Georgia Department of Corrections Employee Hiring
Georgia Department of Corrections Employee Hiring
Georgia Department of Corrections Employee Hiring Package Please fill out the following information. It will be printed in each field on all the forms that follow this document in this packet. If you need additional forms that are not in this packet, you will need to fill them out individually. Field Name/Description Applicant/Employee Data First Name Middle Name Maiden Name Last Name Home Address Home Apartment Number Home City Home State Home Zip Code County of Residence Home Phone Work Phone Social Security Number Date of Birth Month: Place of Birth Employee ID (If Applicable) Race Gender Height Feet: Weight Eye Color Hair Color Job Title Day: Inches: Initial: Year: V. SPECIALIZED MEDICAL GUIDELINES MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION PROGRAM (MAPEP) Candidates for "Category 5" (security) positions must meet the requirements set forth in the General Medical Guidelines plus the following specific physical standards. A. General: Height and weight should not be such as to interfere with specific job activities. B. Vision: 1) Distant Vision - Minimum vision of 20/40 in both eyes, corrected or uncorrected, with or without glasses or contact lenses; Near Vision - Minimum of 20/40 corrected or uncorrected in each eye; Adequate Depth Perception and the Ability to Distinguish Color; Peripheral Vision of at least 70 degrees in each eye. 2) 3) 4) C. Hearing: Hearing loss no greater than 24dB (decibels) for the average of frequencies 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, and 3000 Hz in the better ear, unaided (without a hearing aid) or aided (with a hearing aid). “Normal hearing” is a hearing loss no greater than 24 dB at 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 3000 Hz, 4000 Hz, 6000 Hz and 8000 Hz in both the right and left ears, unaided. D. ENT: Page 1 of 2 An Otoscopic examination is required prior to the air conduction audiogram. A complete pure tone or warble tone air conduction audiogram is required and results recorded for all candidates. The audiogram must be completed at all frequencies listed on Form PAMS PH4 on both the right and left ears. The pure tone air conduction audiogram is to be used as the baseline audiogram. If the testing indicates air conduction thresholds to be within the stated hearing guidelines for employment, no further hearing testing is necessary. However, if any single air conduction threshold is obtained outside the normal, 0-24 dB range; i.e., if hearing is not within “normal limits,’ the results of the test are explained to the candidate and the recommendation is made to obtain a complete audiological evaluation at the individual’s expense for his/her own hearing healthcare benefit. If the testing indicates air conduction thresholds to be outside the stated hearing guidelines for employment, the results of the test are explained to the candidate and a complete audiological evaluation is recommended, it the individual’s expense for his/her own hearing healthcare benefit. In addition to the pure tone air conduction testing, warble sound field testing is required and results must be recorded for all candidates who wear a hearing aid and do not meet the guidelines on the air conduction test, to verify if an individual meets the guideline for employment with the use of a hearing aid. If the site does not have the personnel or equipment to satisfy this requirement, then a referral is indicated. A qualified individual should administer the audiometric testing and perform the otoscopic examination. Qualified individuals include licensed audiologists, otolaryngologists, physicians trained in hearing conservation, technicians who are certified by the Council for Accreditation of Occupational Hearing Conservation, or technicians trained by such a physician. A technician who performs audiometric tests must be responsible to an audiologist, otolaryngologist, or physician. All tests should be performed in an acoustic environment to meet the current ANSI standards. All audiometric equipment should be calibrated annually to meet current ANSI standards. There should be adequately free nasal breathing. The mouth should be free from deformities or conditions that interfere significantly with distinct speech. DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PAGE FOR INFORMATION ONLY V. SPECIALIZED MEDICAL GUIDELINES MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION PROGRAM (MAPEP) E. Cardiovascular: Rheumatic and congenital heart disease should be thoroughly evaluated by the examining physician and commented on in the examination report. Atherosclerotic (arteriosclerotic) heart disease, myocardial infarction, coronary insufficiency, angina pectoris, and hypertension above 140/90 must be evaluated on an individual basis and must not be of sufficient severity to interfere with the performance of all duties. F. Respiratory: Free of infections, diseases or other pulmonary processes that would interfere with the physical demands of the position. G. Gastrointestinal: Must be free of any major pathological conditions that will interfere with the physical requirements of the job. H. Rectum and Anus: Major hemorrhoidal conditions and symptomatic pilonidal cysts must not be of sufficient severity to interfere with the job. I. Hernia: Hernia (E) which might interfere with the performance of duty would require surgical repair with clearance from operating surgeon, prior to employment. J. Genital/Urinary: Large varicocele or hydrocele, which might interfere with the performance of duties, should be repaired with clearance from operating surgeon, prior to employment. K. Back and Neck: History of significant injury, deformity, surgical procedures, or other spinal pathology should be thoroughly evaluated by the examining physician and commented on in the examination report. L. Extremities: *If a prosthesis or orthosis is used, such prosthesis or orthosis must not interfere with the performance of duty. 1) Upper Extremities - Both hands must have at least the index, middle, and one other finger and must not interfere with the performance of duty; both thumbs must be functional; or see (*) above. 2) Lower Extremities - Both lower extremities must be free from limitation of any joint motion which would interfere with the performance of duties; both great toes must be functionally normal; or see (*) above. M. Nervous System: Central and peripheral nervous system disorders must be evaluated by the examining physician. Applicants with seizures must be thoroughly evaluated by the examining physician and all findings included in the examination report. Special attention must be given to any history of seizure activity. N. Emotional Stability: Any history of significant emotional instability or mental illness should be thoroughly evaluated by the examining physician and commented on in the examination report. O. Laboratory Analysis: Tuberculin Skin Test is required. If there is a positive reaction of 10mm or greater, a chest x-ray is required to document the absence of tuberculosis. Items 1 through 4 are not required unless medical history or physical examination results indicate that such tests are needed to adequately assess the applicant's physical status. 1) Urinalysis (Multi-Test Stick): Abnormalities in the sugar and albumin tests must be evaluated further. If Glycosuria is significant, must have Glucose Tolerance Test and if albuminuria, must have the cause identified. 2) Hemoglobin or Hematocrit. 3) Chest X-ray. 4) Resting Electrocardiogram. Page 2 of 2 DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PAGE FOR INFORMATION ONLY MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION PROGRAM FOR CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS NOTE: This physical must be performed by a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO); this physical will not be accepted if performed by a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) or a Physician's Assistant (PA). DESCRIPTION OF WHAT A CORRECTIONAL OFFICER IS REQUIRED TO DO: Position requires employee to supervise and maintain control and custody of offenders at correctional facilities and work sites; observe and monitor offenders for improper conduct and escape attempts; use physical force to restrain offenders; respond quickly to emergency situations (e.g., escapes, riots); utilize and operate security and/or manual labor work detail equipment (including motor vehicles in some classes); stand for extended periods of time; and engage in correctional officer training of a physical nature. (See page 4 describing physical capabilities for training.) NAME: Social Security Number: ******************************************************************************************************************************************* NOTE: See the attached medical guideline should you need clarification in the physical requirements for a correctional officer. WEIGHT: HEIGHT: PULSE: BLOOD PRESSURE: Systolic/Diastolic: _______________________________ (two additional readings if elevated) 1.) _______________________ 2.) TUBERCULIN SKIN TEST (Test must be read between 24 and 72 hours of time given) Date Given: ____________________ Date Read: _______________ Results: ________________ If the results are positive, chest X-Ray is required. Attach copy of Radiology report. If the results are positive, have you taken the INH medicine? YES_______NO_______ OTOSCOPIC EXAMINATION: RIGHT EAR ____________ LEFT EAR __________ PURE TONE AIR CONDUCTION TEST RESULTS: (This section is to be used for all pre-employment air conduction hearing testing.) Right Ear 250 500 1000 2000 3000 Left Ear 4000 6000 8000 250 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 SOUND FIELD PURE TONE/WARBLE TONE TEST RESULTS: (This section is to be used in conjunction with the pure tone air conduction testing section for all individuals with hearing aids who do not meet the guidelines on the air conduction test.) 250 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 Sound Field Test If individual meets the stated hearing guideline, no further hearing testing is necessary for the purpose of employment. However, if any single air conduction threshold is obtained outside the normal, 0-24dB range, the results of the test must be explained to the canditate and the recommendation made to obtain a complete audiological evaluation at the individual’s expense. Audiometer Serial Number ______________________________ Meets Hearing Guidelines Yes Date of Calibration _________________________ No I certify that I am qualified to administer the audiometric testing and perform the otoscopic examination. (Qualified individuals include licensed audiologists, otolaryngologists, physicians trained in hearing conservation, technicians who are certified by the Council for Accreditation of Occupational Hearing Conservation, or technicians trained by such a physician. A technician who performs audiometric tests must be responsible to an audiologist, otolaryngologist, or physician.) I certify the test was performed in an acoustic environment that meets current ANSI standards. Name Signature Page 1 of 3 Telephone Number Date PO/CO, Page 1 for COs MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION PROGRAM FOR SURVEILLANCE AND PROBATION OFFICERS NOTE: This physical must be performed by a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO); this physical will not be accepted if performed by a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) or a Physician's Assistant (PA). DESCRIPTION OF WHAT A SURVEILLANCE OR PROBATION OFFICER IS REQUIRED TO DO: Position requires employee to supervise and maintain control of offenders in their homes, the community, and work sites; observe and monitor offenders for improper conduct; use physical force to restrain and subdue offenders; respond quickly to emergency situations; utilize and operate motor vehicles; remain attentive and alert; and engage in officer training of a physical nature. (See page 4 describing physical capabilities for training.) NAME: Social Security Number: ******************************************************************************************************************************************* NOTE: See the attached medical guideline should you need clarification in the ph ysical requirements for a surveillance or probation officer. WEIGHT: HEIGHT: PULSE: BLOOD PRESSURE: Systolic/Diastolic: _______________________________ (two additional readings if elevated) 1.) _______________________ 2.) TUBERCULIN SKIN TEST (Test must be read between 24 and 72 hours of time given) Date Given: ____________________ Date Read: _______________ Results: ________________ If the results are positive, chest X-Ray is required. Attach copy of Radiology report. If the results are positive, have you taken the INH medicine? YES_______NO_______ OTOSCOPIC EXAMINATION: RIGHT EAR ____________ LEFT EAR __________ PURE TONE AIR CONDUCTION TEST RESULTS: (This section is to be used for all pre-employment air conduction hearing testing.) Right Ear 250 500 1000 2000 3000 Left Ear 4000 6000 8000 250 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 SOUND FIELD PURE TONE/WARBLE TONE TEST RESULTS: (This section is to be used in conjunction with the pure tone air conduction testing section for all individuals with hearing aids who do not meet the guidelines on the air conduction test.) 250 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 Sound Field Test If individual meets the stated hearing guideline, no further hearing testing is necessary for the purpose of employment. However, if any single air conduction threshold is obtained outside the normal, 0-24dB range, the results of the test must be explained to the canditate and the recommendation made to obtain a complete audiological evaluation at the individual’s expense. Audiometer Serial Number ______________________________ Meets Hearing Guidelines Yes Date of Calibration _________________________ No I certify that I am qualified to administer the audiometric testing and perform the otoscopic examination. (Qualified individuals include licensed audiologists, otolaryngologists, physicians trained in hearing conservation, technicians who are certified by the Council for Accreditation of Occupational Hearing Conservation, or technicians trained by such a physician. A technician who performs audiometric tests must be responsible to an audiologist, otolaryngologist, or physician.) I certify the test was performed in an acoustic environment that meets current ANSI standards. Name Signature Page 1 of 3 Telephone Number Date PO/CO. Page 1 for POs & SOs EYES: DISTANT VISION: Minimum of 20/40 corrected or uncorrected in each eye, with or without glasses or contact lens. NEAR VISION: Minimum of 20/40 corrected or uncorrected in each eye, with or without glasses or contact lens. PERIPHERAL: At least 70 degrees in each eye. COLOR: Able to distinguish color in both eyes. DEPTH PERCEPTION: Must be adequate in both eyes. RIGHT EYE PERIPHERAL AT LEAST 70 DEGREES LEFT EYE Uncorrected Distant 20/___ Uncorrected Distant 20/___ Corrected Distant Corrected Distant 20/___ 20/___ Uncorrected Near 20/___ Uncorrected Near 20/___ Corrected Near Corrected Near 20/___ 20/___ ABLE TO DISTINGUISH COLORS ADEQUATE DEPTH PERCEPTION Right Eye Right Eye Right Eye ____Yes ___No ____Yes ___No ____Yes ___No Left Eye Left Eye Left Eye ____Yes ___No ____Yes ___No ____Yes ___No PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Clinical Evaluation 1. Head, face, neck and scalp 2. Nose 3. Mouth and throat 4. Ears 5. Eyes 6. Ophthalmoscopic 7. Ocular motility 8. Lungs and chest (breast if indicated) 9. Heart 10. Vascular system (Varicosities, etc.) 11. Abdomen 12. Anus and rectum (if indicated) 13. Endocrine system 14. Hernia (any type) 15. Upper extremities 16. Feet 17. Lower extremities 18. Spine 19. Identifying body marks, scars 20. Skin, lymphatics 21. Neurological 22. Mental status Page 2 of 3 Normal Abnormal Remarks PO/CO, Page 2 Allergies 1. 3. 2. 4. Surgery Type of Surgery Date (Mo/Yr) 1. 2. 3. 4. Comments/Implications for Fitness for Duty (Use back of this page if necessary). Explain in detail any abnormality noted in history or physical examination. Discuss medical implications for job duty assignment, if any. NOTE: This physical must be performed by a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO); this physical will not be accepted if performed by a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) or a Physician's Assistant (PA). PHYSICIAN'S NAME: Telephone Number: Print ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: DATE: FOR CENTRAL OFFICE USE ONLY Central Office Physician's Signature: Page 3 of 3 PO/CO, Page 3 PRESENT T O PHYSICIAN AS PAGE 4 OF PHYSICAL SUPPLEMENT AL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PHYSICAL CAPABILITY REQ UIREMENTS FO R GDC EMPLO YEES ATTENDING BCO T/BPO T A number of positions within the Department of Corrections are designated as peace officers. Peace officers must attend and successfully complete mandated training known as Basic Correctional Officer T raining (BCOT ) or Basic Probation Officer T raining (BPOT ). T his training will require the physical activities indicated below. , understand that my physician must review these physical activities and I, indicate approval of my participation in the training. I understand that, upon accepting this position, I am agreeing to attend BCOT /BPOT although the Medical Reviewing Officer of the Department may not have reviewed my physical prior to my attendance at training. I understand that if I cannot meet the requirements to attend training, I may not be employed in a peace officer position. 1. Physical Fitness Assessment Students will participate in two physical fitness assessments, one at the beginning and one at the end of the four week training program, that require the student to perform as many push-ups and sit-ups as they can, each within one minute. T he student will also participate in a one mile walk/run that measures the time it takes to complete one mile. 2. Fire Safety T raining Donning a breathing apparatus weighing approximately 30 lbs. (Note: Student must be able to obtain a tight seal around the entire face to avoid breathing toxic smoke.) Holding and using a fire extinguisher weighing approximately 20-25 pounds in a fire exercise. Student must be able to move extinguisher in sweeping motion from side to side while holding. Fire extinguishers used are filled with siliconized sodium bicarbonate powder. T his is a nontoxic agent. 3. Defensive T actics T raining Participating in 4 days of physical defense training, which includes bending, twisting, squatting, pulling, striking, and kicking, etc., as well as demonstrating how to subdue a simulated volatile inmate/probationer. Kicking requires student to lift one foot off the floor and deliver a strike. Punching techniques require both strength and dexterity. Falling down during practice sessions is not uncommon. Demonstrating the ability to use the techniques taught to defend self or others. 4. Inspections and Search T raining Conducting a frisk/clothing search on another student, which requires bending and kneeling. Conducting a room search, which requires bending, stooping and moderate stretching in order to see into inaccessible places. 4. Emergency Response T raining T o train to recognize an emergency and how to respond appropriately. T his block of instruction includes a practical exam in CPR and AED use. T his block of instruction will involve some physical activity, i.e. kneeling over body to render aide. 5. Firearms T raining Students are required to achieve qualifying scores on the range. Instruction will also be given regarding use of deadly force. T his block of instruction will involve some physical activity, i.e. standing and kneeling on concrete with a loaded weapon on the firing line while qualifying in inclement weather conditions. Possible inhalation of lead based smoke on an outdoor range and exposure to cleaning solvents. 6. Standing/Marching Requirements Students must be able to stand in formation and march to and from class in a uniform manner. Students may be required to stand in formation up to fifteen minutes at a time. I am aware of these physical requirements and have no limitations to prevent me from attending. I, therefore, assume all liability for health risks/issues that may arise as a result of this training. Date Employee Signature PO/CO, Page 4 Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ Physician’s Affidavit – PAGE 1 of 3 PHYSICIAN’S INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete this form and answer all questions related to your medical examination of this candidate. Do the following steps: 1. Review the candidate’s job duties/responsibilities for which he/she is being employed to make sure that you are familiar with the relevant job demands and working conditions of the specific position for which the candidate is being considered. Additional information such as job descriptions; critical knowledge, skills, or tasks lists; or other items may be provided. A list of job duties and responsibilities should be provided to you by the hiring agency along with this form. 2. Complete the patient information at the bottom of this page and then conduct your physical exam. 3. Review the patient’s Medical and Physical History. A Report Form may be provided to you by the candidate or you may use the form commonly used in your medical practice. 4. Answer all questions by checking the appropriate block on each page and providing any comments necessary for the hiring agency’s assessment. 5. SIGN & DATE on the appropriate page of this form and provide your address & phone #. (Please note that this exam must be conducted by a licensed physician or osteopath, and the form signed by a licensed physician or osteopath only. (Forms signed by other personnel such as nurses, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistant, or other staff will be rejected.) 6. Give all forms to the candidate for return to the hiring agency. This candidate, if certified, will have the prerequisites necessary to gain employment at any law enforcement agency in the State of Georgia, including but not limited to the current place of employment. Peace officers are charged with the responsibility of enforcing criminal laws and are subject to deal with violent individuals and situations. Officers are often required to defend themselves and others from physical attacks, subdue resisting individuals, and make decisions under stress concerning the use of deadly force. These types of positions generally require a high level of physical capability. O.C.G.A. §35-8-8 and POST Rule 464-3-.02 require that candidates be found, after examination by a licensed physician or surgeon, to be free from any physical, emotional, or mental conditions which might adversely affect his/her exercising the powers or duties of a peace officer. Please note that your answers are intended to provide the hiring agency with the most useful information possible to base an employment decision, confirm to the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council that this candidate meets the requirements set forth in POST Rule 464-3-.02, and in your medical opinion, this candidate is capable of safely completing the required training and safely performing the necessary job duties. Name of Agency Contact (Agency Person Processing Application) Contact Phone# (Area Code) - Number ( )- - EXT EMAIL ADDRESS OF AGENCY CONTACT @ SECTION 1: TO BE COMPLETED BY LICENSED EXAMINING PHYSICIAN Social Sec# Last Name DATE OF BIRTH Suffi x: (mm/dd/yyyy) Maiden Name // Job Applied for by the candidate is: First Name HEIGHT ft in Middle Name WEIGHT lbs (without shoes & coat) SEX: Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ Physician’s Affidavit - PAGE 2 of 3 1.) In your opinion, does the candidate have, or is the candidate likely to develop, any physical symptoms or limitations that could impair performance in this position? No Proceed to question 2 Describe additional tests or information required prior to making final determination. Indeterminate Yes Describe the impact of these limitations including the following criteria: • Job functions affected • Nature & degree of severity • Duration of impairment (if intermittent or temporary) • Likelihood(s) associated with this impact 2.) In your opinion, could the candidate’s performance in this position result in a risk to the health and safety of the candidate or others? No Proceed to question 3 Describe additional tests or information required prior to making final determination. Indeterminate Yes Describe the impact of these limitations including the following criteria: • Specific job duties/functions and/or working conditions that precipitate the risk: • Nature & severity of potential harm: • Impact of harm on self and/or others: • Likelihood(s) associated with this risk: • Imminence and duration of the threat; Please describe any means, devices or work restrictions that could reduce or eliminate any identified risks to a level not significantly greater than that posed by the average candidate. Include the manner in which the accommodation needs to be implemented, maintained, and monitored; any side effects or risks associated with the accommodation; and a revised estimate of the candidate’s viability in this position if it is implemented. Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ Physician’s Affidavit - Page 3 of 3 3.) In summary, what is your overall evaluation of the candidate’s ability to safely perform the duties of this position? (choose one below) This candidate has no physical, emotional, or mental conditions that might adversely affect his/her ability to perform the duties of a peace officer or take part in training programs relative to law enforcement. Comments: This candidate has no physical conditions that might adversely affect his/her ability, but there are some concerns that should be addressed regarding one or more emotional or mental conditions that could adversely affect their ability. (Please state recommendations on how to address here.) Comments: This candidate has no emotional or mental conditions that could adversely affect their ability, but there are some concerns that should addressed regarding one or more physical conditions that could adversely affect their ability. (Please state recommendations on how to address here.) Comments: This candidate has one or more physical , emotional, or mental conditions that could adversely affect their ability that need to be addressed. (Please state recommendations on how to address here.) Comments: SIGNATURE OF LICENSED EXAMINING PHYSICIAN (required) EXAMINING PHYSICIAN’S NAME (printed) DATE (m/d/yyyy) ____________________________________________________ Last First ADDRESS OF LICENSED EXAMINING PHYSICIAN’S PRACTICE ________________________________________________________________________ Street Phone: Area Code+Number ( ) ________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip SECTION 2: HIRING AUTHORITY’S ASSESSMENT (TO BE COMPLETED BY HIRING AUTHORITY) Based on the information provided by the physician and the candidate, it is my belief that the candidate meets the state standards for this position and can safely perform the essential job demands of the position for which they are being hired. If a reasonable accommodation is necessary for this individual and the state standards are still met, I have attached a letter explaining the necessary accommodations. SIGNATURE OF AGENCY HEAD OR DESIGNEE (required) Accommodation Noted:. Check here if a letter from agency head giving details of accommodation is attached (required). This letter indicates that the candidate needs a reasonable accommodation which can be implemented without undue hardship to the agency & still meets state standards. DATE GENERAL INFORMATION MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION PROGRAM (MAPEP) Inquiry Authority/Use Statement The collection of this information is authorized by O.C.G.A. 45-2-40. This information will be used to determine fitness for duty and to provide protection to employees from potential harmful effects associated with this employment. Unless otherwise stated, this information may be disclosed to the hiring agency, State agencies responsible for State benefits and workers' compensation programs, and, where pertinent, to an appropriate law enforcement agency for investigation for prosecutive purposes or in a legal proceeding to which the hiring agency is a party. As provided by the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336), this information is to be filed separately from other personnel records and is to be used only for legitimate, non-discriminatory hiring and placement purposes with reasonable accommodation, where appropriate. Completion of this form is voluntary; however, if this information is not provided, the individual may not receive the requested benefits or employment. A: Completed by Appointing or Referring Office (Type or Print in Ink) 1. Employee Name:________________________________________________________ Last, 3. Race: ___________________ First 4. Sex: Female Middle Male // 5.________________ Date of Birth 7. Address:______________________________________________ ***** 2.________-______-_________ Social Security Number 6. _______________________ Daytime Telephone Number 8. Position Title:_____________________________ ______________________________________________________ 9. Position Number:__________________________ ______________________________________________________ 10. Location of Position:_______________________ 11. Direct Contact for Position Information a. Name: _______________________________ f. Dept.: _____________________________________________ b. Title: ________________________________ g.. Unit: ______________________________________________ c. Telephone: ____________________________ h. Address: __________________________________________ d. E Mail: ____________________________ e. Fax Number: __________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 12. Indicate type of job information used for medical review (check all that apply): Job description Other (please specify)_____________ Performance standards ______________________________ Functional requirements analysis ______________________________ Environmental factors analysis ______________________________ 13. Check job category: Category 1 Sedentary Category 2 Active Category 3 Food Handling Category 4 Health-related Category 5 Law Enforcement 14. Describe any notable or unusual job requirements or working conditions: (continue on separate page, if needed) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MS 10-50 February 15, 2005 (Page 1 of 2) PO/CO, Page 5 15. Were any "reasonable accommodations" needed? (continue on separate page, if needed) Yes No If "Yes," describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16. ____________________________________________________________________ (Type or Print Official Contact's Name) 17. _______________________________________________ Signature of Official Contact 18._________________________________ Date B: Completed by Applicant/Employee (Type or Print in Ink) 1. Have you been provided detailed information on the duties of this position? 2. Do you understand the functional requirements and environmental factors of this position? 3. Are you capable of performing the duties and responsibilities of this position (with reasonable accommodations, if necessary, as described in Section A, Item #15)? Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For the following questions, explain a "Yes" answer in the space provided below 4. Have you ever been employed by the State of Georgia? 5. Have you had a physical examination for employment with the State of Georgia within the past twelve months period? 6. Is there anything in your past medical history, of which you have knowledge, that would prevent your being able to perform the duties of this position? Explanation of items 4-6 checked "Yes." Enter item number before each comment. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that all information given by me in connection with this medical assessment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree and understand that any misstatements of material facts may cause forfeiture on my part of all right to employment in the service of the State of Georgia; may result in dismissal after appointment; or may result in loss of entitlement to disability retirement benefits. My signature also indicates that I understand all of the questions on this form 7. _________________________________________________________ Signature of Employee 8._____________________________ Date MS 10-50 February 15, 2005 (Page 2 of 2) PO/CO, Page 6 MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION PROGRAM (MAPEP) Health Information Checklist This checklist contains questions regarding your medical history and health. The primary use of this information will be to alert the employer and applicant of conditions that could negatively impact the health of customers or coworkers. This information may be used to determine fitness to perform job duties. This information will be handled in a confidential manner. It is essential that you answer all questions truthfully and completely. False or incomplete information may result in disqualification or termination if hired. Completed by Applicant/Employee (Type or Print in Ink) Section I Date: ______________________ Employee Name: ___________________________________ Last, First ***** Social Security Number _______-_______-_______ Middle Employing Agency: ___________________________________________ Date Employed: ______________________________ Section II Have you now, or ever had the following? Yes No 1. Loss of sight of both eyes. Loss of uncorrected (without glasses or contact lens) vision of more than 75% bilaterally (vision of 20/160 or J* or worse using both eyes). 2. Diabetes 3. Tuberculosis 4. Epilepsy (convulsions, seizures or fits) 5. Ankylosis (immobility) of major weight bearing joints (ankles, knee, hip) 6. Any permanent condition which causes 20% (or more) impairment of a foot, leg, hand, arm, back, or the body as a whole 7. Arthritis which is a hindrance to employment 9. Amputated (loss of) foot, leg, arm, or hand 10. Parkinson’s disease (Paralysis Agitans) 11. Cerebral palsy 12. Multiple sclerosis 13. Mental retardation (intelligence quotient within the lowest two percent of the general population) Yes No 14. Psychoneurotic disability following confinement for treatment in a recognized medical or mental hospital for a period in excess of six months. 15. Hemophilia 16. Sickle cell anemia 17. Cardiovascular (heart or blood vessel) disease 18. Total occupational loss of hearing (loss of over half of hearing in each ear) 19. Compressed air sequelae (damage to lungs, ruptured ear drum, etc e to air concussion, blasting, explosion, etc.) 20. Muscular dystrophy 21 Hyperinsulinism (hypoglycemia) 22. Residual disability from poliomyelitis (Disability due to polio) 23. Ruptured intervertebral (back) disc 23. Chronic osteomyelitis (bone infection) 24. Hepatitis REMARKS:____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________________________________________ Signature of Employee MS 10-500 July 1, 2006 (Page 1 of 1) ___________________________ Date PO/CO, Page 7 STATE OF GEORGIA ***** Name______________________________________ Soc. Sec. No. _______-______-________ MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL Job Title ___________________________________ Department _________________________ EXAMINATION PROGRAM MEDICAL HISTORY REPORT Job Category (circle one) 1 2 3 4 5 The purpose of these questions is to gather information concerning your health and physical condition, both now and in the past. This information will be used only to determine whether you can safely perform the duties of the job for which you are being considered. Please answer all of the following questions as fully and completely as you can. If you don’t understand a question, or are unsure of how to answer it, leave it blank and request assistance. I certify under penalty of perjury, that the information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree and understand that any misstatements of material facts may cause forfeiture on my part of all right to employment in the service of the State of Georgia, may result in dismissal after appointment; or may result in loss of entitlement to disability retirement benefits. My signature also indicates that I understand all of the questions on this medical history form. EMPLOYEES’ SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE: ______________________ Individual History – To Be Completed By Applicant/Employee (Use Ink) A. MEDICAL CONDITIONS. Check every item. Do you have or have you ever had any of the following: (If “Yes,” give date of most recent occurrence and explain on page 3.) Health Condition HEAD, NOSE, MOUTH AND THROAT Yes Year Health Condition No Year 28. Glasses 1. Persistent or severe headaches 29. Contact lenses 2. Frequent nose bleeds RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (lungs & breathing) 3. Frequent nasal congestion 30. Persistent or severe colds 4. Persistent or severe sinus condition 31. Persistent or severe cough 5. Bleeding gums 32. Coughing blood 6. Persistent or severe dental condition 33. Asthma or breathing difficulty 7. Hoarse when don’t have cold 34. Emphysema 8. Difficulty swallowing 35. Pneumonia 9. Persistent sore throat 36. Tuberculosis 10. Loss of taste or smell 37. Other lung or breathing condition: 11. Head injury CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM (heart & blood vessels) 12. Other head, nose, mouth or throat conditions: 39. Heart attack EARS AND HEARING 39. Hardening of the arteries (Arteriosclerosis) 13. Hearing difficulties 40 High or low blood pressure 14. Use hearing aid 41. Heart murmur 15. Ringing in ears (tinnitus) 42. Palpitations or irregular heart beat 16. Perforated ear drum 43. Episodes of chest pains, tightness, discomfort 17. Persistent or severe ear infection 44. Shortness of breath 18. Other ear or hearing conditions 45. Varicose veins EYES AND VISION 46. Swelling of ankles, feet or legs (edema) 19. Glaucoma 47. Leg pains, cramps 20. Cataract 48. Other cardiac conditions: 21. Eye irritations (itching or burning) GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM (stomach & intestines) 22. Eye infection 49. Persistent or severe nausea or indigestion 23. Defective vision 50. Persistent or severe stomach pain 24. Color blindness 51. Vomiting blood 25. Injury to eye 52. Persistent or severe vomiting 26. Eye surgery 53. Hernia (rupture) 27. Double vision 54. Stomach or duodenal ulcer MS 10-52, February 15, 2005 (Page 1 of 3) Yes PO/CO, Page 8 No Health Condition 55. Colitis Yes Year No Health Condition 100. Knee surgery 57. Change in bowel habits 101. Foot problems 58. Black stool or blood in stool 102. Bone infection 59. Persistent or severe constipation 103. Broken or fractured bone 60. Persistent or severe diarrhea 104. Persistent or severe muscle aches or pains 61. Pancreatitis 105. Other Musculoskeletal conditions: 62. Appendicitis ENDOCRINE/METABOLIC SYSTEM 63. Other conditions of stomach or intestines 106. Diabetes LIVER, SPLEEN & GALLBLADDER 107. Thyroid condition or disease 64. Cirrhosis 108. Hypoglycemia 65. Hepatitis 109. Unexplained weight gain or loss 66. Yellow jaundice 110. Unusual loss or growth of body hair 67. Gallstones 111. Gout 68. Other conditions of liver, spleen or gallbladder 112. Osteoporosis or other bone disease KIDNEYS & URINARY TRACT SKIN 69. Kidney stones 113. Rash 70. Kidney infection 114. Hives 71. Blood or pus in urine 115. Moles that bleed or get larger 72. Pain or burning when urinating 116. Change in color of skin (other than suntan) 73. Frequent urination 117. Frequent boils/abscesses 74. Albumen or protein in urine 118. Trouble with fingernails 75. Prostate condition 119. Small itching blisters on the side of fingers or palms 76. Burning discharge from penis 120. Sores that do not heal 77. Other conditions of kidneys or urinary tract 121. Other skin conditions: REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM (FEMALES ONLY) BLOOD/LYMPH (hematologic) SYSTEMS 78. Pregnant at present 122. Anemia NEUROLOGICAL (Nervous) SYSTEM 123. Bleeding disorder 79. Epilepsy, convulsions, seizures 124 Sickle cell disease or trait 80. Periods of blackouts/loss of consciousness 125. Phlebitis/blood clot 81. Fainting spells 126. Blood transfusion 82. Dizzy spells (vertigo) 127. Chills, fever, night sweats 83. Memory difficulty 128. Lymph node or glandular swelling that persists 84. Tremor of the hands or head 129. Other conditions of blood or lymph: 85. Paralysis of any type CANCER 86. Stroke 130. Surgery 87. Severe numbness, tingling or weakness 131. Radiation therapy 88. Dyslexia/learning difficulty 132. Chemotherapy 89. 133. Immunotherapy MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM No 134. Hormone therapy 90. Arthritis 135. Breast 91. Bursitis/tendonitis 136. Bone 92. Swollen or painful joints 137. Skin 93. Dislocations 138. Other 94. Painful or trick shoulder PSYCHOLOGICAL/MOOD 95. Elbow problems 139. mental problem requiring hospitalization 96. Wrist or hand problems 140. Suicidal/attempted suicide 97. Back pain 141. Active psychosis 98. Back surgery 142. Drug, narcotic or alcohol MS 10-52, February 15, 2005 (Page 2 of 3) Year 99. Trick or locked knee 56. Hemorrhoids or piles Other conditions of neurological (nervous) system: Yes PO/CO, Page 9 Health Condition Yes Year No Health Condition 143. Persistent or severe depression/worry ALLERGIES (caused by) 144. Other psychological conditions: 152. Medication INFECTIOUS OR CHILDHOOD DISEASES 147. Rheumatic fever Meningitis/encephalitis 153. Food 146. Polio 154. Soaps or detergents 148. Mumps 155. Pollen 149. Measels 156. Insect bites/scales 150. Venereal Disease 157. Other: Yes 151. Other: Explanation of items checked “Yes.” Enter item number (1-157) before each comment. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ B. CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ C. SURGICAL HISTORY Have you ever had surgery? Yes No [If “Yes, complete the following information about each surgery] TYPE OF SURGERY DATE (Mo/Yr) 1. __________________________________________ _____________ __________________________________________ _____________ D. HOSPITALIZATION HISTORY Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes No [If “Yes,” complete the following information about each hospitalization.] REASON FOR HOSPITALIZATION 1. ___________________________________________ DATE (Mo/Yr) _____________ 2. ___________________________________________ _____________ 3. ___________________________________________ _____________ MS 10-52, February 15, 2005 (Page 3 of 3) RESTRICTED/MEDICAL PO/CO, Page 10 Year No ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENTS - Page 1 Read and sign acknowledgement statements listed below. APPLICABILITY: All facilities and offices of the Georgia Department of Corrections PURPOSE: To provide guidance to the employees of this department in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII, amended) and the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Non-discrimination & Equal Access Policy As Commissioner of the Department of Corrections, I stand firmly committed to the continuing objective of making "equal employment opportunity" the standard practice of this agency. The responsibilities of management are addressed in the rules, regulations, policies, and standard operating procedures of the Department. Nonetheless, I expect to find compliance, cooperation, and individual commitment from each employee, in the attainment of the Department's EEO & non-discrimination goals. Adverse criticism of an individual or group because of their disability, race, sex, age, religion, or national origin will not be tolerated. We must continue to examine all internal employment practices to secure meaningful and efficient utilization of each employee's skills. All impermissible barriers and roadblocks for applicants and employees must be removed. It is imperative that we provide job entry and career advancement based upon talent and merit. We will provide equal access in the delivery of our programs, services, and activities to all qualified individuals. This policy includes our efforts to ensure non-discrimination with respect to any prisoner, probationer or detainee in GDC's custody. It is further understood that we will provide unbiased service to any persons having legitimate business with this Department, and shall conduct our programs, services and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate to State correctional and detention facilities (to include consideration of the particular custody level and status of an inmate, detainee or probationer). Prohibitions against Harassment & Retaliation Harassment and acts of retaliation are prohibited because such behavior has an adverse impact upon working relationships, internal operations, and our general work place conditions. Prohibited harassment includes use of epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, and creation or distribution of written, electronic or other graphic material which degrades an individual or group because of their disability (physical or mental impairment), race, sex, age, religion or national origin. As such, everyone is hereby forewarned that such conduct, by any person under the jurisdiction of this agency, will form the basis of disciplinary and/or civil action, which, presumptively, shall be termination. Administrative Mandates NECESSARY CONFIDENTIALITY WILL BE PROVIDED. An employee or other individual who, in good faith, believes he/she has been the victim of (or reports) acts of unlawful discrimination or harassment, will not be subject to retaliation or reprisal of any kind. I strongly encourage complainants and/or witnesses to report prohibited behavior to unit supervisors or managers. In an on-going process, specific individuals will be designated to oversee the implementation of the laws and regulations, which govern our employment practices, programs, delivery of services, and access to correctional activities. Transition Plans, agency guidelines, and local operating procedures will be developed to help ensure compliance and successful accomplishment of our Equal Opportunity objectives. Commissioner, Georgia Department of Corrections My signature below acknowledges that I am aware that these statements will become a part of my official personnel record. I understand that any violation of the ab ove policies and/or rul es could result in disciplinary action, to include dismissal from employment. Signature Date ______________________________________________ Printed Name PO/CO, Page 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENTS - Page 2 Read and sign acknowledgement statements listed below. Acknowledgement of GDC Rule #125-2-1-07 Employees shall not, without the express written approval of the appropriate Division Director, maintain personal association with, engage in personal business or trade with, or engage in non job-related correspondence with, or correspondence in behalf of, or for, known inmates, active probationers, or parolees. Current employees, who are related by law to any inmate, detainee, or active probationer or parolee, shall be governed by this same standard. Employee Statement I understand that my continued employment is contingent upon my meeting all minimum employment requirements of the Department of Corrections, to include a background investigation and medical examination, and successful completion of specified training. I further understand that should I fail to meet any such requirements, my employment may be terminated. I state that I have never been arrested for any offense whatever, other than as listed on my application and State Security Questionnaire. I fully understand that my fingerprints will be sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies, and should the record of any of these agencies reflect any arrest not disclosed at the time of my appointment, my employment will be immediately terminated. I state that I am ____ am not _____ a former inmate, current or former parolee, current or former probationer. Agreement for Use of State Property I understand that as an employee of the