Texas Wins Circle of Honor!
Texas Wins Circle of Honor!
Texas Knight The Journal of the Knights of Columbus in Texas Since 1902 Vol. 1, 2011-2012 Message from the State Deputy In This Issue State Deputy Message Page 1 First Lady Message Page 2 Membership Page 3 Council Growth Page 4 What Makes a Star? Page 6 Service Programs Page 8 State Council Charities Page 10 One Member! One Council! Per Month! The Passion to Serve! My Brother Knights. et me thank you for your support in reelecting me as Texas State Deputy. It is truly an honor and a privilege to be able to serve you, the Knights of Columbus in the great state of Texas for a second term. Congratulation to the Membership Team, under the leadership of Bobb Mahrer for having an outstanding year in recruitment, bringing in over 4900 new members into our great Order. We now have a total membership of over 95,800. Every recruiting council has done an outstanding job, and with these new members comes new ideas, more charity dollars, more charity labor hours, more volunteer hours, more fraternity, more unity and more patriotism. Our Team of Directors, Bobb Mahrer, Jim Wade, Alfredo Vela, Joe Torres and Terry Fruge with their committeemen have put in countless hours along with every one of you to make Texas the Number One Jurisdiction in the Order. We have been extremely blessed with so much talent and leadership. It is through their efforts that the Knights in Texas continue to grow and prosper as an Order. The Knights could not grow, however, without your support, your dedication to the principles of our Order and without your continued efforts to promote the Vision of Father McGivney in your local Parishes. It is through you that Texas grows. Thank you to each and everyone of you for all that you do for the Order at your local council, local parish, local community and your Diocese. Congratulations go to various Dioceses for achieving 100% of their State Charity goal. The first principle of our Order is wonderfully promoted in all of the fifteen Dioceses. Through our Charity program Texas can assist our neighbors in need. Our Knights throughout the State have stepped up and helped out with money, donations and labor. Thank you to all of you who have contributed your precious “time, treasure and talent”. Charity is indeed loving and being our brother’s keeper. Our Membership Theme is “One Member, Per Council , Per Month.” Deputy Supreme Knight Dennis A. Savoie commented in an inspirational address to the State Deputies and membership directors “Ask L Texas Wins Circle of Honor! State Deputy Tony Herreth (Center) and State Secretary, Jim Collins (Left) and State Treasurer, Terry Simonton accept the Circle of Honor Membership award at the Supreme Convention held in Denver. The coveted COH Award has been attained by Texas for 22 years. every council in your jurisdiction to recruit one member per council, per month,” and “If we believe in the Order, as I know we do, and if we believe in the principles we stand for, as I know we do, then we will offer a First Degree at least once a month.” Building a foundation of service to Church and community is our challenge. When our members sponsor blood drives or youth sports teams, raise funds and volunteer for Special Olympics and other programs for people with intellectual disabilities, or hold a family picnic, through the example they are setting, they are actively building that foundation. Our councils do this over and over again as they work to meet the needs of their communities and our Church. We constantly need new energy and fresh ideas. We must constantly expand our reach. To grow in membership we must personally ask every eligible Catholic man to join the Order, to re-iterate our theme “One Member, Per Council ,Per Month.” We must ask him and his family to help us meet the challenge of adding these members. There are over six million Catholic families registered in Texas. This is a huge pool of Practical Catholic men not only to recruit but who want to join our Order. We must ask every Practical Catholic man and his family to join the Knights. In the Knights they will find so many activities to help us all grow in our Catholic Faith. Marty and I thank you again for electing us again to lead Texas for this fraternal year. We look forward to a great year. We can’t do it without you! Each Officer, Director, Committeemen, Diocesan Deputy, District Deputy, Grand Knight and Financial Secretary through their individual “Passion to Serve” is committed to promote the Order throughout Texas and to help recruit that new Texas State Council Officers (L-R) Javier S. Martinez, Supreme Director, IPSD; Doug Oldmixon, State Advocate; Terry Simonton, State Treasurer; Tony Herreth, brother Knight. We ask that you and your families share that same commitment! State Deputy; Jim Collins, State Secretary; Mark Evans, State Warden. Page 2 VOL 1 2011-2012 Message from Marty Herreth, Wife of State Deputy, Tony Herreth I can not believe that a year has already passed. What a year it was. I would like to thank all the Knights of Columbus from the Great State of Texas for an outstanding year and what a finish; a real nail biter. As they say “Texas has not had its Best Year Yet”. Congratulations on the record number of new brothers that YOU brought into the order. Tony and I were fortunate this past year to be able to attend installations, anniversaries, award programs, ultrasound dedications and many fellowship gatherings throughout the state. These activities are an inspiration and a true witness to the legacy of Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney. Thank you so very much for your invitations and we hope to be able to make many more in the coming year. Summer brings so many opportunities for relaxing and trying to stay cool and praying for rain; let us not forget to concentrate on the values of OUR Catholic Church; the needs of our families, our parishes and the needs of others. Thank you again for an outstanding year, Thank you for your commitment to the Knights of Columbus, keep up the wonderful projects you have started or are about to start and please continue to have Rangel Agency Agents Successfully Complete DI Course W hat if your last paycheck turned out to be your last paycheck…? The Knights of Columbus has added Disability Insurance to its outstanding portfolio of products. Income Armor is designed specifically to protect the most valuable asset of every Brother Knight and his family – their ability to earn an income. In anticipation of the release of this new product, several members of the Tony Rangel Agency enrolled in the Life Underwriter Training Council’s Disability Income course, which is taught by the prestigious American College. Field Agent James Braus, FIC, Field Agent Daryl Van Keulen, FICF, Field Agent Mark Deaton, FICF, Field Agent Henry Rangel, FICF, and Field Agent Mauricio Munguia, along with General Agent Tony Rangel, CLU, CSA, LUTCF, CLU all successfully passed the intensive course work and examination. This extra training is a tangible example of these agents’ commitment to provide their members with the very best service and knowledgeable advice. St. Paul Council 10209 Honors Altar Servers By Albert Bellegas SK Gerry Gauthier Council #10209 of Austin, TX held a recognition dinner for the altar servers of St. Paul Catholic Church. The altar servers and their parents were invited to a dinner that included lasagna, salad and desert. The Women’s Auxiliary assisted in the preparation of the dinner. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed talking with Father Barry Cabell and Father James Martin. The Texas Knight wants to Hear from YOU! The Texas Knight wants to know about our brother knights throughout the state so send us the news and photos. The Next issue is being prepared at this moment. Share the good news with your brothers! Send all articles and photos to Mark Johnson, Editor Texas Knight, 707 Harbor Drive Georgetown, TX 78628 www.TexasKnight-News.net E-Mail mark.johnson@texasknight-news.net. or info@TexasKnight-News.net Typed articles are appreciated. Thank you. Be a Reporter for the Texas Knight! The Texas Knight is looking for reporters in your neck of the woods. All we would ask is that you attend local council, district or diocese Knights events, take a couple of digital photos and write a short story that we could put in the publications which would include the Texas Knight and also on the website. We cannot reimburse for any expenses and don’t want you to incur them. The pay is your name and title (Texas Knight Reporter) and the gratitude of your brother knights in Texas for spreading the good news about our Order. If you’re interested drop me an email mjohnson@ creatdev.com or use the email address above and I’ll give you more details. Thanks, Mark Johnson, Editor. Don’t see Your Article? Our space is limited but look for it in the next edition of the Texas Knight or check out www.tkofc.org. Texas KNIGHT The Texas Knight is a publication of the Texas State Council Knights of Columbus. Copyright 2010 by Texas State Council. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material appearing in The Texas Knight is forbidden without written permission. Publisher Tony Herreth State Deputy Editor Mark Johnson Contributors Most Rev. Kevin Farrell Rev. Jack Whitley Jim Wade Bob Mahrer Alfredo Vela Terry Fruge’ Douglas Oldmixon Michael McLaughlin Texas Knight Reporters Fred Afflerbach Pat Aguillen Robert Allen Bob De Chene Robert Esparza Luz Gallegos Joseph H. Raymond, Sr. Larry Treibel Stan Urban Burnie Vaughn Thomas Weigel James Wick Photography Mark Johnson Design Creative Development Services Texas State Council 6633 Hwy 290 East Ste 204 Austin, TX 78723 The T exas K night , as the official newspaper of the Knights of Columbus, Texas State Council shares in the mission of the Church, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout our fraternity by providing information, education and inspiration to its membership and families. The Texas Knight provides objective and accurate information about the Knights of Columbus both locally, state and internationally and mirrors the living experiences and activities of its’ membership. The Texas Knight strives to educate and enrich the lives of its readers by challenging them to a deeper understanding of the Knights of Columbus and with a greater commitment to the practical application of the precepts of the Catholic Church. The Texas Knight, dedicated to its readers and to the Catholic Church, has a special responsibility to foster a spirit of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism within the Order and within the Church. All Address Changes need be to sent to Supreme Council addressed to: Columbia Membership Services PO Box 1670 New Haven CT 06507-0901 VOL 1 2011-2012 Page 3 YEEEE HAAAA !!! WE DID IT !!!! By Bobb Mahrer State Membership Director But it’s more than that. It’s about the need for more voices to express the importance to protect the sanctify of Life, to protect the tradition of Marriage between one man and one woman, to protect the nucleus of the Family, to provide Charity to those in need (i.e., es, we did it. Together, we sent Texas to the Circle of Honor for the 21st con- Wheel Chair Mission, Coats for Kids, Food for Families, Habitat for Humanity, Special secutive year … ever since the Circle of Honor was created by the Supreme Olympics, and immediate assistance during Natural Disaster), to support Catholic EducaCouncil. And yes, we were the “Number One” jurisdiction … AGAIN … and in tion, to support Vocations, to defend “One Nation Under God”, and to defend God and the Circle of Honor, beating California. I can only imagine what California’s State Deputy prayer in our schools, communities, and government. It’s about being able to protect our and his leadership were thinking on the day after the end of the 2010-2011 fraternal year. values and the practice of our Faith. Having lead Texas the entire fraternal year, and thinking that Texas would never make it, SO WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE ??? they were probably scratching their heads and asking the question, “How’d they do that?” For the 2011-2012 fraternal year, every member and every council is asked to show Well, the answer is easy. “Never under estimate the heart of a champion and the spirit of qualified Catholic men that becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus will be their a Texan and the PASSION of the Knights of Columbus