Faith Walk Newsletter - Faith Lutheran Church
Faith Walk Newsletter - Faith Lutheran Church
FAITH WALK October 22 & 23, 2016 “The Family of Faith...Faithfully Living Every Relationship in God’s Way” Welcome! Thank you for worshipping with us. We pray that your time with us is spiritually enriching to you. Please use the Welcome Card to share your interests, prayer requests & contact information. Drop the card in the offering plate or hand it to an usher. Guests, be sure to visit our Welcome Center located to the left as you leave the Sanctuary. WELCOME TO FAITH LUTHERAN Phone: 810-694-9351 Fax: 810-694-3949 Email: Office hours: Mon - Fri. 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Lunch 11:30 - 12:30 Web site: Facebook: Worship Times: Saturday 6:00 pm (contemporary) Sunday 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am SUNDAY - October 23rd Mite Box Collection - Heins Hall 8:00 am Worship Reader: Thomas Fockler 9:30 am Intergenerational Bible Study-Music Rm. 9:30 am Worship Reader: Carol Arends 11:00 am Worship Reader: Kim Murphy MONDAY – October 24th 6:00 pm AHG Meetings-Heins Hall 6:30 pm Faithful Ringers - Sanctuary TUESDAY - October 25th 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study-Library 6:00 pm Stephen Ministry Training - Library 6:30 pm Line Dancing - Downstairs 6:30 pm K.O.O.L. Ministry-KOOL/WARM Room 7:00 pm LWG Fall 2016-Adult Ed. Room 7:00pm Euchre-Preschool cafe WEDNESDAY - October 26th 6:15 am Men’s Bible Study - Living Room 9:30 am Tiny Tots-Downstairs North Hall 12:00 pm Prayer at Noon-Sanctuary 4:30 pm Children’s Handchimes - Sanctuary 5:00 pm Kids’ Joyful Ringers - Sanctuary 5:15 pm Pizza dinner 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Alive Under 3 yrs. old-Nursery 3 yrs.old-3rd grade-northwest corner downstairs/ end in Sunday School assigned rooms Preteens(4th-5th-6th) start in gym-end in Adult Ed. Catechism Class-Music Room High School - Youth Room Adult Bible Study-Sanctuary 7:00 pm Sr. High Youth - Youth Rm. THURSDAY - October 27th 9:00 am TOPS-Adult Ed. Room 6:25 pm Male Chorus - Sanctuary 7:00 pm Chancel Choir - Sanctuary 8:08 pm Women’s Choir - Sanctuary FRIDAY - October 28th 8:30 am MOPS SATURDAY - October 29th 6:00pm Worship/Communion SUNDAY - October 30th 8:00 am Worship 9:30 am Worship 9:30 am Faith Legacy-Adult Ed. Rm. 9:30 am Intergenerational Bible Study-Music Room 11:00 am Worship FREE YARD WORK! The Youth group wants to help our members with their fall yard clean up! If you need help or know someone who could use a hand please call Lindsey Lehr @810-931-6331 to sign up. This is a free service! We still need volunteers for coffee hour for November and December. The 2017 sign up will be coming in December. Please consider offering your time to this ministry. If there isn’t a volunteer for coffee hour any given Sunday, we will not be able to have the coffee hour that week. Thank you to all who have provided us with coffee hour this year. PASTOR’S PONDERINGS Your Faith pastors were chatting about how awkward it can be to see the announcement about giving us cards and notes for “Pastor Appreciation Month.” Don’t get us wrong, we do thank God for your appreciation in this way. However, we also really liked the words written by Pastor Matyas in our LCMS District newsletter, “Michigan in Touch.” They sum up our thoughts toward all of you in our Faith family quite well. He writes, “Seeing you listen to the Word of God and gladly keeping it, hearing your sigh of relief after receiving the Sacrament for your forgiveness, praying with you for the needs of all people, that makes my joy complete. That makes me feel appreciated. The job itself, when it’s working right, is its own reward. After all, you don’t go to church because of me, you go to church because of Jesus. And if I can serve Him by serving you, that’s all the thanks I need.” THANK YOU for so faithfully showing your appreciation as Pastor Matyas describes. Pastors Biermann, Moyer & Scott THE GENEROUS GIVING OF MONEY AT FAITH IS SUPPORTING… the faithful proclamation of the Word and delivery of the Sacraments by the pastors of Faith. Galatians 6:6, “Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches.” Nancy Jackson Emily Cowen Dolores Huber Janis Richards Marti Borka Lydia Clor Oka Miller Sharon Bond Vic Lanyi PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE MEMBERS AT FAITH Terri McKnight Kim Klaus Becca Wagner Susanna Gray Kendall Groves Bill Rumminger Barb Kaiser Doug LaFontaine Christine Ackerman Scott Dunavent Dick Grovom Jessica Ackerman Keith Stone Stephanie Bilbey Mary Lou Hardenburg Perry Lane LeRoy Duthorn Marilyn Butterfield Alice Slater Marilyn Duthorn Phyllis Powers Bob Longroy Ginny Beck Whitney Kononchuk Rachel Carolan Jeri Steward Nadine Lanstra PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY Gary Schlicht Dorothy Prince Bill Jackson Thelma Peterson Pat Bright Sue Petrimoulax Brooke Katynski Chuck Kimber Douglas Ross Randy Scharrer Brody Harris Glenda Badgley Shelley Jahn Mel Reid Stephanie Whitmore Ryan Whitmore Bryan Groulx Tony Kong Josie Kong Brian Baird Roger Rakowski Linda Shultz JoAnn Halprin Robert Freiburger Jamie Simpson Gordin Ervin Jamie Bernstein Veronica Bogne Darrell Daenzer Robin Pfundt Joan Reed Vicky Van Gober Jon Beck James Cull Sr. Katie VanPatten Jeff Hayes Jane Hodges Jan Cornelison Breanna Scholl Steven Holmes Allison Carr Vanessa Jones Janet Boyles Robert Nicol Karen O’Brien Susan Cook McKenna Schummer Peggy Voskamp Melanie Meyer Karen Wellas Brandy Chatfield Beverly Bercaw Bill Rumminger, Sr. Duane Hibbs Dale Ricketts Marie Elliot Chris Donbrosky Sandra Hines Kimberly Bolen Mel Johnson Pat Bright Candy Vorwerk To request a prayer or become a prayer partner, contact Ruth Marie Wagner at or 953-2535. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD MOPS is sponsoring a drive to support Operation Christmas Child. Please stop by our table in Heins Hall and pick-up a box to fill. Thank you for all your support, Faith family! Still time to Join us for the Young at Heart’s outing to the Past Tense Cider Mill on Monday, October 24th. We’re eating lunch at the orchard. Plus the orchard going to provide us with a harvest tour which includes a hayride, a bag of apples, a donut and apple cider…all for $5. We’re meeting at the back of the church at 11:30. Let us know if you’re coming - RSVP by calling: Pastor Joe Cottam at 810-624-4227 or Nancy Cottam at 810-624-0022. MITTENS, HATS, SCARVES & GLOVES are being collected by the Board of Social Ministry. A drop box will be by the coat room in the narthex. We’ll becollecting until October 30th. All items will be donated to Franklin Avenue Mission this year. Any questions call Deanna Cook at 694-7831. FRANKLIN AVENUE MISSION 2210 N. Franklin Avenue Flint, MI 48506 The next dates scheduled for Faith are October 25th & 27th. Sign up sheets for FAM participation are posted on the bulletin board by the gym kitchen or contact Marcy Montez at or 810-869-4479. Thank you for your generous donations for the FAM clothes closet. We are now collecting clothing for the fall and winter months. We are still in need of winter coats, blankets, towels, socks, underwear and personal care items. We are no longer accepting dress clothes. Contact Laura Mulligan @ 810-869-1115 or email A Mission group is coming to our area to serve at Franklin Avenue Mission to do service work from November 11th – 13th. Faith families are being asked to assist in housing some of the adults. If you can assist with housing, please contact Marcy Montez @ 810-869-4479 or A Children’s Ministry leader is needed for the Franklin Ave Mission to work with children’s ministry leaders from other churches. There is a monthly meeting that the leaders attend, as well as helping with the children when Faith is scheduled. Please contact Sue Hooper for more information. 810.694.9351 or A special thank you to all who submitted their Here We Stand commitment forms last weekend. Your support of the Campaign is greatly appreciated and a great benefit to the Church. Your monthly contribution envelopes have been placed in your mailboxes. For those who still intend to submit their commitment forms, please deliver them to the Church Office or deposit them in the box that is in Heins Hall. Commitment forms are at both locations. We will announce the total value of the commitments during the weekend of 10/28-29. If you have any questions, please contact Greg Baehr THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS Social Ministry is preparing food baskets for those in need. In order to receive a Thanksgiving basket, one must be a current member of our church or be sponsored by a current member. Call Sally Tartoni at 694-9098 