HERE - Eurocoin
HERE - Eurocoin
EUROCOIN 2015 COIN VALIDATORS C O I N VA L I D AT O R S in this section... MULTICOIN ACCEpTORS • • • • A, X & Z type Modulars Mini Frontplates Linear, Front & Z sorters tL20 Programming tool SINgLE COIN • • • • Micro comparitors comparitor tool Kit comparitor test Box comparitor test stand MEChANICAL COIN • • • • standard s1 Acceptor eurocoin timer security tokens essex straight six +44 (0)1707 280 028 COIN VALIDATORS • electronic thread detection system the Modular range of coin mechanisms is the latest offering from leading spanish manufacturer, Azkoyen. designed to replace and upgrade their entire coin validation range, Modular sets new standards in coin validation, leading the way in versatility and security. Modular provides greater customer choice than any other coin mechanism with options on interfacing and integration. • Mechanical thread detection system MINI-AC6 • Versions available for each country • Front entry • Front Reject • Accept Right down • easy to maintain Ac6 versions which minimise space on the front of the machine • compatible with Ac6 series mini front and A6 series midi front Available in 3.5” and 5” formats. MIDI-A6 description Ac6 d2s Ac6 d4s A6 d2s A6 d4s • top entry • Front Reject • Accept Right down T E C h N I C A L S p E C I f I C AT I O N S DIMENSIONS A And X tyPe 89mm W x 46mm d x 102mm h Z tyPe 127mm W x 50mm d x 182mm h INTERfACE OpTIONS A tyPe Parallel, creditor, timer, cctalk X And Z tyPe Parallel, cctalk pOwER REqUIREMENT A tyPe 12-24vdc: 500ma X tyPe 12-12vdc: 400ma Z tyPe 12-24vdc: 500ma VALIDATION SpEED 8 coins per second COIN SIzE 16.25mm to 32.50mm Up to 32 coins plus 2 tokens SORTINg OpTIONS AVAILAbLE A And X tyPe Linear, Frontplate X tyPe 4 Way description A tyPe X tyPe Z tyPe A TYpE MODULAR C O I N pAT h I N f O R M AT I O N MODULAR RANgE COIN VALIDATORS C O I N VA L I D AT O R S C O I N VA L I D AT O R S Part # 246XXXXX 246XXXXX 246XXXXX 246XXXXX A6 SERIES MINI fRONTpLATE X TYpE the Mini frontplate measures 118mm x 62mm and houses the front entry front reject acceptor • top entry • Bottom Reject • Accept Left down • suits Modular series A6 type description FRont entRy FRont ReJect F/PLAte XV TYpE Part # 24600002 A6 MIDI fRONTpLATE • top entry • Bottom Reject • Accept Left down the Midi frontplate measures 156mm x 62mm and houses the top entry front reject A series acceptor • suits Modular series A6 type description toP entRy FRont ReJect F/PLAte Part # 246XXXXX 246XXXXX 246XXXXX Part# 24600003 f E AT U R E S T EC h N I C A L S U p p O R T • Advanced sensing technology - dsP (digital signal Processors) • Robust and efficient anti-stringing system • Remote programming option • choice of high security d4s and standard security d2s sensing units • Fully serviceable • Unrivalled fraud rejection • Low cost of ownership eurocoin offer full technical support for all listed coin validation products 3 +44 (0)1707 280 028 4 COIN VALIDATORS X6 MODULAR EXTENDINg COIN gUIDE fRONT SORTER • comes with all key performance features of the A type range, with the addition of coin sorting and remote reject options • dimensions - 126 mm W x 63.75 mm d x 234.58 mm h • extending coin guides system • Product configuration: • the length is set by adding extra intermediate modules A) Lower output 3 and 5 ways B) Lateral output 3 ways c) Lateral output 5 ways • Versions available for each country A z KOY E N C O I N h A N D L I N g p R O D U C T S COIN VALIDATORS C O I N VA L I D AT O R S C O I N VA L I D AT O R S • designed with an open system that allows removal of jammed coins and easy access for cleaning • easy to maintain • Ultra-low consumption Tempus II Timer A • sorting options available linear, frontplate description X seRies ModULAR description X6 d2s X6 d4s Part # 24602005 24602146 c B Part # 24602147 description (1) BAse ModULe (2) inteRMediAte