September/October - AAUW State College Branch


September/October - AAUW State College Branch
Advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. Volume 49, No.1 Sept./Oct. 2015
Presidents’ Log
Our new year is well underway and it
is exciting! Already AAUW State
College Branch has been a part of
the Arts Fest, the Regional AAUW
meeting, a summer cleanup of the
Used Book Sale Workshop, a look at
the political candidates in our
geography, and even as fans at a
Committee members and others got
a picture with Ike the Spike. Thanks
are due to all who planned and
participated in the events.
Branch Potluck
and Program:
Follow the Money
Thursday, Sept. 17th
5:30 p.m.
Foxdale Village
Meeting Room across from 2nd floor library
500 East Marylyn Avenue, State College—parking info below
Membership continues to be strong.
One key point for our Executive
Committee to keep in mind is how to
engage the membership in our
activities as we focus on our mission.
How would you like to be involved?
We are so pleased to start our branch program this year with a potluck and
program at Foxdale Village! Please bring a dish to share; beverages will be
provided. We encourage you to invite a friend or colleague who might
consider joining our branch to attend with you. As outlined in the Membership
Matters story on page 7, there is a special incentive to join now.
When spider webs unite, they can
tie up a lion.—Ethiopian Proverb
The program following the potluck will be a panel discussion of some of our
community grant recipients, which will be moderated by Connie Wheeler,
Philanthropic Priorities and Funds Distribution Co-Chair. This year, we
awarded $62,400 through our community grants program.
Some may want to work with our
well-established events and others
may have some new ideas.
With Centennial events beginning in
February 2016 and stretching into
the Fall, there will be lots going on.
As you read through this issue of the
newsletter, you may want to look for
something that catches your
interest. Please, let us know how you
would like to help with supporting
girls and women or learn more about
the activities.
Best regards, Alison and Billie
AAUW State College Co-Presidents
Three of the branch grant
recipients will be on hand
for the September 17th
gathering. They include Global Connections, Leadership
Centre County, and Skills of Central Pennsylvania. It promises
to be an interesting program, and you will have an opportunity
to learn the details on where some of
our hard-earned AAUW dollars go.
See you on September 17th. We hope
you invite a friend to join you!
Important: Where to Park at Foxdale
From Marylyn Avenue, pass the Community Building and residence building,
and turn left immediately after the parking deck. Go up the ramp and park on
the top level of the deck. Follow the sidewalk back to Community Building.
Inside, take the stairs or elevator up to the 2nd floor Meeting Room.
Page 2
Volume 49, Number 1
A Busy Summer
for STEM
The STEM Committee was busy this summer. The
committee hosted a table and other activities at the
annual Ladies Night at the Spikes on August 20th (below).
Ike the Spike joined AAUW STEM committee members at the August
20th Spikes Game, where AAUW STEM staffed an information table
for game-goers. Left to right: Kristin Dreyer, Julia Glover, Vasu
Varadan, Ike, Tayler Croom-Perez, and Mandy Biddle.
This summer’s MATHH program was a success. Young
people attended over three dates in July. Thanks go to
Valerie Alstadt, Candace Davison, and Michele Crowl of
Discovery Space for conducting those sessions, and to
Schlow Library for partnering with us for this program.
The State College CSI program, scheduled for late July,
was cancelled due to low enrollment. The committee will
investigate what happened, since prior years have been
well received.
Three young women attended ScienceU camps on AAUW
scholarships. Two others were given scholarships but
didn’t attend, and the committee is investigating why this
happened. Thanks go to Kristin and Patti Kenney for
leading this effort.
