poster FDSI SPADES.pptx - Agence Nationale de la Recherche
poster FDSI SPADES.pptx - Agence Nationale de la Recherche
FONDEMENT DES SYSTÈMES INFORMATIQUES SPADES: Servicing Petascale Architectures and Distributed System SEGI 2008 Overview! Today's emergence of Petascale architecture and the evolution of both research and production grids increase a lot the number of potential r e s o u r c e s . H o w e v e r, e x i s t i n g infrastructures and access rules do not allow to fully take advantage of these resources. One key idea of the SPADES project is to propose a nonintrusive but highly dynamic environment able to take advantage of available resources without disturbing their native use. " Goals:! • Support platforms at a " very large scale (Petas-" cale environments" Means: ! • Distributed Schedulers " based on the Desktop " Computing paradigm." Co-scheduling0 The$scheduling$ en--es$($$$$$$$$$$$$$$)$$ Scheduler0 Scheduler0 have$to$cooperate$$ with$both$Service$ Discovery$Agents$($$$$$$$$$)$$ SDA0 and$Batch$Schedulers$($$$$$$$$)$ BS0 ObjecGves:0 • $Determining$the$ BS0 Best$mapping$of$the$ jobs$on$resources.$ • $Designing$reac-ve$$ Scheduling$heuris-cs.$$ Approaches:0 • $Adap-ng$strategies$coming$from$ Desktop$Compu-ng$$ • $Replica-on$strategies$$ • $Coopera-on$between$several$batch$ schedulers$$ • $OnEdemand$job$migra-on$ COORDINATEURS: PARTENAIRES: Eddy.Caron@ens-lyon.fr0 Tel: h9p// P2P Service Discovery in a large scale and distributed context." Constraints:! • Platforms heterogeneity" • System dynamicity" Objectives:! • Reliability of infrastructure" • Efficiency of" SDA0 Fault-tolerance mechanisms:! • Self-stabilisation" • Replication. " Petascale Runtimes: Runtimes hitherto proposed do not fit any more with the 100.000 resources Problems: • Deployment and launching step duration • Scaling data structures • Failure detection broadcasting • Failure recovery Issues: • Unifying resources • Efficient communication Means: • P2P approach • Overlay networks BS0 Expected results: - n u m e r o u s a n d frequent failures Scheduler0 SDAs0 BS0 BS0 Batch Scheduler Interactions! To allow reactive Petascale architectures, fine interactions between Batch Schedulers ( BS0 ) and upper layers is a key issue." Approachs: ! • Using standards API (OGSA-BES, DRMAA) hiding heterogeneity." • Customizing a BS and executing it in parallel with other BS." Applications Target applications: • Cosmic ray simulator • Coupled climate model. Test platform: • IBM Blue Gene • CRAY XT of PRACE • DEISA grids Benefits: • Increase model resolution • Reduce model time step • Make replications Expected results: Observe low scale Phenomena as hurricanes.