Raider Gazette May 2014 - Central Public Schools


Raider Gazette May 2014 - Central Public Schools
Raider Gazette
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 District Office-
The Principal’s Report
 Elementary Office-
Meta-analysis: Not just a fancy word
 Fax952-467-7303
 Attendance Line952-467-7304
 Mr. Daugs, Principal952-467-7301
 Transportation952-467-7009
 Community Education952-467-7390
Stop the Summer Slump
Don’t Miss Math Night on
Thursday, May 8th
A Note From Title 1
Attention Band Parents:
New Style Raider Hat Just
Please Mark Your
We Are Proud Of
In education, we are responsible
to constantly evaluate the work
we are doing and to identify ways
we can improve our practices.
Research is one way that we can
identify the effectiveness of our
current practices and practices
that we can implement in the
future. One of the biggest obstacles that we run into when looking at research is that you can
find it to support almost any
agenda that you are trying to
advocate for. In order to minimalize this problem, we rely
heavily on meta-analysis. This
tool is beneficial because the
researchers involved don’t actually do the research themselves,
but they evaluate the reliability of
all the research on a specific
topic and then combine it into a
compiled result.
As a staff we have been looking
in detail at the work of a metaanalysis researcher by the name
of John Hattie. Recently, he has
identified the impact of 138 dif-
ferent educational practices.
Through his research he has been
able to quantify the negative
impact factors such as student
television time and mobility
(moving from school to school
repeatedly) can have on student
learning. Additionally, he has
provided schools with data related to factors such as problem
solving teaching and high quality
feedback and how they can accelerate student learning. As a
school we have looked at these
identified factors to determine
what we can do to provide your
student with the best education
These identified factors have led
us to some programming changes
going into next year. One of the
changes that we are extremely
excited for is the implementation
of a thirty minute problem solving time daily for every student.
This time will allow our students
to work together to navigate
through math, science, social and
literacy based problems to devise
possible solutions.
To view more information on Jon
Hattie’s research go to:
-The week of May 5th - May 9th is
teacher appreciation week. Take a
moment to let the teachers know
how valuable they are to us.
-We are extremely excited to invite
parents to attend our final PAC
meeting of the year. This meeting
will be held on Tuesday, May 6th
at 6:00 in room 103 at the Elementary.
-We are extremely excited to have
our families join us for VIP luncheon. Our cafeteria staff has
worked very hard to provide a
quality, nutritious meal. We hope
you enjoy.
PBIS Theme of the Month: Review
During the 2013-2014 school
year the students at Central
Elementary learned about
showing Raider Pride through
displaying various character
traits. Students focused on
learning about respect,
kindness/caring, responsi-
bility, empathy/compassion,
perseverance, cooperation/
teamwork, honesty and fairness/sharing. During the
month of May we will be reviewing these character traits
with the stu-
dents, as well as talking about
what we can do to continue to
show our Raider Pride. We
would like to thank the staff and
students at Central for another
successful year of showing our
Raider Pride!
Stop the Summer Slump– Keep Learning with these Summer Literacy Activities
"Keep your kids reading
every single day, similar
to keeping in shape to
play sports.”
Children acquire many skills
throughout the school year,
but they can lose ground if
learning stops during the
summer break. Keep your
kids reading every single
day, similar to keeping in
shape to play sports. This
will allow them to be ready
for the new school year.
These fun activities will also
help kids discover the joy of
reading and the more they
like to read, the more they
will read.
1. Find a fun book series
and read as many of the
books in the series as you
2. Start a summer scrapbook. Include souvenirs,
photos, and journaling.
3. Invent a code (A=1, B=2,
for example) and send a
message to a friend.
4. Invent a new ice cream
flavor. Write the recipe on
a recipe card.
5. Play a word game! How
many smaller words can
you find in the word watermelon?
6. Plan a pretend trip. Do
research on places to visit
and plan an itinerary.
7. Plan a backyard campout. Read stories with a
8. Collect leaves and use a
nature guide to identify
9. Write a poem about fireworks.
10. Make your own joke
book. Collect jokes from
your family and friends.
11. Invent a tool to help
you do chores more easily.
Draw a picture of it and
make it from some old
Don’t forget to look for the
Carver County Library’s
summer reading highlights! Bookawocky- A Celebration of Summer Reading
Go to to
register for the online summer reading program and
see the complete schedule
of exciting events which are
perfect for children of all
· Create crafts, play games,
and have fun
· Go on a StoryWalk at a
local park
· Be entertained by reading
· Read books aloud to therapy dogs
Don’t Miss Math Night on Thursday, May 8th
You are invited to Central Elementary’s
Math Night on Thursday, May 8th from
6:00-7:00 p.m. The theme this year is
Summer Math Fun. We hope you can
join us for fun math activities with your
family. You will learn fun ways to practice math skills. Many students lose
some of the skills gained during the
school year when they don’t use their
skills during the long summer break.
Come to find ways to help them practice
their math while having fun. Also, watch
for a list of math activities that your child
can complete during the summer. This
will be coming home soon.
The 5th Grade Math Masters team
placed 8th out of 34 teams during last
week's competition in Belle
Plaine. Our fantastic mathematicians
are Charlie Steinhagen, Michael Bortz,
Drew Hedtke, Dominic Schutte, Ellie
Coffel, and Jonah Coffel. Michael
Bortz also placed 17th overall in the
individual rounds out of 170 students! Way to go 5th Graders!
