canada haines jct
canada haines jct
VILLAGE OF HAINES JUNCTION REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Municipal Council Chambers Monday, May 9, 2016 7:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES 3.1 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of April 27, 2016 Page 4 3.2 Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of May 4, 2016 Page 12 4. HEARING OF DELEGATIONS 4.1 Alessandra Barone regarding Email dated April 27, 2016 - Zoning of Spruce Street in Willow Acres Page 16 4.2 Kim, DBO, regarding Draft Financial Audit, findings and Management letter Page 17 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS OF BYLAWS 6. QUESTIONS ON AGENDA ITEMS 7. PASSAGE OF BYLAWS AND POLICIES 8. STAFF REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer dated May 6, 2016 - Update Page 36 8.2 Report from the Treasurer – April Unaudited Statements Page 38 8.3 Request for Decision from the Chief Administrative Officer dated May 6, 2016 regarding Disposal of Surplus Goods Policy ADM 005-93, Public Address System Policy ADM 008-94 Page 55 9. BOARD REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 9.1 Minutes of the Community Development Committee dated May 2, 2016 Page 61 10. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 10.1 Accounts Payable Summary – May 9, 2016 Page 65 11. BUSINESS ARISING (NEW AND UNFINISHED) 11.1 CAO Training Plan – carry forward from April 13, 2016 and April 27, 2016 Council meetings Page 68 11.2 Travel Policy and Expense Claim Form - carry forward from April 13, 2016 and April 27, 2016 Council meetings Page 71 11.3 Letter of Support for Kluane Mountain Bike Association - carry forward from April 13, 2016 and April 27, 2016 Council meeting 11.4 Drinking in Public Facilities – discussion on Policy for Haines Junction 11.5 Fire Management – Parks Canada 11.6 Justice Committee – membership 12. INFORMATION AND CORRESPONDENCE 12.1 Email dated May 4, 2016 from AYC regarding assistance to Fort McMurray (for action) Page 76 12.2 Email dated April 29, 2016 from AYC regarding new rules for movable soccer goals (for information) Page 77 12.3 Letter dated April 20, 2016 from Currie Dixon to the St. Elias Chamber of Commerce regarding EMS Coverage (for information) Page 80 12.4 Email dated May 3, 2015 from Bev Buckway AYC regarding Climate Change (for information) Page 82 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 2 12.5 Email dated April 29, 2016 from Energy Star Canada regarding Public engagement portal on climate change (for information) Page 83 12.6 Letter dated May 2, 2016 from YEMS regarding Operation Summary for Haines Junction (for information) Page 84 13. COUNCILLOR REPORTS AND QUESTION PERIOD 14. ADJOURNMENT Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 3 Item 3.1 VILLAGE OF HAINES JUNCTION REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Municipal Council Chambers April 27, 2016 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Mayor M. Riseborough; Councillors S. Smith; B. Sundbo; T. Eckervogt; E. Koh (by telephone) Chief Administrative Officer M. Schittek; Recorder D. Istchenko Guests: MLA Wade Istchenko 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Motion #141-16 Moved T. Eckervogt Seconded S. Smith That the agenda be amended by the following: Item 4.2 be corrected to include the title ‘MLA’, and precede Item 4.1 To add a discussion on zoning, The Council meeting date next week, Block 9 That the agenda be adopted. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES 3.1 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 23, 2016 Motion #142-16 Moved S. Smith Seconded E. Koh That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of April 13, 2016 be amended by the following: To correct Mayor Riseborough from “In Attendance” to “Absent (with notice)” Item 4.2; correct ‘members’ to ‘people that attended meetings or are on an email list’ Item 12.6, after Motion 136-16; change the word ‘villages’ to ‘jurisdictions’ Item 12.9; to add that the letter will be forwarded to YEMS; and That the minutes be adopted. CARRIED Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 4 4. HEARING OF DELEGATIONS 4.2 MLA Wade Istchenko Minister Istchenko, following his letter to attend as a delegation, reiterated his intent to follow up on items brought forward during his previous visit of January 27, 2016. LED Street Lights - Dawson City switched over to LED streetlights in 2015. Other communities are making the change in 2016 include Mayo, Faro, Champagne and Mendenhall. It was suggested that Dawson City could be asked about their current cost savings. Discussions with ATCO are ongoing. Rodeo Grounds - Minister Istchenko provided a summary of the rodeo grounds proposal, originally brought forward to Council in 2014. At the time, Mr. Istchenko had support from his government to fund the construction and had asked the Village to acquire funding such as Community Development Fund to develop a cost estimate for design. Development of the area as a multiuse recreation site including ball diamonds, soccer fields, bleachers, washrooms, parking stalls, a covered pavilion and small outbuildings for events and storage was considered. Water and sewer could be hooked up providing basic infrastructure. Local organizations could benefit from the site and it may attract new events also. A fee for camping during these events could generate revenue to offset operating and maintenance costs. Mayor Riseborough noted that Council would need to consider the proposal and determine any questions or concerns. Regional Landfill - The Minister noted that the previous Council was hesitant to become a regional landfill because little diversion was being done at the transfer stations. He stated, more diversion is now being done and most government landfills have been closed. Yukon Government (YG) is interested in regenerating the discussion with the Village to consider becoming a regional landfill. Minister Curry and MLA Istchenko are open to meet with Village of Haines Junction Council at their request. Pine Lake Trail - In 2014 as Minister of Highways and Public Works, the Minister worked with the late Carol Thomas, Chair of the Community Development Committee, to procure surfacing material for maintenance of the Pine Lake Trail. In partnership with YG, the Village agreed to provide maintenance to the trail in and outside of the municipal boundary with the funding assistance of the Community Development Fund (CDF). In respect of the late Mrs. Thomas’ efforts, he would like to see the project completed. Minister Istchenko recently received a request from the Village for surfacing material for the Legacy Trail and has asked that the request be redirected to the current Minister of Highways and Public Works. It was noted that the Canadian Armed Forces will provide labour to construct the trail and costs for survey, equipment and material are to be provided by the Village. The Mayor thanked Minister Istchenko for his presentation, and MLA Istchenko left the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 5 Council discussed the current status of the Pine Lake Trail. Mayor Riseborough noted that Council does not want to disregard the Community Development Committee’s work. Councillor Koh noted that the Committee could proceed with the project if directed by Council. The approaching deadlines for Community Development funding are May 15 and July 15, 2016. Councillor Sundbo noted that there may not be contractors available at a later date. Councillor Koh will bring this project forward to the next CDC meeting. Administration is requested to provide background information on the project and submit an application to CDF. 4.1. HJ RCMP – Monthly Report Motion #143-16 Moved S. Smith Seconded B. Sundbo That the March 2016 Monthly RCMP Report be accepted for information. CARRIED 5. 6. 7. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS OF BYLAWS QUESTIONS ON AGENDA ITEMS PASSAGE OF BYLAWS AND POLICIES STAFF REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1. CAO Update The Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer dated April 22, 2016 was received. In addition to the report, the CAO noted that two residents have expressed concern about clearing planned for the Legacy Trail construction. An application for Performance of Work within the Right-of-Way has been submitted. CAO Schittek suggested that the project could be communicated to the public, joining a discussion for potential Residential Mobile lot development in the same area (between Alsek and Otter Crescent). An additional meeting of Council will be scheduled for May 4th at 6:00 pm to accommodate a delegation from Yukon Government, Community Affairs to speak to Council on recent changes to the Municipal Act and Municipal Revenue Generation. A closed session of Council will follow. Due to the unavailability of Council members and the upcoming Association of Yukon Communities (AYC) AGM, the next regular meeting will be rescheduled to Monday, May 9, 2016. 8.2. Public Works Report Motion #144-16 Moved S. Smith Seconded B. Sundbo That the Public Works Department Report dated April 22, 2016 be received. CARRIED It was suggested that a hedge or similar barrier be installed at the landfill along the fence line to block the view of the e-waste area upon approach. A policy or bylaw is suggested to be developed for house numbering signs for 911 emergency requirements. The lift station upgrades are expected to begin in October, lagoon upgrades will be phased over two years. It was clarified that the RV dump station is part of the lagoon project. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 6 Councillor Smith declared a conflict of interest for all discussions regarding Block 9 sewer installation as she is one of three owners requesting service to that location. Mayor Riseborough, Councillor Eckervogt, CAO Schittek and Foreman Hatherley will form a working group to move forward with the project planning. 8.3 RFD – Strategic Planning Facilitator Selection Motion #145-16 Moved B. Sundbo Seconded T. Eckervogt That the report from the CAO regarding the Strategic Planning Facilitator Selection be received; and That Council endorse the selection of Facilitator “B” and award the contract. CARRIED Council discussed the merits of the proposals received based on price, experience, and travel costs. 9. BOARD REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 9.1 Community Development Committee Meeting, April 5, 2016 Motion #146-16 Moved E. Koh Seconded S. Smith That the Community Development Committee (CDC) meeting minutes of April 5, 2016 be received for information. CARRIED Motion #147-16 Moved E. Koh Seconded S. Smith That Council endorse the Community Development Committee recommendation No. 1416 to approve the Commercial Property Improvement Grant to Frosty’s Restaurant for up to $5,000.00, pending receipt of eligible project costs incurred after February 15, 2016. CARRIED Council requested clarification on the following items noted in the draft committee minutes: Item 8.1 CPIG Grant changes/improvements and updates on the Village website; Item 8.3 “need to be residents of Haines Junction” should reference in accordance with the Bylaw; Y2C2 project list. Council wish to thank the CDC for the work and enthusiasm shown on the Y2C2 proposal, but given the late timing (submission required for April 30th), it would not be reasonable to move this item forward in 2016. These items can be kept for discussion in the future. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 7 10. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 10.1 Accounts Payable Summary – April 27, 2016 Motion #148-16 Moved S. Smith Seconded B. Sundbo That the municipal accounts payable transfers and cheques #23073 to #23094 in the amount of $88,650.69 be approved for payment. CARRIED 11. BUSINESS ARISING (NEW AND UNFINISHED) 11.1 CAO Training Plan – carry forward from April 13, 2016 Council meeting It is requested that this item be brought forward to the next meeting with travel costs included. 11.2 Memorandum – Exempt Employee Wage Increase – Bylaw 163-02 and subsequent amendments – carry forward from April 13, 2016 Council meeting Motion #149-16 Moved B. Sundbo Seconded S. Smith That Council approve a 2% wage increase for all exempt employees retroactive to January 1, 2016. CARRIED 11.3 Travel Policy and Expense Claim Form – carry forward from April 13, 2016 Council meeting Motion #150-16 Moved B. Sundbo Seconded T. Eckervogt That the adoption of the Travel Policy be deferred pending broader discussion. CARRIED 11.4 Letter of Support for Kluane Mountain Bike Association – carry forward from April 13, 2016 Council meeting No additional information has been received from the association. 