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he young receptiomst can hardly "Olrhh, contain her delight. I'ou're meeting Jamal? He's actually coming in here today? ohhh, he's so lovely," she says. It's a busy aftemoon in the omce of one of I Maichester'sbest-loroiv'ncriminal lawyers, and Jamal al Harith, one of the Bav in bv the US in Guantanamo Bay five men held by Cuba and released earlier this year, is due any minute. while we wait, his lawyer, Robet Lizar, is how h€ took on the case. "His sister. Sharon, is an old client of," "and she asked us to r€present him. I he says, 61st met him when he was bmught offdre plaie ftom Cuba. The police tried questioning him rvhen he landed, but we told them to get lost. They looked embarrassedforeven trying it He \lzlked awav without a stain on his character." Suddenly and silently in oul midst is the imDressive presenc€ of Jamal al Harith. I actually smeil hlm beforc I see himr a thick cloud of unmistdcably expensive cologne billows in my direction, causing me to look up. He's bmught a pal with long dreadlocks who "Hi, I'm Jamal," silendy watches everlthing. "He's my we hands. shake he announces as bodyguard." He nods in the direction ofhis 'lMhat's his name?" I ask. "He ain't got buddy. one," says Jamal flatly. The strong tsagrance is the onJy overthe-top rhing about JarnalaJ Harith. In person he s a studv in minimalism. He stands about six feer ta.ll, ihaven-headed with a neat beard, and has the shoulders and arms ofan atlilete. He wears baggr trousers, a dark T_shirt a.nda sleeveless 6 tge gtn*o vrGaztrros.oe,ol !€st and is devoid ofth€ jewellery and designer labels favoured by local men ofcomparable age and race, so he stands out a mile for what he isn't nther than what he is. He seems oddly quiet but his body language is graceful, like a modern dancer's. Inter I discover he worked as a male model for a while: something he t€lls me and, for some rcason, instandy regrets. The moment we meet, he pausesand )iterally looks me up and down. Then he chucHes. I feel like a dodry carrot being e:€mined by an expert buyer in Sainsbury's and not quite making the Erade. Jamal was reunited with his fimity in Manchester in March this year, after spendmg more than two years at Calnp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bav. the Ameican nav€l base in Cuba where suipected terrorists have been held since the besirminE ofdp war on terror. He was released a]o;g witi four otller Britons; four more remain in custody in Cuba- Our interview today is scheduled to take place 100 yards down the road in Lizafs smallerbranch ofree, ald as we *alk dEough Moss Side people st€I)out to \*?1€ at Janal or shake his hand. He has become something ofa street-level hero - except today he seems cool alld distaat. He looks like a man going through the motions; an unwiling politician standing for a public office he never barsained for Inside the meetinq room I discov€r he wants his unnamed bodlguard to sit in on the inter_ view. I so with the Ilow and asree, deciding that the-photographer working *j*t -" -in a.lsosit in. Somewhere at the back ofmy mind I am cs-lculating the odds in a list-light. The atmosDhere is weudlv con&ontational. I sit down-'tacinglamai arm; a lalrrye/s table. hter. it occ1rs to me tllat tle set-upp'robablyreminded him ofother morc sinister interviews. I try some small talk. asking him to tell me his biognphical deta.ils who he is. where he comes from,litde things people feel confortable chaiting ebout. He says nothingr