We enter the 2015-16 year with renewed vigor, new
committee members, and great interest. Each event or
program now has a liaison with the committee, so that
committee members have a choice of which program
they would like to work with. The committee is exploring
extending the after-school program to PhilipsburgOsceola schools. And there is more to come! If you
would like to join the committee, please contact either
Kristin Dreyer or Mary Dupuis. We welcome new
Mary Dupuis,
Summer MATHH a Hit
A total of 51 elementary-aged students
attended our summer MATHH program
(Magical Adventures for Talented Heroines and Heroes),
a three-week summer program sponsored by AAUW
State College in partnership with Schlow Centre Region
Library and Discovery Space of Central Pennsylvania
museum. A children's book that highlighted an
interesting math or science concept was read, followed
by an interactive demonstration or activity. After 30
minutes at Schlow, campers walked to Discovery Space,
for related activities and further exploration.
Concepts studied included transparency, magnifying
light, power, clouds, measuring rain and temperature,
batteries, circuits, currents, and volts. The kids enjoyed
making the batteries out of coins, paper towels, and a
vinegar solution and testing them. The parents liked
how basic the ingredients were for further exploration at
Valerie Alstadt and Candace Davison
MATHH Co-Chairs
Thursday, Nov. 12, 7:00 p.m.
Discovery Space
STEM: Hot Topics
and Cool Discussions
Sponsored by the AAUW STEM Committee
Details will be in the next newsletter and at:
Join the STEM Committee
AAUW Branch members are welcome to join the
STEM committee! To follow is our meeting schedule:
Thursday, Sept. 3rd; Monday, Oct. 5th;
Thursday, Nov. 5th; Tuesday, Dec. 8th
State College Municipal Building
5:00—6:00 p.m., Room 241
Kristin Dreyer,
Kristin Dreyer and Mary
Branch STEM Co-Chairs
AAUW STEM Committee Chairs
Branching Out
Page 3
Book Workshop Re-opens
in East College Avenue Location
Hello, everyone. It is truly amazing how time just flies
seems to me that we just opened the workshop to donations
and suddenly, now it is fall. Book donations have been very
heavy since we started accepting donations in June and we
are glad that the community still thinks of us when they
clean out dens, offices, etc. Used Book Workshop hours
begin on September 8th.
First, thank you to
everyone who put in
so much effort during
the summer to keep
the workshop going;
we would not be able
to take in so many
books without them.
Over 2,000 boxes of books packed this
summer, ready now for sorting into
categories and pricing. Thank you,
book donors and volunteers!
Please feel free to stop
by if you would like to
volunteer! For those
of you who haven’t
been to the Used Book
we’re located at 2100
East College Avenue,
on the right as you
head out to the mall
from downtown State
College, up above the
Caspian Spa shop.
Please mark your calendars for next May’s sale. After this
year’s sale, we realized that we needed to move the date of
the 2016 sale, to avoid Penn State graduation. The 2016 sale
will be held May 14—17th.
Donna Trapp, AAUW Used Book Sale Overall Chair
Monday evenings, 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m.
Leads: Connie Wheeler and Donna Trapp
Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m.
Lead: Angie Hay
Wednesdays, 9:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m.
Lead: Suzanne Kerlin
The pace of planning is picking up for the 2016 AAUW
State College Centennial, and the Centennial
Committee is hard at work on several fronts, with
marketing activities understandably taking the lead.
Jen Karch has prepared a press packet to spread
the word about Centennial programs and more,
and she is researching advertising options.
New member Kate Hoffman has already started
promoting Centennial activities in social media.
Sue Hiester has signed on to help with installation
of several AAUW State College Archives Roadshow
locations throughout next year, where we’ll have
an opportunity to tell our centennial story to the
public in assorted venues throughout the county.
The draft of our written branch history, written by
Jackie Esposito and available to members next
year, is completed and is now undergoing the
editing process.
Our AAUW State College Centennial website will
go live this October. It may be accessed via a
button on our AAUW State College website
(, or directly via
PROGRAM — Jen Karch and Connie Schroeder
Our first Centennial program, the AAUW State College
Archives Roadshow: First Stop, will take place on
Sunday, February 14, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. at Schlow
Centre Region Library.
