Great and Holy Friday Memorial Bulletin


Great and Holy Friday Memorial Bulletin
Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
Coral Gables, Florida
‫ﺎﺗدراﺋﺔ اﻟﻘدس ﺟﺎورﺟﯾوس ﻟﻠروم اﻷرﺛوذس‬
The Most Reverend Metropolitan JOSEPH, Primate
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
The Right Reverend Bishop ANTOUN, Auxiliary Bishop
Very Reverend Father Fouad Saba, Cathedral Dean
Archdeacon David Nimer
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Offered by…
In Memory of…
Our Father and
Metropolitan PHILIP (Saliba)
of Thrice-Blessed Memory
Metropolitan ANTONY (Bashir)
of Thrice-Blessed Memory
Archbishop Samuel David
of Thrice-Blessed Memory
Archbishop Michael Shaheen
of Thrice-Blessed Memory
Archimandrite Basilios Sedaoui
Archpriest Spyridon Dora
Archpriest Louis Secabe
Archpriest Michael Husson
Khourieh Lorraine Husson
The Founders of
Saint George Cathedral
Offered by…
In Memory of…
Very Reverend Father Fouad
Khourieh Diana Saba
and Family
Fouad, Evilin, Salem and George Saba
Mina, Laurice, Naheel and Matuk Rantisi
Yvette Sharshar
Anton, Maria, Khader, Widad,
Andrawis, Hanna, Elia, George,
Georgette and Elaine Saba
Reverend Father Gustavo
Khourieh Margarita Alfonso
and Family
Zoilo, Fidela, Francisco, Hilda, Guillermo,
Miriam, Guillermo, Caridad, Pilar, Enrique,
Carmela, Mario Giraldo Mendez
Reverend Archdeacon
David and Pat Nimer
Ann and Fred Bayrouty
Richard Bayrouty
Frieda Bayrouty
Donna Nimer
Betty Gorra Hatem
V. Rev. Fr. Michael Husson
Kh. Lorraine Husson
Naseba George
Angelina Mitchell
Evelyn Mitchell
Delia and Ferris Gorra
Offered by…
In Memory of…
Atalla, Andrea, Natalie,
Michael, and Andrew
Adla Abu-Akel
Saleem and Myriam Abu-Akel
Jamelee and Habib Abu-Akel
Iskander and Anisee Makhouly
Monieb Makhouly
Robert and Martha Mickel
Rev. Fr. John and Kh. Ana Mickel
Nicholas and Nahie Metry
Josephine Ellis
Asha Family
Mike and Rida Asha
John and Violet Asha
Rida Fink
Elie and Mela Attie
Adeeba Attie
Nagib Attie
Elias Marje
Amelia Simon
Emilianne Picard
Barakat – Wanna Family
Milad Wanna
Maurice and Joan Barakat
Offered by…
In Memory of…
Bardawil – Farah Family
Dr. Maurice Bardawil
Elias Bardawil
Daisy Bardawil
William G. Bardowell
Nellie Bardowell
Naim Farah
Marie Farah
George Farah
Diana Berry
Marlene Mahfood
Barjoud Family
Henry Besilis
Rita Bselis
Mouna Dahlan
Michael Dahlan
Rizkalla Dahlan
Mary Dahlan
Margareta Dahlan
George and Abdalla Dahlan
Nicholas Mabardi
Laure Mabardi
Alice and Gloria Azar
Daiha Family
Mikhail and Hanne Daiha
Badia Gabriel and all her sisters
Mikhail Emad
Martha Eannace
John and Genevieve Eannace
George and Selma Jage
Bill and Virginia Abraham
Sam and Ruth Abraham
Christine Mueller
Offered by…
In Memory of…
Ede Family
Nicholas and Natalie Ede
Mary and Mitri Nahat
Fred and May Ede
Elizabeth and Fred Tawa
Arthur Nashawaty
Joseph and Sahda Zakaib
Snow Sayfie
Selma Bassett
Gabriel and Mary Ghiz
Ernest G. Sayfie
Naseef Bassett
Douglas Ede and Family
Selma Bassett
Mary Ghiz
Mary Nahat
Ernest Sayfie
Orlando Skaff
Nicholas Ede
Said and Lama Elhaj and
Fahed Elhaj
Salameh Asfour
Nicola Khoury
Margarette Khoury
Francis Elhaj
Salam Exeni
Abdo Exeni
Mariam Issa
Sanaa Dahi
Fahel Family
Sofia Fahel
Jabria Fahel
Offered by…
Farha Family
George and Tabte Habib and
In Memory of…
Chukrallah Habib
Jamily Habib
Micheal Habib
George Zyne
Tanous Tobchrany
Elaine Tobchrany
Elias Abourjaily
Nazerah Abourjaily
Samira Abourjaily
George Abourjaily
Samia Abou Chedid
Nada Abou Chedid
Jeanette Haddad Stern
John Paul Arce
Louis Haddad
Alice Haddad
Hatem Family
Sean O’Brien
Louis Hatem
Nour Hatem
Offered by...