in Texas.” best “Experience of a Lifetime”. Not only is it our goal to make a difference in the lives It was a year of remarkable gains, records, and achievements. We began in the Fall by of our current members but it is also our goal to make a difference in the lives of potential beating California and winning the World Series of Membership. We then accepted the members and their families by offering them the opportunity to be of service to our Church challenge by our State Chaplain Bishop Kevin Farrell and surpassed New York in mem- and our communities. bership on the last day of December, thus, becoming the largest jurisdiction in the United As we capture and extend the momentum from last year into this year, let us also enStates. This was followed by reaching our 95,000th member (Keith O’Connor of Houston), deavor to expand the vision of our founder, Father Michael J. McGivney. His vision gave who was recognized at the State Convention in May. And then June became more than an birth to an organization that today is considered the primary voice as the defender of and extra ordinary month. Texas won Supreme’s 4-month long Membership Racing Series, right arm of the Catholic Church. Let’s continue the momentum by inviting qualified men thus, beating California … AGAIN. YEEEE HAAAA !!! And June was a month of recruitto join us as members of the Knights of Columbus in what will undoubtedly be one of the ing records in Texas. June’s intake was 767 new members. Not only was this a record for best life decisions they’ve ever made. June, but it was a record for any month. And because of such a strong finish, Texas set a Councils that conduct more degrees will find that they will conduct better meetings. new annual recruitment record for a first year State Deputy. Councils that conduct better meetings will find that more members will attend meetings. Wow !!! It was a GREAT year. And it was fun celebrating all of our outstanding More members attending meetings will bring more new recruiters to the forefront. More achievements together at the Organizational Meeting in July, and at the Summer Diocesan recruiters will translate into more Knights. And more Knights will provide us with the greater Conferences during July and August, and at the Supreme Convention in Denver. But, opportunity to Defend our Faith, our families, our values, and our way of a quality life. as expressed in the lyrics of a very familiar song, “That was yesterday, and yesterday’s KEEP TEXAS #1 gone.” Yes, when the calendar flipped over to July 1, as it does at the beginning of a new fraternal year, the chronometer dialed back to zero again and we started over with our new Will you be working hard to help us achieve our goals in this new fraternal year, or will membership recruitment goals for 2011-2012. you just be wearing the badge? Will you be working hard to lead your council to success, or will you just be staying home and rolling donut holes? As you know, if you’re not the “THE GOAL IS 1” lead dog, the view never changes !!! Actually, our state goal is 5,400 new members for the fraternal year. But when I and all “THE BIG 555 DEAL” the other Membership Directors for all of the jurisdictions in the United States met with the Deputy Supreme Knight in mid-June, he started off by noting that we all had the same Did you know that July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays? Did you know that membership recruitment goal. And that goal was “one”. Noting the look of confusion on August has 5 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays, and 5 Wednesdays? Did you know that September our faces, he went on to explain that our goal is one new member from every council every has 5 Thursdays and 5 Fridays? Hence, the name of our membership recruitment incentive month. In essence, our goal is to recruit new members “365” days a year … not just during during the 1st Quarter … THE BIG 555 DEAL !!! the BLITZ months of October and March. Of course, in Texas, we already recruit “365”. Any council that meets or exceeds their membership recruitment goal for the year IT’S NOT ABOUT THE NUMBERS !!! during the 1st Quarter will receive a Texas K of C license plate. If a council meets or Another point recently made by our Supreme Knight Carl Anderson is that when it exceeds double their membership recruitment goal, they will receive two license plates, comes to membership recruitment it is not about the numbers. It is about the need for etc. However, in order for a council to remain eligible, a council must show a positive net increased resources to do what we do as members of the Knights of Columbus. Yes, it is gain at the end of the Quarter. about our service to our Church, and service to our Youth, and service to our Community. Any district deputy who meets or exceeds 35% of his annual recruitment goal during the 1st Quarter will receive a K of C license plate. However, he must show a positive net gain at the end of the quarter and at least of the councils in his district must be DIOCESE MEMBERSGOAL GAIN %GAIN LOSS NETGAIN 60% recruitment active with a positive net gain. AMARILLO 1,94710061 61.0% 4 57 Please note that any member of the AUSTIN 11,888 675566 83.9% 227 339 council is eligible to receive the plate as designated by the Grand Knight. So, what are BEAUMONT 3,153 125182 145.6% 16 166 you waiting for? Let’s start driving toward BROWNSVILLE 3,862 250370 148.0% 28 342 your new license plate!!! CORPUS CHRISTI 4,870 310 157 50.6% 38 119 STAR GUIDE DALLAS 9,391 600641 106.8% 225 416 Please refer to the Star Guide for 2011EL PASO 2,286 150 168 112.0% 28 140 2012 for details regarding Membership, Charities, Programs, Council Development, FORT WORTH 8,499 600 476 79.3% 188 288 Communications, and Awards (especially GAL-HOUSTON 20,027 1,0901,091 100.1% 233 858 the Star Council Award and the Lone Star LAREDO 1,56610581 77.1% 15 66 Award for Excellence). Every district deputy received a copy of the Star Guide at the LUBBOCK 1,74310060 60.0% 30 30 Organizational meeting in July, and every SAN ANGELO 2,961 160 121 75.6% 40 81 Grand Knight and Financial Secretary of SAN ANTONIO 12,089 770 674 87.5% 239 435 record received a copy thereafter in the mail. However, as a council officer and/or a council TYLER 2,520 155158 101.9% 87 71 member who is interested in making a differVICTORIA 6,688 210176 83.8% 23 153 ence, the Star Guide can be viewed on-line TOTAL 93,490 5,4004,982 92.3% 1,421 3,561 on the state web site at www.tkofc.org Y Final Membership Standings 6/30/2011 Texas KNIGHT Page 4 VOL 1 2011-2012 Round Tables and You!! L SEGUIN KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CELEBRATE 60TH ANNIVERSARY By Jim Wade, Council Growth Director ast fraternal year you started 300 Round Tables throughout Texas!!! Congratulations!!!!!! However did you file the Annual Round Table Report 2630? If not, do it NOW. Have you also filed the 2629 Report of Round Tables to re-activate your Round Tables? Remember just like your council is reborn every year through the election of officers, so must a Round Table be reestablished by filing the 2629. When starting a Round Table you need only 1 Knight who is also a member of the Catholic Community for the Round Table to be valid. In the past we have extolled the benefits of a Round Table to the Catholic Community, which of course are substantial. However let’s turn that around and look at the benefits that will accrue to Your Council and to the Order as a whole, through the establishment of Round Tables. First of all a Round Table will open your Council and connect it to a entire new congregation of fellow Catholics who may be physically separated, or may simply speak a different language. This connection will provide your Council with an enhanced richness and open many new avenues that could well strengthen your Faith. It provides the opportunity for your Council to become involved in new and interesting Council activities. When asked, the majority of new Knights state that they joined the Knights to become active in projects that allow them to “give something back.” Most smaller Catholic Communities, because of their size, have needs that your Council can fill and at the same time allow your members to realize their own goals. This in turn strengthens our commitment to the principles upon which our order was founded. Finally as these Catholic Communities see what the Knights are all about their members will want to join us. Naturally this will strengthen your Council and provide more hands to work in the vineyard. Our Supreme Knight Carl Anderson told the board of directors, “We have a moral obligation to offer to every eligible Catholic man the Order of the Knights of Columbus.” It stands to reason therefore that we have an even greater moral obligation to offer each Catholic Community a Round Table, where a man can actually become a Knight of Columbus. Enrich your council, reach out to every Catholic Community and bring them under the umbrella of the Knight of Columbus. Do it TODAY!!!!!!! 100 Years! T he Seguin Knights of Columbus Council 3412 celebrated the 60th anniversary of their charter in Seguin. The Council is named in honor of Monsignor Bruno Hubertus, who served as pastor of St James Catholic Church in Seguin from 1942 to 1972. He was well known and much loved by the entire Seguin community and a tribute to Monsignor Hubertus was read during the program. Monsignor Hubertus played a key role in organizing the Council and securing its charter from the Knights of Columbus. Many members related favorite personal stories about Monsignor Hubertus, as many Knights married by him. Grand Knight Greg Seidenberger recalled many days as altar server for Monsignor Hubertus, and related that the Monsignor baptized him, presided over his First Holy Communion, united Greg and his wife Christine (Fischer) in matrimony, and then baptized their son, Aaron. Similar stories were warmly told by many Knights. The Honorable Betty Ann Matthies, Mayor of Seguin, attended the anniversary celebration and read a proclamation congratulating the Seguin Knights of Columbus on 60 years of service and for making a positive difference in the community. The keynote speaker was the Knights of Columbus State Deputy, the Grand Knight of Texas, Brother Tony Herreth. He praised the Seguin Council for its many accomplishments, commended the spirit and enthusiasm of the members, and reminded the Knights to always have “a passion to serve”. The Council presented State Deputy Herreth and his lovely lady, Marty, a gift of a variety of pecan products, a fitting gift for them to remember their first visit to the city that is home to the world’s largest pecan! A new rug for the KC Hall entrance was presented as a gift to the Council by Hilmar Mondin, a long time Knight and KC Hall manager, and by Greg Seidenberger, Grand Knight. The rug displays the Knights of Columbus logo and the four principles of the Order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Unveiling the new rug, Grand Knight Seidenberger said that it should remind all who enter the KC Hall what the organization stands for and that every Knight who enters should renew his commitment to those principles. The sole surviving Charter Member is Mr Freddy Reininger, and he was recognized during the program. When asked if he had any words of experience, encouragement, or wisdom to share, Freddy said simply, “Enjoy!” “Catholic Build” T he Yoakum Knights of Columbus, Council 1582, celebrated its 100 years of existence. For a number of years, it was the mother Council to surrounding town Councils. In the past years this Council has generously contributed to St. Joseph Church, St. Joseph School and to many other local organizations. The Council with it 360 plus members puts on 4 - 5 fundraisers a year, donating to all the above Charities. Charity and Service are two of our main focal points in raising money to help support our local Catholic Community. A great Council has to have honorable and distinguished men and the Yoakum Council 1582 has just that . Austin Area Habitat for Humanity began its “Catholic Build”. Each year, the Diocese of Austin churches chip in to fund and build a house for H f H. This year Habitat had some matching funds that allowed us to build two houses simultaneously. Each Saturday for the next several weeks, numerous Knights from Council 8156, as well as other parishioners from St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, came together with other Texas KNIGHT parishes to build these