April 7, 2014 City Council Packet
April 7, 2014 City Council Packet
WESTBROOK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014 AT 7:00PM WESTBROOK HIGH SCHOOL ROOM 114 ROLL CALL SALUTE THE FLAG APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING MINUTES: FEBRUARY 24, 2014 FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 2014 FACILITIES & STREETS COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 3, CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 10, 2013 FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 15, 2013 FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MAYOR’S MESSAGE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE UPDATE PUBLIC COMMENT UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2014-33 ACCEPTANCE OF CALPINE DRIVE AS A PUBLIC STREET (Tabled on 3/3/14) ORDERS OF THE DAY 2014-31 2014-32 2014-34 2014-35 AMENDING CHAPTER 10-ELECTIONS RE: REDISTRICTRING OF WARDS AUTHORIZING CONSOLIDATION OF VOTING LOCATIONS FOR WARDS 1 AND 4 APPROVING WEIC/RECREATION & CONSERVATION FUNDING FOR STROUDWATER TRAIL PROJECT AMENDING COUNCIL ORDER #2013-34 – CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH PRINCETON HYDRO 2014-36 AWARD OF BID FOR LIBRARY RENOVATIONS 2014-37 APPROVING ANNUAL SEWER VENDOR LIST 2014-38 AWARD OF BID FOR WASTEWATER DIVISION VEHICLE NEW BUSINESS 1. 2. 3. 4. BUSINESS LICENSES: PUBLIC HEARING – TAXI BUSINESS LICENSE, WESTBROOK TAXI PUBLIC HEARING – TAXI BUSINESS & DRIVER LICENSE, AJ’S TAXI LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL – MR. BAGEL LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL – SKYBOX BAR & GRILL 5. 6. 7. RESOLVES: ACCEPTANCE OF ZONING BOARD CHAIRMAN’S ANNUAL REPORT ACCEPTANCE OF OPPORTUNITY ALLIANCE GRANT FOR UNDERAGE DRINKING ENFORCEMENT SUBMISSION OF PETITION FOR SACCARAPPA PARK 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ORDERS ONE READING: SUBMISSION OF PETITION/SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR STROUDWATER PLACE REFERENDUM CONFIRMATION OF HARDSHIP ABATEMENT APPLICATION APPROVING EXTENSION OF FISH PASSAGE DEADLINE AGREEMENT AGREEMENT REGARDING NGO CONSULTANT SERVICES EXTENSION OF HOURS FOR PORTLAND WATER DISTRICT PROJECT ON CUMBERLAND STREET SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR PUBLIC SERVICES FACILITY REFERENDUM 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ORDERS – TWO READINGS: AUTHORIZING SALE OF CITY PROPERTY ON CUMBERLAND STREET AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF POLICE DEPARTMENT PROGRAM VEHICLE AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN RESCUE BILLING RATES AWARD OF BID FOR AUDIT SERVICES AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH TYLER TECHNOLOGIES FOR FINANCIAL SOFTWARE PUBLIC COMMENT REFERRALS 1. DOWNTOWN TRASH COLLECTION TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (Admin.) Colleen Hilton Mayor chilton@westbrook.me.us 2 York Street Westbrook, Maine 04092 Phone: (207)591-8110 Fax: (866)405-0776 Jerre R. Bryant City Administrator jbryant@westbrook.me.us To: From: Date: Subject: Honorable City Council Jerre R. Bryant, City Administrator April 4, 2014 City Council Meeting of April 7, 2014 City Council UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2014-33 This is the acceptance of Calpine Drive as a public street, including the acceptance of a quit claim deed from Idexx Real Estate Holdings, LLC and an indenture from Central Maine Power Company. Calpine Drive extends from Eisenhower Drive to the entrance to the Calpine power plant and was constructed as part of the power plant development project. The road was always intended to become a public way and has been plowed and maintained by the city since it was completed in 2000. In addition to the power plant, the road provides access to properties owned by Idexx, Pike Industries, CMP and, potentially, Smiling Hill Farm. As a public street, Calpine Drive can play a key role in the further development of all of these commercial properties. The street, improvements and real estate is being offered to the city without damages (payment). Since the city is already maintaining the street, under a prior arrangement with Calpine, this formal acceptance of the street represents no immediate cost for the city. This item was tabled on March 3, 2014 as Idexx had not obtained a release from one of its lenders authorizing the transfer of property interests in Calpine Drive to the City. That approval is pending but has not yet been completed; therefore, this item should remain tabled. No council action is required. ORDERS OF THE DAY 2014-31 This is an amendment to Chapter 10 – Elections, redistricting the five voting wards as prescribed by the City Charter. This process equalizes the population of each ward of the city based on the last decennial census. The ordinance language and a map of the existing and new ward boundaries are enclosed. The ward redistricting was developed and recommended by the City Clerk, is supported by the Administration, was given first reading on March 3, 2014 and is in order for final council action. 2014-32 2014-34 2014-35 2014-36 This authorizes the relocation of the Ward 4 polling place to the Fred C. Wescott Building and authorizes the Ward 1 polling place to be located outside of the Ward, as recommended by the City Clerk. Ward 4 residents currently vote at the Stroudwater Street Armory. As a result of the redistricting, the Fred C. Wescott Building is a more convenient location for voters in Ward 4. Ward 1 residents already vote at the Fred C. Westcott Building. While that polling place is now outside of Ward 1, it still remains the most convenient location for voters in that ward. These two changes are recommended by the City Clerk, are supported by the Administration and are in order for final council action. This authorizes funding in the amount of $11,906, split evenly between the Westbrook Environmental Improvement Corporation (WEIC) and the Westbrook Recreation & Conservation Commission, to extend the Stroudwater River Trail across Spring Street to Smiling Hill Farm and to complete the design and permitting for a pedestrian bridge across the Stroudwater River. This is a collaborative effort between the City of Westbrook and Portland Trails to develop interconnected, intra-municipal trail systems through the extension of the Stroudwater River Trail into Westbrook. Both WEIC and Rec & Cons have approved their respective shares of funding for this project. This initiative and funding request is supported by the Administration, was given first reading on March 3, 2014 and is in order for final council action. This is a request to authorize the approval of the WEIC board to allocate an additional $22,400 to Princeton Hydro, Exton, Pennsylvania, for engineering and design work regarding the proposed removal of dams at Sacarappa Falls, the implementation of nature like fish passage and the development of recreational amenities. As the council is aware, the Administration has been working with Sappi, State and Federal environmental regulatory agencies and the nongovernmental environmental groups, with a collective goal of achieving a fish passage option that maximizes the economic, recreational and aesthetic benefits for the river as it passes through downtown Westbrook. Because so much of this project relates to technical factors, the need for fairly specialized technical assistance is essential. WEIC has authorized an additional $22,400 with Princeton Hydro for that purpose, amending an existing agreement that was previously approved by the city council. This additional funding from WEIC is also subject to council approval, and is being presented in the form of an amendment to City Council Order 2013-34. Approval of this additional WEIC funding is supported by the Administration, was given first reading on March 3, 2014 and is in order for final council action. This is an award of bid to H E Callahan of Auburn for first floor renovations at the Walker Memorial Library, low bidder at a price of $157,875. This is the second renovation project for the library since the building envelope, environmental remediation and heating system replacement were completed. This provides for electrical and life safety code upgrades and compliance along with the complete renovation of the lower level which will accommodate offices and other employee work areas, a server room, bathroom, kitchen and break room. The City Engineer has overseen the development of design and bid specification, the bid process and will now manage the construction process. Funding for this work is split between the 2013-14 CIP ($80,000) and donations to the library ($77,875). This award of bid is supported by the Administration, was given first reading on March 3, 2014 and is in order for final council action. 2014-37 2014-38 This is the approval of the authorized vendor list for the Sewer User Fund for the 2014 budget year. The sewer budget operates on a January 1 – December 31 fiscal year to coincide with the Portland Water District fiscal year. Therefore, the authorized vendor list for the Wastewater Division is presented on a different schedule from the other municipal departments. While many of the utilities, contractors and suppliers are duplicative to the city-wide list, the somewhat unique work performed by the Wastewater Division does include different products and suppliers. However, the format is the same, with maximum expenditure limits established for vendors within categories based on budget appropriations. Approval of the authorized vendor list for the Sewer User Fund is supported by the Administration, was given first reading on March 3, 2014 and is in order for final council action. This is an award of bid for the purchase of a 2015 one-ton four wheel drive truck, equipped with a power lift gate and v-plow, to Ripley & Fletcher Ford, South Paris, low bidder at a price of $47,670. This is a replacement and upgrade of an existing vehicle and plays a primary role in our sewer maintenance and pumping station maintenance operations. The vehicle is also utilized for plowing access areas to sewer pumping stations in the winter and assists plowing other municipal parking lots. The upgrade to a one-ton vehicle is in response to the size and weight of the equipment and materials this vehicle transports to on and off-road worksites throughout the city. Due to the relatively good condition and serviceability of the vehicle being replaced, it will be rolled into the city fleet rather than traded or sold at this time. This purchase is funded through the Sewer User Fund. This award of bid is supported by the Administration, was given first reading on March 3, 2014 and is in order for final council action. NEW BUSINESS Items 1 - 13 require one reading and are on this agenda for final council action. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This is a public hearing on an application for a new Taxi Business License from Michael J. Gibbons d/b/a Westbrook Taxi, 221 Central Street. This is a new owner of an existing business. This application has been approved by the Police Department and, following the public hearing, is in order for council action. This is a public hearing on an application for a new Taxi Business License and Taxi Driver License from Jeilani Omar Abdalla d/b/a AJ’s Taxi, 207 Brown Street. This application has been approved by the Police Department and, following the public hearing, is in order for council action. This is an application for renewal of State Liquor License from Mister Bagel, 609 Main Street. This renewal includes an outside seating option, which was licensed on a temporary basis this past year. The Police Department finds no reason for denial of this application, which is in order for council action. This is an application for renewal of State Liquor License from Skybox Bar & Grill, 212 Brown Street. Due to the late submission of this renewal application, the Police Department review will be presented at Monday evening’s meeting. Pending the findings of the Police Department, this application is in order for council action. This is the acceptance of the Annual Report for 2013 from the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals. This report is in order for council action. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. This is the acceptance of a $1,000 Underage Drinking Enforcement Grant from Opportunity Alliance – Communities Promoting Health Coalition, for use by the Westbrook Police Department to conduct alcohol sales enforcement details. Acceptance of this grant is in order for council action. This is the submission of a petition regarding Sacarappa Park. As indicated by the City Clerk, the petitioners submitted 506 valid signatures out of a required 1,216. Due to the failure to submit the number of signatures required by Chapter 8 – Citizens Initiative and Referendum Ordinance, there is no council action necessary. There are no current plans pending or contemplated for the re-use or development of this property. This is the submission of a petition regarding the rezoning of property on Stroudwater Street and setting a public hearing for Monday, April 28, 2014 for consideration of said proposal. As indicated by the City Clerk, the petitioners submitted 1,232 valid signatures, exceeding the required 1,216. Based on the petitioner’s successful submission of the number of signatures required by Chapter 8 – Citizens Initiative and Referendum Ordinance, the City Council shall set a date for a public hearing to be held within twenty-one (21) days. The next scheduled city council meeting is April 28, 2014 which meets the twenty-one day requirement. Setting a public hearing on this citizen initiative for April 28, 2014 is called for under Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances, is supported by the Administration and is in order for council action. This grants a hardship property tax abatement for FY 2009 and FY 2010 on a property for which the City Council previously abated the FY 2011 and FY 2012 taxes on March 3, 2014 (appeal #00714). Due to statutory constraints, abating taxes for the earlier years requires a separate procedure by which the Tax Collector submits a finding that the taxes are uncollectable due to hardship. That notarized statement is enclosed, this abatement is supported by the Administration and is in order for council action. This is the approval of an extension of a Fish Passage Deadline Agreement for Sacarappa Falls. Sappi is currently under a deadline for the installation of fish passage at Sacarappa by May, 2015 in the form of a denil fish ladder to be constructed up over the falls. Last year, based on the adverse impacts of a concrete fish ladder over the falls and an indication from Sappi that they would consider removing the dams if that could result in natural fish passage, the city became involved in discussions among Sappi, the regulatory agencies and the environmental groups. While all parties believed that natural fish passage would be the best possible result for Sacarappa Falls, reaching an agreement on how to pursue that goal has proven to be incredibly difficult. Without the city becoming part of this discussion, coupled with the determination, patience and persistence of Bill Baker, this agreement would never have been achieved. All parties have now signed onto a two year extension for the completion deadline with a commitment to aggressively pursue the natural fish passage option. This unified agreement will be submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for its approval. This agreement is supported by the Administration and is in order for council action. This is the approval of an agreement on the scope of engineering services necessary to fully explore dam removal and all natural fish passage for Sacarappa Falls. This consensus was reached through the collaborative efforts of the City of Westbrook, Sappi, Princeton Hydro Engineering and the environmental agencies. The city is providing up to $50,000 toward the cost of this work through the 12. 13. Westbrook Environmental Improvement Corporation. If successful, this project will not just restore fish passage at Sacarappa Falls, but will also maximize the environmental, economic, aesthetic and recreational opportunities for the Presumpscot River. Approval of this scope of services is supported by the Administration and is in order for council action. This is a request from the Portland Water District for an extension of the permitted hours of work for their water main replacement project on Cumberland Street, from Park Road to Pierce Street. This is a very problematic request. Cumberland Street is a major collector road and, under city ordinance, construction hours are limited to 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. This is primarily intended to minimize traffic disruption during the peak commuter hours, which is significant along Cumberland Street. Many of our major collector roads are located in commercial areas of the city and managing the traffic impact of construction work in some of those locations has been dealt with by permitting night time construction. Night work was a consideration for this project, but this section of Cumberland Street is a densely developed residential neighborhood and not conducive to overnight construction work. The PWD has requested that work be permitted from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, which will allow for quicker completion of the project but will schedule construction activity during peak traffic times. The third alternative is to stick with the hours specified in the ordinance, which limits construction to a 7½ hour work day and will lengthen the duration of the construction project along this very challenging stretch of road. After discussion with the City Engineer, he is in support of the extended hours as the best alternative available. It will certainly exacerbate traffic congestion during peak commuter hours, but will minimize the length of the construction period. Both the City and the District will publicize this project well in advance and will identify and recommend alternative travel routes during construction. Due to the impact this project and any modification in permitted hours of construction will have on area residents and the travelling public, the Administration recommends that this item be postponed until April 28, 2014 to allow for notices to be sent to all property owners along this section of Cumberland Street. A motion to postpone this item to April 28, 2014 is recommended by the Administration. This sets a date of April 28, 2014 for a public hearing on sending the Consolidated Public Services, School Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Facility to voter referendum on June 10, 2014, as recommended by the Facilities & Streets Committee. This item is supported by the Administration and is in order for council action. Orders 14 – 18 require two readings and are on this agenda for first reading. 14. This authorizes the sale a 2.8 acre vacant parcel of city owned property located on the westerly side of Cumberland Street at the Windham town line. This triangular shaped parcel was identified as surplus city land and put out to competitive bid last year, with a minimum bid price of $51,300. The city received no bids. Since that time, the city has been approached by an interested buyer who has agreed to the $51,300 price. Since this property was previously bid and no one offered the minimum bid price, the Administration is recommending acceptance of this bid. It is recommended that the proceeds from this sale be applied to the repairs and renovations underway at the Fred C. Wescott building. Since the city has accepted a lower than anticipated sale price for the former Prides Corner School 15. 16. 17. property and is now offering for sale a small portion of the 2 York Street property, the budgeted $1.2 million dollar revenue in the Fred C. Wescott building capital budget will not be achieved from the sale of those two properties. In order to meet our revenue budget goal from the sale of city property, we are recommending the proceeds from this sale be committed to that purpose. The revenue from this sale has not been budgeted or anticipated elsewhere. This authorization of the sale of surplus city land and the dedication of the proceeds to the repairs and renovation at the Fred C. Wescott building are supported by the Administration and is in order for first reading. This authorizes the purchase of a late model sedan for use as an unmarked police vehicle. For a number of years, the department has purchased low mileage used vehicles for this purpose. The city received a total of 15 bids from three vendors and determined that the bid of a 2013 Chevrolet Impala from Quirk Chevrolet of Portland at a purchase price of $17,028 was the most advantageous bid based on the vehicles age, mileage and remaining warranty. This vehicle replaces an unmarked unit that was recently totaled in an accident. Funding for this purchase comes from the payment of $4,881.82 from the insurance company for the driver of the other vehicle, supplemented with $12,146.18 from the Asset Forfeiture Account. This award of bid is supported by the Administration and is in order for first reading. This authorizes an increase in the fees paid to the Town of Gorham to provide emergency rescue billing services for the Westbrook Fire & Rescue Department. The rescue billing function was outsourced to Gorham in November of 2010 at a cost savings to the City of Westbrook. Their rates have not been increased since that time (a period of 3 years, four months). Gorham is now asking for a 5.9% increase to cover their cost to perform rescue billing services for Westbrook. The newly hired Deputy Fire Chief, Andrew Turcotte, has achieved significant success in expanding revenue for emergency rescue services in the communities he has previously served. He will be undertaking a comprehensive review of rescue operations, administration and revenue opportunities, which may result in changes in many aspects of our rescue program. Until that process is complete, we plan to continue to outsource our billing function to Gorham and are in support of their request for a fee adjustment. There is no budget impact from this fee adjustment. Authorization of this increase for rescue billing services is supported by the Administration and is in order for first reading. This is an award of bid for Audit Services to MacPage, LLC of South Portland, for a three year contract covering fiscal years 2014 @ $40,000, 2015 @ $42,000 and 2016 @ $43,500. As is fully explained in the enclosed memo from City Comptroller Alicia Gardiner, the city solicited Requests for Proposal for audit services along with the Westbrook School Department. Five proposals were submitted and, following a thorough evaluation of all bidders, MacPage was determined to have submitted the superior proposal for city and school. The Westbrook School Committee has already approved the MacPage proposal. In addition to being a large, diversified and highly qualified accounting firm, with numerous municipal and school department clients throughout the state, MacPage is Maine based and highly familiar with the state’s financial and accounting requirements for school departments, including filing deadlines. These factors have presented some challenges with our previous audit firm, which is based in New Hampshire and serves primarily New Hampshire clients. This award of bid 18. for audit services to MacPage is supported by the Administration and is in order for first reading. This authorizes a contract for Munis software license, maintenance, support and conversion to Tyler Technologies, Inc. of Yarmouth, Maine at a one-time cost of $94,535 and an annual fee of $49,986. The specific terms are provided in the enclosed agreement. The city previously operated on a Munis system, but converted to AccuFund in early 2011. While AccuFund is a quality accounting software, their software never had nor developed the municipal applications that were promised. Munis is the most widely used municipal software package in the country, Tyler Technologies (which owns Munis) is located in Yarmouth, Maine and their systems are in use in many municipalities and combination municipal/school applications throughout the state. While the Westbrook School Department is not converting to Munis at this time (remaining on their current ADS system, which is also owned by Tyler Technologies), we have been working closely with them with the goal of both being on the Munis system in the near future. Munis is a time tested product and Tyler Technologies has an outstanding record of support, responsiveness and innovation for its clients. This financial operating system conversion is funded in the 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program, is recommended by the Finance Committee, is supported by the Administration and is in order for first reading. FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 2014 MINUTES PRESENT: CHAIRMAN FOLEY, COUNCILORS CHAU, EMERY, O’HARA, SANPHY (RAIRDON, RIELLY) ADMINISTRATION: MAYOR HILTON, J. BRYANT, A. GARDINER Chairman Foley opened the meeting of the Finance Committee at 6:00pm for the purpose of discussion of the following: 1. 2. FY 2013 Audit Report Financial Operating System FY 2013 Audit Report Tim Greene, Roberts & Green, introduced himself to the committee and provided an overview of the FY 2013 audit report (attached). Financial Operating System Alicia Gardiner, Comptroller, described the challenges with the current financial operating system and the advantages of the system being proposed, Tyler Technologies. David Jowett, Tyler Technologies, introduced himself to the committee and provided some historical information about the company. He described the various components of the software and assured the committee that this would be a successful transition. A. Gardiner responded to questions from the committee regarding how this software could improve efficiencies in the Finance Department. There was some discussion about various modules not included in the current proposal that could be implemented in the future if the City wanted. Moved by Councilor Chau, seconded by Councilor O’Hara, to refer to the City Council Munis financial operating system proposal. Susan Rossignol, 54 Conant St., spoke in support of Munis software. In response to Councilor Emery, A. Gardiner confirmed that she has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from other municipalities that are using this software. Vote: 5 in favor – 0 opposed Moved by Councilor Emery, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, to adjourn at 7:31pm. Vote: 5 in favor – 0 opposed mam 1 FACILITIES & STREETS COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 24, 2014 MINUTES PRESENT: CHAIRMAN O’HARA, COUNCILORS CHAU, EMERY, SANPHY, VICE PRES. FOLEY (RAIRDON, RIELLY) ADMINISTRATION: MAYOR HILTON, J. BRYANT, E. DUDLEY, T. ELDRIDGE, A. LEDOUX Chairman O’Hara opened the meeting of the Facilities & Streets Committee at 7:33pm for the purpose of discussion of the following: 1. 30-Minute Parking in Downtown Municipal Lot 2. Street Light on Sawyer Road 3. Public Services Facility 1. 30-Minute Parking in Downtown Municipal Lot City Administrator Jerre Bryant identified this request from the owner of Tropical Sun Tanning for two (2) 30-minute parking spaces in order to create more turnover parking in the municipal parking lot between Bridge and Ash Streets. In response to Vice Pres. Foley, Jerre Bryant confirmed that the Administration supports the request for more turnover parking. Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, refer the request to the City Council. Councilor Emery expressed concern about support from nearby restaurants. Councilor O’Hara agreed that more turnover parking is needed downtown. Vote: 5 in favor – 0 opposed 2. Street Light on Sawyer Road Jerre introduced this item and referred to an aerial photo showing where existing lighting on this road is. Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, to refer the request to the City Council. Councilor Chau stated that he will not be supporting this request. Councilors Sanphy and Emery stated their support for this request. Councilor Chau suggested a city-wide street light audit to determine where the greatest need for street lights exists. Phil Spiller, Jr., expressed concern for public safety on this road. Councilor O’Hara agreed that a street light audit should be conducted as well as an energy audit for the city’s buildings. Vote: 4 in favor – 1 opposed (Chau) 3. Public Services Facility Jerre Bryant identified members of the Public Services Building Committee and described the process leading up to the decision to remain at the existing location. Owens McCullough, Sebago Technics, provided the Committee with a presentation describing the proposed building project (attached). Public Services Department administration responded to questions from the Committee regarding the proposed facilities. Councilor Sanphy expressed concern that the current location might not be the best location for the new facility. He cited concerns about access, debt obligations and property tax rates. Councilor Chau thanked the Public Services administration and staff for making the most of their current facilities and for being patient. Dean Flanagin, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, spoke in support of the proposed project. Vice Pres. Foley urged the Committee to support the proposed project. Dana Fortier, Idexx Laboratories, spoke in support of the proposed project. Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, to refer the item to the City Council with a recommendation to include a citizen’s referendum. Councilor O’Hara wanted to publicly acknowledge the school bus transportation staff for working so well under the existing conditions. Vote: 5 in favor – 0 opposed Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Emery, to adjourn at 9:24pm. Vote: 5 in favor – 0 opposed mam WESTBROOK CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 3, 2014 AT 7:00PM WESTBROOK HIGH SCHOOL ROOM 114 Pres. Rielly opened the City Council meeting City Clerk called the roll 7 City Councilors, 1 Student Representative present Salute the flag The following minutes were approved: FEBRUARY 10, 2014 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAYOR’S MESSAGE Mayor Hilton announced an upcoming community in participation with the Sea Dogs. Tom Eldridge, Director of Public Works, offered the Council with an update on winter operations. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE UPDATE Trina Sayed announced upcoming school events and activities. PUBLIC COMMENT Councilor Chau announced an upcoming open house for parents with children entering kindergarten. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2014-9 AMENDING MASTER FEE SCHEDULE RE: BUSINESS LICENSE EXPIRATION DATES (Tabled on 1/27/14) Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor O’Hara, to remove the item from the table. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor O’Hara, for first and final reading of Order #2014-9, the Westbrook City Council hereby approves the attached amendments to the City of Westbrook Code of Ordinances, MASTER FEE SCHEDULE, Appendix B, Chapter 20-Licenses and Permits. Roll Call Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed ORDERS OF THE DAY 2014-25 PUBLIC HEARING – PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT FOR FORMER PRIDES CORNER SCHOOL PROPERTY Pres. Rielly opened the public hearing. Jeff Turnbow, 359 Pride St., requested information on the proposed development. City Administrator Jerre Bryant described the proposed project as approximately 40 residential condominiums to be developed in accordance with the existing RGA2 zoning district. Dianne Doyle, on behalf of the developer Steve Goodrich, highlighted some goals of the proposed project, including preservation of open space and construction of homes that are conducive to the neighborhood. Sue Sage, 260 Pride St., inquired about preservation of existing buffer and open space. Dianne Doyle offered assurance that both are important to the developer. Kathy Sincerbeaux, 51 Chase Hill Drive, inquired about the developer’s plans for the portion of the property which abuts Route 302. In response, Dianne Doyle stated that it will depend on whether the existing building can be reused. Jerre Bryant provided an outline of the Planning Board approval process. Ann Shay, 100 Grandview Drive, expressed concern about traffic impacts. Ann Chapman, 118 Grandview Dr., stated her preference for single story buildings and adequate buffer. Shirley Lawrence, 315 Pride St., stated her opinion that the purchase price for the property is not high enough. In response to Councilor Sanphy, Dianne Doyle confirmed that the developer would be willing to discuss property boundaries with abutting property owners. Pres. Rielly closed the public hearing. Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Rairdon, for second and final reading of Order #2014-25 PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT FOR FORMER PRIDES CORNER SCHOOL PROPERTY, that the Westbrook City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to enter into the attached purchase and sale agreement with 375 Pride St., LLC, for city-owned property located in at 375 Pride Street at a sale price of $485,000. Vice Pres. Foley and Councilor O’Hara stated their support for this item. Roll Call Vote: 6 in favor – 1 opposed (Rielly) Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Chau, for second and final reading of the following Orders: 2014-26 2014-27 APPROVING CONTRACT WITH THOMAS AGENCY FOR COLLECTION SERVICES EXTENSION OF GRAVEL PIT LEASE AGREEMENT Roll Call Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 2014-28 PUBLIC HEARING – LAND USE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT RE: TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWERS & FACILITIES Pres. Rielly opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Pres. Rielly closed the public hearing. Moved by Councilor Emery, seconded by Councilor Chau, for second and final reading of Order #2014-28 LAND USE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT RE: TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWERS & FACILITIES. Roll Call Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed NEW BUSINESS BUSINESS LICENSES: Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, for approval of the following license renewal applications: 1. 2. 3. 4. LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL – CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL, 11 MAIN ST. LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL – PIZZA HUT, 25 MAIN ST. LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL – DANCING ELEPHANT, 855 MAIN ST. LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL – RIVERMEADOW GOLF CLUB, 216 LINCOLN ST. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed RESOLVES: 5. REFERRAL OF FY 2014-2015 MUNICIPAL BUDGET Moved by Councilor Chau, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, that the Westbrook City Council hereby accepts and refers the Mayor’s proposed fiscal year 2014-2015 municipal budget to the Finance Committee. Mayor Hilton delivered her FY 2014-2015 budget message. Jerre Bryant provided an overview of the FY 2014-2015 budget. Vice Pres. Foley outlined the upcoming departmental budget review schedule. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 6. ACCEPTANCE OF ASSET FORFEITURE MONEY Moved by Councilor Sanphy, seconded by Councilor Rairdon, that the Westbrook City Council hereby approves the asset forfeiture of $1,544 in cash, pursuant to 15 M.R.S.A. § 5824(3) and § 5826(6). Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 7. RECREATION & CONSERVATION COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT Moved by Councilor O’Hara, seconded by Vice Pres. Foley, that the Westbrook City Council hereby acknowledges receipt of the attached 2013 Annual Report from the Westbrook Recreation & Conservation Commission. Vice Pres. Foley disclosed that a former project of his is identified in the Chairman’s report. Mayor Hilton thanked the Recreation & Conservation Commission members for their work. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 8. CONFIRMATION OF RE-APPOINTMENT OF WEIC REPRESENTATIVE (Burke) Moved by Councilor Chau, seconded by Councilor Emery, that the Westbrook Municipal Officers hereby confirms the re-appointment of Peter Burke, 34 Brown Street, to the Westbrook Environmental Improvement Corporation, for a four (4) year term expiring December 2017. Councilor O’Hara and Mayor Hilton thanked Peter Burke for his commitment to the community. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed ORDERS ONE READING: 9. UTO AMENDMENT RE: 30-MINUTE PARKING IN DOWNTOWN MUNICIPAL LOT Moved by Councilor O’Hara, seconded by Councilor Rairdon, for first reading of Order #201429, that the Westbrook City Council hereby amends the Uniform Traffic Ordinance, Schedule VI-Parking Limited, by establishing two (2) 30-minute parking spaces in the municipal lot designated as Lot F as depicted on the attached and as recommended by the Facilities & Streets Committee. Administration identified the location of the proposed 30-minute parking spots. Roll Call Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 10. APPROVING STREET LIGHT REQUEST ON SAWYER ROAD Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, for first reading of Order #2014-30, that the Westbrook City Council hereby authorizes the city to enter into 15-year service agreement with Central Maine Power for the installation of a street light on Sawyer Road as depicted on the attached. Roll Call Vote: 6 in favor – 1 opposed (Chau) Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Chau, to take item #17 AWARD OF BID FOR LIBRARY RENOVATIONS out of order. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, for first reading of Order #2014-36, that the Westbrook City Council hereby awards the bid for the interior renovation of the first floor of the historic section of the Walker Memorial Library to H.E. Callahan of Auburn, low bidder in the amount of $157,875. In response to Vice Pres. Foley, Judith Reidman, Chairperson for Walker Library Board of Trustees, confirmed that fundraising efforts are ongoing. City Engineer Eric Dudley provided an overview of this project. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR CONSIDERATION OF HARDSHIP ABATEMENT(S) PER 36 M.R.S.A. § 841 (2) (E) Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Emery, to recess into executive session per 36 M.R.S.A. § 842 (2) (E) for consideration of four (4) requests for hardship property tax abatements and to include the Mayor, City Administrator, Assistant City Administrator, City Solicitor, Tax Collector and General Assistance Administrator. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed City Council reconvened. Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Rairdon, to deny Abatement Application #00414 due to an income which exceeds the guidelines. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed Moved by Councilor Rairdon, seconded by Vice Pres. Foley, to approve Abatement Application #00714 FY 2011 and 2012. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed Moved by Councilor Emery, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, to approve Abatement Application #00514 FY 2011 and 2012. Vote: 6 in favor – 1 opposed (Chau) Moved by Pres. Rielly, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, to approve Abatement Application #00614 FY 2012. Vote: 4 in favor – 3 opposed (Chau, Rairdon, Foley) ORDERS – TWO READINGS: 12. PUBLIC HEARING – AMENDING CHAPTER 10-ELECTIONS RE: REDISTRICTING OF WARDS Pres. Rielly opened the public hearing. City Clerk Lynda Adams introduced this item. She indicated that 1994 was the last time redistricting was done in Westbrook. In response to Councilor Sanphy, Lynda Adams confirmed that notices will be mailed to residents whose wards are changing. In response to Vice Pres. Foley, Lynda Adams stated that she will provide the population numbers for the various wards at the next meeting. Vice Pres. Foley also requested copies of notifications of new wards and voting locations. In response to Councilor Chau, Lynda Adams confirmed that redistricting takes effect 30 days from City Council approval. In response to Pres. Rielly, Lynda Adams explained how voters can find out which district they are in through the state’s database. Pres. Rielly closed the public hearing. Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, for first reading of Order #2014-31, that the Westbrook City Council hereby amends Chapter 10-Elections by approving the redistricting of the city’s five (5) voting wards as depicted on the attached map and recommended by the City Clerk. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 13. AUTHORIZING CONSOLIDATION OF VOTING LOCATIONS FOR WARDS 1 AND 4 Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Rairdon, for first reading of Order #201432, that the Westbrook City Council hereby approves the consolidation of the polling location for Wards 1 and 4 at the Fred C. Wescott Building. Vice Pres. Foley spoke in support of this item. There was discussion about potential future consolidation of Ward 5 and also suggestions made to limit activities at the Community Center on Election Day. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 14. ACCEPTANCE OF CALPINE DRIVE AS A PUBLIC STREET Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, to table Order #2014-33ACCEPTANCE OF CALPINE DRIVE AS A PUBLIC STREET. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 15. APPROVING WEIC/RECREATION & CONSERVATION FUNDING FOR STROUDWATER TRAIL PROJECT Moved by Vice Pres. Foley, seconded by Councilor O’Hara, for first reading of Order #2014-34, that the Westbrook City Council hereby approves a donation in the amount of $11,906 to the Portland Trails to assist in funding for the extension of the existing Stroudwater River Trail. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 16. AMENDING COUNCIL ORDER #2013-34 – CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH PRINCETON HYDRO Moved by Councilor O’Hara, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, for first reading of Order #201435, that the Westbrook City Council hereby approves amending Order #2013-34-CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVCIES WITH PRINCETON HYDRO by increasing the not-toexceed authorization by $22,400 to $52,400. Bill Baker, Assistant City Administrator, described ongoing negotiations with Sappi regarding the Saccarappa Dam removal project. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 17. AWARD OF BID FOR LIBRARY RENOVATIONS This item was taken out of order. 18. APPROVING ANNUAL SEWER VENDOR LIST Moved by Councilor Rairdon, seconded by Councilor Sanphy, for first reading of Order #201437, that the Westbrook City Council hereby approves the attached vendor list for the Wastewater Division CY 2014 budget, not to exceed the stated amounts. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed 19. AWARD OF BID FOR WASTEWATER DIVISION VEHICLE Moved by Councilor Sanphy, seconded by Councilor O’Hara, for first reading of Order #201438, that the Westbrook City Council hereby awards the bid for a 2015 Ford F-350 to Ripley & Fletcher Ford of South Paris, low bidder in the amount of $47,670. In response to Vice Pres. Foley, City Engineer Eric Dudley confirmed that the local vendor was not within 2% of the low bidder. Vice Pres. Foley stated his support for the local vendor, Rowe Ford. Jerre Bryant suggested that the City Council consider a future amendment to the purchasing ordinance should the City Council wish to amend the 2% provision. Eric Dudley responded to questions from Councilor Rairdon regarding this replacement vehicle. In response to Councilor O’Hara, Eric Dudley confirmed that this purchase will be funded through sewer user fees. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed PUBLIC COMMENT Councilor Emery commended Eric Dudley for his ongoing support of the library renovation project. REFERRALS None for the period. Moved by Councilor Emery, seconded by Councilor O’Hara, to suspend the City Council rules to add the following item to the agenda: EXECUTIVE SESSION PER 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (E) for consultation with legal counsel regarding pending litigation and to include the Mayor, City Council, City Solicitor, City Administrator and Assistant City Administrator. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed Moved by Councilor O’Hara, seconded by Councilor Chau to recess into executive session. Vote: 7 in favor – 0 opposed City Council reconvened. Meeting adjourned. FINANCE COMMITTEE MARCH 10, 2014 MINUTES PRESENT: CHAIRMAN FOLEY, COUNCILORS EMERY, O’HARA, PRES. RIELLY (CHAU, RAIRDON) ADMINISTRATION: MAYOR HILTON, J. BRYANT, M. PARDUE, T. ROTH, G. HAMILTON, C. SHEPARD, M. JUST, E. DUDLEY, T. ELDRIDGE Chairman Foley opened the meeting of the Finance Committee at 6:00pm for the purpose of discussion of the following FY 2014-2015 Budget Accounts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Police Department Public Safety Dispatch Fire/Rescue Department Code Enforcement & Engineering Planning Buildings & Plant City Hall Public Safety Building Fred C. Wescott Building Library Building Public Services Building 7. Public Services Department Administration Highways & Streets Refuse Collection & Recycling Fleet Maintenance Cemeteries Parking Garage 1. Police Director of Public Safety Michael Pardue presented the Committee with an overview of this proposed budget. The Committee agreed to the Administrations recommended budget adjustments (see attached memo). 2. Public Safety Dispatch Director of Communications Greg Hamilton presented the Committee with an overview of this budget. There was discussion about the proposed addition of one dispatch position and the elimination of the building resource officer position. 3. Fire/Rescue Department Director Pardue presented the Committee with an overview of this proposed budget. He explained how overtime costs are triggered and how the request to fund four (4) additional firefighter positions will help to address these costs. He also identified a request for an additional deputy chief position to be funded through increased revenues. Chairman Foley stated his support for additional staffing. In response to Councilor O’Hara, Director Pardue confirmed that July 1, 2014 would be the implementation date for the firefighter positions. 4. Code Enforcement & Engineering City Engineer Eric presented the Committee with an overview of this proposed budget. 5. Planning City Planner Molly Just presented the Committee with an overview of this proposed budget. She highlighted recently completed projects as well as current projects this department is working on. Chairman Foley asked if an increase in stipends for Planning Board Members was included in the budget. Administration will double check this. Chairman Foley asked that “Salaries” be put on the revisit list. 6. Buildings & Plant City Engineer Eric Dudley presented the Committee with an overview of this proposed budget. He identified the buildings contained within this budget as well as a request for a Building Superintendent position. The Committee agreed to the Administrations recommended budget adjustments (see attached memo). 7. Public Services Department Director of Public Services Tom Eldridge provided the committee with an overview of this proposed budget. The Committee agreed to the Administrations recommended budget adjustments (see attached memo). Moved by Councilor Sanphy, seconded by Pres. Rielly, to adjourn at 7:45pm. Vote: 6 in favor – 0 opposed mam Colleen Hilton Mayor We Chilton@westbrook.me.us Fax: Jerre R. Bryant City Administrator Jbryant@westbrook.me.us 1-20 2 York Street stbrook, Maine 04092 7-591-8110 (866) 405-0776 MEMO To: Finance Committee From: Jerre R. Bryant Re: Finance Committee Budget Review 3-10-14 Date: March 7, 2014 Finance Committee Budget Review 6:00 Police Department (Tab 13) – The proposed PD budget of $2,682,597 is up $150,133 or 5.9%. This department is made up of forty (40) sworn officers, including a Public Safety Director (50% Police funded), two captains, seven Sergeants and thirty officers. Civilian personnel include one Parking Enforcement/Animal Control Officer and 50% funding for an Office Coordinator and an Equipment Technician (Mechanic). Personnel changes include the upgrade of the Administrative Assistant position to Office Coordinator to meet the growing and more diversified needs of the public safety departments. The Building Resource Officer position has been eliminated. Major budget changes include an increase of $105,001 (5.2%) for wages, $8,500 for fitness incentives and $31,032 for vehicle leases. Note: Wages should be lowered by $46,952 which reduces that line to an increase of $58,049 (2.9%) and lowers the proposed PD budget to $2,635,645 for an increase of $103,181 (4.1%). 6:30 Public Safety Dispatch (Tab 14) – The proposed Dispatch budget of $622,980 is up $22,946 or 3.8%. This division is made up of a Communications Director and ten dispatchers, which is an increase of one dispatch position. This additional position will better cover the schedule, will reduce overtime and will cover some of the functions performed by the eliminated Building Resource Officer position. It has also been very difficult to attract and retain per diem dispatchers. Wages are up $58,241 while per diem costs are down $10,000 and overtime is down $27,120. 6:45 Fire/Rescue Department (Tab 15) – The proposed Fire & Rescue budget of $2,796,411 is up $236,705 or 9.2%. The staffing of this department includes a Public Safety Director (50% Fire funded), two Deputy Chiefs (one funded at the half year), and 32 full-time Firefighter/Paramedics, which include four Captains and four Lieutenants. Supplemental part-time staffing includes 24 Per Diem Firefighter/Paramedics, three Call Company officers, 20 Call Company members and ten Fire/Police members. The four additional full-time Firefighter/Paramedic positions satisfy a contractual requirement that must be met over the next two years. They are being brought on at this time to reduce the excessive overtime costs that we have experienced over the past two years. Last year the department spent $510,000 on overtime, nearly double the amount spent in any prior year. This was initially felt to have been caused by a high number of employee absences due to illness and injury, vacancies due to the difficulty of hiring Firefighter/Paramedics and a limited number of available Per Diem employees. This year, the illness and injury problem has been significantly reduced and the permanent vacancies have been filled. However, this year overtime spending in projected to exceed last year amount. Based on the number of shift openings due to injury, illness, employee turnover, and other earned time off, one additional full-time position on each of the four shifts is needed to control overtime costs and meet necessary staffing levels. Contractually, we have also negotiated greater flexibility in filling open shifts through the use of Per Diem Firefighter/Paramedics. However, the Per Diem positions are difficult to fill with trained personnel who have the schedule flexibility to cover open shifts. The $248,549 cost for the four additional positions, including benefits, is more than covered by the $220,000 savings in overtime and $93,981 reduction for Per Diem wages. The proposed budget also funds a second, full-time Deputy Chief position, funded at the half year mark (1/1/15). This provides for one Deputy with primary responsibilities for Rescue/EMS operations and a second responsible for Fire and other emergency response operations. The second position will only be hired if revenue collection from rescue billing increases a sufficient amount to cover the total cost of the additional position. Major budget changes included Wages up $301,190, Call Company down $6,864, Per Diem down $93,981, Overtime up $30,000 budget to budget, but down $229,905 from last year’s actual expenditures, Medical Exams up $9,920, Consultants (EMS Medical Director) down $5,000, Vehicle Leases down $21,211, Hydrant Fees down $5,109, Gasoline up $7,605, Diesel down $7,035, Protective Clothing up $16,140. 7:30 Code Enforcement & Engineering (Tab10) – The proposed Code Enforcement budget of $239,941 is up $4,890 or 2%. This department includes the City Engineer, Code Enforcement Officer, Office Coordinator and the contractual services of the Electrical Inspector. The City Engineer oversees code inspections, building maintenance and sewer maintenance in addition to the City Engineer duties. There are no major changes in this budget. 7:45 Planning (Tab 11) – The proposed Planning Department budget of $70,358 is up $1,286. There are no major changes in this budget, 8:00 Buildings & Plant (Tab 12) – These budgets provide for maintenance, custodial services and supplies for all municipal buildings. Last year custodial services were outsourced at a cost savings of approximately $80,000. For the current year, the city continued to contract with the School Department for the cost of one maintenance worker, which has been neither sufficient nor cost effective. This year’s budget replaces the contractual arrangement with the schools with a Buildings Superintendent position, who will report directly to the City Engineer and will provide on-site building maintenance for all municipal buildings, through a combination of performing some maintenance work directly and utilizing private contractors for larger or more specialized repairs. The proposed Building & Plant budget of $430,638 is up $72,751. The $53,290 increase in wages for the Buildings Superintendent position is offset by a $52,539 reduction in the Maintenance Personnel line to $192,348 which now funds just the contractual custodial services. The service contracts funded in the Maintenance line is up $22,000 to $80,000 as we are placing more of our equipment and building systems on maintenance service contracts. The $50,000 increase in the building Repairs line is to address deferred maintenance work on many of our buildings. This overall increase in our buildings repair and maintenance funding is to take better care of our municipal building infrastructure. Note: The Salaries line should be reduced by $11,019 as 20% of the Building Superintendent position is charged to the Parking Garage budget. A corresponding adjustment of $4,553 will also be made to the Benefits budget. City Hall Building - This $72,436 budget is up $2,800. The primary increase is the city-wide Postage account which is up $4,000 to $22,000 due to higher postal rates and an increased mail volume. Public Safety Building – This $173,900 budget is up $22,508. Primary funding changes include Maintenance Contracts, up $8,708 as we are placing more equipment in this building on service contracts due to recent repairs and replacements that could have been avoided by proper care and maintenance, Natural Gas, down $4,500 and Electricity, up $13,000. Public Services Building – This $60,400 budget is up $3,200 due to a $3,000 increase in Electricity. There are no other significant changes in this budget. In anticipation of a major expansion/renovation of this complex, we are only doing essential maintenance of this building. Fred C. Wescott Building – This $118,000 budget is up $7,000 due to utility costs and increased usage of the facility. Repairs and Maintenance is up $3,000, Snow Plowing is down $5,000 as this will now be performed in-house, Natural Gas is up $2,500, Electricity is up $9,000 and Water/Sewer is up $3,500. Library Building – This $31,250 budget reflects no change from current year funding. Parking Garage - This $165,564 budget reflects no change from the current year. This budget is fully funded by lease income. A copy of this budget is attached as it was not included in your budget books. 9:00 Public Services Department (Tab 16) – The total Public Services Department budget of $3,863,455 is up $48,845 or 1.3%. Administration – This $224,351 budget is up $8,019. The primary change in this budget is Wages which are up $7,843. This budget funds the Director, Deputy Director and Administrative Assistant positions. Note: The Salaries line should be reduced by $4,591 as 10% of the Administrative Assistant is charged to the Parking Garage budget. A corresponding adjustment of $2,400 will also be made to the Benefits budget. Highways & Streets – This $1,965,257 budget is up $76,658. The Highways & Streets budget funds all summer and winter street and sidewalk maintenance, street and traffic lights, parking lot and grounds maintenance at all municipal buildings and all sign maintenance. Wages are up $21,123, Overtime is up $10,000, Traffic Light Maintenance is up $10,000 due to the replacement of the controller at the intersection of Main and Spring streets, Rental Equipment is up $28,656 as we move to more out-sourcing of snow plowing and grounds maintenance, Downtown Supplies is up $5,000 to fund the repair of concrete sidewalks in the downtown, Street Lighting is up $34,358 due to higher electrical costs and increased lighting and Bituminous Concrete is down $47,000. Refuse Collection & Recycling – This $1,087,506 budget is down by $58,429. This budget provides for weekly residential curbside collection and disposal of trash and recycling on a contractual basis. Additionally, this budget funds recycling education and outreach, annual leaf, yard waste and hazardous materials disposal, post-closure expenses for the city’s two closed landfill sites, and disposal of street sweeping and catch basin debris. The only staff funded in this budget is 30 hours per week for a recycling coordinator. Post-closure costs for the landfill sites are up $5,000, Trash/Recycling Collection is up $9,917, and the city’s payment toward Ecomaine debt has been fully paid and reflects a budget reduction of $69,000. Fleet Maintenance – This $527,414 budget is up $23,597. This budget funds the maintenance of all vehicles and equipment in the Public Services Department. Personnel funded in this budget include two mechanics. Outsourcing of vehicle/equipment repairs is up $15,000 and Auto Parts is up $8,000. Cemeteries – This $58,927 budget is down $1,000. All mowing and grounds maintenance is out-sourced. This budget also covers the cost of burials, which are done by city crews and supplies. FINANCE COMMITTEE MARCH 15, 2014 MINUTES PRESENT: CHAIRMAN FOLEY, COUNCILORS CHAU, EMERY, O’HARA, RAIRDON (RIELLY) ADMINISTRATION: MAYOR HILTON, J. BRYANT, M. PARDUE, T. ROTH, G. HAMILTON, C. SHEPARD, M. JUST, E. DUDLEY, T. ELDRIDGE, M. DORN, S. LUNDIN, K. VALLEY Chairman Foley opened the meeting of the Finance Committee at 8:00am for the purpose of discussion of the following FY 2014-2015 Budget Accounts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. City Clerk Mayor’s Office Memberships Finance Debt Service Technology Assessing Human Resources Benefits General Assistance Social Services Community Services Self-funding Programs Library 1. City Clerk City Clerk Lynda Adams presented the Committee with this proposed budget. She provided an overview of the duties and functions of this office. There was discussion about the elimination of the vacant CSR II position and the potential impact for the office. Chairman Foley commented that, should this structure not work well, it could be reconsidered. Councilor Chau suggested focusing on educating the public about transactions that can currently be done online as well as exploring additional online transaction opportunities. Councilor Rairdon commended the staff in this department. In response to Chairman Foley, Lynda Adams confirmed that local petitions are an unanticipated expense. 2. Mayor’s Office City Administrator Jerre Bryant provided the Committee with an overview of this proposed budget. He identified the primary change in this budget as being the CATV position being restored to full time status and moved to this budget. 3. Memberships Chairman Foley identified the following organizations which are funded under this line: ADA Paratransit Greater Portland Transit District Westbrook Historical Society Animal Refuge League Westbrook Community Band Greater Portland Council of Governments Veterans Memorial Association Maine Municipal Association Greg Jordan, Greater Portland Transit District General Manager, introduced himself to the Committee and spoke about this organization’s current goals, including the extension of bus service to Spring & County Road. Councilor Chau indicated that he would like to see the service continue to the Maine Mall. Councilor O’Hara commented on the need for more bus shelters in the community. Mayor Hilton commended the METRO board for their support of consolidation efforts. Councilor Sanphy commented on the benefits of the Historical Society’s new location at the Community Center. Jerre Brooks, Westbrook City Band, thanked the City for its continued support. He mentioned that the space used for band practice at the Community Center is working well for this group. 4. Finance Alicia Gardiner, Comptroller, provided the Committee with an overview of this proposed budget. She described the staff make-up of this department and how they are prepared to deal with the loss of one position. Councilor Rairdon stated his support for the proposed increase to support memberships and training. Councilor O’Hara expressed some concern about maintaining a high level of customer service with one less person on the front counter at City Hall. Councilor Emery offered that the city and school might realize cost savings by printing W2s together. A. Gardiner confirmed that will be possible when the city and school share financial software. Mayor Hilton expressed confidence in the City’s fiscal position and commended the City Administrator and Comptroller on their efforts. Debt Alicia Gardiner provided an overview of the recently refunded bonds and other financial management decisions to manage the City’s debt. The Committee agreed to reduce the interest line by $5,500, as recommended by Administration. Technology Alicia Gardiner spoke about the city’s current, outsourced, technology provider. She also informed the Committee that the City will soon be going out to bid for technology services. Councilor O’Hara suggested that the City include in its request for proposals an option year on the front and/or back end of the contract. Assessing Jerre Bryant spoke about the high level of service that the City continues to receive from South Portland through this agreement. Chairman Foley asked to have the Tax Assessor present the Council with an update on current assessing trends at an upcoming meeting. Councilor O’Hara spoke in support of the shared services agreement with the City of South Portland. 5. Human Resources Christie Young, HR Generalist, provided the Committee with an overview of this department and the proposed budget. Councilors Rairdon and Chau complimented the department for making ongoing training a priority. Councilor Emery commended the HR Department. Benefits Christie Young identified changes in the benefits line. Councilor Chau thanked Vice Pres. Foley and the Administration for their work to implement cost saving measures through the labor negotiation process. 6. General Assistance General Assistance Administrator Sarah Lundin spoke about proposed funding reductions at the state level and the potential impacts for this community. In response to Councilor O’Hara, Sarah Lundin, described the Overseers of the Poor and the value this board offers to Westbrook. Mayor Hilton commented on the need to encourage more funding at the federal level to help communities faced with the challenges of increasing immigrant populations. 7. Social Services Maria Dorn, Director of Community Services, described the committee review process for requests for funding from Social Service agencies. Mayor Hilton disclosed that she is CEO of VNA Home Health and Hospice and a former employee of Home Health Visiting Nurses. 8. Community Services Maria Dorn provided the Committee with an overview of this proposed budget Greg Post described programming currently offered at the Community Center. In response to Chairman Foley, Administration confirmed that field maintenance is not currently outsourced due to its specialized nature. 9. Library Karen Valley, Library Director, provided the Committee with an overview of this proposed budget. She described library programming currently offered and proposed staff changes. The Committee requested an update of the Fluett Trust Fund for the next Finance Committee meeting to be discussed under Revenues. Councilor Sanphy requested information on the Pierre Harnois Fund. Administration will report back on the status of this fund. Moved by Councilor Sanphy, seconded by Councilor Rairdon, to adjourn at 10:59am. Vote: 6 in favor – 0 opposed mam City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL March 3, 2014 ORDERED: # 2014-33 ACCEPTANCE OF CALPINE DRIVE AS PUBLIC STREET That the Westbrook City Council gives final approval for the acceptance of Calpine Drive as a public street, as recommended by the City Engineer, including an Indenture from Central Maine Power Company and a quit-claim deed from Idexx Laboratories. First Reading: Tabled March 3, 2014 Second and Final Reading: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL March 3, 2014 ORDERED: # 2014-31 AMENDING CHAPTER 10-ELECTIONS RE: REDISTRICTING OF WARDS That the Westbrook City Council hereby amends Chapter 10-Elections by approving the re-districting of the city’s five (5) voting wards as depicted on the attached map and recommended by the City Clerk. First Reading: March 3, 2014 Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor / BR METHO DIST R D Falmouth IDG POND D DUCK NR TO RD Windham PR ID E ST BR OO K ST 5 BR IDG N TO ^ ` _ Prides Corner Congregational Church 235 Pride Street RD AU 4 IN ST CU ST N LA ER MB D ST Portland EAST BRIDGE ST Wescott Junior High School 426 Bridge Street ^ ` _ 1 AV WAR REN Gorham W IL L IA M B MA IN DR R ST ^ ` _ Westbrook Armory 120 Stroudwater St IN SPR Portland GS Brack ST ST TE ES IN MA ett St KE CH RO 3 CL AR T UDW ATE R ST SA C O ST STR O 2 ^ ` _ Proposed Polling Locations Proposed Wards COU RD NT Y COUNTY RD IN SPR Scarborough GS T Draft 2/28/2014 South Portland Ward 1 2 3 4 5 Total Existing Wards Ballot(s) 3 1 1 3 2 (10) Ward Population 1 3,477 2 3,635 3 2,998 4 3,636 5 3,748 17,494 City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL March 3, 2014 ORDERED: # 2014-32 AUTHORIZING CONSOLIDATION OF VOTING LOCATIONS FOR WARDS 1 AND 4 That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves the consolidation of the polling location for Wards 1 and 4 at the Fred C. Wescott Building. First Reading: March 3, 2014 Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL March 3, 2014 ORDERED: # 2014-34 APPROVING WEIC/RECREATION & CONSERVATION FUNDING FOR STROUDWATER TRAIL PROJECT That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves a donation in the amount of $11,906 to the Portland Trails to assist in funding for the extension of the existing Stroudwater River Trail. WEIC contribution $5,953 Recreation & Conservation Commission contribution $5,953 $11,906 First Reading: March 3, 2014 Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL March 3, 2014 ORDERED: # 2014-35 AMENDING ORDER #2013-34 – CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves amending Order #2013-34-CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVCIES WITH PRINCETON HYDRO by increasing the not-to-exceed authorization by $22,400 to $52,400. Funds available from WEIC First Reading: March 3, 2014 Second Reading & Passed: Attest: ___________________________ _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL March 3, 2014 ORDERED: # 2014-36 AWARD OF BID FOR LIBRARY RENOVATIONS That the Westbrook City Council hereby awards the bid for the interior renovation of the first floor of the historic section of the Walker Memorial Library to H.E. Callahan of Auburn, low bidder in the amount of $157,875. Account #4030-45599-47108-600-0 $80,000 Account #2151-45510-47108-600-0 (donations) $77,875 $157,875 First Reading: March 3, 2014 Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL March 3, 2014 ORDERED: # 2014-37 APPROVAL OF VENDOR LIST FOR WASTEWATER DIVISION BUDGET That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves the attached vendor list for the Wastewater Division CY 2014 budget, not to exceed the stated amounts. First Reading: March 3, 2014 Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor SEWER DEPT 2014 BUDGET "VENDOR LIST" Wastewater Div. Vendors 8010-43250-45312-300-0 Telephone / SCADA $ 6,300.00 Lights & Power $ 60,000.00 Natural Gas $ 10,500.00 Sludge $ 4,000.00 8010-43250-48612-300-0 Sewer Inspection - TV $ 30,000.00 Eco Clean, LLC GIS Mapping Ted Berry Co., Inc Unified Technologies $ 5,000.00 Conversant Nextel AEC Verizon AT & T Corey Electric 8010-43250-46220-300-0 Fermion Gov Central Maine Power Corey Electric 8010-43250-46210-300-0 Global Northern Utilities Suburban Propane 8010-43250-48611-300-0 Pine Tree Waste 8010-43250-46610-300-0 Adams & Fogg Adams Emergency Vehicles Advance Auto Parts AEC Controls System Aqua Solutions Inc Atlantic Broom Service, Inc. Cory Electric Cummins Northeast, Inc Eastern Electric Genuine Parts (NAPA) Vehicles & Parts Gorham Tractor Greg Buckley / MSA Meters Hayes Pump Hews Co. Howard P. Fairfield, Inc Hydralic Hose & Assembly Jack Young Co. Jordan Equipment Lee Dodge - Jeep Maine Radio McFarland Spring Messer Co. Nations Rent New England Detroit Diesel Allison Northland Holder, Inc Nortrax O'Connor GMC Portland North Truck Center Roberts Auto Body Rowe Ford Stevens Electrical Stultz Electric Tenco Weir's Motor Sales, Inc Westbrook Service Center Wingfoot Commercial Tire Yerxa's Adams Emergency Vehicles Aqua Solutions Inc 8010-43250-44314-300-0 Adam's Emergency Vehicles Aqua Solutions Inc Aubuchon Hardware Cummins Northeast Fastenal Greg Buckley / MSA Meters Maint - Small Equipment Hall Implement Home Depot Jack Young Co. K & S Doors Lowes Portland North Truck Center 8010-43250-48613-300-0 American Concrete American Highway Products At Work Flaggers E & B Construction EJ Prescott Flow Assessments Castings, Brick, Pipe Glidden Construction Gorham Sand & Gravel Handyman Rental Monson Companies Pavement treatments, Inc Pike Industries Pre-Cast of Maine PTI Paving QWP/Div EJP RJ Grondin Shaw Brothers Suburban Traffic Control G & E Roofing Glidden Paving Grainger Handy Man Services Home Depot K&S Doors Lowes Overhead Door 8010-43250-44318-300-0 AEC Control Systems AM-San Corey Electric E J Prescott 8010-43250-47610-300-0 Higgins Office Oroducts Govconnection 25,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 8,500.00 AEC Engineering AT & T $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 Verizon Unified Technologies GIS Projects Eco Clean, LLC 8010-43250-47440-300-0 AEC Engineering APEX of N.H. C N Wood Corey Electric Cummins Northeast $ PTI Paving Stevens Electric WITAS Gas Service New Hardware Computers / SCADA Maintenance 8010-43250-43217-300-0 GIS Mapping / Tom Burns 3,500.00 White Brothers Wilson & Son Windham Rental Maintenance - Building & Grounds ITPartners LLC $ Southworth Milton Sportman's Hardware Turf Products, LLC Wescott & Sons Wills & Sons Small Plant Equipment Eastern Electric Faulkner Welding Greg Buckley / MSA Meters Hayes Pump K & S Doors Nortrax Overhead Door Portland North Steven's Electric Stultz Electric Tenco Tom Gram / C. N. Wood Vactor Corp 8010-43250-47420-300-0 Vehicles / New Equipment CN Wood / Tenco Portland North Truck Center Portland North / Vactor - Beauregard Rowe Ford 8010-43250-47701-300-0 Adam's Emergency Vehicles Advance Auto Parts AEC (SCADA) AEC Controls American Concrete Apex of N. H. C. N. Wood (T Graham) CDM Coastal Road Repair Corey Associates Cummins Northeast Sewer Rehab & Repair ECO Clean EJ Prescott Faulkner Welding & Machine Fermion Gov Service (SCADA) Flow Assessment G & E Roofing Gorham Sand & Gravel Grainger Handy man Services Hayes Pump 8010-43250-49427-300-0 Long Creek Watershed Manaement District Restoration Home Depot Howard Fairfield Inc Hydralic Hose Lowes Messer Co MSA Gas Meters Overhead Door PTI Paving RJ Grondin Roberts Autobody $ 52,000.00 $ 80,000.00 Rowe Ford Sebago Teck Sportsman Hardware Stevens Electrical Tenco Westbrook Service Center Wilson & Son Woodard & Curran Wright & Pierce Westbrook Service Center $25,000.00 City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL March 3, 2014 ORDERED: # 2014-38 AWARD OF BID FOR WASTEWATER DIVISION VEHICLE That the Westbrook City Council hereby awards the bid for a 2015 Ford F-350 to Ripley & Fletcher Ford of South Paris, low bidder in the amount of $47,670. Account #8010-43250-47420-300-0 First Reading: March 3, 2014 Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor City of Westbrook, Maine City Council April 7, 2014 RESOLVED: # ZONING BOARD CHAIRMAN’S ANNUAL REPORT That the Westbrook City Council hereby acknowledges receipt of the attached Westbrook Zoning Board Chairman’s Annual Report for 2013. Attest: ____________________________________ City Clerk Signed: ____________________________________ Mayor Date: _____________________________________ City of Westbrook ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS March 13, 2014 WESTBROOK ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2013 Dear Mayor Hilton, President Reilly, and City Councilors: I am pleased to report on the activities of the Zoning Board of Appeals in 2013. The ZBA had a light workload compared to previous years. We only met on four (4) occasions, one of which was our annual administrative meeting to elect officers, and heard three (3) variance requests, which are described below. It is noteworthy that the ZBA heard no administrative appeals from decisions of the Code Enforcement Officer or the Fire Inspector. This is evidence of the ability of the City’s staff to resolve issues that arise in the permitting process so that the applicant does not have to seek recourse to an administrative appeal. Variance Requests: 1. Variance – David E. Paul, Jr., & Melanie B. Paul 164 Pierce Street, is requesting three (3’) foot right side yard variance to allow them to replace a 16’ 8” x 25’ single car garage with an attached 27’ x 30’ two (2) car garage, Tax Map: 043 Lot 106, Zone: Residential Growth Area One. April 9, 2013 / 4-0 in favor to grant the variance. The variance request was granted. 