Michel and Shirley Husson
Bassem Jadon and Family
Osama and Nadia Jahjah and
Haifa Khoury and Family
Kiwan and Sabah Khoury and
In Memory of…
Fred and Evelyn Husson
Salem and Rose Solomon
Elia Husson
Anton, Nasim, Brahim, Caroline,
Subhi, Manue, Kamel, Bishara,
Joseph, and Elias Jadon
Georgette Istiban
Charly Istiban
Fouad Mobassaleh
Mona Jahjah Ashchi
Hanna Sammour
Linda Malouf
Helwa Sammour
Grace Calis
Jessica Jardack
Subdeacon Hanna Khoury
Khalil and Mariam Khoury
George Khalil Khoury
Eid Habash
Khalil and Mariam Khoury
Anton and Helwa Khouryieh
George Khoury
Anton and Mary Ann Khoury and Khalil and Mariam Khoury
Louis and Nour Hatem
Mayez and Josephine Khoury
George Khoury
Hanna Khoury
Joseph Joseph
Offered by...
In Memory of…
Jackson King
Curtis and Patricia King
Rebecca King
Rose Lura King
William C. King
Kostik and Garcia Families
Archpriest Basilio Wietchorko
Matushka Lydia Wietchorko
All departed of Kostik, Puszak,
Kyanko, Garcia, de la Torre, Ortiz,
and Carrillo families
Drs. Michael Maunder and
Sawsan Khuri and Family
All the dearly beloved departed of the
Maunder, Khuri, Archbold, and
Jalbout families
Mobassaleh Family
Fouad G. Mobassaleh
Linda Malouf
Juliett Qumsieh
Butrus Qumsieh
Fouad Amin Mobassaleh
Samar Mobassaleh
All departed of Samour, Qumsieh, and
Mobassaleh families
Raja Nassar
Said, Najibah, and Eva Nassar
Roger Nimer and Family
Donna Nimer
Nick and Louise Nimer
Nick and Louise Nimer
Henry and Helen O’Brien
Sean Nicholas O’Brien
Charles and Diana O’Brien
Offered by…
Salem Family
Dr. Don Shalhub
Michael Snavely
Eric Thomas
Yolanda Warwar-Feanny
In Memory of…
Radieh and Awad Salem
Salimeh and Nimer Aboud
Jamil and Yacoub Aboud
Amin Aboud
Feiruz Aboud
Salameh Salem
Salam Salem
All departed of Shalhub family
Roger Snavely
Elmer Snavely
Geneva Snavely
Herfried Mueller
Adelheid Mueller
Jane Parr Harper
William Harper
Kenneth Heilman
Leoma Princehorn
Astrid Augner
Juanita Solano
Margaret Jones
Rafic and Rosa Warwar
Walid and Yousef Warwar
Jamili and Nora Simaan
Salim and Hana Warwar
Jacob and Mariam Simaan
Michael and Alice Feanny
Winston and John Feanny
John and Andrew Feanny
Jonathan and Andy Feanny
Assad and Nijmi Warwar
Offered by…
Wassef Family
Caroline Weiss
Dr. Alex Zakharia and Family
In Memory of…
George, Josephine, and Dany Ghattas
Nadia Wassef
Mathilda Saikaley
All departed of the Moukarzel family
Jack Weiss
Ben and Martha Weiss
Walid and Yousef Warwar
Rafic and Rosa Warwar
Salim and Hana Warwar
Farfoura and Izaak Fadil
Jacob and Mariam Simaan
Delroy and Beverly Ziadie
Toufic and Najla Zakharia
Yamil and Salma Zacur
Nazra Zacur
Nayla Zacur
Tony and Vivian Zammar and
George Antoine Zammar
Charly Istiban
Georgette Istiban
Linda Malouf
Hana Samour
Fouad George Mobassaleh
Najiba Aiash
Suleman Samour
Helweh Sammour
Jashwah Sammour
Issa-Salim Malouf
Nameh Kales
Mouna Jahjah
Thank You!