two houses. This year, as in the past, council 8156 had the most Knights of Columbus members working on the houses each work day! Normally, anywhere from 10 -12 show up on a regular basis and more show up from time to time. We work side by side with the homeowners and get to know them in a very special way. The look of excitement on their faces as we hammer nails, or install windows and siding, or perhaps hang cabinets makes our efforts worthwhile. The homes were completed in Mid-April 10th, with a dedication of both houses on April 30th. All who have been working on these houses appreciate the financial support of over $12,500 provided by Council 8156. VOL 1 2011-2012 Do you want to save some Money? By Dennis Stark, Football Sweepstakes Chairman H ow you ask? The Texas Football Frenzy is here and, yes there will be a football season! We are going with college teams this year instead of waiting for the NFL to decide if they want to play or not. So, how does this save me money? As usual, the $10 price of the football sweepstakes ticket buys the access to a discount savings club, called Greenbeesavingsclub.com. One of the main vendors we have this year is Restaurant.com. Through the savings club, $25 certificates for restaurants in your area only cost $5. You can get 3 of these $25 certificates for only $10. Buy 2 get 1 free. Only one use of the discount site pays for the price of the ticket. Since we are using college teams this year, the season starts earlier and only lasts for 8 games. However, we are giving out the same amount of cash winnings, $10,000! We increased some of the winnings for existing categories and added a couple more. Instead of $1,000 a week, there is $1,250 up for grabs. The Football Sweepstakes benefits the buyers by saving money dining out, the council by receiving a $1 credit per ticket sold on next year’s per capita and the State Council receives some critical income for operating expenses as defined in the state budget. The free Football Sweepstakes game, included with the purchase of the ticket, plays the same as in the past. Your card has 4 different teams listed for each week. The total points scored by the 4 teams are compared to the other cards sold and the top winners are paid accordingly. You have to do nothing; the check is mailed automatically to the winner by the state office. AND the seller of the high scoring ticket gets a $50 gift card. Everyone can win! So get in the game. Each council has been given tickets, so ask your Grand Knight about getting one. Council 5232 Garage Sale! By Randy Tercero Page 5 Impact a Hero 5K Fund Raising Event By William Letendre T he 7th Annual Impact a Hero 5K race was held in Sugar Land, TX. The Knights of Columbus from St. Laurence Council #11343 and St. Angela Merici Council #14617 have been the lead volunteer organizations for this race since its inception, seven years ago. This race is a major fundraiser for an annual weekend devoted to showing our severely wounded veterans coming home from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that we care. This past race reported the collection of over $325,000 in donations. With this year’s donations, a total just shy of $1,000,000 was realized for the seven years the race has been held. The Knights of Columbus began arriving at 4:30 a.m. and started setting up numerous tents, and chairs, an awards stage and most importantly the race course. The start/finish line was first and followed with setting out over 150 traffic cones to mark the running lanes. While this was going on another crew of Brother Knights were in the Parish kitchen making BBQ chopped beef sandwiches. The sandwiches, along with plenty of ice cold drinks, were then brought to the race site and handed out to over 2,200 runners and 250 volunteers during the after the race. C A special tent was set up providing shade for the wounded Heroes and their families. Portable A/C coolers where provided for the tent and Brother Knights then worked as wait staff for the Heroes. Many of the veterans in attendance were severely burned or have lost multiple limbs in explosions. Several were in wheelchairs and some had service dogs to aid them. ouncil 5232 in La Porte recently had a Garage Sale at St. Mary’s alongside our LifeTeen ministry. Stars and Stripes By Eleuterio Reyes The Knights worked the parking lot to get the runners in safely and provided race day registrations. Brother Knights manned several intersections to provide traffic control and safe running conditions. Over 30 Knights worked the race course water stations and several more worked the finish line. After the awards ceremony, the Knights scrambled to take down the race day paraphernalia. Final clean-up left the site in better condition than when it was found at 4:30 a.m. The Knights from Councils #11343 and #14617 plan most of the year for this one day in order for it to be successful. We have had an increase in runners and also an increase in donations every year. We have recruited the Houston Texans to become sponsors for the event and the Head Coach, Gary Kubiac, is the Honorary Race Director. He runs the race and then hands out the race awards. We have coordinated with local military groups in the area to set up displays at the awards area and the U.S.O. has come on board to help with the race day events. Lastly, some of the Brother Knights and their families actually run in the race. This year a 3rd Degree Knight from Council #14617 was acknowledged at the awards ceremony for bringing in the most donations of any runner. He collected over $5,500.00 in pledges from friends and fellow parishioners. Nearly every Knight in Councils #14617 and #11343 are involved in this race. Because of the size of the race, it indeed takes full involvement from the members. Members of the Corpus Christi General Assembly 1097. Marching are PFN Joe Naderer, SK Urban Chupe, and FN Steve Richardson Texas KNIGHT Page 6 VOL 1 2011-2012 What Makes A Star? Excellence A By Terry Fruge’, Communications Director s we progress through the first quarter of this fraternal year, it may be the time to make sure your council understands all the requirements for the Star Council Award by qualifying for the Father McGivney award for membership growth, Founder’s award for insurance membership growth and Columbian Award for excellence in service programs. Each council that produces notable gains in these three areas can be recognized with an award, symbolizing success won through hard work and dedication Each award is a notable achievement earning recognition from Supreme Council. Each award focuses on a different aspect of the Order, all three require the same ingredients for success: commitment, focus and the will to achieve. The council that attains all three awards and submit forms in a timely manner referenced in the Star Guide on page 2, can win the coveted Star Council Award. An honor that should be the aspiration of all councils. Every council should aggressively pursue winning this prestigious award. The Star Council Award not only recognizes your council’s hard work, but it also sets a standard of accomplishment that can fuel your council for years to come. Achieving this award demonstrates that your council is focused on the proper aspects of growing the order that allows us to do more charity work. Of getting our members to participate in our insurance program to secure our spouse and children’s future if something should happen to us, and that we are doing the service programs that helps our council, church, community, family, pro-life and youth. Among the eligibility requirements for these awards are: 1. Form 365 (Service Program Personnel) This form provides the names and addresses of a council’s service program personnel and should have been submitted to Supreme by August 1, 2011. This form is also required to be on file with Retention Chairman’s name as the first criteria for a council to be permitted to submit a “request for suspension”. 2. Form 1728 (Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity Report) The collection and reporting of data from all of the local councils by the Supreme Council helps justify the Order’s status with the United States Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit organization and also goes a long way to persuade others who are considering joining the Knights of Columbus that the Order is making a significant difference through thousands of hours of volunteerism and thousands of dollars of charitable contributions. 3. Father McGivney Award (Membership) Achieve new membership quota of 5 new members (or 7% of membership bases on the council’s roster provided by the Supreme Council on July 1, 2011 for those councils who have over 100 members) 4. Founders’ Award (Insurance) Achieve new insurance quota of three new insurance members (or 3% of membership based on the council’s roster provided by the Supreme Council on July 1, 2011 for those councils who have over 100 members. 5. Columbian Award (Service Programs) Conduct and report at least four major programs in each of the Service Program areas of Church, Community, Council, Family, Pro-life and Youth using form SP-7. In years passed, if your council supported an active Squires Program, that could suffice for your Youth requirements. Beginning this Fraternal year, in addition to a Squires Circle covering the Youth requirement, Coats for Kids Program can also suffice. Also new this year, Food for Families can cover all Family Activities, the RSVP program can cover Church Activities, Habitat for Humanity or Wheelchair Mission can cover all Community Activities, Special Olympics Participation can cover your Council Activities and March for Life will suffice for all Pro-Life requirements. This report can be submitted months prior to the submittal deadline of June 30, 2012. You do not have to wait until the last minute for submittal. 6. Supreme Per Capita and Catholic Advertising Fee. These should be submitted by their posted deadline in Star Guide, page 2. If a council is suspended during the fraternal year for failure to pay Supreme Per Capita and Catholic Advertising Fees on time, they can be reinstated to active status by paying these items, but will forfeit their eligibility for Star Council for that fraternal year. If you are not sure where your council stands on these requirements you can review the Star Tracker report available on the Texas State Council Website, www.tkofc.org in the Announcement Section. CREATING A NEW K OF C COUNCIL By Jerry Price We have seen or heard many stories on how to start a new K of C Council. We just experienced a successful formation of a new Council through the cooperation of a Diocese Officer, our Insurance Agent, a First Degree Exemplification Team, current transfer members, reactivating members and new members. The St. Rose of Lima Parish in Glen Rose, Texas is served by Fr. Juan Rivero, who is also the pastor of St. Frances Cabrini Parish in Granbury, Texas. The Granbury Parish has its St. Frances Cabrini Council 9748 that had included some members from St. Rose of Lima Parish. The distance between the parishes is 20 miles. Most St. Frances Cabrini Council events have focused on Granbury including the K of C Free-Throw and Poster Contests and local charity support. Men of St. Rose of Lima were invited to join Council 9748 but many did not feel it fit their agenda. Their parish also has a Men’s Group that supports many parish ministries. In early 2011, several K of C members at St. Rose of Lima began to consider forming their own K of C Council. They recruited their current members from the Granbury Council and also got several additional parish members to join the Knights with understanding that the goal was to have their own Council. Member commitments grew from 10, to 15, to 20 and then slowed a bit. On Sunday June 12 an information session was held following the morning mass. The attendance included those committed to transfer into the new Council, several ex- Knights for reactivation and the potential new Candidates. Organizing members were supported by Mr. Boyd Burris, Fort Worth Council Growth Director, and Mr. Andrew Wheaton, our Field Agent. Several brief presentations were made. When the session concluded there were 32 prospective members for the Council. Anthony Roffino was elected to be the Charter Grand Knight, John Heinfeld was elected to be the Charter Financial Secretary, and Fr. Tom Kennedy pastor of Holy Angels Church in Clifton, Texas accepted the appointment as Charter