or email by Wed., Nov. 16 with name, telephone number, the number of family members and ages of children. Pickup will be in the Family Life Center on Tuesday, November 22 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. FAITH FAMILY: Let’s show our Pastors how much we appreciate them! Place your cards and notes of prayer and support in the white & blue basket in Heins Hall. Saturday, October 29th Elders: 6:00 pm Kris Murphy, Chad Fleming Sunday, October 30th Elders: 8:00 Mike Rose, Chuck Boyd 9:30 Troy Helmick, Chet Dub 11:00 Matt McDonald, John Koke Ushers: Readers: (Check in with Elder) 8:00 Team 1 8:00 Nigel Tate 9:30 Team 13 9:30 Joanne Ranville 11:00 Team 8 11:00 Tellers: Team 6 Welcome Center: 8:00 Caroline Hamilton 9:30 Sandy Sedrick 11:00 The Trevithick Family Coffee: Set-Up: Lehr Clean-Up: Millerd Flowers: Jerry Peters (When ordering your flowers) please order the side flower stands. If altar flowers are ordered, please request that the arrangement be kept under 12 inches in height. If more than one family is signed up, please consider splitting the order and cost. Order flowers from Grand Blanc Florist, at 810-694-0008. Calling all crafters!!! We are looking for crafts for the Cookie Walk/ Bazaar. If you wish to make items or donate something to be sold at the Cookie Walk/Bazaar it would be greatly appreciated. The Cookie Walk is December 2nd-4th. We need your items by Thursday, Dec. 1st. If you can get them to me or if you need baskets to put things in please call Monique Stiefel at 810-208-5376 or 248-404-7032. Thank you in advance. This year for the "Advent by Candlelight" and the “Cookie Walk” events we are extending a baby-sitting service for moms who would like to attend and do not have child care for their children that night or day. If you are interested in using this service, please contact Monique Stiefel at 810-208-5376 or 248-404-7032. GERMANY & SWITZERLAND TRIP If you are already registered or interested in this May 1020, 2017 trip, please join Pastor Biermann for a meeting in the Music Room on Sunday, October 30th from 12:15-1:00pm. We welcome new registrants. $3799/each from Detroit. Those already registered who cannot attend this meeting, please contact Pastor Biermann. COLLEGE OUTREACH - Christmas greetings from Faith! The Women of Faith are collecting names and addresses of our Faith family who are young adults attending college locally or away from home. A Christmas greeting will be sent as a reminder of the love and support from their Faith family. Contact Roxanne Steffe at by Tuesday, November 13th. (Funding for this initiative is provided through the Cookie Walk. Thank you for your support.) FITNESS Are you a woman of God? Do you like to praise Him with fitness? Do you love to dance to current Christian music? If so, please join the women of Devoted Fitness in Heins Hall from 7-8 pm the following Tuesday nights: October 18, November 15 & 29, December 6TH. Consider it a praise date... for your pulse rate! GREETERS NEEDED! On Saturday, Nov. 5, Faith will be hosting a state-wide Stephen Ministry Conference from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Let’s really make them feel welcome! If you are interested in serving as a greeter for that event (especially during the first two hours) contact Pastor Scott at or call the church office. LINE DANCING Are you ready to have some fun? Line dance classes for beginners resume Tuesday, October 11th from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the lower level. If you didn’t dance last Spring it’s not too late. Call or text Judy Chapman at 906-370-2286. BIBLE STUDY All men and mature boys are invited to join in an ongoing study of the Bible book of Mark in the Living Room off of Heins Hall each Wednesday morning from 6:20 to 7:10 a.m. Contact Pastor Biermann with questions. FLOWERS Clarence and Jean Heindenberger in honor of their 66th Wedding Anniversary Saturday 10/15/16 Attendance: [36] Communion: [30] Sunday 10/16/16 Attendance: 8:00 [110] 9:30 [140] 11:00 [126] Communion: [95] [120] [118] Sunday Offering 10/16/16 $12,905.00 Electronic Giving for week ending 10/10/16 $ 218.00 Endowment Fund as of 9/30/16: $116,309.42 CEF Consolidated Loan Balance as of 9/30/16: $638,499.16 CEF Boiler Loan Balance as of 9/30/16: $17,682.51 “The Family of Faith...Faithfully Living Every Relationship in God’s Way”