Georgia Department of Corrections, I am fully responsible for any items of state property that are issued to me. The following conditions apply at the expiration of my employment: Separation: Upon separation of my employment with the Department or upon a job change within the Department, I agree to return all weapons, ballistic vests, computers, cell phones, badges or full sets of uniforms to the Department. I agree to pay published prices for any other state-issued property. Repayment: If I fail to pay the amount due, I authorize the amount to be deducted from any monies due me in the form of terminal leave pay. In the event the monies held are not sufficient to cover the amount due, I understand that I am still fully responsible for repayment. Criminal Action: I understand that criminal action may be taken against me, up to and including issuance of a warrant and prosecution for failure to return state property. Business Transactions with Other State Agencies - O.C.G.A 45-10-25 Employees are advised that certain business transactions and part-time employment with other State agencies is prohibited by law. To avoid illegal business activity and potential conflicts of interest, particular arrangements must be made. Generally, all business transacted with the State of Georgia by any public official or employee, whether a) for him/herself, b) on behalf of any business, or c) for any business in which the employee or any familymember has a substantial interest, must be disclosed. Therefore, no state employee should do business (other than his/her regular employment responsibilities) with any state agency, until they have become thoroughly familiar with the legal requirements. Definitions: A) "Business transacted" means the purchase, sale, or leasing of any personal property, real property, or services on behalf of one's self or on behalf of any third-party agency, broker, dealer, or representative. B) "Any business" means any corporation, partnership, proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association, organization, self-employed individual, trust, or other legal entity. C) "Family" means spouse and legal dependents. D) "Substantial interest" means the direct or indirect ownership of more than 25% of the assets or stock of any business. Alcoholic Consumption & Purchase Policy Each employee of the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) must conduct himself/herself in a manner, which reflects favorably upon the Department and the State of Georgia, as public employers. It will be a violation of this policy for GDC employees to: a) Consume alcoholic beverages or to be intoxicated while on the premise of any work place (e.g., office, state-leased property, building or facility) under the Department's jurisdiction or control. b) Consume alcoholic beverages or to be intoxicated on duty, during his/her working hours. c) Purchase or consume alcoholic beverages while dressed in required-uniforms (e.g., correctional officer's, food service employee's, probation officer's attire). d) Purchase, handle, or transport alcoholic beverages while travelling in a state vehicle or performing assigned duties. My signature below acknowledges that I am aware that these statements will become a part of my official personnel record. I understand that any violation of the above policies and/or rules could result in disciplinary action, to include dismissal from employment. Revised 12/10 Signature Date Printed Name Witness 32&2, Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENTS - Page 3 Read and sign acknowledgement statements listed below. Drug Free Work Place Congress passed a law called The Drug-Free Work Place Act of 1988, which is designed to ensure that any work performed under federal contracts or federal grants is accomplished in a drug-free work environment. Employees of the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) are prohibited from engaging in all illegal activity pertaining to the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of illegal drugs, at any time. It is the position of this Department that, all such illegal activity, even during non-working hours, clearly affects the employee's ability to perform his/her public duty in an efficient and effective manner. Compliance with this standard of conduct is a condition of employment for all GDC employees. This GDC policy requires every agency employee to notify the appropriate Appointing Authority, in writing, within five (5) calendar days of his/her arrest or conviction for violating any drug-related law, (including a plea of nolo contendere) in any jurisdiction, regardless of whether it involved a work place or non-work related incident. Business Activities for Personal Gain or Profit Policy Compliance with established standards of conduct is a condition of employment for all Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) employees. An employee's behavior or conduct on the job must reflect favorably upon the Department as a public employer. As such, it shall be prohibited for any GDC employee to: a) Use or permit the use of state property for personal gain, profit or personal business. b) Conduct personal business for profit, while in the work place or during his/her working hours. All employees are advised not to borrow from or lend money to other employees; however, it is expressly prohibited for a GDC employee to lend money to a Department employee, for profit. c) Knowingly accept personal gifts or favors from any non-employee whose business interacts or interfaces with the Department of Corrections. d) Knowingly have personal involvement with, engage in personal business (or trade) with, correspond with or on behalf of inmates, detainees or any active probationers or parolees; without the express written approval of the appropriate Appointing Authority. Note: Current employees who are related by law to any inmate, detainee, or active probationer or parolee, shall be governed by this same standard. Sexual Assault Awareness Statement Whenever a correctional officer or other individual with similar supervisory or disciplinary authority over a person in custody has sexual contact with that person, he/she has committed a sexual assault against a person in custody. Sexual contact means any contact for the purpose of sexual gratification of the actor with intimate parts of a person he/she is not married to. The law defines intimate parts as the genital area, groin, inner thighs, buttocks or breasts. Georgia Crime Information Center Access to Criminal Justice Information, as defined in GCIC Council Rule 140-1-.02 (amended), and dissemination of such information are governed by state and federal laws and GCIC Council Rules. Criminal Justice Information cannot be accessed or disseminated by any employee except as directed by superiors and as authorized by approved standard operating procedures which are based on controlling state and federal laws, relevant federal regulations, and the Rules of the GCIC Council. O.C.G.A. 35-3-38 establishes criminal penalties for specific offenses involving obtaining, using, or disseminating criminal history record information except as permitted by law. The same statute establishes criminal penalties for disclosing or attempting to disclose techniques or methods employed to ensure the security and privacy of information or data contained in Georgia criminal justice information systems. The Georgia Computer Systems Protection Act (O.C.G.A. 16-9-90 et seq) provides for the protection of public and private sector computer systems, including communications links to such computer systems. The Act establishes four criminal offenses; all major felonies, for violations of the Act: Computer Theft, Computer Trespass, Computer Invasion of Privacy, and Computer Forgery. The criminal penalties for each offense carries maximum sentences of fifteen (15) years in prison and/or fines up to $50,000, as well as possible civil ramifications. The Act also establishes Computer Password Disclosure as a criminal offense with penalties of one (1) year in prison and/or a $5,000 fine. The Georgia Criminal Justice Information System Network is operated by the Georgia Crime Information Center in compliance with O.C.G.A. 35-3-31. All databases accessible via CJIS Network terminals are protected by the Computer Systems Protection Act. Similar communications and computer systems operated by municipal/county governments are also protected by the Act. The 1996 Georgia Laws Act 816 The 1996 Georgia Laws Act 816, provides that all positions filled on or after July 1, 1996, by new hires shall be included in the unclassified service, and will not be covered by State Merit System. The Georgia Department of Corrections reserves and retains the right to make changes in the terms and conditions of any employment relationship as the Department determines to be necessary or appropriate for the effective and efficient administration of the Department and its public mission. All initial employment relationships commencing on or after July 1, 1996 are "AT WILL" in nature, meaning that the employment may be altered or terminated at any time, as required by the Department's business and/or budgetary needs. My signature below acknowledges that I am aware that these statements will become a part of my official personnel record. I understand that any violation of the above policies and/or rules could result in disciplinary action, to include dismissal from employment. Signature Printed Name Date PO/CO, Page 13 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENTS - Page 4 Read and sign acknowledgement statements listed below. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES SOP IV008-0001 Attachment 3 Revised 09/01 /01 UNDERSTANDING THE USE OF FLSA COMPENSATORY TIME EMPLOYEES CANNOT WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO COMPENSATION UNDER THE FLSA I, _______________________________________________________ , do acknowledge that as part of the terms and conditions of my employment with the Georgia Department of Corrections (hereinafter referred to as the Employer), I understand that: 1 . I may be required to work more than forty hours in a work week, or other maximum hours in a work period established by the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (hereinafter referred to as the FLSA), as amended now and in the future, for law enforcement, fire protection, hospital or other special groups of employees; and 2. If I am required to work more than the maximum number of hours permitted by the FLSA, my employer has the option of paying for such overtime in cash at the rate set in the FLSA or by compensatory time off at the rate of one and one-half hours for each hour of employment for which overtime compensation is required by the FLSA; and 3. My Employer has reserved the right to purchase any compensatory time accrued by me at the rate set in the FLSA. 4. I understand that I may be directed to use accumulated FLSA compensatory time in lieu of paid leave. (ORIGINAL MUST BE SUBMITTED TO CENTRAL PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION WITH HIRING PACKAGE) Record Retention: Permanent retention in the employee's official and local personnel files. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES The Georgia Department of Corrections wishes to reaffirm that it requires all non-exempt employees to: SOP IV008-0001 Attachment 4 Revised 09/01 /01 REPORT ALL TIME WORKED This means that you must: record the exact hour and minute that you begin any work record the exact hour and minute that you stop all work make these entries on each day you work be absolutely certain that you have recorded all work time personally make and initial any changes in your timesheet or timecard which might occasionally be necessary The Georgia Department of Corrections relies upon your personal time entries in calculating your pay and in maintaining your payroll records. Thus, a failure to accurately record all time worked will mislead the Department and can result in discipline or discharge. It is a violation of these policies either to under-report or to over-report your work time. Remember: accuracy is the key--not just the appearance of accuracy. No deviation from these instructions is permitted. No one may ask or direct that a non-exempt employee work "off the clock", "for free", or "on his or her own time". Any non-exempt employee who is not being paid in accordance with these policies or who has knowledge that the policies are being violated should immediately report this in confidence to the Department Personnel Director at (404) 656-4730. Your report will remain confidential, and you will not be punished for making such a report. My signature below acknowledges that I am aware that these statements will become a part of my official personnel record. I understand that any violation of the above policies and/or rules could result in disciplinary action, to include dismissal from employment. _________________________________ Date Employee ID __________________________________________________ Employee Signature Printed Name PO/CO, Page 14 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENTS -Page 5 Read and sign acknowledgement statements listed below. Security Positions Random Drug Screening During the 1990 legislative session, the Georgia General Assembly passed Act 1445 which requires random drug screening of certain state employees. The Act covers those employees who are required to obtain Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) certification and who occupy positions where '...inattention to duty or errors in judgment while on duty will have the potential for significant risk of harm to the employee, other employees, or the general public.' (O.C.G.A. 45-20-90 (3). In accordance with the provisions of this law, your department head has determined that the position for which you have been selected shall be subject to random drug screening. It is very important that you fully understand the requirements of this law and the consequences that might result from its application. The law mandates that any employee whose drug screening indicates the illegal use of drugs or marijuana shall be terminated from employment. The law does not permit a second chance or the imposition of any lesser penalty. In addition, any employee who refuses to submit to drug screening, or who fails to appear for drug screening after being directed to so appear, shall be terminated from employment. An employee terminated for any of these reasons is disqualified from employment with Georgia Department of Corrections for a period of two years. Sleeping on Duty Sleeping on duty by an employee whose job responsibilities include direct supervision of inmates will not be tolerated. If I commit this offense, it may result in my termination. If I fail to report a co-worker sleeping on duty, it may result in my termination. Condition of Employment I understand that my employment is conditional upon the successful completion of the academy entrance examination administered by the Department of Corrections pursuant to O.C.G.A 35-8-8(a) (9). My signature below acknowledges that I am aware that these statements will become a part of my official personnel record. I understand that any violation of the above policies and/or rules could result in disciplinary action, to include dismissal from employment. Signature Date _________________________________________ Printed Name PO/CO, Page 15 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENTS - Page 6 Read and sign acknowledgement statements listed below. Domestic Violence Awareness Statement I understand that an amendment to the Federal Gun Control Act prohibits any person convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence from shipping, transporting, possessing or receiving firearms or ammunition. I also understand that it is unlawful for a person to sell or otherwise dispose of a firearm or ammunition to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that the recipient has been convicted of such a misdemeanor. I understand that this prohibition applies to all law enforcement officers. I understand that the "misdemeanor crime of domestic violence" is defined in the law as: 1. A misdemeanor under Federal or State law; and 2. Has, as an element, the use or attempted use of physical force, or the threatened use of a deadly weapon by a current or former spouse, parent or guardian of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian, or by a person similarly situated to a spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim. This definition includes all misdemeanors that involve the use or attempted use of physical force if the offense is committed by one of the defined parties. This is true whether or not the State statute or local ordinance specifically defines the offense as a domestic violence misdemeanor. Also, the prohibition applies to persons convicted of such misdemeanors at any time, even if the conviction occurred prior to the new law's effected date, September 30, 1996. I understand that if I am found to have been convicted of such an offense that I will no longer be able to possess a firearm or ammunition to use in the performance of my official duties and my duties will be changed from those requiring POST certification and possibly dismissal from the department. I understand that the department will conduct annual reviews of my record to determine if I have firearms disability under this law. I also understand that it is my responsibility to notify my appointing authority of any arrests or convictions as soon as possible, including but not limited to domestic violence misdemeanors. My signature below acknowledges that I am aware that this statement will become a part of my official personnel record. I understand that any violation of the above policies and/or rules could result in disciplinary action, to include dismissal from employment. Signature Date __________________________________________________ Printed Name Revised 2010 Notary or Witness PO/CO, Page 16 Georgia Department of Corrections Computer Use and Security Awareness Acknowledgment I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) rules and procedures governing technology security of computer resources, networks, computer applications, programs, and/or systems as outlined in SOP IVJ01-0001, Technology Policies and Procedures, and any others that may be applicable. I have also read the following information and fully understand the requirements: 1. I will not divulge any of my system passwords, to any individual, for any reason, while employed with the Department. 2. I will not leave my computer workstation accessible during my absence. I understand that I am required to ensure that my computer workstation has a Screen Saver with PASSWORD, set to a five (5) minute time limit. 3. I will not proceed to perform diagnostic tests or procedures on any office/center/facility computer equipment, to include printers, without consulting either OIT (Office of Information Technology), a facility Operations Analyst, the Division Information System Coordinator (DISC), or designated information systems support individual for the office/center/facility. 4. I will not move or remove any office/center/facility computer equipment without consulting with OIT, a facility Operations Analyst, the Division Information System Coordinator or a designated information systems support individual for the office/center/facility. 5. I will not share information acquired by any GDC system with unspecified employees of this department or any other state department or the Public without specific approval from the Appointing Authority. 6. I understand that I am prohibited from installing any program software not explicitly purchased for departmental use unless I receive the written consent of my Appointing Authority and the approval of OIT. 7. I understand that State-provided computer systems are intended for public business and that my use of the internet, e-mail or other systems may be recorded and monitored. I understand that use or access of the internet for pornographic, obscene, or other improper purposes is prohibited. 8. I understand that under Georgia Law Code 16-9-93, Section 3, Subsection E, "Computer Password Disclosure," any person who discloses a number code, password, or other means of access to a computer or computer network knowing that such disclosure is without authority and which results in damages (including the fair market value of any services used and victim expenditure) to the owner of the computer or computer network in excess of $500.00 shall be guilty of the crime of computer password disclosure. I fully understand that any violation of GDC procedures and rules regarding the use of the Internet or other Department provided software or programs may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from my position, and may include civil and/or criminal prosecution. Signature: _______________ ____________ Date:______________________ Printed Name:_____________________________________________ Employee ID#:__________________ Retention Schedule: Retain permanently in the official personnel file. Revised 10/10 PO/CO, Page 17 OMB No. 1615-0047;; Expires 08/31/12 Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Instructions Read all instructions carefully before completing this form. Anti-Discrimination Notice. It is illegal to discriminate against any individual (other than an alien not authorized to work in the United States) in hiring, discharging, or recruiting or referring for a fee because of that individual's national origin or citizenship status. It is illegal to discriminate against work-authorized individuals. Employers CANNOT specify which document(s) they will accept from an employee. The refusal to hire an individual because the documents presented have a future expiration date may also constitute illegal discrimination. For more information, call the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices at 1-800-255-8155. in Section 2 evidence of employment authorization that contains an expiration date (e.g., Employment Authorization Document (Form I-766)). Preparer/Translator Certification The Preparer/Translator Certification must be completed if Section 1 is prepared by a person other than the employee. A preparer/translator may be used only when the employee is unable to complete Section 1 on his or her own. However, the employee must still sign Section 1 personally. Section 2, Employer What Is the Purpose of This Form? The purpose of this form is to document that each new employee (both citizen and noncitizen) hired after November 6, 1986, is authorized to work in the United States. When Should Form I-9 Be Used? All employees (citizens and noncitizens) hired after November 6, 1986, and working in the United States must complete Form I-9. Filling Out Form I-9 Section 1, Employee This part of the form must be completed no later than the time of hire, which is the actual beginning of employment. Providing the Social Security Number is voluntary, except for employees hired by employers participating in the USCIS Electronic Employment Eligibility Verification Program (E- Verify). The employer is responsible for ensuring that Section 1 is timely and properly completed. Noncitizen nationals of the United States are persons born in American Samoa, certain former citizens of the former Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and certain children of noncitizen nationals born abroad. Employers should note the work authorization expiration date (if any) shown in Section 1. For employees who indicate an employment authorization expiration date in Section 1, employers are required to reverify employment authorization for employment on or before the date shown. Note that some employees may leave the expiration date blank if they are aliens whose work authorization does not expire (e.g., asylees, refugees, certain citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia or the Republic of the Marshall Islands). For such employees, reverification does not apply unless they choose to present For the purpose of completing this form, the term "employer" means all employers including those recruiters and referrers for a fee who are