Council Chaplain. The following week, Sunday June 19, a Degree Team from the Stephenville Texas’ Good Shepherd Council 10816, conducted a special Exemplification at St. Rose. Eight new members joined the Knights of Columbus at this Exemplification. Forms and information were submitted to Supreme and by Sunday June 26 the Council name of St. Rose of Lima and the Council number 15320 had been assigned. St. Marys Parishioner A St. Marys parishioner in Longview, Texas, needed help in moving from her current apartment to another apartment in another part of town. She lives by herself and has a physical disability that prohibits her from doing much physical work. The Grand Knight met with her to get a U-Haul for the move. St. Mary's Council #11093 provided help with the following Knight's: Joe Kirchhoff, Bill Bellner, John Ludwig, Tom Fanning and Steve Carden. Texas KNIGHT Page 7 VOL 1 2011-2012 Who Needs a “Background Check” in the Knights of Columbus? By Douglas E. Oldmixon, Texas State Advocate T here are two requirements for background checks and special training for Brother Knights who work with youth – one is based on Diocesan requirements and details varies by Diocese; and secondly the Knights require a form for each Council Youth Activities Director and any others who regularly work with youth programs, and especially for all Squires counselors. Diocesan Programs - Whether called Ethics in Ministry, Protecting God’s Children or another name, many questions have arisen over responsibility for compliance with the various Diocesan requirements for special training of folks who work with youth and vulnerable adults, two areas the Knights are heavily involved in. Each Council must take the initiative and responsibility to ensure each and every member who works with youth and other vulnerable persons has this required training and the related background check in accordance with local Diocesan policies. Contact your local parish office and they will guide you. Supreme Requirements - Here is an excerpt from the Knights of Columbus Officer’s Desk Reference: The Knights of Columbus takes seriously the duty to safeguard youngsters entrusted to its care in the numerous youth programs it sponsors. To this end, the Knights of Columbus has implemented a youth leader background check program to ensure that those who have certain types of criminal records will never be permitted to work with youngsters entrusted to the care of the Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus requires that all members who desire to work with youngsters through the Knights of Columbus programs agree to submit to a background check. Form 4348 is provided on the Supreme website under Circle Forms. A copy (is also attached) (can also be downloaded from the www.tkfc.org website at this link). There is no cost for this service. For more information or with specific questions, please contact Jason Porello at the Supreme Office at 203-752-4571. 37th Annual Johnny Lopez 2011 Knights of Columbus State Golf Tournament Tournament Information: The 37th Annual Johnny Lopez Knights of Columbus State Golf Tournament is being hosted by the Texas State Council and the KC Councils of west Houston. The tournament this year will be held the weekend of September 23, 24 & 25, 2011 at Bear Creek Golf World in west Houston. Bear Creek boasts three fine courses and we will be playing the two toughest, the Presidents and the Masters. The Masters will host the scramble tournament on Friday and tournament play will take place on both the Masters and Presidents. Registration forms and additional information can be found on the KC State website or by contacting State Athletic Director Daryl Entrop at entrop@att.net or Gary Blanchette at gary_blanchette@comcast.net We hope to see you in Houston! Council 3910 Busiest Council in Texas T The Greenville, TX Knights of Columbus Council 7438 with the assistance of St. Williams Women’s Guild raised approximately $11,300 hosting a Dinner, Dessert Competition and Silent Auction benefitting The RAFFA Clinic. The RAFFA Clinic, the only clinic of its kind in Hunt County, exists to serve our local communities by providing, free of charge, compassionate resources for women and their families facing crisis pregnancies and/or challenging parenting circumstances. For more information: (http://www.raffaclinic.org) Meals on Wheels Rolls Again This spring the Magnolia Council 11866 raised $1,600 for the Meals on Wheels organization, Feeding Our Elderly, which is located 500 miles away in Mexico. Last year Council 11866 purchased a moped used to distribute the meals, and this year’s money will be used to stock up the pantry. homas Francis Sas, a parishioner at St. Thomas More Parish in Houston, TX, contacted Grand Knight Chris Moras, of SW Council 3910, with a request to become a Knight of Columbus. Sas revealed he was wheelchair-bound and needed transport, thus he was brought to interview the evening of 23 March 2011 by the council membership director. He revealed to the interview committee that he was terminally ill with cancer, and had been discharged from further radiation and chemotherapeutic treatment. The committee and following council-at-large voting approval was inspired by his intense desire to be a Knight. Tom was so ill he could not withstand the rigor of to-and-from transport plus the normal exemplification ceremony, so he decided he would have to fore go his desire to be a Knight. Within a couple weeks, however, he petitioned the Membership Director to see if a special exemplification could be held for him. Again, this intense desire prompted the council to seek permission from the Texas State Council. Permission was granted and on the evening of Tuesday 31 May 2011, Thomas Sas became a 1st Degree Knight in a ceremony conducted by Grand Knight Chris Moras, Past Grand Knight Sal Fontana, District Deputy Jack Ferguson, and MD Irvin Schueler. Tom was thrilled we had provided him a new shirt with the council designation. He wanted a cap, too, but one was not available just then. For a little more than 4 months a handful of parishioners and Knights from St. Thomas More Parish were his defacto family. He executed a final will and designated the MD to be executor of his estate. Tom had been a US Marine for 7 years, and a professional chef for almost 40 years. On Saturday 2 July, he managed to phone the Emergency Room at Michael E. DeBakey (VA) Hospital and an ambulance was dispatched and took him to his final home on Earth. He was bedridden for the remaining 8 days of his life. During this time, he was given his K of C Council 3910 cap, which he wore for a couple hours. He passed away at 20 minutes into Saturday 11 June 2011. He was cremated and will be interred with his wife's ashes at the VA Memorial Cemetery in August. This strong, courageous man was a tribute to his millions of fellow comrades-in-arms who also honorably have served our nation since its inception. He honored, too, our council and the Order and the creed of venerable Fr. Michael J. McGivney Texas KNIGHT Page 8 VOL 1 2011-2012 Service Programs T By Joe Torres, State Programs Director exas just finished a great year in membership recruitment and we must continue the growth momentum in the upcoming year. To continue to drive growth, it’s every council’s responsibility to ensure that it establishes good programs to provide more meaningful and relevant programs of action to ensure its members stay active. The objective of the Texas State Council Programs is to encourage and assist Councils in creating strong Service Activity Programs which will in turn provide recognition for the outstanding efforts and good works. So how do we prepare our councils for making the new fraternal year the best ever? Simple, we do it by having our councils focus on executing top tier Programming! All you need to do is set your council goals early in the year so that they align with the year-end objectives of achieving Star Council Status. Objectives should be structured so that council activities allow active participation from all members. If you have member participation, you are on your way to a great year! A crucial requirement for successful programs is documentation of activities. Make sure you document all program details as well as take pictures for publicity. Programs that will help your council succeed are: FAMILY – Take a look at what’s happening to our family life. Do we communicate? Do we take time to get involved with each other? Today’s society makes it harder to be a family. Television takes up a lot of our time together. The business hustle, rushed meals, school, work, and sports are cramming our days and weeks and are leaving little to no time for the family. The battle is largely over values and commitments. To survive, the family needs support. Its primary source of strength must be found in a growing religious and parish life. Our organization can help stimulate togetherness. There are many ways in which families can enjoy time together in a scheduled, organized way, even when the age range of members of the family varies widely. One way is to encourage councils to achieve this through the participation in the “Family of The Month Program”. Activities are simple and will promote regular scheduled family bonding. “Family of the Month” can be submitted by Councils by the use of Form 1993A available on the Supreme web page. The form needs to be submitted by the 15th of each month. PRO-LIFE – We must continue to pray and march for Pro-Life until we get the change this country really needs. Councils can utilize the following fundraising activities to raise Pro-Life Awareness in your communities. 1) Utilize the Supreme Sonogram Machine matching funds Program, 2) Make use of the Utilize Heritage House Catalog to purchase great material or fundraising items. 3) Purchase rights for $50 to show movie “Blood Money” documentary video in your Council. The movie exposes the trail of money involved in the abortion industry. This is by no means an exhaustive listing, as countless councils and individual Knights conduct projects geared to their individual communities. We must build a culture of life, where every life – born or unborn – is respected and protected. Please call Tom Clark, PRO-LIFE Chairman at (214) 282-6297 for additional details. SEMINARIAN SUPPORT - We, as Knights of Columbus, must keep in mind that Seminarians are our future Priests and Pastors. We must invite them to join our Order and invite them to all Council functions and socials. Contact the State Chairman, Diocesan Deputy, or Diocesan Vocation Chairman for a list of Seminarians in your Diocese. Let’s make an earnest effort to support all State Seminarians 100%. Let’s “Keep the Faith Alive”. The goal in Texas is to have all Seminarians adopted by January 31, 2012. YOUTH ACTIVITES – Today’s youth are the leaders of tomorrow and they are always looking for opportunities where they can be challenged. For that reason the Texas Council believes in supporting and educating our youth through its programs and initiatives. There are three major activities at the State level for youth. The first is the Knights of Columbus Essay Contest. The objective of the essay contest is to give students the opportunity to define the role of a Catholic citizen in a free society and to strengthen the bond between the Knights and schools. The essay contest is open to students in grades 8th – 12th. The second program is the Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest which is a great way for promoting awareness of the negative effects that alcohol and drug abuse have on society. The poster program is open to students between the ages of 8 and 14 years. Finally, another activity that requires physical activity is the Basketball Free Throw. Councils need to order early the necessary Programs support details from Supreme. Please see the Programs Manual for details. COLUMBIAN SQUIRES - Columbian Squires is the Official Youth Organization of the Knights of Columbus. Membership is for practicing Catholic boys ages 10 through 18 yrs. The Squires are organized in a “Circle” to acquire the skills required to become Catholic Gentleman. The Circle is sponsored by Council or Assembly and who are ultimately responsible for providing Counselors to work with the young men. The Squires are our Future Knights and we must thus cultivate our future. Consider sponsoring a Circle! Note: If your Council or Assembly had sponsored a Circle in the past, please notify Columbian