Class Notes - University of Rochester


Class Notes - University of Rochester
Class Notes
GETTING ORIENTED: In the late 1940s and early 1950s, entering students got to know their classmates by heading to the Bristol Hills—
for the women (above)—and to Keuka Lake—for the men—early in the fall semester. Today, entering College freshmen arrive in late August
for a series of activities designed to introduce them to campus life and to each other.
River Campus
1961 Rochester trustee and the Adam
Hugo Sonnenschein, a
Smith Distinguished Service Professor of
Economics at the University of Chicago,
has been recognized with the Frontiers of
Knowledge Award in economics, finance, and
management from the BBVA Foundation.
BBVA stands for Banco Bilbao Vizcaya
Argentaria—a global financial services group
based in Bilbao, Spain.
named a fellow of the American Counseling
Association. An affiliated professor emeritus in the Department of Measurement,
Statistics, and Evaluation at the University of
Maryland–College Park, William is the former director of student assessment for the
Maryland State Department of Education
and has served as an editor for multiple
professional journals.
1970 position of head of school at the
Chris Taylor has accepted the
Lowell Whiteman School, an independent
school in Steamboat Springs, Colo.
1964 has published Bedside: The Art 1971 Michael LaCombe ’72M (Res)
of Medicine (University of Maine), a collection of fictional short stories based on his 18
years of general medical practice in western Maine and 12 years of cardiology at
MaineGeneral Medical Center in Augusta.
. . . William Schafer ’69W (EdD) has been
Cary Feldman (see ’01).
1972 (MS) is a calligrapher and art
Carol Warren Nichols ’75M
instructor at Culver-Stockton College in
Canton, Mo. She has created a print reproduction of an original manuscript of the
University Libraries/Department of Rare Books, Special collections, and PReservation
6_RochRev_July10_Notes.indd 45
Gospel of Thomas that she wrote in Uncial
and Coptic scripts, embellished with 23-karat
gold illuminations of Coptic letterforms and
accompanied by watercolor illustrations.
1973 (see ’01).
Nancy Jacobs Feldman
1975 a business and real estate at-
James Jimenez ’76S (MBA),
torney in Los Angeles, has been named
a “Super Lawyer” by Southern California
Super Lawyers magazine. The honor is based on peer nominations and
professional achievements.
1976 the real estate practice group at
Daniel Wofsey, an attorney in
the St. Louis firm Armstrong Teasdale, was
included in the 2010 edition of Chambers
USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business.
Chambers USA ranks lawyers in practice areas and by region.
July–August 2010 ROCHESTER REVIEW 45
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University Honors Alumni at Commencement
sAVe the dAte
for your reunion!
Please visit the following Web sites
for Reunion information. We hope
to see you in Rochester!
College of Arts, sCienCes,
And engineering
sChool of MediCine
And dentistry
sChool of nursing
siMon grAduAte
sChool of Business
To keep up to date about your
Reunion, send your e-mail to
To volunteer or for more
information, contact us:
877.MELIORA (877.635.4672)
or 585.273.5920
Alumni from Arts, Sciences and
Engineering, the School of Medicine and
Dentistry, the Eastman School, and the
Simon Graduate School of Business were
recognized by the University for their
professional accomplishments during this
spring’s commencement ceremonies.
Vincent Lenti ’60E, ’63E (MA), Cathy
Jones Minehan ’68, and Arthur Moss
’62M (Res) were awarded the Charles
Force Hutchison and Marjorie Smith
Hutchison Medal, the University’s highest
alumni honor.
A member of the Eastman School’s piano
faculty since 1963, Lenti served for 26 years
as director of the Eastman Community
Music School. The author of articles on
church music and liturgy, he also is the
Eastman School’s historian.
After almost 40 years in the Federal
Reserve System, Minehan retired in 2007
from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,
where she had served as president and
chief executive of the Boston Bank and
was a member of the Federal Open Market
Committee. She chairs the executive committee of Rochester’s Board of Trustees.
Moss is a professor of medicine and
founder and former director of the Heart
Research Follow-up Program at the Medical
Center. He’s widely recognized for his contributions to the study of coronary disease
and heart-rhythm disorders.
Linda Birnbaum ’67 and Richard Thaler
’74 (PhD) were each awarded an honorary doctor of science degree, and Robert
Keegan ’72S (MBA) received an honorary
doctor of laws degree.
Birnbaum directs the National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences and the
National Toxicology Program. An authority on environmental chemicals, Birnbaum
oversees a multidisciplinary research program designed to understand the environmental contributors to disease.
Thaler, the Ralph and Dorothy Keller
Distinguished Service Professor of
Economics and Behavioral Science at
the University of Chicago’s Booth School
of Business, is a pioneering theorist in
behavioral economics. A codirector of the
National Bureau of Economic Research’s behavioral economics project, he directs the
Center for Decision Research at Chicago.
