4 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 A S 1 1 Later airships including the R.26 class, were designed and built on Walney by Pratt & Wallis. Wallis went on to design the R80 built on Walney. E W T 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 R100 famously flew to Canada in July 1930 in 78 hours. Covering the 3300 mile journey at an average speed of 42 mph. Arguably the greatest (& last) British Airship of an age. http://www.sirbarneswallis.com/Airships.htm 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 46 Built 18 Causew ay 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 Jetty 1 Sightseeing flights available Ship Inn Est 1746 Pond (See Detailed Map) Camp Site 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Brine Wells - c1902 Long Rein Point Decoy Control Box Carlisle Piel Castle c1237 HMS Dreadnought 1960 Britain’s first Nuclear Submarine w to HMA1 ‘MAYFLY’ Though unsuccessful HMA1 paved the way for later Airships inc. HMA 9 Designed by H.B Pratt and Barnes Wallis for Vickers from a new hangar constructed on Walney Island. 18 November 1911 The Charioteers moved to Malta to prepare for Operation Principle. In 1942 Freel & Rodney Dove RNVR & Chariot number XVI embarked in the submarine Trooper to attack shipping in Palermo, Sicily, where they sank the troopship Vimnale (8,500 tons). Having made their way ashore, they where eventually apprehended by Italian Police who handed them over to the military who transferred them to P.O.W. camps. He left the Royal Navy in 1950 after twelve years service. In 1950 he signed on the supply ship RRS Discovery II for its annual voyage to the British Antarctic Territories. He signed off in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in 1951 where he stayed until his untimely death in 1963 at the age of 46. e er While engaged in development work on HMA 1: ‘Mayfly’, in a specially m er 590 made floating hangar on Cavendish Dock a group of naval officers d in n A led by Commander Oliver Swann purchase & modify an Avro /W sto ct Ulver i Type D biplane with floats. r st o Di te t ke Rou The Maiden flight of this; the first seaplane to be flown La in the United Kingdom takes place from Cavendish Dock in Barrow 1911. It is also the first seaplane to be fitted with twin floats. RI Offshore Gas Terminal Later airships and balloons were built by Vickers on Walney Island py Hap ley Val St Micheal’s Church Offshore Ramsey Island P Gas Terminal RI RI Sea Purslane FURNESS DIVING CLUB have recorded amongst many other species: Edible crabs, lobsters, anemones, spider crabs, whelks & scorpion fish. Rampside Hall c1634 (Private Ownership) RI Scorpion Fish P Conckhole Saline Bath c1805 Leading Light No.4 Navigation Beacon c1875 Snab Point P Ca u Michael Island WC C A RNLI t Lo wT ide ) Pie l Fe r Grey (Atlantic) Seals X-Craft 1943 HMS Vanguard 1992 > te > u o R ion t a gr HMS Holland 1901 The Royal Navy’s first Submarine Medieval Field System Pho Hill Hide Bank Hide Viper’s Bugloss Henbane Alkanet Thrift Glasswort Sea Purslane P P WC Sea Gun Battery Hide WC Central Marsh Hide Observation Hide th C Ca u se wa y Arctic Tern Little Tern HMS Upholder 1939 Ringed Plover Oystercatcher Eider Skylark Meadow Pipit Curlew Dunlin Knot Great Crested Grebe Red-Breasted Merganser Cormorant Common Scoter Slitch Ridge Foulney Island eserves ust R r T ife ldl i W ia br um Piel Castle HMS Albion 2001 (Flagship: Royal Navy) Sea campion Yellow horned poppy Biting Stonecrop Pyramidal Orchid Portland Spurge Restharrow Wild Pansy 19 Piel