thomas medvetz


thomas medvetz
Department of Sociology
University of California, San Diego
401 Social Sciences Building
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92103-0533
510.717.8666 (cell)
858-534.4753 (fax)
Academic appointments
_______________________________________ ________________________________________ –
PhD University of California, Berkeley, Sociology
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
University of California, San Diego
- Postdoctoral Associate
Institute for the Social Sciences
Cornell University
University of California, Berkeley, Sociology
Franklin & Marshall College, Sociology &
English, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa,
honors distinction for Sociology, 
____________________________________________ Thomas Medvetz. . Think Tanks in America. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Reviewed in Forbes, LSE Review of Books, Public Books, Social Forces, Think Tank
Ÿ Author-meets-critics sessions
Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, 
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, 
Articles & BOOK chapters
____________________________________________ 2012
Thomas Medvetz. . “Murky Power: ‘Think Tanks’ as Boundary Organizations.” Pp. -
in David Courpasson, Damon Golsorkhi, and Jeffrey J. Sallaz, eds. Rethinking Forms of Power in
Organizations, Institutions, and Markets. Bradford, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Thomas Medvetz. . “‘Scholar as Sitting Duck’: The Cronon Affair and the Buffer Zone in
American Public Debate.” Public Culture (): -.
Neil Gross, Thomas Medvetz, and Rupert Russell. . “The Contemporary American
Conservative Movement.” Annual Review of Sociology : -.
Thomas Medvetz. . “‘Public Policy is Like a Having a Vaudeville Act’: Languages of Duty
and Difference Among Think Tank-Affiliated Policy Experts.” Qualitative Sociology (): .
Thomas Medvetz. . “Terra Obscura: Vers une Théorie des Think Tanks Américains.”
[“Terra Obscura: Toward a Theory of American Think Tanks.”] Pp. - in Yann Bérard
and Renaud Crespin, eds. Aux Frontières de L’expertise: Dialogues Entre Saviors et Pouvoirs.
Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Thomas Medvetz. . “Les think tanks aux États-Unis: L’émergence d’un sous-espace de
production des savoirs.” [“Think Tanks in the United States: The Emergence of a Subspace of
Knowledge Production.”] Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales -: -.
Thomas Medvetz. . “The Strength of Weekly Ties: Relations of Material and Symbolic
Exchange in the Conservative Movement.” Politics & Society (): -.
Other writing
(Civic outreach, book Reviews, encyclopedia entries, interviews, &tC.)
____________________________________________ 2013
Medvetz, Thomas. . “Think Tanks in America.” VOX POP: Newsletter of Political
Organizations and Parties (): -.
Medvetz, Thomas. . “Think Tanks and the Rise of Savvy Policy Entrepreneurs.” SSN Key
Findings. Scholars Strategy Network. December. <
Popp Berman, Elizabeth and Thomas Medvetz. . “Interview of Think Tanks in America
author Tom Medvetz.” SKATology: Newsletter of the ASA Section on Science, Knowledge &
Technology. Fall: -. </////fall__
Thomas Medvetz. . “Junior Theorists’ Symposium, .” Perspectives: Newsletter of the
ASA Theory Section (): -.
Thomas Medvetz. . “Think Tanks.” Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. George Ritzer, ed.
Blackwell Reference Online <>.
Thomas Medvetz. . “Beyond Credit and Blame.” Political Sociology: States, Power, and
Societies. ASA Political Sociology Section Newsletter. (): -.
Reprinted as Thomas Medvetz. . “Hope For Change in Public Debate?” San Diego
Union-Tribune. December . </news_
Thomas Medvetz. . “Think Tanks as an Emergent Field.” New York: Social Science
Thomas Medvetz. . Review of Think Tanks, Public Policy, and the Politics of Expertise, by
Andrew Rich. Journal of Politics (): -.
Gretchen Purser, Ofer Sharone, and Amy Schalet (with Theresa Gowan and Thomas Medvetz).
. Berkeley’s Betrayal: Wages and Working Conditions at Cal.
Excerpted in Anthony Giddens, Mitchell Duneier, and Richard P. Appelbaum, eds.
. Introduction to Sociology. New York: W.W. Norton and Company,  th edition.
fellowships & Honors
____________________________________________ -
Hellman Fellow, University of California, San Diego
Outstanding Professor Award, UCSD Panhellenic Council
Hellman Fellow, University of California, San Diego
University of California, Berkeley, Graduate Division Conference Grant
National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant, Award SES, Principal investigator: Jerome Karabel
Social Science Research Council, Program on Philanthropy and the Nonprofit
Sector Dissertation Fellowship
Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Chapter, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
University of California, Berkeley, Graduate Division Summer Grant
University of California, Berkeley, Dean’s Fellowship
University of California, Berkeley, Departmental fellowship, Department of
Phi Beta Kappa, Franklin & Marshall College
Keipner Prize in Sociology, Franklin & Marshall College, Awarded to one
student in senior class
Dana Scholar, Presidential Scholar, Franklin & Marshall College
work in progress
____________________________________________ Thomas Medvetz. “The Merits of Marginality: Think Tanks, Conservative Intellectuals, and the
Liberal Academy.” For inclusion in Neil Gross and Solon J. Simmons, eds. Professors and Their
Politics. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Thomas Medvetz and Juraj Medzihorsky. “The Advisory Tower: Educational and Career
Pathways of American ‘Policy Experts.’” In progress.
invited presentations
____________________________________________ “Indistinction: Rethinking the Think Tank.” Department of Sociology Colloquium Series.
