March/April 2010 - Greater Capital Association of REALTORS


March/April 2010 - Greater Capital Association of REALTORS
Caring • Committed • Community-Minded
Official Publication of the Greater Capital Association of REALTORS®
GCAR Installs New Leadership –
Curtin Takes Oath As President
On Thursday, January 14th, the
Greater Capital Association of
REALTORS®, Inc. (GCAR) held its Annual
Installation Reception to install leadership of the 3,100 member organization
for the year 2010. The event was held
at the Mohawk Golf Club, Niskayuna,
New York. REALTOR® Laurene Curtin,
Albany Realty Group, Colonie received
the oath of office as president from
her principal broker Marie Bettini.
The remainder of GCAR’s officers,
new GCAR Directors, Directors to the
Capital Region Multiple Listing Service,
and Directors to the New York State
Association of REALTORS® received the
oath of office from Ms. Curtin. Installed
during the event were:
GCAR Officers:
President: Laurene Curtin, Albany Realty Group
President-Elect: Paul Semanek, Realty USA
Secretary/Treasurer: Nina Amadon, Weichert, REALTORS®
New York State Association of REALTORS® Directors
Marie Bettini, Albany Realty Group
Cathy Griffin, Keller Williams Capital District
GCAR Directors
Peter Staniels, Weichert, REALTORS®
Anthony Garufi, Fraida Varah Real Estate Group
Joel Koval, Realty USA
Judy Rosen, Judy Rosen Real Estate
Janna Shillinglaw, Albany Realty Group
2010 President Laurene Curtin addresses
the audience after accepting the oath of
Jenny Zigrosser, Weichert, REALTORS®
2009 president Sandra Nardoci,
Prudential Manor Homes, Guilderland
was honored for her service to the organization by GCAR CEO James Ader.
GCAR is the largest professional
association in the Capital Region as
ranked by the Business Review in its
Book of Lists. It is also the third largest
Capital Region Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Directors
Miguel Berger, TechValley Homes Real Estate*
Jason Christiana, Prudential Manor Homes
local association of REALTORS® in New
York State following only the Long
Island and Westchester/Putnam organizations.
* Elected to fill a vacancy on the CRMLS
Board of Directors.
Transaction Management Is Here
CRMLS’s Board of Directors has
contracted with ZipLogix to provide
users a companion, and advanced,
tool to integrate with ZipForm and
your personal businesses. It is relay®
Transaction Management. Using the
power of its negotiating strength this
new tool for every member’s use is
brought to you with no increase in
user fees.
Just like any new piece of software
there will be a learning curve. But
make the commitment to learning
how to maximize relay® to your, and
your customers’/clients’ benefit.
Transaction management – no longer a tool of the future.
exactly what you are doing for them.
relay® Transaction Management –
the right tool to stay connected
relay® TMS offers one-click integration with zipForm® 6 Professional
(online version). This integration
instantly lets you move transaction
data and completed forms from zipForm® 6 Professional to relay® with
ease. So you and your clients have
instant access to the purchase agreement, disclosures, appraisal verification inspections and all your transaction documents with a click of the
A secure and complete Document
Management tool automatically maintains document revisions and a cumu-
relay® is the Transaction Management
System (TMS) that lets you streamline workflow and provide a convenient space to collaborate with clients,
agents and service providers throughout the real estate transaction 24/7.
relay® tracks and manages all transaction information and activities from
listing through closing, including: listing and sale information, transaction
contacts, documents, client satisfaction and all communications throughout the transaction. Show your clients
One-click and zipForm® 6
Professional and relay® integrate
lative history of updates for collaboration and record keeping between all
REALTOR® Controlled Access. You
can assign which documents your customer or affiliates have permission to
Branded Communications Screen
appearance is branded with your company and personal identity.
Product Branded Client CDs. Provide
clients with a custom CD-ROM archive
of their transaction, Seller's disclosure
CD, etc.
24/7 Access. Convenient online system accommodates busy clients, service providers or other team members.
continued on page 3
In This
Installation Reception - go to page 5!
Permit No. #164
Albany, NY
With The President .......................................................................... page 2
Member Update ............................................................................... page 2
2010 New York Legislative Priorities ............................................ page 5
Greater Capital Association of REALTORS®
451 New Karner Road
Albany, New York 12205
U.S. Postage
Across the Association
With The President
GCAR President
Laurene Curtin
As your president of GCAR in 2010,
I have this wonderful opportunity to
reach out to the membership through
the President’s Message in our Across
the Association newsletter. In this
issue, rather than talk about the market, the economy or what’s happening
at GCAR, I’m going to take this opportunity to share something that has
recently impacted me personally.