The chair of the board of directors of the
46 ROCHESTER REVIEW July–August 2010
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Honorees: Cathy Jones Minehan ’68,
Vincent Lenti ’60E, ’63E (MA), and
Robert Keegan ’72S (MBA) were among
the alumni recognized this spring.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Keegan served
as CEO and president of the company for
the past seven years. He’s credited with
helping transform Goodyear’s operations
and products and successfully integrating
its tire brands in Europe.
Young-Kee Kim ’90 (PhD), a professor
of physics at the University of Chicago,
received the Rochester Distinguished
Scholar Medal. Since 2006, she has served
as deputy director of the Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory.
Adam Fenster (Minehan and Lenti); Simon School (Keegan)
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Capt. Ken Campbell, retired
writes that he plans to attend the reunion
of NROTC alumni in Washington, D.C.,
September 24 and 25, and looks forward
to seeing classmates Greg Allen, Brian
Heagney, Keith Highfill, Chris Thomas,
and Mike Wanjon. Ken adds that Cmdr.
Sara Zak ’80 is the key contact and welcomes questions and reservations at . . . David Gastel writes
that he’s in his third year playing the harmonica, piano, and organ with the Teeny
Tucker Band, “playing blues festivals and
concerts from Monterey to Toronto to D.C.
and even Belgium.” He adds, “I support my
music habit and my family by working as a
senior manufacturing technology engineer
at DuPont in Circleville, Ohio, with my 25year specialty being the extrusion of polymer
films. I am also on the team that is designing
and implementing an expansion of an existing Circleville manufacturing facility to produce a polyvinyl fluoride–oriented film that
will serve as the critical component of backsheets for photovoltaic modules.” . . . Nancy
Lieberman, a Rochester trustee and partner at the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher & Flom, has received a 2010 Burke
Award. The highest honor of the Burke
Rehabilitation Hospital and Burke Medical
Research Institute in White Plains, N.Y., the
award honors individuals for work on behalf
of people with disabilities.
1979 ed a family court judge in New
Maria Arias was appoint-
York City and sworn in by Mayor Michael
Bloomberg in March.
1980 has been named senior vice
Michael Burneal ’87S (MBA)
president of Five Star Bank, which operates in western New York. Michael has
served at the bank since 2004. . . . Jonathan
Lunine, a professor of planetary sciences
and of physics at the University of Arizona,
has been elected into the National Academy
of Sciences. Jonathan is an expert in the formation and evolution of planets, brown
dwarf stars, and other celestial bodies, as
well as in the prerequisites for extraterrestrial life. . . . Cmdr. Sara Zak writes that she
is planning a reunion of NROTC alumni for
September in Washington, D.C. “The focus
will be on the classes of 1977 to 1983, but all
former Navy ROTC members are welcome,”
she notes. E-mail Sara at
for details.
1983 Don DeGolyer has been named
president of U.S. operations and
essay collection called The Tube Has Spoken:
Reality TV and History (University Press
of Kentucky).
1988 has been appointed vice presThomas Farrell ’95W (MS)
ident for alumni relations and development
at the University of Chicago. He moves to
Chicago from the University of Pennsylvania,
where he has been an associate vice president for undergraduate and individual giving.
1977 from the U.S. Naval Reserves,
1990 counsel at the law firm Vorys,
Jennifer Bibart Dunsizer is of
Sater, Seymour and Pease in Columbus, Ohio.
She joins the labor and employment practice group, where she focuses on employee
benefit plans and executive compensation.
. . . Thabiti Lewis ’91W (MA) writes that he
has been tenured and promoted to associate professor of English at Washington State
University Vancouver. His new book, Ballers
of the New School: Race and Sports in America
(Third World Press), will be out this summer.
1991 Fladd
1991 Fladd send a photo, Laurie
David and Laurie Romanow
1996 Shah
head of commercial operations for North
America for Sandoz, a pharmaceutical company based in Princeton, N.J.
1984 named chief financial officer at
Douglas Criscitello has been
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development. He was sworn in last February
by Secretary Shaun Donovan. . . . Steven
Hanks ’89M (MD), ’92M (Res) has been
named executive vice president and chief
medical officer at the Hospital of Central
Connecticut. . . . After a successful career in
real estate investment, Brian Ricklin is the
executive director as well as a board member of Creative Arts Workshops for Kids. The
New York City nonprofit develops Saturday,
summer, and afterschool programs in the visual arts for economically disadvantaged
children and teens.
writes, “of our two boys, Jacob and Ian,
showing their Meliora spirit at the Cooper
River Bridge Run in Charleston, S.C.”
1992 vice president of business deTed Walsh has been named
velopment at SPG Solar, a developer of solar
power systems for commercial and residential spaces, located in Novato, Calif. Ted has
been at the company since 2006.