just rolJs his eyes. I b-y again. Flis face registers notling. He looks at his pal sittlng beside me, then chuckles again. FinaJJy. I gel my first an$ver. "I don t want to speak ebout my finily or anyt-hing,but I m 37." he sayst-hrowh gdtted tee$. I can't undersland whyhe is so s lsrown he was bom Ronald Fiddler, and t-hat he grew up with his father and two sisters tnearb Hyde before noving to Moss Side wherh€ was eisht. His molher walked oul ofthe bmily home when he was a child. He aftended university in Manchester in the mid-1980s, where he studied computing and religious studies; in the early nineties he bega.nstudying lslam seriously and saved enough money to travel widely in lslamic countries such as Sudan,where he studied A-cabic.ll wBs around this time he dunged hi. rume to Jamal al Haritr. 'liked he has clanred he chose it because he how ir sounded . not becauseofany deeper religious signifi crnce. He 6rst visited Pakistan in 1992and soor became a regular traveller to the region. Hc rerumed to the counb-y in late Oclober 2001 just over a month after the September 11> Jamatal H.rithr his caotorstried to torture him with FleetwoodMac,but hejustdancedaLong '*, COVER 5T0RY Thetaperecordingof-theinterviewat this ILe menwith thegunsthoughtthey'dcap- >terror.attacks-a:p?rtofe.,yiderjourney ffi"t1tJ#;,flmiHsT:$:f fffi%t"r*;r,r"Y;.*fr,T:#,ffi y'rough lhe r,eg.ol.beckpackingasusual.His thethinwalls oftbe meetingrool!" youcanhe3r IGndahrr. Hi sals five men.laid inio me'. on homebeforeheleft-andsincehisreturn-was e spare__room in his sister Sharo_n's near-by house.He has three childrenaged three,6ve and eighL.Foma marriagewhich apparendy enctect ended rn divorce. in cuvorce. oneofthis is i.nany_waydamagI I mgorunusua! DutJamalsmply L I won't talk about it. Iie seems -, I utterly ofrendedeveawhen I lI I tell hirn I lmow his narnewee I I RonaldFtddler.Sollobanother f. I softquestionabouthisembrace of Islam. He iNtandy oflslatrt. instandy tosses,beck tossesbeck areplyof sorts.aboutbahngmost people'sperceptions ot whet-lsiarn is all about, but eve,ntually e)9rain:bebec8meeMuslim in the€arly1990s, smund tbe time.he-startedtravellin& I'mexcitedat-fnallypnningdownafict,but realise a veritable marathon ofan interview Etretchesbe^fore me we'rc_a_lgngwayofiwhy he went_toPakistanpostgru; ho{' he wasbed .__ __ _ me brcathing heavily in Fustratioa and the shlfitng ofthe threeotherpeoplei:r the rooDo. Finally 1ou hear me askingthi photographer andja;al's friend: "Ca! *iha"i tle 6oi fot aminute?'Theirhappyrepliessuggesttheye& aminute?'lheirba_ppy repliessuggesttheyerc askeenaslamfrrthemtovacatetheprenrises. thetapedidcotreslchatwithJanalinprirste. his drilalther€,6uthethidstt" r* tt*rr.f met other guysin the pri.; who goi ;;;u. Ttey6ridtf,eiwerciorGn€dtryArab:,"hesays. Aiier 72 f,ours h" *"" ";;ai; ";;;;; guardedby the Tatibanbut run by priioners prisoners themselves,It {,as here that he [eard ofthe slaughterof eaotherWe"t;". tho"ght t" L e slrjl.,I{ewas an Amedcanand I cor:ld heer Five minutes tater I press the record button hiri-beingtalentottretoiterlheyweremaking ,g"in.lhb tim€ I sdi4terviewingediglerent n-oilii*aU.""t*i"!L,ict.;ff"*,rfi man. Yes,he bas the same naJe, Jamal al heghim in EDglbhtslkingli"tf "V""t . f*"J Haiith, but this time he wants the ri/orld to toherrhimb€jfobeatenat-night.Andonetime lcrow wbat happenedto hin efter he w;t to *t ", I *"rrt ao'\^,"to Ueinierrogated I saw Pakistan Pekistanin 2001end 20br end b-ecame becameembroiled in a brokenstidc, stida. soIloewhe rlmewhe'db;;i.""'