Harbour Bass Pool Salt Marsh Mussel Bed Little Foulney Island Leading Light ry HMS Asute 2007 In September 1943 six X-Craft midget submarines famously made an attack on the Tirpitz: in ‘Operation Source’ which was dramatised in the 1969 movie ‘Above Us the Waves’ Starring John Mills. Access to Foulney is CUT OFF AT HIGH TIDE Consult Local Tide Tables B (No Public Access) Prehistoric Occupation Sea purslane Sea lavender Glasswort Sea kale Sea campion Yellow horned poppy wa y (See Detailed Map) Sheep Island P C Piel Island Isolation Hospital 1892 (dis) P th se (See Detailed Map) Snab Point to Piel Island Walks should only be Undertaken with an Experienced Guide. 19 RI Lobster Roa Island Glasswort (Samphire) Because of her pivotal role at a decisive point in Japan's emergence on the world stage, Mikasa holds a position in Japanese history analogous to that of HMS Victory in British national consciousness & is preserved as a museum. P DANGEROUS FAST INCOMING TIDES D WALKS ON GUIDE LY (A Former Salt Pans HIJMS Mikasa 1900 MIKASA: Launched 1900, is the worlds only surviving pre-dreadnought battle ship: Admiral Togo’s flagship at the Battle of Tsushima (1905), in which the Japanese annihilated the Russian combined fleets. Undercutting then-accepted theories of eugenics & white racial supremacy once used to justify imperialism & racial oppression. Mikasa heralded Japan's ascendancy as a world power. Rampside RI WALNEY ISLAND Medieval artefacts & constructions can be traced to the occupation & influences of the Cistercian Monks who established a Grange Farm at Biggar. HMS Sheffield 1971 This turned out to be training in Scotland as a Charioteer, more commonly known as a ‘Human Torpedo’ . 1 Ba r ro Headin Haw Prehistoric Occupation During the chaos following Italian capitulation in 1943, he escaped & joined the local Partizan’s until 1943 when he rejoined the Allies & was returned to the U.K. In 1944 Freel was awarded of the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Barrow Off -Shore Wind Farm: 7km off Walney Thirty 90m high Wind Turbines 2006 Pill Box The most significant evidence of the Monks influence on the island are remnants of coastal defences particularly Biggar Dyke, which was mentioned pre 1537, & the visible ridge & furrow fields of South Walney. 312 Submarines inc. Britains first naval submarine HMS Holland, the famous X-Craft Midget submarines of WW2 & current Astute Class Nuclear Submarines. After serving on three battleships; Revenge, Royal Sovereign & Rodney, he volunteered in May 1942 for ‘Special Duties’. Lambert Simnel's army landed on Piel 5th June 1487. He then laid claim to the English throne. English Heritage Pill Box ML BIGGAR VILLAGE Byg is Norse for Barley - ‘gar’ means fields. It is mentioned in the Domesday Book as Hougenai, or "island of Hougun" from the Old Norse word haugr meaning mound or hill. Born on the 13th December 1919 Freel joined the Royal Navy as a ‘Boy Seaman’ in 1936. 1 3 Station Barrow’s most decorated seaman. 3 1 1 4 148 Naval Surface Ships inc. HMS Sheffield lost in the Falklands War & the current Flagship of the Royal Navy HMS Albion & former flagships Hermes & Invincible. 2 1 1 1 1 Power (now incorporated into Dock Wall) Port of Barrow Submerged Forest 373 Merchant Vessels inc. ‘Oriana’ Cruise Liner & ‘British Admiral’ Oil Tanker once the worlds largest ship. 1 Britain’s first rigid airship: HMA1 d 1 1 Dock (See Detailed Map) Power Boat ML Slow Worm Racing Events P ck o nD e d ms Ra Pill Boxes Biggar Barrow has built ships & submarines for many navies and cruise liner companies around the world inc. Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, India, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, the United Kingdom, United States of America and Venezuela. Pill Box ‘Mayfly’ was constructed in a floating hangar on Cavendish Dock 1909/11. oa 1 1 3 WI Redshank e ng eR 1 ck Fig Trees Curlew id 1 4 ML Do Sea Anemones The first Kite Balloons made in Great Britain were manufactured by VICKERS LIMITED at Barrow-in-Furness. c.1920/22 1 aston ML Leece ML P (former dynamite store) 3 1 HMS M2 1919 WC Salt works 1662 3 Walney Geranium HMA 1 Hangar (Footings Remain) To Gle WI Lane Dock Dividing Wall (Power Station Cooling System) ps 1 1 uch e ett orv 3C s ipe gP olin Co RI ML Pill Box Reed Beds Cavendish s s Cla Barrow Island Biggar Dyke (Medieval Flood Defence) Thor ny Nook Avro Type D Prototype Britains First Seaplane flight takes off from Cavendish Dock 1911 n ps Shi Pill Box Barrow Island Boat Club Pill Box ML ccl e Allot Gdns ML sde Ramck Do Du Gleaston Reed Beds m 4 1 Old Canon 1 Cavendish Dock 1879 ne Leece L a Roose Station y Wa Piel Ferry Pilot’s Cottages 3 ML Watermill 1774 Stank The Fat Controller was modelled on one of Barrow’s founding fathers, the Industrialist Sir James Ramsden. n rcia iste dC Parliamentarian Fleet 3 Hot water is circulated into it at one side of the dock dividing wall and & cool water taken from the other. Walney Island being ‘Sodor’ across a bridge (Jubilee Bridge) from Barrow landing in Vicarstown (Vickerstown). y an Wa 1643: Refuge of the 1 CAVENDISH DOCK The brackish water is artificially heated by the nearby Power Station’s cooling system causing some birds which normally migrate to overwinter. tal Roa Island Piel Harbour 5 Design: Stuart Bastik, Art Gene Associates Copyright C s Coa Barrow Docks 1 V P I E C R O W A S H I P N T L A N E E S U B M A R I N E 3 GUIDED WALKS ONLY (At Low Tide) 1 HMS Trafalgar 1981 The current PLC is the UK’s leading marine services company, still engaged in shipping & amongst other things the design, construction & operation of rescue submarines. 1 Piel Island 1 3 Point of Interest The Thomas the Tank Engine stories were based on Barrow’s once extensive railway system which serviced the Iron Works, Docks and carried Passengers. ML RI Workers Tenement Buildings WW2 Defences Prehistoric Site/Finds BOW BRIDGE 15th century stone bridge on ancient packhorse route. Grade 1 Listed Structure RI Old Railway Station Bu Sightseeing Flights Available Road bria 1 1 SH um il C Tra 1 JAMES FISHER & SONS Est. in Barrow; 1847 operated sailing ships from 1852. By 1870 they were the largest UK coasting fleet. In the 1880’s they began working steamers. 3 1 1 Sandscale Haws Loop The Fat Controller Beacon Hill BARROW PARK The 45 acre public park in Barrow-in-Furness is based on a design by Thomas Mawson. The park was recently restored in line with his original plans St John’s Church (Crab Island) WI d P Onyx Submarine 1966 Dova Haw RI field Jetty The Gulf Stream heats the waters off Walney Island. Swimmers will experience areas with unusually warm unmixed currents. yR Schneider Square ML Allot Gdns Roa Island Loop o r R oad ML First Barrow Ship: ‘Jane Roper’ r La ne le s oxe RNLI Life Boat Station built 2000 Visitor Centre & Gift Shop 2 ar an RI MS A stute Shipyard Buildings Popular Windsurfing Waters Cycling Permitted on this part of Route but not recommended (may be hard going) Former Iron Mine Town Hall Best View of Shipyard slipways 3 2 ML 1852 WI Newton