1994 named regional sales direc-
Jeff Baumgartner has been
tor for the Kentucky and southern Ohio markets for the 401(k) business of Great-West
Retirement Services.
Key to Abbreviations
Eastman School of Music
School of Medicine and Dentistry
Glenn Stambo, a radiologist in
Tampa, Fla., has been conducting research on stroke therapies. In January,
he presented the results of his latest study on
a clot-removing device at the International
Symposium on Endovascular Therapy in
Ft. Lauderdale.
School of Nursing
William E. Simon Graduate School
of Business
Margaret Warner Graduate School
of Education and Human Development
1987 iting associate professor of his-
Res Medical Center residency
1986 Julie Taddeo ’97 (PhD) is a vis-
tory at the University of Maryland–College
Park and writes that she is coeditor of an
Mas Master’s degree
River Campus
Flw Postdoctoral fellowship
Pdc Postdoctoral certificate
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1995 writes that he, Natalia Raoof
Anando Chowdhury ’02 (MS)
’01M (MD), Kenyon Binns ’96, and Peter
Chalif ’96 met for a reunion breakfast at
Pete’s New Jersey Yuppie Manor last winter.
He adds that Zhi Ming Liao ’01 (PhD) hosted a Rochester snowboarding reunion party
at a Lake Tahoe house that was attended by
Kenyon as well as Naji Anaizi. . . . Michael
Goldman, a tax attorney, has been elected
partner at the law firm Nixon Peabody. He is
based in the firm’s Washington, D.C., office.
1999 Aronson
2000 Johnson
1996 Peter Chalif (see ’95). . . . Brian
Kenyon Binns (see ’95). . . .
Grimberg writes that he has been appointed assistant professor of international health
at Case Western Reserve University’s school
of medicine. He’ll teach geographic medicine as part of the school’s Center for Global
Health and Diseases and will continue his
research to identify vaccine and drug therapies to treat malaria. . . . Neeraj Shah and
his wife, Krupa, welcomed a son, Rishabh
Shah, in January. They live in Rochester,
where Neeraj established his own law firm,
specializing in tax and estate planning, after
graduating from law school at Washington
University in St. Louis.
1997 Jodi Hirsh has been named director of the National Council
of Jewish Women, Pittsburgh section.
2001 Feldman
1998 (see ’00).
Archana Manohar Johnson
1999 that he and his wife, Leslie,
Michael Aronson writes
welcomed a daughter, Ruby Elizabeth,
in December. “Everyone is doing great
in Pittsburgh!”
2000 (MS) (see ’02 Nursing). . . .
Cary Bennett ’04N, ’07N
Wesley Johnson sends a photo and an update. He and Archana Manohar Johnson
’98 welcomed their second child, Alexander,
in February. “Little Alex is healthy and doing
well and his big sister, Ria, is getting along
just great with her ‘little baby brother.’” . . .
Jared Weiner ’04S (MBA) (see ’03).
2001 he and Erica Laden were marMichael Feldman writes that
ried in October 2009 at the Pearl River
Hilton in Pearl River, N.Y. Twenty-seven
Rochester alumni posed with the bride and
groom, including Michael’s parents, Cary ’71
and Nancy Jacobs Feldman ’73, who met as
undergraduates. Pictured from left to right
are, in the front row: Michael, Erica, Jason
2003 Orange and Weiner
Price ’00, and Brad Perilman; in the middle row: Marsha Graubard Greenstein ’71,
Ellen Zlotnik Parker ’73, Gerald Feldman
’74, Barry Neuman ’71, Ira Pardo ’71,
Nancy Jacobs Feldman ’73, Larry Guesno,
Barbara Katz Mandel ’72, Steven Mandel
’72, Neal Jacobs ’75, and Kristin Herman;
and in the back row: Robert Greenstein ’71,
Conrad Roberts ’72, Matthew Parker ’71,
Elliot Warren ’70, Owen Harris ’72, Cary
Feldman ’71, Michael Kaplan, Michael
Goldstein, Ari Chodos ’00, Lee Milstein
’00, Scott Sundick ’00, Lance Ramer, Vicky
Boyer Chodos ’00, and Michael Gurian.
2003 Weiner ’00, ’04S (MBA)
Erica Orange and Jared
were married last November at the New
York Botanical Gardens. Pictured from left
to right are Lance Fletcher ’00, Linda
Pazral Baldeck ’01, Jeremiah Baldeck ’01,
John Boyle ’00, Lance Ramer ’01, Kristin
Herman ’01, Georgiana Avramidis, Melissa
Lukose Kreso, Erin Brownell ’02, Julie
48 ROCHESTER REVIEW July–August 2010
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1998 joined the Winchester, Mass.,
1975 writes that she has released
on genetic conflict at the Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Center in Seattle and an assistant professor of genome sciences at the
University of Washington’s school of medicine, has received the 2010 Vilcek Prize for
Creative Promise in Biomedical Science. The
award by the Vilcek Foundation of New York
City recognizes distinguished young immigrant scientists in the United States. Harmit
is a native of India.
