September 2010PDF Version Printer Friendly
September 2010PDF Version Printer Friendly
O F F I C I A L N E W S L E T T E R O F R O C K Y M O U N T A I N V I N T A G E R A C I N G VINTAGE MESSENGER Editor: John Mihalich, Jr. or FAX: (970) 824-3737 VOL. 19 NO. 9 New Members RMVR wishes to announce the following new members! Welcome to each of you. We hope you will take full advantage of your membership, all the club activities, and the camaraderie of your fellow members. Please help us in welcoming these fine folks. ● Lowell & Michaele Duncan Monument, CO Race Entry Deadlines and Late Registration! Race entry deadlines have changed. Late registration now begins 10 days before the start of an event. Please make note of this. This change will be in effect for the Enduro and all 2011 events. Don’t Forget Register Now!!! For the Enduro at High Plains Raceway October 2-3, 2010 Register at $25 Late registration fees kick in September 22, 2010 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner @ the Enduro The Formula Ford run group will be sponsoring the 8th Annual Dinner for the RMVR Volunteers, Saturday evening, at the Enduro event. Details and menu to be determined. Volunteer dinners will be covered by the ticket sales. Ticket prices for non-volunteers are TBD but should be in the $12-$13 range. You don’t need to be a FF drive to join the dinner party. Watch the RMVR Bulletin Board for details or contact Scott Sanders (303-931-8301) or John Mihalich (970-326-5631 cell). Letter from the President September, 2010 September 2010 If you are a current member of RMVR, you should have already received an email regarding the Summary and Comments of a survey that went out to all drivers regarding the July race at PPIR. It is well worth your time to read the comments from our members. You will see that there is no clear cut reason for why many of our drivers decided not to enter that race. For me, the most interesting bit of data was that of the 231 drivers responding, 169 (73%) said they would attend PPIR next year if it were on the schedule….???? Only 64 attended this year. One thing seems to be evident. Though we can’t control the reasons for low entries, we can try our best to come up with ways to get through these tough times with as little damage as possible. We are still in the black and hope to be at the end of the year. I’ve just returned from Hastings and the racing and activities were fantastic! We are hoping for a “Really Big” turn out for the Enduro. Let’s all help our club end the race season in fine fashion. On Sunday, Sept. 19th, all RMVR members are invited to show their racecars (no matter the country of origin) at the Colorado English Motoring Conclave. As usual, it will be at Oak Park in Arvada. Please see details in this issue of the Messenger. Ken Tisdale has invited those who attend to bring something to grill, and have lunch with him and the rest of the Tiger club. If you have a vehicle to transport attendees from the trailer parking area, your help will be truly appreciated. I would like to see a good turnout for our Annual Feedback Session on Saturday, Oct. 30th at the American Motel. This will take the place of our October Board Meeting and those present will have a chance to hear plans for the future and be able to give their input. I will email the Agenda and details for the Feedback Session to all RMVR members prior to the meeting. Here are a few 2011 dates to keep in mind: On Saturday, April 30th the Spring Fling will return! This party will be held at PPIR along with the Annual Tech Inspection and optional Test & Tune. Tech will be held in the South Garages, and the rest of the complex including the banquet room will be available for Spring Fling activities. Experience driving the banking during Test & Tune, it’s a hoot! May 13th – 15th will be our combined Drivers School & Spring Race at HPR. Plan to attend. July 9th-10th we hope to have our new Charity Race event. See more info in the Minutes. And finally, I am asking once again for VOLUNTEERS. We need people to pitch in to help with Tech Inspection, Merchandise Sales, and taking care of Worker Accommodations next year. Let me know if you can help. John Brosseau [president | rmvr | com] John’s Pun of the Month: I love a play on words, but my wife can’t stand the ‘pun’ishment. Board Meetings will be typically held the 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 7:00PM. Through the end of 2010 the meeting will be held at Piccolo's Restaurant at the intersection of Hampden Ave. (Rt. 285) and Monaco Parkway. Monaco Parkway is located about 2 blocks east of I-25. Piccolo's is on the southwest corner of the Hampden / Monaco Pkwy. intersection. It is located behind the King Soopers Supermarket. The address is 3563 S. Monaco