ML The park has since won the Landscape Institute Heritage and Conservation Award 2007. B Pill Piel Island Ferry 1 WI P 1 Second Largest indoor Shipbuilding facility in Europe W WI English Heritage Walney Island Loop s B Roa Island House (Hotel Restaurant) Former home of one of Barrow’s founding fathers: Henry Schneider discoverer of Iron Ore in Furness 3 4 Dock Museum 4 The name Walney comes from the Old Norse ‘valna ey’, which means ‘Isle of the British’ 4 Furness Abbey 1123M th A Bosun’s Locker Cafe (former Lifeboat shed) B 1 ad Ro Ramsden Square Bir C Former Watch Tower (Customs and Excise) 1847 4 C A 1 ay enw C Slipway (early Lifeboats were Launched from here) 1 1 4 e Jubile ge Brid 0 19 8 WI oad WC 1 kR Roa Island Boating Club Race Calendar www.ribc.info Tummer Hill ( Site of former Cock Fighting P Pit) Gre Piel Pier 1846/1891: Steamers Sailed to Fleetwood. Timbers visible (low tide) 5 1 P P NELLA LAST ‘Housewife, 49’ Lived at No.9 Ilkley Rd. b Ab bee orchid ophrys apifera De Dev ons Docvkonshire hire Hall Doc H k 1 ey 1 S I M N E L P Allot Gdns Barrow Sailing Club 8th Largest Island in England around 12 Miles Long Population approx 13,000 Ban 4 1 From Norse meaning ‘Red’ Island 1 gar W A L K I , R 1 Streets named after Barrow built ships: Vengeance St, Niobe St, Powerful St, Mikasa St... 4 These include Nature Reserves Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI's), Wetlands of International Importance (RAMSAR's), Special Protection Areas or are sites designated as a ‘Special Area of Conservation’. Roa Island (Marine Garden City) Console WI Shelter Furness Golf Club 1 1 1 2 WC P Vickerstown ln Wa of Barrow-in-Furness. 1 Site of former Flax and Jute works Big Rare Nationally & Internationally Recognised Wildlife Rich Habitats cover half of the Borough 1 Searchlight Emplacement Ilk ey WI Abbey House Hotel ne La Abbotswood Barrow-in-Furness ter Wa ep 4 1 Control Tower Reservoir Jetty d ML FURNESS ABBEY Once the second most wealthy & powerful Cistercian monastery in Britain. Lower Ormsgill Barrow Station ML Airships constructed here include: R9, R23, R26 She and R34. dR ay enw 4 1 ship How Tun Wood Art Gene Gallery G R E E Start of Walney to Wear Cycle Route N Sandy Gap W A Y O O Suitable for Bathing W O R D P S E A C G S A K L A M B E R T M Barrow Built Ships & Submarines P R A H I R S R P E F I S H A D U N E N James Freel D 1 Armistice 1919 The first British sea-going concrete ship. 1 Air e an m n lto Da ML Popular Kite Surfing Beach Site of Cold War Nuclear Bunker Woodpecker Camp Site Mainland Loop Ra 2 fo rm erl y Gre 1 Rd Ducks, Geese, Moorhen Largest Ironworks in World P Pond Angling st We 1 Barrow Island Dova Haw Foulney Island Headin Haw Piel Island Ramsey Island Roa Island Sheep Island Walney Island 1 4 2 Lime Kiln WI ess 1 WI n Fur 4 1 1 1 s Tarn Lane C ow P ML 1865 North Scale Named Wildlife Spotted at Location / Main Loop (on Road) 087 3 1 P WC ‘Earnsie’ A large Royal Air Force Training school means was based on Walney during WW2. The Sea Eagle site is now partly within the North Walney N.N.R. The current owner is BAE Systems. It is also the base of the Lakes Gliding Club who offer sightseeing flights over the Islands of Barrow. 