Mary Sojourner (MA)
2003 Silva
Schottenstein, Dan Chruscicki ’00, Alen
Kreso ’07S (MBA), Hima Reddy ’02, Jane
Kim ’02, Annie Wang ’02, Susan Mao,
Jacqueline Boyce ’04, Sean Sullivan ’02,
Carissa Cama ’04, Scott Morganstein,
Jamie Stockton, Lara Berwanger Chassin
’02, Jon Chassin ’01, Brett Anderson ’04,
Susan Cho ’05, Jason Pisco ’04 (MS), Paul
Burgo ’01. . . . Magdalena Nogal Silva and
her husband, Guillermo, welcomed a daughter, Stella Jolanta, in February. Magdalena
and Guillermo were married in October
2008 in Austin, Texas. Pictured at the wedding are Daniel Fonseca ’01, Erika Jimenez,
Magdalena, Guillermo, and Jose Munoz.
2004 founder of Brand Networks,
Michael Garsin is the co-
a marketing and Web design firm that helps
clients use social media. The six-person company has offices in Rochester and Boston.
2006 received her master of sci-
Allison Levin writes that she
ence degree in occupational therapy from
Columbia University. While at Columbia, she
played goalie for the university’s women’s ice
hockey club team. She has passed her certification exam for occupational therapy and
plans to practice in the New York City area.
River Campus
two books in 2010: a novel, Going Through
Ghosts (University of Nevada) and a memoir of a gambling addict, She Bets Her Life
(Seal Press).
1976 (see ’75 undergraduate).
James Jimenez S (MBA)
1981 ident of Bucknell University, has
Brian Mitchell (PhD), the pres-
been named chair of the board of trustees of
Merrimack College in North Andover, Mass.
Brian earned his bachelor’s degree from
Merrimack in 1974.
1985 er and president of the China
Mary Ho (MA), the found-
Millenium Council in Rochester, has partnered with the United Way of Greater
Rochester to launch the Rochester Asian
American Leadership Program. The program’s mission is to provide leadership training to members of the Rochester area’s Asian
American communities to increase their engagement through leadership positions,
in local government, civic organizations,
and nonprofits.
1987 that he is managing re-
Art Altman (MS) writes
search in energy market modeling and energy derivative risk management for the
Electric Power Research Institute in Palo
Alto, Calif. . . . Michael Burneal S (MBA)
(see ’80 undergraduate).
1991 (see ’90 undergraduate).
Thabiti Lewis W (MA)
1951 named a Cambridge Who’s Who 1994 has been promoted to execuVita Krall (PhD) has been
Rama Nambimadom (PhD)
Professional of the Year in clinical psychology. Each year only two men and two women receive the honor in each discipline. Vita
is the author of three books on child and adolescent development and operates her own
private practice.
1995 1969 (see ’64 undergraduate).
1997 has been named dean of the
William Schafer W (EdD)
1970 John Bassett (PhD) has been
named chair of the board of
tive vice president of Pimco, a global investment management firm based in Newport
Beach, Calif.
Thomas Farrell W (MS)
(see ’88 undergraduate).
Rochelle Steiner (PhD)
University of Southern California’s Roski
School of Fine Arts. . . . Julie Taddeo (PhD)
(see ’87 undergraduate).
Zachary Orlov S (MBA) has
office of Hammond Residential, a Bostonbased residential real estate company.
2000 lutionary biologist and expert
Harmit Malik (PhD), an evo-
2001 (see ’95 undergraduate).
Zhi Ming Liao (PhD)
directors of the National Association of
Independent Colleges and Universities. He
completed a 10-year tenure as president
of Clark University in Worcester, Mass., in
June. He becomes the president of Heritage
University in Washington state this summer.
2002 (see ’95 undergraduate).
Anando Chowdhury (MS)
2003 assistant professor in the
Miriam Barlow (PhD), an
University of California at Merced’s school
of natural sciences, has been awarded the
2010 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
Young Investigator Award by the American
Academy of Microbiology. The award recognizes Miriam for her research on anti­
microbial resistance. . . . Alexsandra
Sukhoy S (MBA) has published a novel, Chatroom to Bedroom: Chicago (Creative
Cadence, 2009), a first-person narrative in
which a woman enters a chatroom in mid1990s Chicago and undergoes unexpected
virtual—and real—experiences.
2004 (see ’03 undergraduate).
Jared Weiner S (MBA)
2008 joined G2 Systems, a software
Rajdeep Saha (PhD) has
and consulting firm geared toward the financial services industry, as a software engineer.