Anyone who knows me knows I’m
an Oprah fan. Last month, Oprah
aired a program on cell phone use and
texting while driving. The number of
accidents and deaths from “America’s
New Deadly Obsession” is overwhelming. Over 4,000 deaths a year and a
half a million injuries occurred in our
country. These staggering statistics
include hands free use of cell phones
as well.
From the show: Think you can drive
and text or talk at the same time?
Science shows your brain just can't
keep up. University of Utah researcher
David Strayer has been studying distracted drivers for 10 years. "The brain
just doesn't work the way we'd like it
to work," he says. "We can't multitask
the way that a lot of people think they
David's research found that talking on a cell phone quadruples your
risk of an accident. "For comparison
purposes, someone who's drunk at a
0.08 blood alcohol level has a fourtime crash increase. So talking on a
cell phone is about the same as driving drunk," he says. "When you're text
messaging, the crash risk goes up to
eight times."
Oprah asked her fans to go to her
website to take a no phone zone
pledge promising to stop cell phone
use of any kind while driving. Now,
I’m not famous for self control, but as
I said, this subject impacted me and
I now am one of the 125,325 people
who have made my car a NO PHONE
ZONE and I’ve been “clean” for over a
I’ve though a lot about my fellow
REALTORS® and our promise to get
back to our clients and customers
right away. In our industry, we are
probably very likely to use our cars as
our mobile offices and check email,
return calls and text while driving. As
your president and as an active selling REALTOR®, I can tell you that this
transition for me has been far easier
than I would have thought. A month
ago, I would get in my car, plug my
earpiece in and catch up with family, friends and clients and customers.
Driving and talking was the norm for
me. Occasionally, I would arrive at my
destination and be surprised at where
I was. This was because I was using
my brain for talking on the phone
rather than for driving my car! How
many times has this happened to you?
And, how scary is that? I realized that
I’m never driving for more than 20
minutes at a time and found that it’s
pretty easy to wait until I get to my
destination to grab my Blackberry.
Maybe I would have been one of the
statistics had I continued talking while
Please think about it, you could save
a life-maybe even yours!
I’m wishing you all a successful
Spring Market.
GCAR Honors New REALTORS® Emeriti
At its 2010 Installation Reception GCAR presented
the REALTOR Emeritus award to five additional GCAR
At the Installation five GCAR members were so honored. There were:
The award was developed by the National Association
of REALTORS® to recognize those persons who have
supported organized real estate by keeping their
membership active for 40 (or more) consecutive years.
And as you can imagine that group of REALTORS®
is very exclusive. Congratulations to GCAR’s newest
REALTOR® Emeriti!
Joyce Carlow, Weichert, REALTORS®, Northeast Group
D. Wallace Bryce, Bryce Real Estate
Jeffrey Christiana, Prudential Manor Homes
Robert King, Prudential Manor Homes
Richard Preisman, Preisman Realty
Douglas Volean, Prudential Manor Homes
Jeanne Warzek, Coldwell Banker Prime Properties
Shown are three of GCAR’s newest REALTORS® Emeriti
(l-r) Robert King, Joyce Carlow and Jeffrey Christiana.
Member Update
Congratulations to: REALTOR® Melissa Petalas, Miranda Real Estate Group;
and REALTOR® Susan Sharpe, Alpha Omega Homes on their being awarded the
Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR) designation.
Sympathies are extended to:
The family of REALTOR® Seymour Fox, Seymour Fox Realty, on Seymour’s death.
Congratulations to the Miranda Real Estate Group on being recognized by the
Business Review as one of the “Best Places To Work in the Capital Region.”
REALTOR® Karyn Trossbach, Coldwell Banker Prime Properties and her family on
the death of Karyn’s husband John Trossbach.
The family of former REALTOR® Carl Sand, Realty USA, on Carl’s death.
The family of REALTOR® Diane Vaughn, Realty USA, on Diane’s death.
Across the Association
The newspaper of the Greater Capital Association of REALTORS®, INC.
