Milton Township, MI
Milton Township, MI
iviutolai Township 1829 Milton Township ' 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Email: Website: Agenda for Milton Township Regular Board Meeting Milton Township Hall - 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI Tuesday, January 19th, 2016 7:00 P.M. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance: Community Reports: 1. Planning Commission Ex Officio Member 2. Other committee chairs and visiting officials. Anyone Wishing to Speak to the Board: (3 min/person) Board Member Comments: Approval of Agenda: Approval of Previous Minutes: Business (w/attendees): Old Business: 1. Fire Services 2. Rental Updates 3. Township Policy Updates New Business: 1. Planning Commission Appointment 2. Risk Mitigation Activities 3. 2016-2017 Budget Financial Report: 1. Review of Township Budget 2. Financial Reports 3. Approval of Checks Adjournment: Milton Township 1829 . Milton Towns fitp 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Email: Website: Unofficial Minutes for Milton Township Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting Milton Township Hall - 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, M1 Tuesday, December 15th, 2015 7:00 P.M. Meeting called to order at 7:00pm and the pledge was recited. 'PA Members Present: Treasurer Susan Flowers, Clerk Steve Sante, Trustee 1$enken, an upery 4r Benjamin. Members Absent: Trustee Kelly Sweeney Community Reports: sent the w fire truck to the Township. Members from the Edwardsburg Fire Department was,present t ding the new truck. Also Bruce Stack, whom is the Edwardsburg Fire Chief ievs ed info discussed was the way in which the truck was p for by the [ire department. Planning Commission Ex Officio Member Sweeney was not present for the meeting. Robert Ziliak: Mr. Ziliak reports the Board new administrator is u erw ers vied not to renew the Administrator's contract. A search for a for the courthouse remodeling project where left at the township. Other Committee chairs atul visitaro icials: Benjamin orts that the Board of Review had its December meeting and will not meet again until March. Sante feports ap atioiwfopAV ballots were sent out and ballots will be ready no later than January 19th Renken ported that ere will be an Ambulance Board meeting on Thursday 12/17. The board is waiting on the final au epo hich should be completed soon. Anyone wishing to speak to the board: Ken Swanson, who is a resident on Franz Drive, spoke on the poor condition of that road and need for its repair. A lengthy discussion followed involving the board and public. Benjamin provided suggestions on getting the problem resolved. A discussion on the improvements to the Redfield/Gumwood intersection was also discussed. Board Member Comments: None Approval of Agenda: Board of Review Training Approval of Previous Minutes Minutes for 11/18/2015 Clerk revised the minutes prior to the minutes and those changes were discussed Motion: Flowers made a motion to approve the minutes as revised Second: Renken Discussion: None Motion Carried Unanimously 0 Business with Attendees: None Old Business: Fire Services Benjamin indicates the township is in the Rental Updates Flowers presented ideas on improvi Sound Panels The board discussed the aco further panels were Policy Updates Benjamin in up a s 1 assessment for fire services. land old township hall. e installation of sound panels. The board indicated no omplete the review of township policies. N 20 roposed meeting schedule for the Board of Trustees in 2016. Beni de a motion to set the dates as amended Motion: Second: R Discussion: None Motion carried unanimously Zoning Administrator Salary The ZA is now a master citizen planner. At her hiring, the board indicated she would receive a raise upon obtaining this certification. Motion: Benjamin made a motion to increase her salary to $17,136. Second: Sante Discussion: None Roll Call: Flowers Y, Renken Y, Sante Y, Benjamin Y Motion carried BOR Training Motion: Benjamin made a motion to fund training for five individuals at an MTA cla $562.50 Second: Renken Discussion: None Roll Call: Flowers Y, Renken Y, Sante Y, Benjamin Y Motion carried in Financial Report: Review of Township Budget Discrepancies in reported amounts in the budget were noted. discrepancies. tec%tle clerk to fix those Financial Reports Flowers reported the township funds total $52 Approval of Checks Benjamin reviewed checks and noted removed from the bill. Also, it was township policy. ichade tax and requested the clerk look into having it for millage was submitted but was too old per as written Motion: Sante made a motion to appr Second: Flowers IA the millageWeimbursement check could not be paid. • tewDiscussion: Beni Motion: Beni Second: Re Discuss. Motiop carrie Flowers /iongrAend the original motion and exclude check 9768. , ' '%/ 0, ft) follow its policies regarding these issues. a e Y, Sweeney Y, Benjamin Y Motion Adjournment Motion: At 8:25 pm Flowers made a motion to adjourn. Second: Renken Discussion: None Motion carried unanimously 3:54 PM Milton Township 01/12/16 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Cash Basis April 1, 2015 through January 19, 2016 Apr 1, '15 - Jan 19, 16 Income A BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (For Budgeting only) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 0.00 Total A BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (For Budgeting only) A TAXES 403 REAL TAXES - CURRENT 413 DELINQ. & MAY TAX 445 Admin Fee 447 SUMMER TAX (REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER TAX) Total A TAXES B LICENSES & PERMITS 472 COMCAST FRANCHISE (COMCAST FRANCHISE REIMBURSEMENT) 477 • BUILDING PERMITS 477.1 • ELECTRICAL PERMITS 477.2 • MECHANICAL PERMITS 477.3 • PLUMBING PERMITS Total B LICENSES & PERMITS C STATE GRANTS 574 STATE SHARED REVENUE (STATE SHARED REVENUE) 575 METRO FUNDS Total C STATE GRANTS D CHARGES FOR SERVICES 626 CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION 627 FOIA FEES 628 SITE PLAN REVIEW 628.1 PARCEL BOUNDRY ADJUSTMENT 628.2 PARCEL COMBINATION 628.3 REZONING REQUEST APPL. 628.4 LAND SPLIT / DIVISION FEE 629 ZBA HEARINGS ((ZBA - APPEAL HEARINGS)) 629.1 PLANNING COMM SP HEARING 631 PTAF Total D CHARGES FOR SERVICES E INTEREST AND RENTS 665 INTEREST INCOME (Interest Income) 667 RENTAL - SMITH CHAPEL (RENTAL - SMITH CHAPEL) 668 OTH Rental 669 Township Room Rentals Total E INTEREST AND RENTS F OTHER REVENUES 675 DONATIONS & GRANTS (DONATIONS & GRANTS) 676 OTHER REVENUES (OTHER REVENUES) 676.1 REIMBURSEMENT BLDG. DEPT. 676.2 SMCAS ANNUAL CONTRACT (SMCAS ANNUAL CONTRACT) 678 REIMBURSEMENT - ELECTIONS (REIMBURSEMENT - ELECTIONS) 678.1 Reimb Contractor Services 678.2 REIMB. FROM FIRE FUND Total F OTHER REVENUES Total Income Gross Profit Expense A TOWNSHIP BOARD 101-101-136.5 BUILDING NOTE PMT 101-101-702 Trustee Salary 101-101-710 SALARY-AA 101-101-710.1 SECRETARY WAGES 101-101-710.2 ACCRUED WAGES 101-101-725.1 Amb. Board Meet 101-101-725.2 NATS Meetings 101-101-725.3 FOIA Expense 101-101-725.4 FIRE BOARD MEETIN 101-101-726 Office Expense 101-101-728 Postage Expense (Postage Expense) 101-101-731 Publications Exp. 101-101-802.2 Trustee Training 101-101-802.3 Admin Trainin 101-101-812 Consultant Board 101-101-813 MTA Dues Budget 601,272.17 0.00 12,907.83 1,019.33 7,226.94 6,118.76 27,272.86 23,870.69 17,009.00 6,094.00 6,365.60 2,073.60 55,412.89 146,072.00 500.00 146,572.00 0.00 0.00 825.00 500.00 25.00 300.00 1,600.