The Eastman School
of Music
1963 (PhD) completed his first
Composer Vincent Frohne
work for solo classical guitar, Peireus, op. 52.
Vincent writes that the work came about at
the suggestion of Brad DeRoche ’05 (DMA),
who asked him to write a work for guitar
that could have its premiere at the Western
Illinois Guitar Festival. Vincent completed the composition in January, and Brad
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performed it at the April festival. Vincent
was also invited to take part as an American
ambassador to the World Forum in August
at St. John’s College of the University of
Cambridge. The forum, sponsored by the
American Biographical Institute, began five
years ago to bring together people from
around the globe, representing a variety of
professions, for discussion and learning.
1970 lished an article, “Significant
Geary Larrick (MM) has pub-
Recent Scholarship,” in the spring 2010 issue
of the National Association of College Wind
and Percussion Instructors Journal.
1975 has been named director of
Janet Graves-Wright (MM)
outpatient services at the Treatment and
Learning Centers, a nonprofit in Rockville,
Md., that offers programs for people with
learning disabilities.
1978 nist and professor of piano at
Steven Smith (DMA), a pia-
Penn State, writes: “I have immersed myself in a Beethoven project, resulting in the
first five recitals of a series of 11 called Piano
Masterworks of Beethoven, performed at the
University Park campus. The more-or-less
chronological series explores all 32 sonatas
and, for each program, one major non-sonata
(variation, rondos, bagatelles) work.” Steven
adds that he performed Beethoven’s Emperor
Concerto with the Nittany Valley Symphony
last September; Schumann’s Liederkreis,
op. 24 with tenor Richard Kennedy last
December; and César Franck’s Sonata in A
Major with violinist and Eastman professor
of violin Charles Castleman in a March guest
recital at University Park. Steven also delivered a lecture recital on “Beethoven and
the High School Student” for the Pittsburgh
Piano Teachers Association and the
Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association
last November.
1979 the vocal music teacher and
Diane Abrahamian ’86 (MM),
choral director at Penfield High School,
near Rochester, presented “Music Literacy
Through Effective Sight-Singing Practices”
at the annual Rochester Area Council
Administrators of Music Education Music
Workshop Day in January. Diane was also
the guest conductor for the 2010 Finger
Lakes All-County Vocal Jazz Ensemble. . . .
Trumpeter Pam Fleming performed at the
Rochester International Jazz Festival in June
with the blues and roots ensemble Hazmat
Modine. Pam performed on the group’s debut CD, Bahamut (Barbes), released in 2006,
2001 Pascual
and adds that she has been working with
the group on a new CD, Cicada (Barbes),
that will be released later this year and features Natalie Merchant, the Kronos String
Quartet, and the Gangbe Brass from Benin in
West Africa.
1981 been named music director
Steven Smith ’83 (MM) has
of the Richmond Symphony Orchestra in
Richmond, Va. Steven was the director of the
Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus.
1986 (see ’79).
Diane Abrahamian (MM)
1999 named sales and marketing
Lukas Hurwitz has been
manager at Inovonics, a manufacturer of radio broadcast equipment based in Felton,
Calif., near Santa Cruz.
2001 writes: “I am happy to report
Penny Johnson ’03 (MM)
that I have been admitted to the College
Examiners for the Royal Conservatory of
Music. I live in Toronto, where I teach piano, and am a contributing author for the
Glenn Gould Foundation.” . . . Jennifer
Pascual (DMA) sends a photo and an update. She married Robert Evers in August
2009 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York
City. Jennifer has been the director of music and Robert has been the music administrator at St. Patrick’s since 2003. Eastman
organ professor David Higgs performed at
the wedding.
2002 cepted the position of ex-
Brian Hermanson has ac-
ecutive director of the San Luis Obispo
Symphony Orchestra in California. He was
executive director of the Cobb Symphony
Orchestra in Kennesaw, Ga.
2003 a violinist with the Rochester
Liana Koteva Kirvan (MM),
Philharmonic Orchestra, writes: “I am one
of the founding members of the Argos piano trio, along with my husband, Lars Kirvan,
a cellist with the RPO. After many months
of auditioning for a new pianist, we are happy to announce the newest member of our
group, pianist Chiao-Wen Cheng—a fantastic, award-winning musician and doctoral
student at the Eastman School, where she is
the teaching assistant of Barry Snyder ’66,
’68 (MM).”
Send Your News!
If you have an announcement you’d like to
share with your fellow alumni, please send
or e-mail your personal and professional
news to Rochester Review.
• Review also welcomes photos of any of
your important events for Class Notes, and
we print as many photos as space permits.
• E-mail your news and digital photos to
Mail news and photos to Rochester
Review, 22 Wallis Hall, University of
Rochester, P.O. Box 270044, Rochester, NY
To ensure timely publication of your
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Issue of Review
November 2010
January 2011
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August 1, 2010
October 1, 2010
December 1, 2010
50 ROCHESTER REVIEW July–August 2010
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processes that are tightly organized around
the needs of the patient.”