*r.J dbeeniterrogated globslconllidwhichledrohimbeingflunginto beforema,, successivesri"I.ingcellsinAftharri:taabefore Jamaltellsofho$,the lblibenintedotators beingcggedlike a dog i:oCubaand u.ltimately produced a thick intelligence file on the set F€€{'ithout epolosr or ergirnation. American spy they were [eating. ..Now we that we-ntyours,i"they-said.f,ater, soineonetolJ _ Heexpleins at iingth and;nvincingly he did in 6ct contact-thepskistanemb;ly for Ja&atiheAneric;'sbody.*tt"t;"ihfrrtt advicebeforetravellingin 2001.He wasnitup "iew sorneo,hete.Itdril;thi@ t[ "r-" toarything suspicious,he sayshe wassimpf gris]yetrdiDgwasin sior€for theuin formerlv 'IHEY n;'inl#ffii#,.x,';m"ffi* ixffi;Xi,t*,,,;.;;. [#tHiHtr,,':lY"'s*:ffi:ffi s#iffi',r#?i*ii#ffif#HilE BEATUS, iru:r,ymx",ffiH*'trffi* $H*H"*:L#ffiS"9#*i*j lffitrfifiT;"?'T"ffi",Hffif; ff5ffi'.tfffi5:*--:fiJJtrli::S',.: ;:Hjt""H"fl*"""':,H;#gJ SIRIPPED '^#*1,'iH,#trSlHlJo*",,fi'o'i"if"1 ffi-*:T*,1:Hffi:Id11tr3fl' Us-pUT ffiiH,H#s..1,5:'"tffiXeff hewantedtoseekoutlotsofcouDtriesthat::t-t_:t___ sinply brvelina in tbarpartofthe woild wes shake.and rh"egyoud i*. I,tr" rutiU* **" "t"'o#-ffi*,,r*'smythins,,hesays US0ilTHE t*rH"B,nffiir'oti:**n:*;in -ffiJfifr$"T:i!#;;";;";- ;H*,;lH"ff;.o:i:l','fii.?ffi,H:; GRoUllD."T;tt*,"ffifi"*'f ff;*'#*"--rm'#*:1"**f; f"lil*o,.n" l"H,il,ffix-::;xmjf*,'*'il: H:xH#H;:.,Tf."Hffiff lcoulD]l'T ffffi"H'Fqs,'f"i"i"'*'H';t,:fi ffihi:lli"i#rff}H?'##* ffi#{,fffi#ffi*d#: !Elq!_ ffi#"iffi.u:.S,Hi THEH0OD ;,11*i;TtrtrffiY.iP*.T;:ffii:""1f; Hmgffiffi,t#;H1* f"T',1",',TmH;'"$',m Hi'STf;.l'Ji":"f;iff,:li#li,:J,i THEyD *,l*:S.;i,H*t,;[ffJl{trH LT*;1.;sm;lfs*T",ffm1 :ff:iiiltrff.1?:#ffi;ff'"".'l iltrftrff;1"f;,iT.tru',*f:H:,Tffi';HJiffi"*fi':l'i:"1i PUT0UER -:;.ifr\H;s::1?:?i.t:t'ffffi wlruo; Lqff#Sffi,ffi#ffi ffiffit'"#,ffiffiffir Westem clothes hint at how he achieves a balaacebetweenEqstsnd West?At this Doinr all hell breal<sloosa He seemsofiended&ratI am suggesting-and I'rD not - that be isn t dressingapgopriately. "This is Islamicl" he protestsangrily.'Tbe factI m coveringmlseu is lslamic.There'snothing iD lhe fbraD saysI have to wesr whetever.Sofor you !o seyI'm not dressingIslamic is q,rong." The veins on his neckand forearmsare poppingout. Everyonein themom hol&. thenslowlylets out. a long breath.I try end caln thingsdown telling him I meant no harm, that I'm not interrogadnghim.But forthe ne"ytten minutes I getberelyanymorcinforuntion. I do 6nd out he had plenty ofcashbeforegoingto Pskistan in late October 2001- he'd been a well-paid websitedesigner"t got 92,500for onejob," he sevs.When I askhim \ ,'tNhewent to hkiste.u afler 941,a time when ev-eryotherpersonwas evoidinEiL hetellsmei'Tte planewaspadad." SurelyEe ca.nurderstand why peopie might think it wessusDicious?'1 don'thaveto rnswer that," he repliei. "I spenttwo yearsanswering thet question." He is down to one-word answers now: Where did he Favel to?"lGrachi." His ola:rs? "Travel." Where was he goingwhen hi was "cot in tuclc stopped?'t€n."Wbatbappened? Truck was stopped. Took me out." Was he scared?"Happy." What? "I was scared!" he replies, exasperatedat me not noticing his sarcasm.In what ciromstanceswashis tuck stopped?"No idea." 8 rsepenaLo luonateos,oe.ol T I COVER5TORY combatants.A handfrrlof children, classiFed "jmiol', in a similar way under the category held nearby > SoecialForcesarrived and informed hirn were 'Tou re not going Oddly,hercmembersapleasantfirst impresaboirrtheir newplansfor him. "It openandyou