File - Kennydale Neighborhood Association
File - Kennydale Neighborhood Association
“KNA -- Dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Kennydale and fostering community spirit.” KENNYDALE NEWS Volume 16, Issue 3 Quarterly Newsletter of the Kennydale Neighborhood Association JULY 2014 Kna Ice Cream Social KNA B O ARD MEMBERS Tuesday, July 29th – 6:30 to 8 pm Kennydale Lion’s Park: Aberdeen Avenue NE at NE 24th Street • Rajendra Agrawaal • Jon Danielson • Devin Dolling • Janice Dougherty • Todd Hobart • Sue Jahnke • Mac Jahnke, Secretary • Faye Janders, Vice President • Lynne Milnor • Sherre Piantanida • Darius Richards, Treasurer • Vicki Richards, President • Cecelia Sanchez • Nico Tileston This free event will take the place of our July Neighborhood Meeting. Bring your families and enjoy a selection of delicious ice creams and toppings plus the opportunity to socialize with your Kennydale neighbors, and games & activities for the kids. In the event of rain, we will postpone to an alternate date, which will be announced on our website,; Also on our FACEBOOK page...and by email to our membership. ...and coming in August Kna Ice Cream Social #2 and a Movie Too! Saturday, August 9th Ice Cream starts at 6:30 pm...Movie starts at 8:00 pm Kennydale Lions Park: Aberdeen Ave. NE at NE 24th Street All Kennydale residents are invited to attend this combined Ice Cream Social and “Screen on the Green” Event. We will be showing “The Lego Movie” on a huge inflatable screen. In this animated feature, an ordinary Lego construction worker, thought to be the prophsied “Special”, is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant from gluing the Lego universe into eternal stasis. Run time 100 minutes Upcoming Events Bring your families and enjoy a selection of delicious ice creams and toppings plus the opportunity to socialize with your Kennydale neighbors…and see a great movie too! And remember to bring chairs or a blanket for your comfort during the movie. Tuesday, July 29th ICE CREAM SOCIAL This event is co-hosted by your Kennydale Neighborhood Association and the City of Renton Neighborhoods Program. Saturday, August 9th ICE CREAM SOCIAL #2 & MOVIE Thursday, September 4th Annual Kennydale PICNIC KNA ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD PICNIC (POTLUCK and BBQ) Thursday, September 4th – 5:30 to 8:00 pm Kennydale Lion’s Park, Aberdeen Avenue NE at NE 24th Street Save the Date! For Kennydale’s Big Community Event of the Year! Not already a KNA Member? Join Today! Thank you for your support! Layout & Design: Stephanie Fife Just Your Type Printing Website & Facebook: Todd Hobart Editor: Darius Richards City of Renton Officials and Staff Members will provide and expertly grill the chicken, and to ensure that there are plenty of food choices for all, we ask all attendees to bring a potluck item to share: Last name A to M: please bring a DESSERT Last name N to Z: please bring a SALAD or SIDE DISH We particularly wish to invite people who have cultural ties to other countries! This free, fun filled event will also include games and activities for the kids, face painting, a Balloon Clown, Door Prizes for members Displays by the Renton Fire, Police, EMT’s and the King County Mobile “Library2GO” Van and MORE!! To help ensure your comfort, it’s a good idea to bring a blanket or chairs for sitting – and No Pets Please. KNA will also have a red collection barrel for donations of new underwear, socks, and new school supplies, for elementary school kids who need these items. We will gladly accept a cash donation if that is more convenient for you. To get a list of needed items, please contact Vicki Richards or Sue Jahnke at the numbers shown below. KNA, The City OF Renton and area businesses and community residents jointly sponsor this event. There are always a variety of small and easy tasks to do, if you would like to volunteer in any manner, please contact Vicki Richards at 425-430-4469 or OR Sue Jahnke at 425-271-6489 or Kennydale News JULY 2014 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT EARLY TIMES IN KENNYDALE Tuesday, August 5, 4:00 - 7:30 pm at Kennydale Lions Park, 2428 Aberdeen Ave. NE Editors note: We are honored to announce Pauline Kirkman as a Historian / Guest Writer for the Kennydale Neighborhood Association. Pauline is a long time resident of Kennydale, and is still active in the Kennydale United Methodist Church and all sorts of other neighborly endeavors. Join the City of Renton for National Night Out Free food, and games and fun party hoppers for the kids! Here is the first installment of her story...June, 2014 This year, individual neighborhoods are also invited to join us in our efforts to Give Crime and Drugs a Going-Away Party by hosting a special event such as a BBQ, neighborhood block party, ice cream social or youth activity. On Aug. 5, residents in neighborhoods throughout Renton and across the nation are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors. To register your neighborhood event, please contact NNO Coordinator Cyndie Parks at 425-430-7521 or email The Renton Police Dept. makes every effort to make an appearance at every function. I REMEMBER being told that I was born in Renton in 1924, at the Bronson Hospital, three hospital buildings back. Dr. Bronson, who lived across Main Street at 2 nd Avenue, owned the three-story wood structure that had metal strips on the entry stairs, making clicks at every step. The reason I remember it so well is because members of my family were there a