2006 been playing English horn
1996 named director of nursing at
Brad DeRoche (DMA)
Jeffrey Stephenson, who has
John Parker (MS) has been
with the Florida Symphony Orchestra in St.
Petersburg this year, has been selected as the
permanent horn player, beginning with the
2010–11 season.
School of Medicine
and Dentistry
1969 Jeffrey Meilman (MD), ’71
(Res), a Buffalo plastic surgeon,
has been named a trustee of Daemen College.
1972 (see ’64 undergraduate).
Michael LaCombe (Res)
1973 his wife, Ann Spiegel (MD),
Jim Clark (MD) writes that
passed away in March, of cancer. Jim and
Ann met as Rochester medical students. Jim
welcomes classmates to e-mail him at with notes and remembrances of Ann.
1975 (see ’72 undergraduate). . . .
Carol Warren Nichols (MS)
Owen Oksanen (MD) has been named to the
medical executive committee of the Sacred
Heart Hospital on the Gulf in Port St. Joe,
Fla. The committee acts as a liaison between
the hospital staff and the hospital’s board.
1979 Stephen Buell (PhD) has been
named managing director and
director of U.S. equity research at the financial services firm Canaccord Adams. He focuses on the energy, technology, life sciences,
consumer, and sustainability sectors.
1981 (Res) was elected to the board
Kevin Black (MD), ’86M
2002N Bennett
practice medicine in Ethiopia, and shares
his home with more than 20 adopted and
foster children.
1985 elected to the board of directors
Mel Reichman (PhD) has been
of the Society for Biomolecular Sciences, an
association devoted to drug discoveries.
1987 named chief of orthopaedic surDaniel Fish (MD) has been
gery at Danbury Hospital in Danbury, Conn.
Nancy Brown Bennett ’05
Bennett ’00RC, ’04, ’07 (MS) welcomed
their first child, Annalise Leona, in January.
Nancy and Cary are both pediatric nurse
practitioners. “Cary works in the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit at St. Joseph’s
hospital in Phoenix. He is working on the development of Phoenix’s first pediatric heart
transplant program. I work for an insurance company, enrolling children in a program for kids with congenital anomalies and
chronic illnesses.”
Steven Hanks (MD), ’92M
1994 Matthew Esposito (MD) has
joined the obstetrics and gynecology department of the division of maternal-fetal medicine at Women & Infants
Hospital of Rhode Island.
1999 has been named to the reDavid Provenzano (MD)
search committee of the American Society
of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine.
David is the executive medical director of
the Ohio Valley General Hospital Institute
for Pain Diagnostics and Care, an adjunct assistant professor and clinical instructor in
the pharmacology department at Duquesne
University, and a board member of the
American Chronic Pain Association.
2001 (see ’95 undergraduate).
1982 ical director of the American
1975 ty manager at the Kenner Army
Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, is the
subject of a new book, This Is A Soul: The
Mission of Rick Hodes (Harper Collins), by
Marilyn Berger, and a documentary, Making
the Crooked Straight, by writer and filmmaker Susan Cohn Rockefeller that aired
on HBO this spring. Rick continues to
2002 (MS) writes that she and Cary
1989 (Res) (see ’84 undergraduate). In Memoriam
of directors of the American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons in March. He chairs
the orthopaedics and rehabilitation department at Penn State University’s Milton S.
Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, Pa.
Rick Hodes (MD), the med-
the Vines Hospital in Ocala, Fla., a behavioral health facility specializing in substance
abuse, addiction, and related psychiatric disorders. Most recently, John was a supervisor
of nursing operations at Natchaug Hospital
in Mansfield Center, Conn.
2005 (see ’63).