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 4,250.00 665.39 1,350.00 72.00 1,738.00 3,825.39 2,431.33 151.21 40.56 1,250.00 1,173.60 0.00 115.26 601,272.17 116,421.01 0.00 0.00 4,500.00 120,921.01 21,000.00 19,000.00 6,150.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 54,150.00 304,542.00 2,700.00 307,242.00 500.00 20.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 33,915.83 36,435.83 700.00 1,000.00 7,200.00 1,500.00 10,400.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 400.00 300.00 130,025.40 $ Over Budget -601,272.17 -601,272.17 -103,513.18 1,019.33 7,226.94 1,618.76 -93,648.15 2,870.69 -1,991.00 -56.00 2,365.60 -1,926.40 1,262.89 -158,470.00 -2,200.00 -160,670.00 -500.00 -20.00 325.00 0.00 25.00 -200.00 1,600.00 -500.00 1,000.00 -33,915.83 -32,185.83 -34.61 350.00 -7,128.00 238.00 -6,574.61 -2,568.67 151.21 40.56 • 0.00 773.60 -300.00 -129,910.14 5,161.96 136,975.40 -131,813.44 242,495.10 1,267,396.41 -1,024,901.31 242,495.10 1,267,396.41 -1,024,901.31 0.00 3,958.46 26,716.75 3,916.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 4,078.72 1,141.97 101.34 0.00 0.00 1,950.00 2,729.92 128,344.28 5,000.00 32,976.00 6,164.00 1,769.23 300.00 240.00 20.00 320.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 2,250.00 200.00 200.00 1,950.00 2,800.00 -128,344.28 -1,041.54 -6,259.25 -2,248.00 -1,769.23 -240.00 -240.00 -20.00 -20.00 -921.28 -1,858.03 -2,148.66 -200.00 -200.00 0.00 -70.08 Page 1 3:54 PM Milton Township 01/12/16 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Cash Basis April 1, 2015 through January 19, 2016 Apri, '15 -Jan 19, 16 101-101-813.1 NATS Membership 101-101-815 Computer & Software 101-101-818 LOAN TO FIRE FUND 101-101-850 Telephone 101-101-850.1 Internet 101-101-861.2 Commitee Mileage 101-101-861.3 Admin/Sec.Mileage 101-101-901 Legal Notices 101-101-970 Equipment/Furniture Total A TOWNSHIP BOARD B SUPERVISOR 101-171-702 (Salary) (Supervisor Salary) 101-171-702.1 (Deputy Salary) (Deputy Supervisor Wages) Total B SUPERVISOR C ELECTIONS 101-191-705 Wages Elect Inspec 101-191-726 Election - Supplies 101-191-901 Legal Notices (Election - Legal Notices) 101-191-931.1 Elect Mach Progm 101-191-933 Elect Machine Maint 101-191-975 Elec Meal Reimb Total C ELECTIONS D CLERK 101-215-702 Salary-Clerk (Salary-Clerk) 101-215-702.1 Wages - Deputy (Wages - Deputy) 101-215-815 Computer Software (Computer Software) 101-215-902 Forms (Forms) Total D CLERK E EXTERNAL AUDITS 101-202-802 Other Acct Fees Total E EXTERNAL AUDITS F BOARD OF REVIEW 101-247-725 (Wages) (BOR - per diem) 101-247-731 (Publications) (BOR - Publications) 101-247-802.1 (BOR Training) (BOR Training) 101-247-861 (Mileage) (BOR - mileage) 101-247-864 (Meals) (BOR - Meals & Lodging) 101-247-901 (Legal/Notices) (BOR - Legal notices) 61,050.25 G TREASURER 101-253-702 (Salary) (Treasurer Salary) 101-253-702.1 (Deputy Wages) (Deputy Treasurer Wages) 101-253-734 (Service Fees) (Treasurer Bank Service Fees) 101-253-802.1 (Treasurer Train) (Treasurer Training) 101-253-815 (Computer) (Treasurer - computer/software) 101-253-816 (Tax Roll Printing) (Treasurer - Tax Roll Mnt/Prt) 101-253-861 (Mileage) (Treasurer - mileage) 101-253-970 (Equipment) (Treasurer/New Equipment) Total G TREASURER H ASSESSOR 101-257-728 POSTAGE EXPENSE 101-257-809 ASSESSOR TRAINING 101-257-815 BSA SOFTWARE 101-257-817 ASSESSOR WAGES Total H ASSESSOR I SMITH'S CHAPEL 101-265-726 SC Supplies 101-265-921.2 SC Electric 101-265-923.2 SC Heat 101-265-933 (SC-Maintenance) (Smith Chapel Main.Bldg.) 101-265-933.2 (SC-Equip Maint) (Sm Chpl - Equipment Maint) 101-265-940 (SC-Rent Commission (Sm Chpl - Rental Commission) Total I SMITH'S CHAPEL 344,917.07 14,500.00 552.00 11,479.23 109.25 11,588.48 1,016.00 162.56 88.15 0.00 335.60 72.81 15,052.00 4,000.00 500.00 150.00 1,600.00 335.60 150.00 1,675.12 6,735.60 19,500.00 1,100.00 1,200.00 250.00 15,437.50 790.44 1,125.50 237.95 17,591.39 22,050.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 440.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,732.50 18,500.00 1,000.00 50.00 250.00 100.00 5,800.00 250.00 100.00 14,645.77 874.01 37.80 0.00 0.00 5,606.22 5.80 0.00 21,169.60 26,050.00 2,200.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 818.63 696.00 19,791.72 21,306.35 0.00 229.45 441.46 0.00 0.00 40.00 30,700.00 100.00 400.00 437.64 500.00 200.00 200.00 710.91 -1,800.00 0.00 -130,025.40 -872.18 -61.21 -122.00 -100.00 -835.67 -4,470.01 -283,866.82 -3,020.77 -442.75 -3,463.52 -2,984.00 -337.44 -61.85 -1,600.00 0.00 -77.19 -5,060.48 -4,062.50 -309.56 -74.50 -12.05 -4,458.61 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 1,760.00 100.00 552.50 100.00 120.00 100.00 440.00 Total F BOARD OF REVIEW $ Over Budget Budget 1,800.00 4,436.16 130,025.40 5,000.00 1,900.00 122.00 100.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 4,436.16 0.00 4,127.82 1,838.79 0.00 0.00 164.33 5,529.99 1,837.64 -1,320.00 -100.00 -552.50 -100.00 -120.00 -100.00 -2,292.50 -3,854.23 -125.99 -12.20 -250.00 -100.00 -193.78 -244.20 -100.00 -4,880.40 -2,200.00 -681.37 -1,304.00 -5,208.28 -9,393.65 -100.00 -170.55 3.82 -500.00 -200.00 -160.00 -1,126.73 Page 2 3:54 PM Milton Township 01/12/16 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Cash Basis April 1, 2015 through January 19, 2016 Apr 1, '15 - Jan 19, 16 J TOWNSHIP HALL 101-265-921.2 TH Electric 101-265-923.1 TH Gas 101-265-924TH Security 101-265-931 GROUNDS KEEPER 101-265-931.4 TH Cleaning 101-265-933 TH Equip. Maint. 101-265-933.2 TH Maintenance 101-265-934 Siren Maintenance Total J TOWNSHIP HALL J.1 OLD TWSP HALL 101-265-726 RENTAL EXP. 101-265-921 ELECTRIC 101-265-923.2 HEAT 101-265-931.5 CLEANING 101-265-933.3 MAINT. Total J.1 OLD TWSP HALL J.2 RENTAL EXP. 101-265-710 Event Manager Pay 101-265-726 SUPPLIES 101-265-970 EQUIPMENT Total J.3 WEATHER SIRENS K ATTORNEY COSTS 101-266-826 LEGAL Total K ATTORNEY COSTS L INSPECTORS 101-371-702.3 MECHANICAL LABOR (Mechanical Inspector Wages). 101-371-724 ELECTRICAL LABOR (Electrical Inspector Wages) 101-371-724.2 BUILDING WAGES (Building Inspector Wages) 101-371-724.3 BUILD MAINT. WAGE 101-371-724.4 PLUMBING LABOR (Fees Plumbing Inspector) 101-371-726 INSPECTOR SUPPLIES (Inspector Office Supplies) 101-371-802 CONFERENCES (Inspector - conf & workshops) 101-371-850 CON TELCOM EXP Total L INSPECTORS M ROADS 101-446-969 ROADS 101-446-969.2 STRIPING 101-446-969.3 MULI USE PATH Total M ROADS N STREET LIGHTS 101448-820 STREET LIGHTS - ALL Total N STREET LIGHTS 0 Spring Cleaning 101-528-943 TRASH CONTAINER Total 0 Spring Cleaning P PLANNING COMMISSION 101-410-725 (PC-Wages) (Planning Commission Wages) 101-410-726 (PC-supplies) (Plan comm - Office Supplies) 101-410-802 (PC-Conferences) (Plan Com Conf & Workshop) 101-410-812 (PC-consultants) (Plan comm - Consultant) 101-410.826 (PC-Legal) (Plan comm - Legal Services) 101-410-901 (PC-Legal/Notices) (Plan comm - Legal Notices) Total P PLANNING COMMISSION Q ZBA 101-410-725.1 (ZBA WAGES) (ZBA Wages) 101-410-726.1 (ZBA SUPPLIES) (ZBA - Office Supplies) 101-410-826.1 (ZBA-LEGAL) (ZBA - Legal Services) 101-410-861.1 (ZBA-MILEAGE) (ZBA - Mileage) 101-410-901.1 ZBA-LEGAL NOTICE (ZBA - Legal Notices) Total Q ZBA 8,400.00 3,600.00 1,900.00 9,600.