agricultural associations, agricultural employers, or farm labor contractors. Employers must complete Section 2 by examining evidence of identity and employment authorization within three business days of the date employment begins. However, if an employer hires an individual for less than three business days, Section 2 must be completed at the time employment begins. Employers cannot specify which document(s) listed on the last page of Form I-9 employees present to establish identity and employment authorization. Employees may present any List A document OR a combination of a List B and a List C document. If an employee is unable to present a required document (or documents), the employee must present an acceptable receipt in lieu of a document listed on the last page of this form. Receipts showing that a person has applied for an initial grant of employment authorization, or for renewal of employment authorization, are not acceptable. Employees must present receipts within three business days of the date employment begins and must present valid replacement documents within 90 days or other specified time. Employers must record in Section 2: 1. Document title;; 2. Issuing authority;; 3. Document number;; 4. Expiration date, if any;; and 5. The date employment begins. Employers must sign and date the certification in Section 2. Employees must present original documents. Employers may, but are not required to, photocopy the document(s) presented. If photocopies are made, they must be made for all new hires. Photocopies may only be used for the verification process and must be retained with Form I-9. Employers are still responsible for completing and retaining Form I-9. Form I-9 (Rev. 08/07/09) Y For more detailed information, you may refer to the USCIS Handbook for Employers (Form M-274). You may obtain the handbook using the contact information found under the header "USCIS Forms and Information." Section 3, Updating and Reverification Employers must complete Section 3 when updating and/or reverifying Form I-9. Employers must reverify employment authorization of their employees on or before the work authorization expiration date recorded in Section 1 (if any). Employers CANNOT specify which document(s) they will accept from an employee. A. If an employee's name has changed at the time this form is being updated/reverified, complete Block A. B. If an employee is rehired within three years of the date this form was originally completed and the employee is still authorized to be employed on the same basis as previously indicated on this form (updating), complete Block B and the signature block. C. If an employee is rehired within three years of the date this form was originally completed and the employee's work authorization has expired or if a current employee's work authorization is about to expire (reverification), complete Block B;; and: 1. Examine any document that reflects the employee is authorized to work in the United States (see List A or C);; 2. Record the document title, document number, and expiration date (if any) in Block C;; and 3. Complete the signature block. Note that for reverification purposes, employers have the option of completing a new Form I-9 instead of completing Section 3. What Is the Filing Fee? There is no associated filing fee for completing Form I-9. This form is not filed with USCIS or any government agency. Form I-9 must be retained by the employer and made available for inspection by U.S. Government officials as specified in the Privacy Act Notice below. USCIS Forms and Information Information about E-Verify, a free and voluntary program that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of their newly hired employees, can be obtained from our website at or by calling 1-888-464-4218. General information on immigration laws, regulations, and procedures can be obtained by telephoning our National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 or visiting our Internet website at Photocopying and Retaining Form I-9 A blank Form I-9 may be reproduced, provided both sides are copied. The Instructions must be available to all employees completing this form. Employers must retain completed Form I-9s for three years after the date of hire or one year after the date employment ends, whichever is later. Form I-9 may be signed and retained electronically, as authorized in Department of Homeland Security regulations at 8 CFR 274a.2. Privacy Act Notice The authority for collecting this information is the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Pub. L. 99-603 (8 USC 1324a). This information is for employers to verify the eligibility of individuals for employment to preclude the unlawful hiring, or recruiting or referring for a fee, of aliens who are not authorized to work in the United States. This information will be used by employers as a record of their basis for determining eligibility of an employee to work in the United States. The form will be kept by the employer and made available for inspection by authorized officials of the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Labor, and Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices. Submission of the information required in this form is voluntary. However, an individual may not begin employment unless this form is completed, since employers are subject to civil or criminal penalties if they do not comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. To order USCIS forms, you can download them from our website at or call our toll-free number at 1-800-870-3676. You can obtain information about Form I-9 from our website at or by calling 1-888-464-4218. EMPLOYERS MUST RETAIN COMPLETED FORM I-9 DO NOT MAIL COMPLETED FORM I-9 TO ICE OR USCIS Form I-9 (Rev. 08/07/09) Y Page 2 Paperwork Reduction Act An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated at 12 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions and completing and submitting the form. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Regulatory Management Division, 111 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., 3rd Floor, Suite 3008, Washington, DC 20529-2210. OMB No. 1615-0047. Do not mail your completed Form I-9 to this address. Form I-9 (Rev. 08/07/09) Y Page 3 OMB No. 1615-0047;; Expires 08/31/12 Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Read instructions carefully before completing this form. The instructions must be available during completion of this form. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE: It is illegal to discriminate against work-authorized individuals. Employers CANNOT specify which document(s) they will accept from an employee. The refusal to hire an individual because the documents have a future expiration date may also constitute illegal discrimination. Section 1. Employee Information and Verification (To be completed and signed by employee at the time employment begins.) Print Name: Last First Middle Initial Maiden Name ,, Address (Street Name and Number) Apt. # Date of Birth (month/day/year) Zip Code Social Security # // City State ,, I attest, under penalty of perjury, that I am (check one of the following): I am aware that federal law provides for imprisonment and/or fines for false statements or use of false documents in connection with the completion of this form. A citizen of the United States A noncitizen national of the United States (see instructions) A lawful permanent resident (Alien #) An alien authorized to work (Alien # or Admission #) until (expiration date, if applicable - month/day/year) Employee's Signature Date (month/day/year) Preparer and/or Translator Certification (To be completed and signed if Section 1 is prepared by a person other than the employee.) I attest, under penalty of perjury, that I have assisted in the completion of this form and that to the best of my knowledge the information is true and correct. Preparer's/Translator's Signature Print Name Date (month/day/year) Address (Street Name and Number, City, State, Zip Code) Section 2. Employer Review and Verification (To be completed and signed by employer. Examine one document from List A OR examine one document from List B and one from List C, as listed on the reverse of this form, and record the title, number, and expiration date, if any, of the document(s).) List A OR List B AND List C Document title: Issuing authority: Document #: Expiration Date (if any): Document #: Expiration Date (if any): CERTIFICATION: I attest, under penalty of perjury, that I have examined the document(s) presented by the above-named employee, that the above-listed document(s) appear to be genuine and to relate to the employee named, that the employee began employment on and that to the best of my knowledge the employee is authorized to work in the United States. (State (month/day/year) employment agencies may omit the date the employee began employment.) Signature of Employer or Authorized Representative Print Name Title Business or Organization Name and Address (Street Name and Number, City, State, Zip Code) Date (month/day/year) Section 3. Updating and Reverification (To be completed and signed by employer.) A. New Name (if applicable) B. Date of Rehire (month/day/year) (if applicable) C. If employee's previous grant of work authorization has expired, provide the information below for the document that establishes current employment authorization. Document Title: Document #: Expiration Date (if any): l attest, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of my knowledge, this employee is authorized to work in the United States, and if the employee presented document(s), the document(s) l have examined appear to be genuine and to relate to the individual. Signature of Employer or Authorized Representative Date (month/day/year) Form I-9 (Rev. 08/07/09) Y Page 4 LISTS OF ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTS All documents must be unexpired LIST A LIST B Documents that Establish Both Identity and Employment Authorization OR 1. U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card 2. Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551) 3. Foreign passport that contains a temporary I-551 stamp or temporary I-551 printed notation on a machine- readable immigrant visa 6. Passport from the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) or the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) with Form I-94 or Form I-94A indicating nonimmigrant admission under the Compact of Free Association Between the United States and the FSM or RMI Documents that Establish Employment Authorization Documents that Establish Identity AND 1. Driver's license or ID card issued by a State or outlying possession of the United States provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address 2. ID card issued by federal, state or local government agencies or entities, provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address 4. Employment Authorization Document 3. School ID card with a photograph that contains a photograph (Form I-766) 4. Voter's registration card 5. In the case of a nonimmigrant alien authorized to work for a specific employer incident to status, a foreign passport with Form I-94 or Form I-94A bearing the same name as the passport and containing an endorsement of the alien's nonimmigrant status, as long as the period of endorsement has not yet expired and the proposed employment is not in conflict with any restrictions or limitations identified on the form LIST C 5. U.S. Military card or draft record 6. Military dependent's ID card 7. U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card 1. Social Security Account Number card other than one that specifies on the face that the issuance of the card does not authorize employment in the United States 2. Certification of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of State (Form FS-545) 3. Certification of Report of Birth issued by the Department of State (Form DS-1350) 4. Original or certified copy of birth certificate issued by a State, county, municipal authority, or territory of the United States bearing an official seal 5. Native American tribal document 8. Native American tribal document 9. Driver's license issued by a Canadian government authority For persons under age 18 who are unable to present a document listed above: 10. School record or report card 11. Clinic, doctor, or hospital record 6. U.S. Citizen ID Card (Form I-197) 7. Identification Card for Use of Resident Citizen in the United States (Form I-179) 8. Employment authorization document issued by the Department of Homeland Security 12. Day-care or nursery school record Illustrations of many of these documents appear in Part 8 of the Handbook for Employers (M-274) Form I-9 (Rev. 08/07/09) Y Page 5 IVO13-0003 Attachment 1 Revised 5/15/09 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COMMISSIONER'S STATEMENT PROHIBITING UNLAWFUL HARASSMENT (INCLUDING SEXUAL HARASSMENT) It is the commitment of this Department to provide all personnel a work environment conducive to personal and professional satisfaction, while at the same time achieving the goals and mission of this Department. The Department wishes to provide all personnel with a clear understanding of unlawful harassment and its adverse impact upon the working relationships within this Department and with outside parties. All personnel are hereby forewarned that unlawful harassment and unlawful retaliation of any personnel of this Department by other personnel or individual conducting business with the Department is unlawful, strictly prohibited by Departmental policy, and a basis for disciplinary action which, presumptively, shall be termination. Unlawful harassment includes verbal, electronic, written or physical conduct that disparages or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of that person’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age or disability. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual reference, allusions, "humor," advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, written, electronic, or physical conduct or interactions of a sexual nature as defined by the Departmental policy and procedures related to this subject. Employees shall report all events of unlawful harassment and unlawful retaliation against themselves or others to any supervisor in the chain of command, the Director, Human Resources (404) 656-4730, Deputy Personnel Director (404) 656-4730, the Director, Internal Investigations (404) 656-4604 or the Communications Center (404) 651-6511 outside of normal business hours. Personnel who, in good faith, report unlawful harassment will be protected from retaliation or reprisals of any kind. The initial report, and any subsequent investigation, will be treated with confidentiality. Confidentiality and protection from retaliation will be provided to personnel who participate in any aspect of an investigation or any subsequent disciplinary process. Personnel are encouraged to help safeguard our organization from irresponsible behavior. We solicit your support in promoting a work environment which will be free of unlawful harassment or other similarly inappropriate conduct. Brian Owens COMMISSIONER I hereby declare that I have read the Commissioner's Statement regarding unlawful harassment (including sexual harassment) of personnel or individuals conducting business with the Georgia Department of Corrections. I further understand that unlawful harassment is a violation of this policy and is a basis for disciplinary action which presumptively, shall be termination. My signature below acknowledges that I am aware that this statement becomes a part of my official personnel records. Employee's Signature _____________________________________ Date Signed: ___________________ Employee's Printed Name ___________________________________ Employee ID#: _________________ Record Retention: Retain permanently in the official and local personnel file. PO/CO, Page 20 SOPIVO14-0001 Attachment 1 Revised 12/15/06 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Employee Standards of Conduct ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEMENT This is to acknowledge that I have read the Department’s procedure governing employee standards of conduct. As a condition of employment, I will abide by the terms and conditions of this procedure. I understand that any violation of this procedure, including any of the standards contained therein, may be the basis for disciplinary action, including dismissal. I also understand that disciplinary action can be taken for matters not covered by this procedure and that it does not create any new rights for me or for any other employee of the Department of Corrections. _____________________________________________ Employee Signature _____________________ Date ______________________________________________________________________ Type/Print Employee Name Employee ID:___________________________________________________________ Record Retention: Retain permanently in the local and official personnel file. PO/CO, Page 21 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER ESTABLISHING A CODE OF ETHICS FOR EXECUTIVE BRANCH OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES - Effective January 13, 2003 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT This is to acknowledge that I have read the Governor's Executive Order Establishing a Code of Ethics for the Executive Branch Officers And Employees. I understand that this Code of Ethics applies to me. As a condition of employment, I will abide by the terms and conditions of this Code of Ethics. I understand that any violation of this Code of Ethics, including any of the standards contained therein, may be the basis for disciplinary action, including dismissal. I understand that the standards contained in this Code of Ethics do not replace the Department of Corrections Employee Standards of Conduct nor any existing statutory requirements, but is in addition thereto. I also understand that disciplinary action can be taken for matters not covered by this procedure and that it does not create any new rights for me or for any other employee of the Department of Corrections. (10/10) Type/Print Employee Name Employee Signature Date Employee ID PO/CO, Page 22 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OATH OF OFFICE I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the State of Georgia, and that I will faithfully perform and discharge the duties of my office without malice or partiality, to the best of my ability. I further swear (or affirm) that I am not the holder of any unaccounted for public money due this state or any political subdivision or authority thereof; that I am not the holder of any office of trust under the government of the United States, any other state, or any foreign state which I am prohibited from holding under the laws of the State of Georgia; and that I am otherwise qualified to hold office according to the Constitution and laws of Georgia. Print Name Signature Date Work Site IN WITNESS THEREOF this oath is witnessed and subscribed to by the following person who has affixed his or her seal, this day of , . Witness/Notary Public PO/CO, Page 23 CORRECTIONS DIVISION - PROBATION OPERATIONS GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS The following constitutes an offer of employment according to the conditions set forth: 1. Name of Appointee: 2. Job Title: 3. Effective Date of Appointment: 4. Date to Report to Work (if different): 5. Type of Appointment (circle one): 6. Work Unit/Location: 7. Pay Grade: 8. Monthly Salary (Gross): 9. Drivers License Verification and Number: Classified Number Unclassified State It is understood that Probation Operations, Corrections Division, Department of Corrections is offering me employment according to the above stated conditions. In accepting this position, I understand the following conditions: A. It is the prerogative of the Department to assign the duties I am to perform, to set and modify the hours of my work schedule and set and modify the location of my employment consistent with GDC SOP IV005-0004. B. I am not to have any personal or business dealings with offenders under the supervision of the Department. C. If I am being hired as a Probation Officer, Chief Probation Officer or Surveillance Officer, I must meet the requirements as specified by the Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) Council, the Department of Corrections and Probation Operations, Corrections Division; otherwise, my employment will be terminated. D. If I am being hired as a Probation Officer, I must maintain a telephone number. E. If I am being hired as a Probation Officer, Surveillance Officer or Probation Aide, access to a personal vehicle is required for the accomplishment of assigned duties and responsibilities. F. If I am being hired as a Probation Officer, Surveillance Officer or Probation Aide, I must have, and maintain a valid driver's license for the specific class of vehicle driven. G. I have discussed my job duties with my immediate supervisor and understand the duties that I will be responsible to perform. H. If I am unable to report for work at the time instructed on the above specified date, I shall promptly notify my immediate supervisor, and that in the absence of such notice, all commitments made herein may be cancelled. I. If I am being hired as a Chief Probation Officer, Probation Officer or Surveillance Officer, I must meet firearms certification requirements established by the Department of Corrections, and maintain such certification as may be determined as applicable for sworn personnel. J. Other: SIGNATURES: Appointee Field Operations Manager August 2005 Date Chief Probation Officer Date Date PO/CO, Page 24 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Name of Applicant // Date of Birth AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PURPOSES I hereby request and authorize THE GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Address of Local Hiring Authority to obtain from: Any Law Enforcement Agency, Former Employee or Personal Reference Name of Person or Agency Holding the Information The following type(s) of information from my records (and any specific portion thereof): Criminal background check, character information from personal reference, and Work record from former employers. for the purpose of completing a Departmental Background Investigation for employment. All information I hereby authorize to be obtained from this person or agency will be held strictly confidential and cannot be released again without my written consent. Date Signature of Applicant Signature of Witness Title or Relationship to Applicant USE THIS SPACE IF APPLICANT WITHDRAWS CONSENT Date this consent is revoked by applicant Signature of Applicant Revised 10/10 Original PO/CO, Page 25 STATE OF GEORGIA LOYALTY OATH STATE SECURITY QUESTIONNAIRE NOTICE TO APPLICANTS/EMPLOYEES: The Sedition and Subversive Activities Act of 1953 (Ga. Laws, 1953), as amended, requires each applicant/employee to complete and sign, prior to his/her employment in State government, a questionnaire which is designed to establish that there are no reasonable grounds to believe that he/she is a subversive person. A subversive person is defined as one who commits acts, advocates, or teaches the overthrow of the government of the United States or government of the State of Georgia by force or violence, or who is a knowing member of a subversive organization. Georgia Code 45-3-11 requires all employees of State government to take an oath that they will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Georgia. INSTRUCTIONS: All items must be completed on a typewriter or printed in ink. If more space is needed for any item, or explanation, continue under item 10. This questionnaire and loyalty oath will be filed in the employee's personnel file in the employing agency. The employee may request that a copy be executed for his/her personal files. FULL NAME, INCLUDING MAIDEN NAME, NAMES OF FORMER MARRIAGES, FORMER NAMES CHANGED LEGALLY OR OTHERWISE, ALIASES AND NICKNAMES AND THE DATES USED. 1. LAST NAME FIRST NAME PHONE NO. MIDDLE NAME MAIDEN NAME DATES USED NICKNAMES DATES USED OTHER NAMES, INCLUDING ALIASES &FORMER DATES USED NICKNAMES DATES USED DATES USED NICKNAMES DATES USED MARRIAGES 2. ADDRESS APT. NO. 3. DATE OF BIRTH // 4. CITY STATE COUNTY RACE U.S. CITIZEN _____ Yes ______ No ZIP SEX (Nationality _____________) Are you now or have you been in the last ten (10) years a member of any organization which to your knowledge at the time of membership advocates or has as one of its objects, the overthrow of the government of the United States or the government of the State of Georgia by force or violence? Yes No If "Yes", state the name of the organization and your past and present membership status including any offices held therein. NOTE: If the answer to the above question is "Yes" and the employing authority deems further inquiry necessary, you will be notified of such determination. No action adverse to your application will be taken because of an affirmative answer until after such an inquiry, with notice to you and an opportunity for you to present evidence, and only if the results of such inquiry brings your application within the prohibition within the Sedition and Subversive Activities Act of 1953. 