Saint George Cathedral
sincerely thanks the following individuals who have bought or sponsored
items to be used for Great Lent, Holy Week and Paschal services
(i.e. candles, palms, wine, oil, incense, flowers, ribbons, etc.):
In alphabetical order:
Atalla and Andrea Abu-Akel and Family (palms)
Munif and Ruba Asfour and Family (Madayeh flowers)
Louie and Ernestine Ede (incense)
Chris and Anna-Sarah Farha and Family (Bay Leaves)
Michel and Yolla Hayek and Family (Madayeh flowers)
Michel and Shirley Husson (oil)
George and Basema Khoury (incense)
George and Meysoon Mobassaleh & Family (Madayeh flowers)
Salem and Hannan Mounayyer and Family (Madayeh flowers)
Nohaa Obeid (wreath flowers)
Charles and Diana O’Brien (Madayeh flowers)
Nasser and Tania Soufia and Family (ribbons)
Michael and Elizabeth Touma and Family (Bier flowers)
Suhel and Najwa Turjman and Family (flowers and printing)
Tony and Vivian Zammar and Family (Paschal lilies)
Thank you to the Antiochian Women for planning, assembling, and
printing this Annual Good Friday Memorial Bulletin.
Special thanks to Yolla Hayek and her Committee of Volunteers for
their hard work in decorating the Church, the Tomb of Christ and the
Icons during this Lenten and Paschal season.
Thank you to the Atalla Abu-Akel , Muazzi Hatem, and the Committee of Volunteers (too many to numerate) for their assistance in
decorating, repairing, and helping with many other tasks during this
TONIGHT, April 29th
All-Night VIGIL begins at 11:00 p.m. until Liturgy
on Saturday Morning (VIGIL is a LOCK-IN)
Saturday, April 30th
Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil at 9:00 a.m.
(“Sabt Il-Nour” — “Saturday of Light” — Anticipation Service)
Saturday, April 30th
Rush Procession and Matins
followed by PASCHAL Liturgy
beginning at 10:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 1st
Agape Vespers Service
followed by the Annual Egghunt
beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Please return your
Food For
Hungry People
Coin Box
at the Candle Stand during Holy Week.
Parking Around the Cathedral
To access the TWO parking lots at the Cathedral (next to the Cathedral Hall
and School), please use the entrance from the alleyway, accessible by way of
Le Jeune Rd., or Salzedo Rd.
Please do NOT park on the grass lot behind the Cathedral Parking Lot.
Parking is available for TOMORROW, PASCHA (Saturday Night) on Palermo
Avenue from 9:30pm until 2:00am for FREE, per the agreement with the City
of Coral Gables. Palermo Avenue only from Le Jeune Rd. to Ponce de Leon.
This Mission Statement is taken partly from
the Preamble of the Cathedral Constitution.
"We, members of the Holy Orthodox Catholic (Universal)
and Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, in the city of Coral
Gables and the Greater Miami area and Community, desiring the growth of our faith and its teachings for ourselves
and our posterity, do unite together as a Parish and Church
for the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for the reception of the Holy Sacraments, for the observance of the
faith, morals and discipline of our Holy Church as administered under the authority and jurisdiction of the SelfRuled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of
North America, and do hereby solemnly pledge to
'commend ourselves and each other and all our life
unto Christ our God!'"
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
320 Palermo Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Phone: (305) 444-6541 Fax: (305) 445-6530 Email:

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