451 New Karner Road
Albany, New York 12205
(518) 464-0191 • Fax: (518) 464-0196
“The Greater Capital Association of REALTORS® is a professional
trade association which provides its members with programs
and services which enhance the members‘ ability to successfully
conduct their businesses in a competent and ethical manner,
promotes cooperation among its members, and promotes the
public‘s right to own, use and transfer real property.”
The voice for Real Estate in
New York‘s Capital Region.
Caring • Committed • Community-minded
President – Laurene Curtin
President Elect – Paul Semanek
Secretary/Treasurer – Nina Amadon
Chief Executive Officer – James Ader
Dir. Ed/Mbr. Svcs – Nancy Ruzzo
Jill Birdsall
Anne Carroll
Anthony Garufi
Jennifer Fortune-Gras
Cathy Griffin
Patricia Hamm
Joel Koval
Estelle Momrow
Sandra Nardoci
Albert Picchi
Judy Rosen
Janna Shillinglaw
Jenny Zigrosser
World Wide Web page:
Production & Printing:
Foley Publications, Inc. • (800) 628-6983
Graphic Designer:
Scott Arnold, Foley Publications, Inc.
Advertising Information:
Foley Publications, Inc. • (800) 628-6983
The Greater Capital Association of REALTORS® makes no
warranties and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy on the information contained herein. The opinions
expressed in articles are not necessarily the opinions of
the Greater Capital Association of REALTORS®.
The Greater Capital Association of REALTORS® does not
necessarily endorse the companies products or services
advertised in the newsletter unless specifically stated.
Across the Association
Transaction Management
continued from page 1
View Documentation Data - Manage
document versions, visibility, and
more. Identify and track signatures
across document versions. Supports
signatures in counterpart and digital
signing via zipForm® 6 Professional
(online version).
Client Access - Provide your client
with the ability to track their transaction online. From reviewing documentation to tracking of activities your
client will now be introduced to a new
form of communication throughout
their real estate experience.
Checklist Creation - This customizable activity checklist helps you document your framework for success. You’ll
never miss an activity, lose a document, or forget a contact. Automatic
reminders and easy searches keep
everyone involved in this transaction
on track.
Vendor Access - Provide the chance
for service providers – Escrow, Title,
Inspectors and more – to provide or
view documentation anytime.
CD Creation Module - Archive your
real estate transaction by accessing
your CD creation module. Create an
electronic file of your transaction
that mirrors the image viewed within
relay®. Automate active transactions,
closing packages, or listing presentations for review to brokers and clients
Risk Mitigation - From scanning
for viruses to providing secure sign
in for everyone, you can breathe easy
knowing that relay® keeps your clients
information safe. Have the ability to
know who is viewing information or
remind yourself of when a change to
the transaction took place.
Office Integration - Reduce the
need for data entry by connecting
with programs you currently utilize.
Integrate your documentation from
zipForm® 6 Professional, your contacts from Microsoft Outlook® and Top
Producer® 7i, or even connect your
financial management information
from Lone Wolf, or other back office
Document Approval - The relay®
document approval tool allows brokers, managers, and leaders to quickly
review and approve files securely from
any internet connection. Real estate
professionals can identify at a glance
which documents are ready for review,
approved, or in need for changes.
Customer Satisfaction - Buyers and
sellers can easily let you know what
they’re thinking anytime. Quickly
address concerns and collect client
testimonials with built-in customer
satisfaction tools.
Transaction Coordinator and
Office Assistant Delegation - Provide
an account to the delegates you work
with throughout your transactions. For
no additional cost a delegate account
created within relay® will advance your
partnership electronically.
Transaction History - Mitigate risk
knowing that each action taking place
within your relay® transaction is being
recorded. Have the ability to know
who is viewing information or remind
yourself of when a change to the
transaction took place.
Customized Site Branding Customize the branding seen within
your relay® account by adding a tailored banner to be seen throughout
your relay® transactions. Further promote your branding by including a
photo of yourself as well as a photo of
the property.
Advanced Facsimile Utilities Receive and send faxed documentation directly from your relay® account.
Continue your paperless process by
bypassing traditional faxing steps or
turn any fax machine into a way to
insert documentation into relay®.
Outgoing Email - Email documentation via attachment from directly
inside your relay® account. An email
link can also be sent to invitees within
your transaction to confirm reception and record an action within your
Automatic Notifications - Keep
everyone up to date on every transaction with automatic notifications for
activities, documents, and more.