1 Spherical Balloons c.1920/22 ML A5 1 1 Earnse Bay 1 2 1 1 From Norse ‘Skali’ meaning Summer Dwelling West Shore Park (Suitable for Bathing) seCau way Or Hawcoat Much of the iron rich red sandstone used to build Barrow including the Town Hall was mined here. It is now a rich wildlife environment inc. How Tun Wood planted 1999. er en Gre dpeck Upper oo W Ormsgill Cemetery Reservoir (Drained) ML e 1 Kite Surfing SH hor 1 4 1 1 Lakes Gliding Club (Sightseeing Flights Available) tS Wes 3500,000 cubic ft Passenger & Mail Carrying c.1920/22 Walney Airport Ormsgill Farm SH Visitor Centres Lane 360,000 cubic ft Parseval Type c.1920/22 3 1 ML ML WW2 Rifle Range Bank Lane Ormsgill (Hawcoat) Quarry B r o w Sandstone Quarry P (dis) SH Walney s Meeting The original sandstone mansion was the home & guest house of Commander Craven, Chairman of Vickers Ship building. Many dignitaries came to stay, including King George V. SH Bank Lane Pill Boxes WW1 Practice Trenches Oystercatchers breed just above high tide level. Please take care when accessing these areas during Spring and Summer Dismantled Railway Line Railway Line Millwood SIR EDWIN LUTYENS Abbey House Hotel designed in 1910 & built in 1914 by Sir Edwin Lutyens (1869 – 1944). Barrow Golf Club De M F I N G N Walney Airport I I W I N D T U R B I N E S L G The Islands of Barrow S A I L I N B N I S L A N D S D O F R S E A R O R A I L W 1 Ponds View Point Footpath within Reserve: NO CYCLING k Stan The airships built in Barrow led to the development of the R100 for Vickers built in Howden Yorkshire with Neville Shute (later known as a novelist) who was the team’s Deputy Chief Engineer. WW2 Aircraft Dispersal Pads ne r La Finest Sand Beaches Main Loop (on Track or Path) Ba nk L a ne y erb Sow ge d Lo SH Natterjack Toad Barnes Wallis (later of Bouncing Bomb fame) was working as a draughtsman when he met H.B. Pratt. ? Ungrazed Saltmarsh. An important habitat which enables saltmarsh flowers to bloom throughout the summer Victorian Bottle Dump 1250,000 cubic ft Naval Rigid Airship c.1920/22 H.B. Pratt was working in Barrow, & asked Wallis to join him. Together, they designed His Majesty’s Airship No.9: the first rigid British Airship to fly successfully from her hangar on Walney Island. 1 1 Cormorant Marram Grass Sand Dunes Shope Tree Scar 4 Up-ended Pill Box on Beach 1 1 2 Shelduck way reen 1 3 Sowerby Wood SH Oystercatcher oo sm ke Ra Bird Watching Site (Curlew Symbol) Track within Reserve Sinkfall Barnacle Goose Bird Watching Hide Designations Hagg Spring Wood ML Dogs are not permitted onto Reserve Walking / Cycle Routes (see Key Tour Route Map overleaf ) Dalton Station s nes Fur rk Rd Pa 1 1 1 Head Neolithic Finds (inc. Polished Axe) P ne 1 1 Pill Box Key St Mary’s Church Lowsy Point nnel 1 1 Scarth Hole Dalton Castle WC Public Toilets Cafe or Restaurant ML Hagg Hills SH Public House(s) In Dalton-in-Furness ML Pill Box Shoveller Ice cream Sold from a Van or Shop Stank Lane 4 1 SH Oak Lea Farm Robs Water Farm Hotel or B&B Accommodation Refreshments & Hot Drinks An Ancient settlement mentioned in Domesday Book as ‘Daltune’ St Helen’s Farm Little Jack Wood King Fisher Little Egret Curlew Heron Oak Knot SH Common Lizard A590 Chapel Hills Wood ML Cliffe La 1 2 Fishermen’s Cabins SH y Cha Walne 1 1 1 Puffball Fungus Prehistoric Flint & Axe Finds Evidence of Mediaeval Shell Middens Sanderling Scars are rare, cobble & boulder dominated intertidal habitats. Chapel Hills Beck Road 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 Great Crested Newt Bass Grayling Butterfly Violet Pit The Moors Bombing Decoy 1 1 T O N A A D U S T R Y U R Barnes Wallis in Barrow S E 4 1 Betty Pit Mill Breast 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 Ringed Plover Merlin Barn Owl 1 2 1 1 1 Natterjack Toad 1 1 Oystercatcher 5 DANGEROUS QUICKSANDS AND1 FAST INCOMING 1 TIDES 1 4 1 1 1 The remains of the vessel are still visible at low tide, but anyone thinking of paying a visit to the wreck site should have a good knowledge of the tide times & the sands around it: the vessel has claimed a number of lives since its demise. 