ModULe (3) end ModULe f R O N T S O R T E R C O I N M A N A g E M E N T Part # 24600017 24600018 24600009 fRONT pLATE - LONg • Metal plate 233 x 77 mm • Reject Button with and without light • Price holder LINEAR SORTER hopper U II • Reject box • dimensions - 152.95mm W x 60.9mm d x 162.5mm h • electronic or mechanical reject • Product configuration: • coin guide opens for easy cleaning and removal of jammed coins hopper U II plus Reject 3L Reject MODULAR X SERIES SMALL fUNNEL description FRont PLAte - Long Part # 24600022 output 1 output 2 output 3 Recovery • the small funnel measures: 10mm h 3s fRONT pLATE - ShORT • Metal plate 168 x 77 mm • suits Modular series X type Reject description sMALL FUnneL output 1 output 2 output 3 Recovery description LineAR soRteR 3L LineAR soRteR 3s Part # 24600009 24600015 Part # 24600128 hopper T3 • the Medium funnel measures: 15.5mm h description FRont PLAte - shoRt L I N E A R S O R T E R C O I N M A N A g E M E N T description MediUM FUnneL coin input Modular Series MODULAR X SERIES MEDIUM fUNNEL • suits Modular series X type coin input • direct mount to door without reject coin box Part # 24600127 MODULAR X SERIES LARgE fUNNEL Part # 24600021 MOUNTINg CRADLE For more information on the Azkoyen range of coin handling products, please contact • Mounting cradle to suit X type Modular • the large funnel measures: 23.5mm h • suits Modular series X type Reject Reject output 1 output 2 output 3 5 output 1 output 2 output 3 description LARge FUnneL Part # 24600108 description MoUnting cRAdLe Part # 24600016 +44 (0)1707 280 028 6 COIN VALIDATORS z TYpE MODULAR MICRO COMpARITOR fRONT pLATE z TYpE DIRECT • comes with key performance features of the A type range, with the addition of coin sorting and remote reject options • Metal plate 233 x 77 mm • Versions available for each country • Price holder • easy to maintain the Micro comparitor is the proven technology platform from coin Mechanisms inc. Micro comparitors are single coin, high speed validators, ideal for high volume gaming locations. • Reject button with and without light • direct reject of coin to front • Ultra-low power consumption they feature: • 4 enhanced security optics • Micro controller logic and timing • Additional anti-fraud checks • improved discrimination • to fit Z type • sorting options available - linear, frontplate description FRont PLAte diRect • Please specify required configuration, country and currency when ordering description Z6 d4s s-s Z6 d4s s-F Z6 d4s F-F Z6 d4s F-s Part # 2460XXXX 2460XXXX 2460XXXX 2460XXXX Part # 24603401 fRONT pLATE z TYpE INDIRECT An edge-to-edge coin detection feature ensures that coins are not 'missed', even at the very fastest playing speeds. • Metal plate 233 x 77 mm • Reject Button with and without light • Price holder All original comparitor models are available in the Micro comparitor range : Mc16, Mc40 and Mc62. • indirect reject of coin to tray z SORTER • to fit Z type coin input description FRont PLAte indiRect Recovery output 4 output 1 output 2 output 1 MICRO COMpARITORS M I C R O C O M pA R I T O R S C O I N VA L I D AT O R S All are direct plug-in replacements for the earlier cc16, 40 and 62 models. Part # 24603402 the Mc62 is a one-piece device, unlike the earlier cc62. TL20 • dimensions 182.3mm W x 79.7mm d x 296mm h • handheld programmer description Z soRteR Part # 24600008 • Permits use of heUs software without Pc • For use with Modular acceptors and hopper U-ii z S O R T E R C O I N M A N A g E M E N T Configuration S-S coin input drive Recovery description tL20 Part # 24604620 MOUNTINg CRADLE • Mounting cradle to suit X type Modular output Rejection T E C h N I C A L S p E C I f I C AT I O N S OpERATINg VOLTAgE 11v - 48v dc CURRENT IDLE Min 100ma - Max 128ma pEAK Min 285ma - Max 340ma RANgE Min 17.91mm - Max 31.75mm Acceptance drive Recovery output Rejection