Custom Reports - Download reports
tracking key transaction information,
buyer and seller satisfaction, and
other important statistics displayed
within relay®. Easily customize reports
to fit business needs, download to
Excel, or export to other programs at a
moment’s notice.
Cross Site Transactions - When
agents for both sides of a transaction are relay® subscribers, they can
work together on one central transaction file. Both agents can track documents and activities, and information
remains central.
Help Manage Workflow - Additional
tools that provide office management
features for site and office administrators.
Foreign Language Support - Allow
relay® to work with you in this ever
changing global society. Provide communication with non-English speaking
clients by allowing them to navigate
through relay® using the language of
their choice. Spanish, Chinese, and
Vietnamese opportunities are available.
Other languages may be added.
zipForm® 6 Integration - Eliminate
double entry of listing and contact
information. Import forms directly from
zipForm® 6 Professional.
Guest Agent Access - Streamline communications by inviting the agent for the
other side of a transaction to view your
online file. Control the Guest Agent visibility,
just as with as the buyer or seller contacts.
Prospect File - Add and manage
prospective buyers and seller with this
enhanced feature.
“Go Green” - Reduce paper clutter
and empty that file cabinet all while
provide “Best-in
Across the Association
Community Relations Committee
Janna Shillinglaw
It is my privilege to serve as chair of the
Community Relations committee again
this year. I may be bragging, but our 2010
committee has some of the best GCAR
members I’ve ever met sitting at our table.
I extend a special thank you to Susan Kiley
for accepting the position of vice chair.
There is much to look forward to in 2010
and with the 1st quarter half over, its time
to get into…bowling shoes?!
That’s right. It’s time for Big Brothers
Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake and
GCAR is hosting its own event day on
Tuesday March 9th from 2 – 5pm at
Latham Spare Time. It’s not too late
to support GCAR members and affiliates bowling for a great cause! You
can stop by the event and make a
donation, email your pledge amount
along with your mailing address to or visit and
look for GCAR under the “Sponsor a
Bowler” link. GCAR members raised
over $4,000 in 2009 and had a fun time
doing it. Thank you to all that participated last year, who are participating
this year, and watch for pictures in the
next ATA.
month because of the generosity of
members during dues time. Although
understandably lower than the amount
raised last year, the fact that so many
members choose to include the $5
optional donation is a reflection on
how caring and giving our membership is. Our committee will be reviewing funding applications from local
charities at our March meeting and
we will share with you the recipients
in the next article. If you missed the
chance to donate during dues time,
you can donate to the COF directly
anytime you wish. For details, contact
Huguette Bushey at the GCAR office or
myself. As always, your recommendations for local organizations deserving
of COF consideration are welcome.
Wow! The Community Outreach
Fund (COF) is nearly $5,000 richer this
New! Please look for your Community
Relations committee online at and “friend” us to get
updates on ways you can help with
GCAR charitable events that benefit
the communities we serve as members. One of our committee goals is to
bring GCAR members opportunities
to make or renew connections in the
community that will enhance your
business. Fundraisers, sponsorships,
drives and grants are just some of the
ways we can let the communities we
serve know that local REALTORS® care
and truly strive to help the areas in
which we do business. Some upcoming events this year include cleaning
out your closet for a clothing drive
and pounding some nails with Habitat
for Humanity. We welcome your ideas
as well. Stay tuned for future updates
and contact us anytime at
Tel: 518.464.0191
Fax: 518.464.0196
Chief Executive Officer
James A. Ader (Ext. 16)
Director Education & Member Services
Nancy A. Ruzzo (Ext. 15)
Assistant to the C.E.O. & Financial
Huguette Bushey (Ext. 14)
Assistant Education & Member Services
Gina Martin (Ext. 10)
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Brought to you by the Oil Heat Institute of Eastern New York and the National Oilheat Research Alliance.
Administrative Assistant
Nancy Krebs (Ext. 11)
Tel: 518.464.8913
Fax: 518.464.8915
Chief Administrator
James A. Ader (Ext. 16)
CRMLS Senior Administrative Assistant
Diane Hazzard (Ext. 19)
CRMLS Administrative Assistant
Michele Miaski (Ext. 17)
Tel: 518.464.0194
Fax: 518.464.0196
CIREB Executive Assistant
Kelly Pierce (Ext. 12)
Across the Association
Installation Reception
1) Marie Bettini presented the oath of office to Laurene Curtin.
2) James Ader, GCAR CEO, presented 2009 president Sandra Nardoci
with a plaque thanking her for her service.