This program will provide an opportunity to look
through 100 years of branch archives, including some
wonderful original notes and letters from our earliest
years, photos, newspaper clippings, and unique items
that are all part of our branch history. Other
Centennial programs will be described in coming
Branching Out
Page 4
For both local and state elections, candidates are listed in
the order they will appear on your ballot. That is because
order is determined by political party of the governor, then
order of finish in the primary.
Local Candidates for Election
This year, we elect County Commissioners and all the
row offices responsible to them. We have some
interesting races among these offices. We will give
you information on offices which are contested.
Four candidates are listed, two from each party. Voters
can vote for three.
Michael Pipe, incumbent. Mike has been the youngest
commissioner in the state and has this has been a
fulltime job for him. He was elected in 2011. Check him
out on his website: or on Facebook at
Mark Higgins, a local businessman. His website is
Steve Dershem, incumbent chair of the commission and
former businessman. Find him at
Chris Exarchos, incumbent. Elected in 2011, and also
served 2003-07. Website
This is an open seat because the current sheriff is
Matthew A. Rickard (D) has served 18 years in law
enforcement. Website:, or on
Facebook at rickardforsheriff.
Bryan Sampsell (R) has been Deputy Sheriff of Centre
County since 2003.
This is an open seat because the incumbent is retiring.
Amanda McCartney (D) is currently First Deputy
Christine Millinder (R) is currently Chief Deputy
Register of Wills in Centre County. Her Facebook
page is ChristineMillinderforRegisterofWills.
Georgiann Bennett (D) - find her on Facebook at
Joe Davidson - Incumbent since 1999. His website is
Statewide Election for Judges
The Koch Brothers are planning to spend $25 million dollars
to influence these elections. That alone is evidence that the
outcome of these races should matter to average persons.
From voter ID laws through gerrymandering, these courts
rule on our basic rights. Every initiative proposed by Gov.
Wolf is likely to end up in the courts. Although judges are not
supposed to be political, each one carries his/her own values
and experiences with them.
Please think carefully about who you want ruling on your
interests and AAUW’s Public Policy priorities. See page 5 for
a complete listing of Statewide Judge Races.
(LOCAL RACES, cont.)
No other races are contested at the county level. At the local
level, very few races are contested. For example, the State
College Area School Board races for four positions were settled
in the primary, so none are contested this fall.
One contested local race is for State College Borough Council.
Four seats are available. Four Democrats and one Republican
are running.
Cathy Dauler, incumbent. Her website is
David J. Brown. Contact him at
Jesse L. Barlow.
Professor of Computer Science and
Engineering. Contact him on Facebook at barlow4borough
Janet Engeman. Attends council meetings; endorsed by Sierra
Ron Madrid. He ran for mayor in 2013. Contact him on
Facebook at
Above all, remember to vote and tell your friends to vote, too.
This is a crucial election for many issues we care about,
including funding for social services.
Dianne Gregg and Mary Dupuis
Co-chairs, Public Policy
Number 1
Centre County United Way
Day of Caring—October 1st
Once again, we are doing a branch service project
with the Centre County United Way Day of Caring.
The United Way will match our abilities and
interests with a project that needs volunteers. We look forward to
teaming up with the Humphrey Fellows again this year.
To volunteer, contact Jennifer Karch,, and
indicate whether you can work an AM or PM shift, and if you have
limitations or preferences as far as the work goes, and your T-shirt
size, as all volunteers will receive a Day of Caring T-shirt. The
deadline to sign up to volunteer is September 15th.
SUPREME COURT— Vote for 3:
David Wecht is a sitting judge on the PA Superior Court who is Highly
Recommended by the Pa. Bar Association. Democrat.
Kevin Dougherty is President Judge of the Philadelphia Court system
who is Recommended by the Pa. Bar Association. Democrat.
Christine Donohue is a sitting judge on the Pa. Superior Court who is
Highly Recommended by the Pa. Bar Association. Democrat.
Judy Olson is a sitting judge on the Pennsylvania Superior Court who is
Highly Recommended by the Pa. Bar Association. Republican. http://
Mike George is a county judge in Adams County who is Recommended
by the Pa. Bar Association. Republican.