Pkwy. FOR MORE INFORMATION: RMVR c/o Carol Stiehr - 32024 Snowshoe Road Evergreen, CO 80439 - (303) 319-3062 The Colorado English Motoring Conclave Bring your race car (even if it’s not of British heritage) to the Colorado English Motoring Conclave, Sunday, September 19, 2010 at Oak Park, Arvada, Colorado. See the Colorado English Motoring Conclave flyer elsewhere in this issue of the VM for details. RMVR will have a corner station set up with the vintage race cars set up in a mock race formation. Minutes Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing, Ltd. Regular Board Meeting 8/18/10 Piccolo’s Restaurant, 3563 S. Monaco Pkwy., Denver, CO Board Members Present: John Brosseau – President Mark Robinson – Past President Bob Alder – Treasurer Traci Pearson – Secretary Dan Berry Bob Darcey Lynn Fangue Bob Mitchiner Bonnie Mortimer Mike Ries Jamie Stiehr Excused absence: Pat Hogan Call to order: 7:02 p.m. President’s Comments John Brosseau said the annual Feedback session will be held October 30th at the American Motel, 10101 N. I-70 Service Road, in Wheat Ridge. Refreshments will be served at 8:00 a.m. and the meeting will begin at 8:30. This will probably serve as our October board meeting. The correct dates of the 2011 Hastings race are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of September. Brosseau said President Elect Pat Hogan plans to bring back our Spring Fling next year and combine it with our annual technical inspection day. He plans to hold both events at Pikes Peak International Raceway (PPIR), probably on April 30th. Bob Boileau, the track manager, said we can use the garages and rooms. And drivers can put their Andy Keller April 1942 - July 2010 cars on the track inexpensively. The only cost to the club will be catering. seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously among those present. Bob Alder said the Vintage Auto Racing Association (VARA) annual tech day at their track has become a big public event with spectators and everything, including a lot of prospective racers. Treasurer’s Report Bob Alder distributed his written report to the board members before the meeting. All PPIR income and expenses are accounted for; no Hastings entry fees are included but the track deposit and insurance are. We’d budgeted for about an $18,000 surplus (profit) from events at this time this year, but we have only about $5000. The difference between the budget and the actual surplus is roughly equal to the shortfall in PPIR entries (we’d budgeting for 100 but had only 64 actual entries). We’re behind budget but still in the black, and we still have a couple events left this year. Brosseau said that other dates and locations will probably still be available for annual tech inspections. Past Minutes Corrections to the August board meeting minutes: ● Under President’s Comments: the correct spelling of Tucson, Arizona. ● Under CDI – “Delinquent” Students: the correct spelling of Lynn Fangue’s name. ● Under 2011 Tentative RMVR Race Schedule: the correct dates for the Showboat Grand Prix: September 2–4, 2011. Lynn Fangue moved to accept the minutes as corrected, Bonnie Mortimer Jamie Stiehr asked whether we could make the Tuesday before the Hastings race the cutoff date for entries, since he and Carol are leaving for Hastings on Wednesday. Lori Bush-Engel will contact Carol Stiehr to work out the details and will send an email to the club membership about the new cutoff date. Mike Ries asked whether we had a flyer for the Hastings event that he could post at the Heartland Vintage Racing (HVR) event in Topeka, KS, this weekend. Bob Alder said he’d take care of it. Special Reports CAMA (Colorado Amateur Motorsport Association) Bob Darcey’s written report to the board: HPR Financials: HPR closed its 2nd quarter on June 30th, and the financial results are attached. To summarize, the operation yielded a net profit before depreciation of approximately $53,600. This result is considerably below forecast, primarily due to shortfalls in lapping day revenue and fuel sales. While a decrease in lapping activity (from 2009) could be expected, CAMA had hoped to offset that decline via increased use by non-owner segments, a projection that has not materialized. On the bright side, lapping day revenue for July was up 20% from the previous three months, and last Friday (August 13th) was the largest lapping day on record. A Ladies-Only Lapping Day is scheduled for Monday, August 23rd, and we hope to see a large turnout so as to make this a regular event. Fuel sales continue to lag projections by a significant margin, and CAMA might have over-projected this revenue stream. The HPR website has been updated to increase promotion, the credit card limit has been raised to $300 and the initial “slow