couldseethe anwhere." thev said.Insteadhe was interro- sion: wasmore "You could seethe elements. gied agin. Th6yaskedhim to rel'€athis story hills." he savs. He did. They askedhim to repeatit again.He Your mind is awake." But any of the better again.Ard apin. And again He told memoriesfade ouicklv when I askhim about tlern hewastellingthetuth: theydidn t believe abusesby the Arnerican forcesholding him. hirn. It wasaeony.He keDttelling it andno one He's seentherccentimagesfrom the Baghdad believedh;n'. Ifien they took photos of him. prison at Abu Ghraib - run by US Major?leneralGeoftev Miller. who commaadedthe and askedhim to reoeathis story oncemore Durins onesuchencountersomeBritish SAS prison at GuaatararnoBay when Jarnajwas soldieriwatkedby. He heardthem talking there- and isn t surprisedat all. was subjededto mosdytr'adiAt first Ja.rnal Eventuallvhe sookewith them ard was told "checkedout fine" end that he'd tional interrogationteclmiques.'Theywmted his story liad be goin; homea.fterbeingpmcessedin Cuba. informetion fiom me, they x'anted my life He alsoreca.llsrneeringsomeAmeric& guards history I ve seeneveryinterrogationtechnique who told him they were in fact h*stily drafted thercis.Theyweren'tsurewho I wasandwere New Yorkcoos."J qavethemrnve-mailaddress stumped thet I was so cleaa, I think. They and sajd I d'do tlim a websiG.They said, lf tlowht I was Iranian, or evenen MIs agent. you re telling the bruththenyou'll be a.llfight. They saidMIs becausetheyput my picture j rhoughtit d tal(etwo months. I thought l d and my nameinto an intemationel database and it cameback clean. I haven't even got a nothingto worry ebout." pa*ing tid€t.'Ihey:d ntydetailsseemedlike But he had plenty to worry about theyw€remacteup, rn€y sard|t wssrmpossrole winging backon his chair,Jarnal dnt I didn't havea criminal record,or evena ticket. I was too clean.thev said. al Harith rolls his eyesto the sDeedinq "ieafi,an; tllat's thewayI m goingto walk out,' ceiling and st .rtsto rccollectin detail what happenedto him. I told them." I{is caDtorstumedthewet€ronandoff.Food This is the 6rst time he s really goneinto the story in arrydepth would comeand go. then stop completely. InterroEationswere heldand thensuspmded. sincehis release,he says. " Evenwhen they broughtusin to the Amer- Cedain-inEAtes wereta4eted-othersleft alone. icanbasein Kandahertheywerc beetingusup All this was designed to keep inmates offwe gotquestioned naked.Theykickedus.beat balancepsvcholoeicallvCounFvandwestem us,srrippedusandputusonthegroud - the/d musicaridioud inldustiialnoisei wereblasted cut our ilothes ofiwith somethitg sherpreally at t]rcdetainees;e!'entuellytley Eiedto toture fast- ard we'd to nlJrthroughwith our hards J$rlalby forcinghim to listento horm ard hours behindour backs.Youcouldr't seewhereyou ofFleetwood Mae. It backliredrhe started rverebecauseof the hoodover your heed.We energeticallysingingand d.ncing elongto the were outsidesomewherebecauseI could feel track Litde Lies. Tlrc pdsone$ fied to keeptheir spirits up. myselfsplashingtlrough water,ald we went intoa tentandtwo guyswerequestioningyou Jamalloved the Cuban$msetsand sunrises, na.kedandyouhadto tell your storyagain.Then and enjoyedwEtchingthe birds swoopingand they tale DNA from you lwith a mouth swab] divirg outsidehis cage.Therewere no books, and thenthevEiveyou clothes.This wasthe so the men shoutedstoriesftom cageto cage frrst time I ;es-|'a-ke;into tle Kandaharbase to keeptheir minds active.Poetrywasrecited ' I wastherefor two weeksafterthat. The date too, but the big etrtertainment was dreems. Thev ate. lived and breathed Lheirourn and wasTanuarv24. 