5. LIST CHRONOLOGICALLY ALL OF YOUR PREVIOUS RESIDENCES FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS: DATES From 6. STREET CITY STATE To LIST NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THE FOLLOWING: SPOUSE (MAIDEN NAME) ADDRESS FATHER ADDRESS MOTHER ADDRESS PO/CO, Page 26 7. MILITARY SERVICE: (Past or Present) SERIAL NUMBER 8. BRANCH ACTIVE SERVICE From To DISCHARGED Honorably () Dishonorably () Other () If Discharge other than Honorable, explain in item 10. Have you ever been convicted by Federal, State, or other law-enforcement authorities, for any violation of any Federal law, State law, county or municipal law, regulation, or ordinance? (Do not include anything that happened before your sixteenth birthday. Do not include minor traffic violations for which a fine of $35.00 or less was imposed.) _____YES ____NO If answer is yes, provide the following information CHARGE ON WHICH CONVICTED DATE CONVICTED Are you a former inmate, former parolee, or former probationer? _______YES _______NO 9. ACTIVE OR INACTIVE From To NAME OF COURT & PLACE WHERE CONVICTED If answer is yes, provide dates and details. Are there any charges now pending against you by Federal, State, or other law enforcement authorities for any violations of any Federal law, State law, county or municipal law, regulation, or ordinance? (Do not include anything that happened before your sixteenth birthday.) Do not include minor violations for which a fine of $35.00 or less would likely be imposed.) _____Yes _______ No If answer yes, provide dates and details. VIOLATION CHARGED NAME OF GOVERNMENT Are you currently a parolee or probationer? ______YES _______NO NAME OF COURT & LOCATION WHERE PENDING If answer is yes, provide dates and details. 10. SPACE FOR CONTINUING ANSWERS OR EXPLANATIONS: (Show item numbers to which answers or explanation apply. Attach a separate sheet if more space is needed.) NOTE: Before signing this form, check all answers and explanations to see that you have answered all questions fully and correctly. This form is to be executed under oath subject to the penalties of false swearing as prescribed in Code Section 16-10-71 of the Criminal Code of Georgia. LOYALTY OATH I, , a citizen of An employee of Georgia Department of Corrections United States of America And being And the recipient of public funds for services rendered as such employee, do hereby solemnly swear and affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Georgia. AFFIDAVIT OF VERIFICATION Georgia County Personally appeared before the undersigned officer, duly authorized to administer ,who, after being duly sworn, deposes and says and declares under penalties of false swearing that he is the person who executed the foregoing instrument; that he has read and completed the same and knows and understands the contents thereof; that the matters stated therein and the answers and information furnished by him in the foregoing questionnaire, and loyalty oath, including any attachments thereto, are true and correct. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME: This (SIGNATURE OF AFFIANT) Day of , 20 (Notary Public) PO/CO, Page 27 *F7$ERS* Group Term Life Insurance Continuation While on Leave Without Pay Form Information for this form may be typed directly onscreen before printing. This form is not valid until received by ERSGA. SECTION 1 - MEMBER INFORMATION Retirement Plan Type Last Name SSN First Name Initial Address City State Zip Code SECTION 2 - TERMS FOR CONTINUATION OF GTLI I choose to continue Group Term Life Insurance (GTLI) coverage for any period during which I am on Leave Without Pay (LWOP). I understand that the following conditions apply: • I must have one (1) year of continuous service before I can continue my GTLI coverage while on LWOP. • Premiums of one percent (1%) of the monthly salary immediately prior to my period of LWOP will accrue for each month I am on LWOP. • The accrued premiums will be paid to the Employees' Retirement System as follows: • At termination of state employment and on application for a refund of my contributions and interest, the premiums will be deducted from my refund; • Or, at my retirement, the premiums will be deducted from my monthly benefit; • Or, at my death, the premiums will be deducted from the GTLI payment to my beneficiaries. NOTE: If I have eighteen years of creditable service and terminate state employment and do not get a refund of my contributions and interest, GTLI coverage will continue until the ERS receives my written notification declining coverage. Any premiums accrued up until that time will be payable to the ERS by the applicable method described above. SECTION 3 - SIGNATURE & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have read and I understand the instructions and provisions listed above. SIgnature Date Two Northside 75 Suite 300 • Atlanta, GA 30318-7701 • PHONE (404) 350-6300 (800) 805-4609 • FAX (404) 350-6308 • PO/CO, Page 28 VH54--0008 Attachment 1 09/01/01 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING OF CORRECTIONAL PERSONNEL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT This is to acknowledge that I have read the Department's procedure governing tuberculosis screening of correctional personnel. As a condition of employment, I will abide by the terms and conditions of this procedure. I understand that any violation of this procedure, including any of the standards contained therein, may be the basis for disciplinary action, including dismissal. Employee Signature Employee’s Printed Name Date Signed Employee’s ID#: PO/CO, Page 29 TRANSFER UNDERSTANDING MEMORANDUM My signature on this memorandum indicates my understanding that as a new appointee, I will work at for a period of not less than twelve (12) months prior to being eligible for transfer to another facility. In addition, any request for transfer will contain a 30 day notice prior to effective date of transfer. Employee Signature Date Witness PO/CO, Page 30 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 300 Patrol Road Forsyth, Georgia 31029 MEMORANDUM TO PERSONNEL FILE This is to certify that I have been given information about the State Board of Workers' Compensation, the "Panel of Physicians" and the purpose of these services. I understand that if I am involved in an on-the-job accident and become ill or injured, if emergency treatment is NOT necessary, I must accept all medical services from a Panel physician. If I obtain medical service from a physician who is not listed with the AMERISYS, INC. managed care organization, I will be responsible for those medical expenses. The AMERISYS, INC. (Panel) Physician may arrange for appropriate consultations, referrals or other specialized medical services as the nature of the injury requires. If I am dissatisfied with the medical services, I can request one change (without the employer's permission) to visit a second (different) physician from the AMERISYS, INC. group. However, any further changes require the expressed permission of a Claim Representative from the Department of Administrative Services, or the State Board of Workers' Compensation. In the case of an emergency, I may be treated at the nearest emergency room. However, all follow-up care must, thereafter, be rendered by a physician designated/selected from the managed care organization (or a AMERISYS, INC. referral). I further understand that I must notify my supervisor and the Personnel Office as soon as injury occurs or as soon as I receive care from AMERISYS, INC., regardless of the extent of the injury. [Delay in notification can result in denial of payment for medical services rendered]. If my claim is accepted as compensable and I am entitled to receive weekly indemnity benefits (if I have more than seven days of lost time from work, due to the injury), I understand that I am entitled to ONE independent medical examination by a physician of my choice. However, I must notify DOAS in writing, in advance of any independent examination. The cost will be paid by DOAS but no diagnostic procedures performed since the date of my on-the-job injury (and costing in excess of $250.00), can be repeated by my independent physician. I understand that I may be expected to pay for procedures which have not been authorized by DOAS. DATE SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE Equal Opportunity Employer PO/CO, Page 31 *F8$ERS* Election/Declination of Membership For Those First Employed On or After Age 60 Name_________________________________ (Please Print) ________________________ Social Security Number // _____/______/_____* Date of Birth (m/d/yr) O.C.G.A 47-2-72 states that any person who first becomes an employee eligible for retirement system coverage at age 60 or later may elect NOT to become a member of the Employees’ Retirement System under provision of O.C.G.A. 47-2-350 (Georgia State Employees’ Pension and Savings Plan - GSEPS). Such election must be made in writing to the ERS Board of Trustees by completion and submission of this for to the Employees' Retirement System within 30 days of hire and is irrevocable. Based on the foregoing, this is to provide notice to the Board of Trustees of the Employees' Retirement System that I hereby: (check one) __________ Elect Membership with Employees' Retirement System and based on this election, I understand that I will establish membership under the GSEPS benefit structure. I understand that my decision is final and cannot be changed in the future. ___________ Decline Membership with the Employees' Retirement System. I understand that by electing non-membership I am forfeiting any rights under the ERS. I further understand that my decision is final and cannot be changed in the future. *You must provide proof of age (copy of birth certificate, driver’s license, passport, etc.) along with this form. ________________________________ ____________________________ Employee Signature Date Return this signed form to the Employees' Retirement System of Georgia within 30 days of hire. Mail to the following address: Employees' Retirement System Two Northside 75, Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30318 For questions, contact ERS at 1-800-805-4609 or, in Metro Atlanta, 404-350-6300. F8 ERS Revised 01/2009 Page 1 of 1 PO/CO, Page 32 *G1$ERS* Membership Election Form for Vested Members of the Employees' Retirement System or Teachers Retirement System Member Name________________________________________ (Please Print) ______________________________ Social Security Number Dept./School_______________________________ Dept./School ID_____________________________ O.C.G.A 47-2-181(c)(1-4) and O.C.G.A 47-3-81(b)(1-5) state that any vested member (10 or more years of creditable service excluding forfeited leave) of the Employees' Retirement System (ERS) or the Teachers Retirement System (TRS) who becomes an employee in an agency covered by the other System may elect to remain a member of their vested System. This election must be made in writing to the Boards of Trustees not later than 60 days of first becoming employed in a position covered by the other System and is irrevocable. To the Boards of Trustees of the ERS and TRS: Being vested, I elect to remain a member of the (check one): Employees' Retirement System Teachers Retirement System Member Signature:_____________________________________ Date:_______/_______/__________ OR I elect to become a member of the (check one): Employees' Retirement System Teachers Retirement System Member Signature:_____________________________________ MEMBER: Date:_______/_______/__________ Upon completion, file a copy of this form with your Human Resources or Payroll office. EMPLOYER: Send a copy of the completed, signed form to the Employees' Retirement System and Teachers Retirement System within 60 days of hire. G1ERS Revised 03/2009 Page 1 of 1 PO/CO, Page 33 SOP IVO07-0024 Attachment 1 Revised 10-10 EMPLOYEE'S DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY To Receive Any Outstanding Wages or Other Monies Upon the Employee's Death In the event of my death, I authorize any wages or other monies due me from the Georgia Department of Corrections to be paid to the following beneficiary: FIRST BENEFICIARY___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street (P.O.Box or Apt #) City State Zip Code Relationship:__________________________________Date of Birth: _______________________________________________ Month Day Year Social Security Number:_______________________________________ _____________________________ (If first SECOND BENEFICIARY beneficiary is deceased) Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street (P.O.Box or Apt #) City State Zip Code Relationship:__________________________________Date of Birth: _______________________________________________ Month Day Year Social Security Number:_______________________________________ _____________________________ (If first and THIRD BENEFICIARY second beneficiaries are deceased) Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street (P.O.Box or Apt #) City State Zip Code Relationship:__________________________________Date of Birth: _______________________________________________ Month Day Year Social Security Number:_______________________________________ Employee Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ (Print Full Name) Employee ID #:__________________________________ I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that this information is current and up-to-date. Employee SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE: ______________________ Record Retention: Retain permanently in the official personnel file. PO/CO, Page 34 GSEPS 401(k) Plan Opt-Out Form Complete this form to Opt Out of (decline participation in) the GSEPS 401(k) Plan. Please print or type clearly. SECTION 1: Participant Information Social Security Number Date of Birth // Your Name Agency Name Your Hire Date Mailing Address: Street/P.O. Box City State Zip Code An important note about GSEPS and qualified default investment alternatives (QDIA) As a new state of Georgia employee hired on or after January 1, 2009, if you do not choose to decline participation in the GSEPS 401(k) Plan by completing of this form, you are Automatically enrolled in the GSEPS 401(k) Plan using the Peach State Reserves 401(k) Plan, and contributions of one percent (1%) of your salary will be taken beginning with your first paycheck. An employer matching contribution of 1% will also be contributed to your account. You may choose to contribute more, and receive additional matching contributions. Review the matching information in the GSEPS Plan Brochure or at the Employees' Retirement System of Georgia website at Your contributions will be invested in the Plan’s QDIA—an investment alternative or option as defined under rules issued by the Department of Labor chosen by the Plan’s fiduciary for those instances when participants fail to provide instruction on how to invest monies in their 401(k) retirement plan account. The QDIA for the GSEPS 401(k) Plan is the appropriate Lifecycle Fund, based on your age and expected date of retirement. A description of the Lifecycle Funds is available at or by calling ING at 1-866-694-2777. This description includes information on the objective of the investment, as well as risk and return characteristics, related fees and expenses, and any restrictions on your ability to transfer or direct your money out of the investment. SECTION 2: Opt-Out Instructions You can choose not to be Automatically enrolled in the GSEPS 401(k) Plan by declining participation if you complete this form and return to your Payroll or Human Resources office. You must submit this form within five (5) business days from your date of hire, or you will be Automatically enrolled and contributions will be deducted from your salary. You may also subsequently choose to stop participation by contacting ING at 1-866-694-2777 or online at If you are Auto-enrolled, you have a right to a Ninety (90) calendar day period from date of hire during which a refund of contributions (plus or minus any gains or losses) can be requested. If you choose to decline participation upon hire by completing this Opt-Out Form, you may later enroll at any time in the GSEPS 401(k) plan by subsequently contacting ING at 1-866-694-2777 or online at Note that if you decline Auto-Enrollment upon hire by signing this form, you forfeit the right to a Ninety (90) calendar day period from date of hire during which a refund of contributions (plus or minus any gains or losses) can be requested. SECTION 3: Member Acknowledgement and Signature I have read the information provided above and understand by signing this form, I hereby confirm my election to NOT participate in the GSEPS 401(k) Plan. Employee Signature:_______________________________________________________Date:_________________________ Return this signed form to your Human Resources office within 3 days of hire if Opting Out of (declining participation in) the GSEPS 401(k) Plan. You may enroll in the future by contacting ING directly (see Section 2 above) PO/CO, Page 35 Direct Deposit Notification Form (To be signed by all new hires and rehires on and after May 1, 2010) In accordance with the Mandatory Direct Deposit policy issued May 1, 2010, as a condition of employment, a person hired or rehired to a position in a State organization on or after May 1, 2010, and who is paid by the PeopleSoft HCM central payroll system (system) administered by the State Accounting Office (SAO), is required to accept all payroll related payments by direct deposit. The complete policy, and related documents, can be found on SAO’s website at the following location: State Accounting Office Accounting Policy Manual. I understand that as a condition of employment, because I am a new hire or rehire applicant, I must comply with the policy and enroll in direct deposit using the Employee Self Service (ESS) feature of the system within 30 days of being hired or rehired and remain enrolled in direct deposit during the tenure of my employment. I understand that I can apply for an exemption from this requirement as provided by the policy. I understand that if I am not granted an exemption, I may be subject to dismissal. Employee Name (Please Print) _______________________________________________________ Employee Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________ To be completed by employing organization: Employee ID Number: ___________________ Position Title: ______________________________ Hiring Organization Name: __________________________________________________________ Hiring Supervisor or HR Official: _____________________________________________________ Copy 1 – Organization Human Resources Office Copy 2 – Employee Direct Deposit Notification Form (To be signed by all new hires and rehires on and after May 1, 2010) In accordance with the Mandatory Direct Deposit policy issued May 1, 2010, as a condition of employment, a person hired or rehired to a position in a State organization on or after May 1, 2010, and who is paid by the PeopleSoft HCM central payroll system (system) administered by the State Accounting Office (SAO), is required to accept all payroll related payments by direct deposit. The complete policy, and related documents, can be found on SAO’s website at the following location: State Accounting Office Accounting Policy Manual. I understand that as a condition of employment, because I am a new hire or rehire applicant, I must comply with the policy and enroll in direct deposit using the Employee Self Service (ESS) feature of the system within 30 days of being hired or rehired and remain enrolled in direct deposit during the tenure of my employment. I understand that I can apply for an exemption from this requirement as provided by the policy. I understand that if I am not granted an exemption, I may be subject to dismissal. Employee Name (Please Print) _______________________________________________________ Employee Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________ To be completed by employing organization: Employee ID Number: ___________________ Position Title: ______________________________ Hiring Organization Name: __________________________________________________________ Hiring Supervisor or HR Official: _____________________________________________________ Copy 1 – Organization Human Resources Office Copy 2 – Employee Submit executed forms to: State Accounting Office Fax Number: 770-359-5944 Email: Direct Deposit Personal Exemption Request Form Employee Information Last First Street Address City M State Zip Code Job Title Employee ID Organization / Department Business Unit Employee’s Email Address Work Phone Policy It is the policy of the State of Georgia that all employees paid by the PeopleSoft HCM central payroll system (system) administered by the State Accounting Office (SAO) be required to use direct deposit to receive payroll related payments. The policy can be found on SAO’s website at the following location: State Accounting Office Accounting Policy Manual. Personal Exemption Request (To be completed by employee desiring to be exempted from the requirement that they enroll in direct deposit) I request that I be paid by paper check for the following reason (check one): I currently do not have an account at an eligible financial institution and am unable to obtain an account. Attached is a letter from an eligible financial institution to this effect. I request that the State Accounting Officer consider an exemption for my specific extreme hardship. Attached is a letter explaining my hardship. Employee Acknowledgements All payroll related payments will be made in accordance with OCGA 50-5B-3(3) which states “The State Accounting Officer shall prescribe the manner in which disbursements shall be made by state government organizations.” For payroll related payments not made by electronic funds transfer, all paper checks will be mailed by the State Accounting Office on the employee’s designated payday and will be dated the date of the employee’s pay date. No post dated paper checks will be mailed prior to the designated payday. Any employee receiving his/her pay by paper check will be required to maintain a valid mailing address in the system. The State assumes no responsibility for the delay in receiving a paper check via the United States mail or its equivalent. Should a paper check have to be reissued due to a lost check, the employee may have to wait up to seven days before a replacement check can be issued and mailed. Employee may enroll in direct deposit should circumstances change. Employee acknowledges that he/she may be offered other payment methods as options, other than paper check, when such options may become available. By signing below, I acknowledge having been provided a copy of the referenced policy requiring direct deposit, acknowledge the advisement to hires and rehires regarding possible dismissal, acknowledge the risks associated with paper checks, and hereby submit my request for exemption for the reason stated above. ________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Signature of Employee Date GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Criminal/Driver History Consent Form