September 2004


September 2004
Still a Freebie
Some of the mny folks who
partied with us at
Gallaghers Getaway in
Freeburg, IL
The scene from in front of
The Brick Bistro and a few
of the many bikes that
came out to help us
celebtrate our anniversary
Inside you’ll find stories about our anniversary parties, Off the Beaten Path,
the open House at Bourbeuse Valley Harley Davidson plus all your usual favorites
and a whole lot more.
Table of contents
Letter from the Editor
Something Completely Different
Clubs and Organizations
Bike of the Month
Biker Friendly Establishments
Upcoming Events
Cover photos from the recent flag raising ceremony
at Doc’s Harley- Davidson
The Staff
Jim Furey - Publisher
Jennifer Furey - Managing Editor
Kent Meisemann - Lead Photographer
Dave Murphy - Photographer
Contact Information:
The Biking Life
807 Coral Dr
Fairivew Heights, IL 62208
(618) 531-0432
The Biking Life is on the lookout for
sales people and contributors in a lot of
different areas. Some of the specific
areas we are looking for help in are
Marion / Carbondale, IL
Springfield / Decatur, IL
Hannibal / Quincy / Peoria
Lake of the Ozarks area
Southeast Missouri this would be a
fun way to earn some cash contact the for more info.
Letter from the Editor
by Jim Furey
I would like to thank everyone who attended one of
our two first anniversary parties. We held the first in
June at Gallagher’s Getaway in Freeburg, Illinois,
and the second one at The Brick Bistro on Watson
Road in Saint Louis. You, our readers, made
significant donations to the American Diabetes
Association and the Hartbauer/McBride Foundation
by your support of these events, and both of these
organizations give you their thanks, as do I. You
have once again proven the generosity of the biking
We welcome two fine establishments to our growing
list of advertisers this month one is KJ’s Saloon, on
Illinois St in Belleville, IL, they have a bike night on
Wednesday featuring free wings and karaoke.Tthe
other is The Neighborhood Inn in Caseyville, IL.
These are both fun places owned by and
frequented by bikers. The Owner of The
Neighborhood Inn also owns The Drink on the
Landing and you can visit with members of the
Streetfighterz there on Tuesday nights. Check out
these places I’m sure you’ll be glad you did.
I also would like to welcome another new
contributor to our publication. His name is Jack
Frazier and in addition to being a very good wrench,
he is also a cartoonist. We thank him for letting us
publish his work. We are continuing to grow and
truly appreciate
you folks letting us know about your events. We try
to get to as many as possible and then have to
make decisions as to which ones get in the
magazine. I try to pick different types of events each
month and hope no one is offended by their event
not being represented here. I look forward to seeing
more of you, my friends, as I am out and about
during the coming months. I also wish to thank all of
you again for the kind words you offer me as well as
our other staffers when we are out. You and your
patronage of our advertisers are what allow us to
publish this magazine. Please, when you do
business at one of our advertisers, let them know
you saw it here.
Our First Anniversary
by Al ‘Slow Talker’ Wilson
The months of June and July we marked our first
anniversary with celebrations on both sides of the
river. The first was held June 11th at Gallagher’s
Getaway, 102 Richland in Freeburg, IL. We owe a
big thanks to Sheila the owner and a fine cook who
has been huge supporter of the magazine since our
start for allowing us to have this party at her place
and she also put out a nice spread including hot
wings and sloppy joes. A lot of you came out for this
bike show and party it was truly appreciated.
Heartland Thunder, recently opened by Margaret
and Mark Demond was there and they were selling
some of their wares.
There were a lot really sharp motorcycles, that were
entered in the bike show. It is truly amazing the vast
array of sharp looking machines out there and the
pride that there owners take in keeping them in
excellent shape. There was a wide range too in the
age of these machines from Ron Carter’s Antique
knucklehead to some of the latest customs. The
winners of this show were:
Pan/Shovelhead - Butch Marler
- Harry Willard
- Sonny Grider
- Bruce Coad
- Gary Smith
- Ron Carter, Ron’s bike also won
best in show.
The judges were Mark Demond and Gene and
thanks to them. I thank all of our friends who came
out in support of us especially Mike Case and Ida
Rios from Case’s Custom Cycles. Ida’s IronHead
Sportster really made a great impression on all who
saw it. I als want to thank Gary Smith also known as
Mr. Clean and one of the areas fine painters. Ron
Carter is another who deserves thanks, Ron is also
a contributor to this magazine from time to time.
Also I want to thank Jay Mason, Jay has one of the
sharpest looking EVO’s in the area and was good
enough to bring it out to both shows. We crowned
him our overall champion cause he was the only
one to come to both shows.
Then on July 18th we came over to celebrate our
anniversary with the fine folks from “The Brick
Bistro” on Watson, Rd. in St Louis. Thanks Pete
and John for showing us such great hospitality. If
you haven’t been to this establishment yet, this is a
can’t miss the food is awesome and they always go
out of their way to accommodate their friends on
two wheels. There was some great food available
this day and some excellent live music was
provided all afternoon by Dave and The Blue
Monks. Once again the bikes all looked super and
we got quite a different crowd from the Illinois show.
We all had a great time and saw a lot of old friends
like DJ and Trish from Big Boyz Custom Cycles,
Jason and Lisa Gould of Gould Automotive and
many others. The competition was keen and here
we went a little different and made the entrants be
the judges. And in most of the classes they were
just as divided as I would have been in trying to pick
out the winners. Keith Brooks won the Best of Show
with his sharp ride and there were many others.