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 600.00 2,788.94 620.88 676.29 8,450.00 0.00 891.66 694.28 0.00 14,122.05 26,600.00 720.00 700.00 500.00 500.00 4,000.00 0.00 696.18 176.92 426.00 0.00 1,299.10 6,420.00 285.00 500.00 1,000.00 142.32 0.00 339.16 Total J.2 RENTAL EXP. J.3 WEATHER SIRENS 101-265-934 Siren Maint. 101-265-970 SIREN EQUIP $ Over Budget Budget 481.48 1,785.00 600.00 5,449.00 0.00 4,600.00 4,600.00 6,049.00 12,000.00 8,677.89 8,677.89 12,000.00 3,200.00 7,000.00 19,200.00 3,000.00 3,200.00 250.00 250.00 300.00 3,909.00 6,558.40 18,245.60 0.00 728.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,441.40 10,387.08 2,889.59 5,500.00 36,400.00 10,650.00 3,290.00 25,750.00 18,776.67 6,317.87 39,690.00 5,700.00 6,317.87 5,700.00 2,111.10 2,111.10 2,111.10 7,258.06 0.00 73.60 0.00 61.00 0.00 11,335.00 800.00 100.00 250.00 100.00 100.00 134.60 -12,477.95 -720.00 -3.82 -323.08 -74.00 -4,000.00 -5,120.90 -142.68 -500.00 -660.84 -1,303.52 -600.00 -849.00 -1,449.00 -3,322.11 -3,322.11 709.00 11, -441.60 -954.40 -3,000.00 -2,471.60 -250.00 -250.00 -300.00 -6,958.60 -262.92 -400.41 -20,250.00 -20,913.33 617.87 617.87 0.00 0.00 2,111.10 6,650.00 200.00 500.00 2,400.00 1,185.00 400.00 2,685.00 0.00 0.00 3,398.06 1,175.00 0.00 -5,611.06 -2,979.12 -1,223.71 -1,150.00 -500.00 -108.34 -305.72 -600.00 1,350.00 -3,965.00 -200.00 -500.00 998.06 -10.00 -400.00 -4,076.94 -800.00 -26.40 -250.00 -39.00 -100.00 -1,215.40 Page 3 3:54 PM Milton Township 01/12/16 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Cash Basis April 1, 2015 through January 19, 2016 Apr 1, '15 - Jan 19, 16 R ZONING 101-410-705.2 SALARIES 101-410-802.3 ZA TRAINING 101-410-826.2 LEGAL 101-410-861.2 ZA - MILEAGE 101-410-970 EQUIPMENT Total R ZONING S PARK & RECREATION (PARK & RECREATION) 101-751-931 PARK -MAINTENANCE (Park - Bldg Gr Maint) 101-751-931.1 PORTA POTTY T OTHER 101-850-822 FICA - MATCH (Employer - FICA Matching Share) 101-850-822.1 PENSION - MATCH (Twp Bd - Pension matching) 101-850-822.2 MEDICARE - MATCH (Employeer - Medicare Match Share) 101-850-822.3 PENSION - FEES (Twp Bd - Pension costs) 101-850-860 PAYROLL EXPENSES 101-850-870 UNEMPLOYMENT (Twp Bd Unemployment Insurance) 101-850-910 INSURANCE (Twp Bd - Insurance) Total T OTHER Total Expense Net Income 15,576.00 500.00 1,490.00 300.00 1,500.00 12,461.00 0.00 1,490.00 285.23 0.00 14,236.23 0.00 540.00 19,366.00 500.00 540.00 540.00 Total S PARK & RECREATION (PARK & RECREATION) $ Over Budget Budget 117.06 14,870.41 2,032.00 0.00 999.06 0.00 10,682.00 1,040.00 819.02 14,571.17 2,488.09 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 10,682.00 -3,115.00 -500.00 0.00 -14.77 -1,500.00 -5,129.77 -500.00 0.00 -500.00 -701.96 299.24 0 -456.09 -1,000.00 -0.94 -500.00 0.00 28,700.53 31,060.28 -2,359.75 279,229.08 657,981.19 -378,752.11 -36,733.98 609,415.22 -646,149.20 Page 4 gittilion Township 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Email: Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Website: Financial Statement as EOM December, 2015 Reported January, 2016 FIFTH THIRD General Fund In Transit Shared Revenue approximate $150,642.06 $ 51,000.00 CHEMICAL BANK CD $38,526.29 CD $157,090.00 $1000.16 Escrow HUNTINGTON BANK $134,735.23 Savings Treasurers Cash Box $150.00 Admin Cash Box $190.25 Fire Fund Milton Township General Funds Total $31,685.46 $533,333.99 Milton Township 4:01 PM Transaction List by Date 01/12/16 December 16, 2015 through January 19, 2016 Type Dec 16, '15 - Jan 19, 16 Deposit Deposit Check Check Check Check Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Check Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Check Check Check Check Paycheck Paycheck Deposit Deposit Deposit Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Paycheck Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Paycheck Paycheck Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Check Paycheck Check Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Date 12/18/2015 12/18/2015 12/20/2015 12/20/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/29/2015 12/29/2015 12/29/2015 12/29/2015 12/29/2015 12/29/2015 12/29/2015 12/29/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 01/04/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/11/2016 01/12/2016 01/12/2016 01/12/2016 01/12/2016 01/12/2016 01/14/2016 01/15/2016 01/15/2016 01/15/2016 01/15/2016 01/15/2016 01/15/2016 01/15/2016 01/15/2016 01/15/2016 Num DEP 9772 9771 ACH ACH ACH E-pay 9788 ACH E-pay 9791 ACH ACH ACH 9773 9779 9780 9782 9774 9775 9776 9777 9778 9781 9783 9784 9785 9786 9787 9789 DEP DEP DEP 9793 ACH 9794 9795 9796 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 9813 9812 E-pay E-pay 9815 ACH ACH ACH 9816 9817 E-pay ACH ACH ACH 9802 9803 9804 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 Name Split -SPLIT-SPLIT101-101-726 ... First Bancard First Bancard 101-101-970 ... Indiana Michigan P... 101-265-921 ... Midwest Energy Co... 101-448-820 ... Midwest Energy Co... 101-265-921.2... -SPLITEFTPS 101-000-228 State of Michigan. Aspire Financal Ser... PAYROLL LIA... EFTPS -SPLITState of Michigan. 101-000-228 JOHN HANCOCK, ... 101-000-225- ... JOHN HANCOCK, ... PENSION MA... Midwest Energy Co... 101-265-923.2... -SPLITBenjamin, Robert W Montoya, Jonathan B -SPLIT-SPLITRenken, Eric R Sweeney, Kelly -SPLITBraden, Christopher... -SPLITBuchar, Cori L -SPLIT-SPLITGibert, William M -SPLITGlick, W. Eileen -SPLITHardin, Wayne -SPLITSante, Steve W. 101-247-725 (... Roger Kempton Talley, Thomas R 101-247-725 (... William Corbett (BO... 101-247-725 (... KRAFT, VIRGINIA -SPLIT-SPLITStewart, Revie R Botts-Flowers, Sus... -SPLIT628.4 LAND S... 668 OTH Rental 676.1 REIMB... 101-265-923.2... Semco Energy Semco Energy 101-265-923.1... 101-410-812 (... Williams & Works Bauckham, Sparks,... 101-266-826 L... Leader Publications 101-101-901 L... Michigan Election R... 101-191-726 ... Indiana Michigan P... 101-448-820 ... 101-265-933.2... Cintas 101-101-850 T... Comcast Business 101-265-924 T... ADT Security Servi... First Bankcard 101-215-902 ... -SPLITSvoboda, Richard J -SPLITEFTPS EFTPS -SPLIT101-000-228 State of Michigan. Aspire Financal Ser... PAYROLL LIA... JOHN HANCOCK, ... 101-000-225- ... JOHN HANCOCK, ... PENSION MA... Hardin, Wayne -SPLITSweeney, Kelly -SPLITEFTPS -SPLITJOHN HANCOCK, ... 101-000-225- ... JOHN HANCOCK, ... PENSION MA... COMCAST CABLE-... 101-101-850.1... Stewart, Revie R -SPLIT101-371-702.3... Ed Wainwright Benjamin, Robert W -SPLIT-SPLITBotts-Flowers, Sus... Braden, Christopher... -SPLITBuchar, Cod L -SPLIT-SPLITGibert, William M Glick, W. Eileen -SPLITRenken, Eric R -SPLIT- Amount 2,702.60 7,539.41 -411.63 -2,140.00 -271.13 -393.35 -36.39 -1,205.02 -191.71 -72.50 -61.34 -31.70 -396.31 -575.20 -11.45 -425.27 -45.59 -90.77 -96.20 -393.08 -1,096.48 -826.79 -560.10 -115.44 -52.81 -55.00 -55.00 -55.00 -55.00 -207.64 -616.17 800.00 12.00 40.56 -50.32 -112.83 -2,498.06 -710.00 -11.80 -103.01 -180.51 -31.62 -406.71 -212.28 -183.97 -110.88 -1,252.82 -29.34 -221.21 -72.50 -385.20 -563.11 -115.44 -96.20 -6.64 -14.21 -21.08 -206.55 -167.32 -1,412.00 -425.27 -616.16 -393.07 -1,096.49 -826.80 -560.10 -90.77 Page 1 Milton Township 4:01 PM Transaction List by Date 01/12/16 December 16, 2015 through January 19, 2016 Type Paycheck Check Check Date 01/15/2016 01/19/2016 01/19/2016 Num 9811 9814 9818 Name Split Sante, Steve W. -SPLIT-SPLITFirst Bancard Bauckham, Sparks,... 