October - Rocky Mountain Triumph Club


October - Rocky Mountain Triumph Club
The Triumph
General Meeting on October 19 at Piccolo’s
2010 RMTC Board
Another Great Conclave!
Prime Minister: Ralph Malewska
Vice-PM: Lynette Kirkham
Minister of Letters: Dave Fain
Treasurer: Gordon Kenney
Events: Silvio DeBartolomeis
Membership: Janet Cline
Newsletter Editor: Steve Hart
Regalia: Andy DeVisscher
Volunteer Officers
Minister of Archives: Ken Kalin
Minister of Publicity:
Newsletter Publisher: Sean DeBow
Webmaster: Dave Fain
To E-mail any officer, put his/her first
name with “@RockyMountainTR.org”
In This Issue
Page 4: Oct-Nov. Events
Page 5: Club Member Dinners
Page 6-7: Colorado Conclave
Page 8: TR8 in The Denver Post
Page 9-11: Club/VTR News
Page 12: Classified Ads
Page 13: Membership Application
Photo: The lineup of Triumph TR6’s at the 27th Annual Colorado
English Motoring Conclave on another beautiful day at Oak Park!
(photo by Johnny Chapman)
By Dave Fain, Bob Gloyd, & Johnny Chapman
Early on Sunday morning, September 19, there was frost on the
grass at Oak Park in Arvada. But by noon the temperature was
close to 90—typical fall weather in Colorado. The final count for
the 27th Annual Colorado English Motoring Conclave was 483
registered British cars, trucks, and motorcycles, with another 20
or so cars brought in by venders.
The Conclave Committee supported the RMTC’s High Memorial
can drive for “9 Cares, Colorado Shares” this year and the results were very gratifying. This is a charity that Dorthy and Tom
High sponsored each year at Conclave before they retired to
Grand Junction.
The club also supported the Conclave committee. A team of
club members staffed the registration desk from 10 to 11 am,
where there was a steady stream of new arrivals. A big thanks
to all who helped out at registration!
More on pg. 6
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 1
The Triumph Herald
Published Monthly by The Rocky Mountain Triumph Club, LLC
P.O. Box 300426
Denver, CO 80203-0426
About Our Club
Technical Advisors
TR2 & 3
TR4 & 4A
TR 250
CO Springs:
The Rocky Mountain Triumph Club, LLC (RMTC) has been devoted
to the use, preservation and enjoyment of Triumph automobiles for
over 25 years. It is a Chapter of the Vintage Triumph Register.
Most memberships are in the Denver area, but we also have members in Wyoming, New Mexico, South Dakota, Kansas, Virginia, Arizona, and England! Each membership is a “family” membership and
children are a frequent and welcome addition to the club activities.
General membership meetings are held monthly (except in January, June, and December) on the 3rd Tuesday. Meetings are held
at Piccolo’s Restaurant at 3562 S. Monaco Parkway (1 block east
of I-25 and Hampden in the King Soopers shopping center). Drinks
and dinner at 6:00 PM, meeting at 7:00 PM and over by 9:00 PM.
Do you know someone who has
dropped out?
Contact them ! Sign them Up !
Send newsletter articles, photos, ads to Steve Hart via E-mail at
steve@rockymountaintr.org or mail to 2284 S. Hoyt St., Lakewood,
CO 80227. The absolute deadline for submissions is the 24th of
each month for the following month’s newsletter.
Commercial Advertising is available in the newsletter ranging from
$50 for one year for a business card to $500 for a full page for one
year. Contact newsletter editor Steve Hart for more details.
Wally Gamble
Jim Elbe
Bob Becwar
Dave Fain
Andy DeVisscher
Terry Hughes
Ken Kalin
Gordon Kenney
Bob Klie
Jim Elbe
Do you know someone who should be
a member?
Board Meetings are held monthly on the 1st Monday at the Red
Rocks Grill on CO 74 in downtown Morrison. Dinner at 6:00 PM.
Meeting 7:00 PM till about 9:00 PM. Members are invited to attend.