2002. He waseventuallyput on a planeboundfor everyoneelse'sdreamsOneinmate.lockedup 'Thejoumey was very very hard, he acrossthebloc&b€crmethedlean hterpr€t€r. Cuba. "Dependingwhat block you were in, you'd up like an says.He leansforward a.ndhunches 'You have to shoutyour dream over.' saysJamal. were tied up animal shackledto a fence. "You d tell it to one guy, then Le'd chat it in chainsand shacHedaroundyour waist.And thenpassed vou d shackleson vourfeet,cluined to theflmr acrossandit d be interyrcted and"fhat meeDs ih"." *r. " "h"in "t yo* backgoingup to the backto I'ou. He d saythingslike. or 'That ceilingaswell. And you d headphonesthat cut vou have to have more DaLience' into your earsand gogglestlat cut into your mesnsvou U be &eesoon',Someonehavin{ 5 eyes.And you'd a medical patch on your gooddieam would tell everyone."Ja.malonie "Ihe patchconlaineddrugsto crlm drearnedheu be&€ein twoyeeis.At theoutsel forehead. him down.A.lltheotherprisonersw€reEeated ofhis DrisonsentenceLhissowded terrible.As the two-yearmark starteq the same. oftheflightis of hoDinqit wasaccu.rate. Jamals otherchiefmemory Sin;le tasksbecamedif6cult:thingslike a peanurbutter sandwichhe wasgivenby a guard."Maybebecauseof the hungerit t sted doinqthe toilet witl somedicxity insidearooen-aircace.Youdo it in buckets,saysjamal. nicer.but it was6eet," he savs 'i'he ouardslooked in. At 6rst I didnt know on arrival in duba he rem'embenthe blast ofwarm airashewashauledofrtheplaneThm how t; useit. It s not a matterofjustsittingon he wesput onto somekind ofcra.ftthat zipped abucket-vou haveto sit andDuta@veraround fastover someopenwater,He couldl't seeor you. I was using a sma-lltowel acrossmy lap heerorooerlvsohecant bespecific,buthecent but then I sswsomeonewrappingtowelsrighl forgeibdingshoutedat by hii ne* guards,who aroundthemselves.Youdo it everydayandget screamed:"Youre now in the handsoi tne usedto it. I dont larowifyour dignity go€s,bul United StatesMaine Corys!" "Ttrey were barhng like dogs. saysJamal '"i"i-.iill"s th" -.n did was watched,and ''we were told to look down and not to movc. t}rishelied th; gusrdsadministertorture.They who appea.redmouvaredol But the boat was su€ying so we did too, and targetect-anyone so everyonegot hit. They used elbows,slaps nt, saysJefiral,so someoneoorngpusn-up9ot sit-uDsor runninq on the spotwould suddeDly and kickirg." He knew he was going to Camp X_RaYat find ihemselvesSeingattackedby five men ir. GuantanamoBay becausehe'd hesrd aboutit full riot gearand forced to tal<ean injection. on a radio backin Afghanistan.At the time ar ToDhft. Jamatafterhis(onversionto lslamin tlere were about 650pdsoners_be-ingheld tle c€mo.Most were suspectedol links with the earty1990s.Toprighhtheshndardklt Guantanamo Bay todetaineesat al Oae&: all were classedasunlawfirl enemy issued 10 ltrerealLovneaztreos.or.oa Broken limbs and battered hces were the norm. The iniections had a powerirl effect, saysJanall "the i h : n e v o u ' d n b t ; c ew 3 \ l h a t e v c r y o n e would rleeo for the whole of the dal People were lerharbc. lt was in the tood as well. You dont noti..."Bur the 6rst time t-herewas nothing rr the food you d wale up and you couJd *ri-n& There was no haze over the mind. Any time there was trouble, the next day we'd be out of it. When it was gone you d notice there was a claitv of thinldoe." He-belieuest}ai 'vhen he 'ras fon'iblv injed'd he