11.5 Residential Mobile – Lack of Available Lots – carry forward from April 13, 2016 Council meeting YG has advised that the reserve for mobile residential lots on St. Elias Street (behind Otter Crescent) could be developed over the span of two seasons (construction next spring, available for sale by fall 2017). This item will be brought forward for further discussion at a planning meeting following the AYC AGM. 11.6 Potential Business Award Criteria – Bruce Sundbo Councillor Sundbo has provided samplings of business award criteria from various communities. There were some concerns noted with Council administering the award. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 8 Councillor Koh will forward the criteria to the Chamber of Commerce and advise them of Council’s concerns. Councillor Sundbo noted that in some communities, the Business Award is administered as a peer award. 12. INFORMATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Motion #151-16 Moved S. Smith Seconded B. Sundbo That all correspondence, items 12.1 through Item 12.12, be accepted for information. CARRIED 12.1 Letter dated April 12, 2016 from Deborah Apps regarding the Trans Canada Trail That a letter response be provided. 12.2 Email dated April 13, 2016 from Francis Dion regarding Provision of Service for Operation Nanook Motion #152-16 Moved S. Smith Seconded T. Eckervogt That Council endorse the Provision of Service agreement for the construction of the Legacy Trail for signature. CARRIED 12.3 Letter dated April 15, 2016 from Kari Johnston regarding the Truth and Reconciliation Report Council discussed what role they might play, including engaging with CAFN and training staff in cultural awareness. Councillor Smith suggested that money allocated to the CPR Committee for community training could be used towards providing training. Councillor Smith to discuss next steps with the author. The next meeting with CAFN scheduled can include this agenda item. 12.4 Email dated April 18, 2016 from Ruth Lawrence regarding interest in joining the Cemetery Committee Motion #153-16 Moved B. Sundbo Seconded S. Smith That Council appoint Ruth Lawrence to be on the Haines Junction Cemetery Committee for a term of two years. CARRIED 12.5 Letter dated April 18, 2016 from Maggie Mann regarding an invitation to the Graduation Ceremony Mayor Riseborough confirms attendance at the graduation ceremony. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 9 12.6 Email dated April 19, 2016 from Dawn-Alena Brown regarding the speaker’s Yukoners’ Cancer Care Reception 12.7 Email dated April 13, 2016 from Amanda Couch regarding the Yukon 911 Bulletin 12.8 Letter dated April 14, 2016 from Jack Bowers (Mayor of Faro) regarding an Invitation to the Crane and Sheep Festival A thank you response for the invitation will be sent to the Mayor of Faro. 12.9 Document dated April 2016 from Association of Yukon Communities (AYC) regarding Election Advocacy 12.10 Letter dated April 22, 2016 from Wayne Potoroka regarding CMG and Supplementary Fire Funding 12.11 Email dated March 22, 2016 from Susan Smith regarding work scheduled for Block 9, Lots 1 and 2 It was noted that the request for this work was initiated in 2012. 12.12 Document dated April 12, 2016 from Nico Stephenson regarding the Yukon Communities Cello Project for July 2016 Motion #154-16 Moved S. Smith Seconded T. Eckervogt That Council provide facility use for the project (if available) and that the proponents be directed to Junction Arts and Music and consider the funding sources such as CDF. CARRIED 13. COUNCILLOR REPORTS AND QUESTION PERIOD 13.1 Councillor Eckervogt Councillor Eckervogt noted he was aware of a request for a Residential Mobile lot in Haines Junction. 13.2 Councillor Sundbo Councillor Sundbo noted interest in building micro homes. A concern was raised to the proper care required for artwork in the Convention Centre. Protection from sun exposure through the windows may be required to prevent deterioration. 13.3 Councillor Smith The Culture, Parks and Recreation Committee is developing a volunteer recognition initiative. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 10 14. ADJOURNMENT Motion #155-16 Moved B. Sundbo That the meeting be adjourned at 10:38 pm. CARRIED _____________________________ Mayor, Michael Riseborough _____________________________________ Chief Administrative Officer, Monika Schittek Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 11 Item 3.2 VILLAGE OF HAINES JUNCTION REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Municipal Council Chambers Wednesday, May 4, 2016 6:00 p.m. In Attendance: Mayor Michael Riseborough, Councillors Evelyn Koh (via telephone), Susan Smith, Thomas Eckervogt, and Bruce Sundbo; Chief Administrative Officer M. Schittek (partial) Guests: Ian Davis, Yukon Government Community Services; Bev Buckway, Association of Yukon Communities 1. CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. 2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Motion #156-16 Moved by Councillor Smith, Seconded by Councillor Eckervogt That the agenda be adopted. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES 4. HEARING OF DELEGATIONS 4.1 Ian Davis, Yukon Government Community Services and Bev Buckway, Association of Yukon Communities The Mayor welcomed Mr. Davis and Ms. Buckway. Mr. Davis explained he and Ms. Buckway have made visits around the Yukon communities for the purpose of discussion on the recent amendments to the Municipal Act and the topic of revenue generation. Enhancing collaboration and cooperation within Yukon Communities allows a continuum for education through the Association of Yukon Communities (AYC) and its organization. The Mayor extended his thanks in allowing AYC to participate and collaborate with Community Services on this educational tour. Ms. Buckway thanked Mr. Davis on behalf of AYC for always taking the initiative to go above and beyond in the collaborative efforts between them. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 12 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting May 4, 2016 Page 2 Mr. Davis outlined the history of the consultation process involving Yukon Government (YG) and AYC municipalities. Initially, the Act was to be put to the table at the beginning of 2015, but legislation on revenue generation and the powers or positions for revenue generation needed clarification, to make it more useful to carry out business. The summary document addressed issues and language consistency. A series of guides will be developed to outline particular sections such as pecuniary interest and CMG. Guides will be available online, updated as needed, and can be useful in everyday discussions. Revenue Generation: This guide is the outline of what municipalities can and cannot do for raising revenues based on the standards of the Act. Municipality only has the authority to tax (property tax and local improvements), and charge fees for municipal services. A municipal service can be tied back to Section 265 of the Act to determine a fee that can be charged. AYC does not have the research on comparisons of fees and services between municipalities. Water and septic services could be a good comparison. At June 9th and 10th a Revenue generation workshop will be offered – save the date. Bring fees and revenue information to the workshop. Solid waste services is a good example; flat fee vs. usage fees. Understanding operating costs comparisons to the fees charges is needed. The workshop will encourage sharing ideas and initiatives. Consideration of residential vs outside municipal boundaries can be a comparison. Sharing practices is encouraged. Another area of revenue may be in the saving resulting from good procurement practices. A specialist will speak to high level procurement, offered for ½ day in June at the same session. Group purchases and bulk buying opportunities exist that can be capitalized on between municipalities. Items not available within the community can be considered in group buying decisions. AYC has endorsed a document for YG consideration; it suggests standardized rates for landfill that may eliminate advantages and disadvantages existing today. Community Services has some exciting new initiatives coming forward related to landfill. A request for a hotel tax added to the Municipal Act was made. Unfortunately, it cannot be added to the Act, but revenue could be generated via a fee to the end user of the hotel. A destination marketing fee is common in other areas. Calling it a tax would not be accurate, but as a fee it is allowed. It must be tied to a municipal service. Tolls are not defined in the Act. This promotes a discussion with the public and business owners. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 13 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting May 4, 2016 Page 3 Assisting the Chamber of Commerce to become a strong entity was iterated by Mayor Riseborough. In other jurisdictions a fee charged by the City or the Regional Districts funds the Chamber of Commerce to for the work needed. A voluntary fee, added to the accommodation billing, can be collected and submitted to the Chamber, without involvement from the Municipality, as is done in Niagara. Areas such as Victoria BC may be a good example of communities that imposed a hotel fee, that have been successful and well accepted to the hotel businesses. Advantages to user pay rather than taxation leaves the opportunity to keep the fee on the end user. The community of Teslin share a person (recreation coordinator) with a neighbouring government for shared benefit. The same option was considered in the past between Haines Junction and the CAFN. Mr. Davis has offered to develop the guides further and offers any assistance required by the municipalities in the revenue generation conversation. He outlined there are synergies in purchasing, efficiencies of scale, and revenue generation that can be explored. The Mayor thanked Ian Davis and Bev Buckway for their presentation and efforts towards explaining these important subjects to Council. Mr. Davis and Ms. Buckway left the meeting at 7: 04 pm. A recess was called. The meeting resumed at 7:32 pm. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. QUESTIONS ON AGENDA ITEMS STAFF REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS BOARD REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS BUSINESS ARISING (NEW AND UNFINISHED) INFORMATION AND CORRESPONDENCE COUNCILLOR REPORTS AND QUESTION PERIOD 10.1 Closed Meeting Motion #157-16 Moved by Councillor Sundbo Seconded by Councillor Smith That Council move into Closed Meeting, as per the Yukon Municipal Act, Section 213 (3) c) Personal information, including personnel information; d) The salary and benefits and any performance appraisal of an employee or officer; CARRIED Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 14 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting May 4, 2016 Page 4 Motion #158-16 Moved by Councillor Sundbo Seconded by Councillor Smith That Council move out of In-Camera. CARRIED 11. ADJOURNMENT Motion #159-16 Moved/Seconded That the meeting be adjourned at 9:58 pm. CARRIED _____________________________________ Mayor, Michael Riseborough ________________________________________ Chief Administrative Officer, Monika Schittek Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 15 Item 4.1 From: alessandra barone [] Sent: April 27, 2016 11:46 AM To: Subject: Block 43 Lots - Spruce Street - Willow Acres Subdivision Good morning. I am interested in purchasing a lot from Block 43. I contacted the government in Whitehorse and they mentioned that the lots are sub-standard, according to the by-law. In speaking with Monica, I understand there have been some discussions regarding this oversight of lot size. The by-law in the Village for lot size for single family homes is currently 650 metres square. These lots along Block 43 are only 450 metres square. I would like to suggest that the lot sizes remain the size that they are and that the bylaw be amended to allow these lots to be purchased with the building size requirements reduced to less than 70 metres square. This would make for a more efficient house or cabin with a smaller eco foot-print. It would be more affordable to build. I would like to purchase a lot and build a log cabin on one of these lots this summer. Please consider amending the by-law for these lots and allowing for a smaller house or cabin to be built. Thank you for this consideration. Alessandra. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 16 Item 4.2 The Village of Haines Junction Fo rC ou nc il A pp ro va l Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 17 Management's Responsibility for Financial Reporting The accompanying financial statements of the The Village of Haines Junction are the responsibility of management and have been approved by the Mayor and Council. The financial statements have been prepared by management in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Financial statements are not precise since they include certain amounts based on estimates and judgements. When alternative accounting methods exist, management has chosen those it deems most appropriate in the circumstances, in order to ensure that the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects. ro va l The Village maintains systems of internal accounting and administrative controls of high quality, consistent with reasonable cost. Such systems are designed to provide reasonable assurance that the financial information is relevant, reliable and accurate and the Village's assets are appropriately accounted for and adequately safeguarded. pp The Mayor and Council are responsible for ensuring that management fulfills its responsibilities for financial reporting and is ultimately responsible for reviewing and approving the financial statements. Fo rC ou nc il A The Mayor and Council review management's financial statements and recommend their approval. The Mayor and Council meet periodically with management, as well as the external auditors, to discuss internal controls over the financial reporting issues, to satisfy themselves that each party is properly discharging their responsibilities, and to review the annual report, the financial statements and the external auditors' report. The Mayor and Council takes this information into consideration when approving the financial statements for issuance to the Village. The Mayor and Council also consider the engagement of the external auditors. The financial statements have been audited by BDO Canada LLP in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards on behalf of the Village. BDO Canada LLP has full access to the Mayor and Council. Councilor Councilor Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 18 2 The Village of Haines Junction Statement of Financial Position December 31 2015 Financial assets Cash Accounts receivable Taxes and other receivables GST receivable Grant receivable Portfolio investments (Note 1) $ $ 106,983 15,739 273,212 2,720,086 3,671,902 3,269,600 277,716 201,000 40,932 227,572 217,926 37,449 519,648 482,947 3,152,254 2,786,653 20,500,632 80,800 20,767,867 - $23,733,686 $ 23,554,520 l Non-financial assets Tangible capital assets (Note 4) Prepaid expenses Accumulated surplus (Note 5) ro pp 153,580 121,087 17,203 125,895 3,302,479 va Fo rC ou nc il A Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Debenture payable (Note 2) Landfill closure liability (Note 3) Net financial assets 105,238 2014 Councilor Village of Haines Junction Regular The accompanying summary of significant accountingCouncil policies andMeeting notes are anAgenda integral part of these financial statements May 9, 2016 Page 19 Mayor 4 The Village of Haines Junction Statement of Operations Budget 2015 For the year ended December 31 2015 2014 (Note 6) Fo rC ou nc Annual surplus (deficit) Accumulated surplus, beginning of year Accumulated surplus, end of year $ 798,938 206,366 1,686,704 157,851 243,726 34,117 142,024 $ l 795,091 491,639 1,686,704 155,000 255,150 30,050 50,000 766,300 356,015 1,623,440 154,839 251,289 34,694 5,014,182 3,269,726 8,200,759 114,669 592,470 190,775 621,982 1,319,699 498,327 227,864 12,603 - 92,009 501,037 171,786 720,213 871,924 468,824 222,484 11,467 11,986 18,323 507 92,530 536,215 203,981 762,767 823,390 485,057 188,002 5,967 12,868 1,337,910 3,250 3,578,389 3,090,560 4,451,937 (114,755) 23,554,520 179,166 23,554,520 3,748,822 19,805,698 $23,733,686 $ 23,554,520 ro va 3,463,634 il A Expenses (Note 8) Legislative Administration Protection Public works Environmental health Recreation Convention centre Mezzanine Interest on long-term debt Write-down of tangible capital assets Commissioned sculptures and art (Note 4) $ pp Revenue Taxation, including grants in lieu of taxes Senior government grant revenue Government of Yukon block funding Water and sewer user fees Licenses, fees, rental and fines Investment income (Note 1) Contributed tangible capital assets (Note 4) $23,439,765 Village of Haines Junction Regular The accompanying summary of significant accountingCouncil policies andMeeting notes are anAgenda integral part of these financial statements May 9, 2016 Page 20 5 The Village of Haines Junction Statement of Change in Net Financial Assets Budget 2015 For the year ended December 31 2015 2014 (Note 6) $ (114,755) $ (1,047,226) (50,000) 901,846 - Net change in net financial assets Net financial assets, beginning of year (310,135) 2,786,653 $ 2,476,518 (401,809) (5,014,182) 854,614 1,337,910 - 365,601 2,786,653 $ 3,152,254 3,748,822 525,355 2,261,298 $ 2,786,653 Fo rC ou nc il A pp ro Net financial assets, end of year $ (510,910) (142,024) 901,846 18,323 (80,800) va Acquisition of tangible capital assets Contributed tangible capital assets Amortization of tangible capital assets Write-downs of tangible capital assets Acquisition of prepaid expenses 179,166 l Annual surplus (deficit) Village of Haines Junction Regular The accompanying summary of significant accountingCouncil policies andMeeting notes are anAgenda integral part of these financial statements May 9, 2016 Page 21 6 The Village of Haines Junction Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended December 31 2015 Operating transactions Annual surplus Items not involving cash Contributed tangible capital assets Amortization of tangible capital assets Loss on disposal of tangible capital assets Provision for landfill closure Changes in non-cash operating balances Accounts receivable Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 179,166 2014 $ (142,024) 901,846 18,323 3,483 (5,014,182) 854,614 1,337,910 3,449 (52,809) 83,660 l 131,749 50,144 961,464 va 1,142,687 ro Capital transactions Acquisition of tangible capital assets Acquisition of prepaid expenses 3,748,822 (401,809) - (591,710) (401,809) 2,450,000 (3,032,393) 874,988 (1,534,647) (582,393) (659,659) Financing transactions Repayment of debenture (16,926) (16,044) Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents Cash, beginning of year (48,342) 153,580 (116,048) 269,628 il A pp (510,910) (80,800) Fo rC ou nc Investing transactions Proceeds on disposition of portfolio investments Acquisition of portfolio investments Cash, end of year $ 105,238 $ Village of Haines Junction Regular The accompanying summary of significant accountingCouncil policies andMeeting notes are anAgenda integral part of these financial statements May 9, 2016 Page 22 153,580 7 The Village of Haines Junction Summary of Significant Accounting Policies December 31, 2015 Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements The financial statements of the Village of Haines Junction (the "Village") are the responsibility of management. They have been prepared in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards established by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. The Village is a municipality in the Yukon Territory. The Village provides municipal services such as protective services, public works, environmental health, recreation and other general government services. l Portfolio Investments va Portfolio investments consist of mutual funds and are recorded at market value, which approximates cost. ro Financial Instruments Fo rC ou nc Tangible Capital Assets il A pp The Village's financial instruments consist of cash, portfolio investments, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and debenture payable. Unless otherwise noted, it is management's opinion that the Village is not exposed to significant interest, currency or credit risk arising from its financial instruments. Tangible capital assets are recorded at cost less accumulated amortization. Cost includes all costs directly attributable to acquisition or construction of the tangible capital asset including transportation costs, installation costs, design and engineering fees, legal fees and site preparation costs. Contributed tangible capital assets are recorded at fair value at the time of the contribution, with a corresponding amount recorded as revenue. Amortization is recorded on a straight-line basis over the estimated life of the tangible capital asset commencing once the asset is available for productive use as follows: Land improvements Buildings Engineered structures Machinery and equipment Roads and bridges Water and sewer infrastructure Vehicles 20 years 10 - 40 years 10 - 25 years 3 - 15 years 10 - 25 years 50 years 7 years Leased Assets Leases entered into that transfer substantially all the benefits and risks associated with ownership are recorded as the acquisition of a tangible capital asset and the incurrence of an obligation. The asset is amortized in a manner consistent with tangible capital assets owned by the Village, and the obligation, including interest thereon, is liquidated over the term of the lease. All other leases are accounted for as operating leases, and the rental costs are expensed as incurred. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 23 8 The Village of Haines Junction Summary of Significant Accounting Policies December 31, 2015 Liability for Contaminated Sites Effective January 1, 2015, the Village has adopted the new Public Sector Accounting Standard PS3260 Contaminated Sites. The new standard can be applied retroactively or prospectively, and the Village has elected to apply it prospectively. l Under PS3260 governments are required to accrue a liability for the costs to remediate a contaminated site. Liabilities are recognized when an environmental standard exists, contamination exceeds the standard, the government has responsibility for remediation, future economic benefits will be given up and a reasonable estimate can be made. pp ro va Management has assessed its potential liabilities under the new standard including sites that are no longer in productive use and sites which the Village accepts responsibility. There were no such sites that had contamination in excess of an environmental standard which required remediation by the First Nation at this time, therefore no liability was recognized on transition as at January 1, 2015 or at December 31, 2015. Revenue Recognition il A Taxes are recognized as revenue in the year they are levied. Connection fee Fo rC ou nc Charges for sewer and water usage are recorded as user fees when used. revenues are recognized when the connection has been established. Grants, other than government transfers, for the acquisition of tangible capital assets are recognized in the period in which eligible expenditures are made. Sales of service, licenses, fees, and rentals and other revenue is recognized on an accrual basis Government transfers, which include legislative grants, are recognized in the financial statements when received if the transfer is authorized and any eligibility criteria are met, except to the extent that transfer stipulations give rise to an obligation that meets the definition of a liability. Transfers are recognized as deferred revenue when transfer stipulations give rise to a liability. Transfer revenue is recognized in the statement of operations as the stipulation liabilities are settled. Landfill Closure Liability The landfill closure liability is based on estimated closure costs and post closure activities of the solid waste landfill site at the end of its expected useful life. The estimated cost is accrued as the landfill site's capacity is used. The liability and annual expense is calculated based on the rate of utilization to total capacity. Any changes in estimate are recorded prospectively. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from management's best estimates as additional information becomes available in the future. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 24 9 The Village of Haines Junction Notes to Financial Statements December 31, 2015 1. Portfolio Investments Portfolio investments consist of mutual funds in a high interest savings portfolio held with one investment company. The income from portfolio investments for the year was $34,117 (2014 - $34,694). The market value is equal to its carrying value as at year end. 2. Debenture Payable 2014 $ ro pp Government of Yukon Repayable in annual installments of $28,912 including interest at 5.5%, maturing July 2024 va l 2015 201,000 $ 217,926 Principal payments for the next 5 fiscal years and thereafter are as follows: 3. Fo rC ou nc il A 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Thereafter $ 17,857 18,839 19,875 20,968 22,122 101,339 $ 201,000 Landfill Closure Liability The Village has estimated that the remaining life of its landfill is to be at least 48 years. The future closure costs at the end of the life are estimated to be $890,000. Approximately 31% (2014 - 30%) of the capacity has been used at December 31, 2015. Management has recognized a liability of $40,932 at December 31, 2015 (2014 - $37,449) based on the estimated future closure costs, remaining capacity and a discount rate of 4.50% (2014 4.50%). Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 25 10 The Village of Haines Junction Notes to Financial Statements Additions $ 203,355 269,900 Disposals Disposals Accumulated amortization, end of year Net carrying amount, end of year 8,799,377 - 3,688,560 - 277,503 - - - $ 203,355 $ 4,833,314 $ 16,365,995 $ 1,150,639 Vehicles 2015 Total $ 494,417 $33,413,806 223,047 1,250 - 652,934 - - - - (45,956) 2,169,114 4,613,590 16,589,042 1,151,889 494,417 34,020,784 1,417,707 2,982,915 3,498,593 694,825 363,339 12,645,939 99,048 329,828 39,931 24,911 901,846 - - - - 3,081,963 3,828,421 734,756 388,250 13,520,152 $12,760,621 $ 417,133 $ 106,167 $20,500,632 (45,956) 3,966,063 Land Improvements 16,368 ou Amortization 203,355 rC Accumulated amortization, beginning of year - Fo Cost, end of year 142,369 Water, Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer Systems pr $ 8,529,477 $ 2,072,701 $ 4,597,222 il Cost, beginning of year Buildings Roads & Bridges Ap Land Machinery & Equipment ov Tangible Capital Assets nc 4. al December 31, 2015 130,625 (27,633) 1,520,699 648,415 $ 1,531,627 (27,633) During the current year a lift station, lagoon repairs and further work to the reservoir was built by the Yukon Government and was funded through the federal government Building Canada Fund Agreement and a contribution from Yukon Government. The assets were transferred to the Village and recognized as their estimated fair value of $142,024 (2014 - $5,014,182). The net book value of tangible capital assets not being amortized because they are under construction or development is $141,308 (2014 - $134,208). The Village holds various works of art and historical treasures pertaining to local culture and history. These items are not recognized as tangible capital assets in the financial statements because a reasonable estimate of the future benefits associated with such property cannot be made. During the year $507 (2014 - $3,250) was spent on commissioned sculptures and art. Village of Haines Junction No interest was capitalized to tangible capital assets during the current or Agenda prior year. Regular Council Meeting May 9, 2016 Page 26 11 The Village of Haines Junction Notes to Financial Statements Additions $ 203,355 Disposals Amortization Disposals Write-downs Accumulated amortization, end of year Net carrying amount, end of year - - - - - 203,355 8,529,477 - 3,436,292 - 252,268 - - $ 203,355 (100,000) 2,072,701 Land Improvements 13,692,954 $ 1,141,195 Vehicles 2014 Total $ 345,762 $ 30,448,999 - 5,024,225 9,444 148,655 5,415,991 - - - - - - - - (2,351,184) (2,451,184) 4,597,222 16,365,995 1,150,639 494,417 33,413,806 1,304,465 2,876,365 4,284,747 664,310 338,420 12,904,599 113,242 106,550 327,120 30,515 24,919 854,614 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,688,560 1,417,707 2,982,915 3,498,593 694,825 363,339 12,645,939 $12,867,402 $ 455,814 $ 131,078 $ 20,767,867 ou Accumulated amortization, beginning of year 233,667 rC Cost, end of year Fo Write-downs pr $ 8,295,810 $ 2,172,701 $ 4,597,222 il Cost, beginning of year Buildings Water, Sanitary Sewer & Roads & Storm Sewer Bridges Systems Ap Land Machinery & Equipment ov Tangible Capital Assets nc 4. al December 31, 2015 $ 4,840,917 $ 654,994 $ 1,614,307 (1,113,274) Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 27 (1,113,274) 12 The Village of Haines Junction Notes to Financial Statements December 31, 2015 5. Accumulated Surplus The Village segregates its accumulated surplus in the following categories: 2014 $20,299,631 2,761,082 150,000 502,973 20,000 $ 20,549,942 2,401,605 100,000 502,973 - va l Investment in tangible capital assets Unrestricted Funds Fire department reserve Infrastructure reserve Recreation facility reserve 2015 $ 23,554,520 ro $23,733,686 6. Fiscal Plan il A pp The investment in tangible capital assets represents amounts already spent and invested in infrastructure and other non-financial assets. Funds held in the reserve fund have been restricted by Council in accordance with Section 244(1) of the Municipal Act. Fo rC ou nc The Financial Plan (Budget) By-Law adopted by Council on April 8, 2015 was not prepared on a basis consistent with that used to report actual results (Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards). The budget was prepared on a modified accrual basis while Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards now require a full accrual basis. The budget figures anticipated using surpluses accumulated in previous years to balance against current year expenditures in excess of current year revenues. In addition, the budget expensed all tangible capital expenditures rather than including amortization expense and did not contemplate contributed tangible capital assets. As a result, the budget figures presented in the statements of operations and change in net financial assets represent the Financial Plan adopted by Council on April 8, 2015 with adjustments as follows: 7. 2015 Financial Plan (Budget) Bylaw surplus for the year Add: Capital expenditures Contributed tangible capital assets Less: Budgeted transfers from accumulated surplus Amortization $ Budget deficit per statement of operations $ 1,047,226 50,000 (310,135) (901,846) (114,755) Comparative Figures Certain of the comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the presentation for the current year. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 28 13 The Village of Haines Junction Notes to Financial Statements December 31, 2015 Segmented Information The Village is a diversified municipal government institution that provides a wide range of services to its citizens such as transit, public housing, police, fire and water. Distinguishable functional segments have been separately disclosed in the segmented information. The nature of the segments and the activities they encompass are as follows: l Legislative This area is comprised of expenditures that relate to Council, the Culture Parks and Recreation Committee and Council’s membership in the Association of Yukon Communities. pp ro va Administration This department handles administration for the Village of Haines Junction including support to Council, Council Committees and all municipal departments. The office processes all financial transactions for the municipality and is the public face of the Village that handles inquiries, takes payments and issues business licenses and dog tags. il A Protection Services Protection Services includes the Emergency Services Building, the fire department, the FireSmart Program, animal control and the RCMP Summer Student program. Public Works This department handles repair and maintenance of all municipal buildings, maintenance of roads and streets, culverts and ditches, maintenance of municipal vehicles and the care of municipal parks, the cemetery and highway and street right of ways during the summer months. Fo rC ou nc 8. Environmental Health Environmental Health is responsible for the maintenance of the municipal water and sewer systems and ensuring the water system meets all required standards. Management of the municipal landfill and maintenance of the Recycle Centre are also included under Environmental Health. Recreation Services Pool This department operates the municipal pool from May to August. Arena The arena operates from October to March each year. Convention Centre The St. Elias Convention Centre operates year round and is rented regularly for meetings, conventions, weddings, luncheons, performing arts events, retreats, and a variety of other special events. Mezzanine The Mezzanine is available for rent year round and is rented primarily during the winter months for meetings and as a concession and viewing area for the arena rink. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 29 14 The Village of Haines Junction Notes to Financial Statements Net surplus (deficit) $ - $ 50,000 34,117 833,055 18,652 76,547 56,203 17,986 124,189 16,509 34,952 - 5,008 16,918 11,694 53,542 20,500 2,375 25,000 17,905 763 45,000 18,488 35,000 - $ 1,758 464 2,222 Recreation pr - $ 57,895 - $ 142,024 Ap 798,938 $ - Environmental Health Public Works - $ 83,272 Convention Centre - $ - Mezzanine Unallocated - $ - - $ - 2015 Total 798,938 333,191 9,555 236,374 387,953 3,886 26,256 113,414 25,000 15,552 40,552 5,090 5,090 1,686,704 1,686,704 1,686,704 15,199 34,117 81,203 320,374 3,269,726 161,830 23,438 - 358,090 - 227,235 635 - 117,599 - 2,269 - 11,986 - 5,008 901,846 763 11,694 53,542 45,000 24,073 37,009 53,440 14,361 60,000 il Protection nc Administration ou Expenses Advertising Amortization Animal control Assessment Audit and legal fees FireSmart Fuel and oil Grants Honorarium Interest and bank charges Lease Parks and mosquito control Repairs and maintenance Salaries and wages Street lights, signs, culverts and ditches Supplies and services Testing and other Landfill Training Travel and meetings Utilities Other Legislative rC For the year ended Dec 31 Revenue Taxation and grants in lieu $ Federal Gov. grants Government of Yukon block funding Grants Investment income Lease User fees, fines & licences ov Segmented Information (continued) Fo 8. al December 31, 2015 - 3,423 259,793 23,983 6,149 16,455 70,625 397,985 73,701 126,936 71,232 89,333 73,292 7,929 8,259 358 - 16,455 324,515 888,483 24,963 53,998 13,020 29,682 13,950 211,967 7,253 4,117 581 - 29,682 329,849 19,547 222,484 (181,932) $ 11,467 (6,377) $ 15,585 92,009 741,046 $ 7,759 19,301 21,726 501,037 (424,490) $ 12,222 849 160 6,901 1,324 275 2,299 10,629 5,813 79,808 71,812 171,786 720,213of Haines 871,924 Village Junction 468,824 (47,597)Regular $ (717,991) $ (483,971)Agenda $ (355,410) $ Council Meeting May 9, 2016 Page 30 12,222 9,234 25,918 206,910 18,830 40,556 30,816 3,090,560 1,655,888 $ 179,166 15 The Village of Haines Junction Notes to Financial Statements Net surplus (deficit) $ 20,209 70,197 55,583 17,341 140,583 8,492 37,560 - 42,456 11,271 47,384 18,216 2,357 25,000 4,278 289,945 17,905 1,214 60,269 24,860 35,000 27,726 7,918 43,203 6,419 2,587 18,313 24,786 536,215 (466,018) $ - $ - Recreation pr 34,694 800,994 19,467 27,011 92,530 708,464 $ - $ 67,659 - $ 12,818 - $ 225,567 Convention Centre - $ - Mezzanine Unallocated - $ - - $ - 2014 Total 766,300 356,032 564 2,994 3,558 5,005,044 231,667 5,249,529 8,557 30,112 264,236 25,000 17,905 42,905 5,317 5,317 1,623,440 1,623,440 1,623,440 5,014,165 34,694 80,583 325,545 8,200,759 169,059 32,273 28,719 29,564 439,486 359,840 38,379 130,342 217,994 703 65,563 111,116 86,765 70,747 4,161 3,051 6,145 239 12,868 - 42,456 854,614 1,214 11,271 47,384 60,269 32,976 26,708 62,420 15,225 60,000 28,719 242,402 983,207 il - $ 49,988 Environmental Health Ap Expenses Advertising Amortization Animal control Assessment Audit and legal fees FireSmart Fuel and oil Grants Honorarium Interest and bank charges Lease Parks and mosquito control Repairs and maintenance Salaries and wages Street lights, signs, culverts and ditches Supplies and services Testing and other - Landfill Travel and meetings Training Utilities Other 766,300 $ - Public Works ou $ Protection nc Legislative Administration rC For the year ended Dec 31 Revenue Taxation and grants in lieu Federal Gov. grants Government of Yukon block funding Grants Investment income Lease User fees, fines & licences Other ov Segmented Information (continued) Fo 8. al December 31, 2015 32,077 12,751 14,592 219,040 11,122 186 84 1,972 3,988 400 4,950 12,164 16,513 57,745 203,981 762,767 823,390 Village of Haines (63,398) $ (759,209) $ Junction 4,426,139 $ Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 31 10,064 2,510 77,107 485,057 (220,821) $ 6,533 19,796 188,002 (145,097) $ 32,077 852 326,502 11,122 35,672 14,435 (4,320) 197,318 1,341,160 1,365,946 5,967 1,354,028 4,451,937 (650) $ 269,412 $ 3,748,822 16 The Village of Haines Junction Schedule of Suppliers and Contractors Paid Over $5,000 in 2015 (Unaudited) For the year ended December 31 2015 Supplier or Contractor Amount Paid 15042 Yukon Inc. o/a Grim Stoppers Janitorial Box 5455 Haines Junction , Yukon Y0B 1L0 $45,845 2 AMSC Insurance Services 300-8616 51 Ave Edmonton, Alberta T6E 6E6 $18,967 3 AON Reed Stenhouse Suite 201 9016 Quartz Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2Z5 $80,764 4 Association of Yukon Communities #15 114 1st Ave Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1A3 $18,548 5 Atco Electric Yukon 100-1100 1st