2015 Volunteer Application- The Historic Ephrata Cloister
2015 Volunteer Application- The Historic Ephrata Cloister
2015 Volunteer Application- The Historic Ephrata Cloister General Availability Please list range of hours; AM or PM Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday The Ephrata Cloister has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. Please check off your areas of interest. Tour Guide: provides 45 minute tours of the site Special Events Assistant: set up and clean up of events, parking assistance, directional assistance, bake sale assistance Education Programs: school tours, site wide family days Gift Shop Assistance: packing, unpacking, cleaning shelves, Front Desk Associate: processing admissions Maintenance/Gardens: weeding and maintaining gardens; lawn maintenance Contact Information & Experience Name Street Address City, State, Zipcode Phone Cell phone: Email Address Best method of contacting you: Preferred to be called: Do you have any family members or friends who volunteer for the Historic Ephrata Cloister? The Historic Ephrata Cloister 632 West Main Street Ephrata PA 17522 717-733-6600 Ephrata1732@gmail.com www.ephratacloister.com If yes, please list their names: Personal Reference Name: (other than a relative) Daytime phone: Relationship: Briefly describe previous volunteer experience: Briefly describe your work experiences, skills, and interests that would transfer into your volunteer services at the Historic Ephrata Cloister: How did you hear about our volunteer opportunities? Medical Information: *release is optional but will be kept confidential Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) *Allergies: *Physician: *Hospital Preference: *Please list any medical conditions that might affect your ability to perform your duties or that your supervisor should be aware of: Emergency Contact Information Name Relationship Phone Cell phone: The Historic Ephrata Cloister 632 West Main Street Ephrata PA 17522 717-733-6600 Ephrata1732@gmail.com www.ephratacloister.com Background Checks An applicant for a volunteer position who is 14 years and older, who has direct contact with a child, particularly school and education program volunteers, special events assistants, and tour guide volunteers, is required to obtain the following upon commencement of service: 1. A Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check completed by the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP); located here: https://epatch.state.pa.us/Home.jsp 2. A child abuse history check conducted by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare located here: https://www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS or (1-877-371-5422) For questions regarding your Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance Application, contact ChildLine at 1-877-371-5422. These two background checks must be renewed every 36 months. Additionally, a fingerprint based federal criminal history (FBI) Clearance is required if the volunteer is applying for a paid position and/or the volunteer has lived outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the last 10 years. Volunteers who are not required to obtain the FBI clearance because they are applying for an unpaid position and have been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years must sign the Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers contained in the Volunteer Handbook appendix confirming that they cannot be disqualified from service based upon a past conviction of an offense in other states that would prohibit their selection as a volunteer. Volunteers are required to obtain updated clearances as follows: Within 36 months of the date of the most recent clearance; By July 1, 2016 if the clearance is older than 36 months or By July 1, 2016 if they were approved as a volunteer before July 1, 2015 and had not received a clearance because they previously were not required to obtain clearances. Volunteers are responsible for taking the personal initiative to obtain background checks and provide copies of background checks to the Ephrata Cloister Associates. Renewal Requirement: Clearances less than three months old will be considered acceptable and compliant. If the Ephrata Cloister Associates chose to renew all clearances at the same time, the date of the oldest clearance rather than the most recent would be used. Cost: Background checks are provided at no cost to the volunteer if the volunteer purchases and provides documentation of an ongoing annual membership to the Ephrata Cloister Associates. If the volunteer obtains the background checks, pays for their renewal after 3 years, and provides over 25 hours of annual service, a one-year membership to the Ephrata Cloister Associates will be provided. The Historic Ephrata Cloister 632 West Main Street Ephrata PA 17522 717-733-6600 Ephrata1732@gmail.com www.ephratacloister.com Agreement and Signature By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I understand that if I am accepted as a volunteer, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in dismissal. I understand that as a volunteer, I will not be paid for my services. I understand that I will follow the health and safety standards established for the Historic Ephrata Cloister and I agree to abide by the same policies. It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability. Name (printed) Signature Date Thank you for completing this application form. If we have not already scheduled a screening, we will contact you to schedule an informal interview. Additional forms, policies and other documents will be provided to you upon receipt of the application in the form of the Volunteer Handbook. Please return completed form to: Rebecca Lawrence Museum Program & Volunteer Facilitator The Historic Ephrata Cloister 632 West Main Street Ephrata PA 17522 c-rlawrenc@pa.gov Volunteers are encouraged to become members of the Ephrata Cloister Associates. For more information please visit: http://www.ephratacloister.org/members.htm or call Maria Asin 717-733-6600. The Historic Ephrata Cloister 632 West Main Street Ephrata PA 17522 717-733-6600 Ephrata1732@gmail.com www.ephratacloister.com