith, 8113 Route 20, Manlius, NY 13104
Terrill Stearns, 8770 Route 20, Cazenovia, NY 13035
Thomas Fabbioli, 3316 Oran Gulf Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Michael Marsden, 8938 Tracy Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Philip Benedict, 3161 Route 91, Jamesville, NY 13078
443-5741// 420-5790
Judy McElhannon, 3160 Oran Delphi Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Joe Messina, P.O. Box , Pompey, NY 13138
Dale Malone, 2111 Berwyn Road, LaFayette, NY 13084
Kevin Coursen, Windy Hill Lane, Manlius, NY 13104
Frank Erwin, 6842 Route 20, LaFayette, NY 13084
Craig Dennis, 3109 Gulf Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Donald McPherson, 2684 Henneberry Road, Pompey, NY 13138
Frank Winters, 7087 Chase Road, Fabius, NY 13063
Al Miller, 7500 Broadfield Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Cindy Cavanaugh, Gulf Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Deputy Supervisor
Town Clerk
Gale Moreland, Oran Gulf Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Ann Christmas, 8216 No. 5 Road West, Fabius, NY 13063
Hgwy. Supt.
John Palladino, 2106 Cemetery Road, Fabius, NY 13063
Swim Prog.
Rosemarie Bush, P.O. Box 314, Pompey, NY 13138
Ski Prog.
Ruth Cooper, Watervale Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Lucien Ali, 3535 Henneberry Road, Jamesville, NY 13078
Court Clerk
Vaugn Ali, 3535 Henneberry Road, Jamesville, NY 13078
Gary Dunham, 3880 Route 91, Jamesville, NY 13078
Court Clerk
Helen Dunham, 3880 Route 91, Jamesville, NY 13078
Tax Collector
Karen Dennis,3109 Gulf Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Larry Fitts, 8354 U.S. Route 20, Manlius, NY 13104 682-1169 1-800-548-8842
Ed Rounds, 2756 Pompey Center Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Philip Benedict, 3161 Route 91, Jamesville, NY 13078 420-5790/443-5741
Ruth Hotaling, 4228 Gates Road, Jamesville, NY 13078
O’Brien & Gere Engineers, 5000 Brittonfield Pkwy, E. Syracuse
Attorney for Town
Ted Spencer (MacKenzie Hughes, LLP) 101 S. Salina Street,Syracuse 474-7571
Thomas Chartrand, Pompey Center Road, Manlius, NY 13104
Bldg. & Zoning
Lloyd Sutton
Animal Control
Sue Snavlin
Trash Removal
Trash Removal
Historical Museum
Minnie Dancks
Feher Rubbish Removal
Legislator Dale Sweetland Recognizes Contribution of Emergency Communications Workers
I hope that all residents of our county are enjoyed a happy and healthy summer season. Onondaga County
has been busy providing for the needs of the community. I would like to highlight a few of these endeavors.
Steven Wisely, director of the center, is stepping down in the near future to pursue other career goals. A
new director of operations will not mean a new direction. The center will continue to provide the same service
continuously to the citizens and visitors of our county.
The dedication of employees to citizens in the direst of need, and the spontaneous nature of their duties
make for a highly stressful atmosphere for all who work at the center. Employees are not allowed the traditional lunch hour with the freedom to do what they chose and report back one hour later. Employees are
given short breaks to eat, and maximizing the effectiveness of these breaks on the often-stressed workforce is
essential to the delivery of services.
For the second year in a row the Wal-Mart Corporation has joined Onondaga County government in recognizing the dedication of these very special public employees. A $2,000 grant will help to increase the comforts available to workers who often have little relief from their stressful service to the public. I would like to
join those recognizing the dedication of those who work in our midst responding to our calls for emergency
As Chairman of the County Legislature I am aware of the needs of our criminal justice system, and how
they are changing. I am very interested in the recent activities of a special committee to examine the overcrowding existence at the Justice Center. Keeping the public safe while making sound fiscal improvements
that will be cost effective is always my goal.