A Note From Title I
Reading and writing go hand in
hand. So in addition to reading at
home, why not incorporate some
writing? Some simple things to
have your child write at home
are: messages to other family
members, grocery lists, letters to
friends and relatives, recipes, and
journals. Just a little writing each
day goes a long way.
Please remember the importance
of reading to and with your children all summer long. Weekly
visits to your public library will be
a great family activity that will
provide your entire family with a
wonderful variety of materials to read
throughout the summer. Take advantage of their summer reading program and other special programs that
are offered throughout the summer.
Check out their calendar of events
online at What
child wouldn’t enjoy “Tails for Reading” on Saturdays? Please check it
Thank you for understanding the importance of making time for reading
and writing. The IXL program will also
keep your child tuned into math! It is
so important to keep this going over
the summer. Thank you for sharing
your children with us in the Title I
program. If you have any questions
or concerns, please give us a call.
Mrs. Donadio (Title I math) 952-467
-7365, Mrs. Lucas (Title I reading)
952-467-7309, Mrs. Lueck (Title I
reading) 952-467-7299. Make it a
smart summer break!
“Reading and
writing go hand in
hand. So in
addition to reading
at home, why not
incorporate some
Attention Band Parents:
This has been an exciting year, and the excitement continues. Our Spring Concert will be held on Wednesday May 14,
2014 at 6:30 PM for the 5th and 6th grade bands and 7:30 for the 7th/8th grade band and high school concert band. Students will need to wear their band uniform shirt, dress pants and dress shoes. No Jeans or tennis shoes. Star notes
will be available for purchase, sponsored by the music boosters, the cost is $1. The Music Boosters continue to need
people to fill vacant spots on committees. The next meeting is Sunday, May 5, at 6:30 PM in the band room. Continue to encourage kids to practice. Weekly lessons are ongoing, and make-up lesson times are always available.
A thought about music: Music is a language without barriers, and it creates a community that's a model for humanity. Music promotes wonder beyond the research. Teachers know from the expressions on their students' faces that
music's benefits go far beyond what can be assessed. Put simply, students enjoy, gain nourishment from, and build
their confidence and brain power through participation in the arts.
New Style Raider Hat Just In!
Perfect for your spring/summer Raiders events!
Order Today!
This black hat features a “trucker” breathable white mesh in the back, adjustable strap to fit various sizes (one size fits all), stylish white stitching on black area and a curved bill to give it an authentic
look. The word RAIDERS will be in maroon on top with a white border around the letters. Nice for boys/men
and girls/women (pony tail fits nicely in back)!
Name: ____________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________
Grade: _________
Quantity: ________
This order form and payment can be turned into any school office by April 11th. Checks payable to:
Central Booster Club. The Central Booster Club thanks you! Questions, call Kris at 952-217-3296 or
Sheila at 612-718-8985.
May 6: PAC Meeting (6:00)
Central Elementary
Independent School District 108
May 8: Family Math Night (6:00)
655 7th Street Southwest
May 16: VIP Lunch - 1st, 2nd, and 5th Grade
Norwood Young America, MN 55368
May 26: No School
Phone: 952-467-7300
May 28: Community Service Day
May 9: VIP Lunch - Kindergarten, 3rd, and 4th Grade
June 5: Last Day of School
*Pennies for Patients: Movie/Root Beer Floats
When: Tuesday, June 3rd
Time:  K-2 will watch the movie in the morning at the HS auditorium
 3-5 will watch the movie in the afternoon at the HS auditorium
 Root beer floats will be served during lunch that day (ALL students will receive one, regardless if they
purchase school lunch or not).
*Permission slips will be sent home as the date gets closer.
We Are Proud Of:
Every month we highlight a character development skill that will
be taught explicitly to our students. During the month of
April, we focused on fairness and
sharing. As a staff, we were extremely impressed by the response of our students, but some
of our students went well above
and beyond. These students will
be honored at our May school
board meeting, will get to have a
breakfast with the principal, and
have had their pictures displayed
in the commons area here at
Central Elementary School.
Congratulations to:
Joseph Docken
Grant Erickson
Kieran Allison
Caleb Bohlman
Hailee Rosentreter
Mitchell Druley
Maddie Gamber
Lilly Hendricks
Maddy Read
Mariana Cruz
Amelia Amrhein
Brayden Kohls
Laya Hallquist
Erika Mork
Devin Fasching
Luke Orr
Ashton Tek
Jackson Bremer
Collin Sons
Joey Pieper
Tyler Morphew
Gavin Lueck
Carson Gutknecht
Blake Kimpling
Austin Dent
Dylan Kromarek
Logan Busse
Lucas Cosner
Jake Druley
Ethan Marttinen
Austin Boyd
Aaron Druley
Emily Noeldner
Kate Woizeschke
Jayden Mattson
Alex Quast
Emily Romero
Brayden Daugs
Bailey Barron-Crone
Manning Green
Kaya Klahsen
Bailey Vanderlinden
Allie Fritz
Emma Flannery
Cloe Bladow
Ryan Barr
Parker Honl
Kendra Kurtz
Brooke Schmidt