pumping” problems rectified. The fuel pricing ($7.75 and $7.78 per gallon) is competitive with local retailers, and we hope to see more sales for the second half of the season. Paddock Carport Project: The Carports and electrical pedestals are now in use. There are 16 units in total, 14 with 30 amp electric service and 2 with 50 amp service, and the project came in under budget. All the carport units were sold out this past weekend (PCA) and received rave reviews. Pricing is $125 (30 amp) and $150 (50 amp) for the weekend (Friday through Sunday) and $60/$75 for single day rental. The carport project completes a fairly aggressive effort to add track amenities for the 2010 season, including the pavilion, fuel station, restroom trailer, playground, and some corner exit curbing. Projects to add a septic system, track/paddock striping, well water to the paddock and expansion of the PA system are on hold pending revenue results for 2010 remaining. He talked to RMVR member Steve Petersen about the sealer used at turn 9 of the Pueblo track and its suitability for use on the whole track. Petersen went down to Pueblo and talked to the people there. Because of the condition of the track, Petersen said any sealer used had to be a penetrating type, and he wasn’t sure the sealer used had been. Someone in Pueblo is supposed to find out for him, and he hopes to know more by October. Lapping Day Policies: At the July RMVR meeting, it was requested that CAMA review the “fee per driver” lapping day policy, with the suggestion that HPR should charge “by the car” instead of “by driver” so as to allow double-driven cars the option of splitting the lapping day cost. CAMA’s response is that the current policy is more equitable for the vast majority of users, promotes safety by controlling who is on the track, and is in the best interests of protecting the asset (HPR) for the ownership. I am writing a more detailed (read: lengthy) response to this question and would be glad to share those thoughts with members upon request. The short answer is that user safety and preservation of the asset are the foremost considerations. Petersen said other repairs are being made to the track, including crack sealing and patching; these have been completed in turn 1, turn 4, and on the front straight. Respectfully submitted, Bob Darcey, CAMA Rep. Bonnie Mortimer asked why there hadn’t been an earlier notice of the ladies-only lapping day. Darcey said Glen Conser and Denise Longwell had come up with the idea and implemented it in a very short time frame, so there wasn’t time for more advance notice. He added that HPR had added a couple of car-only lapping days on Mondays in the past month, but those too were done on short notice and weren’t very successful. Bob Alder asked what constituted the “repaving fee” in the financial report. Darcey said it’s the $10/car/day HPR charge. CMC (Colorado Motorsports Council) Mark Robinson said representatives of eight clubs attended the last meeting. The Pueblo parks director who oversees the track wants to meet with CMC to discuss long-term plans for the track, and CMC President Nancy Foster will invite him to do so. It is rumored that Tom Abbott is no longer the Pueblo track manager. Guest Bill Miller said he’s heard that Tom Abbott may be replaced by Bill Dickey, for whom the track’s approach road may be renamed. Nancy Foster attended the last SCCA race at La Junta but couldn’t hook up with city manager Dan Eveatt. She reported that the track is holding up OK but that the sweeper is gone, the track was unswept, and the air conditioning in the large trailer wasn’t working. The deteriorating conditions at the track, it is surmised, are because of lack of use. The Motorcycle Roadracing Association (MRA) representative asked what CMC is doing with no money coming in and no money being spent on behalf of its member clubs. Robinson said the group’s consensus was that it’s too premature to talk about the future of CMC, particularly since CMC may be able to help out the Pueblo track. Bonnie Mortimer said that the inside edge of the track at turn 9 is highcentering cars and has turned into an “oil pan remover.” Mike Ries recommended not driving over it. Old Car Council of Colorado (OCCC) Dan Berry said the state legislature was the main topic at their last meeting. Colorado State Representative Marcia Looper talked about three issues— proposed constitutional amendments 60 and 61 and proposition 101—one of which would affect the FASTER bill. Not many RMVR members participated in the Havana Cruise, and Berry hasn’t yet done much about the Colfax Cruise. There will be a contingent of race cars at Lakewood Mazda and there will also be some at Invesco Field. Guest Bill Rosenbach asked whether any RMVR cars would be at the