wa' 6lmed wirn this unidendnedsubsrance, by quards.Hehad <eenit happento othen He ,ivi he was ana"ked and inieoed in this way si\ time. during his rwo years in Cuba Men crac)<edup durirg their urca-rceration some. he \ a y s , w e r e g i v e n a n t i - d e p r e s s a n tosr P a r n killers, then wheeled away on stretchers to a spenialbloc} out of sightoi other prisonert HP kept his spirit. up by praying^regularly sometimes ro lhe astonishment ofguard. Two of them, he claims, were impressed enough that thev became Muslims tlemselves dther detaineeshave spoken ofincidences ofabuse by Arnericar foares in A-lghanislan Tamal tells me he heard that Amefican Eoops ordered an afghan soldier to 6rc shots into the srdesolcontainers packed witi capLive' who had surrendered. He was told dul manv people died;he was also lold t}al Red Cro.s officials stood bv and did nolhing. I a'k him what "some ofthe Birmingham guys evldence he has. h the container', hetells me The Bifmingham guys are other Britons released From Cuantanamo Bav at tie sajne hme as Jarnal He also spealcsof the use ofprostitut€s at G u a n t a n a m oB a v . Y o u n gM u s l i m s h e s a y s were Laken out. sirioped and faced $'itn na.lied oomen who then iexually abused them. not o n l y b r e a k i n g i n l e r n a l i o n a ll e g a l r u l e s b u t deliberatelv violalins then Muslim beliefs When I ask ifhe thought about his family to kcep him goingduring dark penods. he laughs at tlc vcry idea. No $ay. T regardedthat as a sigl of wealmess.I rold guys to I ea-rthef pholot up roo. He sayshe pray"d lor srreng$ And eventuallv Allah eav€ it to hlln. THEYTOLDMEITWAS HAVEA I DIDN'T IMPOSSIBLE T()O IWAS RECORD. IRIMINAL TiLi : T[4gtff'S SAID. THEY DIEAN, P \,*rl1dt; [rUT;LlS:iqi,]' ll ltL$'r'flp|lii '. ntil the very end, his story seems to have confounded his captors. "Thev came the dav before we -..e released in March and took us out ofisolation," he saYs l,-r H e s u d d e n t ys t i p si n t o a s t r a n g ea n d h o r r i b L y painftil monologue about how hard it was to wash in the Cuantanamo Bay cages He 'ays he tells peopl€ about this and it never comes out rishi. Fiis description now has an arvfirl hrensity. I feel a. iI l'm hearing a conlession But h"keeps repeatingthat his wordsjusl don t conuev t}le terrible lnhumaniry ofbeingforced ro be iirry whenyourevery ba\ic instinct tells you to be clean.Then he mime\ - as mu.h to -hi-sel-fas me the terrible act olfranticallr u5inq tittle drjps ol water from a fillhy pipe lo ,\,r.f, uour ut d-"rarms-d crorch,before"ven that liirle sprinhle is turned ofby some guard watch.ingvia a monitor and enjoying Lnepo|er trip. I sudderJyieelashamedjor havingnored hii srrongcologne smelJwhen rve 6rst met ''I was in isolation foramonth ard t}leygdve me no.oao. hpsays. ldidnthav"asho'ver' lcouldn t evenchargemyclories. and rhe onJv wav I m wa'hinemvselli\ witi water Twash 'milJ my hands. and 'uash unril drere s no sme on mv hand.. Usingjustsarer bom a lzp When the shell wasn t soitrone dren I d hrorv I s a. ctean. I'd try and do that about three times a dav. But no maner how majlv rimes I say rhar oriell oeople like vou about it and then read it " not the same because mv *ofos ii' * *til., wlen you're f€€ling it it's d ifferent." Eventually he gives up even trying He secm' t o t a l l v e x h a u s t e dw i t h t h P e f f o r l b u l a l s o reliev'edto his rnarrorvthat lhe encounterwidr jnt€rrogtor is over We step outside yet 'intoanother the sunshine and Jamal tells tie