3) GCAR’s 2010 officers (l-r) secretary/treasurer Nina Amadon;
president-elect Paul Semanek; and president Laurene Curtin.
4) GCAR’s members honored at the 2010 Installation Reception.
2010 New York Legislative Priorities
With the New York State Legislature
back in session it is clear that much of
the attention of our legislators will be
focused on issues pertaining to the budget crisis we are facing and on reforms
to make legislators more accountable.
But even with that focus, or perhaps
because of that focus, we, as REALTORS®
can be no less vigilant in protecting the
rights of private property owners than
we have been in the past.
That said we can report here what
our early legislative agenda holds for
ourselves and our governmental affairs
staff working from the offices of the NYS
Association of REALTORS® in downtown
REALTORS® Support Enactment of
the Following:
Property Tax Relief
Property tax relief is a top legislative priority for lawmakers and REALTORS® alike.
REALTORS® will be active advocates for
significant tax reductions in the near term
and structural reforms to the tax code
that will foster tax savings for property
owners. Government consolidation legislation may also provide a good first step
toward long term property tax relief in
New York. In addition, REALTORS® support
the cap on the growth of school property
tax levies as recommended by the NYS
Commission on Property Tax Relief.
Agency Disclosure Revisions
STATUS: Sponsorship being sought
REALTORS® will seek passage of legislation that will provide consumers
further agency relationship choices
by allowing sellers/landlords and buyers/tenants to approve dual agency
in advance of that relationship occurring. The legislation also amends Real
Property law by requiring real estate
licensees to disclose their agency
relationship with the clients in cooperative apartment and condominium
transactions. The legislation further
amends the Real Property law by eliminating the need to present an agency
disclosure form to a seller/landlord
or buyer/tenant when they are in the
presence of their respective real estate
Property Condition Disclosure
Reforms (S.4672 Libous/A.1364A
STATUS: Senate Judiciary/Assembly Judiciary
REALTORS® will seek to improve
and streamline the current statutory
required Sellers Property Condition
Disclosure form with the goal of making it easier for sellers to complete and
more useful for buyers.
Homebuyer Tax Credit (S.3900
Addabbo/A.7125 V. Lopez)
STATUS: Senate Investigations and
Government Operations/Assembly
Ways & Means
REALTORS® support legislation to
provide a personal income tax credit
to all who purchase a primary resi-
dence including a condo, co-op and one
or two family home for under $1 million.
The state tax credit is worth a total of $7,000
to be returned to the homeowner over
a maximum of three years. This measure
will provide incentives to homebuyers while
stimulating the state’s struggling economy.
continued on page 6
with Toll Brothers!
As the nation’s leading builder of luxury homes, we know that
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change without notice and may be discontinued at any time. See Sales Manager for details. This is not an offering where prohibited by law.
Across the Association
2010 New York Legislative Priorities
continued from page 5
First-time Homebuyer Savings
Accounts (S.1463 Robach/A.8636
STATUS: Senate Investigations &
Government Operations/Assembly
Ways & Means
REALTORS® seek the passage of legislation that would allow individuals
and couples to make pre-tax contributions to a savings account that would
be dedicated to the purchase of a first
(A.8571 Hoyt S.5821 Stewart-Cousins;
A.5767 Sweeney; S.381 Breslin)
STATUS: Senate Health/Assembly
ordered to third reading cal.470
G ove r n m e n t s / S e n a te
Lo c a l
Governments; Senate Environmental
REALTORS® oppose legislation to
require home inspectors and licensed
real estate brokers and salespersons
to provide well water education materials to prospective buyers addressing
the potential hazards of well water.
This bill has very serious technical
flaws that if enacted into law, will
cause a tremendous amount of confusion and uncertainty in real estate
transactions across New York.
REALTORS® will continue to oppose
all legislation that would create a
more fluid process for the approval
of transfer tax increases, regardless of
the intent of the dedicated monies.
Transparency and Disclosure in
Co-operative Housing (S.3132
Kruger/A.1211 Destito; A.3553
Perry; S.5497 Skelos)
STATUS: Senate Codes/Assembly
Governmental Operations; Assembly
Housing; Senate Judiciary
Wetlands Oversight (S.848
Marcellino/A.6363 Sweeney;
S.4956 Thompson)
STATUS: Senate Environmental
to third reading cal.434; Senate
Environmental Conservation
REALTORS® support legislation that
would bring greater transparency to
the process of considering the sale
of shares in a co-operative housing
REALTORS® oppose this unnecessary legislation which would increase
state Department of Environmental
Conservation oversight of wetlands.