101-266-826 L... Amount -52.81 -83.20 -1,285.00 Dec 16, '15 - Jan 19, 16 Page 2 Monday December 14, 2015 13:36 Summary Report # Agency St. No . Dir. Street Name Type Sub No. City 23007 LARCENY - OTHER - 12/08/2015 08:49 - 71054 201504559 CCPD FIR RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 71054 FIR MILTON TWP 23007 LARCENY - OTHER - 12/08/2015 08:49 - 71054 201504559 CCPD FIR RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 71054 FIR MILTON TWP 38001 FAMILY - ABUSE/NEGLECT NONVIOLENT 12/05/2015 17:00 - 28787 RUNKLE ST MILTON TWP, 201504529 CCPD MI 49120 28787 RUNKLE MILTON TWP 23007 LARCENY - OTHER - 11/29/2015 14:09 - 33792 201504457 CCPD BERTRAND ST MILTON TWP, MI 49120 33792 BERTRAND MILTON TWP 22001 BURGLARY - FORCED ENTRY - 11/29/2015 03:14 - 33331 US 12 E MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504452 CCPD 33331 US 12 MILTON TWP 54002 OPERATING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OUIL OR OUID - 11/22/2015 14:50 - 0 BRUSH RD MILTON TWP, MI 201504368 CCPD BRUSH MILTON TWP 54002 OPERATING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OUIL OR OUID - 11/22/2015 14:50 - 0 BRUSH RD MILTON TWP, MI 201504368 CCPD BRUSH MILTON TWP 23003 LARCENY - THEFT FROM BUILDING 11/22/2015 08:22 - 30323 RIEDER CT MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504365 CCPD RIEDER MILTON TWP 97006 ACCIDENT OTHER - 11/20/2015 18:39 IRONWOOD RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504349 CCPD IRONWOOD MILTON TWP REDFIELD MILTON TWP 93001 ACCIDENT ON ROADWAY - 11/19/2015 18:45 201504338 CCPD - 0 REDFIELD RD MILTON TWP, MI 201504321 CCPD 30323 0 REDFIELD MILTON TWP 93001 ACCIDENT ON ROADWAY - 11/18/2015 19:09 - REDFIELD RD MILTON TWP, MI 13001 NONAGGRAVATED ASSAULT - 11/16/2015 22:06 - 69256 GUMWOOD RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504291 CCPD 69256 GUMWOOD MILTON TWP 13001 NONAGGRAVATED ASSAULT - 11/16/2015 22:06 - 69256 GUMWOOD RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504291 CCPD 69256 GUMWOOD MILTON TWP 13001 NONAGGRAVATED ASSAULT - 11/16/2015 22:06 - 69256 GUMWOOD RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504291 CCPD 69256 GUMWOOD MILTON TWP 13001 NONAGGRAVATED ASSAULT- 11/16/2015 22:06 - 69256 GUMWOOD RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504291 CCPD 69256 GUMWOOD MILTON TWP 93001 ACCIDENT ON ROADWAY - 11/10/2015 19:04 201504203 CCPD - MAY ST MILTON TWP, MI MAY MILTON TWP 93001 ACCIDENT ON ROADWAY - 11/06/2015 06:00 201504138 CCPD - GUMWOOD RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 GUMWOOD MILTON TWP 35001 VIOLATION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - 11/04/2015 12:05 - 71054 FIR RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504106 CCPD 71054 FIR MILTON TWP 35001 VIOLATION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - 11/04/2015 12:05 - 71054 FIR RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504106 CCPD 71054 FIR MILTON TWP 0 US 12 MILTON TWP 93001 ACCIDENT ON ROADWAY - 11/04/2015 05:48 201504099 CCPD - 0 US 12 MILTON TWP, MI Tuesday January 12, 2016 09:54 Summary Report # Agency St. No. N Dir. Street Name Type Sub No. City 29000 DAMAGE TO PROPERTY - 01/06/2016 13:13 30217 STRATFORD CT MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201600078 CCPD 30217 STRATFORD MILTON TWP 22001 BURGLARY - FORCED ENTRY - 01/02/2016 22:36 - 71233 IRONWOOD DR MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201600030 CCPD 71233 IRONWOOD MILTON TWP 98007 SUSPICIOUS SITUATION - 12/20/2015 03:00 REDFIELD ST MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504681 CCPD REDFIELD MILTON TWP 23006 LARCENY - THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS/ACCESSORIES - 12/16/2015 17:00 - 52025 GUMWOOD MILTON TWP, MI 201504639 CCPD 52025 GUMWOOD MILTON TWP 23007 LARCENY - OTHER - 12/08/2015 08:49 - 71054 FIR RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504559 CCPD 71054 FIR MILTON TWP 23007 LARCENY - OTHER - 12/08/2015 08:49 -,71054 FIR RD MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504559 CCPD 71054 FIR MILTON TWP 38001 FAMILY - ABUSE/NEGLECT NONVIOLENT 12/05/2015 17:00 - 28787 RUNKLE ST MILTON TWP, MI 49120 201504529 CCPD 28787 RUNKLE MILTON TWP Milton Township 1829 r 911ilion Township 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Email: Wcbsitc: 444:thterl PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION This form is designed to comply with Sec. 108 and 109 of the Michigan Land Division Act (formerly the subdivision control act P.A. 288 of 1967 as amended (particularly by P.A.591 of 1996 and P.A. 87 of 1997, MCL et. .seq.). Approval of a division is not a determination that the resulting parcels comply with other ordinances or regulations. Approval of a division of land is required before it is sold, when a new parcel is less than 40 acres and not just a property line adjustment (Sec 102 e& f). Mail completed application to Milton Township at the above address. 1. LOCATION OF PARENT to be split: 70525 Ironwood Dr. PARENT PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER PIN): Parent Parcel Legal Description (DESCRIBE OR ATTACH) 2. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: Cynthia & Tames Giinipert Name: Address: 3. Attached Phone: 269-777-1 585 70525 Ironwood Drive, Niles, MI 49120 PROPOSED DIVISION(S) TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Number of new parcels 2 Intended use (residential, commercial, etc.) Residential Each proposed parcel if 20 acres or less has a depth to width ratio of 3 to 1 or less (not less than permitted by ordinance) Each proposed parcel has a width of (not less than permitted by ordinance) Each proposed parcel has an area of The division of each parcel provides access as follows: (check one) a) x Each new division has frontage on an existing public road; road name Ironwood b) A new public road; proposed road name c) A new easement Describe or attach a legal description of proposed new road or easement. n/a H. Describe or attach a legal description for each proposed new parcel. Attached 4. FUTURE DIVISIONS being transferred from the parent parcel to another parcel. Indicate nu section 109(2) of the statute. Make sure your deed includes both statements as required in 109 gots-1)33 & Bertrand 5. DEVELOPMENT SITE LIMITS (Check each one that represents a condition which exists on the parent parcel): Includes wetlands Waterfront property (river, lake, pond, etc.) Includes a beach Is within a flood plain Is on muck soils or soils known to have severe limitations for on-site sewage system 6. ATTACHMENTS - All of the following attachments MUST be included if applicable. Letter each attachment as shown: A survey that complies with the requirements of P.A. 132 of 1970 as amended, P.A. 591 of 1996 and P.A. 87 of A. 1997 for the proposed division(s) of the parent parcel showing: (1) current boundaries (as of March 31,1997), and all previous divisions made after March 31,1997 (indicate when made or none), and (2) (3) the proposed division(s), and (4) dimensions of the proposed divisions, and (5) existing and proposed road/easement right-of-way(s), and easements for public utilities from each parcel that is a development site to existing public utility facilities, (6) and any existing improvements (buildings, wells, septic system, driveways, etc.) (7) any of the features checked in question number 5. (8) A driveway I Curb Cut permit from the County Road Commission (or MDOT if on a state highway), approving that B. access to the parcel from a drive or easement meets applicable location standards. If any parcel is less than 1 acre in size, a well and septic permit is required before division. (1) C. A copy of any reserved division rights (sec 109 (4) of the act) in the parent parcel. D. A fee of $400.00 for the first parcel and $100.00 for each additional parcel. 