Ave Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 3T4 6 BDO Canada LLP 202 - 9016 Quartz Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2Z5 7 Bell Mobility Box 5480, Station Terminal Vancouver, BC V6B 4B5 9 10 11 il A $42,919 $5,290 Big Bud Contracting Box 5407 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 $19,968 Cimco Refrigeration 65 Villiers Street Toronto, Ontario M5A 3S1 $10,126 Cinder Wood Kitchens Unit #10, 151 Industrial Rd Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2V3 $19,133 Corix Control Solutions Unit 115-1551 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, British Columbia V3C 6N9 va ro pp $182,334 Fo rC ou nc 8 l 1 $7,499 12 Crawshay, Mike Box 5520 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 $10,325 13 Dark Horse Contracting Box 5356 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 $72,145 14 Eckervogt, Thomas Box 5377 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 $5,512 15 Filterco Water Treatment Ltd. 9016 Oak Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6P 4B9 16 Finning Canada P.O. Box 9179 Station Main Calgary, Alberta T2P 5E1 $101,364 $11,053 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 32 17 The Village of Haines Junction Schedule of Suppliers and Contractors Paid Over $5,000 in 2015 (Unaudited) For the year ended December 31 2015 Supplier or Contractor Amount Paid 20 Haehnsen, Heiko Box 5320 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 21 Haines Junction Volunteer Fire Department Box 5339 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 22 Heath Building Contracting Box 5420 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 23 Hoffman, Dave Box 5452 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 24 25 26 $71,320 l Government of Yukon Box 2703 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 $5,000 Hvactech Systems Inc. 133 Titanium Way Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0E7 Inland Kenworth Parker Pacific 227 Range Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 3E5 $7,838 $8,188 $5,335 $257,435 $5,075 J. Gibson Env. Consulting Box 20913 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 6P2 $30,623 Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. 2521 Bowman Street Innisfil, Ontario L9S 3V6 $17,231 Johnston, Kari / 14 Acre Farm Box 2122 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 $10,339 29 KBL Environmental Ltd. Box 1108 Yellowknife, NWT X1A 2N8 $25,920 30 Kilrich Industries Ltd. #30 Denver Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5S7 $5,037 31 Kluane Finders Box 2008 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 27 28 va 19 $6,868 ro Gervais, Keir Box 5339 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 pp 18 $20,450 il A Flocor Inc. 381 Unit A Prince George, British Columbia V2K 4L2 Fo rC ou nc 17 $11,531 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 33 18 The Village of Haines Junction Schedule of Suppliers and Contractors Paid Over $5,000 in 2015 (Unaudited) For the year ended December 31 2015 Supplier or Contractor Amount Paid Kluane Machine Box 5520 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 33 Lamor Flooring 407-B Hoge Street Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1W1 $10,480 34 Mackinnon, Ernie Box 2075 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 $27,450 35 Northern Climate Engineering 102 C Copper Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2Z6 $43,211 36 Northern Utility Maintenance #2 Mulberry Place Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4X5 37 Northwestel Bag 2710 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4Z8 38 Opus DaytonKnight Consultants Ltd. North Vancouver Office North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S1 il A $40,602 $8,342 Parkland Industries Ltd. #236, 4919 - 59th Street Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6C9 $13,892 Receiver General of Canada Place du Portage Phase III, 11A2 11 Laurier St. Gatineau, QC K1A 0S5 $13,004 Royal Bank of Canada 4110 4th Ave. Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4N7 $10,465 Roycroft Consulting Services 1414 Marina Way Nanoose Bay, BC V9P 9B8 $5,113 43 RSB Solutions Inc. 1561 Smith Rd. Gibsons, BC V0N 1V6 $5,042 44 Schittek, Monika c/o Box 5339 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 $5,512 45 Sol-Terra Energy Box 214 Dawson City, Yukon Y0B 1G0 $5,744 40 41 42 va ro pp $30,430 Fo rC ou nc 39 $5,082 l 32 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 34 19 The Village of Haines Junction Schedule of Suppliers and Contractors Paid Over $5,000 in 2015 (Unaudited) For the year ended December 31 2015 Supplier or Contractor Amount Paid Source Motors Ltd. Box 5377 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 47 Suncorp Valuations 300 - 261 1st Avenue North Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 1X2 $8,310 48 TD Canada Trust 200 Main St Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2A9 $6,204 49 Tetra Tech EBA Inc. (EBA Engineering Consulting Ltd) 14940-123 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5V 1B4 $9,693 50 Total Fire Protection Services Ltd. 129 Copper Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2Z7 51 Total North Communications 127 Copper Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2Z7 52 Total Trac Yukon Inc. Box 10151 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 7A1 il A $55,785 $7,190 True North Electric Box 19 Champagne, Yukon Y0B 1L1 $13,112 Vancouver Island University 900 5th Street Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5 $8,335 Village Bakery & Deli Box 5357 Haines Junction, Yukon Y0B 1L0 $6,265 Yukon College Box 2799 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5K4 $8,865 57 Yukon Service Supply Co. 112 Industrial Road Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2T9 $14,701 58 Yukon Workers' Compensation Heather and Safety Board 401 Strickland Street Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5N8 $21,353 54 55 56 Total of Suppliers and Contractors over $5,000 va ro pp $5,015 Fo rC ou nc 53 $70,370 l 46 $1,599,549 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 35 20 Item 8.1 TO: Mayor and Council REPORT DATE: May 6, 2016 TARGET DECISION DATE: May 9, 2016 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer RE: Update RECOMMENDATION(S) 1. That the Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer dated May 6, 2016 regarding an Update be received. PURPOSE To update Mayor and Council on the administrative functions of the CAO for the Village of Haines Junction. Fires in Alberta A challenge has been levied from other Yukon local governments to make a donation for Fort McMurray disaster relief. The Town of Faro will match up to $1,000 in donations made by Faro’s residents. Their fire department will be out with the fire truck during the evening at the Crane & Sheep Festival. Watson Lake has pledged $1500.00 donation to provide assistance in this emergency situation. All Yukon communities are encouraged to donate funds to help provide support during this disaster. Household Hazardous Waste Day – Friday, June 17, 2016 We will have YG representatives come to assist a community wide collection day for Hazardous Waste. A truck and containers will be supplied for the collection process. All previously collected waste items will be taken same day. Funding to cover the cost of container purchase, venue set up and advertising is in the amount of $1200. A community cleanup can follow on the Saturday, June 18, 2016 with groups organized for street cleanup and community spaces, with a thank you BBQ to follow. These two events will be ideal opportunities to educate our residents on landfill recycling and waste diversion. An advertising campaign with education materials will be sourced for maximum impact. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 36 Village Personnel Senior and Junior Lifeguards begin work this week; programming and Facility preparation are to be completed. Legacy Project Update The Provision of Service outlined at the last meeting has been signed and submitted. A funding agreement has been received and signed in the amount of $10,000 for the Legacy Trail development. Upcoming Council Workshop There will be no Council workshop on May 18th. Council will resume on Friday May 27th and Saturday, May 28th for a Strategic Planning Workshop, beginning at 9:00 am. Respectfully submitted; Monika Schittek, Chief Administrative Officer Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 37 Item 8.2 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 38 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 39 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 40 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 41 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 42 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 43 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 44 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 45 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 46 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 47 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 48 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 49 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 50 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 51 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 52 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 53 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 54 Item 8.3 REQUEST FOR DECISION TO: Mayor and Council REPORT DATE: May 6, 2016 TARGET DECISION DATE: May 9, 2016 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer RE: Tendering Policy and Disposal of Surplus Goods ADM 005-93 RECOMMENDATION(S) 1. That the Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer dated May 6, 2016 regarding Tendering Policy and Disposal of Surplus Goods ADM 005-93 be received; and That Council direct staff to draft a new policy for the disposal of surplus goods; and That Council repeal Policy ADM 008-94 Public Address System. PURPOSE To inform Mayor and Council on the current and upcoming need to dispose of surplus goods. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES Alternately, Council may wish to revise Policy ADM 008-94 Public Address System. DISCUSSION Context/Background Policy ADM 005-93 - Tendering Policy and Disposal of Surplus Goods was written in 1993 and outlines a process for advertising, posting, and inviting invitations to Tender. For the most part, the process is clearly defined and allows for ample time for public participation. A sealed bid submission and opening of bids at a Council meeting is described. This may be time consuming and onerous when the items are of small value. The Policy applies to all Capital Assets of the Municipality. Spring cleaning is underway and the Village of Haines Junction has assets available for disposal that are obsolete, damaged or surplus property. These items may include but are not limited to music equipment, stage lights, speakers, monitors, speaker stands, cords, projector, tables, desks, counters, recording equipment, computers, and monitors. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 55 2 Public Works will soon be itemizing surplus goods as well. In the course of the next few months, the Village office will acquire new furniture and will rotate surplus to other departments for use. Items rotated out will become saleable items. A simple process is needed for disposal of surplus items of little or no value. Defining a minimum value of the public asset would distinguish items that could be immediately sold vs. those requiring an Invitation to Tender. The policy does not currently address this option. A public auction or garage sale might be considered for values of assets under $500. Policy Implications Public Address System Policy ADM 008-94 is also affected. This policy was written to accommodate the gifting of sound equipment, previously used by Project 92 event committee, for free. As the committee is no longer active, and the equipment gifted is of little or no value, it should also be disposed of. This policy stipulates a $25.00 rental fee per day for non-community groups, business or government use. There may be an interest in this equipment if made available for sale immediately. Once these assets are sold, the policy would no longer be required. Financial Implications Consideration must be given to the ‘write down value’ on the asset ledger. All items available for disposal should have no remaining value on the asset ledger. If they do, the sale value should reflect the greater of asset or market value. Communication Strategy All items for sale should be posted for sale to the public. Respectfully submitted, Monika Schittek Chief Administrative Officer Attachment: Tendering Policy and Disposal of Surplus Goods ADM 005-93 Public Address System Policy ADM 008-94 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 56 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 57 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 58 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 59 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 60 Item 9.1 VILLAGE OF HAINES JUNCTION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Municipal Council Chambers Tuesday, May 3, 2016 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Chair D. Weir; Councillor E. Koh (via telephone); S. Schwartz; L. Larocque; M. Evans; and Chief Administrative Officer/Recording Secretary M. Schittek A. Marston Regrets: 1. CALL TO ORDER The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. 