2. Variance – Donald S. Bois 127 Deer Hill Circle is requesting twelve (12’) foot rear line yard variance to allow him to build a 12’ x 16’ x 8’ Shed, Tax Map: 041 Lot 67, Zone: Residential Growth Area One. June 11, 2013 / 2 voted in favor and 3 voted against. The variance request was denied. 3. Variance — Henry Bareti 9 Methodist Road is requesting seven (7') foot side yard line variance to allow him to build a 16' x 10' deck, Tax Map: 048, Lot: 072E, Zone: Residential Growth Area Two. December 10, 2013 / 1 voted in favor of the variance and 4 voted against. The variance request was denied. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you would like any additional information about the work of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Aaron P. Burns Chairman cc: Jerre Bryant, City Administrator City of Westbrook, Maine City Council April 7, 2014 RESOLVED: # OPPORTUNITY ALLIANCE GRANT FOR UNDERAGE DRINKING ENFORCEMENT That the Westbrook City Council hereby accepts a $1,000 grant from Opportunity Alliance, said funds to be used by the Westbrook Police Department for the continuation of underage drinking enforcement detail. Attest: ____________________________________ City Clerk Signed: ____________________________________ Mayor Date: _____________________________________ City of Westbrook, Maine City Council April 7, 2014 RESOLVED: # SUBMISSION OF PETITION FOR SACCARAPPA PARK That the Westbrook City Council hereby confirms receipt of 506 valid signatures for the petition to establish an ordinance known as “Protection of Saccarappa Park”, as required under Chapter 8, § 8-2(C) of the Westbrook Code of Ordinances. Attest: ____________________________________ City Clerk Signed: ____________________________________ Mayor Date: _____________________________________ LYNDA ADAMS CITY CLERK (207) 591-8115 Fax 854-0635 TO: City Council FROM: Lynda Adams DATE: April 3, 2014 RE: Saccarappa Park Petition City of Westbrook, Maine 2 York Street · Westbrook, ME 04092 A Citizens Initiative Petition was applied for on February 6, 2014 and issued on February 11, 2014 to James Tranchemontagne in response to the Petitioner’s Committee request to amend Chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances in regards to the use and maintenance of Saccarappa Park. As per Chapter 8, Section 8-3 of the City of Westbrook Code of Ordinances, the Petitioner’s Committee was required to gather 1,216 signatures, which is “at least ten (10) per cent of the number of registered voters as of the date of the last preceding regular municipal election”. The petition was submitted to my office on the deadline date of March 25, 2014. A total of 581 signatures were submitted. 75 of those signatures were not valid which brings the total valid signatures submitted to 506. Even though this petition does not meet the minimum required signatures to be considered valid, I am still submitting it to you as required per Chapter 8, Section 8-2(c) of the City of Westbrook Code of Ordinances which states, “at the expiration of said thirty-day period the city clerk shall declare the petition closed and shall, at the next meeting of the city council, present the said petition to the city council with verification of the number of valid voter signatures attached thereto.” City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # SUBMISSION OF PETITION AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR STROUDWATER PLACE REFERENDUM That the Westbrook City Council hereby confirms receipt of 1,232 valid signatures for the petition to readopt the Stroudwater Place Contract Zone (CZ8) and sets a public hearing date of April 28, 2014, as required under Chapter 8, § 8-2 (C) of the Westbrook Code of Ordinances, First and Final Reading: Attest: ___________________________ _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor LYNDA ADAMS CITY CLERK (207) 591-8115 Fax 854-0635 City of Westbrook, Maine 2 York Street · Westbrook, ME 04092 TO: City Council FROM: Lynda Adams DATE: April 3, 2014 RE: Stroudwater Contract Zoning Petition A Citizens Initiative Petition was applied for and issued on February 25, 2014 to Jason Snyder in response to the Petitioner’s Committee request to readopt the Stroudwater Place Contract Zoning (CZ#8) and corresponding Comprehensive Plan enacted February 10, 2014. As per Chapter 8, Section 8-3 of the City of Westbrook Code of Ordinances, the Petitioner’s Committee was required to gather 1,216 signatures, which is “at least ten (10) per cent of the number of registered voters as of the date of the last preceding regular municipal election”. The petition was submitted to my office on March 11, 2014 in advance to the April 7, 2014 deadline. A total of 1,341 signatures were submitted. 109 of those signatures were not valid which brings the total valid signatures submitted to 1,232. I am submitting this petition to you as required per Chapter 8, Section 8-2(c) of the City of Westbrook Code of Ordinances which states, “at the expiration of said thirty-day period the city clerk shall declare the petition closed and shall, at the next meeting of the city council, present the said petition to the city council with verification of the number of valid voter signatures attached thereto.” The action you will need to take on this petition is covered in Chapter 8, Section 8-3 which states, “if the number of valid signatures to said petition shall amount to at least ten (10) per cent of the number of registered voters as of the date of the last preceding regular municipal election, as certified by the board of registration, the city council shall set a date for a public hearing to be held within twenty-one (21) days thereafter.” The next City Council meeting will be held Monday, April 28, 2014 and action should be taken at your meeting on April 7, 2014 to schedule the public hearing for that date. City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # CONFIRMATION OF HARDSHIP ABATEMENT APPLICATION That the Westbrook City Council hereby grants an abatement for real estate taxes and accrued interest for FY 2009 and 2010 on property for which a hardship abatement was granted by the Municipal Officers in appeal #00714 on March 3, 2014, based on the attached finding of the Tax Collector stating taxes are not collectable due to hardship, as provided under 36 M.R.S.A. § 841 (3). First and Final Reading: Attest: ___________________________ _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # APPROVING EXTENSION OF FISH PASSAGE DEADLINE AGREEMENT That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves the attached multi-party agreement regarding the extension of the fish passage deadline and stay of license surrender application for the Saccarappa Project identified by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as #2897. First and Final Reading: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor AGREEMENT TO REQUEST EXTENSION OF FISH PASSAGE DEADLINE AND STAY OF LICENSE SURRENDER APPLICATION FOR THE SACCARAPPA PROJECT (FERC No. 2897) MARCH 14, 2014 By and Between: S.D. Warren Company U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Maine Department of Marine Resources City of Westbrook Friends of the Presumpscot River Conservation Law Foundation {W4129490.3} AGREEMENT TO REQUEST EXTENSION OF FISH PASSAGE DEADLINE AND STAY OF LICENSE SURRENDER APPLICATION FOR THE SACCARAPPA PROJECT (FERC No. 2897) 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS This agreement (“Agreement”), which includes and incorporates Appendix 1 hereto, all dated as of March 14, 2014, regarding the Saccarappa Project (FERC No. 2897) (“Project”) is made and entered into by and among the following entities which shall, except as otherwise noted, each be referred to as a Party and collectively as “Parties.” S.D. Warren Company (“Warren” or “Licensee”); U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“USFWS”); Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (“MDIFW”); Maine Department of Marine Resources (“MDMR”); City of Westbrook (“City”); Friends of the Presumpscot River (“FOPR”); and Conservation Law Foundation (“CLF”). 1.1 Definitions The Parties agree that the following definitions shall have the meanings so noted throughout this Agreement: 1.1.1 “Consistent FERC Order” means an order issued by either FERC staff on behalf of the Commission pursuant to its delegated authority or by the Commission itself (1) that amends the Project license as requested in Section 3 of this Agreement, (2) that does not include provisions that any Party reasonably determines to be materially inconsistent with this Agreement, and (3) for which all administrative and judicial appeal periods have expired and for which no appeal has been filed within the appeal deadline. 1.1.2 “Consistent WQC” means an amended water quality certification (“WQC”) issued by the Commissioner of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (“MDEP”) pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act with respect to the Project that (1) amends the Project’s WQC as requested in Section 3 of this Agreement, (2) does not include provisions that any Party reasonably determines to be materially inconsistent with this {W4129490.3} 2 Agreement, and (3) for which all administrative and judicial appeal periods have expired and for which no appeal has been filed within the appeal deadline. 1.1.3 1.2 “FERC” means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Purpose and Goal 1.2.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to allow the Parties time to engage in a collaborative, open, joint process to evaluate two fish passage design alternatives at the Project, with the two design alternatives based upon Warren’s announced intention to decommission the project and surrender its project license and, if the evaluation results in selection of an alternative that is acceptable to Sappi, to allow the Parties the opportunity to attempt to reach agreement on design, surrender, decommissioning, post-construction operations and maintenance, and effectiveness testing of such alternative to the fish passage proposed in Warren’s December 31, 2013 FERC license surrender application (the “Surrender Application”). The evaluation of the two fish passage design alternatives will include an assessment of the inclusion of recreational features requested by the City, and their impacts. The two design alternatives are (1) the 30% Denil fish passage design (“Denil Alternative”) included in both the Surrender Application and the MDEP MWDCA and WQC application (the “MWDCA Application”), and (2) the twochannel fish passage design alternative developed by CLF / FOPR consultant Laura Wildman of Princeton Hydro (“Two-Channel Alternative”). 1.2.2 The goal of this Agreement is to determine the most appropriate form of fish passage at the Project site, upon surrender of the FERC license. 1.3 Agreement to be Incorporated in FERC and MDEP Orders The Parties agree that each term of this Agreement is material and is in consideration and support of every other term and that it is essential that FERC and MDEP incorporate in their orders the stay and extension requested in Section 3 of this Agreement. 1.4 Successors and Assigns; Amendments; Entire Agreement This Agreement shall be binding on the Parties and on their successors and assigns. This Agreement may be amended only by a writing duly executed by each of the Parties. This Agreement constitutes the Parties’ entire understanding with respect to the subject matter hereof {W4129490.3} 3 and supersedes any and all prior oral or written agreements, understandings, or expressions with respect thereto. 1.5 Parties to Support Regulatory Approvals The Parties agree to actively support this Agreement before FERC and MDEP for the purpose of obtaining a Consistent WQC and a Consistent FERC Order. With respect to the issuance by MDEP of an amended WQC under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, the Parties agree to file written comments with MDEP supporting the issuance of an amended WQC that is consistent with the terms of this Agreement, if requested to do so by the Licensee. For those issues addressed herein, the Parties agree not to propose or otherwise communicate to FERC, MDEP, or any other federal or state resource agency any comments, certification, or license terms, conditions, or recommendations inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, except that, if any Party reasonably believes another Party is failing to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, that party may request that FERC or MDEP lift any stay on the processing of the Surrender Application and the MWDCA Application. 1.6 Requirement for Timely and Consistent FERC Order and Consistent WQC 1.6.1 In the event a Consistent FERC Order is not in place by July 31, 2014, then unless all Parties agree to amend this Agreement, this Agreement shall become null and void, and cannot, therefore, form the basis of any order issued by FERC. If the Agreement becomes null and void, the Parties agree that they will jointly request termination of any stay of FERC proceedings regarding the Surrender Application then in effect. 1.6.2 In the event a Consistent WQC is not in place by July 1, 2014, then unless all Parties agree to amend this Agreement, this Agreement shall become null and void and cannot, therefore, form the basis of any WQC issued by the MDEP or any order issued by FERC. If the Agreement becomes null and void, the Parties agree that they will jointly request termination of any stay of DEP proceedings regarding the MWDCA Application then in effect. 1.6.3 In the event this Agreement becomes null and void, then this Agreement shall have no validity or effect and all Parties shall be relieved of any obligation to comply with this Agreement except for the Parties’ mutual obligations to make the joint termination requests provided for in paragraphs 1.6.1 and 1.6.2. {W4129490.3} 4 1.6.4 If any Party reasonably determines that an MDEP WQC order issued by July 1, 2014, or a FERC order issued by July 31, 2014 is materially inconsistent with this Agreement, then such Party must so notify all other Parties in writing by electronic delivery of this determination and the reasons therefor (“Inconsistency Notification”), all within seven days after the issuance of the MDEP WQC order or FERC order. If no such Inconsistency Notification is provided, then the amended WQC is a Consistent WQC and the FERC order is a Consistent FERC Order, if all administrative and judicial appeal periods have expired and no appeal has been filed within the appeal deadlines. If such Inconsistency Notification is provided, the Parties shall confer within seven days to determine if all Parties desire to (a) amend this Agreement to make it consistent with the WQC order or FERC order, or (b) appeal the WQC order or FERC order and amend the Agreement so that it does not become null and void during the pendency of the appeal(s); if the Parties are unable to agree to amend the Agreement, it is null and void pursuant to Section 1.6.1 or 1.6.2 above. 1.7 Appeals The Parties agree that none of them will file a challenge to an amended WQC or a request for rehearing of an amended FERC license issued in this proceeding in response to the filings required by Section 2.5 unless the MDEP WQC order or FERC order contains provisions that are materially inconsistent with this Agreement. The filing of an appeal by any party does not nullify or supersede the provisions of paragraph 1.6. 1.8 Dispute Resolution The Parties agree to work in good faith to resolve any disputes that may arise over the implementation of this Agreement. Any Party recognizing such a dispute shall notify the other Parties in writing and convene a dispute resolution consultation meeting among all of the Parties. 2.0 FISH PASSAGE 2.1 USDOI Section 18 Authority 2.1.1 USDOI hereby agrees to exercise its reserved FPA section 18 authority proposing to amend its Section 18 prescription, attached as Appendix B to the FERC licenses for Project numbers 2897, 2932, 2941, 2931, and 2942, as follows: {W4129490.3} 5 (i) to amend the third sentence of the second paragraph of Section 10.1(E) to provide as follows: “In order to allow for proper consultation with resource agencies and approval by the Commission of all design plans, permanent fish passage must be operational at the Saccarappa Dam within 4 years of the completion of fishway installation at Cumberland Mills Dam.”; and (ii) to amend the anadromous fish upstream passage section of Table 3 that applies to the Saccarappa Project, as follows: “Upstream passage completed 4 years after passage is available at Cumberland Mills Dam, or at such later time as may be designated by the Service by written notice to the Commission.” 2.1.2 If no request for a trial-type hearing or an alternative to this amendment is filed within 30 days of the filing of this Agreement with FERC, the amended Section 18 prescription contained in Section 2.1.1 above will be USDOI’s final amended prescription. If a request for a trial-type hearing or an alternative to this amendment is filed within 30 days of the filing of this Agreement with FERC, this Agreement shall become null and void, and cannot, therefore, form the basis of any order issued by FERC, unless the Parties agree to amend the Agreement. If the Agreement becomes null and void, the Parties agree that they will jointly request termination of the stay of all FERC proceedings regarding the Surrender Application. 2.2 Evaluation of Fish Passage Alternatives 2.2.1 Evaluation Process The Parties will conduct and complete the tasks set forth in Appendix 1 of this Agreement through performance by the designated responsible party or parties as specified therein, and by the deadlines specified therein unless those deadlines are extended by mutual agreement or unless the Parties mutually agree that any tasks are not necessary or that a different party or parties is responsible for performance of a particular task. At the beginning of the evaluation process by the consultant chosen by the CLF and FOPR (“NGO Consultant”) Sappi will perform the tasks described in Appendix 1, Task 1.0. Performing these tasks at the start of the evaluation process will allow the modeling that is required of the NGO Consultant in Task 2.0 to begin promptly. The Parties will participate collaboratively and share information openly in the evaluation process. As it becomes available, the Parties will each share the data and other information located, developed and / or utilized (“Information”) with the other Parties. {W4129490.3} 6 In the event the Two-Channel Alternative would utilize a fish counting facility at the Cumberland Mills Dam, the Information will include, without limitation, USFWS’s and DMR’s determination of the numbers of American shad and blueback herring that must be passed at the Cumberland Mills Dam to trigger (1) the deadline for installation of upstream fish passage at the Mallison Falls and Little Falls dams and (2) the deadline for installation of Phase 2 upstream fish passage at the Cumberland Mills Dam. Each Party will seek input from the other Parties on the meaning and appropriate use of the Information, and on whether additional or different information is needed to adequately evaluate and compare the Denil Alternative and the TwoChannel Alternative. 2.2.2 Written Determination Unless the Parties agree that it is not necessary, Warren will prepare a written summary of its evaluation of both design alternatives, based on the Information. In its evaluation, Warren will provide its determination, made in its sole discretion but in consultation with the other Parties, of whether it will proceed with the Denil Alternative, the Two-Channel Alternative, or some combination of those designs. In the event that Warren decides not to proceed with the TwoChannel Alternative on the basis of its cost in comparison to the cost of the Denil Alternative, the other Parties will have the opportunity to seek alternative sources of funding to offset the additional cost of the Two-Channel Alternative, subject to Warren’s ability, in its sole discretion, to proceed with the Denil Alternative or some modification of that design. 2.3 Evaluation Funding The City agrees to fund the consulting services of the NGO Consultant to perform the tasks assigned to the NGO Consultant in Appendix 1, up to a maximum of $50,000. Warren agrees to fund, up to a maximum of $150,000, (1) the consulting services of the NGO Consultant to perform the remaining tasks assigned to the NGO Consultant in Appendix 1, up to a maximum of $69,181, and (2) all work set forth in Appendix 1 for which responsibility is assigned to Warren, including all funding and performance undertaken by Warren as reviewer of work performed by other parties. Sappi will endeavor to reserve sufficient funds as part of its $150,000 maximum fund commitment to (a) prepare a 30% design plan for a counting facility, as specified in Appendix 1, Task 3.0b.D, and (b) develop construction and post-construction costs for both alternative design options pursuant to Appendix 1, Task 4.0.A & B. To maximize the {W4129490.3} 7 likelihood that funds will be available for this work, Sappi will seek, as much as reasonably possible, to perform these tasks before the other Sappi tasks listed in Appendix 1. 2.4 Evaluation Timing 2.4.1 The evaluation set forth in Section 2.2 will begin as soon as possible after FERC issues a Consistent FERC Order, and will be completed within one year after FERC issues a Consistent FERC Order. The Parties will conduct and complete the tasks set forth in Appendix 1 by the deadlines specified therein, unless those deadlines are extended by mutual agreement or unless the Parties mutually agree that any tasks are not necessary. 2.4.2 By no later than 15 months after FERC issues a Consistent FERC Order, Warren will file either (1) a request with FERC to lift the stay on the processing of the Surrender Application and a request with MDEP to lift the stay on the processing of the MWDCA Application, or (2) a revised Surrender Application and MWDCA Application which incorporate changes that have emerged from the evaluation process, along with a request that FERC and MDEP substitute the revised Surrender Application and revised MWDCA Application for the Surrender Application and MWDCA Application on file, and proceed expeditiously to process and decide on those revised applications. 2.4.3 Warren agrees to withdraw and refile its request to MDEP for water quality certification as needed to allow the time needed for the evaluation process contemplated by this Agreement, to avoid MDEP waiver of certification for failure of MDEP to act on the certification application within one year. 2.5 Filing of Amendment Applications to MDEP and FERC Warren will file by no later than March 28, 2014 applications to MDEP and FERC to request (1) stays of the pending Surrender Application and MWDCA Application, and (2) amendments to the WQC and FERC license, as provided in Section 3 below. 2.6 Disposition of Project Land and Fish Passage Facilities 2.6.1 In the event the Licensee decides to sell or otherwise transfer the Project or any part thereof, then prior to such sale or transfer the Licensee shall inform any prospective buyer or transferee of the existence and obligations of this Agreement. {W4129490.3} 8 2.6.2 Warren and its successors and assigns shall be responsible for operating and maintaining all facilities and structures required to support the fish passage facilities that are ultimately constructed at the property, including fish counting facilities, if any. Such operations and maintenance will include cleaning, repairs, and maintenance of the fish passage facilities and operation of those facilities during the fish passage season, any effectiveness testing and subsequent adjustment agreed to by the Parties, and maintenance of other structures necessary to ensure the effective operation of the fish passage facilities. Warren will prepare an operation and maintenance (“O&M”) procedure appropriately tailored for the final site configuration. 3.0 JOINT REQUEST TO MDEP AND FERC The Parties agree that they will make the following requests to MDEP and FERC. These requests, and a copy of this Agreement, will be included in amendment applications filed by Warren with FERC and MDEP by no later than March 28, 2014. 3.1 Request to MDEP 3.1.1 Extension of Fish Passage Deadline The Parties request that MDEP amend its WQC, attached as Appendix A to the FERC licenses for project numbers 2897, 2932, 2941, 2931, and 2942, so that: (1) in Section 5, the second sentence of the first bullet in paragraph A of the Saccarappa Project section provides as follows: “These facilities, which shall include a counting, trapping and sorting facility, must be operational no later than 4 years after passage is available at the downstream Cumberland Mills Dam, or at such later time as may be designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by written notice to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.”; and (2) it includes a new Section 11, entitled “Fish Passage Evaluation,” which provides as follows: “The applicant shall make good faith efforts to comply with the Agreement to Request Extension of Fish Passage Deadline and Stay of License Surrender Application, dated March 14, 2014, including compliance with the deadlines provided therein.” 3.1.2 Stay of MWDCA Application {W4129490.3} 9 The Parties request that MDEP stay the processing of the MWDCA Application until Warren files a request to lift the stay or files a request to amend the MWDCA Application to incorporate a different fish passage proposal. 3.1.3 Timing The Parties request that MDEP issue its amended WQC and stay order as soon as possible to allow FERC to issue a Consistent FERC Order by no later than July 31, 2014. 3.2 Request to FERC 3.2.1 Extension of Fish Passage Deadline The Parties request that FERC amend the licenses for Project numbers 2897, 2932, 2941, 2931, and 2942 to incorporate (1) USDOI’s revised Section 18 prescription set forth in Section 2.1 above, and (2) the amended MDEP WQC, when MDEP issues it. 3.2.2 Stay of Surrender Application The Parties request that FERC stay the processing of the Surrender Application until Warren files a request to lift the stay or files a request to amend the Surrender Application to incorporate a different fish passage proposal. 3.2.3 Timing The Parties request that FERC issue its amended license by no later than July 31, 2014. {W4129490.3} 10 Appendix 1 to Agreement to Request Extension of Fish Passage Deadline and Stay of License Surrender Application ‐‐ Saccarappa Fish Passage Design Assessment ‐‐ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: (1) This Appendix 1 includes both the attached PowerPoint Figures 1 and 2 and the attached Excel spreadsheet Schedule for Performing and Completing Tasks (the “Schedule”), which establishes the schedule for performing and completing the tasks set forth below, as agreed upon by the parties. Note that the tasks shown on the Schedule are dependent on weather and on others delivering their work products, among other variables, and the Parties understand that there may be some slippage in these time frames, but the Parties will endeavor, as much as possible, to adhere to the attached Schedule. (2) In this document, reference to “NGO Consultant” is understood to mean the designated consultant of CLF and FOPR, and is further understood to allow participation, as appropriate, by other representatives of CLF and FOPR. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Task 1.0 – Provide Missing Data Relating to the Two‐Channel Design Alternative A. Provide bathymetric survey and mapping work as follows: 1. Cross Sectional Survey: At a minimum, fourteen cross sections will be prepared by Sappi in order to complete the modeling needed to assess the Two‐Channel Alternative. These 14 cross sections are shown in yellow on Figure 1 and extend across the channel and into the overbank areas to the limit of the FEMA 500 year floodplain (shown approximately in blue on Figure 1) such that the larger storm flows can be adequately modeled. Survey data, whether existing or new, that are used {W4158954.1} 1 for the cross sections, will pick up key break points within the channel and the overbank areas, including but not limited to top of bank, bottom of bank, water surface elevation (WSEL) at the time of the survey, and any significant changes in grade below the WSEL. The USGS model will not be used for this effort. For all cross‐sections that Sappi intends to create using existing data, sufficiently prior to the beginning of the field survey work Sappi shall provide to the NGO Consultant the cut cross sections developed from the existing data, showing the point data and source used to cut the cross sections. Should the NGO Consultant, DMR, or USFWS provide technical justification demonstrating that the existing data are not sufficient to prepare the cross sections required by the NGO Consultant, Sappi agrees to field survey these cross sections and/or collect additional field survey data to address any deficiencies. Sappi will deliver the survey data both as an updated base map in AutoCAD with the point survey taken for the cross sections included, and in the form of cut cross sections in AutoCAD format. 2. Detailed Areas of Bathymetric Survey: There are two areas on the current base mapping shown in red shading in Figure 1 (attached) that will be augmented with additional topographic and bathymetric surveys at a point frequency such that 1 foot contours will be created and will be added to the current base mapping. The new 1 foot contours in these two areas will be blended into the existing site contouring. It is anticipated that numerous additional cross sections will need to be created by others through these areas in order to increase the accuracy of the modeling. Sappi will provide an updated base map of the Saccarappa site in AutoCAD with contiguous contours throughout the entire base map. The base mapping for the area shaded in blue in Figure 2 shall be confirmed to reflect the existing structure in this location, with the contour lines for this area revised appropriately. Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, City, NGO Consultant B. Provide Stage‐Discharge Rating Curve Data: Sappi will provide a modified stage‐discharge rating curve at the upstream side of the Bridge Street bridge. The modified stage‐discharge curve will include the flow range from 300 cfs to 28,000 cfs. It is anticipated that for this modified rating curve Sappi will augment the previously submitted tailwater rating curve based on the current Cumberland Mills dam configuration, and supplemented as relevant with data the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) gathered for MDOT’s work on the Cumberland Street and Bridge Street bridge projects in Westbrook and/or the most recent version of the USGS HEC‐RAS model of the Presumpscot River. Sappi agrees to consult with the Agencies and the NGO Consultant prior {W4158954.1} 2 to undertaking the studies and analysis required to develop the modified stage/discharge curve. During that consultation process, Sappi will provide a description of the methods, procedures and data to be used by Sappi. NGO Consultant and USFWS will review the data used to develop the curve as well as the final results to determine their suitability for use in the HEC‐RAS split flow model. It is understood that at this time no additional stage discharge measurements will be taken and that the HEC‐RAS split flow model will therefore remain un‐calibrated during the preliminary design discussion. Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, NGO Consultant, City C. Compile available existing site data in Sappi’s possession for review (i.e., old mapping, design plans for existing structures on site, photographs of site (i.e., western channel and falls) dewatered, and any existing profiles). All relevant site data in Sappi’s possession should be shared with all the project parties, to avoid duplication of data already collected. Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, NGO Consultant, City D. Review data in possession of upstream towns bordering river below Mallison Falls to ensure that there are no utility or intake pipes in the river. Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, NGO Consultant, City Task 2.0 – 30% Design, Two‐Channel Alternative A. Create a HEC‐RAS model and perform a split flow analysis for existing conditions, using cross sections, survey, and other information provided by Sappi pursuant to Task 1.0. This HEC‐RAS existing conditions model will be run at flow rates in the river ranging from 300 cfs to the estimated 500‐year flood flow rate, with all existing structures in place. It is understood that this HEC‐RAS model will not be calibrated due to the lack of field‐collected stage‐discharge data. Responsible: NGO Consultant {W4158954.1} 3 Reviewing/Assisting: Sappi, Agencies, City B. NGO Consultant design team site visit (field investigation), with USFWS, plus other parties participating if desired This field investigation will be conducted to familiarize the NGO Consultant design team with the Saccarappa site. It is anticipated that this field visit will include full access to the site and a walk through of the western channel below the western spillway to the upstream side of the lower falls, and an investigation by boat of the upper western channel. Existing bedrock configuration in the western channel will be visually assessed and a potential location for the upstream rock ramp/grade restoration and/or flow restrictor or counting facility will be assessed. Responsible: NGO Consultant Reviewing/Assisting: Sappi, Agencies, City C. Investigate multiple Two‐Channel Alternative options (i.e., materials used, flow restrictor, upstream ramp/bedrock modification, etc.) The NGO Consultant will review all data available, and engage in an iterative evaluation process, including assessing with modeling as needed, multiple configurations for the Two‐Channel Alternative design. As part of this iterative process, the HEC‐RAS model will be utilized to determine the vertically and horizontally averaged depths and velocities for different configurations, comparing the results to referenced target species’ passage abilities. If the NGO Consultant, following consultation with Sappi and the Agencies, determines that there are no potentially feasible options for a two‐channel design due to significant and unsolvable engineering issues (e.g., hydraulic velocity, depth, or river bed structure, etc.), the NGO Consultant shall discontinue further design work on the Two‐Channel Alternative. The steps followed in the iterative evaluation process will be explained to the Parties by the NGO Consultant. Responsible: NGO Consultant Reviewing/Assisting: Sappi, Agencies, City D. Counting Facility Option Design ‐ 30% {W4158954.1} 4 Contemporaneous with the tasks outlined in Task 2.0.C., Sappi's consultant, working with assistance from the NGO Consultant, will assess the feasibility of counting facility options for use in assessing the preferred Two‐Channel design, per Task 2.0.E. and provide sufficient information to the NGO consultant so that the modeling and assessment work required in Tasks 2.0.C and 2.0.E are possible. Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, City, NGO Consultant E. Select the preferred Two‐Channel Alternative design option and develop a 30% design The NGO Consultant will propose a single design approach for the Two‐Channel Alternative and develop plans to the 30% level, if the NGO Consultant determines that there is a potentially feasible option for a two‐channel design. This will include proposed materials, design details as needed for preliminary design, determination of final slopes, a preliminary assessment of the need for sediment/substrate replenishment, preliminary assessment of the stability of the design under flood flow conditions, and a plan view illustrating the proposed features and configuration. The basis for selection of the preferred alternative and the dismissal of other alternatives will be summarized in brief written form by the NGO Consultant for Sappi, the Agencies, and the City. Responsible: NGO Consultant, Agencies Reviewing/Assisting: Sappi, City F. Determine whether the design meets USFWS’s biological and engineering review criteria for providing safe, timely, and effective fish passage. The NGO Consultant will consult with the USFWS and the DMR to attempt to ensure, as necessary and appropriate, that fish passage at the Two‐Channel Alternative is designed to provide safe, timely, and effective fish passage. Responsible: NGO Consultant Reviewing/Assisting: Sappi, Agencies, City G. Review of recommended Two‐Channel Alternative, and its basis. {W4158954.1} 5 Responsible: Sappi, Agencies ,City H. Adaptive Management and O&M Plans The NGO Consultant will describe a post‐construction adaptive management plan for the Two‐Channel Alternative. The NGO Consultant will identify the structures within the Two‐Channel Alternative that will require long term maintenance, such that a long term O&M Plan can developed, comparable to the description of long‐term maintenance developed for the Denil Alternative developed by Sappi. Responsible: NGO Consultant Reviewing/Assisting: Sappi, Agencies, City Task 3.0 – 30% Design, Denil Alternative A. Review the 30% design of the Denil alternative with Agencies, NGO Consultant, and the City to ascertain if the design is suitable to provide for safe, timely and effective fish passage and determine if any design modifications are necessary and appropriate to improve the safety, timeliness, and effectiveness of fish passage. Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, NGO Consultant, City B. Determine whether the design meets USFWS’s biological and engineering criteria for providing safe, timely and effective fish passage, for purposes of this evaluation and comparison. Sappi will consult with the USFWS and the DMR to attempt to ensure, as necessary and appropriate, that fish passage at the Denil fishway and the upper falls are designed to provide safe, timely, and effective fish passage, for purposes of this evaluation and comparison. Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, NGO Consultant, City {W4158954.1} 6 C. Adaptive Management and O&M Plans Sappi will describe the post‐construction adaptive management and long term operation and maintenance plans for the Denil Alternative. Sappi’s plan will identify the structures within the Denil Alternative that will require long term maintenance, such that the adaptive management and long term O&M Plans can be adequately compared to the adaptive management and O&M plans developed for the Two‐Channel Alternative. Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: NGO Consultant, Agencies, City Task 4.0 – Evaluate Both Design Alternatives A. Develop Construction Costs Sappi will develop construction costs for both the Denil Alternative and the selected Two‐Channel Alternative after consulting with other parties. These construction costs will be developed using the per‐unit methodology that is commonly used to create project cost estimates. The NGO Consultant will provide input to Sappi regarding cost issues involved in the Two‐ Channel Alternative. Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, NGO Consultant, City B. Post‐construction costs (O&M; monitor efficiency and effectiveness; fish counting; adaptive management; project works maintenance) Sappi will develop post‐construction costs for both the Denil Alternative and the Two‐Channel Alternative after consulting with NGO Consultant and the other parties to determine the scope of post‐construction activities. Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, NGO Consultant, City {W4158954.1} 7 C. Review of Cost Estimates for Construction and Long Term Costs Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, City D. Final Review and Evaluation of Both Designs Responsible: Sappi Reviewing/Assisting: Agencies, City, NGO Consultant Task 5.0 – Meetings / Conference Calls A. Kick‐off meeting in Westbrook to discuss roles and points of contact (who reports to whom); deliverables; and schedule Responsible: Sappi, Agencies, NGO Consultant, City B. Meeting / call after field data have been collected and summarized Responsible: Sappi, Agencies, NGO Consultant, City C. Meeting / call after modeling has been initiated Responsible: Sappi, Agencies, NGO Consultant, City D. Meeting in Hadley to review modeling results (for the Two‐Channel Alternative design options) Responsible: Sappi, Agencies, NGO Consultant, City E. Meeting in Hadley to discuss selection of single alternative design {W4158954.1} 8 Responsible: Sappi, Agencies, City, NGO Consultant F. Meeting in Hadley to discuss 30% designs (final) and costs for the two options (Denil Alternative and Two‐Channel Alternative) Responsible: Sappi, Agencies, City, NGO Consultant G. Additional conference calls or meetings as may be required, budget permitting, for discussing various issues that arise Responsible: Sappi, Agencies, City, NGO Consultant {W4158954.1} 9 City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # AGREEMENT REGARDING NGO CONSULTANT SERVICES That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves the attached multi-party agreement regarding Non Governmental Organization (NGO) engineering services related to the Saccarappa Fish Passage Project. First and Final Reading: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor AGREEMENT REGARDING NGO CONSULTANT SERVICES This Agreement Regarding NGO Consultant Services (“Agreement”), dated as of March 25, 2014, is made and entered into by and among the following entities which shall, except as otherwise noted, each be referred to as a Party and collectively as “Parties.” S.D. Warren Company (“Sappi”); City of Westbrook (“City”); Princeton Hydro Engineering, P.C. (“PH”); Conservation Law Foundation (“CLF”); and. Friends of the Presumpscot River (“FOPR”). 1. Purpose. Sappi, City, FOPR and CLF are signatories to the Agreement to Request Extension of Fish Passage Deadline and Stay of License Surrender Application (“Extension Agreement”), dated March 14, 2014. That Extension Agreement establishes, inter alia: a set of engineering and related consulting tasks (“Services”) that shall be performed according to an established schedule by a consultant chosen by CLF and FOPR (“NGO Consultant”); the total amount of compensation that the NGO Consultant will receive for Services rendered, including expenses incurred as required in rendering Services, all up to a not-to-exceed amount; the amount of this compensation to be provided by the City and by Sappi; and the order of their respective payments made to the NGO Consultant. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the agreement of the Parties regarding the choice of the NGO Consultant, and the terms and conditions governing payment for the NGO Consultant’s Services and expenses. 2. Designation of NGO Consultant. CLF and FOPR choose PH to be the designated NGO Consultant, with Laura Wildman, P.E. of PH as Project Manager/lead consultant, for purposes of the Extension Agreement and the work required thereunder. The City, PH and Sappi accept this choice and designation. 3. Services to be provided by PH; schedule. PH agrees to perform the tasks assigned to the NGO Consultant in Appendix 1 to the Extension Agreement, in a manner consistent with the schedule set forth in the Schedule for Scope of Work (“Schedule”) attached to and incorporated into the Extension Agreement. Services furnished by PH shall be rendered competently by qualified personnel and in accordance with accepted practice. In performing Services and meeting any estimate of cost or schedule set forth in the Schedule and Task Description (as defined in Section 4 {W4179989.1} Agreement Regarding NGO Consultant Services Page 2 of 9 of this Agreement), PH will exercise reasonable care, skill, competence and judgment consistent with professional standards. The City, Sappi, CLF and FOPR agree that PH’s ability to perform according to the schedule is dependent on weather and the timely delivery by other parties to the Extension Agreement of work products and reviews needed by PH, among other variables, that there may be some slippage in this schedule, and that PH shall be excused for any delay in performance arising from a cause beyond its control which it could not through the exercise of due diligence have avoided. 4. Hours and staffing; flexibility. The Task Description for Scope of Work for Princeton Hydro Pursuant to Appendix 1 (“Task Description”), attached hereto as Exhibit A, sets forth certain information regarding the tasks to be performed by PH, including both the number of hours projected by PH to complete each task and the projected allocation of these hours between the PH Project Manager and the Project Engineer. The Parties understand that these projections are based on PH’s best judgments at this time, that the staffing allocation for each task may vary from what is projected in the Task Description, and that the actual amount of hours required to perform each task may be less than or greater than what is set forth in Task Description. The City, Sappi, CLF and FOPR grant to PH the authority to use its best professional judgment to allocate and manage its time and staffing as it sees fit to complete each task on schedule. 5. Compensation and billing. For Services performed by PH hereunder, PH shall be compensated at a rate of $198 per hour for the Project Manager, and $118 per hour for the services of a Project Engineer(s). Total compensation to PH for all Services rendered and expenses incurred shall not exceed $119,181.00 (“Fee”). PH hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Fee shall be PH’s only compensation for performing the Services and producing the Work Product (as defined in Section 10). PH shall provide invoices to Sappi on a monthly basis setting forth a description of Services rendered, the hours expended and the expenses incurred by each PH employee for the preceding month, including a detailed description of Services performed, expenses incurred and number of hours for each PH professional/staff person.. The City and Sappi shall each be responsible for payment of the invoices pursuant to their respective financial obligations as set forth in Section 6 of this Agreement. The City and Sappi agree that Sappi shall be responsible for the timely processing and remittance of all payments due to PH. Sappi agrees that neither the failure of the City to transmit necessary funds from the City to Sappi to pay obligations due to PH for the first $50,000 in invoiced amounts pursuant Section 6 of this Agreement nor other actions required of the City to allow timely payment to PH relieves Sappi of its obligation to make timely payments to PH. Payments are due to PH within forty-five (45) days after the date of receipt of invoice. If an invoice {W4179989.1} Agreement Regarding NGO Consultant Services Page 3 of 9 is not disputed in a written statement received by PH within twenty (20) days following Sappi’s receipt of said invoice, with said written statement explaining the specific and legitimate reasons for dispute, the invoiced amount will be deemed to be undisputed. PH may add an interest charge of 1% per month to undisputed invoiced amounts outstanding after forty-five (45) days, with said interest not being counted toward the $119,181 not-to-exceed amount. All payments made by Sappi and received by PH within ten (10) days of the date of the invoice shall receive a 2% discount on the total amount due as shown in said invoice. Any terms and conditions contained in any invoice or in any written purchase order confirmation that conflict with those contained in this Agreement will not be valid , will not be accepted, and will not be effective to modify the terms hereof. 6. Obligation for payment. For Services rendered and expenses incurred, the City shall be liable to PH for the first $50,000 in invoiced amounts (the “City’s Investment”), and shall arrange for payment by Sappi to PH pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of this Agreement. Sappi shall be responsible for the remaining invoiced amounts up to a not-to-exceed maximum of $69,181. Sappi shall be liable for all interest payments owing on the invoiced amounts. Sappi shall provide copies of the relevant invoices and supporting documentation for the City’s review. CLF and FOPR have no obligation and are not liable to PH, the City, or Sappi for any payment to PH related to the Services in Exhibit A, including any situation in which payment(s) owed to PH by the City or Sappi have not been made and are in arrears. 7. Right of entry; safety. Sappi shall provide for PH’s right to enter Sappi’s property as needed in order for PH to perform those tasks set forth in Appendix 1, Task 2.0.B. requiring its presence on Sappi’s property, subject to the following provisions. PH will exercise reasonable care in performing its work while on-site, including in any testing or other use of equipment that may be required. Sappi will provide contractor orientation and safety training to all PH employees who will be on Sappi’s property as part of PH’s work for Task 2.0.B. Said orientation and training shall take no more than one hour for PH to complete, and shall occur on the same day as and immediately prior to the initiation of the on-site work described in Task 2.0.B. Prior to commencement of work on Sappi property, a Sappi Job Pre-Plan must be completed with and approved by Sappi’s representative. All PH personnel must adhere to Sappi’s safety and environmental policies. PH shall provide personal protective equipment for its employees, including but not limited to, hard hat, safety shoes, gloves, safety glasses and hearing protection, as appropriate. The items in the Pre-Plan will include and be limited to only those tasks set forth in Appendix 1 requiring its presence on Sappi’s property. Sappi will provide a template to follow and will work in good faith to minimize {W4179989.1} Agreement Regarding NGO Consultant Services Page 4 of 9 the time and effort to complete the Pre-Plan, and ensure that the requirements for such a Pre-Plan are reasonable. 8. Termination of Agreement. PH reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate its obligations under this Agreement in the event that any undisputed invoice is not paid within thirty (30) days of the date due, and Sappi fails to cure within ten (10) days after its receipt of PH’s written notice. In the event of termination, payment for all Services rendered and expenses incurred by PH up to the date of termination are due and owing immediately, provided such Services and expenses are not the subject of a bona fide dispute. As a condition of receiving any payments which may be due to PH upon termination of this Agreement before complete performance, PH shall execute and deliver all documents and take all steps necessary, including the assignment of any of its contractual rights to the extent that such rights can lawfully be assigned, as Sappi or the City may require for the purpose of enabling Sappi or the City to complete or to have completed the work, including, without limitation thereto, delivery of all Work Product, drawings, specifications and other documents prepared by or for PH under this Agreement. 9. Independent Contractor. In performing the Services, PH shall act as an independent contractor and not as an agent or employee of Sappi or the City. PH shall also comply, at its expense, with all applicable provisions of workers’ compensation laws, unemployment compensation laws, social security law, wage and standards law, and all other applicable laws and regulations relating to terms and conditions of employment required to be fulfilled by employers. 10. Work Product. (a) All technical engineering information, including modeling, data, drawings, schematics, schedules, diagrams, reports, analyses and other related materials either in written or digital form related to or comprising and part of each “Deliverable” listed in the Task Description, as developed by PH in the course of performing Services, shall be considered work product (“Work Product”). (b) Sappi shall at all times retain all right, title and interest in and to the Work Product, and PH shall not use any of such Work Product or the information contained therein for any purpose other than in performance of the tasks required of it pursuant to the Extension Agreement and Appendix 1 thereto. Sappi owns and PH hereby grants, assigns and transfers to Sappi all right, title and interest in and to any conclusions and recommendations contained in the Work Product that are specific to Sappi or the Services, or that are contained in any document or other materials prepared by PH for Sappi and furnished to Sappi in connection with this Agreement. PH shall not disclose or {W4179989.1} Agreement Regarding NGO Consultant Services Page 5 of 9 share such Work Product, documents or information to any party other than the Parties to the Extension Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement shall be understood to (1) limit the ability of PH to disclose and share its Work Product with the Parties to the Extension Agreement as appropriate in the course of the Parties’ assistance with and review of the Services and other work set forth in the Extension Agreement, Appendix 1; (2) restrict the use by any Party to the Extension Agreement of Work Product material in governmental regulatory proceedings related to the Saccarappa Project, that may occur subsequent to the conclusion of all process established in the Extension Agreement, or (3) restrict PH from using a general description of the work it performed and the conclusions it reached pursuant to Appendix 1 for marketing or educational purposes, but only upon receiving the prior written consent of Sappi which shall not be unreasonably withheld. (c) All Work Product and any other works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium is and shall be considered a “work made for hire” under the United States Copyright Act (as amended). To the extent that any right, title or interest to any Work Product may not vest in Sappi by operation of law or otherwise, or such Work Product may not be considered “works made for hire,” then all right, title and interest in and to that Work Product are hereby irrevocably assigned to Sappi by PH or, if not yet assignable, will be assigned to Sappi by PH. No rights to the Work Product shall remain with PH. (d) PH hereby grants to Sappi a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free license to use or duplicate any Work Product, including the right to sub-license, to the extent not owned by Sappi, for Sappi’s business purposes and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. PH grants Sappi the right to alter, maintain, enhance or otherwise modify the Work Product. Sappi and the City each agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless PH with respect to any claim, loss, demand, cause of action, debt or liability, including attorneys’ fees, brought against PH and arising out of or related to the modification, alteration, or change of the Work Product without PH’s consent or involvement, or use of the Work Product for any other purpose than for the purposes of the Extension Agreement and for the design developed for the subject project. Interim products such as progress prints, drafts or percent complete documents (other than 100% complete final design documents) are not intended for use in the construction. Any use of these interim products are at the sole risk of Sappi or any party to which Sappi provides such documents. (e) Sappi hereby grants to the City a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free license to use or duplicate any Work Product related to recreational features or as otherwise consented by Sappi (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld), including the right to sub- {W4179989.1} Agreement Regarding NGO Consultant Services Page 6 of 9 license, for the City’s business purposes. Sappi grants to the City the right to alter, maintain, enhance or otherwise modify such licensed Work Product. (f) All Work Product shall be delivered to Sappi in digital format. Electronic files shall be provided in original electronic file formats that permit opening, reading and modifying. All drawings shall be provided in AutoCad® format and be saved as AutoCad® 2004 version. Any Work Product created in hard copy only shall be provided to Sappi in both hard copy and digitally scanned formats. 11. Indemnification. (a) PH, at its own expense, shall indemnify and hold harmless Sappi, the City and any of their affiliates, employees, officers, officials, agents, and directors, and defend any action brought against same with respect to any claim, loss, demand, cause of action, debt or liability, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related to (i) personal injury or property damage to the extent caused by the fault or negligence of PH, its agents, subcontractors or representatives, or (ii) any breach or willful, intentional or negligent actions or failures by PH, its agents, subcontractors or representatives hereunder, or (iii) any and all employment-related claims arising out of, incident to or connected with, in whole or in part, this Agreement. (b) Sappi shall indemnify and hold harmless the City for any failure of Sappi to pay, when due under the terms of this Agreement, any portion of the City’s Investment provided to Sappi pursuant to Section 6 of this Agreement. (c) Sappi and the City, at their own expense, shall indemnify and hold harmless PH and any of its affiliates, employees, officers, officials, agents, and directors, and defend any action brought against same with respect to any claim, loss, demand, cause of action, debt or liability, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related to (i) personal injury or property damage to the extent caused by the fault or negligence of Sappi or City, respectively, their agents, subcontractors or representatives, or (ii) any breach or willful, intentional or negligent actions or failures by Sappi or the City, respectively, their agents, subcontractors or representatives hereunder. 12. Insurance. Without limiting in any way PH’s indemnification obligations hereunder, PH shall also maintain at its expense throughout the term of this Agreement and with carriers satisfactory to Sappi and the City the following minimum insurance covering PH’s activities and obligations under the Agreement and naming Sappi and the City as additional insureds: (i) Workers Compensation Statutory (ii) Employer’s Liability Bodily Injury by Accident $1,000,000 {W4179989.1} each accident Agreement Regarding NGO Consultant Services Page 7 of 9 Bodily Injury by Disease Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 $1,000,000 each employee policy limit (iii) Commercial General Liability (Bodily Injury, Property Damages, including premises, Contractual, Products Liability and Completed Operations Coverage) $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 in the aggregate each occurrence products/completed operations aggregate (iv) Business Automobile Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,000,000 combined single limit each accident (v) E&O/Contractor’s Pollution $3,000,000 $3,000,000 per claim in the aggregate (vi) Umbrella Liability $5,000,000 $5,000,000 each occurrence in the aggregate 13. Severability. The Parties hereby agree that if any provision of this Agreement is determined to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the remaining parts, terms or provisions shall not be affected thereby and said illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision shall be amended by the court to reflect the intent of the parties, if possible. If such provision cannot be so amended, such provision shall be deleted and the validity of the remaining parts shall not be affected thereby. 14. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws (and not the choice of law rules) of the State of Maine. 15. Entire Agreement; Amendment. This Agreement along with the attached Exhibit and those documents incorporated herein by reference constitute the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof, superseding all previous agreements, proposals, representations, or understandings, whether oral or written. Modifications of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by authorized representatives of all parties. {W4179989.1} Agreement Regarding NGO Consultant Services Page8o/9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the date and the year first above written. -Ml______. ________ S.D. Warren Company By: T\-\O~S ~\.-\NCS:. Title: \l"P ~ Gtl--\e~'- }I\~"<City of Westbrook By: Title: Princeton Hydro Engineering, P.C. By: Title: Conservation Law Foundation By: Title: Friends of the Presumpscot River By: Title: fW41 '19989.1) Agreement Regarding NGO Consultant Services Page 9 of 9 Exhibit A Task Description for Scope of Work for Princeton Hydro Pursuant to Appendix 1 {W4179989.1} Saccarappa Dam - Fish Passage Assessment AGREED UPON SCOPE OF WORK FOR PRINCETON HYDRO PURSUANT TO APPENDIX 1 25-Mar-14 Job Title Project Manager Reimbursable Wildman Project Engineer Expenses 2014 Billing Rate $ 198.00 $ 118.00 total Direct Expense total PH Total Cost 10% added Task # from Appendix 1 Task Name (as it relates to the PH scope of work) 1.0 Provide Missing Data Relating to the Two‐Channel Design Alternative A,B,C,D Review of data collected by Sappi (including new bathymetric survey, tailwater rating curve, and historic data provided) 2.0 A B C D E F G H 3.0 A B C 4.0 A B C D 5.0 in Westbrook call call in Hadley in Hadley {W4179191.2} 30% Design, Two‐Channel Alternative Project Management (calls, email, clarification, meeting logistics, etc) (capped at 40 hrs) Exisitng Conditions HEC RAS Split Flow Model Exisitng Conditions HEC‐RAS Split Flow Model PH Design team site visit (field investigation), w/ USFWS, plus other parties attending if desired Investigate Multiple Two‐Channel Alternative Options (i.e. materials used, flow restrictor, upstream ramp/bedrock modification, etc.) (includes proposed HEC‐RAS modeling) Counting Facility Option Design ‐ 30% (design approach by Alden with input from Princeton Hydro) Select the preferred Two‐Channel Alternative design option and develop a 30% design Ensure Design meets USFWS passage criteria Review of Two‐Channel Alternative and its basis (without a 30% design revision) Adaptive Management and Long‐Term Maintenance Plan descriptions post‐construction 30% Design, Denil Alternative Review of initial 30% Design Work (1 round of review only) Ensure Design meets USFWS passage criteria Review of Adaptive Management Plan, Stewardship Plan, O&M Plan, Maintenance Schedule, and Effectiveness Monitoring Approach (1 round of review only) Evaluate Both Design Alternatives Provide input for Sappi to develop Construction Costs (input only from PH ‐ Sappi to prepare cost) Consultation to Sappi regarding their Development of Post‐construction Costs (O&M; monitor efficiency and effectiveness; fish counting; adaptive management/follow‐up remediation; project works maintenance) (input only from PH ‐ Sappi to prepare cost) Review of Cost Estimates for Construction and Long Term Costs Final Review and Evaluation of Both Designs (without a revision of the design) Meetings Kick‐off Meeting to discuss roles and points of contact (who reports to who); deliverables; and schedule Kick off Meeting to discuss roles and points of contact (who reports to who); deliverables; and schedule Meeting after field data has been collected and summarized (including mapping revised ) (survey & gauge data) Meeting after modeling has been initiated (base modeling for HEC‐RAS split flow) 12 $ 32 120 32 64 $ $ 400 $ 40 80 16 16 16 40 2331 32 40 8 16 $ $ 200 $ $ 12 28 $ 12 $ 2 $ 8 32 $ 8 24 $ 4,584 $ 4,584 7,920 20,496 20 496 16,852 17,360 5,056 11,256 3,472 Sappi to do 5,680 $ 88,092 2,376 Sappi to do 396 $ 2,772 5,360 4,416 $ 9,776 Sappi to do By others 16 531 $ $ $ 3,752 594 830 $ $ 2,069 2,069 3 3 2 Additional modeling meeting to discuss final modeling results & to discuss counting facility for two‐channel option 10 80.5 Discuss selection of approach 10 80.5 in Hadley calls Meeting to Discuss 30% Design (final) and Costs Additional calls as needed (not to exceed 3 for purpose of proposed budget) 10 Summary $ Staff Designation Hours Summary {W4179191.2} $ $ 80.5 13 63,954.00 $ 323 51,212.00 $ 434 3,413.85 $ 2,069 2,574 $ 13,957 600.00 Base Fee $ 119,181 Saccarappa Dam - Fish Passage Assessment TASK DESCRIPTION FOR SCOPE OF WORK FOR PRINCETON HYDRO PURSUANT TO APPENDIX 1 25-Mar-14 Task # from Appendix 1 1.0 Task Name (as it relates to the PH scope of work) A,B,C,D Review of data collected by Sappi (including new bathymetric survey, tailwater rating curve, and historic data provided) 2.0 Deliverable Princeton Hydro will review data supplied by Sappi and their consultant for this Task Email input regarding our single round of review of data collected by Sappi (submitted as a digital email) 30% Design, Two‐Channel Alternative Project Management (calls, email, clarification, meeting logistics, etc) (capped at 40 hrs) {W4179191.2} Description of Task Provide Missing Data Relating to the Two‐Channel Design Alternative Princeton Hydro's project management will include calls, email, clarifications, meeting logistics, etc. to allow for a transparent collaborative process and will be capped at 40 man‐hours. If it appears that the project is requiring a more significant project management effort, Princeton Hydro will notify the project partners to discuss an adaptive approach that will reduce the amount of management time. A Existing Conditions HEC‐RAS Split Flow Model Princeton Hydro will create a HEC‐RAS model based on the new survey collected. Existing conditions will be modeled using a split flow analysis that models both the east and west channels (based on the proposal for the western channel in the two‐channel alternative). The HEC‐RAS model will run multiple flows and storm events (based on the fish passage range of flows and the storm flows taken from the USGS model) to assess both the fish passage flow range as well as storm events such as the 2yr, 10yr and 100yr and 500 yr storm events. A steady flow analysis will be used. This model will remain uncalibrated due to a lack of calibration stage‐discharge data for the site. B PH Design team site visit (field investigation), w/ USFWS, plus other parties attending if desired This field investigation will be conducted to familiarize the Princeton Hydro design team with the Saccarappa site. It is anticipated that this field visit will include full access to the site and a walk through the western channel below the western spillway to the upstream side of the lower falls, and an investigation by boat of the upper western channel. Existing bedrock configuration in the western channel will be visually assesses and a potential location for the upstream rock ramp/grade restoration and or flow restrictor or counting facility will assessed. It is anticipated that this site visit will include two members of the Princeton Hydro design team. Existing Conditions uncalibrated Split Flow HEC‐ RAS model of the reach from upstream of the dam (both spillways) to below the lower falls (the actual existing conditions HEC‐RAS model files will be submitted such that the model can be opened and run in HEC‐RAS by others; in addition digital pdf files of the existing water surface