I hereby authorize the Georgia Department of Corrections to receive all criminal history record information pertaining to me which may be in the files of any criminal justice agency on the National Crime Information Center/Georgia Crime Information Center (NCIC/GCIC) network anytime during the course of my employment with the Department. I understand that convictions revealed from these background investigations may impact my certification with POST and my employment with the department. I do solemnly state that the below listed information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Social Security # Last First Middle Maiden (please print) Street Address City State Zip Driver's License # County // Date of Birth Height Sex Weight Race Eye Color Hair Color Skin Tone Scars, Marks, Tattoos Birthplace (City and State) Signature Home: Date Work: ____________________ Phone number where you can be reached between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00pm Notary PO/CO, Page 37 PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG TESTING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT Read and sign acknowledgement statements listed below. I, _____________________________ acknowledge that I have read and understand the following stipulations required by State Law. I understand that, as a condition of employment with the Department of Corrections I must take and pass a drug test. The test is conducted under the authority of O.C.G.A. 45-20-110 to determine the presence of illegal drugs. I am willing to take the drug test as directed, and I understand that the cost of this drug test will be paid by the employer. I understand that if I refuse to take the drug test or fail to appear at the testing location by the specified date, I will be disqualified from employment with any State employer for a period of two (2) years. I understand that should my drug test results indicate the presence of illegal drugs and such presence is not found by the Medical Review Officer to be authorized by state or federal law, I will be disqualified from any employment with any State employer for a period of two (2) years from the date that the test was administered. I acknowledge that I have taken or have been asked to take a drug test for the following State employers within the last two years (includes any agency, department, commission, bureau, board, college, university, institution, or authority): State Employer Date of Test I certify that the results for each test showed no presence of illegal drugs. I acknowledge that withholding or falsifying any of the requested information will result in immediate termination of my employment with the Department of Corrections. I understand that if I refuse to sign this form I am forfeiting any further consideration for this position with the Department of Corrections. My signature below acknowledges that I am aware that this statement will become a part of my official personnel record. Print Applicant's Name Signature Date Pre drug (Rev. 10-10) PO/CO, Page 38 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM G-4 Enter your full name, address and social security number in boxes 1a through 2b. Line 3: Write the number of allowances you are claiming in the brackets beside your marital status. A. Single - enter 1 if you are claiming yourself B. Married Filing Joint, both spouses working - enter 1 if you claim yourself or 2 if you claim yourself and your spouse C. Married Filing Joint, one spouse working - enter 1 if you claim yourself or 2 if you claim yourself and your spouse D. Married Filing Separate - enter 1 if you claim yourself or 2 if you claim yourself and your spouse E. Head of Household - enter 1 if you claim yourself but the individual(s) for whom you maintain a home does not qualify as a dependent; or 2 if you claim yourself and a qualified dependent for whom you maintain a home Do not claim a deduction on Line 4 for a dependent used to qualify you as head of household Line 4: Enter the number of dependent allowances you are entitled to claim. Line 5: Complete the worksheet on Form G-4 if you claim additional allowances. Enter the number from Line H here. Failure to complete and submit the worksheet will result in automatic denial of your claim. Line 6: Enter a specific dollar amount that you authorize your employer to withhold in addition to the tax withheld based on your marital status and number of allowances. Line 7: Enter the letter of your marital status from Line 3. Enter total of the numbers on Lines 3 - 5. Line 8: Check the box if you qualify to claim exempt from withholding. You can claim exempt if you filed a Georgia income tax return last year and the amount on Line 4 of Form 500EZ or Line 16 of Form 500 was zero, and you expect to file a Georgia tax return this year and will not have a tax liability. You can not claim exempt if you did not file a Georgia income tax return for the previous tax year. Receiving a refund for the previous tax year does not qualify you to claim exempt. Do not complete Lines 3 - 7 if claiming exempt. EXAMPLES: Your employer withheld $500 of Georgia income tax from your wages. The amount on Line 4 of Form 500EZ or Line 16 of Form 500 was $100. Your tax liability is the amount on Line 4 or Line 16; therefore, you do not qualify to claim exempt. Your employer withheld $500 of Georgia income tax from your wages. The amount on Line 4 of Form 500EZ or Line 16 of Form 500 was $0 (zero) and you filed a prior year income tax return. Your tax liability is the amount on Line 4 or Line 16; therefore, you qualify to claim exempt. NOTE: Effective January 1, 2003, the deduction allowed for the dependents increased from $2,700 to $3,000. This does not apply to the deduction allowed for you or your spouse. O.C.G.A. § 48-7-102 requires you to complete and submit Form G-4 to your employer in order to have tax withheld from your wages. By correctly completing this form, you can adjust the amount of tax withheld to meet your tax liability. Failure to submit a properly completed Form G-4 will result in your employer withholding tax as though you are single with zero allowances. Employers are required to mail any Form G-4 claiming more than 14 allowances or exempt from withholding to the Georgia Department of Revenue for approval. Employers will honor the properly completed form as submitted pending notification from the Withholding Tax Unit. Upon approval, such forms remain in effect until changed or until February 15 of the following year. Employers who know that a G-4 is erroneous should not honor the form and should withhold as if the employee is single claiming zero allowances until a corrected form has been received. DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PAGE FOR INFORMATION ONLY PO/CO, Page 38a Form G-4 (Rev. 10/06) STATE OF GEORGIA EMPLOYEE’S WITHHOLDING ALLOWANCE CERTIFICATE 1a. YOUR FULL NAME 1b. YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 2a. HOME ADDRESS (Number, Street, or Rural Route) 2b. CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM 3. MARITAL STATUS (If you do not wish to claim an allowance, enter “0” in the brackets beside your marital status.) A. Single: enter 0 or 1 ................................... [ ] B. Married Filing Joint, both ........................... spouses working: enter 0 or 1 or 2 ............ [ ] C. Married Filing Joint, one ............................ spouse working: enter 0 or 1 or 2 .............. [ ] D. Married Filing Separate: enter 0 or 1 or 2 ........................................ [ ] E. Head of Household: .................................. enter 0 or 1 or 2 ........................................ [ ] 4. DEPENDENT ALLOWANCES [ ] 5. ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCES [ ] (complete worksheet below) 6. ADDITIONAL WITHHOLDING $ WORKSHEET FOR CALCULATING ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCES This worksheet must be completed if Line 5 is greater than zero. 1. COMPLETE THIS LINE ONLY IF USING STANDARD DEDUCTION: Yourself: Age 65 or over Blind Spouse: Age 65 or over Blind Number of boxes checked x 1300 = $ 2. ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCES FOR DEDUCTIONS: A. Estimated Federal Itemized Deductions ................................................................ $ B. Georgia Standard Deduction (enter one): Single/Head of Household $2,300 Each Spouse $1,500 $ C. D. E. F. G. H. Subtract Line B from Line A ................................................................................................... $ Allowable Deductions to Federal Adjusted Gross Income ...................................................... $ Add the Amounts on Lines 1, 2C, and 2D .............................................................................. $ Estimate of Taxable Income not Subject to Withholding......................................................... $ Subtract Line F from Line E (if zero or less, stop here) .......................................................... $ Divide the Amount on Line G by $3,000. Enter total here and on Line 5 above ...................... This is the maximum number of additional allowances you can claim. If the remainder is over $1,500 round up. 7. LETTER USED (Marital Status A, B, C, D, or E ) TOTAL ALLOWANCES (Total of Lines 3 - 5) (Employer: The letter indicates the tax tables in the Employer’s Tax Guide) 8. EXEMPT: Skip this line if you entered information on Lines 3 - 7. Read the instructions for Line 8 on page 2. I claim exemption from withholding because I incurred no Georgia income tax liability last year and I do not expect to have a Georgia income tax liability this year. Check here I certify under penalty of perjury that I am entitled to the number of withholding allowances or the exemption from withholding status claimed on this Form G-4. Also, I authorize my employer to deduct per pay period the additional amount listed above. Employee’s Signature Date Employer: Complete Line 9 and mail entire form only if the employee claims over 14 allowances or exempt from withholding. If necessary, mail form to: Georgia Department of Revenue, Withholding Tax Unit, P. O. Box 49432, Atlanta, GA 30359. 9. EMPLOYER’S NAME AND ADDRESS: EMPLOYER’S FEIN: EMPLOYER’S WH#: Do not accept forms claiming additional allowances unless the worksheet has been completed. Do not accept forms claiming exempt if numbers are written on Lines 3 - 7. PO/CO, Page 39 Form W-4 (2010) Page 2 Deductions and Adjustments Worksheet Note. Use this worksheet only if you plan to itemize deductions or claim certain credits or adjustments to income. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Enter an estimate of your 2010 itemized deductions. These include qualifying home mortgage interest, charitable contributions, state and local taxes, medical expenses in excess of 7.5% of your income, and miscellaneous deductions 1 $11,400 if married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er) Enter: $8,400 if head of household 2 $5,700 if single or married filing separately Subtract line 2 from line 1. If zero or less, enter “-0-” 3 Enter an estimate of your 2010 adjustments to income and any additional standard deduction. (Pub. 919) 4 Add lines 3 and 4 and enter the total. (Include any amount for credits from Worksheet 6 in Pub. 919.) 5 Enter an estimate of your 2010 nonwage income (such as dividends or interest) 6 Subtract line 6 from line 5. If zero or less, enter “-0-” 7 Divide the amount on line 7 by $3,650 and enter the result here. Drop any fraction 8 Enter the number from the Personal Allowances Worksheet, line H, page 1 9 Add lines 8 and 9 and enter the total here. If you plan to use the Two-Earners/Multiple Jobs Worksheet, also enter this total on line 1 below. Otherwise, stop here and enter this total on Form W-4, line 5, page 1 10 兵 其 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Two-Earners/Multiple Jobs Worksheet (See Two earners or multiple jobs on page 1.) Note. Use this worksheet only if the instructions under line H on page 1 direct you here. 1 Enter the number from line H, page 1 (or from line 10 above if you used the Deductions and Adjustments Worksheet) 2 Find the number in Table 1 below that applies to the LOWEST paying job and enter it here. However, if you are married filing jointly and wages from the highest paying job are $65,000 or less, do not enter more than “3.” 1 2 3 If line 1 is more than or equal to line 2, subtract line 2 from line 1. Enter the result here (if zero, enter “-0-”) and on Form W-4, line 5, page 1. Do not use the rest of this worksheet 3 Note. If line 1 is less than line 2, enter “-0-” on Form W-4, line 5, page 1. Complete lines 4–9 below to figure the additional withholding amount necessary to avoid a year-end tax bill. 4 5 6 7 8 9 Enter the number from line 2 of this worksheet 4 5 Enter the number from line 1 of this worksheet Subtract line 5 from line 4 Find the amount in Table 2 below that applies to the HIGHEST paying job and enter it here Multiply line 7 by line 6 and enter the result here. This is the additional annual withholding needed Divide line 8 by the number of pay periods remaining in 2010. For example, divide by 26 if you are paid every two weeks and you complete this form in December 2009. Enter the result here and on Form W-4, line 6, page 1. This is the additional amount to be withheld from each paycheck Table 1 Married Filing Jointly If wages from LOWEST paying job are— $0 7,001 10,001 16,001 22,001 27,001 35,001 44,001 50,001 55,001 65,001 72,001 85,001 105,001 115,001 130,001 - $7,000 - 10,000 - 16,000 - 22,000 - 27,000 - 35,000 - 44,000 - 50,000 - 55,000 - 65,000 - 72,000 - 85,000 -105,000 -115,000 -130,000 - and over Enter on line 2 above 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 $ $ 9 $ Table 2 All Others If wages from LOWEST paying job are— $0 6,001 12,001 19,001 26,001 35,001 50,001 65,001 80,001 90,001 120,001 6 7 8 - $6,000 - 12,000 - 19,000 - 26,000 - 35,000 - 50,000 - 65,000 - 80,000 - 90,000 -120,000 and over - All Others Married Filing Jointly Enter on line 2 above 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. Internal Revenue Code sections 3402(f)(2) and 6109 and their regulations require you to provide this information; your employer uses it to determine your federal income tax withholding. Failure to provide a properly completed form will result in your being treated as a single person who claims no withholding allowances; providing fraudulent information may subject you to penalties. Routine uses of this information include giving it to the Department of Justice for civil and criminal litigation, to cities, states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. commonwealths and possessions for use in administering their tax laws, and using it in the National Directory of New Hires. We may also disclose this information to other countries under a tax treaty, to federal and state agencies to enforce federal nontax criminal laws, or to federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to combat terrorism. If wages from HIGHEST paying job are— $0 65,001 120,001 185,001 330,001 - $65,000 - 120,000 - 185,000 - 330,000 and over If wages from HIGHEST Enter on line 7 above paying job are— $550 910 1,020 1,200 1,280 $0 35,001 90,001 165,001 370,001 - $35,000 - 90,000 - 165,000 - 370,000 and over Enter on line 7 above $550 910 1,020 1,200 1,280 You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential, as required by Code section 6103. The average time and expenses required to complete and file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. For estimated averages, see the instructions for your income tax return. If you have suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. See the instructions for your income tax return. DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PAGE FOR INFORMATION ONLY PO/CO, Page 39a Form W-4 (2010) Purpose. Complete Form W-4 so that your employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. Consider completing a new Form W-4 each year and when your personal or financial situation changes. Exemption from withholding. If you are exempt, complete only lines 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 and sign the form to validate it. Your exemption for 2010 expires February 16, 2011. See Pub. 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax. Note. You cannot claim exemption from withholding if (a) your income exceeds $950 and includes more than $300 of unearned income (for example, interest and dividends) and (b) another person can claim you as a dependent on his or her tax return. Basic instructions. If you are not exempt, complete the Personal Allowances Worksheet below. The worksheets on page 2 further adjust your withholding allowances based on itemized deductions, certain credits, adjustments to income, or two-earners/multiple jobs situations. Complete all worksheets that apply. However, you may claim fewer (or zero) allowances. For regular wages, withholding must be based on allowances you claimed and may not be a flat amount or percentage of wages. payments using Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals. Otherwise, you may owe additional tax. If you have pension or annuity income, see Pub. 919 to find out if you should adjust your withholding on Form W-4 or W-4P. Head of household. Generally, you may claim head of household filing status on your tax return only if you are unmarried and pay more than 50% of the costs of keeping up a home for yourself and your dependent(s) or other qualifying individuals. See Pub. 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information, for information. Two earners or multiple jobs. If you have a working spouse or more than one job, figure the total number of allowances you are entitled to claim on all jobs using worksheets from only one Form W-4. Your withholding usually will be most accurate when all allowances are claimed on the Form W-4 for the highest paying job and zero allowances are claimed on the others. See Pub. 919 for details. Tax credits. You can take projected tax credits into account in figuring your allowable number of withholding allowances. Credits for child or dependent care expenses and the child tax credit may be claimed using the Personal Allowances Worksheet below. See Pub. 919, How Do I Adjust My Tax Withholding, for information on converting your other credits into withholding allowances. Nonwage income. If you have a large amount of nonwage income, such as interest or dividends, consider making estimated tax Nonresident alien. If you are a nonresident alien, see Notice 1392, Supplemental Form W-4 Instructions for Nonresident Aliens, before completing this form. Check your withholding. After your Form W-4 takes effect, use Pub. 919 to see how the amount you are having withheld compares to your projected total tax for 2010. See Pub. 919, especially if your earnings exceed $130,000 (Single) or $180,000 (Married). Personal Allowances Worksheet (Keep for your records.) A Enter “1” for yourself if no one else can claim you as a dependent ● You are single and have only one job; or B Enter “1” if: ● You are married, have only one job, and your spouse does not work; or ● Your wages from a second job or your spouse’s wages (or the total of both) are $1,500 or less. 兵 A 其 B C Enter “1” for your spouse. But, you may choose to enter “-0-” if you are married and have either a working spouse or C more than one job. (Entering “-0-” may help you avoid having too little tax withheld.) D D Enter number of dependents (other than your spouse or yourself) you will claim on your tax return E E Enter “1” if you will file as head of household on your tax return (see conditions under Head of household above) F F Enter “1” if you have at least $1,800 of child or dependent care expenses for which you plan to claim a credit (Note. Do not include child support payments. See Pub. 503, Child and Dependent Care Expenses, for details.) G Child Tax Credit (including additional child tax credit). See Pub. 972, Child Tax Credit, for more information. ● If your total income will be less than $61,000 ($90,000 if married), enter “2” for each eligible child; then less “1” if you have three or more eligible children. ● If your total income will be between $61,000 and $84,000 ($90,000 and $119,000 if married), enter “1” for each eligible G child plus “1” additional if you have six or more eligible children. H Add lines A through G and enter total here. (Note. This may be different from the number of exemptions you claim on your tax return.) 䊳 H ● If you plan to itemize or claim adjustments to income and want to reduce your withholding, see the Deductions For accuracy, and Adjustments Worksheet on page 2. complete all ● If you have more than one job or are married and you and your spouse both work and the combined earnings from all jobs exceed worksheets $18,000 ($32,000 if married), see the Two-Earners/Multiple Jobs Worksheet on page 2 to avoid having too little tax withheld. that apply. ● If neither of the above situations applies, stop here and enter the number from line H on line 5 of Form W-4 below. 兵 Cut here and give Form W-4 to your employer. Keep the top part for your records. Form W-4 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service 1 5 6 7 OMB No. 1545-0074 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate 2010 䊳 Whether you are entitled to claim a certain number of allowances or exemption from withholding is subject to review by the IRS. Your employer may be required to send a copy of this form to the IRS. Type or print your first name and middle initial. Last name 2 Your social security number Home address (number and street or rural route) 3 City or town, state, and ZIP code 4 If your last name differs from that shown on your social security card, check here. You must call 1-800-772-1213 for a replacement card. 䊳 Married, but withhold at higher Single rate. Single Married Note. If married, but legally separated, or spouse is a nonresident alien, check the “Single” box. 5 Total number of allowances you are claiming (from line H above or from the applicable worksheet on page 2) 6 Additional amount, if any, you want withheld from each paycheck I claim exemption from withholding for 2010, and I certify that I meet both of the following conditions for exemption. ● Last year I had a right to a refund of all federal income tax withheld because I had no tax liability and ● This year I expect a refund of all federal income tax withheld because I expect to have no tax liability. 