Acceptance Configuration f-f Part # 24600016 REjECT MOTOR Acceptance output Rejection coin input drive Recovery • Reject motor which drives electromechanical activation of the validator return lever • Versions for independent reject and machine-controlled reject • Universal 12-24 Volt model output Rejection Acceptance 7 description MicRo coMPARitoRs drive Recovery coin input Configuration S-f description MoUnting cRAdLe description RecoVeRy MotoR Part # 24600020 f E AT U R E S Configuration f-S coin input Part # 240XXXXX • Backward compatible with all existing comparitor models ie cc16, cc40, cc62 • exceptional fast feed performance, typically 8 coins per second • Microcontroller based technology for improved coin analysis and validation • Bi colour Led, indicates current status and tilt condition • credit Buffering, eliminates coin steal or missed credits • Many firmwares available, all major manufacturers' protocols supported. +44 (0)1707 280 028 8 COIN VALIDATORS MICRO COMpARITOR MC62 the Mc62 model offers more functions than any of the other Mc technology units, providing sense, credit and tilt outputs. the Mc-euro is specifically designed to be used with 1 and 2 euro coins, and is available in all three models of Micro comparitor (Mc-16, Mc-40 and Mc-62). other Mc-euro mechanisms are available for the euro cent coins. • credit optics fitted as standard • Four advanced security optics for anti-fraud security the s1 coin Acceptor is available for any currency and can handle coin or token sizes from 18mm up to 30mm in diameter. s1 validators are for single coin denomination only. • high speed validation • edge to edge coin detection feature stores information on inputted coins in a memory buffer to ensure that coins are not missed, even at the fastest playing speeds • dedicated to bi-metallic €1 or €2 only • operator programmable to any coin or token description Mc16 €1 Mc16 €2 Mc40 €1 Mc40 €2 Mc62 €1 Mc62 €2 description Mc62 S1 COIN VALIDATOR MC-EURO Part # 2402XXXX MICRO COMpARITOR MC16 • suitable for multiple operating voltages, the Mc16 has no credit output and provides a sense pulse output only After more than 35 years of sales, support and service on this classic product range, eurocoin purchased the tools and rights for this legendary mechanical roll-down coin validator in 2007 and now manufacturers thousands of validators for worldwide single-coin & token applications • Please specify host machine when ordering Part # 2401XXZZ 2401XXtt 2404XXZZ 2404XXtt 2402XXZZ 2402XXtt the entire range of frontplates and accessories are available - normally from stock. the s.1. is robust and reliable and ideal for simple, single coin vending operations. it can be incorporated with the eurocoin timer (as illustrated). COMpARITOR TOOL KIT the s.1. can also be fitted with a metal keyplate matched to a high security, grooved token, for use in high value transactions such as petrol forecourt operations or health and leisure clubs. • A complete kit for servicing any comparitor product • improved discrimination of coins and tokens • idea for slot machine technical personnel • Fast play speeds • edge to edge coin detection stores input data in memory to ensure that coins are not missed description coMPARitoR seRVice Kit Part # 24012510 T E C h N I C A L S p E C I f I C AT I O N S DIMENSIONS oVeRALL height Width Length stAndARd FRont PLAte coin diAMeteR • operator programmable to any coin or token COMpARITOR TEST bOX Part # 2401XXXX MICRO COMpARITOR MC40 • suitable for multiple operating voltages, the Mc40 model has credit optics as standard, with different pulse widths available where required • the Ac supply voltage is selectable to include 220/240 VAc description coMPARitoR test stAtion • credit and tilt pulse outputs • Four advanced security optics which carry out a number of antifraud checks description s1 AccePtoRs