In order to address federal mandates and public concerns about preparedness in the face of a potential
worldwide epidemic, the Health Committee has been actively involved in implementing safeguards that will
protect and insure our safety should a threat become reality. Onondaga County has organized an alliance with
the surrounding counties for mutual aid that will provide a unified response in a health crisis. Most importantly, Onondaga County Commissioner of Health Dr. Cynthia Morrow is monitoring health events as they
occur, anywhere in the world, with an eye to their potential effect on Onondaga County. Dr. Morrow is an
experienced public health professional who is a leader in her field. We are lucky to have her as an advocate.
It was my pleasure to help to secure additional patrols by the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office for
Pompey. Supervisor Carole Marsh and the Town Board suggested the extra patrols to me. I think they are a
welcome addition. Now that summer has ended, I would enjoy feedback from residents on the effectiveness
of these additional services.
It is my pleasure to serve you as your representative on the County Legislature. If you should have any
questions about these issues, or other activities of county government, please do not hesitate to call me at: 6835828.
As a Town, we wish to express our sincere appreciation for all you do for
the residents of the Town of Pompey. While we go about our daily activities or
we are sleeping at night you are the protectors of our community. Many times we
take for granted the coverage that we have.
The Pompey Hill Fire Department went on 149 calls from January 1st until July
These calls consisted of 40 Fires, 25 car accidents and 51 medical and 24 misc. other incidents?
Delphi Falls Fire Department went on 79 calls from January 1st until July 31st. These calls consisted of
34 fires, 45 accidents and EMS calls.
Manlius Fire Department responded Mutual Aide to Pompey, but the number of calls was not available
at the this time. Manlius Station #2 covers the Northeastern portion of the Town of Pompey.
The men and women of the State Police, Sheriff’s Department, our volunteer fire departments and our
town constables work tirelessly so that we may enjoy our life in the suburbia of Pompey.
Please support your local protectors, whose families also sacrifice so much, we salute these great men
and women that support our community so that we may go about our daily life.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a volunteer fire fighter, please have them contact
their local fire department. There are many ways to participate as a member.
To Contact : Pompey Hill Fire Department call
Delphi Falls Fire Department call
Manlius Fire Department call
Remember... for any emergency situation
please dial 911 to get assistance!!
Page 18
Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Internet Access—What’s Available for us?
Open the newspaper in the morning; any morning. There on a full page ad is the declaration that for a small fee per month you can get
high speed internet access for your home or office. Also in very small print on the bottom of the page is the statement that angers much
of the Pompey area… “this service is not available in all areas.”
After repeated calls to the various high speed service providers, it has been noted that Pompey is in an area where:
The phone lines are at the end one company’s line and the start of another. Therefore it would be cost prohibitive to setup DSL service for those customers unlucky enough to be located at the end.
Cable service currently is available on most North-South roads, but if you live on a road that runs East-West and houses are few and
far between then there is little hope of getting the cable companies to run the necessary line for potential customers located on those
roads. ‘Always thought of Route 20 as a major thoroughfare,’ said a Pompey resident who recently obtained an estimate from a cable
company out of Syracuse included a $33,000 cost just to run the needed cable one-eighth of a mile to get connected. The estimate
did not include the monthly cost of service or the equipment setup. However, once that piece of cable was run, then anyone on that
stretch of road would be able to get the service for just the monthly cost.
There is always the option of using satellite high speed. You thought that dial-up and cable were expensive? Per another resident,
“The minimum cost to get satellite internet service starts at $200 deposit for equipment and installation and carries a monthly cost of
$59.95 per month access fee along with other restrictions and rules for early termination.”
Then there is the old fashioned method….D i a l-u p. Unless you are lucky enough to pay for two phone lines and can dedicate one
of them to internet access, then you are probably missing important phone calls. You also are experiencing long downloads and
sending any file of considerable size, takes forever.