Colorado English Motoring Conclave on September 19th. He said the conclave displays any vintage race cars and that RMVR member Ken Tisdale was involved. John Brosseau said he’d get the conclave information to Lori Bush-Engel to email to the RMVR membership. Chiefs of Specialties Reports Eligibility Mark Robinson said Chris Wenning is representing the drivers of the Porsche RSR clones and RSs. He has formalized a rules draft that generally follows IMSA rules for those cars and has sent it to the affected members to try to get consensus. Flagging and Communication Pauline Wilson said F&C and Tech are fully staffed for the Hastings race, which means that they have enough workers to run the race. Conchi Fay is organizing the volunteers for that race. Rich Boucher’s son-in-law, who works at a Cairo museum and is here with the Denver Art Museum’s King Tut exhibit, is looking into the possibility of arranging a private (and possibly reduced-rate) showing of the exhibit for RMVR members. BJ Kellogg announced an open house at his dad’s shop in September. Porsche and Pastries will be held at 356RESTORE on Saturday, Sept 25th, starting at 10 a.m. There will be a BBQ with drinks and treats. 356RESTORE is located at Jim Kellogg’s house at 8356 Old Business Sports Race Eligibility Expansion (second reading) Bob Alder said the only change to the first reading of the proposal was in paragraph 6 on page 4. The new paragraph reads: Stiehr said it would be nice to find a charity with a tie-in to cars and racing, but it wasn’t necessary. He wants to make sure we find an established 501(c) (3) charity with a history of good stewardship and a high program-tooverhead ratio. The charity must promote our event to attract people and money, and he’d like the possibility of other activities beyond the race weekend. He stressed that the arrangement has to be mutually beneficial for both our club and the charity. “Partial List of eligible Sports Racers: The list below are examples of sports racer models covered by this rule. It is not intended to be all-inclusive, definitive, or limiting. As with any car submitted to eligibility, it is the owner's responsibility to have the car prepared consistent with the rules of the era and to provide adequate proof of eligibility for cars not listed. The Eligibility Committee has final authority to approve applications.” Stiehr proposed forming a committee of both board and non-board club members who will decide how to go about selecting a charity, screen nominated charities, and come up with about three finalists. He wanted the club membership to have a say in choosing the final charity. He’d like to announce the winning charity at the banquet and have their executive director there to address our members, but that may be too soon. Guest Gary Hoffman asked whether a sports racer had to conform to the 1984 GCR (including RMVR’s exceptions) or could race as a 1972 GCR-prepared car (including RMVR’s exceptions). Mark Robinson said he was sure that they could. John Brosseau said Pat Hogan preferred a local charity, one that could demonstrate how the money was spent. He also suggested including a silent auction at the charity event. N. Sunburst Trail in Parker. Everyone is welcome. Timing and Scoring Dennis and Eloise McIlree had nothing to say. Jamie Stiehr moved to accept the second reading of the proposal, Dan Berry seconded the motion, and it passed with 9 Yes votes among those present (with Traci Pearson abstaining). 2011 Season Charity Event Jamie Stiehr said he wanted to bring back our tradition of running a yearly charity event. In the past, those events generated a lot of attendance and served as outreach for the club. He wanted to find out how an appropriate charity was chosen in the past and get membership input on selecting a charity. Ethel Mitchiner said that club members suggested charities and the board picked three or four to give a presentation at a board meeting. The final charity was selected by the board. She stressed that it had been a lot of work and taken a lot of planning each year. Bob Darcey said he thought our past charity events had brought in about a quarter of a million dollars over six years. Mitchiner said we’d done events with the dog charity four years and KIND three years. Bob Alder said having a multiyear commitment with those charities saved a lot of time and effort. Mitchiner said that, other than expenses—a luncheon, tents, advertising, etc.