Anne Covey is a sitting judge on the Pa. Commonwealth Court who is
Not Recommended by the Pa. Bar Association. Republican.
Paul Panepinto is a county judge in Philadelphia who is Recommended
by the Pa. Bar Association. Independent, formerly Republican. No
website at this writing.
Alice Beck Dubow is a Philadelphia county judge who is Recommended
by the Pa. Bar Association. Democrat.
Emil Giordano is a Northampton county judge who is Recommended
by the Pa. Bar Association. Republican.
Michael Wojick is a lawyer in private practice who is Recommended by
the Pa. Bar Association. Democrat.
Paul Lalley is a lawyer in private practice who is Recommended by the
Pa. Bar Association. Republican.
Page 5
Centre County
United Nations
Dinner Celebration
Sunday, October 25th
Reception—5:00 p.m.; Dinner—6:00
Ramada Inn, 1450 South Atherton
The annual United Nations
Association dinner will be held
at the Ramada Inn on October
25th. The dinner program
runs until 8:30 p.m. Our
speaker will be Mr. Ken Payumo, Chief of US
Peacekeeping Operations Support Section of
the UN. The title of his presentation will
be Courage Under Fire: An Intimate Look
at UN Peacekeeping.
He will provide a
closer look at the history and day-to-day
challenges of UN peacekeeping as part of the
UN’s 70th Anniversary celebration this year.
Learn more at
This year’s Make a Difference Project is CCC—
Confident Children Out of Conflict, a
project of Mothering Across Continents Global
Project Network. We seek contributions to
CCC's 2015 Scholarship Campaign, a source of
renewal for Juba's street children. A gift of
$40 will provide one month of lodging,
education, fees, uniforms, school supplies,
books, shoes, and counseling. Learn more at:
We hope to fill an AAUW table at the dinner,
and reservations are required. The cost is
$30. To attend, please send your check
payable to Centre County UNA (add “AAUW”
to the memo line), and mail to Norma Keller,
178 Beastons Road, Tyrone, PA 16686 by
October 16th. Questions? Contact Jennifer
representative to the UNA Council of
Organizations. We hope you’ll plan to attend.
Jennifer Mastrofski
AAUW liaison to UNA
Volume 49, Number 1
AAUW National Convention Report
Billie Willits and I attended the AAUW National Convention, held June
18-21, in San Diego, CA, on behalf of the branch and provide these
First, we learned that there are now 180,000 AAUW
members and supporters, equally divided, 1,000 branches, 897
College/University partners, and that 247 graduate fellowships have
been awarded, worth $3.7 million.
Page 6
AAUW Penn State
Students Gear up
for School Year
Patricia Fae Ho was reelected national chair and Dot McLane, AAUWPA president, was elected to the board. Twelve percent of the
membership voted. All public policy proposals and four of five bylaws
changes were approved. The bylaws change to remove the current
degree requirements for membership eligibility was voted down
again but the margin is narrowing.
Because the money forwarded to national from branches has fallen,
the national board undertook a Charting the Course campaign to
raise $1 million this year. Half of the goal has been raised. The next
research publication will be Women in Leadership.
AAUW Penn State participated in Penn State
Women’s Empowerment Week last spring and
looks forward to participating again this fall.
To increase both the number of younger members and their diversity,
several initiatives are underway. AAUW national asked the Younger
Woman’s Task Force (YWTF), a nationwide, diverse, and inclusive
movement by and for younger women to fight for social justice to join
it. These women, who range in age from 20 to 40, are comparable to
AAUW branch members. Program ideas of current relevance, which
could appeal to potential members, were shared. Branches were
urged to have a presence on the Web, Facebook, and Twitter in order
to appear to a younger and more diverse demographic. By increasing
the number of C/U partners, AAUW aims to increase AAUW’s visibility
among campus women.