It is time to wake up the internet access companies to our plight. Just because we live in the beautiful, serene settings of the Pompey
Hills, doesn’t mean we are a community without the need to stay in touch. Installing cable, Broadband or DSL access to the Pompey area
would be well worth their company’s time and money. We are looking for people willing to serve on an advisory board to discuss our
Town’s options and the availability of Internet Access for our Town of Pompey residents .
Disaster Preparedness- Grab & Go Ready Kit Essentials
Essentials-____Battery-operated radio and extra batteries
____Flashlight and extra batteries
Water- Store water in plastic containers
Store three gallons of water per person.
Store at least three day supply of nonperishable food.
____Ready-to-eat canned meats
____Canned fruits, dried fruits and nuts
____Canned vegetables
First Aid Kit Assemble a first aid kit for your home and one for each car.
Car Supplies
____Sterile, adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
____Several blankets
____Assorted sizes of safety pins
____Extra mittens, gloves, wool socks
____Cleansing agent/soap
and a wool cap
____Latex gloves (2 pairs)
____Jumper cables
____Sand/kitty litter for traction
____2-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6)
____Small shovel
____4-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6)
____Set of tire chains/traction mats
____Triangular bandages (3)
____Red cloth to use as a flag
____2-inch sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
____CB Radio or cellular telephone
____3-inch sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
____Pad and pencil or writing device
Page 19
Town Of Pompey
Volume 1, Issue 1
First Aid Kit (con’t)
____Adhesive tape
Nonprescription Drugs
____Aspirin/Pain reliever
____Needles, thread
____Anti-diarrhea medication
____Moistened towelettes
____Rubbing Alcohol
____Toilet paper, towelettes
____Tube of petroleum jelly
____Soap, liquid detergent
____Extra eye glasses
____Feminine hygiene items
Tools and Supplies
____Personal hygiene items
____Mess kits or paper cups, plates and plastic utensils
____Garbage bags, ties
____Cash or traveler’s checks, coins
____Plastic bucket w/lid
____Non-electric can opener, utility knife
____Pliers, screwdriver, hammer, crowbar, nails, wood screws
____Chlorine bleach
____Shutoff wrench to turn off household gas and water
____Facial tissues
____Tape, such as duct tape
____Matches in a waterproof container
For Baby
____Aluminum foil
____Plastic storage container
____Signal flare
____Paper, pencil
____Powdered formula, milk, baby food
____Blankets or sleeping bags
____Medicine dropper
____Adhesive labels
Portable Disaster Supplies
____Safety goggles
____Emergency information
____Heavy work gloves
____Small flashlight
____Patch kit & can of sealer
____Disposable dust masks
____Plastic sheeting
____Copies of prescriptions
____Map of the area (for locating shelters)
____Extra pair of glasses
____Hearing aid
____Sanitary supplies
There is no better time to prepare for a disaster than before one happens!! Having a plan in place for
your family, in case of a natural disaster, could mean the difference between life and death. Don’t wait
until a disaster has struck to find out if you were truly prepared.
A Holiday Open House will be held
at the Pompey Town Hall on December 1st
at 7 PM. Santa will be on the scene and the
lighting of the Christmas tree will take
place. Refreshments will be available.
Town of Pompey
8354 Route 20
Manlius, New York 13104
Phone: 315-682-9877
Fax: 315-682-1171
This event is open to the public.
We’re on the Web! Visit us at
Town Clerk Hours: Monday – Thursday
9 – 11:30 a.m. and Monday 6 – 8 p.m.
1 – 4 p.m.
Bldg. & Zoning:
Monday – Friday:
9 – 11 a.m. and 12 – 2 p.m.; 6-8 p.m. Monday evening
Supervisor Hours:
8 – 12 Noon and 6-8 p.m.
6 – 8 p.m.
Other times by appointment
Town of Pompey
8354 Route 20
Manlius, New York 13104
U.S. Postage
PERMIT No. 122
Pompey, NY 13138