䊳 If you meet both conditions, write “Exempt” here 7 $ Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certificate and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Employee’s signature (Form is not valid unless you sign it.) 8 䊳 Employer’s name and address (Employer: Complete lines 8 and 10 only if sending to the IRS.) For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Date 9 Office code (optional) 10 Cat. No. 10220Q 䊳 Employer identification number (EIN) Form W-4 (2010) PO/CO, Page 40 Personal Information Form Education, Language and Military PRINT NAME: ___________________________ EMPLID:____________________ Highest Education Level (Check only 1 box) B- Less Than HS Graduate C- HS Graduate or Equivalent D- Some College E- Technical School F- 2-Year College Degree G- Bachelor’s Level Degree H- Some Graduate School I- Master’s Level Degree J- Doctorate (Academic) K- Doctorate (Professional) L- Post-Doctorate Language Code (Check only if fluent in a language OTHER than English. Check only 1) Can French Danish Dutch French German Greek Intl Eng Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese SChinese Spanish Swedish TChinese Thai Military (Check only 1 –Most recent status recommended.) Active Reserve Inactive Reserve Not a Veteran Post-Vietnam-Era Veteran Pre-Vietnam-Era Veteran Retired Military Vietnam-Era Veteran Any questions should be directed to your local Personnel Representative. _______________________________________________ Signature/Date PO/CO, Page 41 Revised 10-10 CRISIS CARD Hire Date: Location: Last Name First Name Employee ID Number Middle Name Position Number // Title Birth Date Complete Home Address Home Telephone Number Blood Type Next of Kin Address Revised 10/10 Relationship City Phone Number State Zip PO/CO Page 42, Local 1 EMERGENCY CONTACT(S) Employee ID #_________________ Employee Name_________________________________ PRIMARY CONTACT Contact Name: Relationship to Employee: Home Address and Telephone (Same Address/Home Phone as Employee) Address 1: Address 2: Address 3: City: County: State: Zip: Phone Number: Additional Phones Phone Type: (Circle One) Phone Type: (Circle One) Business Cellular Pager Fax Business Cellular Pager Fax Yes No (Circle One) Yes No (Circle One) Yes No (Circle One) Number: Number: ADDITIONAL CONTACT Contact Name: Relationship to Employee: Home Address and Telephone (Same Address/Home Phone as Employee) Address 1: Address 2: Address 3: City: County: State: Zip: Phone Number: Additional Phones Phone Type: (Circle One) Phone Type: (Circle One) Business Cellular Pager Fax Business Cellular Pager Fax Number: Number: ADDITIONAL CONTACT Contact Name: Relationship to Employee: Home Address and Telephone (Same Address/Home Phone as Employee) Address 1: Address 2: Address 3: City: County: State: Zip: Phone Number: Additional Phones Phone Type: (Circle One) Phone Type: (Circle One) Business Cellular Business Cellular Pager Pager Fax Fax Number: Number: PO/CO Page 43, Local 2 SOP IVO15-0005 Attachment 1 Revised 10-10 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS REQUEST FOR IDENTIFICATION CARD NAME EMPLOYEE ID/SCRIBE ID (REQUIRED) EMPLOYEE JOB TITLE FACILITY/UNIT OF ASSIGNMENT DIVISION CONTRACTOR OR ORGANIZATION REPRESENTING TYPE OF IDENTIFICATION CARD (check applicable lines) DO YOU HAVE AN I.D. CARD TO TURN IN? EMPLOYEE YES NO LOCATOR VOLUNTEER LOST/STOLEN CONTRACTOR CARD TYPE POSITION TITLE (division or section): IDENTIFICATION CARD WILL NOT BE ISSUED IF EMPLOYEE/SCRIBE I.D. NUMBER AND/OR APPOINTING AUTHORITY APPROVAL IS OMITTED APPOINTING AUTHORITY/DESIGNEE APPROVAL: PRINT NAME: Date: FACILITY/UNIT: TITLE: (FOR PERSONNEL OFFICE USE ONLY) IDENTIFICATION CARD ISSUANCE CARD TYPE ISSUED (circle all types issued): EMP LOC CON EXPIRATION DATE: VOL (Signature) (Imaging Site) IDENTIFICATION CARD ISSUANCE TO CARD HOLDER CARD HOLDER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF (Signature) Retention Schedule: (Check applicable line) EMPLOYEE I.D. VOLUNTEER I.D. CONTRACTOR I.D. LOCATOR CARD (Date) Retain permanently in local file (official personnel file if made in CPA); copy retained for two (2) years at imaging site for any employee from a non-imaging site. PO/CO Page 44, Local 3 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS MILITARY SERVICE INFORMATION Name: Employee ID: Branch of Service (Select one): Air Force Reserve Army Reserve Reserves (this page) Coast Guard Reserve Marine Corps Reserve Navy Reserve National Guard (next page) Air National Guard Army National Guard Reserve Unit Number and Name (Select one): AIR FORCE RESERVE 4 March ARB 78 Security Forces Squadron 94 Airlift Wing 179 Air Defense Artillery Btry 226 Combat HQ 301 Fighter Wing 302 Airlift Wing 315 Airlift Wing 315 Mission Support 340 Flying Training Group 349 Air Mobility Wing 403 Wing 434 Air Refueling Wing 439 Airlift Wing 440 Airlift Wing 445 Airlift Wing 446 Airlift Wing 459 Air Refueling Wing 482 Fighter Wing 507 Air Refueling Wing 512 Airlift Wing 514 Air Mobility Wing 610 SFS 622 RSC Combat Logistics Supp Sqd 622 ASTS 908 Airlift Wing 910 Airlift Wing 911 Airlift Wing 913 Airlift Wing 914 Airlift Wing 916 Air Refueling Wing 917 Wing 919 Special Operations Wing 920 Rescue Wing 926 Fighter Wing 927 Air Refueling Wing 931 Air Refueling Group 932 Airlift Wing 934 Airlift Wing 939 Rescue Wing 940 Air Refueling Wing 944 Fighter Wing ARMY RESERVE 0003 Army 2 Medical Brigade 3 Medical Cmd 3 Pers Cmd 8 Medical Brigade 9 Reg Support Cmd 63 Reg Readiness Cmd 65 Reg Supp Cmd 70 Reg Supp Cmd 77 Reg Readiness Cmd 81 Reg Support Cmd 87 (TS) 88 Reg Readiness Cmd 89 Reg Readiness Cmd 90 Reg Readiness Cmd 94 Reg Supp Cmd 96 Reg Supp Cmd 99 Reg Readiness Cmd 162 Combat Cmd 165 Security Police Squadron 167 Infantry Bn 175 CS Co 191 Maintenance Co 220 Military Police Brigade 300 Military Police Cmd (EPW) 310 Chemical Co 311 Theater Signal Cmd 330 Medical Brigade 333 Medical Co. 335 Theater Signal Cmd 341 AG Postal Co 345 Regiment Battalion 347 Regiment Battalion 351 Military Police Co 352 Support Battalion 359 Signal Brigade 366 Chemical Co (SG) 375 Transportation Grp 376 Transportation Grp 377 QM PS Co 411 Quartermaster Co 412 Engineer Cmd 416 Engineer Cmd 420 Engineer Brigade Page 1 of 2 ARMY RESERVE (cont’d) 421 QM Co (Light Airdrop Supply) 461 AG Battalion 800 Military Police Brigade (EPW) 802 Quartermaster Platoon 803 Quartermaster Co 804 Medical Brigade 807 Medical Brigade 841 Engineer Battalion 988 Quartermaster 1014 QM Co 1015 Maintenance Company 1188 USA Trans Terminal Battalion 2125 Garrison Support 2145 Military Police 3397 Garrison Support Aug 10/168 (PN/HS) 5 Bd Company 452d MP Det Medical Brigade – HHD 5 Bde (HS) COAST GUARD RESERVE Coast Guard – ANTTEAM MARINE CORPS RESERVE 4th Force Svcs Support Grp 4th LAAD HMLA 773 MAG 42 MALS 42 MARFORRES 4th Div VMFA 142 NAVY RESERVE 84089 Forced Protection SW-Det A Comcar Air Wing Res20 EOD Mobile Unit 12 NAS Atlanta NCW Group II NMCRC Atlanta NMCRC Augusta NMCRC (Fla.) NRC Columbus VAW-77 VFA-203 VR-46 PO/CO Page 45, Local 4 Return this page if the employee is a member of the Reserves and their unit is listed above. Do not return page 2. Revised 10/10 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS MILITARY SERVICE INFORMATION Name: Employee ID: National Guard – State (Select One): Georgia Florida South Carolina Alabama North Carolina Other (write name): National Guard Unit (Select One): AIR NATIONAL GUARD 116 Air Control Wing 117 Air Control Squadron 165 Airlift Wing 165 Security Forces Squadron AMC 202 Eng Installation Squadron 224 Joint Comm Spt Squadron 283 Combat Comm Squadron Combat Readiness Training Center Townsend Bombing Range ARMY NATIONAL GUARD 3 Infantry Detachment 48 Infantry Brigade 75 Engineer Detachment 78 Troop Cmd 82 Maintenance Company 93 Sig Bde 94 Aerial Port Squadron (AFRC) 108 Calvary 108 Armor Regiment (AR) 110 Corp Support Battalion 116 Army Band 117 Field Artillery 118 Field Artillery 121 Infantry Battalion 122 Infantry Reg 124 Mobile Public Affairs Det ARMY NATIONAL GUARD (cont’d) 126 Aviation Support Regt 131 Aviation Support Regt 141 Support Battalion 148 Support Battalion HSB 149 Armor Brgd, 35 Infantry (Ala.) 158 Maint Co, Det 1 (Ala.) 161 MED 165 QM Co (POL) 166 Maintenance Company 171 Aviation Regt 178 Military Police Co 181 Field Artillery 188 Field Artillery 190 Military Police Co 196 Field Artillery Brgd 202 Ord Det. (EOD) 210 Military Police Co 214 Field Artillery 214 Military Police Co (Ala.) 221 Military Intelligence BN 239 Transportation Co 248 Military Intelligence CO 251 Rear Area Ops Ctr (S.C.) 264 Engr Det 265 Engr Gp 267 NRCUSE 269 Eng Co (Const Supp) Florida ARMY NATIONAL GUARD (cont’d) 277 Maintenance Co 319 Transportation Co 324 Sig Battalion 377 OM PS Co 414 Transportation Co 429 Medical Evac Battalion 587 Service Co 648 Combat Eng 718 Engineer Co 731 Ordnance Det (MLRS) (Tenn.) 802 Ordinance Co 878 Engineer Combat Battalion 1128 Trans Company (Alabama) 1148 Transportation Co 1177 Transportation Co 1207 US Army Hospital 1214 Military Police Co 1230 Transportation Co 2025 TC Co. Alabama AASF #1, Winder AASF #2, Dobbins AASF #3, Savannah HD STARC HQ 1203 Engr Bn (Topo) (Ala.) Medical Detachment Op Spt Airlift Cmd Recon & Air Int Det (RAID) If your unit is not listed, complete this section: Branch of Service (Select one): Air Force Reserve Coast Guard Reserve Army Reserve Marine Corps Reserve Navy Reserve Air National Guard Army National Guard Unit Number and Name: Page 2 of 2 PO/CO Page 46, Local 5 Return this page if the employee is a member of the National Guard or their unit is not listed. Do not return page 1. Revised 10/10 Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification CERTIFICATION OF CANDIDATE – PAGE 1 Projected Academy: Projected Academy Start Date Candidate’s Last Name Candidate’s Position (Select One) Candidate’s First Name Corrections Ofc Candidate’s Middle Name Probation Ofc Give suffix (such as Jr. , Sr., II, III, IV, V, etc.) : Maiden Name Date of Employment RACE (mm/dd/yyyy) SEX/GENDER Education (select highest level that documentation is provided for in this application) Social Sec# Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) WEIGHT HEIGHT HAIR COLOR lbs // EYE COLOR Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes No AGENCY MAKING APPLICATION AGENCY PHONE# (AREA CODE) - NUMBER ( NAME OF AGENCY CONTACT (Agency Person Processing Application) )- - CONTACT PHONE# (AREA CODE) - NUMBER ( )- - EXT EMAIL ADDRESS OF AGENCY CONTACT @ The above listed candidate is/will be employed with your agency as which of the following: Full time Corrections Officer Full time Probation Officer (Note: Full-time employment is a minimum of 30 hours/week or 120 hours/28 day period.) Checklist (Please check each block below to verify that a complete application is provided.) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Page 2 Agreement/Photo Page 3 PH Release Page 4 Verification Page 5 Birth/Citizen ___ ___ ___ ___ Page 6 Education Page 7 Military Page 8 Entrance Exam/LE Hist Page 9 Driver Hist Birth Certificate or other docs provided Naturalization Papers. (both must be attached.) ___ Notarized/Written Statement required (see Appendix 9) High School Diploma/GED/Homeschool Affidavit Electronic Fingerprint Submission Results attached Fingerprint Cards mailed ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Page 10 Criminal History Page 11 Printout/FPs Page 12 Attestation Physician’s Affidavit DD214 form Discharge explanation Entrance Exam Results GCIC/NCIC Printout Driver’s History Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ CANDIDATE AGREEMENT & PHOTOGRAPH – PAGE 2 Please read and sign in the presence of the agency head or authorized representative acknowledging your acceptance and understanding of this agreement. I, (FULL NAME OF CANDIDATE – First Middle Last), when approved for Basic Correctional Officer or Probation Officer Academy Training, agree to obey all rules and regulations, and understand that I am subject to dismissal from the Training Academy for any infractions or failure to achieve the scholastic standard set by the Georgia POST Council. I further certify that I am in good health, physically fit, and of good moral character and release the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, the Department of Public Safety, the Georgia Public Safety Training Center, the State of Georgia, and any other official associated or connected with the training academy for liability in case of illness or accident. I understand that I must satisfactorily complete a basic training course prior to performing the duties of a peace officer, according to O.C.G.A. §35-8-9. This application will be valid for 18 months only. If not certified by that time, a new application must be submitted according to POST Council Rule 464-3-.01. Place Photograph Here ________________________________________ Candidate Signature Date ________________________________________ Agency Head or Authorized Representative Signature Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ PERSONAL HISTORY RELEASE – PAGE 3 I do hereby authorize the review of and full disclosure of all records concerning myself to the duly authorized agent of the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council. The intent of this authorization is to give my consent for full and complete disclosure of the records of educational institutions; the records of the U.S. Department of Defense including any military records; financial statements and records wherever filed; medical and psychiatric treatment and/or consultation including hospitals, clinics, private practitioners, and the U.S. Veterans’ Administration; employment and pre-employment records, including background reports, polygraph examinations or reports, efficiency ratings, complaints or grievances filed by or against me and the records and recollections of attorneys at law, or of other counsel, whether representing me or another person in any case, either criminal or civil, in which I presently have or have had an interest. I understand that any information obtained by a personal history background investigation, which is developed directly or indirectly, in whole or part, upon this release authorization will be considered in compiling any report for the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council. I certify that any person(s) who may furnish such information concerning me shall not be held accountable for giving this information; and I do hereby release said person(s) from any and all liability, which may be incurred as a result of furnishing such information. A photo copy of this release form will be valid as an original thereof, even though the said photocopy does not contain an original writing of my signature. I understand that this information may be obtained through the use of this waiver at any time during which my registration or certification is maintained through the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council. Last Name DATE OF BIRTH First Name Middle Name MAIDEN NAME PHONE NUMBER (mdyyyy) (AREA CODE) - NUMBER // ( )- - Social Security Number: Email Address @ ADDRESS: Street City: Apartment/Unit# State: - Zip Code: ____________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________ _________________ Candidate Signature (including maiden name) Notary Public Signature Date Date Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ VERIFICATION/RECOMMENDATION/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – PAGE 4 I have verified the information provided by the candidate contained in this application, and I am aware that it is my responsibility to provide POST with a complete and accurate application on behalf of my agency. My initials have been placed in the upper right hand corner on each page to signify my review of the information provided, and I accept responsibility for the veracity of this application. Based on my verification, this candidate has met the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 35-8-8. _________________________________________________ Signature –Agency Employee Responsible for Verification _______________________ Date BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION (FULL NAME OF CANDIDATE – FIRST, MIDDLE INITIAL, LAST) Date Candidate was interviewed: Name of Interviewer (First Last) (mm/dd/yyyy) The Background Investigator verified the following information with the appropriate authorities: - Education (High School & College) Yes No - Prior LE Employment & Certification Yes No Not applicable - Military Yes No Not applicable - Criminal History Yes No - Traffic History Yes No Name of Background Investigator (First Last) Date Background Investigation Completed (mm/dd/yyyy) __________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Person Conducting Background Investigation AGENCY HEAD RECOMMENDATION The candidate named in this application was found to satisfy the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 358-8, and is recommended by me for attendance to a Basic Law Enforcement Training Course and for certification upon successfully completing this training. I am aware of POST reimbursement guidelines and understand that the candidate must be a paid, full-time employee during training to receive reimbursement. (NOTE: Once this application is approved a POSTFORM #2 authorizing the academy/school attendance will be issued. No person shall perform the duties of a peace officer until successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Training Course.) “(a) No person required to comply with the certification provisions of this chapter shall be employed or appointed by any law enforcement unit without certification from the Council that the applicant has met the pre-employment requirements established in this chapter.” __________________________________________ Agency Head Signature _______________________ Date Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ BIRTH & CITIZENSHIP VERIFICATION – PAGE 5 Does candidate’s name match the name on their birth certificate? Yes No If No, please list all of the names that candidate has had since birth and explain discrepancy (adoption, marriage, name change, etc). (Documentation for a name change for anything other than marriage MUST be attached.) Check here if name change documentation is attached Names: (List chronologically with most recent first): Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Explanation(s) for name changes: Was Candidate born in the United States? Yes No Country of birth if other than U.S.: City: State: Was the candidate a U.S. military dependent at the time of birth? Is the candidate a naturalized citizen? Yes Yes No No NOTE: If naturalized, a certified copy of the naturalization papers OR a copy of their U.S. passport must be submitted. ATTACHMENTS Attached to this page is a copy of the candidate’s certified birth certificate: If NO, attached is a copy of the candidate’s valid Georgia Driver’s License and: (must have at least one of the following documents – check the ones that are attached) YES NO Baptismal Record (w/full name & date of birth) Draft Card (w/full name & date of birth) Court Records (w/full name & date of birth) Passport (w/full name & date of birth) Citizenship Papers (w/full name & date of birth) Armed Forces Discharge Paper (DD214) (w/full name & date of birth) Certified Copy of School Records (w/full name & date of birth) IMPORTANT NOTE:If any of the above documents are used for this verification, the documents must show the full name and date of birth of the candidate. In order to establish the place of birth, the candidate must submit a signed & notarized statement (Appendix 9) indicating that the candidate is a United States citizen if documents other than a birth certificate are furnished . Included in this statement must be the place, date and country of birth. If the candidate is a naturalized citizen, a certified copy of the naturalization papers or a copy of their U.S. passport and a completed Appendix 9 must be submitted. Appendix 9 attached (Appendix 9 is the required signed & notarized statement listed above) Certified copy of naturalization papers or U.S. passport is attached Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ EDUCATION – PAGE 6 Please attach High School Diploma or GED or Home School Affidavit to this page. Candidate graduated high school from:(select one) (Important Note: School must have a state, regional, or national accreditation that POST accepts – see for acceptable accrediting agencies.) High School Name: Location of High School (City/State): Year Graduated (yyyy) H.S. Phone # ( )- - COLLEGE Candidate received their highest college degree from: Year Graduated w/highest degree (yyyy) The degree was a/an: Note: If candidate wishes to have their college degree recorded in their profile, a copy of their diploma or a certified copy of their college/university transcript can be attached in addition to their high school diploma. Check here if candidate has ALSO attached a college diploma/transcript for their profile. List colleges/universities attended or obtained a degree from (list colleges/universities): (Use and attach appendix 4 for additional degrees obtained and/or colleges attended) College/Univ: Attended from (mo/yr to mo/yr): to Did not obtain degree Obtained: Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate degree. College/Univ: Attended from (mo/yr to mo/yr): to Did not obtain degree Obtained: Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate degree. College/Univ: Attended from (mo/yr to mo/yr): to Did not obtain degree Obtained: Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate degree. * IMPORTANT NOTE: If the candidate obtained their diploma from a correspondence school or received a diploma via the internet, the hiring agency will need to check & attach accreditation of the school. Schools issuing diplomas must be accredited by one of the POST accepted accrediting agencies (see for acceptable accrediting agencies). Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ MILITARY – PAGE 7 PLEASE ATTACH YOUR MILITARY DISCHARGE OR DD214 HERE. (DD214 (Member 4 form version) must indicate type of discharge.) Did this candidate serve in the military? Yes No (If “NO”, go to the next page. If Yes, complete this page.) Candidate served in the (check as apply): Navy National Guard Air Force Army Coast Guard Marines Reserves – Give Branch Other Department of Defense service – list IMPORTANT NOTE: If the candidate recently served or is currently serving in the reserves, it is acceptable to attach a letter from their current military reserve commander regarding their service record. Candidate’s dates of enlistment: FROM (MONTH/YEAR) TO (MONTH/YEAR) FROM (MONTH/YEAR) TO (MONTH/YEAR) FROM (MONTH/YEAR) TO (MONTH/YEAR) Was candidate’s CHARACTER OF SERVICE/DISCHARGE honorable? Yes No (If Yes, go to the next page. If No, candidate’s character of service was listed as (choose applicable one from pull down menu below): Honorable A brief explanation regarding candidate’s character of service/discharge must also be attached to this page (providing details for the reason for this character). Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ ENTRANCE EXAM & LE EMPLOYMENT HISTORY – PAGE 8 ENTRANCE EXAM (POST FORM EE) is attached to this page. LAW ENFORCEMENT CERTIFICATION HISTORY 1. Has the candidate ever been certified or previously submitted an application to GA Post Council? Yes No 2. Has the candidate ever been certified as an officer in another state? (If YES, list state & certification #’s. Use appendix 6 for additional listings if necessary.) STATE (Ex. GA): CERTIFICATION# STATE (Ex. GA): CERTIFICATION# Yes No If the candidate answers “YES” to #2 above, POST requires written proof from the other state’s POST Council or equivalent that the officer’s certification in that state is in “good standing.” See Reference Manual for more details on “Good Standing”. (Check box below to verify that proof of good standing is attached.) 3. Has the candidate ever been denied an application for certification for a law enforcement professional position (i.e. police, jail, communications, probation, parole, etc) in GA or another state? Yes No N/A If YES, a written signed explanation must be provided. Check box below if attached.) 4. Has the candidate’s certification ever been disciplined or sanctioned in another state? YES NO N/A (If YES, provide a written signed explanation & check box below if attached.) Attachments to this page: Proof of Officer’s “good standing’/certification status (needed for states other than Georgia ONLY) A written & signed explanation of the officer’s denial. A written & signed explanation of the officer’s discipline or sanction. LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Please list law enforcement agencies that you have worked for in chronological order (with most recent first). See appendix 6 for additional pages for employment history if necessary. Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ Certified Driver History – PAGE 9 Attached is a certified copy of candidate’s GA driver’s history or printed from GCIC Attached is a certified copy of candidate’s driver’s history from another state IMPORTANT NOTE: Certified copy of an individual’s driver’s history must be the approved/accepted version by the state’s department that governs driver’s licenses and driver histories. Candidate has possessed driver’s licenses in what states in the past 10 years: (Check what applies) Georgia Driver’s License ONLY during past 10 years Military Driver’s License ONLY during past 10 years Military Driver’s License (From (yr) To (yr) ) States other than Georgia (list years and states below) YEARS: From (yr) To (yr) State: From (yr) To (yr) State: From (yr) To (yr) State: From (yr) To (yr) State: From (yr) To (yr) State: From (yr) To (yr) State: Has candidate ever been given a traffic citation? Yes (If Yes, complete this section.) No (If No, go to next page.) Has candidate received more than three citations during the past five years? Has candidate ever had their license suspended? Year: DUI/DWI Points Yes No Yes (If yes, check which reason and give year) Insurance related Other No If other, give brief reason below: Reason: List any traffic citation received during the past five years. Use Appendix 2 if necessary. DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION Candidate’s Last Name Information verified by Candidate: _______________________________________________________ Candidate’s Signature Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ CRIMINAL HISTORY – PAGE 10 Please read the following information carefully before completing the next pages. Pursuant to Title 35, Chapter 8 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated and the Rules of the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training council, each applicant is required to disclose EACH AND EVERY arrest and/or citation which the applicant has received, along with the disposition of EACH AND EVERY arrest and/or citation. Dispositions include, but are not limited to, dismissal, placement on a dead docket, nolle prosequi, finding or verdict of guilty or not guilty, plea of guilty, plea of nolo contendere, treatment under the First Offender Act, expungement, sealed, pardoned, or bond forfeiture. NOTE: Failure to provide all requested information (including any intentional or unintentional omissions) may result in the rejection/denial of the application. Has the candidate lived only in the state of Georgia: Has the candidate ever been arrested? Yes No Yes If Yes, complete this section. Has the candidate ever been convicted of a felony? Yes No If No, go to the Next Section. No Has candidate ever been charged with a crime of domestic/ family violence? Yes No (If YES, a copy of the police incident report and the court disposition regarding the arrest must be attached.) Is the candidate currently or ever been subject to a qualifying protection order (temporary or federal) prohibiting the possession of a firearm or ammunition? Yes No (If Yes, submit copy of the order.) List all felonies first. List all other charges in chronological order (with most recent first). Use Appendix 1 if necessary. DATE OF ARREST m/d/yyyy ARRESTING AGENCY CONVICTED: Yes No CHARGE (pick from list, if not on list provide below) Check all that apply: Fine If not on list, give charge: Amount: DISPOSITION: Time(mos/yrs): Probation Incarceration Time(mos/yrs): If OTHER, give disposition below: DATE OF ARREST m/d/yyyy Community Service ARRESTING AGENCY CONVICTED: Yes No CHARGE (pick from list, if not on list provide below) Check all that apply: Fine If not on list, give charge: Amount: DISPOSITION: Time(mos/yrs): Probation Incarceration Time(mos/yrs): If OTHER, give disposition below: Attachments: Police Incident Report Community Service Court Disposition Signed/Notarized Statement re: incident Candidate’s Last Name Information verified by Candidate: _______________________________________________________ Candidate’s Signature Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ GCIC/NCIC PRINTOUT/FINGERPRINT RESULTS - PAGE 11 State law requires a fingerprint check to be conducted by both GCIC and NCIC for candidates for certification. Agencies have three (3) options for meeting this requirement. Check option your agency has chosen below: OPTION 1: (Recommended) Attached Electronic Fingerprint Results for GCIC/NCIC (Both GCIC & NCIC results required.) See Georgia Applicant Processing Service at web site ( for fingerprinting service or go to a local law enforcement agency that has an electronic fingerprinting system such as LIVESCAN.) See Appendix 13 for more details. IMPORTANT NOTE: If the agency attaches both GCIC and NCIC electronic fingerprint results, then a printout from the GCIC and NCIC criminal history is not required.. OPTION 2: Attached original & complete printout of GCIC/NCIC criminal history & agency has submitted fingerprint cards to GCIC for processing For Department of Corrections: Two (2) fingerprint cards sent to GDC Personnel in Atlanta. OPTION 3: Attached GCIC “processed” card result & NCIC “processed” card result - GCIC processed fingerprint cards have the results from GCIC noted on the card. - FBI/NCIC result will be the Civil Applicant Response and Rap Sheet if applicable. IMPORTANT NOTE: It is strongly recommended that an agency use an electronic fingerprint submission for processing prints (either Georgia Applicant Processing Service at web site ( or a local law enforcement agency’s electronic fingerprinting system). Agencies that do not have access to such systems are encouraged to check with larger agencies in their area to see if one is available. By attaching these electronic fingerprint submission results, agencies are able to improve the efficiency of the certification process. Please do not send “unprocessed” fingerprint cards with this application. Doing so significantly slows down the process of certification. Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ CANDIDATE ATTESTATION – PAGE 12 I have personally reviewed this application regarding ALL INFORMATION provided by me including my criminal and driver history. I attest and affirm that the information provided in this application including my criminal and traffic history is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I further understand that any act of omission may be grounds for denial of this application for certification as a peace officer (O.C.G.A. §35-8-7.1) and could result in criminal prosecution (O.C.G.A. §16-10-20). Each page is signed by me confirming verification of the data on that individual page. I understand that any page not signed and verified by me could result in a delay of processing of this application. Last Name Social Sec# First Name Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Middle Name Suffix: // ________________________________________________ ________________ Applicant Signature (Sign Full Name) Date AGENCY ATTESTATION As the agency head (or designee for the agency head), I have reviewed this application regarding ALL INFORMATION provided by the candidate including the criminal and driver history. I attest and affirm that the information provided in this application including the criminal and traffic history are within the hiring standards of our department and adhere to the requirements set forth by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards Training Council. Print Name of Agency Head (or designee) ________________________________________________ ________________ Agency Head (or designee) Signature Date _______________________________________________ ________________ Notary Public Date Notary Seal Here Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ Physician’s Affidavit – PAGE 1 of 3 PHYSICIAN’S INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete this form and answer all questions related to your medical examination of this candidate. Do the following steps: 1. Review the candidate’s job duties/responsibilities for which he/she is being employed to make sure that you are familiar with the relevant job demands and working conditions of the specific position for which the candidate is being considered. Additional information such as job descriptions; critical knowledge, skills, or tasks lists; or other items may be provided. A list of job duties and responsibilities should be provided to you by the hiring agency along with this form. 2. Complete the patient information at the bottom of this page and then conduct your physical exam. 3. Review the patient’s Medical and Physical History. A Report Form may be provided to you by the candidate or you may use the form commonly used in your medical practice. 4. Answer all questions by checking the appropriate block on each page and providing any comments necessary for the hiring agency’s assessment. 5. SIGN & DATE on the appropriate page of this form and provide your address & phone #. (Please note that this exam must be conducted by a licensed physician or osteopath, and the form signed by a licensed physician or osteopath only. (Forms signed by other personnel such as nurses, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistant, or other staff will be rejected.) 6. Give all forms to the candidate for return to the hiring agency. This candidate, if certified, will have the prerequisites necessary to gain employment at any law enforcement agency in the State of Georgia, including but not limited to the current place of employment. Peace officers are charged with the responsibility of enforcing criminal laws and are subject to deal with violent individuals and situations. Officers are often required to defend themselves and others from physical attacks, subdue resisting individuals, and make decisions under stress concerning the use of deadly force. These types of positions generally require a high level of physical capability. O.C.G.A. §35-8-8 and POST Rule 464-3-.02 require that candidates be found, after examination by a licensed physician or surgeon, to be free from any physical, emotional, or mental conditions which might adversely affect his/her exercising the powers or duties of a peace officer. Please note that your answers are intended to provide the hiring agency with the most useful information possible to base an employment decision, confirm to the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council that this candidate meets the requirements set forth in POST Rule 464-3-.02, and in your medical opinion, this candidate is capable of safely completing the required training and safely performing the necessary job duties. Name of Agency Contact (Agency Person Processing Application) Contact Phone# (Area Code) - Number ( )- - EXT EMAIL ADDRESS OF AGENCY CONTACT @ SECTION 1: TO BE COMPLETED BY LICENSED EXAMINING PHYSICIAN Social Sec# Last Name DATE OF BIRTH Suffi x: (mm/dd/yyyy) Maiden Name // Job Applied for by the candidate is: First Name HEIGHT ft in Middle Name WEIGHT lbs (without shoes & coat) SEX: Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ Physician’s Affidavit - PAGE 2 of 3 1.) In your opinion, does the candidate have, or is the candidate likely to develop, any physical symptoms or limitations that could impair performance in this position? No Proceed to question 2 Describe additional tests or information required prior to making final determination. Indeterminate Yes Describe the impact of these limitations including the following criteria: Job functions affected Nature & degree of severity Duration of impairment (if intermittent or temporary) Likelihood(s) associated with this impact 2.) In your opinion, could the candidate’s performance in this position result in a risk to the health and safety of the candidate or others? No Proceed to question 3 Describe additional tests or information required prior to making final determination. Indeterminate Yes Describe the impact of these limitations including the following criteria: Specific job duties/functions and/or working conditions that precipitate the risk: Nature & severity of potential harm: Impact of harm on self and/or others: Likelihood(s) associated with this risk: Imminence and duration of the threat; Please describe any means, devices or work restrictions that could reduce or eliminate any identified risks to a level not significantly greater than that posed by the average candidate. Include the manner in which the accommodation needs to be implemented, maintained, and monitored; any side effects or risks associated with the accommodation; and a revised estimate of the candidate’s viability in this position if it is implemented. Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ Physician’s Affidavit - Page 3 of 3 3.) In summary, what is your overall evaluation of the candidate’s ability to safely perform the duties of this position? (choose one below) This candidate has no physical, emotional, or mental conditions that might adversely affect his/her ability to perform the duties of a peace officer or take part in training programs relative to law enforcement. Comments: This candidate has no physical conditions that might adversely affect his/her ability, but there are some concerns that should be addressed regarding one or more emotional or mental conditions that could adversely affect their ability. (Please state recommendations on how to address here.) Comments: This candidate has no emotional or mental conditions that could adversely affect their ability, but there are some concerns that should addressed regarding one or more physical conditions that could adversely affect their ability. (Please state recommendations on how to address here.) Comments: This candidate has one or more physical , emotional, or mental conditions that could adversely affect their ability that need to be addressed. (Please state recommendations on how to address here.) Comments: SIGNATURE OF LICENSED EXAMINING PHYSICIAN (required) EXAMINING PHYSICIAN’S NAME (printed) DATE (m/d/yyyy) ____________________________________________________ Last First ADDRESS OF LICENSED EXAMINING PHYSICIAN’S PRACTICE ________________________________________________________________________ Street Phone: Area Code+Number ( ) ________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip SECTION 2: HIRING AUTHORITY’S ASSESSMENT (TO BE COMPLETED BY HIRING AUTHORITY) Based on the information provided by the physician and the candidate, it is my belief that the candidate meets the state standards for this position and can safely perform the essential job demands of the position for which they are being hired. If a reasonable accommodation is necessary for this individual and the state standards are still met, I have attached a letter explaining the necessary accommodations. SIGNATURE OF AGENCY HEAD OR DESIGNEE (required) Accommodation Noted:. Check here if a letter from agency head giving details of accommodation is attached (required). This letter indicates that the candidate needs a reasonable accommodation which can be implemented without undue hardship to the agency & still meets state standards. DATE Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ APPENDIX 1 – ADDITIONAL CRIMINAL HISTORY List all felonies first. List all other charges in chronological order (with most recent first). DATE OF ARREST m/d/yyyy ARRESTING AGENCY CONVICTED: Yes No CHARGE (pick from list, if not on list provide below) Check all that apply: Fine If not on list, give charge: Amount: DISPOSITION: Time(mos/yrs): Probation Incarceration Time(mos/yrs): If OTHER, give disposition below: DATE OF ARREST m/d/yyyy Community Service ARRESTING AGENCY CONVICTED: Yes CHARGE (pick from list, if not on list provide below) No Check all that apply: Fine Amount: If not on list, give charge: Probation Time(mos/yrs): Incarceration DISPOSITION: Time(mos/yrs): Community Service If OTHER, give disposition below: DATE OF ARREST m/d/yyyy ARRESTING AGENCY CONVICTED: Yes CHARGE (pick from list, if not on list provide below) No Check all that apply: Fine Amount: If not on list, give charge: Probation Time(mos/yrs): Incarceration DISPOSITION: Time(mos/yrs): Community Service If OTHER, give disposition below: Attachments: Police Incident Report Court Disposition Signed/Notarized Statement re: incident Candidate’s Last Name Information verified by Candidate:_______________________________________________________ Candidate’s Signature Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ APPENDIX 2 – ADDITIONAL DRIVER HISTORY List any traffic citation received during the past five years. DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION DATE OF CITATION TRAFFIC VIOLATION ISSUING AGENCY DISPOSITION Candidate’s Last Name Information verified by Candidate:_______________________________________________________ Candidate’s Signature Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ APPENDIX 3 – ADDITIONAL NAMES Names: (List chronologically with most recent first): Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Name: Used from (YR) to (YR) Explanation(s) for name changes: Candidate’s Last Name Information verified by Candidate: ______________________________________________________ Candidate’s Signature Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ APPENDIX 4 – ADDITIONAL EDUCATION List colleges/universities attended or obtained a degree from (list colleges/universities): (Use and attach appendix 4 for additional degrees obtained and/or colleges attended) College/Univ: Attended from (mo/yr to mo/yr): to Did not obtain degree Obtained: Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate degree. College/Univ: Attended from (mo/yr to mo/yr): to Did not obtain degree Obtained: Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate degree. College/Univ: Attended from (mo/yr to mo/yr): to Did not obtain degree Obtained: Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate degree. College/Univ: Attended from (mo/yr to mo/yr): to Did not obtain degree Obtained: Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate degree. College/Univ: Attended from (mo/yr to mo/yr): to Did not obtain degree Obtained: Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate degree. College/Univ: Attended from (mo/yr to mo/yr): to Did not obtain degree Obtained: Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate degree. College/Univ: Attended from (mo/yr to mo/yr): to Did not obtain degree Obtained: Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate degree. Candidate’s Last Name Information verified by Candidate: ______________________________________________________ Candidate’s Signature Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ APPENDIX 5 – ADDITIONAL MILITARY Candidate served in the (check as apply): Navy National Guard Air Force Army Coast Guard Marines Reserves – Give Branch Other Department of Defense service – list IMPORTANT NOTE: If the candidate recently served or is currently serving in the reserves, it is acceptable to attach a letter from their current military reserve commander regarding their service record. Candidate’s dates of enlistment: FROM (MONTH/YEAR) TO (MONTH/YEAR) FROM (MONTH/YEAR) TO (MONTH/YEAR) FROM (MONTH/YEAR) TO (MONTH/YEAR) Was candidate’s CHARACTER OF SERVICE/DISCHARGE honorable? Yes No (If Yes, go to the next page. If No, candidate’s character of service was listed as (choose applicable one from pull down menu below): Honorable A brief explanation regarding candidate’s character of service/discharge must also be attached to this page (providing details for the reason for this character). Candidate served in the (check as apply): Navy National Guard Air Force Army Coast Guard Marines Reserves – Give Branch Other Department of Defense service – list IMPORTANT NOTE: If the candidate recently served or is currently serving in the reserves, it is acceptable to attach a letter from their current military reserve commander regarding their service record. Candidate’s dates of enlistment: FROM (MONTH/YEAR) TO (MONTH/YEAR) FROM (MONTH/YEAR) TO (MONTH/YEAR) FROM (MONTH/YEAR) TO (MONTH/YEAR) Was candidate’s CHARACTER OF SERVICE/DISCHARGE honorable? Yes No (If Yes, go to the next page. If No, candidate’s character of service was listed as (choose applicable one from pull down menu below): Honorable A brief explanation regarding candidate’s character of service/discharge must also be attached to this page (providing details for the reason for this character). Candidate’s Last Name Information verified by Candidate:_______________________________________________________ Candidate’s Signature Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ APPENDIX 6 – ADDITIONAL L.E. HISTORY Additional certifications: STATE (Ex. GA): CERTIFICATION# STATE (Ex. GA): CERTIFICATION# STATE (Ex. GA): CERTIFICATION# STATE (Ex. GA): CERTIFICATION# STATE (Ex. GA): CERTIFICATION# STATE (Ex. GA): CERTIFICATION# STATE (Ex. GA): CERTIFICATION# Please list law enforcement agencies that you have worked for in chronological order (with most recent first). See appendix 6 for additional pages for employment history if necessary. Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Agency Name: State: Employed from (mo/yr) to: Position held: Reason for leaving: Candidate’s Last Name Information verified by Candidate: ______________________________________________________ Candidate’s Signature Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ APPENDIX 9 – CITIZENSHIP VERIFICATION STATEMENT I, (FULL NAME OF CANDIDATE – First Middle Last) , (Name of City, State, Terrority/Country of Birth) do hereby state that I was born in , , . on (date of birth) My parents names are (father) and (mother) . I became a U.S. Citizen by (check one): Birth within the territory of the United States. My parents are United States citizens. Naturalization - I became a United States naturalized citizen on (date) (Please note that a copy of their U.S. naturalization certificate or their U.S. passport must be included with this application.) ____________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________ _________________ Candidate Signature (including maiden name) Notary Public Signature Notary Seal Here Date Date Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ APPENDIX 10 AFFIDAVIT OF SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF HOME STUDY PROGRAM FROM PARENT/GUARDIAN Last Name Social Sec# First Name Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Middle Name Suffix: Section I ATTESTATION OF APPLICANT I, (FULL NAME OF CANDIDATE – First Middle Last) hereby swear or affirm, under criminal penalty of a felony subject to punishment by fine of not more than $ 1000.00 or by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years, that I received the attached home study diploma pursuant to my successful completion of a home study program as recognized by applicable Georgia Law. _________________________________ Signature of Applicant _____________________________________________________________________ Signature of Notary Public Date Notary Seal Section II ATTESTATION OF PARENT / GUARDIAN I, (FULL NAME OF Parent/Guardian– First Middle Last) ,hereby swear or affirm, under criminal penalty of a felony subject to punishment by fine of not more than $ 1000.00 or by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years, that , my child / ward, received the attached home study diploma pursuant to his/her successful completion of a home study program as recognized by applicable Georgia Law. I further swear or affirm that the home study program completed by my child / ward was administered by a person or persons duly qualified to administer such a program under applicable Georgia Law. _________________________________ Signature of Applicant _____________________________________________________________________ Signature of Notary Public Date POST-FORM - ED1 Date Notary Seal Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council Corrections/Probation Officer Application for Certification Pg __ Of __ Initial ____ APPENDIX 11 AFFIDAVIT OF SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF HOME STUDY PROGRAM FROM PARENT/GUARDIAN (Parent/Guardian Deceased) Last Name Social Sec# First Name Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Middle Name Suffix: Section I ATTESTATION OF APPLICANT I, (FULL NAME OF CANDIDATE – First Middle Last) hereby swear or affirm, under criminal penalty of a felony subject to punishment by fine of not more than $ 1000.00 or by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years, that I received the attached home study diploma pursuant to my successful completion of a home study program as recognized by applicable Georgia Law. _________________________________ Signature of Applicant _____________________________________________________________________ Signature of Notary Public Date Notary Seal Section II ATTESTATION OF PARENT / GUARDIAN DEATH I, (FULL NAME OF CANDIDATE – First Middle Last), hereby swear or affirm, under criminal penalty of a felony subject to punishment by fine of not more than $ 1000.00 or by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years, that my parent (s) / guardian having custody of me during my home study program died on (mm/dd/year). _________________________________ Signature of Applicant _____________________________________________________________________ Signature of Notary Public Date Notary Seal