Unfortunately my two very great helpers threw away
the entry forms with the numbers on them and all I
still have is the numbers so I can’t recognize the
winners by name but if you contact me I will make
sure and do that in my bads in the next issue.
more pics on page 9
MON - THURS 10:30 - 6:30
10:30 - 7:30
10:00 - 6:00
Orange County Chopper
Monster Garage
Check Out Our rally wear , our new
light weight summer riding wear and
the Latest Styles in Sunglasses
10566 Page Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63132
Phone: (314) 429-4551
Dale’s Helps out the Firefighters
By Jim Furey
Continuing a long history of community involvement,
Dale’s Harley Davidson in Mt. Vernon, IL is once again
stepping up in a big way to help out the MT. Vernon Fire
Department. The fire department is in need of a thermal
imager, a device that lets fire fighters see into a fire, for
where hot spots are this helps them to know where it is
safe or not safe to allow fighters to go. These devices are
very expensive a minimum of $10,000, which for a
community like Mt Vernon is a lot of money. Dale’s
though has offered to pick up half of that cost. They are
doing this through contributing $50 for each and every
bike they sell through Sept 11th of this year, Dale’s is also
offering free maintenance for a year on these bikes on
new 2004 and 2005 models. Additionally on August 8th
they staged an open house and bikini contest to bring
attention to this cause.
Above the winner getting jiggy with the band, left bottom the
winner on a 2005 HD and left the judges Chris Yenne, Marc
Harris and Matt Grosskopf
Entertainment during this whole day of fun was provided
by two local radio stations: 97.7 The Bear the top rock
station in the market and Z100 a country station.
Sandwiched between the two live remotes though was a
very fine performance by “The Crave” a very fine band
that filled our ears with classic/modern rock with a very
definite blues influence as well. After aday of kicking
tires and checking out all the fine 2005 models Dale’s
had in stock the bikini competition kicked off at 4:00.
There were a lot of fine looking contestants vying for
the top prize. The judges, members of the Mt. Vernon
Fire Department certainly had their work cut off out for
them trying to pick a winner from among these beauties
but in the end they made their decision and the winner
was Melissa Denton and a very close runner up was
Melinda Stubblefield. All the contestants though were
winners because it was their participation that made this
event the success it was.
This was a family oriented day, part of the Surdyke
family of dealerships trademarks. In fact the general
managers of Dale’s are Rene‘ Creed and Becky
Waterkotte who are both daughters of Gary Surdyke and
to further keep it in the family these ladies husbands are
also the sales managers for the dealership. I encourage
you to visit this dealership, and help them out with this
worthy cause you will be treated as a friend as soon as
you walk in the door and they will do a super job in
taking care of you in both the sales and as well as their
excellent service department. While you are there check
out the cool line of motorclothes available here. We’ll be
seeing you on the road soon.
Page 6 Sonny Grider and granddaughter on his bike, two of
our dedicated helpers registering bikes at The Brick Bistro
above an old scholl chopper from The Brick Bistro and some of
the sharp bikes that were at Gallaghers Getaway.
Something Completely Different
by Rick Aubuchon
With less than two months until the November
elections, it seems like the perfect time to issue an
update on the status of my Presidential campaign.
The fact is, those left-wing, commie, America-hating
saps in the mainstream press have all but ignored
me. They’ve carried on about Kerry and Bush as
though I wasn’t even in the race. What little coverage I have received always included not-so-subtle
jabs, like “long shot”, “fringe candidate” and “danger
to himself and others”. But fear not, dear readers,
for I soldier on.
The arrest of my running mate, Nicky “The Knife”
Napoli, forced a minor setback last month, but our
attorneys assure us that the witnesses won’t testify.
Nicky’s trial won’t begin until late December, freeing
him for the rest of the campaign, and we expect a
speedy acquittal. Meanwhile, it’s become more and
more obvious that my political opponents will stoop
to any level in order to halt our progress. If our
Founding Fathers knew that substantiated charges
of racketeering, attempted murder, and treason
were all it took to derail the political process, they’d
roll over in their graves.
Because of the dearth of coverage from the pinheads at USA Today, I think it’s appropriate that I
explain my position on most of the major issues of
the last few months. I opposed the Federal Constitutional Amendment which defined marriage as between a man and woman. Rather, I wish for an
amendment that defines marriage as between a
dawg and his shorty. I oppose the nationwide legalization of concealed weapons, preferring instead a
federal law mandating the ownership and possession of high powered rifles.
What I really need is an issue that forces my opponents to take an unpopular stance so I can capitalize on this in a blatantly opportunistic fashion. An
issue that forces any principled public servant with
integrity and character to embarrass himself thoroughly merely by casting a vote. I’ve got a few
To this end, I’m considering pushing for a complete
ban on bad thoughts. Any lustful, deceitful, angry,
duplicitous, or otherwise misguided thought would
become a felony. If I push hard enough, both Kerry
and Bush will be forced to state their opposition to
this law, allowing me to depict them as the candidates of perversion and spite. Actually, I probably
shouldn’t do that. I have tried very hard to paint
myself as the candidate of perversion and spite. It
would be a shame to give that up.
Perhaps no trend in politics has been as destructive
as the advent of heavily funded political action
committees. Groups like the Democrat-friendly
“” and the Republican-friendly “People
Still Fixated On Bill Clinton” are spending billions of
dollars in support of their candidates. I have honored my pledge to reject such support and will
continue to do so, at least until such support is
actually offered.