profile and cross sections will be sent for those who cannot access the files in HEC‐ RAS) C Investigate Multiple Two‐Channel Alternative Options (i.e. materials used, flow restrictor, upstream ramp/bedrock modification, etc.) (includes proposed HEC‐RAS modeling) D Counting Facility Option Design ‐ 30% (design approach by Alden with input from Princeton Hydro) E Select the preferred Two‐Channel Alternative design option and develop a 30% design F Ensure Design meets USFWS passage criteria G Review of Two‐Channel Alternative and its basis (without a 30% design revision) H Adaptive Management and Long‐Term Maintenance Plan descriptions post‐construction Provide input to Sappi's consultant regarding Sappi's Consultant working with input from Princeton Hydro, will assess the feasibility ofcounting the couting facility for the Two‐channel facility options for use in assessing the Two‐channel Alternative . The man‐hours shown for this task Alternative in the form of calls or email (calls include Princeton Hydro's time to provide input to Sappi's consultant and are on a not to exceed will not be recorded/documents but the emails basis for this task. will be submitted as a digital email) The NGO Consultant will propose a single design approach for the Two‐Channel Alternative and develop plans to the 30% level. This will include proposed materials, design details , as needed for 30% Design Plans of the preferred Two‐ preliminary design, determination of final slopes, a preliminary assessment of the need for channel Alternative (submitted as a paper plan sediment/substrate replenishment, preliminary assessment of the stability of design under flood set, as well as digitally both in an AutoCAD file flow conditions, and a plan view illustrating the proposed features and configuration. The basis for and a pdf of the plan set) and a pdf of the plan set) selection of the preferred alternative and the dismissal of other alternatives will be summarized in brief written form by the NGO Consultant for Sappi, the Agencies, and the City. Model result tables for the Two‐channel Alternative in relation to USFWS's specified Princeton Hydro will consult with the USFWS and the DMR to attempt to ensure, as necessary and passage criteria (if available) (submitted as a appropriate, that fish passage at the Two‐Channel Alternative is designed to provide safe, timely, digital file of the tables in pdf format and Word and effective fish passage. or Excel format depending on the software used to create the tables) A Sappi Task with no revision to the 30% Two‐Channel Alternative needed from PH Princeton Hydro will describe in one or two paragraphs a post‐construction adaptive management Brief write‐up describing the potential plan for the Two‐Channel Alternative. The NGO Consultant will identify the structures within the adaptive management plan and long term Two‐Channel Alternative that will require long term maintenance, such that a one or two paragraph maintenance potential for the Two‐Channel long‐term O&M Plan can developed, comparable to the description of long‐term maintenance Alternative (submitted as a digital Word file) developed for the Denil Alternative developed by Sappi. A Review of initial 30% Design Work (1 round of review only) Princeton Hydro will briefly review one round of the Denil Alternative Design prepared by Sappi's consultant B Ensure Design meets USFWS passage criteria A Sappi task, no PH involvement C {W4179191.2} Proposed Conditions uncalibrated Split Flow HEC‐RAS model of the Two‐channel Alternative (the actual proposed conditions HEC‐RAS model files for the Two‐Channel Alternative will be submitted such that the model can be opened and run in HEC‐RAS by others; in addition digital pdf files of the proposed water surface profile and cross sections will be sent for those who cannot access the files in HEC‐ RAS) 30% Design, Denil Alternative 3.0 4.0 The NGO Consultant will review all data available, and engage in an iterative evaluation process, including assessing with modeling as needed, multiple configurations for the Two‐Channel Alternative design. As part of this iterative process, the HEC‐RAS model will be utilized to determine the vertically and horizontally averaged depths and velocities for different configurations, comparing the results to referenced target species’ passage abilities. Base mapping will be provided by the Sappi Consultants. The proposed HEC‐RAS modeling will aslo remain uncalibrated due to a lack of calibration stage‐dischage data for the site. The steps followed in the iterative evaluation process will be explained to the Parties by the NGO Consultant during the design review meeting (no report preparation is anticipated). If the NGO Consultant, following consultation with Sappi and the Agencies, determines that there are no potentially feasible options for a two‐channel design due to significant and unsolvable engineering issues (e.g., hydraulic velocity, depth, or river bed structure, etc.), the NGO Consultant shall discontinue further design work on the Two‐Channel Alternative. Review of Adaptive Management Plan, Stewardship Plan, O&M Plan, Maintenance Schedule, and Effectiveness Monitoring Approach (1 round of review only) Evaluate Both Design Alternatives Princeton Hydro will briefly review the paragraphs prepared by Sappi's consultant regarding the adaptive management plan post construction and long term maintenance for the Denil Alternative Email input regarding our single round of review of initial 30% Design Work for the Denil Alternative (submitted as a digital email) Email input regarding our single round of review of the Adaptive Management Plan, Stewardship Plan, O&M Plan, Maintenance Schedule, and Effectiveness Monitoring Approach for the Denil Alternative (submitted as a digital email) Email or phone call input regarding proposed Two‐Channel Alternative to help clarify items that will be needed to develop costs for the alternative. (submitted as a digital email) Email or phone call consultation regarding proposed Two‐Channel Alternative to help Consultation to Sappi regarding their Development of Post‐construction Costs (O&M; monitor efficiency and effectiveness; fish B Princeton Hydro will provide consultation to Sappi such that they can develop the post‐construction coclarify items that will be needed to develop counting; adaptive management/follow‐up remediation; project works maintenance) (input only from PH ‐ Sappi to prepare cost) costs for the alternative. (submitted as a digital email) C Review of Cost Estimates for Construction and Long Term Costs A Sappi, Agency & NGO task, no PH involvement D Final Review and Evaluation of Both Designs (without a revision of the design) A Sappi Task with no revision to the 30% Two‐Channel Alternative needed from PH Meetings It is anticipated that Princeton Hydro will participate in 6 meetings, including one meeting in 6 Meetings Westbrook and three in Hadley, the remainder of the meetings will be conference calls. This task also includes and additional 13 man‐hours for calls not currently included. A Provide input for Sappi to develop Construction Costs (input only from PH ‐ Sappi to prepare cost) 5.0 {W4179191.2} Princeton Hydro will provide input to Sappi regarding cost issues involved in the Two‐Channel Alternat City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # EXTENSION OF HOURS FOR PORTLAND WATER DISTRICT PROJECT ON CUMBERLAND STREET That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves an extension of permitted work hours to Portland Water District for the water main replacement project on Cumberland Street, allowing for work to be conducted between the hours of 7am to 6pm. First and Final Reading: Attest: ___________________________ _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor City of Westbrook DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING & CODE ENFORCEMENT _____________________________________________________________________________ 2 York Street Westbrook, Maine 04092 (207) 854-0638 Fax: (207) 854-0635 TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable City Council Eric Dudley, City Engineer April 3, 2014 SUBJECT: Extended Work Hours for Water Main Work on Cumberland Street The Portland Water District is requesting permission to extend the work hours for their water main replacement project on Cumberland Street between Park Road and Pierce Street. Since Cumberland Street is classified as a major collector, City Ordinance restricts the working hours to 8 am to 3:30 pm to mitigate the impacts on traffic. The request is to work from 7 am to 6 pm for the duration of the project. The extended hours will allow for the project to be constructed in fewer days and at a lesser expense to the Portland Water District. Staff has reviewed the request and is supportive of the extended hours. During the planning of the project, we had several conversations with PWD regarding the work hours and we also discussed performing the work at night. Due to the high number of homes in close proximity to the street, we felt it would be inappropriate to allow night work and the decision was made to complete the project conventionally during the day. Although the extended hours will affect the morning and evening commute we feel it is the best compromise to perform the work safely and efficiently and will minimize the long term disruption of traffic on the roadway. Police officers will be employed for traffic control on the project when lane closures are necessary per City Ordinance and alternate routes exist for Windham traffic to utilize Routes 237/25 or 302 to avoid delay from construction. I will be in attendance at Monday’s meeting to answer any questions you may have. City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR PUBLIC SERVICES FACILITY REFERENDUM That the Westbrook City Council hereby sets a public hearing date of April 28, 2014 for the Public Services consolidated school transportation and fleet maintenance facility referendum. First and Final Reading: Attest: ___________________________ _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor Westbrook Public Services Project Summary: The City of Westbrook Public Services facility has reached its useful design life and has become antiquated and no longer able to meet the demands and needs of modern equipment and community services. Over the past 6 years, a planning process was implemented to develop a building program for a new facility. This process included the formation of a building committee who worked with staff and the design team to evaluate a number of project alternatives recognizing both needs and cost. The result is a new Consolidated Services, Bus Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Facility. The facility will include improvements and re-utilization of the existing public works property located off Saco Street. Facility components will include: 22,050 square foot fleet maintenance and admiration building. 14,000 square foot sand/salt storage building. Improved equipment parking, bus parking and material laydown/storage. 1,900 school transportation administration building. Reconfigured site, access, parking and circulation Wash bay inside the new fleet maintenance building. New fueling facility Rehabilitation of existing fleets maintenance for cold storage, wastewater department and winter emergency response vehicles Staff and visitor parking Reasons for a New Facility: The existing fleet maintenance facility has exceeded its normal service life. o Metal buildings are generally expected to provide service for 20 to 30 years but can provide service for much longer than this if investment is made in maintenance and the timely replacement of components (roof, walls, doors, mechanical systems, electrical systems, finishes, etc.) At approximately 45 years age, the existing facility has exceeded its serviceable life. The investment that would be required now to update the existing facility exceeds the cost of a new building. The existing fleet maintenance facility is no longer adequate for the fleet. o The needs of Westbrook have grown. The existing fleet maintenance facility is not energy efficient. o Building codes now require much greater energy efficiency than this building was constructed to provide. A new building will save energy, and thus will save money. The existing fleet maintenance facility does not meet accessibility requirements of the American with Disabilities Act. This is a liability for the City, with the potential for a prospective employee or citizen to sue should they find that they cannot be provide equal access. The school bus maintenance facility has been condemned. o A new location for school bus maintenance must be provided. Consolidation of the multiple vehicle storage and maintenance buildings located elsewhere in Westbrook to a single location will save the City of Westbrook money. o These other properties can be reattributed to other city needs or sold. A new facility will enhance employee safety by the provision of a full fire sprinkler system, a new addressable fire alarm system, and carbon monoxide monitoring and ventilation. o Additionally, the provision of a crane will permit city personnel to perform service operations which must now be contracted to others. A new facility will provide valuable under-cover storage of equipment within the original facility maintenance facility with only limited investment for this lower use. Interior storage of equipment will extend its service life saving the City of Westbrook money. A new wash bay for equipment will allow city personnel to properly clean corrosive salts from equipment, extending the service life of that equipment, and saving the City of Westbrook money. o Summary Bullets Existing building needs major investment or replacement. Questionable Air Quality Existing building no longer adequate for job. Existing building is not energy efficient Existing building a liability. Consolidation will save city money. New facility will enhance worker safety. New facility will enhance city maintenance service capabilities. New facility will extend service life of equipment. City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # AUTHORIZING SALE OF CITY PROPERTY ON CUMBERLAND STREET That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves the attached purchase and sale agreement with Ryan Le for City property located at Tax Map 011, Lot 008 at a purchase price of $51,300. First Reading: Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT day of March, 2014, by and THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this between the CITY OF WESTBROOK, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of Maine and located in Cumberland County and State of Maine (“SELLER”), and RYAN LE, a resident of the City of Portland, County of Cumberland, and State of Maine (“BUYER”). WHEREAS, SELLER owns a certain lot or parcel of real property located at 0 Cumberland Street, Westbrook, Maine, being Lot 8 as depicted on the City of Westbrook Tax Map 11, by virtue of the following matured tax liens recorded in the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds: (1) Book 4836, Page 252; (2) Book 5009, Page 205; (3) Book 6114, Page 88; (4) Book 6260, Page 243; (5) Book 6561, Page 54; (6) Book 7002, Page 271; (7) Book 7513, Page 162; (8) Book 7900, Page 154; (9) Book 8520, Page 162; (10) Book 8957, Page 32; (11) Book 11529, Page 113; (12) Book 12004, Page 317; (13) Book 12610, Page 245; (14) Book 13194, Page 302; (15) Book 13980, Page 274; (16) Book 14903, Page 174; (17) Book 15597, Page 124; and (18) Book 16529, Page 243, which property is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the “PREMISES”); and WHEREAS, SELLER and BUYER wish to enter into this Purchase and Sale Agreement to memorialize the terms upon which BUYER may purchase the PREMISES owned by SELLER. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Purchase Price. SELLER agrees to convey whatever right, title and interest it may have in the PREMISES by quitclaim deed without covenant to BUYER, his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns, for the price of Fifty-One Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($51,300.00) (the “PURCHASE PRICE”) payable as follows: (a) Upon execution of this Agreement, as security for BUYER’s agreement to perform its obligations hereunder, BUYER shall pay to SELLER the sum of __________________________ ($_____________) (the "Deposit"). The Deposit shall be paid credited against the PURCHASE PRICE at closing; and (b) At closing, Purchaser shall pay SELLER the balance of the PURCHASE PRICE, in cash or by bank check or confirmed wire transfer; provided, however, that (i) this Agreement shall only be valid if the SELLER receives a copy of this Agreement, executed by BUYER, his, heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns, on or by March __, 2014 which date is fourteen (14) days after the Westbrook City Council vote on the conveyance of the PREMISES; (ii) the conveyance and SELLER’S delivery of a quitclaim deed without covenant to the PREMISES to BUYER, his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns, are contingent upon BUYER, his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns, tendering to SELLER the PURCHASE PRICE by wire transfer or bank check at a closing, said closing to be held within thirty (30) days from the date of execution of this Agreement by both parties; and (iii) the conveyance of the PREMISES from SELLER to BUYER is subject to the approval of the Westbrook City Council. In the event that the City Council does not approve the conveyance, BUYER’s Deposit shall be returned to him and this Agreement shall be of no further force or effect. 2. Closing Date. The closing hereunder shall be held at such time and place as is mutually agreed by the parties, but in no event shall the closing occur any later than forty-five (45) days from the date of approval of the conveyance by the City Council. Unless otherwise agreed, the closing shall take place at the offices of SELLER. It is mutually agreed that time is of the essence. 3. Prorations and Adjustments at Closing. There shall be no prorations or other adjustments at Closing. 4. No Contingencies / “As Is” and “Where Is” Condition. Buyer’s obligations under this Agreement shall be not be contingent upon any inspections, examination of title or other contingencies, other than approval of this Agreement by the Westbrook City Council as expressly set forth above. BUYER accepts the PREMISES in its “as is” and “where is” condition with any and all faults known or unknown including, without limitation, the apparent encroachment of improvements and personal property of the owners of real estate located at 792 Cumberland Street, Westbrook, Maine onto the PREMISES. 5. Failure to Close; Liquidated Damages. In the event that BUYER fails to close as required under the terms of this Agreement, SELLER shall be entitled to retain the Deposit as liquidated damages for such failure. 6. Costs and Expenses. BUYER shall be responsible for the cost of any survey or any other examination done on his behalf and any expenses related to recording of the Deed. SELLER shall be responsible for the cost of preparation of the Deed. BUYER shall be responsible for his ½ of the Maine Real Estate Transfer Tax. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereto caused this Agreement to be executed on the date above stated. SELLER CITY OF WESTBROOK _______________________________ WITNESS By:_____________________________ Colleen Hilton, Its Mayor BUYER _______________________________ WITNESS ________________________________ Ryan Le EXHIBIT A to P&S Agreement Deed Description: City of Westbrook to Ryan Le A certain lot or parcel of land located in the City of Westbrook, County of Cumberland and State of Maine, bounded and described as follows: Map/Lot/Sublot: 011-008 from the Assessor’s Tax Maps of the City of Westbrook, and located at Cumberland Street. Being the same premises described in following matured tax liens recorded in the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds: (1) Book 4836, Page 252; (2) Book 5009, Page 205; (3) Book 6114, Page 88; (4) Book 6260, Page 243; (5) Book 6561, Page 54; (6) Book 7002, Page 271; (7) Book 7513, Page 162; (8) Book 7900, Page 154; (9) Book 8520, Page 162; (10) Book 8957, Page 32; (11) Book 11529, Page 113; (12) Book 12004, Page 317; (13) Book 12610, Page 245; (14) Book 13194, Page 302; (15) Book 13980, Page 274; (16) Book 14903, Page 174; (17) Book 15597, Page 124; and (18) Book 16529, Page 243. Said premises is also described in a deed from Ronald A. Perkins and Linda J. Perkins to Claude Jalbert, date April 18, 1979, and recorded in said Registry of Deeds in Book 4411, Page 150, as follows: “A certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Westbrook, bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the Town line between Westbrook and Windham at the westerly sideline of Cumberland Street; thence south 16°40’55” East four hundred and no tenths (400.00) feet by said westerly sideline of Cumberland Street to an iron pipe set in the ground; thence south 59°24’12” West by other land of the Grantors five hundred sixty-one and seventy-eight hundredths (561.78) feet to an iron pipe set in the ground in the aforesaid Town line; thence north 28°51’03” East along said Town line seven hundred sixty-two and ninety-eight hundredths (762.98) feet to the point and place of beginning.” id ge R Su ns et N LA Zone: Rural District D ST indh a ER 2.8 Acres +- ho o Bro rn Town Ink of W MB m CU Map 011 Lot 008 k City of Westbrook Surplus Property Cumberland Street Department of Engineering and Code Enforcement August 16, 2013 1 inch = 100 feet ² City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # AWARD OF BID FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT PROGRAM VEHICLE That the Westbrook City Council hereby awards the bid for a 2013 Chevy Impala program vehicle for the Police Department to Quirk Chevrolet of Portland, at a purchase price of $17,028. Funds available as follows: Asset Forfeiture Account - $12,146.18 Insurance settlement - $4,881.82 First Reading: Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor City of Westbrook Request for Proposal Pre-owned Automobile The City of Westbrook Police Department is seeking proposals from qualified vehicle dealers to provide us with one (1) pre-owned automobile. We request the proposal be faxed or e-mailed back by 3pm Wednesday April 2, 2014 to fax; (207)-854-0657 or troth@westbrook.me.us. The bid proposal form is available by contacting Capt. Tom Roth at the previous email address. Price should include delivery of the vehicle to the Westbrook Police Department at 570 Main St, Westbrook, Maine 04092 and must comply with the specifications below. The Westbrook Police Department will select a vehicle based on style, mileage, model year and suitability to task. Any proposed vehicle must be made available for inspection by our mechanic. Questions regarding the specifications should be directed to Capt. Tom Roth, Westbrook Police Department at (207) 854-0644 x406 between 8:00am and 5:00pm. Specifications One pre-owned Automobile MODEL: Any to include: Automatic transmission 4-door YEAR: 2010 or newer MILEAGE: under 40,000 miles This vehicle will be utilized by detectives and should comfortably seat 4 persons and have seatbelts for 5 persons. CID Car Bid Synposis Dealer Quirk Chevrolet Portland Bill Dodge Auto Westbrook Central Chrysler Raynham, MA Vehicle 2013 Chevy Impala 2013 Chevy Impala 2012 Chevy Impala 2013 Chevy Impala 2012 Chevy Impala 2013 Chevy Impala 2013 Chevy Impala 2012 Chevy Impala 2011 Chevy Impala 2010 Chevy Impala 2011 Chevy Malibu 2010 Mercury Milan 2012 Chevy Impala 2013 Dodge Dart 2013 Chrysler 200 Warranty Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain 5yr/100K powertrain Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain 5yr/100K powertrain Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain 5yr/100K powertrain 5yr/100K powertrain Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain Bal. of 3yr/36000 mi. 5yr/100K powertrain Mileage 22,215 22795 40,700 30834 41497 33336 34,797 34136 39,699 38535 14,817 32641 35,623 15 15 Price 17,028 Selected vehicle 16116 16,116 17028 16,116 17028 16,585 14581 14,237 12669 15,000 12675 15,775 16129 18,000 City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN RESCUE BILLING RATES That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves an increase of $1.00 per run charged by the Town of Gorham for the provision of Rescue Billing Services for Westbrook Fire/Rescue, bringing the total perrun charge to $18. First Reading: Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor Gorham Fire Department Robert Lefebvre, Chief Telephone (207) 222-1660 270 Main Street, Gorham, ME 04038-1382 Fax (207) 839-7753 February 24, 2014 Chief Michael Pardue Westbrook Fire Department 570 Main Street Westbrook Me. 04092 Dear Mike, This letter is a follow up to our meeting of last week regarding my request to increase our Rescue Billing Rate that we charge Westbrook by $1.00. Presently we are charging $17.00 per run that is billable; Rescue Runs that are not able to be billed are not charged out. Gorham started doing Westbrook’s billing in November of 2010, so we are now well into our fourth year. My request is based on several factors. Since we took over your billing our staff wages have increased approximately 5%, we have seen two increases in postage over the last four years that equals an increase of 5 cents per mailing. As you know many of the bills require sending multiple mailings of up to four or five. We have also seen an increase in our billing supplies such as envelopes, invoices and printing cost. In addition to the above increases, my staff including my Deputy Chief has spent considerable time working with Deputy Jones and yourself on quality assurance issues. This has been done to try and improve your rescue run sheets so that we can ensure that you get the maximum billable rate for the particular run we are dealing with. Had the staff not undertaken this, your collection rate would have been reduced greatly. I believe that my staff has greatly improved your collection rate since we took over your process, and we look forward to continuing our mutual working relationship. I have listed below some of the statistics from the last four years regarding your billing for your review and if you have any further question please feel free to contact me. Gorham Started in 2010.. Nov. Billable = 314 no-billable = 63 2011 2219 Billable and 509 Non Billable 2012 2134 Billable and 574 Non Billable 2013 2355 Billable and 460 Non Billable Gorham Fire Department Robert Lefebvre, Chief Telephone (207) 222-1660 EMS Revenue Summary Comparison Description Gross EMS Invoices Contractual Allowances/Assignments Allowance % of Gross Invoices Net Invoiced Amount Current Write‐offs or sent to collections Write‐off % of Net Invoiced Amount Balance (excluding collections & expenses) 270 Main Street, Gorham, ME 04038-1382 Fax (207) 839-7753 Scarborough Gorham Westbrook FY13 FY13 FY13 1,242,596 639,347 861,531 (374,049) (67,582) (123,600) 30.1% 11.0% 14.0% 868,547 571,765 737,931 (128,315) (24,036) (45,255) 14.8% 4.0% 6.0% 740,232 547,729 692,676 Again if you need any additional information please let me know. Sincerely Robert Lefebvre Fire Chief Deputy Fickett Town Manager File City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # AWARD OF BID FOR AUDIT SERVICES That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves a contract for audit services for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2014, 2015 and 2016 to MacPage, LLC of South Portland, at a cost not to exceed the following amounts: 2014 2015 2016 $40,000 $42,000 $43,500 Funds available in account # 1000-41510-43211-100-0 First Reading: Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor Alicia Gardiner Comptroller agardiner@westbrook.me.us 2 York Street Westbrook, Maine 04092 Phone: (207)854-9105 Fax: (207)854-0635 MEMO To: From: Re: Date: The Honorable City Council Alicia Gardiner, Comptroller Audit Firm Selection April 7, 2014 The City of Westbrook received five responses to the Audit RFP from the firms of Roberts & Greene, PLLC of Concord, New Hampshire; Ron L. Beaulieu & Company of Portland, Maine; Melanson Heath & Company, PC of Nashua, New Hampshire; RHR Smith & Company of Buxton, Maine; and MacPage LLC of South Portland, Maine. Each bid was reviewed by the Comptroller, City Administrator, Accountant, Director of Operations and Superintendent of Schools and judged based on the following criteria: Adequacy of Firm Qualifications Experience and expertise of proposed staff Ability to meet deadlines/adequacy of time budgets Knowledge of local governmental accounting practices in Maine Cost of Services We recommend the City of Westbrook award the bid to MacPage LLC of South Portland, Maine. MacPage has experience with similarly sized municipalities and municipal school; they audit the Town of Scarborough and the Scarborough School Department as well as the City of Waterville and the Waterville School Department. The proposed pricing structure: 2014 City of Westbrook 40,000* Westbrook School Department 44,000 2015 42,000* 44,500 2016 43,500* 45,500 This recommendation has been approved by the Westbrook School Department Finance Committee and School Committee. *City cost is higher by $5,000, $6,000 and $6,500 than the bid as the City will pay a portion of the WSD audit fee. CITYOFWESTBROOK,MAINE AUDITPROPOSAL FEBRUARY14,2014 PREPAREDBY: CHRISTIANA.SMITH,CPA,CFE CLIENTSERVICEDIRECTOR MACPAGELLC 30LONGCREEKDRIVE SOUTHPORTLAND,ME04106 2075233354|DIRECT 2076715306|CELL 2077747835|FAX CAS@MACPAGE.COM MACPAGE.COM TABLEOFCONTENTS Page TitlePage TableofContents LetterofTransmittal A.AccountingFirmQualifications 1 B.AuditServices 5 C.TimingofAuditWork 15 D.ProposedFeeandAuditHours 16 E.General 17 Appendix PeerReviewReport February14,2014 CityofWestbrook Attn:CityClerk 2YorkStreet Westbrook,ME04092 DearMs.Adams: Thank you for the opportunity to present our proposal to provide audit services for the City of Westbrook, includingtheWestbrookSchoolDepartment,(“theCity”)forthefiscalyearsendingJune30,20142016.Asavery importantclientofMacpageLLC(“Macpage”orthe“Firm”),theCitywouldreceiveseamlessserviceandcontinuity fromourteamtosupportitstimelydelivery. The City would command priority service from the entire engagement team and benefit from: our thorough knowledgeofyouroperations,broadindustryexpertise,immediateaccessibilitytoassistwithyourquestionsand issues as they arise, an established awareness of how to minimize disruption to your daily routine and timely delivery of a product that includes substantive suggestions and recommendations to further strengthen your operatingbase. OurMainebasedfirmisgroundedintheregion’straditionalworkethicandvalues.Ourclients’industriesandthe people they serve are diversified, and include organizations such as yours that are devoted to economically strengthening Maine populations. Typically our clients stay with us for 10 years or more. Many experience significant growth during our relationship, and continue to turn to us for accounting and business advisory services.Weinviteyoutolookattherange and depth of testimonials on our website macpage.com. WeagreetomeettheAuditSpecificationsoutlinedinsection2oftheRequestforProposal.Webelievethatthe following proposal demonstrates our commitment to you to provide the highest quality and responsive service thatyouexpect.AsaclientservicedirectorofMacpage,IamauthorizedtomakerepresentationsfortheFirm;if youneedanyadditionalinformationaboutpersonnel,servicesortheFirm,pleasecontactmeat(207)5233354, orbyemailatcas@macpage.com.Thankyouagainforthisopportunity,andforyourinterestinMacpage. Verytrulyyours, ChristianA.Smith,CPA,CFE,ClientServiceDirector A.ACCOUNTINGFIRMQUALIFICATIONS FIRMOVERVIEW 1.Pleaseprovideageneralprofileofthefirm,includinginformationregarding: a.Thelocationoftheofficefromwhichtheauditistobeconducted, b.Thenumberandpositionsofthevariousprofessionalstafflocatedatthatoffice, c.Therangeforservicesperformedbythatoffice,suchasaudit,accounting,taxandmanagementservices. MacpageLLCisaprivatelyheld,limitedliabilitycorporationestablishedin1956withofficesinAugusta,Portland and South Portland, Maine, and Marlborough, Massachusetts. The Firm believes in developing relationships, earningtrust,addressingcomplexissuesandmakingadifference.Weemployover100dedicatedandexperienced people who enjoy the people they serve and care about the work they do providing integrated accounting, consultingandtaxservicestoclientsthroughouttheNortheastandacrossthecountry. TheFirmadherestothecontinuingprofessionaleducationstandardsoftheAmericanInstituteofCertifiedPublic Accountants(AICPA)andtheGovernmentAccountingOffice.Allprofessionalsarerequiredtoparticipateinatleast 40 hours of qualifying continuing professional education every year through Firm seminars, Firm sponsorship of AICPApreparedtrainingprograms,attendanceatAICPAseminarsandotherequivalentprofessionaldevelopment courses.Professionalsauditingforgovernmentalentitiesstudythelatestaccountingdevelopmentsimpactinglocal andstategovernmentalunits,andprovidetimelyupdatestoclients. If successful in ourbid, our engagement team will primarily include auditors from our South Portland office but couldalsoincludeauditorsfromourAugustaoffice.Ourprofessionalsineachofficeperformservicestoinclude audit, accounting, tax and advisory services. The personnel assigned to your audit will have a concentration of expertiseinthegovernmentalindustry.Thefollowingtableisabreakdownoftheprofessionalstafflocatedateach office: StaffLevel Directors Managers Supervisors Seniors Staff Augusta 4 2 3 7 5 SouthPortland 17 13 18 7 6 1 A.ACCOUNTINGFIRMQUALIFICATIONS–CONTINUED MUNICIPALPRACTICE 2.Pleaseindicatethenumberofmunicipalandschoolclientsyourfirmcurrentlyserves,indicatingtheservicesprovidedandtheclients’locations.And, 3.Formunicipalitiesandschoolsforwhichauditingservicesareprovided,indicatetheclientname,clientcontactinformation,totaladoptedbudget(most recentlyaudited),engagementpartner,andsenior/inchargeassigned. Macpage audits over 30 governmental entities, including several special purpose entities such as water and sewer, public transportation and several componentunitsoftheStateofMaine.Thefollowingisthelistofourmunicipalandschooldistrictclients.Wecanalsoprovideyouwithalistofourother governmentalclientsnotincludedinthislist.WehavethreeauditclientsthatweassistwiththeComprehensiveAnnualFinancialReport(CAFR),forwhichthey areawardedtheCertificateofAchievementforExcellenceinFinancialReportingbytheGovernmentFinanceOfficersAssociation. Cities/TownsandRelatedSchools: Entity CityofDover TownofScarborough and ScarboroughPublic Schools TownofFreeport (recentformerclient) Cityof Watervilleand WatervillePublic Schools TownofVassalboro VassalboroSchool Department ClientContact Address&Phone DanielLynch, 288CentralAvenue,Dover,NH FinanceDirector (603)5166030 RuthPorter, POBox360,Scarborough,ME FinanceDirector (207)7304000 KateBolton, POBox360,Scarborough,ME BusinessManager (207)7304000 AbbeYacoben, 30MainStreet,Freeport,ME FinanceDirector (207)8654743 MichaelRoy, 1CommonStreet,Waterville,ME CityManager (207)6804200 EricHaley, 25MessalonskeeAvenue,Waterville,ME Superintendent (207)8734281 MarySabins, POBox129Vassalboro,ME TownManager (207)8722826 PaulaPooler, 25MessalonskeeAvenue, Waterville,ME BusinessManager (207)8734281 Services TotalAdopted Engagement EngagementSenior/ Provided Budget Partner InCharge Audit(CAFR)and Christian $89million ChadDudley SingleAudit Smith Audit(CAFR)and Christian $31million ChadDudley SingleAudit Smith Auditand Christian $35million ReneeGrant SingleAudit Smith Christian Audit $23million ReneeGrant Smith Auditand Christian $20million ErinHill SingleAudit Smith Auditand Christian $16million StevenFalco SingleAudit Smith Auditand Christian $2million EmilyBaron SingleAudit Smith Auditand Christian $7million StevenFalco SingleAudit Smith 2 A.ACCOUNTINGFIRMQUALIFICATIONS–CONTINUED Schools: Entity RSU#21 MSAD#17 MSAD#75 RSU#73 RSU#16 MSAD#3 OxfordHills Technical School MaineRegion 10Technical HighSchool AOS#92 Services Provided Auditand SingleAudit TotalAdopted Budget Engagement Partner Christian Smith EngagementSenior/ InCharge ClientContact Address&Phone AndrewDolloff, Superintendent 177Alewive Road,Kennebunk,ME (207)9851100 CathyCoffey, BusinessManager StevenDyer, BusinessManager StacieLoweField, BusinessManager WendyRitchie, BusinessManager BarbaraVanDeventer, BusinessManager 1570MainStreet,Suite11, Oxford,ME (207)7438972 50RepublicAvenue,Topsham,ME (207)7299961 9CedarStreet,LivermoreFalls,ME (207)8976722 3AggregateRoad,Poland,ME (207)9982727 84SchoolStreet,Unity,ME (207)9486136 JoeVaillancourt, BusinessManager POBox313,Norway,ME (207)7437756 Audit $4million Christian Smith ReneeGrant ShelleyDoody, Accountant 68ChurchRoad,Brunswick,ME (207)7296622 Audit $2million Christian Smith StefanieFoster PaulaPooler, BusinessManager 25MessalonskeeAvenue, Waterville,ME (207)8734281 Audit $2million Christian Smith EmilyBaron Auditand SingleAudit Auditand SingleAudit Auditand SingleAudit Auditand SingleAudit Auditand SingleAudit $36million $35million $33million $19million $19million $19million Christian Smith Christian Smith Christian Smith Christian Smith Christian Smith ReneeGrant ErinHill StefanieFoster ReneeGrant ReneeGrant ReneeGrant 3 A.ACCOUNTINGFIRMQUALIFICATIONS–CONTINUED 4. Briefly describe your firm’s municipal practice, including anticipated major accounting and financial issues facingthemunicipalitiesoverthenextthree(3)years.IndicatehowyourfirmispreparedtoassisttheCitywith theseissues. Ourcurrentgovernmentalpracticeconsistsof18individuals(11CPAs)whodevoteasignificantamountoftheir timetoprovidingservicestotheseentities.EightindividualsarebasedattheFirm’sSouthPortlandofficeand10 individuals are based at the Firm’s Augusta office. We are a member of the AICPA Governmental Audit Quality CenterandareamemberoftheMaineGovernmentFinanceOfficersAssociation. Macpage was the first Mainebased Firm registered as a member of the Governmental Audit Quality Center sponsoredbytheAICPA.TheCenter’smissionistoimprovethequalityofGovernmentandOMBA133auditsby establishingthehighestqualitystandardsbywhichmembersarerequiredtoadheretoremainingoodstanding. The Audit Quality Center also provides a forum for information sharing with other Certified Public Accountants specializinginGovernmentandOMBA133auditsthroughoutthecountry. The most significant accounting issue facing the municipality will be the implementation of Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions – an amendmentofGASBStatementNo.27.ThisstatementwillbeeffectivefortheyearendingJune30,2015.The CitywillberequiredtorecordaliabilityforitsshareoftheMainePublicEmployeesRetirementSystempension liability as determined by an actuary and will also require extensive footnote disclosures in the financial statements.Wehaveattendedseveralseminarsandhavealsobeenaspeakeronthistopic,thusmakinguswell preparedtoassistyouwiththeimplementationofthisnewstandard. GASBCONSULTATIONS Macpage has several staff that are specifically trained to prepare financial statements in accordance with GASB standards, perform audits of financial statements prepared in accordance with GASB standards, or provide consultation to governmental entities reporting in accordance with GASB standards. Those individuals receive specifictrainingonGASBissuesandnewpronouncements.Inaddition,Macpageengagesspecialiststotrainstaff onGASBissuesandclientpersonnelarewelcometoattendthesetrainingsessions. 