This fall, AAUW Penn State is planning a few
different projects. First, we will hold a voter
registration early in the fall semester. In
October, we will participate in the Women's
Empowerment Fair, $tart $mart Workshops
and other events. Next March, we plan to
participate with the branch and with
members of the Penn State Women’s Studies
Department in a panel discussion on
women’s empowerment.
—Jordan Glover, President, AAUW Penn State
AAUW continues to position itself as an advocate for women’s
economic wellbeing through its purchase of the Start Smart and Work
Smart programs and its STEM initiatives. Start Smart’s focus is to
teach salary negotiation skills to college-aged women while Work
Smart’s focus is teaching them to working women. National AAUW is
funding more Tech Trek and Tech Savvy programs across the country
in order to encourage more middle and high school girls to pursue
higher paying STEM careers.
¡Adelante! Book Club
Finally, given the legislative gridlock in Washington, D.C., Lisa Maatz,
AAUW’s top policy advisor and lobbyist, hired a state policy analyst to
focus on state and local policy development. The goal is to support
state-based legislation on equal pay, campus sexual assault, and
human trafficking. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania received a
State Impact Grant to address sexual assault.
Our book choice for the
meeting coming up is
Rocket Girl by George D.
Morgan. Morgan wrote
this book about his
mother, America’s first
female rocket engineer
during World War II.
Thursday, October 1st,
Café Lemont. All are welcome. Contact Pat
Kephart at or 234-2524 for
more information.
Page 7
Volume 49, Number 1
Get Well wishes to Jody
Bland, who was hospitalized
at Mount Nittany Medical
Center, and is now home.
50-year Honorary Life Members
Mary Dupuis
Mary Dupuis joined AAUW
as a graduate student in
1965, when she received the
Simmons grant. At that
time, the grant was a few
hundred dollars, and she
used the money to buy a
typewriter to type her
Over the past 50 years,
Mary has been a very active
branch leader. From 19871989 she served as branch president or co-president.
Currently, Mary is Public Policy Co-Chair with Dianne
Gregg and STEM Co-Chair with Kristin Dreyer. Ever since
she was branch president, Mary has passionately led the
CASE initiative to help locate a building to house CASE
members, including AAUW State College. She has worked
hard to make this community a better place, inspiring
many people along the way.
Eileen Leibowitz
Eileen Leibowitz moved to
State College 53 years ago and
joined AAUW soon after. In
addition to her support of our
branch, she has been very
active in League of Women
Voters and ran the campaigns
of several women who ran for
state offices. Eileen has also
been an active community
member, active on boards such
as the Centre Communities
Hospital Foundation and the
Center for the Performing Arts
at Penn State, to name two.
Sympathy to Kathryn and
Roderick Burnham on the death of their son, Jeffrey
Burnham, 37, who died on August 2nd of cancer in
Phoenix, Arizona.
Get Well wishes to Mimi Barash Coppersmith who
suffered a fall in July and fractured three front teeth.
Get Well wishes to Angie Hay who had a hip replacement
on August 21st.
Update on Anne Heinsohn who suffered a head injury in
April when she hit her head on a car door: She goes to
the Wound Center weekly and to Foxdale nurses three
times a week for treatment. Her dog, Emma, age 15, died
on August 10 of kidney failure. She appreciates all the
cards, calls, and letters from AAUW members.
Sympathy to Carol and Ron Hodes on the death of her
father Robert Leinbach, who died in Berks County on
August 26th.
Congratulations to Betty Traverse on the birth of her
great-granddaughter, Lola Traverse, born to Ben and
Becky Traverse on June 2nd in Burlington, Vermont.
Congratulations to Louise Tukey on the birth of her first
great-granddaughter, Juliet Finch, born to Carolyn and
Greg Finch on June 1st in Charleston, South Carolina.
With 164 new
members, Branch
membership has
grown this year. Thank you, all renewing members!