University of California, Davis. May , .
“The Crystallization of the Space of Think Tanks: Technocrats and Activist-Experts in the
American Field of Expertise.”
Ÿ Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research (SCANCOR) seminar, Stanford
University, August , 
Ÿ Department of Political Science Seminar Series, Johns Hopkins University, September  ,
Ÿ Departmental Seminar series, Boston College, March , 
“What is a Think Tank?: On the New Forms of Intellectual Engagement.” Fourth Annual
Graduate Student Conference. Department of Sociology. University of California, San Diego.
April , .
“Terra Obscura: ‘Think Tanks’ in the U.S. Field of Power.” Junior Theorists Symposium. Theory
Section of the American Sociological Association. Harvard University. July , .
“Hybrid Intellectuals: Think Tanks and Public Policy Experts in the United States.” L'expertise
comme objet flou: Déplacemnts d'objets et nouvelles perspectives de recherche dans les sciences
du politique. Sciences Po Rennes. March -, .
“From Deprivation to Dependency: Think Tanks in the American Welfare Debate, -.”
Contentious Knowledge Theme Project Colloquium Series. Institute for the Social Sciences.
Cornell University. February , .
“Hybrid Intellectuals: Think tanks and Public Policy Experts in the United States.” Department
of Science & Technology Studies Colloquium Series. Cornell University. January , .
“Think Tanks in America: Four Avenues of Theory and their Connections.” Knowledge in
Contention: Social Movements and the Politics of Science. Institute for the Social Sciences.
Cornell University. October -, .
“The Transformation of U.S. Think Tanks,  to today.” Power in Thought and Practice: 
Years of C. Wright Mills’ The Power Elite. Columbia University. April , .
“How Do Think Tanks Think About Their Own Success and Failure?” Redefining Progress
(Oakland, CA think tank). December , .
“Think Tanks, Framing, and the Conservative Movement.” Redefining Progress (Oakland, CA
think tank). October , .
“Babies, Guns, and Taxes: Notes on the Structure and Logic of the American Conservative
Movement.” Center for Reproductive Health Research & Policy. University of California, San
Francisco. September , .
Conference presentations
____________________________________________ 4
“Author Meets Critics: Think Tanks in America, by Thomas Medvetz.” Panelists: Corey
Johnson, Gerard Toal, Jamie Peck, and Kevin Ward. Association of American Geographers
Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. April -, .
Discussant. “Experts and Expert Knowledge in Transnational Fields.” International Studies
Association Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA. April -, .
“Author-Meets-Critics: Thomas Medvetz, Think Tanks in America.” Panelists: S.M. Amadae,
Andrew Jewett, Neil Gross. Lisa Stampnitzky. Annual Meeting of the Social Science History
Association. Vancouver, BC. November -, .
“The Crystallization of the Space of Think Tanks: Technocrats and Activist-Experts in the
American Field of Expertise.” Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association.
Vancouver, BC. November -, .
Discussant. “Political Culture” session. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological
Association. Denver, CO. August -, .
“The Species Between Fields: On the Generative and Referential Aspects of Social Theory.”
Occupy Bourdieu: Un Colloque International Autour de la Pensée de Pierre Bourdieu.
Université de Montréal. March , .
“The Crystallization of the Space of Think Tanks: Technocrats and ‘Activist-Experts’ in the
American Field of Expertise.” Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society. New York,
NY. February -, .
“The Contemporary American Conservative Movement.” Annual Meeting of the Social Science
History Association. Boston, MA. November -, .
Discussant. “Rightward Tendencies: Making Sense of Conservatism in the Age of Obama.”
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Las Vegas, NV. August -, .
“‘Indistinction’: Think Tanks, Murky Organizations, and Power.”  th EGOS (European Group
of Organizational Studies) Colloquium. Lisbon, Portugal. July -, .
Moderator. Panel discussion with Claude Fischer, Michael Schudson, and Margaret Talbot.  th
UCSD Culture Conference. “Meaning and Media: Getting Sociology Across in the Public
Sphere.” University of California, San Diego. May , .
“From Deprivation to Dependency: Think Tanks in the American Welfare Debate,  -.”
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Boston, MA. August -, .
Moderator and discussant. “Frames and Framing Processes in Diffusion.” Workshop on
Contentious Knowledge and the Diffusion of Social Protest. Institute for the Social Sciences.
Cornell University. November -, .
“The Double Movement: Growing Boundedness and Dependence Among U.S. Think Tanks,
 to Today.” Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association. Minneapolis, MN.