An electronic version of our newsletter is available—it’s in full color
and available before the paper copy is mailed. Let us know if you
would like to receive it E-mail only; it saves the club about $12/year.
We E-mail you the link each month so that you can download it
Steve Hart, Editor
See page 13 for Membership
I would like to thank everyone who renewed their membership dues! Don’t forget that if your family would like to receive
the newsletter to multiple E-mail addresses, we can accommodate your request.
Janet Cline, Minister of Membership
Club Regalia
Contact Andy DeVisscher for:
RMTC clocks …………………………………….$15.00
Polo Shirts, 5 sizes from small to X-large ….…$30.00
(white, red, black, green, blue, khaki)
Sweat Shirts, x-large (white) ..………...……....$25.00
Denim Shirts, small to x-large (blue or khaki)..$25.00
T– Shirts large (blue)……………………….….$10.00
Hats (black, blue) ……………………...…...….$10.00
Any item not in inventory can be ordered
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 2
Board Reports
Prime Minister’s Letter
As we move into the club activities for October, the Conclave Ride the Rockies Tour and Colorado English Motoring Conclave car show are in the history
books. It is now time to start thinking about the upcoming Board election in
November. We will be taking nominations during our October general meeting, as we did in September.
There is no better way to get involved in the Club activities than being in any
of the Board positions. There is some work involved in all Board positions,
but not to excess! Many of us do this in our spare time while working a full-time job. On the other
hand, the amount of fun is unlimited!
The past (almost) two years that I have been privileged to be your Prime Minister have been
a blast! I have enjoyed every minute!
I encourage you to put your name in nomination for a Board position even if you are a newer
Club member.
Happy Motoring!
Ralph Malewska
Treasurer’s Report
by Gordon Kenney
September 2010
Beaver Run
Total Expense =
Checkbook balance =
High's Mem.
Total Income
8/24 - 9/18
$ 5.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 510.00
$ 180.00
$ 155.00
$ 524.77
$ 235.50
$ 0.00
$ 64.12
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 9.56
$ 63.71
$ 151.29
$ 180.28
$ 854.60
$ 261.40
$ 146.00
$ 208.80
VTR 2011 Fund (1st BANK):
The RMTC, LLC General Fund (1st BANK):
$ 101.46
Tom & Dorthy High Memorial Fund
= $325.50 (9/18/10)
Raffle Items
Total Expense
Net =
Membership Report
by Janet Cline
Total members/member families = 149 in September. 5 new members this month:
Tom Burgott, TR4A
Jill Hill, Spitfire
The Triumph Herald
Seth Gilbert, TR6 & TR250
Phil Shires, TR3A
David & Amy Roberts, Herald & 3 Spitfires
October 2010, page 3
Contact Events Coordinator Silvio DeBartolomeis at 303-995-6363 for new events
Saturday, Oct. 2, Super Cruise, Golden — 5:00 - 9:00 pm, South Golden Road. 1,500 cars, so get
there early for best parking spots! Details at www.goldensupercruise.com/.
Monday, Oct. 4, Board Meeting @ Red Rocks Grill in Morrison — Details on page 2.
Sunday, Oct. 17, Breakfast Gaggle @ the Reed’s — 8:00 am pot-luck breakfast at the home of
Brad and Liz Reed, 6553 South Garland Way in Littleton; drive afterward. Info at 303-973-8637.
Sun-Fri, Oct. 17-22, VTR 2010, Jekyll Island, Georgia — Info and registration at vtr2010.org/.
Tuesday, Oct. 19, General Meeting @ Piccolo’s — Details and directions on page 2.
Monday, Nov. 1, Board Meeting @ Red Rocks Grill in Morrison — Details on page 2.
Tuesday, Nov. 16, General Meeting @ Piccolo’s — Details and directions on page 2.
August 17-21, 2011 — VTR 2011 will be held in Breckenridge, CO
January Membership Report by Marietta Hughes
Total 136 memberships.