7. IMPROVEMENTS - Describe any existing improvements (buildings, well, septic, etc.) which are on the parent parcel or indicate none. Home, garage, well, septic, shed 8. AFFIDAVIT and permission for municipal, county, and State officials to enter the property for inspections: I agree the statements made above are true. and if found not to be true this application and any approval will be void. Further, I agree to comply with the conditions and regulations provided with this parent parcel division. Further, I agree to give permission for officials of the municipality, county, and State of Michigan to enter the property where this parcel division is proposed for purposes if inspection. Finally, 1 understand this is only a parcel division which conveys only certain rights under the applicable local and division ordinance and the State Land Division Act (formerly the subdivision control act P.A. 288 of 1967, as amended (particularly by P.A. 591 of 1996 and P.A. 87 of 1997). MCL 560.101 et. Seq.) and does not include any representation or conveyance of rights in any other statute. Building code. Zoning ordinance, deed restrictions or other property rights. Finally, even if this division is approved, I understand local ordinances and state acts change from time to time and if changed the divisions made here must comply with the new requirements (apply for division approval again) unless deeds representing the approved divisions are recorded with the Register of Deeds or the division is built upon before changes to the laws are made. PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURE FOR OFFICE USE. Assessor Action: Fee Received $ 1 /0 Approved 0 Check # 7705 Not Approved Date: Reasons for Denial: Stipulations/Conditions: Zoning Administrator Action: RagensItir-Dentat. Stipulations/Conditions: Approved Not Approved Date SW 1/4 SHEET 1 OF 2 THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. SKETCH OF DESCRIPTIONS 100 0 S 00°30'00" W CENTER OF 46, 247.20' SECTION 18-8-16 150 200 1 inch = 100 ft. NORTH AND SOUTH QUARTER LINE OF SECTION 18.8-16 0 60 06 tO S 00'01'00" E 262.95' CENTERLINE OF BERTRAND ROAD PARCEL A ±2.34 0 ACRES MILTON TOWNSHIP, CASS COUNTY O w S 00°01'00' E F 272.92' z A c6 EAST AND WEST QUARTER LINE OF SECTION 18-8-16 PARCEL B ±2.29 CO csi ACRES WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18.8-16 RAN UNE 282.40' N 00°01'00" W NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE__ SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18-8-16 IRONWOOD DRIVE (66 R/W) 264 Wixom A,11111, Album. Nil 40010 Hmie: 260 1 613.0460 CLIENT: JAMES AND CYNTHIA GUMPERT W1GHTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. JOB No: 150638 ENGINEERING • SURVEYING • ARCHITECTURE DATE 12/10/2015 2.001 Plp.tone Road 8em0u H:ubor. MI :19022 Thor 1.2(4)1427411OG www orb b oc. 11 90030 Portage Rood Ponapt. AU 40002 SCALE: 1" = 100' Mum: I:1691327-151' DRAWN BY: B.BARBER CHECKED BY: co • CYNTHIA A GUMPERT JAMES GUMPERT /45... 7705 74-8489/2724 405 WOODLAND BUCHANAN, MI 49107-9431 .-07L, CP1 Pay r'.1 Oirle. 0 . . ' Dollars United 27 24848941: . 01705 0 2846 L 7lle .• r No. DATE REC CE-WED FROM 71 U rev& ---441) CI) FOR RENT DOLLARS C FOR i f...iACCOUNT ', ,,.: BAL. DUE C i... "----: 1I i v r"- 0 CASH CHECK PAYMENT • O MONEY ORDER n CREDIT O CARD • FROM • BY TO ti SHEET 2 OF 2 PARCEL A THAT PART OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 16 WEST, MILTON TOWNSHIP, CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE SOUTH 00° 30' 00" WEST ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH QUARTER LINE OF SAID SECTION 18 A DISTANCE OF 247.20 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF BERTRAND ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 88° 02' 00" WEST ON SAID CENTERLINE 598.80 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH B8° 02' 00" WEST ON SAID CENTERLINE 380.10 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 01' 00" WEST PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18 A DISTANCE OF 272.92 FEET TO THE EAST AND WEST QUARTER LINE OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH 89* 32' 30" EAST ON SAID EAST AND WEST QUARTER LINE 379.90 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 00° 01' 00" EAST 262.95 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 2.34 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC AND OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN ANY PART THEREOF TAKEN, USED, OR DEEDED FOR STREET, ROAD, OR HIGHWAY PURPOSES. SUBJECT TO SURVEY. SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, OR OTHERWISE. SUBJECT TO ANY FACTS THAT MAY BE DISCLOSED IN A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. BEARINGS ARE RELATED TO THE WARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN LIBER 1054, PAGE 1113, CASS COUNTY RECORDS. MILTON TOWNSHIP, CASS COUNTY PARCEL B THAT PART OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 16 WEST, MILTON TOWNSHIP, CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE SOUTH 00° 30' 00" WEST ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH QUARTER LINE OF SAID SECTION 18 A DISTANCE OF 247.20 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF BERTRAND ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 88° 02' 00" WEST ON SAID CENTERLINE 978.90 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 88° 02' 00" WEST ON SAID CENTERUNE 360.20 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH 00° 01' 00" WEST ON SAID WEST LINE 282.40 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH 89° 32' 30" EAST ON THE EAST AND WEST QUARTER LINE OF SAID SECTION 18 A DISTANCE OF 360.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00* 01' 00" EAST PARALLEL WITH SAID WEST LINE 272.