AAUW National’s Shape the Future campaign provides an
additional incentive for potential new members who join
at an AAUW event, offering membership in all three
levels of AAUW (local, state, and national) for a halfprice introductory rate of $33.50. Learn more about
membership at
Members, please feel free to invite a friend or colleague
to join you at our branch potluck and program on
September 17th (details on page 1), to take advantage of
this great value. This would be a perfect introduction to
our group and to meet other members. People are most
likely to join something when they’ve been personally
Meet the
Fall Fundraisers—We need you!
5th Annual Crossword Competition
Since its first meeting in 1881, AAUW has
been a catalyst for change. Today, with
more than 180,000 members and
supporters, 1,000 branches, and 897
college and university partners, AAUW
advances equity for women and girls
through advocacy, education, philanthropy,
and research.
AAUW's voice has long influenced
legislative debate on critical social issues. It
provides millions of dollars in fellowships,
grants, and awards to outstanding women
from around the globe and for community
action projects.
AAUW also funds
pioneering research on women, girls, and
Through leadership programs, women and
girls acquire the skills they need to succeed
and assume leadership roles in their
academic, professional, and personal lives.
In principle and in practice, AAUW values
and seeks a diverse membership. There
shall be no barriers to full participation in
this organization on the basis of gender,
race, creed, age, sexual orientation,
national origin, disability or class.
Sunday, October 4th, 1:30 p.m.
South Hills Business School
Tussey mOUnTaiNBACK Trail Race
Sunday, October 25th
Helping adult literacy and ESL students
STEM Scholarship Winner
Learns and Mentors
Kayla Fleming, a 9th grader from
Bellefonte Middle School, was a
2015 STEM Scholarship winner who
attended the Science U "Forensic
DNA" camp. She also participated in
the GaLS (Girls Love Science) middle
school program and volunteered as
a mentor for Discovery Space
science outreach program at the
Bellefonte Art Museum. Keep up the
great work, Kayla!
Used Book Workshop
2100 East College Avenue
(814) 235-6884
GIFT – Connie Wheeler
Branch Co-Presidents:
Billie Willits,
Alison Franklin,
Program Co-Vice Presidents
Jennifer Karch,
Connie Schroeder
Marketing & Communications
Vice President
The Gift Committee is evaluating three different
options for a significant gift that the branch will
make to the community during our Centennial
year. The goal is to make a lasting and
sustainable gift that will resonate with the
AAUW mission and bring greater awareness of
AAUW in the community.
GALA — Joanne Bennett
Victoria Sanchez,
Finance Vice President
Sally Kalin,
To join, renew, or update your
membership, contact:
Co-Vice Presidents
Carol Hodes,
Candace Davison,
Share Your News!
Please send items for the next
newsletter by Monday, October
19th to Connie Schroeder,
AAUW State College Centennial Gala
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Mountain View Country Club
(former State College Elks)
The gala caps eight months of Centennial
activities. Details forthcoming.
Have comments for the Centennial team? We
welcome your thoughts! Talat Azhar, or Connie
Schroeder,, AAUW State
College Centennial Co-Chairs.
In celebration of
Schlow Centre Region Library
building’s 10th anniversary,
Schlow is teaming up
with Town&Gown magazine
to host a “Meet the
Sportswriters” fundraiser on
Friday, Oct. 2, 7:00—9:00
p.m. Nationally recognized
sportswriters and authors
Harvey Araton (NY Times),
Nancy Armour (USA Today),
Filip Bondy (NY Daily News),
David Pencek (Town&Gown),
(Rolling Stone) will be on
hand to talk about sports
writing in the 21st century
and sign copies of their
Michael Weinreb is a son of
AAUW-PA Central
District Meeting
AAUW-PA district
meetings are a
terrific way to
learn more about vital AAUW
issues and to get connected with
nearby branches. We hope to
have a group of AAUW State
College members attend the
annual Fall AAUW-PA Central
District Meeting, planned for:
Saturday, November 7th
10:00 am.—3:00 p.m.
It will be held at Shadow Stone
Community Center, 106 West
Spruce Street, Palmyra, PA.
you plan to attend. If you’d like
to be part of a carpool going
there, contact Alison Franklin, by Nov. 1st.