New Members:
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 4
Club Member Dinners
BBQ Spaghetti Dinner at
the Kalin’s
On August 28, Ken and Vicki
Kalin hosted their annual barbeque spaghetti dinner for
RMTC members. You can’t
imagine how you could possibly
barbeque spaghetti unless you
were there. Everyone who attended had a great time and
perhaps next year many more
members will learn Ken and
Vicki’s secret!
Thanks, Ken and Vicki!
Photos: (top, l to r) Sondra Cook,
Debbie Bosler, and Lynne and
Rick Lawson conversing during
dinner; (bottom, l to r) Denise Kalin, Eva Fain, host Ken Kalin, and
Judi DeBartolomeis enjoying the
BBQ spaghetti.
(photos by Silvio DeBartolomeis)
Hughes Conclave Party
By Dave Fain
On Saturday evening, September 18, a group of 30 or so British car enthusiasts from as far away
as Kansas gathered at Terry & Marietta's Hughes house for their annual Conclave party. While discussing the Ride The Rockies Tour, which took place earlier that day, they consumed lots of
cheeseburgers, brats, some desserts that couldn't be beat and adult beverages.
As the sun went down, some of them realized they were freezing their buns off and gathered
around the fire on the patio. Others hung out in the garage admiring Terry's TR6, which is currently
all over the garage.
Thanks, Terry and Marietta!
Triumph Trivia
How did Triumph obtain the rights to use the “Spitfire” name? (Answer on page 9)
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 5
Colorado Conclave
1st: Brad Reed
2nd: Terry Hughes
3rd: Xenti Hurst
1st: Ken Kalin
2nd: ?
3rd: Kevin St. James
Conclave award
winners for the
Triumph classes
will be highlighted
in next month’s
1st: Mark Altman
2nd: Sue & Ron Waits
3rd: Sam & Betty Ward
(Continued from page 1)
The previous day, the Bob Gloyd-designed Ride
the Rockies Tour was held under nearly as perfect conditions. There were 110 cars on the
Tour, which made a series of “circles” around
Lookout Mountain, Squaw Pass, and Central
City. It ended at the El Tapatio Mexican restaurant that the drivers had already passed twice!
RMTC club voting winners:
1st: Silvio DeBartolomeis
2nd: Brooks Turner
3rd: John & Ann Swearengin
1st: Andy DeVisscher
2nd: Dave Fain
3rd: George Betz
Other TRs:
1st: Gordon Kenney T1800
2nd: Andy DeVisscher Herald
3rd: David Roberts
Best Triumph:
1st: Gordon Kenney T1800
2nd: Silvio DeBartolomeis TR3A
3rd: Paul Dico TR250
1st: Paul Dico
2nd: Phil Stough
3rd: Jeff Bronn
TR6 (’69-’73):
1st: Seth Gilbert
2nd: Arvid Helland
3rd: Ralph Malewska
TR6 (’74-’76):
1st: Rick Lawson
2nd: Mark Bosler
3rd: Jim Davis
The Triumph Herald
Photo: A TR3 on the Ride the Rockies Tour
on Lookout Mountain’s Lariat Loop.
(photo by Pat Clements from The MG Experience)
October 2010, page 6
Colorado Conclave
Photos (clockwise from top left): The TR2-34 lineup; a few of the beautiful TR3’s; Spits,
GT6’s, and Heralds; Andy DeVisscher leaving in his Herald; Pipe Band; RMTC booth;
advertiser Paul Dierschow at the Sports Car
Craftsmen booth. (photos by Johnny Chapman))
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 7
Reliving the Summer of 1991!
By Andy DeVisscher and Gordon Kenney
Andy: After the TR-6 went away, I was looking for
a replacement. I got the desire for a TR4 and
saw the one in the club newsletter. I’ve had a
TR4-A before. In 1966, I bought it as a used car
and sold an old piece of junk—my Pontiac GTO! The TR4-A was my only car, so I drove the daylights out of it--about 40 thousand miles in 2
years. Sold it and got married!! We took a trip to
Steamboat Springs to look at one in the club
newsletter and, a week later, towed it home. The
seller (June Lindenmayer) in Steamboat said it
used to belong to the president of the Triumph
Club, Gordon Kenney. Hey, I know that guy!! It
needs some T.L.C.: new top, carpet, paint, some
work on the rocker panels, etc. A good winter
Photos (t to b): Andy DeVisscher’s “new” TR4-A,
job. Ha! Ha! the replacement for his totaled TR6; Gordon’s
TR4-A in his driveway.