Natalia Raoof (MD)
School of Nursing
David Bolesh, a patient safe-
Medical Center in Fort Lee, Va., was awarded the 2009 Department of Defense Patient
Safety Award in the category of Identification
and Mitigation of Risks and Hazards in
Ambulatory Care. The award recognizes
“those who have shown innovation and commitment to the development of systems and
Beatrice Boardman Bibby ’30,
April 2010
A. Emerson Creore ’34, ’36 (MA),
February 2008
Lois Wing Ouzts ’34,
April 2010
Paul F. Reich ’35,
April 2010
Gladys Robin Alexander ’36N,
March 2010
Richard J. Fink ’36,
May 2010
Helene Berman Angevine ’37,
May 2010
Ruth Goodman Rapport ’37,
April 2010
John S. Reed ’37,
May 2010
Donald M. Packer ’38 (PhD),
May 2010
John P. Frazer ’39M (MD),
April 2010
Carroll Potter ’39, ’48 (Mas),
April 2010
Adele Nusbaum ’40,
May 2010
Albert C. Snell ’40M (MD),
April 2010
J. Donald Urquhart ’40,
January 2010
Leon A. Heppel ’41M (MD),
April 2010
July–August 2010 ROCHESTER REVIEW 51
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Pamela Fahrer MacLeod ’41, ’46 (MA),
March 2010
Raymond C. Perkins ’41,
February 2010
R. Lucy Gould Weaver ’41N,
March 2008
Philip Price ’42,
March 2010
Virginia Reuter Tucker ’42,
April 2010
Jean Matson Wright ’42,
April 2010
Bernard J. Flaherty ’43,
May 2010
William A. Bramley ’44,
January 2010
Daniel C. Campbell ’44,
October 2009
Donald G. Warner ’44,
May 2010
Yolanda Giuffrida Dragone ’45,
May 2010
Robert L. Eastman ’45,
May 2010
Carolyn Smith Sill ’45,
April 2010
Donald J. Strand ’45,
March 2009
Paul E. Fanta ’46 (PhD),
May 2010
Frederick A. Horner ’47M (MD),
April 2010
Charles F. Moreland ’47,
May 2010
Myles C. Morrison ’47M (MD), ’54M (Res),
April 2010
Elizabeth Haelsy Birnbaum ’48 (MA),
April 2010
George F. Closter ’48 (Mas),
April 2010
Conrad L. Longmire ’48 (PhD),
March 2010
Nilva Coutts Viken ’48,
May 2010
Thomas B. Barnett ’49M (MD),
May 2010
Margaret Luke Lennox ’49,
April 2010
James E. Maher ’49,
April 2010
Kathryn Woodworth ’49E,
February 2010
Carl S. Baker ’50,
April 2010
Josephine Reading Figenscher ’50,
April 2010
Walter C. Kaufman ’50, ’51 (MA),
December 2009
Charles F. Luckett ’50,
April 2010
Robert M. Mowers ’50,
March 2010
52 ROCHESTER REVIEW July–August 2010
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Cyrus Hoy: Inspiring Mentor
In 1980, during my first year of graduate
study in the English department, Cyrus
Hoy was interviewed by a reporter from
the Campus Times about his just-published
four-volume Introductions, Notes, and
Commentaries to Texts in “The Dramatic
Works of Thomas Dekker,” edited with
Fredson Bowers. Two things about the CT
article remain in my memory after three
decades: Cyrus was quoted as saying, with
mischievous humility, that probably few
people would have the Dekker edition on
their bookshelves. And the reporter described him as “piquant.”
Then, as now, I wondered what the writer
had in mind. Tart? Sharply provocative,
stimulating? Critical and biting? Cyrus could
be all those things, although his criticisms
were invariably humane no matter how
pointed. When I met with him in his office
to discuss the first chapter of my dissertation—30 pages of my best ideas—he said,
“Patrick, sometimes you sound like you
don’t know what you’re talking about.”
And then he laughed as he often did,
close-mouthed and high-pitched, bouncing
slightly in his chair. I didn’t laugh with him,
but I got the point. (I threw out the chapter.)
Somehow, that felt like an act of fatherly
kindness. I don’t know if Cyrus was really
piquant, but he was certainly charming.
And brilliant. His knowledge of literature
and the arts was encyclopedic, and not
only in his area of specialty, the English
Renaissance, but on an impressively wide
range of topics. He was a scholar’s scholar:
nearly single-mindedly devoted to learning
and the life of the mind. And he wrote the
most beautiful prose. We graduate students
Walter J. Sweeting ’50,
May 2010
Alice Hesse Verzuh ’50,
April 2010
Marylee Dozier-Hicks ’51E,
March 2010
Elliot F. Jaquith ’51,
May 2010
Danute Saladzius Kasaitis ’51,
February 2010
Robert H. Koch ’51,
April 2010
John C. Nebbia ’51,
April 2010
Philip P. Thorpe ’51,
April 2010
‘Scholar’s Scholar’: Hoy was known for
the range and depth of his knowledge.
were a little in awe of him, actually. Faculty
reminded us that when W. W. Norton &
Company wanted an editor for their critical
edition of the play, they selected Cyrus to
edit Hamlet.
Cyrus, who was the John B. Trevor
Professor Emeritus of English, retired from
teaching in 1994 and died in April. He was
an inspired and inspiring mentor, and I and
many others are fortunate to have known
and learned from him.
—Patrick Scanlon ’84 (PhD)
Scanlon is a professor in the department of communication at the Rochester Institute
of Technology.