REALTORS® Oppose the Enactment
of the Following Legislation:
Loan Counseling Requirement
as Part of Contract of Sale (S.134B
Sampson/A.3192 Towns)
STATUS: Senate Judiciary/Assembly
“Enacting Clause Stricken”
REALTORS® oppose legislation to
require a “loan counseling disclosure
notice” be attached to all contracts
of commercial or residential sale of
real property.
This legislation has
serious technical and practical flaws
which may lead to unintended consequences.
Statewide Transfer Tax Authorization
Water Testing Disclosure (S.2678
Morahan/A.4557 Jaffee)
STATUS: Senate Environmental
Conservation/Assembly ordered to
third reading cal.337
REALTORS® oppose legislation to
require a water quality test as a condition of the transfer of any real property served by a well. This legislation
will delay real estate closings and it is
unnecessary, duplicative and essentially an unfunded mandate on New
York State homeowners.
Well Water Education Act
(S.3506-A Thompson/A.7083-A
The ONLY independently accredited,
nationally recognized
home inspector certification:
Citizen Suits (S.1730
Schneiderman/A.4272 Brodsky;
S.1635 Thompson/A.3423 Bradley)
STATUS: Senate Environmental
Conservation/Assembly ordered to
third reading cal.321; Senate 1st Report
Cal. 29/Assembly Environmental
REALTORS® strongly oppose two
similar pieces of legislation that would
essentially grant any private citizen
the ability to commence a civil action
seeking to remedy certain violations
to the Environmental Conservation
Law (ECL). Providing private citizens
with the ammunition to seek judicial
enforcement of the ECL carries the
unintended consequence of further
crippling New York State’s building
and development industries. In some
cases, construction projects will be
completely shut down and local community taxpayers will be the ones that
ultimately pay the price. This legislation is unnecessary as current vehicles
to remedy any violations of the ECL
already exist.
NY Protect Title to My Home Act
(S.4078 Sampson/A.3518 Perry)
STATUS: Senate Judiciary/Assembly
REALTORS® oppose legislation to
require county clerks and city registrars
to delay the recording of a residential
real property deed until 30 days after
closing. Ironically, by providing for
this 30 day gap between closing and
the recording of the deed, this legislation would provide an opportunity for
unscrupulous sellers to transfer their
property numerous times before the
deed is recorded with the county of
Expanded Agriculture Disclosure
Notice (S.5428 Aubertine/A.7835
Assembly Agriculture
REALTORS® oppose a measure to
expand current law by requiring sellers of property partially or wholly
Richard Askew
(518) 383-4804
Anthony D’Agostino
(518) 783-1963
Peter Hughes
(518) 577-7707
Gregory Sanchez
(518) 765-2042
Tom Corrigan
(518) 439-7007
Wynn Englisbe
(518) 478-0113
Lawrence McGann
(518) 937-2952
Peter Schaming
(518) 768-2713
Robert Davis
(518) 885-7949
James Gibb
(518) 465-5024
Jason Micare
(518) 857-5555
Markus Snedaker
(518) 461-9272
Paul C. Doyle
(518) 439-8102
Stan Grajny, P.E.
(518) 221-3240
Joseph Pickel
(518) 369-0481
Doug Vierath
(518) 496-7240
NYS requires Licensing. ASHI requires Excellence. Go ASHI!
Robert Davis, President Joe Pickel, Vice President
within five-hundred feet of an agricultural district provide the agriculture
disclosure form to prospective buyers.
The legislation fails to require from
a government entity the availability
of information necessary for sellers
to determine their disclosure requirements.
Prohibition of Brokerage
Agreements in New York City
(S.828 Kruger)
STATUS: Senate Judiciary
REALTORS® oppose legislation to
prohibit “exclusive” brokerage agreements between brokers and sellers
of non-multiple, residential dwellings
within New York City. This bill states
all sales contracts between sellers and
brokers “shall be deemed to be void
as against public policy and wholly
Real Estate Licensee Scope of
Practice (A.2975 Benjamin)
STATUS: Assembly Judiciary
REALTORS® oppose legislation to
mandate a real estate broker practice solely within the confines of their
county of residence or the county of
their principal or branch office.