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 2.29 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC AND OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN ANY PART THEREOF TAKEN, USED, OR DEEDED FOR STREET, ROAD, OR HIGHWAY PURPOSES. SUBJECT TO SURVEY. SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, OR OTHERWISE. SUBJECT TO ANY FACTS THAT MAY BE DISCLOSED IN A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. m 0 BEARINGS ARE RELATED TO THE WARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN LIBER 1054, PAGE 1113, CASS COUNTY RECORDS. Ico cc) CLIENT: JAMES AND CYNTHIA GUMPERT WIGHTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. JOB NO: 150638 ENGINEERING • 15URVEN'ING • ARCHITECTURE 264 WeNtern ASo,00 AllegAn. Ml 49010 P0000: (269) 075.8463 3202 PiprAtone Itoad 1340100 Hobo, MI 49022 Plume: (269)927.0100 02, 00/1001mEn..0e.coin 0625 ronage Rood P00 age. MI 49002 Plum, (26))327-3532 DATE 12/10/2015 SCALE DRAWN BY: B.BARBER CHECKED BY: Co co co IRONWOOD DR 662 14-070-018-065-10 GUMPERT CYNTHIA A & JAMES A 405 WOODLAND BUCHANAN MI 49107 3.37 669 BERTRAND S 0 O z 0 re ROOSEVELT ST ! BERTRAND S z 0 U) L1J WIGHTMAN & ASSOCIATES, ENGINEERING* SURVEYING *ARCHITECTURE Benton Harbor Office: 2303 Pipestone Road Benton Harbor, MI 49022 Telephone: (269) 927-0100 PART OF PARCEL 14-070-018-065-10 (HOUSE PARCEL), IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 16 WEST, MILTON TOWNSHIP, CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN JAMES AND CYNTHIA GUMPERT Toll Free: (877) 927-0109 Fax: (269) 927-1300 Websilc: (JOB #150638) 11/24/2015 THAT PART OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 16 WEST, MILTON TOWNSHIP, CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE SOUTH 00° 30' 00" WEST ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH QUARTER LINE OF SAID SECTION 18 A DISTANCE OF 247.20 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF BERTRAND ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 88° 02' 00" WEST ON SAID CENTERLINE 978.90 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 88° 02' 00" WEST ON SAID CENTERLINE 360.20 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH 00° 01' 00" WEST ON SAID WEST LINE 282.40 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH 89° 32' 30" EAST ON THE EAST AND WEST QUARTER LINE OF SAID SECTION 18 A DISTANCE OF 360.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00° 01' 00" EAST PARALLEL WITH SAID WEST LINE 272.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 2.29 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC AND OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN ANY PART THEREOF TAKEN, USED, OR DEEDED FOR STREET, ROAD, OR HIGHWAY PURPOSES. SUBJECT TO SURVEY. SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, OR OTHERWISE. SUBJECT TO ANY FACTS THAT MAY BE DISCLOSED IN A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. BEARINGS ARE RELATED TO THE WARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN LIBER 1054, PAGE 1113, CASS COUNTY RECORDS. e BENTON HARBOR * PORTAGE e Milton TOwnship 1829 leu r Wilton Township •••-, 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Email: Website: *Nemo 1C01' PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION This form is designed to comply with Sec. 108 and 109 of the Michigan Land Division Act (formerly the subdivision control act P.A. 288 of 1967 as amended (particularly by P. A.591 of 1996 and P.A. 87 of 1997, MCL et. .seq.). Approval of a division is not a determination that the resulting parcels comply with other ordinances or regulations. Approval of a division of land is required before it is sold, when a new parcel is less than 40 acres and not just a property line adjustment (Sec 102 e & f). Mail completed application to Milton Township at the above address. 1. LOCATION OF PARENT to be split: 4s1 PARENT PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER PIN). (reoNwoeDy et) , 1J t LtwS 1 friz 491zac) - 0 4 o - e) 7c) - O 14 Di Parent Parcel Legal Description (DESCRIBE OR ATTACH) 4rrikeo/67) spLx-r 12.1.Mit..D4 .0...A.VINIFILESTEORMA:12.taN . Name: Ji45otv 4 spAgrce 'R EL L SFAMphone: 574- 213 - 389'6, Address: I t 75 C W C6T-FORX GT 6R-A-matce t t u PROPOSER-DRIStaNktS) A. B. C. D. E. F. 416.30 74.1t Number of new parcels i7E. I 01•YrtA-1— Intended use (residential, commercial, etc.) Each proposed parcel if 20 acres or less has a depth to width ratio of 3 to 1 or less Each proposed parcel has a width of Zoic: I (not less than permitted by ordinance) Each proposed parcel has an area of 2. AC.24-5(not less than permitted by ordinance) The division of each parcel provides access as follows: (check one) a) %/Each new division has frontage on an existing public road; road name 1..J 114001,100P b) A new public road; proposed road name c) A new easement RP IQ /A H. 4. Describe or attach a legal description for each proposed new parcel. rrA-c-Ae.-T) FUTURE DIVISIONS being transferred from the parent parcel to another parcel. Indicate number transferred section 109(2) of the statute. Make sure your deed includes both statements as required in 109 (3 & 4) of the statute. See v,.ik 42,.. 4, .1- yAnrperantgseraldifiall which _axis...term thAiiarpnt parrx.9,1 a, Doi riLaPmExEsKrRaiNtiTuri, Includes wetlands Waterfront property (river, lake, pond, etc.) Includes a beach Is within a flood plain Is on muck soils or soils known to have severe limitations for on-site sewage system 6. ATTACHMENTS - All of the following attachments MUST be included if applicable. Letter each attachment as shown: 3*it13 tho xs,mirprnoniv...a.P A. 117.a] 0713 Orrigsrvir.d P A %La 199.6. anrIP J.3.7.1997 for the proposed division(s) of the parent parcel showing: current boundaries (as of March 31,1997), and (1) all previous divisions made after March 31,1997 (indicate when made or none), and (2) the proposed division(s), and (3) (4) dimensions of the proposed divisions, and existing and proposed road! easement ngfit-o-r-way(sj, and (() easements for public utilities from each parcel that is a development site to existing public utility facilities, (6) and any existing improvements (buildings, wells, septic system, driveways, etc.) (7) any of the features checked in question number 5. (8) A _driveway I Curb Cutpermit from the,County Road Commission (or MDOT if on a state hiehway). acqrovina_ that B. access to the parcel from a drive or easement meets applicable location standards. If any parcel is less than 1 acre in size, a well and septic permit is required before division. (1) C. A copy of any reserved division rights (sec 109 (4) of the act) in the parent parcel. D. A fee of $400.00 for the first parcel and $100.00 for each additional parcel. ete,)„,.citx,.the,.2ar.ent.,p:ve.el.qr fM.PROVEIKENT.S. - Dege:.:tiezaey,existirko,iasrpizexke.nts:(h.eilclina'Foszejk,:setitie,: rt indicate none. 144 Aru— '13 Af-IJ Zot x 41—e) I 8. AFFIDAVIT and permission for municipal, county, and State officials to enter the property for inspections: I agree the statements made above are true, and if found not to be true this application and any approval will be void. Further, I auree to ftnmely with the conditians and reaulations provided with this parent.parcel division...Further...I au= to give permission for officials of the municipality, county, and State of Michigan to enter the property where this parcel division is proposed for purposes if inspection. Finally, I understand this is only a parcel division which conveys only certain rights under the applicable local and division ordinance and the State Land Division Act (formerly the subdivision control act P.A. 288 of 1967, as amended (particularly by P.A. 591 of 1996 and P.A. 87 of 1997), MCL 560.101 et. Seq.) and does not include any representation or conveyance of rights in any other statute, Building code, Zoning ordinance, deed restrictions or other property rights. Finally, even if this division is approved, I understand local ordinances and state acts change from time to time and if changed the approved divisions are recorded with the Register of Deeds or the division is built upon before changes to the laws are made. DATE PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURE 1 4 s t, o0 FOR OFFICE USE. Assessor Action: Fee Received $ 4o CD --- Approved Check # g?