s1 std/20P s1 std/50P s1 std/£1 UK s1 std/€1 eURo s1 std/€2 eURo Part # 24012500 • Allows for easy accessibility for bench testing any comparitor product and can be used with both standard and wide body versions • operator programmable to any coin or token 9 125mm 63.5mm 127mm 115mm x 63.5mm 17mm - 30mm Part # 2921XXXX 29210102 2921013A 29210304 2921014s 2921014Z COMpARITOR TEST STAND • edge to edge coin detection stores input data in memory to ensure that coins are not missed description Mc40 • the Universal comparitor test station is used to test, adjust and troubleshoot all coin Mechanisms' and other coin validation products Part # 2404XXXX description coMPARitoR test stAnd f E AT U R E S description Mc16 COIN VALIDATORS C O I N VA L I D AT O R S C O I N VA L I D AT O R S • stainless steel front plate • tests for underweight coins/fraud • optional lockout wound for most Ac and dc voltages • diameter, thickness & ferrous content check • direct or indirect reject available • Available pre-fitted with choice of security tokens and keyplates for high value vending Part # 24012520 +44 (0)1707 280 028 10 COIN VALIDATORS • incorporates diameter, thickness and ferrous check its robust construction allows it to withstand the most challenging of public environments. A modular design combined with simple, reliable components means that the unit rarely fails, even after years of use. eurocoin hold replacement stock of all modules, allowing a quick and easy self-service update if required. • state coinage (XX) • Frontplate size - 115 h x 65.5 W • security plates available Part # 292101XX 292103XX 2186XXyy the eurocoin timer is widely used in parking and access control environments, sport and leisure facilities, health clubs and tanning salons. • Adjusts to all play values from 10p - £1.80 (UK ss00013) • Price of play can be changed by operator - no extra parts required LOCKAbLE whITTAKER fRONTpLATE • Lockable Whittaker Frontplate • Foreign coinsets available • suits novelty machine applications • simple, secure operation • Available for any coin or token denomination • security plates available • high security token option for high value vending functions, such as sun beds, snooker lights Part # 292501XX 2186XXyy p L A S T I C TO K E N S f R O M E U R O C O I N • choose from a wide variety of colours and shapes to create your own personalised plastic tokens • Alternatively, order from our ‘Ready to go’ range, held in stock • simple, cost-effective and eye-catching • Match Play override switch - allows the operator to set the timer to ‘Free Vend’ when tournaments or charity functions etc are taking place • Led countdown display option - 2 digit Led display allows clients to see how much time is remaining • 6 digit meter - securely counts each coin or token inserted into the cash box • simple to adjust time periods - operator is able to adjust the amount of time purchased for each coin or token inserted by using the dip-switch settings illustrated in the technical manual • standard timer operates on 1 Kva • ideal for any event or application • 7 Kva timer version for higher load requirements Please contact our sales team for more information email: tel: +44 208 275 3000 11 Part # 38200131 38200145 38200123 38200155 38200156 38200143 38100136 38200129 38200128 38200124 38200122 38200125 38200126 38200126 • eurocoin timer unit, complete with s.1. coin validator • Frontplate size - 146 h x 60 W you can also visit our website for more details: Straight 6 pool Mech Spares List description 1 RAtchet sPRing stRAight siX 2 RAcK stRAight siX 3 BLAnK coin sLot stRAight siX 4 UndeR PAWL sPRing stRAight siX 5 UndeR PAWL stoP stRAight siX 6 RetURn sPRing stRAight siX 7 sLide sUPPoRt stRAight siX 8 coin cAge FoR stRAight siX 9 RAtchet Peg FoR stRAight siX 10 sLide stoP stRAight siX 11 coin gAte stRAight siX 12 coVeR PLAte FoR