5.Brieflydescribethemunicipalrelatedtrainingprogramsofferedtoyourstaff. Each of our governmental experts complies with Government Auditing Standards requirements for continuing professional education. The Firm adheres to the continuing professional education standards of the American InstituteofCertifiedPublicAccountants(AICPA)andtheGovernmentAccountingOffice. Our government staff not only meets the requirements for continuing professional educational as required by Government Auditing Standards but exceed the standards required. We attend local seminars provided by the MaineStateSocietyofCertifiedPublicAccountantsaswellasnationalseminarsprovidedbytheAmericanInstitute of Certified Public Accountants. We also perform inhouse training annually to meet our governmental clients’ specialneeds.Inaddition,wesettimeasideandplaneveryengagementwiththeentireengagementteambefore we leave our office. This improves our efficiency, reduces questions to our clients, results in a more productive engagement,andaddressesthespecificneedsofourclients. 4 B.AUDITSERVICES AUDITAPPROACH Very briefly describe your firm’s audit approach used to ensure a comprehensive and cost effective municipal audit. PHASE1:ORIENTATION Our principal objectives include, but are not limited to: obtaining an understanding of the City’s accounting systems, identifying key elements of internal control and identifying various revenue sources, including, if applicable,federalorstategrantsandevaluatingauditimplicationsofeach. PHASE2:PLANNING WemeetwithyouridentifiedCitymanagementtoensurethatweunderstandallareasofinterestandconcern. Wewilldiscussspecificauditrequirementsandtherelatedtimingthereof.Topicswecoverinclude,butarenot limitedto:applicablelawsandregulations,loanagreements,budgetsandbudgetamendments. PHASE3:SYSTEMSREVIEWANDTESTING AcomprehensivereviewoftheCity’sexistingaccountingproceduresandinternalcontrolsincludesanevaluation ofthedataprocessingfunctionse.g.,physicalsecurity,systemsdocumentation,input/outputcontrolsandcontrol over the use and retention of data files. Sample transactions from throughout the applicable year will also be testedforcompliancewiththekeyaccountingfeaturesnotedinourinitialevaluationofthesystem. PHASE4:AUDITOFACCOUNTBALANCES Procedures and tests of financial account balances center around the key financial elements identified in the Orientation and Planning phases. Macpage utilizes a variety of Electronic Data Processing software during our engagementsthatallowsustomonitorandsupervisetheauditonavirtual,realtimebasis. PHASE5:REVIEWOFPRELIMINARYDRAFTSANDREPORTSUBMISSION WewilldiscusspreliminaryresultsofourworkwithCitymanagementpriortoleavingthefieldtoensurethatwe have correctly considered all available information, and that there are no misunderstandings in the basis of the conclusionsmade.Wewillformallypresentthebasicfinancialstatementstoexplaintheresultsofthereview. PHASE6:POSTAUDITCRITIQUEANDFUTUREPLANNING The audit results in our professional opinion and recommendations for improvements to the City’s operational efficiency and systems for preparing financial information. At our concluding meeting, City management and Macpage will critique and assess the audit. We will discuss any departure from generally accepted accounting principles and answer questions regarding any recommendation to improve the City’s accounting procedures, financialoperations,internalcontrolsoverfinancialreporting,andothertopicstheCitywishestodiscuss. 5 B.AUDITSERVICES–CONTINUED ENGAGEMENTTEAM Please identify by name who will be assigned to the audit, i.e., the engagement partner, secondary partner, manager,supervisor,andseniorandstaffauditors.IdentifyhowthefirmwillnotifytheCityofanychangein staffassignedtotheCity’saudit.Foreachindividual,atseniorlevelorabove,indicatethenumberofyearsof governmentalauditingexperience,experiencewithcomplianceaudits,andincludetheirresumes. Macpagestrivestomaintainstaffcontinuityassignedtoourengagements.Webelievethatwearesuccessfulin thisregardasevidencedbythefactthatwehavehadlittleturnoverinmanagementlevelpositions.Intheevent thatstaffingchangesareneededwewilldiscussthechangeswithyouinadvancesoyouwillhavetheopportunity toensuretheindividualsareagoodfitwiththeCity. 6 B.AUDITSERVICES–CONTINUED ENGAGEMENTTEAM CHRISTIANA.SMITH,CPA,CFE–CLIENTSERVICEDIRECTOR Christianconcentrateshisauditingandaccountingservicesongovernmentalentities,including schools,municipalitiesandspecialpurposegovernments. HereceivedhisCPAcertificatein1994andbecameaCertifiedFraudExaminerin1998. Hehasperformedgovernmentalandcomplianceauditsfor22years. KNOWLEDGEANDEXPERIENCE x x x Christianisresponsiblefortheplanning,controlling,coordinatingandoverallsupervisionof clientengagements. HealsoisacontributingauthorandpresenteronGASBstandardsandonfrauddetectionand prevention.HealsoprovideslitigationsupportfortheStateofMaine,aswellascorporateand nonprofitorganizations. Specificgovernmentalclients:TownofScarborough,CityofWaterville,TownofVassalboro, TownofFreeport,CityofDover,NH,MSAD#3,MSAD#17,MSAD#75,RSUNo.73,RSUNo.16, RSUNo.21,TownofScarboroughSchoolDepartment,WatervillePublicSchools,AOS92, VassalboroSchoolDepartment,OxfordHillsTechnicalSchoolMaineVocationalRegion11, RegionTenTechnicalHighSchool,MaineTurnpikeAuthority,PortlandWaterDistrict,Wells SanitaryDistrict. EDUCATION/CERTIFICATIONS/AFFILIATIONS WESTVIRGINIAWESLEYANCOLLEGE–Buckhannon,WV BachelorofScience AmericanInstituteofCertifiedPublicAccountants–Member AssociationofCertifiedFraudExaminers–Member RELEVANTCONTINUINGPROFESSIONALEDUCATION Dec2013–RSMMcGladrey:TARSTechnicalReview Nov2013–InHouse/AthensPartners:FocusonGrowth Nov2013–InHouse:IRSTaxUpdate Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STraining,PartI Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STraining,PartII Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STraining,PartIII Jul2013–AICPA/MSCPA:ProfessionalIssuesUpdate 7 B.AUDITSERVICES–CONTINUED GEORGEA.RAFUSE,CPA,MBA–CONSULTINGDIRECTOR George has concentrated his accounting and auditing expertise for over 40 years in the governmental, timber and nonprofit areas, including oversight in the planning, review, and preparation of audit work and financial statements, as well as quality control policies and procedures. GeorgejoinedMacpagein1973,andisaCertifiedPublicAccountant. Hehasperformedgovernmentalandcomplianceauditsfor41years. KNOWLEDGEANDEXPERTISE x As a member of our Accounting and Auditing Committee, George ensures that the quality of our work meets the highest standards. George is the second reviewer for substantially all of the firm’s governmentalclients. EDUCATION/CERTIFICATIONS/AFFILIATIONS UNIVERSITYOFMAINE–Orono,ME MasterofBusinessAdministration BachelorofScienceManagement AmericanInstituteofCertifiedPublicAccountants–Member MaineSocietyofCertifiedPublicAccountants–Member MaineWoodProductsAssociation–Member RetailLumberDealersAssociationofMaine–Member RELEVANTCONTINUINGPROFESSIONALEDUCATION Jan2014–McGladrey:McGladreyQuarterlyAccountingUpdateWebcast Jan2014–AICPA:Testing&DocumentingInternalControlOverComplianceinaSingleAudit Jan2014–InHouse:12/31/13A&AUpdate Dec2013–InHouse:Consolidating&CombiningFinancialStatements Dec2013–RSMMcGladrey:TARSTechnicalReview Dec2013–InHouse:CurrentTaxLawUpdate Dec2013–AICPA:TheYellowbook:AHodgepodgeofRelatedTopics Nov2013–Macpage/AthensPartners:FocusonGrowth Nov2013–InHouse:TheAffordableCareAct 8 B.AUDITSERVICES–CONTINUED STEFANIEM.FOSTER,CPA,MBA–AUDITMANAGER Stefanie’sexperienceinaccountingandauditingisconcentratedinthegovernmentalandERISA areas,forwhichsheplans,reviewsandpreparesauditdocumentationandfinancialstatements. Sheispresentthroughoutthefieldworkandensuresalltestsareefficientlyperformed. StefaniereceivedherCPAcertificatein2009. Shehasperformedgovernmentalandcomplianceauditsfor9years. KNOWLEDGEANDEXPERTISE x x Stephaniehasextensiveexperienceintheplanning,fieldwork,reviewandpreparationofaudit documentationandfinancialstatements. Specificgovernmentalclients:MSAD#3,MSAD#75,RSUNo.73,WatervillePublicSchools,AOS92, VassalboroSchoolDepartment,RegionTenTechnicalHighSchool,ChildDevelopmentServices,Efficiency MaineTrust,ConnectMaineAuthority EDUCATION/CERTIFICATIONS/AFFILIATIONS THOMASCOLLEGE–Waterville,ME MasterofBusinessAdministration BachelorofScience–PublicAccounting AmericanInstituteofCertifiedPublicAccountants–Member RELEVANTCONTINUINGPROFESSIONALEDUCATION Dec2013–InHouse:Consolidating&CombiningFinancialStatements Dec2013–InHouse:StatementofCashFlows Dec2013–InHouse:CurrentTaxLawUpdate Dec2013–AICPA:TheYellowbook:AHodgepodgeofRelatedTopics Nov2013–InHouse:TheAffordableCareAct Nov2013–InHouse:A&AforInventory Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STraining,PartI Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STraining,PartII Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STraining,PartIII 9 B.AUDITSERVICES–CONTINUED RENEEM.GRANT,CPA,MSA–MANAGER Reneefocusesherauditandaccountingservicesongovernmentalentities,whichincludesthe planning,reviewingandpreparationoftheauditworkandfinancialstatements. ReneejoinedMacpagein2008andbecameaCertifiedPublicAccountantin2012. Shehasperformedgovernmentalandcomplianceauditsfor7years. KNOWLEDGEANDEXPERTISE x x x Reneeisresponsibleforthecompletionoftaskswithintheplanningphase,fieldworkphase,and completionstageoftheengagement,alongwithkeepingsupervisorsinformedofprogressand issues. Shehasextensiveexperienceprovidingauditandaccountingservicestononprofitorganizations. Specificclients:CityofDover,NH,TownofFreeport,MSAD#3,MSAD#17,MSAD#75,RSUNo School.73,RSUNo.16,TownofScarboroughSchoolDepartment,OxfordHillsTechnicalSchool MaineVocationalRegion11andRegionTenTechnicalHigh. EDUCATION/CERTIFICATIONS/AFFILIATIONS UNIVERSITYOFCONNECTICUT–Storrs,CT MasterofScienceinAccounting UNIVERSITYOFNEWENGLAND–Biddeford,ME BachelorofScience RELEVANTCONTINUINGPROFESSIONALEDUCATION Jan2014–InHouse:12/31/13A&AUpdate Dec2013–RSMMcGladrey:TARSTechnicalOverview Nov2013–InHouse:AccountingforDeferredIncomeTaxes Oct2013–NHADA:TheAffordableCareAct:DoesYourCompanyNeedaCheckup Jun2013–ISACA:EffectiveTimeManagement:HowtoMakeEverySecondCount May2013–AICPA:UnderstandingIssuesofSignificancetoStandAloneBTA Apr2013–AICPAGAQC:2013RequiredAnnualUpdateWebcast 10 B.AUDITSERVICES–CONTINUED DARLENEM.KOUKOS,CPA–MANAGER Darlene works primarily on governmental entities including municipalities and school districts and ERISA engagements, including defined contribution profit sharing/401(k) plans, defined benefitpensionplans,ESOPs,healthandwelfareplansandcollectivelybargainedplans. DarlenejoinedMacpagein1994andbecameaCertifiedPublicAccountantin1997. Shehasperformedgovernmentalandcomplianceauditsfor20years. KNOWLEDGE&EXPERTISE x x Darlene has extensive experience in the planning, fieldwork, review and preparation of audit documentationandfinancialstatements. Specificgovernmentalclients:TownofScarborough,TownofFreeport,CityofDover,NH,MSAD#17,RSU No.16andManchesterTransitAuthority. EDUCATION/CERTIFICATIONS/AFFILIATIONS UNIVERSITYOFSOUTHERNMAINE–Portland,ME BachelorofScience–BusinessAdministration Concentration:Accounting AmericanInstituteofCertifiedPublicAccountants–Member MaineEmployeeBenefitsCouncil–Member RELEVANTCONTINUINGPROFESSIONALEDUCATION Sep2013–InHouse:InternalAuditUpdate Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STrainingPartIII Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STrainingPartII Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STrainingPartI Jun2013–AICPAGAQC:The2013ComplianceSupplement&ProposedSingleAuditReforms May2013–AICPA:UnderstandingIssuesofSignificancetoStandAloneBTA May2013–USM:9thEthicsSymposium:OtherPeoples’Money Apr2013–AICPAGAQC:2013RequiredAnnualUpdateWebcast Apr2013–AICPAEBPQC:Managers&Supervisors2012AuditUpdates Feb2013–InHouse:UnderstandingSecurity’sWeakestLink Feb2013–AICPAEBPQC:AnOverviewoftheNewGASBPensionAccountingStandards,PartI Jan2013–AICPAEBPQC:ASU201104EBPFairValueDisclosures 11 B.AUDITSERVICES–CONTINUED CHADCDUDLEY–AUDITSENIOR Chadfocuseshisauditandaccountingservicesongovernmentalentities,whichincludestheplanning,reviewing and preparation of the audit work and financial statements. Chad also has extensive experience providing audit andaccountingservicestononprofitorganizations. Chad received his Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Southern Maine. He joined Macpage earlier this year after spending five years with another CPA firm. He has performed government and complianceauditsforoneyear. x Specificgovernmentalclients:TownofScarborough,CityofDover,NH,RSUNo.16,TownofScarborough SchoolDepartment,MaineTurnpikeAuthorityandPortlandWaterDistrict. RELEVANTCONTINUINGPROFESSIONALEDUCATION Jan2014–AICPA:Testing&DocumentingInternalControlOverComplianceInASingleAudit Jan2014–InHouse:12/31/13A&AUpdate Sep2013–CCH:Gov’tGAAPForState&LocalGovernment:Revenues Sep2013–CCH:AuditingIssues:AuditDocumentation Sep2013–CCH:Gov’tGAAP:FundF/S Sep2013–CCH:Gov’tGAAP:Gov’tWideF/S Sep2013–CCH:Gov’tGAAP:CompAnnualFinancialReport Sep2013–CCH:BigGAAP–LittleGAAP Sep2013–CCH:Gov’tGAAPforState&LocalGov’t:Accounting Sep2013–CCH:Gov’tAuditingStandards:PerformanceAudits 14 B.AUDITSERVICESCONTINUED STEVENA.FALCO,MBA,CPA–AUDITSENIOR Stevefocuseshisauditandaccountingservicesongovernmentalentities.Asastaffauditor,heisresponsiblefor the completion of tasks within the planning phase, fieldwork phase, and completion stage of the engagement, alongwithkeepingsupervisorsinformedofprogressandissues. StevereceivedhisMasterofBusinessAdministrationandBachelorofScienceinAccountingfromThomasCollege. He joined Macpage in 2011 and become a Certified Public Accountant earlier this year. He has performed governmentandcomplianceauditsforfouryears. x Specificgovernmentalclients:CityofWaterville,WatervillePublicSchools,VassalboroSchool Department,ConnectMaineAuthority. RELEVANTCONTINUINGPROFESSIONALEDUCATION Dec2013–InHouse:Consolidating&CombiningFinancialStatements Nov2013–InHouse:TheAffordableCareAct Aug2013–Gov'tGAAPforStateandLocalGovernmentRevenues Aug2013–Gov'tGAAPforStateandLocalGovernmentExp&Expenditures Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STraining,PartI Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STraining,PartII Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STraining,PartIII Jun2013–AICPAGAQC:The2013ComplianceSupplement&ProposedSingleAuditReforms ANYATRUNDY–STAFFACCOUNTANT Anya focuses her auditing and accounting services on governmental entities. She will work with Chad on the planning,reviewingandpreparationoftheauditworkandfinancialstatements. Anya received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Governmental and Legal Studies from Bowdoin College, and her CertificateinAccountingfromtheUniversityofSouthernMaine.ShejoinedMacpagein2013andisintheprocess ofsittingfortheCPAexam.Shehasperformedgovernmentandcomplianceauditsforoneyear. x Specific governmental clients: Town of Scarborough, City of Dover, NH, Oxford Hills Technical School Maine Vocational Region 11, Regional School Unit No. 16, Northern New England PassengerRailAuthorityandManchesterTransitAuthority. RELEVANTCONTINUINGPROFESSIONALEDUCATION Jan2014–InHouse:12/31/13A&AUpdate Dec2013–AICPA:TheYellowbook:AHodgepodgeofRelatedTopics Nov2013–InHouse:AccountingforDeferredIncomeTaxes Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STrainingPartIII Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STrainingPartII Jul2013–InHouse:2013GovernmentAudit&F/STrainingPartI 14 B.AUDITSERVICESCONTINUED OTHERSENIORANDSTAFFACCOUNTANTS Weintendtouseotherseniorandstaffaccountantsintheengagementonanasneededbasis.Thegovernmental experienceoftheotherseniorandstaffpersonnelrangesfromonetofiveyears. 14 C.TIMINGOFAUDITWORK Assumingyourfirm’sappointment,provideatimetableofthemajoreventsforcompletionoftheJune30,2014 auditthroughdeliveryofyourfinalreports.Pleaseidentifyandconcernsorobstacles. Timeline Orientation May/June Planning May/June SystemsReview&Testing May/June AuditofAccountBalances September/October ReviewofPreliminaryDraftsandReportSubmission November PostAuditCritiqueandFuturePlanning November/December FromourinitialreviewofthereportsissuedfortheyearendedJune30,2013wehaveidentifiedsomepotential issues that we have discussed previously with members of management. The School Department is being presentedasacomponentunitoftheCity.Wewillneedtoobtainanunderstandingofthefactsandcircumstances thatleadtothisdetermination,aswehavenotseenasimilarexamplewithanyotherschooldepartmentswithin the State of Maine. Depending on the information we obtain, we may determine that it is more appropriate to presenttheSchool Department within the City’s financial statements, just the sameas any otherdepartment is presented.Additionally,wenoticedthatanadverseopinionwasissuedasaresultoftheSchoolDepartment’slack ofrecordinganddisclosingtheOtherPostEmploymentBenefitsLiabilitythatisassociatedwiththecostofretired teachers’healthcarecosts.Wewillneedtoobtainanunderstandingofthefactsandcircumstancesthatleadto this determination as well. It is possible that this determination is correct, however most of the schools that participateintheMaineEducationAssociationHealthInsuranceTrustdonothavesuchaliability,astheplanis considered a “community rated plan.” With each of these potential issues, we will work with management to address them at the beginning of our audit so there will be adequate time to address them properly for the completionoftheaudit. 15 D.PROPOSEDFEEANDAUDITHOURS Indicatethemaximumtotalfeeyourfirmwillchargefortheauditservicesoutlined.TheCityexpectsthefeeto beanottoexceedfigure,andalsorequeststhatthetotalpricebeallocatedbetweenCityandSchool. Municipal School Total June30,2014 $35,000 $49,000 $84,000 June30,2015 $36,000 $50,500 $86,500 June30,2016 $37,000 $52,000 $89,000 STAFFINGSEGMENTATION Orientation Planning SystemsReview&Testing AuditofAccountBalances ReviewofPreliminaryDraftsandReport Submission PostAuditCritiqueandFuturePlanning TotalHours: Engagement Director Audit Manager Audit Seniors AuditStaff Total Hours 4 4 4 4 16 16 16 16 16 64 8 16 16 16 56 90 166 180 180 616 20 10 10 40 2 2 2 2 8 140 214 228 218 800 16 E.GENERAL Brieflydescribeanyotherinformationthatmightbehelpfulinevaluatingyourfirmwithregardtothisrequest forproposal. OurGovernmentalindustrygroupiscommittedtomaintainingtheknowledgebasenecessarytoeffectivelyserve the City of Westbrook. Through our network affiliations, professional associations, and continuing professional educationrequirements,westaycurrentofnewissues,changes,rulesandregulationswithintheindustry. Inadditiontotraditionalaccountingandtaxservices,Macpageprovidesforensicaccountingandlitigationsupport, as well as consulting services that include Information Assurance Services (IAS) and Financial Systems and Strategies(FSS).OurIASgroupconsistsofagroupofprofessionals,allofwhomhaveextensiveexperiencerelating toinformationtechnologyandITcontrolsthatstrengtheninternalsystems.OurFSSgroupprovidesindependent thirdpartycontroller/CFOservicestoorganizationsusingQuickBooksorIntacctsoftware.Weofferabroadrange ofexperiencemanagingaccountingfunctions,developinginternalcontrols,advisingontechnologysolutionsand overseeingspecialprojects. Our clients return year after year because of our expertise and quick responsiveness to their accounting needs. Ourabilitytoidentifyissuesandrespondtoyourneedswithqualifiedindividualsisduetothebreadthofstaffand our experience with similar governmental entities. We understand how crucial timeliness of service is for our clientsandthroughourstateofthearttechnologyandremoteaccesscapabilities,wearealwaysavailable.When accountingissuesarisethattheCityneedsassistancewith,wewillencourageyoutocontactanymemberofthe engagement team or any member of our governmental group. Regular contact with our clients allows for open communication,amoreefficientandeffectiveauditprocessandafluidandhonestrelationship. 17 APPENDIX–PEERREVIEWREPORT City of Westbrook IN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2014 ORDERED: # AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH TYLER TECHNOLOGIES FOR FINANCIAL SOFTWARE That the Westbrook City Council hereby approves a contract with Tyler Technologies, Inc. of Yarmouth, Maine, for the Munis software license, maintenance and conversion at a one-time cost of $94,535 and an annual maintenance cost of $49,986. FY 2013/2014 CIP First Reading: Second Reading & Passed: Attest: _________________________________________ City Clerk _________________________________________ Mayor Alicia Gardiner Comptroller agardiner@westbrook.me.us 2 York Street Westbrook, Maine 04092 Phone: (207)854-9105 Fax: (207)854-0635 MEMO To: From: Re: Date: The Honorable City Council Alicia Gardiner, Comptroller Financial Software April 7, 2014 Tyler Technology presented the Munis financial system to the Finance Committee on February 24th noting that it is one of the most widely used municipal financial software packages in the United States. The city of Westbrook was one of the first users of Munis and decided for many reasons to move away from this platform in 2010 to our current software, AccuFund. We moved both the tax collection and general accounting functions to AccuFund in January 2011. The tax collection module was unable to function properly and the city was refunded the full software costs with a recommendation from AccuFund to move that function to a different software. We moved to Trio, which is a Maine based software designed specifically for Maine property tax collection. We also use this system to register motor vehicles and perform clerk transactions. The Tax Collector and front line staff are happy with the Trio system and we will remain with that system for these purposes. For general accounting purposes, I recommend that the city move to Munis. It will be a hosted solution on the Tyler Technology servers in Yarmouth, Maine with backup servers in Dallas, Texas. This will allow for the Tyler Technology staff to perform all updates and upgrades of our software. It will also keep the financial accounting system off of our internal servers, which frees up space for other uses. The contract includes the following modules: General Ledger, Project and Grant Accounting, Purchase Orders, Requisitions, Cash Management, HR Management, Payroll with Employee Self Service, Munis Office Integration, Role Tailored Dashboard, Accounts Receivable, Business Licenses, General Billing, Permits and Code, and Tyler Forms. These are all modules we have currently and use often. There are many other modules offered by Munis that would be beneficial to the city but would be an extra cost. We will discuss these modules further with the Finance Committee and may bring them forward in the FY2015 Capital Improvement Program. Munis will enhance our productivity, compliance with tax and labor laws, and internal control environment. Our technology vendor will assist with the implementation and the project managers will be the Comptroller and Accountant, with the Accountant taking the lead. She will coordinate with the department heads, staff, and the Tyler Technology team to ensure the system is designed and implemented to our specifications. The total cost of the implementation is $94,535 with an annual maintenance fee of $49,986, to be held flat over three years. AGREEMENT This Software as a Service (“SaaS”) agreement (“Agreement”) is made this day of 2014 (“Effective Date”) by and between Tyler Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation with offices at 1 Tyler Drive, Yarmouth, Maine 04096 (“Tyler”) and the City and Schools of Westbrook, with offices at 2 York Street, Westbrook, Maine 04092 (“Client”). WHEREAS Client awarded Tyler the contract for furnishing, delivering, implementing, and hosting of Tyler software; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants and promises set forth herein, Tyler and Client agree that Tyler shall provide products and services, and Client shall pay prices, as set forth in this Agreement. SECTION A – SOFTWARE LICENSE 1. License Grant. a. Upon the Effective Date, Tyler hereby grants to Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, revocable license to use the Tyler software products set forth in the investment summary attached hereto as Exhibit 1 (“Investment Summary”) and related interfaces (collectively, the “Tyler Software Products”) and Tyler user guides provided in or with the Tyler Software Products (“User Guides”) for Client's internal business purposes only and otherwise subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The grant of license is contingent on Client remitting payment of fees required under this SaaS Agreement. TYLER HAS THE RIGHT TO REVOKE THIS LICENSE IF CLIENT TERMINATES, CANCELS OR FAILS TO RENEW A SAAS AGREEMENT. TYLER HAS THE RIGHT TO REVOKE THIS LICENSE IF CLIENT FAILS TO REMIT ANY REQUIRED SAAS FEES AND THE AMOUNT IN ARREARS IS THIRTY (30) DAYS OR OLDER FOLLOWING THIRTY (30) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO CLIENT OF TYLER INTENT TO REVOKE THE LICENSE. b. Tyler shall retain ownership of, including all intellectual property rights in and to, the Tyler Software Products and User Guides. c. The Tyler Software Products are not licensed to perform functions or processing for subdivisions or entities that were not disclosed to Tyler prior to the Effective Date. d. Client acknowledges and agrees that the Tyler Software Products and User Guides are proprietary to Tyler and have been developed as trade secrets at Tyler's expense. Client shall use best efforts to keep the Tyler Software Products and User Guides confidential and to prevent any misuse, unauthorized use or unauthorized disclosure of the Tyler Software Products or User Guides by any party. e. The Tyler Software Products may not be modified by anyone other than Tyler. If Client modifies the Tyler Software Products without Tyler's prior written consent, Tyler's obligations to provide maintenance services on, and the warranty for, the Tyler Software Products will be void. Client shall not perform decompilation, disassembly, translation or other reverse engineering on the Tyler Software Products. 2. License Fees. Client agrees to pay Tyler, and Tyler agrees to accept from Client as payment in full for the license granted herein, the SaaS fees set forth in the Investment Summary. 3. Limited Warranty. For the purposes of this Agreement, a “Defect” is defined as a failure of the Tyler Software Products to substantially conform to the then-current Tyler User Guides and the functional descriptions of the Tyler Software Products in Tyler's written proposal to Client. In the event of conflict 1 between the afore-mentioned documents, the then-current Tyler User Guides will control. A Tyler Software Product is “Defective” if it contains a Defect. For as long as a current SAAS Agreement is in place, Tyler warrants that the Tyler Software Products will not contain Defects. If the Tyler Software Products do not perform as warranted, Tyler will use reasonable efforts, consistent with industry standards, to cure the Defect in accordance with Tyler’s then-current support call process (Tyler’s current support call process is set forth in the document attached hereto as Exhibit 3). 4. Intellectual Property Infringement Indemnification. a. Tyler’s Obligations. Tyler shall defend and indemnify Client against any claim by an unaffiliated third party of this Agreement that a Tyler Software Product, if used within the scope of this Agreement, directly infringes that party's registered United States patent, copyright or trademark issued and existing as of the Effective Date or as of the distribution date of a release to the Tyler Software Product, and will pay the amount of any resulting adverse final judgment issued by a court of competent jurisdiction or of any settlement made by Tyler in writing. b. Client’s Obligations. Tyler obligations in this section are contingent on the Client performing all of the following in connection with any claim as described herein: i. Promptly notifies Tyler in writing of any such claim; ii. Gives Tyler reasonable cooperation, information, and assistance in connection with the claim; and iii. Consents to Tyler's sole control and authority with respect to the defense, settlement or compromise of the claim. c. Exceptions to Tyler’s Obligations. Tyler will have no liability hereunder if the claim of infringement or an adverse final judgment rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction results from: i. Client's use of a previous version of a Tyler Software Product and the claim would have been avoided had Client used the most-current version of the Tyler Software Product made available to the Client; ii. ii. Client's combining the Tyler Software Product with devices or products not provided or recommended by Tyler; iii. Use of a Tyler Software Product in applications, business environments or processes for which the Tyler Software Product was not designed or contemplated, and where use of the Tyler Software Product outside such application, environment or business process would not have given rise to the claim; iv. Corrections, modifications, alterations or enhancements that Client made to the Tyler Software Product and such correction, modification, alteration or enhancement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be a contributing cause of the infringement; v. Use of the Tyler Software Product by any person or entity other than Client or Client's employees; or vi. Client's willful infringement, including Client’s continued use of the infringing Tyler Software Product after Client becomes aware that such infringing Tyler Software Product is or is likely to become the subject of a claim hereunder. d. Remedy. i. In the event a Tyler Software Product is, by a court of competent jurisdiction, finally determined to be infringing and its use by Client is enjoined, Tyler will, at its election: a) Procure for Client the right to continue using the infringing Tyler Software Products; or b) Modify or replace the infringing Tyler Software Products so that it becomes non-infringing. ii. The foregoing states Tyler's entire liability and Client's sole and exclusive remedy with respect to the subject matter hereof. 2 SECTION B – PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1. Services. Tyler shall provide the services set forth in the Investment Summary at Client's election, including Consulting, Training, Conversion, and other miscellaneous Services. 2. Expenses. Tyler will invoice Client for expenses in accordance with the then-current Tyler Business Travel Policy, based on Tyler's usual and customary practices. Copies of receipts will be provided on an exception basis at no charge. Should all receipts for non per diem expenses be requested, an administrative fee will be incurred. Receipts for mileage and miscellaneous items less than five dollars ($5) are not available. 3. Additional Services. a. Training and/or consulting services utilized in excess of those set forth in the Investment Summary and additional related services not set forth in the Investment Summary will be billed at Tyler's then-current rates. b. Programming and/or interface quotes are estimates based on Tyler’s understanding of the specifications supplied by Client. In the event Client requires additional work performed above the specifications provided, Tyler will submit to Client an amendment containing an estimate of the charges for the additional work. Client will have thirty (30) calendar days from the date the estimate is provided to approve the amendment. 4. Cancellation. In the event Client cancels services less than two (2) weeks in advance, Client is liable to Tyler for (i) all non-refundable expenses incurred by Tyler on Client's behalf; and (ii) Tyler’s thencurrent daily fees it charges to Client’s obtaining such services if Tyler is unable to re-assign its personnel. 