lot, especially my sister who is nine years older than I am. Yes “is” is the right term, as she is still living. ( My brother, three years older, will enter the picture later.) She had four operations for a ruptured appendix before my father found a Seattle specialist who saved her life. I was allowed to roam----into the doctor’s office to see his dogs when they were visiting, into the nursery to check out the babies, and up to the third floor kitchen where Mrs. Damon might give me a sugar cube. National Night Out is designed to: Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime efforts Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. We shopped at Johnson’s Grocery in North Renton, where my grandparents who had a chicken ranch, traded eggs for groceries, but we lived in Kennydale. At that time our community was considered the “bottom of the barrel.” Renton was not exactly the top either. Yet it was a good place to live. As we were in the acreage area south of the main fifty-foot platted section, there seemed endless space through which to roam, big gardens, fruit trees, assorted animals, and pets, and we knew all the neighbors. Favorite memories include climbing the cherry trees and enjoying them before being ripe, and knocking the dirt off carrots from the garden and eating them dirt and all. Be sure to visit the Kennydale Neighborhood Association’s informational booth and kids’ activity! KENNYDALE LITTER PICK-UP Devin Dolling, a Kennydale Neighborhood Association youth board member, conducted a litter pick-up on Saturday, May 17 with three of his Hazen High School classmates. They started at the N. 30th Street Park & Ride lot, and worked westward to Lake Washington Blvd. N.; then turned north on the Blvd. and cleaned all the way to the Barbee Mill community. A total of 30 pounds of litter was gathered! The students earned 2 hours each of Community Service credit and the satisfaction of making a visible improvement to the appearance of our neighborhood. Thanks to all of you for your effort! Vicki Richards, KNA President Pictured from left: Activity leader Devin Dolling, Megan Tucker, Catherine Lin and Eli Azecueta Another Successful Neighborhood Garage Sale! The 2014 annual garage sale organized by the Kennydale Neighborhood Association for the residents of Kennydale was a great success. As we experienced last year, the weather again was perfect! We estimate that about 55 homes participated. Thank you, Kennydale! The KNA Board is always there for community events and it makes us feel good to have your support and participation. As usual, KNA provided red balloons for each participant, to help draw attention to their sale. As the chairperson of the Garage Sale Committee, I would like to thank the Garage Sale Committee members for their efforts and team work, which included advertising in the Craig’s List, E-blasts, distributing flyers, displaying A-Board signs at strategic locations, collecting and distributing balloons, talking to neighbors, and doing Facebook and Web-site advertising. The committee members were Darius and Vicki Richards, Mac and Sue Jahnke, Sherre Piantanida, Janet and Rick Eriksson and Avikar Agrawaal. Rajendra Agrawaal, Chairperson Having grandparents next door, I generously shared my presence about half the time with them. The main excitement there was being entertained by baby kittens twice a year. Chicken ranches have rodents, you know, making cats a necessity. Also we enjoyed watching trucks delivering feed being stuck. The driveways always seemed to be muddy, as nothing was ever paved. Drivers must have hated the place. Not everyone had a car, but my Dad worked for Bethlehem Steel in West Seattle and had to commute. We didn’t joy ride very much, but one trip really stands out in my memory. My mother had relatives north of Spokane who had milk cows from which they generously offered one to us if we would pick it up. Thinking this was the funniest thing he had ever heard, my Dad told the fellows at work about it, they bet him he couldn’t do it, so he did, first building a trailer to carry her. We had five flat tires. In those days, the driver repaired flats right where they happened. She made so much noise going through Spokane, it was a terrible embarrassment. Of course we did not return over the first Blewitt Pass, where my mother wanted to get out and walk, because it was so steep and loaded with switchbacks For some reason we stopped just the other side of Cle Elum and let Pug out for awhile. An understanding farmer put her back in the trailer for us, as she refused. Our first and last time for a long while, we ate at a restaurant in Easton. My Dad had purchased an old miner’s house in the original Newcastle, tore it down, and moved the lumber to our home for a barn, but it was not quite finished by the time we returned. It was to be a story-and-a-half, the cow stanchion below and a garage above. Since the garage floor was not in place, what did the miserable creature do but get down on her knees, crawl in, and stand up between the floor joists. The grass must have been greener there. After digging behind her and all manner of coaxing to get her out, she knelt down again and crawled out. However, we certainly ended up with plenty of milk, cream, ice cream, and churned butter, a task which I don’t recall enjoying. All in all, it was an endurance contest living with Pug for many years. Pauline Kirkman Next time: The Great Depression RECOGNITION FOR A JOB WELL DONE On June 16, the Reach Center of Hope celebrated