(t`:" Not Approved Date: Reasons for Denial: Stipulations/Conditions: Zoning Administrator Action: 7 Approves leasoils i -fsr-"Bex~sl:Stipulations/C,onditions: Approved Date c;q 4.- c S gallABONMAKI:lf 95 West Min Street Benton Harbor, Mt 49022 T 269.927.2295 f 269.927.1017 I Engineering Architecture Land Surveying Morino/Waterfront Community Planning Landscape Architecture Development Services Manistee, MI South Haven, MI South Bend IN Portage, IN CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I, MATTHEW REINKING, A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR, NUMBER 54057, IN MICHIGAN, CERTIFY THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF A BOUNDARY SURVEY PERFORMED UNDER MY DIRECTION FOR THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND: SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR PARCEL LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. BEARINGS AS SHOWN ARE BASED ON MICHIGAN STATE PLANE COORDINATES, SOUTH ZONE, WGS84. LEGEND CENTER SEC.7,TES.S.16W. FOUND CONCRETE PLAT MONUMENT 1 1*" m FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT FIR • = FOUND IRON ROD 0F/P = FOUND IRON PIPE = SET IRON ROD - gra,' r. 1 =300' 0 150 300 600 LOT 25 ROMVARNE SZ2DIVISION LEER 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 198 FMON SE.13°18'53"E 417.48' el 7 SIR 0 SOUTH POSWARNE SUSDNISION MIME 941.54 7=1 1_146.7' 20.1.100 DAM 8 SIR 500°44'29"W 208.71' NORTH LINE, SOUTHEAST 1/4, SOUTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 7 f--() N88°18.53"w 417.45 PARCEL A (SPLIT PARCEL) 2.000 ACRES 0 SOUTHEAST 1/4, SOUTHWEST1 /4SECTION7 IRONWOOD DRIVE (66' P.O.B. PARCEL A HISTORICAL NORTHEAST CORNER N SOUTHEAST 1/4. S SOUTHWEST 1/4 SEC.7,725„R.10/.. FOUND CONCRETE FIAT MONUMENT FMON PARCEL B (REMAINDER) 39.343 ACRES 300°4615"W 1326.53' SR o WEST LINE, SOUTHEAST SOUTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 7 N88014'39'w a. 152109' SOUTHWEST CORNER SEC.7.TJ35.R.16W. FOUND CASS COUNTY REMONUMENTATION CORNER LCRC LIBER 4. PAGE357 ZIFIR FIP OAT' N. 4.35 W. SOUTH LINE SOUTHWEST IM SECTION 7 N8894'39"W 1358.30' SOUTH 1 4 CORNER SEC.7.1•13S.,R.16W. FOUND CASS COUNTY REMONUMENTATION CORNER LCRC LIFTER 4, PAGE 398 .01 12e-cfA c32s:_.1 l4ORV PROA1 1035awiA15 I 5- 7=-, DATE OF CERTIFICATE MATTHEW REINKI LICENSED PROFE4NAL SURVEYOR No. 54057 ABONMARCHE CONSULTANTS, INC. us THIS SURVEY COMPLIES WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ACT 132 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF 1970 AS AMENDED AND WAS PERFORMED WITH AN ERROR OF CLOSURE NO GREATER THAN I IN 5300. ACT 288 OF MICHIGAN PUBLIC ACTS OF 1967. AS AMENDED, SHOULD BE CHECKED TO SEE THAT ANY PROPERTY CONVEYANCE DOES NOT VIOLATE THIS ACT. THIS SURVEY WAS BASED ON THE INCLUDED LEGAL DESCRIPTION AS IT APPEARS ON A DEED OR TITLE INSURANCE POLICY PROVIDED TO US BY THE PERSON TO WHOM THE SURVEY IT CERTIFIED, AND SHOULD BE COMPARED WITH THE ABSTRACT OF TITLE OR TITLE INSURANCE POLICY FOR ACCURACY. EASEMENTS OR DCEpTiONS. ANY WRITTEN OR UNWRITTEN RIGHTS OF ADJOINERS ARE UNKNOWN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED. THE SURVEYORS LIABILITY FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE ARISING OUT OF THE SURVEYORS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, NEGUGENCE GROSS MISCONDUCT, WARRANTIES OR MISREPRESENTATIONS SHALL BE DEEMED LIMITED TO AN AMOUNT NO GREATER THANTHE SERVICE FEE PREPARED FOR: RICHARD DANNER LAND DIVISION PARCEL #14-070-007-040-00 COPIRIGHTTO15-A5ONMARCHECONSULIANTS,INC. t. DRAWN BY: MGR SOUTHWEST QUARTER SECTION 7 APPROVED BY: MAF TOWN 8 SOUTH, RANGE 16 WEST DATE: DECEMBER 18, 2015 CASS COUNTY SCALE 1"=300' SHEET 1 OF 2 z O ?' 0 os bI allABONMAKHD.E, Engineering Architecture Land Surveying Marina/Waterfront Community Planning Landscape Architecture Development Services Manistee, MI South Haven, MI South Bend, IN Portage, IN 95 West Main Street Benton Harbor, MI 49022 269.927.2295 F 269.927.1017 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I, MATTHEW REINING, A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR, NUMBER 54057, IN MICHIGAN, CERTIFY THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF A BOUNDARY SURVEY PERFORMED UNDER MY DIRECTION FOR THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND: PARENT PARCEL (PARCEL #14-070-007-040-00): THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWN 8 SOUTH, RANGE 16 WEST, MILTON TOWNSHIP, CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN, PARCEL A - PROPOSED SPLIT THAT PART OF THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWN 8 SOUTH, RANGE 16 WEST, MILTON TOWNSHIP, CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN, DESCRIBED AS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 88° 14' 39" WEST, ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OP SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, 1358.30 FEET TO THE WEST UNE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7; THENCE NORTH 00° 44' 29" EAST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE. 1116.15 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL OF LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 00° 44' 29" EAST, ALONG SAID WEST UNE, 208.71 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHWEST FRACTIONAL QUARTER OF SECTION 7, BEING ALSO THE MONUMENTED SOUTH UNE OF ROSEWARNE SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN USER 1D OF PLATS, PAGE 198, CASS COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH 88° 18' 53" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 417.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00° 44' 29" WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHWEST FRACTIONAL QUARTER. 208.71 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88° 18' 53" WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHWEST FRACTIONAL QUARTER, 417.48 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS OVER THE WESTERLY 33' THEREOF LYING IN IRONWOOD DRIVE. SUBJECT TO AU. EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD OR OTHERWISE, IF ANY EXIST. SUBJECT TO ALL FACTS THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. PARCEL B - REMAINDER OF PARENT PARCEL THAT PART OF THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWN 8 SOUTH, RANGE 16 WEST, MILTON TOWNSHIP, CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN, DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 88° 14' 39" WEST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, 1358.30 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7; THENCE NORTH 00° 44'29" EAST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 1116.