November -, .
“Hybrid Intellectuals: Toward a Social Praxeology of Think Tank Experts.” Practicing Pierre
Bourdieu: In the Field and Across Disciplines. University of Michigan. September -, .
“Merchants of Expertise: Think Tanks and Intellectuals in the U.S. Field of Power.” Annual
Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Montreal, QC. August -, .
“The Strength of Weekly Ties: Institutional and Ideological Cohesion in the Conservative
Movement.” Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Philadelphia, PA.
August -, .
“Taking Bourdieu into the (Interstitial) Field: Think Tanks, Intellectuals, and Politics in the
U.S.” Putting Pierre Bourdieu to Work : A Working Conference. University of California,
Berkeley. May -, .
Panelist. “The Virtues of Voluntarism and Nonprofit Organizations: Arguments in American
Social Policy and Politics.” Social Science Research Council Capstone Conference on
Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector. Florence, Italy. March -, .
“Merchants of Expertise: The Transformation of American Think Tanks, -.” Social
Science Research Council, Indiana University, and Aspen Institute Nonprofit Sector Research
Fund Fellows’ Workshop. Los Angeles, CA. November -, .
“The Transformation of American Think Tanks: Three Lessons for Students of Advocacy.”
Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA. April -, .
MEDIA (citations available upon request)
____________________________________________ Print
Chronicle of Philanthropy, Washington Post
Blogotariat, Bookforum, Campaign for the American Reader, Cato@Liberty, Crooked Timber,, LSE Review of Books, The New Faculty Majority, On Think Tanks, Price of Data,
Public Books, Think Tank Watch, Wonkblog
Professional activities & Memberships
____________________________________________ Association memberships
American Sociological Association (ASA), –
International Studies Association (ISA), –
Social Science History Association (SSHA), –
Scholars Strategy Network (SSN), –
ASA section activities
Nominating Committee, Theory Section
Co-organizer with Claire Laurier Decoteau, Theory Section Roundtables
Faculty mentor, Collective Behavior and Social Movements (CBSM) mentoring
Co-organizer with Michal Pagis, Junior Theorist Symposium, Theory Section
Selection committee, Shils-Coleman award for best graduate student paper,
Theory Section
Conference & workshop organizing
Co-organized with Michal Pagis. Junior Theorists Symposium. Sponsored by the American
Sociological Association Theory section. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. August , .
Conservative Movements Workshop series. Department of Sociology. University of
California, San Diego. -.
Co-organized with Amy Binder, Mary Blair-Loy, John Evans, and Kwai Ng.  th UCSD
Culture Conference. “Meaning and Media: Getting Sociology Across in the Public Sphere.”
University of California, San Diego. May , .
American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Canadian Review of Sociology,
Ethnography, Oxford University Press, Poetics, Policy & Politics, Polity Press, Princeton
University Press, Qualitative Sociology, Sage Publications, Science and Public Policy, Social
Forces, Sociological Forum, Sociological Theory, The Sociological Quarterly, University of
Chicago Press
Guest blogger, OrgTheory <>. September-November .
Working group member, Social Science Research Council (SSRC). “Think Tanks:
Knowledge, Governance and the Public Sphere.” -
Member, Berkeley Labor Research Group. -
Editorial collective. Berkeley Journal of Sociology. -
Department & university service
____________________________________________ Graduate admissions committee, Department of Sociology, UCSD, -
Organizer, Conservative Movements Workshop, Department of Sociology, UCSD, -
Committee member, Culture & Society Workshop, Department of Sociology, UCSD, -
Graduate program curriculum committee, Department of Sociology, UCSD, -
Teaching & advising
____________________________________________ Graduate seminars
Independent studies (graduate supervisor)
Power & Reflexivity in Pierre Bourdieu (Winter )
Sociology of organizations (Winter )
Sociology of culture (Spring , )
Sociology of knowledge (Fall )
Pierre Bourdieu (Spring )
Culture & politics (Spring )
Undergraduate classes
Classical theory (Winter , )
Field research methods (Spring , )
Political sociology (Fall , Winter , Spring , )
Social change (Fall )
Sociology of culture (Fall , Winter , , )
Other teaching & advising activities
Graduate student instructor, University of California, Berkeley, - (four semesters)
Teaching assistant, Center for Talented Youth (CTY), Johns Hopkins University, Summer 
Faculty mentor, Revelle College “Next Step” Program, UCSD, Winter-Spring 
Graduate student committees
____________________________________________ Dissertation
Field exam
David Kadanoff (Sociology, ongoing)
Laura Pecenco (Sociology, ongoing)
Aaron Marquette (Sociology, ongoing)
Jennifer Nations (Sociology, ongoing)
Ellis Dillon (Sociology, )
Aaron Marquette (Sociology, )
David White (Department of Visual Arts,  st year review, )
Joe Yorty (Department of Visual Arts,  st year review, )
____________________________________________ Available upon request
Last updated:  April 

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