Squires Chairman, Larry Prather at (330) 289-3414. ATHLETIC ACTIVITES – There are three major athletic activities sponsored by the State Council. They include: State Golf Tournament - September 23 – 25th in Bear Creek Golf Course in Katy, Texas. State Bowling Tournament – 48th Annual Joe Padilla Bowling Tournament, April 14-15 and April 21-22, 2012 at the Ten Pin Bowling Center in Katy, Texas(Arlington), Bowling. The Casey Queens Bowling Tournament, April 14-15 and April 21-22, 2012 Copperfield Bowling Center, Houston. State Softball Tournament – May 26 – 27th, 2012 in Austin, Texas. These are great activities all encourage teamwork, fraternity and just plain family fun! For details go the tkofc web page. WHEEL CHAIR - Knights of Columbus, in partnership with the American Wheel Chair Mission, raises funds to support the purchase of wheel chairs. Wheel chairs are distributed on a worldwide basis. The need is great. The goal is for each Council in Texas to purchase at least one wheel chair. This is a very satisfying and emotional program to help provide mobility aids to physically disabled children and adults throughout the world to someone that does not have it. Finally, the SERVICE PROGRAM AWARD is a must for all councils. This is a prestigious award that recognizes councils for all their hard work in various activities throughout the year. This award is presented at the state convention. Program Award entries are due by Feb 28th, 2012. Start putting your scrapbooks together with pictures and documentation of your event. I will be sending information about where to mail your documentation for judging. Good Luck to a Great Fraternal Year. For additional information please visit the State Web Sites or call Program Director, Joe Torres, (361) 549-5803. Boerne Knights D rought causes cancelation of City’s 4th of July fireworks display!!!!! This decision could have been a severe disappointment for families, especially with small children. However it was seen as an opportunity by the Boerne Knights of Columbus Council 10940. The newly elected Grand Knight Scott Scheidt immediately called his officers together and they came up with a plan to provide an evening of family fun to be held on the town square. Borrowing from our heritage it was decided that “all are welcome and everything for free.” With only a few days notice things had to happen quickly, and boy did they! The menu was hot dogs with all the trimmings, potato chips, snow cones, and pop corn, soft drinks, lemon aid and bottled water. Games a plenty appropriate for specific ages included trike races, face painting, large inflatable bounce houses, smaller ones for the younger set, ring toss, a dunking booth. There was even an astronomer with his professional telescope to view the fireworks of God’s handiwork. Saturn was magnificent. A city police officer and police car complete with flashing lights was on display for the kids to tour. A large outdoor movie screen was set up. An opening prayer was led by 3 youth ministers, followed by all present saying the pledge of allegiance. The national anthem was beautifully sung by a Knight’s lady. Following this, there was a short presentation of patriotic songs played over the sound system and military celebrations were shown on the large outdoor screen. The evening was capped off with a full length family movie. About 60 Knights stepped forward to insure that the approximately 2500 family members had an outstanding fun filled evening. What a great day to be a Knight. Support Our Bishops Charity Texas KNIGHT Page 9 VOL 1 2011-2012 Msgr. Edward Geiser Council 10224 I Friday the 13th By Brad L. Meyer, State Convention Golf Committee Chairman n partnership with the Altar Society of the Immaculate Conception Church, the Knights prepared breakfast for the Confirmation Class and their families after the 8 o'clock Mass on Sunday, April 24th. The Council recently awarded a $2,000 Scholarship to two graduating Seniors, Jill Blezinger and Nancy Mejia of Industry. They will each receive $1,000 for the Fall Semester and $1,000 for Spring Semester to help with their college education. The Knights helped with a Community Fundraiser at the Immaculate Conception Community Center on June 5th benefiting Anthonette Mann to cover some of her Medical Expenses. Ms. Mann is a member of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Industry. The Knights contributed $1,000 to this event. One of our Seminarians, Father Victor Perez, that we sponsored was ordained a Priest recently and Father Perez said Mass at the Immaculate Conception Church in Industry on Sunday, June 19th. After Mass, the Knights presented Father Perez with a check for $500 for his Ordination to the Priesthood. Our Pastor, Father Tim Bucek, was presented with a check for $7,000 to help with the cost of putting a new roof on the Immaculate Conception Church. The Council also made several donations recently: $300 to the K. of C. State Wheelchair Program; $500 to Father Tim Bucek for his 35th Anniversary being ordained as a Priest; $100 West End Youth Organization in Industry; $500 Houston/Galveston Diocesan Service Fund; $500 American Cancer Society - Relay For Life; $500 Hospice Brazos Valley in Brenham caring for individuals touched by life-limiting illness, grief, and loss; $500 Boys & Girls Club in Industry; $500 Boy Scouts in Industry; $500 Girl Scouts in Industry; and $500 West End Christian Community Organization in Industry. Famous KC Golfers (L-R) Bill “Smooth” Kennedy; PSD Ken Otte; Don Shaheen; Boyd Burris and Brad Meyer. W hat images do you conjure up when you think about Friday the 13th? Most people think of black cats walking under ladders, ominous black clouds and severe storms, or even horrific scenes involving extreme acts of violence. Well, Friday May 13, 2011 proved to be just the opposite. The day began with a beautiful sunrise in Garland, TX. Golfers from all over the State of Texas descended on the Eastern Hills Country Club to participate in the 107th Texas State Knights of Columbus Convention Golf Tournament. The golf course was in pristine condition. The golfers were treated to a light hot breakfast upon their arrival. Just prior to the start of the golf tournament, Our Worthy State Deputy Tony Herreth and other State Officers offered their comments of thanks and led the golfers in prayer. The golfers then descended on the golf course and showed no mercy. Despite the fact that a level playing surface could hardly be found, hence the name Eastern Hills, the golfers attacked each hole with a vengeance. Their approach to the course was reflected in their golf scores. On the first Sunday of each month, at 11:00 A.M., the Council sponsors the Praying of the Rosary on Radio Station KULM, 98.3 FM, Columbus, Texas, and on the 2nd Sunday The tournament was a four person scramble format. The last place team which consisted of each month, the Knights serve coffee, juice, and donuts after Mass at the Immaculate of Brothers Bill Kennedy, Ken Otte (PSD), Don Shaheen, and Boyd Burris posted a score of 70 for the par 70 course. The Third Place team, with a score of 7 under par 63, was comConception Church in Industry. prised of Brothers David Kistner, Norman Fedderson, Bob Buchheit, and Mike Kelly from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council 7850. The Second Place team from Rio Grande Council 2597 which consisted of Juventino Alaniz, Oscar Mejia, Mario Beliz, and Chris Alaniz shot a 10-Under par 60. The First Place team , which shot a 16-Under par 54, consisted of Brother Knights Leo Lowdermilk, Eric Otterman, Mickey Dougherty, and James Seideman. In addition to the tournament there were three different contest holes. The winner of the Closest to the Hole prize was Brent Schneider. The winner of the Straightest Drive contest was Bob Enriquez. And the winner of the Longest Drive contest was James Seideman. By Albert Billegas After the golf tournament, all of the participants were treated to a hot luncheon where the various awards were presented. Everyone said they had an enjoyable experience. The State Convention Golf Committee wishes to thank everyone who participated, worked, or sponsored the golf tournament. We looked forward to seeing everyone in Dallas in 2014. Editor’s Note: Tournament Photos can be found @ www.tkofc.org (Flickr) St. Paul Council 10209 Awards Scholarships Let’s Count People Not Dollars! By Sam Szalwinski, Wheelchair Program Chairman W S K Gerry Gauthier Council #10209 of Austin, TX awarded four $500.00 scholarships to students. The recipients were selected based on academic achievement, leadership and involvement in church and community activities. The applicants were asked to “describe an activity or experience that had been important in clarifying or strengthening your motivation to pursue higher education”. The recipients were Ariya Villegas, Jeremy Romero, Keith Tompkins, and Maria Alba. e conducted a terrific wheel chair drive for needy people during the fraternal year just ended. Every Knight and everyone who supported this program has every right to be very proud. Our effort will place 793 people into wheelchairs somewhere in the world!! Chris Lewis says that the multiplier is ten. So that means that approximately 8000 family members and others are affected. With the exception of Mexico City, final plans are not yet made but it looks like The Holy Land, Nuevo Laredo, and Selma, Alabama will be among the next locations where IMMOBILE people will become MOBILE. Notice that I am calling this a terrific drive for needy people, not a terrific dollar drive. The reason is that this effort needs to be measured in terms of the number of people helped rather than the number of dollars raised!!!Although both reach the same objective, I believe to focus on needy people makes the objective better identified. Fewer than 90 Councils participated in this effort. Just think what we could do if everyone became involved. At the Organizational Meeting during July 8 through 10 leaders agreed to raise the bar from 793 chairs to 1000. Everyone’s support is needed. I am certain that this objective will be met. Texas KNIGHT Page 10 VOL 1 2011-2012 Texas State Council Charities W By Alfredo Vela State Charities Director OW!!!!! Another fraternal year in the books and what a year it was for the Texas State Council. Thanks to you, Council and members of the Knights of Columbus at the local level, the Texas State Charities met its goal. You contributed over $870,000 to Texas State Charities and with it go much needed help for our Bishops and their designated charities. You should take ALL the credit because without your help, without your contributions, this goal would never have been met. It is you who accomplished this feat. Thank you for everything you did to help the cause. You really lived up to the first principle of the Order, Charity. It is the beginning of a new fraternal year and because of this we must start fresh. We can learn with what we accomplished last year, but in reality, last year’s numbers will not help us this year. Our ledger, once again, starts at zero. The State Charities committee will again concentrate on raising funds for our Bishops in Texas, Special Olympics, Infirmed Priests (License Plates), and for grants to our students and Catholic Schools through the Cardinal Medeiros Fund. Let us pledge to get involved in one or all of these activities and by doing so assure ourselves of helping others. The theme for this coming year as chosen by our State Deputy remains the same, “The Passion to Serve”. As members of the Knights of Columbus you must develop “The Passion to Serve”. What better way to serve others than through the State Charities program. Everything we do through State Charities is designed to help others. Please get involved. Keeping in mind that Charity is the first principle of our Order; our Bishops need our financial help. We must come through for our Bishops as a council, district, diocese, and State Council. It is up to us to band together for them. To the councils that have met their charity goal last year, thank you. But, please make it a point, a goal, an objective for your council to keep supporting our Texas State Charities program. We would also like to challenge the councils that have problems meeting their goals to make that extra effort to contribute to our Charities program. We need everybody’s help and cooperation, no matter how big or small the contribution, if we are to maximize help for our Bishops. The path to getting there