—all the revenue went to the charity. The charity did some advertising as well, gave away things such as t-shirts, and held demonstrations. Stiehr, Bonnie Mortimer, guest Lori Bush-Engel, and guest Camille Fangue volunteered for the committee. Stiehr said the race chair of the selected race has to really be on board with the idea of a charity event. Brosseau suggested the July 2011 race. Brosseau also said the date of the banquet has not yet been set; it’s up to the president elect. New Business Race Entry Deadlines and Fees Bob Alder said it seems that, with the ease and immediacy of online registration, people are waiting until the last minute—a week before the race—to register; this puts quite a burden on Carol Stiehr and others who have to plan the events. He proposes moving the entry deadline to 10 days before the race. Alder had thought about raising the late fee as an incentive, but he thinks moving up the deadline should work out fine. And if the deadline were any more than 10 days ahead, people might not know if they were going to be able to make it to the race. He suggested we move up the deadline for the Enduro and the 2011 race season. Jamie Stiehr heartily concurred. Carol, he said, often gets incomplete race entries and has to do a lot of follow-up on them. She also really needs a few extra days to set the preliminary run groups. It takes a great deal of paperwork and a lot of phone calls to set up a race weekend, and Carol is just one of many who have a lot of work to do to set up the races. Alder said we’ll send out email reminders two weeks before the entry deadline. It was also suggested that we could put a countdown to the registration deadline on our website home page. PPIR Survey Report John Brosseau thanked Bob Alder and Lori Bush-Engel for sending out the survey following the PPIR race. Three hundred thirty surveys were sent out. Five “bounced” from incorrect or inactive email addresses. Of the 325 left, 231 were returned, which is a good response rate. Seventy-three percent of those said they’d attend the race next year. Bob Alder said a lot of people expressed concern about running on the banking at PPIR. But he stressed that it’s both safer and more fun to run the track that way. It’s recommended by the track management, and all of the 64 drivers who raced PPIR this year liked the banking and would run it again. Brosseau said we should publish the survey results; a number of board members said that the responses should be kept anonymous. Mike Ries said there was no predominant reason why people didn’t attend the race. Brosseau said the National Auto Sport Association (NASA) ran PPIR backwards and had no problems. Some of the barriers had to be moved, but that didn’t take long. He suggested we try running the track one way one day and the other way the next day. He said there’s still a chance we’ll add PPIR to the 2011 schedule and said that it will be a good opportunity for people to try running the banking at the Spring Fling next year. Other Modern Woodmen of America Race Sponsorship Lori Bush-Engel said that her company, Modern Woodmen of America (a nonprofit financial services provider), wants to sponsor our Enduro. She wants to put a company tent at her paddock and have a few drawings and giveaways. In return, all their offices would send flyers to their clients about the event and all their literature would have RMVR information on it. It would, in essence, be a quid-pro-quo promotion. Bob Darcey, as our CAMA representative, said he thinks we can do just about anything, within reason. Bob Alder said he knows we can do commercial sponsorships and will look into IRS regulations regarding such sponsorship. * * * John Brosseau said O’Reilly Auto Parts is sponsoring the inaugural Heartland vintage race this upcoming weekend and that we should be looking for such sponsorship to help pay for events. Darcey said that we want some sort of financial consideration out of sponsorship and suggested that Modern Woodmen of America pay for the beer party. If the company were selling anything at the track, they’d have to sign a vendor agreement with HPR. Alder said the beer party would probably cost about $250. Mark Robinson said they should hold a drawing for race car rides instead of just giving out free ones. Bush-Engel said she’d consider the board’s suggestions and then approach her regional office about what RMVR wants from the sponsorship. Open Discussion Bob Darcey reminded the board our bylaws say we need to have an officer nominating committee in place before the next meeting. John Brosseau said he’d turn over the responsibility for putting together the committee to Pat Hogan. Guest Bill Rosenbach asked whether RMVR would make a donation—out of the funds set aside for the historic group chairman—to a charity in Andy Keller’s name. The board decided that donating funds earmarked for the historic group, or making a special donation at all, would be inappropriate and set a bad precedent. But since we often send flowers for such occasions and didn’t this time, the board voted to donate the $200 we might have spent in lieu of flowers, as requested by the family: $100 to the library and $100 to the symphony. Bob Darcey will also track down the club’s decibel meter, of which Keller was the keeper. Meeting adjourned: 9:20 p.m. Traci Pearson, Secretary For Sale or Serious Trade: Moving to Mexico full time and cannot take my babies. 