5. Services Warranty. Tyler warrants that it shall perform services in a professional, workmanlike manner, consistent with industry standards. In the event Tyler provides services that do not conform to this warranty, Tyler will re-perform the services at no additional cost to Client. SECTION C – MAINTENANCE 1. Scope of Agreement. Client agrees to purchase and Tyler agrees to provide maintenance services for the Tyler Software Products in accordance with the following terms and conditions. 2. Additional Charges. Any maintenance services performed by Tyler for Client which are not covered by this SaaS Agreement, (see Limitations and Exclusions infra), including materials and expenses, will be billed to Client at Tyler's then current rates. 3. Maintenance Services Terms and Conditions. For as long as a current SaaS Agreement is in place, Tyler shall: a) In a professional, good and workmanlike manner, perform its obligations in accordance with Tyler’s thencurrent support call process (Tyler’s current support call process is set forth in the document attached hereto as Exhibit 3) in order to conform the Tyler Software Products to the applicable warranty under this Agreement. If Client modifies the Tyler Software Products without Tyler's prior written consent, Tyler's obligations to provide maintenance services on and warrant the Tyler Software Products will be void. b) Provide telephone support on the Tyler Software Products. Tyler personnel shall accept telephone calls during the hours set forth in Exhibit 3 - Support Call Process. c) Continuously maintain a master set of the Tyler Software Products on appropriate media, a hardcopy printout of source code to the Tyler Software Products, and Tyler User Guides. 3 d) Maintain personnel that are appropriately trained to be familiar with the Tyler Software Products in order to provide maintenance services. e) Provide Client releases of the Tyler Software Products that Tyler makes generally available without additional charge to customers possessing a current Tyler SaaS Agreement. If required by Client, Third Party Products, Consulting and Training services related to the new releases will be provided to Client at Tyler’s thencurrent prices. Client acknowledges and agrees that a new release of the Tyler Software Products is for implementation in the Tyler Software Products as they exist without Client customization or modification. f) Support prior releases of the Tyler Software Products in accordance with Tyler’s then-current release life cycle policy. 4. Limitations and Exclusions. Maintenance fees do not include installation or implementation of the Tyler Software Products, onsite support, application design, other consulting services, and support outside Tyler's normal business hours. 5. Access to Environment. Client shall provide, at no charge to Tyler, full and free access to the Tyler Software Products hosted by Tyler in order, when necessary, to provide maintenance services set forth herein. SECTION D – THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS 1. Agreement to License or Sell Third Party Products. For the price set forth in the Investment Summary, Tyler agrees to license or sell and deliver to Client, and Client agrees to accept from Tyler the System Software and Hardware set forth in the Investment Summary (collectively, the “Third Party Products”). 2. License of System Software. a) Upon Client's payment in full of the System Software fees, Tyler shall grant to Client and Client shall accept from Tyler a non-exclusive, nontransferable, non-assignable license to use the System Software and related documentation for Client's internal business purposes, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. b) The developer of the System Software (each a “Developer”, collectively “Developers”) shall retain ownership of the System Software. c) The right to transfer the System Software to a replacement hardware system, if such System Software is installed on Client owned hardware, is governed by the Developer. The cost for new media or any required technical assistance to accommodate the transfer would be billable charges to Client. Client shall provide advance written notice to Tyler of any such transfer. d) Client acknowledges and agrees that the System Software and related documentation are proprietary to the Developer and have been developed as trade secrets at the Developer's expense. Client shall use best efforts to keep the System Software and related documentation confidential and to prevent any misuse, unauthorized use, or unauthorized disclosure of the System Software and related documentation by any party. e) Client shall not perform decompilation, disassembly, translation or other reverse engineering on the System Software. f) Client may make copies of the System Software if installed on Client hardware, but such copies shall be for archive purposes only. Client shall repeat any and all proprietary notices on any copy of the System Software. Client may make copies of the documentation accompanying the System Software for internal use only. 3. Delivery. Unless otherwise indicated in the Investment Summary, the prices for Third Party Products include costs for shipment while in transit from the Developer or supplier to Client. 4. Installation and Acceptance. Unless otherwise noted in the Investment Summary, the Tyler Software Product installation fee includes installation of the Third Party Products. Upon completion of installation, Client will obtain from Tyler a certification of completion, or similar document, which will constitute Client's acceptance of the Third Party Products. Such acceptance will be final and conclusive except for latent defect, fraud, and a 4 gross mistake as amount to fraud. 5. Site Requirements. Client shall provide a suitable environment, location and space for the installation and operation of the Third Party Products being installed on Client premises; sufficient and adequate electrical circuits for the Third Party Products; and installation of all required cables. 6. Warranties. a) Tyler is authorized by each Developer to grant licenses or sublicenses to the System Software. b) Tyler warrants that each System Software product will be new and unused, and if Client fully and faithfully performs each and every obligation required of it under this Third Party Product Agreement, Client's title or license to each System Software product will be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances arising through Tyler. c) Client acknowledges and agrees that Tyler is not the manufacturer of the Third Party Products. As such, Tyler does not warrant or guarantee the condition or operating characteristics of the Third Party Products. Tyler hereby grants and passes through to Client any warranty adjustments that Tyler may receive from the Developer or supplier of the Third Party Products. 7. Maintenance. a) In the event Client elects not to purchase through Tyler maintenance services on the System Software, it will be the responsibility of Client to repair and maintain the System Software and purchase enhancements as necessary after acceptance. b) In the event Client elects to purchase through Tyler maintenance services on the System Software, Tyler will facilitate resolution of a defect in a System Software product with the Developer. c) In the event the Developer charges a fee for future System Software release(s), Client will be required to pay such fee. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event shall Tyler be liable for special, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages, including, without limitation, any damages resulting from loss of use, loss of data, interruption of business activities, or failure to realize savings arising out of or in connection with the use of the Third Party Products. Tyler's liability for damages and expenses arising out of this Third Party Product Agreement, whether based on a theory of contract or tort, including negligence and strict liability, will be limited to the License Fee/Purchase Price of the Third Party Products paid by Client. Such prices are set in reliance upon this limitation of liability. SECTION E – SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE 1. Term. The term of this SaaS Agreement shall be April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2019 (“Term”). 2. Hosting. Tyler shall host and make available to Client the Tyler Software Products listed in the Investment Summary. 3. Concurrent Users. The SaaS fees are based on thirty-two (32) concurrent users. Should the number of concurrent users be exceeded, Tyler reserves the right to re-negotiate the SaaS fees based upon any resulting changes in the pricing categories. 4. SaaS Fees. The Client agrees to timely pay and Tyler Agrees to accept from Client the SaaS fees listed in the Investment Summary in accord with the requirements of this Agreement. Client acknowledges that continued access to the Tyler Software Products is contingent on Client’s payments of SaaS Fees as indicated in this Agreement. If Client fails to remit the SaaS Fees as required by this Agreement, Tyler shall have the undisputed right to terminate this Agreement and deny access to the hosted applications for Client following thirty (30) days written Notice of Tyler’s intent to terminate. 5 5. Service Level Agreement. For as long as a current SaaS Agreement is in effect, Tyler shall provide Client access to the Tyler Software Products then-licensed by Client in accordance with Tyler’s then-current Service Level Agreement. The current Service Level Agreement is attached as Exhibit 2 to this SaaS Agreement. 6. Databases. Prices include test, training, and production databases. SECTION F – GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Taxes. The fees set forth in the Investment Summary do not include any taxes, including, without limitation, sales, use or excise tax. All applicable taxes shall be paid by Tyler to the proper authorities and shall be reimbursed by Client to Tyler. In the event Client possesses a valid direct-pay permit, Client will forward such permit to Tyler on the Effective Date. In such event, Client will be responsible for remitting all applicable taxes to the proper authorities. If tax-exempt, Client will provide Tyler with Client's tax-exempt certificate. 2. Invoice Dispute. a. In the event Client believes products or services do not conform to warranties in this Agreement, Client will provide written notice to Tyler within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the applicable invoice. Client is allowed an additional fifteen (15) calendar days to provide written clarification and details. Tyler will provide a written response to Client that will include either a justification of the invoice or an adjustment to the invoice. Tyler and Client will develop a plan to outline the reasonable steps to be taken by Tyler and Client to resolve any issues presented in Client's notice to Tyler. Client may only withhold payment of the amount actually in dispute until Tyler completes its action items outlined in the plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Tyler is unable to complete its actions outlined in the plan because Client has not completed its action items outlined in the plan, Client will remit full payment of the invoice. b. Any invoice not disputed as described above will be deemed accepted by Client. Tyler reserves the right to suspend delivery of all services in the event Client fails to pay an invoice not disputed as described above within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of invoice. 3. Force Majeure; Client Assistance. “Force Majeure” is defined as an event beyond the reasonable control of a party, including governmental action, war, riot or civil commotion, fire, natural disaster, labor disputes, restraints affecting shipping or credit, delay of carriers, inadequate supply of suitable materials or any other cause which could not with reasonable diligence be foreseen, controlled or prevented by the party. Neither party shall be liable for delays in performing its obligations under this Agreement to the extent that the delay is caused by Force Majeure. Force Majeure will not be allowed unless: a. Within ten (10) business days of the occurrence of Force Majeure, the party whose performance is delayed thereby provides the other party or parties with written notice explaining the cause and extent thereof, as well as a request for a time extension equal to the estimated duration of the Force Majeure events. b. Within ten (10) business days after the cessation of the Force Majeure event, the party whose performance was delayed provides the other party written notice of the time at which Force Majeure ceased and a complete explanation of all pertinent events pertaining to the entire Force Majeure situation. Either party will have the right to terminate this Agreement if Force Majeure suspends performance of scheduled tasks by one or more parties for a period of one hundred-twenty (120) or more days from the 6 scheduled date of the task. This paragraph will not relieve Client of its responsibility to pay for services and goods provided to Client and expenses incurred on behalf of Client prior to the effective date of termination. In addition, Client acknowledges that the implementation of the Tyler Software Products is a cooperative process requiring the time and resources of Client personnel. Client shall, and shall cause Client personnel to, use all reasonable efforts to cooperate with and assist Tyler as may be reasonably required to meet the project deadlines and other milestones agreed to by the parties for implementation. Tyler shall not be liable for failure to meet such deadlines and milestones when such failure is due to Force Majeure (as defined above) or to the failure by Client personnel to provide such cooperation and assistance (either through action or omission). 4. Indemnification & Limitation of Liability. a. Tyler shall indemnify and hold harmless Client and its agents, officials and employees from and against any and all direct claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs) for personal injury or property damage arising from Tyler's negligence or willful misconduct. b. Client shall indemnify and hold harmless Tyler and its agents, officials and employees from and against any and all direct claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs) for personal injury or property damage arising from Client's negligence or willful misconduct. c. Limitation of Liability. In no event shall Tyler be liable for special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, including without limitation any damages resulting from loss of use, loss of data, interruption of business activities or failure to realize savings arising out of or in connection with the use of the Tyler Software Products. In no event, shall Tyler be liable for damages in excess of amounts paid by Client for the SaaS fees identified in the Investment Summary and paid by Client. This limitation applies to all causes of action in the aggregate, including without limitation breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability and misrepresentation and other torts. The fees herein reflect and are set in reliance upon this allocation of risk and the exclusion of such damages as set forth in this Agreement. The foregoing limitation of liability is not applicable to 3rd party products. See section D (“Third Party Products”) for the limitation of liability applicable to 3rd party products. 5. Disclaimer. THE RIGHTS, REMEDIES, AND WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS SaaS AGREEMENT ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER RIGHTS, REMEDIES, AND WARRANTIES EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND SYSTEM INTEGRATION, WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED BY TYLER. 6. Dispute Resolution. Client will notify Tyler in writing within fifteen (15) days of becoming aware of a dispute. If Tyler and Client cannot resolve such dispute within thirty (30) calendar days of Tyler's receipt of written notice from Client, the following procedure will apply: a. Each party shall appoint one (1) person to act as an impartial representative. The appointed individual will be of sufficient knowledge and experience to understand and deal with the dispute but will not be a person assigned to the project. The set of four (4) individuals consisting of Tyler's Project Manager for this project, Client's Project Manager for this project, and the two (2) appointees is called a Dispute Resolution Group. b. The Dispute Resolution Group shall convene no later than twenty-one (21) calendar days after the expiration of the thirty (30) calendar day period referenced above and shall meet for a maximum of four (4) four (4) hour sessions during the subsequent four (4) business days, unless otherwise mutually agreed. Any resolution will be in writing and signed by both parties. Such 7 resolution will constitute a binding amendment to the Agreement. In the event the Dispute Resolution Group fails to resolve the dispute as set forth above, the dispute will be referred to non-binding mediation. Thereafter, either party may assert its other rights and remedies under this Agreement within a court of competent jurisdiction. All meetings and discussions of the Dispute Resolution Group will be deemed confidential settlement discussions not subject to disclosure under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 408 or any similar applicable state rule. Nothing in this Article will prevent a party from applying to a federal or state court of competent jurisdiction to obtain injunctive relief pending resolution of the dispute through the dispute resolution procedures set forth herein. 7. No Intended Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is entered into solely for the benefit of Tyler and Client. No third party will be deemed a beneficiary of this Agreement, and no third party will have the right to make any claim or assert any right under this Agreement. 8. Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Client's state of domicile. 9. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of Client and Tyler with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings, and representations, whether written, oral, expressed, implied, or statutory. Client hereby acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement it did not rely on any information not explicitly set forth in this Agreement. 10. Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement or the application thereof, to any extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable will not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this Agreement will be valid and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. 11. No Waiver. In the event that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are not strictly enforced by Tyler or Client, such non-enforcement shall not act as or be deemed to act as a waiver or modification of this Agreement, nor shall such non-enforcement prevent Tyler or Client from enforcing each and every term of this Agreement thereafter. 12. Multiple Originals and Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in multiple originals, any of which shall be independently treated as an original document. Any electronic, faxed, scanned, photocopied or similarly reproduced signature on this Agreement or any amendment hereto shall be deemed an original signature and shall be fully enforceable as if an original signature. 13. Amendment. This Agreement may only be modified by written amendment signed by authorized representatives of both parties. 14. Non-Appropriation &Termination. If Client should not appropriate or otherwise make available funds sufficient to pay the SaaS fees for the Tyler Software Products set forth in this Agreement, Client may unilaterally terminate this Agreement only upon thirty (30) days written notice to Tyler. Client may terminate this Agreement for cause in the event Tyler does not cure a material breach of this Agreement within thirty (30) days of receiving notice of such breach from Client. 8 Upon any termination of this Agreement, Client shall pay Tyler for all services and expenses not in dispute and non-Defective Tyler Software Products which were delivered or incurred prior to the date Tyler received Client's notice of termination. Payment for services and expenses in dispute will be determined in accordance with the dispute resolution process. 15. Approval of Governing Body. Client represents and warrants to Tyler that this Agreement has been approved by its governing body and is a binding obligation upon Client. 16. No Assignment. Client may not assign its rights and responsibilities under this Agreement without Tyler's prior written permission, not to be unreasonably withheld. 17. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the parties hereto and their permitted successors and assigns. 18. Notices. All notices or communications required or permitted as a part of this Agreement will be in writing (unless another verifiable medium is expressly authorized) and will be deemed delivered when: a. Actually received, b. Upon receipt by sender of a certified mail, return receipt signed by an employee or agent of the party, c. Upon receipt by sender of proof of email delivery, or d. If not actually received, ten (10) days after deposit with the United States Postal Service authorized mail center with proper postage (certified mail, return receipt requested) affixed and addressed to the respective other party at the address set forth in this Agreement or such other address as the party may have designated by notice or Agreement amendment to the other party. Consequences to be borne due to failure to receive a notice due to improper notification by the intended receiving party of a new address will be borne by the intended receiving party. The addresses of the parties to this Agreement are as follows: Tyler Technologies, Inc. 1 Tyler Drive Yarmouth, ME 04096 Attention: Associate General Counsel City and Schools of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Attention: 19. Independent Contractor. This is not an agreement of partnership or employment of Tyler or any of Tyler's employees by Client. Tyler is an independent contractor for all purposes under this Agreement. 20. Insurance. Prior to performing services under this Agreement, Tyler shall provide Client with certificates of insurance evidencing the following insurance coverage: a. Commercial general liability of at least $1,000,000; b. Automobile liability of at least $1,000,000; c. Professional liability of at least $1,000,000; and d. Workers compensation complying with statutory requirements. 21. Confidentiality. Both parties recognize that their respective employees and agents, in the course of performance of this Agreement, may be exposed to confidential information and that disclosure of such information could violate rights to private individuals and entities. Each party agrees that it shall not disclose any confidential information of the other party and further agrees to take appropriate action to prevent such disclosure by its employees or agents. The confidentiality covenants contained herein will survive the termination or cancellation of this Agreement for a period of two (2) years. This obligation 9 of confidentiality will not apply to information that: a. At the time of the disclosure is in the public domain; b. After disclosure, becomes part of the public domain by publication or otherwise, except by breach of this Agreement by a party; c. A party can establish by reasonable proof was in that party's possession at the time of disclosure; d. A party receives from a third party who has a right to disclose it to that party; or e. Is subject to Freedom of Information Act requests, only to the extent disclosure is based on the good faith written opinion of the receiving party's legal counsel that disclosure is required by law: provided, however, that that receiving party shall give prompt notice of the service of process or other documentation that underlies such requirement and use its best efforts to assist the disclosing party if the disclosing party wishes to obtain a protective order or otherwise protect the confidentiality of such confidential information. The disclosing party reserves the right to obtain protective order or otherwise protect the confidentiality of its confidential information. 22. Nondiscrimination. Tyler shall not discriminate against any person employed or applying for employment concerning the performance of Tyler's responsibilities under this Agreement. This discrimination prohibition will apply to all matters of initial employment, tenure, and terms of employment, or otherwise with respect to any matter directly or indirectly relating to employment concerning race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, disability that is unrelated to the individual's ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position, height, weight, marital status, or political affiliation. 23. Subcontractors. Tyler shall not subcontract any services under this Agreement without Client's prior written permission, not to be unreasonably withheld. 24. Shipping. Delivery will be F.O.B. shipping point. 25. Business License. In the event a local business license is required for Tyler to perform services hereunder, Client will notify Tyler prior to the Effective Date and will provide Tyler with the necessary paperwork and/or contact information. 26. Tyler Forms Processing. The Tyler Software Product “Tyler Forms Processing” must be used in conjunction with a Hewlett Packard printer supported by Tyler for printing checks. 27. Electronic Payment. Tyler prefers to receive payments electronically. Tyler’s electronic payment information is as follows: Bank: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 420 Montgomery San Francisco, CA 94104 ABA: 121000248 Account: 4124302472 Beneficiary: Tyler Technologies Inc. – Operating 28. Optional Items. Pricing for optional products and services shall be valid for six (6) months from the Effective Date. 10 29. Tyler Products and Services. Client may purchase additional Tyler products and services at then-current list price, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, by executing a mutually agreed addendum. 30. Payment Terms. a. Payment is due within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice receipt. b. The financial obligation of the Client to Tyler for the software products and services listed in the Investment Summary herein ($244,493) shall be payable as follows: i. Hardware fees of $3,300 will be invoiced upon delivery of the Hardware. ii. Except as otherwise set forth herein, fees for Services, plus expenses, will be invoiced if and as provided/incurred. iii. On or before April 1, 2014 and every three (3) months thereafter through the end of the Term, Client will remit to Tyler quarterly SaaS fees in the amount of $12,496.50, for a three (3)-year total of $149,958. c. Prices do not include travel expenses incurred in accordance with Tyler's then-current Business Travel Policy. Tyler's current Business Travel Policy is attached hereto as Exhibit 4. 31. Use of Client’s Name. Client hereby consents to use of Client’s name in client lists, marketing presentations, and promotional materials, provided that the specific details about the project are not revealed. 32. Contract Documents. This Agreement includes the following exhibits: Exhibit 1 – Investment Summary Exhibit 2 – Service Level Agreement Exhibit 3 – Support Call Process Exhibit 4 – Business Travel Policy Exhibit 5 – Adobe End User License Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates set forth below. Tyler Technologies, Inc. ERP and Schools Division City and Schools of Westbrook By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: 11 Exhibit 1 - Investment Summary Quoted By: Sandy Gallagher Date: 2/25/2014 Quote Expiration: 7/5/2014 Quote Name: City and Schools of Westbrook - ERP Munis Quote Number: 2014-6638 Quote Description: Munis ERP Sales Quotation For City and Schools of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, Maine 04092 Phone (207) 854-9105 SaaS Description Annual Fee Annual Fee Discount Annual Fee Net # Years Total SaaS Fee Impl. Days $10,440.00 $0.00 $10,440.00 3.0 $31,320.00 0 Proj & Grant Acct SaaS Maintenance $2,160.00 $0.00 $2,160.00 3.0 $6,480.00 0 Purchase Orders SaaS Maintenace $2,772.00 $0.00 $2,772.00 3.0 $8,316.00 0 Requisitions SaaS Maintance $1,800.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 3.0 $5,400.00 0 Student Activity SaaS Maintenance $2,700.00 $0.00 $2,700.00 3.0 $8,100.00 0 $990.00 $0.00 $990.00 3.0 $2,970.00 0 HR Management SaaS Maintenance $4,140.00 $0.00 $4,140.00 3.0 $12,420.00 0 Payroll with ESS SaaS Maintenance $8,460.00 $0.00 $8,460.00 3.0 $25,380.00 0 Munis Office SaaS Maintenance $1,800.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 3.0 $5,400.00 0 Other: Acct/GL/BG/AP SaaS Maintenance Cash Management SaaS Maintenance 2014-6638 - Munis ERP CONFIDENTIAL 1 of 9 Role Tailored Dashbaord SaaS Maintenance $1,800.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 3.0 $5,400.00 0 Accounts Receivable SaaS Maintenance $2,376.00 $0.00 $2,376.00 3.0 $7,128.00 0 Bus License SaaS Maintenance $1,188.00 $0.00 $1,188.00 3.0 $3,564.00 0 Central Property File SaaS Maintenance $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $0.00 3.0 $0.00 0 General Billing SaaS Maintenance $1,080.00 $0.00 $1,080.00 3.0 $3,240.00 0 Permits and Code SaaS Maintenance $5,280.00 $0.00 $5,280.00 3.0 $15,840.00 0 Tyler Forms Processing SaaS Maintenance $3,000.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 3.0 $9,000.00 0 $51,086.00 $1,100.00 $49,986.00 $149,958.00 0 TOTAL: Tyler Software and Related Services Description License Impl. Days Impl. Cost Data Conversion Module Total Year One Maintenance $29,000.00 9 @ $1,175.00 $10,575.00 $8,200.00 $47,775.00 $0.00 Project & Grant Accounting $6,000.00 3 @ $1,175.00 $3,525.00 $4,000.00 $13,525.00 $0.00 Requisitions $5,000.00 4 @ $1,175.00 $4,700.00 $0.00 $9,700.00 $0.00 Student Activity Accounting $7,500.00 4 @ $1,175.00 $4,700.00 $0.00 $12,200.00 $0.00 Purchase Orders $7,700.00 3 @ $1,175.00 $3,525.00 $0.00 $11,225.00 $0.00 Cash Management $5,000.00 2 @ $1,175.00 $2,350.00 $0.00 $7,350.00 $0.00 Payroll w/ESS $23,500.00 14 @ $1,175.00 $16,450.00 $10,400.00 $50,350.00 $0.00 HR Management $11,500.00 7 @ $1,175.00 $8,225.00 $0.00 $19,725.00 $0.00 $13,200.00 15 @ $1,175.00 $17,625.00 $2,000.00 $32,825.00 $0.00 Business License $6,000.00 5 @ $1,175.00 $5,875.00 $7,500.00 $19,375.00 $0.00 Accounts Receivable $6,600.00 4 @ $1,175.00 $4,700.00 $0.00 $11,300.00 $0.00 General Billing $3,000.00 3 @ $1,175.00 $3,525.00 $1,000.00 $7,525.00 $0.00 Central Property File $2,200.00 1 @ $1,175.00 $1,175.00 $0.00 $3,375.00 $0.00 Financials: Accounting/GL/BG/AP Payroll/HR: Revenue: Permits & Code Enforcement Other: 2014-6638 - Munis ERP CONFIDENTIAL 2 of 9 Tyler Software and Related Services Description License Impl. Days Impl. Cost Data Conversion $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 Role Tailored Dashboard $5,000.00 4 @ $1,175.00 $4,700.00 $0.00 $9,700.00 $0.00 Munis Office $5,000.00 1 @ $1,175.00 $1,175.00 $0.00 $6,175.00 $0.00 Tyler Forms Processing $7,500.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 $0.00 Purchasing - Purchase Orders - Standard - C Module Total Year One Maintenance Productivity: Sub-Total: $143,700.00 $92,825.00 $33,900.00 $270,425.00 $0.00 Less Discount: $143,700.00 $37,130.00 $13,560.00 $194,390.00 $0.00 TOTAL: $0.00 $55,695.00 $20,340.00 $76,035.00 $0.00 Quantity Unit Price Unit Discount Extended Price Project Planning Services 1 $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Student Activity AP Check Library - Up to 5 Checks 1 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 Tyler Forms Library - Business License 1 $1,200.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 Tyler Forms Financial Library 1 $1,600.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 Tyler Forms Library - General Billing 1 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 Tyler Forms Library - Payroll 1 $1,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 Tyler Forms Library - Permits 1 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 Tyler Forms Processing Configuration 1 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 VPN Device 1 $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 79 Other Services Description Sub-Total: $19,700.00 Less Discount: $4,500.00 TOTAL: $15,200.00 3rd Party Hardware, Software and Services Description Tyler Secure Signature System with 2 Keys 3rd Party Hardware Sub-Total: 2014-6638 - Munis ERP Quantity Unit Price Unit Discount Total Price Unit Maintenance Unit Maintenance Discount 2 $1,650.00 $0.00 $3,300.00 $0.00 $3,300.00 CONFIDENTIAL $0.00 $0.00 Total Year One Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 3 of 9 3rd Party Hardware, Software and Services Description Quantity Unit Price Unit Discount TOTAL: Summary Total Price Unit Maintenance Unit Maintenance Discount $3,300.00 One Time Fees Recurring Fees Total SaaS $0.00 $49,986.00 Total Tyler Software $0.00 $0.00 Total Tyler Services $91,235.00 $0.00 $3,300.00 $0.00 Summary Total $94,535.00 $49,986.00 Contract Total $244,493.00 Total 3rd Party Hardware, Software and Services 2014-6638 - Munis ERP CONFIDENTIAL Total Year One Maintenance $0.00 4 of 9 Detailed Breakdown of Conversions (included in Contract Total) Description Unit Price Unit Discount Extended Price Accounting Opt 1 - Actuals - C $1,000.00 $400.00 $600.00 Accounting Opt 2 - Budgets - C $1,000.00 $400.00 $600.00 Accounting Standard COA - C $2,000.00 $800.00 $1,200.00 Accounts Payable Opt 1 - Checks - C $1,200.00 $480.00 $720.00 Accounts Payable Opt 2 - Invoice - C $1,800.00 $720.00 $1,080.00 Accounts Payable Standard Master - C $1,200.00 $480.00 $720.00 Business License Opt 1 - Bills - C $3,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 Business License Std Master - C $3,500.00 $1,400.00 $2,100.00 General Billing Std CID - C $1,000.00 $400.00 $600.00 Payroll - Option 1 Deductions - C $1,800.00 $720.00 $1,080.00 Payroll - Option 2 Accrual Balances - C $1,500.00 $600.00 $900.00 Payroll - Option 3 Accumulators - C $1,400.00 $560.00 $840.00 Payroll - Option 4 Check History - C $1,200.00 $480.00 $720.00 Payroll - Option 5 Earning/Deduction Hist - C $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 Payroll - Standard - C $2,000.00 $800.00 $1,200.00 Permits and Code Enforcement - Standard - C $2,000.00 $800.00 $1,200.00 Project Grant Accounting Opt 1 - Actuals - C $1,000.00 $400.00 $600.00 Project Grant Accounting Opt 2 - Budgets - C $1,000.00 $400.00 $600.00 Project Grant Accounting Standard - C $2,000.00 $800.00 $1,200.00 Purchasing - Purchase Orders - Standard - C $1,800.00 $720.00 $1,080.00 TOTAL: 2014-6638 - Munis ERP CONFIDENTIAL $20,340.00 5 of 9 Optional Tyler Software & Related Services Description License Impl. Days Impl. Cost Data Conversion Module Total Year One Maintenance General Billing Opt 1 - Recurring Invoices - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $1,680.00 $1,680.00 $0.00 General Billing Opt 2 - Bills - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $0.00 Permits and Code Enforcement - Option 1 - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 Permits and Code Enforcement - Option 2 - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 Permits and Code Enforcement - Option 3 - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 Payroll - Option 10 Certifications - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 Payroll - Option 11 Education - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 Payroll - Option 6 Applicant Tracking - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 Payroll - Option 7 PM Action History - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 Payroll - Option 8 Position Control - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 Payroll - Option 9 State Retirement Tables - C $0.00 0 @ $1,175.