will be made easier if you keep our first principle in mind, CHARITY. Again, let us all pledge to come through for our Bishops. It is that important. We cannot forget our Special Olympics athletes and our Infirmed Priests. In addition we have grants for our children and our Catholic Schools. We do have programs in place for all of these. Let us incorporate these programs in your activities at the local level. There is no better way to show Catholic families who we are and what we stand for. Whether it is volunteering or raising funds for Special Olympics, investing in a license plate for Texas State Charities Individual donations of $20 or higher will be recognized with a State Charities Lapel Pin. Thank you for your generosity assisting the Texas State Charities Program as well as supporting our Bishop selected Diocesan charities. Please include your pledge or contribution. Make Check Payable to Texas State Council Charities Mail To: Knights of Columbus 6633 Highway 290 East Suite 204 Austin, TX 78723-1157 Name: Address City, State Zip Telephone ( ) Council # Contribution $20 $50 $100Other Amount Enclosed: $ Thank you for your generosity - State Officers and State Charities Team our Infirmed Priests, or becoming a fellow through the Cardinal Medeiros Fund, there is a way for you and others to get involved. All the efforts in Texas State Charities are aimed at helping others. What a way to practice the first principle of our order, Charity. With Charity in mind and having The Passion to Serve, you can and you will achieve your Texas State Charities goals. I wish your council the very best this fraternal year. Honoring One of Our Best Ascension Bastrop Council 14943 M agnolia 11866 recognized Sir Knight Charles Rose who has been a Knight since 1945 and a 4th Degree Knight since 1951. DON’T WORRY - I GOT YOUR BACK! T A he Primera Baptist Church, a small Spanish-speaking congregation, operates a bi-weekly food pantry for the needy of the city ugustine Tolton Circle 3649 of Bastrop. The Knights of Ascension Bastrop Council 14943 began a Sandwich Ministry preparing 150 sack lunches consisting Squires are currently engaged in of a sandwich, fruit, crackers, and water. At each food distribution the knights, their wives, children and parishioners gather a Christian based anti-bullying at 7:00am to prepare the sack lunches in assembly line fashion. The lunches are transported to the food pantry and the knights distribute campaign. The effort is to inspire youth to one to each person in line. The activity has grown and is very well received by the needy people who now look forward to the additional act wisely in preventing acts of bullying at food. The ministry is funded entirely by donations and promotes charity, parish unity, and ecumenism. school, on the streets and on the internet. Find out more @www.dontworryigotyourback.com. Texas KNIGHT Page 11 VOL 1 2011-2012 Texas State Council Charity Final Standings (6/30/2011) Diocese GoalYTD Percent El Paso $19,470.00 $15,798.95 81.15% Fort Worth $78,910.00 $213,699.04 270.81% San Antonio $113,270.00 $115,117.59 101.63% Galveston/Houston$187,970.00 $156,078.71 83.03% Dallas $87,560.00$77,405.95 88.40% Beaumont $29,160.00$27,601.25 94.65% Tyler $23,480.00$23,748.75 101.14% Austin $111,250.00$81,552.91 73.31% Corpus Christi $43,810.00 $43,954.25 100.33% Victoria $64,930.00$52,238.60 80.45% Amarillo $17,240.00$12,161.75 70.54% Brownsville $32,210.00$18,844.75 58.51% San Angelo $27,820.00 $13,066.75 46.97% Laredo $15,160.00$8,277.75 54.60% Lubbock $14,800.00$14,856.50 100.38% Total $867,040.00$874,403.50 100.85% Council 1329 Installation! T Front Row – Tom Akins, B.J. Berger, Mike Vanelli, Loren Hackbarth, Richard Knebel, Ed Nevlud & Pete Moya. Back Row – Charles Kutchka, Jr., Henry A. Petrash, Charles Kutchka, Sr., Donnie Shellenbarger, Wayne Conaway, & Jeremy DeDear. By Joseph Schlebach Scholarship winners (L-R) Matthew Matous and Alexandra Betik Council 1353 (L-R) Adolph Novy and Frankie Svehlak Donations to Local Charities he following officers were installed by District Deputy Tom Akins: Grand Knight – B. J. Berger; Deputy Grand Knight – Loren Hackbarth; Chancellor – Mike Vanelli; Recorder – Donnie Shellenbarger; Financial Secretary – Gary Rangnow –not in picture; Treasurer – Charles Kutchka, Sr.; Advocate – Jeremy DeDear; Warden – Henry Johnathan Petrash – not in picture; Inside Guard – Henry A. Petrash; Outside Guard – Charles Kutchka, Jr.; 3 Year Trustee – Pete Moya; 2 Year Trustee – Richard Knebel; 1 Year Trustee – Ed Nevlud; Lecter – Wayne Conaway A t their regular monthly meeting, the Knights of Columbus Council 1353 met to present scholarships and to recognize two members for their service, and install officers for the next fraternal year. Scholarships of $1000 were presented to Matthew Matous and Alexandra Betik. Matthew will continue his education at Texas A&M. Alexandra will pursue studies at Stephen F Austin University. Honorary Life Membership was presented to Frankie Svehlak and Adolph Novy. The Officers for the next fraternal year were installed by District Deputy, Ivan Brekalo. Diocesan Charity Designations Amarillo Continuing Spirituality Training for the Priests and Seminarians Austin Vocation Fund/Emergency Funds for the Priests Beaumont Infirm Priests Fund Brownsville Deaf Ministry/Disabled Program Corpus Christi The ARK Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth Dallas Persons with Disabilities & Deaf Ministry El Paso Vocations Fort Worth Deaf Ministry & Seminarian Support Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Laredo Evangelization/Outreach Charity & Seminarian Support Lubbock Vocations/Seminarian Support San Angelo Pro-Life, Seminarian Education and Training; Lay Leaders Support and Development Archdiocese of San Antonio Deaf Ministry Tyler Seminarian Education & Training Victoria Continuing Education for Priests/Extension of Lay Ministry & Evangelization Knights of Columbus Council #6878 of Humble TX, as a result of their fundraising activities over the past year, has recently presented checks to the Family Time and H.A.A.M. (Humble Area Assistance Ministry) organizations. Tom Andrews and Cal Bertrand of Council #6878, presented the donations to support the good works of both of these local Humble area organizations. Texas KNIGHT Page 12 VOL 1 2011-2012 San Angelo KC's Are Active Council 3205 Newest Weapon! By Jerry Peters, Pro-Life Director, San Angelo By Ron Gay, PSD, GK Abby Johnson with KC's from the San Angelo Councils after her Abortion talk at Holy Angels Back row left to right, Bob Albanese, Dr. Paul Ogden, Ray Thomas Ron Gay, FSD, Grand Knight Council 3205, Tony Herreth, Texas State Deputy, Bobby Reynoso, Director of the Coalition for Life, Al Mazoch. Kneeling, Joe Macha, Grand Knight Cameron Council 12601, and Chris Nugent, Grand Knight Bryan Council 11759. T uesday, June 28, 2011 witnessed a sea change in the culture wars in Bryan/College Station. With Texas State Deputy Tony Herreth looking on, representatives from Knights of Columbus Councils from all over the Brazos Valley gathered to bless and dedicate their newest weapon in the fight against abortion, a sonogram machine. This is the fourteenth machine to be purchased by councils in Texas, and its purpose is to offer free ultrasounds to women contemplating an abortion. This particular machine will be located less than 100 yards from the front door of a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Bryan in a building owned by the Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance, a partner of the Coalition for Life. Members of KC council 12008 preparing Hot Dogs for the Deaf Olympics, 12008 also participated in putting up the Equipment and taking down the Equipment for this event. Arthur Hobbs, member of 12008 built the Equipment. In the fall of 2009, members of Col. Walter Parsons Council 3205 in College Station began planning a fundraiser to raise the monies for a sonogram after learning about the Supreme Council’s matching grant program. They decided to put on a wine and cheese fundraiser with an auction. In one night, December 8, 2009, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, they raised more than $15,000 for the sonogram that they hoped would only cost $30,000. The Council was supported in its fundraising efforts by many local Catholics active in the pro-life community including Past State Deputy and Former Vice Supreme Master Emil Ogden, Past State Deputy and Former Supreme Director Ron Gay, Dr. Barry Veazey, Grand Knight for Col. Walter Parsons Council 3205 Russ Kellen, Past Grand Knight and Council 3205 Recorder Mark Schoenemann, and the members of the Col. Walter Parsons Council 3205 in College Station, Bryan Council 11759, Cameron Council 12601, Texas A&M University Council 10624 and Caldwell Council 6366. The Council’s first choice of a home for the sonogram didn’t work out, so in February 2011, they began looking for a willing partner to accept their donation. They found that partner in the Coalition for Life and the Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance (CTOMA). Working through Bobby Reynoso, a brother Knight and Director of the Coalition for Life, and Karen Hall, the Founder of CTOMA, the council found a home for its sonogram. The sonogram is now in a room at CTOMA which is literally next door to the local Planned Parenthood Clinic in Bryan. Working in cooperation with Dr. Tim Field a board certified natural family planning Ob/Gyn specialist the Council was able to get a matching grant from the Supreme Council and purchase the sonogram machine. The members of all 4 councils in San Angelo, pray in front of Planned Parenthood every Friday at 5:00 PM. The sonogram machine and the room in which it operates were both blessed with the assistance of Deacon Ted Baker of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in College Station. Texas State Deputy Tony Herreth and his wife Marty were on hand for the dedication. This is a great milestone in the 60 year history of Col. Walter Parsons Council 3205, and all of the members are proud of what has been accomplished. This project is what is commonly referred to as a game changer in the local culture wars. Texas KNIGHT Page 13 VOL 1 2011-2012 Immaculate Conception Council 3491 By Larry J. Treibel, Texas Knight Reporter Holy Spirit Council 7264 By John Achtyl, Deputy Grand Knight O ur council recently sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt, held our annual Garage Sale, coordinated a Corporate Communion for all Knights and prepared our 2011 Installation dinner. Brother Knights members from Immaculate Conception Council #3491 in Groves, TX who volunteered their time to put on the 4th Annual Golf Tournament for the Estelle and Allen Fetters Center. The center caters to mentally and physically challenged adults, receives no government subsidizing or funding and relies only on the generosity of the community to keep its doors open. Grand Knight Philip Chauvin presenting a check to the Estelle and Allen Fetters Center for $12,500 which was raised from the Golf Tournament. Special Olympics Sends Athletes to Athens! By Henry Gonzales, SOTX Area 20 SOTX sent 38 athletes to Athens, Greece to participate in the 2011 World Games. 13 of those were a softball team from San Antonio Area 20, The Fire Dawgs. The Fire Dawgs beat Russia 21-9 in game 1 and then had to play them again. The next game was a nail bitter; that went into extra innings and of course the mighty USA came out ahead, with the score being 11-10. That when they became the Gold Medal Winners and World Champions. Brother Rick Maitlen, with help of our members and their families, had a successful Easter egg hunt at St. Stephen parish in Weatherford. Prizes were handed out in three different age groups as well as refreshments for all who attended. A surprising visit from the Easter Bunny was enjoyed by all. In May our council held its annual Garage sale to support our Charities donations. Thanks to many long hours spent by Brother Vic Verstraete and Brother Leon Hitner in preparation for this event, this year’s sale was a big success. A record number of brothers; came out to support the sale and help individuals find items they were interested in. The donations from the community included items of clothing, garden tools, washer & dryer, a piano and etc. Individuals of the community were very happy with the many treasures they found at the sale. At the end of May, we held our quarterly Corporate Communion at St. Stephen Church. The Mass intention was for our council members that died in the past 12 months. At the end of Mass, Grand Knight Leo Davis handed out life time memberships to members of our council. In June, we held our Installation dinner at St. Stephen clubhouse after the Saturday evening Mass. The Newly elected officers were sworn in by District Deputy Dan Delgado. The Dinner was prepared by fellow brother knights and served by the parish Boy Scouts. Grand Knight Leo Davis handed out certificates of Appreciation to members for their service to the council during his administration, along with honoring members that were selected Knight of the month for the last five months. Incoming Grand Knight Andre Blanchard presented a plaque to Brother Leo Davis for his service as Grand Knight over the last 2 years. GK Andre Blanchard acknowledged members in attendance by handing out council baseball caps. The wives were honored by out going GK Leo Davis wife Sonja Davis with a Rose and vase. They returned home on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 at 3:35pm at the San Antonio airport. After a 36 hour flight, the Olympians finally came home to a Hero’s Welcome. 