1 4 1 Ship Wreck ‘Anastasi’ 1909 Lost Christmas day 1946 3 SH Natterjack Toad Breeding Oystercatchers & Ringed Plovers on upper shore 1 Sandscale Farm C 3 4 1 Dragonfly Housethwaite Hill P Disabled Access Facilities 1846 ilway s Ra s e rn Fu Rita Pit Peggy Pit e Lin Parking La ne 2 2 From the 1st March through to the 31st July dogs must be kept on a short lead no more than two metres. Shelduck Duddon Sands SPA/RAMSAR 1 Sand Dunes in Bus Route on Off -Shore 1 Wind Farm 1 Basking Sharks Marram Grass Wet Meadow a tM P WC ad 4 8 Grass-of-Parnassus Kathleen Pit Ethel Pit Di South Lakes Wild Animal Park Ro 1 1 WC Kiosk Sandscale Cottages Round-leaved Wintergreen Sanderling Nigel Pit ey 1 Natural England 1 P Coral root Orchid e er m Key Park Farm Ab b 1 5 North Walney National Bronze Age & Neolithic Site Holy Well Former Iron Ore Mines rd St 1 N A T U R E S E R V E S E 1 National Trust Cum SH “Haws” is Old Norse for hill Roanhead Farm Roanhead >> 3 Sandscale Haws 1 C bria SH t a l Wa y oas Ox fo 4 Isle of Man ill L 100,000 cubic ft Sea Scout Type c.1920/22 ke La s oa tC s e W sg 4 The rotors are 126m in diameter: larger than the London Eye. Together they are capable of providing power for 100,000 homes. 1 A590 1 M i 1 Sea Holly Sandscale Haws is one of the finest sites for sand dune flowers in the country. Bi rd 1 Porpoise r de in 90 ict/W 5 A str Access to Beach & Natterjack Breeding Ponds (Boardwalks) Railway 2 1 1 Blackpool Tower, which can be seen from the Barrow coast on a clear day, is only 2m taller than each of these massive turbines. Slip wa ys 4 1 Flounder 6 -M (Built & operated by several different companies) A590 1 One of the most beautiful Beaches in the Country: fine sands & views of the Lakeland Mountains Disused Slag Banks 1 The Largest Off-Shore Wind Farm in the World Now sits off the Walney Coast. LO W ON TIDE LY 1 Roanhead 95 1 1 30 of the World’s Largest Wind Turbines - 156m High 661 Tonnes A5 1 1 ess G Furn A S T U T E H E G R E T F F M I K A S A E V L R D O D O Y S T E R E R C S E A L T C F I S H E I R O N R E S N A T T E R J A C C K A V E N D I N S H M E R G A N S E U R ORMONDE OFF -SHORE WIND FARM 2011 Sited 10km off Walney Island Restharrow Piel Ferry Spearhead find Pier Hide Foulney Island South Walney N A T U R E S E R V E S E Cumbria Wildlife Trust 1 An Important Breeding Site for Gulls. Visited by many other migrating birds inc. song birds & waders 265 Bird Species Recorded on the Reserve The Spit 1 Dogs are not allowed in the breeding season, and should be kept on a lead at all times. 1 Access to Foulney Island Reserve is restricted to paths & marked trails during the Breeding Season (May to June) to stop disturbance to breeding birds. NO DOGS ALLOWED 1 Oyster Farm Ponds Bay Hide Haws Point Kilometre Mile 1 Lighthouse Searchlight Emplacement Groyne Hide (Sat on Pill Box) 1 1 1 Important Breeding Site for Common, Arctic & Little Terns. Visited by many other migrating birds including large numbers of wintering knot, dunlin, oystercatcher & curlew. 1 4 1 1 Lesser Black Backed Gull Herring Gull 1 Eider Duck Shelduck Greater Black Backed Gull Oystercatcher Mallard Moorhen Coot Wheatear Redstart Willow Warbler HMS Invincible 1973: Barrow’s largest Naval surface ship Goldcrest
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