Curbing of Availability of Real
Property Records (A.2829 Fields)
STATUS: Assembly Governmental
Chapter 223 of the laws of 2008
amended public officer’s law to provide an exemption for the disclosure
of real property information by county
clerks. This legislation would eliminate
this exemption and therefore severely
restrict the availability of real property
information for consumers, real estate
licensees and other interested parties.
Restricting Property Owners from
Occupying their own Property
(S.2642-A Squadron/A.1685-A
Lopez, V.)
Development/Assembly Housing
REALTORS® strongly oppose legislation to impose additional restrictions
on property owners’ ability to reside
in their own property. This legislation
would prohibit property owners subject to rent regulation from recovering
more than one apartment for their
personal use. This is a blatant infringement on property rights, elevating
rights of tenants over the rights of
property owners
Across the Association
Welcome New GCAR Members
REALTOR® (principal)
CMK & Associates Real Estate
Ronald D. Royal
Barbara Huba,
Huba Realty, Altamont
Coldwell Banker Prime Properties
Kimberly L. Attanasio
Connie Natale,
C. Natale Realty, Schuylerville
Orhan Mutlu,
I Smart Realty, Ballston Lake
Sharon Zaccari,
Miranda Real Estate Group
Arthur Anderson
Realty USA
Michael Centor
Lynn A. Quay
Mary R. Elmore
Ryan Jankow
Laura A. Meeson
Prudential Manor Homes
Tyrone Benton
Michelle Sentmier
Lisa Blyth
Amanda Stewart
Jeffrey Burt
Michael Scott Townsend
Adria Capuano
Keller Williams Distinctive Properties
Lillian Black
JMetlife Home Loans,
Maurice Andreozzi, Latham
Melissa Ann Furman
Candace Mowrey
REALTOR® (non-principal)
Century 21 Purtell Realty
Lynne O’Neill
C M Fox Real Estate
David M. Condon
Cheryl A. Foley
Beth Grzyboski
Jennifer L. Hammond
Tonya McQueen
David L. MacDonald
Eric Morales
TechValley Homes Real Estate
Virginia O’Brien
TriStar Real Estate
Anthony W. Jenski, Sr.
Thomas Milici
Louise Ruggiero
Mary K. Lawler
Select Sothebys International Realty
Patricia B. Barry
Craig Daigle, Jr.
Keller Williams Capital District
Richard R. Luetters
The Kinderhook Group
Janice Cohen
Jodi L. Mansion
Susan Polsinelli
Nicole Carnevale
Maria A. Jurczynski
Weichert Realtors Northeast Group
Gerard H. Wise
Tiffany Salisbury
GCAR Affiliate Members
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Across the Association
CIREB Corner
City of Albany Mayor Gerald Jennings speaks to CIREB Members
CIREB’s February Marketing Session was hosted by Omni Development
at 30 South Pearl Street, also known as Omni Plaza located in the heart of
Downtown Albany, NY. Albany Mayor Gerald Jennings was the featured
Upcoming 2010 Marketing Sessions
March – Thursday, March 4th, to be hosted by TL Metzger & Associates.
Additional information can be found on our website.
April – Thursday, April 1st,to be hosted by NAI Platform on the Royal
Caribbean Cruise ship known as the Oasis of the Sea. We set sail at sunrise.
CIREB holds its monthly marketing sessions on the first Thursday of
each month and are free to all CIREB members. Guests may attend these
sessions at a cost of $10.00 per person. If you would like to attend a marketing session or join CIREB, please call Kelly Pierce @ 518-464-0194 or
visit for more information.
(l to r) Tom Seymour, Associate Broker and Mark Aronowitz, Broker with Omni Development,
City of Albany Mayor Gerald Jennings and CIREB President and Marketing Committee chair
Jim Conroy.
Associate Members
Janice Abele Cohen, The Kinderhook Group; Ryan Bamberger, Keller Williams
Capital District; Yvonne Matthews, Purdy Realty; Sophia Przybylowicz, Keller
Williams Distinctive Prop.; Tom Seymour, Omni Development; and Gerard Wise;
Weichert, REALTORS® North East Group.
CIREB hosts CCIM Courses in 2010
Welcome New Members:
CI Intro March 8 & 9
Broker Members
CI 104 September 20-25.
Robert Purtell – Century 21
Purtell Realty, Amsterdam
Registration should be made directly with CCIM –
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