J. Donald Hare ’53M (MS), ’54M (MD),
April 2010
Alex H. Kanack ’53E, ’58E (MM),
April 2010
Calvin A. Stanfield ’53M (MD), ’60M (Flw),
April 2010
Lester L. Lansky ’54,
May 2010
Richard G. Stellwagen ’54,
May 2010
James H. Burkley ’55,
April 2010
Willard C. Harman ’55,
May 2010
David T. Nelson ’55 (MA),
December 2009
Department of English
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Courtesy of Mark Rosenblum
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Robert N. Ruda ’55,
February 2009
John E. Stoller ’55,
May 2010
Louis G. Daignault ’57 (PhD),
January 2010
M. Teresine Haban ’57E (PhD),
April 2010
Richard E. Hughs ’57,
April 2010
C. Murray North ’58E (DMA),
April 2010
Ruth Robinson Perotto ’58,
May 2010
Frank Bellomo ’59,
April 2010
Seth H. Lourie ’59,
May 2010
Marianne Moore Randall ’59N,
May 2010
Ivars Reimanis ’59,
April 2010
Robert G. Sommer ’59M (MD),
April 2010
Doris Baumgartner Berry ’60,
April 2010
Gary W. Hartman ’61,
March 2010
Donald W. Helbig ’61M (MD),
April 2010
Stuart O. Miller ’61,
May 2010
Rudolph H. Buettner ’62W (MA),
April 2010
Richard W. Wienhorst ’62E (PhD),
March 2010
Lucinda Finlay Wilcox ’62, ’89W (EdD),
April 2010
Emily Dunn ’63, ’63N,
March 2010
Kenneth J. Lawless ’64E,
May 2010
Donn R. Wilshaw ’64W (Mas),
April 2010
Mary Burritt Zumchak ’64W (MA),
May 2010
Apostolos Apostolopoulos ’65M (PhD),
June 2008
Gene G. Hoff ’65S (MBA),
April 2010
Richard S. Lawrence ’65,
April 2010
Robert P. Bauer ’66,
July 2009
Carl P. Foos ’68S (MBA),
April 2010
Kathleen Marden Larkin ’69N,
March 2010
Susan Berger Torkelson ’70,
May 2010
Clark W. Hand ’71,
October 2009
Robert Rosenblum ’59M (Pdc),
’61M (MS): ‘Always Learning’
In 1958 I was fortunate in being assigned a
student locker adjacent to the one already
inhabited by Bob Rosenblum. It was a
random selection but it was the beginning
of a long and meaningful friendship. Bob
was enrolled in the graduate orthodontic
program offered at the Eastman Dental
Center, and I was trailing two years behind
him. Our friendship continued unabated
for 52 years, up until his passing this past
October at age 82.
Bob was an absolutely superb orthodontist. In 1961 he established a private practice in the Rochester area that continued for
40 years. Shortly after graduating from his
orthodontic program, on a part-time basis
he initiated a long-term affiliation with the
teaching staff of the Eastman Dental Center
and the University, reaching the academic
rank of associate professor. His students
and I personally learned much from him as
he approached patient diagnosis and treatment planning very rationally, methodically,
and ethically. He was always learning and
always had a very open mind regarding new
ideas. Bob was also very active in research,
having presented several scientific papers
and was periodically honored throughout
his career.
Upon reflection, it was the personal side
of Bob that meant the most to me and
to others who knew him well. Integrity,
intelligence, and compassion are words
Terry J. Peyton ’71E,
February 2010
Geoffrey B. Richter ’71E, ’73E (MM),
May 2010
Lowell E. Shearer ’71S (MS),
April 2010
Harriet Herendeen Cook ’72,
April 2010
Arthur H. Richards ’72M (PhD),
November 2009
John P. Hains ’73,
May 2010
Richard M. Lackritz ’73M (Res),
September 2009
Ann Spiegel ’73M (MD),
March 2010
John W. Lloyd ’74 (MS),
January 2010
Paul J. Ruskin ’74,
April 2010
MENTOR: Rosenblum practiced and taught
orthodontics for 40 years.
that quickly come to mind. Bob also was
always active with hobbies and many forms
of physical activity, especially skiing. We
shared many ideas and opinions, all of
which fostered wonderful discussions. Bob,
along with his late, dear wife, Harriet, was
socially very liberal. He had great concern
for the well-being of others.
—Leonard Fishman ’61M (Pdc)
Fishman is a member of the clinical faculty
at the Eastman Institute for Oral Health.
Ronald E. Bolson ’75,
March 2010
Henry D. Rohrer ’75M (Pdc),
April 2010
Thomas J. Miller ’76M (MD),
November 2009
Annette Greenhouse Osband ’76,
April 2010
Ronald Chiles ’77,
August 2009
Otis Lee Tucker ’77M (MD),
April 2010
Aleta Y. McLeod-Bryant ’81, ’83W (MS),
March 2010
Carrington W. Ewell ’82,
April 2010
Matthew P. Randy ’01,
May 2010
Michael W. McCoy ’08,
April 2010
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