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 $14,000.00 4 @ $1,175.00 $4,700.00 $0.00 $18,700.00 $5,040.00 $14,000.00 $4,700.00 $20,580.00 $39,280.00 $5,040.00 Productivity: Tyler Content Manager SE TOTAL: 4 Optional Conversion Details (Prices Reflected Above) Description Unit Price Unit Discount Extended Price General Billing Opt 1 - Recurring Invoices - C $1,680.00 $0.00 $1,680.00 General Billing Opt 2 - Bills - C $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 Payroll - Option 10 Certifications - C $1,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 Payroll - Option 11 Education - C $1,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 Payroll - Option 6 Applicant Tracking - C $1,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 Payroll - Option 7 PM Action History - C $1,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 Payroll - Option 8 Position Control - C $1,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 Payroll - Option 9 State Retirement Tables - C $1,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 2014-6638 - Munis ERP CONFIDENTIAL 6 of 9 Permits and Code Enforcement - Option 1 - C $3,000.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 Permits and Code Enforcement - Option 2 - C $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 Permits and Code Enforcement - Option 3 - C $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 TOTAL: $20,580.00 Unless otherwise indicated in the contract or Amendment thereto, pricing for optional items will be held for six (6) months from the Quote date or the Effective Date of the Contract, whichever is later. Customer Approval: Date: Print Name: P.O. #: All primary values quoted in US Dollars Discount Detail Description License License Discount License Net Maintenance Basis Year One Maint Discount Year One Maint Net $29,000.00 $29,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Cash Management $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Project & Grant Accounting $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Purchase Orders $7,700.00 $7,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Requisitions $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Student Activity Accounting $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 HR Management $11,500.00 $11,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Payroll w/ESS $23,500.00 $23,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Accounts Receivable $6,600.00 $6,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Business License $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Central Property File $2,200.00 $2,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 General Billing $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,200.00 $13,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Financials: Accounting/GL/BG/AP Payroll/HR: Revenue: Permits & Code Enforcement 2014-6638 - Munis ERP CONFIDENTIAL 7 of 9 Discount Detail Description License License Discount License Net Maintenance Basis Year One Maint Discount Year One Maint Net Munis Office $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Role Tailored Dashboard $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tyler Forms Processing $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $143,700.00 $143,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Productivity: Other: TOTAL: 2014-6638 - Munis ERP CONFIDENTIAL 8 of 9 Comments Conversion prices are based on a single occurrence of the database. If additional databases need to be converted, these will need to be quoted. Tyler's quote contains estimates of the amount of services needed, based on our preliminary understanding of the size and scope of your project. The actual amount of services depends on such factors as your level of involvement in the project and the speed of knowledge transfer. Unless otherwise noted, prices submitted in the quote do not include travel expenses incurred in accordance with Tyler's then-current Business Travel Policy. Tyler's prices do not include applicable local, city or federal sales, use excise, personal property or other similar taxes or duties, which you are responsible for determining and remitting. In the event Client cancels services less than two (2) weeks in advance, Client is liable to Tyler for (i) all non-refundable expenses incurred by Tyler on Client's behalf; and (ii) daily fees associated with the cancelled services if Tyler is unable to re-assign its personnel. Pricing for optional items will be held for six (6) months from the quote date. Tyler provides onsite training for a maximum of 12 people per class. In the event that more than 12 users wish to participate in a training class or more than one occurrence of a class is needed, Tyler will either provide additional days at then-current rates for training or Tyler will utilize a Train-the-Trainer approach whereby the client designated attendees of the initial training can thereafter train the remaining users. In the event Client acquires from Tyler any edition of Tyler Content Manager software other than Enterprise Edition, the license for Content Manager is restricted to use with Tyler applications only. If Client wishes to use Tyler Content Manager software with non-Tyler applications, Client must purchase or upgrade to Tyler Content Manager Enterprise Edition. Tyler's form library prices are based on delivering the specific form quantities listed below. Additional formats of forms listed below are extra. Custom forms are extra. Please note that Tyler Forms requires the use of approved printers only. Contact Tyler support for the list of approved printers. Financial library includes: 1 A/P check, 1 EFT/ACH, 1 Purchase order, 1 Contract, 1099M, 1099INT, 1099S, and 1099G. General Billing library includes: 1 invoice, 1 statement, 1 general billing receipt and 1 miscellaneous receipt. Permits library includes: 1 Building permit, 1 Trades permit, 1 Zoning permit and 1 certificate of occupancy/completion. Business license library includes: 1 business license and 1 renewal application. Includes digitizing two signatures, additional charges will apply for additional signatures. Project Management includes project planning, kickoff meeting, status calls, task monitoring, verification and transition to support. Tyler Forms Payroll Core library includes: 1 PR check, 1 direct deposit, 1 vendor from payroll check, 1 vendor from payroll direct deposit, W2, W2c, and 1099 R. Tyler's cost is based on all of the proposed products and services being obtained from Tyler. Should significant portions of the products or services be deleted, Tyler reserves the right to adjust prices accordingly. 2014-6638 - Munis ERP CONFIDENTIAL 9 of 9 1.8 "Internal Network" means Licensee's private, proprietary network resource accessible only by Authorized Users. "Internal Network" specifically excludes the Internet (as such term is commonly defined) or any other network community open to the public, including membership or subscription driven groups, associations or similar organizations. Connection by secure links such as VPN or dial up to Licensee's Internal Network for the purpose of allowing Authorized Users to use the Software should be deemed use over an Internal Network. 1.9 "License Metric" means each of the per-unit metrics used by Adobe in connection with the licensed quantities identified as separately provided in writing by Adobe to describe the scope of Licensee's right to use the Software. One or more of the following types of License Metrics applies to each Software Product as further provided herein: (a) Per-Computer. Licensee may install and use the Adobe Output Designer software on no more than the licensed number of Computers. (b) Per-User. The total number of Authorized Users that directly or indirectly request or receive content that has been processed by the Software may not exceed the licensed quantity of users. (c) Per-Server. The total number of Servers on which the Software is installed may not exceed the licensed quantity of Servers. 1.10 "Location" means a specific building or physical location as identified by its unique street address. 1.11 "Production Software" means Software licensed for productive business use. 1.12 "SDK Components" means the sample software code, application programming interface, header files and related information, and the file format specifications, if any, included as part of the Software as described in the Documentation or a "Read Me" file accompanying the applicable Software. 1.13 "Software" means the object code version of the software program(s) specified in a separate written agreement signed by Adobe, including all Documentation and other materials provided by Adobe to Licensee under this Agreement. The term "Software Product" may also be used to indicate a particular product, and otherwise has the same meaning as Software. 2. License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Adobe grants to Licensee a perpetual, non-exclusive license to install and use the Software delivered hereunder according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, on Computers connected to Licensee's Internal Network, on the licensed platforms and configurations, in the manner and for the purposes described in the Documentation. The following additional terms also apply to Licensee's use of the Software. 2.1 License Metric. Licensee's right to install and use the Software is limited based on whether the Software is licensed as Production Software or Development Software (as separately provided in writing by Adobe) and the License Metrics applicable to the particular Software Products licensed (as separately provided in writing by Adobe) and subject to the terms in Section 3, unless Licensee has licensed the Software for evaluation purposes, in which case the terms of Section 4 apply. 2.2 SDK Components. Licensee's Authorized Users may install and use the SDK Components for purposes of facilitating use of the Software in accordance with this Agreement. Licensee agrees that Licensee will treat the API Information with the same degree of care to prevent unauthorized disclosure to anyone other than Authorized Users as Licensee accords to Licensee's own confidential information, but in no event less than reasonable care. Licensee's obligations under this Section 2.2 with respect to the API Information shall terminate when Licensee can document that the API Information was in the public domain at or subsequent to the time it was communicated to Licensee by Adobe through no fault of Licensee's. Licensee may also disclose the API Information in response to a valid order by a court or other governmental body, when otherwise required by law, or when necessary to establish the rights of either party under this Agreement, provided Licensee gives Adobe advance written notice thereof. 2.3 Backup and Disaster Recover. Licensee may make and install a reasonable number of copies of the Software for backup and archival purposes and use such copies solely in the event that the primary copy has failed or is destroyed, but in no event may Licensee use such copies concurrently with Production Software or Development Software. Licensee may also install copies of the Software in a Disaster Recovery Environment for use solely in disaster recovery and nor for production, development, evaluation or testing purposes other than to ensure that the Software is capable of replacing the primary usage of the Software in case of a disaster. 2.4 Documentation. Licensee may make copies of the Documentation for use by Authorized Users in connection with use of the Software in accordance with this Agreement, but no more than the amount reasonably necessary. Any permitted copy of the Documentation that Licensee makes must contain the same copyright and other proprietary notices that appear on or in the Documentation. 2.5 Outsourcing. Licensee may sub-license use of the Software to a third party outsourcing or facilities management contractor to operate the Software on Licensee's behalf, provided that (a) Licensee provides Adobe with prior written notice; (b) Licensee is responsible for ensuring that any such contractor agrees to abide by and fully complies with the terms of this Agreement as they relate to the use of the Software on the same basis as applies to Licensee; (c) such use is only in relation to Licensee's direct beneficial business purposes as restricted herein; (d) such use does not represent or constitute an increase in the scope or number of licenses provided hereunder; and (e) Licensee shall remain fully liable for any and all acts or omissions by the contractor related to this Agreement. 2.6 Font Software. If the Software includes font software, then Licensee may (a) use the font software on Licensee's Computers in connection with Licensee's use of the Software as permitted under this Agreement; (b) output such font software on any output devices connected to Licensee's Computers; (c) convert and install the font software into another format for use in other environments provided that use of the converted font software may not be distributed or transferred for any purpose except in accordance with the transfer section in this Agreement; and (d) embed copies of the font software into Licensee's electronic documents for the purpose of printing and viewing the document, provided that if the font software Licensee is embedding is identified as "licensed for editable embedding" on Adobe's website at http://www.adobe.com/type/browser/legal/embeddingeula.html, Licensee may also embed copies of that font software for the additional limited purpose of editing Licensee's electronic documents. 2.7 Restrictions (a) No Modifications, No Reverse Engineering. Licensee shall not modify, port, adapt or translate the Software. Licensee shall not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software. Notwithstanding the foregoing, decompiling the Software is permitted to the extent the laws of Licensee's jurisdiction give Licensee the right to do so to obtain information necessary to render the Software interoperable with other software; provided, however, that Licensee must first request such information from Adobe and Adobe may, in its discretion, either provide such information to Licensee or impose reasonable conditions, including a reasonable fee, on such use of the source code to ensure that Adobe's and its suppliers' proprietary rights in the source code for the Software are protected. (b) No Unbundling. The Software may include various applications, utilities and components, may support multiple platforms and languages and may be provided to Licensee on multiple media or in multiple copies. Nonetheless, the Software is designed and provided to Licensee as a single product to be used as a single product on Computers and platforms as permitted herein. Licensee is not required to use all component parts of the Software, but Licensee shall not unbundle the component parts of the Software for use on different Computers. Licensee shall not unbundle or repackage the Software for distribution, transfer or resale. (c) No Transfer. Licensee shall not sublicense, assign or transfer the Software or Licensee's rights in the Software, or authorize any portion of the Software to be copied onto or accessed from another individual's or entity's Computer except as may be explicitly provided in this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 2.7(c), Licensee may transfer copies of the Software installed on one of Licensee's Computers to another one of Licensee's Computers provided that the resulting installation and use of the Software is in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and does not cause Licensee to exceed Licensee's right to use the Software under this Agreement. (d) Prohibited Use. Except as expressly authorized under this Agreement, Licensee is prohibited from: (i) using the Software on behalf of third parties; (ii) renting, leasing, lending or granting other rights in the Software including rights on a membership or subscription basis; and (iii) providing use of the Software in a computer service business, third party outsourcing facility or service, service bureau arrangement, network, or time sharing basis. (e) Export Rules. Licensee agrees that the Software will not be shipped, transferred or exported into any country or used in any manner prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws, restrictions or regulations (collectively the "Export Laws"). In addition, if the Software is identified as an export controlled item under the Export Laws, Licensee represents and warrants that Licensee is not a citizen of, or located within, an embargoed or otherwise restricted nation (including Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Cuba and North Korea) and that Licensee is not otherwise prohibited under the Export Laws from receiving the Software. All rights to install and use the Software are granted on condition that such rights are forfeited if Licensee fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement. 3. License Metrics and Limitations. 3.1 Adobe Central Output Server. If Licensee has licensed Adobe Central Output Server as Production Software or Development Software (as separately provided in writing by Adobe), then Adobe grants Licensee a license to install and use Adobe Central Output Server on a Per-Server basis, provided that Licensee is not permitted to Deliver output from the Production Software to more than ten (10) Locations per licensed Server. 3.2 Adobe Central Pro Output Server. If Licensee has licensed Adobe Central Pro Output Server, then Adobe grants Licensee a license to install and use Adobe Central Pro Output Server either (a) as Production Software on a Per-Server or Per-User basis (as separately provided in writing by Adobe), or (b) as Development Software on a Per-Server basis. When Adobe Central Pro Output Server is licensed as Production Software on a Per-Server basis, Licensee is not permitted to Deliver output from the Software Product to more than ten (10) Locations per licensed Server. 3.3 Adobe Output Pak for mySAP.com. If Licensee has licensed Adobe Output Pak for mySAP.com, then Adobe grants Licensee a license to install and use Adobe Output Pak for mySAP.com solely in connection with Adobe Central Pro Output Server for use with SAP software either (a) as Production Software on a Per-Server or Per-User basis (as separately provided in writing by Adobe), or (b) as Development Software on a Per-Server basis. Licensee's license to Adobe Output Pak for mySAP.com includes a license to install and use Adobe Central Pro Output Server subject to the terms of Section 3.2 of this Agreement. The following additional terms apply: 3.3.1 Per-Server License. If Licensee has licensed Adobe Output Pak for mySAP.com on a PerServer basis, Licensee shall have the right to install and use Adobe Central Pro Output Server on one (1) Server unless Licensee obtains additional Per-Server licenses to the Adobe Central Pro Output Server. 3.3.2 Per-User License. If Licensee has licensed Adobe Output Pak for mySAP.com software on a Per-User basis, Licensee must obtain a number of Per-User licenses of Adobe Output Pak for mySAP.com not less than the number of Authorized Users who are authorized to access or use the SAP software. 3.4 Adobe Central Output Server Workstation Edition. If Licensee has licensed Adobe Central Output Server Workstation Edition, then Adobe grants Licensee a license to install and use Adobe Central Output Server Workstation Edition as Production Software on a Per-Computer basis. Licensee's use of the Adobe Central Output Server Workstation Edition shall be limited to use directly or indirectly initiated by an individual person (not an automated process) for the sole purpose of delivering output that has been processed by the Adobe Central Output Server Workstation Edition software to the person that initiated such use. 3.5 Adobe Output Designer. If Licensee has licensed Adobe Output Designer, then Adobe grants Licensee a license to install and use Adobe Output Designer as Production Software on a Per-Computer basis subject to the following additional terms: 3.5.1 Network Use. As an alternative to installing and using the Adobe Output Designer software on the Computer of each licensed Authorized User, Licensee may install and use the Adobe Output Designer software on a file server for the purpose of (a) permitting Authorized Users to download the software for installation and use on no more than the licensed number of Computers connected to Licensee's Internal Network, or (b) permitting Authorized Users to use the software using commands, data or instructions from a Computer connected to Licensee's Internal Network provided that the total number (not the concurrent number) of Authorized Users that use the software does not exceed one user for each of the licensed number of Computers. No other network use is permitted. 3.5.2 Limitation. Licensee shall be prohibited from using the templates, forms and other materials created using the Adobe Output Designer software with any software other than Adobe software. 3.6 Development Software License. This Section 3.6 applies only if Licensee has obtained a valid Development Software license to a Software Product. In addition to the other terms contained herein, Licensee's license to the Development Software is limited to use in Licensee's technical environment strictly for testing and development purposes and not for production purposes. Licensee may (a) install the Development Software on Servers connected to Licensee's Internal Network provided that the total number of Computers used to operate the Development Software does not exceed the licensed amount, and (b) permit Authorized Users to use the Development Software in accordance with this Agreement. 4. Evaluation of Software Products. This Section 4 applies only if Licensee has obtained a valid license to evaluate Software Products as separately provided in writing by Adobe or as indicated by the serial number Licensee enters upon installation. 4.1 License. In addition to the other terms contained herein, Licensee's license to evaluate any Software Product is limited to use strictly for Licensee's own internal evaluation purposes and not for production purposes, and is further limited to a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the date Licensee obtains the Software Products. Licensee may (a) install the Software Products on one (1) Computer connected to Licensee's Internal Network, and (b) permit Authorized Users to use the Software Products to deliver content within Licensee's Internal Network. Licensee's rights with respect to the Software Products are further limited as described in Section 4.2. 4.2 Limitations. Licensee's rights to install and use Software Products under this Section 4 will terminate immediately upon the earlier of (a) the expiration of the evaluation period described herein, or (b) such time that Licensee purchases a license to a non-evaluation version of such Software Products. Adobe reserves the right to terminate Licensee's license to evaluate Software Products at any time in its sole discretion. Licensee agrees to return or destroy Licensee's copy of the Software Products upon termination of this Agreement for any reason. To the extent that any provision in this Section 4 is in conflict with any other term or condition in this Agreement, this Section 4 shall supersede such other term(s) and condition(s) with respect to the evaluation of Software Products, but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. ADOBE IS LICENSING THE SOFTWARE PRODUCTS FOR EVALUATION ON AN "AS IS" BASIS AT LICENSEE'S OWN RISK. SEE SECTIONS 7 AND 8 FOR WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS AND LIABILITY LIMITATIONS WHICH GOVERN EVALUATION OF SOFTWARE PRODUCTS. 5. Intellectual Property Rights. The Software and any copies that Licensee is authorized by Adobe to make are the intellectual property of and are owned by Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers. The structure, organization and code of the Software are the valuable trade secrets and confidential information of Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers. The Software is protected by copyright, including without limitation by United States Copyright Law, international treaty provisions and applicable laws in the country in which it is being used. Except as expressly stated herein, this Agreement does not grant Licensee any intellectual property rights in the Software and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by Adobe. 6. Updates. If the Software is an upgrade or update to a previous version of the Software, Licensee must possess a valid license to such previous version in order to use such upgrade or update. All upgrades and updates are provided to Licensee on a license exchange basis. Licensee agrees that by using an upgrade or update Licensee voluntarily terminates Licensee's right to use any previous version of the Software. As an exception, Licensee may continue to use previous versions of the Software on Licensee's Computer after Licensee uses the upgrade or update but only to assist Licensee in the transition to the upgrade or update, provided that the upgrade or update and the previous versions are installed on the same computer. Upgrades and updates may be licensed to Licensee by Adobe with additional or different terms. 7. WARRANTY 7.1. Warranty. Adobe warrants to Licensee that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation for the ninety (90) day period following shipment of the Software when used on the recommended operating system, platform and hardware configuration. This limited warranty does not apply to evaluation software (as indicated in Section 4), patches, sample code, sample files and font software converted into other formats. All warranty claims must be made within such ninety (90) day period. If the Software does not perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation, the entire liability of Adobe and Licensee's exclusive remedy shall be limited to either, at Adobe's option, the replacement of the Software or the refund of the license fee paid to Adobe for the Software. 7.2 DISCLAIMER. THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE ONLY WARRANTY MADE BY ADOBE AND STATES THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES FOR ADOBE'S, ITS AFFILIATES' OR ITS SUPPLIERS' BREACH OF WARRANTY. EXCEPT FOR THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY, AND FOR ANY WARRANTY, CONDITION, REPRESENTATION OR TERM TO THE EXTENT TO WHICH THE SAME CANNOT OR MAY NOT BE EXCLUDED OR LIMITED BY LAW APPLICABLE IN LICENSEE'S JURISDICTION, ADOBE, ITS AFFILIATES AND ITS SUPPLIERS PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE AS-IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS OR TERMS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER BY STATUTE, COMMON LAW, CUSTOM, USAGE OR OTHERWISE AS TO ANY OTHER MATTERS, INCLUDING PERFORMANCE, SECURITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, INTEGRATION, MERCHANTABILITY, QUIET ENJOYMENT, SATISFACTORY QUALITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. EXCEPT FOR THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SET FORTH ABOVE AND AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 4, IN NO EVENT WILL ADOBE, ITS AFFILIATES OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGES, CLAIMS OR COSTS WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, ANY LOST PROFITS OR LOST SAVINGS, ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, PERSONAL INJURY OR FAILURE TO MEET ANY DUTY OF CARE, OR CLAIMS BY A THIRD PARTY EVEN IF AN ADOBE REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS, DAMAGES, CLAIMS OR COSTS. THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS APPLY TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW IN LICENSEE'S JURISDICTION. ADOBE'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY AND THAT OF ITS AFFILIATES AND SUPPLIERS UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THE SOFTWARE, IF ANY. THIS LIMITATION WILL APPLY EVEN IN THE EVENT OF A FUNDAMENTAL OR MATERIAL BREACH OR A BREACH OF THE FUNDAMENTAL OR MATERIAL TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. Nothing contained in this Agreement limits Adobe's liability to Licensee in the event of death or personal injury resulting from Adobe's negligence or for the tort of deceit (fraud). Adobe is acting on behalf of its affiliates and suppliers for the purpose of disclaiming, excluding and limiting obligations, warranties and liability, but in no other respects and for no other purpose. For further information, please see the jurisdiction specific information at the end of this agreement, if any, or contact Adobe's Customer Support Department. 9. Governing Law. This Agreement, each transaction entered into hereunder, and all matters arising from or related to this Agreement (including its validity and interpretation), will be governed and enforced by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws in force in: (a) the State of California, if a license to the Software is purchased when Licensee is in the United States, Canada, or Mexico; or (b) Japan, if a license to the Software is purchased when Licensee is in Japan, China, Korea, or other Southeast Asian country where all official languages are written in either an ideographic script (e.g., hanzi, kanji, or hanja), and/or other script based upon or similar in structure to an ideographic script, such as hangul or kana; or (c) England, if a license to the Software is purchased when Licensee is in any other jurisdiction not described above. The respective courts of Santa Clara County, California when California law applies, Tokyo District Court in Japan, when Japanese law applies, and the competent courts of London, England, when the law of England applies, shall each have non-exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes relating to this Agreement. This Agreement will not be governed by the conflict of law rules of any jurisdiction or the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded. 10. General Provisions. If any part of this Agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the balance of this Agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. Updates may be licensed to Licensee by Adobe with additional or different terms. The English version of this Agreement shall be the version used when interpreting or construing this Agreement. This is the entire agreement between Adobe and Licensee relating to the Software and it supersedes any prior representations, discussions, undertakings, communications or advertising relating to the Software. 11. Notice to U.S. Government End Users. 11.1 Commercial Items. The Software and Documentation are "Commercial Item(s)," as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. Section 2.101, consisting of "Commercial Computer Software" and "Commercial Computer Software Documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. Section 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. Section 227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. Section 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. Sections 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government end users (a) only as Commercial Items and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished-rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704, USA. 11.2 U.S. Government Licensing of Adobe Technology. Licensee agrees that when licensing Adobe Software for acquisition by the U.S. Government, or any contractor therefore, Licensee will license consistent with the policies set forth in 48 C.F.R. Section 12.212 (for civilian agencies) and 48 C.F.R. Sections 227-7202-1 and 227-7202-4 (for the Department of Defense). For U.S. Government End Users, Adobe agrees to comply with all applicable equal opportunity laws including, if appropriate, the provisions of Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (38 USC 4212), and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the regulations at 41 CFR Parts 60-1 through 60-60, 60-250, and 60-741. The affirmative action clause and regulations contained in the preceding sentence shall be incorporated by reference in this Agreement. 12. Compliance with Licenses. Adobe may, at its expense, and no more than once every twelve (12) months, appoint its own personnel or an independent third party to verify the number of copies and installations, as well as usage of the Adobe software by Licensee. Any such verification shall be conducted upon seven (7) business days notice, during regular business hours at Licensee's offices and shall not unreasonably interfere with Licensee's business activities. Both Adobe and its auditors shall execute a commercially reasonable nondisclosure agreement with Licensee before proceeding with the verification. If such verification shows that Licensee is using a greater number of copies of the Software than that legitimately licensed, or are deploying or using the Software in any way not permitted under this Agreement and which would require additional license fees, Licensee shall pay the applicable fees for such additional copies within thirty (30) days of invoice date, with such underpaid fees being the license fees as per Adobe's then-current, country specific, license fee list. If underpaid fees are in excess of five percent (5%) of the value of the fees paid under this Agreement, then Licensee shall pay such underpaid fees and Adobe's reasonable costs of conducting the verification. 13. Third-Party Beneficiary. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that Adobe's licensors (and/or Adobe if Licensee obtained the Software from any party other than Adobe) are third party beneficiaries of this Agreement, with the right to enforce the obligations set forth herein with respect to the respective technology of such licensors and/or Adobe. Adobe is either a registered trademark or trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates set forth below. Tyler Technologies, Inc. ERP and Schools Division City and Schools of Westbrook By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: City of Westbrook 2 York Street, Westbrook, Maine 04092 REFERRAL FORM Referral No. ORIGINATOR OF REFERRAL: Administration REFERRAL TITLE: Downtown Trash Collection DATE: April 7, 2014 COMMITTEE REFERRED TO: Committee of the Whole _____________________________________________________________________________________ NAME, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF CITIZEN(S) TO CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (Note: Need day-time telephone numbers in order to contact claimant.) SPECIFIC DETAILS REGARDING THE REFERRAL INCLUDING PAST CITY ACTION: The Administration wishes to discuss a proposed solution to the long-standing concern with private dumpsters placed on public property and unscreened dumpsters in the downtown area.