1960 100% original MKI I plus tons of parts. 1961 FP 1275 with all race upgrades. 22’ enclosed trailer. For more photos go to: Will negotiate. [dmoulton | usa | net] (303) 578-9706 Westminster, CO. Classifieds For Sale ’67 A/S Camaro. 3R Racing built, maintained, and race prepped. Legal iron block/iron head 40 over 302ci motor. Best of everything w/ 3 sets of wheels, spare transmission, 2 rear ends, drive shaft, spare brakes, etc. Front and rear adjustable shocks and sway bars. Nationally competitive, front running car with numerous Big Bore Group and /or class wins in RMVR / Nostalgia / VARA / HSR / VSCDA over last 12 years. A safe, fast, and beautiful totally dialed-in race-ready car. $80k, and worth it. Contact Bob at 3R Racing: 303-781 – 0774, or email at [bob.raub | 3rauto | com] For Sale Porsche Vintage Race Car – 1967 911S vintage racer, RMVR #815, C Production. Raced successfully and competitively in Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing for several years. Extensive race modifications, too numerous to list. A fast car. Lightweight enclosed trailer available also. Car $25,000. Trailer $2,000 with car, $3,000 separate. Contact Mike Norris, (303) 759-4414 ext. 20, [mjnorris | qwest | net] For Sale: 66 MGB & Trailer. $17,500 Only driven by little old man during peak summer months. Driven at most seven week-ends a year. Extremely short trips, normally less than two miles and never more than 20 to 30 minutes duration. Absolutely never driven in rain, sleet, or snow. Always driven easy and with care. Minor brief off-road excursions and then only under close supervision. No facilities for back seat drivers. Party animal but loves to lead the pack. Impressive race history. Contact Paul Markey (303) 530-7092 or email [pmarkey | comcast | net] For Sale: 1964 Triumph Spitfire. Well sorted. Extra set of tires & wheels. Extra parts. Lady’s small fire suit, shoes & helmet, balaclava, gloves & socks. $4900 (303) 775-1707. Vintage Messenger Fine Print- Our goal is to publish the Vintage Messenger at the first of every month. If you wish to assure that your information / announcement / ad is included in the Vintage Messenger, it should be in the hands of the editor three days before the first of the month. Photos should be .jpg or .tiff formats. Attached files should be in .txt or doc format. Ads run on a per issue basis. If you wish to have your ad run in subsequent issues, you must re-submit the ad, monthly. Ads are free for members for auto / racing related items. E-mail to FAX to 970-824-3737. The Editor returns a confirmation of E-mail submittals. If you don’t receive a confirmation E-mail, your submittal probably did not get to the Editor. In this Issue: • Volunteer News • • The Enduro @ HPR • • The Colorado English Motoring Conclave • 2010 Event Schedule October 2 & 3, 2010 October 30, 2010 Enduro at HPR Feedback Session at the American Motel, 10101 N. I-70 Service Road, in Wheat Ridge RMVR Website- RMVR VOLUNTEER NEWS _____________________________________September, 2010 By BJ Kellogg Fall is in the air. We have gone to Hastings, Nebraska over the Labor Day weekend and had a great time. I am sure there are stories about the steak dinner, golfing, go-karting and the State Fair. Plus some stories about the racing. Next up for volunteers is the Enduro at High Plains Raceway on October 2nd & 3rd. We will be running the whole track so for the last time this year I am asking for everyone to come and join just east of Byers, Colorado. Drop me a line if you would like to work this event. Sign up soon if you would like a room at the Longhorn because we only have a few rooms. We have the feedback session at the American hotel at I-70 and Kipling on October 30th. The doors open at 8am for coffee and doughnuts, the meeting starts at 8:30am. The workers will be discussing what went well and what went wrong this year. We are looking at an April 2011 Fire and Rescue school, and then it looks like a race a month until October. It is going to be a very busy 2011. If you need your car fix there is a free car show in the southeast part of town and no it is not near Kansas. Spring Valley Golf Club just north of Elizabeth will be having a car show on September 12th, from 9am to 4pm. The grill and bar will be open and many golf balls will also be lost. If my 356 Porsche decides to run I will be giving it a bath and taking it two miles down the road for the show. There is also the