its first year of operation with an Anniversary Celebration, held in the upper parking plaza at Renton City Hall. There were special guests and speakers, success stories involving the center’s clients, acknowledgments, tours, refreshments, and awards to people who have gone above and beyond to support the center’s work. KNA is proud to announce that our very own Cecelia Sanchez, a member of the KNA board since 2012, received a HOPE Award. This was in recognition of the 3,597 items of food that were collected during her annual food drive last November. As noted by Dr. Rev. Linda Smith, Director of the Center, “the amount of food donated provided an entire year’s worth of meals for the clients at the Center”. It’s very satisfying to be able to make a difference in the lives of the people who are assisted by the REACH Center of Hope. Congratulations to Cece, the KNA members who worked with her on the Food Drive, and the Kennydale community for its support! - Check It Out! KNA’s new and improved website has been operational since January 1, and it is definitely worth your time to visit it and see everything that is offered there. Our site’s creator and administrator, Todd Hobart, has constructed a site that is attractive, user-friendly, and packed with useful information and features. In addition to lots of pictures and information about past and upcoming events, Todd has made the site a true path for two-way communication, through the addition of a “Leave a Reply” feature where visitors can post their comments and receive a timely response. The site also includes a Search feature, where you can type in a name, activity or other keyword, and you will be redirected to whatever page contains that information. Each page also provides a means to access KNA’s Facebook page, which is administered by Kyle Grubbs; also you can see the other Kennydale residents who have “liked” the page. So come visit us, and be sure to utilize the “Leave a Reply” feature with any comments, questions or suggestions you may have! Kennydale News MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP JYLY 2014 In Other News..... Info from Susan Miller, KNA Garden Club Chairperson: A talk will be given by Susie Egan (owner of Cottage Lake Gardens) on Sunday, July 20 at 12 Noon, as part of the upcoming West Seattle Garden Tour. The price of the tour is $18. For information on how/where to buy tickets, go to . If you want to purchase tickets online, follow the link to Brown Paper Tickets. Natasha Nimmo, Chairperson for the 2010-2012 40 Assets Art Projects, extends her sincere thanks to all of the neighborhood artists who created artwork for the projects. KNA has made a permanent digital record of all the paintings, and is now returning the originals back to the artists. Some have already been returned; if you haven’t received yours yet, please stop by the sign-in table at the Kennydale Annual Picnic on September 4, and we will have it available for you. Changes to the KNA Board Laurie Beden has resigned from the KNA Board. We sincerely appreciate her service to KNA and the residents of Kennydale. Sherre Piantanida has joined the KNA Board, effective June 10. Sherre and her husband Greg have been residents of the Ripley Lane neighborhood, in the very north end of Renton, since 1996. She has been active in past volunteer work and is eager to continue those efforts for the benefit of our community. “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately” Benjamin Franklin, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 This space donated by the McCray Family 2013 KNA CALENDAR OF EVENTS (Add to your calendars now!) July 25th-27th Renton River Days July 29th KNA Ice Cream Social 6:30 pm, Kennydale Lion’s Park Note New Date! August 9th KNA Ice Cream Social AND Movie! 6:30 pm, Kennydale Lion’s Park September 4th KNA Annual Neighborhood Picnic 5:30 - 8 pm, Lion’s Park October 28th KNA Neighborhood Meeting 6:45 - 8:30 pm, Kennydale Elementary School Cafeteria December 9th KNA Bonfire & Marshmallow Roast 6:30 pm, Gene Coulon Park, North Shelter KNA’s New “Join at Your Convenience” Feature In the past, we have encouraged people to join or renew their memberships in January, but we now recognize that some people prefer to join in the spring, or at one of the Ice Cream Socials, or at the Neighborhood Picnic, or whenever else works best for them. So, to make the whole process easy (and fair) for you, our record-keeping has been modified to give you a full year’s membership regardless of when you join….. and as an alternative to the US Mail, you can pay your dues via PayPal! Simply go to the KNA website at , click on the “Membership” tab, and follow the easy instructions there. And thank you for your support of KNA! Presort STD US Postage PD Seattle, WA KENNYDALE NEWS Permit No. 5315 Newsletter of the Kennydale Neighborhood Association PO Box 3115 • Renton, WA 98056 OOD H R O B H IG NEXT NE ILL BE W . . . G N I MEET CIAL O S M A E R AN ICE C AY, D S E U T ON :30pm 6 h t 9 2 y Jul at ’s Park n o i L e l a ennyd K e! r e h T u o Y See Please Support Our Local Businesses! Would you like to see “your” business advertised here? Our paper reaches over 2200 residences in your community! Contact Darius Richards for more information at 425-430-4469 or The Wine Shoppe At Hawks Landing Tuesday - Friday 1PM-8PM Saturday 12PM-5PM 1785 NE 44th Street Renton,WA 98056 (425) 255-4727 KNA BOOK CLUB If you would like to join, or learn more about the Book Club, please contact: Sharon Weibler or 425-226-9299