photographer that he ll give him no more than IPn minure.. Everyonc nearby automaLicallvgi\ e' fum soaceon t}e pavemenl l decide one lett m e m L e r o f t h e a u d r e n c ew h e n h i s p i ' t u r e i s beine raken isn t a bad Idea and brd him fare*eU. Su'prisingly. he hugs me and agreer to meet aqainsome Lime Justdon\bring)orr cass€fte ;corder." he wams m€, smiling. Later Robe Lizar, th€ lawyel asks me horv I got Jarnal to tmst me dunng the interview H; d heard lvewerenr gening along too welJ I exDlain lo him whal I said lo Jamal and he "Ctever" I repty: " More like desperate repti'es: and the truth." "Answer mv What I said to Jamal was this: questionsandI'lltseatyou6 yinpdnt." when he replied: Whv should I belrevevou?' "Because I I ansiered: iust might be telling the truth." vou He could havelaughedin my hce lwouldn t have blamed him. But I figured he, more than anyone, might know what this particular pr€dicanent was like. He did. I J,HJ',,lit;,:*!led:';; tor the tne Taliban laxban hqhhng for mountains and were fighting the momtains and that w€ could be picked up an,'lvhere in the world and put in jail. Sign or we wouJdr't be eoinqhome.Wewent in and said no.'They serit him and four other B tish prisoners :t.: plane. But he did it, and is more or less happy to slart settinEl!s storv out. He sals he desperatelyneededhelp, professional assistance maybe a paid-for stay in a place where he could come to terms with his ixperience with some counselling He also wants a srraighdorward apolory from the UK govemnent. Instead, all he has got is time spent ahut in rooms with journalists Lke me. He tells me how aDDearancesare deceptive; he says he's read a few of the interviewslet siven and feels his corffnenis are worthless -He say. no on. can ,rnderstand what s hap p " n e d t o t n * T o u n d e r s r a n d m ey o u h a ! e l o 6e punished, you have to be beaten you have to be pul in j;olation. you have Io be pul in a caqe. He seemson the vergeoftea$ You cai Lrn-derstand.People will say. You ve been in a caeefor rwo years but look, you re so sfrong. vo-ulook al risht, but thev donl urderstand what I ve been tllrough. Ju\l becausel'm men' tally strong doesn't mean tlat what I've been rhrouqhwa.n t bad. lI I camc our pqy'"holosicallv damae.d aid physically broken. they d .i, r'd t'ud iih,'a. Bui the fact I 'urvived thioush ir doe'n'r mean I didn t .ufer I "did And ils somethirg that affects your soul On the fliEht back to Britain, MIs men accomoanied-him and peeped ir the toilet door when ie trled to relieve himsefpnvately for the fi.rst time in two years He l€t them watch because he wBs past caring, he says His r€action on leaving Giantaiamo Bay was not what he had expecGd. I was abit scared to leave Cuba, acrually, and I didn t lmow what was Eojnsto haDFen.Even thoud you havent done-anything, y6u've st got to fac€ the world You have to get back into the world agarn' and you thin}, 'I've been away for two years It's iear - vou have to so back arrd face everyone. to teave. But that didn't et n'"i r did"r **t last long. I mean, it was like, Going home? Whaf s that?"' He was released wit-hout drarge. sraight inru his sohcitor's arms, and shc€ that moment h€ has heardnothine{rom the British government. tr ;s unlikelv he will be able tosuccessfrilv sue i t e i t i e r H i s o l dp a r t s o f h i s s t o r y l o a t a b l o i L newspaper and a TV company when he was released.bur reses *nt now He say" he hardll hnew what hiihim when he walked offth' 11 rEanro umnzrre os.oe.oltne