Back-pedal 19 years:
(photos by June Lindenmayer and Gordon Kenney)
Gordon: It was the summer of 1991 and I had
sold my first English car, an MGC-GT, and was
looking for an “open” car. There was a large
warehouse along the south side of I-70 near
Monaco that was full of foreign cars for sale. I
was interested in either an Austin Healey (a project car) or a very nice 67 TR4-A, light blue in
color with a solid roll bar. I bought the TR4A and
then joined the RMTC. Drove it for a few years,
then sold it to a man named Lindenmayer, who
bought it for his daughter to drive to high school.
I then acquired a TR-6 and later the Triumph
1800 Roadster. So, it’s nice to have this TR4-A
back in the club.
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 8
Club News
Board Meeting, September 7, 2010
@ Red Rocks Grill
Meeting called to order at 7:07 PM.
Present Sean DeBow, Gordon Kenney, Ralph
Malewska, Andy DeVisscher, Dave Fain, Silvio,
Janet Cline, Steve Hart, Lynette Kirkham.
pretty sure she has enough coolers. We need to
replace at least one of the club’s canopies. Discussion followed on which discount stores have
the best deals.
Silvio reported that the Spitfire deal fell through.
Andy knows of a TR6 we may be able to get reasonably. Some assembly required. Apparently
the former owner was a bit of a character.
Andy used the insurance money from his TR6 to
buy a TR4. It turned out to be the same TR4 that
Gordon sold about 10 years ago to somebody in Oil Spot Rallye coming soon. Ralph will be there.
Steamboat Springs.
Meeting adjourned at 8:07.
Discussion of Conclave. We need at least 2 people in the Triumph area to direct traffic. Silvio will
put newsletters, registration forms and a
VTR2011 press release in Triumphs we don’t recognize as belonging to club members. Do we
want to serve food? Gordon checked on previous
Conclaves, we do actually make money on it, average of over $500 a year. We bought 6 foot sub
sandwiches last year. Nobody seems to be interested in flipping burgers and the board is of the
opinion that it is not automatically their job to do
it. The city will no longer allow us to drive into the
park with a truck so getting a grill and other stuff
into the park is a lot of trouble. Since nobody has
volunteered to cook burgers and the event is 2
weeks away, the consensus is that we should
provide sub sandwiches and chips for club members and prospective members but not for the
general public. We will need about 10 cases of
soft drinks and water. Silvio will get the sandwiches, Lynette will get the drinks and ice. She is
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Fain, Minister of Letters
Trivia Answer
In the early 60's, the British aircraft company
Vickers/Supermarine wanted to use the name
“Vanguard “ for one of its passenger aircraft. In
exchange they allowed Standard-Triumph to
use the name of one of their other aircraft.
Standard-Triumph picked the name “Spitfire”
because it was the name of the most famous
World War II British fighter. An interesting side
note is that 2 years after the 1962 introduction
of the Spitfire, Ford introduced its new “pony
car.” The concept car was originally named for
the P-51 Mustang, the most famous U.S.
fighter of World War II, and not, despite the emblem, for a wild horse.
RMTC Can Drive
Bring a can to a gaggle and get a raffle
ticket for a free lunch. Drawing will be after lunch!
Bring a can to a monthly meeting and get
an extra raffle ticket.
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 9
Put the can in the car before you put “your can” in the car !
(RMTC canned food drive for “9 Cares, Colorado Shares”)
General Meeting, September 21,
2010 @ Piccolo’s
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.