150 supporters were cheering USA, USA, USA and the electricity was awesome. Now San Antonio is the home of a NEW WORLD CHAMPION “The Fire Dawgs”. The Knights love our Special Olympians here in San Antonio. Texas KNIGHT Page 14 VOL 1 2011-2012 This one didn’t get away! By Alwer Pictured above are team members Glenn Redding (center) and Anthony Valchar (right) presenting the Trophies to Council 4204 Grand Knight Jeff Schumann. Congratulations to all who work so hard to feed us with such great dinners during Lent! I n a blind competition among all the Councils in the Galveston-Houston Chapter, the Council 4204 blackened fish dinner was awarded First Place and their fried fish dinner was awarded Third Place. The competition was held April 30 at Council 2917 in Houston. Friendswood 4th of July Parade By Mike Melancon, Faithful Controller Lake Jackson Knights Of Columbus L ake Jackson Knights Of Columbus Council 6812 honored two of their long term members at the Family Life Center St. Michaels Parish Hall. Honorees were Monsignor Leo Wleczyk (Pasor Of St. Michael’s) and John Respondex. Both members received Honors for 45 years service each in the Knights of Columbus,and were recognized for their dedication to their parish and community. A Proclamation was presented to Monsignor Leo by Lake Jackson’s Honorable Mayor Mr. Bob Sipple, proclaiming June 23rd Monsignor Leo Wleczyk Day. It was a special day For Fr. Leo having just celebrated 46 years of Ordination to the priesthood, and his birthday as well. John and Isabel Respondex were joined by their two daughters Janice & Paula. John and Isabel were recognized for their involvement in various ministries within the parish. The Knights presented both of these Gentlemen with KC 45 years Lapel Pins, Shirts & caps with the inscription "Faithful Servant". The Knights members, the parish family, and guests enjoyed home cooked meals provided by those in attendance. A.C. Duke Gamino sang a special song for Monsignor Leo in appreciation for his service to the parish. St. John the Evangelist By Robert De Chene, Texas Knight Reporter B ishop Wendelin J. Nold Assembly #2084 led the Friendswood 4th of July Parade with 23 Sir Knights in attendance. A BBQ luncheon was provided by Mary Queen Council # 8494 for all Knights and their guests following the parade. Two floats was provided and decorated by the Assembly and Council for those not marching. Color Corp. Commander Cesar Naguit, Faithful Navigator Ed Koncaba M embers of St. John the Evangelist Council 13255 in Marble Falls recently participated in Youth Day. They are shown here distributing some of the 1,000 ears of roasted corn they prepared for the children and their parents. Thanks to Council 10779 Over thirty high school students attended a confirmation retreat in Sealy, TX, during the weekend of May 13-15, 2011, and were later confirmed on May 29. Working together with the knights, the students raised over $1500 to help defray the cost of the retreat. A major fundraiser was a chicken fried steak dinner. The knights cooked while the students sold tickets and served food. Over a dozen Brother Knights came to help. Many Sir Knights also came to the confirmation ceremony as part of a 4th Degree turnout, and as a council we gave two graduating seniors college scholarships. Texas KNIGHT VOL 1 2011-2012 St. Cecilia Council 13357 By Steve Marget I n anticipation of Pope John Paul II’s beatification, over 500 people joined Houston’s St. Cecilia Council 13357 to celebrate the Pope’s legacy by screening the documentary “Nine Days that Changed the World” with its producers, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista Gingrich. The inspirational 90 minute documentary recounts Pope John Paul II’s historic nine-day trip to Poland in June of 1979 and how the Pope’s pilgrimage to his native Poland sparked a revolution of conscience in the Polish people that led to the success of Solidarity’s free-trade union movement, and ultimately the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the Soviet Union. The Committee of One Thousand Supports Vocations Page 15 Sixth Annual Patriotic Program By John Meyer, Council 13520 O n February 22, 1900, the Four Degree Exemplification of the Knights of Columbus added patriotism to the three original principles of the Order: charity, unity, and fraternity. In keeping with this principle, the Knights of Columbus Lumen Christi Council 13520 celebrated the Sixth Annual Patriotic Program on May 28, 2011 at All Saints Catholic Church, in Dallas, TX. The evening started with Mass in the church at 5pm, followed by food and refreshments in the gym, which preceded the Patriotic Program in the Fellowship Hall at 7pm. We honored all of the men and women serving in any capacity in the military. Last year we featured fifty-one men and women when he took command of the 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor, 197th Infantry Brigade at Ft. Benning, Georgia, and deployed the battalion into combat for Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in Kuwait and Iraq. He spoke about the honor and commitment of those serving in the military and what their actions have provided in terms of freedom and liberty, not only to the USA but also to many countries around the world. Congressman Pete Sessions, Representative of the 32nd District in Texas, spoke about the commitment and support that Washington DC owes to the men and women serving in the Military. Congressman Sessions is a strong supporter of the military and was honored to speak to those who served in the military past and present, for who served in World War II. This year we featured thirty-one men and women who served in the Viet Nam war. This year we were honored to have three guest speakers. Reva Wilkerson, an All Saints parishioner, grew up in South Viet Nam. She spoke about the hardships and terror that surrounded those living within the borders of Viet Nam. When she finished her heart-wrenching talk, she left no doubt in anyone’s mind as to why the United States came to the aid of South Viet Nam. Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez was our next speaker. He is a recently retired 33-year veteran of the U.S. Army and held numerous high level positions with the military. One of his most decorated actions was life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in our great nation. He spoke to the thirty-one Viet Nam veterans assembled on stage and praised them for serving in what has to be one of America’s most unpopular wars. Also participating in the program was the Town North Concert Band, and the Class Act Tap Company. The Knights would also like to thank Bishop Mark Seitz for leading us with the opening prayer and singing God Bless America. Jeffrey A. Schneider Jr., Lance Corporal, USMC closed the program with Taps. The Knights of Columbus and the All Saints Catholic Community would like to express our heartfelt THANK YOU to all those men and women who have served their country. God Bless. (L-R) Diocesan Deputy Roger Scott; Fr. Rodolfo Garcia; DDC President Patrick Conway; Committee Chairman Joseph Picard A check for $2,000 was presented to Dallas Director of Vocations Fr. Rodolfo Garcia by the Committee of One Thousand – a project of the Dallas Diocesan Chapter (DDC) - at the June meeting of the DDC. The Committee accepts contributions in support of vocations from Knights of Columbus Members and Supporters throughout Texas. These contributions form a discretionary fund for Fr. Rudy to use in support of the seminarians at Holy Trinity and Redemptoris Mater Seminaries. P Council 7770 ro-life Chairman of Council 7770 Louis Benavides and his wife Sandra participated in the Congresso de la Familia a spiritual renewal of the Family held on Saturday July 9 at the Henry B Gonzalez convention center in San Antonio. Over 300 Spanish speaking Catholic families participated. Louis and Sandra gave out brochures and prayer cards to the youth in their session and to the families. They gave one on one counseling to those who asked and they provided information too many about Natural Family Planning. Their vendor booth was so successful that they were asked to be an of official part of the presentation program for next year’s congress. K Council 12697 night of Our Lady Of Assumption council 12697, Father Mariano Lopez (El Paso, TX), was ordained on June 29th at St. Patricks Cathedral. Fr. Mariano has been assigned to St. Patricks Cathedral in El Paso. His first mass was celebrated on Friday July 1st at Our Lady of Assumption in El Paso. Texas KNIGHT Page 16 T VOL 1 2011-2012 2011 CACEY QUEENS STATE BOWLING TOURNAMENT Council 3098 of Weslaco Holds Reception! By Reynald V. Trevino he 38th Annual Cacey Queens State Bowling Tournament (which is associated with the Knights of Columbus State Bowling Tournament) was held at MegaPlay USA in Port Arthur, Texas the weekends of April 9 - 10, and April 16 – 17, 2011. The following are our 2011 Tournament winners and scores: 1st PLACE TEAM – “Sisters In Spirit” – 2563 – Deer Park Council # 10574 Virginia Hall, Christina Hall, Michelle Norris, Kelley White DOUBLES – Odelia Yanez & Denise Blonstein – 1358 – Houston Council # 2917 SINGLES – Christina Hall – 753 – Deer Park Council # 10574 ALL EVENTS – Jenni Hablizel – 2150 – Houston Council # 4550 HIGH TEAM GAME – “Family Affair” – 928 – Bryan Council # 1834 Stephanie Fazzino, Kim Payne, Charlene Lusk, Gladys Beasley HIGH INDIVIDUAL GAME – Virginia Hall – 255 – Deer Park Council # 10574 EARLY BIRD TEAM ENTRY WINNER – “Sisters In Spirit” – Deer Park Council # 10574 Ladies must be a resident of Texas, out of high school, and the wife, widow, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, aunt or niece of a Knights of Columbus member (any council, any state) in good standing, to be eligible to participate. The handicap tournament was certified by the United States Bowling Congress (USBC). This is a fun competition – we have tournament awards, door prizes, raffles, 50/50 pots, etc. It’s a great way to meet fellow K. of C. ladies from around Texas! We also held the 22nd Annual Cacey King & Queen Handicap No-Tap Singles Tournament on Friday, April 8 and Friday, April 15, 2011 at MegaPlay USA in Port Arthur, Texas. Our 2011 No-Tap Tournament winners were: 1. April 8th – Chris Hablizel – 841 – Houston Council # 4550 Ryan Harbers – 849 – La Grange Council # 2574 2. April 15th – Jean Jablonski – 843 – Sugarland Council # 4204 Skipper Arsenault – 788 – Port Arthur Council # 3491 Each Friday night is a separate tournament with Men’s and Ladies’ divisions. This, also, is a fun tournament with awards, strike pots, door prizes, etc. To be eligible to participate, a male bowler must be entered in the Knights of Columbus Tournament, and a female bowler must be entered in the Cacey Queens Tournament. The 2012 Cacey Queens State Bowling Tournament, which is certified by USBC, will be held April 21 – 22, 2012 and April 28 – 29, 2012 in Houston, Texas. (Again, this is in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus State Bowling Tournament.) Doubles and Singles Events are bowled on Saturday, and the Team Event is bowled on Sunday. Entry forms will be mailed to previous participants in early January. If you would like an entry form for our 2012 Cacey Queens and No-Tap Tournaments, or just want more information, please contact