Colfax cruise on Saturday September 18th. On the 18th & 19th of September is the British Conclave at Oak Park. To finish our month of racing and car show Porsches and Pastries will be held at 356RESTORE in Parker, Colorado on September 25th starting at 10am. Yes, Chocolate éclairs will be on the treat table. See you at the track! PEASE SEND IN RESPONSE TO THE APPROPRIATE CHIEF LISTED BELOW. If you have any preferences as to whom you share a room with, please be sure to let your chief know. Remember that all specialties are limited as to the number of workers for whom they can provide accommodations, so send in your reply form before the deadline. FLAGGING & COMMUNICATIONS BJ Kellogg 3452 Meadowlark Ct. Parker CO 80138 303-646-3784 Home Pauline Wilson 564 S. Joplin St. Aurora, CO 80017 303-745-7860 GRID TECH Chad McCabe 9994 Pecos St. Thornton, CO 80260 303-667-0044 Andy Kitchens 3307 Birch Drive Loveland, CO 80538 970-227-7566 EVENT y The Enduro High Plains Raceway DATE: LOCATION: October 2 & 3, 2010 High Plains Raceway CHAIR: RACE STEWARD- Open Wheel: Ralph Veit Richard Bowler RACE STEWARD- Production Cars: Bonnie Mortimer RACE ENTRY FEE: (303) 570-5303 (303) 303-694-0565 (303) 790-8676 $250 LATE ENTRY FEE: $25.00 after Sept 22, 2010 (at the track $50.00) DEADLINE: September 22, 2010 Note: The Board has decided that Late Registration will begin 10 days before an event. The date above reflects this change. Fuel WILL be available HPR Lapping is available Friday October 01, 2010 Online registration @ $150 Full Day / $90 Half Day EVENT SCHEDULE REGISTRATION & TECH: DRIVER'S MEETING: Saturday Saturday Sunday 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 8:00 AM The rest of the schedule will be handed out at either registration or at Driver's Meeting. All drivers and crew must sign in at registration. Any driver that has not signed in, by the above specified time, will not be allowed on the track. All drivers must attend the Driver's Meeting. CANCELLATION POLICY: Total reimbursement of race fee will be issued If registrar is notified of cancellation no later than 72 hours prior to race dates. Cancellations later than 72 hours or no shows will be assessed a $25 cancellation fee. High Plains Raceway Byers, CO Official track website: Accommodations: Longhorn Motel 456 N Main St, Byers, CO 80103 Strasburg Inn 1406 Main St Strasburg, CO 80136 Willow Tree Country Inn 49990 E 64th Ave, Bennett, CO (303) 822-5205 (303) 622-4314 (303) 644-5551 Successful Hosting, LLC, or email Rooms available for rent at local residences. (303) 916-0848 Manufacturer ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Motorcycle Model Car ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Race Car Free poster and dash plaque to all Pre-Registered entrants. SIGNED_______________________________Date____/ ____ / 2010 RELEASE AND WAIVER: I am aware of the hazards inherent with motor vehicle events and, specifically release and indemnify the organizers, supporting car and bike clubs and the City of Arvada and North Jeffco Parks and Recreation Department, collectively and separately, from any and all liability for personal injury or property damage incurred by me or my guests, while participating in this event. I also agree not to start any loud vehicles during the day of the event and to abide by the City of Arvada’s rules regarding no smoking. No “FOR SALE” signs and no trucks or trailers in the park. PLEASE SIGN... $_____ AMOUNT ENCLOSED $______Swap meet space: $20.00 per space received before September 1st. $25 After Sept. 1st or day of the Conclave (private parties only). Space reserved till 9:30 am then resold $______Registration fee: $20.00 per vehicle received by September 1st, for the first 2 vehicles (3rd or more free, provided you are the owner of each vehicle). $25.00 per vehicle after deadline or day of the show. Entry fee is good for both days. Entry Fee Year ________ ________ ________ ________ Please Print Legibly VEHICLES COMING TO MEET: Trailer Make checks payable to: Colorado Conclave Mail to: Scott Story 1025 S. Laredo Way, Aurora, CO 80017 Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: (____) _______________ E-mail ____________________________ REGISTRATION P.O. Box 1585 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Ride The Rockies 19th The Conclave Oak Park, Arvada, Colorado 10425 W. 64th Place, Arvada, Colorado 27th All British Car and Bike Meet 18th September 2010 An invitation to all BRITISH Car and Bike Owners For further information call: G ary George (303) 477-0189 days Scott Story (303) 755-1826 evenings (price includes Ride the Rockies) REGISTRATION FEE: $20.00 in advance. $25.00 day of the event. ends. AGENDA: 8:00 AM Registration begins. 