Treasurer: Gordon Kenney, Lynette Kirkham
Events Coordinator: Silvio DeBartolomeis (*TL),
David Fain, Kevin St. James
Membership: Silvio DeBartolomeis, Janet Cline
The regular monthly had only 14 members proba- Newsletter Editor: Steve Hart (*TL), Gordon
bly due to the flurry of events the preceding
Regalia: Andy DeVisscher
Ralph started the meeting by having us all go outside to the parking lot where Rick Peterson
* Note: those nominated for offices they have
showed us his magnificent Rolls Royce sedan;
held for two years are term-limited; they must be
what a magnificent motor car. Then we came
approved by ¾ of those voting.
back inside and, using Silvios laptop with internet
Additional nominations will be accepted at the
October general meeting. Declinations of nomiGordon showed the members the club web site
nations must be before the close of the October
and went through all of the various pages. We
also looked at the VTR 2011 web site being developed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Silvio reviewed past and upcoming events and
then Terry gave the club an update on the VTR
2011 committee planning.
Respectfully submitted,
Gordon Kenney for Dave Fain, Minister of Letters
RMTC Board Nominations:
Prime Minister: Silvio DeBartolomeis, Steve
Hart, Ken Kalin
Vice Prime Minister:Photos:
Kirk Peterson,
(t-b) (Gordon
Kenney photos)
Minister of Letters: Steve Hart
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 10
Vintage Triumph Register News
Bob Tullius at VTR 2010
Triumph racing and performance legend
Bob Tullius will be making a special
guest appearance at the 2010 North
American Triumph Challenge, which
takes place October 17-22 on beautiful
Jekyll Island, Georgia. Along with Bob
will be Lanky Foushee, Crew Chief of
the legendary Group 44 Triumph race
Other events include a funkhana, T-S-D
rally, autocross, car show, concours, and
several tours.
The TR6 is the featured model for 2010.
Registration is $105. For more information, go to vtr2010.org/.
RMTC Member at VTR 2010
Duncan Burdick is our lone spokesperson this year at VTR 2010. He is driving
his TR2 all the way to Jekyll Island.
Committee Chairs Still Needed!
VTR 2011 Chairmen Brooks Turner
(303-794-3950) and Terry Hughes
(303-428-5291) need chairs for the
following VTR 2011 committees:
Model/Photo/Craft Contests
Panoramic Photo
Tech Session
The Vintage Triumph Register (VTR)
Club members are encouraged to join this National Triumph
Organization. Benefits include:
Quarterly Magazine “The Vintage Triumph”
Free classified ad in “The English Channel”
Access to VTR’s staff of vehicle consultants
A VTR Members Travel Assistance Program
A discount book service
VTR regalia
Participation in Regional and National meetings
Join at www.vtr.org or send $35/year to: VTR-E-New Membership
P.O. Box 655 Howell, MI 48844-0655
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 11
Cars and Parts for Sale or Wanted
Ads free for RMTC members, $5/month for non-members. Ads will be dropped after four months unless renewed with editor. The deadline for submitting sale ads is the 20th of each month.
1946 T1800 For Sale
1980 TR8 For Sale
The Kenney's sold their Triumph 1800 at the
Conclave to a non-RMTC member Denver family.
(m 9-10)
Very nice original condition;
56,286 miles;
runs great.
Contact Tom Hill
at 303-747-1102
or skycastle
(nm 9-10)
1971 TR6 For Sale
A pristine, two owner vehicle. New redline
tires. Original aftermarket American Racing
mags. New top, new interior. Tonneau and vehicle covers. Many TR books, some spare
parts. $16,000. Located in Ridgway, SW CO.