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88° 1 V 53' EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHWEST FRACTIONAL QUARTER OF SECTION 7, BEING ALSO THE MONUMENTED SOUTH LINE OF ROSEWARNE SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN LIBER 1D OF FIATS, PAGE 198, CASS COUNTY RECORDS. A DISTANCE OF 417.48 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 44' 29- EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST UNE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, 208.71 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 88° 18' 53" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 941.54 FEET TO THE HISTORICAL NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHWEST FRACTIONAL QUARTER OF SECTION 7, BEING ALSO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 26, ROSEWARNE SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTH 00° 46' 25" WEST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHWEST FRACTIONAL QUARTER, 1326.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS OVER THE WESTERLY 33' THEREOF LYING IN IRONWOOD DRIVE. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD OR OTHERWISE, IF ANY EXIST. VPROT154 0351thvg\I54 035dwg. S5414 (2), 12/18!20154:48: 14 PM, zn mil-acing. 1:1 SUBJECT TO ALL FACTS THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. 6 th SOUTHWEST CORNER SECTION 7 FOUND CASS COUNTY REMON CORNER CENTERUNE NORTH/SOUTH ROAD WES1 FACE OF POWER POLE N30PE FACE OFT 4' OAK SOUTH BERRIEN COUNTY REMON CORNER SOUTH CARONITE MARKER EAST 18.0' 33.4' 5.6' 54.24 1' souni QUARTER CORNER SECTION 7 FOUND CASS COUNTY REMON CORNER IN MON. BOX EAST FACE OF WOOD FENCEPOST 42 152 530-E FACE 6" OAK N45IIN 12.3 FACE 6' CHERRY FACE 36° MIN OAK 26.1' 580`W V NORTH CARSONITE MARKER CENTER SECTION 7 FOUND CONCRETE PLAT MONUMENT Mow MAG NAIL IN 12-TREE MAG NAIL IN 6" x EC POST EAST MAG NAIL IN 6" x ET' POST N10°W MAG NAIL IN 14' OAK SIVE 23.12 7.63 0.53 27.8' ORc- etk T3e-Tt..1e, MATTHEW 1EETNKI LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR No. 54057 ABONMARCHE CONSULTANTS, INC. DATE OF CERTIFICATI t THIS SURVEY COMFUES WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ACT 132 OF THE PUBUC ACTS OF 1970, AS AMENDED AND WAS PERFORMED WITH AN ERROR OF CLOSURE NO GREATER THAN 1 IN 5000. ACT 2/39 OF MICHIGAN PUBLIC ACTS OF 1967, AS AMENDED, SHOULD BE CHECKED TO SEE THAT ANY PROPERTY CONVEYANCE DOES NOT VIOLATE THIS ACT. THIS SURVEY WAS BASED ON THE INCLUDED LEGAL DESCRIPTION AS IT APPEARS ON A DEED OR TITLE INSURANCE POLICY PROVIDED TO US BY THE PERSON TO WHOM THE SURVEY IS CERTIFIED, AND SHOULD BE COMPARED WITH THE ABSTRACT OF TITLE OR TITLE INSURANCE POLICY FOR ACCURACY, EASEMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS. ANY WRITTEN OR UNWRITTEN RIGHTS Of ADJOINERS ARE UNKNOWN UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED. THE SURVEYORS LIABILITY FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE ARISING OUT OF THE SURVEYORS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, NEGLIGENCE. GROSS MISCONDUCT, WARRANTIES OR MISREPRESENTATIONS SHALL BE DEEMED UWE° TO AN AMOUNT NO GREATER THAN THE SERV ICE FEE. PREPARED FOR: RICHARD DANNER LAND DIVISION PARCEL #14-070-007-040-00 CO1.'011040 2015 ABOTIMARCRE CONSULTANTS, INC. o DRAWN BY: MGR SOUTHWEST QUARTER SECTION 7 APPROVED BY: MAF TOWN 8 SOUTH, RANGE 16 WEST DATE: DECEMBER 18, 2015 SCALE: NJA CASS COUNTY SHEET 2 OF 2 z O O F) ck 1";L,, CO RCO MI5 AUG 18 AN El: 51. 112232 Pages: 2 L: 1994 P: 1716 RECORDED Cass County, Michigan Monica Kennedy, Register of 08/18/2015 01:18 PM Resespt A11111204 Fee. AFF DTA 111111111MMIN k clay that. as to the binds Mafia deiterhall, neither the state nor any person hold* a tax Oa or lien, and that all wee levied tor the five calendar motpnt have years preceding the date of this ins la certif• been paid. except that it checked here recent year late does not cover antes tor the because the delinquent tax roll tor same Is Rot awAnz11.,_ TRUSTEE'S DEED AFFIDAVIT FILED The Grantor, Paul J. Gonsoroski, Trustee of the Lillian M. Gonsoroski Revocable Trust, whose address is 15911 St. Andrews Court, Granger, Indiana 46530, conveys to the Grantees, Jason G. • Sparke and Rachel L. Sparke, husband and wife, whose address is 51750 Westport Ct., Granger, ; Indiana 46530, in consideration of ten dollars ($10) and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, certain real estate located in the Township of Milton, County of Cass, and State of Michigan: The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section seven (7), town eight (8) south, range sixteen (16) west 40 acres of land more or less. Subject to unpaid real estate taxes, easements, covenants, assessments, restrictions and streets of record. The Grantor grants to the Grantees the right to make division(s) under section 108 of the Land Division Act, Act No. 288 of the Public Acts of 1967. This property may be located within the vicinity of farmland or a farm operation. Generally accepted agricultural and management practices which may generate noise, dust, odors and other associations conditions may be used and are protected by the Michigan Right to Farm Act, This Trustee's Deed is executed pursuant to and in exercise of the authority vested in the Trustee by the terms of the Lillian M. Gonsoroski Revocable Trust referenced above ("Trusts,. The Trustee warrants that: the Trust is in full force and effect; the undersigned is the duly qualified trustee of the Trust with full power to execute this Deed on behalf of the Trust; the real estate has not previously been transfvmd from the Trust; and the Trustee is authorized to receive all proceeds (if any) realized from this conveyance. ti Responsibility for performance of the Trustee's obligations hereunder is limited to, and assured only by, the Trust being administered. No personal or individual liability of the Trustee in his/her/its non-fiduciary or private capacity is created upon the execution/delivery of this Deed. Signed and dated on .1;4 /1 , 2015 Paul J s onsoroski, Trustee 0). I A. L: 1094 P: 1717 Page 2 of 2 112232 STATE OF 41..49.41.t../ COUNTY OF Ofteor,444---••" ) ) SS: ) Before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, personally appeared Paul 7. Gonsoroski, of adult age, who affirmed the truth of the statements contained here and acknowledged the , 2015. In witness whereof, I subscribe execution of the foregoing. Trustee's Deed on V;;/,_, /7 , 2015. my name and affix my official seal this /16/14. /Z4L41 , Notary Public County, wit Residing in My commission expires: Oft as. ▪ 01 . 70 ▪ a. * CF ... • When Record Tax Parcel # l4-070-007-040-00 (lit Recording Fee Send subsequent tax bills to: Transfer Fee This Instrument prepared by Adam S. Russell, Michigan Bar No. P7573, Tuesley Hall Xonopa, UP, 212 East LaSalle Avenue, Suite 100, South Bend IN 46617 14-070-007-040-00 GONSOROSKI LILLIAN M TRUST PO BOX 8321 SOUTH BEND IN 46660 40.09 1 280 ONWOODDR 62 14-070-007-040-00 GONSOROSKI LILLIAN M TRUST PO BOX 8321 SOUTH BEND IN 46660 40.09 a -.I BARBARA J DANNER RICHARD E DANNER . 71-1212/712 ODELUXEdelUXO.COTIChECkS PH. 574-273-8267 51076 BROKEN WOOD CT GRANGER, IN 46530 177 DATE /130 7e-ev, PAY TO THE 0 ER OF .•-• s14/: ffl , Source® mi Bank 5276 DOLLA.R:r8 P.O. BOX 1602 SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46634 MEMO I:07 L 2 L L 2E11: 3049 344nicio 5276 araante,retw ACC*: ..or ..— PAYMENT BAL. DUE (I) 8,026111.1: