Fall 2012 - National


Fall 2012 - National
Fall 2012
A Quarterly Publication by the jcpenney National H.C.S.C. Alumni Club, Inc. for Retired jcpenney National Members
You are cordially
invited to the
jcpenney H.C.S.C.
National Alumni Club Convention
September 26-29, 2013
Crystal Gateway Marriott
Arlington, Virginia
The actual Convention Invitation and Registration Package will
not mail until January 2013. We want you to know what’s being
planned so that you will have plenty of time to make your own
plans to join your friends in Washington D.C. The H.C.S.C. National
Alumni Convention is scheduled every three years. Don’t miss this
chance to have a great time with your buddies.
Sharon Leight, National Chairman, has assigned Phil Esch as
Chairman of the event. If you have any questions, contact Phil.
See you in Washington D.C.!
Phil Esch
(972) 359-0037
Tentative Agenda
2013 jcpenney
H.C.S.C. National Alumni
Club Convention
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Check-in, registration, informal sightseeing and shopping.
Evening: Opening reception
Friday, September 27, 2010
Morning: Escorted Tours or informal sightseeing
Afternoon: informal sightseeing
Evening: Escorted Tours or “Reunion Events”
Saturday, September 28, 2010
Morning: Annual Business Meeting and Escorted Tours
Evening: 50 Year Pin Ceremony
Reception and Closing Dinner
Sunday, September 29, 2010
Morning: Informal sightseeing and shopping
Check Out and Departure
Phil Shama, Tom & Kathleen Cotton, Bob & Lonnie Davis, Mel & Evelyn Mothershead, Bob & Ruthe Hercher,
Wally McKay, Stan & Beverly Johnson, Roger & Carell Cowell, Roy & Joan Benson and Ron Farquhar
On May 20, our group met at the Enzian Inn, in
the Alpine village of Leavenworth, WA.
This is a re-created, authentic Alpine theme
village in the Eastern foothills of the Cascade
Mountain range. We arrived on Sunday afternoon
and then held a reception for attendees at 6 pm,
featuring wine and hors-d’oeuvres. Renewal of
acquaintances and great conversation ensued
among members who have known and worked
with each other over as many as 40 years or so.
The day was open for golfing at either the
Leavenworth Country Club, or an 18 hole
putting course adjacent to the Enzian, and was
complimentary as well. Most of our party spent
their day shopping and walking the main street
of Leavenworth, which offered unique shopping
opportunities, from novelty shops to specialty
motifs, including Art and Antiques.
On monday evening we all met again at the
hotel’s Danube Room/Social Center, for an hour
of wine and conversation and music, and then
dinner. We were entertained during this time by
a local, but nationally known entertainer...Johnny
V. He played the accordian and sang. His musical
talent was enjoyed very much.
Just prior to dinner Bob Hercher offered a
Blessing and a memorial message to our long
time partner John Backlund, who had passed
on a few months earlier. Several other members
expressed their thoughts on John’s memory as
some of us had known and worked with him over
several decades.
Following dinner, our program was opened by
President Phil Shama. Phil introduced Secretary
Ron Farquhar, who made a lengthy, detailed and
informative disclosure of the new jcpenney and
our new business plan and future.
The presentation was interactive, with lots of
comments and questions from attendees. We
focused on the new Pricing Program, store traffic
and the initial results, which we all felt would turn
around in the near future as the “everyday low
price concept” took hold with our customers and
consumers on a broader basis.
Following that presentation and interchange, we
conducted a “Business Meeting” outlining the
goals, concerns, and needs of both National
H.C.S.C. as well as H.C.S.C. Northwest. Phil
Evelyn & Mel Mothershead-Joan & Roy Benson-Bob & Lonnie Davis
focused on membership, and delivered the financial report
for both entities. We also discussed the timing and location
of our National Convention in 2013 and asked that those
dates be reserved to attend that event.
Tom Cotton
We agreed that our next gathering would be in May 2013
and encouraged all to make their plans for that meeting
early. We asked that each member be in contact with an
acquaintance that they could also encourage to attend, so
as to build enthusiasm and support among our membership.
Our final topic of the evening was the H.C.S.C. Foundation.
Financial updates were discussed and we encouraged
our members to submit (confidentially) the names of any
retirees they might know, or think, might need financial
Phil Shama
The evening concluded with more wine and great
conversation. The following morning we again met informally
for Breakfast and departed for home.
Attendees: Roy & Joan Benson, Tom & Kathleen Cotton,
Roger & Carell Cowell, Bob & Lonnie Davis, Ron & Carol
Farquhar, Bob & Ruthe Hercher, Stan & Beverly Johnson,
Wally McKay, Mel & Evelyn Mothershead, Richard & Mid
Riggs, Philip Shama
Phil Shama, Wally McKay,
Richard Riggs and Mid Riggs
Gloria Hand, Marina Linn and Mary Beth Trujillo
Front Row: Ed Trujillo, Lou Marsillo, Back Row: Bruce
Hand, Chuck Linn, Jim Malone, Bob Brown, Bob Enders,
Mile High
The Mile High Local Meeting Group members
were once again at Doris Anderson’s cabin in the
cool Colorado Rockies for their annual summer
picnic on July 12. Although most of the news
about Colorado this summer has been about
devastating fires, there was no evidence of that
in this area, which was vividly green all along the
The site of the summer meeting has been the
same for several years, but the details are always
different . . . this year, because of the fire ban in
Gilpin County, the burgers and brats had to be
cooked inside instead of on the wood-fired grill.
Still, there is nothing like eating out in the shade
of the big pines.
The business part of the meeting included the
unanimous election of Jim Malone as Vice
President for the remainder of this year and as
President of the group in 2013. Current President
Norm Prince provided news of those members
who could not be at the picnic. Ed and Mary Beth
Trujillo are now officially members, after having
attended several meetings in Ed’s previous
position as District Manager in the area.
Jim and Jan Malone acted as “game show hosts”
for playing Scattergories. There were plenty of
Left to Right Bob Enders, Bruce Hand, Gloria Hand,
Genie Enders, Chuck Linn, Marina Linn, Bonnie Marsilio,
Lou Marsilio, Doris Anderson, Bob Brown, Jan Malone.
Jim Malone, Sharon Prince, Norman Prince, Ed Trujillo
and Mary Beth Trujillo Mary Brown taking the pictures.
prizes (actually more prizes than good answers.)
Now that we know how, we may have to try this
game again.
The next meeting is the Christmas party on
Thursday, December 6.
Attendees: Doris Anderson; Bob & Mary Brown;
Bob & Genie Enders; Bruce & Gloria Hand;
Chuck & Marina Linn; Jim & Jan Malone; Lou &
Bonnie Marsilio; Norm & Sharon Prince; Ed &
Mary Beth Trujillo.
Mason Dixon
Ben & Marcia Preston
Twenty-two members of the Mason-Dixon Local
Meeting Group gathered in sunny Savannah,
GA on April 23-26 for our Spring meeting. We
stayed on Bay St. along the Savannah River,
allowing us to walk to the many attractions
and restaurants. There was golfing, touring,
shopping, talking and generally having a
great time. Had we taken a vote to determine
everyone’s favorite activity, eating would
probably have taken first prize. We ate in such
wonderful southern establishments as The
Pirate’s House, 1791, The Olde Pink House,
The Oyster Bar and Paula Deen’s The Lady and
Sons. A great deal of fried chicken, sea crab
soup, okra and sweet tea was consumed. It’s a
good thing we did so much walking!
Kim Schultz, Hank & Pat Rusman
Forest Bell, Karen Bell-Groezinger & Steve Cason
Another highlight of the week was the visit from
Tiffani Robbins, the Oglethorpe Mall jcpenney
manager. She gave us a delightful account of
the new advertising and pricing strategies in the
stores and patiently answered all our questions.
Her enthusiasm was very encouraging.
Plans are underway for our Fall meeting to be
held in Shepherdstown, WV on October 22-25.
Stay tuned!
Mark your Calendars
2013 H.C.S.C. Convention
Washington DC September 26-29
On June 6, 2012 a small group of fifteen people
belonging to the Northeast Local Meeting Group
gathered for lunch. The setting for lunch was The
Tarrytown House in Tarrytown, NY. The food and
service were excellent.
Judy & Jay Dunn
We had two new members in attendance who
recently retired, Bill Speer and Joe Bruno. Bill was in
store design and Joe was a store manager at Wayne,
NJ. We were very pleased to be celebrating Conrad &
Rosemary Kreyling’s 60th wedding anniversary.
Attendees: Bill Speer, Jerrianne Hammock, Conrad
& Rosemary Kreyling, Bill & Kay Yeomans, Jim & Pat
Boynton, Jay & Judy Dunn, Joe Bruno, Andy & Pat
Ferrone and Vince Sauchelli & Guest.
Conrad & Rosemary Kreyling
Jay Dunn & Joe Bruno
Top: Tony Pomaselli, Bill Yeomans, Kay Yeomans, Vince Sauchelli,
Bill Speer, Jay Dunn, Joe Bruno, Jim Boynton, Andy Ferrone.
Bottom Row- Jerrianne Hammock, Judy Dunn, Conrad Kreyling,
Rosemary Kreyling, Pat Boynton & Pat Ferrone.
Andy & Pat Ferrone
Bellingrath Garden Group
Ed Savold, Tom Hutchens,
Cecil Ranzino, Jack Clancy
Co-Presidents Cecil and Cathy Naftel
welcomed 95 members and guests to
the H.C.S.C. Dixie Group meeting held
on April 30 through May 3 at the Beau
Rivage Resort in Biloxi, MS. The City
of Biloxi, located in the Mississippi Gulf
Coast, has a rich history dating back
to 1699 and has been known as the
“Seafood Capital of The World.”
Monday evening began with a social hour and Bill
Watson gave a prayer of thanksgiving at the beginning
of a wonderful evening of dining with a Biloxi buffet.
Bob White District Mgr. Mobile, AL, joined us for dinner.
Tuesday morning attendees had numerous options to
visit the wonderful sites the Gulf Coast area provides.
Many members decided to take advantage of a motor
coach ride to the city of New Orleans for an afternoon
of shopping, visiting historic sites and delicious dining.
Another group chose to motor coach to Bellingrath
Gardens in nearby Mobile, AL, with lunch at The Pelican
Reef. Some guests took advantage of visiting the
Georgia O’Keefe Art Museum and the Beauvoir home
of Jefferson Davis, located in Biloxi, while others chose
to find rewards and enjoyment at the casino and cafe
which overlook the Gulf of Mexico. Tuesday evening
guests enjoyed the wonderful cuisine at historic Mary
Mahoney’s, Old French House Restaurant.
Wednesday morning, 34 golfers journeyed to the
Windance Country Local Meeting Group in Gulfport,
MS, for the Dixie Annual Golf Outing and Lunch.
Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and the
outing was cancelled after several holes were completed.
While we did not have any winners, all were able to
obtain a refund for the event.
The golfers, along with those who were not scheduled
to play, took advantage of the opportunity to spend
the afternoon visiting other sites such as Ocean
Springs, MS for shopping and lunch.
Wednesday afternoon a brief business meeting was
held where once again members were welcomed
and 12 new members were recognized. A moment
of silence was observed for those members and
Hugh & Donna Stephens
spouses who were no longer with us. The treasurer’s
report and foundation report were covered by
Bill Webb. Cecil and Cathy Naftel presented the
slate of officers for 2012-2013. Those elected were
President Bill Watson, 2nd VP Bob Cote, 3rd VP
Dennis White and Treasurer/ Secretary Bill Webb.
Bill will also serve temporarily as Foundation Rep.
The site of the 2013 meeting in Charleston, SC
will be held on May 5-8, 2013. Bob Cote informed
the members that he was considering Callaway
Gardens, GA for the 2014 meeting site. Cecil Naftel
informed the group the Deep South Meeting was
scheduled for St Petersburg. FL on Oct. 14-17,
2012, and the National H.C.S.C. Convention would
be held in Washington, DC on Sept. 26th-29th,
2013. The event concluded on Wednesday evening
Wynn & Brenda Watkins
with a farewell social hour and dinner. Special
thanks to Cecil and Cathy Naftel for making this outing a memorable one. We look forward to getting
together again in 2013, in Charleston, SC.
Attendees: Bill & Patti Acorn, Will & Rose Arant, Jim & Lynn Boyd, Mike & Ruth Breipohl, A.B. & Ida
Rae Bryant, Bob & Sheila Cartwright, Ron & Carolina Clair, Jack Clancy, Roy & Barbara Clowers, Bob
& Teresa Cote, Ed & Cherry Crumpler, Chester & Mildred Dowdle, Tom & Arleen Fortson, Jim & Judy
Geiger, Joel & Pat Hennessee, Tom & Nancy Hutchens, Nick & Vivian King, John & Ginny Layman,
Bob & Sara Mantel, Dave & Ortrun McDaniel, John & Theresa Minter, Cecil & Cathy Naftel, Tony &
Terry Nottage, Clark & Carol Pearson, Bob Rainey, Cecil & Julie Ranzino, Rod & Sharon Rice, Phyllis
Roman, Ed & Eileen Savold, Marty & Phyllis Schuller, Ted & Barbara Seaman, Bill & Sally Smith,
Gordon & Mary Smith, Jim Smith, Mike & Willa Statham, Dick & Maureen Stetcher, Hugh & Donna
Stephens, John Tadlock, Walt & Jean Totten, Bill & Sandy Watson, Bill & Susan Webb, Jack & Shirley
Wempe, Jack & Margaret Westbrook, Ted & Beverly West, Dennis & Ellen White, Brad and Mimi
Wonnacott, Jack & Dorothy York.
Guests Included: Bob White, District Mgr. Mobile, Al, Ben & Corinne Bjerke, and Wynn & Brenda
Watkins of the Deep South LMG. Nev Lavita (guest of Phyllis Roman)
Destination D.C.
September 26-29, 2013
Sites Include:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Ford’s Theatre National Historic Site
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Korean War Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool
Washington Monument
National World War II Memorial
Library of Congress
On May 19, 2012 the Southern California
H.C.S.C. Local Meeting Group attended a
fabulous lakeside picnic and barbeque at Lake
Mission Viejo, in Mission Viejo, CA. Because the
spectacular weather and atmosphere were so
relaxing and comfortable - it is anticipated there
will probably be a future “Partner’s BBQ’s” at the
lake venue.
The arrangements were facilitated by Frank
Fitzpatrick, President, Jeff Paige, Sr. Vice
President, Howard Wiese, Vice President
Activities, and Stan Newton, Vice President
The menu highlighted tri-tips of beef as the
main course which were expertly prepared by
Frank Fitzpatrick assisted by Jeff Paige and Pat
Fitzpatrick. Needless to say there were many
additional menu items including beverages for
every taste. Special thanks are in order for our
fellow members for preparing and donating
additional wonderful tasty items to round out the
well thought out buffet: Mark Schultz-jalapeno
poppers, Jason and Jeff Paige-potato salad,
Melissa Rogers-fruit salad- Pat Fitzpatrickfried chicken, , cole slaw, and chocolate chip
cookies, Crystal Burt- H.C.S.C. cupcakes, Cheryl
Newton- lemon sheet cake to celebrate Stan’s
birthday. Howard Wiese gets many thanks for
his stewardship of the bar which was set up by
Wayne Burt.
total Partners, spouses and friends were in
Attendees: Stewart and Diane Anderson,
Betty Bidwell, Wayne and Gerri Burt, Vincent
Caporusso, Don Fishback, Matt Fishback
and Paul Fishback, Frank and Pat Fitzpatrick,
Barbara and Bob Livingston, Joe and Maureen
McMyler, Mirth and Stephen Meyer, Don and
Cindy Nelson, Stan and Cheryl Newton, Jeff and
Jennifer Paige, Alan and Melissa Rogers, Bill and
Martha Shaver, Mark and Audrey Shultz, Howard
Wiese, and Tony and Veta Zarifis
After all had dined, the highlight of the day was
an informative 30 minute boat ride trip around
the lake captained by Stan Newton and Wayne
The festivities wound down around 4:30 pm and
all departed. Special thanks to Stan Newton and
Tony Zarifis for sharing their lake membership
guests privilege to allow the members to attend.
Because of the guest program at the lake 32
Submitted by Tony Zarifis, Photos by Wayne Burt
Have a story to share?
Please send your information to Ellen Baker at natclubsecretary@sbcglobal.net or write to:
Ellen Baker
403 Suncreek Drive
Allen, Texas 75013
Tom & Mary Hellmann
Mary Melin, Annette Rooney, Sharon Benson
Tom Hellmann
North Central
President Tom Hellmann welcomed 77 members
and guests of the North Central H.C.S.C. Local
Meeting Group to this year’s “Gathering” which
was at The Concourse Hotel in Madison, WI on
June 3, 4 and 5, 2012.
Fifteen states were represented by our guests
attending this year and included a few “first
timers”. Our membership continues to represent
24 states as we celebrate our 37th year with the
H.C.S.C. organization.
Sunday afternoon’s registration in the Hospitality
Room was enjoyable, as Dick and Dolores Rose
shared a few items of their jcpenney memorabilia
collected over Dick’s career. Some of us didn’t
realize that the Company had sponsored a
woman driver in the Indianapolis 500 before
Danica Patrick!!! The social hour was most
pleasant and the Italian Buffet dinner was great!
The blessing was given by Joel Meade.
After dinner the usual announcements were
made before conducting our Memorial Service
for those partners and spouses who had passed
away since our June 2011 Gathering. This service
was conducted by Jim Edwards. This year, we
continued the practice of ringing a bell after each
deceased partner or spouse’s name was read. A
moment of silence for each individual was very
peaceful and respectful. This task was handled by
Marianne Edwards.
Our “John Show” was once again performed by
our very own John Kleinschmidt, who has now
been retired for 26 years. This year, John shared
via :”You Tube” a performance by the “St. Luke’s
Lutheran Church Bottle Choir” from Park Ridge,
IL. John’s information on the establishment of this
unique orchestra which began in 1978, consists
of a collection of various sizes and shapes of
bottles (beer, booze, with and without substance)
was very informative, and humorous especially
with the mention of Wisconsin’s own Leinenkugel
President Tom Hellmann introduced first time
attendee and New Member recruit, Kerry
Halvorsen and his bride, Cindie. Another guest,
Sean McCarthy, was introduced. Sean is a
volunteer magician for the Open Heart Magic
who visit children in hospitals in the Greater
Chicagoland area and tonight he was plying his
tricks on many of our attendees.
from our 2008 Gathering.
Vyda Bridwell gave the membership report,
asking for everyone’s help in identifying the newly
retired jcpenney“Partner”, the maintenance of the
Roster of Members so that the publication once a
year is continued.
Gene Siefken prepared everyone for the golf
A motion by John Brennan, and second by
outing at The Legend of Bergamond and assured Jim Edwards to make a $500 contribution to
everyone that there were some fantastic prices
the H.C.S.C. Foundation in memory of those
on homes and the course
“Partners and Spouses”
was absolutely beautiful.
who passed away after our
Tom and Mary Hellmann
“Gathering” in 2011 and
explained about our
those who passed in 2012.
“walking tour” of downtown
Motion carried.
Madison! Arrangements
were made for a visit to
T. Clarke, who is the
the Wisconsin Veterans
Local Meeting Group’s
Museum, the Wisconsin
representative to the
Historical Society, a
National Board and
delicious lunch in a
Foundation gave a brief
beautiful courtyard setting
review of the National
at The Great Dane, then a
Convention that will be
tour of the Wisconsin State
held in Washington DC in
September 26 – 29, 2013.
Monday evening’s banquet was served and was
preceded by a beautiful blessing offered by John
Brennan. After dinner, Tom introduced another
of our New members, Sharon Cleveland who
recently retired from Jacksonville, FL as well as
her husband, Stewart. Additional new members
are Clark and Janice Petterson who joined us this
evening. Nick and Nancy Serrani also joined this
Local Meeting Group since they have now moved
to Huntley, IL. We then enjoyed the “return”
entertainment of The Swing Crew. Of course, it
was going to be appropriate for them to call on
audience participation, from none other than our
newest “retiree”, Sharon, and husband, Stewart.
Likewise, when it was time for them to sing “The
Unicorn” song, George & Dorothy Gray, along
with Dick & Judy Johnson were repeat performers
President Tom then thanked Mary, Jim and
Marianne Edwards, Dave and Char Jensen, Jim
and Susanne Rotsch, John Kleinschmidt, Dick
and Dolores Rose, as well as Vyda for all their
help and support.
President Tom turned the meeting and gavel over
to Dave Jensen, President Elect. President Dave
asked for nominations for Vice President 2013/
President Elect for 2014. Lanny Benson, from the
Great State of Florida, and past resident of many
other states, nominated Ed Ullrich, with a second
from Gerry Joyce (our longest retired Partner in
attendance this year). Motion carried.
A motion by Bob McIlvain and a second by
Tom Hellmann that Vyda Bridwell be reelected Secretary/Treasurer for 2012/2013 by a
Mary & Tom Hellmann, Jim Edwards,
Tom & Sandra Clarke
unanimous ballot. Motion carried.
Tom Clarke made a motion that $150 be donated
to the Open Heart Magic, second by Jim
Edwards. Motion carried.
President Dave Jensen had placed brochures
from The Landmark Resort in Egg Harbor, WI
on each table prior to the meeting and made
the announcement that the dates for the 2013
“Gathering” will be June 9, 10, and 11, 2013. More
details will be appearing on the website. We are
hopeful to resume generating the North Central
“Chronicles” to be published this fall – with
continuation of our North Central Local Meeting
Group’s motto – “Y’all Come – Bring a Buddy”!!!
Attendees: Lanny and Sharon Benson, John
and Carol Brennan, Vyda Bridwell, Jim and Amy
Carney, Tom and Sandra Clarke, Sharon and
Stewart Cleveland, Dick and Mary Jo Corkery,
Roger Dauchy, Jim and Marianne Edwards,
Dewaine and Kathleen Erickson, George and
Dorothy Gray, Kerry and Cindie Halvorsen, Tom
and Mary Hellmann, Guest Sean McCarthy,
Harriet Henrich and son, Lynn, Dick and Joan
Hillier, Bob and Dawn Jantz, Dave and Char
Jensen, Tom and Roxann Jensen, Dick and
Judy Johnson, Gerry and Mary Joyce, John
Kleinschmidt, Fred Klokonos and guest Karen
Petersmeyer, Bob Lange, Ron and Marsha
Lindgren, Bob and Wanda McIlvain, Joel and
Carol Meade, Dann and Joni Melin, Jim and
Adrea Miles, Clark and Janice Petterson, Charley
Powers and guest Jan Ebbott, Paul and Annette
Rooney, Dick and Delores Rose, Jim and
Susanne Rotsch, David and Gail Scoates, Nick
& Nancy Serrani, Gene Siefken and guest Judy
Holt, Don and Kay Smykowski, Ted and Joann
Stewart, Bob and Marian Tomalka, Ed and Carol
Ullrich, Bob and Marianne Wells.
Jim Edwards and Vyda Bridwell
Watch for this reminder in the coming months,
and review the “National Website” at www.
jcpalimniclub.org for more information and/
or reminders about your Local Meeting Group
Ras & Carolyn Rasmussen
Doug & MariAnne Geck
Larry & Martha Orth
Heart of America
On May 22,2012, the Heart of America members
off in the parking lot for another 15 or 20 minutes.
went to Overland Park, KS for their annual
Finally by 7 PM all were at the dinner theatre and
meeting. Seven couples arrived at the LaQuinta
were enjoying dinner together and ready to watch
Inn before 3:00 in the afternoon and were quietly
“Spelling Bee”. Upon return to a quiet hotel, where
sharing refreshments in the hospitality room but
the suspect had been apprehended, all went to
at 3:15 suddenly things changed. Four couples
their rooms for a peaceful night’s sleep.
were not allowed to enter the hotel as a swarm of
police took over the lobby
Wednesday morning the
of the hotel, and before
group met for breakfast
long there were about
and conversation. Each
30 FBI agents, local
couple chose to venture
police, helicopters and
out on their own for the
a canine unit searching
day. Places of interest
the premises. A nearby
were the WW II Memorial,
bank had been robbed
the Johnson County
earlier and the suspect,
Arboretum, the new
who claimed he had a
jcpenney store, a couple
bomb, was reported to
of casinos and seeing a
be at the LaQuinta. The
new grandbaby.
jcpenney folks in the
Howard and Ila Biesterfiels, Phil and Normalene
hotel were not allowed
Kline, Art and Paula Delmez, Gary and Jill Grose
to go to their rooms so
Attendees: Howard and
continued to socialize
Ula Biesterfield, Harry
in the hospitality room.
and Fran Rediger, Doug
Meanwhile four couples were cruising the area
and MariAnne Geck, Don and Kay Smykowski,
watching the mayhem and finally two found a bar Ras and Carolyn Rasmussen, Art and Paula
and two were at a hamburger cafe. Those left in
Delmez, Ray and Mary Moline, Gary and Jill
the hotel were allowed to return to their rooms
Grose, Don and Carol McCormick, Larry and
with a police escort, and by 6:15PM were in their
Martha Orth, and Phil and Normalene Kline.
cars ready to meet the others at a nearby dinner
theatre. At about 6:30PM all came to a halt when
the police thought they had a “possible” on the
premises, and those in their cars were cordoned
50 Year Pin Ceremony Candidates
If you joined jcpenney over 50 years ago (1963 or earlier) you are eligible to receive a jcpenney alumni club
Fifty Year Pin. Part-time years are included in this calucation. In order to be eligible to receive the Fifty Year Pin,
you must be a member in good standing of the H.C.S.C. National Alumni Club. Please let us know if you or any
member you know are eligible for the pin and are not on this list. If you have any names to add to the list or any
questions an email may be sent to Tom Clarke at fiftyyearpin@aol.com.
Ackerman, Jr., Frederick
Africa, Charles T.
Anderson, Charles G.
Annin, Everett F.
Armstrong, Paul I.
Arthur, James T.
Asbridge, Edward R.
Auger, Ed
Backes, Lyle F.
Barber, Don L.
Bell, J. Allen
Bertlshofer, John
Bibb, Lawrence C.
Bickerstaff, James E.
Bowman, Jo Ann
Boyd, Jr., James
Brinkman, Herman A.
Brunette, Doug
Carney, Gerald
Carrigan, James P.
Carter, Stephen M.
Cartwright, Charles R.
Clayton, Robert H.
Clifton, Harold D.
Clowers, Roy A.
Coleman, Ronald L.
Crew, Jack
Deener, Conrad
DeFord, James W.
Degenhart, Daniel
Derthick, Jim
Dratch, John M.
Dunn, James C.
Ellis, Charles E.
Erickson, Darryl D.
Erickson, Duncan M.
Euliano, Joseph T.
Fairbrother, Ronald F.
Feit, James
Ferguson, James L.
Fielder, B. Ronal
Francis, Joseph H.
Freeman, Omar
Gibson, Bob
Gibson, Roger
Good, Gaylan
Graham, Sam
Gray, Charles W.
Gray, George O.
Greenlee, Richard M.
Griffo, Thomas
Gullickson, Glenn L.
Haimes, Leon L.
Harrington, Heyward T.
Hartman, Kenneth J.
Hawkins, Charles R.
Hurst, Donald L.
Hutchens, Thomas D.
Hyde, Richard
Isch, Donald W.
Jackman, Joseph L.
Jeffries, Billy D.
Jenkins, Denys J.
Johnsick, Joseph W.
Jones, Stanley R.
Kendig, Wallace R.
Kerns, Lorene
Kish, John T.
Kizzie, Betty J.
Kloose, David
Kluck, Richard L.
Knies, Ronald
Kuhs, Kenneth W.
Kunkle, James F.
Ladwig, M. Alan
Land, Earl
Lea, Virgil M.
Lenhartz, Dave
Lennon, Joe
Lewis, Don
Linger, Gary
Lloyd, Leo W.
Lockamy, Aaron L.
Logsdon, Eric V.
London, Loye D.
Loney, D.Roger
Longyear, Russell H.
Louque, Don
Lucchesi, Armond
Lueckfeld, Fred
Lund, Grant C.
Lusk, Don
Magnussen, Jim
March, Tom
Marricle, Richard
Mattox, Frederick
McCarthy, William E.
McGurren, Thomas J.
McKeown, James L.
Meiberg, Meir J.
Melendez, Rudy
Montgomery, Gerald
Motsinger, Bruce W.
Nall, Delwee
Neely, Gilbert F.
Neill, Bill
Nellis, Richard E.
Noble, Larry
Norris, John C.
Odell, Donald H.
Oldani, Charles A.
Olekslw, Jerry
Olson, Gary B.
Ottman, Aletha
Page, Samuel A.
Pankosky, Charles
Pantaleo, Philip J.
Patel, Pramod H.
Perry, Frank A.
Peyer, Dick
Phillips, Earl
Pilarz, Joseph R.
Prchal, Gerald J.
Preisser, Alfonse J.
Raimond, Ross
Rainey, Jr., Robert C.
Ramsey, John M.
Ray, J Michael
Reynolds, Robert J.
Rhoads, Ron
Rhodes, Roger
Riley, Wayne
Rogers, Alan
Rooney, Paul L.
Rosen, David F.
Rowe, Kent F.
Russo, Kenneth T.
Ryder, Bert J.
Salzetti, Ronald
Sawyer, Roger
Schenck, Lyle
Schulle, Milt
Scott, Bernie C.
Scott, George D.
Seay, William T.
Senn, William
Sessoms, Jr., Wade H.
Shama, Philip
Shandor, Frank
Shipley, Ron R.
Shores, Gerald L.
Siegel, N. Tice
Sorum, Jerry A.
Stavrakas, E. James
Steele, George H.
Stewart, Ted M.
Stryjewski, Loretta A.
Sunday, Walter S.
Sweeney, Marie
Taylor, Allen F.
Teller, Donald E.
Templeman, Doris A.
Thompson, Thomas M.
Uitermarkt, John F.
Van Voorhis, William C.
Vermillion, James E.
Wagner, Paul Gene
Watkinson, Gary
Wempe, John R.
Willard, Don
Williams, Fred
Wilson, Robert
Worley, George M.
Wright, James
Yeomans, William N.
York, Jack
Zarifis, Tony
A Nonprofit Foundation
Dedicated to Assist Retired Associates and/or
Spouses in Need of Financial Assistance
The H.C.S.C. Foundation has been busy helping retired jcpenney associates who have found
themselves with unexpected needs. Twenty recipients from across the United States have received aid,
totaling more than $260,000 this year. Recipients come from California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa,
Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wisconsin.
Your donations have been used for many different things and in many different ways: repairs,
replacement appliances, emergency payments, medical payments, one-time payments, and monthly
payments, including payments from $500 to $1,400 per month.
With low interest rates and a very tough economy, the Foundation needs your help in replenishing
these funds in order to continue to help jcpenney associates with real needs. Many people give
memorials to the Foundation and are recognized in each edition of Partners. Others include the
Foundation in their wills or trusts and local meeting groups have also made contributions.
We would appreciate any support you can give. Your donations are tax deductible and can be mailed to:
Larry Noble, Secretary/Treasurer
H.C.S.C. Foundation
15220 Green Valley Drive
Chino Hills, CA 91709
Larry Galvin Paul Simons, Fred Smith, Jeff Paige, Stan Newton
Ora Maye Botsford Ray D. Botsford
Elizabeth Schmidt Stan Lichtenstein
Darrell ThompsonStan Lichtenstein
Elizabeth Schmidt Paul Simons
Darrell VannicePaul Simons
H.C.S.C. Foundation
Ron Fairbrother
H.C.S.C. Foundation
Phil Mynatt
H.C.S.C. Foundation H.C.S.C. North Central Local Meeting Group
In Memoriam
jcpenney Partners & Spouses we will miss
Laurence Carroll (August, 2012)
Condolences may be sent to Cathy Carroll, 1207 Hawthorne Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648.
William August Deehan (April 1, 2012) Bill was a manager in the Distribution department for
jcpenney. He spent nearly 40 years with jcp in the New York Office. Bill retired in 1988 when the home
office moved to Plano, TX. He was predeceased by his wife Yolanda. He is survived by his children
Eugene, Denise, and Diane and grandfather to 5 grandchildren.
Kathleen Baltzer (July 20, 2012) Wife of George Baltzer. Kathleen loved the theater and was involved
in theater throughout her life. She is survived by her husband, George; two daughters; a son and
seven grandchildren. Condolences may be sent to George at 400 Golf Circle #110, Longwood Florida
Richard C Donnan (April 2, 2012) Richard was employed as a general manager for the jcpenney
Stores in Ohio. Mr. Donnan was a US Army veteran serving during World War II in Europe. Richard
was a Mason and a member of the Egypt Temple Shrine. He was also an avid golfer. Survivors
include two sons, two daughters,nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren. He is predeceased
by his wife Mary Margaret Donnan. Condolences may be sent to the family at 105 Marina Del Ray CT,
Clearwater, FL 33767.
Louis Flewharty (April 14, 2012) Louis graduated from Greenville High School and Texas A & M at
Commerce in Jan. 1953 with a BA degree. He spent from 1953 to 1955 in the U S Air Force as a 1st
Lieutenant in the 74th Air Rescue Squadron stationed in Adak Island in Fairbanks, Alaska.
He married Gerry Rogers in Sweetwater where he was employed as assistant manager of the
jcpenney store. He worked for jcpenney from 1955 until 1987. He managed stores in Stephenville,
Levelland, Inwood Village in Dallas and Richardson. He also traveled on the Regional Staff with
Custom Decorating and Small Stores. Louis was a deacon at Highland Oaks Church of Christ, a
director of Boles Children’s Home since 1991 and Administrator of Forest Dale Inc. He returned from
retirement to work as manager of Forest Dale in July 2010 until his passing. Louis is survived by his
wife of 54-years, Gerry Rogers Flewharty and daughter, Cheryl Flewharty. Condolences may be sent
to the family at 9830 Shadydale Lane, Dallas, TX 75238.
James (Jim) Grant (June 18, 2012) Jim was a proud veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and served in
active duty during the Korean War. Following his service, he graduated from North Texas State with
a degree in Business Administration. He joined jcpenney as a management trainee and continued
his career with jcpenney for the next 35 years. During his successful career, he worked in Denton,
Lake Charles, Beaumont, and Dallas in various management positions. Prior to his retirement, Jim
managed the Golden Triangle Store in Denton. Jim loved spending time with his family and friends
and doting on his dog Sophie. He was an avid automobile enthusiast and every year he looked
forward to the car show at the State Fair of Texas. He is survived by his sons Greg and Mike.
In Memoriam
jcpenney Partners & Spouses we will miss
Peter Hebert (May 25, 2012) Survived by wife of 58 years, Trudy; 5 children and 10 grandchildren,
Peter joined the Navy at age 17, served as an Ensign aboard two aircraft carriers during WWII and
was discharged in 1946. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin and New York University with
degrees in retailing. He started with jcpenney in Fond du Lac, WI., and Indianapolis, IN. He became a
jcpenney Manager in Columbus, OH in 1964 and retired in 1986. He was then a residential Realtor for
19 years. Condolences may be sent to the family at 2495 E. Livingston Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43709.
Dick Hervey (June 15, 2012) Dick was retired Store manage in Minneapolis Minnesota , Wausau
Wisconsin and St Louis Missouri. Condolences may be sent to his wife Marge 1158 Jonmart SE
Salem Oregon
Owen Jeffries (December 5, 2010) Owen was a wonderful jcpenney partner and loved by all his
fellow Arkansas store managers. He retired in 1991 as manager of the store in Russerville, Arkansas.
He then went into the cattle business with his son. He is survived by his wife Bonnie, 3 children, 5
grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.
Melvin Ray Johndrow (July 23, 2012) After high school he enlisted in the U.S. Navy and attended
college at the University of California at Berkley, where he graduated with a business degree in 1947.
While at Berkley, he married his high school sweetheart Virginia Wilson. Mel and Virginia returned to
Enid, Okla. to begin a 42 year career with the jcpenney that carried them through Shreveport, La.,
Jackson, Miss., Atlanta, Ga., Norfolk, Va., and New Bern. Melvin opened the New Bern JCPenney
store at Twin Rivers Mall in 1979, and retired in May of 1989. Throughout his life he loved traveling,
camping, fishing and crabbing. He spent much of his retirement enjoying the waters around
Swansboro. Melvin is survived by his wife of 66 years, Virginia Johndrow; two sons, a daughter, two
granddaughters and two great-grandsons. Condolences may be sent to the family at 216 Shoreline
Drive, New Bern, NC 28562.
Morgan D. Kern (December 9, 2011) Mr. Kern was a U.S. Army Veteran, president of the Hazlet First
Aid Rescue Squad for 18 years, member of Little River United Methodist Church, where he was a
member of the church choir and a lay minister. He was the secretary of the Little River Lions Local
Meeting Group, a Master Mason, President of Parkway Homeowner’s Association and worked at
Mayday Golf Course. Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Elaine, two sons and two grandchildren.
Condolences may be sent to the family at 4224 Sierra Court, Little River, SC 29566-7898.
Sherman T. Kumpf (August 2, 2012) Sherman is survived by his wife of 65 years, Barbara; two sons:
6 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. He served five years with the U.S. Army during WW II.
He was awarded the Bronze Star of heroism. Sherman was the manager of the Cortland NY store
from 1960 until his retirement in 1980. Condolences may be sent to the family at 6 Bellevue Avenue,
Cortland, NY 13045.
In Memoriam
jcpenney Partners & Spouses we will miss
Herschel A. Martin (June 6, 2012) Herschel served his country during WW II in the Army Air Corp.
He then completed his college education and worked part time at jcpenney. Upon graduation he
was named assistant manager and began his 38 year career. From 1947 to 1986 he managed
the downtown Scottsbluff, NE. He enjoyed the outdoors, riding his horse, hunting, fishing, golf,
snowmobiling and RVing. He is survived by his wife June, three children and 5 grandchildren.
Condolences may be sent to the family at 3025 12th Ave. Scottsbluff, NE 69631.
Eileen Marie Bove-Reed (July 21, 2012) Daughter of Charles and Jeanne Bove. She was an
amazing lady with a dynamic personality and vivacious spirit. Although faced with adversity,
Eileen’s perseverance allowed her to overcome a variety of obstacles and achieve a number of
accomplishments. Her drive and motivation for living her dream was immeasurable. Eileen was very
involved in Special Olympics as a medaled swimmer. She was also an avid bowler and earned many
trophies. Her biggest passion, however, was her husband, Rodney, whom she met on a blind date and
married in August 1995. The couple were inseparable and conquered independent living with pride
and happiness. Family was extremely important to Eileen, as she was to her family. Her smile and
laugh were infectious. She was truly a gift from God. Condolences may be sent to Charles and Jeanne
at 10080 Andrita Road, Atascadero, CA 93422
Elizabeth Schmidt (May 6, 2012) Wife of Theodore G. Schmidt, Jr. Elizabeth met Ted on a blind date
and they were married in 1952, beginning an adventure that lasted over 60 years. They moved around
the country as Ted pursued his career with jcpenney. After Ted’s retirement they began decadeslong love of travel while they lived in Japan and saw the world together. She was a devoted wife and
mother and was thrilled when her grandsons entered her life. Elizabeth is survived by her husband,
Ted, three children and two grandsons. Condolences may be sent to Ted and the family at 2115 E
Connor Park Cove, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109.
Donald Sowers (July 3, 2012) Donald is survived by his wife Alison, a son, daughter and two
grandchildren. He retired after 42 years from jcpenney. He enjoyed wood carving, was an avid golfer
and enjoyed traveling and camping.
Bill Spalding (August 9, 2012) He is preceded in death by his loving wife of 52 years, Nita. Bill is
survived by his daughters, Martha and Jane Anne. He was an Army master sergeant in the MARS
Task Force during World War II, serving in the China-Burma-India Theater. After his service, he
worked for jcpenney, starting as a stock boy in Mayfield, KY and moving to various stores in KY, TN
and Columbia, SC before retiring as a fashion buyer in Dallas after a 42-year career. After retiring, Bill
and Nita had the opportunity to travel the world with friends and family. Bill was a kind, generous man,
who was always willing to go that extra step to help people, and his caregivers did the same. He will
be missed by all who knew him. Condolences may be sent to the family to Jayne Spalding (daughter),
4015 Calculus Drive,Dallas, TX 55244
In Memoriam
jcpenney Partners & Spouses we will miss
Darrell B. Thompson (May 28,2012) Darrell worked for jcpenney for 36 years, beginning in Eugene,
Oregon on July 1,1948; retired as manager of Santa Monica, CA store on March 1, 1984. Survived
by his wife Bernice, three children Aladene Sagray, Rodney Thompson, and Steven Thompson,
four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Condolences may be sent to the family at 3030
Heritagetown Drive, Apt. #233, Redding, CA 96002.
Edna Trehearn (April 1, 2012) Following graduation from high school she worked for jcpenney. In 1942
she married Art Trehearn of Loveland where they made their home until Art served in the Marines
overseas. Through the years, Edna and Art lived in Loveland, Lamar, Colorado Springs and La Junta,
Colo., Santa Fe and Albuquerque, N.M., Oakland Calif., finally settling in Lincoln. Edna enjoyed
her crafts group, bowling and most of all, gardening with a special love for tea roses. Survivors: her
husband, Art, sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Art retired in 1982 as manager of the
Lincoln, NE. store. Condolences may be sent to the family at 3044 O’Reilly Drive, Lincoln, NE 68502.
Walter Walby ( February 13, 2012) Walter served in the Navy during World War II. Upon discharge he
went to Southern California and got a job with jcpenney in the stock room. He was made manager of
the Orange, CA store and moved to 15 other jcpenney stores during his career. He retired in 1992 and
he and his wife Aryliss moved to Escondido, CA. Walter really enjoyed golf. They bought a motor home
and traveled many places. Condolences may be sent to his family at 150 Sutton Way, #244 Grass City,
CA 95945.
George E. Wiesendanger (July 18, 2012) Survived by his wife Frances; three children and 6
grandchildren. George was a manager in the Distribution Dept. for over 30 years in the New York
Office. He retired in 1988 when jcpenney moved to Plano, TX.
Donna Wiuff (May 18,2012) Wife of Carl Wiuff. Donna was a serious music student and played
violin, earning a scholarship to Indiana University. She met her husband, a business student, at the
Presbyterian Center. They married after she earned her bachelor’s degree and drove west to their new
home in Sacramento, where she earned a master’s degree in music at Sacramento State University.
Carl Wiuff worked for jcpenney, and over three-and-a-half decades, the couple moved about eight
times, including stops in Dallas, Tex., Spokane, Wash., and Hawaii. Condolences may be sent to her
family at 9394 Lakewood Drive, Windsor CA 95492
jcpenney National H.C.S.C. Alumni Club
Plano, Texas
Permit #295
Ellen J. Baker, Secretary
403 Suncreek Drive
Allen, Texas 75013
Fifty Year Pin Ceremony Washington D.C.
Washington D.C. H.C.S.C. National Alumni Club Convention
The 27th jcpenney H.C.S.C. National Alumni Club Convention Pinning
Ceremony will be held in Washington D.C. on September 28, 2013. The first
Pin Ceremony was held at the Denver H.C.S.C. Convention in 1959.
The founding fathers of the H.C.S.C. organization wanted to recognize and
congratulate the members who have achieved this milestone. During the
Seattle Convention in 2010, fifty-one honorees received their 50 Year Pin from
Mike Taxter—Executive Vice President, jcpenney Stores.
Jim Hailey
With Mike Taxter at
Seattle Pin Ceremony
The candidates for this Convention’s 50 Year Pin Recipients are listed on
page 18 in this issue. Review this list and call your friends to encourage them
to attend the 2013 Convention and be honored by their friends.
If you are a candidate, you will receive communication soon that requests a short biography of your
jcpenney career and a photo. These items will be included in the 50 Year Pin Yearbook that all Pin
Recipients and Convention attendees will receive.
If you know a candidate that is not
listed, contact them and tell them about
this honor. If they are not currently
H.C.S.C. National Members, they
can receive “FREE” National Club
membership through 2013. Contact
Ellen Baker at (214) 755-2360 with
your candidate, mail to 403 Suncreek
Drive Allen,TX 75013 or by email at
50 Year Pin Recipients at the Seattle
National Alumni Convention