Contact Charlie @ 970--626-3342 or ccc.two
@q.com. (m 6-10)
1980 TR8 For Sale
All original convertible with very rare 1980 factory fuel injection. Stored inside every winter, no
rust. Runs and drives fine; 64K miles. Fun,
daily summer
driver or could
use a repaint,
seat covers,
and a new top
to be show
ready. Best
offer. Call Bob
at 720-3332692. (nm 8-10)
1972 TR6 For Sale
Excellent condition and runs great. Redline
tires, extra parts. $14,500 OBO. Located in
Colorado Springs, CO. Contact Chris @ 719331-6028 cell. (nm 10-10)
GT6/Spitfire Parts For Sale
Lots of Triumph Spitfire and GT6 parts: heads, differentials, transmissions, etc. Call Silvio DeBartolomeis at 303-995-6363. (m 9-10)
TR6 Parts For Sale
TR6 differential, soft top frame, flywheel, various
drive train & brake parts for sale. Call Lee 303-9717264 or Lee.K.Janssen @lmco.com. (m 7-10)
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 12
The Rocky Mountain Triumph Club, LLC
Membership and Renewal Application
Dues are $35 per year per family or $30 per year if you choose to receive the monthly newsletter only by Email. Send application and a check for the correct dues amount (see below) to:
The Rocky Mountain Triumph Club, LLC, P.O. Box 300426, Denver, CO 80203
(Include all family members)
Day & Month (year is optional)
Telephone: (H)
Primary E-mail Address:
Triumph Motor Car(s): Year, Model:
Newsletter – Please select one:
Mail Only ($35 per year)
E-mail Only ($30 per year)
Both ($35 per year)
How did you find us? (web page, other member, other)
Please list your main interest in joining the club or suggestions for club activities :
1971 Spitfire Mk 4 For Sale
A front end shop, preferably on the north end of
town, that knows how to do a 4-wheel alignment
on a GT6 or Spitfire by following written instructions. Several shops claim that it can't be done,
despite the shop manual lying on the front
seat. This isn't rocket science, folks. Contact
Dave Fain 303 438-5615 or kf21857@gmail.com.
1981 TR8 For Sale
Rare, only 414 manufactured in 1981. "The
shape of things to come" and it goes! Fuel injected 3.5 L V-8, 5-speed manual. Persian
Aqua Blue; AM/FM/CD radio; luggage rack.
Tires 1 year old with <2000 miles on original
alloy wheels. Workshop Manual. Asking
$12,000. Contact Rod Tomkins at 303-9063193 or tomkins@ecentral.com. (m10-10)
The Triumph Herald
Running; needs restoration. Engine rebuilt before parked.
Clean title, straight frame and almost no rust. $1200. Contact Nate in Arvada @ 303-521-5151. (m 10-10)
Robert Klie
St. Francis, Kansas
Engine & Transmission Rebuilds
Electrical Work Low Hourly Rates
Specializing in Triumphs
Pickup & Delivery Available
October 2010, page 13
2010 Schedule of Events
Contact Silvio DeBartolomeis with
your ideas for events in 2010!
1 Tune-Up @ Kenneys
3 Board Meeting
8 St Francis, KS Car Show
16 RMTC Spring Car Show
18 General Meeting
29-6 British Car Week
4 Board Meeting
16 Annual Banquet
1 Board Meeting
16 General Meeting
20 Detailing Tech Session
7 Board Meeting
11-13 Glenwood Rallye
19 Fathers Day Picnic
5 Board Meeting
10 Car Show @ Winter Pk
17 Highway Clean-Up
20 General Meeting
24 Moonlight Drive
1 Board Meeting
6 Frostbite Regatta Drive
16 General Meeting
20 Tebo Open House
27 Chili Cook-off
5 Board Meeting
10 Shelby Museum - Ward
20 General Meeting
23-25 Brit. Car Days, NM
2 Board Meeting
15 Highland Games
17 General Meeting
20-22 Gunnison Car Show
21 Front Range Car Show
28 SpaghettiBBQ @ Kalins
6 Board Meeting
18 Ride-the-Rockies Tour
18 Hughes Conclave Party
19 Colorado Conclave
21 General Meeting
24-26 NM Rendezvous
4 Board Meeting
17 Breakfast @ Reed’s
17-22 VTR 2010, Georgia
19 General Meeting
1 Board Meeting
16 General Meeting
6 Board Meeting
11 Christmas Party
The Rocky Mountain Triumph Club, LLC
P.O. Box 300426
Denver, CO 80203-0426
Monthly Meeting Place: Piccolo’s
Monthly Meeting Date: October 19
October 2010
4 Board
17 Reed 18
19 Gen’l 20
The Triumph Herald
October 2010, page 14