2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Recommendation No. CDC 18-16 Moved M. Evans, Seconded L. Larocque That the agenda be amended with the following: Item 9 to be discussed prior to item 7; and That the agenda be adopted. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES 3.1 Minutes of the Community Development Committee Meeting of April 5, 2016 Recommendation No. CDC 19-16 Moved L. Larocque, Seconded M. Evans That the minutes of the Community Development Committee Meeting of April 5, 2016 be corrected with the following: Item 8.1 to insert “most recent Council-approved documents” to read “Staff are asked to post the most recent Council-approved documents on the Village website immediately”; Item 8.3 clarify the wording according to CDC bylaw re: residency boundaries for membership; Item 8.4, Recommendation No. CDC 15-16 insert “CDC recommend” to read “That the CDC recommend appointment of M. Evans to the Art Acquisition Selection Committee as the CDC representative”; Item 9.1 replace “…including involving youth in the local curbside recycling pickup program…” with “…involving youth in building awareness around the local curb side recycling program…”; Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 61 Village of Haines Junction Community Development Committee Meeting May 3, 2016 Page 2 Item 8.1, Recommendation No. 13-16: “… gift in kind for labour performed by the business owner for tasks not requiring hired labour will be included.” be amended to “In-kind labour costs for work performed by the business owner will be included.”; Item 9.1, Recommendation No. 16-16: “That the following Y2C2 Summer Works Project proposals be submitted to Yukon Youth Conservation Corps. for consideration” be corrected to “That the following project ideas be submitted to Council for consideration as possible Y2C2 2016 projects”; Item 9.1, Recommendation No. 16-16:“Curbside recycling pickup program and/or a composting program education” be adjusted to “Awareness campaign about existing curbside recycling pickup program and/or a composting program education.”; and That the minutes be adopted. CARRIED 4. HEARING OF DELEGATIONS 5. QUESTIONS ON AGENDA ITEMS 6. STAFF REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 9. COUNCILLOR REPORTS AND QUESTION PERIOD Councillor Koh reported on the recent Council meeting related to the Y2C2 Summer Works Project proposals. The committee expressed their disappointment that project suggestions were not advanced by Council. Pine Lake Trail – Council has discussed this item several times and has suggested that an application for CDF funding be advanced through the CDC Committee. Although this is not a priority to the committee at this time, the committee will review and supply data for the CDF application to achieve initial improvements. Both CPR and CDC Committees may have insight to their roles and development of trail systems. A joint meeting is suggested. The Committee suggested that research is needed to build into the long term planning of trails to understand the purpose, users, longevity, and maintenance improvements required. 7. BUSINESS ARISING (NEW AND UNFINISHED) 7.1 CPIG Grant Application: Village Bakery Recommendation No. CDC 20-16 Moved L. Larocque, Seconded M. Evans The Community Development Committee recommends that the CPIG application from the Village Bakery and Deli be approved for funding of up to $5000, pending receipt of eligible project costs. CARRIED Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 62 Village of Haines Junction Community Development Committee Meeting May 3, 2016 7.2 Page 3 CPIG Grant Application & Criteria – 2016 Revision Recommendation No. CDC 21-16 Moved M. Evans, Seconded S. Schwartz The Community Development Committee recommends that the new CPIG criteria outline and application form be amended by the following: To remove the phrase “This fund only applies to new improvements.”; and That it be approved as amended. CARRIED 7.3 Trail System Development and Roles Recommendation No. CDC 22-16 Moved L. Loroque, Seconded M. Evans The Community Development Committee requests Council endorsement on the following: That the Community Development Committee participate in trail system development (planning and implementation); That clearly defined roles between CPR and CDC are developed; and That a trail plan be developed as per 3.3 and 3.4 in the recreation implementation plan (goals, strategies and objectives). CARRIED Discussion as to how the CDC and CPR committees could have involvement in the facilitation of community consultation for Trail System development took place. Defining the roles for consultation, facilitation, processing of applications, and implementation is needed. In cooperation with the CPR committee, the CDC committee is willing to move forward with projects that align with the recreation plan using the suggestions for implementation within the plan. A join meeting with the CPR committee is suggested to create a proposal to forward to Council, related to the roles and responsibilities for the Trail System Development. 7.4 Summer Meeting Attendance Recommendation No. CDC 23-16 Moved M. Evans, Seconded S. Schwartz There will not be a meeting of the CDC in July and September considering the current member count. CARRIED Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 63 Village of Haines Junction Community Development Committee Meeting May 3, 2016 Page 4 8. INFORMATION AND CORRESPONDENCE 9. ADJOURNMENT Recommendation No. CDC 24-16 Moved L. Larocque, Seconded S. Schwartz That the meeting be adjourned at 9:44 pm. CARRIED _____________________________________ Chair, Dave Weir ________________________________________ Recording Secretary, Monika Schittek Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 64 Municipal Accounts Payable to May 9, 2016 Cheque No. Name Transfer Transfer Payroll Account #4305418 Visa Amount $ 20,084.49 $ 9,387.33 $ 96.58 $ 2,557.96 $ 4,521.12 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 36,647.48 Item 10.1 Department Description Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Ceridian Net Pay - Pay Period 9 Ceridian Receiver General - Pay Period 9 Ceridian Service Charges - Pay Period 9 RRSP Contribution - Pay Period 9 Group Insurance Premiums Skimmer Repair Dog Food for Pound Water Sampling Contract Services Small Tools and Equipment Office Supplies Janitorial Supplies Small Tools and Parts Sundry supplies Harddrive Office Supplies - Paper Greenhouse Kit CPR Training Course (Jeff, Rick) CPR Training Course (Brent) Website - Webnames $ 31.47 17.33 101.59 17.64 52.46 24.78 49.53 110.79 136.42 45.14 1,165.87 390.00 $195.00 48.51 $ 2,386.53 Pool Animal Control Water & Sewer Landfill Administration Convention Centre Water & Sewer Water & Sewer Water & Sewer Administration Public Works Public Works Landfill Administration 2,427.77 Roads & Streets Roads & Streets Decorative Lights March 10 - April 12 Billing Street Lights March 10 - April 12 Billing $ 606.59 Public Works Recycling Centre Landfill Water & Sewer Administration Legislative GST April 12 2016 Billing - Cell Phones April 12 2016 Billing - Cell Phones April 12 2016 Billing - Cell Phones April 12 2016 Billing - Cell Phones April 12 2016 Billing - Cell Phones April 12 2016 Billing - Cell Phones April 12 2016 Billing - Cell Phones Legislative Honorariums March 8 - April 27 2016 23095 ATCO Electric Yukon $ $ 146.64 2,281.13 23096 Bell Mobility $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 212.75 35.00 35.00 185.00 60.00 50.00 28.84 $ 23097 Bruce Sundbo $ 1,329.93 23098 Donna Istchenko $ 209.50 Administration Travel Expense Claim - WH Professional Minute Taking Course 23099 Francis M. Parent $ 100.00 Fire Department Fire Training/Course - Drivers Medical 23100 Martin Jones $ 160.00 Public Works Safety Clothes - Work Boots Reimbursement Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 65 Municipal Accounts Payable to May 9, 2016 23101 Michael Riseborough $ $ 196.94 584.74 $ 781.68 Legislative Legislative Travel Expense Claim - April 28 WH Meeting with Min. Hassard Honorariums April 6 - 27 2016 23102 Monika Schittek $ $ 62.75 287.55 $ 350.30 Administration Administration Travel Expense Claim - Feb 22-26 Vancouver Labour Relations Travel Expense Claim - April 28 WH Meeting with Min. Hassard 23103 15042 Yukon Inc. $ $ $ $ $ 500.69 336.83 182.07 27.31 2,180.23 Administration Mezzanine Fire Hall Outhouses Convention Centre Cleaning - April 2016 Cleaning - April 2016 Cleaning - April 2016 Cleaning - April 2016 Cleaning & Laundry - April 2016 Administration AYC Auction Package - Accomodations $ 3,227.13 23104 Aspen Place Suite $ 270.00 23105 Big Bud Contracting $ 1,747.20 Landfill Curbside Recycling Pickup Contract - April 2016 23106 Dark Horse Contracting $ 3,986.93 Water & Sewer Pumphouse 2 Upgrades 23107 Haines Junction Soccer Club $ 3,295.07 Administration Recreation Grant 23108 Kluane Machine $ 10.38 Public Works Equipment Repair & Maintenance 23109 Triple S Services Ltd. $ 99.33 Public Works Tundra Tire and Light Repair 23110 Village Bakery & Deli $ 90.30 Administration May 4th Meeting Dinner 23111 Ajax Steel Limited $ 179.66 Water & Sewer Small tools & parts 23112 Aqua Tech Supplies & Services $ 108.45 Water & Sewer Chlorine 23113 AYC $ $ 85.00 107.15 $ 192.15 Administration Administration Intermunicipal Business Licence Group Travel Insurance 23114 ATCO Electric Yukon $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,569.08 4,835.40 45.86 134.08 416.63 73.13 560.01 560.01 245.16 Water & Sewer Arena Fire Sirens Community Hall Public Works Pool Administration Convention Centre VillageFire of Haines Junction Hall Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 66 March 11 - April 12 2016 Billing March 10 - April 11 2016 Billing March 9 - April 11 2016 Billing March 10 - April 11 2016 Billing March 11 - April 12 2016 Billing March 10 - April 11 2016 Billing March 10 - April 11 2016 Billing March 10 - April 11 2016 Billing March 11 - April 12 2016 Billing Municipal Accounts Payable to May 9, 2016 23115 Home Hardware $ $ 92.74 54.72 $ $ $ $ $ $ 42.88 119.60 93.47 20.94 22.04 305.00 14,586.82 Compactor Bulletin Board March 4 - April 8 2016 Billing March 9 - April 11 2016 Billing $ 603.93 Landfill Public Works Public Works Water & Sewer Public Works Landfill Building O&M Small Tools & Parts Cemetery O&M Caution Tape Small Tools & Parts Ewaste Boxes $ 23116 Jacobs Industries Limited $ 378.00 Water & Sewer Co2 23117 Klondike Business Solutions $ 1,178.94 Administration Photocopier Maintenance Contract 23118 Northern Industrial Sales $ 151.42 Landfill Public Works Small tools and equipment Small tools, parts and safety clothing 23119 Opus Daytonknight Consultants $ 257.75 Water & Sewer SCADA Support 23120 Parkland Industries Ltd. $ 622.09 Public Works April Gas Account 23121 Tetra Tech EBA Inc. $ 3,435.37 Landfill Contract Services 23122 Total North Communications Ltd. $ 451.50 Administration Support Fees & Cloud Storage 23123 Whitehorse Star $ 391.49 Administration Advertising Various Positions April 15, 18, 19, 27 & 29 23124 Willow Printers Ltd. $ 425.25 Administration Purchase Order Books 23125 Yukon Government $ 486.00 Public Works Vehicle Registration Renewal $ 81,174.94 Municipal Accounts Payable $ $ 52.92 98.50 Adopted on________________________Motion#_________________ Mayor__________________________________CAO_______________________________________ Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 67 Item 11.1 REQUEST FOR DECISION TO: Mayor and Council REPORT DATE: April 12, 2016 TARGET DECISION DATE: April 13, 2016 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer RE: CAO Training Plan for 2016 FILE NO: RECOMMENDATION(S) 1. 2. That the report from the Chief Administrative Officer dated April 12, 2016 regarding the CAO Training Plan for 2016 be received. That Council endorse the CAO Training Plan for 2016 and support the objectives for learning. PURPOSE To inform Council of the objectives for learning and long-term vision of the CAO. To outline professional memberships and training for the ongoing development of the CAO. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES 3. Council may choose to endorse only parts of the CAO Training Plan for 2016. DISCUSSION Context/Background The Village recognizes the need for training and development of its employees. Making an investment in human resources and creating a climate for personal growth allows employees and the CAO alike to apply knowledge to the benefit of the employer and the community. The CAO holds a certificate in Local Government Administration from Capilano University and has been continuing her education towards her Leadership and Advanced Certificates and Diploma from Capilano’s School of Public Administration. Completion of PADM 208 (MATI Community Planning) will be the final course requirement for the Leadership Certificate. Community land planning is a vital component to the administrative function as the Development Officer, for which the CAO performs the functions of. This course is offered only once every two years. The next offering will be in Kelowna BC in the fall of 2016. The CAO is currently registered on a waitlist. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 68 2 Professional membership fees are annual costs for a CAO and senior management positions. The Local Government Management Association (LGMA) and the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) are the only two memberships for the CAO in 2016. This year, an opportunity to attend the CAMA AGM in Winnipeg has been supported at AYC, both financially and professionally. Conveniently, this event is immediately followed by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) AGM where municipalities are represented, innovative advances are showcased and educational seminars offered. Conferences and seminars offer an opportunity to network with other CAO’s from across the region as well as across Canada and highlight emerging issues and best practices. Attached is spreadsheet detailing the CAO Training Program for 2016. Policy Implications With respect to Training and Development, both the Personnel Policy ADM001-92 and Conditions of Employment Bylaw No. 163-02, Section 8 (Training and Development) are identical. 8.1.01 The Village recognizes the need for training and professional development in order for permanent employees to become more adept in the performance of their duties. 8.1.02 Expenditures for training and development will be part of the budget process. 8.1.03 Applications for attendance at any workshop, course, seminar, symposium or convention shall be made in writing to the Chief Administrative Officer, or in the case of the Chief Administrative Officer, to Council. 8.1.04 All courses must be taken at or sponsored by accredited educational institutions and must be directly related to the employees work or to any career objective that is reasonable and is a benefit to the Village. 8.1.05 Records of staff training and development shall be kept in the employee’s personnel file. Ongoing education is also supported by the letter of offer to the CAO. Financial Implications The budget has contemplated costs associated with the CAO learning plan. Avenues for scholarships and grants will be applied for where available, keeping costs to a minimum. Communication Strategy Upon endorsement of Council, the CAO will apply for professional memberships and seating in the upcoming courses. Respectfully submitted, Monika Schittek Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: CAO Training Plan for 2016 spreadsheet Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 69 CAO Training Program for 2016 Village of Haine Junction Name of Program Dates Labour Relations and Negotiation Cycle Workshop Hosted by: Employment and Social Development Canada February 23 - 25 Where Vancouver, BC Course Fee $0 CAMA - Annual Conference; The Resiliency of the CAO CAMA May 30 - June 1 Winnipeg, MB $725 FCM - AGM; workshops, seminars, study tours Workshop on ASSET MGMT June 3, Budget 2016 what it means for rural and small communities, Infrastructure in the age of climate change. FCM June 2- 5 Winnipeg, MB $815 MATI Community Planning in Local Government Organizations LGMA - Municipal Administration Training Institute October 2-7 Kelowna, BC Board of Examiners Certificate - Services Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development N/A Associations: LGMA - Local Government Management Association CAMA - Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators Travel Costs flight est. $500, accomm est. $600, per diem, est. $500 Supplementary Funding Source Community Training Trust Outcomes Cost to VHJ Directed by Council. Costs approved. Travel costs approved from CTT 2/3 covered. Total costs to VHJ (approx. $520) $520 flight est. $700, accomm est. $540, misc. $150 accomm est. $600, per diem, est. $600 AYC Bursary for CAMA, estimate 2/3 costs covered ($926) YG Asset Mgmt Funding CAMA Scholarship Awarded $725 for Conference fee. Total costs to VHJ (approx. $463) email to Damien Burns to request clarification on funding. If approved, all costs would be covered. $2,600 Flight est. $800 AYC Scholarship, Board of Examiners Bursary AYC scholarship $500. May not qualify Board of Examiners Scholarship. Total Costs to VHJ (approx. $2900) N/A $0 N/A N/A Annual n/a $285 N/A Annual n/a $265 N/A Total Costs $4,690 0 50% reduction 1st year $4,990 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 70 $463 $2,900 $285 CAO Membership submitted and paid (reimbursement request) TOTAL $133 $4,301 Item 11.2 REQUEST FOR DECISION TO: Mayor and Council REPORT DATE: April 7, 2016 TARGET DECISION DATE: April 13, 2016 FROM: Chief Administration Officer RE: Travel Policy and Expense Claim Form FILE NO: RECOMMENDATION(S) 1. That the report from the Chief Administrative Officer dated April 7, 2016 regarding Travel Policy and Expense Claim Forms be received. 2. That Council adopt the travel rates published by the National Joint Council on an annual basis as standard policy. 3. That Council direct staff to review, revise, and propose a new travel policy. PURPOSE The current travel policy is out of date and requires consideration for significant changes. The expense claim form, originally attached to the policy, has since been revised annually based on the Yukon Government travel rates published at April 1st each year. It is no longer consistent with the existing policy. Yukon Government rates are based on the National Joint Council travel directive. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES 4. That Council adopt the existing policy with amendments. DISCUSSION Context/Background Travel policies should address in and out of Territory travel, a guideline to use the most economical means of travel, and flexibility to address medical conditions associated with meal choices. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 71 2 Meal and incidental allowances published on the YG website are consistent with the National Joint Council published rates (breakfast $16.20, lunch $19.10, dinner $52.55, incidental $17.30). Per diem ($105.15) and/or receipt based accounting may be used (up to the meal allowance). Government of Canada per diem rates do not require receipts but may not exceed the published rate. CRA outlines a maximum of $17 per meal or $51 per day without receipts for 2016, and full value of meals with receipts. It is noted in the National Joint Council directive, in situations outside the traveler’s control, meals exceeding the allowance amount with receipt are accepted. Although accommodation choices may be determined by availability, the existing policy dictates a booking preference. It is assumed this was once due to a preferential rate received, although this cannot be confirmed. Keeping flexibility in accommodation choices is recommended. Vehicle mileage rates vary by province/territory. The Yukon Government has set its rate for April 1, 2016 at 57 cents per kilometer. This is consistent with the National Joint Council. Canada Revenue Agency sets it 2016 rate at 54 cents for the first 5,000 km driven, and 48 cents thereafter, with an additional supplement of 4 cents per kilometer for the Yukon (total 58 and 52 cents respectively). Loyalty Programs are allowed, where no additional cost to the employer is incurred. Strategic Plan In adherence to Effective Governance. Policy Implications The Yukon Municipal Act, Section 173 states: A council may, by bylaw, establish the amount of and any criteria in relation to the remuneration of a member of council (including the type of or rate or conditions for remuneration) in relation to (a) Attendance at a council meeting or a council committee meeting; (b) Expenses incurred in the course of attending a council meeting or a council committee meeting; or (c) Any other expenses incurred in the course of performing any duty required to be performed by a member of council. Village of Haines Junction Finance Policy No. 001-94, Section 6 (Personal Expense Claims) states: The Village will have a system of providing reimbursement to Village Councillors, staff or other Village representatives who incur travelling and career development expenses while on Village business. Council are required to set, by resolution, travel expense rates for the Village. These rates are to include schedules for meals, lodging, honoraria and personal vehicles and other business expense items. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 72 3 Financial Implications The current budget allows for a standard rate of reimbursement and travel allowance. Any travel not contemplated may require an upwards adjustment. Communication Strategy Staff and Council will be provided with a new expense policy and claim form, once adopted. Respectfully submitted, Monika Schittek Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: Travel Policy ADM 011-97 2015 HJ Travel Expense Claim YG Travel Rates for April 2016 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 73 VILLAGE OF HAINES JUNCTION ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY STAFF AND COUNCIL TRAVEL AND EXPENSE POLICY DATE OF ISSUE: April 2016 REVISION DATE: SUPERSEDES: ADM 011-97 ORIGIN: VILLAGE OF HAINES JUNCTION Reference: ADM XX Resolution No. xxxx PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to allow for the reimbursement of all reasonable expenses incurred by the Mayor, Councillors, and employees of the Village in the course of attending authorized out-of-town business of the Village. SCOPE: The Village is committed to reimbursing Council and staff at rates that are reasonable and sufficient to cover all expenses that could be incurred. Expenses may include travel and transportation, mileage, accommodation, meal per diem, incidentals, and registration fees. BACKGROUND: The Council requires its senior staff and members of Council to attend conventions, conferences, meetings, seminars and courses from time to time. POLICY: The Village will reimburse expenses incurred at rates that are based on the National Joint Council Travel Directive, adjusted annually. Loyalty programs are allowed, where no additional cost to the employer is incurred. PROCEDURE: Expenses shall be reimbursed by submission of an expense statement (Schedule A) completed in full, signed by each staff or Council member requesting reimbursement and attaching required receipts prior to payment being authorized. Any variance to the above shall be approved by the Mayor and/or Council. This policy comes into full force upon adoption by Council. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 74 Village of Haines Junction STAFF AND COUNCIL TRAVEL AND EXPENSE CLAIM FORM Rates Effective April 1, 2016 Name: __________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Event Name/Dates attended: ___________________________________________________________ Travel, Mileage, Transportation Mileage Claim $0.57 x _______________ kms $ ____________________ Flight $ ____________________ Bus/Ferry/Train $ ____________________ Other (taxi, parking) $ ____________________ Accommodation Hotel Expense: $ __________ x __________ (# of nights) $ ____________________ Private Accommodation: $50.00 x __________ (# of nights) $ ___________________ Per Diem Per Day ($105.15 daily includes incidental) x # days ________ $ ___________________ Or, Breakfast ($16.20), Lunch ($19.10), Dinner ($52.55) $ ___________________ Incidentals (maximum $17.30/day) $ ___________________ Total Expenses $ ____________________ Claimant’s Signature _____________________________ Date ____________________________ Supervisor Approval _____________________________ Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 75 Item 12.1 From: Laura Eby [] Sent: May-04-16 10:54 AM To: 'AYC Office Manager' <> Cc: 'AYCED' <> Subject: FW: Yukon government providing assistance to Fort McMurray - Government of Yukon news release FYI Regards, Laura Eby Manager of Operations Association of Yukon Communities Phone 867.668.4388 Fax 867.668.7574 140-2237 2nd Ave Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0K7 From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: May-04-16 10:31 AM To: Undisclosed recipients: Subject: Yukon government providing assistance to Fort McMurray - Government of Yukon news release Yukon government providing assistance to Fort McMurray WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon will make a $25,000 donation to Red Cross relief efforts in Fort McMurray, Alberta. The city was evacuated on Tuesday as a wildfire is threatening the city. Read more: ECOInfo Communications Branch Executive Council Office Government of Yukon PO Box 2703 (A-8) Whitehorse YT Y1A 2C6 Tel: 867-393-7163 Fax: 867-393-6202 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 76 Item 12.2 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Laura Eby "AYC Office Manager" "AYCED" FW: Yukon government sets new rules for movable soccer goals - Government of Yukon news release April-28-16 1:41:12 PM FYI to all elected officials and CAO’s Regards, Laura Eby Manager of Operations Association of Yukon Communities Phone 867.668.4388 Fax 867.668.7574 140-2237 2nd Ave Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0K7 From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: April-28-16 11:57 AM To: Undisclosed recipients: Subject: Yukon government sets new rules for movable soccer goals - Government of Yukon news release Yukon government sets new rules for movable soccer goals WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon passed a new regulation last week that sets new safety standards for movable soccer goals. The Movable Soccer Goal Safety Regulation ensures all Yukoners can safely participate in the sport of soccer. Read more: ECOInfo Communications Branch Executive Council Office Government of Yukon PO Box 2703 (A-8) Whitehorse YT Y1A 2C6 Tel: 867-393-7163 Fax: 867-393-6202 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 77 Yukon government sets new rules for movable soccer goals| Government of Yukon news release Page 1 of 2 FOR RELEASE April 27, 2016 Yukon government sets new rules for movable soccer goals WHITEHORSE—The Government of Yukon passed a new regulation last week that sets new safety standards for movable soccer goals. The Movable Soccer Goal Safety Regulation ensures all Yukoners can safely participate in the sport of soccer. “The new regulations reflect the Yukon government’s commitment to protecting the health and safety of all Yukoners, including children and students,” Minister of Education Doug Graham said. “The standards will help to ensure the safe installation, inspection, use and maintenance of moveable soccer goals in Yukon.” The regulation applies to any movable soccer goals available for public use that weigh more than 18 kilograms. It requires movable soccer goals to meet the strict manufacturing standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The new standards also include requirements for the size of netting, labelling, storage, usage, inspection, maintenance and anchoring of goals. These standards will ensure that movable soccer goals are set up and anchored properly, reducing the risk of goals tipping and causing injury. The Yukon government will be investing $150,000 to replace any of the Department of Education’s movable soccer goal equipment that do not meet these standards. The new regulation comes into effect on May 1, with the exception of the requirement that regulated goals meet ASTM standards. As of October 1, all regulated goals in Yukon must meet ASTM manufacturing standards. “The regulation addresses the recommendations by the Office of the Yukon Chief Coroner and what we heard from many of our partners and stakeholders” Graham added. “We thank everyone for their contributions to this regulation and their dedication to the safety of all Yukoners, especially our students and children.” The Movable Soccer Goal Safety Act was passed on May 16, 2013, with interim safety measures put in place by the Department of Education and the Yukon Soccer Association for the use of this equipment. The new regulation is similar to the interim measures and is the result of an extensive public engagement process that took place from April to June 2015 with First Nations governments, Yukon municipalities, recreation and soccer associations, Yukon schools and the Yukon Coroner’s Office. -30See backgrounder. Contact: Dan Macdonald Cabinet Communications 867-393-6470 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 78 28/04/2016 Yukon government sets new rules for movable soccer goals| Government of Yukon news release Page 2 of 2 Jason Mackey Communications, Education 867-332-7008 Full list of requirements under the Movable Soccer Goals Safety Act Regulation As of May 1, 2016, the following rules and procedures under the Movable Soccer Goal Safety Regulation apply only to movable soccer goals that weigh more than 18 kg: The mesh of movable soccer goal nets will need to be 9 cm by 9 cm (3.5” by 3.5”) or less. Permanent bilingual labels must be affixed to the goal warning: ◦ against climbing or hanging on the goal; ◦ the goal must be anchored at all times while in use; and ◦ if the goal is not secured it could tip over and cause serious injury or death. Movable soccer goals must be located on a level surface and installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If a goal is used outside, it must be anchored securely to the ground. If a goal is used indoors, it must be secured to the floor, to the wall or with weights according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Movable soccer goals being made available for use must be inspected twice per year (once at the beginning of the soccer season and one other time during the year) for structural integrity, proper installation and anchoring and safety label requirements. A regulated goal that is not in use or is in storage must be secured in such a way that it is not at risk of tipping and does not otherwise present a hazard. Records of inspections, modifications and repairs must be established, maintained and retained by the group or person offering goals for use. Responsibility for inspections and retaining records may be transferred from the person/group offering a goal for use to the public body that operates the recreational facility where the goal is located. As of October 1, 2016, regulated goals must meet the manufacturing requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM F2950-14 Standard Safety and Performance Specification for Soccer Goals. News release #16-162 Stay up to date with the latest Yukon government news by subscribing to our RSS feed here: Or follow us on Twitter @yukongov. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 79 28/04/2016 Item 12.3 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 80 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 81 Item 12.4 From: Bev Buckway [] Sent: May 3, 2016 11:08 AM To: Betty Irwin <>; Bill Kendrick <>; Dan Curtis <>; Denise Johnston <>; Diana Rogerson <>; Gord Curran <>; Jack Bowers <>; Lee Bodie <>; Michael Riseborough <>; Samson Hartland <>; Scott Bolton <>; Stacy Bauer <>; Wayne Potoroka <> Subject: AYC Directors: have your say on Climate Change AYC Directors: Sharing on behalf of Rebecca-she is not sure how well the federal government is sharing the portal, and wanted to be sure to bring this to your attention. The federal government has launched a web portal as an opportunity for all Canadians to get involved in shaping the Pan-Canadian Framework on Climate Change. The Government of Yukon encourages all Yukoners to have their say. Rebecca World Director, Climate Change Secretariat Yukon Government Climate Change Secretariat Box 2703 (V-205) / Whitehorse, Yukon / Y1A 2C6 P 867-456-5522/ F 867-456-5543 Regards Bev Buckway, MA P. Comm. Executive Director Association of Yukon Communities #140 2237 2nd Avenue Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0K7 Ph: 867-668-4388 Fax: 867-668-7574 Web: Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 82 Item 12.5 From: ENERGY STAR Canada [] Sent: April 29, 2016 4:36 AM To: Subject: Public engagement portal on climate change / Portail d'engagement publique sur le changement climatique Click here if you are having trouble viewing this message. As a valued stakeholder of Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency, we would like to ensure that you are aware of a new forum for providing your input on how to address climate change and promote clean growth. On April 22, 2016, the Government of Canada launched an interactive website designed to accept submissions from Canadians on ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. The website is available at: We encourage you to provide input at the earliest practical time to ensure that it receives due consideration by the working groups that will provide recommendations to First Ministers. More details on the process are available at: En tant qu’intervenant valorisé par l’Office de l’efficacité énergétique du ministère des Ressources naturelles Canada, nous aimerions vous informer d’un nouveau forum pour fournir votre opinion sur la façon de lutter contre les changements climatiques et promouvoir une croissance propre. Le 22 avril, 2016, le gouvernement du Canada a lancé un nouveau site Web interactif pour permettre aux Canadiens de s’exprimer en ligne sur les mesures à prendre pour réduire les gaz à effet de serre et s’adapter aux changements climatiques. Le site Web est accessible à l’adresse suivante : Nous vous encourageons à fournir votre opinion le plus tôt possible afin de s’assurer que cette opinion soit prise en considération par les groupes de travail constitués pour formuler des recommandations aux premiers ministres. Plus de détails sur le processus sont disponibles à l’adresse Click here to unsubscribe or to change your Subscription Preferences. Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 83 OPERATIONAL SUMMARY Item 12.6 Yukon Emergency Medical Services (YEMS) Update – Haines Junction, Summer 2016 2 May 2016 Community partners, Following the release of Yukon EMS’s report on the Haines Junction Pilot Program, we committed to provide updates to the community of Haines Junction on YEMS preparations for summer operations in 2016. The Department of Community Services continues its work with volunteer EMS responders and allied health care providers throughout Yukon to ensure that there is pre-hospital medical coverage available in all communities. Although Community Services will not repeat the pilot program in Haines Junction, YEMS continues to support a sustainable volunteer service model by offering honoraria, training, equipment and service infrastructure to local teams. At the time that the report was released, the volunteer EMS team in Haines Junction had 18 active members. This number included the addition of several new volunteers following the pilot program and the retirement of three long-serving members of the local team over the winter. Recruitment efforts in February 2016 brought in 12 new volunteer candidates – 11 of whom are now in training. If all candidates attain certification, the Haines Junction team will have 29 active members available in June 2016. These new volunteers joined the local team knowing the importance of being available during the summer months. Yukon EMS estimates that a team of this size will be able to provide adequate and consistent coverage throughout summer 2016 and into future years. Yukon EMS is also investigating seasonal accommodation in Haines Junction during the summer months. This will facilitate temporary housing for EMS supervisors and trainers working with the new candidates, and enable YEMS to house a responder from a neighboring community in the event that local team members are not available for a given period of time. To help simplify access to emergency services, Government of Yukon will introduce territory-wide Basic 9-1-1 service this summer. This easy-to-remember number, consistent across North America, is another way Yukon government is investing in emergency response. The Department of Community Services encourages all Yukon citizens, stakeholders and employers to consider how they can best support local volunteerism. We appreciate the support shown for local volunteers in Haines Junction and are proud to be contributing to this community-based solution. Sincerely, Jeff Simons Director – Yukon EMS 867 456 6591 Village of Haines Junction Regular Council Meeting Agenda May 9, 2016 Page 84