Sandy Janda, President, at (281) 463-1819 or email sandyjanda@sbcglobal.net; or, Virginia Hall, Secretary/Treasurer, at (281) 930-1769. Plans for the 39th Annual Cacey Queens Tournament and the 23rd Annual Cacey King and Queen Handicap No-Tap Singles Tournament are in full swing…….we hope to see you in Houston in 2012! Msgr Edward Rabroker Assembly 2784 Georgetown will be hosting the Fourth Degree Fall Exemplification for District VI on October 1st @ St. Helen's on October 1, 2011 Brother Knights please make an all out effort in reaching out to other Brothers who are not Sir Knights. Recruiting is our lifes blood in order to sustain our membership. "Just remember someone asked you, it is your duty to ask someone else". Get those Form 4's filled out and turned to your membership director or Faithful Navigator ASAP K nights of Columbus Council 3098 of Weslaco held a reception at the St. Joan of Arc Hall on June 15, 2011 honoring the five recipients of the Council's five $1000.00 scholarships award for the 2011 school year. Scholarships were award to the honor graduated pictured above (L-R) standing is Francisco Jimenez, Nicolas Martinez, (sitting) Briana D. Predraza, Jamie Balli, and Erica Davila. SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Vincent L. Berend Knights of Columbus members Joe Delgado, Grand Knight Michael Friday and Michael Perricone (back row), 2011 Father Walter Sheffield Memorial Scholarships Recipients Corinne Reneé Green, Andrew Berend and Rachel Diehl (front row). T he Knights of Columbus Clear Lake Council #6234 presented the 2011 Father Walter Sheffield Memorial Scholarships to Andrew Berend, Rachel Diehl and Corinne Reneé Green during the monthly K of C Business Meeting on June 8th. The three $1000 scholarships were funded thru the support of the Knights of Columbus by the Clear Lake community during the Father Walter Super Bowl BBQ fundraiser. The Knights are extremely thankful for our Supporters in this effort. Texas KNIGHT Page 17 VOL 1 2011-2012 Council 1834 St. Philip Catholic Church and Assembly 1131 Served As Host To 118 New Sir Knights By Gerry Mikeska Pictured above (from left to right) Johnny Hoelscher, Angela Johnson, Charles Sodolak, Matt Budzisz, Anthony Restivo, Lauren Owens, Jonathon Deleon, Jarvis Ford and Coleton Jackson. T he Knights of Columbus Council 1834, Bryan, Texas recently presented scholarships totaling $4500 to six 2011 graduates of Bryan High School and Rudder High School in Bryan, Texas. The scholarship was formed in Feb., 2011. The Knights recognized a need to honor special education students who have overcome their disabilities, graduated from high school and now desire to continue their education. One student said, “Thank you for recognizing the special Ed students”. Another said, “Not to give up on my dreams and keep working hard.” Presenters were K of C members Johnny Hoelscher, Charles Sodolak and Anthony Restivo. O n Saturday, June 18, 2011 the Knights of Columbus Assembly 1131 hosted the Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Our Lady of Guadalupe Province First District of Texas Summer Exemplification. The Exemplification was dedicated in honor of The Most Reverend SK David E. Fellhauer Bishop, Diocese of Victoria, Texas. The First District of Texas Knights of Columbus is under the leadership of SK Peter S. Tan, Master. Patron Saint St Joseph Honored! This was the first time an Exemplification has been held in El Campo and the first time Assembly 1131 hosted an Exemplification. This was a history making event for the local 4th Degree Knights of Columbus and El Campo. Out of the 123 new Sir Knights, the El Campo area Archbishop Drossaerts, Assembly 1131 had 58 new Sir Knights joining their Assembly. The 65 other Sir Knights will join other Assemblies. Fifty-eight new Sir Knights joining El Campo’s Assembly 1131 is a District record for the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus. Those joining Assembly 1131 were from the following towns: El Campo, Louise, Edna, Palacios, Ganado, Wharton, Damon, Houston, Richmond, and Bay City. Another record breaker at this event was having 8 new Sir Knights with the same last name. The Drapela’s brother, son, nephew combination all joined the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus at one time. In addition we had many other father, sons, grandsons, and brother combinations. “This was a record breaking event for our Assembly, we grew by almost 50 percent in one day!” stated Gerry Mikeska, Faithful Navigator, Assembly 1131. The event featured a spaghetti supper hosted by Knights of Columbus Council 2490 on Friday, June 17 at the KC Hall with early registration. The Hall was decorated with a Patriotic theme. A hospitality suite was hosted by Msgr. William D. Steele Assembly. Then on Saturday, June 18 the St. Roberts Council 9393 hosted a breakfast for all the new members and participants at the St. Philip Parish hall. Although the Exemplification is a private event, prior to them entering the church they all proceeded down the street in march and full regalia. “This was a very impressive event, so many Sir Knights and new members marching down Depot Street into the Church all wearing tuxes and full regalia,” said Donna Mikeska. The actual exemplification took place in St. Philip Catholic Church. A Mass followed the event and all were invited to attend. After the Mass the Knights of Columbus Council 2490 hosted a banquet luncheon at the KC Hall. They served 325 guests a grilled chicken lunch with cilantro sauce, green beans, rice and a salad all prepared by KC members. T he Saint Joseph South San Knight of Columbus Council 7865 participated in the Celebration of a Mass in honor of our Patron Saint Joseph. The Knights carried the statue into the Church prior to the mass and after the Mass, our pastor, Fr. Lennin Naffate, led the procession around the church grounds while reciting the rosary. Bro. Knights who carried the statue in the procession were lead by past Grand Knight Leonard Martinez, Grand Knight Frank Garza, Brothers Domingo Vilafranca, Simon Blancas, David Hernandez, Peter Blancs, Nieves Rangel, James Garcia, and Jose Saldana. Texas KNIGHT Page 18 VOL 1 2011-2012 Knights of Columbus Award Three Scholarships By Peter Donahoe, Recorder, Council 12208 L St. Pius X High School Students By James Urbanovsky a Vernia High School seniors, Kaitlyn P Broll, Logan A Mills, and Zachary D Preston each are recipients of a $1,000.00 Patrick Coward Memorial Scholarship. The scholarships are presented by the Knights of Columbus Council 12208 in La Vernia for the 2011 – 2012 school years. Kaitlyn has enrolled at UTSA and plans to become a physician assistant. Logan has enrolled at the University of Texas in Austin and plans to major in Mechanical Engineering and Zachary has enrolled at Palo Alto College where he will begin an engineering degree. The La Vernia Knights of Columbus Council has awarded at least one $1,000.00 scholarship since the 2002 – 2003 school years. This is the first time three scholarships have been awarded. Council 4140 Awards Scholarships By Ken Boone K nights of Columbus Bishop Odin Council 2917, Houston, Texas, presents 3 St. Pius X High School students with scholarships of $1000 each at their awards program, Monday May 23, 2011. The scholarships represent funds from proceeds of the Council's Annual Casino Night, an annual fundraiser specifically designated for Catholic School scholarships. Making the presentation on behalf of the council from right to left are: Brother Knights Mike Kloss, Doug Wendt, James Urbanovsky, and Benny Okruhlik with the three students receiving the scholarships. Westphalia Clergy Honored By Ken Driska, DD 116 Immaculate Conception Council 4140 Grand Knight David Fuentes with Scholarship winners I mmaculate Conception Council 4140 awarded $4000 in scholarships during a presentation at the Council Hall on May 11, 2011. Eight Catholic middle school students were present with family, council members and ladies as they were each awarded $500 to pursue Catholic High School education in the San Antonio area. PGK Frank Farias, chairman of the scholarship committee, along with four committee members, selected the eight students from among twenty-four applicants to the council’s annual scholarship. Scholarship money was raised from various fundraisers throughout the year. Congratulations to the 2011 Catholic High School Scholarship winners: 1. Antonian College Prepatory • Emily Carpenter (St. Gregory the Great) • Mia Diaz (St. Gregory the Great) • Michael Kokotajlo (St. Gregory the Great) • Abigail Lozano (The Atonement Academy) • Cristian Mendoza (St. Gregory the Great) • Amalicia Recio (St. Gregory the Great) 2. Providence High School • Melody Amador (St. Gregory the Great) 3. The Atonement Academy • Melody Logsdon (The Atonement Academy) Support Our Bishops Charities A pproximately 225 parishioners from the Church of the Visitation in Westphalia honored their clergy with a breakfast after Mass on Sunday June 12, 2011. The occasion was held at the Parish Hall to honor Father Walter Dhanwar for his 20th anniversary as a Priest. Also honored were Deacon Bill Smetana for his 20th anniversary to the Deaconate Ministry and Deacon Charles Wright for his 11th anniversary to the Deaconate Ministry. Father Walter has been Pastor at the Church of the Visitation in Westphalia for 5 years, Deacon Bill has been a Deacon in Westphalia for 15 years and Deacon Charlie has been a Deacon in Westphalia for 11 years. All 3 were presented plaques from the Knights of Columbus Council 13902. Texas KNIGHT Page 19 VOL 1 2011-2012 Check Presented by Assembly 2523 2011 Lenten Fish Fries By Mike Coggins By Ed Higgs, PF Navigator 2523 S ir Knight Roger Moore (on the left), the Faithful Navigator of Mother Teresa Assembly 2523 of the Knights of Columbus in Schertz, TX presented a check in the amount of $500.00 to Steve White (center), Veterans Plaza Board Member to assist in the building of the Veterans Memorial Plaza. This donation was matched by CM Sgt. Ed Higgs (on the right), Past Faithful Navigator of the Mother Teresa Assembly 2523 of Schertz, TX. He urges all members of the military or families and friends thereof, past and present to participate in this Patriotic effort to acknowledge the sacrifice of so many men and women from all branches of the Armed Forces. To meet this endeavor, personalized pavers are being sold which will be placed within the Plaza. Public Safety Appreciation Dinner By Jim Bazar S tephenville, TX. Knights of Columbus Council 10816, presented $3500 in proceeds from its’ 2011 Lenten Fish Fries to seven local charitable organizations in May. Front row from left is Jill Scott-HOPE, Silvia Barros St. Brendan’s Ladies Guild, Crystal Rose and Joe Standridge-Cross Timbers Pregnancy Care Center. Back row Grand Knight Willy DeJong, Fr. Phillip McNamara representing St. Mary’s CCD Building Campaign, Fish Fry Chairman Mike Huxen, and District Deputy Dan Delgado. Not pictured but also receiving $500 donations were Stephenville Senior Citizens Center, Dublin Senior Citizens Inc, and TREAT. The council has presented contributions totally over $20,000 in the past six years of their Lenten fish fries. Knights Cook! By Mike Lednicky, GK, West Council 2305 W est Council 2305 cooked hamburgers for 100 people at the Special Olympics Region 12 Equestrian Event. All food was donated by the Knights and members. Participating in the event were the following Knights: Grand Knight Mike Lednicky, Deputy Grand Knight Ryan Adams, Warden Terry Isaacs, Inside Guard Public Safety Appreciation dinner was recently held by the Knights of Columbus Edwin Sulak (who graciously donated the cooking facilities), Past Grand Knight Mike Council 4183 in New Braunfels, headed up by Brother Tim Kolbe, in support Gerik, Community Director John David Janek, Trustee James Watson, Mike Berger, and for those that give aid to the public and uphold the law. The children of these Ron Hauser. Also assisting were Trey Sulak and Brandon Castillo. The Knights enjoyed good fellowship and interacting with the participants and their families. families painted a mural at the occasion. A Texas KNIGHT Texas State Council Knights of Columbus 6633 Hwy 290 East Ste 204 Austin, TX 78723-1157 NON - PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID AUSTIN, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 1550 Texas Knights of Columbus Support Our Military Vol. 1, 2011-2012 Journal of the Knights of Columbus in Texas Texas Knight