One of the disadvantages to being completely
disgregarded by most right-thinking Americans is
that the major parties can shut me out of the debates. I’ve got legal action pending but failing that,
Nicky “The Knife” promises to arrange a photo of
Kerry, Bush, and a half dozen underage Bolivian
hookers. We’ll have to be careful, obviously. It was a
horrible misunderstanding after I asked Nicky to get
a photo of Bill Clinton with a cow that caused the
Lewinsky scandal.
I suppose in some ways I should be grateful that I
have so far remained under the radar. Like any
typical American man, I have a few skeletons in my
closet. There’s that twenty thousand dollars I embezzled to pay off those midget hookers in Vegas.
There’s the four hundred pounds of Jamaican
Peace Weed I imported and sold during my college
days. I’m confident the voters can overlook these
minor youthful indiscretions. My real concern is that
they’ll learn the deepest of my dark secrets. I’m in
the grasp of an addiction, of a filthy frightening habit
so exhilarating and painful I can’t break free. Yes,
it’s true. I am addicted to the WB’s sweet and lovely
saga of a single mother and her precocious daughter, The Gilmore Girls.
If you’re not a fan of The Gilmore Girls- seen every
Tuesday night on the WB, you might think me a
sissy girl-man. You might be tempted to laugh and
call me “pansy” or “nancy boy” or “powder puff”. I
can accept that. All candidates have their naysayers
and nitpickers and name callers. What I can’t accept
is such blatant disregard for the joy and beauty of
The Gilmore Girls. Will Lorelai and Luke finally make
each other happy? Will Dean continue to see Rory
behind Lindsay’s back? And what of Kirk? Will one
of Kirk’s schemes finally work? Will Michel find
happiness with his new puppy? These are important
issues, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to run from
I suppose when historians write the story of my
Presidency, they’ll need a catchy name for the era.
The Kennedys had “Camelot”. Roosevelt had “The
New Deal”. Clinton had “Pantsless Fridays”. Since
the focal point of my adminstration will be an increase in federal gridlock- stopping the free flow of
government money, blocking the passage of new
laws, and impeding the progress of all federal
initiatives, I hope my time in the Oval Office will be
known as “The Great Constipation”.
With only a few weeks until the election, I’m centering all my energy on getting out the vote. If you’re
registered to vote, please fill in my name this November. If you’re not registered to vote, do your duty
as an American and hide in the bushes outside your
local polling place so that you can assault and
subdue a registered voter. Then, vote in his/her
place, remembering of course to write in my name.
It’s the patriotic thing to do.
Bourbeuse Valley Harley-Davidson Brings the Fun
by Kay Mullen
“We’re here to have fun and to help you have fun.”
Those words, stated by Bourbeuse Valley HarleyDavidson owner Don Thompson to a large group of
riders gathered for the dealership’s August 7 open house,
set the stage for a great day of entertainment and fun.
on his trumpet, as well as by another who played a
moving rendition of the national anthem on his fiddle.
Members of the Cycle Saints from Alton gave an
invocation and prayed for the assembled riders, of which
there were many out to enjoy the afternoon at the
dealership. Inside there were great deals on clothes and
accessories (as well as a table of kids giving fake
tattoos), and outside there was wonderful food, sodas,
and brotherhood. The dealership presented a plaque to a
representative from the Harley-Davidson office in
Kansas City, and four lucky folks won drawings for some
really nice leather jackets. The good times lasted well
into the afternoon.
I’d like to thank Michelle Edwards for showing me
around and introducing me to people. She and the rest of
the people who work at Bourbeuse Valley HarleyDavidson, as well as the Thompson family themselves,
will make you feel at home when you visit this great
addition to the bi-state area’s biking community. Make
sure that one of your fall rides is out (south)west; you
won’t be disappointed.
Bourbeuse Valley Harley-Davidson is located on
Highway AT in Washington County, just off the
intersection of I-44 and Highway 50 in Villa Ridge,
Missouri. Those of you from the east side might think
that’s a bit of a ride, but as fall’s perfect riding weather
comes on, you won’t be sorry that you took a ride out to
this area, which boasts (in addition to this great
dealership) beautiful scenery, Robertsville State Park and
easy access to Meramec and Onondaga State Parks, and a
groovy way to go to Jefferson City and the Lake of the
Ozarks. Weekends in Villa Ridge also feature a large flea
market with bargains for everyone.
Don and his wife Chris started Bourbeuse Valley HarleyDavidson in 1980. Unfortunately, the original building
truly was in the Bourbeuse Valley and regularly got
swamped by the rising river. Their new location stands
proudly on a hill overlooking the original facility, which
is used to host meetings of the Bourbeuse Valley H.O.G.
The new building’s lot was the stage for the open house,
and once again Mother Nature provided perfect sunny
Saturday weather. Great tunes were provided by
Southpaw, a band of local guys still in high school. Keep
an eye on them—they’ve got more soul and talent than
most guys twice their age. Veterans and current service
members were honored by a young man who played Taps
Popeye’s Bike Show
2004 marks the first year for Popeye’s Bike Show, which
is scheduled for Sunday September 12 from 9:00 am to
5:00 pm at Moof’s Bar and Grill in Chester. The event
will feature competition in 5 different classes, with 1st
and 2nd place trophies being presented to the winners.
There will also be a trophy for best of show. All makes
and models of motorcycles are welcome to participate.
Organizers plan to have a radio station broadcast live
during the event. The Biking Life Magazine will be on
hand to to photograph and judge the event and will
feature the winners in upcoming issues. The bike show is
being sponsored by the picnic committee, Moof’s Bar
and Grill & The Biking Life Magazine.
Club listings
.A.R.M (Association Of
Recovering Motorcyclists)
Chapter 13 - Support and
brotherhood for bikers in recovery.
Meeting and event dates vary. For
info contact GO at 618-521-5499 or
St. Clair Co meetings are held on
the 2nd Thursday of each month - 7
p.m., at the Fairview Hts. Elks Club,
corner of Old Lincoln Trail and Hwy.
161, Fairview Hts. IL.
Piasa-Gateway Chapter - chapter
meetings are held the 2nd Saturday
of every month starting at 7:00 p.m.
Our meetings are held at the
Edwardsville V.F.W. Post 1299. The
Edwardsville V.F.W. is located 7108
Marine Rd., Rte. 143 East,
Edwardsville, Illinois.
Bikers Against Child Abuse: BACA
East Missouri Chapter meetings 2nd
Sunday of each month, 12:30 noon,
at the Knights of Columbus on
McMenny Dr. off of Mid-Rivers Rd.
and Hwy 70 in St. Charles all bikes
and bikers are welcome, hotline
(314) 277-8905 or (314) 719-2928
Bootleggers MC - of East Alton
Illinois, welcomes all brands of bikes
monthly meeting First Saturday of
the month usually at our SAA house.
Please call our Road Capt.
Mandrake at 618-466-5997 or our
Secretary/ Lady Mandrake at (cell)
618-531-7417 for more info.
meets the Second Saturday of the
month at 2:30PM. Locations vary;
please check the web site for details.
Christian Motorcycle Assn:
(CMA) Good News Riders 2nd
Thurs 7:30 PM Ryan’s 8925 Watson
Crestwood, MO. Call 636 296 3120
Chouteau Island Partners (Off
Road MC Group) 1st Thursday of
month HTTP://
island.htm Look for Tom Downing
through the web site.
CONCOURS Owners Group:
Monthly Breakfast Rides 3rd
Sunday of month Except April which
is the 4th Sunday. Meet at Quick
Trip on South outer Road I-44 and
MO. Hwy W. Eureka, MO 636 278
2276 or
Cycle Disciples St.Louis Chapter –
for more info please visit the
following websites
Euro Motor Union of Greater St.
Louis: meetings are held at 7:30 pm
1st Tues Sports Page Inn, Old Rte. 3
South of Dupo IL. (314) 994 1257
Freedom of Road Riders:
Local 24 - meetings 1st
Weds of the month 7:30 PM at
Charlack Pub, 8344 Lackland Rd., St
Louis, MO (314) 521-6553
Local 25 - meetings the 4th
Thursday 7:00 PM at the American
Legion Hall in “Old Town St. Peters,
(636) 278-5910.
Local 38 - meetings the 1st
Sunday of the month 11:30 AM at
TJ’S Bar & Grill Hwys 61/67 & Z in
Pevely, MO
(636) 464-2941.
Local 42 - meetings the last
Weds of the month 6:30 PM at
Roadhouse 100, 2763 Hwy 100,
Gray Summit, MO
(636) 586-4298.
Freedom Riders – welcomes all
bikers and bikes to come ride with
them email to
for more info.
Gateway X-treme Riders Assoc STL MO area including Metro East IL
Club is primarily for owners/riders of
Honda VTX cruisers. All bikes are
welcome. Web site: http://
Gold Wing Road Riders
Association GWRRA Have various
meeting locations in the Metro St.
Louis Area. Check out the one
nearest you at
Heartland WOW, meetings are the
4th Weds of the month at 7:00 PM at
the Prairie Commons Branch 915
Utz Ln., St. Louis MO. For more info
see their website at
woman motorcycle club, for more
information contact then by email at or visit their
Honda Sport touring Assn. St
Louis area 1st Sat; South Central
MO 2nd Sat and KC Area 3rd Sat.
Pleas join us at any time Warm
weather meet at Chesterfield Valley
Power Sports off hwy 40 West of
Boone’s Crossing Exit at 9am Kick
stands up at 9:30 sharp for spirited
ride of 150-200 miles. Garth
Haubner at (636) 928 6939 Email: or Tom
Trieschmann at (314) 692 7463 Email
Marion Roadrunners Riders
Group – an all bike, rider group that
gets together on Sundays and rides,
meetings are held on the 3rd
Tuesday of the month at 7pm at the
Eagles Hall in Marion, IL. The
meetings are open to every one.
More info as well as events are
available on their web site
Midwest Trail Riders Assn. Email Event hotline
(314) 314 434 5095
Midwest Cafe Racing Assn-Ride
Line (314) 481 8078 Email or
Outlanders – All motorcycle brand,
family oriented org promoting fun
events without negative attitudes,
drugs or alcohol. Meetings are the
last Sunday of the month at 1:00 PM
at the TRY Club, 655 Berkshire, East
Alton, IL.
River Road Riders, All Brand
Motorcycle Club meetings are held
the 2nd Weds of the month at the
Alton Sports Tap 7:00 PM
Road Raptors Riding Club meets
at Fairview Heights, IL VFW Hall on
Rte. 159 at 7:00 PM first Wednesday
of the month all bike brands
Road Riders for Jesus - For more
information see website
Maryville, IL Chapter meets 3rd Thursday of each
month at Alphonzo’s Restaurant, 2 Schibert Ct. Maryville
IL meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.
Warterloo, IL Chapter meets 1st Tuesday of each
month at Arby’s, 721 N. Market St. Waterloo IL meeting
starts at 7:00 p.m. For more information see website
Servant Riders – meetings on the 3rd Saturday of the
month at 9:00 AM at Kingdom Treasures Bookstore on
Highway 50 in O’Fallon, IL.This is the corner oh Hwy 50
and Old Collinsville Rd. All are welcome.
Shadow Riders of Greater St. Louis MO.
WWW.Shadowriders- meet on 4th Tues of month
at Manchester Elks lodge at 7pm (314) 477 9976 ext
Southern Cruisers Riding Club – An all brand riding
club, for more info about the club as a whole or the
Collinsville, IL Chapter you can contact the club by email or by phone at (618) 972-4951
or (618) 344-4543 or visit the national website
Southwest Illinois Ronin Riding Club – meets the 1st
Saturday of each month at Noon at various area
locations. Ride follows monthly meeting. This is an allbrand riding club, call Bonedaddy @ 618-696-7768 or
Trainwreck @ 618-973-6405 for meeting location or
more information.
Southern Illinois Star Riders meet the first Sunday of
each month in Collinsville, IL. Contact or visit
St Louis Motorcycle Club meets the 2nd Thursday of
the month at Goff-Moll American Legion Hall, 2721
Collier, Brentwood, MO. Meeting time is 7:30 PM and all
are welcome call (314) 771-7100 or visit for more info.
Vietnam Veterans M/C – for more information on this
club email them at
MO. Please call the dealership for more info (636) 931
Gateway to the West HOG Chapter 3rd Thurs of the
month 8:00 PM at Gateway to the West Harley
Davidson, 3600 Lemay Ferry Rd., St. Louis, MO, LOH
meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Blarney
Stone 4333 Telegraph Rd. at 7:30 PM for more info go to
Kirkwood Mo. Chapter 2nd Tuesday of the month at
Goff-Moll American Legion Hall, 2721 Collier,
Brentwood, MO. The LOH meeting is held at
Culpeppers, 312 S Kirkwood, Kirkwood, MO on the first
Thursday of month. Everyone is welcome. Contact (314)
544 HAUG or
St Charles HOG Chapter: 3rd Tues of the month 7 pm
at St. Charles Moose Lodge 2705 Interstate 70 (South
Service Road by Chucky Cheese) (636) 723-9365.
If your club or organization would like to be listed here
please send an email to
Harley Owners Groups HOG
Alton, IL. HOG Chapter 4th Thurs of month 7:30 PM at
Alton Sports Tap Route 140 & Route 3 Alton, IL..Ladies
of Harley 4th Thurs also at Alton Sports Tap, Banquet
Belleville, IL HOG Chapter 3rd Wed of month, 7:30 PM
at the ELKS club at corner of Route 161 and Lincoln
Trail in Fairview Heights, IL. Call dealership if you have
questions (618) 277 8864.
Bourbeuse Vally HOG Chapter 2nd Sunday of the
month, 10:30 AM at Borbeuse Valley Harley-Davidson
1418 Hwy AT, Viila Rodge meets inside the old store call
(636) 451-0106 for more info or directions.
Festus Mo. HOG Chapter 1st Wed of month, 7:30 at
Surdyke Harley Davidson 2435 Highway 67, Festus,
Bike of the Month
While we were in Mt Vernon, Il visiting Dale’s we
couldn’t help but be struck by the good looks of this fine
scooter. The proud owner of this bike is Thomas Wolf
from Odin, IL. He told me where that is but I’m still not
sure I could find it without a quick trip to
but I digress. Thomas has been riding for the past 7 years
and has owned this for just a short period of time. The
manufacturer of this bike is Swift and then are from the
Phoenix, AZ area.
This mean piece of iron is powered by a 113 CI S & S
motor, it has a 6 speed Baker transmission, and a 250
rear tire. The Bub pipes on this bike give it just the right
sound. It is chain driven and just about anything you can
think of has been chromed on it. Thomas told me if you
want to see him on the road your best chances are in the
Mt Vernon / Centralia area. As always if you think your
bike should be here drop us a line at or give us a call and tell us why
your bad motorscooter should be here.
Biker Friendly Establishments
Cellar Room Tavern, 2704 E.
Broadway, Alton, IL (618)
Danny’s Lounge, 118 W. 4th St.,
Alton, IL (618) 462-6787
Fast Eddie’s Bon-Air, 1530 E.
4th St., Alton, IL (618) 4625532
Harris’s Tavern, On The Great River
Road, (618) 466-9791
The Loading Dock, 400 Front
St, Grafton, Grafton, IL (618)
Woodstock Lounge, 638
Broadway, Alton, IL
Wild Goose Saloon, 1505 W.
Main St, Grafton, IL, (618)
B & B Crehan’s, 6413 W. Main
St. (618) 394-1300
H’s Biker Bar, 1310 Dutch
Hollow Rd (618) 398-3668
Mitch and Nancy’s League Lounge,
1501 W Main St (618) 277-3643
Robin’s Nest, 1614
Mascoutah Ave. (618) 2347432, karaoke every Fri-Sat
9:30 to 1:30 AM
Sheridan’s Frozen Custard,
5326 N Illinois St, Fairview
Heights, IL
TR’S Place 4901 Concordia
Rd., (618) 277-7135 ask about
‘Good Nite Dic’
Brandy Inn: 103 Water St.
(618) 337-1101 Fine Food and
Drinks always Biker Friendly
Derby Al’s Diner: 2845 Camp
Jackson Rd.
Danny’s Pool Room: 119 E
Main Street in Carmi, IL (618)
Caddyshack Saloon 2865 N.
89th St.(618) 397-4704 Nice
bar with very friendly
Granite City
Big Duga’s Restaurant, 699
State Road 203, Granite City,
IL, 618-875-5800.
Sharkey’s Restaurant and
Bar, 2537 Vandalia, (618)
344-0826 good food at great
Mt. Vernon
Players: 300 S 9th - 1 block
off the square(rt.37&rt.15)
New Baden
Outside Inn, 423 W. Hanover (Hwy
161), (618) 588-4672
Old Shawneetown
Hogdaddys Saloon: Main St in
Old Shawneetown, IL (618)
Southwestern Illinois
Falling Springs Conservation
Club, 2200 LePere Ln. Dupo,
IL (618) 286-4440, music on
weekends with Sunday jam
Fountain Inn, 1912 Fountain
Rd. Valmeyer, IL (618) 9352266
Gallagher’s Get-A-Way, 102
S. Richland, Freeburg, IL
(618) 539-5208
Georgia’s Place, 415 Vine St,
Eldred, IL
Gert’s Place Bar and Grill Ill
Rtes 3 & 149 Gorham, IL (618)
Good Tymes Bar and Grill, 200 N.
Main St. Dupo, IL (618) 286-9693
Horton’s Place, 2503 Main St.
Fayetteville, IL, (618) 677-3348
friendly folks and cold beer
Just Sue’s Tavern, Evansville,
IL (618) 853-4425
Karban’s Knotty Pine, 4569
Buss Branch Rd., Waterloo, IL
(618) 473-9954
Lisa’s Bar and Grill, Prairie
DuRocher, IL (618) 284-3374
Lou and Michelle’s Tavern,
Waterloo, IL (618) 939-8300
Mary’s Bar and Grill, Ruma, IL
(618) 282-7944
Old Shamrock Tavern, Hwys
13 & 156, New Athens, IL
(618) 475-9263
“Papa” Wheelie’s, Old Rte
50, Trenton, IL (618)
Rick’s Corner, 201 S Union St
Staunton used to be the
Twisted Spoke (618) 635-3088
S & J Main Street, 608 N. Main St.
Columbia, IL, (618) 281-9997.
Sporto’s Pub & Grill, 211 S. Main
Street, Red Bud, IL (618) 282-7956
The Corner Pub, 602 Meyer Dr,
Valmeyer, IL (618) 935-8209
The Dawg Haus 102 S. Main
St. New Douglas, IL 217-4567072
Willie’s Corner, 128 W.
Market, Red Bud, Ill 62278
Grman’s Harley Davidson
Repair: 310 W. Browning Rd
in Springfield, IL (217) 5222557
Hangout Unwind Dance
Saloon: 1630 N 11th in
Springfield, IL 62702 (217)
Knuckleheads, 2000 Peoria
Rd., Springfield, IL 62702
(217) 789-1488
Pony Keg Leathers: 2026 S
11th St in Springfield, IL (217)
544-3774 Harley repair/
Leather goods
21 Rock, #1 Meramec Heights
(636) 282-7228 featuring live
music every weekend and
special bike parking area.
John & Judy’s Charlack Pub: 8334
Lackland Rd. (& St. Charles Rock
Road) Rock Bands Fri and Sat Nights
(314) 423-8119
Terry and Kathy’s - Defiance, MO.on
Hwy. 94 about 9 miles south of Hwy 40
Bands Sat. & Sun. during the summer
That One Place: 1005 Majestic
Dr in Fenton, MO (636) 861190
Class Act Tattoo and Body
Piercing, 11629 West
Florissant Rd., Florissant,
MO (314) 972-0707. Great
quality work
Little Joe’s Bar and Grill, 1317
Hwy OO (573) 783-5452
Gray Summit
Roadhouse 100, 2763 Highway
100 (636) 451-2007
Cadillac Jack’s: 12950 St Charles Rock Rd in
Hazelwood, MO (314) 298-8232
High Ridge
B & D’s at The Hot Spot on High Ridge Blvd
Sheffield’s Restaurant & Bar, 564 E. Osage, (636)
271-4834 biker owned and operated
TJ’s Bar & Grill: HWY Z & 61-67, For Bike Show
date information call (636) 475-3648.
St. Louis
The House of Rock, Ronnie’s Plaza featuring the
best in live music Thursday – Saturday.
Iron Horse Saloon, 7928 S. Broadway, Saint Louis,
MO (314) 631-3141 Thurs Bike Night starting in
Kelly’s 841 Wachtel St Louis 63125 (314)638-3022
The Little Bar, 6343 Alabama (314) 481-1665
Scott and Beverly’s Some Other Place Other Place
1500 Lemay Ferry Rd. St. Louis 63125. (314)8926969
Shady Jack’s Café: 1440 N Broadway
Zeke’s Lemay Sports Bar and Grill, South
Broadway St. Louis, Mo
Southeast Missouri
The Playdium, (across from Houck Stadium), 1127
Broadway, Cape Girardeau, Missouri (573) 3359830
Players, 632 Broadway, Cape Girardeau, MO
Danny’s Place, 1102 Linn Street, Sikeston, Missouri
St Charles County
Villa Ridge
Shady Jack’s Saloon & Inn: 3417 Hwy O in Villa
Ridge, MO (636) 451-HOGG
Riders Edge located at 531 Oak St is the place to go
in Toledo, Ohio Phone # is (419) 698-9582. Come in
and have fun.