stRAight siX 13 stoP PLAte FoR stRAight siX 14 seLectoR BLAnK stRAight siX • UK 50P/10P/20/£1 • state coinage (XX) description LocKABLe WhittAKeR secURity KeyPLAte STRAIghT 6 SpARES LIST the spares List contains all essential accessories and spare parts for the straight 6 Pool Mech. the eurocoin timer is a reliable, cost-effective and hugely popular design classic. • supplied with blank maranyl coin switch assembly description MARAnyL cRAdLe MetAL cRAdLe secURity KeyPLAte STRAIghT 6 pOOL MECh C O I N O p E R AT E D T I M E R STANDARD SERIES 1 ACCEpTOR COIN VALIDATORS C O I N VA L I D AT O R S C O I N VA L I D AT O R S description tiMeR BoX + F/P + s1 set 268/08 tiMeR BoX + F/P + s1 250/t17 BAsic 1KVA tiMeR set 250/04/BR BAsic 1KVA tiMeR 50P BAsic 1KVA tiMeR £1 UK Part # 3200206t 32002000 3200201W 32010103 32010104 description Part # stRAight siX 3X£1/1X50P/2X20P 38200101 stRAight siX 1X10P/3X20P/1X#1/1X50P38200102 stRAight siX £1.00 onLy 38200103 stRAight siX 6X50 hUngARiAn FoRint 38200104 stRAight siX 2X100/2X50/2X20 38200106 stRAight siX cZech 2X10/4X5 KR 38200108 stRAight siX 20 KRoneR onLy denMARK 38200107 stRAight siX PoLAnd 1/2/5 ZLoty 38200109 stRAight siX eURo coinset & toKen 38200199 1 SS3227 2 SS3208 3 SS3206 4 SS3204 5 SS3205 6 SS3288 7 SS3237 8 SS3218 9 SS3217 10 SS3207 11 SS3203 12 SS3209 13 SS3211 14 SS3244 p O O L S pA R E S & A C C E S S O R I E S Contact E-Service for all your pool spares and accessories! Email: Tel:0844 669 2679 +44 (0)1707 280 028 12 COIN VALIDATORS C O I N VA L I D AT O R S EUROCOIN TOKENS EUROCOIN SECURITY TOKENS • high quality brass token eurocoin have been europe’s leading supplier of tokens for more than 30 years. • security keyplate prevents unauthorized coins or tokens being inserted We hold thousands of tokens in stock in a wide variety of sizes and designs for immediate delivery. • A wide range of different groove combinations available our highly trained engineers can adjust or programme your coin mehcanisms to accept any of our tokens. this work can include the fitting of a special secure keyplate to the front of your coin mechanism or timer to ensure that only the specific token we supply will activate your device. • Minted to exact tolerances • suitable for all secure vending operations description 250/01/BR secURity toKens 250/04/BR secURity toKens 268/08/BR secURity toKens 278/01/BR secURity toKens 278/04/BR secURity toKens Part # 21310100 21310400 21410800 21510100 21510400 bRASS EAgLE TOKENS • stock brass tokens • Light gold in colour • Minted on both sides of the token • Available in two sizes: 28.5 x 2.3mm and 29.0 x 1.8mm • suitable for multiple uses in amusement, gaming and vending description 28.5 X 2.3MM BRAss eAgLe 29.0 X 1.8MM BRAss eAgLe D E S I g N YO U R O w N C U S TO M I S E D TO K E N S Part # 80823003 80918004 eurocoin tokens are struck in high quality brass or nickelsilver alloys. clients may choose from any of our stock designs, or may send us your own logos or messages if a personalised design is required. Please contact our experienced sales team for more details or to request samples. description 22.0 X 2.5 MM BRAss stARBURst 22.0 X 2.3 MM BRAss stARBURst/eURocoin 28.5 X 2.3 MM BRAss eAgLe 29.0 X 1.8 MM BRAss eAgLe ncV 22.3 X 2.3 MM BRAss PLAin eURocoin 23.0 X 1.7MM BRAss BRittAniA/stARBURst 27.8 X 2.0 MM BRAss eURocoin London 22.9 X 1.7 MM BRAss eAgLe FReedoM/ncV 22.3 X 1.7 MM BRAss eAgLe FReedoM/ncV 25.0 X 1.5 MM BRAss eAgLe no cAsh VALUe 25.0 X 1.7 MM BRAss eAgLe FReedoM/ncV 28.5 X 1.5 MM BRAss ncV eAgLe Part # 80225002 80223002 80823003 80918004 80223005 80317007 80820005 80317003 80217003 80515003 80517003 80915003 S TO C K TO K E N S f R O M E U R O C O I N 21510400 80223002 80918004 80820005 Create your own personalised tokens for more information, please contact our sales team: +44 208 275 3000 13 +44 (0)1707 280 028 COIN VALIDATORS