12:30 PM “Most Favorite” voting LOCATION: Oak Park, 64th Place. (see map) in Arvada. DATE: Sunday, September 20th Bring your parts to sell at the Swap Meet or bring your list of parts you need to buy.Above all, bring yourselves and your vehicles, for your participation is necessary to make this event the highlight of Colorado British motoring. Bring a picnic lunch or buy food and soft drinks from the vendors, and have a picnic under the trees. Once again, the City of Arvada has offered Oak Park for the Conclave. If you have come to the Conclave in the past, you know what a great day this can be. With your help we will have well over 500 British cars and bikes in attendance. The Twenty Seventh Annual Colorado English Motoring Conclave, Sunday, September 20th. SEPTEMBER 19th $25.00 day of the event. (price also includes Conclave) REGISTRATION FEE: $20.00 in advance. 10:00 AM “Ride the Rockies” leaves Oak Park. Awards presented on Sunday. LOCATION: 8:30 AM Vehicles will assemble at Oak Park. DATE: Saturday, September 18th The tour will leave the Oak Park Conclave site and wind its way casually to a lunch time destination high in the mountains. For those who want a bit of fun and adventure along the way, the tour will incorporate a Gimmick Rallye. Awards will be presented to the top 3 scorers. Don’t wait until Sunday to begin the fun. Make the Conclave weekend complete by participating in the “Ride the Rockies” tour. Join your fellow British motoring enthusiasts in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains. Hosted by the Colorado English Motoring Conclave, owners of all two, three, and four-wheeled British vehicles are invited to a day-long motoring tour of the Rocky Mountains. Start your Conclave weekend with “Ride the Rockies” tour, Saturday, September 18th. SEPTEMBER 18th TWO DAYS OF ACTION AND ACTIVITIES 64th Pl. NOTICE: “As per the City of Arvada” To preserve everyone’s right to continue to use the park. Please, use the OIL CLOTHS supplied in registration packets. Please NO Trucks or Trailers in the Park & NO “For Sale” signs. Loud vehicles must be pushed into place. They may not be started up in the park. We will refund entry fees to violators and ask them to leave. Also“NO SMOKING” or “SPITTING” in Arvada Parks. • Stroll through the swap meet during Sunday’s Conclave. • Visit local vendors and take advantage of some super deals. • Enjoy food, fun and entertainment in the park. • Learn of sources for specialized services. • Become acquainted with local British Auto Clubs. • See a wide assortment of British marques. Ribbons must be picked up Day of Show! • Twenty Fifth Colorado English Motoring Conclave begins at 8 AM, Sunday, September 19th. Most importantly, your participation is the single key ingredient to making this year’s Conclave at Oak Park an event to remember. Remember, the condition of your British car or bike is not important; this is an event for the everyday as well as the concourse example. Completing this registration and mailing it before September 1st will save you five dollars. Bring more than two British vehicles and the 3rd vehicle and more are entered FREE. (You must be the owner of all vehicles registered). REGISTER EARLY and SAVE Don’t forget! The Rocky Mountain Triumph Club, RMTC, will be collecting non-perish- able items, canned and boxed, for the 9 Cares Colorado Shares Program, Please help by giving us your support! All ballots must be turned in by 12:00 PM. VOTE ONCE - VOTE EARLY! VOTING P LE The 2010 Colorado English Motoring NO Tru ASE Conclave will again be providing off-site Trailer cks or trailer parking for attendees using trailAs per s in the ers to transport their cars at ARVADA P the Cit y of Ar ark WEST HIGH SCHOOL. The high school vada is a short 6 blocks from the CONCLAVE site at OAK PARK and offers easy access for trailer parking. A convenient free shuttle service will be provided to and from OAK PARK and ARVADA WEST HIGH SCHOOL. 11325 Allendale Dr, Arvada. Trailer Parking • Ride the Rockies tour kicks off the Conclave weekend at 10:00 AM, Saturday, September 18th. Registration 8:30am-9:30am The condition of your bike or car is not important; this is an event for the everyday vehicles as well as the concourse example. This event was coordinated in 1983 as a joint effort for the many English vehicle clubs in the Denver metro area. Austin Healey, Jaguar, Lotus, MG Car Clubs, (MGA, MGB, T Series), Morris Minor, Rolls Royce, Sunbeam, Triumph, TVR, Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing and the British Motorcycle Association. The purpose of this event is to further the operation, preservation and owner participation of the British marques. Join us for a memorable weekend as the Colorado English Motoring Conclave continues its traditional two days of fun and activities. OAK St.