Your establishment or one that you dig on could
be listed here if you tell us about it at or call us at (618)
Weekly Events
Mon – 1st and 3rd Monday is Two-Wheel Night at Sheridans Frozen Custard, 5326 N. Illinois S, Fairview
Heights, IL, American Choppers on the Discovery Channel
Tues – Two Wheel Tuesday on the Speed Channel watch for a new event starting in August on Tuesday nights
Come meet the Streetfighterz on Tuesdays at The Drink on the Landing
Weds – KJ’S Saloon, 805 S illinois, Belleville, IL bike night with free wings and karaoke
Thurs – Hard Riders weekly ride call their hotline for starting point (314) 340-2000
Bike Night at Iron horse Saloon 7928 S Broadway free wings
Bike night at The House of Rock, Ronnie’s Plaza bike parking in rear and no cover
Fri – First Friday of the month Park and Brag Night at Big Boyz Custom Cycles
Joke of the Month
A mechanic was busy removing the cylinder head from the motor of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle when a well
known heart surgeon entered his shop. the surgeon was waiting for the service manager to take a look at his bike
when the mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hey, doc can I ask you a question?”
The surgeon a bit surprised walked over. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked “Doc,
look at this engine. I open its heart, takes a valve out, fix’em put’em back in, and when I’m finish, it works just like
new. So why do I get such a small salary and you get the big bucks, when you and I are basically doing the same
work?” The surgeon smiled, leaned over and whispered to the mechanic, “Try doing it with the motor running.”
Hwy 61/67
Hwy Z
Y H 4-7
Y 2T
IT 1
O 19T
O days
AT c Sun n
GR Musi Garde
Upcoming Events
28th Sedalia Grand National Races – Bike Show from 10 to 3 qualifying races at 6 PM with racing at * PM
for more info call Yeager’s HD at (660) 826-2925.
28th Herman Ride Marble Run – starts at TJ’s Bar & Grill, Hwys 61/67 and Z in Pevely and goes to
Simon’s on the waterfront in Herman, MO call (636) 475-3648 for info.
29th Kindred Poker Run – sing up at Jennifer’s, in Cottage Hills from noon to 2 PM.
29th 17th Hartbauer/McBride Poker Run – sign up from 9 till 11 at Gateway to the West Harley
Davidson 3600 Lemay Ferry Rd end at Top Shooters Columbia, IL Music by Ben-Wah-Bob
29th 17th Hartbauer/McBride Poker Run – sign up from 9 till 11 at Ted’s Motorcycle World 4103
Humbert Rd, Alton, IL ends at Top Shooters Columbia, IL Music by Ben-Wah-Bob.
4th – First Annual Ladies Ozark Mountain Daredevil Ride – hosted by the HELKATS MC, will depart
from TJ’s Bar and Grill at 10 AM cost is $25 and includes one night of camping for more info visit their
website at
5th Bush Pilots Poker Run - starts at the Pub Room in Alton IL signup from noon to 2.
10th Leather & Lace Dance – at the Holiday Inn 222 Potomac Blvd Mt. Vernon, IL, $15 and party goes
from 7 to midnight for more info call (618) 244-4116.
11th – Poker run and Bike Show – at Sharky’s IL Rt 59 and I-70 in Maryville,IL poker run from noon to 2
and show from 3 to 5 sponsored by Southern Illinois Star Riders.
11th MDA Party & Bike Giveaway – at Dale’s Harley Davidson, Mt Vernon, IL from 9 to 5 for more info
call (618) 244-4116.
11th ATV and Motorcycle Rodeo – Pop-a-Top Lounge, IL Rte 3 Ellis Grove, IL sponsored by ABATE for
info call (618) 859-5505.
12th – State Park Charity Marble Run – leaves TJ’s Bar and Grill, Hwys 61/67 and Z in Pevely, Mo at 11
for more info call (636) 475-3648.
12th MDA Poker Run – registration from 10 to 11 at Dale’s Harley Davidson Mt Vernon, IL for more info
call (618) 244-4116.
12th Dream Weavers Poker Run – starts at Cellar Room in Alton, IL sign up 11 to 1.
18th Poker Run – sponsored by The Biking Life sign up at Shady Jack’s in Villa, Ridge from 11 to 1 $5
for 1st hand $1 each additional hand. Proceeds will go to Bikers For Babies for more info call (314) 7223883.
18th Cycle Saints Hope Center Benefit – at Community Hope Center, 950 14th st, Cottage Hills, IL noon to
18th Sportster Tom Nichols 3rd Annual Memorial Ride – starts at Brandy Inn, Cahokia, IL leave at 11 for
info contact Rocky (618) 514-7507.
19th Bike Show – TJ’s Bar and Grill, Hwys 61/67 and Z in Pevely, Mo call (636) 475-3648 for info.
19th Salty Dogs Poker Run – Cellar Room in Alton, IL from noon to 2
24th – 26th First Dam Party – Salt River Resort & Grill 19883 Ospry Place, Rt J Monroe City, MO 3 day
event see flyer for details or call (573) 735-1031.
25th Bush Pilots Night Poker Run – their clubhouse in Alton, Il from 4 to 6PM.
this event is held at the KOA Campgrounds on Lake Corpus Christi at Mathis, Texas. Proceeds will go to
various Coastal Bend Charities. For more information:
SUE (361) 992-0834, TINKLE (361) 543-5370, SUZI (361) 387-3290
calallen. Also watch this site for further details.
If your club or organization has an upcoming event you would like listed here please
contact Jim Furey at (618) 531-0432 or at
H’s bar to KJ’s saloon = 150 miles, you can put all kinds
of distance between Anywhere. It just depends on your
sense of direction. When you’re sittin around on the deck
at H’s, make sure that you get enough drinks to last you
because once you roll out of there and head east on Rt
161. After you pass the USAFB there ain’t much of
nothing worth stopping at all the way to Germantown
and that’s where Sonny, Ronnie, Kevin, Jamie and I
found the Cornerstone B&G. It’s not a very big town so it
shouldn’t be hard for anyone to find this place. It’s right
on the corner of Sycamore and Munster. Vince Wessling
and his family have been there for 41 years, go check the
place out because after 41 years you know they’re doing
it right. Next we head on east to Bartelso and make a
quick stop at a little place called Larry’s West End
Tavern, real nice family type place, good place to eat, but
not good for being rowdy, which we have a tendency to
do sometimes. From here we decide what the hell let’s
cruise on out around Centralia and see what we can find
and sure enough there is a place in Wamac, IL, right next
door to Centralia
that fit the bill for exactly the kind of places that we were
looking for called the Industrial Tavern. This
establishment is a little hard to find so listen up, go south
out of Centralia on Rt 51 to Industrial Drive, go right,
follow it about a 1/4 mile or so, it’s the 1st bar you come
to on the right. A big place that looks like a log cabin
kinda, and it even has special motorcycle parking
because Rob Alexander the owner is a rider and a
humanitarian. Rob puts on the Hoyleton Children Home
Run, make sure to go out and have a drink with him. We
rolled on south to Rt 177 and head back west, and make
another quick stop in Hoyleton, IL. This time at a place
called Fieb’s not a very big place but really nice folks.
We had a drink with them and got on our way. Next
stop,Okawville and TJ’S Tavern on the corner of
Hanover and Walnut, and come to find out it’s owned by
the same people that own the Blue Room and a ew other
bars around the area. The interesting thing about this
place is that it is across the street from an old hotel and
restaurant that is suppose to be haunted, maybe I’ll do a
little piece on that place around Halloween, but for now
let’s get back on the road and get on down to New
Memphis and make a couple of stops. First there was
Gary’s; y’all know that one place, that’s right on the
curve, pretty nice place, kitchen is open till midnight
which is always a good thing and the bartenders will
definitely get
your attention, 2nd was Ford Bros Tavern which is kinda
up in town, what little town there is. It’s not to hard to
find the place has been a been a bar for 80 years and just
about all of us have probably been there at least once, but
don’t remember it until you walk in and then it’s like
“OH YEAH” I’ve been here before. Make note, if your
over 6’ foot duck when you go into the men’s room, ask
Sonny he will tell you all about it.
So any way by this time we all agree that we are dying of
malnutrition so we blast towards Mascoutah and a real
nice bar and restaurant called Scooters. They have a full
service kitchen that is open from 10AM to 9PM, with
some of the best food around these parts. Jamie and I
really liked the porch swings out front, nice touch to the
place. After we got our bellies full we almost didn’t want
to get up and leave but it was getting dark, and we still
have one more stop we wanted to make. So its straight
back west to Belleville and KJ’s Saloon on S. Illinois,
most of us or at least some of us older crowd guys know
it as the Old Rotten Ron’s. It’s right next to the railroad
tracks, down the street from Frieze HD. My good friend
KENT MEYER has been there for a few years now and
it’s a far cry different than it was in the old days and I
personally think its better. Kent has done a lot of good
with the place and makes some of the best chicken
around so make sure to stop in and see the difference.
Have a beer with Kent and ask him if he has
any tarantula, he will know what you mean, so after
today’s trip I’m going home that’s my last stop so till
next time LIVE TO RIDE…..
Congratulations to Margaret and Mark
Demond on the opening of their new shop,
Heartland Thunder. They are located on N.
Illinoi St. in Belleville, IL stop in say hi and
help these folks get off to a great start in
this venture. Good luck.
(618) 466-9791
Have you ever met someone that leaves a lasting impression on everyone they come in contact with? Matt Ferguson
was one of those people. All of us who had the privilege of knowing him are all the better for it and the short time
that we got to spend with him. Matt left us Sunday, August 1st doing what he loved. Matt was a dedicated member of
the 100 MPH Club where he was well respected, he was awarded the position of SGT at Arms: he also was an avid
crusader for the Children’s Burn Camp.
Matt was also a husband and father. He leaves behind his wife of 17 years Paula,and their 4 children, Lauren, Jacob,
Katey and Ethan. Matt and Paula met in the 5th grade and started dating in high school. Matt was an active member
of the US Air National Guard where he was an aircraft technician, dedicated to his country, his family and his club, as
well as his friends. Matt lived his life full throttle with no slack, and he touched a lot of peoples lives along the way,
he will be dearly missed and never forgotten, for us who put a lot of miles on with him, we will keep him in the wind
every time we roll out because he will always be riding with us in our hearts and memories.
The folks that patronize H’s Bar, the Best Biker Bar in Belleville also suffered another loss here
recently with the passing of Martin Powell. While Martin was not a rider himself he made ready
friends with anyone who came into H’s and he will be missed by all who knew. Hopefully the wind
will be in his hair where ever he is.

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